How much sleep does a little person need? How much sleep do people of different ages need? How much sleep do you need to be productive and healthy?

Even if you managed to get enough sleep over the weekend, every morning on Monday, Tuesday and all other days we wake up as if we haven’t slept for a month. So how many hours a day does a person need to sleep to get enough sleep for an adult, teenager, child or pregnant woman?

How much minimum sleep does a person need per day?

How much sleep does a person need per day at a minimum? Some people say that on the weekend you can get enough sleep for the whole week. Others say you need to sleep 7 hours every day. Still others are convinced for some reason that they need to go to bed at 10 pm every day in order to wake up rested. In general, there are many advisors and opinions, but which statement will be correct? Let's figure it out.

Harsh statistics scream left and right that the adult population is catastrophically deprived of sleep. Moreover, he does not get enough sleep despite the fact that now there are much fewer working hours per day.

And it doesn’t matter who (or what) is to blame for this: electronic gadgets, severe stress, annoying thoughts about school or work.

Ideally, in order to get enough sleep, a person should sleep as many hours a day as he specifically needs to sleep. The human body is designed in such a way that it wakes up as soon as it feels rested.

Sleep rules

There are several points that will be useful for you to know:

  • Contrary to the misconception that a person needs 7-8 hours to get enough sleep, to get enough sleep he needs 2 times 3-4 hours. In this case, there should be a break of 1-2 hours between these approaches. This method has been studied and proven by many scientists who have studied stress and ways to get rid of it. The same method was mentioned in documents of the Middle Ages and Modern times. People of those times spoke of precisely two periods of sleep as something self-evident.
  • Scientists noticed an improvement in the health of those who went to bed between 6 and 8 hours. But despite the significant improvement in well-being, sleep duration and health status, experts noted that people who sleep more than 8 hours have a higher mortality rate than those who do not get enough sleep.

The duration of sleep and constant lack of sleep indicate severe stress. If a person cannot get enough sleep for a long time, this indicates that he is not feeling well (mentally or physically).

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So how much sleep do you need?

In general, what time you should go to bed is all individual. For example, after a grueling workout, an athlete needs a longer recovery time. In contrast, an office worker who sits at a desk all the time needs less sleep.

Likewise, infants should sleep longer than older people. And you can learn about this from our other article.

And yet there is an obvious problem: even today there is hardly a single student, teenager, pregnant woman, child or any other person who can switch to sleeping twice a day, as was recommended to do in ancient times.

So just try to sleep no longer than 8 hours. And if you can’t sleep even 6 hours, have pity on yourself - you shouldn’t pore over writing tests, coursework, and dissertations at night. Turn to those who can lighten your burden and prolong that long-awaited sleep!

Sound, full sleep is very important for the health of every person; it is not for nothing that an entire branch of medicine – somnology – deals with sleep problems. Scientists have long found the answer to the question of how much sleep you need to get enough sleep and provide your body with a boost of energy for the whole day. After all, a sleep-deprived person is irritated and distracted, unable to study or perform his usual daily work, all his thoughts are connected with one desire - to sleep. Lack of sleep threatens the exacerbation of existing diseases and the emergence of new serious ailments, including decreased immunity, the development of depression and insomnia. The number of hours needed for sleep depends on age and gender, the specifics of work and the degree of mental load. The main thing is that the duration of sleep fully meets the needs of the body.

The importance of sleep

Healthy sleep is a source of excellent health and good mood. By providing your brain with proper rest, you can preserve youth and beauty for a long time, which is sometimes so difficult to achieve with the help of cosmetics. During sleep, a person forgets about pressing problems and is carried away in dreams into a fairy-tale world of illusions.

It is continuous and sound sleep that is so important for the body. If a person cannot fall asleep without sleeping pills, his rest is anxious, and his brain is not relaxed enough, then the next day he will feel broken and tired, and there can be no talk about the benefits of such rest. Even if you take sleeping pills irregularly, you can soon develop insomnia, which you will not be able to get rid of without the help of a doctor.

Scientists have found that sleep is much more important for humans than food. Indeed, it is difficult to last more than two days without proper rest. A sleep-deprived worker may, at the most inopportune moment, fall asleep right at the machine or doze off on his desk. It is especially important to get enough sleep for a driver going on a long journey, as lack of sleep can lead to disaster.

In order for night rest to bring maximum benefit, you must try to observe the phases of sleep and wakefulness, go to bed and get up on time, and create favorable conditions in the bedroom.

A person's sleep can be slow and rapid, and the stages are repeated several times during the night. With the onset of a new phase, a certain part of the brain is activated, and the part that was working now rests.

NREM sleep is divided into several stages.

  1. Half-asleep, drowsiness. It is characterized by a decrease in muscle activity, a decrease in the number of heart beats, and a decrease in body temperature.
  1. Shallow. The process of slowing down the work of muscles and heart continues.
  2. Slow. The body is completely relaxed and begins to regain strength.
  3. Deep slow. All body systems are completely relaxed, the body rests and recovers.

Thanks to the last two stages, the awakened person feels completely rested.

REM sleep occurs for the first time 90 minutes after falling asleep. Despite the complete relaxation of the muscles, the activity of brain cells during this phase is the same as when a person is awake. The body temperature is elevated, the pulse is rapid, the eyes move quickly under the eyelids. Having entered the stage of REM sleep, a person begins to dream.

With the help of scientific research, it has been proven that night's rest should consist of five cycles, in each of which 85% of the time is allocated to slow-wave sleep and 15% to fast sleep. All phases are interconnected and are necessary to restore the body’s brain activity.

How much sleep to get enough sleep?

Today, in an age of rapid speed, when any delay is “like death,” people are increasingly interested in the question of how many hours need to be set aside for rest in order to fully restore strength and not waste too much precious time..

Somnologists say that for a good night's rest, five continuous cycles of changing the slow and fast phases are enough.

The length of the cycle is about 90 minutes - which means sleep should last at least 7-8 hours.

If a person goes to bed at ten in the evening, then in the morning he should wake up around six. These figures have approximate values ​​and are purely individual for each individual person. There are stories of people who could sleep only three hours a day and still cope with their responsibilities perfectly. But this is an exception, and it is very difficult for an ordinary person to do without 6-8 hours of continuous sleep.

The following factors influence the duration of sleep.

  • Floor. Women should sleep 30-50 minutes longer than men. Scientists explain this by the peculiarities in the functioning of the nervous system in women.
  • Age. It has long been known that the younger a person is, the more he sleeps. Thus, an infant can sleep more than 16 hours a day in total, while 5-7 hours is enough for an elderly person.
  • Nutrition. The composition of food affects the duration of sleep and the speed of falling asleep. If a person prefers dishes with a small percentage of fat, then he falls asleep easier and sleeps more soundly.
  • Physical exercise. A person who does hard physical work in the fresh air during the day will easily fall asleep and sleep for 8-10 hours without a break.

There are many other factors that influence sleep duration. Therefore, if 5 hours is enough for a person to feel cheerful and rested, he should not try to sleep for another three hours, according to the standard.

Why didn't the person get enough sleep?

It happens that after sleeping for 8 hours, a person wakes up rumpled and unrested. Indeed, there are many factors that affect the quality of sleep, neglect of which provokes sleep deprivation.

  • Mode. Sleep experts recommend sticking to a specific routine—going to bed and waking up at the same time. Under no circumstances should night sleep be replaced by daytime rest.
  • Stress. The quality of sleep is greatly influenced by a person's mental state. Constant stress and nervous disorders, troubles at work and chronic fatigue make rest restless and intermittent.
  • Incorrect behavior before bedtime. Drinking alcohol or energy drinks, playing loud music, dancing or exercising does not promote a good night's sleep.
  • Ecology. Poor ecology weakens the human body, so it needs more hours of sleep.
  • Rest at inappropriate times. A lunchtime nap is considered beneficial, but if you take a nap for a couple of hours in the evening, you may not fall asleep at all at night.

Thus, it is clear that usually a person himself is to blame for his lack of sleep. If lack of sleep occurs frequently and harms a person’s functioning, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of poor sleep and increase the time for rest.

What are the dangers of lack of sleep?

For an average person, sleeping 6-8 hours a day is enough. If this time is steadily reduced every day and 4-5 hours are allocated for rest, chronic sleep deprivation may occur. Many people believe that during the work week they can afford to sleep no more than five hours, go to bed around three in the morning and get up at seven. And on weekends you can sleep off without leaving your bed all day.

This assumption is wrong. This way, it is not only impossible to restore wasted energy, but it is also easy to develop a serious disease called “sleepy bulimia.”

Chronic lack of sleep causes dangerous changes in the body:

  • immunity decreases;
  • performance and concentration decreases, memory deteriorates;
  • various heart and vascular diseases occur;
  • headaches appear;
  • in men, testosterone levels drop, the belly grows, and diseases of the genitourinary system are frequent;
  • trying to make up for the lack of energy, the body's cells put calories from food in reserve, so obesity often occurs due to lack of sleep;
  • Insomnia and depression develop.

The main danger of chronic lack of sleep is the disruption of biological rhythms. Each organ of the human body works periodically, alternating phases of rest and activity. All chemical reactions occurring in the human body depend on biorhythms. Therefore, disruption of the quality and duration of sleep leads to serious illnesses.

Sometimes you can cope with lack of sleep on your own by changing your daily routine and creating the conditions necessary for proper rest. But most often such patients have to turn to specialists.

So, if you follow the advice of somnologists, an ordinary healthy person should sleep at least 8 hours at night and take at least a half-hour nap during the day. By following this regimen, you will be able to remain active and energetic throughout the day, maintain high performance and concentrate.

The importance of sleep in a person’s life is invaluable: if you can live without food for about a month and then return to duty, then 10 days without sleep can break the human psyche. For centuries, the forcible deprivation of this most important psychophysiological need was considered the most sophisticated and painful torture.

Sleep is a special state of the nervous system in which consciousness turns off, metabolic processes slow down, sensitivity dulls and motor activity stops.

Sleep is necessary to restore the functioning of nerve centers and renew physical strength in order to effectively adapt to internal and external changes in living conditions.

Sleeping too little is harmful to the body: the greater the deficit, the less efficient a person is. All areas of his life suffer from this: work, communication with family, leisure.

If you don't get enough sleep regularly, a person develops so-called “sleep deficiency.”: a condition accompanied by chronic fatigue and. The deficit accumulated over a long time cannot be filled by getting enough sleep on the weekend.

For example: if you regularly do not get 2 hours of sleep, but on a day off you sleep 2 hours longer, the deficit will not be replenished, it will simply decrease by 2 hours. To feel good, a person will have to change his lifestyle. If you get up early in the morning, you need to go to bed on time, excluding any activities that come at the expense of rest. You will have to get enough sleep for at least a week, and then the deficit will be replenished.

Sleep phases

Sleep is not just a state of rest, but a complex physiological process characterized by cyclicity. The duration of one cycle is about one and a half hours. In one night a person goes through 4-6 cycles.

Within one cycle, there are 2 phases - deep (1.5 hours) and fast (from 2-3 to 25 minutes) sleep. These 2 states can be clearly observed on the electroencephalogram: by amplitude and frequency fluctuations of brain activity. According to EEG, depending on brain activity at a particular moment, an adult’s sleep can be divided into the following stages:

  • Sleepy state;
  • Falling asleep;
  • Superficial sleep (sigma waves);
  • The stage of alternating slow and fast sleep.

How many hours should sleep last?

The duration of sleep is correlated with a person’s age: the younger he is, the more sleep he needs. So, for a child aged 0 to 3 months, it can take 2 thirds of the day, and for people aged 60 and above, 7 hours are enough for rest. In addition, it hurts more often.

AgeIt is recommended to sleepFor some peopleSleeping is not recommended
0-3 months14-17 h11-13 or 18-19 hoursLess than 11 or more than 19 hours
4-11 months12-15 h10-11 or 16-18 hoursLess than 10 or more than 18 hours
1-2 years11-14 h9-10 or 15-16 hoursLess than 9 or more than 16 hours
3-5 years10-13 h8-9 or 14 hoursLess than 8 or more than 14 hours
6-13 years9-11 o'clock7-8 or 12 hoursLess than 7 or more than 12 hours
14-17 years old8-10 hours7 or 11 o'clockLess than 7 or more than 11 hours
18-25 years old7-9 hours6 or 10-11 hoursLess than 6 or more than 11 hours
26-64 years7-9 hours6 or 10 hoursLess than 6 or more than 10 hours
Over 65 years7-8 hours5-6 or 9 hoursLess than 5 or more than 9 hours

Somnologists have not formulated a clear explanation to the question of how long healthy sleep should last for an adult. According to one point of view, people only need to sleep 5 hours a day; according to another, they need to get plenty of sleep.

The average value of 6-8 hours is considered normal. If a person is constantly drawn to sleep up to 16 hours a day, it is worth undergoing a medical examination to determine the presence of pathologies.

How to sleep more efficiently

People sacrifice proper rest in favor of working, watching their favorite TV series, and “surfing” on the Internet. Such erratic sleep behavior is usually motivated by lack of time. Accordingly, the question arises of how to get enough sleep in the shortest possible time. To answer this, we must again turn to the phases of sleep.

The fast phase is the ideal time to wake up, setting a good mood for the whole day.

During this phase, blood flows intensely to the area of ​​the brain responsible for emotions and memory. While a sleeping person is inert, the cortical layer of his brain works at half capacity, analyzing the information accumulated during the day. Blood pressure fluctuates, adrenal hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, etc.) are released into the blood and an erection appears (more important for men than for women).

In the slow phase, a person experiences the most sound sleep: the cerebral cortex is inactive, only the functions of the internal organs are active. This is not the best time to interrupt your sleep.

To program yourself at the right moment of awakening, you need to set the alarm clock for a long time in multiples of 1 and a half hours. A time of 4.5, 7.5 hours will do.

That is, in order to ensure yourself a full sleep, you need to force yourself to fall asleep so that you wake up at the very end of the phase, having overslept your physiological norm. If you follow this rule regularly, your body will learn to wake up at the right time on its own, without an alarm clock.

Daytime sleep: benefit or harm

Daytime naps definitely have health benefits. It is not for nothing that in many southern countries it is supported at the state level. In Portugal, Italy, Spain and other countries it is called “siesta” - midday rest. After a short break, the person’s brain reboots, and the person can work more efficiently.

The main thing is not to exceed the norm for daytime sleep: in total it should be 20-25 minutes. The thing is that during this time, the body is still in the REM sleep phase, so waking up will be easy.

If you sleep for more than 40 minutes, a person will plunge into a slow phase, and then when he wakes up, he is guaranteed to feel tired, have a headache, and become apathetic. In this case, it is better to set yourself an alarm clock and completely go through all phases of the cycle, waking up at the very end.

During the day you can take a nap for 20 minutes or 1.5-3 hours: it all depends on how well the person slept at night.

The following tips for falling asleep will help you achieve healthy sleep:

  • You need to go to bed on time: the period from 22.00 to 23.00 is the best time for this.
  • It is necessary to follow a daily routine and consistently fall asleep at a set time.
  • The last meal should be light. Don't go to bed feeling hungry: a light snack with a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk will not cause problems for the stomach.
  • If a person is tormented, he should drink milk and honey before going to bed. Herbal preparations based on mint, motherwort, and valerian also have a good therapeutic effect.
  • Do not consume psychoactive substances, tonics or drinks before going to bed. Prohibited: coffee and caffeine-containing drinks, alcohol, tinctures of eleutherococcus, lemongrass and ginseng, chocolate, etc.
  • You should prepare for falling asleep progressively: about half an hour before you need to devote time to your own relaxation. Any calming activity is suitable for this: aromatherapy, listening to music, reading. The goal is to develop a reflexive habit of falling asleep after a relaxation session.
  • It is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions: purchase natural bedding and underwear, a comfortable orthopedic pillow. It ensures the correct curvature of the spine in the cervical region, so it must have a suitable shape and size.
  • Nothing should disturb the sleeper's peace. It is worth turning off the lights in the room (melatonin, a pineal gland hormone that regulates circadian rhythms, is better produced in the dark). Flashes of light, sharp sounds, screams of children, disrupt the natural alternation of phases. As a result, a person wakes up in a lethargic, irritable state.
  • A constant supply of oxygen is necessary for comfortable sleep.. In the warm season, you can set the window to ventilate all night. The optimal air temperature for falling asleep is 18-20 degrees.

So that all these measures to change your lifestyle are not carried out in vain, it is worth learning how to properly awaken. When you wake up, you should not lie in bed for a long time. It is better to overcome yourself and get up than to fall asleep again and get up feeling weak and lethargic.

Sleep is an integral part of a person’s life, in which he spends 1/3 of his time. This is the period of life during which a person can fully relax and recharge with the energy necessary for further life activities.

It has been established that if a person does not sleep for 2 weeks, a structural change in the functioning of the entire organism occurs, and he dies. If there is no sleep for more than 85 hours in a row, changes in mental and physiological regulation occur, sometimes even hallucinations and structural changes in personality occur.

Thus, our physical and psychological well-being depends on the duration of sleep. However, researchers have differing opinions on how much sleep a person should get per day. On average, this figure is equal to 8 hours of continuous sleep.

Let's take a closer look at why sleep is so important and how much sleep a person needs per day to feel alert.

Why sleep is important

Sleep is a protective function of the body in response to the need for rest and recovery, caused by complex psychophysiological processes.

During sleep, the information received by the brain throughout the day is processed. Thanks to this, cause-and-effect relationships of the information received are formed, the unnecessary part of it is forced out into the subconscious, making room for new information. The phases of slow-wave sleep help to consolidate what has been learned during the day, and rapid sleep forms images and experiences of behavior in the unconscious.

Healthy sleep helps restore the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers, resulting in normalization of the functioning of the entire nervous system: innervation of organs, improvement of cognitive processes (attention, memory).

During sleep, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized: the heartbeat slows down, as a result of which the speed of blood movement through the vessels is normalized. Blood pressure returns to normal. Blood washes away excess deposits from the walls of blood vessels, including harmful cholesterol.

During the deep phase of slow-wave sleep, the hormones leptin and ghrelin are produced, which regulate appetite and are responsible for metabolism. During sound sleep, the body receives energy not by receiving food from the outside, but by breaking down the body’s own fat tissue under the influence of these hormones. Due to which there is a slight loss of fat mass in the body.

During sleep, insulin production decreases and blood sugar levels normalize.

During sleep, the immune system produces special proteins - cytokines, which stimulate immune reactions, increasing the body's protective functions and immunity in general. Lymph increases the speed of its movement and, under pressure, flushes out toxins accumulated during the day from organ cells. During the day they are excreted through the kidneys and urine.

During sleep, increased synthesis of collagen and elastane occurs, which help maintain normal skin turgor, making it firm and elastic. Lack of sleep leads to a decrease in these components and the appearance of wrinkles and sagging.

During sleep, the synthesis of cortisol, the stress hormone, decreases, so the negative emotions experienced during the day are processed and repressed into the subconscious, providing psychological stability.

Only in a dream does the synthesis of growth hormone occur, under the influence of which there is an increase in muscle mass and the replacement of keratinized hair and nails with a new one.

It is during night sleep that the specific hormone melatonin is produced, which suppresses the emergence and development of cancer cells.

As you can see, the benefits of sleep are huge. However, it is important not only to sleep, but also to maintain a certain sleep schedule in order to maintain the body in a normal physiological and psychological state.

Let's figure out how much sleep a person needs in order to feel cheerful and at ease.

How much sleep do you need

American scientists from the National Sleep Foundation set out to find out how many hours a person should sleep a day. During the research, it was found that sleep norms varied depending on the individual, age and social indicators of the test groups.

This was justified by the theory that sleep duration is regulated by a special gene hDEC2. The mutation of this gene allows some people to sleep for short periods of time and feel alert, while others, on the contrary, need more time to get enough sleep.

It was experimentally proven that with an average sleep duration of 8 hours, the subjects woke up independently after 7.23, 6.83, 6.51 hours. The EEG indicators of the slow-wave sleep phase also differed for everyone; they were within the limits: 118.4, 85.3 and 84.2 minutes, respectively. Time to fall asleep was a difference of 8.7; 11.5; 14.3 minutes between different age groups.

In 2008, Professor Dake and his colleague Elizabeth Klerman from Harvard established a new experimental finding about how much sleep a person should have. They placed different age groups (one person at a time) in a dark room for 16 hours, and gave them the opportunity to go to sleep and wake up on their own. It was found that older people woke up 1.5 hours earlier than younger people. Children, women, men and teenagers also showed different results among themselves.

Based on research, with the involvement of specialized specialists: anatomists, physiologists, pediatricians, neurologists, gerontologists, gynecologists, the concept of healthy sleep for various population groups was developed over the course of 2 years. As a result, the National Sleep Foundation published recommendations for sleep duration by age last February in the journal Sleep Health and provided a number of recommendations for maintaining normal sleep quality.

Sleep norms for people of different ages

AgeRecommended number of hoursPossible number of hours
Newborns 0 – 3 months14 – 17 11 – 13 / 18 – 19
Infants 4 – 11 months12 – 15 10 – 11 / 16 – 18
Children 1 – 2 years old11 – 14 9 – 10 / 15 – 16
Preschoolers 3 – 5 years old10 – 13 8 – 9 / 14
Schoolchildren 6 – 13 years old9 – 11 7 – 8 / 12
Teenagers 14 – 17 years old8 – 10 7 / 11
Young people 18 – 25 years old7 – 9 6 / 10 – 11
Adults 26 – 64 years old7 – 9 6 / 10
Seniors 65 and older7 – 8 5 – 6 / 9

Thus, the sleep norm for adults of reproductive age and maintaining working capacity until advanced age has an arithmetic mean value of 8 hours of continuous sleep per day.

  • You shouldn't go to bed until you really want to sleep. If you lie down and can’t fall asleep within 20 minutes, you need to get up and do distracting monotonous work (reading a book, listening to soft, slow music). As soon as drowsiness appears after this, you need to go back to bed.
  • Avoid using various gadgets before going to bed. The light flux emanating from their screens irritates the fiber of the eye, signaling to the brain about bright light, and therefore the wakefulness phase associated with it.
  • It is necessary to avoid drinking coffee and other energy drinks in the afternoon. They have a stimulating effect on the nervous system and interfere with achieving the phase of slow deep sleep at night.
  • It is necessary to go to bed at the same time in the evening, so as not to disturb.
  • The atmosphere in the bedroom should be calm in the interior, minimum noise and maximum comfort of the bed.

Thus, the data obtained showed that the norms for sleep duration are conditional and arithmetic average, determined by a number of individual characteristics. On average, an adult should sleep 8 hours a day according to their needs. And knowing your needs, you need to adhere to a regime for healthy and full sleep.

Since ancient times, people have been wondering what happens to them during sleep? Even scientists put forward the most unusual versions about the mysterious phenomenon: some said that when a person falls asleep, poisons accumulate in the body, others said that blood circulation in the brain is greatly reduced and then the person falls asleep. There were many more assumptions, but only with new technologies was humanity able to gradually come closer to solving the phenomenon of sleep.

There are many interesting facts related to sleep. Some of them:

  • Not every person is able to see a color dream; of healthy sighted people - only 12%.
  • Blind people, blind from birth, cannot see pictures in their dreams, however, their dreams include sounds and smells.
  • Having woken up, a person immediately forgets, if not the whole dream, then most of it.
  • Often in your dreams you tend to see strangers, but in reality, you have met them at least briefly, you just never paid any attention to them.
  • The most interesting and realistic dreams are seen by people who do not have a nicotine addiction.

The value of sleep

Every living, developing organism needs good sleep - be it a person, an animal or a bird. Once upon a time, people slept as long as the night lasted, but in the modern world, the adult's internal clock is disrupted. This is related to work, leisure, the rhythm of life, and also directly to disorders of the nervous system. Nowadays, people all over the world are sleep deprived. And of course they mistakenly think that they can do more things. In fact, their performance is quite reduced. And if this continues for a long time, then health is generally lost and many problems arise.

Sleep functions

Sleep is not just rest. Sleep is a complete shutdown of mental activity, during which our body restores physical strength, is filled with the necessary energy, and puts our thoughts in order. Healthy sleep will enable our lungs to function normally. People who sleep a lot and restfully are less likely to suffer from lung diseases.

How much sleep does an adult need?

The duration of sleep directly depends on age. Little children should sleep for almost a day, then 18 hours, then 12 hours... As we age, our need for sleep decreases. And here a dissonance occurs - teenagers, who should sleep like adults, sleep longer. It’s just that at this time their body is rapidly developing and more energy is spent.

It is believed that a normal healthy adult should undoubtedly sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. After all, it is generally accepted (according to research) that we should spend a third of our lives sleeping. Which is equal to eight hours a day. There is even a rule of 3 eights: 8 hours are allocated for sleep, 8 for rest, 8 for work.

Of course, these are just statistics; each person must have their own characteristics. Even from history, we know facts about people who do not fit into it. Napoleon, for example, always slept 5 hours a day, the genius Einstein - as much as 12 hours. There is information that Leonardo da Vinci went to bed for 15 minutes after 4 hours, which meant that he slept an hour and a half a day.

So each person can independently check whether 8 hours of sleep is enough for him, paying attention to his well-being. If during this time you feel that your strength has been restored, then you should stick to this schedule.

For quality sleep

There are many factors that affect the quality of sleep.

If a person reads literature before bed that does not require special mental work, then he falls asleep faster than if he read a book that causes stormy thoughts in his head. The same applies to watching TV; even music affects the quality of sleep.

Starting in the second half of the day, you should not drink coffee. Alcohol only helps you fall asleep quickly, but greatly disrupts the quality of your sleep.

The ideal option is to take a short walk in the fresh air before going to bed, if the weather does not prevent it. If you spent time on a computer or tablet, you should stay away from the technology. The ideal time to go to bed is 9-10 pm.

How much sleep does a man need and how much does a woman need?

Everyone knows that women are the weaker sex, which also affects the duration of sleep. They take a little longer to get enough sleep than men. Since the optimal sleep time is 8 hours, it will be enough for a man to sleep 6-7 hours. Lack of sleep is especially dangerous for women; their body requires at least 8 hours to restore health and beauty.

The value of sleep by hour

Few people know that the value of our sleep undoubtedly depends even on the time of day, which affects the body’s recovery. By incorrectly planning our daily routine, we are exposed to various diseases. If you use a table of the value of your sleep, you can calculate the amount of time spent sleeping.

Times of Day Value(for 1 hour)
from 19.00 to 20.00 7 o'clock
from 20.00 to 21.00 6 hours
from 21.00 to 22.00 5 o'clock
from 22.00 to 23.00 4 hours
from 23.00 to 24.00 3 hours
from 24.00 to 01.00 2 hours
from 01.00 to 02.00 1 hour
from 02.00 to 03.00 30 min.
from 03.00 to 04.00 15 minutes.
from 04.00 to 05.00 7 min.
from 05.00 to 06.00 1 min.

To correctly create your daily schedule, you can use the already compiled one:

Climb- at 4-30 - 5-00 in the morning (when the dew has not yet disappeared).
Breakfast- from 6 to 7 am.
Dinner- from 11-00 to 13-00 hours.
Afternoon snack- from 14-00 to 16-00 hours.
Dinner- not needed at all.
Lights out- from 21-00 to 22-00 hours.
(For the weakened - from 19-00 to 20-00 hours - it’s time to sleep).

Human need to sleep

Humanity needs sleep no less than food. The body undoubtedly rests during sleep, as a reduced reaction to the environment is noticed. From a scientific point of view, processes in parts of the spinal cord and brain change, and psychological protection is developed. In a dream, a person is even able to find a way out of a seemingly unsolvable problem, to solve tasks that seemed impossible. If you learn to manage your dreams correctly, put the right message into your brain, you will definitely see a solution in your dreams. But when we fall asleep with bad thoughts, then our dreams will turn out to be negative.

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