How much does a perfect smile cost and how to get it? How to smile beautifully in photos and in life? Secrets of a beautiful smile

A beautiful smile makes us more open, confident, and attractive. A whole direction in dentistry - aesthetic dentistry- dedicated specifically to making your smile perfect. But this can be achieved not only with the help of dentistry. 10 ways to make your smile beautiful are in our article.

1. Smile with your eyes

One of the secrets of acting is to learn to smile not only with your mouth and lips. First of all, a smile begins with the eyes - that’s when it becomes natural and relaxed if the facial muscles are relaxed, including the small muscles surrounding the eyes. To learn to smile with your eyes, practice in front of a mirror: cover your mouth with your palm, think about something pleasant, smile, and watch how the muscles around your eyes tense and how the expression of your eyes changes.

For example, the famous model Tyra Banks claims that smiling with the eyes is the main “trick” of a real model. It is thanks to such a smile that photographs turn out alive and natural, expressive. Model advice: “Smile, look carefully in the mirror and record in your memory your “smiling eyes” - the facial expressions of the eyes, the tension of the muscles and even the position of the eyelashes. Then do a memory exercise - repeat this facial expression and muscle tension without smiling with your mouth. Over time, by regularly doing this exercise, you will make your smile more expressive and sincere.”

Smile has its own holiday - World Smile Day is celebrated on October 4th. The motto of the holiday: “Do a good deed. Help at least one smile appear.”

2. Achieve symmetry

It seems that smiling is a basic ability of every person. However, let’s admit, smiling beautifully is not so easy. Physiologists say that in order to smile broadly, a person uses more than 40 facial muscles. Therefore, mastery of these muscles is necessary for anyone who wants to smile beautifully.

One of the components beautiful smile- symmetry. Of course, many people have a “crooked smile” or a peculiar grin - this is part of their image, but a beautiful and wide smile is based precisely on symmetry. And since we rarely pay attention to the development of facial muscles, our smile is not symmetrical. If you look closely in the mirror, you will notice slight distortions in your mouth and lips when you smile. Therefore, your task is to train your smile in front of the mirror, trying to achieve symmetry.

Some foods are dangerous for your smile. We are talking about foods and drinks with strong coloring pigments: tea, coffee, red wine, foods with dyes. To protect your teeth from darkening, try to dilute coffee and tea with milk; immediately after consuming such products, it is advisable to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water.

3. Fix the shape of your smile

While practicing in front of a mirror, find the smile shape that seems ideal to you and fix this shape. To do this, use your fingertips to press on the right and left edges of your lips and hold your smile for 5-7 seconds. Repeat this exercise throughout the day. Since a smile is nothing more than the work of muscles, such training will teach the muscles to keep the shape you want. Of course, it is important to maintain a natural smile.

4. Work with the shape of your lips The beauty of your smile largely depends on the shape of your lips. And this does not mean at all that only those with full lips can smile beautifully - thin lips can have an equally expressive shape. A beautiful lip shape is clearly defined, beautifully defined lips. This can be achieved with exercises to work out the shape of the lips. For example, this is the “fish swallows air” exercise: fold your lips into a tube and stretch them forward, open your mouth slightly, then close your lips tightly and relax your facial muscles.

Smile - The best way cheer yourself up. When a person smiles, his body begins to produce endorphins - happiness hormones, and they begin to be produced even when a person forces himself to smile.

5. Take a selfie

Oddly enough, many people simply do not know how to smile - they are shy, tense, and this makes the smile look strained and unnatural. One of effective ways hone the skill of a wide, relaxed smile - selfie. When taking a selfie, smile and laugh - this will help you relax and learn not to be afraid to smile. Select photos in which you have the most beautiful smile, in your opinion, and develop the skill of smiling just like that.

For the beauty of your smile, do not neglect natural “toothbrushes” - any solid foods, for example, carrots or apples - they promote self-cleaning of teeth and prevent the formation of plaque.

6. Pay attention to the border of the lips One of the components of a beautiful smile is an intact red border of the lips. If it is inflamed, peeling, itching, swelling, then the first thing to do is consult a dentist. The causes of inflammation can be very different - lack of vitamins, allergies, fungal infections.

The Orbit company conducted a sociological survey among men. 70% of them noted that a woman without makeup who smiles seems more attractive to them than a woman with makeup but without a smile.

7. Take care of your lips

There is no arguing that a beautiful smile is well-groomed lips. No matter how spectacular lipstick you have, it will not hide dryness, flaking, or a crust of dry epithelium. When it comes to lip care, many people believe that care only involves using lipstick. But this is only a small and far from the most effective part care

Cosmetics for lip care are very diverse - these are basic moisturizing balms, restoring creams and balms, lip serums, peelings, protective equipment, products for restoring lip contour. Home remedies are not the best way to care, for example, coffee or sugar scrub, peeling with a toothbrush - they are too aggressive for such a delicate area.

If you have dry lip skin, it is better to avoid matte decorative products. The best choices are moisturizing lipsticks and glosses, as well as colored lip oils - these are products in the form of lip gloss with moisturizing oils and pigments.

If you have very thin, dry lip skin, pay attention to moisturizing serums. A good moisturizing serum fills the skin with moisture, making lips smoother, with natural color and radiance.

For colorless lip skin, as well as for mature skin (with age, the colors on the face become less contrasting), exfoliant balms with pigment will be a good help. For example, these are colored balms in stick form containing tiny sugar particles that melt upon contact with the lips.

8. Choose wisely toothpaste

The beauty of a smile also largely depends on the quality of toothpaste, since good pasta protects teeth from decay by fighting germs and strengthening tooth enamel. So, when choosing a toothpaste, it is better to give preference to toothpastes with fluoride - the World Health Organization recommends such toothpastes for the prevention of caries.

Pastes with high content fluoride is not recommended for use by people living in regions with high fluoride levels. drinking water. In this case, there is absolutely no need for an additional source of fluoride for the teeth. Moreover, it can cause light stains on the teeth.

But beekeeping products (honey, propolis) have practically no benefits in the composition of the paste, so it is much healthier for teeth to consume these products in pure form. As for pastes labeled “anti-inflammatory”, a person with healthy teeth It is not recommended to choose such pastes; if gum inflammation is present, then it is important to remove the very cause of inflammation at the dentist, and only then consolidate the effect with such pastes.

Professional dental strengthening SPLAT paste SENSITIVE ULTRA

Designed for intensive enamel restoration.

Contains magnesium, zinc and sodium salts to replenish mineral deficiencies and reduce tooth sensitivity.

Essential oils have an anti-inflammatory effect and help with bleeding gums.

Toothpaste for children and teenagers R.O.C.S. “Junior” Berry mix

Designed specifically for the needs of children from 6 to 12 years old.

Double extract of aspen bark and xylitol protect teeth and gums from pathogenic bacteria.

Contains mineral complex, strengthens young enamel and protects against caries.

Choose your whitening toothpastes especially carefully. There are two types of tooth whitening pastes: the first contain abrasive particles (that is, it mechanical impact on teeth), the second are enzymes that dissolve plaque without affecting the enamel.

You can tell what type of paste it is by looking at its composition. Abrasives include: soda, coal, clay; silicon compounds (eg silicon dioxide), carbonates (eg calcium carbonate), aluminum compounds. Enzyme toothpastes may contain the enzymes papain and bromelain, potassium or sodium pyrosphate.

Please note that whitening toothpaste can only return your teeth to their natural shade by removing plaque, but it will not provide a snow-white smile if you did not naturally have one.

Professional whitening toothpaste SPLAT SENSITIVE WHITE

For gentle and effective enamel lightening, including for teeth with increased sensitivity.

Contains mild abrasives (silica polishing particles) and natural bromelain enzyme.

Protects against caries, covers the surface of the teeth with a protective film.

Estimated cost - 150 rubles.

Toothpaste for children and teenagers R. O. C. S. “Junior” Chocolate and Caramel

Based only on natural bio-ingredients.

Contains a mineral complex to protect against caries and strengthen enamel, protects gums from inflammation.

Intended for children 6-12 years old, has a chocolate-caramel flavor.

Estimated cost - 190 rubles.

The consumer union Roskontrol conducted an examination of seven whitening toothpastes from popular manufacturers. According to the results of the examination, the whitening effect of five pastes was clinically confirmed, two pastes received criticism, one was found to not meet safety requirements.

9. Emphasize the whiteness of your teeth with makeup

Lipsticks in rich berry shades, as well as dark ones, best emphasize the whiteness of teeth. Avoid lipsticks in warm shades - brown, carrot, brick, gold. In general, to emphasize the whiteness of teeth, it is better to give preference to cold rather than warm shades. Be careful with scarlet and bright red shades - against their background yellow teeth will be noticeable.

If you do not have a snow-white smile, try not to mix lipsticks so as not to end up with a “dirty”, that is, undefined shade, since teeth visually appear whiter due to contrasting saturated colors.

Teeth will appear whiter if you carefully use bronzer in your face makeup.

Expert commentary Daria Bogatova, beauty expert and art director of a makeup studio school

How to make teeth whiter with makeup?

Most the right way To give your teeth the coveted whiteness with the help of makeup is to choose the very shade of lipstick that will highlight and highlight your smile. The ideal option that always works and suits almost everyone is all shades of coral. At the same time, this also has its own characteristics: if girls with the “spring” color type are best suited for soft and smooth transitions of light coral glitter, then aggressive “winter” ones should pay attention to clear red or dark coral contours. Bright and pink-coral lipstick colors suit natural “summer” and “autumn” girls. Inappropriate, too “warm” lipstick tones will make teeth, on the contrary, yellow, so it is important to carefully choose this cosmetic product.

There are a couple more life hacks on how to “whiten” your teeth with makeup. So, by applying highlighter to the cupid's arch (the area above the lip) and to the middle of the chin, you can achieve a gentle natural glow that will give your smile a dazzling brightness. Some makeup artists also apply matte bronzer under the cheekbones and along the oval of the face in order to highlight the tone of the teeth.

An ideal smile is beautiful, well-groomed lips. It’s good if before applying lipstick you use a moisturizing balm and, if necessary, a lip primer - the lipstick will lie perfectly evenly. If you wear matte or liquid lipsticks, carefully contour your lips. To make the contour perfectly smooth, you can use a corrector.

Sweet soda is the worst thing that can be for your teeth and snow-white smile. Carbonated drinks, especially in brighter colors, due to the presence harmful acids contribute to yellowing of the enamel. In addition, soda provokes the destruction of dentin and the formation of caries.

10. Take care of your teeth

You can keep your teeth white without professional whitening procedures. Professional hygiene cleaning in the office of a dentist or hygienist will help with this. Removing plaque from teeth, polishing enamel, and applying coatings will help make teeth cleaner, shinier and as white as possible, depending on their natural shade. Such hygiene procedures important for both dental health and a perfect smile!

How to care for your teeth to keep them white?

The first and main rule is to brush your teeth thoroughly at home twice a day. In addition, try to minimize the consumption of coffee, tea, and other products that can give the plaque a specific dark shade, no smoking.

It is acceptable to periodically use whitening toothpastes. They contain large abrasives. They are able to clean off pigmented plaque well. However, it is not recommended to use them constantly. It is better to alternate them with other products. Coarse abrasives with regular and long-term use can damage tooth enamel and contribute to its abrasion. In the long term, this provokes increased sensitivity of the teeth.

Once every six months it is recommended to carry out professional hygiene at the dentist. The procedure can clear any plaque, visually brightening the teeth. But this effect is achieved by cleansing the tooth of pigmented plaque. The tooth returns to its natural shade.

The teeth whitening procedure can lighten your teeth by several shades. Exists in-office bleaching- it is carried out by a doctor. And home whitening. But don't confuse at-home whitening with using whitening strips. Home whitening should be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor. For this procedure, individual mouthguards are pre-made and detailed instructions are provided. This is the only way to avoid side effects from using whitening strips. Experts do not recommend using them, since the mucous membrane of the gums often suffers from burns when using them.

A beautiful smile is an essential component of a healthy and successful person. If you took the plunge and wore them more than a year, you perfectly understand the importance of a beautiful smile for climbing the career ladder and personal life devices. But how can you learn to smile after braces, if having straight teeth is a mandatory, but far from the only component of a pleasant smile. your path to this goal is just beginning.

Having corrected dental problems, many people are habitually embarrassed to smile widely. Therefore, to achieve a beautiful smile you need to train. A smile involves the work of two dozen facial muscles, which must get used to acting differently than usual.

How to learn to smile beautifully: exercises

By doing the exercises every day, you will quickly learn to smile. While practicing, remember the charming smile of your favorite actor or actress. Believe me, at one time they trained exactly the same way.

8 exercises that will help you get a charming smile:

  1. Extend your closed lips into a tube and try to draw the number eight in the air. Relax and repeat the movement several times.
  2. Stick out your tongue, wrap your lips around it and hold it there for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise until you get tired, but avoid overstraining your muscles.
  3. Use your fingertips to press on the corners of your lips. Repeat five to ten times.
  4. Close your lips, stretch them out and try to open your mouth.
  5. Inhale as much air as possible and release it through tightly closed lips.
  6. The same thing, but exhale through your lips with a straw, as if you were trying to blow out the candles on a cake.
  7. Smile, open your mouth slightly and run your tongue over lower teeth, and then along the top ones.
  8. Stand in front of the mirror and stretch your lips as wide as possible. Repeat at least ten times.

The eighth exercise is important not only for training the facial muscles, it will teach you to smile symmetrically. Symmetry - important condition a beautiful smile, because a crooked, contemptuous grin is not what you are looking for.

Another common mistake is opening your mouth too wide when smiling. This mistake is made especially often when taking photographs. It’s not necessary to clench your teeth until they creak, but you shouldn’t stick your tongue out at others either.

How to learn to smile correctly: light from within

When you feel that you have better control over your facial expressions, you can move on to the next stage. Your smile should become not just beautiful, but natural and contagious for the interlocutor.

Remember how the people you like smile and start looking for your own individual smile. Give free rein to your emotions, replay in your head the pleasant events that happened to you in Lately. In general, the ability to evoke positive emotions in yourself through memories will give you a strong advantage during dates and business meetings.

Take pictures of yourself smiling, rather than smiling specifically for a selfie. This way you will remember your natural smile and be able to reproduce it.

Remember: there is nothing wrong with trying to learn to smile on purpose. Over time, you will feel more confident in yourself, and your smile will no longer be forced and will begin to make a fantastic impression on the interlocutor.

It is worth adding that in addition to beautiful teeth, the quality of your smile is greatly influenced by the condition of your facial skin. Pimples, deep wrinkles and blackheads around the lips are just as off-putting as bad teeth.

Remember that people are always happy to have smiling interlocutors. How to learn to smile? Smile whenever possible!

Your mark:

Rule number one when you're being photographed is don't say "cheese." This visually stretches your mouth, and your smile looks unnatural. It is better to say words that end in "a", for example, "panda". If you want to know more secrets to taking pictures that make you smile naturally, see the next point.


Practice posing

    Smile with your eyes. The worst photo scenario is when you smile like a Halloween pumpkin - all your teeth are visible and no eyes. To look natural, you need to learn to involve your eyes in the process, this is called a Duchenne smile. A true Duchenne smile will be genuine because it is very difficult to tense your eye muscles that much if you have nothing to smile about.

    • Check out the difference in the mirror. Do you see how much less happy your face looks when your smile doesn't include your eyes?
    • When you smile for a photo, imagine that you are smiling at someone you love. Your eyes will squint naturally, and your smile will be sincere and beautiful.
  1. Show some teeth. You don't have to show all your teeth in the photo, but opening your mouth a little will brighten up your face. It's better to open a few upper teeth than to shine at 32. If you prefer to smile with your mouth closed, that’s fine, but remember that you may look more serious than anyone else in the photo.

    Find your best angle. Frontal photos usually don't suit anyone. Your facial features become flat and appearance slightly distorted. Instead, show off your facial structure by turning your head slightly to the side. If you have the so-called " best side", which shows you in better light, turn it towards the camera.

    • Rotating your head can make your face more interesting in a photo, but don't overdo it. You should turn your head so that it looks natural.
    • If possible, stand slightly below the camera so that you are being filmed from above, not from below.
  2. Keep your face level with the camera. If you keep your chin down, your face will appear distorted in the image, and if you lift it up, it will look like you're trying to hide your double chin. The best option will keep your head level, as if you are about to start a conversation with the camera.

    Say words that end with the letter "a". Photographers like to advise saying the word “cheese,” but the photos don’t turn out the best for two reasons. Firstly, the mouth stretches and the smile turns out unnatural. Secondly, your smile will not be sincere unless you are a joyful person in life. The word "cheese" irritates everyone over the age of 8. Solution? Think of something you love that ends with the letter “a.” By pronouncing this letter, you will make your smile natural. Thinking about someone you love will help your smile too. And if you combine this, you will get the best result!

    • For example, if the person you love is named Seryozha, think about him and say his name before the photo. Any other name or item will also work if it makes you smile.
  3. Whiten your teeth. If you have yellow or unnaturally colored teeth, you may feel more confident by whitening them. You don't necessarily need expensive procedures. You can do this at home too. Here's what to do:

    • Rinse your mouth with a hydrogen peroxide solution. This safe way Make your teeth several shades whiter.
    • Brush your teeth with baking soda. Add a little baking soda to your toothpaste or make a homemade toothpaste using baking soda and water, then brush your teeth. Don't do this too often as you may damage the enamel.
  4. Apply lipstick that will make your teeth look pearly. Certain shades of lipstick hide yellow teeth and help them look brighter and whiter. You can help your smile look its best by applying these lipstick colors before your photo:

    Make sure your lips are moisturized. Smiling with lips that are flaky and chapped can make you feel self-conscious and result in a bad photo. Apply a facial scrub to your lips to exfoliate the skin, then apply a lip balm to keep them hydrated and hydrated. good condition. When it's time to smile, you won't be shy.

    Wear makeup that enhances your smile. Concealer, blush and bronzer can provide contrast to your smile and make it stand out even more. Choose shades that suit your skin tone well. Your teeth will look whiter if you choose darker makeup, which will help you look like you have a tan.

    Be confident. Smiling isn't about looking perfect, it's about being happy and confident. Your smile will be more beautiful if your face radiates confidence and relaxation. Just remember to relax and think positively and you will be rewarded with a great photo.

Deal with sticky situations

    Practice in front of a mirror. If it's coming an important event, on which photographs will be taken, and you are worried about this, practice a little in front of the mirror. Stand in front of the mirror and choose your best angle and smile. Don't forget to smile with your eyes. When you find a smile that you like, remember the expression on your face at that moment so that you can reproduce it later.

  1. Feel a genuine smile. If you're worried that the expression on your face in a photo looks insincere, pay attention to how you feel the next time your face changes into a genuine smile—for example, when someone makes you laugh, or your favorite comedy makes you laugh. Ask yourself next questions that will help you “remember” your sincere smile:

    • What feelings come over you when you smile? See if you can recreate them for a photo.
    • What's natural for your face? If possible, look in the mirror before your smile disappears. Make a mental note of how your face looks when you smile genuinely. When it's time to take your photo, try to recreate the facial expression that accompanies your best smile.
  2. Don't think too much about how you look. If you think too much about your appearance, your negative emotions will show in the photo. You will look tense and tense instead of beaming with happiness. Next time you're photographed, ignore the photographer's requests to say "cheese" and go to your "happy place." Instead of thinking about what your face looks like, think about what makes you smile. Your positive thoughts will be conveyed through your smile in the photo.

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