Rules for effective contraception. How to protect yourself correctly? Do I need to use protection during sex, which method of contraception to choose?

Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting time for any couple, and especially for women. If this is the first pregnancy, then the couple has a lot of questions, and some of them relate to intimate life during this period. Let's figure out the answer to one of them.

To the question of whether you need to protect yourself when having sex during pregnancy, you will not find a definite answer, and you and your husband will have to solve this dilemma on your own (or even not by yourself), and experts on this matter speak in such a way that their opinions are diametrically opposed .

Some of them say: yes, you need to take precautions to protect your unborn baby from various infections. And others argue: it is not necessary to use protection if the couple does not have any health problems and there are no allergic reactions to discharge during sexual intercourse.

Each side expresses its arguments in favor of its version, and here are the arguments they put forward...

It is necessary to protect yourself!

Many couples say that sex during pregnancy becomes much more desirable, brighter, and even such small costs as nausea and irritability cannot drown out the riot of hormones that occurs in the female body during the period of “interesting situation”. In addition, future parents believe that during this period it is already possible to enjoy sex without rubber bands, and for couples who use condoms as protection, this becomes a real gift.

But here supporters of protected sex during pregnancy frown and sternly say: “You can’t!”, and they motivate this by the fact that:

  1. During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity weakens, and this is due to the fact that the body needs to “rebuild” so that the newly born life is not perceived by the protective forces of the mother’s body as a foreign body, and so that the body does not try to get rid of (destroy) it. A weakened immune system can lead to the risk of infections, and the most common among them are: Candidiasis () in pregnant women, which often occurs against the background of increased acidity of the vagina (as an increase in the body’s defenses), which is a favorable environment for the development of fungal diseases. A woman can easily transmit the fungus to her sexual partner. In addition, under the influence of a large number of fungi, the vaginal mucosa becomes loose and easily permeable to conditionally pathogenic flora, which is always present in a man’s sperm. Cystitis, which occurs not only during hypothermia, but also when partners do not comply with basic hygiene rules and is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination with bloody discharge. This is due to the fact that during sexual intercourse, cracks may appear on the mucous membranes and viruses and bacteria penetrate through them almost unhindered, and this already threatens not only the woman’s health, but also the unborn baby.
  2. Perhaps, it is not worth mentioning that in addition to the above-mentioned diseases, during unprotected sex you can just as easily become infected with sexually transmitted diseases, which are detrimental to both the health of the mother and her fetus.
  3. In addition to infections and fungi transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, there is another aspect - the presence of an allergy in a woman to the chemical composition of sperm. In this case, you should always protect yourself.
  4. Superfetation is extremely rare, but nevertheless exists. This phenomenon involves another conception during an existing pregnancy, and this occurs in cases where more than one egg matures during a woman’s menstrual cycle. In this case, children conceived at different times are born on the same day, but they will not be born, since they will not be equally developed (one of them will lag behind the other), moreover, their metabolism and chromosome set will be different.

You don't have to use protection

Unprotected sex for a pregnant woman is possible if:

  • she is completely healthy;
  • she is not allergic to discharge during sexual intercourse;
  • she is confident that her partner has no sexually transmitted infections.

A few more arguments in favor of unprotected sex during pregnancy:

  1. Open sexual intercourse provides the female body with the necessary hormones that stabilize the background during conception.
  2. In the last weeks of conception, sperm helps soften the tissues of the uterus, and this will help it open faster and easier during childbirth.

It's up to you to decide, because at this time...

And yet, whether to use protection or not is up to you to decide, because, to be completely clear, during pregnancy the female body reacts differently to the changes occurring in it and responds differently to the sexual demands of its sexual partner.

During the first trimester, many women experience early toxicosis, become irritable, get tired more often and faster, and some even feel tired all the time. In addition, libido can decrease significantly (which is why some women don’t want sex at all), and the mammary glands “fill up”, and when touched, unpleasant or even painful sensations may occur. During the first three months of pregnancy, it is perhaps still better to protect yourself, and protection during this period will be more aimed at minimizing sexually transmitted infections, which can reach the baby through the mother’s body. If you are sure that infection cannot occur and decide not to protect yourself, then do not neglect the hygiene of the genital organs: pay close attention to it.

During the second trimester, toxicosis, as a rule, recedes, the expectant mother's mood improves, and physical attraction increases. You can even say that a woman has an increased interest in sex, and this is facilitated by improved hydration of the genital organs, and this in turn provides more vivid sensations (some women experience orgasm for the first time during this period). If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then there is no special need for protection, however, careful hygiene of the genital organs before and after intercourse should not be forgotten, because the health of the child depends on the health of both parents.

During the third trimester, a couple's sexual relations become less active or are practically reduced to zero, and this is explained by the fact that the baby gains weight, the belly becomes large, and this complicates sex, bringing some inconvenience. In addition, for some couples, the gynecologist prohibits sexual intercourse altogether. If there are no prohibitions or restrictions on sex, then it is still better to protect yourself during this period so that no problems arise for mother and baby shortly before giving birth. However, sperm helps soften the cervix and open it during childbirth.

If you are still unsure whether or not to use contraception during pregnancy, consult your gynecologist. It is possible that after a complete medical examination of both partners, he will be able to give you a definite answer to the question that concerns you.

Take care of yourself! Take care of your baby!

But if in the animal world sex, or rather mating, is caused by the need to procreate, then for people this need can arise only a few times throughout life. The other side of sex is much more attractive - sensuality. Today sex is an important aspect of life. For some, sex is a fashion, a sporting interest, a way of life, a cult, a goal for self-affirmation, a manifestation of strength. For others, it is an expression of love, and for others, it is a marital duty, a means of earning money..... In other words, sex is that side of life that is equally interesting to everyone. Attitudes towards sex depend on upbringing, lifestyle, culture, and morality. Sex can be both beautiful and ugly, with violence and cruelty. But no matter what a person is, no matter what environment he grows up and is brought up in, the first sexual experience is always exciting for him. Having sex for the first time can have both positive and negative effects on your entire life. Negative experiences can lead to promiscuity, frigidity and even mania.

In the Soviet era, our fellow citizens who entered adulthood had no idea at all about how to properly use protection for the first time. Modern teenagers have long known almost everything about sex. Any information is available. They are well aware that in addition to the pleasant side, sex can also bring problems. The first problem is unwanted pregnancy. This is exactly the pitfall that people don’t think about during their first sexual experience. Many girls and guys quite sincerely believe that it is impossible to “get pregnant” for the first time, especially during coitus interruptus. But young people are very mistaken. Moreover, there are cases where pregnancy occurred during foreplay during ejaculation near the female genital organs, bypassing the act of defloration. The hymen has a porous structure, and sperm are so small that they penetrate through the pores completely unhindered. The next pitfall is sexually transmitted infections. In order to avoid the unpleasant side of sex, you need to know how to properly protect yourself for the first time.

Before giving advice, I would like to remind you that the first sexual intercourse should be your conscious decision. No drunk company. So, do not agree to have sex without a condom under any circumstances. Despite the fact that today's youth are sexually savvy, approximately 70% of teenagers leading an active sex life deliberately neglect condoms. But this is one of the most accessible, safest and most effective means. Among the male half there is an opinion that a condom reduces sensual sensations. But modern condoms are made of the thinnest material - latex, the thickness of which is measured in microns. Yes, there are also those with all sorts of additional “troubles”, the effect of which is aimed at obtaining new sensations. And some minor inconveniences can be tolerated, but sex will be protected. After all, an unwanted pregnancy brings problems not only to the girl, but infections undermine health, lead to infertility and even early impotence in the future.

The condom is put on before sexual intercourse and removed after completion, avoiding direct contact with the vaginal mucosa. Moreover, they do not pull it tightly, but leave room for sperm. You should not buy large condoms if you have a small penis, otherwise it may slip off and remain in the vagina, and, conversely, a small condom with a large penis may break at the wrong moment. The defloration process is somewhat painful. It all depends on personal pain threshold, compatibility of partners, elasticity of the hymen, amount of lubrication and other reasons.

Normally, a girl should secrete lubricant during foreplay, which protects the vaginal mucosa from injuries, tears, cracks, and also ensures sliding, making sex enjoyable. But sometimes the lubrication is not abundant enough due, for example, to psychological problems. Then, especially during defloration, to protect against microtrauma it is worth resorting to artificial lubrication. On pharmacy counters you will find special gels and lubricants.

If your young man is too categorical about “rubber protection”, then at the first intimate intimacy you can resort to such means as Patentex Oval or Pharmatex, Contraceptin. These are pharmaceutical chemical spermicides - contraceptives that are placed in the vagina before sexual intercourse in order to immobilize and destroy sperm. The preparations form a protective foam, which can also replace its own lubricant, and therefore reduce discomfort during defloration. They are inserted easily and painlessly. The hymen consists of one or more holes through which menstrual blood flows out, so a suppository, a pill, and even more so a cream will enter unhindered. The chemical agents described above will not save you from the threat of infection, so you can resort to them only in full confidence in the “purity” of your partner; their effectiveness in this case is 80%. But, if you have doubts about your partner, and used these very means as a contraceptive, then there is another “lifesaver”, hexicon. An effective, reliable and convenient preparation in suppositories for the prevention and treatment of many genital infections. Just remember that you can use it no later than two hours after sex; to do this, it is enough to insert just one suppository of the drug into the vagina. Hexicon is active against many pathogens. These include: spirochete pallidum, which causes syphilis, chlamydia - chlamydia, gonococci - gonorrhea, trichomonas - trichomoniasis, and genital herpes is generally reduced to zero. Hexicon is well tolerated and is even prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women.

All girls are recommended to visit an antenatal clinic after becoming sexually active, and even better before they decide to take this step. It must be remembered that the optimal age for having sex is no earlier than 17-18 years. After the act of defloration, the female doctor will check you for damage, prescribe contraceptives, take smears for examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Sex is not only pleasant moments, but also a great responsibility for yourself, your partner and future offspring. Early abortions and repeated pregnancy failures negatively affect the female body. For this reason, it is very important from adolescence to know how to properly protect yourself and what methods of contraception exist.

Modern methods of contraception

In the modern world, there are several ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Some of them will help protect against sexually transmitted diseases, as well as normalize the menstrual cycle.

To avoid accidental “flights” you can use:

  1. barrier method;
  2. birth control pills;
  3. local contraceptives;
  4. IUD (intrauterine device) and other hormonal devices;
  5. interruption of sexual intercourse;
  6. calendar method;
  7. sterilization

Each of these means has its own advantages and disadvantages. The chosen technique largely depends on the age and marital status of the woman.

Barrier method

Currently, the most effective and inexpensive way for girls, family people and those who do not have a regular sexual partner is a condom. Only it can protect against AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned offspring.

Naturally, if you use a condom correctly: before the act begins, it is intact, dressed in compliance with all the rules and does not break in the process. The downside is a decrease in sensitivity in both partners. In some cases, if there is insufficient lubrication in the vagina, erosion and mechanical damage may occur.

The second barrier protector is the vaginal cap. With its help, any girl can feel protected during sex. Before sexual intercourse, the device is installed in such a way that it covers the entrance to the cervix.

As a result, a mechanical barrier appears on the path of sperm. The caps are issued by number and can be reused multiple times. They partially protect against sexually transmitted diseases and do not disrupt hormonal levels. It is advisable to use them for those who have a regular sexual partner.

The disadvantages include the initial inconvenience during installation, but over time you can get the hang of it and the problem will solve itself. At first, there may be unpleasant sensations from being inside a foreign body.

Birth control hormonal pills

Currently, this technique is recognized as the most effective of all existing contraceptive methods. Regular use of medications helps a woman to be 99% confident in her protection. There are many different drugs in this direction, but it is advisable that a doctor prescribe it.

When selecting funds, take into account:

  • age;
  • presence of children;
  • bad habits.

Proper protection with hormonal contraceptives is simple, the main thing is to regularly take the pills according to the prescribed regimen. During the first week, it is recommended to insure yourself with some other means, but in the future this will no longer be necessary.

While using the tablets, the menstrual cycle is normalized, periods are less painful, the condition of the skin and hair improves, and acne goes away.

Almost everyone can take such pills, but the individual characteristics of each woman should be taken into account. It is not recommended to drink them for six months after giving birth. Women over 35 also need to be careful, especially if they smoke or have a tendency to develop tumors.

The pills have side effects, but they are very rare. These include frequent headaches, weight gain, and hormonal imbalance. After stopping the medication, there is a high chance of becoming pregnant, so if you do not plan to give birth, you should be very careful.

Such drugs should not be taken by people who have problems in the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Local contraceptives

Chemical contraception is a product that contains active substances that destroy sperm. These can be suppositories, tablets, ointments and films. They are administered each time immediately before sexual intercourse. After this, you can no longer get up and wash. One candle or tablet is designed for one intercourse; the second time the candle will have to be inserted again. The degree of protection is low, but there are many disadvantages.

Firstly, these are hygienic inconveniences. Secondly, allergies may occur and the vaginal microflora may be disrupted, which will lead to the development of thrush and colpitis. Thirdly, the price and the need to use additional methods of contraception.

IUDs and other hormonal agents

Hormonal therapy includes not only oral contraceptives, but also intrauterine devices, various patches and capsules sewn under the skin. All of them release hormones into the woman’s body in doses. The advantage of these methods is minimal participation in the process.

The IUD is placed for a period of at least 3 years, it is not cheap, but if you calculate how much you will have to pay for other contraceptives during this period, you get a completely different result. Besides, you don’t have to worry every day about whether you took the pill or not?

There are minimal side effects, but menstruation is normalized and less painful. For each woman, the spiral is selected individually. They are not recommended for girls who have not given birth and those who do not have a permanent partner.

One hormonal injection will provide protection for 2-3 months. While it is in effect, you will not be able to get pregnant. The hormonal patch is designed for 2-3 weeks, then it is peeled off and a 7-day break is taken. In both cases, at the end of the action of the drugs, there is a high probability of fertilization. In addition, the patch can be accidentally washed off or caught on clothing and torn off.

Recently, subcutaneous capsules have become popular. The product is sewn under the shoulder blade and is effective for 5 years. Like any drug, capsules have contraindications and side effects.

Physiological technique and interruption of sexual intercourse

Some people think that the calendar of critical days will help to protect themselves from pregnancy correctly. It is generally accepted that in the female monthly cycle only 7 days are considered “dangerous”, which fall on ovulation: the egg lives for 2 days, the sperm - 5.

A basal temperature measurement will help you calculate day “X”. The method works if your periods are regular and there are no failures. The risk of not guessing the days is very high.

The method of interrupting sexual intercourse is quite simple, but ineffective. The point is to have time to remove the sexual organ from the vagina before ejaculation occurs. But it should be borne in mind that male lubricant already contains live sperm.

In addition, you may simply not have time, and constant tension will not allow you to completely relax. As a result, a man may develop a complex, and women are unlikely to like sudden outbursts.


The most effective method, which with 100% probability will allow you to no longer think about the issue of unwanted offspring, is sterilization. In women, tubes are tied, thereby creating an artificial obstruction. Men have their seminal canals cut, and sperm no longer enter the seminal fluid.

The method is very unique, therefore it is carried out only with the full consent of the patient or for medical reasons. People over 35 years of age and having 2 or more children can be sterilized. They resort to it in extreme cases.

How and when to protect yourself?

If you clearly intend not to have children in the near future, then you need to use protection every time you decide to have sex. Be sure to use protection during casual sex and if you have multiple partners. Girls can properly protect themselves using barrier agents and oral contraceptives.

Today's article on contraception is addressed to those who do not like hormonal drugs, are tired of condoms, have a permanent sexual partner and are theoretically ready for the appearance of a child in the family. We tell you what the effect of biological methods of contraception is based on and what is wrong with interrupted sexual intercourse.

According to modern average data, the egg retains the ability to fertilize from six hours to a day after ovulation. Sperm remain viable in a woman’s genitals for two to eight days, but they acquire the ability to fertilize an egg only after six to seven hours in the uterus and fallopian tube.

What conclusion can we come to by carefully turning these numbers over in our heads again? Here's what: unprotected sexual intercourse within eight days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation can lead to pregnancy. This is theoretical. But practically, you can get pregnant on any day of your cycle. Because not only the shape and color of our eyes, not only the length and shape of our legs, but also the life expectancy of both ourselves and our reproductive cells are individual. Therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy on any day of the cycle!

But situations in life are different. It’s one thing for lovers who are not yet thinking about family and children. The other is young parents who, to keep their two-year-old company company, would not mind having another baby - but a little later, not now. If the former need the most reliable method of contraception, then the latter may also be suitable for the so-called natural methods of contraception. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Biological (or calendar) method of contraception

The biological method is based on periodic abstinence from sexual activity (or protection) on periovulatory (“circumovulatory”) days. Abstinence is recommended eight days in advance and for three to four days after expected ovulation.

This method is only suitable for those who have a regular menstrual cycle. And for those ladies who are pedantic enough and will not be lazy to measure their basal temperature. Every morning. At the same time. Without getting out of bed. In the rectum. An ordinary thermometer. And record data. To then build a basal temperature curve.

During the proliferative (let's call it “preparatory”) phase of the normal menstrual cycle, the rectal temperature ranges from 36 to 36.8 ° C, not rising above 37 ° C. After ovulation and further throughout the luteal phase (that is, the corpus luteum functions, producing hormones necessary for pregnancy; and there is no corpus luteum that would not want to become the corpus luteum of pregnancy!) of the normal cycle, a rise in rectal temperature is observed from 37 to 37.4 °C. The day of ovulation corresponds to the last day of temperature up to 37°C in the rectum.

This is considered the average for the female population. How is it for you personally... By the way, any woman is recommended to do this exercise at least once in her life: plotting a basal temperature graph. People get to know him very closely, as a rule, when problems arise - hormonal and/or with reproductive function (infertility). But to simply know what and how, rarely does anyone care.

Those who nevertheless risk using the biological method (calendar, or rhythmic, or symptothermal - as it is also called), should keep in mind that the timing of both ovulation and menstruation may vary depending on the emotional state, stress, climatic conditions. conditions, infectious diseases. Therefore, for greater reliability of the biological method, the time that, in accordance with the basal temperature curve you constructed, is favorable for conception, should be increased by two days “before” and two days “after”. Before and after ovulation. That is, ten days before and five days after.

In total, fifteen days a month remain for sexual activity (subject to a stable four-week menstrual cycle). Not so little. Considering that the biological method is suitable for couples who, in principle, are not categorically against a child. For those who categorically do not want children, the biological method is not very suitable.

Ask any obstetrician-gynecologist - he will tell you a lot of cases about “getting pregnant during menstruation”, and during interrupted intercourse. Contraception is a way to prevent fertilization of an egg and, consequently, pregnancy.

Contraception is just part of the concept of protection. Because you should protect yourself not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from infections and/or sexually transmitted diseases - STIs, STDs.

Coitus interruptus is not a method of contraception

By the way, another method of natural, traditional contraception: interrupted sexual intercourse. Coitus interruptus is the removal of the male penis from the female vagina before the man's orgasm. This method is based on a man’s ability to sense the approach and onset of ejaculation. Feeling the proximity of his own orgasm, the man removes the penis from the vagina so that sperm does not get there and beyond.

Many consider interrupted coitus to be almost the simplest and most natural method of contraception. Doctors have a different opinion and do not consider interrupted coitus a method of contraception. Because its effectiveness is very low - about fifty percent. Pregnancy can occur for a number of reasons.

Firstly, for many men, the release of sperm begins long before the final ejaculation. These groups of “infiltrator” sperm cannot be felt and, accordingly, cannot be controlled.

Secondly, not every man and not every time can really control his ejaculation efficiently - in a timely manner and in full.

And thirdly, for most men, interrupted sexual intercourse causes problems with potency, weakened erections, premature ejaculation, and even impotence itself. Women forced to live with such men experience psychological disorders and even develop anorgasmia. In general, coitus interruptus is such a thing... It’s very individual. Suitable for men with a strong sexual constitution, who are ready to think first of all about their women. And, tenth of all, about myself. And, like the biological method, it is suitable only for those couples who are not categorically against children and who are confident in the sexual “flora and fauna” of their partner, as in their own.

Lactational amenorrhea method

And to complete the topic of natural contraception - once again about the method of lactational amenorrhea: LLA is not “I was breastfeeding!” MLA is suitable only for women who practice exclusive breastfeeding (up to six months the child does not receive anything other than mother's breast milk), who give the baby breastfeeding on demand and whose longest nighttime breaks in feeding do not exceed six hours (daytime breaks between feedings - no more than two hours).

This method is based on fairly subtle and very highly organized neurohormonal relationships between the hypothalamic-pituitary system and target organs (breasts, ovaries, uterus). One single violation of the regime - and hello! Ovulation may occur and, accordingly, fertilization of the egg.

To summarize: all natural methods of contraception are suitable for long-established couples who are not alien to love and trust in each other. Well, where a woman is ready to give birth to what she has done, and a man is ready to take care of what he has done in full.

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