Simple recipes for quick weight loss. Delicious food recipes for weight loss

Having decided to lose extra pounds, a girl does not have to exhaust herself with diets. To quickly lose weight, it is enough to switch to a diet that allows you to effectively control body volume. Today there are many recipes for dishes that can satisfy the most demanding tastes. Prepare diet meals for weight loss at home won't be difficult. Among ordinary people, there is an established opinion that low-calorie food does not have a special taste. It is difficult to absorb food from the menu. In addition, a person constantly feels hungry. The opinion is wrong.

Dietary nutrition is based on low-calorie foods. They are varied and not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but also provide gastronomic pleasure. Diet food for weight loss allows you to reduce your waist size due to the fact that when you eat it, more energy is expended than it enters the body. To speed up getting rid of extra pounds, a girl will have to do math and start counting calories while eating.

Using the method will allow a woman to independently create a balanced diet. We’ll talk about recipes that allow you to quickly lose weight and developing your own menu for proper nutrition.

Recipes for the first

Eating dietary soups will allow you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. Dishes from the menu contain almost no calories. Soups contain many healthy products that help heal the body and improve metabolism after eating. Diet recipes for weight loss for every day will help the fashionista eat deliciously and quickly lose weight.

When preparing first courses from a low-calorie menu, a number of rules should be followed:

  • products must be fresh,
  • seasonings added to enhance flavor must consist of natural ingredients,
  • a minimum of salt should be added to the dish,
  • consume the soup immediately after preparing it,
  • Dishes should be prepared using vegetable broths.

Following the rules for preparing a dish from the menu will allow you to get a tasty food product without gaining weight.

Zucchini puree soup

When you start cooking a low-calorie dish, you should take a glass of water and pour it into a saucepan. Bring the liquid to a boil. Then you need to cut off the skin from the zucchini and divide the cauliflower into inflorescences. Vegetables should be cut into cubes, placed in boiling water and cooked until softened. At the same time, finely chop the onion and fry it in olive oil. Chop the tomatoes and add them to the pan.

Vegetables that have been pre-boiled should be removed from the pan and transferred to a container. You also need to place onions and tomatoes there. The mass should be crushed to a puree. Transfer to a plate and sprinkle with herbs. The soup is ready.

Diet borscht

Having started preparing a light dish from a low-calorie menu for dinner, a woman should boil beans, cabbage and potatoes. When the liquid in the pan comes to a boil, the recipe calls for reducing the heat and leaving the dish to simmer.

During cooking, place in the pan:

  • beets,
  • carrot,
  • pepper,
  • garlic.

Vegetables must be finely chopped and fried over low heat.

Note! Oil should not be used during the frying procedure. Alternatively, you can add a little water to the pan.

When the mixture is ready, add it to the pan in which the vegetables were cooked. The dietary dish needs to be simmered a little, some greens added to it and served.

Basil soup

Basil soup is a simple dish made from inexpensive ingredients. It should be on every fashionista's menu. To prepare the dish, you need to take an onion, finely chop it and fry it in a frying pan in butter. To the vegetable you need to add green peas and a little vegetable broth. The dish should be cooked over low heat for 20 minutes. When the deadline is up, you need to grind the green peas and transfer them to a container with broth. The resulting mass must be brought to a boil. Then you need to add basil and cream to the dish.

Second dietary dishes from the weight loss menu

Second dietary dishes are easy to prepare. These are simple and delicious recipes for healthy eating. Food should be included in the usual menu. You can prepare dietary foods for lunch and dinner from a low-calorie menu in a slow cooker. Vegetable dishes from the low-calorie menu should be firmly included in the menu of a fashionista. Systemic consumption of dietary food will have a beneficial effect on the girl’s figure and the general condition of the body.

Zucchini with vegetables

To prepare a dietary dish, you need to take a zucchini, peel and core it and cut it. Then you should take carrots and peppers and chop them too.

Note! It is better to cut vegetables into cubes.

Vegetables prepared for a dietary dish should be placed in a frying pan and lightly fried over low heat. You can add salt and spices to taste. Place the prepared filling into the core of the zucchini, and place the vegetable itself on a baking sheet. Place the diet food in the oven and cook for 20 minutes.

Beans with mushrooms

The housewife will need to spend no more than 30 minutes on cooking. To bring the recipe to life correctly, the girl must study the photo of the finished dish. You need to take an onion, chop it finely and fry it.

Note! To add piquancy to the dish, add a little garlic to the vegetable.

Then, according to the recipe, add mushrooms and green beans to the dietary mixture. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Then you need to take the red beans, drain the liquid from them and add to the dish. Cook dietary food for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Finally, you need to add parsley to the vegetables. Can be served. Dietary food will diversify the usual menu of a fashionista and help you quickly lose weight.

Cutlets with turkey and onions

If a girl wants to cook a hearty dietary dish, then light turkey cutlets are the easiest option. Following the recipe, the housewife must cut the meat into large pieces. Then chop the greens and divide the onion into 2 halves. At the same time, take a slice of bread and soak it in milk. Grind the components and mix with each other.

Note! To perform the procedure, you can use a blender or meat grinder.

To continue preparing the dietary dish, heat the frying pan and place the pre-made cutlets. When they are browned on both sides, the cutlets must be simmered for 5 minutes until cooked.

Dietary sweets from the menu

If a girl wants to get rid of extra pounds, this does not mean that she cannot treat herself to goodies. There are many dietary dishes that will bring gastronomic pleasure and will not contribute to excess weight. Following the recipe, a girl can quickly prepare a light dessert.

Curd dessert with fruits

To bring this yummy dietary recipe to life, you will need to take 2 types of cottage cheese and mix with each other until an airy mass is obtained. Take an additional container, pour gelatin into it, fill it with hot water and leave for 10 minutes. The water should be poured into the cottage cheese and the resulting mass should be mixed well.

Note! If the product is too thick, it should be diluted with dietary yogurt.

Cut the fruit into slices, after peeling it, and place it on the bottom of the dish. Pour in the curd mixture and place in the refrigerator overnight. Decorate a dietary dessert with berries and fruits. The dish can be served.


To prepare the dish you will need to take several types of any fruit. Peel and chop finely. Chop the pistachios. Place muesli at the bottom of the glass and pour yogurt on top.

Then you need to post:

  • layer of fruit,
  • layer of muesli,
  • layer of yogurt
  • layer of berries.

Pour honey over the dietary dessert and sprinkle with pistachios.

Curd ice cream

To prepare a dietary dish, you will need to take cottage cheese and add yogurt to it. The product will make the mass softer and softer. Mix the ingredients and make a paste. Cut prepared fruits. Add them to the mixture along with a spoon of cocoa. The product must be mixed and beaten well again, and then placed in the refrigerator.

Note! The mass should be cooled for no more than 3 hours. To make the dessert loose, it needs to be stirred every 30 minutes until done.

After the expiration date, the dietary product can be removed from the refrigerator and, after decorating with fruit, served.

Salads for weight loss

Salads are a classic dish that allows you to saturate your body with vitamins and get rid of extra pounds. Dietary recipes involve the use of a minimum of spices and flavor enhancers. Despite this, the dishes turn out juicy and nutritious.

Fresh zucchini salad

Wash the vegetables and then cut the zucchini and pepper into small pieces. Carrots and cabbage should also be chopped. These products should be cut into strips. The tomatoes must be quartered and the greens chopped. All products should be mixed together, and then add a little pepper and salt to taste.

Note! You can use olive oil and garlic as a dressing.

The finished dietary dish should be left for 10 minutes. During this period, the salad will have time to brew. Can be served.

Korean salad with kohlrabi and carrots

To prepare, you need to mix wine vinegar with a spoon of purified water and spices. Then you need to take Chinese cabbage and chop it finely. Kohlrabi must be peeled and chopped into strips. Carrots must be grated and then added to the rest of the vegetables. When the products are together, they should be poured with the pre-prepared dressing, mix the ingredients and serve.

Young cabbage salad

Young cabbage salad is a dietary food for weight loss. To bring the recipe to life, you need to take young cabbage and finely chop it.

Note! To make the product softer, you should take a little salt and mash the vegetable with it.

Then you need to finely chop the dates and fry the sesame seeds. No oil should be used during the process. Next, you need to wait until the product has cooled and mix all the ingredients together. The dietary dish should be sprinkled with feta on top. As a dressing you need to use a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. For decoration, the dish can be sprinkled with sesame seeds. Diet salad can be served.

Diet drinks

Properly prepared diet drinks can be an alternative to snacking. Rich in nutrients, they will effectively satisfy your hunger without gaining extra pounds. You don't have to spend a lot of time preparing a drink.

Green tea with lemon and ginger

To prepare a diet drink recipe, you need to add ginger and lemon peel to a container of water. Place the future drink on the fire and bring to a boil. After completing the procedure, the drink should be boiled without a lid for another 10 minutes.

Note! If a girl cannot drink a diet drink without sugar, she can use a substitute.

Then you should put the green tea bags in the teapot and pour the resulting decoction over it. Before use, let the mixture sit for 1-3 minutes.


Add any fruits or berries to 2 liters of water. Honey can be used as a sweetener. Put the drink on the fire and cook until done.

Lemon water

To prepare the drink, you need to take a jug of water and add the juice of 1-2 lemons to it. Sugar should not be added.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

I consider the approach to losing weight described in the article to be one of the most optimal. Firstly, it does not require fasting, which is extremely harmful when trying to lose weight. Secondly, with a well-designed menu, the body receives all the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients. This means that he does not experience the stress that he has to face in the case of strict diets.

If you are thinking about dietary dishes, be sure to study the principles of healthy eating. Understand which foods contain the most calories and have the highest glycemic index. They prevent you from losing weight and contribute to weight gain. Eliminate such foods from your diet, and instead eat more dietary dishes.

But do not forget that the food consumed must contain all the biologically active substances necessary for the body. Most diet meals contain little or no of them. Therefore, additionally eat foods enriched with nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Better yet, go to a nutritionist so that he can select an individual weight loss program for you. The doctor will draw up a menu and also tell you what you can eat and what you cannot eat. Believe me, this will be most effective.

Results of eating dietary meals

By replacing her usual dishes with dietary ones, the girl will soon notice that the excess weight will begin to go away. Metabolism will be normalized after nutrition, and lightness will appear in the body. To lose weight faster, you can combine a low-calorie diet with physical activity. This will increase your daily energy expenditure and speed up the loss of extra pounds.

Note! You should not consume more than 1100 calories daily. Scientists have found that this is exactly how much is spent on the functioning of the body. Exceeding this mark, even with a diet, can lead to weight gain.

Dietary food should become the usual diet of a fashionista. It will not only have a beneficial effect on the condition of the figure, but will also improve the general condition of the body. The woman’s health will return to normal and most intestinal problems will disappear. Eating diet foods does not force you to give up sweets or go hungry. A fashionista can easily eat delicious healthy food without harming her figure.

The word collect is of French origin and means an addition to the main dish, which is used as a decoration and enhances the taste. The modern concept of a side dish means products that are added to a serving of meat, fish and vegetable main culinary products. Side dishes are prepared from cereals, vegetables, seafood, mushrooms and even fruits.

Garnish is an important part of any dish. And especially meat. After all, without additional products on the plate, a juicy, appetizing piece of meat will seem bland and not very tasty. The side dish not only adds flavor variety to the dish, but also increases its nutritional value.

There are a large variety of side dishes and their combinations for meat dishes. Probably, each reader of this article has his own taste preferences and his favorite meat additives. These can be various cereals, pasta, legumes, potatoes and other vegetables.

Side dishes can be prepared using the technology of stewing, boiling, frying, etc. Additionally, you can serve a salad of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Let's look at the most popular meat additives:

Cereals. In our country, side dishes made from rice and buckwheat are very popular. But, when choosing a meat additive, you should not stop only at these cereals. Pearl barley and wheat porridge also go well with meat. Also pay attention to bulgur, couscous and quinoa. These grains will not only enhance the taste of the meat, but also add great nutritional value to the dish.

Cereals for meat can be used alone or mixed with vegetables.

Pasta. Today there is enough pasta that will go perfectly with meat. Spaghetti, nests and shells can be cooked into chops or cutlets. But, since pasta does not have a “strong” taste, they, like cereals, can be combined with vegetables.

Potato. Potatoes, unlike other vegetables, can be used as an independent dish. But, many of us love fried potatoes or mashed potatoes from this root vegetable along with meat steak or cutlets. Potatoes are loved in our country like no other. Don't want to cook boring puree? Make croquettes or pancakes from the potatoes, or simply stew them.

Vegetables. When using vegetables as a side dish for meat, there is room to “roam around”. Vegetables not only diversify the taste of a meat dish, but also make it healthy and rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition to potatoes, which are mentioned above, cabbage, carrots, beets and zucchini go well with meat. You can make these side dishes from them.

In addition to these popular vegetables, you can cook eggplant, pumpkin and other vegetables with meat. The best thing is to choose several at once and prepare a stew.

When choosing a side dish for meat from several products, it is advisable to find a combination where the ingredients will complement each other’s taste. And in order for the dish to be visually beautiful, you can find contrasting combinations of products.

As you can see, there are a lot of side dishes for meat. Finding the right one for your family members won't be difficult.

Recipe for fluffy rice as a side dish for meat and fish

Rice is one of the most popular foods on our planet. When prepared correctly, a side dish made from this cereal will be very tasty and healthy. There are many ways to cook rice. Let's look at them in more detail.


  1. Wash rice (500 g) in running water and place in a saucepan
  2. Add spices (to taste) and vegetable oil (100 ml)
  3. Fill with cold water so that the level is 2 cm higher than the rice level.
  4. Add salt and bring to a boil over high heat.
  5. Turn off the stove and cover the pan with a lid
  6. After 15 minutes, remove from heat and wrap in a towel
  7. Leave for 15-20 minutes

IMPORTANT: If rice is used as a side dish, then it is best not to use polished or round rice for this purpose. They boil over and turn into an ugly mess. These types of rice are best used for making porridge.


Boiled rice - ingredients
  1. Fry onion (1 head) in vegetable oil
  2. Wash the rice (500 g) and add it to the pan
  3. Pour in water, salt and add onion
  4. Boil until 95% done
  5. Before removing from the stove, add garlic, basil, paprika or any other herb or spice to the rice.
  6. Wrap the pan in a towel and let it sit


  1. Onion (1 head), peeled and finely chopped
  2. Carrots (1 pc.), peeled and grated on a coarse grater
  3. Fry the vegetables in a frying pan and add chopped garlic (2 cloves)
  4. We continue to fry the vegetables and add rice (1 cup) and pour in cold water (2 cups)
  5. Salt and bring water to a boil
  6. Reduce the heat to low and simmer under the lid, periodically adding water.
  7. Towards the end of cooking the rice, add green peas, bell peppers, zucchini or any other vegetables.


Steamed Rice – Ingredients
  1. Wash the rice and fill it with clean water
  2. After a few hours, drain the water and place the rice in the steamer bowl.
  3. Salt, pepper and season with spices
  4. Stir and cook until done

You can add turmeric, saffron, rosemary, curry or other spices to this rice.


Rice for fish – Ingredients
  1. Wash rice (1 cup) and boil in salted water
  2. Peel and chop onion (1 head) and garlic (1 clove)
  3. Melt butter in a frying pan and add onion and garlic
  4. Then add corn (1 can) and fry for 5 minutes
  5. Cut tomatoes (4 pcs.) into cubes and add to vegetables
  6. Then add rice, chopped peanuts (150 g) and chopped herbs to the pan
  7. Salt, pepper and season with your favorite spices

Garnish of mushrooms for meat and fish

Mushrooms are a special product of plant origin. They are rarely used as a side dish. Most often, mushrooms are used in sauces or used as the main product in a dish. For example, rice with mushrooms. If you combine them with fish or meat, the dish will turn out heavy and very high in calories.

Mushrooms for meat and fish - Ingredients
  1. Mushrooms (chanterelles 200 g + porcini mushrooms 350 g) cut into pieces and fry in oil
  2. Pour soy sauce (2 tablespoons) over the prepared mushrooms and stir
  3. Chop onion (2 pcs.), sauté it in oil and combine with mushrooms
  4. Add ground pepper
  5. Place the mushrooms on a plate and sprinkle with chopped pine nuts (6 tablespoons)

Cauliflower side dish for meat

Cauliflower goes well with meat. At the same time, this product has great benefits and, no less important, excellent taste. There are many ways to prepare cauliflower. And we will describe several recipes for such a side dish below.


Cauliflower for meat - Ingredients
  1. Pour cold water into the pan and add salt
  2. Bring to a boil and submerge 1.4 kg of cauliflower
  3. Boil it for about 5 minutes and remove it to a plate.
  4. Separate the cauliflower into florets and place them in a bowl.
  5. Drizzle with olive oil, add a little more salt and mix with your hands.
  6. Place the prepared inflorescences in a heat-resistant form and bake in the oven until browned
  7. It is advisable to turn the inflorescences several times so that they do not burn


Battered Cauliflower – Ingredients
  1. Wash cauliflower (1 head) under running water and divide into inflorescences
  2. Boil them in salted water for about 10 minutes
  3. Place in a colander and allow excess liquid to drain
  4. Beat eggs (3 pcs.), sour cream (2 tbsp. spoons), salt and flour (3 tbsp. spoons)
  5. Dip the cabbage in the resulting batter and fry in oil on all sides.

Dietary side dish for meat and fish

Probably all of us strive for a slim and fit look. Of course, few people can look beautiful without training. But even exercise will not help if a person eats incorrectly. You don’t have to adhere to a specific diet, but use dietary foods in your diet. After all, not only will they not add extra calories to you, but they also lose less useful microelements during cooking.


Stewed beans with vegetables can be an excellent dietary side dish for fish and meat. Moreover, such beans can be used independently.

Beans with vegetables – Ingredients
  1. Wash and soak dry beans (100 g) for 12 hours
  2. Boil them until done
  3. Wash green beans (200 g) under running water (you can also use frozen beans)
  4. Tomatoes (3 pcs.), small zucchini (1 pc.), onion (1 pc.), bell pepper (1 pc.) and carrots (1 pc.), peel and cut as you like
  5. Melt vegetable oil in a frying pan and sauté the onion in it first, and then the rest of the vegetables.
  6. After the vegetables are half-cooked, add green beans and simmer over low heat.
  7. Add cooked beans and simmer for another 10 minutes
  8. 5 minutes before readiness, add chopped garlic (5 cloves), salt and favorite spices


Broccoli with fish – Ingredients
  1. Divide broccoli (500 g) into florets and boil in salted water until half cooked
  2. Using a slotted spoon, remove the broccoli and allow the excess liquid to drain.
  3. Whip cream (1 cup) with yolk and add grated cheese (150 g)
  4. Salt the future sauce, add nutmeg, white pepper and herbs (to taste)
  5. Place fish (salmon is best) and semi-finished broccoli florets in a heat-resistant form.
  6. Pour sauce over them and bake in the oven until the fish is ready

For a dietary side dish, boiled rice is also a win-win option. You can find out how to prepare it above.

Potato side dish for meat and fish

Not a single Russian feast is complete without potatoes. But this vegetable has been grown in our country not so long ago. Potatoes can be used not only as a side dish, but also as a main dish. This vegetable can be boiled, fried, stewed, made into purees, zrazy, pancakes and much more delicious things.


Baked Potatoes – Ingredients
  1. Mix sour cream (150 ml), mustard (2 teaspoons), ground coriander, paprika, salt and vegetable oil
  2. Peel potatoes (700 g) and cut them into medium slices
  3. Place it in a baking sleeve, add salt and mix
  4. Fill the baking sleeve with the previously prepared sauce and mix the potatoes by shaking the sleeve
  5. Then you need to release the air and tie the free end
  6. Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and place the sleeve in it
  7. Set the “Baking” mode and bake for 40 minutes
  8. After the signal that the side dish is ready, wait another 5 minutes and remove the potatoes from the sleeve

Potatoes baked in sour cream go well with any type of meat and fish.


Mashed Potatoes with Herbs and Cheese – Ingredients
  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and add a bay leaf and a few peppercorns
  2. Boil the potatoes (1 kg) and after they are ready, drain the water
  3. Pound potatoes with added milk (2.5 cups) and pieces of butter
  4. Finely chop parsley leaves (1 bunch) and use a grater to grate Parmesan cheese (80 g)
  5. Add parsley, cheese, salt and nutmeg (1/3 teaspoon) to the puree and mix until smooth.

This side dish goes well with fish and meat. But this spicy mashed potato goes especially well with turkey, rabbit or chicken.


Potatoes with chickpeas - Ingredients
  1. Soak chickpeas (2/3 cup) in cold water for 8-10 hours
  2. Then drain the water and boil it in clean water
  3. Peel potatoes (3 tubers) and cut into cubes similar to the size of chickpeas
  4. Mix asafoetida, curry, turmeric, paprika, ground black pepper, ground coriander 1 teaspoon each
  5. Melt butter and fry spices in it
  6. Add potato cubes to the pan and fry them until half cooked
  7. Then add the chickpeas and pour into the frying pan a little of the broth in which this type of pea was cooked
  8. Salt, add tomato paste and mix
  9. Simmer the vegetables until the potatoes are soft and add freshly chopped herbs before serving.

Vegetable side dish for meat, recipes

As mentioned above, there are a large number of different options for vegetable side dishes. They are ideally combined with and, due to their availability, diversify your diet well.


Eggplants with zucchini – Ingredients
  1. Onion (1 head) needs to be chopped and fried in vegetable oil
  2. Chop the bell pepper (1 pc.) and add it to the onion when it becomes transparent
  3. Cut the zucchini (2 pieces) into cubes and add them to the rest of the vegetables three minutes after the pepper
  4. Sliced ​​eggplant (1 piece) should be added 4 minutes after the zucchini
  5. Pour in chicken broth (1 cup) and simmer the vegetables under the lid for 10 minutes
  6. Chop the garlic (1 clove) and add it to the rest of the vegetables
  7. Salt, pepper and cook for another 1-2 minutes
  8. Turn off the heat, but leave the pan with vegetables on the stove for another 10 minutes

Serve with meat or fish. Before serving, sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs.


Roasted Beetroot – Ingredients

An excellent side dish for chicken breast can be made from beets.

  1. Mix soy sauce (1 tablespoon), vinegar (1.5 teaspoons), vegetable oil (3 tablespoons), honey (1 teaspoon), salt and spices
  2. Place cherries (200 g) into the prepared marinade and mash the berries
  3. You can add a pinch of ground pepper
  4. Peel beets (2 pcs.) and cut into slices
  5. Carrots (1 pc.), peeled and cut into cubes
  6. Grease a heatproof dish with oil
  7. Put vegetables there and pour marinade over them
  8. Place garlic slices (2-3 cloves) on top and cover the pan with foil
  9. Bake at 200 degrees for 1 hour 30 minutes
  10. Before serving, sprinkle aromatic and crispy vegetables with fresh herbs.

Barley as a side dish for meat and fish

Pearl barley is a very healthy cereal. Most often it is cooked at the same time as meat. Usually with stew. But, you can cook pearl barley separately. A side dish based on pearl barley can be prepared with vegetables and used as an independent dish.


Barley for fish - Ingredients
  1. Soak pearl barley (15 tablespoons) overnight
  2. Onion (1 pc.), carrots (1 pc.) and celery, peel and cut as it is more convenient for you
  3. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil and simmer until half cooked
  4. Pass garlic (4 cloves) through a press and add to vegetables
  5. Simmer them for another 6 minutes, and then add the soaked pearl barley
  6. Cook the fish side dish for another 5 minutes
  7. Separately mix sour cream (100 g), horseradish (1 tablespoon), cream (200 g) and herbs
  8. Place the vegetables and pearl barley in a heat-resistant dish
  9. Place fish there (400 - 500 g), cut into pieces
  10. Pour over the filling and bake in the oven for 25 minutes

Millet porridge as a side dish for meat

Millet can be used not only in milk porridges. This cereal can also be successfully used as a side dish for meat.

Millet porridge – Ingredients
  1. Finely chop onion (1 pc.) and fry in vegetable oil
  2. Peel carrots (1 pc.), grate on a medium grater and add to the onion
  3. We wash the millet (1 cup) several times and add it to the vegetables.
  4. Fill with water (2.5 cups) and add a cube of chicken broth (1 pc.)
  5. Cover with a lid and wait until the liquid boils away

Lentils as a side dish for meat, recipe

Lentils in our country are not as popular as in the East. But this legume is very useful. So be sure to include it in your diet. Moreover, you can prepare very tasty side dishes from it.


Lentils – Ingredients
  1. Lentils need to be washed and soaked in water for 4-5 hours.
  2. Then the water needs to be drained and new water added (1:2)
  3. And cook the lentils for 40 minutes

If red lentils are used as a side dish, the cooking time should be 30 minutes, and for brown lentils - 25 minutes.


Lentils with vegetables - Ingredients
  1. Soak lentils (1 cup) in water and set to cook
  2. Carrots (2 pcs.), peeled and grated on a medium grater
  3. Chop onion (1 pc.) and fry in oil for about 5 minutes
  4. Add carrots and diced tomatoes (2 pcs.) to the onion.
  5. Fry for another 5 minutes and add boiled lentils to the pan
  6. Then dill (1/2 bunch), pepper, salt and coriander (1 teaspoon)
  7. Stir and leave covered on low heat.


Lentils in cream - Ingredients
  1. Thinly chop the onion (2 pcs.) and garlic (3 cloves), and grate the ginger
  2. Melt butter (50 g) in a frying pan and fry the chopped products
  3. Tomatoes (2 pcs.), cut into cubes, add to the pan with golden onions and garlic
  4. Simmer vegetables for 6 minutes and add cream (100 ml), turmeric and curry (1 teaspoon each)
  5. Reduce heat to low and cook for another 3 minutes, stirring.
  6. Boil lentils (200 g), add them to the pan and stir
  7. Remove and serve this aromatic side dish with fish or meat

Buckwheat garnish recipe

Buckwheat is traditionally used in our cuisine as a side dish for minced meat, rabbit, poultry and some types of fish. Cooking buckwheat is very simple. How? See below.

Buckwheat for garnish – Ingredients
  1. Rinse buckwheat (1.5 cups) under cold water
  2. Place the cleaned and washed cereal into a saucepan.
  3. Add vegetable oil (3 tablespoons) and mix
  4. Pour in pre-prepared boiling water (1 cup)
  5. Bring water to a boil and reduce heat to low
  6. When the water evaporates, you need to add more (0.5-1 glass) water
  7. Add water so that the buckwheat cooks in steam rather than in water.
  8. Typically, this cooking time for buckwheat takes no more than 15 minutes.
  9. Peel small carrots (2 pcs.) and cut into medium pieces
  10. Onion (1 pc.), peeled and finely chopped
  11. Fry carrots and onions in oil until golden brown
  12. Add them to buckwheat
  13. Salt, pepper and season with herbs
  14. Mix and serve with meat

Beans as a side dish cooking recipes

Beans are a staple ingredient in Mexican and Greek cuisine. Although they are often used there as the main products of various dishes, beans can also be used to make delicious side dishes for fish and meat.


Beans for meat - Ingredients
  1. Pour beans (1 glass) overnight and let them brew (at least 6 hours)
  2. Boil until done and drain in a colander.
  3. Separately fry the chopped onion (1 pc.) and bell pepper (2 pcs.)
  4. Add tomato paste (1 tbsp), tomatoes grated through a sieve (2 pcs.) and a little water
  5. Stir, salt, pepper, add bay leaf and simmer for 10 minutes
  6. Crush garlic (1 clove) and add to vegetables
  7. Then add beans and fresh herbs
  8. Simmer for another 10 minutes and serve with fish or meat


Red beans for meat – Ingredients
  1. Place canned beans (500 g) in a frying pan
  2. Chop onion (1 pc.) and fry it together with beans
  3. Add ground pepper, wine vinegar (1 tablespoon), cinnamon (0.5 teaspoon), salt and pre-chopped walnuts (50 g)
  4. Crush the garlic (1 clove), add to the rest of the ingredients and mix
  5. Simmer for 5 minutes and place on a plate

Pea puree for garnish recipe

Peas, like lentils and beans, belong to the legume family. And you can make very tasty side dishes from it. Most often, pea puree is used for this purpose. There are several recipes for this side dish. The best of them are presented below.


Pea puree – Ingredients
  1. Peas (1 cup), cleared of debris, washed and soaked in water for 6 hours
  2. Drain the water, wash the soaked peas, place them in a saucepan and fill with water (2-3 cups)
  3. Bring to a boil over high heat and reduce to low
  4. Cook for 1.5 - 2 hours, then remove from the stove and cover with a lid.
  5. Salt and puree using a masher or blender
  6. You can add a little milk for taste

This pea puree goes well with fried meat.


Savory Pea Puree – Ingredients
  1. Soak peeled peas (1 cup) in cold water and then boil
  2. Making puree from boiled peas
  3. Peel carrots (1 pc.) and wash them
  4. Grind greens, garlic (1 clove) and carrots in a blender or meat grinder
  5. Add the resulting pulp to the puree, olive oil (3 tablespoons) and salt
  6. For those who like it spicy, you can add ground black pepper to the puree.

This spicy puree is well suited as a side dish for meat dishes and salads. For greens, you can use a mixture of marjoram, basil and curly parsley.

Kate. I really love pork with garlic arrows. Although arrows are not a side dish in the traditional sense of the word. Maybe some of the readers would like to try this dish. I recommend it, it’s very tasty.

Larisa. Try the fluffy potato soufflé. An excellent alternative to traditional puree. Can be eaten as a main dish or as a side dish with meat and fish. It's easy to prepare. Cheese is added to the puree. Whipped egg whites and butter are also added there. Everything is mixed and baked in the oven.

Video. Zucchini stew: a vitamin side dish. Cooking. Recipes. It's clear that it's delicious.

It is very sad, but modern society is faced with the problem of excess weight. But you shouldn’t go to extremes and starve yourself by going on cruel diets.

You can lose weight without limiting yourself to healthy and favorite foods, that is, with pleasure. To do this, you just need to know how to cook them correctly and choose those recipes that will not harm you.

Here are some recipes for dishes that you will really like and, moreover, will not add extra pounds.

Dietary vegetable salad

An excellent salad option for those who are losing weight.

The products it contains act as a kind of “broom” and rid the body of harmful toxins, saturating it with essential vitamins and microelements.

You are quite You can replace dinner with this salad and you will feel the result very soon.


  • white cabbage – 100 g;
  • green apple – 100 g;
  • carrots – 100g;
  • beets – 100 g;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • prunes – 60 g;
  • olive oil for dressing.


  1. Wash the vegetables, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. Lightly knead them with your hands so that they release the juice.
  3. Grate the apple along with the peel and add to the main mass.
  4. Fill the prunes with warm water and leave for 15 minutes, then cut into strips and add to the salad.
  5. Mix everything, season with lemon juice and olive oil.

There is no need to add salt to this salad.– all ingredients have a wonderful natural taste.

Cauliflower soup with onion broth

This light, aromatic soup will definitely please your taste and will help you shed those extra pounds.


  • onion broth - 2 liters;
  • celery root – 1 pc.;
  • celery greens – 1 bunch;
  • fresh tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • onions – 5 pcs.;
  • cauliflower – ½ head.


  1. Wash the vegetables, peel the onion and cut it into 4 parts, cut one onion into small cubes. We divide the cabbage into inflorescences, grate the celery root, finely chop the greens, and cut the tomatoes into medium pieces. You can blanch them first. To do this, you need to place them in boiling water for a few seconds, and then immediately send them into cold water. Due to temperature changes, the skins of vegetables will easily come off and will not interfere with the finished dish.
  2. Place large pieces of onion into boiling water and cook them for 10 minutes. After this, remove the onion and throw it away.
  3. Add the remaining finely chopped onion and all the celery to the resulting onion broth. Continue cooking for another 7-10 minutes.
  4. After this, add the tomatoes and cook for about 10 minutes.
  5. At the end, place the prepared cabbage inflorescences into the soup. Salt to taste. Boil our soup for another 15-20 minutes.

Turkey cutlets with quail eggs

Turkey meat is ideal for preparing low-calorie dietary dishes. We will steam the cutlets - this will add even more benefits to our dish and eliminate extra calories.

The dish turns out very satisfying and tasty. A If you also prepare spinach sauce for them, their taste will be enriched and simply “explosive.”


  • minced turkey – 400 g;
  • Chinese cabbage – 150 g;
  • quail eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • leek – 40 g;
  • boiled rice – 80 g;
  • fresh hot chili pepper - 1 pod;
  • spices.


  1. Salt and pepper the minced meat and add quail eggs to bind it together.
    Finely chop the Chinese cabbage, chop the leeks and add them to the meat. These vegetables will add extra juiciness to our cutlets.
  2. Add boiled rice to the main mixture. It will make the minced meat denser and prevent it from falling apart.
  3. Chop the chili pepper without seeds very finely and add it to the prepared minced meat. Mix.
  4. With wet hands we form small balls and give them the shape of cutlets.
  5. Steam the cutlets for about 8 minutes. It all depends on the coarseness of the minced meat. Cooking time can be increased to 10 minutes.

Losing weight is delicious - it's very easy and possible!

Is it possible to eat delicious food and not gain extra pounds? This difficult question concerns both men and women. After all, not everyone is able to withstand a diet with unsalted porridge, boiled vegetables and kefir at night. It turns out that by switching to dietary nutrition, you can lose weight and diversify your diet with all sorts of goodies.

Dietary dishes are low-calorie dishes that not only help you maintain your figure and improve your well-being, but also have excellent taste.

First courses for weight loss

Remember how mothers and grandmothers stuffed us with rich borscht, telling us that we couldn’t do without the first course? There is some truth in this. After all, first courses prepare the body for proper digestion of food. Of course, now many people replace cabbage soup or soups with vegetable juice, fighting for a thin waist. But you can prepare a low-calorie first course.

Vegetable soup with mushrooms

The basis of the soup is potato and vegetable broth.

  • Take three medium potato tubers, 300 gr. any mushrooms, one carrot, half an onion.
  • Clean everything, finely chop it with a knife, and place it in a saucepan. Fill with a liter of water.
  • Cook for half an hour, 5 minutes before readiness, pour half a glass of 15% cream into the soup. Add salt to taste.

Fish soup with meatballs

You will need: two medium-sized fish, an onion, a leek, half a lemon, chili pepper, salt.

  • Clean the fish, cut into pieces, place in a saucepan, pour in 2 liters of water. Place the peeled onion, two bay leaves, and 3 black peppercorns there.
  • Boil the fish for 20 minutes. Remove the pieces, clean them of bones and skin, and strain the broth.
  • Grind the pulp in a blender, add chopped hot pepper and leek stem. Add some salt.
  • Form small meatballs from the minced meat, place them in fish broth, and heat over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Season the finished soup with lemon juice and chopped herbs.

Summer okroshka with kefir

The ideal dish for hot weather is okroshka. When preparing it, housewives use different products, observing their proportions. But to lose weight, they try to fill the refrigerator with low-fat kefir.

  • Peel the boiled potatoes and eggs.
  • Wash fresh cucumbers, a bunch of radishes, green onions, and dill.
  • Cut everything, pour into a deep bowl, add salt, pour kefir. If you can’t live without meat, add boiled chicken breast to the okroshka.

Main courses for weight loss

Main courses are an integral part of the diet if you use lean fish, chicken, turkey, and veal when preparing these simple culinary delights.

Chicken fillet rolls

For cooking you will need: 400 gr. chicken fillet, low-fat cottage cheese - 1 cup, prunes - 8 pieces. Walnuts and spices - to taste.

  • Cut the chicken into slices, pound it, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  • Combine cottage cheese with chopped prunes and nuts.
  • Grease one side of the plate with the resulting mixture, roll the rolls with the cottage cheese inward, fasten with toothpicks or tie with thread.
  • Place the pieces on a greased baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180°.

Omelette with shrimp

  • Fry the onion cut into rings and 10 pieces of shrimp for 3 minutes in a frying pan.
  • In a bowl, beat two eggs, 1/2 cup milk, a spoonful of soy sauce. Pour this mixture over the onions and shrimp. Cover the pan with a lid. Fry until done. Place the omelette on a plate and sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped parsley.

Salads for weight loss

For dietary salads, you can take any vegetables and fruits. The main thing is to use yogurt, yogurt, vegetable oil, and low-fat sour cream as dressings.

Three-color cocktail salad

Ingredients: avocado and tomatoes 2 pieces each, 200 gr. mozzarella, olive oil - 3 tbsp. l, basil, salt, ground red pepper - on the tip of a knife.

  • Wash and peel avocados and tomatoes.
  • Cut all components into cubes. Mix in a salad bowl with olive oil.

Salad with yoghurt dressing

Chop a green cucumber, a bell pepper, two tomatoes, 7 radishes, a clove of garlic, and herbs. Season the sauce by mixing a glass of yogurt, 1 tsp. grainy mustard, 50 gr. honey

Desserts for weight loss

Even the most delicious lunch without dessert will be incomplete. To make these sweet joys tasty and healthy, prepare them from natural products.

Chocolate vanilla cheese

Grind two glasses of cottage cheese with 2 tbsp. cocoa and sugar, 0.5 tsp. soda, 100 ml milk, 1/2 pack of vanillin. Beat the mixture in a mixer, then heat, stirring, in a pouring bowl until smooth. Transfer the mixture to a container and cool in the refrigerator. After three hours, place in bowls and crumble with grated chocolate.

Apple sorbet

  • Peel two apples, cut into pieces, place in a blender. Add 100 ml water, 70 g. Sahara. Mix until smooth.
  • Separately, beat the egg white and add it to the applesauce. Transfer the mixture into a container, cover with cling film, and refrigerate for 2 hours. Serve in bowls, garnished with fruit.

All dishes presented are easy to prepare, low in calories, and tasty. By consuming them, you will normalize your intestines, reduce cholesterol, enrich your body with vitamins and, of course, lose weight. And in combination with morning exercise, walking, and healthy sleep, you will be able to control your weight, and therefore your health.

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Dietary recipes for weight loss

Soup for weight loss is a dietary dish for those who want to eat and lose weight at the same time. A simple soup for weight loss is not only light, but also tasty - it will make any diet a pleasure.

Salad "Brush" for weight loss

"Brush" salad for weight loss is an effective and tasty way to get rid of excess ingredients. A simple recipe for “Brush” salad for weight loss - a note for those who want to lose weight!

Okroshka is a light, nutritious, vitamin-packed soup that also helps you lose weight. I love okroshka and in early spring I always go on an okroshka diet. By bikini season I lose 3-4 kg.

After reading the name of this soup, there should be no questions about its purpose. This celery soup recipe is to help those who are losing weight.

Proper nutrition is the key to weight loss and overall health. Onion soup for weight loss is an excellent example of a tasty and at the same time healthy dish that improves metabolism and helps you lose weight.

If you carefully monitor your weight or are struggling with extra pounds, I offer you a very tasty, nutritious and low-calorie lentil soup for weight loss.

Anyone who is interested in diets has probably heard about cabbage soup for weight loss, which is credited with simply miraculous properties. I'll tell you how to prepare it.

I’ll tell you my little secret - a simple recipe for making lemon water for weight loss. A very tasty drink that I drink every day. A good element of a diet for weight loss. Meet us! :)

Do you want to eat deliciously and not be afraid of extra pounds, or do you need to lose some weight? Then I offer you a great option - pumpkin soup for weight loss.

Celery with kefir for weight loss can be used on a kefir fasting day. If someone wants to lose weight, then they cannot do without fasting days once every four days. Celery is your helper!

Any woman would not mind losing a couple of extra pounds. Vegetable soup for weight loss will help you with this. However, it is not only healthy, but also very tasty - see for yourself!

The leader among jelly for weight loss! By losing weight with this jelly, you will not only lose excess weight, but also improve your health. So, let's prepare oatmeal jelly for weight loss!

This is a wonderful tasty and healthy soup with a minimum calorie content and maximum vitamin content. Well, if you are satisfied with your weight, then just prepare it for the general benefit of the body.

As you know, pineapple is a low-calorie and tasty fruit. For a greater weight loss effect, you need to eat fresh pineapple for several days, “diluting” it with dishes containing canned pineapple.

This excellent soup will help you maintain your figure in good shape. In addition, it is perfect for a light lunch or dinner on a hot summer day, and it is also incredibly tasty and healthy.

Celery juice for weight loss is full of vitamins and minerals. And the body spends much more calories on its digestion than is contained in celery. The juice removes toxins and speeds up metabolism.

Are you losing weight? A recipe for tomato soup for weight loss is at your service. Using a minimum amount of ingredients, in a simple way, prepare a great soup - both tasty and useful for losing weight.

You can fight excess weight with beets very simply, and most importantly, without much harm to your health. Today on our menu is an excellent low-calorie puree soup made from vegetables and fruits - tasty and healthy.

I learned how to make pumpkin soup for weight loss from my friend in the fall, when I visited her for a week. She was just losing weight. And what do you think? There was an effect!

There are a lot of options for cabbage soups for weight loss. Usually, when I need to “unload” a little, I prepare this cabbage soup for weight loss - and gobble it up with pleasure. Tasty and healthy.

Asparagus is an indispensable product for those who are watching their weight: it contains so few calories that you can eat it in almost any quantity! I offer you a simple recipe for asparagus for weight loss.

If we choose dietary food without harm to our health, then low-calorie buckwheat dishes are ideal. Today on our menu is buckwheat soup for weight loss.

I offer you a wonderful recipe for weight loss soup that will perfectly cope with the feeling of hunger, and at the same time it does not contain a large number of calories, and it is also incredibly tasty and aromatic.

If you are not on a strict diet, then this pea soup recipe for weight loss is perfect for you. No harmful ingredients, only dietary products.

If you really love mushrooms, but watch your figure, then this recipe is especially for you. We will prepare a wonderful mushroom soup, very light and healthy, which will not harm your slim figure.

Did you know that you can be on a diet and still eat incredibly delicious food? If not, then the recipe for tomato puree soup for weight loss is a must-read.

Spinach soup recipe for weight loss - for everyone who is on a diet. An indispensable dish for anyone who not only wants to eat healthy, but also loves healthy food and wants to lose weight. It's quick and easy to prepare.

Tomato soup for weight loss will help you lose those extra pounds. In addition, this soup is a vitamin bomb. You can eat it not only for lunch, but also for dinner. Don't forget to move more!

If you are striving for an ideal figure, then first you need to balance your diet. Zucchini soup for weight loss is perfect for those who want to keep their body in great shape.

Celery salad for weight loss is a proven method in the fight against excess weight. Celery has many beneficial substances and properties, including helping you look great and stay in good shape!

Vegetable puree soup for weight loss is very easy to prepare. It will also be of interest to vegetarians or fasting people. The recipe is simple and straightforward. The main ingredient, cauliflower, is always available in the store.

Today I want to give you a simple broccoli soup recipe for weight loss. As you know, green vegetables promote weight loss, so take note of the recipe.

This recipe for preparing ginger with garlic for weight loss may not differ in taste, but it effectively burns fat and protects the immune system. Double the benefits, and prepares very quickly!

This soup will refresh and invigorate your body, and will also become an excellent ally in the fight against extra pounds. It’s incredibly simple and low in calories, and thanks to the cucumbers and herbs, it’s also healthy.

Today everyone knows that in order to lose weight you need to eat. But you need to eat the right food. I want to tell you how to make vegetable soup for weight loss. This soup should be prepared in small portions and eaten immediately.

A recipe for making tomato soup for weight loss - for diet lovers and not only. Allspice parsley, celery and bright tomatoes will not only help you lose weight, but also lift your spirits.

Here is a classic recipe for millet porridge, widespread throughout Russia. Millet porridge is an excellent dish for both adults and children, which everyone should be able to cook.

I bring to your attention an original recipe for making pink salmon salad - I think you will like the unusual combination of red fish with apples, onions and sour cream. Suitable for those who are losing weight!

For a long time now, everyone has known about the benefits of various fresh juices, and fresh celery is no exception. And its main benefit is improving digestion, so it is ideal for those who decide to lose weight.

Here is a recipe for making a very simple soup with a delicate celery flavor. In addition to celery, the soup contains onions, butter, broth and spices. You can cook the soup in an hour. This soup is also suitable for weight loss.

A good recipe for curd cream for a cake will be useful to everyone who at least occasionally bakes cakes at home. Curd cream for the cake is prepared very quickly and simply - I’ll tell you how.

This is one of the favorite dishes of all the kids. And at the same time, it is not only tasty, but also dietary and healthy. And with the help of a multicooker, everything is prepared easily and quickly.

Potatoes with cheese in a slow cooker are an excellent side dish for meat, which can absolutely easily become an independent and complete dish. Very filling, very tasty, very beautiful! I recommend it :)


Here is a recipe for oatmeal with milk. Many people do not like oatmeal because it is sticky, thick and heavy. This is because it is immediately cooked with milk. Try cooking differently! ...Further


Buckwheat porridge recipe. If you prepare buckwheat porridge according to a truly old Russian recipe, your opinion about its wonderful taste will change forever.

Buckwheat porridge is good both as an independent dish and as a side dish. Use a multicooker to prepare buckwheat porridge - I guarantee you excellent results!

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