Eye test grid. A simple but effective Amsler test. How to test your eyesight at home

The Amsler test is often found in the literature under the name of a test for detecting macular degeneration of the retina. Indeed, with its help one can suspect the presence of a pathology of the macula (macular area), which is normally responsible for central vision.

Macular dysfunction can be a consequence of an independent disease (age-related macular degeneration) or a manifestation of other diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus).

An Amsler grid is a sheet of paper on which a square is drawn on a black or white background, divided into 400 small squares. There is a black dot in the center of the grid, on which the subject focuses his gaze. All grid lines are parallel and even, and the angles are right, you can use the Amsler test, for the convenience of the procedure.

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How to test your vision using the Amsler grid

  1. Sit comfortably on a chair;
  2. Position the Amsler grid so that the distance between it and your eyes is approximately 25-30 centimeters;
  3. Put on contacts or glasses, if you wear them;
  4. Cover one eye with a sheet of opaque paper. Never press your eye with your hand, as this may give a false positive result!
  5. Second eye look at the dark dot in the center of the grid and focus on it for 3-5 seconds;
  6. Now approach the net slowly, without taking your eyes off the central black dot until the distance to the table is approximately 20 cm;
  7. Analyze the picture, which is before your eyes: is there any distortion of lines and angles? Are all the squares the same shape and the same? Are there places in the table that seem vague or cloudy to you?
  8. After that, repeat the same steps for the second eye.

How to evaluate the result

If you saw absolutely clear image, on which all lines go parallel, squares the same, and the angles are straight, then you have normal vision and no signs of macular degeneration.

If the image is distorted, then it is necessary to urgently visit an ophthalmologist's office.

A healthy person sees the Amsler table like this:

People with age-related macular degeneration of the retina may see the following images of the Amsler grid:

The Amsler table can also look like this:

In this case, the vision test is carried out in the same way as described above. However, here the eye must be brought closer until until the red spot disappears from view. Accordingly, if the right eye is checked, the spot should disappear on the right and vice versa.

Please note that the test on a white background is more informative!

The first version of the Amsler grid (on a white background) is larger in area and is more informative. You can see blurry spots on it, which on a black background may go unnoticed.

The Amsler test should become an integral part of vision testing in people over 45 years of age. It is from this age that macular degeneration most often starts. This is especially true for the wet (exudative) form of the disease, since it can be corrected only at the initial stages of its development.

There are many different ways to test vision and identify various ophthalmic defects. One such type of test is the use of the Amsler test.

This is a simple and informative test that can be used not only by a specialist in the process of diagnosing pathology, but also by the patient himself during self-monitoring and detection of a disease such as age-related macular degeneration.

The Amsler test does not require any physical effort and takes no more than 10 seconds. All the patient’s actions boil down to examining a special grid (a field drawn into squares), in the middle of which there is a thick circle.

For your information! This test checks the central visual field and identifies the possible presence of macular degeneration of the retina, also called macular pathology.

Thus, the purpose of the test is to check the area of ​​the eye that is responsible for central vision.

It is impossible to detect malfunction of the macula area using general diagnostic methods using medical instruments and equipment. A simple method such as the Amsler test is suitable for this.

To carry out testing, a special grid (Amsler table) is used, divided into four hundred sectors.

The Amsler grid (full screen test available at this link) can be applied in black on a white background or vice versa. This is a non-critical difference, which still does not affect the result, the main thing is the contrast between the background and the grid itself.

The patient undergoing the examination will have to concentrate his gaze on the central part of the grid. For convenience, a bold circle or large dot is placed right in its center, which is visible against the background of the sectors.

All lines in the grid are parallel to each other, and the angles are right.

Important! You can draw such a grid manually, or you can, but you can also pass the Amsler test on a computer. In the absence of vision problems, a person clearly observes this straightforwardness.

General conditions for conducting the Amsler test (online or offline)

Before taking the test, you must ensure that certain conditions and requirements are met:

  1. The person must be well rested, so it’s best to take the test before work or school rather than at the end of the day.
  2. The test is taken in that optics , which is usually worn by the patient.
  3. When passing the test room, in which this procedure will be carried out, should be well lit.
  4. Look at the Amsler grid, on which you take the test at a right angle without tilting your head.
  5. No need to squint, trying to make out all the details. The essence of the test is not this, but the perception of this image as a whole.
  6. The test is performed with each eye in turn.. The eye that is not being tested should be covered with the palm of the hand.

If one eye clearly sees better, you need to take the test starting with it.

The Amsler test is performed as follows:

  • necessary position the grid (Amsler grid) so that it is at eye level when the patient sits on a chair with a straight back;
  • the distance between the mesh and the patient's eyes should be 30 centimeters(plus or minus a couple of centimeters in this case is a non-critical value);
  • if the patient uses medical optics, they must be worn;
  • one eye is covered with the palm of the hand, and the other needs to look at the circle in the center of the grid, in this case, you cannot press on the closed eye with your palm: due to the physiological characteristics of the organs of vision, this can lead to the fact that the result will be good even in the presence of the disease;
  • You need to look at the central circle for five seconds, after which you slowly need to bring your head ten centimeters closer to the grid.

After looking at the central circle from a distance of 20 centimeters for another five seconds, you need to take the starting position and repeat the process with the second eye.

It is easy to interpret the result at the end of the Amsler test. In the absence of eye pathology, all angles and lines of the grid will be straight, without bending or distortion.

When, if a certain area (or areas) of the grid is distorted– all the signs of macular degeneration are present, and this requires contacting an ophthalmologist and appropriate treatment.

The test allows you to identify abnormalities in the macula area, which leads to macular degeneration. This simple check is recommended from time to time for people aged 45 years and older.

The video explains how to conduct the test, as well as the conditions for conducting it:

This is an important test that allows you to immediately notice the initial signs of the disease, and it is at these stages that it is best treated.

It turns out that you can test your eyesight at home, without leaving the computer. There are quite a lot of tests that will help identify abnormalities and tell you when it’s time to see a doctor for help. Here are some of them.

Eye test without leaving the computer

Validation Rules

In order for the test results to be more or less reliable, certain rules are followed.

  1. The monitor is placed at a distance of 0.3–5 m, always at eye level, so that the surface does not reflect glare.
  2. Testing is carried out when a person feels well and does not feel tension in the eyes.
  3. Turn on general lighting.
  4. The verification table must be clear and contrasting.
  5. They sit straight, don’t squint, don’t strain their eyes.
  6. The test is carried out “with a fresh eye” - before going outside, reading, or other work that creates a load on the organ of vision.

Rules for testing vision using a computer

Sivtsev table

When people talk about checking their eyes, they remember, first of all, Sivtsev’s table. This is a poster featuring an array of capital letters that has 12 lines. Optotypes (as test letters are called) decrease from the top line to the bottom. On the left is the distance from which a person without visual anomalies should see this or that line. It is believed that normally the characters on the top line are distinguishable from 50 meters, and the bottom line from 2.5 meters.

The distance is indicated on the right in the table, and is designated by the letter D. And on the left side the value V is indicated - visual acuity. Usually, vision is checked from a distance of 5 m. For the purity of the experiment, the table is illuminated with a fluorescent lamp with a brightness of at least 700 lm. With normal vision, or V=1.0, a person sees the tenth line. If he recognizes only symbols located above, then they speak of myopia, below - about farsightedness.

Sivtsev table for vision testing

Visual acuity index V is determined when all or most of the characters in a row are read. When naming optotypes in lines seven to ten, you can make 2 mistakes, from lines four to six - 1 mistake. You can’t make mistakes when reading lines 1–3.

The vision of a preschooler who does not yet know letters is checked in a similar way. For this age, a special Orlova table has been created - it uses pictures.

Before the test, a little preparatory work is done with the child. He is brought to the table and the symbols are shown one by one. This is necessary in order to understand how the child uses the word when he sees a mushroom, a motorcyclist or a car.

Orlova table for children

In order not to tire the child, he is shown one figure in a row. Only if he does not recognize the picture is he asked to name the rest. Start from the first line, where the largest optotypes are.

This test will help identify myopia and farsightedness. Distance glasses should not be removed if a person uses them in everyday life. The eyes are checked one at a time.

The duochrome test is carried out according to a table, the field of which is divided into two equal parts by a vertical line: the right one is colored green, the left one is colored red. In the middle of the field are letters.

Duochrome vision test

The purpose of the test is to determine on which color field a person distinguishes optotypes better. Its essence is outlined in the table:

If the test is performed with glasses, then lens correction is necessary in accordance with the results obtained.

Patients with normal vision see the symbols on both sides of the table equally clearly. In this case they are said to have emmetropia.

Refractive errors are called myopia, farsightedness, and presbyopia - senile farsightedness. All these visual impairments can be detected in the table below. However, it is interesting, first of all, because it is used to diagnose astigmatism.

Astigmatism occurs due to disruption of the shape of the eye lens. The disease is dangerous because it can cause the development of strabismus and a serious drop in visual acuity. At the first suspicion of such a disorder, you can use, for example, this table.

Table for testing vision for astigmatism

To check, you need to close one eye, move 3-5 steps away from the monitor, and look at the circle. A person with good vision has all the lines in the drawing of the same color and brightness. If the lines on the star become darker or brighter, astigmatism should be suspected.

Here is another version of verification images.

Option for astigmatism test images

Check the right eye, then the left eye. With normal vision, the lined squares are uniformly black. If some figures seem lighter, there are deviations from the norm.

Interesting experiments can be carried out using a Siemens star. It is a figure consisting of 54 rays, painted black and connecting in the center, placed on a white background. The diameter of the circle is 10 cm.

The test taker moves away to a distance of 5 meters from the monitor. In the absence of anomalies, a person sees how, at half their length, the rays merge into a solid gray circle. This occurs because the retinal resolution has limits.

Siemens star

If refractive errors are present, then the picture is different:

  • an inversion occurs: in place of the black beam there is a white background;
  • the rays merge only for a very short segment, and then are distinguishable again;
  • other effects.

All this can be seen by a person with normal refraction by bringing the picture close to his eyes.

Discussions about the color of the dress are still fresh in my memory: according to one version it was white and gold, according to another – blue and black. The controversy once again confirmed: not everyone perceives colors the same way. For example, some are not able to distinguish between shades of red - scarlet and wine. The reason for this phenomenon is that people have different numbers of photosensitive receptors (they are shaped like microscopic bulbs) in the retina of the eye.

This test was created by Diana Derval, a professor and neuromarketer. He will tell you how strong color perception is. The test subject is faced with the task of counting the number of shades that he can distinguish in the picture.

Diana Derval test

Explanation of test results:

Dichromate Up to 20 flowers, about 25% of the population There are only two types of receptor bulbs in the eye. Such people usually prefer black, blue, beige colors in clothes
Trichromate 20–32 colors, about 50% of the population There are three types of cones in the organ of vision, thanks to which it is possible to see shades of blue, red, violet, and green
Tetrachromat 32–39 flowers, 25% of the population In such people, all four types of photosensitive receptors are involved. But with such color perception, yellow is most likely annoying

This is a simple and informative test that allows you to identify macular edema, metamorphopsia, and scotoma.

The picture is placed at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes, the right eye is covered, and the left eye is looked at for a few seconds at the black dot located in the center of the grid. Then the eyes change.

In healthy people, the lines should be smooth, without any spots or deformations. Curved lines around the point indicate that macular degeneration or other disorders may develop.

Amsler test

For reference:

  • Macular edema– swelling of the macula (macula), the central area of ​​the retina responsible for central vision. It contains many photoreceptors; disturbances in this part of the eye significantly affect the quality of vision and indicate serious diseases - diabetic retinopathy and retinal vein occlusion. Symptoms of edema: blurriness, distortion, pinkish tint of the image, increased light sensitivity, etc.
  • Metamorphopsia- distorted perception of shape, location in space, color, size, etc.
  • Scotoma- the presence of “blind” areas in the field of view that are not associated with the boundaries of such a field. Occurs with multiple sclerosis, damage to nerve fibers, blockage of retinal vessels, lack of nutrients, optic nerve atrophy, etc.

This test can help determine whether people with cataracts need surgery. There are no graphic images, you just need to answer yes or no to the questions posed and calculate the results.


If the answer to at least three questions from the list is negative, it may be worth thinking about solving the problem using radical methods.

Do not be upset if the test reveals visual defects. Perhaps all the conditions have not been fully met or your health leaves much to be desired. You just need to rest, and maybe everything will be fine in the morning.

Eyes are not only the mirror of the soul. These are windows through which a person sees the beauty of the world around him. Even the simplest disease of this organ can lead to blindness, which radically changes the course of life and its quality. Therefore, even at the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary not only to check your vision at home, but also to immediately make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

The following phenomena should alert you:

  • feeling of dry eye;
  • change in field of view;
  • main pressure;
  • fogginess;
  • floaters and lightning before the eyes;
  • foreign body sensation.

Self-medication of the eyes, like any other organ, can end in disaster. It is better not to use even “harmless” traditional medicine without consulting a specialist. They have a lot of side effects, and there is always a high probability of infection.

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Hello, dear readers! If you have recently begun to notice that you no longer see the number of an approaching bus so clearly, or from afar you confuse random passers-by with your acquaintances, then you simply need to urgently check your vision. To do this, you don’t have to run to an ophthalmologist, because technology allows you to check your vision using a table on a computer without leaving your home!

Each of us has at one time or another had our eyes checked at an outpatient appointment with an ophthalmologist. There is a sign on the wall with letters, signs, and, in childhood, with schematic pictures. These symbols are also called optotypes.

They are arranged in rows by size - from the largest at the top to the smallest at the bottom, painted with black paint on a white background. The doctor points to the symbols one by one and, depending on the correctness of the subject’s answers, judges visual acuity. Nothing complicated!

Naturally, at home you can read these tables, which are publicly available on the Internet, read the methodology and check your vision yourself.

However, this implies some difficulties: firstly, there must be a certain distance from the patient to the sign: The study should be carried out in a well-lit room: excessively bright light causes a reflex narrowing of the pupil and tension in the muscular system of the eye, dim light - excessively dilates the pupil and also increases the load to the visual analyzer. We need an assistant who will point out optotypes and fix errors.

Therefore, methods have been developed that allow you to test your vision without leaving the monitor screen without outside help, the basis of which is the well-known tables. They are proportionally reduced, the rules are reduced. For convenience, unique online tests have been created that allow you to check your eyes.

Each site that provides online eye testing services preliminarily stipulates the necessary conditions before each test, for example, the distance from the eyes to the monitor screen. But there are rules common to all sites and tests:

  1. The room in which the diagnosis will be carried out should be well lit; the light should not cause discomfort.
  2. The eye must be at rest: before the test it is not recommended to read, sew, knit, watch TV or work on the computer.
  3. General health should be satisfactory. Nothing should hurt, the person being examined should not be tired, drowsy, or lethargic. Body temperature and blood pressure are within normal limits. The person must be sober, the last cigarette must be smoked 2 hours before the test.

Tables for quickly checking the visual analyzer provide several sections:

  • Tests to determine acuity;
  • Light perception tests;
  • Contrast sensitivity;
  • Duochrome test;
  • Radiant test for diagnosing astigmatic changes in the visual analyzer.

To determine acuity, methods are used based on standard tables that allow you to determine the degree of myopia or farsightedness:

1.Sivtsev table– is a plate on which the optotypes are the letters of the Russian alphabet. It contains columns on the sides: on the left - the distance at which a person with 100% visual acuity should clearly see the sign; on the right - visual acuity itself, if the row is read at a distance of five meters. When checking online, you must first specify the distance from the head of the person being tested to the monitor, as well as the screen resolution.

So, to test your vision:

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  • sit 1 meter away from the monitor;
  • monitor at eye level;
  • the back is thrown over the back of the chair, the legs are pressed to the floor;
  • the head is positioned straight, the neck is relaxed;
  • First, close one eye with your palm;
  • during the examination, try not to squint or change the position of your head;
  • alternately read the symbols from top to bottom; if you conduct the research yourself, it is better to write down what you see and then check it;

2. Orlova table– is intended for children who cannot read, so schematic drawings are used as optiops: an asterisk, an airplane, a horse, a Christmas tree and others. They are drawn in black on a contrasting white background. The same as in the previous version - arranged in order of decreasing size from top to bottom.

  • Place your child comfortably at a distance of 1.5 meters from the monitor screen;
  • Place the child so that the screen is at eye level;
  • From top to bottom, show your child the symbols in different orders and record mistakes. If there are more than three errors, we record the values ​​of D and V on the right and left - this is your child’s visual acuity;

3. Rosenbaum table- essentially a tabletop sign, the vision test is carried out at a distance of 36 cm from the eyes, alternately left and right. The optiops are numbers, tic-tac-toe and the letter E turned 90˚ in different directions. In this case, visual acuity is measured in Jaeger units.

The Amsler test (TA) (Amsler Grid, Amsler Grid) is the simplest and fastest way to test the central visual field to identify pathologies of the central region of the retina (macular degeneration). Normally, when performing TA, the visible image should be the same in both eyes, the lines should be straight, without distortions, spots or bends. TA is a square grid with 192 equal cells, in the middle of which there is a bold dot.
Age-related macular degeneration was first described by Otto Haab in 1885. TA was developed by Swiss professor of ophthalmology Marc Amsler and has been widely used since 1945. A very similar test image was proposed as early as 1752 by an English optician named James Ayscough, which however was not used to diagnose central visual fields for defects.


1. AMSLER test (test for determining macular degeneration)
The simplest and fastest way to check the central field of vision (the time it takes is 10-15 seconds). Perform it regularly (even daily) to evaluate your vision and the possible appearance of the first symptoms of age-related macular degeneration.
1. Put on glasses or contact lenses (if you usually wear them).
2. Place the net in front of you at a distance of 20-30 cm.
3. Cover 1 eye.
4. Focusing on the center point, evaluate the rest of the grid.
Are all grid lines straight and level?
Are all the lattice squares the same size?
Are there any areas where the drawing is distorted, clouded, or discolored?
Repeat the test for the other eye.
Normally, when performing the Amsler test, the visible image should be the same in both eyes, the lines should be smooth, without distortions, spots and curvatures, which corresponds to the norm.

2. Amsler test
The Amsler test (Amsler grid, Amsler grid) was developed by Swiss professor of ophthalmology Mark Amsler (1891-1968) and has been widely used since 1945.
The Amsler grid test is designed to identify pathologies in the central region of the retina (macular degeneration). The test is also designed to show whether there is damage to the optic nerve. The Amsler grid is a square lattice with 192 equal cells, in the middle of which there is a bold dot.
How is the Amsler grid test performed?
1. Position yourself so that the distance from the grill to your eyes is equal to the length of your outstretched arm.
2. If you usually wear glasses or contact lenses, you should now be wearing them, i.e. You should be able to see the dough grid clearly.
3. Cover one eye with your hand or a piece of paper.
4. With the other eye, look at the dot in the middle of the grid. Look at it for 3-5 seconds, then begin to gradually approach the table, without taking your eyes off the point in the middle, until you reach a distance of about 20 cm.
5. Do the same with the second eye.
If during the test all lines of the Amsler grid were smooth and continuous, then no signs of pathologies in the central region of the retina (macula) were identified.

3. Macular degeneration of the retina
Macular degeneration is a group of diseases in which the central part of the retina (macula) is affected and depleted and, consequently, central vision is impaired. Age-related macular degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss in people over 50 years of age.
The disease is associated with dysfunction of the macula, which is responsible for central vision. The exact cause of macular degeneration is not known, but there are a number of factors that contribute to its development:
- age (the risk from the age of 55 years is 10%, from 75 years – 30%)
- hereditary predisposition
- gender (women are more prone to macular degeneration)
- light eye color
- race (Caucasians are more susceptible to macular degeneration than African Americans)
- obesity or high fat diet
- lack of vitamins and minerals
- smoking
- cardiovascular diseases
- ultraviolet radiation

The initial stage of the disease (dry macular degeneration) usually develops gradually and painlessly, accompanied by the following symptoms:
- difficulty reading and doing work that requires seeing small details clearly
- the need for brighter lighting when reading
- difficulty adapting in the dark (when a person enters a dark room from a lighted room)
- blurred vision
- distortion of printed text
- difficulties in recognizing faces
- blind spot in the field of vision
- hallucinations
These symptoms may first develop in only one eye, so they are often ignored.
With wet macular degeneration, a sudden loss of central vision can occur. Added to the above symptoms are distortion of straight lines and a gradually increasing blind spot.

Macular degeneration of the retina is diagnosed during an ophthalmological examination, during which the patient's complaints are listened to and an examination of the fundus of the eye (ophthalmoscopy), fluorescein angiography (examination of retinal vessels), determination of visual fields and an Amsler grid test (for the presence of distortions) are performed.

At the initial stage of macular degeneration, drug treatment is used to stop its further progression: means to strengthen the blood vessels of the eye, improve metabolic processes in the retina, vitamins.
An effective method of treating wet macular degeneration is the intraocular administration of the drug Lucentis, which is injected into the eye cavity and suppresses the activity and growth of newly formed vessels and retinal edema, leading not only to stabilization, but also to improvement of vision. Usually 5 injections are given per year, the course of treatment lasts 2 years.
In some cases, with wet macular degeneration, laser coagulation of the retina is performed, thereby blocking bleeding from newly formed vessels.

Watch your diet, it should be balanced and contain the vitamins your eyes need.
Give up bad habits, in particular smoking.
Check the organization of your workplace and the correct lighting, especially when doing work that requires eye strain or reading.
Wear sunglasses in bright sunshine.
Visit your ophthalmologist regularly (1-2 times a year).

4. Retinal dystrophy
Retinal dystrophy (thinning) is a series of retinal diseases that occur both independently and under the influence of other diseases. It is caused by disturbances in the vascular system of the eye and damage to the cells responsible for distance vision and color perception.
Retinal dystrophy is one of the causes of deterioration or complete loss of vision both at a young age and in old age. Very often, the initial stage of retinal dystrophy is asymptomatic, and a person is not even aware of the disease he has. However, dystrophy leads to serious complications - rupture and detachment of the retina, which is manifested by severe deterioration and loss of vision.
Central retinal dystrophy is changes that occur in the macular area (the place of clearest vision of the retina). This type of dystrophy includes macular age-related degeneration and serous central retinopathy.
Central retinal dystrophy occurs in two forms:
- dry – yellow-white metabolic products accumulate between the retina and the choroid in the form of granules;
- wet - intraocular fluid or blood seeps or “sweats” through the walls of blood vessels; With wet dystrophy, visual acuity sharply decreases.

- general diseases (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney disease, adrenal glands)
- local (myopia, uveitis)
- eye injuries
- genetic predisposition

- decreased visual acuity
- deterioration or loss of peripheral vision
- difficulty with orientation in poor lighting
- “flies” before the eyes

At the initial stages of retinal dystrophy, drug treatment is carried out to stop its further progression: vasodilators, angioprotectors, corticosteroids, antioxidants, agents for dilating and strengthening the blood vessels of the eye, improving metabolic processes in the retina, vitamins.
Physical methods of treatment include phono- and electrophoresis, ultrasound, microwave therapy and laser coagulation (prevents retinal detachment and is used as its prevention).
As usual with retinal diseases, the earlier treatment begins, the more effective it is.

5. Amsler grid r.VIKI
The Amsler grid or Amsler grid (Marc Amsler) is used in ophthalmology as a simple functional test to check the central region of the visual field of the eye. It was invented by Swiss ophthalmologist Marc Amsler. A very similar test image was proposed as early as 1752 by an English optician named James Ayscough, which however was not used to diagnose central visual fields for defects.

6. Marc Amsler de.wikipedia
Marc Amsler (5. Februar 1891 in Vevey, Schweiz; † 3. Mai 1968) war Professor der Augenheilkunde an der Zurcher Augenklinik der Universit;t Z;rich. Er ;bernahm diese Stelle 1944 von seinem Vorgnger, Prof. Alfred Vogt. Vorher war er seit 1935 Chefarzt der Augenheilkunde in Lausanne, wo er diese Stelle von Jules Gonin (1870–1935);bernommen hatte. Obwohl er am besten f;r seinen Amsler-Gitter-Sehtest mit Hilfe des Amsler-Netzes bekannt war, hat er auch Fortschritte in der Kenntnis der Uveitis erzielt. Der Amsler-Gitter-Sehtest war die Weiterentwicklung eines Sehtests von Edmund Landolt. Man pr;ft damit den Ort der h;chsten Sehsch;rfe (Gelber Fleck bzw. Makula) derRetina, wobei Makuladegeneration erkennbar wird. Amsler hat auch ber Keratoconus publiziert. 1951 fhrte Amsler die erste Hornhautverpflanzung an der Z;rcher Augenklinik durch. Er war an dieser Stelle bis 1961 t;tig, danach wurde sie von Rudolf Witmer (1919–1992) bernommen.

Vevey; (French Vevey, French Prov. Vev;) is a city in western Switzerland, in the French-speaking canton of Vaud. One of the main centers of the Swiss Riviera.
Vevey is located on the shores of Lake Geneva, between Lausanne and Montreux, in the center of the traditional wine-growing region of Lavaux (French: Lavaux).

7. Marc Amsler en.wiki
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marc Amsler (born February 5, 1891 in Vevey, Switzerland; died May 3, 1968) was a professor of ophthalmology at der Zurich Eye Clinic at the University of Zurich. He took the position as professor of ophthalmology in Zurich in 1944. His predecessor was Prof. Alfred Vogt. Prior to assuming the position at Zurich, Dr. Amsler was chief ophthalmologist in Lausanne, since 1935. His predecessor there, under whom he worked beforehand, was Jules Gonin. He is best known for the Amsler grid test. He also contributed to the progress in understanding of uveitis. The Amsler grid was an improvement over the initial work done by the ophthalmologist Edmond Landolt. The grid tests the function of the macula, a part of the retina, so that macular degeneration can be identified. Amsler also published works on keratoconus. In 1951, Dr. Amsler performed the first corneal transplantation at the Zurich Eye clinic. He was professor and chief of the Zurich Eye Clinic until 1961. His successor was Rudolf Witmer.
Marc Amsler (born 5 February 1891 in Vevey, Switzerland; died 3 May 1968) was a professor of ophthalmology at the Zurich Eye Clinic of the University of Zurich. He took up the position of professor of ophthalmology at the University of Zurich. Zurich in 1944 His predecessor was Professor Alfred Vogt. Before taking up his post in Zurich, Dr. Amsler was the chief ophthalmologist in Lausanne, since 1935 his predecessor there, under whom he had previously worked, was Jules Gonin. He is best known for the Amsler test grids. He also contributed to advances in the understanding of uveitis. The Amsler grid is an improvement over the original work done by ophthalmologist Edmond Landolt. The mesh tests the function of the macula, a part of the retina, so that macular degeneration can be identified. Amsler also published work on keratoconus. In 1951, Dr. Amsler performed the first corneal transplant at the Zurich Eye Clinic. He was professor and head of the Zurich Eye Clinic until 1961. His successor was Rudolf Witmer.
Uveitis is an inflammation of the choroid of the eye (uveal tract). This disease is a common cause of low vision and blindness (about 25%). If you have uveitis, you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist. The main symptoms of the disease are “fog” before the eyes, blurred vision (even complete blindness is possible), redness of the eyes, photophobia and lacrimation[

Keratoconus (from ancient Greek - “horn” and “cone”) is a degenerative non-inflammatory disease of the eye, in which the cornea thins and takes on a conical shape. Keratoconus can cause severe vision loss. Most often, patients complain of photophobia, double vision, and image blurring. The disease is the most common form of corneal dystrophy.
Swiss ophthalmologist. He taught and practiced, was a professor at the Eye Clinic of Zurich. In 1944 he became a professor at the University of Zurich.

8. Macular degeneration r.VIKI
Macular degeneration is a general name for a group of diseases that damage the retina of the eye and impair central vision. Macular degeneration is based on vascular pathology and ischemia (malnutrition) of the central zone of the retina, which is responsible for central vision. Age-related macular degeneration is one of the most common causes of blindness in people over 55 years of age.
Age-related macular degeneration was first described by Otto Haab in 1885.

The Amsler test (also known as the macular degeneration test) makes it possible to identify pathology of the macula, which is responsible for central vision. Typically, this pathology can be a consequence of an independent disease (macular degeneration, which occurs in older people) or a symptom of other ailments (for example, diabetes).

So what is the Amsler table? Essentially this is a black square on a white background, consisting of 4 hundred small squares. The point in the middle of the square is the place where a person should focus his gaze. All lines in this case are smooth and do not intersect; all angles are 90 degrees. The grid below can be printed (to make it easier), but you can also take the Amsler test online.

Features of passing the test

To get more accurate results, follow a few simple rules:

  • take the test while you are in good health (some factors - such as stress, taking medications or drinking alcohol - can distort the test result);
  • check the eye with the best vision first;
  • if you use glasses or lenses, before starting the test, be sure to check them for cleanliness, and only then put them on;
  • do not squint or move your head when taking the Amsler test, and do not look away from the point on the table;
  • It is recommended to take the test in a room with good lighting (preferably natural).

How to pass the Amsler test correctly - step-by-step instructions

Step one. First, put on your glasses/lenses (if you use them all the time, of course).

Step two. With one eye, look carefully at the point located in the table.

Step three. Smoothly, without taking your eyes off, approach the table until the distance is reduced to approximately 20-30 cm.

Step four. Analyze what you see, see if the corners or lines are distorted. See if the squares are the same and if they have the correct shape. Also look for any cloudy or blurry areas in the reticle.

Step five. Check the other eye in the same way.

Evaluating the test results

To do this, you need to answer a few simple questions.

  1. The lines had no breaks, were they straight?
  2. Were there disappearing/appearing light spots at the intersections of the lines?
  3. Did you see all 4 corners without looking away from the point?

If the answers to all these questions were positive (that is, the picture was clear, the squares were the same, the lines were parallel, etc.), then everything is fine with your vision and there are no symptoms of macular degeneration.

Important! But if the lines are distorted and look wavy, then try to visit the ophthalmologist’s office as soon as possible! This could be a sign of macular degeneration!

Another version of the Amsler table

The grid described above may look slightly different.

Despite the fact that the testing procedure is no different from that described earlier, the eyes in this case should move closer to the picture until the red spot disappears completely (the left one if the left eye is being tested, and the right one when testing the right eye). Also note that the first version of the table is larger and is considered more informative, because it allows you to see blurriness that goes unnoticed on a black background.

Note! This test should be regularly taken by people over 45 years of age (the fact is that it is at this age that in most cases the development of macular degeneration begins). If you are over 60, you should take the Amsler test at least every month.

Video – Amsler Test

598 10/22/2019 4 min.

Many different methods and tests for checking vision have been developed and are successfully used in practice. Among them, used since 1945, is the Amsler eye test (Amsler grid or grid), proposed by Marc Amsler, an ophthalmologist from Switzerland, which literally reveals visual defects. This simple diagnostic tool helps identify abnormalities in the central visual field caused by pathological changes in the retina, macula (macula, e.g. age-related macular degeneration, epiretin membrane), as well as the optic nerve and the pathway that transmits visual information to the brain.

Who needs a vision test using the Amsler grid test?

Until now, scientists cannot indicate the reasons for the appearance and development of AMD (age-related macular degeneration). One thing is known - people over the age of 45, and especially over 75, are more at risk of developing various eye diseases, including age-related macular degeneration. With age, another problem may arise -. Therefore, if you are in a risk group due to age, you can use this grid at home to monitor the condition of your vision; such testing will not answer the question.

Besides age, there are several other factors that contribute to the occurrence of macular degeneration:

  • if there is a family predisposition;
  • smoking;
  • fatty food;
  • female;
  • Caucasian nations.

But using this tool does not mean that you should not visit your ophthalmologist, since you can easily miss the first signs of the disease, which only a specialist can detect. Many symptoms are written off, missing important deviations.

Amsler's grid was originally black and white. The color version with blue and yellow grids is more sensitive and can be used to test a wide range of visual pathway disorders involving the retina, optic nerve and pituitary gland.

Conditions for the eye test

The Amsler grid is a grid of 21 horizontal and 21 vertical lines measuring 40x40 cm with an image of a point in the center of the field (that is, cell size 2x2 cm), usually black on a white background, or white on black (this is not so important, the main thing is that there was a contrast image). The best eye vitamins for farsightedness are collected.

Vision testing should be carried out in a bright, well-lit room, preferably natural lighting, as it is more suitable for the reading process.

Wear reading glasses, even if you only use store-bought ones. Or, if you use contact lenses in everyday life, then it is also advisable to use them during testing. It should be noted that glasses and contact lenses must be clean when performing the test. Find out if there are glasses for colorblind people.

Execution Sequence

Amsler grid eye testing is fairly easy and only takes a few minutes. The order of the test is as follows:

  1. Place the Amsler grid sheet about 35-40 centimeters from your face. In height, the center of the grid should be at eye level.
  2. The test needs to be carried out for each eye separately: place the palm of your hand on one eye, but under no circumstances press on it. It is better to cover your eye with a sheet of paper or even a spatula, as in the ophthalmologist's office.

Focus on the point in the center of the grid and answer a few questions:

  1. Do some of the lines in the grid appear wavy, fuzzy, or crooked?
  2. Are all grid cells square?
  3. Are there any gaps (missing areas) or dark spots in the mesh?
  4. Can you clearly see the sides and corners of the grating (you should constantly watch the point in the center of the image, without moving your attention anywhere else)?

After testing the first eye, you need to check the second, repeating these four points again.

Evaluation of results

If the test is positive or you have any doubts about the accuracy of the testing, tell your eye doctor right away. Also make notes on the Amsler grid that you see distorted (print two grids if you notice problems in each eye), and take the grid when you go to see your ophthalmologist. Find out what mild hypermetropia is.

It is very important to mention the prevention of all of the above eye diseases that are detected using this test. Of course, there are no direct ways to prevent them, but monitoring your health and leading a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of their occurrence. It is necessary to monitor your diet (eat more raw fruits and vegetables, foods with minimal fat content), stop smoking and alcohol, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation, and constantly do light exercise (for example, light jogging) , control your weight (if necessary, lose weight or bring your weight to an ideal state). And the main rule is regular visits to the ophthalmologist to examine the fundus. More information about fundus examination with a Goldmann lens can be found in.

Test your eyes with an Amsler grid, if possible, at least once a year, as recommended by your doctor, or as soon as you notice even minor changes in your vision.

This test (especially if it is carried out independently, not under the supervision of a doctor) cannot indicate with absolute certainty the presence or absence of the above eye diseases. Only an ophthalmologist will make an accurate diagnosis and make the correct conclusion by conducting a test, observing all the requirements and conditions. Contact eye care centers or local hospitals only.


This video will tell you how the Amsler test is performed.


  1. The Amsler test is a simple and at the same time effective diagnostic tool. It can be used to detect retinal dystrophy, pathological changes in the macula and optic nerve.
  2. The test can be done at home by following the instructions provided. You can also go through and at home.
  3. It is important to understand that only an ophthalmologist can make a full diagnosis. Even if you have identified any visual abnormalities, the first thing you need to do is contact a specialist.

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article we will look at a simple way to determine macular degeneration using the Amsler test.

What is the Amsler Test?

Amsler test- a simple way to check the central field of vision, which only takes 10-15 seconds.

Purpose of taking the test– timely detection of pathology of the central part of the retina in order to prevent the development of diseases such as macular degeneration (age-related macular degeneration).

Amsler test - basic rules

  • The test must be taken with glasses or contact lenses if you wear them;
  • The test picture should be at a distance of 35-30 cm from the eyes;
  • It is best to pass a vision test using a test printed on a piece of paper, but if this is not possible, then you can use a computer;
  • Have your vision tested 2-3 times a year.

Amsler test - instructions for taking the test

1. Approach the image with the test with your eyes at a distance of 25-30 cm.

2. Cover one eye;

3. Focus your attention on the point located in the middle of the grid, while contemplating the lines surrounding the point, paying attention to the following points:

  • Are the lines in the square smooth and straight or not?
  • Are there any curvatures in the lines?
  • Are there any gray spots, fogging, or fuzzy patterns?

4. Having recorded the result, now check the other eye.

Amsler test results

1. If you observe clear lines of the square, then the central part of the retina of your eye is in perfect order.

2. If, when examining the lines of a square, you observe any irregularities, distortions, gray spots, blurriness, for example, as in the figure below, then you need to contact. Such deviations may indicate pathological changes in the central part of the retina.

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