Rostelecom television support service. How to call Rostelecom technical support, number to call the hotline

It happens that when using Rostelecom tariffs and equipment, situations arise when you need to contact the operator. There could be many reasons for this, for example:

  • the need to clarify the terms of the tariff or service;
  • to connect a new or disable an unnecessary service;
  • if you have problems with Internet speed;
  • to change equipment settings;
  • to troubleshoot router problems, etc.;
  • to call a repair team in case of a line break.

As you can see, you can contact technical support for any questions related to the services and use of Rostelecom equipment, as well as if any difficulties arise.

Below you will find information on where you can find the technical support number, how to call the Rostelecom operator and what to consider in order to get the most out of the conversation.

Find out the technical support number

It's easy to find the technical support number. Here are three simple steps to help with this:

Ways to call the Rostelecom operator

There are two of them - from a landline and a mobile phone. When calling from a landline phone, Rostelecom subscribers will not have any problems, since calls to help desk numbers are not charged, that is, free. To contact the operator, in this case, just dial the number that you found on the website, using the instructions above.

In most cases, the site will display two numbers labeled “connection” and “support.” To save time, both yours and the company employee’s, dial the number that meets your needs. If you want to sign up for a new service or find out about tariffs and promotions, call the first number, and if you have any difficulties, choose the number marked “support”.

How to call technical support for free?

In fact, there are several ways to call an operator for free from a mobile phone.

The first is to call the Rostelecom technical support number in your region, starting with the combination “8-800”. The advantage of these numbers is that they are free from both mobile and home, regardless of the region of Russia in which you are located.

The second is to dial the short number of the 24-hour technical support service “000” on your mobile phone. Calls to it are free for all Rostelecom subscribers.

The third is to call the single technical support number - 8-800-100-08-00. Relevant if you couldn’t find a toll-free number in your region.

To save yourself the hassle of looking for technical support numbers for your region every time you need to, write them out in advance from the Rostelecom website or enter them in the phone book. This will not take much time, but it will save it in the future, especially if you are faced with a situation where it is not possible to get numbers on the Internet.

How to communicate with the Rostelecom operator?

Of course, when contacting technical support, we want to get the most complete answer to our question or solve the problem. However, whether this desire comes true depends largely on us. Below are a few things to consider.

Before the call:

  • Before calling the Rostelecom operator, try to solve the problem yourself. Don't make unnecessary calls, because every call loads the line.
  • Remember the contract number, name and brand of equipment and other data that the operator may need.
  • Formulate in your mind or write down on paper the essence of the question or problem. Describe it as fully as possible for yourself.
  • If you are irritated, calm down and be positive. This way the conversation will be much more successful.

During a conversation:

  • Immediately introduce yourself and describe the essence of the question or problem.
  • Take your time and listen carefully to the specialist. Answer the questions and follow his instructions. Remember, his goal is to help you resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
  • Don't be irritated or rude. Be polite and you will achieve more.
  • Don't bombard the operator with questions or hang up if he stops talking. To solve many problems, he needs to use a computer, and this takes time.

By following these simple tips, you will get an answer to your question quickly and without nerves.

Alternative methods of communication with the Rostelecom operator

It happens that the telephone line is too busy and you can’t get through. In this case, you can use other ways to contact Rostelecom technical support - a feedback form or your personal account. Now more details.


The first thing you need to do is log into the Rostelecom website - Next follow the instructions:

Personal Area

If you have a personal account, then contacting the operator will be easy. You just need to log into your account, scroll to the bottom of the page and follow the “write to support” link.

Here are the main ways to call the operator and find out Rostelecom technical support numbers. As we have seen, they are simple and accessible to everyone.

Russia's largest Internet provider, operator of wired and cellular communications, as well as interactive television, treats its customers with respect and, to ensure a productive dialogue, offers several ways to contact technical support. Where can I get the Rostelecom operator number and how to call the Rostelecom operator? After reading this informational article, you will be able to quickly choose the best way to communicate with the operator and resolve any emergency situation.

How to call the Rostelecom operator?

The most convenient way to contact the operator is to call the technical support service. It should be noted that Rostelecom has both paid and toll-free phone numbers. Just in case, both options should be written down in the phone book.

  1. Call the Rostelecom operator from any mobile phone. For comprehensive customer service around the clock, there is a single toll-free number 8-800-1000-800. Using it, every resident of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether he is a subscriber or not, can call and receive information about the company’s current services, apply for connection or repair. In addition, there are two more toll-free telephone numbers in the Capital Region, which provide the following information :8-495-727-49-77 – fixed-line, long-distance and international communication services;
    8-800-100-25-25 – providing information on tariff plans and concluding an agreement automatically.

    In other regions of the Russian Federation, there are other reference numbers, which are posted on the Rostelecom website in the “Help” section, “Phone” tab.

  2. Short numbers of the Rostelecom operator in the regions. No other mobile operator has such a variety of short numbers. On the one hand, this is good. Knowing the required combination of numbers, you can easily contact the operator, get information about tariffs, send a telegram and much more. On the other hand, it’s not entirely convenient, since each region of the Russian Federation has its own unique service numbers. To use them, you need to find them on the company’s website or ask the operator by calling a single toll-free number 8-800-1000-800. For example, residents of St. Petersburg have access to the following list of numbers 24 hours a day: 8-118-09 – toll-free information about telephone numbers;
    8-118-11 – paid information about telephone numbers and addresses;
    8-126 – paid reception of telegrams by telephone;
    8-142 – paid information on communication tariffs;
    8-124 – ordering intra-zone calls, for a fee;
    8-181 – ordering long-distance calls, for a fee;
    8-191 – ordering calls of international importance, for a fee.
  3. Rostelecom support in roaming. Rostelecom does not leave its compatriots abroad without technical support. They can always ask for help by calling +7-902-18-81-810. Calls to this number made from international roaming are not charged.

Alternative ways to contact a live Rostelecom operator

You can report your problem, leave feedback or suggestions not only by telephone. To do this, the Rostelecom operator has a number of services that are ready to quickly respond to incoming messages.

When you can’t call or reach an operator, then it’s time to use online chat. It is noteworthy that you can get into it both from a single personal account and from the My Rostelecom mobile application. In this case, a quick solution to the problem depends on the availability of an Internet connection on the device and a correctly formulated question.

You can find answers, express your opinion and simply communicate with those who have been using Rostelecom’s services for many years on social networks: Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, Youtube and Telegram.

For letters always online a single email address [email protected]. In addition, each regional office has its own email address, the address of which can be found on the website of its region.

Especially for reviews, comments and wishes, Rostelecom managers offer to fill out a feedback form in which you must indicate a minimum of data: contact phone number or email and the text of the request. The support service undertakes to send an answer or call back within 24 hours.

For those who wish to speak in person with a representative of a telecommunications company, there are customer service centers in all major cities. Their addresses, opening hours and contact numbers are listed in the “Help” section, “Office” tab.

Rostelecom is considered one of the largest brands in the field of national telecommunications. Its users are residents not only of Russia, but also of Europe. And the list of services covers the sector of fixed and mobile communications, the Internet, and television.

Rostelecom is not only a leading telephone operator, but also a company that provides consumers with broadband access to interactive television and the Internet.

An army of millions of clients, using a wide variety of company services, needs help in solving emergency problems and clarifying ordinary situations. It is for such purposes that Rostelecom has created support services that specialize in providing assistance to customers.

The main principle of Rostelecom technical support is careful attention to the problem of each client. You can call the Rostelecom operator at any time, assistance will be provided as soon as possible. The call is free for Rostelecom users.

You can call short numbers only from a Rostelecom mobile phone, and you can call long numbers that start from 8-800 free of charge not only from a mobile phone, but also from a landline phone.

The easiest way to solve the problem is to call the Rostelecom operator. Each federal district has several new call centers that accept calls and provide assistance to customers.

To speed up the process, multi-channel hotlines were created, each of which is responsible for a specific type of service. The client needs to select the item he is interested in and call the Rostelecom operator at the appropriate number. The list of numbers is given below.

Select your region:

8-800-450-01-50 or 150 - Rostelecom Hotline
8-800-450-01-26 or 118 - Unified information service
8-800-450-01-56 or 156 - Technical support for CDMA cellular subscribers
8-800-450-01-59 or 159 - Information support for CDMA subscribers
8-800-450-01-52 or 152 - Auto-informer about the status of your personal Internet access account
8-800-100-08-00 - Sales department

It is simply impossible to use the communication services of the Rostelecom provider without experiencing any problems (as is the case with any other provider). Problems arise infrequently, and no one is immune from their occurrence. The Rostelecom hotline, created to solve these problems, works for all subscribers using certain services of the provider - these are Internet, digital television and home telephone services. And in this review we will look at all the phones necessary for urgent problem solving and troubleshooting.

Rostelecom hotline


Rooms for individuals

Rostelecom technical support in Moscow and the Moscow region is distributed across several telephone numbers at once. In some places we can only be given general information on any of the provider’s services and products, but in others they can provide full technical support. The matter is complicated by the fact that Rostelecom’s hotline operates on some numbers to help private clients, while on others it provides support for legal entities.

In addition, in Moscow and the Moscow region, services are provided under the OnLime brand, and they have their own hotline numbers. To ensure that you do not get confused about the current numbering of call centers, we will tell you how and what phone numbers you need to call Rostelecom to get help.

The main telephone number of Rostelecom's hotline for individuals is 8-800-100-08-00. There is a general help desk for all regions. This hotline provides advice on connecting a home telephone, Internet or digital television, and answers some other questions. In general, it is useless to look for specialists here who could tell you why the ping has increased or the access speed has decreased - completely different numbers work for this.

If you have questions related to connecting services, the Rostelecom hotline will help you at 8-800-707-80-00. Call here if you want to check the availability of communication in your home or if you need to leave a request for connection. Please note that there is no need to call this number and say “my Internet is not working” - here are specialists of a completely different profile, dealing with completely different issues.

But if you call the hotline at 8-800-707-12-12, then here you can ask questions about any technical issue:

  • Internet does not work;
  • The speed has dropped;
  • The equipment broke down;
  • There are problems with the connection;
  • The connection is periodically broken;
  • Some TV channels do not work;
  • The modem has deteriorated or malfunctioned;
  • The home telephone stopped functioning, etc.

That is, it is at this number that the real Rostelecom hotline is located.

Please note that this hotline number is only valid for subscribers from Moscow and the Moscow region. If you live in another region, go to the Rostelecom website and check the support number for regional users.

Numbers for legal entities

Rostelecom technical support service for legal entities is located at 8-800-200-3000. Call here only if you are a corporate client of the operator. For calls regarding connection issues, dial the hotline 8-800-200-99-09. As for support and connection for OnLime business users, any questions should be addressed by calling 8-800-301-01-60 - the OnLime hotline (but not Rostelecom) operates here on the Internet and IP telephony for corporate clients.

Now you know how to call Rostelecom technical support. There are several hotlines operating here, designed for a variety of categories of clients - individuals and legal entities. When contacting us with any questions, try not to confuse the hotlines, otherwise it will be difficult to obtain qualified assistance.

Rostelecom is the largest Russian broadband Internet access provider. For 12 years, this company has served more than 11 million subscribers in Russia. Of course, any client may have questions about the work of the provider. For this purpose, Rostelecom has created a technical support service.

Rostelecom's technical support service is one of the most responsible and efficient. You can call the Rostelecom technical support service free of charge at any time of the day - the operator will listen to the subscriber with due attention and answer his questions. Rostelecom technical support service contains many telephone numbers specializing in a specific service.

— 8 800 707 18 11.

  • Help desk - personal account status, tariff plans, "Promised payment" service - 8 800 707 18 00.
  • Rostelecom technical support service

for mobile subscribers - 8 800 300 18 02.

  • Rostelecom support phone number

for CDMA mobile subscribers - 8 800 450 01 56.

  • Rostelecom technical support phone number

for questions of connecting different countries and cities - 8 800 300 18 01.

questions related to access to broadband Internet - 8 800 300 18 03.

  • Rostelecom technical support phone number

for receiving complaints and claims - 8 800 300 18 19.

Internet speed measurement

There is an interesting service for Rostelecom subscribers - Rostelecom Internet speed testing.
This is very useful, since providers do not always treat subscribers fairly and can limit Internet speed. For this reason, the provider decided to create a speed test. To allow subscribers to test Rostelecom's speed, the provider has created a special website that measures connection speed - Speedtest. To start the test, click “Start testing”. Rostelecom's testing speed is quite fast: the test will only take a couple of minutes for the subscriber.
If the Rostelecom Internet test shows disappointing results, contact Rostelecom support.

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