The corporate training system as a serious factor in the professional development of personnel in an educational organization. Corporate training of company personnel and employees. Off-site courses

Personnel is the Company's most important strategic resource.

Providing the Company with employees who have the necessary competencies and qualifications to achieve current and future business goals is one of the main tasks of the personnel management system. The corporate training system is an integral part of the personnel management system, a set of technological and methodological solutions and processes that ensure:

  • Preservation, systematization and distribution of knowledge.
  • Adaptation of employees upon hiring and during the process of personnel rotation.
  • Systematic and continuous training and development of personnel employed in various areas of the Company’s activities.

The corporate training system is available to all full-time employees of the Company and includes both a portfolio of “internal” training and self-study programs for employees, as well as specially selected training programs for “external” suppliers.

Strategic approach Objectives of the JCS

The strategic goals of the Corporate Training System are:

  • Creation of a unified knowledge management system;
  • Formation and transmission of a unified corporate culture;
  • Organization of trainings.

Principles of organizing the SKO

The corporate training system is based on the following principles:

  • The complexity of the entire process of personnel training and development;
  • Implementation and maintenance of uniform policies and procedures in the field of training, retraining, assessment, and rotation of personnel;
  • Creation and maintenance of mechanisms aimed at identifying needs for new knowledge;
  • Centralized management of planning processes, methodological support, preparation and implementation, evaluation of the effectiveness of training programs;
  • Communication with assessment, certification, rotation, motivation of personnel;
  • Availability of knowledge fragments, training materials, plans and content of training programs and self-study in the Company’s information environment;
  • Voluntary participation of senior managers, heads of structural divisions, and Company specialists in holding events.

Priority areas of North Kazakhstan region

The priority areas of training and development of the Company’s personnel are:

  • Managerial, professional and corporate competencies.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Sales skills.
  • Knowledge of the Company's product.
  • Information technology skills.
  • Profile education and advanced training of specialists in the field of management, marketing, legislation and law, economics / finance, logistics.

Organizational chart of SKO

The Head of the Human Resources Department bears overall responsibility for the development and implementation of uniform policies, quality standards and procedures in the field of selection, training, retraining, training, assessment, and rotation of personnel. The overall responsibility for developing the concept, methodology, organization and architecture of the Corporate Training System, development of content, forms and training plans in the Company in accordance with identified needs lies with the Head of the Personnel Training and Development Department of the Human Resources Department. HR partners assigned to regional divisions bear overall responsibility for organizing the processes of training and development of personnel in accordance with approved methods and standards, and for conducting post-training educational support in the regions. Training programs within the Corporate Training System are conducted in accordance with approved plans:

  • full-time trainers of the Personnel Development Department;
  • internal experts from among the Company’s employees;
  • external trainers and teachers.

General structure of COE processes

The full cycle of organizing and conducting training involves regular and consistent execution of the following processes:

  • Identification of key managerial, professional and corporate competencies;
  • Measuring the developed managerial, professional and corporate competencies of employees;
  • Identifying the need for staff development;
  • Planning educational events;
  • Selection of forms and methods of supplying materials, analysis of external suppliers;
  • Budgeting for team development processes;
  • Development of event content or selection of an external supplier;
  • Organization and holding of events;
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of classes;
  • Post-training educational support.

Identification of key managerial, professional and corporate competencies

The study of key managerial, professional and corporate competencies is carried out by employees of the Human Resources Department annually, in the process of preparing a training plan for the next year, under the supervision of the Head of the Human Resources Department. The main methods used in the research process are job analysis, predictive interview, direct attribution method, critical incident method, and workplace observation method.

Measuring the developed managerial, professional and corporate competencies of employees

In order to identify training needs, a quarterly study of the developed managerial, professional and corporate competencies of employees is carried out according to the plan of the Head of the Human Resources Department. The main methods used in the research process are surveys or questionnaires aimed at analyzing existing problems at work and methods used by employees to solve standard work tasks. Lists of questions are developed separately for each group of personnel. The questionnaire is filled out by both the employee for himself and the manager for this group of employees.

Structured interviews with employees of different departments in order to clarify the most difficult topics in their work.
Double visit - working in tandem with an employee (going out into the fields or listening to telephone conversations), aimed at analyzing the employee’s behavior pattern and providing developmental feedback.
Personnel assessment - analysis of the results of the standard personnel assessment procedure.

Identification of staff training/advanced training needs

Identification of training needs is a process of structured comparison of existing competencies, knowledge and skills of employees with the key competencies, knowledge and skills required to solve current and future business problems. The main methods for identifying training needs are a comparison of the results obtained during research and analysis of applications for training from managers. Analysis of individual employee development plans drawn up based on the results of a standard personnel assessment procedure.

Planning training events

Planning of training and development of the Company's personnel is carried out for the calendar year, with subsequent detailing and adjustment by quarters and months.

Annual planning

The Head of the Personnel Training and Development Department develops a “Staff Training and Development Plan” for the next year based on an analysis of the following components:

  • Development strategies of the Company for the planning period.
  • Identified training needs.

Coordination and approval of the plan is carried out in accordance with the Training Plan for the year.

Monthly planning

The monthly training plan for the Company's employees is formed by the Head of the Training and Personnel Development Department on the basis of the annual training plan, the monthly training plan for internal experts, and analysis of training requests received from the heads of the Company's departments. Coordination and approval of the plan is carried out in accordance with the Training Planning Regulations.

Selection of forms and methods of training, analysis of external suppliers

The choice of forms and methods of training depends on the goals set for training.

Forms of training at the Company:

  • Webinar training.
  • On-the-job training (during educational support).
  • Selfeducation.
  • Training.

Teaching methods:

The choice of a specific method depends on a number of factors: the goals and objectives of training, the urgency of training, the financial capabilities of the organization, the availability of training materials, equipment and premises, and the composition of training participants (level of training, qualifications, motivation).

Classification of teaching methods:

  • workplace training methods;
  • off-the-job training methods;
  • combined methods (which include the first two groups).

On-the-job training methods:

  • mentoring, coaching, educational support, business game.

Off-the-job training methods:

  • trainings, webinars, facilitation, moderation, round tables.

External training and development providers must meet the following criteria:

  • experience in implementing projects of a given specificity in large companies;
  • presence of positive recommendations;
  • competent staff of teachers and trainers.

Budgeting for development processes

Training costs are planned by the Central Federal District during the budget period in accordance with the training plan. Planning occurs quarterly within the framework of general budgeting regulations. Expenses are included in the item “Costs on personnel training”.

Types of expenses:

  • Payment for external training services for employees.
  • Travel expenses associated with training.
  • Costs of renting premises and equipment for training.
  • Costs of purchasing equipment and consumables for training.

Development of content for training programs. Selecting an external training and development provider

Persons conducting a training event are required to:

  • coordinate with the Head of the Personnel Training and Development Department the content, organization and methodology, place and time of the educational event;
  • follow uniform corporate quality standards in the field of preparation and conduct of training events (Appendix 5).
  • develop methodological materials for training events - training design, entrance and assessment tests, handouts for training participants: cases, workbooks, etc.

The involvement of an external provider of training and development services is carried out in the case when:

  • The topic of training is highly specific and is not the area of ​​competence of the persons conducting the training.
  • The topic of the training is aimed at developing the Company's top management.
  • The training format is innovative, and the provider has the copyright to conduct such events.

Organization and conduct of educational events

Organization of training events includes:

  • Methodological preparation of the expert conducting the training for the program (detailed study of the program, consulting on the program, analysis of tasks and exercises, etc.).
  • Preparing the classroom for teaching.
  • Checking the necessary equipment and teaching materials for the training.
  • Calling training participants to ensure full group attendance.

Unless otherwise provided by the methodology for conducting a specific training event, the training group must contain at least six, but no more than 12 employees. Training events are carried out in accordance with the developed and approved training program and established time regulations.

Educational effectiveness assessment

Upon completion of the training event, employees of the Training Department, together with the Head of the unit, evaluate its effectiveness.

Post-training educational support

Post-training educational support is carried out to help training participants implement the knowledge acquired during the training into their professional activities, and provide advisory support on the application of new behavioral models at work. Post-training educational support is one of the most important stages of the personnel training and development system within the Company, ensuring

  • Development of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by the employee during training in the process of professional activity.
  • Analysis of the employee’s behavior model and its further correction in case of low efficiency.
  • Formation of the most effective employee behavior model for the Company.
  • Support for positive training effects (emotional uplift, inspiration, etc.).
  • Minimizing the effect of forgetting and depreciation of new knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Forming employee motivation for training and development within the company.

Conducts post-training educational support at the HR Partner Company. Post-training support in the Company is carried out 3-4 weeks after the training. The HR partner records agreements with the head of the branch on the date and time of training support. On the appointed date and time, the HR partner arrives at the branch and provides post-training support in the workplace.

Stages of the post-training educational support system:

The HR partner consolidates the employee’s acquired skills and analyzes the behavior model using the “Double visit to the client” and “Role playing” methods. The behavior model is assessed using a checklist. Next, growth areas are analyzed, the employee receives feedback, as well as recommendations for developing weak skills. After working with the employee, the HR partner provides feedback to the immediate supervisor of the student employee and enters the results of the checklist into the system.

Permanent CSE courses

Part of the Corporate Training System is a package of ongoing courses aimed at adaptation and training of employees at three levels:

  • Newbie school.
  • Professional Faculty.
  • Faculty of Leadership and Management.

The topics of training within the framework of these courses are determined in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Company and the general identified needs for personnel training. The organizer of ongoing training courses is the Training and Personnel Development Department. Primary information on the number and composition of groups of course participants is prepared and provided by HR partners in accordance with the course schedule.

Newbie school

The training course is a mandatory part of the adaptation/internship process for new employees of the Company. The purpose of the course is to develop basic knowledge among new employees (trainees) about the Company, its structure and activities, Company products, business processes and software, technologies for working with clients, regular processes. Training is carried out during working hours. Responsibility for ensuring that the employee attends this course rests with the HR partner and mentor. In the case of accepting new employees, additional registration in the “Newcomer School” group can be made no later than 1 day before training, having agreed on this information with the Head of the Training and Personnel Development Department.

Newcomer School programs:

  • “Welcome!” program (takes place every week, on Mondays).
  • Product training for new employees (held once every two weeks on Wednesdays).
  • Software training.
  • Training in operating technologies and regular processes.
  • Sales standards. Basic course. (takes place once a month, or at the request of the manager).

Professional Faculty

The training course is a mandatory part of the training and development process for Company employees who have completed a probationary period. Separate programs of the “Professional Faculty” can be assigned to employees as part of the development of professional competencies based on the results of the annual personnel assessment. The purpose of the course is to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.

Programs of the “Professional Faculty”:

  • advanced sales course, business communication, effective negotiations, time management (Time Management),
  • constructive behavior in conflict, team building (Team Building, Team Building),
  • stress resistance (Stress Management, Stress management),
  • professional external training programs,
  • additional programs upon business request,
  • role-playing games and master classes on problematic topics of the departments.

Faculty of Leadership and Management

The training course is a mandatory part of the training and development process for Company employees whose level of competency development based on the results of the annual assessment is at a high level and who are participants. Separate programs of the Faculty of Leadership and Management can be assigned to managers as part of the development of professional competencies based on the results of the assessment.
The purpose of the course is to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to effectively perform management tasks.

Programs of the Faculty of Leadership and Management:

  • personnel management (planning and setting tasks, delegation, control, effective feedback, staff motivation, process organization);
  • tools for effective interviewing;
  • leadership;
  • time management (Time Management, Time Management);
  • external training programs;
  • other additional management programs at the request of the business.

External education

An employee is allowed to participate in training programs conducted by external providers of educational services on topics that are important for the employee to effectively perform his professional duties in the following cases: courses on similar topics are not available in SKO; highly specialized specialized training is required, including training in working with specialized software provision.

To undergo external training, an employee sends an Application (Appendix 10) to the Head of the Personnel Training and Development Department, approved by his immediate supervisor. Training and advanced training of employees in external programs, depending on the cost and duration of training, can be paid in full or in part at the expense of The company (the legal entity in which the employee works), subject to all of the following conditions:

  • The employee is trained at the “Professional Faculty” or the “Faculty of Leadership and Management”.
  • The cost and duration of external training are documented.
  • The payment scheme has been agreed upon by the Head of the Human Resources Department.
  • An “Apprenticeship Agreement” was signed between the employee and the Company in the form of Appendix 11.

In case of partial payment, part of the funds is transferred by the Company, and part of the funds is withheld from the employee’s salary. An employee who has undergone external training is required to pass on the acquired knowledge to colleagues and conduct training on the topic covered.


The responsibilities of the parties are distributed taking into account the fact that the effectiveness of the development and training process depends on a set of factors:

  • Corporate culture.
  • A well-built system of internal PR training and development.
  • Management policies regarding the training system.
  • Management control over the training of personnel of the assigned unit.
  • Correctly identified training needs and correctly set training goals.
  • Choosing the form and methods of training.
  • Quality of training programs.
  • Motivating employees to learn.
  • Level of quality of self-study.
  • Opportunities to consolidate acquired knowledge in the process of work.
  • Linking employee training outcomes to employee motivation.

Responsibility of the Education and Development Department

The Development Department is responsible for:

  • Creation of a unified training system for all full-time employees of the Company.
  • Collection and analysis of needs for new knowledge and acquisition of skills.
  • Collection and analysis of applications for education from the heads of the Company's departments.
  • Organizing and conducting quality trainings based on this analysis.
  • Formation of an internal “portfolio” of programs that reflect the work standards adopted by the Company.
  • High-quality selection of external companies providing training programs.
  • Transfer of the methodology of the corporate training and development system to regional HR partners.
  • Super audit of the work of local HR partners regarding the development of employees in the regions.
  • Monitoring the work of HR partners regarding the organization of processes of material absorption and development and post-training educational support on site.
  • Consulting local HR partners regarding employee development in the regions.
  • Consulting department heads in the field of providing information and developing employees of the departments entrusted to them.
  • Maintaining a database of employees who have completed education.
  • Implementation of the system/conducting performance assessment in its part.

Employees of the Personnel Development Department are responsible for organizing and conducting the training process within the framework of their job responsibilities. In case of violations committed by the parties to the course of lessons, the Head of Personnel prepares a memo addressed to the Director of the Human Resources Department indicating the content of the violation, the persons who committed them, the date of the violation and submits it no later than the working day following the day on which the violations were committed.

Responsibility of HR partners

  • Implementation of a unified education system for all Company employees in assigned regional divisions.
  • Analysis of the needs for new knowledge of the Company’s personnel in the entrusted regional divisions.
  • Transferring information about identified needs for new information to the Personnel Development Department.
  • Collection and analysis of applications for education from the heads of the Company’s departments;
  • Transfer of collected applications for executive education to the Personnel Development Department.
  • Gathering of groups for education, group occupancy.
  • Conducting effective courses, entrance and assessment testing, role-playing games, post-training educational support.
  • Monitoring the completion of feedback questionnaires.
  • Maintaining established reporting and development statistics.

Responsibilities of Department Heads

Department heads are responsible for:

  • Monitoring innovations in their professional field and, accordingly, identifying the needs for new knowledge of employees of the departments entrusted to them.
  • Timely submission of an application for education in accordance with the approved lesson plan for the month.
  • Providing information to employees about the timing and content of programs.
  • Ensuring working conditions that facilitate the attendance at events on the established dates and times of all employees specified in the Application.
  • Application by employees in the process of work of the knowledge and skills they acquired during the entire course of classes.
  • Promoting the development of the necessary competencies of employees in the process of work.
  • Monitoring the implementation of recommendations based on the results (testing, additional assessment tasks, checking).

When sending employees to education during working hours, the Head of the department is obliged to adjust the workload in the department, redistributing responsibilities between employees. If it is impossible for a department employee to attend a lesson, the Head of the department is obliged to notify the Head of the Personnel Development Department no later than three working days before the start of the lesson.

Responsibility of an employee undergoing training

An employee assigned to classes is personally responsible for:

  • Timely attendance at the event.
  • Full class attendance.
  • Involvement in the lesson process - active participation in educational events attended.
  • Successful completion of assessment activities at the end of classes (testing, role-playing, completing assessment tasks, checking).
  • Application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the work process.
  • Organizing your working time, taking into account mandatory attendance at the lesson at the stated time.
  • Effective self-learning.

If it is impossible to attend a class for a valid reason (illness, unplanned work, etc.), the employee is obliged to notify his immediate supervisor with an explanation of the reason no later than 3 working days before the start of the event. Missing more than 30% of a lesson for any reason other than force majeure is counted as absenteeism and is the basis for re-studying the materials and an extraordinary evaluation of the employee. In this case, the percentage of no-show is calculated based on the entire school day. Partial attendance of a school day is counted as failure to attend the 1st school day. Lateness of more than 20 minutes is counted as partial attendance of the school day.

Corporate training involves the study by company personnel of programs specially developed taking into account its specifics. And although many companies, in times of crisis, are trying to cut costs on personnel training, if organized correctly, it can be cost-effective and will pay for itself quickly enough.

The article addresses the following issues:

  • What is the essence of corporate training;
  • What is an effective corporate training system;
  • Which Russian enterprises do not make sense to save on employee training;
  • How to organize corporate staff training.

What is corporate training

Corporate training is also a purposeful process that takes into account both the specifics of the market and the specifics of the enterprise itself, aimed at improving the qualifications and professionalism of the company’s personnel. It brings together a large market, seminars, consulting, coaching and the like on various topics, both general and highly specialized. Corporate training for employees is carried out by corporate universities at large companies and external providers: specialized independent companies, higher education institutions that develop training programs for business.

The main goal of corporate training is to increase the capitalization of employees by acquiring new knowledge and skills that contribute to increased productivity. Essentially, the goal is to increase the profit that an employee can bring to the company. The effectiveness of such training is achieved not only due to the correctly selected type and program, but also due to the fact that it coincides with both the goals of the employer, who wants to increase profits, and the goals of employees, for whom it is intangible.

Many employers are wary of introducing a corporate training system, citing its high cost and the self-learning opportunities that the Internet provides. No one will argue with the fact that today you can find any information on the Internet. But for this, the employee must have a high degree of self-organization and a clear idea of ​​what exactly he needs to find. In this case, corporate training allows the employee to save time and formulate specific requests, receiving answers from business coaches that take into account the specifics and needs of the company and his workplace.

Corporate personnel training in Russian realities

Despite the crisis, many Russian companies, which in practice have assessed the need for corporate training, continue to finance development programs. This pays off, especially in enterprises with a significant number of operating personnel engaged in retail trade, distribution, and mass assembly production. The main factors determining the need for corporate training as a condition for ensuring a continuous production cycle are:

  • Large number of employees;
  • Staff turnover at 20-50% per year;
  • High requirements for reproducibility.

A system of corporate personnel training will quickly pay for itself in those enterprises where the success of operations directly depends on the extent to which employees master new information, methods, and technologies. For large and geographically distributed companies, this is an excellent opportunity to ensure the same high level of quality of products and services.

An effective corporate training system takes into account the interests of the employer and employees

Regardless of whether corporate training is carried out within the company’s walls or under an agreement with external providers, this “pleasure” is not cheap. Therefore, the employer is directly interested in ensuring that the money spent not only pays off. From the point of view of the enterprise administration, effective corporate training must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Employees should not be distracted from daily operational tasks;
  • The results of training should appear as quickly as possible.

As practice shows, this can be achieved when the opinions and interests of employees who are directly involved in trainings and programs organized by the employer are taken into account. When staff understand the purpose of training and its necessity, the employer's money will not be wasted. Basic corporate training requirements for employees:

  • Trainings and seminars should take place over two to three days, a maximum of a week, and their duration should not exceed two hours at the end of the day so that they can fit into working hours;
  • The information received during training should be interesting and varied, its benefits should be obvious;
  • Corporate training should include the possibility of career growth and salary increases.

In addition, effective corporate training strategies must take into account not only the realities and needs of today, but also the upcoming changes in methods and technologies that allow the company to maintain and increase competitiveness, develop and achieve long-term goals. The corporate training program should be drawn up individually, taking into account the identified requests and problems of the company’s management and employees.

The corporate training system should cover not only employees, but also managers at all levels. With its help, corporate management is taught, which determines the methods and style of interaction with individuals and organizations related to various aspects of the company’s activities.

How to organize corporate training

What should be included in a corporate training program and in what form it should be carried out is the main question that concerns company management. The advantages of internal training include the fact that experienced trainers-managers working in the company are well aware of the specifics of its business. On the other hand, an invited trainer-consultant, who has the necessary experience and an analytical mind, is able to evaluate the company’s activities from the outside, identify errors in management and personnel actions that elude the managers working on its staff.

Regardless of the chosen form of training, the process will consist of several stages. At the first, it will be necessary to determine and evaluate the existing gap between the desired and required competencies of employees, the desired and actual performance of the company. At this stage, it is already possible to calculate the required training costs and make a choice of its form depending on the financial capabilities of the enterprise.

At the second stage, it is necessary to formulate the goals and objectives of training, and determine ways to achieve the set effective mark. Then you should decide on a corporate training program, choose its form and methods, draw up a plan, form groups taking into account the scope of activity of their participants, their wishes, goals and objectives of training.

After this, it is necessary to select the coaching staff who will conduct the training. It is important to conduct a motivational interview with training participants, instruct them, and set them up to participate in training in order to acquire new professional knowledge and skills. At this stage, the time, place and duration of the training are specified.

At the training stage, the issues of the program are studied, selected individually for each group of students. It is desirable that feedback be provided at this stage, making it possible to quickly adjust the program in order to increase the interest of trainees. At the end of the training, its effectiveness is assessed by comparing the competencies of personnel before and after it, as well as through surveys and feedback from participants. To consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills and quickly implement them into training, post-training events are held with the participation of trainers.

"HR Officer. Personnel Management (Personnel Management)", 2012, N 1


Show me the company's curriculum and I'll tell you everything.

about her strategy and even the personality of the first person.

Klaus Valentiner

The article shows that corporate personnel training is the most important factor in the competitiveness of a credit organization in the labor market. The peculiarities of the work of bank personnel, which determine the specifics of their training, are specified. The organization of personnel training in a bank is considered using the example of such forms as a regional training center, a training and development portal, and a corporate university.

Dictionary of personnel management. Corporate training is a set of measures to develop the skills, abilities and knowledge of personnel aimed at the most optimal use of the organization’s human resources in terms of the strategy adopted in it.

Increasing modernization of the economy requires changes in company strategies. Their adaptation to new conditions involves a significant restructuring of the personnel management system, and personnel training in these conditions becomes a key element of the personnel management process. This problem is very relevant in commercial banks, since the efficiency of the economy of the entire country depends on their work. Leading and successful banks in modern competition for resources make a choice in favor of preserving and accumulating human capital.

The introduction of a corporate training system can contribute to the adaptability of bank personnel to changing conditions and will ensure a strategic competitive advantage for a financial organization for many years.

The concept of corporate training was born in the early 60s. XX century in the USA along with the concept of corporate universities. The most common term is Training&Development (T&D) - “training and development”. In the mid-1970s. The Association of Training and Development Specialists (ASTD) was formed and now has more than 100 national members (ASTD. org). In September 2005, ASTD opened a representative office in Russia. In Russia, the profession of a specialist in training and personnel development was formed in the mid-90s. last century.

Objectives and main directions of corporate training

bank staff

The corporate training system is a tool for implementing the bank's strategy.

The purpose of corporate training is to provide the systemic knowledge and skills of personnel necessary to achieve effective results and quality indicators of the bank's activities.

Objectives of corporate training:

Systematic training of all target groups of bank personnel;

Ensuring the required level of management knowledge and skills;

Preparation of personnel reserve;

Adaptation of new specialists;

Formation of corporate business standards, including standards for quality customer service.

The work of a bank employee as a specific type of labor has significant features that have a significant impact on the system of corporate training of bank personnel. To ensure the successful formation of a training system for personnel of a credit organization, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of work in the field of credit and financial operations:

1. High qualification requirements caused by the need for constant self-education, associated with frequent changes in regulatory documents, which is confirmed by the high industry average for the proportion of employees with higher professional education. Shortening the life cycles of banking products and frequent innovations in the environment lead to a sharp increase in requirements for the educational and qualification level of personnel. The requirements for the qualifications of performers in Russian banks are high and exceed the requirements for performers in other non-production industries (for example, according to the Social Report of VTB Bank for 2009, the share of employees with higher education was 84.6%). Constant monitoring of the level of qualifications is necessary in order to identify gaps in knowledge, taking into account technological developments and changes in the regulatory framework.

2. Increased requirements for information support for work activities. Labor results are directly related to the quality of information received by the employee. The result of these increased requirements for information support is an increase in the complexity of the work of performers and an increase in the intensity of their work.

3. High technical equipment and mass automation of workplaces. Automation, leading to the complication of the content of activities, seriously changes the individual’s attitude towards work.

The identified specifics of the work of bank employees predetermine the directions of corporate training in a credit institution.

The main areas of corporate training at the bank are:

Functional training aimed at ensuring employees effectively perform their job duties, master business processes, products and technologies of the bank;

Development of business efficiency skills aimed at achieving corporate business quality standards;

Development of management competencies aimed at creating a unified corporate management system.

The main forms of training at the bank are:

1. Internal seminars:

Information and consulting. They are aimed at transmitting to employees the information necessary to perform business tasks and direct job responsibilities, for example, they are devoted to such topics as: “Current issues of operational activities”, “Credit operations of the bank”, “Current issues and practice of making payments in the form of letters of credit in rubles on the territory of the Russian Federation”, “Current issues of working with personnel”, etc.;

Practical. Aimed at developing practical knowledge and functional skills, for example, skills in using new operating systems (“Service packages. My personal bank”, “Filling out client data in software”, etc.);

Problem-based projects. Aimed at solving specific business problems under the guidance of an internal or external expert, for example, on the topics: “Stimulating the work of department employees”, “Carrying out international payments in the form of an import letter of credit”, etc.

2. Internal internships aimed at practical development of professional technologies under the guidance of experienced employees, for example, “Technology for conducting business training on the topic “Effective sales”, etc.

3. Internal trainings aimed at developing business efficiency skills in working with clients and management skills: “Sales Management”, “Service Management”, “Effective Sales”, etc.

4. Distance learning. As a rule, it is considered by the bank as an independent type of training, although its use is possible only in the form of an additional form of training, which should result in either consolidation of the material covered (for example, after training) or preparation for subsequent training (studying information, necessary for future training). Distance learning in turn is divided into:

Electronic courses that provide transmission and control of information assimilation and are used mainly for functional training of personnel. As a rule, these include programs for the adaptation of employees, various areas of activity, introductory training on AML/CFT (anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing), etc.;

Video seminars, which are aimed at concretizing and monitoring the assimilation of information received during the completion of electronic courses and self-study, increasing the effectiveness of these forms of training by actively involving participants in the learning process and receiving feedback from them on the issues discussed in real time.

5. External seminars (in Russia and abroad), aimed at obtaining information necessary for individual specialists in the areas of their activities in the interests of the bank, in order to solve specific problems or active representation in a certain professional field, training on such topics can be cited as an example , such as: “Business Object Training”, “Strategic Business Vision”, “Project Management”, “Change Management”, etc.;

6. Certification programs aimed at obtaining the right to conduct professional activities in the interests of a bank established by law or in accordance with internal regulations: “Financial market specialist”, “Valuation activities”, specialized courses for cashiers, etc.

7. Self-training aimed at mastering new knowledge and skills in employee areas of activity, continuous professional development in order to meet the requirements for the position and professional development.

8. Mentoring is the main method of training a newly hired employee. After a new employee has been hired for a vacant position, a supervisor is assigned to him; the goals of the supervision are to streamline the process of developing professional competencies, developing the ability to independently and efficiently perform the tasks assigned to the employee for his position; adaptation to the bank’s corporate culture, formation of loyalty to the bank’s brand and image. The duties of the curator include: introducing a new employee to the bank, the history of its development, structure, corporate culture, accepted norms and rules of behavior in the organization; implementation of theoretical training of the employee in accordance with the specialist training plan. The supervisor provides practical training for the employee to work in specialized software.

Quoting legislation. Personnel of organizations carrying out transactions with funds or other property must undergo mandatory training and education in order to combat the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.

Training is carried out in the following forms: a) introductory briefing; b) additional instruction; c) targeted instruction. Induction training in the organization is carried out by a special official when applying for a job at the bank.

From the Order of Rosfinmonitoring dated 03.08.2010 N 203 “On approval of the Regulations on the requirements for the preparation and training of personnel of organizations carrying out transactions with funds or other property, in order to combat the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism” (ed. . from 01.11.2010).

The most used methods of training staff in banks are: trainings, seminars, lectures, distance learning, mentoring, video courses, practical internships. Practice shows that the number of lectures is gradually decreasing, and distance learning, on the contrary, is gaining momentum; this trend manifested itself especially strongly during the financial crisis of 2008 - 2009, when many banks switched to distance learning in order to optimize staff training costs.

Organization of corporate training for staff in the bank

Corporate Training Plan

Personnel training in the bank must be carried out in accordance with the Corporate Training Plan, approved, as a rule, for a period of 1 year.

The corporate training plan is formed:

In the area of ​​functional training - based on requests from department heads, taking into account the specifics of the activities and production tasks of the departments, including based on the results of professional testing;

In areas of development of business efficiency and management skills - based on the results of an analysis of personnel development needs, including the results of assessment procedures;

In all areas of corporate training - based on decisions made by the bank's management for the purpose of business development.

The corporate training plan for the next year is formed in accordance with the established planning periods (September - December) of the current year. The training plan is agreed upon in the prescribed manner and, after approval, is brought to the attention of personnel through internal communications. Changes may be made to the plan throughout the year to reflect business development priorities. The departments' work plans are constantly being adjusted; business objectives, market conditions, and the financial position of the credit institution may change - all this requires a corresponding change in the employee training plan. For example, recently many banks have set the task for their selling departments to increase commission income, at the same time, many commissions are abolished by law, new products appear, without appropriate training of employees, all these innovations will remain unaccounted for, which can negatively affect the work of the entire credit institution.

The corporate plan consists of individual training activities and corporate programs.

As a rule, employees engaged in servicing retail and corporate clients, as well as employees involved in supporting banking operations, are most often trained in separate training events. This ratio can be considered normal, since the work of service specialists is more susceptible to changes, and employees, in turn, must respond quickly to them, therefore new training activities are being developed and conducted for these categories of banking personnel.

The most relevant training events for banking personnel include: “Tasks of credit institutions in terms of implementing the requirements of Russian legislation in the field of AML/CFT”, “Current problems of internal control for AML/CFT purposes and ways to solve them”, “The procedure for foreign exchange control with on behalf of the bank to identify and prevent foreign exchange transactions on behalf of clients”, “Issues of accounting and reporting”, training seminars with the presentation of various banking products, etc.

Corporate programs are of greatest importance for the development of banking business. The main corporate programs include:

Corporate university as a form of training a personnel reserve and developing the bank’s management potential;

Program on effective sales techniques (client manager school);

Adaptation program for new employees;

"Corporate Customer Service Standards" program.

School time

Based on the principle of joint responsibility of the bank and the employee for the learning process, the time of training events should be planned in such a way that the training is carried out partly during the employee’s working time and partly during the employee’s personal time.

When conducting corporate events at the bank, training events can be held according to the following schedule:

14.00 - 20.00:

16.00 - 20.00.

Participation of employees in external training events must be carried out according to the schedule of the training organization.

Seminars for employees of branches and additional offices based in the central office can be held during business hours from 9.00 to 18.00.

Other formats of corporate training, including weekend training, may be used at the discretion of department heads and in agreement with bank management.

Training budget

The training budget is formed by: the HR department - to provide corporate training programs (general banking expenses); bank divisions - to ensure functional training of employees (division budgets). Training budgets are monitored by the HR department. The optimal amount of expenses for corporate training is 0.5% of the wage fund.

Training and development portal

The banking system of the Russian Federation is characterized by significant ramifications, a wide network of branches throughout the country (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB, etc.). Taking this into account, as one of the most effective forms of personnel training, it is necessary to consider a distance learning form, namely, the use of a training and development portal.

The training and development portal (hereinafter referred to as the training portal) is a tool for organizing distance learning in the bank. The educational portal contains up-to-date information about educational events, a library of electronic courses and tests on distance learning, etc. The rules for using the educational portal should be set out in methodological recommendations and user instructions preceding the sections of the portal. Information on the learning portal should be open and designated. All bank employees should have access to open information at any time they choose. Assigned courses and tests must be personally available to the employee at the time specifically designated for training. The results of training and testing are available personally to each employee.

Heads of branch departments and HR specialists must have access to reports on employee training and testing.

The adaptation program is a program for new bank employees, designed for a probationary period, which is carried out through a training portal. The adaptation program is controlled by the bank’s HR, AML/CFT officer, and the new employee’s immediate supervisor.

The course for a new employee, as a rule, consists of several modules (general information about the bank, personnel policy, corporate standards of business communication, labor protection requirements, introductory training on AML/CFT). Assignment to the course is made automatically after authorization of the employee’s hiring order and reflection of information about the employee in the personnel database.

For bank employees, a distance learning course should be mandatory.

Regional training centers

An alternative to learning via the Internet is the use of so-called RTCs - regional training centers.

Main functions of the RTC:

Interaction with the HR department on the organization of corporate training events on the basis of the RTC for employees of regional branches;

Providing premises from training or meeting rooms available to the branch, equipped with the necessary equipment for conducting face-to-face (seminars, trainings, etc.) and remote (video seminars and conferences) training events;

Allocation of employees to organize and support training events;

Providing organizational support for training events - meeting and accommodating non-resident participants, purchasing office supplies, organizing coffee breaks during training sessions.

The following training events are held at the RTC:

Seminars and trainings within the framework of corporate programs ("Effective Management", "Effective Sales", "Effective Service");

Practical and consulting seminars in areas of banking with the participation of specialists from the head office and the best specialists from the branches;

Video seminars for target groups of branch personnel with the participation of representatives of the head office and external specialists;

Various training and production activities that require specific discussion and elaboration with the active participation of target groups of branch personnel;

Business games and professional testing (if these events are held in person).

Training events on the basis of the RTC are planned in the annual corporate training plan for bank personnel.

It is necessary to dwell on the “Effective Sales” program in more detail, since a commercial bank receives most of its income from interest on the loan portfolio, which means that the larger the loan portfolio and the higher its quality, the higher the bank’s income, and this can be achieved, in particular, through effective sales.

The program includes 3 stages.

Stage 1: “Sales Techniques” trainings for senior client managers (SCM) of bank branches (350 people, ~ 60 branches); identification of key SCMs (as a rule, heads of customer service departments).

Stage 2: “Training of Trainers” program for key SCMs (20 people); product preparation (trade finance, liabilities); skills training (methodology for conducting sales training).

Stage 3: “Sales Techniques” trainings for junior client managers and product specialists by key SCMs (more than 300 people).

Performance assessment: duel between client teams of branches (business simulation); results of the implementation of business plans for the current year.

The conditional return on this program is 2.06 rubles. for 1 rub. costs.

Corporate University

For the successful development of the banking business, it is necessary that the employee’s goals coincide with the general goals of the credit institution. The main tool in solving this problem is the corporate university. The university is a key stage in the process of establishing a system of corporate personnel training.

Dictionary of personnel management. A corporate university is a well-thought-out system for training company personnel, within which all traditional forms of business education are used to achieve the company's goals.

In addition to direct training of employees, the main tasks of a corporate university include summarizing the experience and knowledge accumulated by the bank and creating a unified organizational culture. For example, at VTB, under the auspices of the corporate university, the following programs were implemented, the best practices of branches were summarized: “Commercial launch of a regional structural unit”, “Program for the development of corporate culture in the branch”, “Motivation of employees of the large client support department”, “Key performance indicators of branches” to determine the bonus fund" and many others.

The bank's corporate university is primarily a program for developing the bank's management potential.

The goals of the corporate university: strengthening competitive advantages, forming a unified management team of the bank.

Its tasks: identify and develop the most capable middle managers; implement current bank projects, including with the help of university students; apply and transmit effective management technologies throughout the territory of the bank’s presence.

Here are examples of some corporate university programs.

"Energy of Leadership" is a program for developing the bank's management reserve. Recruitment is made on a competitive basis once a year (May - August). Duration of training - 1 year (4 on-site sessions of 5 days, defense of diploma projects).

"Effective Management" is an open program for heads of structural divisions of the bank. The program is conducted at the head office and in regional training centers on the basis of authorized branches within the framework of the tasks of operational management - business process management and people management. Recruitment into groups is carried out throughout the year, participation is coordinated with the heads of independent divisions/blocks/departments/branches.

Nomination of candidates for participation in competitive recruitment to the corporate university is carried out by heads of functional blocks/departments, heads of departments, independent structural divisions, managers of bank branches, taking into account the general requirements presented in table.

General requirements for candidates for participation

in competitive recruitment to a corporate university

As part of the assessment of candidates for participation in the training program, the key selection criteria are:

Employee performance results;

Level of professionalism in the relevant field;

Leadership skills;

Ability to think at a strategic level;

Result-oriented, striving for new achievements;

Ability to interact effectively with people;

Customer focus;

Innovation and creative approach to problem solving;

Ability to work effectively under conditions of uncertainty;

Learning ability, the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice;

High motivation to participate in the training program of the bank's corporate university.

In conclusion, it should be noted that personnel training cannot be considered as an activity that has only auxiliary significance for the effective operation of the bank, since the determining condition for the economic health of a financial organization is its ability to quickly adapt to external and internal changes, and the corporate training system serves precisely these purposes.


1. Labor motivation of personnel of financial and credit organizations / Ed. Yu. G. Odegova. M.: Exam, 2002.

2. Social report of VTB Bank for 2009 [Electronic resource]. URL: vtb. ru/upload/iblock/3de/VTB_SR_2009-e. pdf.

R. Dolzhenko

Department of Economics,

sociology of labor

and personnel management

Altai State


Signed for seal

Corporate training- this is training for employees of a company (corporation), organized by this organization to improve the efficiency of its work. Corporate training is non-state, its goals and objectives, content and methods of organizing the educational process, as well as the contingent of students and teachers are established by the company's management.

Main advantages of corporate training:
  • the focus of the educational process on solving specific problems of professional activity that are relevant for a given company, which ensures its high “return” and payback;
  • the ability to organize the educational process in such a way that the employment of employees with educational activities does not reduce the productivity of their work during the training period (organize on-the-job training, use distance learning tools, allocate the most appropriate time for classes, conduct them in close connection with the daily practice of professional activity, additionally stimulate training employees, etc.);
  • the inclusion of corporate training in the personnel management system allows for prompt professional development in accordance with constantly changing external requirements and internal needs of the organization;
  • formation in employees not only of new professional knowledge and skills, but also of a special corporate culture, manifested in the interaction of personnel within the company, as well as in work with clients and partners.
Seeing these advantages, business structures are increasingly turning to corporate training for their employees. Large companies systematically train employees, creating their own training centers and universities for this purpose. Almost all transnational companies that have an extensive structure of production and sales of products around the world have corporate training centers and universities. This is necessary, for example, to train qualified employees from among local residents, without which it is unthinkable to ensure uniform quality standards for production and service. However, corporate training is also relevant for companies doing business within the country or focusing on the needs of one region.

Today, corporate training is even practiced by recruitment agencies that provide personnel outsourcing services (hiring freelance qualified personnel). Their range of services often includes training programs for advanced training and retraining of temporary staff, because outsourcing hires not only seasonal workers, but also professionals whose specialty requires constant advanced training: accountants, IT specialists, designers, as well as other specialists (for example , for various special projects).

Organization of corporate training

Since corporate training is carried out according to the needs of the organization, it can be either systematic, so one-time.

At systematic training classes are conducted for specialists with constantly changing working conditions (more often this is due to changes in the regulatory framework and the emergence of new versions of software). Thus, accountants are constantly faced with new types and forms of reporting, and accounting programs are periodically updated.

One-time training aimed at solving a specific corporate problem, for example, effective sales of a new product.

Corporate training can be conducted both full-time employees of the company (teachers, psychologists, business trainers), and invited, externally hired specialists or training companies.

A full-time employee organizing corporate training is often a part-time employee, engaging in the educational process as needed and performing other functions the rest of the time (for example, being a human resources manager). The main advantage of this is cost savings. However, this option also has disadvantages:

  • one person cannot be a good specialist in all areas of scientific knowledge and practical activities related to the needs of a given company;
  • constant involvement in the activities of the organization prevents a full-time trainer from looking at its problems “from the outside” and seeing new prospects for development;
  • The fact that a full-time trainer is one of his colleagues may interfere with the establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships with students.
By inviting teachers and trainers from outside, the company has the opportunity to select the most qualified specialists in the industry that employees need to study. In this case, the fees paid to such specialists are compensated by the high quality of training.

Corporate training is always focused on the practice of solving professional problems. This feature is manifested in its forms, which have a pronounced practical orientation. Thus, lectures during corporate training usually take up a small part of training time. Much more often used

Give your organization's staff skills and abilities, taking into account:

  • The gap between the actual and required level of knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • Your industry and internal corporate specifics;
  • Functions performed by staff: now and after training;
  • The corporate culture of your company;
  • Strategic objectives and goals.

Every time we create a unique product, inviting exactly those specialists whose experience and knowledge best suit your needs. Clients come to us with requests - from corporate sales training to corporate training in the implementation of a balanced scorecard.

Corporate training is most in demand today in two areas:

  • aimed at improving the efficiency of managers’ work with clients;
  • , the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of employees in leadership positions.

How to get the expected results from the money spent on corporate training?

Obviously, you need to prepare for the learning process at corporate seminars. Both the trainer and the company itself. You can read more about preparing for the training.

We offer our clients guarantee of objectivity in selection personnel training programs. Since 2001, SRC, a leader in the ranking of training companies, has separated the process of identifying needs and setting goals and objectives for corporate personnel training into a separate service. For us, this is not done by trainers or teachers, but by corporate training consultants. What does this give you? Corporate training consultants are not interested in “selling” any specific trainer and training, but rather in meeting your unique training needs.

How will we work with you?

SRC Business School specialists accompany each client throughout 8 stages of work.

  1. Identifying the need. This stage is associated with establishing the level of the gap between the desired and actual performance of the company. Do you understand the need for staff training? We will help you determine the feasibility of investing in corporate training.
  2. Setting goals. At the second stage, together with you, the goals of training and the objectives of personnel training programs are formulated. In other words, how will employees need to achieve the performance bar set for them?
  3. Determination of content, forms and methods. This stage includes determining your specifics, taking into account the composition of the group, the scope of activity of its participants, their wishes, goals and objectives, and the form of delivery (staff training in the organization or on-site business training).
  4. Selection or training of teachers/trainers. At the fourth stage, specialists are selected who will train personnel. We work with a database of 135 trainers, from which we can select a suitable teacher for your corporate educational event. We not only know the areas of competence of this or that consultant, but also have experience of cooperation in dozens of projects and feedback from our clients on the training of personnel in organizations.
  5. Preparation for the training, including organizational arrangements and staff motivation. At this stage, we resolve issues regarding the organization of corporate training (time, place, duration), and also recommend how to properly instruct the group and set it up for further work to improve professional skills.
  6. Conducting training. The stage involves the implementation of a pre-agreed schedule and plan of corporate events. In each group, the process is built according to an individual scheme, taking into account its specifics and goals. You can organize training in Moscow, or you can organize on-site business training in another city.
  7. Evaluation of training effectiveness. By surveying students, we assess participants’ satisfaction with the form and content of the training or other form of staff training provided. It is also determined whether the goals and objectives set before the start of the training were achieved, whether the professional level of the staff increased and whether they developed an understanding of how to structure their work to improve the efficiency of the entire department and the entire company.
  8. Ensuring positive transfer of knowledge gained during training into the daily work of staff. Post-training events allow students to consolidate acquired knowledge and skills and gain a clear understanding of their use in the work process. Encouragement and encouragement from the coach develops the desire in staff to implement new patterns and tools in the performance of their daily duties.
induction program on labor protection in the Olympox program.

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