Project on the world around us - our pets. Project on the environment "our pets". Russian blue cat

Project on the topic “Animals of Russia” Prepared by 3b grade student Nikita Zernov Teacher: Aleksandrova I.V. Municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 4, Ozyory

Goals and objectives To form an idea of ​​the animal world of Russia: patterns of its distribution throughout the country, species under protection. Develop skills in analyzing thematic maps. Work with additional sources of information. Predict and draw conclusions. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature, love for the small and large Motherland.

The fauna of Russia is many-sided and diverse. Here you can find a wide variety of landscapes: polar snowy deserts, hot southern deserts, deciduous forests, coniferous taiga expanses, high mountain areas, sea and ocean coasts. These vast expanses are home to over 300 species of mammals, more than 700 species of birds, about 30 species of amphibians and 80 species of reptiles.

Animals of our area. Elk. Among deer, this is the largest animal. Its height reaches 235 cm, weight - almost 600 kg. The old male, decorated with large spade horns, looks especially impressive. In Siberia, moose are often called elk. He is huge, awkward), hunchbacked, with a large, ugly head, with horns sticking out to the sides. There are three subspecies of moose in our country: European, East Siberian, or American, and Ussuri. The Altai Mountains, as well as throughout Western Siberia, are home to the European elk, a medium-sized animal. The mass of large males reaches 500 kg, height - 215 cm. Females are smaller. The color is brown of varying intensity: from dark to light brown. The legs are usually light, and the belly is the same color. Elk calves are red in the first 3-4 months; in August - September they molt and become brown, like adults. Horns, which are found only in males, The older, healthier and stronger the animal, the more massive, wider and with a greater number of branches its horns. Antler growth begins in April - May, ends in August, and by mid-winter the antlers are shed.

Elk calves, usually two of them (singles and triplets are not uncommon), appear in May - early June. They grow very quickly - daily weight gain can reach 1.5-2 kg, sometimes more. At birth they weigh 8-12 kg, after six months - 120-140 kg, and the most developed - 170-180. Moose calves grow quickly only in the summer; in winter they lose a lot of weight. In captivity, moose live up to 20-25 years. In natural conditions, individuals older than 12-15 years are rarely found. In terms of the vitamins and microelements it contains, elk meat is significantly superior to beef. Elk meat, especially from young ones, is recommended as a dietary food for people who, for health reasons, are unable to eat the meat of most domestic animals.

Bear. Bears are considered one of the most savvy and intelligent animals. It is well known that they are easier to train than other animals and achieve great success in this. What the bear is most afraid of is the smell of humans. Sometimes it is not frightened by the sight alone, which may be due to poor eyesight. It happens that he sometimes even approaches a person, while (fucking) - making a sharp hissing, rather loud sound, which is typical of an alarmed animal. With this behavior, he may be trying to scare a person - run away, they say, in front of you is the “master of the taiga!” But as soon as he smells a person at such a moment, he runs away as fast as he can in a panic. The brown bear is a forest animal. Its usual habitats in Russia are continuous forests with windbreaks and burnt areas with dense growth of deciduous trees, shrubs and grasses; can enter both the tundra and alpine forests. The bear usually lives alone, the female lives with cubs of different ages. The boundaries of the site are marked with scent marks and “scratches” - scratches on conspicuous trees. Sometimes makes seasonal migrations; So in the mountains, the brown bear, starting in spring, feeds in the valleys where the snow melts earlier.

The brown bear is omnivorous, but its diet is 3/4 plant-based: berries, acorns, nuts, roots, tubers and grass stems. In years when there is no berry harvest in the northern regions, bears visit oat crops, and in the southern regions - corn crops; in the Far East they feed in cedar forests in autumn. Its diet also includes insects (ants), worms, lizards, frogs, rodents (mice, marmots, gophers, chipmunks). In summer, insects and their larvae sometimes make up up to 1/3 of a bear’s diet. Although predation is not the primary strategy of brown bears, they also prey on ungulates - roe deer, fallow deer, deer (caribou, red deer, pampas deer), ibex, wild boar and moose. Grizzlies sometimes attack baribal bears, and in the Far East brown bears can hunt Himalayan bears and tigers. The brown bear loves honey; eats carrion and sometimes takes prey from tigers, wolves and pumas. The usual food item is also fish during spawning (anadromous salmonids). In years when food is poor, bears sometimes attack livestock and destroy apiaries. The brown bear is active throughout the day, but more often in the mornings and evenings. By winter, the bear gains subcutaneous fat (up to 180 kg) and lies in its den in the fall. Dens are located in a dry place, in most cases in holes protected by windbreaks or under uprooted tree roots. In different areas, winter sleep lasts from 75 to 195 days. Depending on climatic and other conditions, bears stay in dens from October - November to March - April, that is, 5-6 months. Contrary to popular belief, the brown bear's winter sleep is shallow; his body temperature during sleep fluctuates between 29 and 34 degrees. In case of danger, the animal wakes up and leaves the den, going in search of a new one. Sometimes a bear does not have time to fatten up properly during the fall, so in the middle of winter it wakes up and begins to wander in search of food; such bears are called connecting rods. Clumsy in appearance, the brown bear runs extremely fast - at a speed of over 55 km/h, swims excellently and climbs trees well in his youth (in old age he does this more reluctantly). With one blow of his paw, a seasoned bear can break the back of a bull, bison or bison.

Females bear offspring once every 2-4 years. The she-bear brings 2-3 (up to 5) cubs weighing 340-680 g and up to 25 cm long, covered with short sparse hair, blind, with an overgrown ear canal. Their ear canals open on the 14th day; in a month they begin to see clearly. By the age of 3 months, cubs have a full set of baby teeth and begin to eat berries, greens and insects. At this age they weigh about 15 kg; by 6 months - 25 kg. The father does not care for the offspring; the cubs are raised by the female. Often, last year's cubs, the so-called pestuns, stay together with the cubs. They are finally separated from their mother at 3-4 years of age. Life expectancy in nature is 20-30 years, in captivity - up to 47-50 years.

Wolf. Our country is inhabited by one species - the gray wolf. It resembles the East European Shepherd in appearance, but has a broad-browed head and a short muzzle. The ears are smaller, set wider apart, the neck is shorter, thicker, the chest is more developed, deep, lowered (unlike a dog, a wolf’s tail is always lowered - note by the website author). The average weight of males is 35-40 kg. The largest individuals killed in our country reached 80, females - 25-30 kg, rarely more (the wolf's body length reaches 160 cm - note by the website author). The color is lighter than that of a shepherd, more uniform. There are great individual differences in color - some individuals are lighter, others are darker, some have a “strap” along the top of the back, others do not, but the hair on the neck - the mane - or on the cheeks - the sideburns - may be better developed. In the Altai Mountains, wolves live almost everywhere. There are few of them in the snowy North-Eastern Altai and in the highlands.

These predators live in families or packs. Usually there are 6-9 wolves in a pack, sometimes less or more. It consists of animals of three generations: a pair of adults, seasoned; 2-3 young wolves born in the spring of last year - pereyarkov; 3-4 puppies born in the current year are arrived. The leader of the family is usually an adult female - a mature one. When hunting elk, deer or other large animals, the main role is given to the seasoned one, who is larger, stronger and more experienced than the rest of the family members. Wolves' rut takes place in January-February. Pairs form for a long time, sometimes for life. At the end of April and beginning of May, the she-wolf brings from 3 to 10, on average 5-6, dark, almost brown wolf cubs, blind and helpless. In the first days she does not leave them, takes care of them, carefully licks them, massages their bellies with her tongue. They only sleep, suck milk and grow quickly. On the 12-13th day, their eyes open, they become more mobile, and begin to crawl out of the hole.

In snowless times, wolves feed mainly on all forest and field animals - mice, voles, gophers, hamsters, which are considered pests of forestry and agriculture, as well as birds, frogs, lizards. Many animals from this list pass to them in winter. In addition, wolves willingly eat nuts, berries, some herbaceous plants - lungwort, rhubarb, and eat various fruits. They love watermelons. A wounded or trapped wolf is dangerous to humans. It is not safe to approach him. He will defend himself, he has considerable capabilities - good weight, trained muscles, powerful jaws. Experienced wolf keepers know that in such cases it is impossible to joke with the animal. In most European countries (where wolves still exist) and in America, hunting this animal is prohibited. In a number of countries, the wolf has been released or is about to be released; people are trying to preserve the species

Boar. Wild boars are the most ancient of the Altai ungulates. They have been living in Asia for about 10 million years. They differ from domestic pigs in their taller (up to 1 m) height (body length up to 2 meters - note by the author of the website). The weight of old cleavers reaches 200-250 kg, females are lighter and smaller in stature. Adult animals are covered with dark brown, sometimes grey, brown or light brown thick and long bristles. Underneath there is a well-developed dense undercoat. Boars are extremely agile, agile animals. They run fast, swim well, are excellent at hiding, and have a good sense of smell and hearing. Their vision is poor. Males have long, sharp fangs in both jaws that protrude outward. The upper ones are sharply curved upward, their length is 10-12, sometimes up to 20-23 cm. With the help of fangs, loppers fight off large predators, as well as hunting dogs, and often very successfully, brutally maiming or even killing them. Wolves rarely dare to attack old boars. Cleavers have been known to attack hunters after an unsuccessful shot, with the most severe consequences. Attacks by recently farrowed females are also possible. Only cleavers and old large females are dangerous to humans and predators.

Wild pigs live in family groups. Each can have several adult females, of which one, usually the oldest and largest, is the leader. Males are allowed to live in the family herd for no more than 1.5 years. After reaching this age, the females drive them away and they are forced to lead an independent lifestyle. In the spring, a female gives birth to an average of 5-6 piglets, with a maximum of 10. The piglets are born well-developed and sighted. They are very active and playful. Already 2-3 hours after birth they start playing and fighting. They are colored in a unique way - well-defined dark stripes run along the body. This coloring camouflages them in thickets of reeds or reeds. After 4-5 months, it gradually changes to the usual plain dark color. By autumn, the weight of piglets reaches 20-30 kg.

Boars are omnivores, but plant foods predominate in their diet. In Altai they eat green grass (dry in winter), branches and shoots of bushes, the bark of young trees, rhizomes, roots, bulbs and other underground parts of plants, all kinds of insects and their larvae, earthworms, vertebrates - lizards, snakes, frogs, mice, voles, chicks and eggs of birds, dead wild and domestic animals. During the pine nut harvest years, it serves as the basis of food for wild boars from autumn to spring. By storing up to 10-15 kg of fat during the warm period of the year, wild pigs are able to survive the harsh winter season, eating meager feed. If there are no nuts, they rummage in non-freezing areas in snowdrifts and near springs, and also look for carrion. An adult wild boar is capable of plowing with its powerful snout soil that is frozen to 15-17 cm. Under the permafrost layer, it will always find something edible. Wild pigs, if they are little disturbed, repeatedly use the same beds (depths of 30-40 cm in soil).

The common fox, or red fox (lat. Vulpes vulpes) is a predatory animal. Body length 60-90 cm, tail - 40-60 cm, weight - 6-10 kg. The color and size of foxes vary in different areas; in total there are 40-50 subspecies, not taking into account smaller forms. The most common color: bright red back, white belly, dark paws. Often foxes have brown stripes on the ridge and shoulder blade, similar to a cross. Common distinguishing features: dark ears and white tip of the tail. Externally, the fox is a medium-sized animal with a graceful body on low paws, an elongated muzzle, pointed ears and a long fluffy tail. The fox is a fairly sedentary animal. In most areas it is not characterized by regular migrations. Cases of such are observed only in the tundra, deserts and mountains. In the wild, foxes rarely live more than seven years, often life expectancy does not exceed three. In captivity, animals live up to 20-25 years.

Reproduction Like wolves, foxes breed only once a year. Even in winter, foxes begin to search for places to raise their young, and jealously guard them. There are practically no ownerless holes at this time; in the event of the death of one female, her home is immediately occupied by another. A female is often courted by two or three males, and bloody fights occur between them. Foxes are good parents. Males take an active part in raising their offspring, and also take care of their friends even before the cubs appear. They improve the burrows and even catch fleas from females. If the father dies, another single male takes his place; sometimes the foxes even fight among themselves for the right to become a stepfather. The litter contains from 4-6 to 12-13 puppies, covered with dark brown hair. Outwardly, they resemble wolf cubs, but differ in the white tip of the tail. At two weeks of age, fox cubs begin to see and hear, and their first teeth erupt. Both parents take part in raising fox cubs. The father and mother show extreme caution at this time, and if there is a threat, they will immediately transfer the cubs to a spare hole. They are also forced to hunt around the clock to feed their offspring. Growing puppies begin to leave their “home” early and are often found far from it, while still very small. For a month and a half, the mother feeds the foxes milk; in addition, parents gradually accustom their cubs to regular food, as well as to obtaining it. Soon, the grown-up fox cubs begin to go hunting with their father and mother, playing among themselves, pestering their elders, and sometimes endangering the entire family.

The protection of wild animals, in my opinion, is one of the most complex and pressing problems of our time. And its solution is a matter of global importance! In the matter of nature conservation, Russia is a good example for many countries. To preserve the most valuable species of animals and study them in natural conditions, over 130 reserves have been created! In Russia, a lot of work is being done to enrich and protect nature. The success of this largely depends on each of us. Thanks to recent measures taken to protect wild animals, tangible results have been achieved. The number of deer, elk, wild boar and other game animals has increased almost everywhere. Many valuable animals (for example, sable, saiga, beaver), once on the verge of extinction, have now increased in number. Still, the numbers of some animal species are declining in some places. First of all, this concerns the Amur tiger, muskrat, European mink, and bison. All of them are included in the Red Book. It is necessary to tighten measures to protect these animal species.

Animals listed in the Red Book Red wolf Amur tiger

Amur forest cat West Siberian beaver

Daurian hedgehog And others.....

To prevent animals from disappearing, nature reserves, sanctuaries and national parks have been created.

Reserves Reserves - examples of untouched, wild nature - are rightly called natural laboratories. The exclusive role of nature reserves in the conservation and restoration of rare animals, plants, unique landscapes and other nature reserves. Thanks to the activities of the reserves, some rare animals have become commercial animals; they now provide us with furs, medicinal raw materials and other valuable products. The most striking and interesting studies on the ecology of animals and birds were carried out in nature reserves. Vodlozersky National Park Kenozersky National Park Transbaikal National Park And others

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve A real pearl of nature in the southern Moscow region, thanks to the unique combination of flora and fauna protected by the reserve. The impressive area of ​​4900 hectares is home to 54 species of mammals: moose, wild boar, martens, weasels, badgers, hares, ..., and occasionally wolves and lynxes. In the rich bird fauna of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve there are 137 species: finches, warblers, black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse, hawks, kites, kestrels, owls, little owls, ... The main attraction of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve is the Bison Nursery, where you can see and even pet bison and bison. The bison is a “wild forest bull” - the largest ungulate animal on the European continent, which is rightfully considered a contemporary of the mammoth

If we don't protect nature. If we also behave as we do now, then they will disappear.

Touching the grass with his hooves, A handsome man walks through the forest, Walks boldly and easily, The elk spreads its horns wide

He wears his horns like a royal crown. Eats lichen and green moss. Loves snowy meadows.

Beauties deer

Where the blizzard is angry in the tundra, Where the big land ends, Almost a fox lives there, It’s called...

The tail is a fluffy arch, do you know this animal? Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed, loves to climb trees. He builds his house in a hollow. To live warm in winter.

And our other close friends

I would like to tell you how we created a project about pets.

The project is one of the new, non-traditional forms of educational activity. The creation of the project is aimed at activating the cognitive activity of students, allowing them to realize both the creative and organizational abilities of the teacher himself, and to achieve the most important thing we are working on - giving children the opportunity to reveal their abilities.

This is creative work, devoid of templates. In my opinion, project activity is the construction of something new and interesting.



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Design technologies in the work of primary school teacher Lyudmila Petrovna Kurtseva

This is one of the new, non-traditional forms of educational activity aimed at developing the mental, cognitive, creative, search, and experimental activities of students. Project -

Project theme: instill responsibility for your pets; “Our Pets” Objectives: to replenish students’ knowledge about the characteristics of the lives of domestic animals and the benefits they bring to humans; teach children to control their activities and be responsible for their obligations.

Types of work Messages Essays Drawings Historical facts Riddles Questioning crafts Crosswords Biological tasks

Messages about cats

Messages about dogs

LOCKS We have a lump living in our apartment, it’s all made of wool. And if he is offended, He releases his claws instantly. I swim under the bridge and wag my tail. I don’t walk on the ground, I have a mouth, but I don’t speak. I have eyes - I don’t blink. I have wings, but I don’t fly. I arrange myself cleverly: I have a pantry with me. Where's the storage room? Behind the cheek! I'm so cunning!

Elena Levina

Relevance of the project

Compassion for animals is so closely connected with kindness of character that we can confidently say: whoever is cruel to animals cannot be a kind person. (A. Schopenhauer)

On October 4, Animal Protection Day is celebrated around the world. Russia is the largest country in the world by area. Our country is home to a significant part of the world's land fauna: about 300 species of mammals and more than 700 species of various birds. Currently, many of them need special protection, because they are on the verge of extinction. In order to help them, it is necessary, among other measures, to raise a generation that treats all life on Earth humanely.

Preschool childhood is a very important stage in raising an attentive, kind, sensitive and caring child who is able to feel harmoniously in the world around him. According to the authors of the project, one of the main tasks of parents and teachers is to form moral feelings and moral assessments of the child. It is necessary to promote the development of emotional sensitivity and responsiveness of children. Our project is aimed at solving this problem by introducing the child to the animal world of Russia.

The relevance of this project lies in the fact that it is necessary to lay the child’s first guidelines in the animal world, to develop basic knowledge and skills of proper interaction with animals, and caring attitude towards them. It is necessary to prevent in children such a vice as a heartless attitude towards animals, any manifestation of callousness and cruelty towards living beings. The project helps develop a child’s interest in wild animals, introduces them to the world of animals and birds living in our country, gives ideas about their habitat, promotes the development of their horizons, and instills love and respect for nature. A child who has fallen in love with animals and has learned enough about them will not destroy nests and anthills or offend animals and birds.

Obviously, the most accessible for children is getting to know and observing domestic animals, such as cats, dogs, hamsters, budgies and other pets that many people live at home. Our project is dedicated to getting to know wild animals that can be found in Russia. The most accessible place for such an acquaintance in the modern world is the zoo. It is here that the child has the opportunity to observe the animal world in a close to natural environment.

This project was prepared thanks to a visit to the Nizhny Novgorod Zoo "Limpopo" and the Samara Zoo.

Contradiction Throughout the history of the Earth, animals have gone extinct for one reason or another. Some died during evolution, others due to natural disasters or climate change. In our time, the main reason for the extinction of many animal species is human activity: hunting and collecting, destruction of natural habitats and environmental pollution. When mortality among individuals of a species exceeds births, that species faces extinction.

In 2001, a new edition of the Red Book of Russia was published, which included 123 species of birds and 65 species of mammals. The idea of ​​creating a “Red Book” first appeared among scientists in the 50s. last century. Ecologists wanted to draw the attention of the international community to the state of nature and the need to save endangered species of animals and plants. The Red Book includes information on the distribution, abundance and biology of rare and endangered animals. A special section proposes measures to protect and restore the numbers of these animals.

In our project we will introduce the child to some animals listed in the Red Book of Russia, and also give an idea of ​​the scientific concept of the Red Book.


The animal world is incredibly diverse and attractive to children. Various situations of communication with animals awaken the child’s interest and curiosity, develop cognitive interest in nature, thinking, coherent speech, and contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary. Perception of the animal world helps to develop such qualities as cheerfulness, emotionality, and attentive attitude towards all living things.

During the first seven years of life, the formation of self-awareness occurs: the child distinguishes himself from the objective world, begins to understand his place in the circle of close and familiar people, begins to consciously navigate the surrounding objective-natural world and isolate its values.

Children's consciously correct attitude towards the world around them is based on their sensory perception, emotional attitude towards this world, and communication with animals and observing them plays an important role in this. Such communication develops visual-figurative, visual-effective and conceptual thinking, fosters a cognitive attitude towards the world around us, contributes to the accumulation of moral and value experience, nurturing love, a careful and caring attitude towards all living things, and also develops the aesthetic sphere of the child. The knowledge accumulated in the process of a child’s communication with animals provides him with an understanding of specific situations in the behavior of animals, their correct assessment and adequate response. The child learns the various laws of animal life, the unique adaptation of living beings to environmental conditions, and the peculiarities of their interaction with humans. Properly organized observations teach you not only to look, but also to see, not only to listen, but also to hear. It is on their basis that independent judgments, the ability to generalize, and notice changes are born, which leads to the gradual accumulation and deepening of knowledge. The child develops the habit of noticing not only the unusual and surprising, but also learns to find the interesting in the ordinary and familiar. Watching animals, children awaken keen interest and curiosity, which contributes to the development of their emotional sphere, cognitive abilities and thinking; a certain emotional mood in children that arises when communicating with animals also contributes to learning.

Thus, direct observation in nature is of great importance for the child and is an important condition for the accumulation of diverse ideas about the animal world.


Introducing the child to the world of wild animals living in Russia. Development of curiosity and cognitive interest in animal life. Teach your child to respect animals.


1. Give an idea of ​​the diversity of the animal world of our country.

2. Introduce the child to the characteristic features of the appearance, behavior, nutrition, and lifestyle of some animals and birds living in Russia.

3. Foster a caring attitude towards animals. Help your child develop good feelings, interest and love for animals.

4. Acquaintance with rare endangered species of animals, with the scientific concept of the “Red Book”.

5. Develop creative activity, attention, imagination, memory.

6. Stimulate the child’s desire to reflect the acquired knowledge in his artistic and productive activities (drawings of his favorite animals, making crafts on the theme of the animal world).

7. Develop curiosity and desire to study nature and the world around us.

Expected result

The main result of the project was the child’s understanding of the need for the existence of animals on Earth and caring for them. The project allowed the child to deepen and accumulate knowledge, expand his understanding of the habits and needs of animals, and develop an attentive, sensitive attitude towards all living things. The child received the simplest ideas about activities aimed at protecting the lives of endangered animals.

“I feed the horned goat. It is listed in the International Red Book.”

Cameroon goat. A very sociable and affectionate animal. Its distinctive feature is its small horns curved back, which cannot cause injury.”

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 16 of the city of Magnitogorsk"

Creative project


Supervisor: Popkova Anna Vladimirovna, primary school teacher.




I . Mentor's abstract……………………………………………………..3

II. Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ .....4

III. Theoretical part................................................ ....................................5

IV. Practical part………………………………………………………..6

V . Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….7

VI . References………………………………………………………...8

Mentor's abstract

Wildlife is an amazing, complex and multifaceted world. The diversity and abundance of flora and fauna largely depends on people. A person receives his first ideas about the world around him, including plants and animal organisms, already in childhood. The educational value of nature is difficult to overestimate. Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer, and awakens better feelings in him. The role of nature is especially great in raising children.

The project is aimed at developing students' interest in studying nature. The relevance of the project is thatChildren have insufficient understanding of the lifestyle, habits, nutrition, and homes of domestic animals.

The project “Pets” sets the task: to study the problem of the life of domestic animals with humans and to identify opportunities for its improvement and improvement. During the project, teach children to independently collect the necessary information, conduct research work to study the life and behavior of pets, and give practical recommendations for improving and making the lives of pets healthier.


Love for nature, however, like any human love,

undoubtedly, it is laid down in us from childhood.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Many of us have a cat, dog or some other pet living in our home. Each person chooses an animal for themselves based on their preferences and ability to care for it. Some people prefer to watch aquarium fish, some are interested in hamsters, others like to go for a walk with dogs, and some enjoy the purring of a cat. Many people think about why they need pets, because they are additional troubles. However, pet owners have never regretted their purchase. It’s so nice when someone is waiting for you at home. For example, you can play with a dog or cat, watch TV together, and even go shopping. Children are very responsive to affection and kindness. There's never a dull moment with pets. However, when purchasing an animal for a home, its owner also takes on great responsibility. After all, a pet requires not only affection and love, but also a certain amount of care. And, besides, do not forget that animals can get sick. Therefore, you should visit veterinary clinics and also buy healthy vitamins and various goodies for your new friends. Cats and dogs create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the house. It's always calm with them. Pets have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. After all, a pet can make even the most difficult day sunny and kind. Just his presence and kind eyes make a person happy. In addition, while walking your dog or visiting exhibitions with your cat, you can make many new and interesting acquaintances.

Pets are very important in a person’s life, they are the basis of good relationships and provide the opportunity to be good-natured. Whether we like it or not, relationships with pets have already entered our lives: social and family. Children are exposed to pets from an early age, learn about their affection, love, learn to take care of them, but it is very important to teach children how to treat them with care. A pet in a family is a powerful educational factor. The child learns to take care of him, look after him, he develops moral, volitional and labor qualities. First of all, the child does not know what can be done and what cannot be done, what is harmful for the animal and what is beneficial.

Project topic "Pets"

Objective of the project:

    development of the child’s creative and cognitive abilities;

    expand knowledge about pets, their types, groups;

    DIY creation of pets and their homes.


Cognitive tasks:

    find out how they benefit people;

    find out what distinctive features they have.

Learning Objectives:

    learn to care for pets;

    be able to extract information from different sources (text, illustrations, observations) and present it;

    And study the living conditions of pets;

    draw conclusions about why pets are needed.

    Theoretical part

A few thousand years ago, ancient man took the first steps to domesticate wild animals in order to use them for his own purposes. And today it is difficult to imagine our life without pets, as if they have always been faithful companions of people. Initially, man sought to obtain something valuable from animals, providing them with shelter and food. However, they also served as a source of aesthetic pleasure.

Who are pets

Pets are animals that have been tamed by humans by caring for them and providing them with food. All domesticated species and artificially bred breeds based on them were used for the purpose of obtaining material gain or pleasure. They became good companions for a person, brightening up his life. The process of animal reproduction occurs easily even outside natural conditions.

Interesting! Alternative medicine has long noted the ability of animals to heal people. Cats achieve the greatest success in this. Scientists explain the effectiveness of cat therapy by the ability of this animal to create a unique electromagnetic field with low-frequency currents thanks to its thin and soft fur.

This allows the cat to act on the source of inflammation and pain and destroy microbes. Scientists have proven that stroking an animal is not only pleasant, but also useful. During the bioenergetic contact that occurs in this case, the central nervous system of people receives special impulses that cause positive emotions and improve mood. Therefore, communication with cats is especially important during psychological disorders and stress.

Types of pets

Dog Cat Cow

Pig Horse Goat

Rabbit Chicken Goose

Groups of pets.

The first includes agricultural species used in everyday life and making it possible to obtain natural products and materials. For example, goats and cows provide human food: milk and meat, as well as wool and leather. But horses are still used as labor for transporting goods and as a means of transportation.

The second group unites all the animals that people keep for communication and leisure. Cats, fish, rodents and dogs are just some of the pets living at home. Like agricultural species, they can also be used for material gain. They help cope with bad moods, combat loneliness and stress.

Distinctive features.

A dog has become man's most devoted friend living at home. There is an opinion that, unlike cats, it is more strongly attached to humans. On average, dogs live about 10 years, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the animal will not always be able to stay nearby. When deciding to get a dog, you should also know that it needs constant care. Regular walks and feeding are only a small part of care. It is important to immediately decide on the breed, because each has its own characteristics. The character of the animal and what kind of care will be required depend on them.

Along with dogs, cats are also considered “companion animals”. She is valued both for her sociability and for her ability to catch rodents. The life expectancy of cats, like dogs, is on average 10-15 years.

The benefits of pets for humans.

Farm animals bring the greatest benefit to humans in everyday life. These species include sheep, horses, cows, and pigs. They provide people with natural products: milk, eggs, meat. Leather and wool, down and feathers are highly valued. In addition to meat, bristles and skin are obtained. A cow is the breadwinner of the family, as Russian peasants used to say. Every day it is capable of producing several liters of milk, from which fermented milk products, butter, and cheese are then obtained. Man has even achieved success in domesticating insects - bees, thanks to which he was able to obtain honey, propolis, and wax.

More and more people, for various reasons, have recently given up meat and become vegetarians. Meat is a source of essential amino acids. They are needed for the construction of antibodies that provide protection against pathogens of various diseases, 8

including oncological ones. When you give up meat, the body stops receiving essential amino acids, immunity decreases, which causes the development of infections.

On the farm, animals also participate in agricultural work, transporting loads and people. Horses are usually used for this purpose. At stud farms they are kept and bred to participate in horse racing and equestrian sports.

Animal domestication

Little information about the domestication of wild animals has survived to this day, but it is known that the dog is considered the first domesticated pet living in a house. In ancient times, she played the role of a companion for humans. Thanks to its excellent learning and training abilities, the dog eventually began to guard the house, participate in hunting and herding livestock. In some countries, attempts have been made to domesticate the weasel to fight rats and mice. However, she did not adapt well to life in captivity, and over time, cats replaced her.

The question of whether cats are fully domesticated remains open. They still retain the habits of their wild relatives, although they have been living next to humans for many thousands of years. Unlike dogs, they do not become so attached to humans, remaining independent

It is believed that most domestic animals descended from representatives living in the wild. The ancestor of cattle was the aurochs. But from whom the dog originated is not known exactly. It could have been a wolf, a jackal, or even a coyote. The ancestors of the sheep are considered to be wild sheep, mouflon and mountain sheep. The exact time of domestication of animals has not been established.

Pet breeding

Domesticated animals reproduce well in captivity. Their offspring do not need to be tamed again. From birth, pets adopt the habits of their mother and easily make contact with humans. In the case of farm animals, reproduction is an opportunity to obtain more valuable products. Work with farm animals is mainly carried out to increase their fertility, food potential, and weight.

When taming pets, it is important to remember that you should be responsible for them, provide them with proper care and surround them with care. Then pets will become reliable friends and helpers of their owner.

    Practical part

Our group would like to clearly demonstrate what pets and their homes look like. We have made several farm products.

First, a platform was made - a wooden or cardboard base, partially with a fence. Artificial grass was secured to the platform using glue. Some animals were sculpted from plasticine, some were toys. Next, we made a home for the pets: a dog kennel made of cardboard, a barn for cows and horses made of wooden blocks. We also installed a house for pet owners on the farm: some of the children made it out of cardboard, others decorated it with ceiling tiles. To decorate their farm, children added a well (made of cardboard), animal feeders, and added food (hay, millet). Students used artificial flowers and plants for decoration.

In order to make this product, we divided our responsibilities, someone made a dog and a booth, someone made a cat, a cow and a barn, a horse and a feeder, a pig and a trough. Finally, we secured our animals to the platform.


The goal of our project work was to expand knowledge about domestic animals. To cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings, to empathize with them, to understand the need to protect and educate them; draw attention to the problems of caring for pets.

The practical significance of the project work lies in a person’s understanding of the fact that pets play a significant role in a person’s life. This role is manifested in the fact that pets create a favorable atmosphere in the house, have a positive effect on people’s health, on our mood, and teach us to take care of animals.


1. “Encyclopedia for children. Volume 24. Pets”, Chapter. ed. E. Ananyeva; Ved. ed. D. Volodikhin, “Avanta+”, Moscow, 2004

2. T.A. Shorygina “Pets. What are they?”, GNOM and D Publishing House, Moscow, 2008.

3. N.P. Batsanov. Your pet four-legged friends. Saint Petersburg. LENIZ-DAT.-1992

4. Our pets have a holiday // Cat and Dog. - 2000. - No. 9. - P. 6.

5. Cats and kittens. M. ROSMEN. - 2000

6. Pets: species, origin, interesting facts [Electronic resource].

7. Pets for children. What kind of pet is worth getting for a child [Electronic resource]. –

8. Pet [Electronic resource]. -

Parnukhaeva Galya 2nd grade Gorkhon secondary school

Slide 2

Slide 3

In progress

  • I read books about the history of animal domestication
  • We walked through the courtyards of the class students and counted the number of pets
  • Conducted a survey among elementary school students.
  • Slide 4

    The purpose of my research: To identify the species composition of domestic animals in the household

    primary school students. Objectives: 1. Study the history of animal domestication.2. Determine the total number and species composition of domestic animals.3. Determine the effectiveness of using the species composition of domestic animals.

    Slide 5

    History of animal domestication

    The wolf became the first companion of man - 10-15 thousand years ago

    • DOG
  • Slide 6

    Human friendship with sheep and goats has lasted for at least 10 thousand years.

    • Mountain mouflon sheep
  • Slide 7

    The greatest benefit to humans came from the domestication of the aurochs, the ancestor of modern cows.

    tour cow

    Slide 8

    The horse submitted to man - 5-6 thousand years ago

    tarpan horse

    Slide 9

    For at least 5 thousand years (and according to some sources – 9 thousand years ago), a cat accompanies humans

    european forest cat domestic cat

    Slide 10

    About 5 thousand years ago, chickens were domesticated, descending from Bankevsky and red chickens.

    Slide 11

    Experiments in the field of domestication are still ongoing. In addition, scientists create everything

    new and new breeds of previously domesticated animals.

    • Alpacas are domesticated llamas
    • Domesticated mini leopard
    • mustelids
  • Slide 12

    In elementary school we did research.

    For 76 students there are:

    • Number of families with pets
    • Total number of pets
  • Slide 13

    Conclusion: In terms of the number of families keeping pets, dogs take 1st place.

    (63 families - 86 dogs)

    Almost every family owns dogs; they are a reliable protector of the home and household, and are not whimsical in rural conditions.

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