Correctly filling out a work book: filling procedure, basic rules, sample. How to fill out a work book correctly

She is assigned the following functions:

    it reflects information about a person’s length of service and experience from the moment of his first employment until retirement;

    allows you to find out why a person left his previous job;

    contains information about the availability of awards for conscientious work

Only a HR specialist can make entries in it. The title page is completed in the presence of the owner of the document. To confirm the correctness of the entered data, he puts his signature.

So, to get this document, you need to get a job.

At what age can you get a job?

In any case, a form must be created for the employee.

To receive it, you need to write an application to issue a work book for the first time, sample: “In connection with the conclusion of an employment contract for the first time, in accordance with Part 4 of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ask you to issue me a work book.”

How to get a book form?

Each organization must purchase at its own expense forms that are issued to employees upon initial employment. An entry about employment must be made in the document no later than five working days after the person goes to work and begins his duties.

Where are the rules for registering labor?

You can learn how to correctly draw up a work book from the legislative acts of the Russian Federation regulating this issue. Let's list them:

What documents are needed to complete the form?

For initial registration, the following documents must be submitted to the HR department of the enterprise:

Passport or birth certificate;

A diploma of education or a certificate from an educational institution, if the person is a student.

This data is indicated on the title page of the document.

How to apply for a work book for the first time, sample

How should the form be formatted?

The requirements for drawing up a work book are as follows: the form can only be filled out in blue or black ink. Arabic numbers are used when filling out. Abbreviations are not allowed. And any information is entered only on the basis of an official order.

What information is included on the title page?

The title page contains the following information:

Date of Birth;



Date of completion.

At the bottom of the title page is the company's seal and the signature of the HR department employee. As a sign of familiarization with the records, the employee also puts his signature in the space provided for this. On the next page, according to the rules for filling out forms, an entry is made confirming the fact of employment.

In what order are entries about work entered into the document?

The correct execution of a work book looks like this: the first column contains the entry number in order, the second - the date. The following is information about acceptance to a specific position. The fourth column records the reasons for making the entry. For example, an order for employment.

It is a strict reporting form, so after filling it is registered in. It indicates the number and series of the document and information about the employee. The form is kept in the HR department until the employee is dismissed.

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Often, mistakes made by personnel officers a long time ago surface when issuing pension applications along with the work book.

Since the pension fund cannot accept an incorrectly drawn up and filled out document, it does everything to ensure that the employee can correct the errors, and the pensioner will be forced to run around to his former places of work restoring the correct filling.

That is why special attention must be paid not only to how to correctly enter data into the work book, but also filling out the title page.

Unfortunately, many workers do not know how to ideally fill out the first page of a work book and, when receiving the work book, cannot see the error.

That is why our article will be useful for both employees and employers.

Our task is to learn how to correctly fill out all the columns of the work book, and if this is impossible, to do everything to find errors in the filling. You will also find here example of filling title page. So, let's start in order and talk about writing the first name, last name and patronymic.


After reading this article, designing the title page of the work book will not be difficult. Of course, all information must be properly formatted.

Entries are made only black or blue pen.

Filling out the title page can also be done on the computer, but without experience in such filling it is better not to experiment.

Also, as for the rules for filling out the work form, it must first of all be filled out carefully. Try to avoid mistakes, underlining and other shortcomings. Your entry should be clear to everyone, so write carefully and legibly.

Follow this rule by filling out all sheets work book. At this point, the basic information about filling smoothly flows into the specification of each line.

How to fill out the cover page of a work book? (filling sample)

Full Name

The first page of the work book contains information about the employee. The surname, name and patronymic of the citizen must be written down as much as possible neat and correct. The fact is that a mistake made in this information can result in dire consequences, even before changing the work book.

The full name must be written separately so that each entry has its own line.

Try not to make mistakes in writing. Fill in each of the components of the name with the same paste.

If one of the written words has many letters, write them as small as possible. Also work book provides for word hyphenation from one line to another.

An example of filling out the first sheet (page) of a work book (Last name, First name, Patronymic)


If you write information about your education, be sure to have your employee’s diploma in front of you so as not to make mistakes.

Exist three degrees of education, upon the fact of which employment is possible, this is higher, that is, postgraduate, secondary, that is, graduation from school, as well as specialized secondary, after a technical school or college.

You write one of these words on a specially designated line.

Sample of filling out the first page of a work book (education)

Date of Birth

As for the date of birth, first of all you must fill it out based on passport citizen, and not from his words.

The question often arises: should the date of birth in the work book be entered in words or in numbers?

The date of birth should be written in numbers and not in letters (see sample). Unfortunately, any other form of recording is considered incorrect.

Enter each number correctly. There's nothing wrong with being wrong. An error can always be corrected by crossing out one number or by moving the entry to the other side of the title page.

Sample of filling out the first page of the work book (date of birth)

Employee signature

Who signs the work book? After the work book is completed, The employee's signature is affixed.

It must be clear and repeat the signature in the passport.

If an employee changes his last name over time, the signature with the old last name is crossed out with a thin stripe, and a new signature is placed next to it.

As a rule, the signature in the employee’s work book is marked at the top organization seal.

Profession, specialty

If we talk about specialty, then there is a huge range of opinions about what really needs to be written in the work book in the column profession, specialty. Some people think that you need to write down a specialty that you mastered in college, while others will try to fit it into your desired specialty at work.

In fact, everything is extremely simple - the current specialty is entered into the work book. an employee works under an employment contract.

Date of completion

The date of filling out the work book on the title page should not be fictitious. That is, if you filled out the work report a week later than promised, then you cannot enter the desired number incorrectly. For this, both HR department employees and the employer may be held accountable. to administrative responsibility.

The date of completion is written in the same format as the date of birth.

As for the place where the date is set, it should be in the area of ​​the seal, to the right or left of it, but in no case should it affect other entries, thereby overlapping them.

Date of filling out the work book and date of hiring must match. It is at the moment of hiring that the HR department employee creates a labor report, which means, in accordance with the law, he must simultaneously enter information about the employee and about his hiring.

Of course, such little things are not always paid attention to by various inspection bodies, but still sometimes use links to the rules for filling out work books, because he who is forewarned is forearmed.

When can you use the letter “ё” in writing your full name?

Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to use the letter “е” in writing a first or last name.

Focus on employee passport.

If this letter is written in your passport, then you can safely put it.

If “e” is written in your passport, then you should not deviate from the passport data. Everything is extremely simple.


The work book is a very important document that requires a reverent attitude towards itself.

Try to be accurate in filling out the work books, because by filling out the pages of the work book, you become a kind of representative of your organization and it is by your record that they will judge not only the employee, but also your company. Therefore, comply with the law and think about the employee who gave you the work report to fill out. He trusts you not just with a document, he trusts you with his work history.

Useful video

For more information on how to fill out a work book - the first sheet, see the video below.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are several legal acts containing instructions for filling out work books (hereinafter referred to as Labor Books), their maintenance and storage. The maintenance rules include, first of all, requirements for the preparation of records in this document. Let's consider these requirements.

At the moment, there are three types of labor codes in office circulation. These are books from 2004, 1973 and 1938. Regardless of the year of issue, the legal status of these documents has not changed, so there is no need to change them to a new type of book.

Russian legislation, through legal acts, imposes certain requirements for maintaining, filling out and citizens.

Rules for making entries:

  • According to the filling rules, all information is written in neat handwriting using a ballpoint or gel pen containing light-resistant and water-resistant ink in black, blue or purple. This protects the written information from damage. The need for this measure is due to the fact that the period of use of the work book is quite long (up to 75 years), and the information reflected in it is valuable.
  • Also, according to the Instructions for correct filling and maintenance, abbreviations of words are unacceptable in this document. Words such as “order”, “direction”, “point”, etc. are entered in full, regardless of the desire and capabilities of the specialist. HR department specialists sometimes neglect this requirement, thereby violating the rules for filling out work books.
  • One of the conditions for correctly filling out is the need to number each entry. The specialist filling out the work book must indicate the serial number of each entry in a specific column intended for this purpose.

Instructions for keeping records in a work book

Despite the multinationality of our homeland, the instructions for maintaining work records oblige you to fill out the document in Russian.
The republics that are part of the Russian Federation have the right to duplicate records in their own language, if it is recognized as official for the given territory.

How to correctly fill out a work book or composition of records:

  • Recording employee information. The document reflects the following personal data of the owner: full name, date of birth, information about his education, profession, specialty.
  • Recording information about experience. This is the most voluminous information in the document; it contains data on the employee’s responsibilities, transfer to another job or position, dismissal, assignment of a new rank, and advanced training. In addition, information about the time spent studying, serving in the Russian army, and serving a sentence is reflected. This information is placed in the appropriate column, as shown in the example at the end of the article.

How to fill out the employee awards records section? A special section has been allocated to reflect this information: “ Information about the award" The entire history of working valor is reflected on the pages of this document: state awards, conferring honorary titles, certificates of honor, awarding badges, diplomas, and other types of encouragement.

  • The information entered into the document must be as complete as possible and include: serial number, date of entry, link to the document - grounds
  • The information included in the document must reflect the true state of affairs.
  • The employee’s personal data (full name), according to the Instructions for correct filling, is entered in the nominative case. It is not allowed to shorten this information or replace it with initials.
  • Dates are written in full, in Arabic numerals, while using a two-digit designation of days and months (09, not 9) and a four-digit designation of the year (2003, not 03).
  • A legible signature of the responsible person is placed on it and certified by a seal.
  • When issuing a duplicate, the corresponding entries are placed on top of the title page. They can be handwritten or stamped.

Rules for maintaining work books

  • Making entries in the employee's Labor Code is mandatory only for those employees for whom this enterprise is their main place of work.
  • The head of the enterprise is obliged to employ the employee and, accordingly, make an entry in the Labor Code if his work experience is more than five days.
  • When formalizing relations with an employer through an agreement, there is no need to make entries in the employee’s Labor Code.


  1. Correct completion requires that this document is created for the employee by the employer at the enterprise that is his first place of work. The document is completed in the presence of its future owner no later than seven days from the date of employment. Regardless of the person who prepared this document, the responsibility for correct completion and maintenance lies with the head of the enterprise.
  2. Forms from previous years of issue have the same legal force as the new one and cannot be exchanged. However, they must be filled out in accordance with the new requirements.
  3. During the working period, the form is kept by the employer as a document of strict accountability. The head of the enterprise bears full responsibility for storing and maintaining the document.
  4. If the relationship with the employee is terminated, a record of dismissal is made and the document is issued on the same day. If there is a delay in issuance due to the fault of the employer, then the date of dismissal changes.

A work book is a legal document that reflects the owner’s entire career path. In some way, it is the face of the employee, so the rules for drawing up a work book should be strictly observed.

If the company does not keep such documents, then this is a serious violation of the law.

It will be impossible to prove the existence of work experience for this period of work, which means it will not be taken into account when calculating the pension. Therefore, it is necessary for all workers to know how to fill out a work book.

The article provides instructions on the procedure for filling out work books.

Labor Code is a document relating to a person’s work activity.

All issues regarding the procedure for its maintenance are specified in the Labor Code and the relevant government Decrees (No. 225 of April 16, 2003), the Resolution and Letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation (No. 69 of October 10, 2003, Art. 5.27; No. 656-6- 0 dated March 18, 2008).

Responsible persons

Responsibility for the availability of work books issued to each employee of the enterprise falls on the shoulders of the head of the enterprise.

The manager issues an order appointing an employee responsible for the correct completion, recording and storage of these documents. He also appoints another employee who can replace the main person in charge during his absence. Usually these are personnel department (HR) employees.

Requirements for maintaining a work record book

General information

A labor code is created for each employee who has worked for the company for at least 5 days. For them this work should be their main one.

These are also seasonal, temporary and freelance workers, who are also covered by social insurance.

Entries in the TC are made in full, without abbreviations (to avoid misreading), in blue, purple or black font.

Each entry begins on a separate line and is provided with its own serial number. The dates are displayed like this:

  • day and month – 2 digits;
  • year – 4 digits.

The TC is conducted in the state language of the Russian Federation. And in the territories of the autonomous republics it can be conducted in two languages ​​- Russian and national.

The TC consists of three sections:

  • The first - on the title page - reflects information about the employee - his last name, first name and patronymic in the nominative case without abbreviations. It also indicates his education, profession or specialty. The organization issuing the TC puts a stamp on this sheet.
  • The second is data about the employee’s work.
  • The third contains information about his awards.

The last two sections must indicate the documents on the basis of which each entry is made. Usually these are the numbers of the corresponding orders with their dates.

Rules and procedure for filling out a work book

In the “job information” section, all data on admission, movement, study during work related to advanced training, service in the army or other special structures, etc. is entered.

Also displayed here is information about the renaming of an enterprise or its individual structure, information about the dismissal of an employee, and others.

Moreover, the latest information is certified not only by the signature of the person in charge, but also by the employee himself.

The name of the enterprise, its structural unit and the position of the employee are entered in the recording column.

The last section of the Labor Code includes those awards that are specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or the collective agreement of the organization. Providing such incentives is not mandatory or continuous. The name of the company, the position of the employee and the type of incentive are entered in the appropriate field. Nearby, in the next column, a link to the corresponding basis is given. Awards are not reflected here.

Special situations

  1. If during an employee’s work in a company there is a change in its name, or structural changes affecting a specific division, then this is necessarily reflected in the Labor Code and is certified by a new seal of this organization.
  2. When an employee's last name is changed, his old last name is crossed out and the new one is written on top. Nearby, on the cover, the basis for replacing the entry with the seal and signature of the responsible person is deciphered. This is the only permissible crossing out in the TC.
  3. If, after the unlawful dismissal of an employee, the court obliges the employer to reinstate him at work, then an entry is made canceling previous information about his dismissal with reference to the document justifying this decision.
  4. In the event of the death of an employee, information about the termination of the employment contract is reflected, indicating the date of death from the relevant certificate.
  5. If there are not enough pages for all entries in the TC, then an insert for it is issued. The rules for filling it out do not differ from the general rules, and it is filed in the Labor Code.

Carefully and correctly filling out the Labor Code at each stage of your working life will greatly facilitate the process of applying for a pension.

Storage and accounting of work books

Work books, their inserts and forms are documents of strict accountability. In the personnel department, where the technical documentation is stored, a book of their records is kept.

It reflects complete information about the movement of all these documents, regardless of whether they are new or were issued by another organization.

In other words, information about the Labor Code of all employees of a given institution (former and current).

This book is numbered, laced and certified with the seal of the head of the organization. Accounting for TC forms is maintained by the enterprise’s accounting department in a similar manner.

TCs are permanently stored in the HR department. In exceptional cases, they can be issued at the request of the employee against receipt and for a strictly specified time.

When an employee is dismissed, it is given to him, which he signs in the registration book. If, for unknown reasons, the employee did not pick up the TC, then it remains in OK for another 2 years, stored separately from all other documents. After this, it is transferred to the archive of the enterprise, where it is stored for the next 75 years.

Errors when filling out: what to do?

Since all information in the work book is entered manually, there is no guarantee that there will be no errors when keeping records.

Correction of errors made when filling out this document is carried out only according to the following rules:

  1. Incorrect information is considered invalid. A corresponding entry is made about this. Below, under the next number, the correct entry is made.
  2. If the information numbering is violated, corrections are made in the same way as above. All entries with an incorrect number are considered invalid. And then it is repeated under a new number.
  3. In the event of a minor error in the personal information about an employee (a letter in the first name, last name, etc.) discovered upon his hiring to a new place of work during the reconciliation of documents, it is corrected by the previous employer or where this inaccuracy was made.
  4. Incorrect entries on the title page are not corrected. In this case, the TC form is considered damaged and is destroyed, about which a corresponding report is drawn up. And in return, the employee is given a new Labor Code with the correct information.

Crossing out an incorrect entry is prohibited. Such a document is considered invalid.

Filling out a duplicate TC

In cases of loss of the technical documentation, its damage, if it contains records canceled by court decisions, in the event of a natural disaster, an emergency at an enterprise, etc. there is a need to issue a duplicate TC.

In normal situations, the employee submits an application to the personnel service for the issuance of a duplicate Labor Code and indicates the reason for this.

The document is issued within 15 working days. “Duplicate” must be indicated on its title page.

If some entries in a damaged document cannot be restored, documentary evidence of the length of service for the corresponding time is required. Only then can the document be restored.

When issuing a duplicate of the Labor Code, the personnel employee makes a corresponding entry in the Labor Code logbook.

In emergency situations, the length of service required to register a Labor Code is determined by a special commission, which is provided with all the necessary papers. If it is not possible to restore the fact that a person worked at one time or another, the missing information can be filled in with the help of 2-3 witness statements. The commission draws up a corresponding act on this.

On January 1, 2004, a new form of work record book comes into force. How to draw it up correctly is stated in the recently published instructions from the Ministry of Labor.

T.N. Shubnikova, expert of AG "RADA"

The new forms of the work book and its insert are given in Government Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003. When filling them out, you must follow the instructions approved by the Ministry of Labor Resolution No. 69 of October 10, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 69).

How to get a new work book

A new work book must be issued when hiring citizens who do not yet have one. But there is no need to exchange old books for new ones. Only companies can create work books for employees. Entrepreneurs do not have the right to do this. A work book is issued for each employee who has worked in the organization for more than five days. For an employee who has gotten a job for the first time, a work book is created in his presence. This must be done within a week from the moment he was hired. In this case, the employee is charged a fee. It is equal to the cost of purchasing a work book form.

How to fill out a work book

The work book consists of three parts: – title page; – information about the work; – information about the award.

Title page

On the title page you must indicate the following information about the employee: – last name, first name, patronymic; – date of birth (day, month, year); – education, profession, specialty. These entries are made on the basis of a passport or other identification document (for example, a military ID), as well as educational documents or papers that confirm the presence of special knowledge (for example, a certificate). At the bottom of the title page is placed date of filling out the work book. The correctness of the entered information is certified by the signatures of the employee himself and the person responsible for issuing work books. After this, you need to put the company stamp.

Job details

This section consists of several columns: – Column 1 “Record number”; – Column 2 “Date (day, month, year)”; – Column 3 “Information on hiring, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal”; – Column 4 “Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made.” When applying for a job, in Column 3 as a heading you must write the full name of the company. In addition, you can enter its abbreviated name in this column. The serial number of the entry is placed in the line below in column 1. Column 2 indicates the date the employee was hired. A record of the position, specialty, profession indicating qualifications is entered in column 3. In the same column you will need to indicate information about the transfer to another permanent job or the dismissal of the employee. All these entries are entered into the work book based on the order of the manager. The date and number of this order must be entered in column 4. All entries in the work book must be made without abbreviations. If a person resigns, then an entry about this must be made directly on the day of dismissal. In other cases, information must be reflected in the work book within a week from the date of drawing up the order. Please note that information about part-time work is entered into the work book only at the request of the employee. Example At Meridian CJSC on January 15, 2004, Yu.V. was hired as an accountant. Shevelev (order dated January 15, 2004 No. 5/K). On July 1, 2004, she was transferred to the position of chief accountant (order No. 25/K dated July 1, 2004). An employee of the company’s personnel service filled out the “Work Information” section as follows:

Job details

1 2 3 4
Closed Joint Stock Company "Meridian"
3 15 01 2004 Hired as an accountantOrder No. 5/K dated January 15, 2004
4 01 07 2004 Transferred to the position of chief accountantOrder No. 25/K dated 07/01/2004
– end of example – The employee must be familiarized with each new entry made in his work book. After this, he must sign in Section III of the personal card (Form No. T-2) opposite a similar entry. It was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of April 6, 2001 No. 26. Example We use the data from the previous example. In the personal card of Yu.V. Sheveleva made the following notes:...


dateStructural subdivisionProfession (position), rank, class (category) of qualificationsSalary (tariff rate), bonus, rub.BaseSignature of the owner of the work book
1 2 3 4 5 6
15.01.2004 AccountingAccountant5000 Order No. 5/K dated January 15, 2004Sheveleva
01.07.2004 AccountingChief Accountant10 000 Order No. 25/K dated 07/01/2004Sheveleva

... -end of example - The dismissal record is accompanied by a link to the article and clause of the Labor Code under which the employee is dismissed. It is certified by the seal of the organization or personnel department and the signature of the person who is responsible for maintaining work records. In addition, the employee himself must sign. Thus, he confirms that he has read and agrees with all the entries that were made in his work book during his work at the company. Example P.I. Vetrov worked as a manager at Strela LLC. On November 12, 2003, he was fired due to absenteeism (subparagraph “a”, paragraph 6, article 81 of the Labor Code). On the same day, order No. 24 was drawn up about this. The general director of Strela is responsible for maintaining the work records of the company’s employees. He made the following entry in Petrov’s work book:

Job details

Entry no.dateInformation about hiring, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal (indicating reasons and reference to the article, clause of the law)Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made
1 2 3 4
5 12 11 2003 Fired due to absenteeismOrder No. 24
(subparagraph “a” of paragraph 6dated November 12, 2003
Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
General Director of LLC
"Strela": Yakovlev (Yakovlev)
Introduced by: Vetrov (Vetrov)

–end of example– In the event of the death of an employee, the work book, after making an entry in it about the termination of the employment contract, is handed over to one of his relatives against signature. At the request of relatives, it can be sent by mail.

Information about the award

In this section, records are made about the presentation of state awards, certificates of honor to the employee, about the conferment of titles, as well as about various incentives provided for by collective agreements. If the company regularly pays its employees bonuses that are provided for by the remuneration system (wage regulations, employment contract) , there is no need to reflect this in the work book. Records of collection are not entered in the work book. Unless, of course, it is grounds for dismissing the employee.

Making changes and corrections

Information about changes in the employee’s last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth is entered into the work book on the basis of a passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce, etc. In this case, it is necessary to make a reference to the number and date of these documents. The previous information must be crossed out with one line, and the new information must be written next to it. Links to relevant documents are made on the inside cover of the work book. Each link is certified by the signature of the head or a person specially authorized by him. After this, you need to put the company seal. If an incorrect entry is found in the “Work Information” or “Award Information” section, it must be corrected. You cannot cross it out. It must be written that it is invalid. After this, you need to make the correct entry. The correction is made by the company that made the mistake. In case of reorganization of the company, the correct entry will be made at the enterprise where the employee currently works. Example Driver R.G. Alexandrov was hired by JSC Beryozka on May 1, 2003. On this day, the manager signed order No. 52 on his appointment to work. While filling out the book, the HR specialist mistakenly indicated the wrong date in it - May 11, 2003. On the same day, he discovered this error and corrected it. To do this, in the work book of R.G. Alexandrov made the following notes:

Job details

Entry no.dateInformation about hiring, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal (indicating reasons and reference to the article, clause of the law)Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made
1 2 3 4
Closed Joint Stock Company "Beryozka"
8 01 05 2003 Order No. 52 of May 11, 2003
9 01 05 2003 Entry for No. 8 is invalid
10 01 05 2003 Hired as a driverOrder No. 52 of 05/01/2003

–end of example– Information about the employee acquiring a new profession or specialty is entered into the work book indicating the rank, class or level of his qualifications. For example, if an accountant received the profession of a lawyer, in the “Work Information” section of the work book the following is indicated: – in column 1 – the serial number of the entry; – in column 2 – the date of obtaining the second profession; – in column 3 – the entry: “A second profession has been established.” lawyer”; – in column 4 – the name of the document on obtaining a new profession, its number and date. The company can change its name. An entry about this is made in column 3 of the “Information about work” section of the work book: “The company such-and-such has been renamed to such-and-such a date.” Column 4 indicates the order (instruction) of the manager on the basis of which the company was renamed, as well as its number and date.

When a duplicate or insert is issued

A duplicate work book is issued in the following cases: – the work book is lost; – it contains a record of dismissal, which is considered illegal; – the book has become unusable. In case of loss of the work book, the employee must immediately report this to the company that entered it into it last entry. This company will issue a duplicate. To do this, only information that can be documented is entered into the new work book. Records are not made for each previous place of work. It is necessary to indicate only the total number of years, months and days of work experience, as well as information about the last place of work. The company is obliged to issue the employee a new work book no later than 15 days from the date of submission of the application. If there is a notice of dismissal in the work book that is recognized as illegal, upon the employee’s application, the company issues him a duplicate. It repeats all the entries except the one that is declared illegal. The same is done if the work book has become unusable. If all the pages of one of the sections in the work book are filled out, then it is necessary to create an insert. In the work book itself, a stamp “Insert issued” is placed and its series and number are indicated. Please note that without a work book, the insert is invalid.

Storage of work books

The manager, by order, appoints someone responsible for storing work records. Most often this is a personnel department employee or an accountant. Their responsibilities include maintaining a book of records of the movement of work books and inserts for them. This book records all work books accepted from employees. When picking up his work book, the employee signs in the accounting book and personal card. The accounting department maintains a receipt and expenditure book for recording work book forms and inserts for them. To obtain these forms, the person responsible for maintaining them submits an application to the accounting department. At the end of the month, he must report for the forms received. The form for recording the movement of work books and inserts for them, as well as the form for the receipt and expenditure book, are approved by Resolution No. 69.

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