Irritation on forehead from sweat. Treatment of prickly heat in adults - drugs and folk remedies. External causes of prickly heat

Skin irritation, caused by excessive sweating, as well as the greenhouse effect (diaper rash), causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. Not only young children are susceptible to this disease. Ointments for prickly heat in adults and children will help quickly eliminate all symptoms, affecting the disease.

Types of ointments

Miliaria ointment helps eliminate the rash and relieve itching. Pharmacies offer a huge number of drugs that can be used by adults and young children.

Medicines for babies should be safe for use on delicate and sensitive skin, because prickly heat can appear from the first days of a baby’s life. Such products have a gentle effect and do not irritate the mucous membranes if accidentally ingested.

Important! Doctors strongly do not recommend treating children's heat rashes on their own. The necessary medications are prescribed by the pediatrician after examining the child.

Before application, follow these steps:

  • using laundry soap, clean the affected skin, and then dry it with a soft towel;
  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap to avoid infection when applying the ointment;
  • treat adjacent areas with outbreaks to prevent further spread of the disease:
  • Apply the ointment in a thin layer until completely absorbed.

With zinc


The drug has no unpleasant odor and is well absorbed into the skin. Already after the first use of the product, improvement is observed. Zinc and salicyl, which are part of the medicine, have a mild drying and antiseptic effect. Vaseline forms a film that helps protect the affected areas from the penetration of bacteria and germs, and also enhances the effect of the medicinal components of the ointment. You can use the medicine for no more than three weeks to avoid an allergic reaction; in addition, it can dry out the skin.

Important! In adults, prickly heat is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor. This problem is eliminated by ointment with zinc due to its astringent properties.


This product, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, is safe for newborns. The ointment is hypoallergenic and will not harm the delicate skin of a baby; it can also be used by adults. The product softens the skin, dries and relieves inflammation. In addition, the drug prevents the further development of irritation and diaper rash. The ointment is applied at least three times a day.

Important! This remedy should not be used for the white or yellow variety of the disease. Before use, consult a doctor to determine the type of rash.

With antibiotic

Sometimes with prickly heat, the skin is deeply affected, and the resulting bubbles with liquid burst, leaving wounds. In this case, it is necessary to use drugs containing antibiotics. They will help to avoid possible complications and eliminate inflammation on the skin, as well as fight the etiological pathogen of the associated secondary infection.


Effectively suppresses the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. The ointment is applied to areas of inflammation once or twice a day. Improvement occurs within two weeks after starting treatment. The drug is prescribed to adult patients and children over eight years of age. It is strictly forbidden to use the product in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Important! If severe itching or burning occurs after using the ointment, you should immediately stop using the drug.


This drug contains a substance that stimulates skin regeneration. The product penetrates deeply into the tissue. The antimicrobial properties of the ointment are preserved even in the presence of purulent wounds. The drug can be used not only by adults, but also by children, after consulting a doctor.

Before use, you need to test for an allergic reaction by applying a small amount of the drug to the elbow or under the knee.

If the doctor has not left any special instructions, then apply the ointment to clean, dry skin in a thin layer. The treated areas must be covered from above with a sterile napkin and secured with a bandage.

When using the drug, avoid contact with mucous membranes. After the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly with water. Apply the product once or twice a day. On average, the course of treatment lasts 5-10 days until the skin is completely cleansed.

With dexpanthenol

Preparations containing dexpanthenol (a synthetic analogue of vitamin B5) have a healing effect. Does not contain aggressive components. After application, the active substance is converted into pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5), which is responsible for skin regeneration processes. It has a stimulating effect on the restoration of cells and damaged tissues, normalizing their work.


The ointment has an effective regenerating effect on the affected areas. Use daily on clean and dry skin, does not require rinsing, and is safe in case of contact with mucous membranes. The product can be used by children from the first days of life. It contains 5% dexpanthenol, and also contains almond oil, white petrolatum, chlorhexidine and lanolin.

The drug not only restores and heals, but also has an antiseptic effect. Apply the product at least four times a day to damaged areas.

Bepanten is also prescribed as a prophylactic against skin irritation in infants.


It has an anti-inflammatory effect and safely eliminates irritation thanks to dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine. The product is used twice a day; there is no need to remove it. After application, it easily and quickly penetrates the skin, stimulating its healing.

As a rule, improvements are observed already on the second day after using the drug. D-Panthenol must be used for a week until complete recovery.


If other medications are ineffective, your doctor may prescribe hormonal ointments. They contain adrenal hormones - glucocorticosteroids. They have a complex effect, but have a number of side effects. Quickly penetrating the bloodstream, the drug affects the functioning of the adrenal glands, causes hypertension, and in some cases can slow down the growth of the body. When using them, it is important to remember some points:

  • can only be used for a short course, a maximum of three weeks;
  • prohibited for use by pregnant women;
  • You cannot abruptly stop using these drugs; a gradual reduction in dosage is required, which is prescribed individually by the attending physician.


The ointment belongs to the group of drugs of steroid origin. When applied to the skin, it has an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. The product is used 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is one week - during this time it is permissible to use no more than 50 grams of medication.


The ointment is used to eliminate inflammatory processes. It can be used for sensitive skin. The product is a medium-intensity hormonal drug. Afloderm is prescribed to children from six months of age. It contains no fluorine and a low degree of absorption of the active substance into the bloodstream.

The drug is available in two forms:

  • ointment - has a greasy consistency, intended for dry areas of affected skin;
  • cream - has a light structure, applied to pustular wounds.

Folk remedies

In addition to medications, traditional medicine is used to combat prickly heat:

  1. Laundry soap dries out characteristic skin rashes and also has a disinfecting effect. Use this product instead of your usual shower gel.
  2. Soda solution is used as a safe antiseptic, which also has a drying effect. Dilute one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water and lubricate the inflamed areas of the skin with the resulting solution.
  3. Strong decoctions of chamomile, string and celandine are useful for both adults and children. Add them to your bath. You can also soak a cotton swab in the broth and apply it to irritations throughout the day.

A rash in the form of transparent blisters or red nodules, which occurs due to blockage of the sweat glands and is most often caused by overheating of the body. Based on the nature of the rashes, they distinguish between red, crystalline and papular miliaria. The diagnosis of prickly heat usually does not cause difficulties; consultation with a dermatologist may be required only in complicated cases. Treatment of prickly heat consists mainly of eliminating the factors that cause overheating and increased sweating of the body. Measures to prevent prickly heat include optimal room temperature, weather-appropriate clothing, personal hygiene and proper skin care.

General information

Despite the fact that prickly heat is considered mainly a childhood disease, adults are also susceptible to it. But heat rash most often occurs in children in the first year of life. This is due to the immaturity of the sweat glands and thermoregulation mechanisms of infants. In both children and adults, poorly ventilated areas of the skin are more susceptible to prickly heat rashes. These include skin folds (axillary, intergluteal, inguinal folds, folds on the neck, between the fingers, under the mammary glands and behind the ears), elbow and knee folds, areas of skin under tight-fitting synthetic fabrics (low-quality diapers, bandages, clothes made from synthetic “non-breathable” » fabrics).

Causes of prickly heat

Normally, the human sweating system is actively involved in the process of thermoregulation of the body. When the ambient temperature rises, the work of the sweat glands is activated, they begin to intensively secrete sweat, which contributes to some cooling of the skin and protects the body from overheating. The same mechanism is triggered when the body temperature rises. For example, for various diseases that occur with fever (ARVI, influenza, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, measles, chicken pox, rubella, etc.), intense physical activity, thermal procedures, the use of warm compresses or wraps.

Excessive sweating can lead to clogged sweat glands and cause heat rash. Miliaria occurs especially often in newborns and children under one year old, since their sweat glands are not fully formed and have narrow excretory ducts. Among adults, heat rash is more common in people who sweat excessively, are overweight, or have problems with the endocrine system.

Symptoms of prickly heat

Depending on the type of rash, clinical dermatology distinguishes three clinical variants of miliaria: crystalline, red and papular.

Crystalline prickly heat is represented by pearlescent or white bubbles with a diameter of 1-2 mm. Bubbles merging with each other can form larger bubbles. Within a few hours or days, they burst and dry out, forming flaky patches on the skin. This type of heat rash occurs mainly in newborns and is located on the face, upper torso and neck. If crystalline prickly heat occurs in an adult, it is usually localized on the skin of the chest, back and flexor surfaces of the legs and arms.

Miliaria rubra has the appearance of red nodules 1-3 mm in size and blisters containing a cloudy liquid. These elements are surrounded by an inflammatory hyperemic corolla. As a rule, they do not merge with each other. Patients with miliaria rubra are bothered by severe itching, which intensifies with rising air temperatures. Typically, this type of heat rash affects the skin in areas where it is exposed to friction. These are the inguinal folds, axillary areas, flexion folds on the limbs and the skin under the mammary glands in women. It is prickly heat that most often occurs in adults in hot weather or during heavy physical labor.

Papular miliaria is characterized by rashes in the form of flesh-colored blisters no larger than 3 mm in size. The rashes are located on the skin of the torso, arms and legs. Papular miliaria usually occurs in tropical countries with humid and hot climates, for which it received its second name - “tropical”. Adults who are less well adapted to heat than others are most susceptible to the appearance of papular miliaria. Frequent overheating in such patients can lead to depletion of sweat glands, flaking and dry skin in the area of ​​prickly heat.

The course of prickly heat can be complicated by the addition of a secondary infection. In such cases, the contents of the blisters become purulent, and the nodules turn into pustules with small pustules on the tops. Thus, the process can transform into pyoderma.

Diagnosis and treatment of prickly heat

The diagnosis of prickly heat usually does not cause difficulties for a doctor of any specialization. Therefore, to confirm the diagnosis, a visual examination by a pediatrician or therapist is sufficient. In difficult cases, consultation with a dermatologist may be required.

In the treatment of prickly heat, the main importance is to eliminate the patient's overheating. This is facilitated by frequent ventilation of the room, air baths, water treatments, wearing less warm clothes and cotton underwear. To avoid prickly heat in the hot summer, it is necessary to cool the room using a fan or air conditioner. Adult patients with heat rash are advised to avoid physical activity in hot conditions or wearing warm clothing. In the vast majority of cases, the symptoms of prickly heat disappear in the first 1-3 days after the cessation of the action of the factor causing it.

Local treatment may be used to speed up recovery. Baths with a solution of calcium permanganate, chamomile, and string help well with prickly heat, after which the areas of the rash can be treated with powder with zinc oxide or talc. For severe itching in adults, preparations with menthol and camphor and betamethasone ointment are used. The appearance of infectious complications in prickly heat is an indication for local antimicrobial therapy with antiseptics and antibiotics.

Prevention of prickly heat

Prevention of prickly heat involves maintaining skin hygiene, maintaining optimal room temperature, regular water procedures, and eliminating situations that lead to heavy sweating. In summer, you should avoid prolonged exposure to the open sun. For people moving to hotter climates, gradual adaptation is desirable.

Separately, it is necessary to say about clothing. Underwear that comes into direct contact with the skin should be breathable and not too tight. It is important that clothing is appropriate for the weather and the person’s physical activity. So, when playing sports or physical work, as well as for active children, clothing should be less warm.

To prevent prickly heat in children of the first year of life, it is necessary to avoid tight swaddling and too warm wrapping. Proper care of the baby's skin, regular water procedures and air baths, good ventilation of the room, and the use of high-quality diapers, cotton clothes and linen are of great importance.

What is prickly heat? Types of prickly heat, stages of development

Miliaria is a skin disease. Miliaria occurs when a large number of spots and blisters appear on the human body. The places where prickly heat appears are very different; it can be localized on the neck, elbows, abdomen, face, back, chest and armpits.

Reasons for appearance

Miliaria or miliaria is a type of pustular (that is, accompanied by the appearance of blisters with liquid contents) dermatosis. The cause of this skin disease is increased sweating with insufficient evaporation of sweat, causing blockage of the sweat glands.

External factors can trigger the development of prickly heat in both women and men, for example:

  1. Heat and high humidity, if a person is not used to them (heat rash is a common occurrence for vacationers who come from cold areas to the south).
  2. Intense physical activity.
  3. Excessive love of sunbathing.
  4. Staying for a long time in clothes that are too tight, sweaty, and poorly breathable.
  5. Shoes made of artificial materials or wearing synthetic socks in hot weather.
  6. The use of fatty creams that clog the sweat glands during the hot season.
  7. Neglect of personal hygiene rules.

There is a group of endogenous (internal) factors that can cause prickly heat.

These include:

  • hyperhidrosis;
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • obesity;
  • any illness that causes fever and fever.

The causes of prickly heat can be:

  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • obesity, excess body weight;
  • diseases accompanied by increased body temperature;
  • increased sweating;
  • diabetes mellitus (disorder of endocrine and metabolic processes);
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • the presence of neuralgic diseases;
  • poor acclimatization;
  • constant physical activity;
  • hot weather with high humidity;
  • preference for tight and synthetic clothing;
  • using cosmetics that impede oxygen access to the skin.

The presence of any of the above factors can trigger the appearance of prickly heat. In some cases, the disease is inherited. Here we wrote in detail about rashes on the face and neck of an adult.

Miliaria often develops due to overheating, excessive sweating and clogging of the sweat ducts. It's easy to overheat your baby.

The presence of any of the above factors can trigger the appearance of prickly heat. In some cases, the disease is inherited.

There are many reasons that can provoke this disease. They are divided into 2 groups.

Pathological (internal):

  • increased sweating;
  • improper metabolism;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine system;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pregnancy;
  • febrile state with high body temperature;
  • all degrees of obesity;
  • long periods without movement (bedridden or paralyzed patients).

Natural causes (external):

  • hot and dry weather;
  • high humidity combined with warm, dry air in residential areas;
  • increased physical activity, intense sports;
  • uncomfortable, tight clothing made of synthetic fabrics provokes the appearance of prickly heat on the body and hands;
  • narrow shoes made from unnatural materials cause disease on the feet;
  • foundations and oily creams that are not suitable for your skin type cause illness on the face;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • long exposure to the open sun.

People with alcohol addiction are also at risk.

Summer is the period when the course of the disease worsens due to hot weather. In winter, the disease most often manifests itself on the feet due to poor quality shoes.

Types and symptoms

In adults, there are three types. Let's take a closer look.


It appears as small blisters on the skin filled with clear liquid.

The skin around them is not inflamed and retains its normal appearance. This type of prickly heat is considered simple and goes away without any treatment in a few days, provided that simple hygiene procedures are regularly performed.


This type of heat rash usually affects areas of the body that are often subject to friction: the inner thighs, elbows, armpits. The skin around the blisters filled with clear secretion is inflamed. Sometimes the blisters, turning red, merge to form large lesions.

Severe itching and pain of moderate intensity are possible. With appropriate treatment, prickly heat goes away within 1-2 weeks.

Papular (deep)

The most complex type of prickly heat, in which there are many pustules (papules) on the body, located not only on the surface of the skin, but also in its deeper layers. Over time, the opened papules dry out, but when scratched, they can become infected and cause eczema. Treatment of miliaria profuse will take at least a month.

Miliaria is one of the forms of dermatitis, divided by type of rash, but having some common symptoms - inflammation, irritation, itching and flaking of the skin, the presence of small watery blisters.

Before treating prickly heat in adults with signs of complications, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis, after which the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy.

Products for external use:

  • Zinc ointment with a drying, anti-inflammatory, adsorbing effect - treat clean, dry skin several times a day.
  • Desitin ointment has the same effect as Zinc ointment, but it only needs to be used twice a day.
  • Calamine lotion and cream is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, drying drug with an antihistamine effect. Treat the affected area of ​​the body several times a day.

If, after diagnosis, a complication of a bacterial infection is detected, treatment is carried out with antibacterial agents for external or systemic use:

  • ointments - Levomekol, Triderm, Fusiderm;
  • tablets - Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Doxycycline.

In case of a fungal infection, antimycotic agents are prescribed:

  • ointments - Exoderil, Lamisil, Clotrimazole;
  • tablets - Levorin, Nizoral, Fungavis.

Treatment of dyshidrosis can last from several days to several years, depending on the stage of development of the disease and the form of the disease.

In the crystalline form of dyshidrosis, disturbances appear due to problems in thermoregulation due to physical exercise. In some cases, this form develops due to hormonal imbalances.

The rash first appears on the upper and lower extremities. Bubbles with this form most often disappear over time, even without medical intervention.

If you eliminate the factor that caused this irritation, the rash will disappear.

Miliaria rubra can only be eliminated with special treatment. You will need ointments with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. They need to be used for 14 days.

Treatment of the papular form is more complex. Due to clogging of pores and glands, topical medications do not give a positive result. You will need fucorcin, brilliant green, baby powder and herbal decoctions. You need to take medications orally.

Manifestations of miliaria in adults vary. It all depends on how neglected it is.

This type of skin lesion can be considered the safest. A rash with a pearlescent tint forms on human skin; the size of the bubbles is 1-2 mm in diameter.

Crystalline prickly heat appears when the sweat glands are working hard, for example, during active physical activity, or during the hot season.

Itching is not typical for this type of heat rash. It disappears without outside intervention in a short period.

The skin may begin to peel off at the site of the bubbles.

This type of prickly heat is considered more severe. Nodules or blisters form on the skin, which merge with each other; from these formations you can see the release of serous fluid.

The main location of prickly heat is the armpits and groin area; in women it occurs under the breasts. Worried about itching and soreness.

To eliminate it, appropriate therapy lasting 1-2 weeks will be required.

Deep (papular)

It overtakes a person if prickly heat is not treated. The disease is encountered mainly by people living in hot countries who find it difficult to acclimatize.

If the skin is subjected to frequent waterlogging, the epidermis begins to swell, and the excretory ducts of the sweat glands become clogged. They stretch and sometimes rupture.

At first, blisters can be found on the skin; over time, nodules form, in the center of which there are papules. The bubbles dry out in a short time, these places become covered with a crust.

With severe treatment of this disease, the sweat glands become thinned, which provokes dehydration of the skin.

Most often, prickly heat is localized in places where sweat glands accumulate: legs, arms, groin, armpits, neck and other parts of the body. Symptoms of prickly heat depend on the type of disease. In dermatological practice, irritation from sweat is classified into three types:

  • crystalline appearance. It is characterized by reddish rashes, itching, and a burning sensation. With timely use of remedies for prickly heat in adults, there is no danger;
  • inflammatory red appearance. It appears as a multitude of watery pimples with cloudy exudate. As it develops, an itchy, moist crust of bacterial etiology appears;
  • papular appearance. It is a complication of prickly heat if it is not treated correctly. With lesions of this type, the skin cracks, vesicular (bubble) rashes itch and peel. Contact with any pathogens threatens infection;
  • apocrine appearance. In the infectious form, it is complicated by deep damage to the epidermis. It appears in the area where the sweat glands are located. Cases of apocrine heat rash on the legs of adults are practically never found.

Diagnosis is made based on history and visual examination. In an advanced form, by scraping the skin, an analysis is taken to differentiate bacteria.

Miliaria is one of the forms of dermatitis, divided by type of rash, but having some common symptoms - inflammation, irritation, itching and flaking of the skin, the presence of small watery blisters.

Symptoms vary depending on the type and severity of the pathology.

Before treating prickly heat in adults with signs of complications, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis, after which the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy.

To treat severe forms without bacterial or fungal infection, drying antiseptic ointments and antihistamines are used.

The use of antihistamine (antiallergic) tablets will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms - itching, swelling, burning, redness - these are the drugs Zyrtec, Cetrin, Tavegil, Loratadine.

If there is no effect for a long time, a dermatologist may prescribe a hormonal medicine for prickly heat, for example Dermovate, but it must be used strictly following the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

The doctor should determine what to apply to prickly heat and what medications to take orally. Self-medication can aggravate the condition or cause side effects.

If there has been a short-term exposure to factors that provoke the appearance of prickly heat, small (several millimeters) blisters may form in different parts of the body, with a shine and a pink tint, which do not cause pain.

There is a clear liquid inside them, and after their appearance there is a slight itching. If the causes are eliminated, such bubbles will disappear on their own within a few hours, in some cases - after a couple of days.

With sensitive skin, the skin may peel off in areas where the rashes are located for several days. This type of prickly heat is called crystalline prickly heat; it appears mainly in the summer, when many people suffer from severe sweating.

Localization of rashes - on the back, on the neck, on the chest, on the forehead, on the arms, on the palms. They are considered the most harmless, pass quickly and without complications.

Miliaria rubra is a much more serious phenomenon than crystalline prickly heat. It is characterized by the appearance of red painful nodes and blisters on the skin, closely located one next to the other, surrounded by red inflammatory rims, inside which colorless liquid collects.

Another symptom is severe itching of the skin.

Miliaria in adults has 4 types, each of which has its own symptoms, which greatly facilitates correct diagnosis.

Symptoms of prickly heat differ depending on its type:

  • Crystalline prickly heat. When exposed to factors that contribute to the onset of the disease, small pink blisters appear on the body. They are filled with clear liquid and may itch a little, but are not painful.
  • Miliaria rubra is considered a more severe form than crystalline heat rash. In this case, the skin is hyperemic (reddened), and the appearance of closely spaced bubbles filled with a cloudy liquid is noted on it.

A reddish inflammatory halo appears around the vesicle. The site of skin inflammation is marked by severe itching and is accompanied by painful sensations.

In common practice, the manifestations of prickly heat are divided into several types. The first has the beautiful name of crystalline prickly heat; it is expressed by slightly reddened, millimeter-sized blisters.

The rash does not itch, does not cause any other unpleasant sensations, and is localized on the face, elbows and knees. It goes away quite quickly with the use of home remedies (solution, powder, talc) and compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene.

Manifestations of prickly heat or its inflammatory form are similar to a close cluster of blisters up to 2 mm, filled with cloudy liquid and surrounded by reddened, inflamed skin. Treatment of miliaria ointment in adults is most popular.

Types and symptoms

If you eliminate the cause of prickly heat in time, the blisters disappear within two to three days and in their place the skin begins to peel off. This heat rash is formed mainly due to increased sweating during prolonged physical activity or during the hot season, due to high temperature and humidity.

Rashes on the body are localized in the neck, back, face, abdomen and chest.

A reddish inflammatory halo appears around the vesicle. The site of skin inflammation is marked by severe itching and is accompanied by painful sensations.

About the diagnosis and treatment of prickly heat

Since prickly heat can be easily confused with many other skin diseases, any suspicious rash on the body requires consultation with a dermatologist. Usually the doctor prescribes a series of laboratory tests, on the basis of which the final conclusion and prescriptions are made on how to cure prickly heat.

In no case should you act on the principle “it will go away on its own,” since long-term miliaria often leads to depletion of the sweat glands and, as a consequence, to dry skin. In addition, papular miliaria, if left untreated, can develop into eczema, which sometimes cannot be eliminated for several years.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then first of all it is necessary to take care of eliminating (if possible) the factor that caused miliaria and adequate treatment, which largely depends on the type and severity of the disease.

Crystal prickly heat

This type of medication is not required; it is enough to keep the body clean by regularly taking a shower and cleaning problem areas with baby or tar soap. It is recommended to treat clean and dry skin with baby powder or potato starch after water procedures.

Miliaria rubra and papular miliaria

Requires serious treatment, in which the following traditional medications are used:

  1. Diazolin, tavegil, suprastin are anti-allergenic drugs that will help get rid of itching and relieve irritation.
  2. Boric or salicylic acid, potassium permanganate, fucorcin are antiseptic solutions that will be needed to treat scratches of burst papules and other minor damage to the skin.
  3. Ointments: ichthyol, chloramphenicol, tetracycline - antibacterial, prescribed for severe forms in cases where a bacterial infection is associated with prickly heat.
  4. Antibiotics: amoxicillin, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin - for prolonged heat rash, accompanied by swelling, soreness, itching, yellowing of blisters, indicating a complicated infection of the skin.

Advanced prickly heat

Treatment options


It is very easy to prepare decoctions from the string. The composition is suitable for the treatment of both adults and children.

When dermatitis appears due to increased sweating, doctors recommend smearing the rash with brilliant green. However, on open areas of the body, or when the issue concerns children, the product is quite inconvenient to use.

In such a situation, folk remedies for prickly heat will come to the rescue. There is a huge list of recipes that have been used by people for centuries and have proven themselves to be the best.

Treatment at home is always more convenient, and natural products are healthier. In addition, traditional medicine is inexpensive, and each patient can choose a medicine based on his preferences and financial capabilities.

In the treatment of this dermatitis, the main goal is to eliminate the possibility of overheating of the patient. To do this, it is recommended to constantly ventilate the room, take baths, and wear light and loose clothing.

When it is very hot, you need to cool the room with an air conditioner or fan. Patients need to reduce physical activity as much as possible in hot temperatures.

Often, if you eliminate the overheating process, then after 1-3 days the symptoms disappear. Ointments, creams and powders are also used for therapy.

Uncomplicated prickly heat (crystalline) is treated very simply:

  • the factor that led to the rash is eliminated
  • hygiene is carefully observed
  • Antiseptics are used for local skin treatment.

Complicated miliaria (other types) requires prescription:

  • antihistamines
  • anti-inflammatory, drying
  • antibacterial drugs.
  • Oral antibiotics are warranted for prolonged heat rash complicated by skin infection.

Tsindol is produced in the form of a suspension (chatter) for external use, bottled in dark glass containers of 100 ml and 125 ml. The active component of the drug is zinc oxide.

Miliaria is an extremely unpleasant and unaesthetic disease. To get rid of the disease, use ointment and cream for prickly heat, as well as other products for topical use. These drugs are used externally and are intended to eliminate unpleasant symptoms of the disease. In most cases, pharmaceutical products are suitable for both children and adults.

What causes heat rash, and what are the symptoms?

Miliaria is an irritation of the upper layer of skin that appears due to hyperhidrosis. It is generally accepted that the disease occurs in most cases in children, but older people also have to deal with this problem. Most often, the following areas of the skin are at risk for the disease: folds in the groin, on the neck, between the fingers, behind the ears, the bends of the knees and elbows. In adults, this dermatitis occurs in a more complicated form than in a child, because the sebaceous ducts work in enhanced mode. The causes of prickly heat are:

  • frequent increased sweating;
  • prolonged physical labor at high temperatures;
  • non-compliance with skin care;
  • overweight;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • skin injury;
  • using skin products that clog pores;
  • preference to wear synthetic clothing.

Miliaria rashes begin to itch severely after a short period of time after their appearance. Nodules of different sizes appear on the skin with fluid inside, in those areas where sweat is produced the most. Due to high humidity and low evaporation, the skin begins to peel and itch. The nature of the rash depends on the type of prickly heat.

Treatment of the disease in various ways

Ventilating the room daily will help prevent overheating.

In the treatment of this dermatitis, the main goal is to eliminate the possibility of overheating of the patient. To do this, it is recommended to constantly ventilate the room, take baths, and wear light and loose clothing. When it is very hot, you need to cool the room with an air conditioner or fan. Patients need to reduce physical activity as much as possible in hot temperatures. Often, if you eliminate the overheating process, then after 1-3 days the symptoms disappear. Ointments, creams and powders are also used for therapy.

The use of ointments for prickly heat in adults


The drug is universal, as it gives a positive result in most cases of skin lesions:

  • allergic reactions;
  • callus;
  • irritation of the nipples during lactation.

The product in the form of a cream also brings good results in the treatment of prickly heat, because it nourishes the epidermis, helps restore injured areas, and makes the skin look healthy. The pharmaceutical product "Bepanten" is applied in a small layer several times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the type and extent of the spread of miliaria.

Zinc ointment

This drug is very common, as it cures even protracted stages of the disease. This ointment is suitable for prickly heat in children. The drug has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Eliminates itching and heals affected areas. You need to use it 3 times a day, applying a thin layer to cleansed and dry skin. The duration of treatment should not be more than 3 weeks.


Nystatin ointment is well suited in the fight against heat rash.

This common remedy is used to treat the disease in combination with

Miliaria is an irritation of the skin that develops as a result of increased sweating with a simultaneous decrease in sweat evaporation. Most often, this condition is observed in young children due to the structural features of their skin, but the adult population is not immune from the development of prickly heat. You need to understand that prickly heat, even with its visual similarity to infectious diseases, is absolutely not contagious to family and friends, as well as to those around you.

What happens with heat rash?

Sweat, which is released in increased quantities, begins to clog the sweat glands and has an irritating effect on the skin; its insufficient evaporation leads to the development of a response from the body - prickly heat.

Causes of prickly heat in adults

Pathological causes

    The presence of increased sweating is a chronic variant of the disease, which usually manifests itself in people with hyperhidrosis.

    Chronic diseases of the endocrine system - diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism.

    Metabolic disorders - evaporation and secretion of sweat are part of metabolic processes, the disruption of which causes the development of prickly heat.

    Chronic diseases of the nervous system and cardiovascular system.

    Fever and high body temperature - increased sweat production as a protective reaction of the body to the presence of high temperature, irritates the epidermal layer and provokes the appearance of a rash on the skin.

    Obesity - such people sweat much more often and more, so sweat provokes skin irritation and the development of prickly heat.

    Bedridden patients are diseases that force a person to constantly lie down, or the presence of paralysis (injuries, strokes).

Natural causes

    Dry and hot climates often occur among vacationers during the process of acclimatization.

    Increased temperature and humidity in the room.

    Sports, intense physical labor.

    Tight-fitting clothing, as well as clothing made of synthetic materials - prickly heat on the stomach, back, body and arms.

    Walking for a long time in sweaty clothes - workers in hot shops and construction sites.

    Poorly ventilated tight shoes – heat rash on the skin of the feet.

    The use of fatty nourishing creams in the summer and thick foundations (development of prickly heat on the face).

    Insufficient hygiene.

    Excessive exposure to the open sun and excessive tanning.

What does prickly heat look like in an adult?

It is generally accepted to divide prickly heat into three types, but some doctors classify apocrine prickly heat as a separate type.

The safest type of prickly heat is crystalline prickly heat.

It appears in the form of pale red small multiple bubbles no more than 1 mm in diameter, which are located quite close to each other. The blisters are painless and do not provoke any symptoms other than their external manifestation. Such formations tend to merge. They form on the flexor surfaces of the legs and arms, torso, neck, face, and forehead. In the vast majority of cases, it develops suddenly and also disappears suddenly.

Inflammatory appearance - prickly heat

    Blister-like skin rashes up to 2 mm in diameter, which are surrounded by a red ring of inflammation.

    The bottle contains cloudy contents inside.

    Quite often accompanied by severe itching and inflammation of the surface layers of the skin.

    As the pathology spreads and progresses, wet crusts begin to appear, which indicate the addition of a bacterial infection.

    Typical localization sites are the forearms and elbows, the skin between the buttocks, the abdomen, and the armpits.

    This heat rash in the groin area is common in obese women. This pathology does not go away on its own.

Papular miliaria

This is a type of prickly heat, which is characterized by a severe course. In fact, it is a continuation of prickly heat. Papular-vesicular vesicles measuring 1-2 mm in diameter appear with the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the surface layer of the skin (microbial eczema). Dryness can result in itchy skin. Papular miliaria provokes the development of symptoms of general intoxication: low-grade fever, hyperemia, swelling and soreness of the affected skin. Occurs on the sides of the abdomen, chest, legs or arms. Requires long-term treatment over several months.

Apocrine miliaria

It develops as a result of disruption of the activity of the apocrine glands, which are located in the area of ​​the nipple halo and labia majora in women, the anus and armpits. A pink-red small rash and infiltrates develop, which are located in the area of ​​the apocrine glands and can burst directly inside the skin. Quite often, this type of pathology is complicated by infectious processes in the deep layers of the skin.

Places of typical localization of prickly heat

    Areas of the body that come into contact with clothing: breasts in women, shins, ankles, back, elbows, armpits.

    Places where hair is present or areas adjacent to it: head, neck, face (temples, forehead).

    Areas of natural skin folds: behind the ears, under the mammary glands, armpits, groin.

How to determine the progression of prickly heat or its complication by infection?

    Uncomplicated - in the absence of any subjective symptoms of prickly heat, in addition to visual manifestations - rash, prickly heat is not complicated.

    The addition of an infectious process is the occurrence of swelling, itching, pain, yellowing or clouding of the contents of the vesicles, the presence of general signs of intoxication. In such cases, it can be assumed that prickly heat is progressing or that a bacterial skin infection is joining the process.

Treatment of prickly heat in adults

Uncomplicated prickly heat, or crystalline prickly heat, is treated quite simply:

    eliminating the factors that caused the rash;

    careful hygiene;

    the use of antiseptics for local skin treatment.

Other types - complicated miliaria require prescription:


    drying and anti-inflammatory;


    oral antibiotics can only be justified in cases of prolonged or complicated miliaria.

Features of treatment

Elimination of provoking factors:

    changes in humidity and temperature in the room. The room must be constantly ventilated, if there are no people in it - through the through method;

    wearing clothes only from natural materials to prevent overheating of the skin;

    rational adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, especially when providing care for bedridden patients.

Elimination of excessive sweating

Depending on the severity of increased sweating, the following measures are recommended:

    Surgical transection of the nerves that innervate the sweat glands is required only in particularly severe cases of miliaria. In some cases, the sweat glands are completely removed. This has a lifelong effect, but may lead to a compensatory increase in sweating in other areas of the body.

    Laser destruction of sweat glands - the procedure allows you to achieve a long-lasting and lasting effect, usually used in the armpit area.

    Subcutaneous injections of Botox preparations (Lantox, Dysport, Xeomin, Botox) - botulinum toxin provokes a reduction in sweating by blocking the nerves innervating the sweat gland. The effect lasts about eight months.


Acupuncture and reflexology are effective. These methods affect the points of accumulation of nerve endings that are associated with the center for regulating the process of sweating in the brain.


Plants that normalize the process of sweating also have an antiseptic effect - St. John's wort, calendula, celandine, chamomile, string. Any of these plants can be used to make a lotion to rub on the skin or an infusion to add to your bath. For 1 liter of boiling water you need to take 1 tablespoon of the herb and leave it for half an hour, then strain. You can add lotion to a warm bath or lubricate problem areas of the body with it.

Tanning infusions are also used - oak bark, bay leaf. Their preparation follows the same principle and is also used to lubricate the skin.


They prevent a secondary infection from joining the area of ​​prickly heat and dry out existing rashes:



    boric acid;

    alcohol solution of salicylic acid;

    weak (faint pink) solution of potassium permanganate.


Indicated for the presence of rashes in the area of ​​natural folds of the skin: baby powder, talc, corn starch, potato starch, Baneocin.

Oral antibiotics

Antibiotics have an effect on the etiological pathogen of infection secondary to the skin: Ciprofloxacin, Azithromycin, Amoxilicin, Doxycycline.


Oral antihistamines help eliminate inflammation and swelling, reduce itching: “Cetrin”, “Fenkarol”, “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”.

Ointments and creams for prickly heat

    with zinc - zinc ointment, pharmacy mash, "Desitin" - cream for prickly heat, "Sudokrem", "Kalamin", "Tsindol" - reduces inflammation and dries out skin rashes;

    with dexpanthenol - “Pantoderm”, “D-panthenol”, “Bepanten” - have a universal healing component;

    with antibiotics - Ichthyol ointment, Levomekol, Erythromycin, Tetracycline ointment - destroy bacteria in the event of the addition of infectious agents;

    antihistamines – “Fenistil” – relieves swelling and itching of the skin;

    hormonal - used only in case of ineffectiveness of the above remedies and only as prescribed by the attending physician, they have a systemic effect, but at the same time they have a lot of side effects, therefore they should be used only in short courses and with gradual withdrawal of the drug: “Afloderm”, “Dermaveit”.

Folk remedies for prickly heat in adults

People who constantly suffer from heat rash know how to deal with some unpleasant symptoms using simple techniques:

    Enriching the diet with sorrel, pomegranate juice, lentils, plums. These herbal products help regulate sweating and reduce the irritating effect of sweat on the skin.

    Using laundry soap when washing your skin. Laundry soap does not contain perfume fragrances, so it dries bubbles well and cleanses the skin of already dried elements.

    Using a soda solution. Twice a day it is recommended to lubricate the rash blisters with a soda solution (a teaspoon of soda per 200 ml of boiled water), which has a drying and antiseptic effect.

    Disposable wipes are a handy remedy for prickly heat. Using gentle paper napkins, you can gently blot the wet skin elements to release their serous contents - to do this, you need to carefully apply the napkin to the site of the rash, lightly press it and carefully remove it. Wet wipes containing menthol can also be used.

In each case of prickly heat, treatment should begin with observing the rules of personal hygiene - sometimes such measures are enough to forget about the presence of unsightly rashes on the skin after a few days.

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