How many chicken eggs should each person eat per week? Safe dose: how many eggs can you eat per day

Chicken eggs are one of the foods that have many opinions about their consumption. And in order not to harm your health and figure, while receiving maximum benefits for your body, you need to know which of them are truly true, how much yolk and white it is permissible to eat per day.

Most people, even knowing about the benefits of eggs, are firmly convinced that they can only eat three or four eggs per day. Otherwise, they believe, there will be a sharp increase in cholesterol, which can lead to the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

This conclusion is based on the composition of a chicken egg, which contains 5 grams of fat and 200 milligrams of cholesterol. But this is just a myth. The amount of eggs consumed has no connection with blood cholesterol levels.

What are the benefits and harms of cholesterol?

This lipid-related substance is incredibly important for the body. It supports protective immune functions and is a direct participant in the production of some important hormones, including testosterone and cortisol. The amount of cholesterol produced by the liver is several times greater than that obtained from a dozen eggs.

An increase in total cholesterol in the blood is dangerous for humans, but it has virtually nothing to do with chicken eggs. In addition, as studies have shown, this product does not increase bad cholesterol, but, on the contrary, the body, adapting to its intake with food, begins to produce it in smaller quantities.

The relationship between cholesterol levels and egg consumption

It is necessary to understand that cholesterol can be “good” and “bad” and affects the body accordingly. And if a person eats three eggs daily, this does not affect the level of bad and total cholesterol in the blood.

Thirty percent of participants in studies showing this relationship experienced changes in cholesterol. However, firstly, it was quite insignificant, and secondly, “good” cholesterol increased, not “bad” cholesterol.

What is healthier - chicken whites or yolks?

There is an opinion that it is the yolk that contains harmful cholesterol, and, therefore, you need to eat the protein. This is nothing more than a misconception. Other industrially produced food products require a much more detailed study of the composition than a regular chicken egg. This is especially true for various semi-finished products, including meat.

The protein does not contain fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, which are present in the yolk. The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin not only give it its characteristic yellow color, but also have a positive effect on visual function and increase the body's resistance to free radicals.

Calorie content and composition of chicken eggs

There are about 75 calories per 50 grams of hard-boiled egg. Its nutritional value is: carbohydrates - 0.5, proteins - 6.5, fats - 5 grams (including monosaturated (1.9) and saturated (1.5) fatty acids). By eating it, you can cover 3% of your total daily requirement for calcium, 4% for zinc and 5% for iron.

The value of egg white lies in its almost complete digestibility. Its composition is rich in amino acids - glutamic and aspartic (1.6 and 1.3%), leucine (1%), lysine and serine (0.9 each), isoleucine (0.7%), and threonine (0. 6%).

How to eat eggs - raw or boiled?

The usefulness of raw eggs is simply a misconception. Raw protein is poorly digestible and puts a strain on the stomach. Another danger is salmonellosis, the risk of contracting which increases many times if you consume the product without heat treatment.

It is recommended to boil or fry eggs. Harmful microbes that may be present on the shell can enter the stomach. To minimize this danger, it is recommended to wash the egg well with hot water and soap before eating.

Daily norm

It is necessary to understand that all of the above conclusions are based on studies in which people eat no more than three chicken eggs daily. Therefore, it is this norm that is considered safe. It is impossible to say with certainty what will happen if you consume more.

Don't forget about the difference between homemade and factory-made eggs. Laying hens in industrial poultry farming practically do not move, which leads to a shift in the balance of fatty acids and other changes in the composition of the product. And if possible, it is better to eat eggs from free-range chickens.


Adequate consumption of chicken eggs allows you to obtain healthy fats and proteins. The main thing is not to exceed the norm (3 pieces), the safety of which has been proven through numerous studies.

Is protein harmful? How much is absorbed at a time?

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on earth.

Just imagine...a whole egg contains the nutrients needed to develop a whole chick from just one cell.

However, eggs have a bad reputation because the yolks have very high cholesterol levels. You need to eat eggs, but how many eggs can you eat a day?

In fact, one egg contains 186 milligrams of cholesterol, which is 62% of the recommended daily value.

You can eat as many eggs as you like per day, as long as your daily protein intake does not exceed 2 grams per kilogram of your body. Otherwise, it is an excellent source of complete protein, which modern people often lack. If you have any doubts, read on and find out why eating eggs is not harmful, but healthy, even in large quantities with yolks.

People believe that the more cholesterol you eat, the higher your blood cholesterol levels and the higher your risk of developing heart disease.

In reality, everything is not so simple. The more cholesterol you consume, the less your body produces.

Let's look at how this works.

How our body regulates cholesterol levels

"Cholesterol" is often perceived as a negative word.

When we hear someone talk about cholesterol, drugs, heart disease and early death immediately come to mind.

However, the truth is that cholesterol is very important for our body. It is a structural molecule that is an integral part of every cell membrane.

In addition, cholesterol is used to form hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and cortisol.

Without cholesterol, you and I wouldn't exist.

Given the importance of cholesterol, our body uses various methods to ensure that we always have the necessary supply of this substance.

Since it is not always possible to obtain cholesterol from food, our liver produces it itself.

However, when we start eating foods rich in cholesterol, the liver begins to produce less of it.

Thus, the total cholesterol level in the body changes by a very small percentage (if at all). The body simply gets it from food, and does not produce it itself.

Conclusion: The liver produces large amounts of cholesterol. When we eat a lot of cholesterol-rich eggs, our liver begins to produce less of it.

What happens when we eat several eggs a day?

For many years, people were advised to limit their consumption of eggs, or at least egg yolks (whites contain almost no cholesterol).

It is usually recommended to eat 2 to 6 yolks per week. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Luckily, there is some excellent research to help us sleep soundly.

During these studies, people were divided into two groups. One group had to eat several eggs a day, the other group had to eat something else (such as an egg substitute). The researchers then followed the people for several weeks or months.

Research has shown that:

  • In almost all cases, the level of “good” (HDL) cholesterol rose.
  • Total and LDL cholesterol levels sometimes remained unchanged and sometimes increased slightly.
  • Eating Omega-3 eggs reduces triglyceride levels in the blood, which is also an important risk factor.
  • Blood levels of antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin increased significantly.

It seems that everything is purely individual.

In 70% of cases, eating eggs does not play any role in the overall cholesterol level in the body. However, in 30% of cases (for the so-called “hyper reagents”) the indicators increase slightly.

Essentially this is not a big problem. Research shows that eggs exchange small, dense LDL particles for larger ones.

People who predominantly have large LDL particles have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. So, even if eggs cause a slight increase in total cholesterol levels, there is no need to worry.

It is clear that 1-3 eggs a day is absolutely safe for our health.

Conclusion: Eggs increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. In 70% of cases, there is no increase in total cholesterol levels at all. There may be minor changes in only a small number of people.

Eggs and heart disease

A large number of studies have been conducted to study this issue.

These are all so-called “observational studies.” In these studies, groups of people are followed for years.

Scientists then use statistical methods to find out whether certain habits (such as diet, smoking or exercise) are associated with a reduced or increased risk of developing certain diseases.

Research data, some involving hundreds of thousands of people, show that people who regularly eat eggs are no less likely to develop heart disease. Some of the studies even show a reduced risk of stroke.

However, it is worth noting that most of these studies noted an increased risk of heart disease in diabetics.

Whether this is actually true remains to be seen. These studies are relative and it is possible that diabetics who eat eggs are simply less concerned about their health than those who do not eat eggs.

It may also well depend on the rest of your diet. On a low-carb diet (by far the best diet for diabetics), eggs can actually lead to increased risk factors for heart disease.

Conclusion: Most studies show that those who eat eggs do not generally have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. However, some studies show an increased risk of developing such diseases in people with diabetes.

What are the health benefits of eggs?

Let's not forget that eggs contain more than just cholesterol. They are rich in nutrients and good for your health. Here are some of the benefits:

Among other things, eggs are easy to prepare and very tasty.

So even if eggs could have an adverse effect on blood cholesterol levels (in reality this is not the case), there are still more benefits from eating them.

Conclusion: Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on earth. They contain nutrients and powerful antioxidants that can protect the eyes from various diseases.

How many eggs are there already?

Unfortunately, there have been no studies where people ate more than three eggs a day.

It is possible (though unlikely) that eating more than three eggs a day will have detrimental effects on your health.

However, there is one interesting study that only involved one person. He was an 88-year-old man who ate 25 eggs a day.

He had completely normal blood cholesterol levels and felt great.

Of course, one single study doesn't prove anything, but it's still worth thinking about.

It is also worth understanding that not all eggs are the same. Most of the eggs we buy in supermarkets come from factory-raised, grain-fed chickens.

The healthiest eggs are eggs fortified with Omega-3 fats or eggs from pasture-raised chickens. The Omega-3 content in such eggs is much higher.

In general, eating eggs is completely harmless to health. Even if you eat three eggs a day.

Even if you eat 3-6 eggs a day, nothing will happen to you.

Given the huge amount of nutrients, eggs can be considered one of the healthiest foods on earth.

Source of information:

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on earth. Just imagine...a whole egg contains the nutrients needed to develop a whole chick from just one cell. However, eggs have a bad reputation because the yolks have very high cholesterol levels. You need to eat eggs, but how many eggs can you eat a day?…

Eggs and cholesterol: how many eggs can you eat without harming your health?

Eggs and cholesterol: how many eggs can you eat without harming your health?

Irina Mishina

Quick answer: for an adult, the norm is 1 egg or 4-5 per week.

People of the older generation often argue that you can’t eat a lot of eggs - this is, they say, harmful to the body, since they contain a large amount of cholesterol, which in turn can lead to kidney diseases, diabetes, excess body weight, pancreatic disease, stroke, etc. Let's figure out where the lies are and where the truth is.

As it turns out, this is not a joke at all. Numerous studies conducted in the middle of the last century helped obtain reliable information. Then scientists found out that a large number of eggs actually raises cholesterol levels, and the substance itself is mostly found in the yolk; there is much less of it in the white. At the same time, it became known that cholesterol accumulates gradually, that is, if you eat a dozen eggs daily, then the problem with blockage of blood vessels and the occurrence of diseases will not make itself known soon, at least after several years. But this problem will be very serious.

There is another difficulty. The poultry farm where laying hens “live” is an excellent place for the development of microbes and bacteria. In addition, do not forget that birds are fed with special preparations so that they lay eggs more often and grow faster. , which the laying hen gives, easily absorbs all the bacteria that may later end up in the human stomach. Thus, it turns out that the more eggs you eat, the higher the risk of introducing bacteria into the body. By the way, the most dangerous bacteria is salmonella, which is found in raw eggs. Causes the most dangerous disease salmonellosis, which is characterized by symptoms such as fever, migraine, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, increased internal organs, temperature rise up to 41 degrees, etc.

Now let’s try to draw a conclusion from the data described above, and also turn to specialists for help. In their opinion, on average, a person should eat one egg a day - then he can protect himself from dangerous cholesterol, and even then scientists question this issue, because the daily dose of cholesterol is about 300-400 mg, while in one egg - approximately 350 mg. True, there is one interesting feature - egg cholesterol is also necessary for humans, as it nourishes nerve cells. In addition, you can eat only whites - they are much safer than yolks, so you can eat 3-4 whites per day versus one egg. The weekly norm is 3-5 eggs.

But bodybuilding athletes usually ignore such recommendations and eat 4-8 eggs per day, since they contain a large amount of the protein they need. We will not condemn them - we have already said our word.

Let's talk better about the kids. Egg white is necessary for children because it allows the child’s body to develop, contains several important elements that increase immunity, improves the condition skin, allows for better absorption of calcium, etc. The only danger is that the egg is a highly allergenic product, so it can cause allergies in the baby.

Children under one year old can only be given eggs under the supervision of a doctor; from one to six years old - no more than 2 eggs per week, and starting from the age of six - 4 eggs per week.

Eggs are a versatile product: they can be fried, boiled, added to salads and soups, or served as an independent dish. Many people eat several eggs a day without even knowing whether they are causing damage to their body. It turns out that frequent consumption of eggs causes some changes and entails consequences. In this article you will find out what exactly is contained in one egg, how often you can eat it, and also what will happen if you bypass this recommendation.

What's in one egg?

The set of microelements and vitamins is the same in each egg, but their quantity directly depends on the weight of the product itself. Do not forget that chicken eggs are sold in different categories: from small eggs of the third category to large ones - the highest. On average, the weight of one boiled egg is 50 grams without shell.

Now let's look at the list of elements in an egg per 100 grams of its weight:

  • The egg contains the most water. It is 75 grams out of a total of 100 grams.
  • Next comes the protein. Its weight is approximately 12 grams.
  • Fats weigh about the same - 11 grams.
  • There are practically no carbohydrates in eggs, they amount to only 0.8 g.
  • After this comes cholesterol, vitamins and microelements.

If you divide all the data obtained in half, you will find out the chemical composition of one egg.

Why is high consumption of eggs harmful?

First of all, it is cholesterol. Although this element is divided into “bad” cholesterol and “good” cholesterol, it can still cause some damage to the body, especially if you have problems with the content of this substance.

One egg contains approximately 280 mg of pure cholesterol. Its concentration is contained in the yolk. If you completely remove the yolk from an egg, there will be no cholesterol left in it.

The remaining elements are useful or harmless to the human body. They may be prohibited only in case of individual intolerance.

How many eggs can you eat per day?

  • For example, a person weighing 60 kg can consume up to 120 grams of protein per day without harm to health. If you exceed the norm, this will lead to a disruption in the normal functioning of the stomach. Also, excessive protein consumption leads to the formation of kidney stones.
  • If one egg contains about 12 grams of protein, then the maximum will be 10 medium-weight eggs. Remember that this is the maximum protein threshold. Of course, ten eggs is too much if you eat the yolk with cholesterol and fat.

Experts recommend eating 4-6 eggs per week, so you're better off eating one egg a day, sometimes skipping meals. Currently, studies on the dangers of eggs on the body have been carried out repeatedly, and all of them have confirmed the harmlessness of this product, if you rationally consider the harm from protein.

We can say that egg consumption comes down to the golden rule: “It’s good in moderation.” Don't exclude them from your diet, but don't overeat either.

You've probably heard more than once that you can't eat a lot of eggs, because they contain a lot of cholesterol, which is very harmful to our health, or vice versa - that you need to eat a lot of eggs - because they contain a lot of protein, which is so necessary for our body. So let's then figure out how many eggs you can eat per day and in what form it is better to eat eggs.
So, let's start with protein. Eggs are an ideal source of protein. According to health and fitness experts, if you really want to lose weight, build ripped muscles and become stronger, then eggs should be your best friend. They contain less protein than meat, but it is the protein from eggs that helps us achieve all these noble goals. So how many eggs should you eat per day? Are raw eggs healthy? And also, there were quite a few stories in which people consumed two dozen eggs a day - and all for the benefit of their muscles. Is this normal? After all, we all know that too much of something is always harmful. So how much is “too much”?

Eggs are an ideal source of protein

It is obvious that eggs are good for health, although at the same time, they are one of the most controversial products in terms of their usefulness and uselessness. This happens because egg whites contain a high concentration of cholesterol. A medium-sized egg (about 50 grams) contains 70 calories, 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, 185 milligrams of cholesterol and 0 carbohydrates. Eggs also contain vitamins A, D, B6, B12, D, riboflavin, folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc. But it is the protein contained in eggs that has the greatest nutritional value. No matter what you want - to get pumped up, lose weight or just keep your body in good shape - you won’t find a better friend than eggs!

Although, in spite of everything, the latest research results make us think about the benefits of egg yolks and refute rumors about their harmfulness. If you eat eggs every day, it does not have a significant effect on your blood cholesterol levels. That is, the risks of stroke and cardiovascular disease are in no way associated with regularly eating eggs. One or two eggs a day will not harm your health. How about five? Ten? Fifteen? If you suffer from a lack of carbohydrates and plan to build muscle mass, then more than five a day will only benefit you.

So, eggs contain cholesterol - this is not a very pleasant fact. BUT! This in no way means that eating eggs causes serious cardiovascular disease. Saturated fat has a much more serious impact on your health and physique. Numerous studies confirm that cholesterol obtained from dietary products cannot in any way affect its content in our blood. In addition, eggs contain enriched Omega-3 fats. They reduce the concentration of triglycerides (monobasic fatty acids) in the blood.

Dietary cholesterol and cholesterol in our blood have nothing to do with each other

And now some interesting information. The average Japanese eats about 328 eggs per year. With all this, the Japanese have a significantly reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity. In addition, the level of cholesterol in the blood of the Japanese is much lower than, for example, that of Americans. After all, the majority of Americans fry eggs along with bacon, salami and smoked cheese. In this combination, the level of cholesterol in the blood leads to obesity, strokes, problems with the heart, blood vessels, and even diabetes.

Eggs have only a minimal effect on blood cholesterol levels. This minor impact in no way compares to the usefulness of this product.

So, eat the whole egg - after all, it is a versatile source of protein, minerals and vitamins. Eggs work like a small power plant that supplies our body with the necessary energy in the form of beneficial antioxidants, amino acids, folic acid, choline, lutein, zeaxanthin and many others. Low calorie content makes eggs ideal allies in weight loss.

Are raw eggs safe?

So what about raw eggs? Are they good for protein and milkshakes? Before you eat a raw egg, think twice. It may contain salmonella(a bacterium responsible for serious eating disorders) - of course, not in every egg, but there is always a slight risk.

But besides salmonella, there is one more point. The human body is able to process only 50% of the protein contained in a raw egg. Cooked eggs are completely digestible (98% of the protein is completely digestible). That is, by eating five medium raw eggs per day, you absorb 30 grams of protein, of which only 15 are absorbed.

Eating raw eggs also leads to deficiency biotin– water-soluble B vitamin.

Video about the benefits and harms of eggs for athletes

The risks of eating raw eggs are, of course, not fatal, but they do exist. This is only half the absorption of protein and a deficiency of biotin in the body. After all, there are so many delicious ways to cook eggs - why eat them raw and experience even such, albeit small, difficulties?

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