Examples of mercy from the lives of real people. Examples of mercy

The essay contains references to the story by A. Pristavkin “Golden Fish”.

Option 1

Mercy is the kindness of the heart, because it is not for nothing that this word was formed from the words “sweet” and “heart”. It seems to me that the absence or presence of mercy largely determines a person’s behavior.

In A. Pristavkin’s story, the girls who caught a baby with a fish near the aquarium showed real mercy. They neither scolded Lucy nor punished her. The sight of this little girl amazed them. She herself looked like transparent fish. The girls realized that only terrible hunger forced Lyusenka to eat goldfish.

The girls begging for a piece of bread for Lyusenka in the middle of the night makes us believe that they will grow up to be kind, caring people.

Compassionate people make this world a better and kinder place.

Option 2

Mercy is kindness, it is the ability to feel someone else’s pain with your heart and ease it with deeds. The basis of mercy, in my opinion, is sincere pity and true love for a person.

Were it not these feelings that destroyed the anger of the girls, the characters in A. Pristavkin’s story, as soon as they saw the fish thief undressed? Pity for Lyusenka, who was so similar to the same transparent fish, made the girls’ hearts tremble. And Inna’s answer to the night nanny’s question indicates that the baby will not be left without attention. I think that everyone will remember this lesson of compassion: both Lyusenka and the girls.

An example of mercy today is the behavior of people who respond to requests to donate blood for the sick. This is what my grandfather and many other people did when they became donors for the victims of the subway disaster.

I think charity brings people together and makes them better people.

Option 3

Mercy is kindness combined with pity for someone and a desire to help. In life it is very important to be merciful, because mercy gives rise to a reciprocal feeling of love and gratitude.

You can imagine how the girls from A. Pristavkin’s text felt when they watched the goldfish disappear from the aquarium one after another. Imagine their amazement when they found the smallest girl, Lyusenka, at the crime scene. But the sight of the undressed baby left them speechless: Lyusenka herself looked like a bloodless fish. Pity for the child and kindness made the girls understand that this baby needs to be looked after and fed. That’s why Inna went to the kitchen in the middle of the night to ask for a piece of bread for Lucy.

I think that Lyusenka will never be evil, because she received an inoculation of mercy.

In the story by L.N. Tolstoy’s “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” the girl Dina also showed mercy to the captured officer Zhilin: seeing how he was suffering, she helped him escape.

Mercy can work miracles.

Option 4

Mercy is a complex concept that includes kindness, compassion, cordiality, the desire to take care of the weak and protect them. I consider mercy one of the most important qualities of a person.

Girls from orphanage, which we learn about from A. Pristavkin’s story, showed mercy when they did not punish Lyusenka for eating the fish. Her fragility and exhaustion amazed them. Therefore, they did not tell the night nanny about Lyusenka’s theft, but asked her for some bread for the baby.

I can call my rhythmic gymnastics teacher Marina Yuryevna merciful. She organized a shelter for stray dogs and attracted caring citizens for this purpose. Volunteers help her find homes for the shelter’s pets. I believe its creation would not have been possible if not for the kindness of everyone who participated and is participating in this matter.

Mercy makes even the weakest person strong.

Option 5

By mercy I mean the ability to have compassion for another person. This concept includes pity and the desire to help someone who is in trouble or in a difficult situation.

The story we are introduced to in A. Pristavkin’s story is, of course, about mercy. The pupils of the orphanage did not notice the smallest of them, Lyusenka, they did not care about her. When the girls caught her with a fish in her hand, they could severely punish the little girl for stealing. But they didn't do this. Lyusenka's vulnerability awakened mercy in them. After all, she herself resembled a skinny fish that she wanted to protect. That’s why Inna rushed to get bread for the baby.

There are many merciful people living in Russia. On television, viewers are regularly thanked for helping to raise money for children for expensive treatment or for not leaving the region affected by a natural disaster in the lurch.

Charity unites people, and that's wonderful! Material from the site

Option 6

I think that mercy is humanity, compassion, compassion, kindness. Mercy is tested only by a person's actions.

Let us turn to the text of A. Pristavkin for an example. When it was discovered that Lyusenka was stealing fish from the aquarium, the reader saw her through the eyes of the girls. “It was scary to look at her,” “thin, bloodless little body,” transparent skin. Lyusenka’s exhaustion forced the girls to immediately forgive her for the theft, and in this they showed real mercy!

There are also many examples of true mercy in our lives. Everyone knows the charitable foundations of Chulpan Khamatova and Natalia Vodianova. I think it was nothing other than mercy that pushed these people to the decision to use their fame for a good cause. The result of their activities is thousands of lives saved throughout the country and dozens of playgrounds in different regions of Russia.

The more mercy there is in our life, the less grief and suffering there will be.

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Many people are already tired of the selfishness and anger that reign in the world. Every day the news reports new atrocities, and they cause serious doubts about the ability of a person to show kindness and care for anyone other than himself. However, there are stories of people who, through their actions, set an example of kindness and compassion.

History of the Belogortsevs

Married couple Olga and Sergei Belogortsev do not have alarm clocks at home. Every morning they wake up to the barking of their pets. Olga hurries to prepare breakfast for them. Meanwhile, Sergei is cleaning up the yard. Four years ago, they could not even imagine that they would lead such a lifestyle.

And it all started with an accident. Sergei’s friend owed him money and decided to pay him off in a different way - he brought him a mastiff puppy named Gretta. At first, Sergei didn’t even think about leaving the dog at home. He advertised for sale and has already found buyers. The evening before the deal, Sergei went out for a walk with Gretta. Suspecting nothing, he buried himself in the phone, when suddenly a noise was heard from behind. Turning around, Sergei saw Gretta knock a man to the ground. He, mad with fear, ran away. Sergei saw a hammer on the ground: apparently, it was a robber whose dog prevented him from committing a crime and thereby saved his life. After this, of course, Sergei did not sell the dog, because it saved his life. Unfortunately, some time later Gretta died of a heart attack.

Why is the family of Sergei and Olga also an example of mercy from life? The fact is that in memory of the dog, they decided to open a shelter for four-legged animals at home with their own money. They built several enclosures in the yard. Over the course of four years, they produced about a hundred dogs, almost all of which later managed to find new owners. They treat the most exhausted animals right at home.

However, Sergei and Olga do not give away all the animals - there are also those that they decided to keep. For example, the dog Rada, whose tendons were cut. Her character is not very friendly, so married couple, not knowing how she would behave in her new home, she decided to keep Rada with her. Olga is a veterinarian by profession, and Sergey is an entrepreneur. It costs about 20 thousand rubles a month to maintain a horde of pets. Now the Belogortsev family has 20 dogs. Having cured and distributed some, they recruit new ones. They dream of building larger enclosures for their pets. The first step has already been taken - the family has purchased a plot of land.

The act of the crane operator

In 2016, Tamara Pastukhova, a crane operator from St. Petersburg, provided another example from life on the topic of mercy. She heroically saved the lives of three construction workers. Risking her life, she helped them get out of the fire. The fire broke out in the evening on a section of the highway under construction. The insulation and sheathing of reinforced concrete bridge piers caught fire. The total area of ​​the fire was about one hundred meters. When the fire started, the woman heard the screams of the workers - they became hostages of the fire that broke out right on the scaffolding. A cradle was attached to the crane boom, and the workers were lowered to the ground. Tamara herself also had to be rescued from the fire.

How to become merciful?

It is not enough just to know examples of mercy from life. This quality can be learned. To become merciful, you need to do good deeds. The easiest way to find mercy is to be around those who need help. For example, someone may feel compassion for an old man in need of help, another for an orphan. The third will want to do good deeds for people in the hospital. Mercy is shown where there is human need. An essay about mercy and real-life examples may contain the stories described. You can also do good deeds on your own.

Many saints and their followers helped people in one way or another, but some of them devoted their lives specifically to social and medical service. We hear the names of some during the sacrament of anointing, when the priest anoints the sick. Others are known by their achievements in medical science or by winged words, loved by people.

One of the most revered holy doctors is the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon. Having miraculously turned to Christ - after the prayerful resurrection of a dead child, the healer spent his entire life serving his neighbors and the Lord free of charge, and in the end suffered for this as a martyr. A Russian monastery on Mount Athos is consecrated in his name, where its venerable head is kept today. In the Church of All Saints who shone forth in the Russian Land there is an image of a healer.

Among our compatriots, those closest to everyone are Venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna,Righteous Juliania Lazarevskaya, Fyodor Petrovich Haaz and Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky.

The life of righteous Juliana is remarkable in that her holiness took shape in the circle of everyday economic life, despite the fact that she was a married wealthy woman, had children, lived in obedience to her mother-in-law, had servants, a large household, and did not have the opportunity not only to go to a monastery , but also attend church regularly. And, nevertheless, she found time and energy to serve God and her neighbors: she prayed at night, did handicrafts and gave alms to the poor, treated her family with obedience - and lived righteously.

If you search on the Internet for “sisterhood in the name of the Venerable Martyr Elizabeth,” you will find more than 20 thousand mentions of this phrase. In Novosibirsk alone there are three sisterhoods consecrated in her name.

There is such an ardent desire among sisters of mercy throughout the country to be involved in the work of life Grand Duchess is also explained by the fact that it was she who introduced into practice new uniform social and medical service to neighbors, different from both the service of monasticism and private secular charity. The nuns of the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy - of which Elisaveta Fedorovna was the abbess - did not take monastic vows. However, they lived in community, maintained chastity, attended divine services daily, and worked all day long in obedience to serving people in need.

In our church, not far from the entrance, there is an icon of the Martyr Elizabeth (photo), and the Sisterhood, which is consecrated in her name, has a small library of books and films about her.

The surgeon saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky is a close contemporary to us. He reposed on June 11, 1961, on the feast of all saints who shone in the Russian land, having survived the revolution, civil and Great Patriotic War, persecution, exile and becoming completely blind towards the end of his life. Vladyka was miraculously able to simultaneously receive recognition from his flock and from the Soviet state - for scientific work“Essays on purulent surgery” he received the Stalin Prize.

In a sermon on January 28, 1951, the saint said: “You ask: “Lord, Lord! Is it easy to be persecuted? Is it easy to go through the narrow gate on a narrow and rocky path? You will ask in bewilderment, perhaps doubt will creep into your heart, is the yoke of Christ easy? And I will tell you: “Yes, yes! Easy, and extremely easy..."

And of course it is known to many catchphrase prison doctor Fyodor Petrovich Gaaz, which he often said during his life, and which was written on his grave: “Hurry to do good!”

  • Mercy provides an opportunity to come closer to understanding the church commandments.
  • Mercy gives strength - it is enough even to forgive enemies.
  • Mercy gives confidence in the correctness of deeds and actions caused by this feeling.
  • Mercy gives joy - the joy of giving up negative emotions.

Showing mercy in everyday life

  • Gospel of Matthew; The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans - mercy is embodied in a sympathetic attitude towards people and is opposed to neglect.
  • Charity - consistent mercy presupposes not just goodwill, but also understanding of another person and active participation in the life of another. In public life, service such participation may appear in the form of charity.
  • Prayer – prayer for the sinner best example mercy.
  • Justice - conditional punishment for a real crime is nothing more than mercy towards the criminal.

How to develop compassion in yourself

  • Reading. Reading religious literature (this is true of any religion) teaches mercy.
  • Participation in charity events. Effective mercy penetrates the soul more easily and takes hold in it.
  • Way of thinking. By practicing conscious refusal to judge someone, a person learns mercy.
  • Sensitivity and attentiveness to the surrounding world. Only those who are able to “hear” the feelings of another person can be truly merciful.

Golden mean

Indifference | complete absence mercy


Permissiveness | perverted understanding of mercy

Winged expressions about mercy

Our hearts often slam shut before the pleas of the poor with such a thud that it can be heard in heaven. - Henry Longfellow - A bone thrown to a dog is not mercy. Mercy is a bone shared with a dog when you are as hungry as he is. - Jack London - The coldness of mercy is the silence of the heart; the flame of mercy is the murmur of the heart. - Aurelius Augustine - He who is full of mercy is sure to have courage. - Confucius - True charity is the desire to benefit other people without thinking about reward. - Helen Keller - G. S. Knabe / Cornelius Tacitus A book about the history of Rome I - II centuries and the life of the famous Roman historian and writer Cornelius Tacitus. Tacitus, perhaps more than any other Roman thinker, valued the Roman virtue of mercy. Charles Peguy / Our youth. The Mystery of Mercy by Joan of Arc The work of Charles Peguy is very ambiguous. This is one of the most original French writers and thinkers at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. In “The Mystery of the Mercy of Joan of Arc,” he focuses his artist’s gaze on the spiritual image of the famous female warrior - her attitude to religion and a sense of social justice.

There are many events in life that remain in the memory for a long time and are never forgotten. These can be both pleasant, joyful memories, and very sad ones; in this example, Granin writes an article about mercy from the book “Fulcrum.” Mercy, I believe, is the most noble feeling of a person. This feeling played important role in the moral development of humanity. It is a simple light illuminating faces ordinary people. Mercy is the ability to be kind and forgiving with people, to understand them and to help in difficult situations. Everyone has this ability, some people just need help to discover it in themselves. How did it happen that this feeling became overgrown, died out, and turned out to be neglected?! After all, without mercy there is no beginning of a relationship.

Everyone expresses mercy differently, depending on how a person is raised and how he looks at the world. After reading this article, I was extremely surprised. Really, none of the people could help a person, because mercy should come from the soul both to a person close to you and to a stranger. But people walked by without noticing anything, everyone thought only about their own problems, and no one noticed that the person next to them was in pain. At least someone would approach the person and ask what’s wrong with you, if you need help, but people showed indifference, indifference. Does it really mean in our lives that passing by, not getting involved, not wasting time, has become a familiar feeling?

Unfortunately, it turns out that people began to forget moral concepts and feelings. Nowadays you rarely meet a person who thinks not only about himself, but also about other people around him; many examples can be given. This means that a person has not been taught to show love and care not only to loved ones, but also to strangers. It would seem that mercy is not such an important feeling in our lives, but it is not so. Mercy should lie in the moral education of a person, in every corner of his soul. This feeling teaches you to love, show care and help to people, it teaches you to be not indifferent to the world around you. To take away mercy means to deprive a person of one of the most important effective manifestations of morality. I am sure that every person is capable of responding to the pain of others, but if this feeling is not used, is not exercised, it weakens and is lost.

So I believe that mercy has great importance in the life of every person. One of them is ennobling one’s soul and helping other people overcome the loneliness and cold of life. Without mercy, a person loses his true face and becomes cold towards others.

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