Mucus in the throat with blood - causes and methods of treatment. Why is there bleeding from the throat, what to do and how serious is it? Bloody discharge from the throat

There is bleeding, you need to urgently seek medical help, because this is a pathological, not a normal condition, and it is unlikely to go away on its own.

Causes of the disease

So, if there is no physical damage to the throat, the answer to the question of why blood is coming from the throat may lie in the following reasons:

  • stomach diseases;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • mechanical or chemical damage to internal organs;
  • burns.

In the vast majority of diseases, blood from the throat will not come out suddenly. The only exception is a stomach ulcer, which can open completely suddenly.

Another thing is damage at the physical level. They can be quite harmless (the result of a scream or a strong cough), or they can be something that needs to be treated urgently. It is important to remember that if you experience any bleeding or blood clots from your throat, you should not panic.

Chemical damage

Chemical damage in the throat usually occurs from the action of concentrated acids, caustic alkalis or undiluted alcohol. The longer the exposure of the pharynx and larynx to the substance continues, the worse the damage will be, and the more difficult it will be to cure.

The amount of time that the acid or alkali is in contact with the tissues of the throat is also important. Blood can also come out of the throat when the stomach or esophagus has been burned. You can also get caught in the head due to inaccurate use of ammonia when providing first aid. This is a consequence of chemical damage to the mucous membrane of not only the nose, but also the pharynx or larynx.

Mechanical damage

Mechanical damage to the pharynx can be caused without coughing, screaming or foreign body entry. For example, a fish bone or accidentally being touched by a fork. Often mechanical injuries are puncture, cut or bullet wounds.

Such wounds are more dangerous than internal ones, because, firstly, they can be accompanied by heavy bleeding, and, secondly, they are often accompanied by wounds to vital organs, such as the vagus nerve or cervical vertebrae.


In addition to chemical burns, blood from the throat can also cause thermal burns. They are usually the result of people's careless behavior when taking too hot food or drink, or less often - steam.

Typically, burns from boiling water or hot food form on the oral mucosa. But if the throat was also affected, the sensations will be very painful. Moreover, such burns are accompanied by profuse salivation, nausea, sore throat with blood and increased body temperature.

Burns on the pharynx and larynx come in varying degrees of complexity. The most dangerous are deep burns, due to which the tissues of the throat die, and scars subsequently form in their place. These scars make it difficult for air and food to enter the body.

When is it dangerous?

Examples of a dangerous condition when blood comes from the throat:

  • Bleeding in the lungs. It is scarlet in color and has a foamy structure.
  • Blood in the form of streaks or clots released in saliva can be a sign of life-threatening diseases such as tuberculosis, heart disease or heart attack. Tuberculosis is dangerous not only for the patient, but also for others.
  • Bleeding from serious wounds is dangerous due to its transience. If the person is not helped in time, he may simply bleed out and die.

Blood that comes from the throat, especially in copious quantities, is primarily dangerous because it impedes 2 vital processes. This is breathing and nourishing the body. This is why you should never postpone a visit to the doctor even if minor signs of blood appear in your saliva, especially when it is obvious that the blood is coming from the throat.

First aid

As a rule, emergency care for bleeding from the throat is necessary if there is a severe injury, chemical or thermal burn.

When providing first aid, you need to convince the patient to stop talking, try to calm him down and ensure a state of physical rest. To reduce bleeding, the person should be given ice water to drink or ice cubes to swallow. In case of external wounds on the throat, you should try to stop the bleeding by applying gauze pads.

It is very important to call an ambulance immediately, because especially with severe bleeding, every minute counts. Timely hospitalization can save a person's life.

Which doctor should I contact if there is bleeding from the throat?

If blood comes from the throat when coughing, then you need to seek help from a local physician or otolaryngologist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a series of tests and studies. In particular - x-ray, bronchoscopy, coagulogram, blood tests, sputum tests, etc.

In addition, the doctor will refer the patient for examination to such specialized specialists as a pulmonologist, oncologist, ENT specialist and others. Taken together, these actions will make it possible to understand the cause of blood discharge from the throat and begin treatment.

If the bleeding is severe, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.


To make a diagnosis of hemoptysis, the doctor will first need to collect a so-called anamnesis. Then the doctor will be able to find out whether the cause is damage to the small vessels of the pharynx? When shouting sharply or coughing, blood from the throat is often observed in singers, announcers and other people who intensively use their vocal cords. Blood from the throat without coughing may occur with erythema on the cheeks.

The patient should also be checked for cancer, bronchiectasis, or chronic bronchitis if he has drumstick fingers. The doctor should be interested in both dilated vessels on the mucous membrane and swollen veins in the neck, which can be a symptom of a number of diseases.

For diagnosis, a study such as laryngoscopy is performed. It comes in two types: direct and indirect. Indirect laryngoscopy is performed by an otolaryngologist right on site at the time of treatment. The doctor examines the patient's larynx with a laryngoscope and identifies damage in the throat.

Direct laryngoscopy allows you to find deeper damage. In this case, a flexible fibrolaryngoscope is inserted into the patient's throat. But this is most often done during surgery to remove foreign objects, polyps, etc.

If there is no damage to the throat itself, then the patient is prescribed an examination of the internal organs. In particular, it can be the stomach, heart, kidneys, etc. Such diseases are detected using palpation (deep palpation with hands), ultrasound, x-rays and percussion (listening).

But doctors avoid some of these methods if there is a danger of renewed or increased bleeding. And blood from the throat in the morning may be due to the fact that there was bleeding from the nose at night, but due to the horizontal position of the person, the blood flowed into the throat.

When diagnosing, the patient must be tested for blood and sputum.


The patient is treated for various injuries. First of all, so-called anti-shock measures are carried out, since shock can be so dangerous that vital functions of the body may stop working because of it. For example, doctors will support the victim's breathing with an oxygen mask and give him anti-shock medications. Shock is treated in intensive care.

Treatment for throat injuries is vocal rest, feeding through a special tube and taking medications. The patient is prescribed antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, painkillers and other drugs. And if the situation requires it, then surgical treatment is performed. If the injury is caused by a chemical burn, then the effect of the harmful substance is neutralized.

When coughing up blood with saliva as a consequence of an illness, the illness itself is treated.

Thus, if a person’s throat bleeds due to injury, one should not panic. You need to calm him down and provide first aid, try to act quickly and contact the ambulance service for immediate hospitalization of the wounded man.

If blood appears in the sputum and does not currently pose a threat to life, then it is necessary to contact the clinic as soon as possible, where they will take all necessary measures to identify and treat the disease.

Useful video about chemical burns, including the throat

Spitting bloody mucus or coughing up small amounts of blood from the throat is relatively rare.

The appearance of saliva or sputum with blood and the accompanying taste usually frightens a person, making him think about tuberculosis or the presence of a cancerous tumor, but in most cases, blood from the throat is not a dangerous symptom for the patient.

The most common cause of bloody impurities when expectorating sputum is the so-called false hemoptysis, when blood is mixed with mucus from the throat, entering it from the nasal cavity or mouth.

For example, with minor nosebleeds, mucus and blood can flow into the throat, mix there with mucous discharge, and subsequently be coughed up or spat out by the patient, creating the impression that the throat is bleeding and there is a metallic taste in the mouth.

Patients usually feel the consequences of false bleeding in the morning. This is due to the fact that in a horizontal position during sleep, the likelihood of blood flowing into the throat from the nasal cavity increases many times.

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Another reason for spitting saliva with blood in the morning may be gum disease, accompanied by increased fragility of blood vessels and their destruction (periodontitis, periodontal disease, dental plaque). Patients with gum pathology also often feel a specific metallic taste in their mouth.

Inflammation of the tonsils, pharynx and larynx

The main reasons why a patient develops sputum with blood from the pharynx and the characteristic taste in the mouth are the development of various inflammatory phenomena in the nasopharynx, pharynx and larynx.

However, pharyngitis and tonsillitis themselves do not cause bleeding; they only increase the likelihood of its occurrence.

In order for mucus with blood to appear during expectoration during any inflammatory process, this same inflammation must coincide with at least one of the factors predisposing to the occurrence of bleeding:

The patient has a problem such as fragility of blood vessels, the presence of varicose veins in the pharynx, constant irritation of the pharynx with a strong dry cough, excessive dryness of the pharynx.

Vessels can be accidentally injured when clearing tonsils of plugs with a spatula, as well as when examining the pharynx and larynx with special instruments. Sore throat may be accompanied by bleeding of the tonsils when trying to remove a dense plaque, which in some forms of this disease is tightly fused to the tissue of the tonsils.

The tonsil (usually on one side) is covered with yellowish dots, purulent plugs or individual areas of purulent plaque. When this plaque is removed with a spatula, the tonsil mucosa is not damaged and there is no bleeding.
A white cheesy coating appears on both tonsils, usually easily removed and leaving behind a red, smooth, shiny mucous membrane. In rare cases, the white plaque is difficult to remove, and after removing it, a bleeding surface of the tonsil remains.
The tonsils and the tissues around them become covered with a gray coating, which is difficult to remove with a spatula, leaving behind damaged, bleeding mucosa.
On the damaged tonsil, which hardly hurts, areas of necrosis are visible, and later – shallow ulcers with a gray bottom. A complication of the formation of an ulcer on the tonsil can be bleeding.

With a simple sore throat, the patient may also have a slight discharge of blood with saliva or mucus, as well as an unpleasant taste of either pus or metal due to a single spontaneous destruction of small vessels at the site of inflammation.

However, if a sore throat is accompanied by frequent or heavy bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor, since this symptom may indicate a complication of the disease or pathologies of the circulatory system.

Other pathologies

Of course, the causes of bleeding from the throat may well be associated with other diseases. First of all, a situation in which blood comes from the pharynx can be caused by injury to the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, pharynx or larynx, most often with sharp objects.

This happens in children during the period of active exploration of the world and in some careless adults who have the habit of using their own mouth as a “third hand” (they clamp their lips on hairpins, needles, fishhooks, etc.).

It also happens that blood comes after an attack of severe hacking cough. If this symptom is preceded by hoarseness or a feeling of coma, it can be assumed that a benign neoplasm on a long stalk, for example, a laryngeal polyp, has come off when coughing.

Hemoptysis can be a symptom of a malignant tumor of the pharynx or larynx at its late stage, when cancer cells grow into adjacent healthy tissues, which is accompanied by the destruction of their vessels.

However, long before the appearance of hemoptysis, a lot of other symptoms will appear, which usually bother the patient so much that he consults a doctor. Among these symptoms:

Feeling of a lump in the throat, Constant discomfort when swallowing, Change in voice, hoarseness, Cough that gets worse over time, Fatigue, Weakness, Weight loss.

Later, these symptoms are joined by bad breath, an unpleasant aftertaste, painful sensations in the throat, and only after them - hemoptysis. Developing a full clinic usually takes many months.

You should definitely see a doctor if you have a sore throat, a taste of blood in your mouth, or coughing up blood.

The doctor will determine why you have this problem and prescribe adequate treatment. Timely consultation with a doctor is also important because the cause of hemoptysis may actually be deeper diseases than just problems with the throat, in particular tuberculosis or bleeding in the lungs.

Do you still think that it is impossible to get rid of constant colds, FLU and THROAT DISEASES!?

Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you know firsthand what it is:

severe pain in the throat even when swallowing saliva... constant sensation of a lump in the throat... chills and weakness in the body... “breaking” of bones at the slightest movement... complete loss of appetite and strength... constant nasal congestion and coughing up snot...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? How much time have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL GET WORSE. And things could end badly...

Irina Kovalchuk

Expert of the project

Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx or larynx sometimes lead to bleeding from the throat. This occurs due to the high fragility of the patient’s blood vessels, the presence of varicose veins in the throat, and excessive dryness. The problem causes a number of inconveniences and often frightens patients. Bleeding from the throat can also occur for other, more serious reasons. That is why this symptom requires immediate contact with a specialist for advice and effective treatment.

Bleeding from the throat: causes

The most common causes of bleeding in their throat are diseases such as and. The vessels located in this area can be injured during the process of clearing the tonsils of plugs, when examining the pharynx and larynx, and removing plaque. In this case, the patient also complains of a metallic taste in the mouth. In order to make sure there are no complications or pathologies of the circulatory system, experts recommend immediately seeking advice.

Bleeding events that require immediate medical attention may be due to serious illness or injury.

If a person bleeds from the throat when coughing or vomiting, this is an alarming symptom, the repetition of which should be a reason to immediately visit a doctor. Sometimes the discharge of blood from the larynx occurs due to mechanical damage to the mucous membrane or the progression of an inflammatory disease, but often the cause is more dangerous pathologies, such as pulmonary tuberculosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible reasons


Bleeding from the throat can be caused by internal diseases such as:

  • Viral infectious inflammation. With sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, the mucous tissues of the pharynx become inflamed, swollen and irritated. When coughing, screaming or eating solid food, microdamages form on the irritated walls, so when the patient coughs up, blood appears in his saliva.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis. With this disease, a person always has a high temperature, general health is disturbed, and when coughing, mucus with blood impurities is released from the throat.
  • Throat cancer. In the initial stages, there are no characteristic symptoms, but as the tumor grows, the patient complains that he constantly has a tickling sensation and sometimes blood comes out with mucus.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. More often they occur without a cough, but dark blood flows from the nose and less often from the throat. Such symptoms occur with an aneurysm or rupture of the aorta, cardiac pulmonary edema.
  • Pathologies of the digestive organs. With such disorders, the taste of blood in the mouth is felt due to microbleeding that occurs with ulcers, gastritis, and stomach cancer. In addition to these symptoms, a person is worried about indigestion, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, heartburn, and acute abdominal pain.

Traumatic factors

It is dangerous when such a symptom appears due to a gunshot wound.

The sensation of blood in the throat may appear after severe injury or mechanical damage to the delicate mucous membrane of the pharynx with sharp pieces of food. Often traumatic factors are puncture and incised wounds, bullet wounds. With such injuries, it is important to stop the blood, which flows heavily, as soon as possible, otherwise death will occur.

In a child, a common cause of bleeding from the throat is the penetration of a foreign object into the throat, and when it also has sharp edges, injury to the mucous membrane cannot be avoided. To avoid life-threatening complications, you need to take the child to the hospital as soon as possible, where the doctor will help remove the foreign object.

The throat is healed instantly! If you start treating a sore throat, the disease can become chronic in the form of inflamed tonsils, constant sore throat, pain in the pharynx and larynx, and in some cases this can lead to cancerous tumors! People, taught by bitter experience, use...

Chemical and thermal burns

A pronounced taste of blood in the mouth may appear due to thermal or chemical damage to the mucous membrane. This is a very dangerous condition, since the burn often spreads to deep tissues and muscles, sometimes involving the esophagus. When eating hot foods, injuries are not so dangerous and often disappear on their own, without special treatment.

First aid

First aid is necessary if blood comes from the throat due to injury, wound, burn, or penetration of foreign objects into the throat.

First of all, you need to call an ambulance, then place the victim in a comfortable position and try to find out the causes of the injury. To stop bleeding, you need to give the person a drink of cold water or suck on an ice cube. If blood flows out, as happens with a wound, the injury site is treated with an antiseptic, after which a sterile gauze bandage is applied to the wound. At this stage, first aid is completed; you need to wait for the doctor to arrive, who will decide what to do next.

Which doctor should I go to?

Diagnostic measures begin with a visit to the local doctor.

If a person begins to bleed from the throat during sleep, and the reasons for this condition are unknown, it is first recommended to visit a local physician, who will conduct an initial examination and then give a referral to an otolaryngologist. To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient will need to donate blood for laboratory and biochemical testing, as well as undergo a number of additional diagnostic procedures, such as:

  • radiography;
  • ECG and EchoCG;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • CT or MRI;
  • laryngoscopy;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • coagulogram;
  • bacteriological examination of a throat smear.

Additionally, you may need to consult such specialists as:

  • cardiologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • oncologist;
  • traumatologist.

What treatment is prescribed?


It is advisable to eliminate the bacterial cause of the symptom with antibiotics.

If a patient is bleeding from the throat due to a sore throat or other bacterial infectious disease, a treatment regimen is prescribed aimed at eliminating the infection and restoring the damaged mucosa. For these purposes, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiseptics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • vitamins.

If the gastrointestinal tract is damaged, accompanied by internal bleeding, urgent hospitalization of the patient is required. After identifying the causes of the pathology, comprehensive treatment is prescribed. If throat cancer is diagnosed, surgery is required to remove the tumor. After surgery, long-term rehabilitation will be required, during which additional medications, chemotherapy and radiation are prescribed. The treatment regimen for injuries depends on the degree of tissue damage. For minor burns that do not pose a threat to health, the doctor prescribes an antimicrobial and wound-healing agent that can be used at home. 2nd and 3rd degree burns are treated in a hospital, under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Bleeding never appears without a reason, so there is nothing strange in the fact that a person gets scared when blood appears from the throat. The symptom is often an obvious sign of serious illnesses such as tuberculosis or pneumonia.

But do not worry ahead of time, the throat sometimes bleeds due to more harmless reasons. Only a doctor can help you figure it out; he will prescribe the necessary tests, make a diagnosis and, if necessary, recommend the necessary therapy.

Cases of bleeding

Blood in saliva is often mixed in the area of ​​the back of the throat where the tonsils are located. There are many reasons that cause bleeding from the throat; common disorders include the following:

  • advanced stage, when tissue necrosis or leukemia begins;
  • arrosion;
  • paratonsillar infiltrate at a late stage;
  • aneurysm of large vessels;
  • oncology.

The main factor in bleeding is trauma or chemical exposure to tissues and internal organs. There are a number of places where pathology can be localized:

  • nasal compartment - anterior and posterior;
  • veins in the digestive tract, especially if there are varicose veins;
  • organs of the respiratory system - trachea, bronchi, lungs.

If a person sees blood in his saliva, there is no need to panic; it is more important to make an appointment with a good specialist. Only an experienced doctor will tell you exactly the reasons for the bleeding that occurred, after some examinations and tests. Only on the basis of research, the collected medical history and personal examination can doctors make recommendations to compensate for blood loss if necessary.

Who should I contact?

How do you know which doctor to go to? A person can independently guess where the throat is bleeding, but only by his own feelings:

  • teeth or gums hurt;
  • recently had a burn;
  • mechanical effect on the back wall of the pharynx.

If the problem concerns the teeth, an immediate trip to the dentist is required; a specialist will remove the diseased tooth before the disease begins to progress. The main cause is often gingivitis. Once a qualified professional takes care of the problem, the metallic taste will quickly disappear.

If sleep is disturbed or breathing becomes difficult at night, then you should definitely visit an otolaryngologist; the doctor will check your ears, nose and throat. If there is an infection, the blood from the saliva will disappear after a course of antibiotics.

Causes of blood in the throat

Doctors can briefly divide the factors influencing the appearance of throat bleeding into the following groups:

  • chemical damage;
  • burns;
  • scratches in the throat area;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • vascular pathologies.

When patients present with such an alarming symptom as bleeding from the throat, the following diseases are usually identified:

  • coarctation of the aorta;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • thromboembolism of an artery in the lung.

Briefly about the causes of blood from the throat

There are many reasons for throat bleeding; some changes in the functioning of systems or organs often provoke the appearance of such a complication:

  • Damage to the pharynx by acid or gas is a chemical factor.
  • boiling water or hot steam.
  • Cuts or scratches on the back of the throat.
  • A common cause of blood from the throat is rupture of capillaries during prolonged coughing during the cold season.
  • Peptic ulcer and other disorders of the digestive tract.
  • Respiratory diseases.

Regulations for the use of iodine

Any chemical substance must be used rationally, because seemingly harmless iodine, which is familiar to everyone, can cause blood from the throat, and ulcers form at the site of exposure. If you start treatment on time, it will take some time to recover, during which the damaged area will be very painful, and the patient will not be at home, but in a hospital.

Many people will be interested in how iodine gets into the throat; the medicinal composition is used only for external treatment, especially on the skin for abrasions and cuts. A traditional method of treating sore throat involves regularly lubricating the tonsils with iodine or rinsing with a solution based on this substance. Iodine is an antiseptic, but it is very easy to overdo it, then the delicate mucous membrane will be damaged and the tonsils will begin to bleed.

Bleeding during a thermal burn

During the cold season, people like to warm themselves with hot drinks. Often consequences arise from this - boiling water affects the mucous membrane and a burn occurs. It is easy to burn the larynx and pharynx; this problem occurs in both adults and children.

A complication is when the esophagus is burned. Under no circumstances should wounds be rinsed with alcohol, as the condition can only worsen. If the injury is minor, it often goes away on its own and no treatment is required.

And in the case when the pain does not subside over time, and it is no longer the superficial layers of tissues and muscles that are affected, this is a serious complication, you need to seek qualified medical help.

Throat injury with a sharp object

This problem often occurs in young children at an early age, when they put any objects into their mouths. They can easily injure themselves, damage a vein, and then bleeding will begin.

First aid technique:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Fix the person in one position so that the foreign object cannot cause further harm: injure tissue or enter the respiratory organs.

You should not try to get the object yourself; the right decision would be to wait for the doctor, the specialist will carefully remove the object, stop the bleeding from the throat, and sometimes the patient requires further treatment in a hospital.

Diseases of the ENT organs are the main cause of bleeding

Sputum with blood, a metallic taste, appears in diseases associated with the organs of the bronchopulmonary system and the nasopharynx. A harmless reason is a burst capillary due to a long dry cough, blood appears from a blood vessel that burst in the nose or tonsils.

The main reason for bleeding from the throat during a sore throat is the fragility of blood vessels.

Another common factor is blood in the saliva due to a dry throat. With such a symptom, you should definitely see a specialist; do not neglect the pathology. Much less often, blood in the throat appears due to injury during examination in a medical facility.

When a patient undergoes throat surgery—tonsillectomy—blood from the throat is a natural phenomenon, since the wounds left after surgery take a long time to heal.

The obvious reason is that it enters the human saliva through the nasopharynx. In this case, the help of a traumatologist will be required.

Blood from the throat as a symptom cannot be ignored, but there is no point in worrying ahead of time. It is worth listening to your inner feelings, visiting a doctor, getting examined, and, if necessary, undergoing treatment.

Video: 3 causes of hemoptysis

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