Problems conceiving a child: What can affect the conception of a future child?! Ovulation disorders and what is “wartime infertility”? How much should you drink before conception?

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Scientists conducted research and found that roundworms living in a woman’s body can increase the chances of successful conception and increase the number of children, reducing the intervals between pregnancies.

According to an analysis of the study results, healthy women of the tribe managed to give birth to an average of 9 children before the onset of menopause. Residents of the tribe with hookworms were underweight, became pregnant later and less often, and also gave birth to an average of three fewer children. At the same time, the results were the opposite for those infected with roundworms. The first pregnancy usually occurred earlier, the intervals between births were reduced, which increased the offspring by an average of two children.

Scientists explained these unexpected results by the peculiarities of the influence of different parasites. Thus, hookworms feed on body tissues, disrupting their structure and releasing toxins. But roundworms live mainly in the intestines and have practically no effect on other organs. But they affect the immune system: the immune system mistakes parasites for “strangers” and begins to secrete special antibodies. About the same thing happens after conception, but the body recognizes the fetus as a foreign body. That is, roundworms seem to take the attack of immune cells upon themselves, creating favorable conditions for the development of the unborn child.

There is an opinion among people that a glass of wine or a glass of cognac will not do any harm. Often this glass of wine becomes daily. And the spouses don’t see anything wrong with this either; in fact, alcohol has a cumulative effect. Often it manifests itself precisely when a man and woman think about offspring. Alcohol has different effects on the female and male body, but the result is often disastrous.

Alcohol and men

Spermatozoa are rather fragile and delicate cells. Anything can affect the quality of sperm - a man’s illness, fatigue, the state of stress in which he is. Alcohol, or rather the ethyl alcohol it contains, reduces the mobility of a man’s reproductive cells, reducing his fertility (ability to fertilize).

Previously, it was believed that a couple of glasses had no effect on the quality of sperm, because they are produced long before a man takes a dose of alcohol. Now doctors completely refute this information, because alcohol breakdown products penetrate into the seminal fluid within an hour after drinking alcohol. Destructive processes begin to occur in it; alcohol destroys and “maims” healthy germ cells. A sperm that lacks a tail or head is not capable of conception.

With prolonged and systematic intake of alcohol, spermatozoa are already produced unhealthy, not only their morphology changes, but also genetics. If such a genetically modified sperm does fertilize the egg, then the risk of having a sick child will be very high.

Previously, when medicine was not at such a high level, natural selection “worked” more often. Sick and defective embryos that appeared as a result of drunken conception were rejected by the female body itself, and a miscarriage occurred. Now doctors are trying to maintain pregnancy at any cost, so children with severe pathologies, defects, and chromosomal disorders are increasingly being born.

Systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages negatively affects potency, and the more and longer a man drinks, the worse his libido and the ability to have full sexual intercourse are. New sperm mature for quite a long time - about 3 months.

Alcohol and women's health

Every girl is born with a large “strategic” supply of eggs in the ovaries. During puberty, eggs begin to be released from the follicles once a month, ovulation occurs, and the menstrual cycle is established. Alcohol can disrupt this process and cause an increase in the number of anovulatory cycles, that is, cycles in which ovulation does not occur at all.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

The morphology and structure of the egg, just like sperm, can change under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol has a destructive effect not only on the dominant follicle in which the egg matures, and its release will occur in this cycle, but also on the entire supply of eggs in the ovaries. Thus, the chances of conceiving a healthy child for a drinking woman are minimal, even if she stopped drinking several months ago.

The ovaries themselves, with periodic libations from their “mistress,” begin to rapidly age, their functions fade, and the woman becomes infertile. But here many may wonder why drinking women suffering from obvious alcoholism regularly become pregnant and give birth, and they do it faster than a couple of teetotalers planning their baby.

The answer to this question is quite unexpected. A woman’s eggs, while the functions of the ovaries have not completely died out, have the ability to “mobilize” in extreme situations, because their main task is to continue the race. They begin to carry out this program with redoubled effort, no longer being healthy and full-fledged, so there is no need to talk about healthy conception here.

Conception while intoxicated

If both partners are intoxicated at the time of conception, but are not chronic drinkers, the likelihood that conception will be successful and the child will be healthy exists, but it is not great.

It’s not hard to guess what the risks are for a man and a woman who decide to drink alcohol before sex. The health of their heir is at stake. For a man, the state of intoxication at the moment of conception is more critical than for a woman, because alcohol penetrates the seminal fluid, modifying its reproductive cells. The woman's egg matured earlier. If a woman did not take alcohol during the follicular phase of the cycle, then a small amount of it at the time of conception will not have time to affect the egg itself, but can affect the processes of its division and movement through the fallopian tube after the meeting of the egg with the sperm has taken place.

That is why “drunk” sex often ends in ectopic pregnancy, early miscarriage, or detachment of the ovum. Any interference in the subtle processes of division of a fertilized egg, including at the chemical level, can lead to disruption of these processes and loss of pregnancy.

Drinking alcohol after conception

From the moment of conception to the moment of a missed period, which serves as a signal for a woman to take a pregnancy test, at least 2 weeks pass. Sometimes a woman is completely unaware that conception has taken place, and during these two weeks she leads a free lifestyle, which includes alcohol. After a “stripe” test, which shows the true reason for the delay in menstruation, a woman involuntarily asks the question how the alcohol she took before the delay in menstruation can affect the unborn child and whether it is worth continuing such a pregnancy.

Everything that enters the mother’s body from the first hours after conception, to one degree or another, goes to the unborn baby. If we are not talking about chronic alcoholism and large doses of strong alcohol, the female body can partially compensate the child for the inconvenience. Therefore, it is not worth having an abortion just because the woman took several glasses of wine before the delay. With a high degree of probability, the healthy and young body of the expectant mother neutralized the harmful effects as much as possible.

It is important to avoid drinking alcohol in the future., because the baby is undergoing an important and responsible process - the formation of all organs and systems, alcohol can make its own “corrections”, then malformations of the internal organs, brain, and spinal cord cannot be ruled out.

Drinking alcohol at the beginning of pregnancy increases the risk that the period of pregnancy will be accompanied by severe toxicosis.

The immunity of a woman who was not averse to drinking alcohol before conception is reduced compared to the immunity of a woman who does not drink. This creates an additional danger when carrying a baby, because such a woman is more vulnerable to the viruses and bacteria that surround her.

Consequences of “drunk conception” for a child

There is no doubt that alcohol before and during conception affects the child. But for some reason, not all couples think about this. Most likely, the reason for such carelessness lies in the lack of specific information about what the consequences may be. We are accustomed to simply being told that alcohol is harmful, without explaining exactly how drinking can affect our offspring. Alcohol, which affects the germ cells of women and men at the time of conception, can lead to disruptions in the construction of DNA chains in the fragmenting cells of the zygote. The formation of organs and systems may initially take the wrong path.

There are several most common consequences of “drunk conception.”

"Cleft lip" and "Cleft palate"

A cleft lip is a facial defect associated with the cleft of the upper lip, the formation of an ugly cleft. This creates difficulties with feeding the baby; later, such a cleft interferes with the development of speech. Most often, boys are born with this defect. The cleft forms before the 8th week of pregnancy.

The pathology is based on a mutation of the TBX22 gene, which becomes possible not only with radiation exposure, but also with the systematic intake of alcohol by two spouses or one of the spouses, even in small quantities. Unfortunately, such a defect in a child can only be detected in late stages of pregnancy during an ultrasound. Usually, at such a time (after 32 weeks), the pregnancy is no longer terminated.

A cleft palate is a pathology associated with the formation of a cleft in the soft and hard palate, a cleft palate, as a result of which the nasal cavity is not isolated from the oral cavity. This also creates significant problems with feeding the child and with the development of his speech functions. This pathology most often appears due to the fault of the mother, since it is caused by alcohol and other teratogenic effects on the TBX22 gene on the X chromosome.

In both cases, the baby will have to undergo an operation, or perhaps a whole series of operations designed to eliminate the defect, and then a long rehabilitation period. Cleft palate is more common and more difficult to treat. Sometimes a child under 2–3 years of age has to undergo up to 7 surgical interventions.

Fetal alcohol syndrome

Under this concept lies a large list of combinations of mental and physical defects and anomalies that develop in the fetus due to the fact that its mother drank alcohol before or after conception. Most often, the central nervous system is affected; the child is born with mental retardation, intellectual and behavioral disorders, as well as abnormalities in the structure of parts of the brain.

Almost all children conceived in a drunken stupor are born underweight and short in stature. A common manifestation of fetal alcohol syndrome is congenital defects of the heart and reproductive organs. The severity of the lesions depends on how much, long and often the mother and father take alcohol. All children with this syndrome have certain external features:

  • the eyes look shorter and narrower;
  • the bridge of the baby's nose is flattened and wide;
  • the philtrum (vertical folds between the upper lip and nose) is almost absent;
  • the upper sponge is thinner;
  • Mongoloid fold of the eyelids in the area of ​​the lacrimal canal;
  • a certain degree of microcephaly (reduction in the size of the skull and brain mass).

Children with alcohol syndrome are usually seen immediately after birth. All abnormalities caused by alcohol are considered lifelong; they do not go away with age. Signs of fetal alcohol syndrome are not always visible externally.

If a woman drinks infrequently and a little, but still systematically, if a non-drinking woman decides to conceive from a heavily drinking man, then the processes characteristic of fetal alcohol syndrome in the child will occur latently, but they will certainly manifest themselves.

Other consequences

Excessive alcohol consumption by the mother, father, or both spouses before conception, at the time of conception, in the first two weeks after conception, and also during pregnancy often manifests itself later in a child who appears completely healthy at birth.

Drinking alcohol

The effect of alcohol on conception should never be ignored. Drinking alcohol has a detrimental effect on both the female and male reproductive systems and reduces fertility.

About a quarter of the sperm contained in the seminal fluid of a healthy man have an irregular structure. Normally, the chances of these sperm fertilizing an egg are very small. But under the influence of alcohol, the number of “defective” sperm increases and, as a result, the likelihood that just such a sperm will penetrate the egg increases. And this, in turn, can cause either spontaneous abortion or congenital diseases in the child.1, 2

A woman's reproductive system is also affected by alcohol. When drinking 10 or more doses of alcohol per week (1 dose of alcohol = 30 g of vodka = 120 g of dry wine = 300 g of light beer), a woman’s fertility is reduced by more than half.

How much should you not drink before conceiving?

It is advisable for the expectant father to abstain from drinking alcohol for 72-75 days before the expected conception. This is how long the period of sperm maturation lasts.

For women, doctors, as a rule, do not set a specific time frame regarding how much you should not drink before conception. However, it should be understood that removing alcohol from the body is a rather lengthy process in itself, and after complete removal of alcohol, it is still necessary to give the body time to normalize its work and get rid of the consequences of drinking alcohol.

Therefore, answering the question “how much alcohol should you not drink before conception,” doctors recommend that both future parents abstain from alcoholic beverages for 2-3 months before conception.

Everyone knows that smoking during pregnancy is taboo. However, not everyone is aware of how smoking affects the conception of a child. However, cigarette addiction is very bad for both male and female fertility, reducing the chances of conceiving a child.

How does smoking affect conception in men? Under the influence of nicotine and tars contained in tobacco smoke, the viability of spermatozoa3 and their concentration in the ejaculate decreases - in men who smoke, the concentration of spermatozoa is 17% lower than in those who do not smoke. In addition, smoking increases the amount of free radicals in the male body, and reproductive cells (sperm) are especially often attacked by free radicals. As a result, the genetic material of sperm is damaged, which can cause both spontaneous abortion and the birth of a child with pathologies.

How does smoking affect conception in women? According to research published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, it is more difficult for women who smoke to become pregnant compared to non-smokers, and cases of infertility are more common among them.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be, it is imperative to quit smoking before conception. Quitting cigarettes should occur at least 3 months (preferably six months) before the expected conception.

Eating fast food, consuming products with pesticides, herbicides, hormones, preservatives and dyes

The presence of fast food, processed foods, smoked meats, fried foods and foods with trans fats in the diet prevents adequate nutrition of cells, which can lead to disorders of cellular metabolism and hormonal imbalances. As a result, the risk of menstrual irregularities in women and spermatogenesis in men increases. In addition, fast food, contact with pesticides, preservatives and other substances causes oxidative stress. Oxidative stress underlies such disorders in the male body as defragmentation of sperm (the result is habitual miscarriages in the partner), prostate hyperplasia, and erectile dysfunction. In women, oxidative stress provokes mastopathy, polycystic ovary syndrome, and pregnancy complications.

Follow a strict diet or fast to lose weight

Despite the need to control your diet, strict diets are something you shouldn’t do before pregnancy.

A sharp restriction in nutrition or even hunger is a signal to the body about an “unfavorable” situation in the environment. Under such conditions, the likelihood of conception is sharply reduced, since the body “decides” that it does not have enough resources to bear a child.

Therefore, if it is necessary to adjust body weight, it is necessary to change the diet gradually, gradually replacing high-calorie foods with vegetables and fruits, changing the method of cooking meat and fish to baking or steaming in order to prepare the body for the changes, get used to healthy food and avoid too rapid weight loss.

It is important to consider that a poor diet can lead to the development of a deficiency of important vitamins and microelements, which can cause pregnancy failure. Therefore, at the stage of preparation for conception, it is recommended to take specialized vitamin complexes for men and women.

The Pregnoton complex is designed specifically for women who are planning a pregnancy. Pregnoton contains vitamins B2, B6, E, C, folic acid, iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, amino acid arginine, sacred chasteberry extract (lat. Vítex agnus-castus). It is these vitamins and minerals that are necessary for conception and fetal development in the earliest stages of pregnancy. And, unfortunately, a deficiency of these substances is observed in almost all women of reproductive age.

Although Pregnoton is not a hormonal drug, it contains substances that help normalize hormonal levels, which increases the chances of a speedy pregnancy.

Thus, “Pregnoton” helps to cope with the imbalance of the hormones progesterone and prolactin, which is often an obstacle to pregnancy. If the hormonal balance is normal, there is no need to be afraid that the drug may disrupt it in any way. In this case, “Pregnoton” will simply help the female reproductive system prepare for pregnancy.

You should start taking Pregnoton 3 months before conception.

The vitamin preparation “Speroton” will help prepare a man’s body for conception. It contains folic acid, selenium, zinc, vitamin E, and the amino acid L-carnitine. These components stimulate spermatogenesis, help increase the concentration and activity of sperm, and improve their structure.

Just like Pregnoton, you should start taking Speroton 3 months before conception.

In addition, both parents will benefit from taking the Synergin complex, which complements the action of Pregnoton and Speroton. Synergin is 6 powerful natural antioxidants that fight free radicals and help reduce or eliminate oxidative stress in the body. Particular attention should be paid to Synergin for women who have taken oral contraceptives, as well as city residents and those over 35 years of age.

Take antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and some other medications

Some medications should be stopped several months before conceiving a child, as they may reduce the chance of conception or increase the risk of embryonic abnormalities.

Taking antibiotics before pregnancy and in the early stages entails an increased risk of impaired organ development in the child.

The period of elimination of antibiotics ranges from several hours to several days and even months (in cases of highly specialized strong antibiotics). Therefore, if a woman took antibiotics shortly before conception, they may still be in her body in early pregnancy and negatively affect the fetus.

In men, antibiotics can reduce the quality and quantity of sperm, which affects conception, or more precisely, the likelihood that it will occur. Contrary to popular belief, taking antibiotics by an expectant father most often does not pose a risk to the health of the unborn child. Although there are also dangerous antibiotics that affect the gene apparatus embedded in the sperm.

Therefore, when planning pregnancy, you should take into account the time factor and stop taking antibiotics long before conception.

Violations of embryonic development can also be caused by taking high doses of steroids, some migraine drugs, anticoagulants, valproic acid and antimalarial drugs. In addition, when preparing for conception, you should not abuse anti-inflammatory drugs (Movalis, Voltaren, Diclofenac), as they can interfere with the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Go to the bathhouse

Taking hot baths, visiting the sauna and bathhouse are things that a man should not do before conception. The fact is that high temperature can negatively affect the motility of sperm in the ejaculate. Of course, you should not associate long-term pregnancy failure solely with trips to the sauna. However, the factor of exposure to high temperatures should not be discounted. And if you are planning to conceive a child in the near future, then it is better to postpone visiting the “steam room”.


Stress hormones affect a woman’s hormonal levels, preventing pregnancy. During times of stress, the level of the hormone prolactin in a woman’s body increases, while the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones decreases. This, in turn, interferes with ovulation and impairs the readiness of the endometrium lining the walls of the uterus for egg implantation.

Stress also adversely affects a man's reproductive health. When stress occurs in the male body, the hormonal balance is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in potency and deterioration in sperm quality.

Therefore, if you are trying to conceive, you need to control your emotions and learn to relax. If necessary, a course of relaxation therapies may be recommended.

Don't get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can also reduce fertility. This is due to fluctuations in the levels of the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which are sensitive to disturbances in sleep patterns.

Women who regularly do not get enough sleep have a higher risk of menstrual irregularities.

In men, a decrease in leptin levels in the blood caused by lack of sleep can lead to poor sperm motility.

So, what should you not do before pregnancy? In fact, the list of restrictions is not that long. A few months before conception, make sure that your menu contains mainly natural products, and exclude food with dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers from your diet. Say goodbye to bad habits. It is better to quit smoking before conception and refrain from drinking alcohol. Also try to maintain a favorable psychological environment in the family, get enough sleep and take special vitamin and mineral complexes for planning future parents. Believe me, it is not at all difficult, and your reward will be the birth of a healthy son or daughter.

1 Gagaev Chelebi. Are conception and alcohol incompatible things? // 9 months. – 2004. – No. 3.
2 Effect of Alcohol Consumption on In Vitro Fertilization. Rossi, Brooke V. MD; Berry, Katharine F. M.A.; Hornstein, Mark D. MD; Cramer, Daniel W. MD, ScD; Ehrlich, Shelley MD, MPH; Missmer, Stacey A. ScD - Obstetrics & Gynecology: January 2011 - Volume 117 - Issue 1 - pp 136-142.
3 Taszarek-H G, Depa-Martynów M, Derwich K, Pawelczyk L, Jedrzejczak P. - Przegl Lek. 2005;62(10):978-81.

Monday, December 21, 2015

How does age affect conception? What is the best age to get pregnant? What is more important - the age of a woman or a man? Does age affect the chances of getting pregnant: is it possible to get pregnant after 35 years and what is the probability after 40?

The ovaries of each woman contain from 1 to 2 million formed follicles with eggs. They are there from birth. With each cycle, one or more eggs from this vast supply mature and become ready for fertilization.

By the time of the first cycle, the supply of eggs is depleted to 300 thousand. If we assume that a woman ovulates about 500 times between the ages of 12 and 52, and if we assume that not all of those eggs will be healthy, we are left with a limited number of viable eggs that can be fertilized. At the same time, the processes of egg maturation occur differently at different periods of a woman’s life. Therefore, the fact that age affects conception no longer requires proof.

How strongly are pregnancy and a woman’s age related? What is the best age to get pregnant? Is it possible to get pregnant after 35 years of age and what are a woman’s chances of conceiving a healthy child at each stage of life? Is a man's age important for conception?

In this article we will try to give answers to these and other questions and consider the features associated with the process of conception for women of different ages.

20-24 years

According to many doctors, the period from 20 to 24 years is the best age for pregnancy. At 20-25 years of age, 90% of the eggs are genetically normal, which increases the chances of conceiving a healthy child. With regular sexual activity, the probability of conceiving a child within a year for women at this age is 96%.

However, young people tend to treat pregnancy and preparation for conception less responsibly than older couples, and often ignore risk factors that can lead to complications during pregnancy and harm the health of the child.

Stress, bad habits, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, untimely examination - all this can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and jeopardize the life and health of the unborn child.

In particular, a lack of a number of vitamins and antioxidants in the mother’s body significantly increases the risk of preeclampsia (late toxicosis) and leads to retardation of the child’s intrauterine development.

25-29 years old

At this age, the chances of getting pregnant after a year of sexual activity are 86%. The likelihood that a pregnancy will be terminated by miscarriage is no more than 10%, which is only slightly higher than for younger couples.

Of course, it is necessary to carefully prepare for pregnancy, monitor your weight and diet, and avoid stress. However, if you are under 30 years old, there is no need to seek help from a fertility specialist until 12 months have passed from the start of active attempts to conceive a child.

30-34 years

Up to 35 years of age, the chances of conceiving within a year are still high - they reach 86%. However, the chance of miscarriage after age 30 increases to 20%. In addition, after 30 years, many women already develop chronic diseases that can affect the course of pregnancy.

Therefore, an expectant mother aged 30-34 years should take a more careful approach to preparing for conception: visit the attending physician and consult with him about how chronic diseases can affect the course of pregnancy, eliminate dental problems (if any), normalize weight and diet, take special complexes for those planning a pregnancy. At this age, you should consult a fertility specialist if pregnancy has not occurred after 9 months of open sexual activity.

35-39 years old

Statistics show that female fertility begins to decline rapidly after age 35. Therefore, the question “is it possible to get pregnant after 35 years?” concerns many women today. At the same time, many women today give birth to their first child later than doctors recommend. This is explained by the desire to solve numerous life problems (get an education and make a good career, acquire housing, achieve a consistently high income, test the fidelity of a spouse and the strength of the family union), and only then have a child, even if this will be more difficult to do than at 20 years old.

In fact, the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years are not so small. The chance of conceiving within a month for most women in this age group is 15-20%. And this, in turn, means that within a year the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years are 78%.

By the way, women over 35 years of age increase the likelihood of conceiving twins. The nature of this phenomenon is not fully understood.

However, after 35, female fertility begins to decline noticeably. The main reason for this is the increase in chromosomal defects, which, in turn, affect the viability of the eggs. After 35 years, the risk of miscarriage and complications during pregnancy is higher, and the likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities is relatively high.

To be fair, it should be noted that according to statistics, most children with Down syndrome are born to mothers under 35 years of age. This is probably due to the fact that women of mature age are more responsible about their health and pay attention to perinatal diagnostics, with the help of which it is possible to identify a fetus with abnormalities in the early stages of pregnancy.

One of the reasons for the manifestation of chromosomal defects is the growth of free radicals in the body and the associated oxidative stress caused by a constant excess of free radicals in the body.

Germ cells and the genetic material they contain—DNA—are especially sensitive to oxidative stress.

The older a woman is, the more free radicals accumulate in her body and the stronger the oxidative stress. This explains the increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities in children born to mature women.

The development of diseases such as endometriosis, polycystic disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, mastopathy, etc. is also associated with excessive activity of free radicals.

Antioxidants can help fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body. If we talk about the reproductive system, substances such as vitamins E and C, beta-carotene, coenzyme Q10, rutin and lycopene are especially important to maintain its health. All these antioxidants are contained in the Synergin complex.

Vitamin E is involved in the production of sex hormones, regulates the menstrual cycle and increases the likelihood of conception. It has been proven that the use of vitamin E in complex treatment of infertility increases the chances of pregnancy. This vitamin also promotes normal pregnancy and prevents the development of mastopathy.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) increases the chances of getting pregnant during sexual intercourse, so it is especially important for the reproductive system. Vitamin C also functions to protect the body’s basic molecules from damage by free radicals, stimulates the immune system and the body’s resistance to viruses. Beta-carotene is effective in the treatment of infertility and mastopathy. Beta-carotene deficiency can lead to miscarriage and miscarriage.

Coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinone (from Latin - “omnipresent”) is found in all organs and tissues. Unlike other antioxidants, which, while protecting the body from free radicals, are irreversibly oxidized, Q10 molecules can be used repeatedly. In addition, Q10 helps slow down the aging process and is effective in the complex therapy of polycystic disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and asthenic syndrome.

Rutin protects and strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, it has a beneficial effect on sexual function, normalizes hormonal balance and the functioning of the sex glands, and promotes the growth and maturation of eggs. The lipophilic antioxidant lycopene is especially needed by a woman’s reproductive system in preparation for pregnancy. Lycopene helps prevent fetal damage during fetal development and mitigates the development of preeclampsia.

As mentioned, most women aged 35-39 can get pregnant within a year or more. But doctors don't recommend you wait a whole year to find out if you're one of them. In this case, you should not waste time, and if you have not been able to get pregnant for 6 months, you should contact a specialist and undergo a series of tests. Most cases of infertility are correctable. But even if you don’t succeed in conceiving naturally, reproductive technologies (IVF, ICSI) will help.

Finally, at this age, you can still use the option to freeze viable eggs for use later in life if you don't want to have a baby right away. A woman can freeze her eggs up to 40 years of age, and with their help become a mother even after 44 years of age.

From 40 to 44

The older a woman is, the lower her chances of becoming pregnant. After 40 years of age, a woman may have only a few ovulations in a whole year, as the vital supply of eggs and estrogen production in the body decrease. By the age of 40-44, 90% of a woman’s eggs contain abnormal chromosomes. Also, in many women after 40 years, the endometrium, which lines the walls of the uterus, becomes thinner, which complicates the process of egg implantation. Therefore, the likelihood of getting pregnant after 40 in the traditional way is relatively low.

But the concept of “relatively small” does not mean that conception after 40 years is impossible. Even if you are 40 or more years old, you can safely become pregnant, carry and give birth to a healthy child. The main thing is to approach pregnancy planning wisely and competently.

For women at this age, the recommendations given in the section for “those over 35” remain relevant. But we should not forget that conceiving after 40 years is associated with problems not only in the woman’s reproductive health and the quality of her eggs, but also in the genetic material of the male partner.

A man's age is no less important for conception. In mature men, sperm counts and sperm motility are lower, while the number of sperm with genetic abnormalities is higher than in young men.

Accordingly, with age, the risk of genetic abnormalities in a child increases due to a violation of the morphological structure of sperm.

And the same oxidative stress mentioned above is to blame for this. As a result of the destructive activity of free radicals, sperm membranes are damaged, their motility and fertilizing abilities are reduced. In addition, free radicals damage the DNA of chromosomes. Oxidative stress is associated with approximately half of cases of infertility in men. Even the latest reproductive technologies are often powerless against this form of infertility. After all, if the DNA structure of a sperm is damaged, then even if it successfully fertilizes an egg (thanks to the ICSI protocol), the development of the embryo is disrupted and the child either dies in the early stages of intrauterine development or is born with serious genetic defects.

In general, it is believed that the optimal age for a man to conceive is between 25 and 40 years old. But this does not mean that men over 40 are contraindicated to have children. If the expectant father is in his fourth decade, he needs to be more attentive to his health and try to protect his reproductive cells from oxidative stress.

The antioxidant complex “Sinergin” will help with this, which contains substances necessary to maintain the health of the reproductive system and ensure the processes of spermatogenesis.

Beta-carotene, which is part of Synergin, is needed for the normal formation and development of male germ cells. In men whose diet included beta-carotene,
an improvement in sperm motility was recorded. In addition, beta-carotene resists the effects of harmful environmental factors on the body and helps strengthen the immune system.

Lycopene helps improve the morphological characteristics of sperm and slows down the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Rutin strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, improves blood supply to the body and microcirculation in all tissues and organs, including the reproductive system.

Taking vitamin C helps increase the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate and reduces the risk of free radical damage to chromosomal DNA.

Vitamin E reduces the risk of damage to the genetic apparatus of sperm, improves the qualitative and quantitative parameters of sperm. The inclusion of vitamin E in complex therapy increases the likelihood of pregnancy in infertile couples.

Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10) is vital for sperm to maintain energy, increases the concentration and motility of germ cells, improves their morphology, and also enhances the effect of vitamin E. The Synergin antioxidant complex will be useful for all men, regardless of age, but for those who are already has crossed the 40-year mark, antioxidants are highly recommended. "Sinergin" is taken 2 capsules 1 time per day with meals. The course of treatment is 1-3 months.

So, there are chances of getting pregnant after 40 years. They're not as big as they would be at a younger age, but if you and your partner take good care of your health, eat right, track your ovulation, and take antioxidants, you're more likely to conceive after age 40. If you still fail to get pregnant the traditional way, you can always resort to the help of reproductive technologies.

45 years and older

The probability of a woman becoming pregnant after 45 is no more than 3-4%. This is hypothetically possible, but assisted reproductive technologies are almost always necessary. The few eggs you have left may have chromosomal abnormalities, so it is important to have your eggs screened before in vitro fertilization. Most clinics will recommend that patients who want to become pregnant between the ages of 46 and 50 use donor eggs from a younger woman.

You need to be attentive to your health, including reproductive health, regardless of age. Do not wait until the violations become irreversible and become an obstacle on your path to motherhood.

Get regular medical checkups, lead a healthy lifestyle, and take antioxidants periodically. After all, even if you are young and healthy, you should not fully hope that nature will do everything itself. Pregnancy is stressful for the body. And both your health and the health of your unborn child depends on how carefully you approach preparation for conception.

Have you been dreaming of a child for a long time, but until now all attempts to conceive have turned out to be failures? You may not have taken into account some factors that interfere with pregnancy. Let's try to figure out what not to do before conceiving a child?

Drinking alcohol

The effect of alcohol on conception should never be ignored. Drinking alcohol has a detrimental effect on both the female and male reproductive systems and reduces fertility.

About a quarter of the sperm contained in the seminal fluid of a healthy man have an irregular structure. Normally, the chances of these sperm fertilizing an egg are very small. But under the influence of alcohol, the number of “defective” sperm increases and, as a result, the likelihood that just such a sperm will penetrate the egg increases. And this, in turn, can cause either spontaneous abortion or congenital diseases in the child. 12

A woman's reproductive system is also affected by alcohol. When drinking 10 or more doses of alcohol per week (1 dose of alcohol = 30 g of vodka = 120 g of dry wine = 300 g of light beer), a woman’s fertility is reduced by more than half.

How much should you not drink before conceiving?

It is advisable for the expectant father to abstain from drinking alcohol for 72-75 days before the expected conception. This is how long the period of sperm maturation lasts.

For women, doctors, as a rule, do not set a specific time frame regarding how much you should not drink before conception. However, it should be understood that removing alcohol from the body is a rather lengthy process in itself, and after complete removal of alcohol, it is still necessary to give the body time to normalize its work and get rid of the consequences of drinking alcohol.

Therefore, answering the question “how much alcohol should you not drink before conception,” doctors recommend that both future parents abstain from alcoholic beverages for 2-3 months before conception.


Everyone knows that smoking during pregnancy is taboo. However, not everyone is aware of how smoking affects the conception of a child. However, cigarette addiction is very bad for both male and female fertility, reducing the chances of conceiving a child.

How does smoking affect conception in men? Under the influence of nicotine and tars contained in tobacco smoke, the viability of sperm 3 and their concentration in the ejaculate decreases - in men who smoke, the concentration of sperm is 17% lower than in those who do not smoke. In addition, smoking increases the amount of free radicals in the male body, and reproductive cells (sperm) are especially often attacked by free radicals. As a result, the genetic material of sperm is damaged, which can cause both spontaneous abortion and the birth of a child with pathologies.

How does smoking affect conception in women? According to research published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, it is more difficult for women who smoke to become pregnant compared to non-smokers, and cases of infertility are more common among them.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be, it is imperative to quit smoking before conception. Quitting cigarettes should occur at least 3 months (preferably six months) before the expected conception.

Eating fast food, consuming products with pesticides, herbicides, hormones, preservatives and dyes

The presence of fast food, processed foods, smoked meats, fried foods and foods with trans fats in the diet prevents adequate nutrition of cells, which can lead to disorders of cellular metabolism and hormonal imbalances. As a result, the risk of disorders in women and spermatogenesis processes in men increases. In addition, fast food, contact with pesticides, preservatives and other substances causes oxidative stress. Oxidative stress underlies such disorders in the male body as defragmentation of sperm (the result is habitual miscarriages in the partner), prostate hyperplasia, and erectile dysfunction. In women, oxidative stress provokes polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy complications.

Follow a strict diet or fast to lose weight

Despite the need to control your diet, strict diets are something you shouldn’t do before pregnancy.

A sharp restriction in nutrition or even hunger is a signal to the body about an “unfavorable” situation in the environment. Under such conditions, the likelihood of conception is sharply reduced, since the body “decides” that it does not have enough resources to bear a child.

Therefore, if it is necessary to adjust body weight, it is necessary to change the diet gradually, gradually replacing high-calorie foods with vegetables and fruits, changing the method of cooking meat and fish to baking or steaming in order to prepare the body for the changes, get used to healthy food and avoid too rapid weight loss.

It is important to consider that a poor diet can lead to the development of a deficiency of important vitamins and microelements, which can cause pregnancy failure. Therefore, at the stage of preparation for conception, it is recommended to take specialized vitamin complexes for men and women.

The complex is designed specifically for women who are planning a pregnancy. The composition of “Pregnoton” includes vitamins B2, B6, E, C, iodine, zinc, selenium, the amino acid arginine, extract of the sacred vitex (lat. Vítex agnus-castus). It is these vitamins and minerals that are necessary for conception and fetal development in the earliest stages of pregnancy. And, unfortunately, a deficiency of these substances is observed in almost all women of reproductive age.

Although Pregnoton is not a hormonal drug, it contains substances that help normalize hormonal levels, which increases the chances of a speedy pregnancy.

Thus, “Pregnoton” helps to cope with the imbalance of the hormones progesterone and prolactin, which is often an obstacle to pregnancy. If the hormonal balance is normal, there is no need to be afraid that the drug may disrupt it in any way. In this case, “Pregnoton” will simply help the female reproductive system prepare for pregnancy.

You should start taking Pregnoton 3 months before conception.

A vitamin preparation will help prepare a man’s body for conception. It contains folic acid, selenium, zinc, vitamin E, and the amino acid L-carnitine. These components stimulate spermatogenesis, help increase the concentration and activity of sperm, and improve their structure.

Just like Pregnoton, you should start taking Speroton 3 months before conception.

In addition, both parents will benefit from taking the Synergin complex, which complements the action of Pregnoton and Speroton. Synergin is 6 powerful natural antioxidants that fight free radicals and help reduce or eliminate oxidative stress in the body. Particular attention should be paid to Synergin for women who have taken oral contraceptives, as well as city residents and those over 35 years of age.

Take antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and some other medications

Some medications should be stopped several months before conceiving a child, as they may reduce the chance of conception or increase the risk of embryonic abnormalities.

Taking antibiotics before pregnancy and in the early stages entails an increased risk of impaired organ development in the child.

The period of elimination of antibiotics ranges from several hours to several days and even months (in cases of highly specialized strong antibiotics). Therefore, if a woman took antibiotics shortly before conception, they may still be in her body in early pregnancy and negatively affect the fetus.

In men, antibiotics can reduce the quality and quantity of pregnancy, which affects conception, or more precisely, the likelihood that it will occur. Contrary to popular belief, taking antibiotics by an expectant father most often does not pose a risk to the health of the unborn child. Although there are also dangerous antibiotics that affect the gene apparatus embedded in the sperm.

Therefore, when planning pregnancy, you should take into account the time factor and stop taking antibiotics long before conception.

Violations of embryonic development can also be caused by taking high doses of steroids, some migraine drugs, anticoagulants, valproic acid and antimalarial drugs. In addition, when preparing for conception, you should not abuse anti-inflammatory drugs (Movalis, Voltaren, Diclofenac), as they can interfere with the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Go to the bathhouse

Taking hot baths, visiting the sauna and bathhouse are things that a man should not do before conception. The fact is that high temperature can negatively affect the motility of sperm in the ejaculate. Of course, you should not associate long-term pregnancy failure solely with trips to the sauna. However, the factor of exposure to high temperatures should not be discounted. And if you are planning to conceive a child in the near future, then it is better to postpone visiting the “steam room”.


Stress hormones affect a woman’s hormonal levels, preventing pregnancy. During times of stress, the level of the hormone prolactin in a woman’s body increases, while the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones decreases. This, in turn, interferes with and impairs the readiness of the endometrium lining the walls of the uterus for egg implantation.

Stress also adversely affects a man's reproductive health. When stress occurs in the male body, the hormonal balance is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in potency and deterioration in sperm quality.

Therefore, if you are trying to conceive, you need to control your emotions and learn to relax. If necessary, a course of relaxation therapies may be recommended.

Don't get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can also reduce fertility. This is due to fluctuations in the levels of the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which are sensitive to disturbances in sleep patterns.

Women who regularly do not get enough sleep have a higher risk of menstrual irregularities.

In men, a decrease in leptin levels in the blood caused by lack of sleep can lead to poor sperm motility.

So, what should you not do before pregnancy? In fact, the list of restrictions is not that long. A few months before conception, make sure that your menu contains mainly natural products, and exclude food with dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers from your diet. Say goodbye to bad habits. It is better to quit smoking before conception and refrain from drinking alcohol. Also try to maintain a favorable psychological environment in the family, get enough sleep and take special vitamin and mineral complexes for planning future parents. Believe me, it is not at all difficult, and your reward will be the birth of a healthy son or daughter.

1 Gagaev Chelebi. Are conception and alcohol incompatible things? // 9 months. – 2004. – No. 3.
2 Effect of Alcohol Consumption on In Vitro Fertilization. Rossi, Brooke V. MD; Berry, Katharine F. M.A.; Hornstein, Mark D. MD; Cramer, Daniel W. MD, ScD; Ehrlich, Shelley MD, MPH; Missmer, Stacey A. ScD - Obstetrics & Gynecology: January 2011 - Volume 117 - Issue 1 - pp 136-142.
3 Taszarek-H G, Depa-Martynów M, Derwich K, Pawelczyk L, Jedrzejczak P. - Przegl Lek. 2005;62(10):978-81.

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