Development of intelligence in adults. How to develop intelligence - the best exercises and advice from psychologists


First, love yourself. Accept yourself as you are, stop scolding yourself and looking for to myself shortcomings, do not cultivate your complexes. Inspire to myself respect for to myself, believe in your strengths and capabilities. Trust not only your own inner “I”, but also your body, with which you are one.

Understand yourself, have a clear understanding of to myself and your condition. Your concept must constantly assimilate to new life experiences and states, your and ideal "I" must steadily move closer to each other in your concept.

Take full responsibility for your actions. This will allow you to gain inner freedom and always remain faithful to myself and your beliefs.

Keep and protect the integrity of your inner world, do not lose unity between your feelings, do not betray your beliefs even in small things, but do not confuse this with stubbornness and conservatism.

Know how to admit and realize your mistakes. Personality is not a ossified monument, it must constantly change, its growth and formation is a sign that it exists. An important criterion for development is flexibility and the ability to be adequate to the outside world, while maintaining one’s identity.

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Continuous self-improvement is a sign of a true personality. If you are interested in developing your intellectual abilities and moral qualities, start working in this direction.


Remember why you need self-improvement. When you understand that developing your own personality will help you achieve success, you have an incentive to work on yourself. Keep your life goals in mind. If you know that personal growth is the key to a happy and fulfilling life, you will pay enough attention to it. To move forward systematically and devote time every day to your development, you will need willpower. After all, sometimes there is neither the strength nor the desire to think about something or learn new things.

Realize the need for regular exercise. Some character flaws, such as laziness, may prevent you from achieving your plans. Therefore, you need to learn to deal with them. The easiest way to overcome laziness is to simply start doing something without too much thought. Then you won’t have a chance to come up with a reason to refuse to work on yourself or to postpone some of the tasks to another day.

Read more. If you want to cultivate a real, multifaceted personality, give preference to classical works. Such books will show you different characters and life situations, and will help diversify your oral and written speech. In general, it is difficult to overestimate the positive significance of works of world classical literature that they have on a person’s personality.

Be inspired by the examples of great people. It is not necessary to have some kind of idol, but a passion for biographies and memoirs of famous writers, artists, scientists, and public figures will help you determine some life principles for yourself and will have a beneficial effect on your fortitude. From someone else's positive example, you will learn to move forward despite obstacles.

Pay attention not only to your soul, but also to your body. Do physical activity and spend your weekends active. Choose healthy foods and get enough sleep. It is better if you live according to a certain schedule, eating and going to bed at the same time every day, even on holidays and during vacation. By feeling good, you will have the strength to work on developing your personality.

Develop your intelligence. Try to learn something new every day, watch educational films and educational programs, visit exhibitions and museums. Work on improving your memory and logical abilities. Learn foreign languages, travel more and get out of your comfort zone more often. All this contributes to the development of your personality.

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A person who respects himself with the same respect treats others in order to further emphasize his own dignity. There are many other actions and characteristics in which a person shows respect for to myself yourself. This is especially evident in conflict situations.


In conflict, do not raise your voice. This is the first sign of weakness and powerlessness. If you have exhausted your arguments, remain silent with an expression like this: “I’m right anyway.” Even if you are truly right, you will not be able to convince someone who insists on the opposite point of view. You only risk ruining your relationship with him, but not winning him over to your side, especially since it is most likely not beneficial for him.

Don't argue with people who you think are less knowledgeable or competent than you. If you present even the most reasonable arguments, at best they will not listen to you, and at worst, they will laugh at you. Just try not to let your affairs depend on the opinions of these people: their mistake can cost you very dearly.

Treat others politely, but without servility. Anyone should perceive you as an equal, not a subordinate. Moreover, do not try to curry favor or gain someone’s favor by walking on your hind legs. Know how to refuse if a friend’s request is fraught with damages and losses for you.

Watch your posture. It has been noticed that a person who feels guilty or is defending himself from attacks sometimes pulls his head into his shoulders, slouches, as if trying to look smaller and more inconspicuous. Such a figure causes even more excitement in your opponent, and a feeling of enslavement in you. Keep your back and head straight, like a person who has nothing to fear and no one to hide from. Try to look your interlocutor in the eyes to prove your sincerity and at the same time fearlessness.

As with any change in character, educate to myself self-esteem gradually. Do not expect instant results and success if you have just started using these methods. They can also be difficult to use for people who have been using them for a long time. The only question is your persistence and fortitude.

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A person’s own “I” is a source of internal resources, a support. Having this support, a person is confident in to myself, is adequate in any situation, is free to choose and experiences a feeling of happiness. Typically, the concept of “I” includes role settings, an idea of ​​one’s goals, values, self-worth, personal strength, and ways of responding to problems. Only after deciding what you understand by your “I” and what you lack, you can look for ways of self-development.


Take an active position as a doer, the creator of your own destiny. A person’s own “I” develops, and only in action. Stop feeling like a victim, weak or flawed person. This belief robs you of your own energy. Your inner world is quite perfect and you can use any resource for your needs. The main thing is to act, not suffer!

Take responsibility for decisions and emotions. Give back to myself report on how your beliefs and perceptions influence your behavior. And how you are perceived by other people. Be prepared to change your beliefs and attitudes if you need it.

Make reasonable commitments to people and follow through on them. Obligations should not go against your interests or to your detriment - otherwise they are unreasonable. On the contrary, in moderation, they can make you feel empowered and satisfied with yourself.

Develop your independence. Independence in everything: in behavior, actions, thinking speaks of a formed, strong inner core of a person. Learn to analyze the situation, search for information and make decisions on your own. Be prepared to be held accountable for your decisions. Both victories and defeats will be equally yours, deserved. Accept it.

Look for your mission, set life goals and objectives. He is a purposeful person and infects others. This reveals the strength of the individual, the strength of one’s own “I.” This is not done while lying on the couch, for this you need to move, act, make attempts, try yourself in different types of activities, analyze experience. Highlight to myself a little time to sit down and think about where to go, what you want. And take action again. Use various exercises, meditation, creativity in order to express your “I”.

Direct your energy and strength not to protecting yourself, but to collaborating with others, use the power of your “I” to influence. Look for constructive methods for resolving conflicts and problems. Learn to manage your emotions. Be interested in the lives of other people - what they want, how they live, what they strive for.

Develop your view of the world, form beliefs and opinions. To do this, read more, communicate with others, take an interest in what is happening, develop your interests. Pay equal attention to physical and spiritual self-improvement.

Treat others with interest and respect. Take the best from others, in your opinion, learn from the strong and... Respect other people's interests and points of view. But be able to maintain your view of situations and things. Never assert yourself for people, do not compare yourself with others.

Develop your sense of humor. Be positive and cheerful. Learn to have fun at ease. These are ideal development conditions for your “I”.

Some people have a clear position in life, the ability to live in harmony with themselves and achieve their goals. Such individuals stand out from the crowd due to their distinct personality.


Decide on your goals and set life goals that you want to achieve. You must be motivated to develop strong personal qualities. Remember that goals must be realistic, broken down into smaller tasks and stages.

Don't be afraid to speak your mind. You should not depend on the voice of the crowd and blindly follow other people. A true personality is distinguished by loyalty to one's own ideals and principles.

Try to maintain your individuality. Qualities that you are accustomed to viewing as shortcomings may turn out to be your characteristics, you just have to look at them from a different angle. Don't give up on what makes you stand out from the crowd.

Be true to yourself. Don't do something if your whole being is against it. By overpowering yourself and adapting to others, you will not gain a strong personality. Always think about which path is best for you. When you do something, decide whether it will benefit your body and mind.

Don't stop in your development. Improve yourself, develop your talents and skills, grow professionally, read more quality literature, discover new types of art and other countries. Try to expand your horizons, meet new people, get out of your comfort zone.

Treat your mistakes correctly. There is no point in constantly worrying about what you have done, but it is also impossible not to notice that you have stumbled. Learn a lesson from the negative moments of your past and move on, wiser from your own experience.

Rise above complaints and gossip. A real person has no time to criticize anyone or anything. Do more interesting and constructive things, direct your thoughts in a more positive direction.

Know how to resist other people's negative opinions. A true personality does not need the approval of the crowd and does not try to please everyone. Understand that it is impossible to please everyone around you and still maintain your individuality. Be the kind of person who is liked, first of all, by you, and not by other people.

Know yourself. Listen to your own feelings every day. It is better to do this during meditation. Find a secluded corner where no one will disturb you. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. In silence, observe your self for fifteen to twenty minutes. Over time, you will notice that you have become more clear about what you want and will find harmony with yourself.

Do not be upset if you are not blessed with innate sensitivity. Tactfulness can be developed through some work. Observe relationships between people and be careful with the feelings of others.


Watch how relationships between people develop. To do this, you can turn to works of world literature. Read novels, watch how the characters communicate. Books written by world-famous authors can teach you a lot. You will see how some character traits of this or that hero are connected with his actions, you will understand what words or actions lead to quarrels and breakups, how different people can react to different circumstances.

Monitoring people's relationships is also useful in real life. Other people's actions, emotions and words will help you get to know others better. Over time, you will learn to predict other people's reactions. This will help you become a more tactful and attentive person to the feelings of others.

Think about what character traits help you get along with others and show yourself as a tactful person. For example, these include kindness, attentiveness, the desire to understand another, non-obsession with oneself, and the ability to listen. You can take as an example a person you know who successfully builds relationships with people of various types. Think about what qualities help her in this, and try to develop them in yourself.

Learn the basics of personality psychology. This will help you understand how to approach others, how to build relationships with them so as not to hurt their feelings. You will understand what questions not to ask so as not to make others uncomfortable, and you will recognize what behavior is inappropriate.

Watch not only what you say, but also how you say it. Your posture, facial expressions, and voice matter. Your behavior must correspond to the meaning of the spoken phrases, otherwise you will seem like an insincere person. Avoid aggressive and impatient gestures. Be polite and listen to the person carefully. Don’t look away and don’t look thoughtful and bored.

Be careful with critical remarks. A phrase that seems quite innocent to you can deeply hurt a person. You can casually say something about a peculiarity in the appearance of your interlocutor or his personal quality, and he will be very upset. This is where tact lies - in the art of creating a comfortable atmosphere around oneself when communicating. Don't say too much.

Learn to behave. You should not talk loudly in public places or discuss those present with someone. Remember, sometimes tact comes down to following basic rules of etiquette. Understand that disclosing details of your personal life may be unpleasant for a person.

Think about others. Try to behave in such a way as not to inconvenience someone. Don't listen to loud music at work. This may distract colleagues. If someone feels bad, sad or uncomfortable, offer your help. Don't insistently brag about your success in your career or personal life to less fortunate people. Your boasting may hurt them.

A person who is creative by nature differs from other people in that he does not look for a solution to a problem, but looks for all possible solutions, and he will most likely choose the most inappropriate one. Unlike other abilities, the tendency to creativity, if present in a person, can develop without much effort - in the eyes of a creative person, a song can develop from the slightest rustle. How to develop your creativity personality?

Everyone has ups and downs in life, and often we blame others and fate for our failures, but we may not see our own shortcomings. In order to change something in the world around you, you need to start, first of all, with yourself.

One day you will ask yourself the question: “where to start working on yourself?” Self-improvement is a delicate matter, you need to approach it very competently, so that at one moment you don’t feel the desire to give up everything.

The Wheel of Life - as a strong motivation on the path of self-improvement

If you don't know where to start self-development How to choose the right path for yourself, first you need to understand at what point you are. The Wheel of Life is a system that helps you analyze your level of success.

To do this, you need to draw a circle and divide it into 8 sectors:

- career and business. Do you enjoy your work?

- finances. Are you satisfied with your salary? Do you have enough funds for financial independence?

- friends and environment. Does your environment help you develop? What do you get from communicating with friends?

- family and love. Is there harmony in your relationships with loved ones?

- health and sports. How good is your health? Would you like to make your body attractive and get rid of excess weight?

- entertainment and relaxation. Are you organizing your vacation correctly in order to not only recharge your batteries, but also get something useful for yourself?

— education and personal growth. What knowledge have you acquired to develop and improve yourself?

- brightness of life. Are you satisfied with your life? Does it have enough bright, memorable moments?

Each sector is your life value, which is necessary in order to feel the happiest. This way, you will put your goals in order and have a better understanding of what you need to strive for. Also, do not forget to write what exactly in each sector you lack for complete happiness.

Each sector must be assessed using a 10-point system. You must be as honest with yourself as possible. There is no need to look for excuses for your saggy belly or low salary. Just finally admit to yourself that everything is bad in these areas and you need to do something about it.

After this, connect the points on the scale with a line. If the resulting figure in the center resembles a circle, then you can only be congratulated. You are in complete harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

If you get a crooked figure, you will be able to see which sector you need to work on in order to achieve harmony and happiness. In addition, by putting one sector in order, you can positively influence other parts.

After analyzing each sector, you must set global goals, which you need to break down into several small ones and confidently strive for them. In addition, the goal should be achievable, so be realistic and don’t try to become slim like Angelina Jolie and find yourself a prince in the person of Brad Pitt.

Get yourself a diary and write down in it what you have achieved, every small victory. For example, you gave up unhealthy but tasty food. Praise yourself for this.

A positive outlook on the future is half the success

Personal development cannot be achieved without a positive outlook towards the future. If you always think that you will achieve nothing, that there are no results, thoughts will swarm about giving up everything, you will never achieve anything.

You should greet every day with a smile, rejoice in even the smallest victories, see the positive in everything, notice changes in yourself.

Of course, thoughts alone are not enough for a person’s self-development. Actions are important. At first, 30 minutes a day is enough to read a book and learn something. You can even just not sit on social networks or watch TV in the evening, and this will already be a victory and the first steps on the way self-improvement.

Literature for self-improvement

Books for self-development are another step towards improving your personality. There are many primary sources, such as the Bible or books on the teachings of Tao, but they will be incomprehensible to many.

Today there are a lot books for self-development. We present you a list of some of them:

  1. Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen "A Whole Life". It will teach you how to set realistic goals that are easy to achieve. You will be able to correctly prioritize;
  2. Dan Waldschmidt "Be the best version of yourself." This book can radically change your life. It tells how ordinary people become extraordinary;
  3. M. J. Ryan “This year I...” This book will be useful to everyone, as it helps to change habits, keep promises to yourself, and change your life for the better;
  4. Brian Tracy "Get out of your comfort zone." Recognized worldwide as the #1 book on self-development. You will be able to step out of your comfort zone to achieve maximum goals;
  5. Kelly McGonigal "Willpower" How to develop and strengthen? The author believes that willpower is like a muscle that needs to be pumped up and strengthened.

All books have one main meaning - self-development never ends. You can work all your life to develop your personality, to make your life bright and unforgettable. Each of us strives to be better, but this quality must be used wisely.

A few rules for self-development

Each person lives in his own comfort zone, and we are often afraid of something new and unknown, which is why it is so difficult, and sometimes scary, to change our lives. The process of self-development needs to be turned into a habit so that you never stray from this path.

Where should you start self-development? Plan Simple steps will help you gradually develop this habit:

- life depends directly on our desires and actions. There is nothing impossible about it. Never tell yourself that something can't be done, just think about what it takes to make it achievable;

— break the path to the main goal into several small ones that are easy to achieve. Once this becomes a habit, you can set more goals for yourself;

- in the evening, think about everything that happened to you during the day. Record your successes and failures. If you did something wrong or it didn't work out, think about what would have changed if you had done it differently.

Do not forget that self-improvement is a difficult path, but very interesting. If you once decide to change your life, always stick to this thought and believe that the result will meet all expectations. Always look at life, successes and defeats with a positive outlook, and then you will definitely succeed.

Who among us has not dreamed of having a high level of erudition and showing off our intelligence? And in various life situations, most of us, oh, how it would help to have additional knowledge that would allow us to get away with it, help a colleague, a friend, do the right thing, make the right choice, etc. In all areas of our lives, it is important to be a person not just smart, but also wise. Therefore, it is very important to know how to develop your intelligence and learn the best exercises and advice from experienced psychologists.

Is it possible to develop your intelligence?

Some people mistakenly believe that intelligence is an innate component of a person. And it is impossible to develop it. This is not entirely true. Yes, there are people who simply have a certain mental development barrier and simply cannot jump above it. But these include those who have a congenital brain defect, mental retardation, dementia and other diseases associated with intelligence. In the case of innate intelligence, it can be developed using various mathematical puzzles, puzzles and other techniques.

Sometimes, it is not necessary to do anything at all, since genius itself finds ways to manifest itself. Let us at least remember the great physicists - Einstein, Curie, Ioffe and others. It cannot be said that in those years the physical and mathematical sciences were widespread. But it’s worth noting right away that these are isolated cases that you shouldn’t rely on too much. That is, based on the above, one can understand that innateness is not always the main way to achieve high intelligence.

Myths about intelligence

There is an opinion that if you have innate intelligence, there is no point in doing anything else for its growth and development. As we already know, there have been and are cases of genius, but they are very rare. Therefore, you cannot rely only on a natural gift; it is important to work on your mental abilities and train them. But even in cases with geniuses, one cannot completely discard the factor of upbringing, development in a certain environment, conditions that developed in a unique tandem with the human genome and became the reason for his genius in the future. But that's not all.

We hasten to dispel the myths that it is impossible to increase the level of intelligence in a mature person if you did not work on his abilities in childhood and adolescence. We categorically object, because in this life everything is possible! Each of us, including our dear readers, can grow to the level of, if not a genius, then an intelligent and erudite person, no matter in what environment he was previously brought up.

Remember Bernard Shaw's "My Fair Lady". Young Miss Eliza Doolittle was an ordinary flower seller in a poor neighborhood, and accordingly, she behaved like her surroundings. She spoke rudely, swore, and was unkempt. In short, a banal lumpen.

The brilliant language specialist Henry Higgins, when he met her, was simply dumbfounded. And he argued with his friend that he could turn a slob and rude woman into a high-society lady with all the appropriate manners in a few weeks. And guess what, he succeeded. He simply created all the conditions for the girl’s inner potential to find a way out and manifest itself in all its glory.

We can all achieve success in any field. To do this, you need to work, communicate with those who stimulate mental development, show your own willpower, and scrupulousness.

The next misconception is that being a genius does not mean being smart in everything. That is, unlike those who must educate and develop their abilities, there is a type of people who are already confident in their mental perfection. They believe that if they have achieved success, for example, in mathematics, physics, then there is no need to improve other branches of science and there is no need to even gain wisdom when communicating with people.

This is the danger that few “smart people” know about. Here's a simple example: a person who has an excellent understanding of mathematical theories. Able to mentally calculate division or multiplication of multi-digit numbers. But he may become confused when meeting a new person, with difficulty assessing his actions.

Or, on the contrary, an excellent philologist, a philosopher capable of giving wise advice on various cases. May get confused when counting change in a store. All these are extremes that interfere with the quality of life. Agree, it is much better to be harmonious, develop abilities in all areas and do not forget to gain new knowledge in terms of general development.

What does unbalanced intelligence look like? The process can be easily considered using the example of pumping muscles. If a bodybuilder pays attention to some and does not pay attention to others, then his figure will turn into something ridiculous. Therefore, to achieve a beautiful body contour, you need to work out all muscle groups, regularly, without stopping. And our intelligence also needs to be developed constantly, without taking breaks. An inquisitive mind cannot “live” without another dose of interesting, fascinating information.

Revealing the secrets of developing intelligence

We often come across books and online articles about how to quickly become a genius and, having completed a “unique” course, we understand that nothing comes of this idea. That is, someone’s advertised work simply turned out to be empty. Why are we surprised? All those who are looking for easy ways will get nothing. In order to achieve something, you need to make an effort, will, try, and concentrate your attention on it. After all, we don’t believe in the power of one pill that can cure all ailments at once.

If you want to develop the activity of your brain, work on it constantly. Load him with mental tasks, and they should be complex and versatile. It's like a health issue. If you want to have it, play sports, load your body with active activities. And what usually prevents us from getting rid of bad habits and playing sports?

Yes, it is directly related to our thinking process. We are lazy to think, read, study, watch. It is easier for us to feel in the body of a single-celled ciliate, which simply grinds everything that gets into it. But she doesn't get any benefit from it. So we too - if we do not continually replenish our knowledge, we will stop at the level of a primitive person, a first-grader with an insignificant amount of knowledge.

When we make an effort, use our will to regularly search for interesting information, read, watch, study, then we strengthen our character and cultivate a sense of discipline.

What types of intelligence are there?

On the issue of mental abilities, it should be noted that everyone has their own intelligence, since there are a number of its varieties. By the way, they can be identified from childhood by the manner of communication, the interests of the child, his hobbies, thoughts, and reasoning.

  1. Analytical. The ability to analyze, compare, compare information, divide it into logical blocks, and identify relationships.
  2. Logical. A person is capable of reasoning, thinking and analysis without violating formal logic. This type has the ability to make logical, correct conclusions in the appropriate sequence.
  3. Critical. Receiving information, a person criticizes it, evaluates it, and easily weeds out everything superfluous, unnecessary, and incorrect. This is how a natural, pure opinion develops.
  4. Deductive. A person extracts individual, necessary information from the general volume, flow, and can formulate it perfectly. This type is able to generalize, find patterns in the interconnection of different information and group it into one single thing.
  5. Prognostic. The talent to plan, prevent, formulate future events in thoughts and at the same time keep in mind various options for solving a particular problem.
  6. Abstract thinking. A person can delve into the most complex abstract processes, most often this concerns mathematical and philosophical problems. These are brilliant individuals who are able to hold the most complex mathematical formulas and processes in their heads. They can quickly count addition, multiplication, and division of billions in seconds.
  7. Creative thinking. A person knows how to compare things of different importance from different sciences and quickly bring them to a common denominator. People are able to create, formulate various kinds of metaphors, decipher complex ideas and reduce them to a simplified level for easier understanding.
  8. Ability to concentrate. This point most likely applies to those who have great will and discipline, although without intelligence this would hardly be possible.

The human mind also has certain properties:

  1. Logic of architecture: everyone has a different degree of orderliness in their thinking. Someone thinks soberly, all thoughts are in “order,” while others have a chaotic, incoherent, chaotic mind.
  2. The breadth, depth of the human mind: the level of “smartness” of a person depends on this moment. If he is able to grasp a question, task, or object of thought more broadly and deeply, then he is smarter.
  3. Speed ​​of performing mental operations. Here, perhaps, everything is clear. The faster a person thinks, the higher his thinking speed.
  4. Autonomy of thinking. Some people can think perfectly, regardless of the influence of external interference and factors. They are always calm, especially at the moment when they need to make the right decision, create an idea and bring it to life.
  5. Great RAM: It's about our memory. The better it is, the more information we can keep in our heads and use it at the right time. People with a good memory can recite poems by heart, retell books, multiply billions in their heads, divide them, formulate formulas.

So, we have studied the main components of the human mind that can be developed and increased. There are a lot of techniques for this, among which are the most common ones in accordance with their effectiveness.

The best methods for developing intelligence at any age

We all understand that intelligence is a very important quality for the quality life of every person. Without it, it is impossible to graduate from school or university, get a profitable job and climb the career ladder. If you have intellectual problems, come to your senses. Increase your level using the methods we offer.

Start playing chess

Many people consider this sport (generally recognized) to be a boring pastime, but this is a big mistake. You try it first, and then it will talk. The fact is that initially, until a person has the skills, the process is indeed monotonous and boring. But once the skills develop, it will be impossible to tear yourself away from the chessboard by the ears.

The game develops all the qualities of the human mind:

  • logic;
  • ability to predict;
  • abstract;
  • give an assessment;
  • analyze every move;
  • think deductively, figuratively.

During rounds, players fully analyze and evaluate the actions of their opponent, think pointwise and generally. In short, all aspects of our thinking are involved in the process.

If you don't know how to compete in chess, it doesn't matter. Unlike previous years, when only boring textbooks and books were available as aids, now you can use chess simulators, video courses, and online games on various platforms. This will not only be educational, but also exciting and interesting.

Over time, you will have to get involved in the game and create combinations and build moves. The moment will come when, having learned to play with a robot, you can easily cope with a friend who considered himself a chess ace. And of course, your logic, autonomy of thinking, ability to abstract and other points will help in other areas of life.

Poker – a mathematical card game

We look down on those who indulge in online poker. But don't rush to conclusions. The card game of poker is a chain of logical reasoning, the construction of moves, the ability to predict the opponent’s move and other nuances that stimulate the development of human intelligence.

Moreover, rounds force a person to “pull himself together” and not show his nervousness and self-doubt. It is necessary to judge soberly, with restraint and learn to wait, not act on impulse, and not show your emotions.

Puzzles, rebuses, crosswords

We often spend our leisure time in various kinds of decryptions, puzzles, guessing words in crosswords, and enjoy reading puzzles and other entertaining tasks. All this is work for our mind.

Firstly, we improve our memory by guessing words in crossword puzzles. Secondly, deciphering puzzles develops our logic, the ability to think abstractly and autonomously, and learn to predict. There are a huge number of portals on the Internet, where there are millions of rebuses, puzzles and other educational tasks to choose from.

Breaking the mold

The life of almost all of us consists of the same actions. We get up at the same time, wash ourselves, drink coffee and set off along the same road to work and school. This way our brain stops working, we don’t need to think about how to find the way to the office, which tram to take. Everything has been brought to the point of automatic execution of actions. And as we know, if you don’t use something for a long time, then this thing deteriorates, and a moment of stagnation arises.

It's the same with our mental abilities. They must constantly “work”, otherwise we risk degrading prematurely. And if we break these patterns, our brain immediately joins the active process. New strong connections appear between neurons, on which our intelligence depends.

How to fix this - add something new to your usual routine and actions during the day. For example, do not go to work on a proven path. Change the route, go around through other courtyards. Or, instead of starting your workday with your usual cup of coffee, buy juice. For lunch, instead of sausages, eat steamed vegetables. In the morning, instead of lounging in bed longer, go for a run. You will not have time to capture the moment when your mental abilities begin to manifest themselves again.

Sign up for dancing, become more active

You shouldn’t immediately be indignant and believe that nothing depends on dancing. You are not right. Brain function directly depends on the degree of blood circulation. If it is low, then oxygen starvation occurs, not only cells die, but also neurons, their ligaments atrophy.

If you don’t want to just run, jump, or jog boringly, sign up for a dance course. Latin American styles are especially suitable: tango, baccarat, cha-cha-cha and others. Some experts, on the contrary, recommend practicing dance sports. In any case, everything is useful.

Movements will allow the body to receive a colossal amount of energy, and mental abilities will grow and grow due to the excellent supply of oxygen to the brain tissue. But that's not all. Active dance movements, whether we like it or not, make us constantly think. This means that the brain is in an active state and intelligence develops.


Creative activities will definitely “shake up” your brain and your intellect will be replenished with new knowledge. While drawing, the most distant areas are activated, they are involved in the process of thinking, and if you continue studying and don’t stop, the degree of intelligence will increase. Of course, no one says that you need to create like Bryullov or Savrasov. But, as you know, almost everyone loves to draw, but most are embarrassed by their “doodles”. And this is in vain! Draw for your own health and don’t be afraid of criticism.


This is one of the best methods for developing your own intelligence - learning new things, not stopping there. You graduated from school or university, but this does not mean that you can relax. Absorb information every day. Open sites with interesting publications, news, take an interest in the lives of famous people, new types of hobbies, and books. Read before bed. Even if you are tired and want to quickly fall asleep with a well-deserved sleep, a couple of pages of a book before bed will increase your intelligence and relax your nervous system.


There is a great way to “kill” two birds with one stone - to develop intellectual abilities and at the same time make good money. It's called copyright, rewriting. Remote work, allowing you to build a schedule at your own discretion, no management. What could be better for those who do not have the opportunity to devote more time to new knowledge?

Work on the largest exchanges and select topics that will help you learn new things. Working with texts requires a number of things to ensure that your mind never relaxes. Reading, analyzing the proposed topic, searching for information, working, re-reading, choosing the best option, removing unnecessary things and fixing.

Copywriting and rewriting must be done in such a way that there is no identical text on the Internet, that is, uniqueness is important. But you shouldn’t be afraid of it, it will happen if you write the work with interest and desire. At the same time, this is a great way to improve your literacy, because all text programs indicate grammatical, punctuation and other types of errors.

Play sports, move

It cannot be said that physical activity directly affects our intellectual abilities. But with active movements, pull-ups, push-ups, the production of neutrotropes occurs in our brain - proteins responsible for the growth and development of neurons of key cells in the human brain. Classes should be carried out as an additional method of improving your intelligence.

Have a rest

Everyone needs rest, our brain is no exception. Take a break from unnecessary information, because moderation is needed in absorbing it. We're not talking about being lazy - that's completely different. Just don't think about anything sometimes. Listen to music, look at the sunset, waves, fire and clear your thoughts of all negativity.


Engage in eastern practices; yoga especially helps to cleanse your spirit and body of all unnecessary things and gain new knowledge. The complex contains exercises for cleansing blood vessels. This is a special breathing technique, thanks to which all corners of our body will be freed from toxins and waste. During this time, our body receives a lot of positive emotions, complete relaxation and knowledge.

The classes consist of 7 chakras, each of which is intended for a specific part of the body. In addition to the fact that the philosophy of yoga is an amazing complex that allows you to become the center of the Universe, be wiser and more restrained, your health also improves.

So, we have studied a number of ways to increase the level of our intelligence. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. We need only one thing - the desire to be wise, intellectually developed and healthy. And as we understand, these three components are not able to manifest themselves in a person without each other. Everything works together. So learn, improve and be healthy!

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Intelligence is a special quality of the human psyche, which includes the ability to adapt to various life situations, learn and assimilate information based on experience, understand and apply abstract concepts and existing knowledge in order to manage the surrounding reality. Simply put, intelligence is a person’s general ability to cognize and overcome difficulties, combining such areas as thinking, imagination, representation, memory, perception and sensation.

It is easy to notice that intelligence covers the work of several parts of the human brain at once, from which it follows that an integrated approach consisting of different methods should be applied to its development. The methods that you will become acquainted with further can be used as a special system for developing intelligence (and), and it can be used to train it in both children and adults.

Development of intelligence: simple and effective ways

The information you will become acquainted with may at first glance seem extremely unusual when it comes to the development of intelligence, but it is in its unusualness and simplicity that the greatest effectiveness lies. It is also interesting that you can apply it without much effort in everyday life, simply by devoting a little of your time every day.

Method one - optimal time to rest

This method can be called basic, because in a state of fatigue and exhaustion, there can be no talk of any development of intelligence and memory, as well as other abilities. So first, start devoting appropriate time and attention to your sleep. Healthy sleep is not only an excellent prevention of absent-mindedness, forgetfulness and difficulty thinking, but also increases intelligence and all mental abilities in general. I’m interested in an article on the topic of sleep, by the way, you can read.

Method two - keeping records

Here we are talking about analyzing information through record keeping. Often, each of us has smart thoughts and good ideas, but instead of trying to remember them, as most people do, we advise you to write them down. In addition, in writing you can also reflect, thinking through prospects and options for the development of events, making plans and lists. This way you will use several parts of the brain and, at the same time, improve your concentration. As for the analysis of information, its visual display will allow you to see the broader picture and make the right decisions based on this vision.

Method three - peace and quiet

Many people, at the end of the working day, and in any free time, are not engaged in the development of intelligence, but in some activities that do not contribute to this at all. These include being “stuck” on social networks, meaningless conversations on the phone or non-developing computer games. This tendency is especially evident in children. All this, of course, may have a time and place in life, but if there is a goal to develop intelligence, it is better to be in peace and quiet as much as possible - this allows you to generate new ideas, think over plans, find correct and wise solutions to complex problems and generally better and have better quality rest.

Method four - educational games

To develop intelligence and memory, attention and concentration, it is very useful to play, for example, logic games, chess and checkers, dominoes (Monopoly, Imaginarium, Millionaire, etc.). If you make such a pastime regular, you can create an effective system for developing not only intelligence, but also the ability to analyze, count in your head, find cause-and-effect relationships, make calculations and develop thinking in general. You can also devote time to completing various developmental trainings and courses, for example.

Method five – communication with people

Interaction and communication with different people brings a huge number of positive aspects - it broadens your horizons, helps you obtain new information, gets rid of complexes, develops communication skills, and self-esteem. To provide your intellect with the basis for constant development, communicate with others as much as possible, and try to communicate with people who are better than you in some ways, for example, smarter, more educated, stronger, more confident, wealthier, etc. The higher you set the bar for yourself, the stronger and more developed a person you can become.

Method six - reading books

Another excellent and simple way to develop intelligence in children and adults is reading. People always keep their brain in good shape and cognitively active. By filling it with new information, they simply force themselves to grow personally and intellectually. In addition, a well-read person experiences much fewer difficulties in communicating with others, because literature carries information of a completely different kind, which can always be successfully applied in life. And another advantage of reading is that a well-read person with a developed outlook can be an excellent conversationalist in almost any situation.

Method seven - make familiar things unusual

It's about doing quite ordinary everyday things in extraordinary ways. We all brush our teeth every day, wash our faces, comb our hair, wash the dishes and tie our shoelaces - such things have long become habitual and are performed automatically, which means that the brain does not strain at all. But it’s really possible to make a cool system for developing intelligence out of them. Start taking new routes to work, fasten your seat belt backwards, always cross the road starting with your left foot, etc. This way you will activate your thought processes, you will begin to pay attention to little things, you will... Remember that even such trivial experiments contribute to the development of the mind and serve as a good way to train intelligence and memory, attention and concentration, thinking and creativity.

Method eight – fine arts

To develop your intellect, you don’t have to become the next Pablo Picasso or Leonardo da Vinci - you can just do it from time to time. Set yourself the task of drawing a specific picture, and you will notice how your brain begins to work more actively. When a person draws, both hemispheres of the brain are activated, concentration increases and coordination improves. In addition, in the process of drawing, a person seems to disconnect from the outside world for some time, thanks to which the consciousness is cleared and rested.

Method nine - constant training

Learning is always progress and moving forward. Thus, by constantly absorbing new knowledge and mastering new skills, you will automatically force your intelligence to develop. Anything can be suitable: a detailed study of a world map, immersion in historical chronicles, reading autobiographies of famous people, etc. But you can go further and, for example, get a new specialty, take retraining and advanced training courses or even start running your own business. Such a development system will be an excellent assistant for you and will always keep your intellect in good shape.

Method ten - self-education

This method is a logical continuation of the previous one. Unfortunately, not every person is ready, but those who are thinking about training their intellect make self-education an indispensable part of their life. There are more than enough opportunities for this today. Read books and textbooks, learn new things and communicate with interesting people, get involved in unusual things and find a hobby, watch documentaries and educational programs. And if you want to engage in self-education in full, you can, for example, take some good online training. Here we would like to remind you that any new information, if it involves practical application, must always be used in practice - only in this way will self-education become complete and effective.

Method eleven - positive thinking

Naturally, life never goes absolutely smoothly, and sometimes it brings surprises. Circumstances and situations that we did not even suspect can deprive us of strength and unsettle us, make us worry and sound the alarm. But they should be perceived precisely as another chance for self-development and intellectual development. By gathering our will, rising from our knees and directing energy in the right direction, we become stronger, more experienced, wiser and smarter. And a special role in all this is played by nothing other than positive thinking, because... It is what allows us to remain calm, think creatively, be persistent and self-confident. And from here all the other benefits flow - training time management and planning skills, developing willpower and stress resistance. Remember that life, together with all its events, can itself be used by you as an ideal system for the development of intelligence. And such an attitude towards it should be formed in both children and adults.

Method twelve - vision of prospects

The ability to see perspectives is a defining link on the path to success and a fulfilling life. If you learn to always be determined to look for new steps to develop, your thinking will be entirely focused on analyzing the prospects that exist for you. In reality, fate constantly offers you something valuable and significant, and your task is to see, understand and appreciate. By thinking constructively, you contribute to the development of your intellect and artificially create for yourself the need to expand your horizons. And everyone who strives for self-improvement should act exactly this way, and not otherwise. Without this component, it will simply be impossible to achieve full success and happiness.

Method thirteen - physical activity

Despite the fact that this method of developing intelligence is considered more indirect than direct, it gives excellent results. Firstly, by exercising yourself physically, you help improve blood circulation, enrich your brain with oxygen, thanks to which it begins to function many times more efficiently, and promote the production of the protein responsible for the formation of neurons - a key element in the development of intellectual abilities. Secondly, physical work is a wonderful way to relax and gain strength for your mind, because... if he is constantly tired, the effectiveness of any work on himself will be greatly reduced. And thirdly, coupled with mental development, this is the most complete development that we should strive for. If you wish, you can sign up for a sports section or go to the gym, although jogging, exercises, breathing exercises and banal push-ups will do just fine.

A lot depends on how well your intellect is developed. Of course, it cannot be called decisive in achieving success and improving your life, but if your intellectual abilities are well developed and you work on yourself, your chances of self-realization and realizing your dreams increase many times over. Train your intellect and memory, develop a desire for improvement in yourself and your children, and, of course, improve your thinking - then unprecedented opportunities will open up before you that can make your life bright, rich and happy.

What is "Intelligence"?

First of all, let me explain what I mean when I say the word intelligence. To be clear, I'm not just talking about increasing the amount of facts or bits of knowledge you can accumulate, or what is called crystallized intelligence - this is not fluency or memorization training - in fact, it's almost the opposite. I'm talking about improving your fluid intelligence, or your ability to remember new information, retain it, then use that new knowledge as the basis for solving the next problem or learning another new skill, and so on.

Now, while short-term memory is not synonymous with intelligence, it is very related to intelligence. To successfully make intellectual inferences, it is quite important to have a good short-term memory. So, to make the most of your intelligence, it's worth significantly improving your short-term memory - like using the best and most modern parts to help a machine perform at its highest level.

What can you learn from this? This study is significant because it found:

  1. Hypothetical intelligence can be trained.
  2. Training and subsequent success are dependent on dosage; the more you train, the more benefits you gain.
  3. Every person can develop their cognitive abilities, regardless of their starting level.
  4. Progress can be achieved by practicing on tasks that do not resemble questions on a test.

How can we put this research into practice and benefit from it?

There is a reason why the n-back task has been so successful in increasing cognitive abilities. This training involves dividing attention between competing stimuli, that is, multimodality (one visual stimulus, one auditory stimulus). This involves focusing on specific details while ignoring irrelevant information, and this helps improve short-term memory over time, gradually increasing the ability to process information effectively in multiple directions. In addition, the stimulus was constantly switched, in such a way that the phenomenon of “practicing test questions” never occurred - there was something new every time. If you've never taken the n-back test, let me tell you about it: it's very difficult. It is not surprising that such an activity has so many benefits for cognitive abilities.

But let's think from a practical point of view.
Eventually, the cards in the deck or the sounds in the piece will run out (the experiment lasted 2 weeks), so it is not practical to think that if you want to continuously increase your intellectual abilities throughout your life, then one n-back will be enough. Besides, you will get tired of it and stop doing it. I'm sure I would do that. Not to mention the time you'll spend learning this way - we're all very busy all the time! So we need to think about how to model the same types of super-effective multimodal brain stimulation techniques that can be used in normal life and still get the maximum benefit in cognitive growth.

So, taking all this into account, I have developed five basic elements that will help in the development of fluid intelligence, or cognitive ability. As I noted, it is impractical to consistently perform the n-back task or variations of it every day for the rest of your life to reap cognitive benefits. But the practical thing is to make lifestyle changes that will provide the same—and even greater—benefit to cognitive abilities. This can be done every day to reap the benefits of intense whole-brain training, and should also translate into benefits for overall cognitive functioning.

These five basic principles are:

  1. Look for innovation
  2. Challenge yourself
  3. Think creatively
  4. Don't take the easy way out
  5. Stay online

Each of these points is a great thing in itself, but if you really want to function at the highest cognitive level possible, it is better to do all five points, and as often as possible. In fact, I live by these five principles. If you accept these as fundamental guiding principles, then I guarantee that you will make the most of your abilities, beyond even what you thought you were capable of - all without artificial enhancement. Great information: Science backs these principles up with data!

1. Look for innovation

It is not a coincidence that geniuses like Einstein were knowledgeable in many fields, or polymaths as we call them. Geniuses are constantly looking for new things to do, exploring new areas. This is their individuality.

There is only one "Big Five" trait from the Five Factor Model of Personality (Acronym: ODEPR, or Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Irritability) that is associated with IQ, and that is the trait Openness to Experience. People who have a high level of Openness are constantly looking for new information, new activities, new things to learn - new experiences, in general.

When you are looking for innovation, several things happen. First of all, you create new synaptic connections with every new activity in which you participate. These connections build on each other, increasing the activity of the nervous system, creating more connections so that new connections are created on their basis - thus learning occurs.

An area of ​​interest in recent research is neural plasticity as a factor in individual differences in intelligence. Plasticity refers to the number of connections made between neurons, how this affects subsequent connections, and how long lasting those connections are. This basically means how much new information you are able to take in, and whether you are able to retain it, making permanent changes in the brain. Constantly exposing yourself directly to new things helps put the brain in a prime state for learning.

Novelty also triggers the release of dopamine (I've mentioned this before in other posts), which is not only highly motivating, but also stimulates neurogenesis - the creation of new neurons - and prepares the brain for learning. All you have to do is satisfy your hunger.

Excellent condition for learning = New activity -> dopamine production -> promotes a more motivated state -> which promotes neuronal recruitment and creation -> neurogenesis can occur + increased synaptic plasticity (increased number of new neural connections, or learning).

As a follow-up to Jaeggi's study, researchers in Sweden found that after 14 hours of short-term memory training for 5 weeks, there was an increase in the amount of binding dopamine D1 potential in the prefrontal and parietal regions of the brain. This particular dopamine receptor, type D1, is associated with nerve cell growth and development, among other things. This increase in plasticity, by promoting greater consolidation of this receptor, is very beneficial in order to maximize cognitive functioning.

Follow the point at home: Be “Einstein.” Always look for new mental activities - expand your cognitive horizons. Learn the tool. Take a painting course. Go to a museum. Read about a new field of science. Be dependent on knowledge.

2. Challenge yourself

There is a huge amount of terrible work written and distributed about how to “train your brain” and “become smarter”. When I talk about "brain training games", I mean memory and speed games, the purpose of which is to increase the speed of information processing, etc.; This includes games such as Sudoku, which are recommended to be played in “free time” (complete the oxymoron, taking into account the development of cognitive abilities). I'm going to debunk some of the stuff you've previously heard about brain training games. I'll tell you what: They don't work. Personalized learning games don't make you smarter - they make you more proficient at learning brain games.

So, they do have a goal, but the results won't last long. To gain anything from these types of cognitive activities, one must appeal to the first principle of seeking innovation. Once you master one of these cognitive activities in the brain training game, you must move on to the next stimulating activity. Do you understand how to play Sudoku? Great! Now move on to the next type of stimulating games. There has been research that supports this logic.

Several years ago, scientist Richard Haier wanted to know whether it was possible to significantly increase cognitive ability through intense training in new types of mental activity over a few weeks. They used the video game Tetris as a novel activity, and used people who had never played the game before as research subjects (I know, I know - can you believe people like that exist?!). They found that after training for several weeks on the Tetris game, study subjects experienced an increase in cortical thickness, as well as an increase in cortical activity, as evidenced by an increase in the amount of glucose used in that area of ​​the brain. Basically, the brain used more energy during that training period, and became thicker—meaning more nerve connections, or new experiences learned—after such intense training. And they became experts in Tetris. Cool, yeah?

Here's the thing: After an initial dramatic cognitive boost, they noticed a decrease in both cortical thickness and the amount of glucose used during the task. However, they were still good at Tetris; their skill did not deteriorate. Brain scans showed less brain activity during the game, instead of an increase as in previous days. Why the decline? Their brains became more efficient. Once their brain figured out how to play Tetris and really started to get the hang of it, it became too lazy to do anything. He didn't have to work as hard to play the game well, so the cognitive energy and glucose went in a different direction.

Efficiency is not your friend when it comes to cognitive growth. In order for the brain to continue making new connections and keeping them active, you must continue to move on to other stimulating activities once you reach the peak of mastery in a particular activity. You want to be in a constant state of slight difficulty, struggling to achieve something, no matter what it is, as Einstein noted in his saying. This keeps the brain in limbo, so to speak. We will return to this issue later.

3. Think creatively

When I say that thinking creatively will help you improve your nervous system, I don't mean painting a picture, or doing something fancy, like in the first point, “Seek innovation.” When I talk about creative thinking, I mean direct creative cognition, and what it means while the process continues in the brain.

Contrary to popular belief, creative thinking is not “right-brain thinking.” Both sides of the brain are involved here, not just the right. Creative cognition includes divergent thinking (a wide range of topics/subjects), the ability to make distant associations with ideas, switch between traditional and non-traditional perspectives (cognitive flexibility), and generating original, fresh ideas that are also relevant to the activity in which you are engaged. To do everything correctly, you need the right and left hemispheres to work simultaneously and together.

Several years ago, Dr. Robert Sternberg, former Dean of Tufts University, opened the PACE (Psychology of Ability, Competence and Excellence) Center in Boston. Sternberg tried not only to define the basic concept of intelligence, but also to find ways in which any person can maximize his intelligence through training, and especially through education in schools.

Here Sternberg describes the goals of the PACE Center, which was founded at Yale University:
“The core concept of the center is that abilities are not fixed, they are flexible, they can be changed, each person can transform his abilities into his competence, and his competence into mastery,” explains Sternberg. “Our focus is on how we can help people change their abilities so that they can more easily solve problems and cope with the situations they will encounter in life.”

Through his research, Project Rainbow, he developed not only innovative creative teaching methods in the classroom, but produced assessments that tested students in ways that required them to approach problems creatively and practically, as well as analytically, rather than simply memorizing facts .

Sternberg explains:
“In Project Rainbow we assessed creative, practical, as well as analytical abilities. A creative test could be, for example, like this: ‘Here is a cartoon. Give it a title.’ A practical assignment could be a film about a student who comes to a party, looks around, doesn’t know anyone, and obviously feels awkward. What should a student do?"

He wanted to see if teaching students to think creatively about assignments could make them learn more about a topic, enjoy learning more, and transfer what they learned to other areas of research. He wanted to see if, by changing teaching and assessment methods, he could prevent “teaching to pass” and get students to learn more in general. He collected information on this topic and still got good results.

Briefly? On average, students in the test group (those taught using creative methods) received higher final college course scores than the control group (those taught using traditional methods and assessment systems). But to make things fair, he gave the test group the same analytical type exam as the regular students (multiple choice test) and they also scored higher on that test. This means they were able to transfer the knowledge they learned using creative, multimodal learning methods and score higher on a completely different cognitive test on the same material. Does this remind you of anything?

4. Don't take the easy way out

I mentioned earlier that efficiency is not your friend if you are trying to increase your intelligence level. Unfortunately, many things in life are designed to increase efficiency. Thus, we do more with less time, physical and mental effort. However, this does not have a beneficial effect on your brain.

Consider one modern convenience, GPS. GPS is an amazing invention. I am one of those people for whom GPS was invented. I'm terribly bad at navigating the terrain. I get lost all the time. Therefore, I thanked fate for the advent of GPS. But you know what? After using the GPS for a short time, I found that my sense of orientation became even worse. When I didn't have it at hand, I felt even more lost than before. So when I moved to Boston - the city where horror movies about lost people originate - I stopped using GPS.

I won’t lie – my suffering knew no bounds. My new job meant traveling all over the outskirts of Boston, and I was lost every day for at least 4 weeks. I was so often lost and wandering for who knows how long that I thought I would lose my job due to chronic tardiness (I was even complained about in writing). But over time, I began to find the right path thanks to the vast navigational experience that I acquired with only my brain and a map. I really began to sense where and what was in Boston thanks solely to logic and memory, and not GPS. I still remember how proud I was that I found the hotel in the city center where my friend was staying, based only on the name and description of the area - even without an address! I felt like I had graduated from a school of navigational education.

Technology makes our lives easier, faster, more efficient in many ways, but sometimes our cognitive abilities can suffer as a result of these kinds of simplifications and harm us in the future. Before everyone starts screaming and emailing my transhumanist friends about how I'm sinning against technology, I should warn you that that's not what I'm doing.

Look at it this way: when you go to work by car, it takes less physical effort, time, and is a more convenient and enjoyable way than walking. Everything seems to be fine. But if you only drive or spend your whole life on a Segway, even not for short distances, then you will not waste energy. Over time, your muscles will atrophy, your fitness will weaken, and you will likely gain extra weight. As a result, your general condition will worsen.

Your brain needs exercise too. If you stop using your problem-solving skills, your logical, cognitive abilities, then how will your brain always be in better shape, let alone improve your mental abilities? Consider that if you constantly rely only on useful modern conveniences, your skills in a particular area may suffer. For example, translator programs: wonderful, but my knowledge of languages ​​noticeably deteriorated as soon as I started using them. Now I force myself to think about a translation before I know the right one. The same applies to spell checking and automatic correction. In truth, automatic correction is the worst thing ever invented to improve your thinking process. You know that the computer will find and correct your mistakes, so you continue typing without even thinking about it. How to spell this or that word correctly. As a result, after a few years of stable autocorrect and automatic spell checking, are we the world's most illiterate nation? (I wish someone would do some research on this.)

There are times when the use of technology is justified and necessary. But there are times when it's better to say no to shortcuts and use your brain while you have the luxury of time and energy. To keep yourself in good physical shape, it is recommended to walk to work as often as possible or take the stairs instead of the elevator several times a week. Don't you want to keep your brain fit too? Put your GPS aside every now and then and do your navigation and problem-solving skills a favor. Keep it handy, but try to find everything yourself first. Your brain will thank you for this.

5. Be online

And now we come to the last element on the path to increasing your cognitive potential: a computer network. What's great about this last setup is that if you're doing the previous four things, you're probably already doing this one. If not, then start. Immediately.

By interacting with other people, either through social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, or face-to-face, you expose yourself to situations that will make it much easier for you to achieve goals 1-4. By encountering new people, ideas, and new environments, you open yourself up to new opportunities for mental growth. Being around people who may not be in your field can help you see problems from a new perspective or discover new solutions you've never thought of before. Connecting with other people online is a great way to learn how to open yourself up to new things and absorb unique and meaningful information. I won't even get into the social benefits and emotional well-being that a computer network brings, but it's just an added benefit.

Steven Johnson, who wrote How Good Ideas Are Made, discusses the importance of groups and networks in promoting ideas. If you are looking for new situations, ideas, environments and perspectives, then the network is the answer for you. It would be quite difficult to implement the smarter concept without making the network a core component. The great thing about computer networks: It benefits everyone involved. Collective intelligence for victory!

There's one more thing I need to mention...
Remember at the beginning of this article I told a story about my clients with autism spectrum disorders? Let's think for a moment about how to increase the level of flexibility in your intelligence in light of everything we've already talked about. What can these kids achieve at such a high level? This is not a coincidence or a miracle - it is because we took into account all these training principles in their therapy program. While most other therapy providers are stuck with the Errorless Learning paradigm and slightly modified Lovaas Methods of Applied Behavior Analysis, we have embraced and fully embraced a multimodal approach to training. We pushed the kids to try their best to learn, we used the most creative methods we could think of, and we dared to set the bar seemingly well above their abilities. But you know what? They transcended time frames and made me truly believe that amazing things are possible if you have enough will, courage and persistence to set yourself on that path and stick with it. If these children with disabilities can live while continually improving their cognitive abilities, so can you.

My parting question is this: If we have all this supporting data showing that these teaching methods and approaches to learning can have such profound positive effects on cognitive growth, why don't therapy programs or school systems take advantage of some of these methods? I would like to see them as the standard in training rather than the exception. Let's try something new and shake up the education system a little? We would raise our collective IQ significantly.

Intelligence is not just how many levels of math you have completed, how quickly you can solve an algorithm, or how many new words with more than 6 characters you know. It's about approaching a new problem, recognizing its important components, and solving it. Then take what you've learned and apply it to solve the next, more complex problem. It's about innovation and imagination and being able to use it to make the world a better place. It is this type of intelligence that is valuable, and it is this type of intelligence that we should strive for and encourage.

About the author: Andrea Kuszewski is a behavioral therapist for children with autism based in Florida; specialist in Asperger's Syndrome, or high-functioning autism. She teaches the basics of behavior in society, communication, as well as the impact of behavior on the home and society, training children and parents in therapy methods. Andrea's work as a researcher with , the US branch of the Social Science Research Group METODO Transdisciplinary, Bogota, Colombia, explores the influence of neuro-cognitive factors in human behavior - this includes aspects such as creativity, intelligence, illegal behavior, and diffuse confusion disorders such as schizophrenia and autism. Also a creativity researcher, she is a painter herself and has studied various types of visual communication, ranging from traditional drawing to digital painting, graphic design, and 3D modeling, animation, health sciences and behavioral science. She blogs at The Rogue Neuron and on Twitter

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