Antiviral drugs against human papillomavirus. HPV in women and its treatment: a list of effective methods and recommendations from doctors. Types of anti-HPV drugs

Human papillomavirus is a common infectious disease that manifests itself as characteristic neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes. Papillomatosis is characterized not only by external signs. Papillomas can also form on internal organs: the cervix, bladder, stomach. Removing them helps to get rid of growths, which must be combined with taking antiviral drugs. To combat HPV, doctors can prescribe tablets for papillomas, as well as other medications in the form of gels, ointments, creams or sprays.

be careful

Papillomas and warts can at any time become melanoma - skin cancer, which in 89% of cases in the first 2 years leads to death!

Moreover, in most cases, it all starts with harmless papillomas and warts, which do not interfere with everyday life.

The more papillomas and warts on your body, the more likely it is that one of them will develop into a malignant tumor. The spread of papillomas in the armpits and groin area is especially dangerous.

What to do, because 80% of the population of the Russian Federation and the CIS have papillomas in greater or lesser quantities.
Currently, the Federal program “Healthy Nation” is underway, within the framework of which every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS is given a drug for the treatment of papillomas and warts at a reduced price - 99 rubles.

The goal of the program: to give every person the opportunity to be cured of papillomavirus without developing skin cancer, regardless of their financial status. This drug removes all papillomas and warts absolutely safely and painlessly. You can read more about the program at the link

Features of papillomatous neoplasms

Papillomas, condylomas or warts can appear on any area of ​​the skin or mucous membranes. They most often affect areas of excessive sweating, the lower and upper extremities, nasal passages, throat, genital area or area around the anus. The growths can be single or multiple, the size ranges from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter.

The average size of a papilloma is about 1 cm. Sometimes neoplasms can merge into one large papilloma. Quite often, warts are scattered over a certain area of ​​the body, with small formations surrounding one central papilloma, the so-called maternal one. Papillomatous neoplasms can be elongated, pointed or flat. The color varies from light beige to dark brown.

Many people perceive the appearance of papillomas only as a cosmetic defect, believing that only the procedure for removing the tumor will help to completely cope with the problem of papillomatosis. But such manipulations will not get rid of the appearance of new papillomas, but will only help remove growths for a while, since the human papilloma virus must be treated comprehensively, taking into account the chronic nature of the disease and the possibility of relapses.

In addition, it is important to remember about the possible degeneration of benign papillomatous formations into a malignant tumor, therefore consultation with a specialist with subsequent therapeutic prescriptions is mandatory.

External agents and anti-papillomavirus tablets in combination with removal procedures will help cope with HPV.

How and why does papillomavirus infection appear in the body?

Most often, infection with the human papillomavirus occurs through sexual contact. Despite this, the infection can enter the body through damaged skin (abrasions, scratches, cuts). Contact during a kiss is no exception, since the virus is also found in saliva.

If HPV is present in the body of a pregnant woman, the child can also become infected (in utero or during the birth canal).

Clinical picture

What doctors say about papillomas

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Savin Yu.A.:

Did you know that 80% of the population of Russia and the CIS countries are infected with papillomavirus? Moreover, most people simply do not pay attention to it. But papillomas and warts can at any time become melanoma - skin cancer.

In 2016, the National Institute of Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation successfully completed clinical trials of a new generation drug - Papinol®, created to combat papillomas and warts.

Within the framework of the Federal program, when submitting an application up to (inclusive) every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can get rid of papillomavirus infection for only 99 rubles. Read details in official source.

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The papillomavirus can remain in the body for a long period of time without showing any symptoms. Certain factors provoke the activation of infection, which is characterized by the appearance of papillomatous neoplasms due to decreased immunity.

This may happen due to the following reasons:

  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • regular stress and overwork;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • taking antibiotics and other medications;
  • changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, the onset of menopause, etc.

The development of papillomavirus as a concomitant disease with various sexually transmitted infections, acute inflammatory processes, and severe diseases is noted. Many HIV-infected people, as well as people with diabetes, also suffer from HPV.

Treatment of papillomas

Human papillomavirus infection is not cured in a couple of days. If a tumor can be removed quickly, then complete therapy aimed at strengthening the body’s defenses is a longer process.

Today, various methods are used for warts and papillomas: homeopathic medicines, folk remedies, drug therapy. Complex treatment may not help get rid of human papillomavirus infection completely (since HPV in most cases remains in the human body forever), but will return the patient to a normal, fulfilling life without the appearance of new papillomatous neoplasms.

Ointments, gels, creams, intravenous injections, tablets against human papillomavirus have a wide spectrum of action, provide antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. In addition, a number of drugs are immunomodulators, which help strengthen the immune system, which can subsequently cope with the influence of the virus on the body during its activation.

Which medicine will be the most optimal depends on the location of the growths, the individual characteristics of the body, a possible allergic reaction to the components of the drugs and many other factors.

Only a highly qualified specialist can correctly select complex therapy after the patient has undergone a complete diagnosis, which includes:

  • medical examination;
  • cytological examination;
  • studying a tumor using a colposcope (colposcopy);
  • biopsy and other necessary studies.

Papillomatous tumors can be removed using various medications for external use or alternative hardware methods using a laser, electric knife, liquid nitrogen, or radio waves. For larger growths, traditional surgery using a regular scalpel may be necessary.

Stories from our readers

Defeated papillomas at home. A month has already passed since I forgot about these terrible warts that prevented me from living a normal life. Oh, how much I suffered. I had a lot of papillomas on my hands, so I constantly noticed strange looks on myself, and my self-esteem was correspondingly below par. And I also had to be careful not to accidentally damage them. I have tried so many folk remedies, all to no avail, they don’t work. But everything changed when I came across this article. Anyone who has warts/papillomas should read this!

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To influence papillomavirus infection, the specialist prescribes the most suitable immunomodulatory agent.

Tablet preparations for human papillomavirus

There are quite a few different medications that help fight human papillomavirus infection, in particular, tablets for the treatment of HPV such as Isoprinosine, Groprinosine, Cycloferon, Lykopid and others are widely used.

If the papillomas are not multiple and small in size, sometimes taking one special drug that increases immunity is enough to make the warts disappear. In cases of advanced disease, manipulations aimed at removing tumors are also indicated.

Tablets for warts and papillomas Isoprinosine have an antiviral effect. The drug should be taken 3 times a day after meals, 2 tablets. The course of treatment can last from 14 to 28 days depending on the patient’s condition, age, and the number of tumors on the skin and mucous membranes. For children from 3 to 12 years old, Isoprinosine is prescribed in a dosage that is determined based on body weight.

Elimination of papillomas occurs due to the restoration of lymphocyte function during immunosuppression. This drug helps strengthen the immune system, which in turn leads to the disappearance of papillomatous neoplasms. Treatment with the drug should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since the drug has side effects and a number of contraindications. There are quite a lot of positive reviews from patients who took Isoprinosine: the drug is effective against papillomavirus and other infectious diseases.

Groprinosin– an analogue of the previous drug, which includes the active substance inosine, which has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. The average daily dose is 8 tablets. Treatment is carried out for 5-14 days. If necessary, therapy is continued after a pause. Sometimes the use of Groprinosin can last about six months, taking into account breaks between courses of treatment, this depends on the severity of the condition and the frequency of repeated relapses. Due to its milder effect on the body compared to Isoprinosine, these tablets for warts and papillomas are prescribed to elderly people suffering from angina pectoris.

Cycloferon– a drug that stimulates the immune system through the production of interferon. Treatment of papillomas with these tablets helps stop the activation of the virus, normalize the functioning of the immune system, get rid of papillomatous neoplasms of various sizes (including large ones), eliminate sensitivity and itching in areas where the skin is affected by the papillomavirus. The drug should be used for a limited amount of time, as the body may become addicted. In addition, before starting treatment, you must visit your doctor, who will individually select the required dosage of the medication and the duration of therapy with Cycloferon.

Galavit– a product that contains the active substance aminodihydrophthalazindione sodium. The drug has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Release form: suppositories, injections, tablets. There are two main treatment regimens with the tablet drug: 1) 1 tablet 4 times a day; 2) 2 tablets 2 times a day. The dosage can be changed and selected for the patient individually, based on the condition of the skin affected by papillomatous neoplasms. Galavit is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as people with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Most often, the medicine is prescribed in combination with procedures for removing papillomas or is used as a prophylactic agent.

Lycopid– an immunomodulating drug with antiviral action, which is prescribed for various infectious diseases, including human papillomavirus infection. Take the drug half an hour before meals, 1 tablet 3 times a day. Treatment can last from 10 to 14 days. Quite often, after a 10-day break, the course is repeated. Lykopid activates the body's defenses, which makes it possible to resist various viruses. The drug also has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, which plays a huge role in wound healing after removal of papillomas.

Wobenzym is a combination of highly active enzymes of plant and animal origin

Treatment of genital warts and inflamed papillomas is also carried out Wobenzym. The drug helps relieve swelling, prevent itching and burning in the affected areas of the skin. When using this drug, you must remember the active appearance and growth of new papillomas at the initial stage of using Wobenzym. This is due to intensive regeneration of epithelial cells, which is not a reason to stop treatment.

Using any of these remedies under the supervision of a doctor, strictly following all the specialist’s recommendations, you can achieve the desired results in the fight against papillomavirus.

Other drugs against human papillomavirus infection

In addition to tablet medications used for oral administration, the doctor may also prescribe medications in the form of a gel, ointment, cream, solution or spray for topical use, as well as rectal and vaginal suppositories. The most popular means are:

  • Dermavit;
  • Feresol;
  • Viferon;
  • Genferon;
  • Panavir;
  • Veregen;
  • Imiquad;
  • Verrucacid;
  • Epigen;
  • Aldara, etc.

Patients also use some alternative pharmaceutical products: Supercleaner, Lapis pencil, salicylic acid or alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, antiseptic solution “Doctor Iodine” or alcohol tincture of iodine, ammonia, etc.

Many folk remedies have not been forgotten, the recipes of which are passed down from generation to generation. These are garlic, celandine, Kalanchoe or aloe, chicken egg white, acetic acid, potato juice, various essential oils (cedar, juniper, tea tree, fir, etc.).

Which product is best to choose depends on the size of the tumors, their location, and possible oncogenicity, so you should not experiment with different components at home.

If you suspect a human papillomavirus infection, you should definitely contact a specialist in order to solve the HPV problem comprehensively and protect the body from a decrease in immunity in the future.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones one way or another want to get rid of papillomas or warts.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies for papillomas, ranging from traditional methods to procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

If all the drugs were given, it was only a temporary result. It is not difficult to remove a papilloma, but after a while even more papillomas appear in the same or another place.

It's all about the papillomavirus, which affects the entire body, and local effects on papillomas only worsen the situation.

The only drug that has given significant results is Papinol.

The main advantage of Papinol is that it affects the problem entirely and completely kills papillomavirus infection from the human body. This drug is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed at a reduced price - 99 rubles.

Human papillomavirus infection is considered the most common pathology today. The pathogen affects the integumentary epithelium and mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, mouth, throat, tongue, and nose. Medications are selected taking into account the type of virus, which is determined during the diagnostic process. Modern methods of treating HPV in women with effective drugs can eliminate the external manifestations of the infection, curb its spread, and strengthen the immune system.

HPV is a highly human-specific infection that can infect cells of the integumentary and mucosal epithelium. High concentrations are found in seminal fluid, urethra, and Bartholin's glands located in the vestibule of the vagina. Infection occurs through sexual or household contact, and the presence of microtrauma increases the risk of infection. To date, more than 100 types of papillomavirus have been identified, 35 of them have a pathological effect on the urogenital tract.

The degeneration of normal cells into cancer cells is preceded by tissue dysplasia, which is treatable in the early stages. The appearance of genital warts and warts rarely leads to such severe complications; most often they cause cosmetic discomfort. But localized on the body in places of greatest trauma (genital organs, anus, inner thighs), they increase the risk of developing a precancerous condition. To avoid sad consequences, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations and remove growths.

Attention! It has been proven that HPV is the only group of viruses that causes the formation of malignant processes. The most dangerous of them are cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men.

Treatment of HPV in women is a complex process. Its effectiveness and feasibility to this day remain relevant topics for discussion given the existing probability of complete elimination of the virus. So far, no specific drug treatment has been developed, so attempts to achieve complete destruction of the pathogen remain unsuccessful. The fight against HPV is mainly aimed at suppressing its activity, removing existing pathological neoplasias, and immunocorrection.

The importance of diagnostics

Genital warts and other growths on the skin are easy to diagnose, since their presence is determined by visual examination. It is much more difficult to identify pathology at an early stage, because the disease is characterized by a long latent period, during which the virus lies dormant and does not attempt to reproduce. And this is where modern diagnostics come to the rescue.

The use of laboratory methods is aimed at studying biopsy material at the cellular level, detecting HPV DNA, E7 oncoprotein and determining antibodies to the virus. An integrated approach involves the following procedures:

  • clinical examination of the external genitalia to identify growths;
  • colposcopy to determine the presence of intraepithelial neoplasia;
  • Papanicolaou testing (PAP test);
  • immunological methods - PIF, ELISA, RSK;
  • PCR – polymerase chain reaction;
  • DNA probe;
  • cytological examination;
  • histology and biopsy of tissue sample.

It is important to know! HPV typing and determination of its group membership, taking into account oncogenic risk, are considered important in the research process. This is achieved using the Digene test.

Goals of drug treatment

Despite the rapid development of medicine, the creation of progressive diagnostic methods and highly effective medications, a specific cure for papillomavirus to completely destroy it has not yet been invented. Therapy is aimed primarily at eliminating the external manifestations of HPV, as well as treating a number of other problems:

  • prevention of reactivation of the virus;
  • reducing the risk of complications, including prevention of cervical cancer;
  • stimulating the immune system, strengthening the defense mechanism.

What methods the doctor will operate on and how he will treat HPV in women, what kind of drugs he will choose, depends on many factors: medical history, somatic status, size of tumors, their number and location. The woman’s tolerance to prescribed medications is also taken into account.

Commonly used medications for women

Local treatment of HPV in women is aimed at removing growths (warts, condylomas) and atypically changed epithelium using cytostatics, chemical coagulants, as well as destructive methods. After this, in order to prevent relapse, therapy with antiviral drugs, nonspecific immunomodulators, and interferon inducers is indicated. Since the virus is transmitted sexually, both partners must undergo treatment at the same time.

Drugs that enhance immunity

A fairly common range of antiviral drugs for human papillomavirus, which increase the body’s defenses, are prescribed after determining the woman’s immune status. They allow you to achieve stable remission, and in some cases reduce the size of papillomas. The following dosage forms are considered accessible and easy to use:

  • dragees, lozenges, tablets against papillomavirus;
  • rectal and vaginal suppositories;
  • suspensions;
  • solutions for injections;
  • ointments, gels, creams for external use.

Among medications, the drug “Indinol” and vitamin complexes are popular.

For human papillomavirus, the following list of drugs is also used for treatment.

"Lycopid". Sublingual tablets against HPV for women. They have a pronounced effect, strengthening the immune system, allowing the body to independently fight the virus. The effect of the drug is equivalent to a vaccine.

"Viferon". One of the most effective means in the treatment of HPV infection in women. A pronounced stimulating effect is achieved due to the recombinant human interferon Alpha 2 included in the composition. Prevents infection by strains of highly oncogenic risk. Prescribed in the form of suppositories or ointments.

"Altevir." An effective immunostimulant. Contains human Alpha 2 interferon. The combined agent has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Used in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Stimulates the synthesis of cytokines and enzymes. Prescribed by injection.

Antiviral medications

To date, there are no medications with a specific action aimed at destroying the DNA of the papillomavirus. Antiviral drugs for HPV suppress the replication of the pathogen's RNA. The list of the most popular includes the means described below.

"Groprinosin". Highly effective medicine against HPV. The action is aimed at stimulating immunoglobulin, the production of Alpha and Gamma interferon. As a result, the manifestations of the virus are significantly suppressed, and the risk of re-formation of neoplasia is reduced. If necessary, the drug can be replaced with an effective but cheaper analogue, Isoprinosine.

"Allokin-alpha." The drug is effective against HPV of high carcinogenic risk and is often used in the treatment of cervical dysplasia. It is also actively used in the treatment of recurrent papillomatosis. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug during pregnancy, lactation and autoimmune diseases.

"Panavir". The inexpensive combined antiviral drug has a good antiviral and immunostimulating effect. It is prescribed for the formation of genital warts in the urogenital tract. The peculiarity of the medicine is the absence of an addictive effect.

With no less success in the treatment of HPV, medications such as Acyclovir, Galavit, Proteflazid (for the treatment of papillomavirus and child herpes) are used.

Means for destroying growths

You can fight cosmetic defects on the skin caused by viral infections using cytostatics and chemical coagulants. The following drugs are widely used.

"Podofilin." The product is created from resins of plant origin. Available in the form of a solution, which is used externally on warts or papillomas. The exception is genital warts, which form on the mucous membranes of the internal genital organs. It is recommended to use the product according to the following scheme: apply to the pathologically changed area directly under the root and wash off after 4-6 hours. Used once every 3-6 days, in a course of 4-5 weeks.

"Feresol". A cytotoxic drug in the form of a solution with mummification properties. Contains phenol and tricreazole. Treatment with the composition is carried out once every 10 days. Used until clinical effect is achieved. Compared to other medications, it has a low price.

"5-fluoroacyl." The most popular cytostatic is available in the form of a cream. It is used externally to treat pathological growths once every ten days, preferably before bedtime.

"Solcoderm". Consists of a mixture of acids of organic and inorganic origin. Apply using an applicator to an area reaching 4-5 cm. Each session is carried out at intervals of 1-4 weeks. Can be used both externally and on internal surfaces.

Epigen spray. It is used to irrigate altered areas both externally and on the mucous epithelium for a course of seven days. In the latter case, a special nozzle is used. It is allowed to apply up to 6 times throughout the day.

Advice! Prescription cytostatics can only be recommended for external use. They cannot be used when treating warts localized on mucous membranes. During therapy, side effects such as nausea and vomiting are possible.

Reviews from women about the best drugs

Medicine does not stand still, which allows many women not only to get rid of external growths caused by HPV, but also to achieve stable remission. This is evidenced by reviews that can be found on the Internet.

Alena, 37 years old

“Several years ago I developed small “pendulous” papillomas. They did not cause discomfort, but I still went to the doctor. He diagnosed me with HPV infection. I was prescribed Cycloferon injections and immunomodulators - Lykopid, Lavomax. The growths were removed by the surgeon. After I completed the course of treatment, I was able to achieve stable remission.”

Lyudmila, 29 years old

“During my early pregnancy, I noticed strange growths in the form of moles on a thin stalk. Frightened, I immediately ran to the therapist. He referred me to the gynecology department. The doctor prescribed the drug "Aevit" and suppositories "Viferon". He explained that this will not affect the intrauterine development and subsequent life of the fetus, but I can infect it at the time of labor. Now I’m seeing him, and I’m looking forward to the birth of the baby.”

Preventive measures

Vaccination is considered an effective measure to prevent the proliferation of HPV.
Carrying out a full course of three vaccinations leads to the production of antibodies to 4 strains, and strengthens the protective mechanism against many other types of virus. For immunization, quadrivalent serum “Gardasil” and bivalent serum “Cervarix” are used. The vaccine does not contain HPV DNA, so it is not dangerous and does not pose a risk of infection. The procedure is carried out at will, it is recommended for adolescents 9-14 years old and women under thirty years of age.


HPV is considered a dangerous disease that requires highly accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment. Properly selected therapy allows you to get rid of the external manifestations of the infection within a few days, and at the next stage - suppress the activity of the virus and strengthen the immune system. Only with this approach will the patient have a better chance of a full recovery.

Human papillomavirus is a viral infection that leads to neoplasms with a positive prognosis, which occurs suddenly and causes significant discomfort to its owner. The virus causes characteristic changes after it is activated. This is due to a weakening of the body’s immune capabilities, disruptions in the endocrine system, or serious prolonged stress. To neutralize the lesion on your own, you need not only therapy with pharmaceuticals, but also comprehensive strengthening of the body. So which remedy for papillomas should you choose for home use?

Products for removing papillomas

Currently, the pharmaceutical industry market offers an abundance of drugs to combat the disease. Their action is based on the destruction of molecular bonds of formation, preventing the fission process. This leads to gradual necrosis of the papilloma. Among all the medicines presented in the pharmacy, there are:

  • cryopreparations;
  • herbal medicines;
  • medications for removing papillomas.


Preparations for removing papillomas of this group have a mechanism of action similar to liquid nitrogen. They cause the wart to freeze, thereby causing necrosis. Due to this, the wart experiences hypoxia and dies.


The active ingredients included in the formula of the product are tetraatomic alkane and dimethyl alcohol. The dosage form is an aerosol. It is used to neutralize benign viral formations on the human body.

It is used topically, applied using an applicator. Leave to act for 10–30 seconds. After the course of therapy, a two-week break is taken.

If there is no improvement after the first exposure, then additional exposure is necessary. The procedure is carried out no more than three times.

The price for this product varies around 1000 rubles.

Contraindications for use include pregnancy, lactation, diabetes mellitus and children under 4 years of age (due to the lack of clinical studies for this age group).

Wartner Cryo

Medicines from the group of cryopreparations are quite expensive, which is not always accompanied by high efficiency. Reviews on the Internet about them are quite contradictory. If used incorrectly, there are negative effects on the healthy epidermis, so you must strictly follow the instructions.

Herbal medicines

These products are created on the basis of biologically active substances obtained from plants. The source of such substances are herbs with pronounced poisonous and cauterizing properties. In addition to their natural composition, such medicines are also affordable. They can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Castor oil

The oil is obtained from castor bean seeds. Its organoleptic properties are similar to other oils, but it has a slightly bitter taste. The dosage form is used only for the treatment of plantar warts. Before applying the product, steam the skin. Castor oil is applied to the damaged area and left for 30 minutes. After this time, the formation is scrubbed. The course of treatment is at least 10 procedures.

Contraindication for use is intolerance to the components. The price varies around 40 rubles.

Super clean

Every person knows about the effectiveness of celandine juice in the fight against various formations. But in urban environments it is difficult to find a plant that is not polluted by exhaust gases and household waste. For this reason, you have to resort to medications based on this plant. Super celandine also contains potassium and sodium hydroxide, which causes local burns.

Before applying this product, the skin must be lubricated with a cream with a high percentage of fat content. It is applied pointwise to the formation with a special spatula. The procedure causes sufficient discomfort and is painful, so use in children and pregnant women is limited. An unpleasant consequence of treatment is scars at the site of the papilloma or wart.

Due to numerous complaints, the original formula of the drug was changed to reduce the concentration of the active component. This modification affected its pharmaceutical activity. Now the drug is produced by various companies that make their own adjustments to the composition. The cost of the medicine is 30 rubles.

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Ointment based on thuja oil

The ointment is not made from the plant itself, but from its oil. The oil is quite aggressive; if it is not mixed with the cream, it can provoke a severe allergic reaction. This is an effective drug against papillomavirus.

Thuja tree oil is easy to prepare yourself. To do this, you just need to collect young thuja shoots and prepare 100 ml of sunflower oil. The oil is heated and then the shoots are immersed in it. Leave for about 10 days. The herbal medicine is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Salicylic acid

This substance is available in various dosage forms: solutions, ointments, patches and liniments. Acid solutions available on the pharmaceutical market have concentrations ranging from 10% to 60%. The more concentrated the product, the more effective it is in the fight against papillomas or warts. But it is worth remembering about safety, the risk of getting a burn is quite high.

Salicylic acid is applied pointwise 1 time in the evening, and in the morning the remaining substance is removed from the skin. The course of treatment is at least a month. During this time, the formation usually dries out and gradually disappears.

Salicylic acid should not be used in cases of malignant nature or in the presence of diabetes mellitus. A solution of this substance costs about 40 rubles.



One of the most effective drugs sold in pharmacies. The active component is podophyllotoxin, which is obtained from plants of the Barberry family. The dosage form is a solution in dark bottles.

Apply the drug twice a day, carefully lubricating the affected area. The course of treatment is three days. Treatment is carried out no more than 4 times. May cause local discomfort with severe pain. After a course of use, the papilloma changes color, after a while necrosis occurs and the tumor disappears.

Restrict use to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age. The price reaches 900 rubles.


The mechanism of action of this remedy is based on the cauterization effect. The active components included in the medication are tricresol and phenol. In Russia, the medicine has not been produced for a long time due to numerous side effects: burns, necrosis of healthy tissue, sepsis.

Feresol neutralizes papillomas, condylomas and calluses well. After the first application, the substance has a maximum effect without causing pain, like Superclean


This medication is an analogue of Feresol. Verrucacid has a thinner consistency, low concentration and less cauterizing properties. The active component is diluted with ethyl alcohol, thanks to which it can be applied frequently and without restrictions.
Verrukacid costs about 200 rubles.


Solcoderm is sold in pharmacy chains, but is sold only with a doctor's prescription due to the high content of nitric and other acids. If therapy is carried out incorrectly, it can cause serious burns. The drug is intended for use by specialist workers in a hospital setting and is prohibited for independent use.


The main component included in the composition is interferon. It neutralizes viral activity by inhibiting protein synthesis. When applied, slight discomfort in the form of burning is possible. Viferon can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as it is slowly absorbed and distributed in the body.

lapis pencil

The pencil is an antiseptic stick containing silver salt. It mummifies papillomas and has a detrimental effect on bacterial strains. The pencil can be used for various tumors.

Due to the active substance - silver nitrate, its cost is quite high. With a sufficiently low concentration of biologically active substances, its price reaches 1000 rubles.

Remedies for papillomas: video

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Today there are many drugs against this pathology on the body, which affects men and women: it is easy to get confused which one to choose. Treating human papillomavirus (HPV) is not easy, because this infection, which has hundreds of species, is ineradicable. It is important to approach the problem competently, taking into account the characteristics of drugs of different categories.

Treatment of warts and papillomas with medications

Such formations of a viral nature on the face, neck, limbs, and genitals can be quickly eliminated surgically, using a laser, or by freezing them with liquid nitrogen. However, surgical removal of skin pathologies is not always advisable. Then, instead of radical measures, one or another medicine is used for papillomas and warts. Proper use of medications gives very good results.

You need to understand: once a human papillomavirus infection has entered the body, it is no longer possible to get rid of HPV forever. The maximum that well-chosen drugs can do is keep microorganisms “in the black body” and stop their reproduction. As a result of complex treatment, immunity is restored. This is the only way to say goodbye to skin manifestations of infection.

Pharmacies have many medications for removing warts and papillomas at different prices. Two groups of drugs are in demand, fundamentally different in their effects. Local (external) drugs are applied to the tissue of the growths: the altered cells die and fall off. Systemic medications (tablets, capsules) inhibit papillomaviruses from the inside. It is better to treat HPV comprehensively, combining drugs from both categories: this is the most reliable option.

A simple and affordable medicine for warts in a pharmacy, as well as papillomas and calluses, can be purchased without a prescription. Buy products from this list:

  • salicylic acid (alcohol);
  • tincture of iodine;
  • lapis pencil;
  • castor oil (against warts);
  • Salipod (adhesive plaster for removing calluses);
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • tea tree essential oil.

Effective systemic medications include antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Viferon;
  • Panavir;
  • Isoprinosine, etc.

External remedy for papillomas and warts

The following drugs are often used:

  • cream for warts and papillomas Aldara (Imikvad, Ziklara);
  • Veregen ointment;
  • Cycloferon liniment; Collomac solution;
  • aerosol CryoPharma;
  • Wartner applicator (especially for plantar warts on the feet);
  • Feresol solution;
  • gel Dermavit;
  • celandine juice, etc.

Ointment for warts and papillomas

What is the value of drugs of this form? Ointments against papillomas, condylomas, warts, keratomas are minimally toxic at maximum therapeutic doses. The growths, if you smear them with these products, which actively affect pathological skin cells, disappear. You can reduce them if you buy one of these drugs:

  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Salicylic ointment;
  • Viferon;
  • Aldara;
  • Verrucacid;
  • Solcoderm.

lapis pencil

This is an old remedy based on silver nitrate, which is sold in pharmacies at an affordable price. The pencil for removing warts and papillomas is easy to use and acts quickly. Lapis has cauterizing, antibacterial and necrotic effects. You just need to treat neoplasms with it carefully, without touching neighboring areas of the body, otherwise healthy skin will turn black. The pencil can cause burns and scarring. It is especially dangerous to remove growths on the face, neck, and genitals.

Liquid for removing papillomas and warts

Chemically aggressive solutions destroy the tissue of formations. They are applied in very limited quantities. Popular solutions, aerosols, drops for papillomas and warts:

  • Feresol;
  • Verrucacid;
  • Collomak;
  • CryoPharma;
  • Podophyllin;
  • Supercleaner (concentrated alkalis);
  • salicylic alcohol.

Immunostimulating medicine for human papillomavirus infection

If the HPV disease is severe and causes frequent relapses, this indicates that the body’s defenses are weak. In this case, drugs must be prescribed to strengthen them. Among the medications for papillomas and warts in complex treatment, doctors include immunomodulators:

  • Viferon;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Aldara (Keravort);
  • Panavir;
  • Lycopid.

Tablets for warts and papillomas

Isoprinosine is considered an effective medicine, which blocks the reproduction of HPV and destroys diseased cells. In addition to the antiviral effect, the tablets strengthen the immune system. The course of treatment with Isoprinosine is 2-4 weeks. This medicine against papillomas and warts in condylomas is often prescribed after surgery for greater effectiveness.

Treatment of HPV with homeopathy

Many drugs that contain natural ingredients are also immunomodulators. Such drugs are especially effective in the complex treatment of papillomavirus. These are well-known tinctures of ginseng, lemongrass, echinacea, and aralia. Malavit cream, containing mumiyo, acids and extracts of Altai herbs, is considered a valuable homeopathic remedy. In addition, thuja, Potassium bichromicum, Arana diadema, Natrium sulfuricum, Staphysagria and others are effective.

Plant-based drug for papillomas and warts

Such products are also in demand because they act more gently than, for example, concentrated acids or alkalis. This:

  • Epigen – spray, gel based on licorice extract;
  • Podophyllin is a solution containing an extract of the medicinal plant Podophyllum thyroid;
  • Panavir is a very effective suppository, gel, spray, injection solution, the raw material for the production of which is young potato tops.

How to choose a medicine for papillomas on the body

It makes the most sense to use a prescription from a dermatologist. If neoplasms caused by papillomavirus appear in intimate places, a woman should see a gynecologist, and a man should see an andrologist. Although there are many medications in pharmacies that allow you to remove skin defects yourself at home, you should not take the risk. That's why:

  • Papillomas (especially those that look like moles) can be malignant.
  • Due to unsuccessfully selected medications or incomplete treatment, skin growths appear in the same places again.

Which medicine for papillomas and warts will have the best effect? The pharmacy should be guided not only by the price of the drug - the high cost of the drug does not guarantee the achievement of a therapeutic effect. You need to read the instructions very carefully for information about contraindications and side effects of medications. It is especially important to study them if growths have formed on the face, neck, or genitals. When choosing medications yourself, you need to buy medications that can achieve two main goals:

  1. Eliminate skin defects.
  2. Strengthen your immune system to prevent relapses of the disease.

Price of medicine for papillomas and warts

The estimated cost of popular anti-HPV drugs in pharmacies is as follows:



(in rubles)

Aldara (Keravort)






ointment, gel











cream, gel


solution (drops)


Salicylic alcohol



Super clean


Medicines used in the treatment of HPV are divided into the following groups:

  1. Antiviral agents.
  2. Immunostimulants.
  3. Means for the destruction of neoplasms.

First, it is necessary to determine the nature of the neoplasm: papilloma is sometimes difficult to distinguish from a mole or condyloma. Then, using PCR analysis, determine the type of virus, since some of them contribute to the development of malignant neoplasms. Medicines against papilloma can be used in combination or separately.

Treatment results

After using the drugs, the DNA of the virus remains in the human body. The purpose of using medications for papillomas is to get rid of external manifestations, strengthen the immune system, and ensure that HPV infection passes into a latent form. Only local exposure is possible for single formations on the body. In other cases, its effectiveness is 25-50%.

What conditions are necessary to achieve the best result?

  • full diagnostics;
  • combined approach to treatment;
  • selection of the optimal treatment regimen.

Therefore, the key to successful treatment of papillomavirus is timely seeking medical help. There are quite a lot of medications for papilloma, and a specialist must determine which one is best for a person in each case.

Well-groomed skin without age spots, scars and various formations makes the human body much more attractive. Therefore, the appearance of all kinds of warts and papillomas does not go unnoticed and, when located in open areas, is considered a cosmetic defect.

Some people resort to traditional methods to remove these growths, but sometimes this approach to treatment only worsens the problem. In order to get rid of papillomas forever, you need to know why they appear on the body and what needs to be done in order to be completely cured.

Where does HPV infection come from?

The main reason for the formation of papillomas on the body is the human papillomavirus, which has several dozen subspecies, that is, strains.

Studies of this microorganism and people infected with it have established that HPV is a very common infection. According to the latest data, 90% of the entire planet's population may be carriers of the virus.

Liquid nitrogen, homeopathy, folk recipes - all these means for removing papillomas are used in accordance with certain criteria. Small benign formations may disappear after a single treatment with a special pencil. When it comes to homeopathy and other areas of alternative medicine, treatment will take longer.

Among the products for papillomas, garlic, vinegar, potatoes, and chicken egg white are most often mentioned. All these remedies are often called “homemade”, because most of them can be found in the kitchen.

In most cases, doctors advise removing papillomas using hardware to get rid of them and prevent the appearance of new formations. However, physically eliminating a wart does not mean getting rid of HPV. Bacteria continue to be in the body and, in many cases, papillomas appear again after some time. In order to get rid of them, comprehensive treatment is necessary.

If surgical intervention is not required, the doctor prescribes chemical drugs to eliminate viral formations in combination with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating agents. Many drugs are combination drugs. The substances in their composition actively suppress the proliferation of bacteria and help the body increase its protective functions.

These include drugs such as Viferon, Panavir, Cycloferon and others. Due to the fact that they are potent, they should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

What pills and injections help get rid of HPV?

Therapy for papillomavirus infection is effective when combining destructive treatment (removal of papillomas and warts) with the use of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents. They suppress the activity of the virus and reduce the risk of re-growth of tumors after removal.

Medicines for human papillomavirus:

Experts are increasingly speaking out in favor of systemic antiviral treatment. The times when papillomas were only removed, without complex therapy, should be a thing of the past.

It’s good that new, highly effective devices are appearing, for example “Surgitron” for radiotherapy. The increase in the number of people infected with HPV, the frequency of relapses - all this is a reason to take the disease seriously and not consider its treatment the prerogative of cosmetic surgery.

Some dermatologists' patients first begin to use the drug to remove papillomas, others are more concerned about the state of their own immunity. As you know, rearranging the places of the terms does not change the sum, but complex therapy aimed simultaneously against the virus and the growth of tumors is considered more successful.

As for the fight against external manifestations of HPV, creams are considered more gentle means, and solutions and cosmetic liquids are considered radical medicines.

The popularity of caustic liquids is associated with the ability to quickly get rid of small papillomas on the face and neck. This effect can be obtained using the Verrukacid solution (phenolic drug).

With liquids for the destruction of papillomas - feresol, podophyllin, phenol in glycerin, super celandine - patients themselves can lubricate the growths on the skin. After 1–2 days, the papilloma turns black, then falls off, after 5–10 days there will be no trace of it.

Review of the best antiviral medications

Is it possible to kill papilloma from the inside with tablets? Medicines that have an antiviral effect act on the root of the problem from the inside. Such drugs block the spread of infection and improve the body's protective functions. Antiviral medications are prescribed for multiple formations of growths on the neck and other places.

Attention! Medicines should be taken only after medical consultation and reading the instructions for use.

HPV requires mandatory use of pills if there is a risk of degeneration of a benign growth into a malignant tumor. Let's look at the most effective antiviral agents against the human papillomavirus.

Application of Cycloferon

For papillomas on the body, Cycloferon is prescribed. It can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a prescription from your doctor. Anti-virus tablets also have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Regimen for taking Cycloferon tablets for papillomas:

  • the drug is taken orally in 3 pieces with a dosage of 150 mg;
  • The product should be used every other day;
  • the course of treatment is 1 month.

You can also give intramuscular injections. This method will take a shorter time. It is enough to carry out 10 injections, which are given every other day.

Action and method of use of Isoprinosine

Homeopathic remedies

Drug treatment of skin tumors caused by HPV is rarely complete without drugs from this group. They have a detrimental effect on the virus, prevent its reproduction, and have an immunomodulatory effect.

Especially popular are pharmaceutical preparations, which are produced in several dosage forms: injections, tablets, suppositories, ointments and gels. Usually, for single formations, local application may be sufficient.

Antiviral ointments and gels are prescribed before and after laser therapy, electrocoagulation, and ensure high effectiveness of treatment and prevention of relapses.

What are the indications for prescribing systemic drugs against the virus:

  • HPV infection of high and potentially high cancer risk, confirmed by PCR;
  • multiple papillomas on the body (this indicates high HPV activity);
  • primary and secondary immunodeficiency states (when the body cannot cope with the viral load on its own).

Antiviral drugs (injections and tablets) are contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • with individual intolerance.

Most medications are available with a prescription.

What antiviral drugs are considered the most effective and can get rid of papillomas?


The drug is available in tablets. This is one of the most popular medicines for papilloma today. The active ingredient is inosine (a purine derivative). Has a complex effect:

  • blocks the enzymes of the virus, causing its death;
  • activates the production of interferon;
  • activates lymphocytes;
  • inhibits the formation of inflammatory mediators.

Prescribed 2 tablets per day for 2 weeks; if necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to a month. Can be used in children over 3 years of age.

While taking Isoprinosine, nausea, headaches, and exacerbation of gout may occur.


The product is available in two forms: injection solution and tablets. The active ingredient is meglumine acridone acetate. The mechanism of action is interferon induction.

  • antiviral;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Intramuscular injections of the drug are given every other day, up to 10 injections per course.

Allokin alpha

Lyophilisate for the preparation of injection solution. The active substance is a synthetic analogue of alloferon, isolated from the larvae of carrion flies (calliphorids).

  • stimulates the production of interferon in humans and the mechanisms of cellular immunity;
  • acts against tumors;
  • contributes to the death of the virus.

Injections are given subcutaneously at intervals of every 2 days, 6 injections per course of treatment. The product is well tolerated.


Forms of release: solution for intravenous injection, ointment, inlight gel spray for treating the oral cavity, intimate gel spray for the treatment of papillomas on the genitals. The active ingredient is a glycoside isolated from nightshade stems.

This is a modern remedy against the virus with a wide spectrum of action:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • immunomodulatory,
  • promotes tissue regeneration.

Intravenous injections are prescribed according to the following scheme: the first 3 times every 2 days, the next 5 times every 3 days. Topical and injection formulations are generally well tolerated. Ointment and gel are allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that is attached to the skin or mucous membranes of organs with the help of a stalk. Its formation is due to an increase in the number of cells in the upper layer of the epidermis in a specific area of ​​the body.

Antiviral drugs for papillomavirus do not completely eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Antiviral drugs are aimed at reducing the activity of HPV in the human body. Antiviral agents can be used either internally or topically. Antiviral drugs for HPV are available in the following forms:

  • solutions;
  • ointments and creams;
  • candles;
  • drops;
  • sprays.

There are also tablets for papillomas on the body, which can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. This is due to the fact that many of them have a number of contraindications and side effects.

Treatment of papillomas with homeopathy involves the use of natural ingredients, which, when used correctly, do not have a negative effect. Homeopathic treatment makes it possible to increase the protective functions of the immune system to a greater extent, which will prevent the development and spread of papillomavirus.

Doctors who recommend pharmaceutical products claim that homeopathic treatment is ineffective. In turn, homeopathic doctors claim that homeopathic medicines against the papilloma virus are safer and require long-term treatment to achieve an effect.

To physically eliminate warts, special drugs are used that act directly on infected tissues and destroy them. They contain aggressive chemicals with strong bactericidal properties. Products can be produced in the form of ointments, solutions, gels, with the help of which papilloma is treated until it is completely destroyed.

Feresol. An effective drug for removing warts in the form of a solution. The active substances are tricresol and phenol. The solution is applied pointwise to the viral formation several times a day. After several procedures, the warts die and fall off the skin.

The area around the wart can be lubricated with zinc ointment to prevent chemical burns to healthy tissue. After the papilloma disappears, this area needs to be treated again to consolidate the result.

Verrucacid. A very effective remedy for eliminating papillomas of various types. The active compound is an increased concentration of phenol, which perfectly destroys infected cells. The product burns the affected tissue, removing papilloma without a trace.

To process, you need to apply the drug several times in a row, waiting 6-7 minutes to dry the solution. To eliminate plantar warts, the procedure must be repeated about 10 times. Before applying the product, feet must first be steamed in hot water. Then remove the stratum corneum from the feet using pumice for better application of the solution.

Salicylic acid, which is produced in the form of an ointment or liquid, has a similar effect. It also needs to be applied locally to the warts, processing several times a day until completely eliminated.

Preparations containing phenol must be used with caution, as they are very toxic. Their use is contraindicated in young children and pregnant women.

Super clean. A very effective remedy based on the medicinal plant celandine. In addition, it contains sodium chloride and hydroxide. The plant is known for its strong bactericidal properties. It is widely used in folk medicine to disinfect and fight viruses.

Before treating a papilloma, a thick cream should be applied to the area around it to protect healthy tissue. Apply a small amount of solution to the wart. Perform the procedure several times during the day until a positive result is achieved.

Cryopharma. An aerosol product that shows high results in destroying viral growths. The action of the drug occurs on the principle of deep freezing of infected tissues, as a result of which they die. The active ingredients are propane and dimethyl ether.

The skin in the treatment area must first be covered with a plaster or cloth to avoid damage. The papilloma is then treated with a spray and dies. The product is contraindicated for children under 4 years of age and pregnant women.

Lapis pencil. Used for local treatment of small warts. The active compound in the composition is silver nitrate, which exhibits strong antiviral and bactericidal properties. It is not recommended for use on skin lesions in the face and neck, as well as on mucous membranes. The drug is used once a day with an interval of 10 days.

To combat HPV, products in the form of ointments or tablets that have antiviral properties are also used. Unlike chemicals, they have a more gentle effect. At the same time, the duration of use increases significantly.


A product in the form of an ointment that has proven itself very well in the fight against HPV. Effectively eliminates papillomas of various types. Shows strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. It fights viruses well, stopping the development of bacteria.

In addition, the drug increases the body’s protective functions by supplying interferon, a protein responsible for human immunity, into cells. In a healthy body, interferon is produced naturally, suppressing the synthesis of viral cells. The drug uses an artificially created protein obtained from human blood.

Can be used by pregnant women and for the treatment of HPV in children. The ointment is applied several times a day to the skin lesion. The course of treatment is up to 7 days until a positive result is obtained.

A drug that has good recommendations from doctors and patients. Has high results in the fight against HPV of various types. Can be used to treat herpes and papillomas on mucous membranes. Quickly blocks the growth of bacteria, stopping their spread. Significantly reduces multiple viral formations.

Thanks to herbal components, it strengthens the human immune system. The drug should be applied to the warts twice a day for 7-10 days.


Complex action ointment for warts. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, stopping the proliferation of viral cells. It is also used to restore immunity by helping the body synthesize interferon to fight bacteria.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the infected area once a day. The procedure is performed for several days in a row until the harmful formations completely disappear. The product has no contraindications and can be used by pregnant women.

The use of antiviral drugs for papillomavirus is key in the treatment of the disease. Human papillomavirus is considered one of the most common dermatological diseases.

It develops regardless of age and gender. If there are no indications for surgical treatment of the formation, the doctor may prescribe special drugs for papillomas, in combination with antiviral or immunomodulating agents.

Description of the disease

Treatment of manifestations of the human papillomavirus with ointments is a simple measure that allows you to get rid of warts in a few days or weeks. Compared to hardware methods for removing growths, local treatment requires more time and patience.

When using an ointment for papillomas, the recovery cycle begins with covering the pathological focus with a dry crust and ends with its spontaneous falling off within 1 to 4 weeks.

Homemade ointments for removing papillomas

Traditional methods of removing papillomas give good results when performed daily. The best healing remedies are garlic and vinegar ointment, as well as ointment made from celandine.

To prepare garlic ointment, take vegetable pulp and Vaseline in equal parts (can be replaced with baby cream). The resulting composition is used to treat neoplasms until they completely disappear.

Celandine is also used in a similar way. In this case, Vaseline or cream is combined with a mass obtained from fresh grass. It is collected during the flowering period.

Vinegar ointment for removing papillomas is prepared according to 2 recipes:

  1. Egg shells are dissolved in acetic acid and interior fat is added. The product should acquire a creamy consistency.
  2. Vinegar and flour are combined in equal proportions. The prepared composition is used for applying applications.

A simple way to get rid of warts is to treat them with castor oil. Experts in traditional medicine advise carrying out the manipulation daily, but for a whole month.

Medications for local treatment of papillomas

1. Thanks to its pharmacological properties, Aladara cream for papillomas is able to effectively influence external factors that provoke the development of infectious diseases. By stimulating the process of producing its own interferon, the body's forces necessary to fight human papillomavirus infection are accumulated.

Aladara cream has virtually no contraindications for use. Exceptions include children's age and intolerance to the components of the drug. But childhood is also a contraindication only because the effect of the medication on the body of minors has not been fully studied due to the small number of patients.

Use the product like this:

  • the affected area is washed with soapy water and dried;
  • the cream is applied in a thin layer without applying a bandage;
  • After 6–10 hours, the cream is washed off with warm water and soap.

The manipulation is carried out every other day once a day until the problem is completely resolved. The maximum treatment course lasts 4 months.

2. Oxolinic ointment for papillomas - it receives positive reviews due to its antiviral and antiherpetic effects.

It has proven itself well in the treatment of warts and genital warts that form in the intimate area. Treatment with it is carried out 2 - 3 times. per day and for 15 – 60 days. The duration of treatment is determined by the severity of the disease.

3. Chinese ointment for papillomas “SAN FEN ZHONG” is gaining popularity. This product has a double effect - it destroys microbes and burns out tumors.

The drug must be used very carefully; the ointment is applied only to the affected areas of the skin. 2-4 minutes after application, the product should be rinsed off with warm water. Usually, after 5-6 daily procedures, the result of the treatment will be noticeable.

4. Stefalin ointment is a preparation obtained from plant materials. It is collected on the mountain slopes of the Carpathians and used to prepare a non-alcohol solution - the base of the ointment. Due to the high permeability of the product, all its components are delivered to the very root of the papilloma.

After several treatment procedures, the neoplasm begins to dry out, and soon falls off completely. If the crust has fallen off, and a tubercle remains in its place, it is also lubricated until it completely disappears.

Trade name of the drug "Acyclovir" "Panavir"
Release form Tablets, ointment, cream Solution for intravenous injection, gel, vaginal and rectal suppositories (suppositories)
Active substance Acyclovir is a synthetic analogue of a purine base (a component of DNA) Panavir hexose glycoside isolated from potato leaf extract
Effect Blocking viral DNA synthesis; immunostimulating Antiviral, immunomodulatory. Induction of synthesis of endogenous (own) interferon in the body
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to components in the composition of drugs, lactation. Use with caution during pregnancy or renal failure Individual intolerance to constituent components, kidney pathology, age under 12 years, breastfeeding
Price in pharmacies of the Russian Federation (RUB) Tablets – from 101; ointment – ​​from 193; cream – from 340 Solution for injection - from 850; candles – from 650; Panavir gel – from 350

Contrary to mathematical laws, all components of a successful fight against viruses must be applied simultaneously. Let's find out what pharmaceutical arsenal is used against HPV. Sometimes the guesses of doctors and scientists are amazing; they pay attention to completely unexpected properties of plant and animal organisms. After all, representatives of flora and fauna also have to protect themselves from viruses.

The issue of treating papilloma with drugs is illustrated by the thousand-year history of the use of alloferons. These are peptides found by Russian scientists in the larvae of green and blue carrion flies (calliphorids). Small white worms have been used since ancient times to treat purulent wounds.

This method was adopted during the period of the Crimean military companies by the famous doctor N.I. Pirogov. “Surgical larvae”, having settled in wounds, fed exclusively on dead tissue. They secreted alloferons that acted against pathogenic microbes. The larval secretion contained allantoin, which heals wounds.

Alloferon is a medicine for the human papillomavirus. The body contains the following substances:

  1. They act in places of greatest HPV activity.
  2. Promote the synthesis of interferons that protect against viruses.
  3. They initiate the destruction of HPV in the cells and tissues of the body.

Doctors recommend taking Metronidazole before using a CO2 laser. Tablets for papillomas are prescribed for both men and women. Metronidazole is a preventive measure before laser treatment of human papillomavirus infection of the lower reproductive system.

This drug is recommended to be taken 500 mg 2 times a day. Duration of treatment is 8 days. Metronidazole is an antimicrobial agent for systemic use. I can also prescribe the use of a medication such as Ampicillin.

How to use Indinol forte

Indinol forte is used for human papillomavirus because of its antitumor effect. This drug is effective for the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system; it is also used for preventive purposes against cervical cancer in women if papillomas are found in intimate places.

Tablets for papillomas on intimate places are contraindicated if you have an individual intolerance to indoles.

Medicine for papillomas and warts in the form of ointments

Afraid of removing papillomas using any technical devices or not having the financial means, some people use alternative means. One of these remedies is oxolinic ointment for papillomas. The description of the drug says that it can negatively affect wart viruses. This means that it can be used against some unwanted skin lesions.

Composition and properties of the ointment

Oxolinic ointment is a well-known antiviral agent. There are reviews confirming that it helps eliminate papillomas. Moreover, these reviews are numerous.

0.25 percent and 3 percent ointment are sold. They differ in the content of the active substance, which is naphthalene-1, -2, -3, -4 tetron. This substance is also known as oxolin, which gives the ointment its name. The auxiliary component is purified Vaseline.

  • 0.25 percent ointment is used to lubricate the nasal passages and eyes.
  • 3 percent ointment is intended for external use only (applied to the skin).

You can buy oxolin in small aluminum tubes (from 5 to 30 g). In appearance, the ointment is a thick, whitish-gray, odorless substance.

Although the reviews of some experts about oxolin are quite skeptical, it is used for many diseases:

  • herpes;
  • lichen;
  • chickenpox;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • infectious warts (papillomas);
  • diseases caused by adenovirus (ARVI, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.).

The use of drugs with alloferons

Russian academician S.I. Chernysh isolated alloferons from calliphorid larvae; currently, these substances are synthesized industrially. Peptides act on the principle of cytokines, in addition, they have an antitumor effect.

Alloferons are able to correct the activity of cells and increase their ability to resist viruses and bacteria.

Drug for papillomas with alloferon

The words in the reviews about drugs with alloferons are impressive, for example, patients write that the drug for HPV “Allokin alpha” is 100% effective, after six injections a decrease in papillomas is observed. Even after several months, tests for oncogenic viruses give negative results.

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