Alkali metals physical properties. Alkali metals - chemical and biogenic elements

Of the entire periodic table, most of the elements represent the group of metals. amphoteric, transitional, radioactive - there are a lot of them. All metals play a huge role not only in nature and human biological life, but also in various industries. It’s not for nothing that the 20th century was called “iron”.

Metals: general characteristics

All metals share common chemical and physical properties, by which they are easily distinguished from non-metallic substances. For example, the structure of the crystal lattice allows them to be:

  • conductors of electric current;
  • good heat conductors;
  • malleable and ductile;
  • durable and shiny.

Of course, there are differences among them. Some metals shine with a silvery color, others with a more matte white, and still others with a generally red and yellow color. There are also differences in thermal and electrical conductivity. However, these parameters are still common to all metals, while non-metals have more differences than similarities.

By chemical nature, all metals are reducing agents. Depending on the reaction conditions and specific substances, they can also act as oxidizing agents, but rarely. Capable of forming numerous substances. Chemical compounds of metals are found in nature in huge quantities in ores or minerals, minerals and other rocks. The degree is always positive and can be constant (aluminum, sodium, calcium) or variable (chromium, iron, copper, manganese).

Many of them are widely used as building materials and are used in a wide variety of branches of science and technology.

Chemical compounds of metals

Among these, several main classes of substances should be mentioned, which are products of the interaction of metals with other elements and substances.

  1. Oxides, hydrides, nitrides, silicides, phosphides, ozonides, carbides, sulfides and others - binary compounds with non-metals, most often belong to the class of salts (except oxides).
  2. Hydroxides - general formula Me + x (OH) x.
  3. Salt. Metal compounds with acidic residues. May be different:
  • average;
  • sour;
  • double;
  • basic;
  • complex.

4. Compounds of metals with organic substances - organometallic structures.

5. Compounds of metals with each other - alloys, which are obtained in different ways.

Metal joining options

Substances that can contain two or more different metals at the same time are divided into:

  • alloys;
  • double salts;
  • complex compounds;
  • intermetallic compounds.

Methods for joining metals together also vary. For example, to produce alloys, the method of melting, mixing and solidifying the resulting product is used.

Intermetallic compounds are formed as a result of direct chemical reactions between metals, often explosive (for example, zinc and nickel). Such processes require special conditions: very high temperature, pressure, vacuum, lack of oxygen, and others.

Soda, salt, caustic soda - all these are compounds of alkali metals in nature. They exist in pure form, forming deposits, or are part of the combustion products of certain substances. Sometimes they are obtained in a laboratory method. But these substances are always important and valuable, since they surround a person and shape his life.

Alkali metal compounds and their uses are not limited to sodium. Salts such as:

  • potassium chloride;
  • (potassium nitrate);
  • potassium carbonate;
  • sulfate.

All of them are valuable mineral fertilizers used in agriculture.

Alkaline earth metals - compounds and their applications

This category includes elements of the second group of the main subgroup of the system of chemical elements. Their constant oxidation state is +2. These are active reducing agents that easily enter into chemical reactions with most compounds and simple substances. Exhibit all the typical properties of metals: luster, malleability, heat and electrical conductivity.

The most important and common of these are magnesium and calcium. Beryllium is amphoteric, barium and radium are rare elements. All of them are capable of forming the following types of connections:

  • intermetallic;
  • oxides;
  • hydrides;
  • binary salts (compounds with non-metals);
  • hydroxides;
  • salts (double, complex, acidic, basic, medium).

Let's look at the most important compounds from a practical point of view and their areas of application.

Magnesium and calcium salts

Alkaline earth metal compounds such as salts are important for living organisms. After all, calcium salts are the source of this element in the body. And without it, the normal formation of the skeleton, teeth, horns in animals, hooves, hair and coat, and so on is impossible.

Thus, the most common salt of the alkaline earth metal calcium is carbonate. Its other names:

  • marble;
  • limestone;
  • dolomite.

It is used not only as a supplier of calcium ions to a living organism, but also as a building material, raw material for chemical production, in the cosmetics industry, glass industry, and so on.

Alkaline earth metal compounds such as sulfates are also important. For example, barium sulfate (medical name "barite porridge") is used in x-ray diagnostics. Calcium sulfate in the form of crystalline hydrate is gypsum, which is found in nature. It is used in medicine, construction, and stamping casts.

Alkaline earth metal phosphorus

These substances have been known since the Middle Ages. Previously, they were called phosphors. This name still appears today. By their nature, these compounds are sulfides of magnesium, strontium, barium, and calcium.

With certain processing, they are capable of exhibiting phosphorescent properties, and the glow is very beautiful, from red to bright purple. This is used in the manufacture of road signs, workwear and other things.

Complex connections

Substances that include two or more different elements of a metallic nature are complex metal compounds. Most often they are liquids with beautiful and colorful colors. Used in analytical chemistry for the qualitative determination of ions.

Such substances are capable of forming not only alkali and alkaline earth metals, but also all others. There are hydroxo complexes, aqua complexes and others.


The electronic structure of alkali metals is characterized by the presence of one electron in the outer electron shell, which is relatively weakly bound to the nucleus. Each alkali metal begins a new period in the periodic table. The alkali metal is able to give up its outer electron more easily than any other element of this period. A cut of an alkali metal in an inert environment has a bright silvery sheen. Alkali metals are characterized by low density, good electrical conductivity, and melt at relatively low temperatures (Table 2).
Due to their high activity, alkali metals do not exist in pure form, but are found in nature only in the form of compounds (excluding francium), for example with oxygen (clays and silicates) or with halogens (sodium chloride). Chlorides are raw materials for the production of alkali metals in a free state. Sea water contains ALKALI METALS 3% NaCl and trace amounts of other salts. It is obvious that lakes and inland seas, as well as underground salt deposits and brines, contain alkali metal halides in higher concentrations than seawater. For example, the salt content in the waters of the Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA) is 13,827.7%, and in the Dead Sea (Israel) up to 31%, depending on the area of ​​the water surface, which changes with the time of year. It can be assumed that the insignificant content of KCl in seawater compared to NaCl is explained by the assimilation of the K+ ion by marine plants.
In their free form, alkali metals are obtained by electrolysis of molten salts such as NaCl, CaCl2, CaF2 or hydroxides (NaOH), since there is no more active metal capable of displacing the alkali metal from the halide. During the electrolysis of halides, it is necessary to isolate the metal released at the cathode, since at the same time a gaseous halogen is released at the anode, which actively reacts with the released metal.
Since alkali metals have only one electron in their outer layer, each of them is the most active in its period, so Li is the most active metal in the first period of eight elements, Na, respectively, in the second, and K is the most active metal in the third period, containing 18 elements (first transition period). In the alkali metal (IA) subgroup, the ability to donate an electron increases from top to bottom.
Chemical properties. All alkali metals actively react with oxygen, forming oxides or peroxides, differing from each other in this: Li turns into Li2O, and other alkali metals into a mixture of M2O2 and MO2, and Rb and Cs ignite. All alkali metals form with hydrogen salt-like hydrides of composition M+H, thermally stable at high temperatures, which are active reducing agents; hydrides decompose with water to form alkalis and hydrogen and release heat, causing ignition of the gas, and the rate of this reaction for lithium is higher than for Na and K.
In liquid ammonia, alkali metals dissolve, forming blue solutions, and (unlike reaction with water) can be released again by evaporating the ammonia or adding an appropriate salt (for example, NaCl from its ammonia solution). When reacting with ammonia gas, the reaction proceeds similar to the reaction with water:

Alkali metal amides exhibit basic properties similar to hydroxides. Most alkali metal compounds, except some lithium compounds, are highly soluble in water. In terms of atomic size and charge density, lithium is close to magnesium, so the properties of compounds of these elements are similar. In solubility and thermal stability, lithium carbonate is similar to magnesium and beryllium carbonates of subgroup IIA elements; these carbonates decompose at relatively low temperatures due to stronger MO bonds. Lithium salts are more soluble in organic solvents (alcohols, ethers, petroleum solvents) than salts of other alkali metals. Lithium (like magnesium) reacts directly with nitrogen to form Li3N (magnesium forms Mg3N2), while sodium and other alkali metals can only form nitrides under harsh conditions. Metals of subgroup IA react with carbon, but the interaction occurs most easily with lithium (obviously due to its small radius) and least easily with cesium. Conversely, active alkali metals react directly with CO, forming carbonyls (for example, K(CO)x), and less active Li and Na only under certain conditions.
Application. Alkali metals are used both in industry and in chemical laboratories, for example, for syntheses. Lithium is used to produce hard light alloys, which, however, are brittle. Large quantities of sodium are consumed to produce the Na4Pb alloy, from which tetraethyl lead Pb(C2H5)4, an antiknock agent for gasoline fuel, is obtained. Lithium, sodium and calcium are used as components of soft bearing alloys. The single and therefore mobile electron in the outer layer makes alkali metals excellent conductors of heat and electricity. Alloys of potassium and sodium, which remain liquid over a wide temperature range, are used as a heat exchange fluid in some types of nuclear reactors and, due to the high temperatures in a nuclear reactor, are used to produce steam. Metallic sodium in the form of supply busbars is used in electrochemical technology to transmit high-power currents. Lithium hydride LiH is a convenient source of hydrogen released when the hydride reacts with water. Lithium aluminum hydride LiAlH4 and lithium hydride are used as reducing agents in organic and inorganic synthesis. Due to its small ionic radius and correspondingly high charge density, lithium is active in reactions with water, therefore lithium compounds are highly hygroscopic, and lithium chloride LiCl is used to dry air when operating devices. Alkali metal hydroxides are strong bases, highly soluble in water; they are used to create an alkaline environment. Sodium hydroxide, as the cheapest alkali, is widely used (more than 2.26 million tons are consumed per year in the USA alone).
Lithium. The lightest metal, it has two stable isotopes with atomic masses 6 and 7; The heavy isotope is more common, its content is 92.6% of all lithium atoms. Lithium was discovered by A. Arfvedson in 1817 and isolated by R. Bunsen and A. Mathiesen in 1855. It is used in the production of thermonuclear weapons (hydrogen bombs), to increase the hardness of alloys and in pharmaceuticals. Lithium salts are used to increase the hardness and chemical resistance of glass, in alkaline battery technology, and to bind oxygen during welding.
Sodium. Known since antiquity, it was isolated by H. Davy in 1807. It is a soft metal; its compounds such as alkali (sodium hydroxide NaOH), baking soda (sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3) and soda ash (sodium carbonate Na2CO3) are widely used. Metal is also used in the form of vapors in dim gas-discharge lamps for street lighting.
Potassium. Known since ancient times, it was also isolated by H. Davy in 1807. Potassium salts are well known: potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate KNO3), potash (potassium carbonate K2CO3), caustic potash (potassium hydroxide KOH), etc. Potassium metal also finds various uses in technologies of heat transfer alloys.
Rubidium was discovered by spectroscopy by R. Bunsen in 1861; contains 27.85% radioactive rubidium Rb-87. Rubidium, like other metals of subgroup IA, is chemically highly reactive and must be stored under a layer of oil or kerosene to avoid oxidation by atmospheric oxygen. Rubidium has a variety of uses, including solar cell technology, radiovacuum devices, and pharmaceuticals.
Cesium. Cesium compounds are widespread in nature, usually in small quantities together with compounds of other alkali metals. The mineral pollucite silicate contains 34% cesium oxide Cs2O. The element was discovered by R. Bunsen using spectroscopy in 1860. The main use of cesium is the production of solar cells and electron tubes; one of the radioactive isotopes of cesium, Cs-137, is used in radiation therapy and scientific research.
Franc. The last member of the alkali metal family, francium, is so radioactive that it is not found in more than trace quantities in the earth's crust. Information about francium and its compounds is based on the study of an insignificant amount of it, artificially obtained (in a high-energy accelerator) during the a-decay of actinium-227. The longest-lived isotope 22387Fr decays in 21 minutes into 22388Ra and b-particles. As a rough estimate, the metallic radius of francium is 2.7. Francium has most of the properties characteristic of other alkali metals and is characterized by high electron-donating activity. It forms soluble salts and hydroxide. In all compounds, francium exhibits oxidation state I.

  • -: lithium Li, sodium Na, potassium K, rubidium Rb, cesium Cs, francium Fr. Shch. m., in addition to Cs, have a silvery metallic. shine, Cs - golden yellow color...

    Chemical encyclopedia

  • - chem. elements of group I periodic Mendeleev's system: lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, francium. Name associated with the ability to form strong bases - alkalis, known since ancient times...

    Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

  • - a group including Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr. See also: - Metals - pure metals - ultrapure metals - heavy metals - refractory metals - rare metals - trace metals - radioactive metals -...
  • - chemical elements Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr. They are named so because their hydroxides are the strongest alkalis. Chemically alkali metals are the most active metals...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Metallurgy

  • - Alkali metals - Metals of the first group of the Periodic Table, namely: lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and francium. They form strictly alkaline hydroxides, hence their name...

    Dictionary of metallurgical terms

  • - SUBGROUP IA. LITHIUM, SODIUM, POTASSIUM, RUBIDIUM, CESIUM, FRANCE The electronic structure of alkali metals is characterized by the presence on the outer electron shell of one electron, relatively weakly bound to the nucleus...

    Collier's Encyclopedia

  • - M.v., having an alkaline reaction of the environment...

    Large medical dictionary

  • - geochemical facies identified by elevated average pH values ​​in the silt. Characteristic of large areas of the bottom of seas and oceans, a number of lakes and some lagoons; can be called calcareous...

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  • - - magmatic forges. rocks containing feldspathoids and alkaline dark-colored silicates - alkaline pyroxenes and alkaline amphiboles...

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  • - Semirechensk region, Vernensky district, in the Alatau mountains, in the 33rd century. from Art. Targan. The gorge is so deep that daylight lasts only a few hours. The springs have been treated and the Kyrgyz people use them...
  • - or metals of alkalis and alkaline earths...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - igneous rocks relatively rich in alkali metals - sodium and potassium...
  • - chemical elements ch. subgroups of group I of the periodic system of elements of D.I. Mendeleev: Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr. The name was derived from the hydroxides of alkali metals, called caustic alkalis...

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  • - METALS: lithium Li, sodium Na, potassium K, rubidium Rb, cesium Cs, francium Fr. Soft metals, easy to cut, Rb, Cs and Fr are almost paste-like under normal conditions...

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  • - ALKALINE rocks - igneous rocks with a high content of alkali metals. The main rock-forming minerals: feldspars, feldspathoids, alkali amphiboles, pyroxene...
  • - chemical elements Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr. The name comes from alkalis - alkali metal hydroxides...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

"ALKALI METALS" in books

Brother metals

author Terletsky Efim Davidovich

Brother metals

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Precious metals

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Precious metals So, hoary antiquity puts into our hands three well-known categories of metals and alloys: ferrous, non-ferrous and noble. The latter also belong to people of color, but they are rightly singled out as a special group. Everything is clear here - neither gold, nor silver, nor


From the book Ayurveda for beginners. The oldest science of self-healing and longevity by Lad Vasant

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Rechargeable Alkaline Batteries

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Rechargeable Alkaline Batteries Rechargeable Alkaline batteries (not to be confused with batteries that were called "nickel-cadmium alkaline batteries" in older publications before 1990) have a high internal resistance even at room temperature,


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WHY ALKALINE WATER IS HARMFUL FOR US This chapter also talked about the special sensitivity of the respiratory center to bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) - when sodium bicarbonate is introduced into the blood, which dissociates into Na+ and HCO3- ions, increased respiration occurs. The latter arises


From the book The Shocking Truth About Water and Salt by Bragg Patricia

ALKALINE MINERALS The human body contains natural eliminaters of toxins and poisons collected in waste products. Such liquidators are the real healers of our body. Alkaline minerals, which are also very important for the body to perform its


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From the book Filters for water purification author Khokhryakova Elena Anatolyevna

Metals Common iron Iron is one of the most common elements in nature. Its content in the earth's crust is about 4.7% by weight, therefore iron, from the point of view of its occurrence in nature, is usually called a macroelement. In natural water, iron

Alkali metals - francium, cesium, rubidium, potassium, sodium, lithium - are so called because they form alkalis when interacting with water. Due to their high reactivity, these elements should be stored under a layer of mineral oil or kerosene. Francium is considered the most active of all these substances (it is radioactive).

Alkali metals are soft, silvery substances. Their freshly cut surface has a characteristic shine. Alkali metals boil and melt at low temperatures and have high thermal and electrical conductivity. They also have low density.

Chemical properties of alkali metals

The substances are strong reducing agents and exhibit a (single) oxidation state of +1 in their compounds. With an increase in the atomic mass of alkali metals, the reducing ability also increases. Almost all compounds are soluble in water, all of them are ionic in nature.

When heated moderately, alkali metals ignite in air. When combined with hydrogen, substances form salt-like hydrides. Combustion products are usually peroxides.

Alkaline metal oxides are yellow (rubidium and potassium oxides), white and lithium) and orange (cesium oxide) solids. These oxides are capable of reacting with water, acids, oxygen, acidic and amphoteric oxides. These basic properties are inherent in all of them and have a pronounced character.

Alkaline metal peroxides are yellowish-white powders. They are capable of reacting with carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, acids, non-metals, and water.

Alkaline metal hydroxides are white, water-soluble solids. In these compounds the basic properties of alkalis are manifested (quite clearly). From lithium to francium, the strength of bases and the degree of solubility in water increase. Hydroxides are considered fairly strong electrolytes. They react with salts and oxides, individual non-metals. With the exception of compounds with lithium, all others exhibit thermal stability. When calcined, it decomposes into water and oxide. These compounds are obtained by electrolysis of aqueous chloride solutions and a series of exchange reactions. Hydroxides are also obtained by reacting elements (or oxides) with water.

Almost all salts of the described metals (with the exception of individual lithium salts) are highly soluble in water. Salt solutions formed by weak acids have a medium reaction (alkaline) due to hydrolysis, while salts formed by strong acids do not hydrolyze. Common salts are rock silicate glue (soluble glass), Berthollet salt, potassium permanganate, baking soda, soda ash and others.

All alkali metal compounds have the ability to change the color of the flame. This is used in chemical analysis. Thus, the flame is colored by lithium ions, violet by potassium ions, yellow by sodium, whitish-pink by rubidium, and violet-red by cesium.

Due to the fact that all alkaline elements are the strongest reducing agents, they can be obtained by electrolysis of molten salts.

Application of alkali metals

The elements are used in various fields of human activity. For example, cesium is used in solar cells. Bearing alloys use lithium as a catalyst. Sodium is present in gas-discharge lamps and nuclear reactors as a coolant. Rubidium is used in scientific research activities.

The structure of the outer electronic layers in the atoms of group I elements allows us, first of all, to assume that they do not have a tendency to add electrons. On the other hand, the donation of a single external electron, it would seem, should occur very easily and lead to the formation of stable monovalent cations of the elements in question.

As experience shows, these assumptions are fully justified only in relation to the elements of the left column (Li, Na, K and analogues). For copper and its analogues, they are only half true: in the sense of their lack of tendency to add electrons. At the same time, their 18-electron layer, which is farthest from the nucleus, turns out to be not yet completely fixed and, under certain conditions, is capable of partial loss of electrons. The latter makes it possible to exist, along with monovalent Cu, Agand Aualso compounds of the elements under consideration, corresponding to their higher valency.

Such a discrepancy between assumptions derived from atomic models and experimental results shows that consideration of the properties of elements based ononlythe electronic structures of atoms without taking into account other features are not always sufficient for the chemical characterization of these elements even in the roughest terms.

Alkali metals.

The name alkali metals applied to elements of the Li-Cs series is due to the fact that their hydroxides are strong alkalis. Sodium And potassium are among the most common elements, accounting for 2.0 and 1.1%, respectively, of the total number of atoms in the earth’s crust. Contents in it lithium (0,02%), rubidium (0.004%) and cesium (0.00009%) is already significantly less, and France - negligible. Elementary Na and K were isolated only in 1807. Lithium was discovered in 1817, cesium and rubidium - in 1860 and 1861, respectively. Element No. 87 - francium - was discovered in 1939, and received its name in 1946. Natural sodium and cesium are “pure” elements (23 Na and 133 Cs), lithium is composed of the isotopes 6 Li (7.4%) and 7 Li (92.6%), potassium is made of the isotopes 39 K (93.22%) .
40 K (0.01%) and 41 K (6.77%), rubidium - from the isotopes 85 Rb (72.2%) and 87 Rb (27.8%). Of the isotopes of francium, the most important is the naturally occurring 223 Fr (the average lifespan of an atom is 32 minutes).


Only compounds of alkali metals are found in nature. Sodium and potassium are permanent constituents of many silicates. Of the individual minerals, sodium is the most important - salt (NaCl) is part of sea water and in certain areas of the earth's surface forms huge deposits of rock salt under a layer of alluvial rocks. The upper layers of such deposits sometimes contain accumulations of potassium salts in the form of layers sylvinite (mKCl∙nNaCl), ka rnallite (KCl MgCl 2 6H 2 O), etc., which serve as the main source for obtaining compounds of this element. Only a few natural accumulations of potassium salts of industrial importance are known. A number of minerals are known for lithium, but their accumulations are rare. Rubidium and cesium occur almost exclusively as impurities in potassium. Traces of France are always contained in uranium ores . Lithium minerals are, for example, spodumene And lepidolite (Li 2 KAl). Part of the potassium in the latter of them is sometimes replaced by rubidium. The same applies to carnallite, which can serve as a good source of rubidium. The relatively rare mineral is most important for cesium technology pollucite - CsAI(SiO 3) 2.


In their free state, alkali metals can be isolated by electrolysis of their molten chloride salts. Sodium is of primary practical importance, the annual world production of which is more than 200 thousand tons. The installation diagram for its production by electrolysis of molten NaCl is shown below. The bath consists of a steel casing with fireclay lining, a graphite anode (A) and an annular iron cathode (K), between which a mesh diaphragm is located. The electrolyte is usually not pure NaCl (mp 800 ℃), but a more fusible mixture of approximately 40% NaCl and 60% CaCl 2, which makes it possible to work at temperatures of about 580 ° C. Metallic sodium, which collects in the upper part of the annular cathode space and passes into the collector, contains a small (up to 5%) admixture of calcium, which is then almost completely released (the solubility of Ca in liquid sodium at its melting point is only 0.01%). As electrolysis progresses, NaCl is added to the bath. Electricity consumption is about 15 kWh per 1 kg Na.

2NaCl→ 2Na+Cl 2

This is interesting:

Before the introduction of the electrolytic method into practice, metallic sodium was obtained by heating soda with coal according to the reaction:

Na 2 CO 3 +2C+244kcal→2Na+3CO

The production of metallic K and Li is incomparably less than that of sodium. Lithium is obtained by electrolysis of the LiCl + KCl melt, and potassium is obtained by the action of sodium vapor on the KCl melt, which flows countercurrently to them in special distillation columns (from the upper part of which potassium vapor comes out). Rubidium and cesium are almost never mined on a large scale. To obtain small quantities of these metals, it is convenient to use heating of their chlorides with metallic calcium in a vacuum.

2LiCl→2Li+Cl 2

Physical properties:

In the absence of air, lithium and its analogs are silvery-white (with the exception of yellowish cesium) substances with a more or less strong metallic luster. All alkali metals are characterized by low densities, low hardness, low melting and boiling points, and good electrical conductivity. Their most important constants are compared below:

Density, g/cm3.

Melting point, °C

Boiling point, °C

Due to their low density, Li, Na and K float on water (Li even on kerosene). Alkali metals are easily cut with a knife, and the hardness of the softest of them - cesium - does not exceed the hardness of wax. The non-luminous flame of a gas burner is colored by alkali metals and their volatile compounds in characteristic colors, of which the bright yellow inherent in sodium is the most intense.

This is interesting:

Externally manifested in the form of coloring of the flame, the emission of light rays by heated atoms of alkali metals is caused by the jump of electrons from higher to lower energy levels. For example, the characteristic yellow line in the spectrum of sodium appears when an electron jumps from the 3p level to the 3s level. Obviously, for such a jump to be possible, a preliminary excitation of the atom is necessary, that is, the transfer of one or more of its electrons to a higher energy level. In the case under consideration, excitation is achieved due to the heat of the flame (and requires an expenditure of 48 kcal/g-atom); in general, it can result from the imparting of energy of various types to the atom. Other alkali metals cause the appearance of the following flame colors: Li - carmine-red, K-violet, Rb - bluish-red, Cs - blue.

The luminescence spectrum of the night sky shows the constant presence of yellow sodium radiation. The altitude of the place of its origin is estimated at 200-300 km.T. That is, the atmosphere at these altitudes contains sodium atoms (of course, in negligible quantities). The occurrence of radiation is described by a number of elementary processes (the asterisk indicates the excited state; M is any third particle - O 2, O 0, N 2, etc.): Na + O 0 + M = NaO + M*, then NaO + O=O 2 + Na* and finally Na*= Na +λν.

Sodium and potassium should be stored in tightly closed containers under a layer of dry and neutral kerosene. Their contact with acids, water, chlorinated organic compounds and solid carbon dioxide is unacceptable. Do not accumulate small potassium scraps, which oxidize especially easily (due to their relatively large surface). Unused potassium and sodium residues in small quantities are destroyed by interaction with excess alcohol, in large quantities - by burning on the coals of a fire. Alkali metals that catch fire in a room are best extinguished by covering them with dry soda ash powder.

Chemical properties:

From the chemical point of view, lithium and its analogues are extremely reactive metals (and their activity usually increases in the direction from Li to Cs). In all compounds, alkali metals are monovalent. Located at the extreme left of the voltage series, they energetically interact with water according to the following scheme:

2E + 2H 2 O = 2EON + H 2

When reacting with Li and Na, the release of hydrogen is not accompanied by its ignition; for K it already occurs, and for Rb and Cs the interaction proceeds with an explosion.

· In contact with air, fresh sections of Na and K (to a lesser extent, Li) are immediately covered with a loose film of oxidation products. In view of this, Na and K are usually stored under kerosene. Na and K heated in air easily ignite, while rubidium and cesium spontaneously ignite even at ordinary temperatures.

4E+O 2 →2E 2 O (for lithium)

2E+O 2 →E 2 O 2 (for sodium)

E+O 2 →EO 2(for potassium, rubidium and cesium)

Practical application is mainly found in sodium peroxide (Na 2 0 2). Technically, it is obtained by oxidation at 350°C of atomized sodium metal:

2Na+O 2 →Na 2 O 2 +122kcal

· Melts of simple substances are capable of combining with ammonia to form amides and imides, solvates:

2Na melt +2NH 3 →2NaNH 2 +H 2 (sodium amide)

2Na melt +NH 3 →Na 2 NH+H 2 (sodium imide)

Na melt +6NH 3 → (sodium solvate)

When peroxides interact with water, the following reaction occurs:

2E 2 O 2 +2H 2 O=4EOH+O 2

The interaction of Na 2 O 2 with water is accompanied by hydrolysis:

Na 2 O 2 +2H 2 O→2NaOH + H 2 O 2 +34 kcal

This is interesting:

InteractionNa 2 O 2 with carbon dioxide according to the scheme

2Na 2 O 2 + 2CO 2 =2Na 2 CO 3 +O 2 +111 kcal

serves as the basis for the use of sodium peroxide as a source of oxygen in insulating gas masks and on submarines. Pure or containing various additives (for example, bleach mixed with Ni or C saltsu) sodium peroxide has the technical name "oxylitol". Mixed oxylit preparations are especially convenient for obtaining oxygen, which they release under the influence of water. Oxylitol compressed into cubes can be used to obtain a uniform flow of oxygen in a conventional apparatus for producing gases.

Na 2 O 2 +H 2 O=2NaOH+O 0 (atomic oxygen is released due to the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide).

Potassium superoxide ( KO 2) is often included in oxylitol. Its interaction with carbon dioxide in this case follows the overall equation:

Na 2 O 2 + 2KO 2 + 2CO 2 = Na 2 CO 3 + K 2 CO 3 + 2O 2 + 100 kcal, i.e. carbon dioxide is replaced by an equal volume of oxygen.

· Capable of forming ozonides. The formation of potassium ozonide-KO 3 follows the equation:

4KOH+3O 3 = 4KO 3 + O 2 +2H 2 O

It is a red crystalline substance and is a strong oxidizing agent. During storage, KO 3 decomposes slowly according to the equation 2NaO 3 →2NaO 2 +O 2 +11 kcal already under normal conditions. It instantly decomposes with water according to the overall scheme 4 KO 3 +2 H 2 O=4 KOH +5 O 2

· Capable of reacting with hydrogen to form ionic hydrides, according to the general scheme:

The interaction of hydrogen with heated alkali metals is slower than with alkaline earth metals. In the case of Li, heating to 700-800 °C is required, while its analogs interact already at 350-400 °C. Alkali metal hydrides are very strong reducing agents. Their oxidation by atmospheric oxygen in a dry state is relatively slow, but in the presence of moisture the process accelerates so much that it can lead to spontaneous ignition of the hydride. This especially applies to hydrides K, Rb and Cs. A violent reaction occurs with water according to the following scheme:

EN+ H 2 O= H 2 +EON

EH+O 2 →2EOH

When NaH or KH reacts with carbon dioxide, the corresponding salt of formic acid is formed:


Capable of forming complexes:

NaH+AlCl 3 →NaAlH 4 +3NaCl (sodium allanate)

NaAlH 4 → NaH+AlH 3

Normal alkali metal oxides (with the exception of Li 2 0) can be prepared only indirectly . They are solids of the following colors:

Na 2 O+2HCl=2NaCl+H 2 O

Alkali metal hydroxides (EOH) are colorless, very hygroscopic substances that corrode most materials that come into contact with them. Hence their sometimes used name in practice - caustic alkalis. When exposed to alkalis, the skin of the human body swells greatly and becomes slippery; with longer action, a very painful deep burn is formed. Caustic alkalis are especially dangerous for the eyes (it is recommended to wear safety glasses when working). Any alkali that gets on your hands or dress should be immediately washed off with water, then the affected area should be moistened with a very dilute solution of any acid and rinsed again with water.

All of them are relatively fusible and volatile without decomposition (except for LiOH, which eliminates water). To obtain hydroxide-alkali metals Electrolytic methods are mainly used. The most large-scale production is sodium hydroxide electrolysis concentrated aqueous table salt solution:

2NaCl+2H 2 O→2NaOH+Cl 2 +H 2

Ø Are typical grounds:


2NaOH+CO 2 =Na 2 CO 3 +H 2 O

2NaOH+2NO 2 =NaNO 3 +NaNO 2 +H 2 O

Ø Capable of forming complexes:

NaOH+ZnCl 2 = (ZnOH)Cl+NaCl

2Al+2NaOH+6H 2 O=2Na+3H 2

Al 2 O 3 + 6NaOH = 2Na 3 AlO 3 + 3H 2 O

Al(OH) 3 +NaOH=Na

Ø Capable of reacting with non-metals:

Cl 2 +2KOH=KCl+KClO+H 2 O (reaction occurs without heating)

Cl 2 +6KOH=5KCl+KClO 3 +3H 2 O (the reaction occurs with heating)

3S+6NaOH=2Na 2 S+Na 2 SO 3 +3H 2 O

Ø Used in organic synthesis (in particular, potassium and sodium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide is indicated in the examples):

NaOH+C 2 H 5 Cl=NaCl+C 2 H 4 (method for producing alkenes, ethylene (ethene) in this case), an alcohol solution of sodium hydroxide was used.

NaOH+C 2 H 5 Cl=NaCl+C 2 H 5 OH(a method for producing alcohols, ethanol in this case), an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide was used.

2NaOH+C 2 H 5 Cl=2NaCl+C 2 H 2 +H 2 O (method for producing alkynes, acetylene (ethyne) in this case), an alcohol solution of sodium hydroxide was used.

C 6 H 5 OH (phenol) +NaOH= C 6 H 5 ONa+H 2 O

NaOH(+CaO)+CH 3 COONa→Na 2 CO 3 CH 4 (one of the methods for producing methane)

Ø You need to know the decomposition of several salts:

2KNO 3 →2KNO 2 +O 2

4KClO 3→ KCl+3KClO 4

2KClO 3→ KCl+3O 2

4Na 2 SO 3 →Na 2 S+3Na 2 SO 4

It is noteworthy that the decomposition of nitrates occurs approximately in the range of 450-600 ℃, then they melt without decomposition, but when reaching approximately 1000-1500 ℃, decomposition occurs according to the following scheme:

4LiNO 2 →2Li 2 O+4NO+O 2

This is interesting:

K 4 [ Fe(CN) 6 ]+ FeCl 3 = KFe[ Fe(CN) 6 ]+3 KCl(qualitative reaction toFe3+)

3K 4 +4FeCl 3 =Fe 4 3 +12KCl

Na 2 O 2 +2H 2 O=2NaOH+ H 2 O 2

4NaO 2 +2H 2 O=4NaOH+ 3O 2

4NaO 3 +2H 2 O=4NaOH+5O 2 (reaction of sodium ozonide with water )

2NaO 3 → 2NaO 2 +O 2(Decomposition occurs at different temperatures, for example: decomposition of sodium ozonide at -10 °C, cesium ozonide at +100°C)

NaNH 2 +H 2 O→ NaOH+NH 3

Na 2 NH+2H 2 O→ 2NaOH+NH 3

Na 3 N+3H 2 O→3NaOH+NH 3

KNO 2 +2Al+KOH+5H 2 O→2K+NH 3

2NaI + Na 2 O 2 + 2H 2 SO 4 →I 2 ↓+ 2Na 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O

Fe 3 O 4 +4NaH=4NaOH+3Fe

5NaN 3 +NaNO 3 →8N 2 +3Na 2 O


Sodium is widely used in the synthesis of organic compounds and, partly, for the preparation of some of its derivatives. In nuclear technology it is used as a coolant.

Lithium is of absolutely exceptional importance for thermonuclear technology. In the rubber industry it is used in the production of artificial rubber (as a polymerization catalyst), in metallurgy - as a valuable additive to some other metals and alloys. For example, adding only hundredths of a percent of lithium greatly increases the hardness of aluminum and its alloys, and adding 0.4% lithium to lead almost triples its hardness without compromising bending resistance. There are indications that a similar cesium additive greatly improves the mechanical properties of magnesium and protects it from corrosion, but this is not the case with its use. Sodium hydride is sometimes used in metallurgy to isolate rare metals from their compounds. Its 2% solution in molten NaOH is used to remove scale from steel products (after a minute of holding in it, the hot product is immersed in water, which is reduced according to the equation

Fe 3 O 4 + 4NaH = 4NaOH + 3Fe (scale disappears).

Schematic diagram of a factory installation for producing soda by ammoniamethod (Solvay, 1863).

Limestone is fired in the furnace (L), and the resulting CO 2 enters the carbonization tower (B), and CaO is quenched with water (C), after which Ca(OH) 2 is pumped into the mixer (D), where it meets NH 4 Cl , this releases ammonia. The latter enters the absorber (D) and saturates a strong NaCl solution there, which is then pumped into the carbonization tower, where, when interacting with CO 2, NaHCO 3 and NH 4 Cl are formed. The first salt is almost completely precipitated and retained on the vacuum filter (E), and the second is pumped back into the mixer (D). Thus, NaCl and limestone are constantly consumed, and NaHCO 3 and CaCl 2 are obtained (the latter in the form of production waste). Sodium bicarbonate is then transferred by heating into soda.

Editor: Galina Nikolaevna Kharlamova

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