Causes and symptoms of left ovarian cyst. Diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome. Wedge resection of the ovary

Many women, upon hearing such a diagnosis, panic, believing that this disease is very dangerous. However, cystic formations often resolve on their own. If this does not happen, treatment is prescribed. Complex cases require surgical intervention.

What does a functional ovarian cyst mean?

Sometimes during ovulation, women may feel pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. In this case, doctors suspect the development of a functional cyst of the left ovary. The process is associated with malfunctions in the reproductive system, as a result of which the follicle can stretch and fill with fluid if the egg leaves it or remains inside. This formation resolves on its own after several menstrual cycles. When the process creates discomfort, doctors prescribe treatment.

Follicular cyst

Follicular ovarian cysts are benign. They develop when the egg does not leave the follicle. The growth of formation occurs when fluid is released from nearby vessels carrying blood and lymph, or when secretion continues to be produced by granulosa-type epithelial cells. If the cyst is about 5 cm in size, it dissolves on its own, without the help of medications. Drug intervention requires a neoplasm that continues to grow up to 6 cm. There are cases when drugs do not have an effect and surgery must be performed.

Luteal cyst

A luteal functional cyst of the left ovary is formed after the release of the egg from the follicle and its transformation into the corpus luteum, which produces the hormones necessary for pregnancy. When conception does not occur, the endocrine gland disappears on its own after some time, and the cyst disperses along with it. However, there is a possibility that the corpus luteum will fill with fluid, which will then remain on the ovary. Such a cyst does not show itself with symptoms, and is often detected during routine examinations.

Why does retention formation of the left ovary appear?

A retention cyst is a benign neoplasm that fills with water or blood. The reasons for its occurrence can be various factors, among which the most common are:

  • disruptions in a woman’s endocrine system;
  • abortions performed many times, resulting in consequences;
  • excessively rapid rate of puberty;
  • diseases arising in the endocrine system;
  • hypothyroidism


A retention functional cyst of the left ovary may not manifest itself in any way, however, in some cases, when such a pathology occurs, the following symptoms may form:

  • acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of pressure or heaviness in the pelvic area;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • prolonged pain during menstruation;
  • nausea that occurs after exercise;
  • feeling of pressure when defecating or urinating;
  • bloody vaginal discharge accompanied by pain.

There are symptoms that are more dangerous to a woman’s health; if they are detected, you should visit a doctor:

  • temperature rise of more than 38 degrees;
  • hair growth in areas characteristic of men;
  • dizziness and general weakness;
  • menstruation, characterized by heavy discharge;
  • increase in abdominal volume;
  • blood pressure readings that deviate from the norm;
  • frequent need to drink;
  • increased volume of urine when urinating;
  • the presence of lumps in the abdominal cavity that can be palpated.

Treatment of a functional cyst of the left ovary

Measures to get rid of cystic tumors come down to 2 options:

  • conservative therapy;
  • surgical intervention.

How to treat a corpus luteum cyst

If the retention formation does not disappear on its own within several menstrual cycles, it is treated with therapeutic methods, including:

  • medicines;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • laser therapy.

Medicines used for corpus luteum cyst are aimed at eliminating it, improving blood circulation, restoring hormonal balance and combating possible inflammatory processes. The following tablets have proven themselves well in this area:

  • Tsvilin;
  • Medvitsin;
  • Livicin.

In addition, Duphaston can be used: it is a progesterone substitute. The main effect of the drug is aimed at reducing the size of the formation, however, it can be taken in the absence of the following contraindications:

  • liver diseases;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • tumors of a malignant nature.

During the therapy period, the patient must avoid heavy physical activity and should also avoid sex for a while. Failure to comply with these rules may cause twisting of the pedicle of the FJ, which will negatively affect the progress of treatment. All this time, the woman must be under the supervision of a doctor, who after a couple of months should determine whether the therapy is helping. If the cyst continues to grow, a decision is made about the need for surgical intervention.

If the decision is positive, the patient undergoes laparoscopy. However, if bleeding occurs or the cyst is too large and may burst, the intervention method changes to laparotomy. These symptoms may indicate the need to completely remove the ovary. After surgery, in order to prevent relapses, a woman is recommended to carefully monitor her reproductive health, protect herself from stress overload, and try to prevent disruptions in the functioning of hormones.

Treatment of follicular ovarian cyst

  • Observation. Sometimes the neoplasm does not need to be treated, it goes away on its own, but the patient should be under constant supervision of doctors who will determine what the cyst looks like using ultrasound.
  • Physiotherapy. This method of treatment helps to create conditions for the regression of cystic formation. Modern devices are capable of delivering medications to the required areas of the body painlessly and without injuring the digestive system (electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis, magnetic therapy).
  • Oxygen therapy. It is used when the patient experiences stress as a result of the periodic return of the disease. The method has a beneficial effect on brain activity, helping to reduce emotional stress.
  • Hormonal and anti-inflammatory treatment. The method involves recommendations for taking oral contraceptives, anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamins.
  • Homeopathic and traditional treatment. When the size of the cystic formation does not exceed 5 cm, it can resolve spontaneously. To support the body and to speed up the process, you can use homeopathic and folk remedies.
  • Surgical intervention. Surgery will be required if PKJ cannot be cured with medications; it continues to grow. The intervention involves laparoscopy, removal or reduction of the size of the ovarian walls, and enucleation of the cyst.

Ovarian cysts are benign tumor-like formations of a round shape, filled with fluid, located in the tissue of the ovary or in close proximity to it. They differ from true tumors in the absence of cell proliferation in their walls. The size of these formations increases due to stretching by their contents.

Depending on the source, the following types of ovarian cysts are distinguished:

  • follicular, originating from follicles and occurring in 73% of cases;
  • corpus luteum cysts, observed in 5% of cases;
  • endometrioid, formed from abnormally located endometrial cells and occurring in 10% of patients;
  • paraovarian, emanating from the tissues around the ovary and occurring in 10% of cases;
  • thecalutein - rare (2%), arising from atrophic follicles containing special thecalutein cells;
  • dermoid - very rare cases.

Ovarian cysts can occur at any age, even in newborn girls. Most often they occur in middle-aged women. During menopause, they are observed in 15 women out of 100.

Reasons for the formation of pathology

The main causes of ovarian cysts are associated with congestive hyperemia of the pelvic organs, that is, the accumulation of blood in them with impaired circulation. The mechanism of this condition may be associated with the inflammatory process, disruption of hormonal regulation and other factors.

The main risk factors for developing the disease:

  • first menstruation before age 12 years;
  • numerous abortions;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • obesity of the Cushingoid type, that is, fat deposition mainly in the upper half of the body and on the arms;
  • use of Tamoxifen.

Types of cystic formations of the ovaries

Follicular ovarian cyst

This formation occurs at the site of a cystic atretic follicle. This process develops against the background of an increase in the level of estrogen and chronic, that is, when the egg in the follicle does not mature and does not come out of it. It is more common at a young age, but also occurs in fetuses, newborns and postmenopausal women.

The criterion by which a normal maturing follicle is distinguished from a cyst is its size. Normally, the diameter of the follicle does not exceed 30 mm. If fluid continues to accumulate in the follicle cavity, it turns into a cyst.

The structure of a follicular cyst is a thin-walled formation. Its walls are lined with follicular cells, and the outside is covered with connective tissue. Subsequently, the follicular cells are exfoliated, and flat or cubic cells are found on the inner surface.

Follicular cysts are often unilocular. In rare cases, several of them are formed; they are closely adjacent to each other, which creates the impression of multi-chamber. The diameter of such formations does not exceed 60 mm; there is light content inside.

In most women, follicular cysts do not cause any symptoms. Only sometimes do they cause a delay in the onset of menstruation. During their formation (second half of the cycle), aching, mild pain in the lower abdomen is possible.

How dangerous is a follicular cyst?

It can cause complications:

  • torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst;
  • hemorrhage into its cavity;
  • wall rupture.

Clinically, all these conditions are manifested by severe pain, nausea and vomiting. Torsion of the leg leads to its swelling and increase in size. Symptoms of an “acute abdomen” appear.

Diagnosis is carried out using examination and ultrasound (ultrasound). During a gynecological examination, a follicular cyst is defined as a round, smooth, elastic formation on the side or in front of the uterus, up to 6 cm in size, mobile, and almost painless on palpation. More often there is a process on one side, for example, the right ovary. Formations of the right and left ovaries at the same time are usually the result of hyperstimulation according to programs.

A dynamic ultrasound is performed to distinguish a follicular cyst from a serous cystadenoma, a dangerous tumor. Blood flow testing helps to identify areas of medium-intensity blood circulation along the periphery of the formation.

If a follicular ovarian cyst has not led to the development of complications, when it is detected, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular anesthetic suppositories, are prescribed and observed for 6-8 weeks. Sometimes hormonal agents are also used. Usually it gradually decreases in size and completely disappears after 2-3 menstrual cycles.

Helps determine the presence of a cyst. In this state, the corresponding graph will not show changes characteristic of ovulation. When the process disappears and ovulation resumes, the schedule returns to normal.

If the formation does not disappear, and conservative treatment does not bring effect, perform. During perimenopause, it is quite common to remove the ovary and tube on the affected side. After the operation, vitamins, nootropics are prescribed, and dynamic observation is carried out. The question of what is better – treatment or surgery – is decided by the doctor after observation over several menstrual cycles.

The prognosis for a woman’s life and health in this condition is favorable. The cyst does not develop into cancer and in most cases heals on its own. This type of formation is functional, that is, caused not so much by a pathological process as by the normal functioning of the body.

Corpus luteum cyst (luteal)

After ovulation, the follicle bursts, an egg is released from it, and in the place of the burst formation, under the influence of hormones, a corpus luteum is formed. If blood flow or lymph circulation in it is disrupted, it can form. It is formed between the ages of 16 and 45 years. This type of ovarian formation is also functional and not associated with a serious disease of the organ.

The inner surface of the corpus luteum cyst is formed by luteal or thecaluteal cells. Hence, thecallutein cysts are separated into a separate morphological form.

There are often no symptoms of ovarian cysts. Only in rare cases are delays in menstruation possible. At the time of its formation (after ovulation), patients are sometimes bothered by pain in the lower abdomen.

The most common adverse consequence is hemorrhage or bleeding into the cavity of the cystic formation. If it is intense, blood loss into the abdominal cavity can cause signs of an “acute abdomen” - sudden severe pain, decreased blood pressure, pallor, cold extremities, bleeding from the genital tract, and others. An emergency puncture of the posterior vaginal vault helps to diagnose this condition, during which blood is detected in the pelvic cavity.

In many women, the cystic formation of the corpus luteum gradually decreases in size. Luteal cells are replaced by connective tissue, and the cystic formation practically disappears.

Diagnosis of this condition is based on examination, color Doppler mapping (CDC) and laparoscopy.

On a bimanual pelvic examination, the mass is usually located lateral or posterior to the uterus. It is elastic, round, has a smooth surface, diameter up to 8 mm. the cyst may be moderately painful.

Ultrasound reveals the heterogeneity of the picture: multiple mesh bridges, blood clots, and other hyperechoic dense inclusions are visible. If, with CDK, the doctor finds areas of blood flow inside the lesion, this allows one to exclude an ovarian tumor. In other cases, there is blood flow only along the periphery of the formation, as with ovarian cancer. In this case, differential diagnosis can be carried out using repeated examinations.

There is no drug treatment for ovarian cysts. If the process in the corpus luteum has not disappeared within 3 menstrual cycles, an operation is performed to remove the cyst on the ovary laparoscopically - by removing it from healthy ovarian tissue. The prognosis for this condition is favorable.

Paraovarian cyst

Paraovarian cystic processes arise from the germinal tissues that form the ovaries. They are located between the two layers of the broad ligament of the uterus, running along its entire lateral surface to the tubes and ovaries. Most often, these formations are diagnosed in women under 40 years of age. They are often found in girls or teenage girls. The size of an ovarian cyst can be from 5 cm to a gigantic size, when it occupies the entire volume of the abdominal cavity.

It has a round or oval shape, elastic consistency, and its contents are transparent. Most often, this is a single-chamber formation located above and to the side of the uterus. With its upper part it is adjacent to the deformed fallopian tube. One of its edges is in contact with the ovary. Thus, the ovary and fallopian tube bypass the paraovarian cyst from above to reach the uterus. Its wall consists of connective tissue with areas of muscle fibers; from the inside it can be lined with different types of epithelium.

As the formation grows, it begins to gradually protrude forward, pulling the broad ligament of the uterus along with it. This forms a leg into which the ovarian ligament or the fallopian tube itself can enter.

Clinically, such processes do not manifest themselves for a long time. Sometimes patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen. With large sizes of the formation, the abdomen increases. In rare cases, a paraovarian cyst causes menstrual irregularities and infertility. The main complication is torsion of the leg with the development of signs of an “acute abdomen”.

A two-handed examination from the side and above the uterus reveals a painless formation, 5 to 15 cm in diameter, smooth, of a tight-elastic consistency, difficult to displace.

Ultrasound reveals a single-chamber formation, with the ovary visualized separately. This is the main sign that allows one to distinguish paraovarian cystic processes from other diseases. With CDK, blood flow in its tissues is not determined.

Treatment of an ovarian cyst involves its removal laparoscopically. The operation helps to avoid adhesions in the pelvic organs and such unpleasant consequences of ovarian cysts as secondary infertility. The process does not recur. The prognosis for health and life is favorable.

Endometrioid cyst

Initially, the disease cavity does not form; endometrioid formations are represented by small foci on the surface of the ovaries. Subsequently, a cyst of one ovary up to 6 cm in size appears. There is a slightly pronounced one. As the disease progresses, cavities form on both ovaries; they can reach gigantic sizes and are accompanied by pronounced adhesions between the pelvic organs.

Clinically small endometrioid cystic lesions may not be evident. Most patients then experience painful menstruation. The pain radiates to the rectum, sacrum, and lower back. The pain intensifies with physical activity and sexual intercourse. Can such a cyst burst? Yes, and if this happens, a picture of an acute abdomen will develop. A common complication of endometriotic lesions is infertility.

May affect one or both ovaries. Its size can reach 10 cm. Its surface is smooth, dense, and adhesions with surrounding tissues are characteristic. The contents are hemorrhagic, so it has a peculiar brown (“chocolate”) color. With a micro-tear in the wall, the pain syndrome sharply increases, and then pronounced adhesions with neighboring organs develop.

Some forms of endometrioid cysts are capable of malignancy (glandular, glandular-cystic endometriosis).

Diagnosis of endometrioid cystic processes is carried out using ultrasound with colorectal dosage and laparoscopically.

How to treat the disease? Therapy is carried out surgically, often using the laparoscopic method. Laparotomy, that is, abdominal surgery to remove an ovarian cyst, is possible for large sizes, pronounced adhesions, combination with, or other diseases of the internal genital organs. After surgery, hormonal therapy is prescribed to prevent relapse of the disease. Drugs for the treatment of endometrioid processes: progestogens (for example, Duphaston), estrogen-progestogen agents, gonadotropin releasing factor agonists, antigonadotropins.

Dermoid cyst

The contents are fat, cartilage tissue, sometimes hair, nails and even teeth. It occurs as a result of abnormal intrauterine development. This cavity grows gradually without causing any symptoms. Complications are torsion of the leg and inflammation of the formation. Despite the favorable prognosis, dermoid cysts, like other types, should be removed using laparoscopy.

Impact of neoplasm on other conditions

Many young women who have this pathology are interested in the question: is it possible to get pregnant with this disease? The likelihood of pregnancy is reduced, and in the presence of large endometrioid cysts and adhesions in the abdominal cavity, infertility may even occur.

Therefore, timely surgical treatment is recommended before the cyst reaches a large size. This will allow for organ-preserving intervention. Pregnancy after laparoscopic removal proceeds normally.

If pregnancy occurs against the background of a cystic process, this is not dangerous. Functional formations on the ovary most often resolve by mid-pregnancy.

An ovarian cyst during pregnancy may appear for the first time in the first trimester. This is the so-called corpus luteum cyst. In the vast majority of cases, it resolves on its own.

Patients after removal of the uterus are not immune from the appearance of pathology. While maintaining normal hormonal function, the same formations with the same complications as in healthy women can occur in this organ.

Uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts are often combined with each other, as they have similar hormonal mechanisms of development. This is especially true for endometrioid cysts. Usually, during surgery to remove myomatous nodes, cystic cavities are also desquamated.

Malignant cystic formations

In some cases, the consequence of an ovarian cyst is a cystoma. This is a benign tumor that grows quickly and reaches large sizes. Some types of cysts, in particular mucous cysts, have a tendency to malignancy, turning into a cancerous tumor.

Cystoma is accompanied by menstrual irregularities, abdominal pain, constipation, and infertility. It is often complicated by torsion of the leg, rupture of the capsule with internal bleeding, suppuration with the formation of peritonitis, as well as malignant degeneration.

To diagnose a cystoma, ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is used. The diagnosis is confirmed by laparoscopy with biopsy. In most cases, this intervention is also therapeutic in nature.

Sometimes there is a need for laparotomy. In this case, a piece of tissue is taken from women and sent for emergency histological examination. If the cells are malignant, the scope of the operation expands.

Malignant cystomas are also treated with chemotherapy, hormonal drugs, and radiation methods.

The appearance of an ovarian cyst in a little girl or woman at the age of 45 should make the doctor wary of the development of cancer. In many cases, a malignant ovarian tumor looks like a large cystic cavity, manifested by distant metastases. If malignancy is suspected, it is mandatory to determine the tumor marker CA-125 in the blood.

Of course, cystic ovarian lesions are not a fatal disease. However, to prevent its growth and complications, a woman must follow some rules.

All types of such ovarian lesions are a contraindication for thermal procedures. You cannot visit the sauna, go to the steam room, or take hot baths. You should avoid all types of physiotherapy and cosmetic treatments associated with wraps of the lower half of the abdomen. An increase in temperature and pressure in the abdominal cavity can provoke rupture of the formation or torsion of its legs.

You should avoid gymnastic exercises that involve tension in the abdominal muscles.

Any medications should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Left ovarian cyst is a female disease, for the treatment of which drug therapy or surgery is prescribed. Functional pathologies rarely require medication and often resolve on their own. Epithelial formations are dangerous due to the possibility of degeneration into a cancerous tumor, and therefore require surgery.

What causes a left ovarian cyst?

The exact causes of left ovarian cysts are known only for functional types of pathology. They are a consequence of various menstrual cycle disorders, including:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • taking medications that affect the course of the cycle;
  • inflammatory or infectious processes in the genital organs;
  • stress, chronic fatigue.

Often, cystic formations appear during natural hormonal imbalances. These include adolescence and premenopause, recent childbirth, and cessation of breastfeeding.

The causes of organic cysts are more difficult to determine. Their development is influenced by both the above symptoms and conditions, as well as some other factors:

  • early onset of menstruation;
  • late menopause;
  • rare intimate life;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • bad ecology;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • the presence of childbirth, abortion, miscarriages;
  • undergone surgical interventions.

Women in whom this organ is considered dominant are more susceptible to damage to the left appendage. In this case, ovulation and the release of the egg occurs from it.

Certain types of pathologies have specific causes of development. For example, endometrioid cysts are a consequence of endometriosis of the uterus and its tubes. Dermoid formation is the result of a violation of the intrauterine formation of the embryo.

Symptoms of the disease

Small cysts, up to 3-4 cm in diameter, do not cause any symptoms. The exception is functional formations, which even at the smallest size can cause a delay in menstruation. The arrival of subsequent periods is characterized by pain and greater bleeding.

Symptoms that occur when a left ovarian cyst reaches a size larger than 5 cm:

  • aching pain in the left lower abdomen - intensifies with intimacy, physical activity, or staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • irregularity of the monthly cycle - there are delays in menstruation, the amount of bleeding changes, pain appears in the first days of the cycle, this symptom may be absent in the presence of some types of epithelial cysts;
  • increased frequency of urination, failure of the intestines - a consequence of their compression by a growing formation;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities and their swelling are a symptom of a large ovarian pathology that compresses the blood and lymphatic vessels in the pelvis;
  • enlargement of the left lower abdomen - occurs when the diameter of the formation is more than 10-15 cm;
  • intermenstrual uterine bleeding;
  • pathological vaginal discharge with bloody impurities.

In many cases, small cysts of the left ovary are discovered only during a routine medical examination.

Sometimes the patient’s health worsens, weakness, mild nausea appear, and mood swings are present. Such signs of pathology appear against the background of organ pain and hormonal imbalance.

Read also Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods for ovarian adenoma

Diagnostic methods

To identify the disease, it is necessary to conduct laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. With its help, the type of cyst, the reason for its development, and the degree of damage to the genital organs are determined. Types of examinations:

Type of study Possible results
General blood and urine tests Most often, no pathologies are detected. It is only possible to detect inflammation in organs
Vaginal smear Assessment of local microflora, examination of the presence of infections
Examination of hormonal levels A woman needs to determine the level of estradiol, prolactin, progesterone, 17-OH progesterone, FSH, LH, TSH, T3, T4. Deviations in the levels of several hormones are often detected
Ultrasound Examination of the internal genital organs, the degree of their damage. Measurements of the diameter of the cyst, assessment of its structure to identify the type of pathology
CT and MRI More effective instrumental diagnostic methods than ultrasound. They allow you to obtain results not only about the condition of the uterus, appendages and formation, but also about the nearest vessels and lymph nodes. Used when it is difficult to determine the type of cyst
Blood tests for tumor markers Exclusion of the course of the oncological process
Laparoscopic biopsy Necessary if it is impossible to determine the type of formation using instrumental methods. Usually prescribed when the presence of a malignant tumor is suspected

A gynecologist can make a diagnosis such as a left ovarian cyst only based on the results of a comprehensive examination. If a malfunction is detected in other endocrine organs, treatment is prescribed together with an endocrinologist.

Types of formations

There are several types of cysts that can form on the left ovary. Functional types include:

  1. Follicular. Consequence of lack of ovulation. Develops from an unruptured follicle. Able to go away on its own in 2-3 cycles.
  2. Corpus luteum cyst. Appears when there are disturbances in the second phase of the cycle, in the absence of regression of the corpus luteum. Rarely requires treatment and may disappear within 2-3 months.
  3. Polycystic ovary syndrome. Multiple formation of small follicular cysts on the appendage. The main reason is hormonal imbalance in the first phase of the cycle. Needs medication.

Functional formations do not pose a particular threat to the life and health of a woman due to the lack of the ability to become malignant.

Types of organic cysts of the appendages:

Name of cystic formation Description
Endometrioid Occurs when the ovaries are affected by endometriosis, which is initially present in the uterus. The formation measures 4-8 cm and contains brown liquid mixed with blood. Often accompanied by bloody discharge in different phases of the cycle. When small in size, amenable to drug therapy
Dermoid Capable of reaching large sizes. Includes soft and bone tissues, nails, hair that appeared due to failure of intrauterine development. Begins to grow actively during adolescence
Mucinous Most often it consists of many chambers filled with mucus. Has the ability to quickly increase and reach a diameter of 15-50 cm. Usually diagnosed after 45-50 years
Paraovarian It has a leg with which it is attached to the ovary. In this regard, the cyst has an increased tendency to torsion and rupture

Usually formations occur on only one of the appendages. In case of bilateral organ damage, surgical intervention is required.

How to treat a left ovarian cyst

Treatment methods for left ovarian cysts in women vary depending on the type of pathology diagnosed. Treatment includes medications or surgery. Physiotherapy courses and some folk remedies can be used to speed up recovery.

Therapy of functional pathologies

Small functional cysts do not require treatment. In this case, the doctor prescribes regular monitoring of their condition. Normally, their size decreases over time, and the formation completely disappears within a few months. If there is no regression or continued growth, drug therapy is prescribed. It includes taking the following medications:

  • hormonal – regulate the course of the menstrual cycle;
  • oral contraceptives - put the ovaries into “sleep”, after their abrupt withdrawal, the work of the organs resumes with a vengeance, which significantly increases the chance of conception;
  • immunostimulants – increase the level of immunity;
  • anti-inflammatory – necessary in the presence of inflammation in the genital organs;
  • antibacterial - prescribed when infections and fungi are detected;
  • painkillers – relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease;
  • vitamins – gently regulate the cycle, restore the functioning of the appendages.

Surgeries to eliminate functional pathologies are rarely prescribed. This is necessary if there is no effectiveness from taking medications, the size of the cysts is more than 6-8 cm. The intervention in this case is accompanied by hormonal therapy that supports the functionality of the left appendage.

Treatment of epithelial cysts

To eliminate organic types of formations, surgical intervention is required. The operation is carried out in one of two ways:

  1. Laparoscopy. It is used for small benign pathologies. During this procedure, the left ovarian cyst is removed through small punctures in the abdominal cavity. The appendage is completely preserved or the affected tissue is partially removed.
  2. Laparotomy. Necessary in cases of damage to both organs, a large size of the left ovarian cyst, or the presence of a malignant process. In the latter case, both appendages and the uterus can be removed - this eliminates relapse of the disease. Laparotomy surgery is performed by making one large incision in the peritoneum, through which all manipulations are carried out.

If the left appendage is removed as a result of its damage by a malignant cyst, a woman can have children. This is likely with a normally functioning right organ.

Rehabilitation after surgery to remove a left ovarian cyst lasts 1-2 months. At this time, the patient should avoid physical activity, give up intimate life, visiting baths, saunas, and taking baths. The seams should be treated with antiseptics daily.

When, after an examination, the doctor says the phrase “You have ovarian cystosis,” many women panic. What to do next? How is this treated? Is it possible to remove a tumor without surgery? It’s good when the doctor is sensitive and explains to the patient the whole essence of the problem. If not, you have to figure out the issue yourself.

Follicular ovarian cyst

An ovarian cyst is a cavity filled with fluid. Unlike a tumor, such a neoplasm grows and enlarges due to the addition of fluid, and not due to cell proliferation.Follicular ovarian cystprovokes a lack of ovulation. When the corpus luteum does not come out to meet the sperm, and the follicle continues to develop, fluid accumulates inside.

Any follicularcystic ovarian formationin gynecology it is usually called retention. Based on the nature of fluid accumulation, it is divided into several subtypes:

  • Luteal tumor - a change appears if ovulation has occurred, but liquid contents still continue to accumulate in the endocrine gland.
  • Serous cystosis - most often affects only one ovary, is formed from the corpus luteum and contains gray, yellowish or brown fluid inside.
  • Mucinous formation - has a bilateral or two-chamber lesion. These capsules are filled with mucus and are very similar to jelly.


Hemorrhagic ovarian cystis another classification of follicular neoplasms. Its peculiarity is that instead of cloudy liquid, blood or blood clots begin to accumulate inside the follicle. This formation can affect the left and right ovary, is considered a complication of the disease and requires immediate treatment. A hemorrhagic growth can develop as a result of lifting weights, due to injuries, during rough sexual intercourse, and even as a result of an improper gynecological examination.


The name alone gives women a hint,what is an ovarian cystendometriotic origin. Such capsules are formed as a result of mutation of endometrial cells. They have thick walls, and inside, instead of a greyish, bloody or yellow liquid, there is a dark brown content (which is why it is sometimes called chocolate). More often than other women fromendometrioid cyst on the ovarythose who were previously diagnosed with endometriosis suffer. Find out in more detail what folk remedies and medicines are.


Only 20% of women are susceptible to developingdermoid cyst of the ovary– a benign tumor, shaped like a circle or oval. The size of such a formation can reach 15 centimeters, and the cavity inside it is filled with fat, hair, cartilage, bones, teeth or fragments of other tissues. The exact origin of this form has not yet been established, but it is believed that the main cause is a disturbance in the structure of the tissues of the embryo. Therefore, dermoid cysts are more often diagnosed in adolescence or childhood.


Paraovarian ovarian cystwomen of reproductive age are affected. This type of disease does not affect the gland itself, but the supraovarian appendage. The size of the capsule can be different and range from very tiny to huge tumors. As in the case of a dermoid cyst, the causes of the appearance of paraovarian growths have not yet been precisely established.

Torsion of ovarian cyst

When the growth reaches a large size, and a leg appears at the base of the tumor, the likelihood oftorsion of ovarian cyst.As a result, the veins are compressed and blood flow worsens. If, against the background of this, the size of the capsule continues to grow, there is a chance that the walls may burst. It is possible to provoke torsion in several cases:

  • from lifting weights;
  • with sudden movements;
  • during pregnancy;
  • for constipation, poor intestinal permeability;
  • with weakness of the abdominal muscles.

Ovarian cyst - symptoms

As a rule, a woman learns about the presence of such a disease only after a gynecological examination in a chair or an ultrasound examination. Often the disease does not manifest itself and goes away on its own over time. Much less oftensigns of ovarian cysts in womenhave a pronounced character. The following symptoms indicate that it is time to seek help from a doctor:

  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • heaviness in the hip region;
  • heavy bleeding during menstruation, irregular menstruation;
  • weakness, nausea, sometimes vomiting after sexual intercourse or intense exercise;
  • pressure in the abdomen during urination;
  • constant body temperature above 38°C;
  • sudden weight loss with a normal diet.

Right ovarian cyst

It is impossible to determine the presence of an uncomplicated form of tumor on the right or left without medical equipment. In cases where the process has escalated,cyst on the right ovarywill make itself known:

  • sharp pain in the right side;
  • abdominal muscle tension;
  • bloody discharge that is in no way related to menstruation;
  • frequent urge to urinate, but scanty emptying;
  • asymmetrical enlargement of the right side of the abdomen.

Left ovarian cyst

About what is functionalcyst on left ovaryhas grown to an impressive size, a woman can determine by the presence of the following signs:

  • nagging pain, mainly in the left side of the abdomen;
  • tachycardia;
  • false desire to urinate;
  • feeling of pressure in the pelvis;
  • weight gain;
  • acute pain in the middle of the cycle, followed by spotting vaginal discharge.

Rupture of an ovarian cyst - symptoms

At ruptured ovarian cyst typical symptoms are considered:

  • fever that does not go away even after taking antipyretic medications;
  • the appearance of acute, incessant pain in the hip part of the abdomen;
  • general weakness, pallor of the skin;
  • presence of signs of poisoning: nausea, vomiting;
  • spotting of brown or bright scarlet color;
  • a sharp decrease in pressure.

Causes of occurrence

Why does a cyst appear on the ovary in women?It is not reliably known even by qualified doctors, but it is generally accepted that in most cases the following body conditions are to blame:

  • Hormone imbalance. Therefore, the disease can affect young girls with an unstable menstrual cycle, adult women during menopause (menopause) or pregnant women.
  • Stress, nervous shock, chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  • Endocrine diseases. Excess body weight, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism are especially dangerous for women. These diseases can provoke multiple polycystic disease.

In addition, a large amount of male hormones in the body provokes the development of polycystic disease. Those with too much estrogen are more likely to develop endometriomas. Women at risk include nulliparous women or those who have recently had an abortion. But for those who gave birthovarian cystappears rarely. Gynecologists argue about whether it is necessary to remove a tumor if it is diagnosed during pregnancy.


A chance to detect the presence in time and begin proper treatmentovarian cysts - diagnosisand regular gynecological examination. Since it is impossible to distinguish a cyst from a malignant tumor by touch, the patient will need to undergo an ultrasound, which will reveal the nature of the formation. If, based on the results of such an analysis, the doctor determines the presence of a functional cyst, then treatment, as a rule, is not prescribed - it should resolve on its own. However, regular visits to the doctor and reduction of physical activity will become mandatory criteria.

When the nature of cystic neoplasms is in doubt, the gynecologist asks the woman to take additional blood tests - tumor markers (for endometrioma they are slightly elevated). If doctors’ hesitations remain even after such an examination, diagnostic laparoscopy may be needed - a surgical research technique when the doctor examines the organ from the inside through two small incisions.

Ovarian cyst - treatment

With functionalovarian cyst treatmentnot required. As practice shows, such capsules dissolve on their own without surgical intervention or medication. However, a woman with a similar diagnosis must regularly visit a gynecologist, undergo a transvaginal ultrasound examination and take a hormonal blood test.


Laparoscopy - surgery to remove ovarian cystis prescribed only when the size of the tumor has reached its maximum point or if the capsule with liquid has a leg and there is a high chance of bending it. The essence of the operation is that through a small puncture the abdominal cavity is filled with carbon dioxide, which facilitates the removal of pelvic tumors. After such a surgical intervention, you need to follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • Bed rest is prescribed for two weeks.
  • You will have to give up sexual contact and sports for a month.
  • In the first three months you must follow a diet. She prescribes the inclusion of foods rich in fiber and a complete avoidance of fried, spicy and salty foods.

Without surgery

For many reasons, tumor removal using a laparoscope may not be possible, for example, when the patient suffers from poor blood clotting or cannot tolerate anesthesia. In this case, the question arises:how to treat ovarian cyst? Taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs helps relieve inflammation, especially in the first days of menstruation. Physiotherapy is sometimes recommended. Among the medications most often chosen:

  • Duphaston;
  • Wobenzym;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Fluconazole.

In addition, with functional neoplasms, women are often advised to take combined oral contraceptives to normalize hormone levels. Alternatively, traditional medicine may be available. Help to cure cyst formation:

  • onion tampons, made from nettle, mumiyo and honey, aloe or Kalanchoe;
  • decoctions and tinctures of herbs: boron uterus, currants, thyme, wormwood, hawthorn, white damselfish, calendula, flaxseed;
  • medicinal ointments based on sea buckthorn oil, beeswax, eggs and aloe juice.


The doctor will additionally outline the scope of prohibited and permitted actions. Basiccontraindications for ovarian cystsare as follows:

  • if the formation progresses, you need to give up steam rooms and sunbathing;
  • moderate sex, as too intense sexual intercourse can lead to strain;
  • Avoid physical activity on the lower abdomen.

Is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst?

Especially often young girls are concerned about the questionIs it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst?Any gynecologist will give an affirmative answer, but only if it remains the same size and belongs to the follicular group. It is worth saying that after removal of a tumor, pregnancy is an ideal option to avoid complications, because the operation itself is regularly performed to treat infertility.

Why is an ovarian cyst dangerous?

Is an ovarian cyst dangerous?, will be determined only by a qualified doctor after passing all the necessary tests. If the tumor does not grow and the disease is asymptomatic, there is no need to worry too much. However, whenovarian cystosisprogresses, the consequences can be serious, for example:

  • the emergence of problems such as: dysbiosis, hormonal imbalance, infertility;
  • disturbances in the normal functioning of nearby organs;
  • Oncological diseases may appear later.


The ovaries in women are paired organs that are responsible for ovulation and also secrete the necessary female hormones. Like other pelvic organs, the ovaries require regular examination, for which ultrasound examination may be performed.

Often the conclusion of a pelvic ultrasound is a fluid formation in the right or left ovary. What it is, interests women. This formation is called a cyst; it is a cavity, most often a follicle, filled with fluid. Do not be alarmed, this condition may not require treatment, but you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

Liquid formations can have different sizes, sometimes they are very large, up to 10-15 cm in diameter. Such formations occur mainly in women of reproductive age, and in the vast majority of cases they resolve on their own, and the patient is not even aware of their appearance.

There are several types of liquid neoplasms in the ovary:

  • Corpus luteum cyst.
  • Follicular cyst.
  • Paraovarian tumors;
  • Mucinous tumors.

All types of fluid formations can become malignant, especially mucinous tumors, so they require specialist supervision. If the formation grows and causes discomfort to the woman, it must be removed. In addition, a bubble with fluid may burst, then all the fluid with blood will flow into the abdominal cavity, causing inflammation.


A fluid formation in the right or left ovary can appear in any woman or girl, regardless of what kind of sex life she leads, whether she has given birth, etc. Most often, fluid accumulation is associated with failure during ovulation.

Normally, every month an egg matures on the ovary inside a follicle, which bursts on the day of ovulation. But sometimes a malfunction occurs, then fluid forms in the follicle, which provokes the formation of a cyst.

Liquid formation can form against the background of hormonal imbalances, infectious diseases, and endocrine pathologies. Multiple fluid formations are called polycystic; this condition occurs due to endocrine disorders and causes infertility.

There are also a number of negative factors that increase the risk of cysts:

  • promiscuity;
  • untreated infections;
  • hypothermia;
  • weak immunity;
  • poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency;
  • passive lifestyle.

All these factors have a bad effect on the body as a whole, and can provoke not only the appearance of fluid formation, but also many other serious disorders.


In most cases, women do not even suspect that they periodically develop fluid formations in the ovaries, because they may not be accompanied by any symptoms. In such cases, the cyst appears on its own and resolves after a couple of menstrual cycles.

Unfortunately, this does not always happen. If the cyst does not resolve, it gradually increases in size; this often happens if the formation is accompanied by adnexitis, that is, inflammation of the appendages. Then the patient complains of the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen during the cycle;
  • painful periods;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • copious whitish discharge;
  • Irregular menstruation.

If the liquid formation reaches large sizes, then the following may occur:

  • spotting in the middle of the cycle and bleeding;
  • bloating;
  • nausea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • infertility due to lack of ovulation.

The cyst can burst, for example, during sexual intercourse or physical activity, in which case a sharp pain appears in the lower abdomen, which in intensity can even be compared to appendicitis. Sometimes this process is accompanied by bleeding from the vagina, but not always. Sharp, unbearable pain is a reason to call an ambulance. You can’t take painkillers in the hope that everything will go away on its own. Rupture of the cyst can result in serious complications.


How the liquid formation will be treated depends on its size and type. Most often, therapy is not required at all; the woman is prescribed to undergo examination after a while to assess whether the cyst is resolving or not.

To make the formation go away faster, hormonal medications, as well as anti-inflammatory and painkillers, and vitamins can be prescribed. Most often, a woman is prescribed oral contraceptives. Physiotherapeutic treatment is also indicated in complex therapy.

If the cyst continues to grow after a course of therapy, has an impressive size and causes pain, surgery will be required. Urgent surgery is indicated if there is a risk that the formation may develop into ovarian cancer or rupture.

Modern surgical treatment is carried out using laparoscopy, which does not leave large scars on the skin and does not require long-term rehabilitation.


Fluid formation in the ovary is a serious finding that requires treatment. If a woman decides to neglect going to the doctor, then she should be prepared for the following complications.

  • Ovarian cancer. This complication does not occur often, but there is still a small risk of malignancy of the cyst.
  • Ovarian apoplexy or rupture with hemorrhage. This disorder is quite severe; it provokes internal bleeding with large blood loss, which is life-threatening.
  • Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum. This condition can occur as a result of a cyst rupture. The pathology very often ends in death.
  • Torsion of the cyst stalk is accompanied by severe pain and can provoke necrosis of the cyst. If the pathology is not treated, it causes infertility and increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • A large cyst can cause intestinal obstruction.

As a rule, such complications arise in cases where treatment was not started in a timely manner. If you remove the cyst before complications appear in the general manner, then most likely there will be no consequences. Emergency cyst removal is often accompanied by the removal of the entire ovary and even the fallopian tube in some cases, which significantly reduces the chances of conceiving in the future.

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