The most proven way to kill yourself. Unusual ways to die. Extracts from the medical history

The sound artist blames his body for the pain of living. And unconsciously begins to want to die - to get rid of the body, and therefore, from suffering. Escape from the prison of the body into a world of endless peace.

    How can a person who does not see a future for himself die quickly?
    Who no longer has the strength to believe in the empty mantra “everything will be fine.”

    When “tomorrow” does not promise joy, but threatens the continuation of hopeless melancholy, pain, and loneliness.

    When these feelings eat away from the inside, leaving an empty blinking shell that is called by your name.

    When last request to this world - to find out how to die quickly and painlessly?

According to System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, the desire to die arises in people with. Because they have special worldview. Any other person, not a sound specialist, perceives the world inside and the world outside. The sound artist senses both worlds within himself. Consciousness, the feeling of one’s “I” in the role of “the world within.” The unconscious as the “world outside.” A the world, reality seems illusory to the sound engineer. Therefore, for example, he often thinks that, perhaps, life is only imagining him.

Maybe he's gone crazy, or asleep, or even dead
and everything just seems to him...

So why does the desire to die arise?

The physical expression of the sound artist - his body - is perceived by him as a burden, a cage, a curse. After all, it is because of his body that he is doomed to exist in this world among people.

Soundman blames his body for the fact that it hurts him to live. And unconsciously begins to want to die - to get rid of the body, and therefore, from suffering. Escape from the prison of the body into a world of endless peace.

But this is the wrong way. It does not promise liberation, but, on the contrary, leads to unbearable suffering.
This topic is covered in more detail in this video:

Every person is born to to realize oneself in the world outside. For a sound artist, this territory is his unconscious.

The innate desire of a person with a sound vector is to comprehend this “dark spill”. Reveal the secrets of the unconscious, hidden there is the root cause of existence, one’s fate, one’s suffering.

These people were also looking for how to die quickly

The desire to die will be released without pills, a loop and a skyscraper

A person who wants to die comes to the line. To make a choice. It's not between living or dying! Between realize oneself of one’s own free will or to receive blows from the whip, pushing towards self-realization.

Every person has a choice. Make your own. Come to free nightly online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan right now. Register in form below this article.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology» How to die without pain

There are days that require stopping traffic for tears and bitter reflection. Not everyone is able to cope with a difficult period in life on their own. The most the right decision the decision to die seems to have been made. And the question is typed into the network search engine: how to die without pain. "

“When you fly off a bridge, you suddenly realize that all your problems can be solved. Except for one thing - you’re already flying off the bridge!” Suicide survivor.

Problems, betrayal, heartache or simply emptiness inside - all this daily pushes thousands and thousands of people on Earth to suicide or thoughts about it. According to statistics, 1,000,000 people voluntarily take their own lives every year around the world. This means that, for example, a city like Volgograd will simply be wiped off the face of the Earth in a year, simply because these people could not and did not want to find a way out, face their problems and change their lives.

How to end life = how to end problems?!

Opasnost It’s worth saying right away that there’s no way. Disappointed? I understand you, but this is the truth of life. Without exception, all methods of suicide only seem to have a heroic ending. life path. In fact, such death is the most painful for both the soul and body of a person. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), our state prohibits mentioning methods of taking one’s life in the media, but you will understand everything yourself.

The hellish pains that a suicide experiences at the moment when he understands what he has done, but can no longer correct anything... Naively believing that he knows a way how to die painlessly, he takes the last step, and his relatives and friends find a mutilated body with a grimace of horror and despair, in vomit and feces, with a crushed brain or covered in blood, with a blue face or limbs swollen from water. They will live with this all their lives - you did this to them and to yourself. Stop before it's too late!

1. Here, of course, everything is purely individual, but the first thing to do is to provide the “unreliable comrade” with company. You can't leave him alone. At all. He may ask you to go to hell or to the store, and when you return, you will see his head in the microwave, in a noose, or covered in foam from an overdose. What’s even more unpleasant is that you may catch him “in the process.” Of course, you can try to save him, but very often, by this moment the person is already almost disabled and after necessary treatment he (or what's left of him) will be sent to a mental hospital. Most likely for a long time. Which is not good, but in general it’s correct. Because in these " critical days“A person cannot be left alone.

2. Change the situation. If the person himself already resembles a vegetable and doesn’t understand Russian, then take him under your wing and go somewhere far away. Move to another city, or better yet, to another country. If he previously lived in a metropolis, then go somewhere to Canada or Siberia. Changing the place of residence, language, established habits, the mentality of the people around him, all this can help him (her) come to his senses.

Flooding but not because of water

Usually when we hear a flood, we immediately think about water. However, there are 2 flood incidents in which there was not a drop of water. The London beer flood of October 1814 killed 9 people. Due to an accident at the factory, a huge amount of beer spilled onto the streets of London, technically, only one person died from the flood itself, the remaining 8 from alcohol intoxication.

You will see that separation does not interfere with love, since LOVE IS THE DESIRE FOR HAPPINESS FOR YOUR LOVED PERSON, AND NOT THE DESIRE TO POSSESS IT.

You will remember the feelings of those who love you and wish you well - relatives, friends. And about the one who loves you more mom and Pope Jesus Christ, who endured immeasurably great suffering, so that you know how dear your soul and your life are to God.

You will see that you can fill the void that has formed in your soul and life now by doing good to other people. There are so many people around for whom only one thing is yours kind word will be a big piece of happiness!

Nature is not mistaken, each of us is given a saving chance, which we ourselves must cling to and not allow ourselves to loosen our grip, thinking about how we can quickly die. We are our own best psychological help in case of suicide. After all, suicide is a fast train into the darkness, without a ticket and without a queue. The fine for unauthorized passage can be unpredictable. So is the risk justified, and why die?

When you don’t want to live and are tired of everything, voluntary departure seems to be the most logical solution to problems. Just end this once and for all. However, fear and the instinct of self-preservation interfere. Dying is excruciatingly painful. In any case. And this is what stops many and forces them to continue to exist. The most easy death– what is it like and does it even exist? Let's find out! In our country there are all kinds of supervisory authorities that may consider any mention of suicide a call to commit it. Our article is not propaganda for anything at all, but an objective, comprehensive look at the existing state of affairs. However, to prevent this material from being blocked, we will have to omit some words.

How can you kill yourself without physical pain?

His lethal dose even less than the famous one potassium cyanide, but it acts much slower. Death from strychnine poisoning occurs after about half an hour of terrible agony and severe convulsions.

If you don’t want to live now, then after a failed attempt to take your own life everything will become even more difficult. Why? There are several reasons: This is such a “beautiful” picture.
Your loved one, if you took this step because of him, will most likely leave. No one wants to be with someone under duress, guilt or fear.

This is an unhealthy basis for a relationship, and even if it continues, it will definitely not be happy. Of course, everyone learns at work or school. There you are guaranteed wary, frightened, condemning or pitying glances from colleagues and classmates.

Unless, of course, you return there.

Methods of suicide

  • 10 most powerful poisons that can kill you instantly or torment you for years
  • No. 2 Approximately half of those who commit suicide remain disabled forever
  • How to die quickly and painlessly (Doctor's interview)
  • How can you die painlessly?
  • What is the most painless way to die

What pills to take to die Death from drugs: is it possible? The best way To commit suicide is to entrust your life to God. Do it, try Him! After all, you don’t need your life anyway, since you are looking for how to commit suicide? God has a wonderful way for you.

By leaving a comment, you agree to the privacy policy. 10 most powerful poisons that can kill you instantly or torment you for years However, this is one of the most powerful poisons.

The easiest death



However, there is one problem: it is quite difficult to kill yourself this way. We know how many jumps from heights end not in death, but in disability.

There are many times more such cases than cases of quick and easy death.

How to die without pain

The first way to die without pain... How to die without pain? No way! The fact is that all suicides and people in general who have experienced clinical death, they say that dying is painful, that they have seen hell. The soul of a suicide goes straight there, and therefore the question of how to die painlessly can be rephrased as “How to die without pain on Earth, and then experience pain FOREVER?”

Maybe it’s still worth sorting out your life here on Earth? While you are still alive, there is always hope. She will never be in hell again. The second way to die painlessly Perhaps you are implementing this method of self-destruction right now, without knowing it.

Drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, smoking - all this is a method of suicide, extended over several years. This also includes disorderly sex life, abortions, etc.

How to die quickly at home

This is an unhealthy basis for a relationship, and even if it continues, it will definitely not be happy. Get a job in the civil service, as a security guard, join the military, get a license or weapons license, enter some educational establishments Now it won’t work, since you won’t be able to provide a certificate stating that you are not registered at a psychoneurological dispensary.

Of course, everyone learns at work or school. There you are guaranteed wary, frightened, condemning or pitying glances from colleagues and classmates. Unless, of course, you return there. After all... No. 2 About half of those who commit suicide remain disabled forever. Any, absolutely any method of suicide threatens you with severe disability.

If there was some kind of easiest death, a quick and painless way to commit suicide, it would be widely known.

After all... No. 2 About half of those who commit suicide remain disabled forever Think about it: the one who on Internet forums advises you how to die without pain at home and so on, for some reason is still alive! It’s better to talk to the intensive care doctors, they will tell you a lot of interesting things... This real stories. Why do you hope that you will be “lucky”? You can become one of these people... Animal horror tells us that there, beyond the line, is not the end at all, and there will be retribution for what has been done.

This is how the Creator designed us. And He is the One who can help you. Make peace with God. How to die quickly and painlessly (Doctor's interview) There are poisons that require other equipment and other therapeutic measures special intravenous therapy, for example. There are fat-soluble poisons that get into the omentum; under such conditions, it makes no sense to rinse the intestines.

How can you die painlessly?

How to die without pain if you don't want to live What is suicide? This is deliberate taking of one's own life. Unfortunately, Rosportebnadzor blocked the article that was here earlier and was especially popular among site visitors.

The reason is that we described ways to commit suicide painlessly, with their “advantages” and disadvantages. Our goal was to clearly and in detail show what sensations and results await you after using this or that method, because often in films and books suicide looks very beautiful and attractive, which is absolutely not true.

We had to edit this material, we hope it remains as useful for you.
So, let's go! Let's start with the fact that God (or the random explosion that created everything you see out of complete chaos) created man in such a way that the capabilities of his body are miraculously mobilized in stressful situations. Everything in us strives to survive, and, in fact, it is very difficult to kill ourselves.
Life will glow with all its might, hanging by a thread. Even children aborted in the second trimester live after an abortion for a long time... During the war, completely burned and broken soldiers survived with the same level of medicine, without the latest painkillers. It's just a fact and there's nothing you can do about it. This is why the percentage of failed suicide attempts is so high. 90% of suicides survive. Even those who are serious about choosing a painless method of suicide, have studied anatomy and physiology, have carefully prepared, often fail - the body fights against all odds.

How can you kill yourself without pain?

This is not an accident, just like the fact that you were born into this world. To begin new life, you need to receive salvation, because a wall of sin now separates you and God. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Bible, Romans 3:23). “But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God...” (Bible, Isaiah 59:2). But God loves us and came into this world in the form of Jesus Christ to suffer for our sins, to become a sacrifice for our salvation. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that everyone who believes in He did not perish, but had eternal life" (John 3:16). "The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent and believe in the Gospel" (Mark 1:15) Prayer: Lord! I pray to You in the Name of Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. I believe He shed blood on Calvary for my sins. I ask You to forgive me for everything I did wrong, for all my sins.

Who tells you: “commit suicide”?

You are in unspeakable pain! It seems like there is no point in living anymore. Nothing bright ahead. There will be no more such happiness as there was or could be. There is only pain, emptiness, loneliness ahead... The thought arises that this pain can be stopped once and for all. Commit suicide.

Moreover, the thought of suicide seems to you to be your own, natural. Just as naturally we withdraw our hand from a hot kettle, so it is natural for us to escape from this pain into oblivion. Just choose an easier method of suicide.

With all my determination and responsibility, I must tell you: THIS IS NOT YOUR THOUGHT.

This is suggestion dark force, which, along with the angels, has access to us while we live on earth. You should know two main features of this dark force:

She is deceitful;

Her highest goal and pleasure is to cause pain to people, both in this life and especially in eternal life.

You're in unbearable pain. Demons are trying to convince you that by committing suicide, you will kill the pain. In fact, on the contrary, by ending your life, YOU WILL MAKE THIS PAIN ETERNAL. In the next world, a person lives with what he has accumulated in himself during his life. If a person did good for the sake of God, he already has a lot of joy here - and in the other world this joy will remain with him and increase. If we left this world in evil, resentment towards man and God, there we will suffer even more.

All this is much more serious than you think. Now all your thoughts are only about one “never”, but there is another “NEVER”, a thousand times more terrible and merciless. All the misfortunes on earth, all the most cruel crimes, all wars, betrayals of spouses, corruption of the authorities - all this is the work of this force, all this gives it a kind of “joy”. Do you want to serve these vile creatures, who have already caused a lot of harm to your loved ones and you personally, and give them another victory? Do you want to meet the dragon right now and hear his malicious laugh at you? And NEVER meet Christ who loves you?


If you want, goodbye, I have nothing more to say to you.

But if you want good for yourself, stop believing the demonic lies, look the truth in the eyes! A person cannot drive away darkness from himself except by turning to the Light. Their own strength We don’t have enough to fight the dark forces. Turn for help to your Guardian Angel, to the saints, to the Mother of God, to God - and you will immediately feel this help.

Take courage and say right now, in defiance of demonic suggestions:

Thank God for everything! God bless! Lord, You know best what is good for me. Everything is Your will! Forgive my murmur, heal my pain, lead me to the light!

If you don’t have faith, ask for that too.

If you try to do this sincerely, and more than once, you will see how the darkness will dissipate, and your situation will appear before you in a completely different form.

You will remember that billions of people on the planet have experienced the same thing that you are experiencing now, and have found new happiness.

You will see that your pain is largely caused by such a petty feeling as self-pity. And it is quite possible to fight this feeling.

You will see that separation does not interfere with love, since LOVE IS THE DESIRE FOR HAPPINESS FOR YOUR LOVED PERSON, AND NOT THE DESIRE TO POSSESS IT.

You will remember the feelings of those who love you and wish you well - your relatives, friends. And about Jesus Christ, who loves you more than mom and dad, who endured immeasurably great suffering, so that you know how dear your soul and your life are to God.

You will see that you can fill the void that has formed in your soul and life now by doing good to other people. There are so many people around for whom just one kind word from you will become a big piece of happiness!

You will believe that among the many people around you, over time, perhaps someone will shine brighter for you than this person, who most likely only seemed to you to be your destiny.

Peace will fill your soul much sooner than you think.

You have no idea how much power you have over your feelings and your life. This power is given to you, the only living being, by God so that you can make a free choice between darkness and light. Choose the light, join the fight and begin to glow. People will be drawn to your light and warmth. But your happiness will no longer depend on them...

This light will be with you even when your earthly journey ends. You will meet the person you miss so much at the Last Judgment. There we will meet everyone we knew, and all our thoughts and secret actions throughout our lives will be visible like clothing. And the person dear to you will see in you not disastrous, shameful weakness, but love, courage, strength. He will see that you have won. And he will be happy for you and will be glad that at least short time was next to you. However, this will no longer matter...

From an outside observer, finally become the creator of your life! Fight within yourself, don’t lie around like a dead cat on the road!

Low self-esteem leads to pathological dependence on others

The thought of suicide does not arise out of the blue, it means that there is pain in the soul. Breaking up, especially divorce, is a really difficult situation. It's really hard to recover from such a blow. But in the life of every person there is an experience of making a decision and overcoming one’s weakness. It is important to be able to turn to your positive experience: at the right moment, remember one of the last such cases, a recent act that brought satisfaction because it was done in good conscience.

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