Siberian miracle. Cattery of Siberian and Neva Masquerade cats Cattery all about Siberian cats


Nursery Country of Wonders invites you to get acquainted with our cats, look at photographs, and also choose and buy a Siberian and Neva Masquerade kitten. The nursery is officially registered under the WCF system, registration No. 5261-2013. Located in Moscow

Our nursery is engaged in breeding Siberian cats of traditional colors and Siberian Neva Masquerade cats.

Siberian Neva masquerade cats differ from ordinary Siberian cats only in color.
Neva Masquerade cats are color point Siberian cats. Color point is a very elegant color - light body, dark legs and tail, dark mask on the muzzle and bright blue eyes.
Neva Masquerade cats have become an adornment of the Siberian breed.

The nursery also deals in white color, which is extremely rare for the Siberian breed. The white Siberian is amazingly beautiful. I wish there were more animals like this.

Large, powerful, beautiful, Siberians weigh from 5 to 10 kg. Siberian cats have a very kind heart, they are gentle and affectionate, very patient with children, and take part in their games with pleasure, and have a calm, balanced character. Siberians are smart, independent, affectionate and attached to their owner. Siberian cats are undemanding in care, clean, disease-resistant, sociable and create a feeling of comfort and tranquility in our home.

All our cats grow up in love and care and are full members of our family. From a very early age they get used to order in the house. They have a wonderful character, they are gentle, friendly, well-mannered, and sociable.

The producers of our nursery are tested for genetic and infectious diseases.

In the pedigrees of our animals there are representatives
the oldest nurseries in Moscow: “Tender Beast”, “Assolada”, “Danvel”, “Sarzhi”, “Holy Rus'”, “Pearl of the Neva”, “Alberto Perseus”.

We purchased our first Neva Masquerade cat from the famous Moscow cattery "Siberian Rhapsody" and from that moment on we have been breeding cats and participating in International exhibitions.
For almost 3 years, our cats and I were part of the Siberian Rhapsody cattery.
Many thanks to the owner of this nursery, Tatyana Beilina, for her constant help and valuable advice.

Wonderful cats Alexander Sibirskaya Rhapsody and Genrikh Sibirskaya Rhapsody, together with my favorite cats, the beautiful Zita Danvel and the snow-white Charlotte Sarzhi, became the founders of our nursery "Wonderland".

At International cat shows, cats and kittens from our cattery became
winners of Siberian Specialty shows, took high places in WCF rings and received nominations for Best in Show. We are proud of their successes!

We are always happy to help buyers of our charming kittens with advice on raising, feeding and raising them.

We currently have Siberian kittens in our nursery, and there are also kittens from friendly nurseries. You can always call and reserve the kitten you are interested in. Our cats Aramis and Balzamin can rightfully be considered one of the best Siberian producers.

Father of our kittens Balzamin

For two years in a row, our nursery has been recognized as the best FIFE exhibitor in Russia.

The history of the appearance of our cats and, as a result, the nursery of Siberian and Neva masquerade cats "Baraj".

My first acquaintance with cats happened when I was only five years old, like most Muscovites of that time, spending their holidays outside the city. Our parents took me and my sister to the village to visit my grandmother for the summer months - to get some fresh air and get some vitamins. Somewhere in the middle of summer, a neighbor's cat of a noble breed gave birth to kittens in our firewood behind the house. That's when the real fun began - we had to come up with names for all five kittens. My sister took on this important mission, and I got the most honorable mission of feeding them and playing from time to time. Well, in principle, given my age, quite honestly. We spent the rest of the summer holidays so much fun and running around.

But then autumn came and our parents came for us to take us to Moscow. Over the summer we became very attached to one kitten named MARQUIS. He was the most affectionate and flexible, the other kittens were somewhat wild. Because of the Marquis, our little hearts were ready to burst from the grief of parting. No amount of parental persuasion helped. And then grandma, our main trump card, took our side. Grandmother, as an experienced person, found the following solution to the problem. Since only our parents had a car in the family, my grandmother offered to transport the kitten to Moscow with us, and when she comes to Moscow next month, she will take it from us. The parents agreed, and the next day our Markizik from the village of Mikhali (Kaluga region), which is 200 km from Moscow, set off. The road was long, we drove for about 8 hours, since the maximum speed of a Cossack is 60 km per hour, and then only from a hill. And during all this time, our little angel sat quietly in the car and did not spoil anything. He probably felt that great things awaited him in Moscow. Upon arrival in Moscow, dad, as the most responsible in the family, took on the job of training the kitten to use the litter box. Well, dad did an excellent job with this job, but nothing worked out with the scratching post: Marquis liked the upholstered furniture more. Of course, after my grandmother’s arrival in Moscow, no one gave her the kitten, our suck-up ingratiated himself into everyone’s trust (he picked up his own key for everyone).

There was everything in his life: fights, cats, he lived a full life. Moreover, when there was a fight, he immediately ran to his dad for help. And if my sister and I went to camp, it was such a psychological stress for him that bald spots appeared all over his body. Therefore, every weekend my parents began to take him with them when they came to our camp. Marquisik was very smart, he rode in the car with a homemade harness; there were simply no others at that time.

At the age of 12, our neighbors in the dacha got a young noble cat, Wisley; for the Marquis, this was his first and last love. She gave birth to Marquisika, two kittens, a boy (blue spotted) and a girl (black spotted). The owner of the cat and kittens settled them all in very quickly. They turned out very clever - they all fit into a folder. The next year, when Marquis came to open the summer season, he saw that his love, Wislya, had been out with another cat. The Marquis's heart was broken. No matter how Wislya tried to return the Marquis later, nothing worked. Every evening she sat on the back side of the window, the Marquis saw her and went to another place. Then every morning we found strangled mice at the doorstep. But nothing could soften his heart.

Markizik lived with us for 15 years and served faithfully. Being seriously ill, he did not want to ruin his mother’s birthday, December 18, with his death. He walked with his tail raised, greeting guests. He passed away on December 21, 2007. This became a grief for our close-knit family. After that, my mother said that there would not be a single animal in our house. . .

4 months have passed. Somehow it turned out to be very sad at home without any living creatures, and we got fish, but they could not fill the emptiness in the house. Secretly from my mother, my sister and I decided to buy a kitten. Now we had to decide what breed of kitten we would like to adopt. We settled on three breeds: Maine Coons, Siberians and Ragdolls. After studying for a long time, our final choice fell on the Siberians because of their extraordinary charisma and good health.
Balsam, according to his passport, Balsam from Odyssey, was the first to appear in our large cat family. We reserved him in the nursery "Iz Odyssey" when he was only two days old. I saw him for the first time in person when he was 6 weeks old and then I finally realized that it was exactly him that I was looking for for my aching heart. After that, we were faced with a very difficult task of preparing and persuading my mother. Coincidentally, in August we were leaving for the south with the whole family, and there we decided to tell everything. At first, mommy was categorically against it. But during the holidays, we stocked up with photographs of the mother cat, the father cat and the kitten itself, and offered to help choose a name for it. In general, after a two-week vacation, my mother gave up.

Balzamin moved into our house on September 21, 2008. First of all, our new family member began to master the toilet, for this his mother began to respect him very much, then Balsamina was noticed on the scratching post, for this his father began to respect him. And he sucked up to us with his cheerful, purring character.
We went to the first exhibition for 4.5 months and received high marks from the judges. And at this exhibition, I was the first to find out that my Balsamie can hiss, although we really liked the exhibition cage at home. At this exhibition we were lucky enough to sit opposite an adult representative of the Siberian (Neva Masquerade) breed. We saw Nevak for the first time; we really liked their imposing, phlegmatic character.
At the end of the second day of the exhibition, we decided that it was simply vital for us to get another kitten. This is where my love for the Siberian breed began.
As always, first we find a problem for ourselves, and then we solve it.

And so the following questions appeared?
What color do we want a kitten? Which nursery? And what age?
Thank you very much to Anya Leontyeva, Balzamin’s breeder, who helped with advice in choosing a kitten.

This is how Aramis appeared in our friendly family, according to the passport De Aramis Sineglaziy Angel. We first saw our little blue-eyed miracle at six weeks old, and he became a member of our family on January 25, 2009. Aramis, aka Meowchka, became everyone's favorite for his easy-going character, and Rika, with his mischievous character, turned out to be an ideal playmate. So we started living as a huge friendly cat family.

It all started many years ago, in September 1997 at the 1st World Cat Show. It was a big holiday, everyone tried to show off their favorites. There were also many Siberians, because the breed was popular then. One cat was highly praised at the exhibition, and she became the world champion; her name was Dasha-Anfeya. The breed was listed as Siberian, but only the cat was very “Persian” (the head of a Persian is a classic, the eyes are orange, the fur is soft, long, etc.).

And the first “miracle” happened: they called her the best Siberian cat. The Siberian breeders were surprised: none of the judges noticed these shortcomings, no one disqualified the cat. At that time, there were very few Neva masquerade cats, everyone liked them, The cats were unusual: the dark markings on the face, paws, and tail looked very elegant, “Well,” many said, “like a Siberian, but the color is Siamese,” But, apparently, many remembered the “miracle” at the 1st World War, and the “enthusiasts” decided to correct and improve, from their point of view, these cats. After all, they didn’t notice Persian blood in Dasha-Anfey.

And now we saw this second “miracle” at the exhibition of Siberian cats in the Rublevo cultural center. These were Neva masquerade cats. And all of them, some more or less, looked like Dasha-Anfeya, but only of Siamese color. A frank cross between Siberian and Persian color-point. As if everyone had forgotten that interbreeding for native Siberian cats is PROHIBITED. The main and decisive opinion at the exhibition was the opinion of WCF judge Schultz. No one was even embarrassed that he had not come to Russia as a judge for ten years. Imagine that a judge from Russia were invited to be the chief expert to evaluate Maine Coons, a native breed of the United States, and his opinion would be decisive. Of course this is absurd. And everyone came to the exhibition of Siberians to show their Neva masquerade costumes to Schultz. And the name of the exhibition could easily be changed - it was no longer “The Siberian Miracle”, but “The Nevsky Miracle”. Judge Schultz greeted them joyfully, because he had already acquired one Neva masquerade kitten, and these cats clearly interested him.

And again a “miracle” happened: Judge Schultz did not notice that the Neva “Persyats”, everyone received marks, and even very high ones. Many Neva Masquerade owners persistently combed the tangles on their pets’ fur, and this is typical only for cats with an admixture of “Persian blood.” But what about Siberians? They were there, but they were completely “lost” among the Nevaks. Apparently, the most persistent ones came, and Schultz greeted the Siberians more dryly than the Neva ones.

There was one pleasant moment at the exhibition, like the sun in the window, or rather, two suns - these were WCF judges Tatyana Bakalova and Galina Batkova. They conducted the judging in a very professional, competent, dignified and ethical manner. They had kind words of support and approval for all Siberians. Unfortunately, one of the famous experts surprised me with her unethical behavior. One has to wonder how traditional Baltic restraint was transformed in her into the usual Russian rudeness. She spent the entire refereeing of the Siberians with an expression of disgust and obvious hostility towards the Siberians, allowing herself offensive comments. And during Besta, she loudly and cheekily advised Siberians: “Don’t go to exhibitions: but sit in the country and eat mice.” All judging is paid, it turns out that people listened to nasty things for their own money. In any civilized country such a judge would be disqualified for unethical behavior, but in our country this is par for the course.

In nature, at the dacha, the Siberian immediately transforms into a confident hunter. He easily catches voles and frogs and places them in a row on the threshold of the house: “Look, master, what a clever cat you have!” No. The coat of Siberian cats looks great in summer and winter, but for some reason exhibitions for them are held in those months when they are shedding. And the Neva masquerade parties are always dressed, because they have “Persian blood”. But along with the long hair from the Persians, Nevaks also inherited all the health problems. Hence the rumors that Siberians are in poor health. And at the exhibition there was a celebration of the Neva masquerade cat Morisse, he turned 10 years old, he was praised and congratulated. All the Neva masquerade dancers were his relatives in one way or another. But why then was the Siberian nursery “Ashtau” (breeders Nadezhda and Anna Balzhak) not mentioned? The nursery turned 15 these days. Siberians from the nursery grace many exhibitions. But for some reason the Siberian Cats association did not remember this. Maybe someone decided that I was writing all this out of resentment, saying that they didn’t give me a reward, so they are offended. Quite the opposite is true. All six Siberians from my kennel received a BIS nomination and participated in Beste, but this was no longer encouraging.

Exhibitions are held, but problems remain. At the exhibition, it became clear to everyone that the Neva Masquerade cats, which we see now, urgently need to be separated from Siberians. These cats were obtained by interbreeding (Siberians + color-point Persians, Siberians + Thai, etc.) and are not related to the aboriginal, that is, a natural, Siberian breed. I'll repeat it again. Interbreeding with Aboriginals is PROHIBITED! MFA-IKEF-IFC expert Elena Shevchenko said this very well in her article “Interbreeding” in the magazine “Friend” (No. 10, 2001): “After all, the same Americans did not cross color-point cats with Maine Coons in order to get “Hudson Festival” At the beginning of the breeding of the Don Sphynx breed, Siberians were used, but this was not a reason to call the breed “Siberian Sphynx” and claim that it was an aboriginal breed. The sooner they separate the Neva Masquerade from the Siberians, the better. Under natural conditions, cats with semi-long hair survive, but those with long hair die, which is why real Siberians have semi-long hair, and not the kind of hair that someone wants. There are no accidents in nature. Take your Persian and Siberian outside in the cold. The wind will blow, the long hair of the Persian will rise, the wind will penetrate the soft undercoat and reach the skin. Look, by the evening the cat will catch a cold and the next day, another will die. Therefore, Persians can only live at home in greenhouse conditions. In Siberians, the guard coat is half-pinned, quite hard, and the dense “stuffed” undercoat holds the guard coat well. No wind can penetrate such an undercoat; the Siberian walks proudly in his “fur coat”, slowly. He has a collar like a mane, fluffy “pants” and a fluffy tail like a pipe, handsome! By the way, the native breeds Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest Cat also have half-pine hair. One thing is good for Siberians: as soon as the breed became non-commercial, the businessmen left it and only true lovers of the native Siberian breed remained.

There are so few true purebred Siberians left that they are already in danger of extinction. Especially after the recommendations given at the seminar “On Breeding Problems”: “It is recommended to breed Nevaks with Siberians to improve the quality.” In my opinion, a breeder’s work with a Siberian aboriginal cat should be aimed at selecting the best purebred studs, competent selection of pairs, without permission to breed crossbred animals. Those who like to get “something new”, for example, the “Siberian Fold”, should think carefully about whether it is necessary? After all, you can ruin everything with one interbreeding, but you can never get it back. Even after 10 generations this will manifest itself. Nature gave us such beauty - an aboriginal Siberian cat with pure energy, excellent health, smart, kind, loyal. A real fluffy miracle of Russia! Why “correct” nature; on the contrary, you need to take care of such a gift, take care of the Siberian cat. What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose it, we cry.

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