Prerequisites for creating indicators for assessing the state of the personnel reserve management system. Current problems of forming a personnel reserve in local governments

The main problem of the political and socio-economic reforms taking place in our country is the problem of staffing the state and municipal services of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, the formation of a new system for working with the personnel reserve has not yet been completed, although the main regulatory legal acts have been adopted, departmental regulations regulating the recruitment procedure, requirements for the selection of candidates for the personnel reserve, forms and methods of training “reservists”, responsibilities of officials responsible for working with the personnel reserve.

At its fundamental essence, municipal service is, first of all, personnel. Practice shows that updating the local executive power system does not produce results without bringing order to the municipal service and revising the principles of personnel policy.

This provision is an axiom of the municipal management process. The solution of political, economic, social and other problems facing Russian society depends critically on the timely development and effective implementation of personnel policies at all levels of government.

The issue of forming a managerial personnel reserve in the 21st century in the municipal service is very relevant. Changes that occur in the political, economic and social spheres of society require changes in municipal personnel policy and personnel activities at the municipal level.

Personnel policy in the field of municipal service as a component of state personnel policy, in accordance with federal and regional regulations, occupies an important place in the formation of personnel in the municipal service, assessment and development of personnel of municipal authorities. The creation of a new modern model of municipal government requires updating of management personnel.

In modern conditions, such an area of ​​staffing for the municipal service as working with the personnel reserve for promotion to key management positions in local governments is becoming increasingly important. After all, the correct organization of work with the personnel reserve determines which personnel will come to leadership in local governments in the future.

At the level of the country's top leadership, the cumbersomeness, sluggishness and ineffectiveness of the municipal apparatus were repeatedly pointed out, and with regard to its professionalism, it was emphasized that for apparatus workers, knowledge of modern management science is still very rare. But on the territory of the Russian Federation, during the reform of local government bodies, there were more than 24 thousand, employing more than 340.1 thousand municipal employees.

The reason for the failure of many municipal employees as true professionals in their field lies, among other things, in the technologies themselves, which continue to be based on methods that have become ineffective, the so-called extensive formation, development and use of personnel, including the promotion of personnel. When forming a personnel reserve, the most important task is to ensure reliable identification of the most promising specialists who have the qualities that are most necessary for professional leadership activities.

The main goal of the formation and use of a personnel reserve in the municipal service is to create a composition of municipal employees prepared for municipal management in the new conditions, to ensure the continuity and continuity of the municipal personnel policy, its improvement based on the selection, training and promotion of personnel capable of professionally and effectively implementing strategic objectives and functions of local governments.

Creating a personnel reserve for promotion to leading municipal positions is a multifaceted work, including: selection of the most worthy employees and their inclusion in the reserve; annual assessment of the composition of the reserve, its revision and replenishment; studying the business and personal qualities of employees included in the reserve, organizing their comprehensive training and advanced training; nominating candidates from the reserve for leading municipal positions.

The composition of the personnel reserve serves as the main source of filling vacant management positions in the municipal service. The reserve is not selected for each position, but for a group of similar positions. Practice shows that the effect of the reserve weakens if the bet is placed on one person. The competition of several applicants for one municipal position increases the chances of selecting the most prepared candidate to fill the position.

Human resources management at different levels of the organization of society, firstly, today is of paramount importance in increasing management efficiency; secondly, it becomes the main direction that “launches the mechanism” of the transition to civilized market relations; thirdly, the vector of improving the personnel policy itself is changing, which will take a civilized and modern form under one condition - its improvement will begin not only “from above”, but also “from below”, from each municipal community.

Considering the problems of forming a personnel reserve, the problems of staffing municipal government bodies can be conditionally combined into three main blocks:

The first set of problems is the lack of qualifications of municipal employees. They are often unable to solve the problems that society sets for them, especially in the context of reforming the municipal government system. The lack of specialized education and experience is taking its toll. There is a lack of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Proficiency in computer technology and foreign languages ​​remains low. The necessary personal and business qualities are not sufficiently developed: effective communication skills, responsibility and independence in decision making, organizational skills, etc.

The deprofessionalization of municipal officials is especially striking against the backdrop of the aging personnel of the municipal service, the “washing out” of middle management in municipal bodies. The most capable personnel leave the municipal service for business structures.

The second block is the problem of the corporate culture of the municipal service. The values ​​and norms of municipal officials are often incompatible with the idea of ​​effective municipal service. The isolation and planning of municipal services seriously hinders any changes.

The third set of problems is related to the attractiveness of the municipality as an employer in the services market. The work of municipal employees is significantly undervalued, especially with regard to the middle management of government bodies.

It is no secret that at present many young people are ready to go to work in municipal government bodies, reasonably considering this service to be a good start to a career in their specialty after graduation. They gain experience, get a good entry on their resume, and participate in solving large-scale problems. Some see municipal service as a chance to get closer to the social elite. At the same time, few young specialists remain in the municipal service for at least a few years - wages in business structures are often much more attractive for specialists of their level. It is extremely difficult to attract a qualified professional who is in demand in the labor market to the municipal service.

Thus, it seems obvious that forming a personnel reserve on formal grounds is not enough. An important area of ​​personnel work should be consistent and systematic work with the reserve. The form of such work should be the accounting of the reserve, as well as constant monitoring of the professional training of persons in the personnel reserve.


4. Soroko, A.V. Methodology for the formation and functioning of the reserve of managerial personnel of the state civil service: Monograph. / A.V. Soroko – M.: NPF PLANETA, 2014.

Improving the system for forming a personnel reserve for the municipal service of a large city in Russia (using the example of Rostov-on-Don)

Golushko Sergey Yurievich

master's student

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

In modern conditions, the problems of forming municipal authorities are an important element of management policy. Approaches to personnel selection and reserve formation are constantly changing, which determines the need to find effective forms of personnel reserve. Municipal government is the foundation of a sustainable state system, which determines the relevance of an effective personnel policy in this direction.

Keywords: municipal management, personnel reserve, competency-based approach, personnel policy

The modern reform of the state and municipal service requires strengthening the requirements for the professionalism of municipal employees, the effectiveness of their training, in particular a full-fledged effective system of continuous professional training. In the context of institutional reforms of state and municipal management, issues related to the development of human resources are becoming increasingly relevant and socially significant.

The personnel potential of local self-government bodies in Russian municipalities is not yet sufficiently formed and developed to fulfill the management tasks assigned to the municipal level. This is confirmed by the results of a study conducted by the All-Russian Council of Local Self-Government (VSMS) on the topic “Human Resources Potential of Local Government Bodies.” A secondary analysis of the research results shows that in municipalities there is a problem of shortage of local government personnel who fully meet professional requirements.

In these conditions, the directions for developing the human resources potential of local governments are the following:

1. Formation of a forecast of the need for municipal service personnel and information and technical support for the management apparatus.

2. Hiring highly qualified workers to municipal service positions in accordance with their professional qualities and competence.

3. Use of mechanisms for promotion of municipal employees.

4. Receiving additional professional education for municipal employees.

5. Formation of a personnel reserve.

6. Assessing the performance of municipal employees through certification.

The duration of filling one vacancy in the civil service is 3 months. All this time (from the moment a vacancy is created until it is filled, or even until the “newcomer” enters full-time work), the load on employees performing additional functions increases. When the moment comes for hiring a newcomer to a vacant position, he is formalized and “set free to float” to independently master the peculiarities of the work of an organ or structural unit. At the same time, it is expected that the newly hired employee will begin to work as productively and without errors, if not from the first, then from the second day of work.

Of course, to realize the effectiveness of personnel reservation, systematic training and implementation of mentoring are necessary. Mentoring has not yet been systematically implemented in municipal government bodies; there are only isolated independent attempts to apply this personnel technology.

We must not forget about the quality of the personnel reserve. The implementation of the presented goals is impossible without taking into account and introducing the best foreign experience into domestic practice. Testing is one of the areas of personnel assessment, which is widely used in foreign practice and is used in Russian municipalities, for example in Moscow. The introduction of testing practice during admission to municipal service can become an effective tool for personnel management in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The use of testing, including psychological testing, as a separate method of personnel assessment in the state and municipal civil service is regulated by a number of legal acts. Thus, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01.02.2005 No. 112 “On competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation” establishes that the competition commission evaluates candidates, including on the basis of special competitive procedures using those that do not contradict federal laws and other regulations legal acts of the Russian Federation on methods for assessing professional and personal qualities. The list of these methods, according to the decree, includes an individual interview, questionnaires, group discussions, writing an essay or testing on issues related to the performance of official duties for a vacant civil service position for which candidates are applying.

Testing can be organically included in most personnel processes of the municipal government of the city of Rostov-on-Don, from recruitment and selection to adaptation, motivation and retention, performance assessment, training and development, promotion and rotation.

Some competencies can be effectively assessed mainly using tests: these are, for example, the “Information Analysis and Decision Making” competencies, as well as general professional and profile competencies specific to the type of activity of specific municipal employees.

Personality questionnaires allow us to draw a conclusion about the extent to which a person’s character and his intended place of work correspond to each other, that is, whether the candidate has a sufficient level of stress resistance, sociability, responsibility, dominance and normativity, which are in varying degrees in demand in specific positions.

The selection and testing process can be divided into two stages:

The first stage is remote (online testing);

The second is face-to-face assessment.

For the technical execution of this model, it is assumed that an ideal model will be formed, which will serve as a standard for a comparative analysis of the performance of tested candidates.

For testing, diagnostic methods of the intellectual, motivational and personal spheres must be used, and for each of the five positions of the competition, its own ideal profile was created, with which the results were compared.

The coefficient of similarity to the ideal profile was taken into account when deciding which of the test participants best met the requirements of the positions and which of them should be invited to the next stage of selection.

The set of methods available for testing naturally differs from the usual ones - these are, for example, methods for social and emotional intelligence, time management features and demotivation factors that are not used in any other projects.

Let's consider the positive experience of using testing in the formation of a personnel reserve. In 2016, together with employees of the Department of State and Municipal Procurement Management of the Moscow State University of Medicine, a bank of tasks was developed for the “Public Procurement System” test, which is planned to be introduced into the program for assessing managers and specialists providing public procurement in Moscow. The test tasks are divided into 7 thematic categories, vary in difficulty, and are randomized by questions and answer options. Its purpose is to assess the level of professionalism of employees in terms of knowledge of the legislative framework, familiarity with the basic procedures of procurement activities, functions of the contract service and responsibilities in the field of procurement.

If there are well-developed professional standards for a certain position or group of positions in the state civil service, it becomes possible to use not only the traditional approach to the development of qualifying knowledge tests, when the content of the tasks is pedantically brought into line with the content of professional standards in the section of required knowledge, but also an unconventional approach - evidence - centered assessment design (hereinafter referred to as ECD).

In ECD, the importance of the content of the tasks remains, but the emphasis is shifted to the presence in each of them of real evidence of compliance with the purpose of the assessment, that is, justification for the presence of the knowledge, skills and abilities that are recorded in the professional standard.

In the context of institutional reforms of state and municipal management, issues related to the development of human resources are becoming increasingly relevant and socially significant. The experience of recent years of reforming local self-government in the Russian Federation shows that the insufficient professional level of persons holding municipal positions and municipal service positions, the lack of professional knowledge, skills and abilities and, as a consequence, the low efficiency of the management decisions they make have led to a decrease in the level of authority of the municipal government in the eyes of the population. It is necessary to intensify work aimed at improving the quality of the personnel reserve in Rostov-on-Don, using all effective technologies and proven tools.

List of sources and literature

1. Adukova A.N., Zakharov R.V. Personnel potential of local self-government bodies in rural areas / In the collection: Problems and prospects for sustainable rural development Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference. 2014. pp. 251-256.

2. Bazarov T. Yu. Psychology of management. Theory and practice: textbook for bachelors. Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House. 2014.

3 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 02/01/2005 N 112 (as amended on 12/18/2016) “On competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation” [Electronic resource] – Access mode: /cons_doc_LAW_51515/ (date of access: 06/03/2017).

4. Altukhov V.V., Belorusets A.S. Qualification test: the good, the bad, the ugly // Special issue "HR and Recruiting" of the T&D Director magazine No. 1. 2013. URL: (access date: 03/26/2017).

5. Shmelev, A. G. Practical testing: testing in education, applied psychology and personnel management / A. G. Shmelev. – M.: Maska, 2013. – 688 p.

Improvement of the System of Formation of Personnel Reserve of Municipal Service the Major Cities of Russia (through example of Rostov-on-Don)

Sergei Yu. Golushko

Master's student

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

In modern conditions the problem of formation of municipal bodies is an important element of management policy. Approaches to personnel selection and formation of a reserve are constantly changing, which determines the necessity of searching for effective forms of personnel reserve.

The municipal authority is the Foundation of a stable system state that determines the relevance of effective personnel policy in this direction.

Keywords: municipal management, talent pool, competency-based approach, personnel policy


1. Adukova A.N., Zakharov R.V. Kadrovyy potentsial organov mestnogo samoupravleniya sel"skikh territoriy. V sbornike: Problemy i perspektivy ustoychivogo sel"skogo razvitiya Sbornik materialov Vserossiyskoy scientific-prakticheskoy konferentsii, 2014. Pp. 251-256.

2. Bazarov T. Yu. Psychologiya upravleniya. Teoriya i praktika: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov. Moscow: Izdatel "stvo Yurayt, 2014.

3. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 01.02.2005 N 112 (red. ot 18.12.2016) "O konkurse na zameshchenie vakantnoy dolzhnosti gosudarstvennoy grazhdanskoy sluzhby Rossiyskoy Federatsii." Available at: (accessed on 03.06.2017)

4. Altukhov V. V., Belorusets A. S. Kvalifikatsionnyy test: khoroshiy, plokhoy, zloy. Cpetsvypusk "HR i rekruting" zhurnala T&D Director No. 1. 2013. Available at: (accessed on 03.26.2017)

5. Shmelev A. G. Prakticheskaya testologiya: testirovanie v obrazovanii, prikladnoy psykhologii i upravlenii personalom. Moscow: Maska, 2013. 688 p.

Article imprint:

GOLUSHKO, Sergey Yurievich. Improving (optimizing) the system for forming a personnel reserve for the municipal service of a large city in Russia (using the example of Rostov-on-Don). Magazine "U". Economy. Control. Finance., , n. 2, June 2017. ISSN 2500-2309. Available on: . Access date

Topic 11. Personnel reserve

The formation of a personnel reserve is an integral part of the mechanism for implementing state personnel policy and one of the important personnel technologies for personnel management. The presence of a trained personnel reserve is an indispensable condition for the rational use of human resources and the stable and professional functioning of the state and municipal services. This topic is devoted to revealing the content of this personnel technology.
1. Formation of a civil service personnel reserve system

Basic Concepts

The personnel reserve is a specially formed group of promising employees based on established criteria who have the professional, business and moral-psychological qualities necessary for promotion, who have demonstrated themselves positively in their positions, who have undergone the necessary training and are intended to fill regular positions.

Work with the personnel reserve, like other operating technologies, is complex and is based on:

  • calculating staffing needs;

  • human resources analysis;

  • analysis of the personnel situation in the region;

  • plan to revise the organizational structure (organizational design);

  • assessments of candidates when hiring, personnel diagnostics;

  • certification and assessment of work.
The personnel reserve should be formed at the federal level, the level of the constituent entities of the Federation, and in specific government and administrative bodies. It can be: short-term, medium-term, long-term (strategic); open-closed; impersonal or for a specific position.

The personnel reserve of the state and municipal service includes young, competent, professionally literate, promising officials working both in the center and in the regions. Without expanding the geography when forming a personnel reserve, the task will not be completed in full.

In the system of state and municipal service, the institution of reserve performs the following functions: development, regulation, stabilization, continuity of action of the state apparatus.

Goals and principles of forming a personnel reserve

The main goal of forming a personnel reserve is to create a composition of state and municipal employees prepared for management in the new conditions, to ensure the continuity and continuity of public administration, its improvement based on the selection, training and promotion of personnel capable of professionally and effectively implementing the tasks and functions of the relevant public authority. The effectiveness of using the institution of personnel reserve ensures:

Timely satisfaction of additional needs for personnel of employees of all categories in accordance with the registers of positions in the state and municipal service;

  • high-quality selection and targeted preparation of candidates for nomination;

  • shortening the adaptation period for employees newly appointed to higher positions;

  • increasing professionalism and improving the quality of employees.
The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

  • relevance of the reserve - the need to fill positions must be real;

  • compliance of the candidate with the nature of the position and type of reserve - requirements for the candidate's qualifications when working in a certain position;

  • candidate's prospects - focus on professional growth, educational requirements, age limit, length of service in the position and career dynamics in general, health status. See: Personnel Management / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. M-1998. P. 274.
These principles are universal and apply in all areas of activity. When selecting candidates for the reserve to work in a specific area, for example in the public service system, we can highlight specific principles for forming a personnel reserve for this area:

  • equal access of citizens to public service;

  • objectivity in the selection and enrollment in the reserve in accordance with the merits and abilities of workers necessary to perform more responsible work;

  • competence and professionalism;

  • taking into account when forming a reserve the gender, origin, nationality, religious and political views of employees;
- mandatory personal consent of the candidate for enrollment in the reserve;

Responsibility of senior officials in public authorities for the availability of a reserve for their positions and the quality of its training 2 See: Personnel Management of the Civil Service: Educational and Methodological Manual / Ed. E.V. Okhotsky. M., 1997. pp. 428-429.

Sources of formation of personnel reserve

The formation and use of a personnel reserve should be carried out by managers and personnel services of public authorities on the basis of annual and 3-5-year long-term work plans.

The main stages of forming a personnel reserve for the civil service are the selection of candidates for the reserve, their study, coordination of the composition with the head, determination of the timing, forms and methods of its preparation. It should be formed:

  • from among promising state and municipal employees;

  • from among the most professionally prepared graduates of the Civil Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, the Academy of National Economy, regional academies of public service, universities and other educational institutions.
Managers and personnel services of public authorities must use all sources of replenishment of the reserve:

  • representatives of political parties;

  • deputies of legislative bodies;

  • officers transferred to the reserve;

  • other categories of workers.
Despite the various sources of formation and use of the personnel reserve, requirements for its selection must be united:

  • high level of professionalism;

  • progressive views and personal characteristics (positive motivation for the implementation of the socio-economic policy of the state, an active attitude towards conscientious and creative performance of official duties, responsibility, self-control and organization, willingness to cooperate and work together, a high level of intelligence, the ability to make decisions in difficult situations, emotional maturity);
- clearly expressed signs of socio-psychological maturity.

Management of the formation and demand for the personnel reserve of the state and municipal service should be carried out on the basis of: taking into account the development prospects of the public authority; analysis of personnel composition, its structural divisions - and according to other criteria.

When forming a personnel reserve, the results of professional activity, the level of professional education, work experience in the specialty, age (as a rule, no older than 40-45 years), health status, public opinion about the employee, the personal desire of the civil servant and his career planning should be taken into account.

If the personnel reserve is in demand, employees should not be allowed to be promoted to higher positions without going through all the career steps.

2. Improving technologies for selecting, studying, assessing and training the personnel reserve

Methods of practical training of personnel reserve

Differences in the structure and composition of the reserve, as well as the initial preparedness of state and municipal employees, necessitate an individual approach when choosing forms and methods of training, their sequence and duration.

Work with specialists included in the reserve is usually carried out according to a plan that provides for specific measures to acquire the necessary political, economic and managerial knowledge, to deeply master the nature of future work, and to develop management skills among specialists at the level of modern requirements. This system includes theoretical training, practical and socio-psychological training of the reserve.

Theoretical training of personnel reserve carried out primarily within the framework of the state order for retraining and advanced training of employees.

Federal ministries and departments, administrations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation themselves determine the types, forms, terms, specialization and areas of training, the choice of programs and educational institutions, taking into account the tasks and functions of public authorities and the qualification requirements of the proposed public position. However, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the professional development of the employee included in the personnel reserve. The system of practical training of the personnel reserve, as evidenced by practical experience, includes:

  • internship in a position for which a civil servant is enrolled in the reserve;

  • temporary replacement of absent managers for the period of their business trips and vacations;

  • trips to other organizations to study positive experience;

  • participation in teaching work in the advanced training system;

  • participation in auditing the activities of other divisions of the organization;

  • participation in the preparation and holding of conferences, seminars, meetings, etc.
The most important form of training a personnel reserve is the candidate’s systematic independent work to improve his professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of work.

Socio-psychological preparation facilitates the process of employee adaptation to a new position. To do this, it is necessary to acquaint him in detail with regulatory documents, management decisions, and introduce him in a new capacity into the workforce. For many employees, the problem becomes a change in status (he was a colleague, but became a boss). Therefore, the personnel service needs to think through the adaptation procedure for the “young” boss and his subordinates. For these purposes, special programs and management trainings are successfully used.

Despite the fact that these forms of practical training of personnel reserves are quite well known and tested, they are not used effectively enough. Meanwhile, with the correct and skillful organization of work on the formation and use of a personnel reserve, a competitive environment is created among specialists, which stabilizes public administration, makes it possible to manage the structural intersectoral restructuring of the administrative apparatus, and ensure its replenishment with young educated workers.

As practical experience shows, many practical problems of forming a personnel reserve, especially senior managers of government and management bodies, require significant justification.

For example, in the scientific literature there are different approaches to organizing work with the personnel reserve. Some authors propose its strict formalization, i.e. clear determination by authorities and management of the need for the reserve - down to specific dates and persons, forms of training for each included in the reserve.

Others consider such organization inappropriate. In their opinion, it is impossible to determine a candidate for a “living place”.

Of course, there is a rational grain in both the first case and the second. The most reasonable combination of both approaches. After all, the presence of a well-formed reserve allows for systematic work on the selection and placement of personnel; minimize the elements of chance in this matter; take into account the ever-increasing requirements imposed by the modern level of management on employees at the federal and regional levels.

Criteria for the formation and types of personnel reserve

When working with a personnel reserve, it is important to clearly define the system of criteria for its formation. Criteria are understood as signs on the basis of which personnel are compared and nominated to the reserve using indicators that give their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

The system of criteria, as modern practice shows, consists of: education, specialty, work experience, potential capabilities of the candidate, his organizational, business and professional qualities.

Modern scientific knowledge and practical experience of government bodies in forming a personnel reserve indicate that it is advisable to form and use all types of reserves - potential, preliminary and final.

Potential reserve formed by managers, specialists from ministries, departments, and administration employees who meet the basic requirements for education, specialty, age, or are able to satisfy them in the near future. It is very heterogeneous and represents a contingent of promising employees who may be appointed to leadership positions in the future. This category can become a source of creation preliminary reserve. Its composition is established based on comparative assessments of the candidates' managerial qualities. IN final reserve Only those employees who best meet all the criteria for the formation and use of the civil service personnel reserve are included. Here, the determining indicator is the results of fulfilling the tasks assigned to the civil servant.

In the activities of government bodies at the federal and regional levels, not all stages of passage by type of reserve are observed in this sequence. In many ministries, departments, committees, and administrations, there are only lists of candidates for the reserve, which indicates the presence of a “paper” rather than an effective reserve. Therefore, as a rule, outside workers are invited to fill vacant positions. An external source of personnel reserve has its negative sides. Through its use, people who are prone to commit illegal acts and have low business and moral qualities sometimes penetrate into government and administrative bodies.

All this requires the introduction of more stringent criteria for selecting candidates for the reserve - the most qualified specialists who have strong immunity to the temptations of leadership activities, and developing a system of preliminary screening of candidates for a particular position.

Monitoring the activities of specialists in the reserve for promotion to leadership positions should be carried out systematically throughout the entire time they are in the reserve. This will determine the effectiveness of the work being carried out.

The main conditions for the formation of an effective personnel reserve are:

preferential appointment to positions of persons from the reserve and those who have undergone appropriate training as part of the reserve

  • annual clarification of the composition of the reserve of state and municipal employees, additional staffing, planning of official appointments, determination of the feasibility of continuing to remain in the reserve of persons who have not received appointments;

  • coordination of the timing of the formation of a reserve of civil servants and measures for the formation of a state order for retraining and advanced training of civil servants;

  • increasing the prestige of state and municipal services;

  • moral and material incentives for improving professionalism and career growth of state and municipal employees included in the personnel reserve.
Enrollment efficiency indicator calculated by the formula A = B/C 100%, where B is the number of employees appointed to higher positions from the reserve, C is the total number of persons in the reserve.

Turnover of personnel reserve is calculated using the above formula, where B is the number of employees from the reserve who left the organization during the reporting period without promotion, C is the total number of employees in the reserve.

Preparing a personnel reserve is a living organizational work, the essence of which is a serious study of people, their upbringing, and timely promotion to jobs where they can best express themselves.

In order to increase the efficiency of training specialists included in the personnel reserve, it is advisable to draw up individual training plans. These plans usually include activities carried out as part of the preparation and advanced training of a candidate included in the reserve lists. At the same time, the types, forms, terms and specialization of training are clearly defined.

An effective form of training a personnel reserve is internship. It allows you to consolidate in practice professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired as a result of theoretical training, studying best practices, and acquiring professional skills. Unfortunately, in the conditions of reforming society, the system for its implementation has not yet been worked out, criteria for assessing its effectiveness have not been developed, and sources of financing have not been identified. It would be advisable to develop a system for organizing and conducting internships, clearly defining the timing and location of their implementation. The internship program and its results must be reviewed by the head of the government and the personnel department of this body. Regular internships involve resolving issues of a methodological, organizational, material and everyday nature. It is necessary to develop the necessary regulatory documents and create material prerequisites for the establishment and development of the internship institution.

Transparency and collegiality play an important role in managing the process of formation and use of the civil service personnel reserve. It is advisable to announce the lists of candidates for the reserve, creating an opportunity for each employee to express their comments and suggestions on the candidates. Availability of feedback, i.e. taking into account the opinion of the team allows us to reduce the degree of risk when selecting candidates for the reserve, and contributes to the further strengthening and development of democratic principles in management.

When forming a personnel reserve, it is necessary to take into account the reserve coefficient - the number of candidates included in the reserve for each position. It is determined based on the specific conditions and capabilities of the organization. At the same time, it is advisable to have at least two or three candidates for each leadership position, regardless of the quality of the work of the manager working in it. If there are less than two candidates for the assessed reserve, then the likelihood of a weakening of the incentive for self-improvement in the only candidate is obvious.

As the number of candidates in the pool increases, the quality of work inevitably decreases, and the likelihood of nomination for each candidate decreases.

When forming and using a personnel reserve, it is necessary to make two factors manageable: time spent in the reserve and appointment to a position. Moreover, work with candidates nominated to the reserve must be carried out strictly individually, taking into account the person’s personal capabilities.

All this indicates that there is a need for clear regulation of the total period of stay in the reserve for each individual candidate. A regulated period of stay in the reserve will help a specialist confidently plan his career and will not lead to a decline in activity or a decrease in personal self-esteem.

Problems of rational formation and use of the personnel reserve should be priority, promising areas of activity for heads of public authorities at all levels. This work must be carried out taking into account modern requirements, data from management science, and effective methods for testing the readiness of candidates to fill positions included in the reserve.

Monitoring the activities of state and municipal employees who are in the reserve for promotion should be carried out throughout the entire time they are in the reserve. It is advisable to review and approve reserve lists once a year. When reviewing the personnel reserve at the end of the year, it is important to make a detailed analysis, assess the preparedness of each civil servant, and justify the decision to enroll him in the reserve for a new term.

If persons in the personnel reserve reduce the level and results of professional activity, commit misconduct, as well as because their qualities do not meet the requirements for civil servants (including for health reasons), they must be excluded from the reserve by decision of the manager public authority.

Accounting and reporting play an important role in managing the process of forming and using the personnel reserve. As practical experience shows, it is advisable for all documents reflecting the process and results of a civil servant’s training to be kept in a personal file (internship, completion of an individual training program, advanced training, etc.). This will become possible if the government authority clearly defines the responsibilities of officials responsible for working with the reserve.

Currently, a more favorable situation is emerging for the active use of the institution of civil service personnel reserve. First of all, previously existing restrictions on social status, party, nationality, gender, etc. have been lifted. Fundamental in the formation of a personnel reserve is the constitutional principle of equal access of citizens to public service without any discrimination based on social, racial, national, linguistic and religious affiliation, property and official status, place of residence, beliefs, and membership in public associations. Thus, the social base, internal and external sources of formation of the personnel reserve are expanding. The search for candidates suitable for nomination to public positions is possible in all social strata of society, both in state and non-state, business structures.

At the same time, the formation of a new system for working with the personnel reserve has not yet been completed; only the first steps towards its formation have been taken.

The most important unresolved problems are:

  1. Lack of methods and technologies that make it possible to objectively assess the capabilities and prospects of employees included in the personnel reserve in conditions of structural and functional uncertainty of the public administration system.
There is no mechanism (material and moral) that allows attracting competitive workers into the public administration system. According to scientists, a civil servant who has clear advantages over others due to his personal and professional potential can be considered competitive, i.e. able to withstand competition (competition, elections, changed environmental conditions), overcome obstacles; achieve success in life and professional sphere; consolidate this success in the minds of other people and make one’s own actions a certain norm, a standard for others. A competitive civil servant is a leader who has well-developed professionally oriented and adaptive-technological abilities.

  1. The realization of the career aspirations of young, promising, trained workers in the public service system is hampered by the instability of society and the rapidly changing political environment.

  2. The most important element in the formation of a new system of working with the personnel reserve of state and municipal services is the creation of an appropriate legislative framework. A package of documents is required for regulatory, legal and methodological support for the formation of a personnel reserve, which will make it possible to create a system of working with the personnel reserve of the civil service that is adequate to modern requirements. Such a system should be based on the principles of forming a personnel reserve: reality; suitability of the candidate for the position; candidate's prospects. The structure of the personnel reserve includes both a formation reserve and a functioning reserve.
Solving these and other problems facing authorities will help create a favorable environment for the formation and effective use of personnel reserves at all levels of management.
Control questions

  1. What is the institution of personnel reserve for state and municipal services?

  2. Formulate the purpose and place of working with reserves in personnel management.

  3. Give a classification of the personnel reserve.

  4. Name the sources of formation of the personnel reserve of the state and municipal services.

  1. What are the criteria for the formation and demand for the personnel reserve of government agencies?

  2. Name the forms and methods of practical training of the personnel reserve of government agencies.

  3. What are the principles of forming a personnel reserve?


The formation of a new model of public administration, the reform of the Russian civil service and its apparatus are impossible without a significant renewal of leading personnel, without filling government bodies with persons capable of actually ensuring the successful implementation of economic reforms and the construction of a new, truly democratic state.

In order for the process of staffing public authorities with highly qualified specialists to proceed more efficiently, it is necessary to more actively use the institution of personnel reserve.

The administrative-command system, which was formed during the years of Soviet power, lost its ground in a market economy. The personnel training system in the new conditions began to take shape relatively recently.

The full burden of the reforms being carried out in the country is gradually being transferred to regional governing bodies and authorities. All this happens against the background of a specific, personalized personnel policy pursued by the leaders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation who came to power as a result of an uncompromising struggle; growing contradictions between the increase in the number of managers, the resources spent on their training and maintenance, and the final socio-economic results of their activities; growing disproportions between the goals and objectives of ongoing reforms and the degree of use of human resources; discrepancies between the professional and qualification dynamics of personnel and the new functions of the management system, directions and rates of development of regions and municipalities; significant lack of demand for human resources.

Due to the low level of professional training of civil servants, state personnel, the theoretical development of socio-economic mechanisms for the reproduction of specialists of the state structure is especially significant.

Object The course work is the formation of a personnel reserve in government bodies.

Subject course work is the formation of a personnel reserve in government bodies (using the example of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Ulyanovsk region.

Purpose The course project is about the peculiarities of forming a personnel reserve in government bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan (using the example of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan)

Tasks The project is defined by its goal and is as follows:

    reveal the theoretical foundations of the formation of a personnel reserve;

    consider the features of the formation of a personnel reserve in government bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan (using the example of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan);

The degree of development of the problem. The problem of forming a personnel reserve is interdisciplinary in nature, which necessitates the use of integrated approaches to its resolution, taking into account economic, legal, sociological, psychological and other factors. This area has not been deprived of scientific attention, as a result of which various concepts have been developed, literature is published, and specialist training is organized.

The works of A.M. Omarov, V.A. Shakhov, V.A. Dyatlov, V.V. Travin explored the issues of formation and reproduction of human resources. V.G. Ignatov, A.V. Ponedelkov, M.V. Glazyrin, S.V. Andreev, E.V. Okhotsky paid special attention to the specifics of the processes of managing staffing of regional authorities.

At the same time, a comprehensive analysis of the relevant scientific literature showed that insufficient attention is paid to the problems of forming a personnel reserve, concepts, practices and prospects for its development, the creation of extra-budgetary sources of funding for personnel, especially at the level of government bodies, and the system of search and selection of management personnel. There is practically no methodology for developing and creating an effective system for forming a personnel reserve for government bodies.

The quantity and quality of available publications does not correspond to the severity and relevance of solving the relevant problems. In accordance with Article 64, Clause 8, Chapter 13 of Federal Law No. 79 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation,” this norm is of a reference nature and should be regulated by a Presidential Decree or a regulatory legal act of a Subject of the Russian Federation. But to this day such a document does not exist. This gap in the legislation does not allow the government body to objectively form a personnel reserve. Which in turn prevents management personnel from developing effectively.

Source base The research includes the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Federal laws of the Russian Federation, legislative acts of the Republic of Tatarstan relating to issues of staffing of government structures, works of domestic scientists on personnel management issues. Also statistical data published in statistical collections. Another equally important group of sources is data contained in official documents of government authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Structure of the course project. This course project consists of an introduction, which discusses the relevance of the topic, object, subject, goals and objectives of studying the course project, the degree of development of this problem and the theoretical basis of the work; three chapters: theoretical and practical, as well as project parts; conclusion, list of used sources and literature, applications. The volume of course work is 48 pages of computer text. The list of sources and literature includes 34 titles.




1.1. Concept and functions of personnel reserve

public authorities

Search, selection, study, assessment, training and promotion of specialists from the personnel reserve is one of the main links in the formation of management personnel. The correct organization of work with the personnel reserve largely determines which personnel will become at the helm of public administration not only tomorrow, but also in the long term.

Effective use of the institution of personnel reserve makes it possible to implement the most important principle of working with personnel - the principle of combining experienced and young workers in management.

    a supply of something in case of need;

    a source from which new means and strength are drawn.

In relation to state authorities under personnel reserve is understood as a specially formed group of promising employees on the basis of individual selection and comprehensive assessment who have the professional, business, personal and moral and ethical qualities necessary for promotion, who have demonstrated themselves positively in their positions, who have undergone the necessary training and are intended to fill certain positions in the public service.

The following classification of personnel reserve is accepted in science:

1. By type of activity:

    Development reserve - a group of specialists and managers preparing to work in new directions (with diversification of production, development of new products and technologies);

    Functioning reserve is a group of specialists and managers who must ensure the effective functioning of the organization in the future. These employees are focused on a leadership career.

2. By appointment time:

  • Mid-term;

    Long-range (strategic).

Currently, a favorable situation has developed for the active use of the institution of personnel reserve as one of the priority and effective measures to improve the quality of civil service personnel. First of all, previously existing restrictions on social status, party, nationality, gender, etc. have been lifted. Fundamental in the formation of the personnel reserve is the constitutional principle of equal right of access of citizens to public service without any discrimination on grounds of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation, property and official status, place of residence, beliefs, membership in public associations.

Thus, the social base, internal and external sources of formation of the personnel reserve are significantly expanded. The search for candidates suitable for nomination to public positions is possible in all social strata of society without any restrictions, both in state and non-state business structures. A potential candidate for inclusion in the personnel reserve can be any citizen of Russia who has the appropriate education, practical experience, professional, business, personal and moral and ethical qualities necessary to perform a responsible public position.

In this regard, it should be noted that the sources of formation of the personnel reserve in civil service structures can be state and municipal employees, deputies, activists of political parties and movements; graduates of educational institutions, specialists of enterprises of various forms of ownership; persons with experience in scientific, teaching, information and analytical work; persons included in the personnel data banks of ministries, departments, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, employment centers, consulting centers for the selection of specialists; demobilized military personnel, reserve officers, etc.

The ultimate goal of forming a personnel reserve in the civil service is the formation of a professional, stable and balanced body of civil servants according to the necessary parameters, capable of effectively, flexibly, consistently and economically ensuring the implementation of the tasks and functions of the state.

Thus, based on the essence of the formation of the personnel reserve of the civil service, its main functions are to ensure:

    government bodies with personnel of civil servants;

    high professionalism, culture and morality of civil servants;

    effective use of human resources;

    optimal combination of personnel continuity with their turnover;

    career advancement of civil servants.

In the current personnel situation, the shortage of workers in government positions, including management personnel with the necessary professional, business and moral qualities, working with the personnel reserve intended for promotion to federal and regional public service structures is of particular relevance. The formation and optimal use of personnel reserves are considered one of the priority areas of state personnel policy, as one of the mechanisms for its implementation.

This problem is especially acute at the level of federal and regional government authorities and administration. We are talking about the need to prepare a personnel reserve that would be able to manage society on a fundamentally different basis, taking into account the current situation, in a market economy, maintaining a democratic legal and social state. We are talking about personnel capable of managing through the use of new, primarily legal, financial and economic, mechanisms, taking into account the interests of all social groups and sectors of society.

personnel reserve employee motivation

When forming a personnel reserve, problematic situations often arise. Most often these are conflicts in the team and employee dissatisfaction. To avoid this, it is necessary to explain to your subordinates the essence and purpose of creating a personnel reserve, describe the potential benefits, and outline the prospects (however, this must be done based on the real situation, without instilling false hopes).

Another difficulty that can be encountered when creating a personnel reserve is the reluctance of some managers to participate in this process. They can justify their decision by the fact that they do not have time to train their subordinates, and the subordinates themselves do not have time for this. However, in reality, the manager most likely simply does not want to lose experienced specialists. After all, when they get promoted, he will have to look for a replacement for them. To convince such managers, the person responsible for the formation of the talent pool must explain to them that employees with high potential can simply leave the company if their development is not promoted.

The following problem is also common: when some employees are included in the personnel reserve, those who are not included in it may not only develop envy towards the reservists, but also decrease motivation. Managers should definitely talk to dissatisfied subordinates and explain to them that they will have a chance to join the talent pool if they work more efficiently. That it is not enough to be in the reserve - you need to be able to stay there and achieve positive results in professional development. After all, based on the results of a regular assessment (once or twice a year), an employee can be excluded from the personnel reserve, and another person can be appointed in his place.

When working with a personnel reserve, it is worth considering the following recommendations:

Compile a database of potential candidates for the talent pool, noting all the competencies and skills that each of them possesses, so that you can always quickly find the person suitable for the vacancy that appears. And keep this database up to date at all times.

Define several quantitative criteria by which you can monitor the progress of the talent pool system, for example: the percentage of vacancies filled by external or internal candidates; the percentage of employees who leave the company due to the fact that not enough time was given to their development, etc. Monitor regularly and draw conclusions.

Inform your subordinates that each of them has a chance to get into the personnel reserve - you just need to meet certain criteria.

Do not change your attitude towards employees included in the personnel reserve. The rest of the team should not think that reservists automatically receive the right to some privileges or concessions at work (except, of course, for additional training and development).

Typical mistakes in working with personnel reserve

1. Everyone is equal

Many managers believe that all employees should be treated equally. Because of this, the very idea of ​​forming a personnel reserve, for example, for leadership positions, seems unfair to them. They waste time and money instead of recognizing that there are more and less valuable specialists for the company. And the development of the former needs to be given more attention and resources. Only by realizing that identifying the best among employees is a natural process can you form a truly effective personnel reserve.

2. Situational

It happens that the formation of a personnel reserve in a company occurs “in raids” - when management is in the mood to do this, money appears, or the need for new employees simply arises. With this approach, the effectiveness of the personnel reserve will be significantly lower than it could be. To maximize the benefits of the talent pool, this process must be continuous.

3. Reserve as a threat

Some managers (for example, middle management) have a negative attitude towards the idea of ​​​​forming a personnel reserve to fill managerial positions. They perceive potential candidates for leadership positions as a threat to themselves. To avoid such consequences, the manager responsible for the formation of the personnel reserve needs to provide all managers with sufficient information about their own prospects.

4. By patronage

Often, managers form a personnel reserve from their favorites in the hope that when they become managers, it will be easier to work with them. However, such actions can serve as a strong demotivator for other subordinates and even cause them to leave the company. To prevent this from happening, you need to clearly define the procedure for forming a personnel reserve and strictly adhere to it.

5. Not by choice

If an employee is of interest to you as a potential manager, you will naturally want to include him in the personnel reserve. However, not all subordinates want to be managers - and in this case it is very important not to force anyone. Even if a person has all the necessary qualities for this, his wishes must first be taken into account. You can try to find a compromise, but if this fails, it is better to just leave the subordinate alone.

6. On your territory

When an employee included in the personnel reserve undergoes an internship as a manager, the manager currently occupying this position may try to hide some part of the information from him. Firstly, to protect your know-how, and secondly, so that the newcomer does not notice errors in his work. It is unlikely that such an internship will be effective; rather, it will serve as a demotivating factor for the reservist. Therefore, the manager responsible for the formation of the personnel reserve needs to monitor the process and, if necessary, act as an intermediary between the employee and his manager.

7. Inflated reserve

The personnel reserve must be formed taking into account the true need for certain specialists today and with an eye to the future. The rule “the more the better” does not work in this case. After all, if a specialist included in the reserve does not see real prospects, then he will not have the motivation for development.

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