Proper nutrition when working out in the gym - a guide for beginners. Proper nutrition during training: diet, menu and reviews. Proper nutrition before and after training

When doing fitness, nutrition is an important component in your achievements and results. Almost 70% of the success of a good figure lies in fitness nutrition. The energy we expend during the day enters our body with food. It is important not to overeat, especially before training, and not to be hungry, as you will feel discomfort. As a result, you will probably not warm up well and will not warm up your muscles enough for a good workout. Now you will learn how to eat properly before and after training.

  • It doesn’t matter whether you decide to lose weight or strengthen and pump up your muscles - fitness nutrition implies having 1.5-2 liters of water in your diet per day. Under no circumstances should you drink from the tap, you may get sick. During sports activities, drink 0.5-1 liters of water, depending on your weight and intensity, evenly throughout the entire activity. Liquid is useful for the absorption of all nutrients. Dehydration is bad because at this time metabolic processes slow down and fat is burned more slowly.
  • 2-3 hours before physical activity, the fitness menu consists of 300-400 calories and includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can prepare rice or durum pasta with chicken fillet, fresh vegetable salad and green tea. Avoid cabbage and legumes - they can cause bloating.
  • 1-2 hours before classes, your menu for losing weight or building muscles should not contain many calories. Such a meal should be light and airy. Preferably no more than 15-200 Kcal so that you don’t have heaviness in your stomach. A couple of wheat breads and 100-200 ml of milk will do just fine. A balanced diet with proteins and carbohydrates will prevent muscle soreness and throughout the entire workout, you will not feel hungry.
  • After completing all the exercises, a “carbohydrate window” forms in the body for the first 20-30 minutes. At this time, you need to eat protein and carbohydrate foods. Eliminate tea, sweets, coffee, cocoa and fats, since the listed products and components interfere with the absorption of protein to restore muscle tissue. It is allowed to eat the following foods during these 20-30 minutes (taking into account the high intensity of your sports activities): protein drinks (protein drinks), kefir, energy bars, yoghurts, etc. You can drink juice, for example cranberry juice without sugar.
  • 1 hour after fitness, it is recommended to eat proteins and complex carbohydrates. This combination of components will speed up your metabolism and assimilate everything. With this menu, the muscles will recover well and painlessly.

Menu for those who are into fitness

Eating 5 meals a day will help you maintain a slim figure. For girls, a menu of 1500-1600 calories per day is suitable. The diet is made for 7 days, it is approximate, and you can change it taking into account your taste preferences.


  • Breakfast – oatmeal, grapefruit.
  • Second breakfast – Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Lunch – rice with chicken fillet.
  • Afternoon snack – juice, vegetable.
  • Dinner – steamed fish, fresh vegetable salad, 1 fruit (apple or orange).


  • Breakfast – oatmeal, a couple of egg whites, juice of your choice.
  • Second breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, banana.
  • Lunch – buckwheat porridge with lean meat.
  • Afternoon snack – baked potatoes with yogurt.
  • Dinner – preferably boiled corn with chicken.


  • Breakfast – oatmeal with fruit and juice.
  • Tomorrow No. 2 – low-fat cottage cheese with carrot juice.
  • Lunch – Chicken with durum pasta and green tea.
  • Afternoon snack – yogurt and 1 piece of fruit.
  • Dinner for fitness lovers is as follows: boiled fish with beans and vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast - omelet and muesli with milk, you can add fruit.
  • Tomorrow No. 2 – buckwheat with vegetables.
  • Lunch – baked potatoes with vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack – cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and some fruit.
  • Dinner for women involved in sports is as follows: pita bread with chicken, vegetables.


  • Breakfast – make yourself 2-3 eggs with herbs and milk 0.5-1% fat.
  • Tomorrow No. 2 – chop a banana into cottage cheese and eat it girls.
  • Lunch – rice with steamed fish and vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack – yogurt with apple.
  • Dinner – chicken with salad and some corn on the side will do.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit and a glass of kefir.
  • Tomorrow No. 2 – try rice porridge with peach.
  • Lunch – buckwheat with lean meat or fish.
  • Afternoon snack – baked potatoes, peach yogurt or to taste.
  • Dinner – vegetable salad with low-fat meat.


  • Breakfast – omelet with herbs, a glass of low-fat milk.
  • Tomorrow No. 2 – low-fat cottage cheese with 5-10% sour cream and fruit.
  • Lunch – boiled fish with durum pasta, salad.
  • Afternoon snack – apple or grapefruit.
  • Dinner – salad with shrimp, vegetables, chicken, green tea.

Eliminate foods high in unhealthy fats and “simple” carbohydrates

  • Eliminate large consumption of oils: sunflower, olive, flaxseed - know when to stop.
  • You should not eat a variety of flour products that contain “fast” carbohydrates: white bread, buns, pastries and cakes.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Set aside high-fat dairy drinks: cheese, full-fat butter, full-fat cottage cheese, full-fat milk, condensed milk, oils.
  • You should not eat fried or smoked food – choose other cooking options.
  • It is worth removing foods with a lot of sugar: jam, sugar, honey, sweet lemonades, sweets, chocolate.

Eat right and you will have a great figure!

Nutrition when exercising in the gym involves a number of nuances. In most cases, such training is aimed at gaining muscle mass, and, accordingly, it is not so much the correctly calculated daily calorie intake that is of decisive importance, but rather the proportion of protein in the diet.

General rules

It's no secret that in order to stay at the same weight, it is necessary to balance the amount of calories consumed and expended. A proper diet when visiting the gym, which involves building muscle mass, should somewhat “shift” this balance. So, the number of calories consumed should be 15% higher than the number of calories expended (obviously, this “difference” is covered exclusively by proteins).

The daily protein intake in the diet is 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of athlete’s body weight. If a month or two after correcting the menu no “shifts” in muscle growth are observed, then another 10% is added to the 15% “difference” (again, we are talking about exclusively protein products).

Now we need to discuss the issue of diet during training in the gym. The minimum number of meals per day is four. At the same time, the athlete must consume an equal amount of calories every day.

Nutrition plan for beginners:

  • Before going to the gym (no later than 1.5-2 hours) - proteins and complex carbohydrates (20 g / 50 g), it is recommended to limit the amount of fat. Approximate menu: poultry with vegetable side dish, fish with baked potatoes, chicken breast, eggs or cottage cheese with whole grain bread.

  • After training, it is recommended to compensate for the deficiency of amino acids by eating a protein omelet, or boiled chicken breast, cottage cheese, turkey meat or other lean meat. Meals should take place no later than half an hour after the end of the lesson. A mandatory item in the nutrition program is a protein shake. It is drunk early in the morning, on an empty stomach, and immediately after finishing a workout.

Drinking regime is of no small importance for the effectiveness of training. Thus, during intense exercise aimed at gaining mass, the daily fluid intake should be at least 3 liters per day. Water deficiency negatively affects metabolism, does not allow fat to be actively broken down, and affects the athlete’s physical endurance.

Best drinks:

  • Cleansing or herbal teas;
  • Green tea (can be with honey);
  • Natural freshly squeezed juices (from fruits or vegetables).
  • Purified water.

The correct diet for those who regularly go to the gym involves the last meal no later than two to three hours before bedtime. In addition, it is recommended to avoid stress and emotional overload - they disrupt the healthy process of calorie absorption and do not allow muscles to grow intensively.

Prohibited Products

  • Bread and other flour products;
  • Mayonnaise and other store-bought sauces;
  • All food products that contain sugar;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks;
  • Very strong and sweet tea (coffee).

Another important rule: strict diets and training in the gym are mutually exclusive phenomena.

To cope with the assigned tasks, the body requires not only energy (the source is carbohydrates), but also “building materials” – proteins. That is why athletes should not limit themselves in nutrition, but choose the right diet structure and schedule a daily meal schedule.

The times have long come when good appearance is a prerequisite for success. To look good and constantly maintain the tone of your body, you need to give it constant exercise and include training in your daily/weekly schedule. Without proper nutrition, reasonable restrictions, and diets, training is unlikely to give the expected effect; It is impossible to get the maximum benefit for your figure and body health through physical activity alone. Therefore, it is worth talking in more detail about nutrition for girls working out in the gym.

Training goals can be set completely different, and in connection with this, nutrition during training for girls will be very different. The first thing girls who are interested in the gym should know is that proper nutrition for girls during training differs from what men eat when pursuing the same goals. It’s stupid to think that the gym is only suitable for those who are trying to build muscle mass, breaking all imaginable and inconceivable records. This is not so, any girl, by properly engaging in the process, can achieve a toned body, appetizing, sculpted shape. What is important here is not only the correct distribution of the load, but also the girl’s nutrition when working out in the gym.

The first association with a person visiting the gym is a mountain of muscles, the girth of which is 2 or even 3 times greater than the muscles of the average person. Often people pull “hardware” precisely for this purpose, many of them are women. Training to gain muscle mass is characterized by high intensity, duration 50-60 minutes. To avoid various injuries, classes should begin with a warm-up. Having worked out all the joints and warmed up the muscles, you can begin performing basic exercises. The exercises themselves are performed according to the pyramid principle, i.e. performed in 2, 3, then 4 approaches, gradually increasing the weight of the projectile and simultaneously reducing the number of repetitions.

Proper nutrition during training for girls is an essential condition for achieving results, goals, and maintaining the health of the body. It’s surprising that even if you don’t do the exercises exactly correctly, if you follow all the nutritional recommendations, you will notice the result very quickly. But if all the exercises are performed correctly, regularly, quite intensively, even under the supervision of an experienced trainer, but at the same time the person neglects the diet, violates all possible principles of proper nutrition, it is unlikely that he will be able to move from the starting point. Therefore, it is worth firmly understanding the basic principles:

  • Meals are frequent, about 5-7 times (even a slight feeling of hunger should not be experienced).
  • Emphasis on protein foods: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, beef, chicken.
  • Drinking a large amount of water daily, 3-4 liters (excluding juices, soups, etc., since this is food for the body).
  • Including a large amount of slowly digestible carbohydrates in the diet: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, pasta (durum wheat).
  • Increase in caloric content of the daily diet: approximately plus 500 kcal compared to usual (this is more than 2000 kcal).
  • Refusal of alcohol, which does not allow muscles to recover after training (during training, muscles receive microcracks, they need time to heal).

For those people who do not want to build muscle, but want to have a trained, athletic body and always feel good and cheerful, infrequent training with a regimen of 1-2 times a week is suitable. This load is especially relevant among people with sedentary jobs. The duration of one workout varies between 40-60 minutes, each exercise is performed in three sets of 15-20 repetitions.

People with low physical activity will benefit from 20-30 minutes of cardio exercise on an exercise bike or treadmill.

Another condition for maintaining good athletic shape is to work out all muscle groups in one workout (as opposed to pumping the body, when different days are devoted to targeted work on individual muscle groups). For groups such as back, chest, legs, and abs, two exercises are usually performed. For small muscle groups (calf, biceps, triceps), one exercise for each is enough. The most important thing is that the intensity of exercise should not be to the point of exhaustion. This means that the load should be of such weight that it is possible to perform a few more repetitions after finishing the exercise.

It is difficult to imagine a healthy, fit body without proper nutrition. Therefore, it is simply necessary to understand what nutrition should look like when visiting the gym for girls who want to look attractive and always stay in shape:

  • There should be more than 3 meals, ideally 4-5.
  • Breakfast is a must every day and should not be skipped.
  • Dinner should be light, preferably excluding meat dishes.
  • Drinking one and a half to two liters of water daily is a prerequisite for maintaining health and maintaining beauty.
  • After the last meal, several hours should pass before bed: more than 3 hours after a light food dinner, more than 5-6 after a meat dinner.

After a while, working on your body, following this diet, you can feel that progress is no longer happening. Therefore, even if you do not want to build muscle or lose weight, you can increase the load every few weeks by increasing the weight on the machines. But if after this it becomes impossible to perform the same number of repetitions, it is better to return to the previous regime, increasing the load over time. This lifestyle will make the body more athletic and strong, improve well-being and endurance.

The most common reason for using strength training is to lose weight. However, it is not easy to lose extra pounds, so you really have to “sweat a lot” to get the desired result. Losing weight requires combining strength training with cardio.

Training should be carried out at least 3 times weekly (more is possible), and the nutrition for girls working out in the gym should be low-calorie.

It is especially worth emphasizing that recommendations in the spirit of “flat stomach, elastic thighs in 5 minutes” are completely implausible. Because By working on one muscle group, you won’t be able to “lose weight” specifically. If you also do not adhere to a diet, the process of losing weight is completely doubtful. Therefore, girls who are losing weight should immediately stock up on patience and endurance.

The duration of the training should be approximately an hour and a half, which includes a warm-up - a few minutes on a cardio machine (in order for further intensive training to be safe for the joints, they need to be “warmed up” a little), about an hour is devoted to strength training, the remaining half an hour (or at least 20 minutes) is devoted to Cardio training.

A properly designed training program will allow you to avoid weight gain, and will help you lose weight, contrary to the belief that people go to the gym to get a bodybuilder’s body.

The main attention should be paid to large muscle groups, when working on which the most energy is lost: chest, back, legs. Each exercise is performed in 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions, regardless of the training level of the trainee. For beginners, choose a lighter weight weight. Speaking about nutrition, it is worth noting the following:

  • The main rule for losing weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn (approximately 300-500 kcal).
  • A complete ban on sweets (even 100 g of chocolate will negate all the efforts of a full workout).
  • The usual side dishes (potatoes, pasta) are replaced with vegetables.
  • The method of preparing food must be changed, preferring steaming or boiling.
  • The second half of the day allows only the consumption of protein foods (kefir, cottage cheese).

General nutritional recommendations when working out in the gym

In addition to specific nutritional features, there are general recommendations for people with completely different goals. They are relevant for absolutely all people who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, even if they do not go to the gym. Also, pre- and post-workout nutrition for girls includes some aspects that are worth considering. Nutritionists and trainers advise the following:

  • Complete exclusion of fast food; fried, smoked, canned food; alcohol also becomes a prohibited product.
  • Large consumption of vegetables, fruits, herbs (especially fresh).
  • The balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates will vary depending on the tasks, but mono-diets should definitely be avoided.
  • Frequent meals in small portions.

It should be remembered that pre-workout meals for girls (that is, breakfast, lunch or dinner) should occur one and a half to two hours before the start of classes. This is necessary in order to simply have the strength to exercise intensively, otherwise you can simply lose consciousness while training. Don't be too zealous, because... Working out with a full stomach is also not the best solution. After training, it is recommended to abstain from eating for 2 hours (during which the body actively burns fat) if you are working on weight loss. Otherwise, when building muscle mass, it is better to ignore this rule.

Separately, it is worth highlighting compliance with the drinking regime, which is often neglected despite the need to maintain water balance. In addition to the fact that the body needs a sufficient amount of water all day, it is also required during training (at least 1 liter of water). This will improve metabolism (allow you to speed up fat burning), replenish moisture lost through sweat, increase endurance, reduce joint stress, and prevent your head from getting foggy.

Sports nutrition is a natural nutritional supplement for people involved in sports, designed to provide them with the required supply of vitamins and microelements that cannot be obtained by consuming regular food. Most beneficial elements from supplements are absorbed better than from food, without the need to eat large amounts of food, therefore reducing calorie intake. Such supplements can be represented by proteins (protein), gainers (complex protein-carbohydrate mixtures), amino acids, etc. in the form of cocktails.

Sample daily menu

The purpose of training determines the way a person eats. Below is a sample where proper nutrition for girls involved in sports is depicted as a menu for one day.

Those wishing to gain muscle mass should adhere to the following plan:

  • When you wake up, drink a protein-carbohydrate cocktail.
  • Breakfast: coffee, oatmeal cooked with milk, pieces of cheese.
  • Second breakfast: boiled eggs (a couple of pieces), buckwheat with milk.
  • You can dine with chicken fillets, rice, and fresh vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: buckwheat with beef.
  • A hearty, tasty dinner will be cottage cheese topped with jam.
  • Drink a protein shake at night.

It is difficult to adhere to such a regime in a daily routine. Then sports nutrition comes to the rescue - delicious, nutritious cocktails. With strict adherence to the regime and active training, you can gain 1-4 kg in the first month. Having reached the desired weight, it is necessary to subtract excess calories from the diet, resuming the previous volumes of food. You can also reduce the number of workouts to 1-2 weekly.

For those wishing to lose weight, the daily diet may look something like this:

  • Breakfast: unsweetened tea/coffee and oatmeal cooked with water are acceptable.
  • Snack on fresh fruit.
  • Lunch: steamed fish, broccoli or fresh vegetables on the side, low-fat chicken broth.
  • Afternoon snack: eat unfried turkey/chicken/beef with vegetables.
  • Dinner: limit yourself to low-fat cottage cheese, or kefir.

The described correction of eating habits plus regular visits to the gym will allow you to lose 2-4 kg monthly. Having achieved your goal, you can lighten your training regimen a little, and sometimes give yourself small breaks in your diet. However, it is extremely undesirable to completely return to your previous lifestyle - along with this the kilograms will return.

As you can see, it is not so difficult for girls to maintain proper nutrition during training, but it is absolutely necessary, regardless of the goals of the training. Therefore, take care of your health and beauty, exercise and eat right!

Nutrition rules for fitness girls - best video:

Regular and persistent training does not always contribute to weight loss. It is impossible to remove extra pounds by eating cakes and pastries after classes, because the calories consumed can be several times higher than the energy expended. Therefore, to lose weight, start eating right. But when compiling a diet, be sure to take into account that there are foods that it is advisable to consume a certain amount of time before training. There are also foods that should be eaten immediately after exercise to lose weight.

The basis and principles of proper nutrition

If you want to lose weight forever, then remember that you need to give up foods that are harmful to the body not for a while, but forever. Food is the foundation for the normal functioning of all systems and organs, the main source of energy for the human body. If during weight loss training your nutrition is rational and comprehensive, then you will maintain your health for many years.

Basics of proper nutrition:

  1. Diversity. It is important that nutrition during and after weight loss is balanced, because the body must be saturated with micro- and macroelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. The most effective way to get all the substances is to introduce a sufficient amount of grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes into your diet.
  2. Constant schedule. You need to eat at the same time every day so that while losing weight your body gets used to processing foods at certain times. But do not forget that the last time you eat is 3 hours before bedtime.
  3. Frequent and small meals. Some people are sure that in order to lose weight faster during training, they need to eat less often. But this is not true, if you want to lose weight while training, then eat, including snacks, up to 6 times a day.
  4. Small portions. The average capacity of the human stomach is 250 ml, therefore, while adhering to proper nutrition, you should not eat more foods at one time, so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract, testing their endurance.
  5. Daily calorie content. To lose weight, you need to consume less calories per day than you burn. Whether you go to the gym or lead a sedentary lifestyle, take this into account when counting your daily calories. A weight loss diary, which it is advisable to keep daily, will help you control the calorie content of your food.
  6. Refusal of junk food. The stomach is not a trash can, so you shouldn’t put anything in there. Chips, ketchup, hot dogs, mayonnaise, sugar, beer and similar foods will do nothing but harm the body. Be sure to give up such foods while losing weight, if not immediately, then gradually.
  7. More vegetables and fruits. Be sure to include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet - this is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Plant foods have many advantages: they have a large amount of useful substances, are quickly and completely digested, and cleanse the intestines of toxins, as they contain a lot of fiber. The daily intake of fruits and vegetables for weight loss is 750 g.
  8. The body needs water. They talk about this everywhere, but people do not listen to the instructions of doctors and nutritionists. For good health and rapid weight loss during training, drink 30 ml of water per kg of weight per day. This amount of liquid does not include tea, coffee, milk, compotes and other drinks. Water stimulates metabolism, improves metabolism, and cleanses the intestines of toxins.

How to eat before a workout to lose weight

When playing sports, women want to become the owners of a slim figure. But if you don’t think through the right nutrition program before and after training, then your efforts to lose weight can easily be nullified. A proper diet when training in the gym involves clearly defining the last time you eat in order to lose weight faster, securing the result for a long time.

Why is it important to eat before training? The body requires a certain amount of energy to burn a lot of calories during weight loss exercises. During strength training, muscles are under heavy load, therefore, they require additional energy, the main source of which is carbohydrates. In their absence, the main physical load falls on the internal organs, and it is difficult to burn fat cells on an empty stomach. It’s also not worth attending weight loss workouts with a full stomach. You need to eat food wisely, because your goal is not to wear out your body, but to effectively lose weight.

The ideal option for losing weight is to eat a carbohydrate meal 2 hours before exercise and drink a cup of coffee, because caffeine promotes fat burning. After a small carbohydrate load, the body will have enough strength for both strength and cardio exercises, and in order to get the missing energy, for example, when training an endomorph, the body will begin to break down fat reserves. The calorie intake before exercise for weight loss should not exceed 300 kcal for men, and 200 kcal for women, in order to start the metabolism.

Pre-workout food:

  • Light porridge (oatmeal or buckwheat).
  • Vegetable salad.
  • Fruits (exclude bananas, dates, grapes).
  • Crispbread or whole grain toast.

Can I eat while working out to lose weight?

If it is necessary to eat before training for weight loss, then only those who prefer long-term exercise (long-distance runners or cyclists) are allowed to eat during exercise. To replenish their strength, they use special carbohydrate supplements, which are sold in small bags or 50 gram chocolate bars. If you go to hour-long workouts to lose weight, then there is no need for additional energy, because it is in your interests to lose those extra pounds and regain your slim figure.

Post-workout nutrition to burn fat

If you want to lose weight quickly and for a long time, then it is important to know how to eat before, after and during training. After classes, there is a so-called protein-carbohydrate window, energy continues to be consumed.

The post-workout diet involves abstaining from food for 1.5-2 hours so that the breakdown of adipose tissue is more effective. Those who cannot stand the feeling of hunger are allowed to eat one green apple to curb their appetite, but nothing more. The preferred food 2 hours after training is lean meat, omelettes, fish, low-fat cottage cheese. Vegetable salads seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil will be useful as a side dish.

Since carbohydrates are processed first during sports, they should be eliminated after an active workout for weight loss so that the living molecules that were released during strength training do not stop breaking down and return back. If you are training for weight loss late in the evening, then it is better to stick to a light diet in the form of cottage cheese and tea, and if early in the morning (at 5 am), then eat a few fruits and drink coffee half an hour before training.

Sample menu for the week

Creating a menu for weight loss that is the same for everyone is not an easy task, because you should take into account gender, age, weight, daily calorie consumption, and the number of workouts per week individually. It is also advisable to keep in mind food preferences so that the diet is balanced and brings pleasure to the person. Not everyone eats the hated oatmeal before training in the morning, so the weight loss process will quickly be interrupted. We offer an approximate weekly diet menu for proper weight loss when losing weight:


  • Breakfast - buckwheat porridge, green tea.
  • Lunch - apple, glass of kefir.
  • Lunch - stewed vegetables, steamed chicken fillet, dried fruit compote.
  • Dinner - fish soup, bran bread, herbal tea.


  • Breakfast - muesli with yogurt, natural coffee.
  • Lunch - cottage cheese with sour cream (low fat), berry broth.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup, juice.
  • Dinner - grilled fish, vegetable salad, tea with honey.


  • Breakfast - baked apple, oatmeal, natural coffee.
  • Lunch - homemade yogurt with nuts.
  • Lunch - borscht, fish cutlet, mashed potatoes, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Dinner - vegetable stew, steak, tea with a spoon of honey.


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, natural coffee.
  • Lunch - a protein shake with a raw egg.
  • Lunch - chicken cutlet, buckwheat porridge, compote.
  • Dinner - Chicken fillet, vinaigrette, tea.


  • Breakfast - rice porridge with honey and milk, natural coffee.
  • Lunch - banana, glass of kefir.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup, goulash, pea puree, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Dinner - raw vegetable salad, boiled chicken, tea with honey.


  • Breakfast - omelet with cheese, toast, cocoa.
  • Lunch - yogurt, marmalade.
  • Lunch - chicken broth with eggs, vinaigrette, compote.
  • Dinner - boiled chicken breast, mashed potatoes, tea.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal, natural coffee.
  • Lunch - a glass of fresh kefir, biscuits.
  • Lunch - Buckwheat soup, meat baked in the oven with vegetables, juice.
  • Dinner - rice, boiled fish, vegetable salad, tea with honey.

Drinking regime during classes

It is important to stay hydrated while exercising to lose weight. The amount of fluid you drink during strength or aerobic exercise directly depends on the duration and intensity of the workout, so each person needs an individual water consumption plan. When playing sports, it is better to focus on your own feelings and do not forget how to drink properly during sports, because excess water can negatively affect full muscle effort.

It is better to drink water during a workout to lose weight in small portions, keeping it in your mouth for a while, and then the thirst will disappear faster. To properly lose weight during training, we use still water at room temperature. Taking sports drinks is allowed during intense strength training for weight loss.

Video: proper nutrition when training in the gym for women

Nutrition during fat-burning training for women differs from the male diet for weight loss, because on average they weigh 20 kg less than the stronger half of humanity. The need for energy, proteins and microelements in women is also lower than in men. Find out more in the video about what proper nutrition should be like for weight loss during fitness training for girls:

Diet for girls and men from Sergei Yugay

Sergey Yugay has been in bodybuilding for 23 years, so this man knows everything about balanced nutrition during strength training for weight loss. The principle of proper nutrition, according to a bodybuilder, directly depends on what kind of sport a person does, how many workouts he has per week, what kind of loads are carried out and even what blood type. Sergey Yugay believes that every person trying to lose weight should have an individual diet developed, so it is better to consult a nutritionist on how to eat before, during and after exercise.

For drying the body

Drying the body involves getting rid of subcutaneous fat deposits while maintaining muscle volume. The diet for burning fat during such training differs from the diet for losing weight, since in this case it is not advisable to limit yourself too much in calories. You will learn more about what you can eat when drying your body from Sergei Yugay from the video:

For muscle relief

The nutrition program for training to improve sculpted muscles contains an important rule: per 1 kg of body weight, consume 2 g of protein (protein). The main protein products are white fish, lean meat, legumes, and cereals. You need to give up dairy products, but not glucose, because it is the basis for normal brain function. Watch in the video what kind of nutrition is offered to girls by experienced bodybuilder Sergei Yugai:

It's no secret that the diet of a person who regularly goes to the gym must be balanced. Not only the effectiveness of the training, but also the overall health of the body will depend on this.

Nutritionists managed to select a number of foods that you should definitely eat before going to the gym. In a separate group they placed dishes that negatively affect the well-being and figure of a sports person. Do not forget that a certain product will only be useful at a specific time of day.

Breakfast before training

A lot of controversy has arisen around the question of whether a person needs breakfast before training or whether it is better to eat after physical activity. Be that as it may, most nutritionists and professional athletes agree that it is not recommended to avoid morning meals. And it is better to carry it out 40-60 minutes before the start of physical activity. This decision is due to the fact that breakfast fills the body with the energy necessary for exercise. In addition, after eating food, blood sugar levels rise and the mood improves to perform any activity.

There are quite a few options for breakfast before a workout. This means that anyone can easily choose the most optimal morning menu for themselves. Nutritionists recommend the following breakfast dishes:

  1. Oatmeal. This dish increases the body's endurance, improves digestion and metabolism. You can diversify the porridge with your favorite fresh or dry fruits. You should avoid salt and sugar while cooking it.
  2. Fruit salads, seasoned with yogurt. This dish is best prepared from bananas, apples and citrus fruits. Yogurt should be low-fat.
  3. Orange juice. This is the most optimal drink option for a morning meal. This juice fills the body with the energy it needs, which is quickly wasted during exercise.

Nutrition after the gym

There is a group of people who cannot bring themselves to eat before training. For them, the only option left is to eat after performing physical activity. It is also acceptable. However, as practice shows, eating after visiting the gym slightly reduces the effect of exercise.

A person, after performing intense exercise, loses a huge amount of energy. Trying to fill it again, he immediately pounces on the food. This is the biggest mistake of a losing weight person. After all, by eating after a workout, it prevents the body from wasting excess fat deposited on the figure. But such nutrition will not interfere with an athlete whose goal is to quickly gain muscle mass.

After visiting the gym, you can eat the following foods and dishes:

  1. Dried fruits and berries. This is a storehouse of simple carbohydrates, which are so necessary for the body after a workout. They can be supplemented with a handful of your favorite nuts.
  2. Egg omelette. The dish is perfect for those who want to build muscle mass, as it contains a huge amount of protein.
  3. Dairy products. Milk, kefir or yogurt will saturate the body for a long time. This will help you avoid unnecessary snacking.

During classes and at the end of them, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of mineral still water. It is enough to drink five to six sips every 15-20 minutes to avoid dehydration of the body and improve metabolic processes in it.

Any person who regularly works out in the gym should create an individual nutrition plan for themselves, compiled with their own hands or with the help of a specialist.

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