Words are nouns that do not have a singular form. Number of nouns: nouns that have only a plural form and other examples

Development of a lesson on the topic: “Nouns that have only a singular form.”

Active goal: the formation in students of a new way of activity associated with searching and isolating information.

Tasks: teach children

1) find nouns that have only a singular form;

2) use the indicated nouns in combination with adjectives and past tense verbs;

3) include new material in the knowledge system and repeat what has been covered.

During the classes:

I. Motivation for learning activities.

Good afternoon guys. Let's look at each other and smile. I am glad that you are in a good mood, and I hope that we will work together today. I don't even doubt this.

II. Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial action.

Guess riddles whose answers are nouns that have only a plural form.

    What kind of water is only suitable for the literate? (ink)

    The whole century walks, not a person. (watch)

    Two rings, two ends, studs in the middle. (scissors)

    Although it is liquid, it is not water, not snow, but white. (milk)

What did you notice about the solution to the 4th riddle? (singular noun)

Try inserting this word in the plural. (-)

III. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty (goal, topic, method, plan, means).

How can we formulate the topic of the lesson? (nouns with only singular number)

What should we learn today? (find these nouns)

IV. Implementation of project construction.

This group includes nouns denoting phenomena and concepts that are contradicted by “countability.” These words include:

1. real:

A) metals: iron, steel, zinc, aluminum

B) substances and products: wax, sugar, milk, sour cream

C) cereals and other cultivated plants: rye, lilac, barley

C) vegetables and berries: peas, onions, strawberries, garlic

2. collective: students, foliage, youth

3. abstract, naming qualities and properties, processes and actions or general concepts: wisdom, homeland, perseverance, reading, warmth, generosity

4. proper names: Maxim Gorky, Moscow, Sevostopol, Crimea

V. Fixing the material.

Exercise 515

Students do the exercise in their notebooks, commenting on the words they write down in the table one by one. Check

1 column (with emphasis on 1 syllable): drought, anger, hatred, beets, silage, suffering, brushwood, pine needles, brushwood, cotton.

Column 2 (with emphasis on 2 syllables): fear, drowsiness, leisure, unity, nettle, porcelain, cement, sorrel.

Column 3 (with emphasis on the 3rd syllable): rubber, youth.

Students read out phrases: beautiful porcelain, red beets, sour sorrel...

VI. Self-control with self-test against a standard.

I suggest doing the task yourself using the options.

IN 1. Choose antonyms for nouns that are used only in the singular.

Truth, poverty, grief, old age, whiteness. (Truth is a lie, poverty is wealth, grief is joy, old age is youth, whiteness is blackness.)

AT 2. Choose antonyms for nouns that are used only in the singular.

Running around, light, movement, kindness, fear, childhood (Running around - silence, light-darkness, movement - stillness, kindness - anger, fear - courage, childhood - old age (adulthood)

VII. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

I ask the guys to split into two groups: boys and girls.

Task for group 1: remember the names of 3-4 instruments that have only plural forms. h. and make a proposal according to the scheme O, O, O and O are working tools. (Vise, wire cutters, pliers and ticks -

Task for group 2: remember “delicious” nouns. and “serve” them for breakfast, noun. must have only singular forms. Making a sentence using the pattern O, O, O and O is our favorite breakfast. (Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and radishes - ..)

Working with low achievers: work on punched cards (for repetition).

VIII. Reflection on educational activities.

What was the lesson about? (Nouns having only singular form)

Name words that are used only in singular form.

Be careful when using such words in your speech.

What work in the lesson did you like the most, what work was difficult?

IX. House. exercise:

1. Exercise 517 (be able to distinguish the numbers of nouns)

2. Come up with 10 sentences on the topic “In the store” (use nouns that have both numbers, that have only the plural and singular form)

Everyone knows that nouns are inflected, that is, they change according to cases and numbers. But does the phrase from the song performed by Marina Khlebnikova sound correct:

Shall I pour you an invigorating cup of coffee?

There are exceptions to every rule. Thus, the word “coffee” refers to indeclinable nouns. It is not used in the plural and does not change according to cases. The correct usage is “a cup of coffee.” The topic of our article will be such exceptions - nouns that have only a singular form. Let's take a closer look.

Nouns: number

It exists not only in mathematics. Nouns also have the number category. Knowing this means using them correctly both in oral speech and in writing. Most nouns denote objects that can be counted. For this purpose, the Russian language has categories of both singular and plural. The most difficult thing is to understand that there are nouns that have only a singular form, or, conversely, only a plural form. At the same time, other nuances arise in speech.

Thus, there are cases when plurality is expressed by the singular form of a noun. An example is the phrase: “The enemy will not pass!” This clearly refers to the enemy army, and not one specific person.

There is a predominant use of individual nouns in the plural:

  • gossip;
  • rein;
  • skis.

Although this is a numerically variable part of speech, and the use of words is quite acceptable:

  • gossip;
  • rein;
  • ski.

Most often, the following nouns do not have a plural form:

  • real;
  • collective;
  • distracted;

Let's look at this in more detail using examples.

Designation of substance, material

What are these words? Singular nouns denoting objects with real meaning. There are quite a lot of them, as evidenced by examples:

  • sugar;
  • milk;
  • petrol;
  • water;
  • asphalt;
  • cotton;
  • ceramics;
  • porcelain.

These nouns cannot be formed into another form, including the plural. You cannot add the endings -я, -а, -и, -ы to them.

Only singular nouns: examples of collective nouns

The names of sets of identical objects or persons are what we call collective nouns. They bring together those who have some common characteristic:

  • students (everyone who studies at universities);
  • youth (part of the population under the age of 30);
  • youth (young people from 14 to 21 years old);
  • childhood (from 0 to 18 years).

Collective nouns that have only a singular form can also refer to inanimate objects:

  • foliage;
  • spruce forest;
  • Flora.

This is just something to remember.

Abstract nouns

These are words that cannot be represented objectively, nor can they be counted. These include names:

  • quality or characteristic (youth, darkness, dexterity, blueness);
  • states or actions (mowing, chopping, fighting, anger, delight).

How to learn to identify only singular nouns? Examples of tasks will help you cope with the task.

Thus, you can choose antonyms for words that, by analogy, also cannot be used in the plural:

  • running;
  • force;
  • aggression;
  • stuffiness;
  • honesty.

(Answers: walking, weakness, calm, freshness, lie).

From a literary text, you can write out all the nouns in three columns according to the principle:

  • used in two numbers;
  • only in one thing;
  • only in the plural.

Thanks to this, it will become clearer that there are much more of the former.

Features: inanimate noun, proper

The singular for proper names is more common. They are rarely used in plural form. This often applies to surnames, if you have to distinguish an entire group of people based on the principle of kinship. Example:

  1. Only the Galkins, Lazarevs and Ivanovskys lived in the small village.
  2. The Kuznetsov family was distinguished by enviable health.

If a proper name acts as a single object and is inanimate, then it must be used in the singular:

  • Moscow.
  • Volga.
  • Mercury.
  • Ural.
  • Uruguay.

This also applies to compound names:

  • "First channel";
  • "Around the World" program;
  • painting "Mona Lisa".

But this is not a complete list. Of course, these are not all nouns that only have a singular form.

Something to remember

In the Russian language, words ending in -mya do not have plural forms. These nouns are simply worth remembering:

  • crown;
  • burden;
  • udder;
  • flame.

But a tribe is tribes, a seed is seeds.

So, we list only singular nouns, examples of which we present in the table.

Another condition by which one can determine that a noun does not have plurality is the absence of a combination with


  • know: about nouns that have only a singular form;
  • be able to: use the indicated nouns in combination with adjectives and past tense verbs.

During the classes


2. Consequently, air and moisture (in) increase the level of humidity.

a) Write off the proposal.

b) Insert the missing letters.

c) Open the brackets.

d) Explain spellings.


a) Write down the nouns in a column: sun, air, moisture, productivity.

b) Determine gender and number: singular.

c) Is it possible to form a plural form from these nouns?

What endings can be used to do this? (- Y, -I; -A, -Z).

d) - What conclusion can be drawn? ( There are nouns that only have a singular form.)

d) Describe the proposal:

1) (What?) “sun, air, moisture” are subjects expressed by nouns.

2) About them (what is said?) that they “increase.” This is a predicate expressed by a verb.

3) “Increase” (what?) productivity. This is an addition expressed by a noun.

4) “Sun”, “air”, “moisture” are homogeneous subjects, since they answer the same question and refer to the same word. The first and second subjects are connected by the intonation of enumeration, they are separated by a comma, the second and third are connected by the conjunction “and”, which is single, in this case the comma is not placed.

5) The sentence is declarative in terms of intonation, and non-exclamatory in terms of the purpose of the statement.

6) Common.


The topic of our lesson today, we read together on the board: "Nouns that have only the singular form." We will learn to distinguish between nouns that are used only in the singular form and those that have two numbers. The weather is good. Can you say that? The word "weather" does not have a plural form. There may be “lingering rains”, “strong thunderstorms” may pass, “strong blizzards and blizzards” may rage, but “weather” - excellent, good, variable, bad, disgusting - will still remain “weather”, a singular noun.


Page 206, read the rule.

On the board there is a poster made on one's own for this lesson.

1. Real: milk, sour cream, gasoline, kerosene, kefir.
2. Distracted: love, friendship, redness, kindness, severity.
3. WITH collective: teaching, boyars, kulaks, foliage .
4. Own: Caucasus, Ural, Krokodil magazine, Elektrostal.


I read the text, and you write down the nouns in two columns: singular and plural.

You want to bake something for dinner. Not every housewife has them on hand yeast. Bake cookie. Do it like this. Beat two eggs with a glass Sahara. Add half a glass sour cream, slightly diluted kefir Add soda and pour in flour. Knead dough and roll it out. Cut out the shapes and bake them. Ready cookie sprinkle with grated chocolate. Must be served to tea, cream. Bon appetit!

In the first column write down the words: cookies, sugar, sour cream, kefir, soda, flour, dough, chocolate, tea.

In the second column - yeast, cream.

– What other words can be added to these columns?

7. THE WORDS ON THE BOARD. Write them out in 3 columns:

singular and plural

Ts.fra, frozen, sh.pot, darkness, v.rota, everyday life, northern edge, sh.rokh, darkness, r.wall, ts.rk, t.darkness, holiday, (by) darkness , anger.

– What words are there more in the Russian language? ( Those that have two numbers).

– What grammatical features do nouns that have only a plural form not have? ( Gender, declension).

– What are synonyms? Find them in our words.


Find antonyms for nouns. They must be consumed only in singular form.

– What are antonyms? On the desk:

9. HOMEWORK(orally select antonyms for nouns).

Thaw - frost; holiday - everyday life; dawn - darkness.

Come up with a sentence using one of the words.

10. INSERT nouns that are used only in the singular form.

There is no bad weather) . Every...(weather)...(grace). Shura ... (hay) raked, ... (rake) in ... (hay) forgot.

Sleeping under the snow... Let... (blizzard) spin in the fields. ... (February) a gray-haired man wanders along the road. Let it get colder again, but...(spring) will still come.


What new did you learn in the lesson?


What words do not have a singular number?

    Typically, in Russian, words have two forms - plural and singular.

    But there are those who have only plural.

    These words include those that have the meaning of paired or complex objects. An example would be scissors, trousers, glasses, etc.

    The name of the games is chess, checkers, backgammon.

    Long periods of time - days, weekdays.

    There are not many words in the Russian language that do not have a singular number. Each of them, why it appeared, must be dealt with separately.

    For example, take the word gate. It doesn't have a singular number. How could this happen? Everything will become clear if you remember what a gate is. Gates are large doors in a fence, consisting of TWO halves. There is no point in a gate if it only has one leaf. Therefore, it turned out that you need to have two doors, that is, a PLURAL number.

    The same applies to the word scissors. Scissors consist of two halves. Each of them does not make sense alone, but together they form a whole subject.

    Also, words denoting an indefinite large amount of something can have a plural form. For example: twilight (lots of semi-darkness), ink (lots of black stuff).

    These are the words that came to my mind when reading your question:

    glasses (not glasses on the scoreboard, then there could be one point, but vision glasses or sunglasses)

    perfume (emphasis on second syllable)


    panties (underwear, not a group of cowardly people, of course!).

    Such a phenomenon as the presence of only one of the forms - singular or plural - can be observed in the Russian language. If we talk about the plural form, it will always be preserved in the following nouns:

    Words that have only a plural and not a singular are divided into several categories:

    1. Proper names of geographical places: Carpathians, Gorki, Athens, Alps (that’s what they were called).
    2. Names of games: chess, checkers, burners, hopscotch, backgammon, hide and seek, blind man's buff.
    3. Items made from several parts: gates, glasses, watches, scales.
    4. Tools: scissors, vice, pliers, rakes, forks.
    5. Foreign words: perfume, canned food, finance, tights.
    6. Time intervals: day, weekdays, twilight, wakes, name days, holidays.
    7. Masses of substances: ink, cream, pasta, bran, sawdust, yeast.
    8. Clothes: briefs, trousers, trousers
  • In Russian grammar, not all nouns have a singular form. Some of them are used only in plural. Let us remember them in connection with the designation, for example, of paired objects:

    tongs, wire cutters, sleds, pants, shorts, tights.

    Here we include the names of some games:

    towns, chess, checkers, blind man's buff, hide and seek, catch-up;

    names of periods of time, states and actions:

    darkness, twilight, day, weekdays, farewells, elections, gatherings;

    nouns naming products, residues, homogeneous substances:

    ink, whitewash, flakes, cabbage soup, cream, yeast, sawdust, slops, splashes, wallpaper;

    some geographical names:

    Athens, Luzhniki, Himalayas, Carpathians, Khibiny Mountains, Alps.

    In the Russian language there are enough words that do not have a singular form, but are used only in the plural. Such words can even be divided into categories.

    For example, objects consisting of several parts - gates and glasses. Or words of foreign origin - tights and perfume.

    And also the list of words that do not have a singular form can be continued - vacations, cabbage soup, ink, sawdust, cream, wallpaper, hide and seek, tag, jeans, scissors, bloomers, whitewash, swing, firewood, rakes, pitchforks, Kuril Islands, Maldives, People...

    There are many such words in the Russian language, for example, those of which I remembered are trousers, glasses, watches, canned food, everyday life, pliers, sleigh, scissors, day, vacation, tights, cream. These words are also the names of some games. These are, for example, the words checkers, backgammon, chess.

    The following nouns immediately come to mind: scissors, chess, name day, yeast, scales, everyday life, day, finance, glasses (as an object for vision), watches (as an object showing time), trousers, trousers, tights, vacations, perfume and many more other.

    These are nouns that only have a plural form.

    In the Russian language there are a number of nouns that do not have singular forms. They always used in the plural, even if only one item is meant.

    Among the nouns, not having a singular number, there are several types:

    • names of objects that consist of two or more parts: sleds, stretchers, trousers, rakes, pliers, pitchforks;
    • names of phenomena, games, events, actions or states: searches, chores, elections, blind man's buff, races, farewells, name days;
    • names of objects of a certain length: day, vacation, twilight, weekdays;
    • names of substances: whitewash, firewood, canned food, bran, sawdust, cream, cabbage soup.

    Among the nouns without a singular form there are also proper names such as Athens, the Carpathians, the Alps, Naberezhnye Chelny and others.

Purpose: 1. Know the categories of nouns that have only a plural or only a singular form. 2. Be able to distinguish nouns that have the same numerical form from other nouns. 3. Be able to select antonyms for nouns.

Classes of nouns that have only the plural form 1. Names of paired objects: sleigh, droshky, scissors, tongs, gates, glasses, trousers, etc. 2. Names of games: burners, hide and seek, blind man's buff, chess, checkers, etc. 3. Designations of individual time periods: day, weekdays, twilight, holidays, etc. 4. Substance-collective nouns: pasta, cream, yeast, ink, perfume, etc. 5. Proper names: Alps, Carpathians, Kholmogory, Gorki.

Classes of nouns that have only the singular form 1. Real nouns: butter, milk, sugar, water, oil, steel, copper, etc. 2. Collective nouns: spruce forest, youth, students, etc. 3. Abstract (abstract): whiteness, cleanliness, laziness, kindness, thinness, enthusiasm, running, mowing, walking, warmth, dampness, thaw, etc. 5. Proper names (full name): Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

The plural form of some of these nouns is possible, but only to designate certain grades, grades Stainless steel (units) - alloy steels (plural); olive oil (units) – technical oils (plural); impenetrable mud (singular) – healing mud (plural); spinal cord (singular) – prepare brains (plural)

Choose antonyms for nouns that are used only in the singular. (10 points) Strength - weakness; true False; wealth - poverty; tears - laughter; fun - sadness; old age - youth; anger - kindness; white – black; running - walking; light - darkness.

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