Wounds in dogs, treatment of wounds in dogs. Methods for treating purulent wounds in dogs How to treat a wet wound in a dog

If possible, do not self-medicate and consult a doctor. But if this is not possible, then it is necessary to understand the basic principles of treatment.

Treating dog wounds at home

Initially, it is necessary to trim the hair around the wound. Various discharges and pus will come out of the wound, the hair will stick together, and if it is not trimmed, additional problems will appear. Dermatitis and some other complications may appear. It will also make it easier for you to care for the wound. For cutting, use ordinary scissors; they can be boiled or treated with alcohol. After this, you need to take 3% hydrogen peroxide, fill it with a syringe and inject it into the wound without a needle. It will be unpleasant for the dog, but this procedure is very important to do.

After washing the contents from the dog’s wound, a large amount of foam may appear - this is the result of a reaction between peroxide and dying tissue. You must be prepared for this. Then you need to take a bandage, a gauze pad and remove excess liquid by pressing it to the wound. After this, you need to take levomekol and inject it using a syringe, without a needle. It is sold in any regular pharmacy. Such treatments should be done at least twice a day. If a lot of fluid comes from the dog’s wound, you can treat the wound in this way in the first days three times a day. But this rarely happens, usually two times is enough.

How not to treat a dog's wounds.

There is no need to fill the wound with vodka, iodine, alcohol, brilliant green, i.e. all the folk remedies that people like to use. You won't kill all microorganisms, but you can cause harm. You will burn the tissue and it will take a very long time to heal. There is no need to stitch up a fresh wound, especially a purulent one. To stitch up a purulent wound, you must first treat it surgically - remove dead tissue and then leave it so that all the discharge from the wound comes out. But if you don’t have experience, it’s better not to sew it up so as not to harm the dog.

Then pay attention to the dog's condition. If depression, fever, or a putrid smell from the wound appears, then you need to at least find a doctor who can use antibiotics.

At best, you need to take the dog and take it to the doctor, because all this affects the body as a whole.

Wounds are damage to the skin with a violation of its integrity, damage to mucous membranes, deep tissues, which are accompanied by severe pain symptoms, bleeding, and gaping. The intensity of pain symptoms depends on:

    number and location of nerve elements;

    general state of the animal’s central nervous system, physiological state;

    the nature of the injury, the wounding object, the speed of infliction of traumatic damage.

Bleeding depends on the nature of the injury, location, and degree of damage to the blood vessels. Bleeding is divided into arterial, venous and capillary. The most dangerous are arterial and venous bleeding, which occur when large blood vessels are injured. To stop bleeding use:

    pressure bandage, tourniquet;

    pressing the vessel with your fingers;

    ligation of the protruding end of a ruptured vessel.

The gaping of the wound depends on its size and depth. the degree of damage to the cellular structures of the skin, violation of the integrity of elastic fibers, the nature and structure of damaged tissues.

Depending on the nature and degree of tissue damage, wounds are classified into:







Incised wounds occur due to exposure to sharp objects (knife, sharp metal object, glass shard). Gunshot wounds are the result of a bullet or shrapnel wound. They can be through, which have an inlet and outlet, and blind, in which a fragment or bullet gets stuck deep in the soft tissue. Most often, dogs are diagnosed with shot wounds, which dogs can receive while hunting. Also, gunshot wounds can be tangential, in which a fragment or bullet flies along a tangent line, touching tissue, damaging the surface layers of the skin, but without getting stuck in them.

Puncture wounds are inflicted with sharp, piercing objects (bayonet, stake, awl, sharp needle). Such injuries with a large depth of tissue damage and a wide area of ​​damage pose a serious danger. In some cases, damage to internal organs may occur. In case of damage to the chest or peritoneum, internal bleeding, hemoptysis, and damage to the gastrointestinal tract may occur.

First aid for wounds

The first step is to establish the nature of the wound. Puncture wounds are the least noticeable due to the deep penetration of the piercing object, have smooth edges and can bleed heavily. Incised wounds also have smooth edges and are characterized by profuse bleeding. Lacerated wounds have uneven edges, bleed less, take longer to heal and require complex and long-term treatment.

If you notice a wound, cut, or damage to the skin on the surface of your dog’s body, you should immediately treat the injured area, since wounds are open “gates” for the penetration of pathogenic microflora and dangerous bacteria. Eliminate pain shock caused by the wound using analgesics, tranquilizers or corticosteroids, dosage: approximately 0.01 g per 1 kg of weight. The first thing you need to do before treatment is to carefully shave the fur around the wound and treat the wound and the area around it with disinfectants - hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, then lubricate the edges of the wound several times with iodine tincture. If the diameter and depth of the wound does not exceed 2-2.5 cm, it does not need to be sutured. After proper treatment of the wound, it should be bandaged using sterile, clean dressing materials. If the wound is small, you can apply a bactericidal patch after treatment.

If there is damage to the capillaries or veins, the bleeding is minor and the color of the blood is darker. The wound is treated and a tight sterile cotton-gauze bandage is applied. The greatest danger is arterial bleeding, which manifests itself as a pulsating stream of bright scarlet blood and must be eliminated as soon as possible. In this case, a rubber tourniquet is applied above the bleeding site and the dog is urgently taken to the veterinary clinic! In order not to disrupt blood circulation and cause congestion, the tourniquet should be loosened every 20-25 minutes.

For purulent wounds, you need to carefully remove dead particles and remove hair and dirt from the wound with a sterile swab dipped in a disinfectant solution. The affected area is treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and furatsilin. The treatment is carried out twice, with an interval of 3-5 minutes, after which the treated wound is washed with gauze (not cotton wool) swabs soaked in an iodized solution. With bruised wounds, bleeding in most cases is insignificant or may be completely absent, but swelling and soft tissue hematoma occur. First aid for bruises is to apply cold to the damaged area, then treat the bruised area with iodine.

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Only a veterinarian can prescribe effective, timely treatment.

Wounds are damage to the skin with a violation of its integrity...

Dogs, regardless of breed, are very active animals. They can get hurt during training or fights with “relatives”. Serious injuries sometimes require stitches. Every owner of such a pet should know how to treat an open wound on a dog.

An active dog sometimes gets into fights, and even a well-mannered pet can become a victim of an attack by stray animals. A four-legged friend can step on glass or other sharp objects or get caught on something both outdoors and indoors. An animal is not always able to discern danger, so responsibility for its safety lies entirely with the owner.

Try to choose safe walking routes, look through the clearings where your pet frolics for the presence of cutting and piercing objects. Do not let your dog get into a fight or be attacked by other dogs, because a stranger or stray animal can not only injure your four-legged friend, but also infect him with rabies.

If the injury is severe, the dog may lose a lot of blood. Large wounds require suturing of the skin. A lacerated wound in a domestic dog can take a very long time to heal, suppuration is possible, as well as more severe consequences such as sepsis and even gangrene.

Video “General principles of treating a dog’s wound”

In this video, a veterinarian will tell you how to properly treat wounds in dogs.

Main types of wounds

Abrasions and scratches

Abrasions and scratches are the most common injuries that pets can receive, even during a daily walk. Most often they occur on the paws and back. It is enough to treat them with hydrogen peroxide or Furacilin solution, apply a patch or bandage and treat them with Chlorhexidine for several days.

Cut and chopped

Incised wounds have smooth edges. When the wound is dangerous, with severe bleeding, it is imperative to apply a tourniquet to stop it. Don't forget to record the blending time. The tourniquet is applied for 2 hours. After the bleeding has stopped, the open wound should be treated and a sterile bandage applied, and then take your pet to the veterinarian.

Once you have cleaned the wound, you can assess the depth and width of the cut. If it is not deep and no more than 2 cm wide, then you can do without stitches. If the wound is deep and widely dissected, then you need to resort to the services of a surgeon.

A dog's most vulnerable spot is its paw. After treating the wound, its edges need to be brought tightly together, apply an adhesive plaster and a fixing bandage. If the bleeding does not stop, you can press a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide tightly to the wound and bandage it.

Preparations for treatment and treatment

If you are the owner of a playful pet, then in your first aid kit you should always have an adhesive plaster, dressing material, hydrogen peroxide, Furacilin solution and a tourniquet to stop bleeding.

To treat wounds, it is good for every dog ​​owner to have Chlorhexidine in the first aid kit. This product will remove dirt and prevent infection by pathogenic microbes.

Antibacterial treatment of the wound surface can be carried out with Miramistin solution. The product does not cause burns to mucous membranes and will effectively protect against bacteria and viruses. The drug prevents wound suppuration and also has regenerating properties.

A well-known odorless product, Furacilin, is widely used. In order to prepare an antiseptic solution for treating a wound, it is enough to dissolve one tablet in 100 ml of warm water. The product is used to treat both clean and purulent wounds.

Antiseptics suitable for treating injuries in humans - brilliant green and iodine - are not recommended by veterinarians for use on animals. They can cause burns and dry out the skin.

Powders and powders have antiseptic properties and are good to use for weeping wounds. The damage is covered with powder 1-2 times a day until the surface is completely dry. Such products include “Iodoform” powder, “Edis” powder powder, “Gentaxan” powder.

After applying powders, to accelerate wound healing and regeneration of the skin, ointments are used, which are applied in a small layer and rubbed in lightly. These include “Levosin”, “Fastin”, “Ranosan”.

A universal remedy for dogs with a strong antimicrobial and wound-healing effect is Veteritsin. The drug can be simply sprayed onto the wound surface or applied 3-4 times a day to a napkin soaked in it.

They can occur under various circumstances and in various situations. For all injuries to a dog during hunting, training or a regular walk, before taking the pet to a veterinary clinic, the owner must be able to properly treat all possible wounds on the dog so that the animal does not bleed on the way to the hospital.

In this article, we will look at the types of wounds in dogs, as well as how to treat and treat them.


Wash the dog's wound with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of furatsilin or rivanol, lubricate it with iodine (you can use brilliant green) and bandage it. In the field, when there are no medications available, you should wash the wound with drinking water, apply a plantain leaf, the white pulp of a puffball mushroom, or, in extreme cases, you can use the liquid produced by your body.

Under no circumstances should you allow your dog to lick a wound with its tongue, but not because it is harmful: on the contrary, a dog’s saliva contains a substance that can kill bacteria; but a dog can damage the skin around the wound with its tongue, and besides, lick all the necessary medicines from the surface of the wound.

The best remedy for healing a dog's wound is ordinary brilliant green, which disinfects the wound and dries it out. Usually you can use brilliant green 1-2 times a day.

The dog's laceration is extensive and deep, but practically uncontaminated.


Lubricate the hair around the wound with iodine, alcohol, vodka, and purified gasoline. After this, cut the hair, making sure that it does not get into the wound, and apply a sterile bandage. Having provided first aid, the dog must be taken no later than 6-12 hours from the moment of injury to a doctor to provide qualified surgical care.

The laceration is extensive and deep, heavily contaminated


Wash the dog's wound with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink), a solution of furatsilin, rivanol or clean boiled water (cold). Treat the edges of the wound with iodine (green paint) and apply a sterile bandage.

Then, no later than 6-12 hours from the moment of receiving the wound, the dog must be taken to a doctor to provide qualified surgical care.

Penetrating chest injury

Symptoms include exhalation of air with each inhalation and exhalation with a characteristic wheezing sound and bloody foam, which is then sucked back through the wound opening. Typically, a dog's death occurs as a result of suffocation. This cannot be allowed under any circumstances.

And therefore we must act quickly and skillfully.


Firstly, it is necessary to stop the access of air into the chest cavity as quickly as possible; secondly, treat the edges of the dog’s wound with iodine; thirdly, lubricate the skin and fur in a circle at a distance of 5-6 centimeters from the edge of the wound with Vaseline; fourthly, attach a piece of plastic bag, film, wax paper and then, placing cotton wool on top, bandage it tightly.

Another method can be suggested: moisten a clean gauze napkin, bandage, clean rag generously in a disinfectant solution or in a solution of iodine and water, then make a gag and close the wound with it, but so that it does not penetrate into the chest cavity and does not cause infection with edges of the wound. Then apply polyethylene and bandage it tightly.

The first method is simpler and more reliable. Having provided first aid, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian, and no later than 6-8 hours after receiving the injury, because penetrating wounds to the chest of a dog are dangerous in their consequences and are fraught with complications. In such cases, surgical intervention is necessary.

Abdominal injury

These are very serious wounds in dogs. With such injuries, intestinal prolapse quite often occurs. If the intestines are not damaged, then the dog can be saved!


The prolapsed intestines must be thoroughly washed with a 0.1% solution of rivanol, furatsilin or simply boiled water. Then carefully place the intestines into the abdominal cavity and be sure to apply a bandage. The intestines should be inserted very carefully so that they take their normal position.

Wrap the intestines in a clean cloth (sheet, towel, pillowcase, medical gauze), which is pre-moistened with a solution of furatsilin, rivanol, baking soda (2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of boiled water with the addition of 10-20 drops of iodine), just boiled water, so as not to allow it to dry out. Treat well with syntomycin liniment. Take to the doctor no later than 4-6 hours after receiving the injury.

You are absolutely forbidden to give water to your dog! If a dog's intestines or stomach are torn due to such wounds, the dog has practically no chance of surviving. The methods of applying bandages are very diverse. Without the appropriate experience and skill, doing this work can sometimes be very difficult. An elastic bandage, mesh bandage, adhesive plaster, and medical glue should be widely used.

Dogs are not so “domestic” creatures when compared to cats. As a rule, only doggies of dwarf, “pocket” size can be kept in the apartment at all times, while other pets have to be walked. In rural areas, the dog tirelessly and constantly accompanies its owners on long forays into nature.

Because of this, any experienced amateur has considerable experience in treating various abrasions, cuts, and other injuries that an active pet inevitably receives. But it is much worse if the latter has a lacerated wound: in a dog (in general, like in a person), such injuries take a long time to heal and often lead to serious consequences, including gangrene and sepsis.

As you might guess, Such wounds appear when body tissue is torn under the influence of strong mechanical forces. In service dogs, for example, these injuries are often a consequence of the dog being “impaled” on barbed wire or nails (carelessly handled projectiles in “dog towns”) during training. Unlike a cut with smooth edges, the gap is characterized “jagged”, uneven wound channels, heavily dusted with wool, sawdust, and other debris. Of course, in such cases, a huge amount of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora appears in the wound. The duration and severity of the rehabilitation period largely depends on the depth and extent of the source of damage.

Usually, similar wounds are always an indication for surgery, since without surgery, purulent exudate and half-decomposed pieces of tissue very quickly begin to accumulate in the wound canal. Only minor lacerations of the skin that do not affect the muscle layer can be subjected to simple treatment without subsequent drainage and suturing. It is believed that “little blood” can be dispensed with only for wounds whose length does not exceed 2 cm and depth - 1 cm. In other cases, it is strongly recommended to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Diagnostic procedures

Preoperative tests depend in part on the age and general health of the animal, as well as the cause of the injury. In the case when it was caused by the action of something sharp (nail, wire, piece of metal), you can only get by. If the rupture is associated with extensive trauma, you may need: x-rays, blood tests, serological and biochemical tests, and urine testing. An ECG may be required.

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The latter is true in cases where the animal (against the background of post-traumatic shock) exhibits signs heart failure. It should be noted that in cases where the injured pet has problems with the liver, kidneys, lungs or heart, it is strictly prohibited to perform surgery (especially under general anesthesia) until its condition is completely stabilized!

By the way, in what cases is anesthesia necessary, and in what cases only local anesthesia? If the case is mild (a small laceration on the paw), then strong anesthesia may not be required to stitch it up. The pet is simply fixed in the pen, and the damaged area is subjected to infiltration anesthesia. But this, of course, does not apply to cases of particularly large and/or aggressive dogs. Sometimes only a local anesthetic is used.

For severe injuries and if the animal is restless and in a state of shock, it is recommended to use general anesthesia. As a rule, the latter is given by administering appropriate drugs intravenously.

Surgical technique

First, the hair surrounding the wound canal is carefully trimmed. This must be done very carefully to prevent tissue “cluttering” and additional contamination with microflora. The area is cleaned with surgical soap and disinfectants to remove bacterial plaque and normal debris. Areas of dead and torn skin must be cut off. To ensure unhindered closure of the wound with a suture, the edges of the canal are carefully trimmed, and “extra” areas are cut off. If everything was done correctly, healing subsequently occurs by primary intention, and the volume of purulent and/or ichorous exudate released is reduced to a minimum.

The wound is closed either with sutures or with surgical staplers. It is worth noting that the materials for suturing may subsequently dissolve on their own, or the sutures have to be removed after the injury has completely healed.

The first option is much preferable, since in this case the owner does not have to additionally take his pet to the veterinarian. In addition, not all breeders have the skill and experience to remove sutures on their own (however, experts do not prohibit doing this). In any case, the staples should be removed only in a clinic, since this is not easy to do, and an ordinary breeder simply cannot cope with it.

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How long does the operation to stitch a laceration take? The procedure takes approximately 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the complexity of the individual case. Small wounds, as is easy to understand, are closed in a few minutes. Here you need to understand that large injuries with a gaping wound channel It may be impossible to completely “repair” it in one operation. In severe cases, up to ten (!) surgical interventions may be required!

Other therapeutic techniques

It would be somewhat naive to think that it is enough to just stitch a serious wound. Treatment is usually much more serious. Since in all these cases the wound canal is inevitably subject to bacterial contamination, the animal is prescribed antibiotics broad spectrum of action in loading doses.

Sometimes (at the veterinarian's discretion) anti-inflammatory corticosteroids may be prescribed. But when treating very severe wounds, when the rehabilitation period can last for several weeks, this is contraindicated: with prolonged use, these drugs provoke the development of fungal infections, so it’s not worth the risk. In addition, to improve and speed up the regeneration process, it is useful to prescribe multivitamin complexes. They improve metabolism, accelerate the production of leukocytes, strengthening the dog’s body’s defenses. In addition, bandages and tampons soaked in Vishnevsky’s balsamic liniment can be applied to the wounds themselves (and even more so torn ones).

Important! If you don’t know how to treat a wound received by your pet, you can use streptocide powder for this purpose. It perfectly disinfects the wound surface and prevents the development of purulent inflammation in the future.

In addition, if the wound occurs after a fight with another dog or other animal, rabies vaccines (i.e., anti-rabies medications) may be necessary. This is especially true for hunting dogs who may encounter rabid foxes. But! This only applies to those dogs that were not vaccinated against rabies on time. Unfortunately, this also happens. In this case, all costs associated with obtaining vaccines and serums fall on the shoulders of the animal owner.

Possible risks and complications

In a young and physically strong dog, the risks associated with surgery and anesthesia are minimal. But everything is not so simple. A lacerated ear wound that can be repaired with a couple of surgical stitches is one thing. But if you have to stitch together a paw that is torn into trash, with pieces of ligaments and muscles protruding from the wound canal, the situation is completely different. In this case, everything depends on the luck of the dog and the time during which the owners managed to deliver it to the veterinarian. In addition, if there is significant blood loss (and with such wounds it will always be so), it may be necessary blood or plasma transfusion, but this can only be done in a few veterinary clinics. There is simply no pet blood bank in our country. As a rule, up to 70% of such operations are still quite successful; the animal recovers completely in two to three weeks (not counting the rehabilitation period).

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