Download the latest version of Minecraft. Which Minecraft is the best on different platforms?

Today's game minecraft is very popular; it is a kind of analogue of a sandbox, which allows you to build various structures. The uniqueness of Minecraft is that the game is constantly evolving, there is no monotony, which has ruined many projects. If we consider game modes, the developers offer “Survival” - a unique opportunity to test yourself for quick thinking and determining the complexity of a situation. It is necessary not only to constantly build, but also to be wary of various monsters - they can have a significant impact on the gameplay.

Download minecraft to gain access to a limitless constructor that will not limit the players’ imagination. You will have to not only build - create structures that will become very effective protection against a huge number of monsters.

Do you love construction sets? Then Minecraft will become a real panacea - a huge number of cubes and an open world allow you to build any structure. There are no restrictions on ideas - each player will be able to create a huge number of architectural structures, taking into account their own preferences and gaming needs.

It is worth considering the presence of a mobile version - this allows you not to be distracted from the gameplay - you can constantly expand the number of buildings, taking into account your needs. In this case, it is also worth considering access to new plugins - they open up new opportunities for players. New interesting additions appear every day - you can significantly modernize the huge game world.

On our torrent portal you can download minecraft, using a torrent very quickly and without registration. Also if you want to see other versions of the game minecraft, You can look below where the block is located similar games. So quickly download Minecraft and start playing this wonderful game that is played by millions of people around the globe. If you were looking for the best Minecraft build, then you found it with us, this is a pirate that is better than all the others that is on the Internet. So download it repack minecraft play with us!

Game version: 1.11
Publication type: pirate

  • Clean version with built-in pirate launcher
  • Combined all libraries in one folder
  • Realms cut
  • "Snocking" is disabled in mojang (snooper)
  • Possibility of installing a skin (single game and/or servers that support changing the skin by UUID)
  • Possibility of playing over a local network
  • Possibility of playing on the Internet (offline-mode servers)
  • Added compatibility with Windows 10
  • Added compatibility with Java 9

Minimum system requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows Vista/7/8
  • Processor: Pentium D / Athlon 64 2.6 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Video card: 512 MB, GeForce 9600 GT / Radeon HD 2400, OpenGL 3.1
  • Audio Card: OpenGL Compatible
  • Free space on hard drive: 200 MB

Minecraft With each new version of the game it becomes more optimized and improved. Thus, it is not difficult to understand that updates come out very often, and the player needs download the latest, current version of Minecraft. There are not very many changes in the latest version of Minecraft, but the game is much more stable than previous versions. Exit new version of Minecraft For some players, this is a significant day, and for some, this fact can be annoying. After all, not everyone experiences crashes, bugs and similar problems while playing.

Download the latest version of Minecraft- for many, the current version may not seem very convenient. Therefore, many do not see the point in updating to a new version, because they have already installed the mods they need. And why install the same mods and update every time? Everything is very simple, with each new version new features appear in the game, which players add using different versions. And since this function already exists without any mods, why then load the PC and video card by adding new modifications to the game. After all, the developers Minecraft offer a more optimized version of this mod.

Moreover, each new version of Minecraft immediately becomes popular and relevant. Most players immediately update their clients, and some of them remain on earlier versions. For example, the current version Minecraft 1.5.2 is also particularly popular among players. Besides, who wants to throw away all their achievements on certain servers they played on before. With each new version the game becomes more stable. We also suggest you view the list of Minecraft servers.

Minecraft download latest version in Russian- at first the game will be in English. After installing the game, you can change the language to Russian by going to the "Settings" section. Select Russian in the "language" section and you will be happy. We offer several options for downloading Minecraft - download the latest version of Minecraft via torrent.

On this page we will post all the latest updates and links to download current versions of mods.

UPD: 08/05/2018 - Current version of Minecraft - Minecraft 1.13.

Download the latest version of Minecraft 2- Download Minecraft 2.

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The Minecraft game has been in development for a long time, it has undergone many changes. That's why developers use a version system. The release of a new version of Minecraft is a significant event for us; for some, it is a little annoying, because versions may be released that only contain bug fixes, which is not very interesting. Because of this, you have to wait until the mods for them are updated, which is not good. But if you always want to have the latest version, on this page you can download the latest version of Minecraft.

What awaits us in the new Minecraft

Everyone is waiting for a version that will add a lot of interesting things, and we will get it very soon. Namely, many changes for the better, new blocks and much more.

Seaweed, Kelp, Icebergs.
Many bug fixes and improvements.

In the meantime you can

Before this version, it was relevant, which of course will remain available on our website.

There are even such versions: and

Some computer games are released one-time, that is, they are a finished product, which is then not further developed. There are also games that suffer minor changes after release due to bugs that leaked into the final version. They are fixed through patches - and sometimes some nice little things are added. But there are also games that are most often multiplayer and are in a constant and continuous development process - additions and updates are periodically released to them that improve the gameplay, adding new items, characters and mobs to it. Minecraft falls into the latter category, which is why gamers often have the question: “Which Minecraft is the best?” After all, you may be offered to download a wide variety of versions - how to understand which one is better than the others?

"Minecraft" on computer

It’s worth saying right away that Minecraft is a cross-platform project that was originally developed for personal computers, but then gradually migrated to other platforms. And if you want to find out which Minecraft is the best on PC, then you better try downloading version 1.8.3, since it is the last one to be released. The update was made quite recently - in February 2015, so this version will contain all the latest innovations, and some bugs present in the game were also fixed. In fact, only one serious flaw was fixed in this version - many players who switched to version 1.8 experienced problems loading the world - the game could simply crash. This bug was fixed with this update, which is by far the most worthwhile. Therefore, if you are interested in the question of which Minecraft is the best on a personal computer, then this is version 1.8.3.

mobile version

The first transition to another platform was made when Minecraft appeared on the Android mobile OS. Naturally, Android was not the only one who received a version of the game among mobile platforms. You can also find this game both on iOS and on other operating systems such as Windows and Fire OS. In this case, the answer to the question of which Minecraft is the best will not be so clear. The fact is that the updates for the systems are the same, but are not developed in parallel. Therefore, for Android and Fire, the best version at the moment is 0.10.5, and for Windows and iOS - 0.10.4. What is the difference between them? You will be surprised, but there is no difference, because update 0.10.5 is unique and does not bring anything new to the game - it only fixes some bugs of the previous version. But it just corrected some shortcomings of both a technical and gaming nature. For example, when leaving the world the game crashed, and the bed could only be placed with its head facing north. And if you are wondering which is the best for mobile devices, then it is 0.10.4, since it fixed the above shortcomings.


More recently, Minecraft has reached consoles - now Xbox and PS owners can also enjoy this wonderful game. And here with versions everything is much more complicated. For example, for Xbox360 the most current and best version is TU23, but for Xbox One it is CU11. For PS, everything is a little more structured - both the three, the four, and the Vita have the latest update - 1.15, so you can safely download it, regardless of which console model you have.

Minecraft servers

Another indicator by which you can judge the quality of a game version is the servers that were created on its basis. To find out which is the best Minecraft server, you need to look at what version of the game it is made on.


If you are no longer new to Minecraft, you have probably tried the gameplay in more than one version of this game. You probably have your own preferences among them. When you just have to master the intricacies of “minecraft”, since you have never personally played this “game” before, follow the advice of many more experienced gamers and try to download and install version 1.7.3 Beta on your computer. According to the recognition of a considerable number of players, it is still considered, if not the best, then one of the obvious contenders for such an honorable title.

Be sure to install a special program - Minecraft Forge - along with the game itself. Without it, you will not be able to then add various interesting mods to the game if you want to try them out. After launching the gameplay, enjoy its capabilities. In Minecraft 1.7.3 Beta they are truly wide. The main thing is that one of the most frequently used mechanisms in this game has been added here - the piston. With its help, create secret doors, traps (they will be useful to you when participating in a multiplayer game - to counteract its participants who are griefing) and other useful devices.

When this mob is killed, a small skin and meat drop out, suitable for preparing one of the most nutritious dishes in the game - rabbit stew. Rare drop - rabbit, used for preparing a potion of jumping ability.

The killer rabbit will be very hostile towards the gamer's character, which can be distinguished from other varieties of these animals by its red eyes. Another new mob is ready to attack - the Ender silverfish, which spawns when the Enderman is aggressive or moves. True, this creature will disappear after a couple of minutes if you do not give it a name using a tag.

Starting from version 1.8, the sponge will again absorb water. Its properties will extend to six cubes of liquid around it. A wet sponge loses these properties, but after drying in an oven it becomes functional again.

From now on, an underwater fortress will be generated in some places in the deep ocean. There, gamers will find new types of blocks - various variants of prismarine - as well as many valuable items. However, you must be extremely vigilant - all this is guarded by guards (ordinary and ancient), who are incredibly difficult to defeat. After killing them, you can get a drop in the form of fish, fragments and prismarine crystals, as well as a wet sponge.

Among the blocks added in version 1.8 are andesite, diorite and granite, which are very similar in texture. The beloved mossy cobblestone can now be crafted, and doors can now be stacked into stacks of 64 items.

Interesting items include a sea lantern, new types of fences, a barrier (as strong as bedrock) and an armor stand. On the last one the player is allowed to place everything that he puts on himself: armor, heads, etc.

Some things have changed in the gameplay. For example, enchanting will now require certain resources (gold and lapis lazuli) and will cost several levels. The latter will also become more difficult to obtain.

The NPC village has also been modernized. Its inhabitants are now divided into classes, harvest crops, and will trade according to stricter rules - with improved balance and less element of chance in transactions. In addition, the gamer will receive valuable gaming experience for trading.

The changes are not limited to the above. However, they are worth it to update your Minecraft to 1.8 and enjoy the possibilities that have opened up in it, and also start wondering what later versions of the game will bring in the future.

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Changes in the latest version of Minecraft

In September 2014, Minecraft 1.8 was released. It was announced long before the release, and therefore gamers were awaiting its release with joyful anticipation of future changes in gameplay. Of course, new ores, items and mobs, elimination of previous lags and other changes only improve the gameplay.

The functional sponge has returned to Minecraft (and not as a regular decorative block, as before). It absorbs liquid within a radius of about six blocks, which are not filled with anything for some time, thanks to which it is now possible again to build any structures deep under water - for example, to build farms or enclosed premises there for the extraction of various resources.

To enchant various items in Minecraft, the player will need quite expensive ores - gold and lapis lazuli. The exact quantity they will be required in each case will be indicated in the recipe in the game itself.

Some things have changed in the gameplay. Thus, trading with NPC residents will now become more streamlined and will begin to bring experience to the gamer. It will significantly reduce the element of randomness. By the way, the peasants themselves will be divided not only by profession, but also by class. They also gain the ability to harvest crops.

Enchanting will cost the player no more than one or three levels (which, however, have become many times more difficult to obtain), but will require certain materials in the inventory. In addition, only one enchantment will be displayed in the tooltip, and the player will have to figure out what the rest are by the method of elimination (after all, some enchantments are incompatible).

New mobs have also been added to the game. One of them is a rabbit, which, unfortunately, will not be tamed for now. Its ordinary individuals are not aggressive towards the gamer’s character. Only the red-eyed killer rabbit will attack him. The edge silverfish and underwater creatures - ordinary and ancient guards - behave similarly to the latter. These aquatic creatures are unusually strong, have very good health (up to 40 hearts) and appear exclusively in a new structure - an underwater fortress.

On what resources can you download the new version of the game?

New Minecraft 1.8 blocks include variations of the underwater mineral prismarine, slime (which looks like a small slug), as well as the stone material brownish-pink granite, white diorite, and gray andesite.

Listed above are not all the changes that have appeared in Minecraft. However, even they will probably interest many gamers so much that they will certainly want to try out new items in person and meet the mobs that have appeared there in the virtual spaces of the game.

However, a logical question arises - how to download assembly 1.8? It will be completely irrelevant for license key holders. The first time they try to log into Minecraft, the system itself will prompt them to update the game to its new version. The rest will have to look for another way out.

On many sites from which experienced gamers are accustomed to downloading gaming software, the newest version is still listed as 1.7.10. On others, 1.8 has already appeared. However, not everywhere it is presented in the form of a standard archive - in some places you will have to deal with a torrent.

Don't worry if you can't get Russian-language Minecraft in the new build at first. The official translation, as many have noted, is still far from perfect. Therefore, it is better to use the Russifier and apply it to the English version.

It is important that the installer for the updated Minecraft is downloaded from reliable sources. It is worth waiting until the installation files appear on trusted resources rather than taking them from dubious sites and risking getting a virus on your computer. In such matters it is better to be slow and cautious.

Video on the topic


  • Features of different versions of Minecraft in 2019

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