Word games with the audience. At summer camp. Games with the hall


"Uncle Tolik", SRC teacher


It is quite difficult to describe this group of games. Like any performance on stage, stage performances require acting skills and charm from the host. They need to be carried out with enthusiasm, at a fast pace.

Fish. Leading:<Игра на внимание. Представьте, что моя левая рука - это море (делает волнообразное движение), а правая - рыбка (правой ладошкой изображает рыбку, которая плывет, извиваясь). Когда рыбка выпрыгивает из моря (т.е. поднимается правая рука над левой рукой), вы хлопаете. Итак, начинаем>. The leader initially makes slow movements. Then he introduces deceptive movements, then speeds up the pace, giving him a standing ovation.

Rain. Leading:<Сейчас мы разучим наши фирменные аплодисменты>. He offers to repeat after him.<Пошел мелкий дождь>- clap your palm with one finger.<Дождь стал усиливаться>- clap your palm with two fingers.<Стал еще сильнее>- clap your palm with three fingers.<Пошел сильный дождь>- four fingers clap the palm.<Начался ливень>- with the whole palm. After losing once, the host can offer to learn the ending of the game. When he waves his hand, the whole room must say<еэс>, and the rain stops, silence sets in.

Firework.The host offers to arrange a fireworks display in the hall. The bravest spectators will help with this. Two people are invited to the stage. One gets the role of a matchbox, which stands at the right wing close to the edge of the stage, the second - the role of a match. Standing in the middle of the stage, the match will have to proudly walk to the box and, striking its head on the box, will light up. The presenter invites a spectator in bright red clothes, who will play the role of a light. The next four spectators become the wick. Lined up, they stand in the middle of the stage. Next, the viewer is invited to play the role of a cannon. Placed at the left wing, the gun should be able to say loudly<бах>. And finally, 5-8 spectators in bright clothes are invited from the hall. They crouch in front of the stage in a circle and after the gun signal they will have to stand up and say<тили-тили>, and the audience applauds loudly. After the rehearsal, a fireworks display is arranged, the presenter comments on what is happening:<Гордая спичка шагает к коробку, чиркнув головкой по коробку, загорается, появляется огонек. Спичка с огоньком шагает к фитильку. Огонек бежит по фитильку к пушке. Пушка стреляет. Загорается салют под аплодисменты зрителей>.

Game for attention Guys, stand up.. The presenter offers to carry out his commands only if he makes an appeal<ребята>. For example:<Ребята, хлопните в ладоши>, everyone should clap.<А теперь топните>, no one should move, because no appeal was given<ребята>.

Changeling. The presenter offers the game for attention. Players must respond in reverse to any of his phrases. For example, the presenter says<добрые>, players -<злые>. Here is the possible text of the game. Leading:<Здравствуйте, ребята>. Players:<До свидания>. Leading:<Да, здравствуйте>. Players:<Нет, до свидания>. Leading:<Ну хорошо, до свидания>. Players:<Здравствуйте>. Leading:<Ой, ребята, какие вы хорошие>. Players:<Плохие>. Leading:<Ну плохие>. Players:<Хорошие>. Leading:<Вы же только что были плохими>. Players:<Хорошими>Leading:<Ну ладно, ладно, хорошими>Players:<Плохими>, etc.

Beauty's heart . The presenter invites everyone to remember the words of the song’s verse: The heart of a beauty is prone to betrayal

And to change, like the wind of May. And he invites the whole audience to sing a song without words. Words are replaced one by one. Word<сердце>replace it by touching your hands to the left side of your chest. We perform the song, replacing the first word with a gesture. After introducing each gesture, we sing the entire song until we replace all the words with gestures. Here's what happens: Touching your hands to the left side of your chest -<сердце>. We trace the outline of our face with our hands -<красавицы>. We tilt the body -<склонно>. We depict horns above our heads -<к измене>.

Everyone sits cross-legged and changes legs, lowering one, throwing up the other -<и к перемене>. Blowing -<как ветер>. Extend a palm with five fingers -<мая>.

I sing boom: The presenter asks you to repeat words and movements after him.<Пою я бум, чика-бум>(for the first word, clap your hands, for the second, clap your knees, then the movements are repeated). Lyrics: Chika-boom - cool song Let's sing it all together. If you need some cool noise, sing chica boom with us. I sing boom, chica boom. I sing boom, chica-raka, chika-raka, chika boom. Oh yeah, more fun again. Possible variations of the last word: louder, faster, more feminine, more courageous, longer, etc.

Titanic. The presenter offers to put on a new film<Титаник>. Leading:<Давайте отправимся в морское путешествие на <Титанике>. But there is no need to be afraid, because we will build this ship ourselves. For this I will need your help>. The presenter invites two people to the stage. They will be the sides<Титаника>. Then another actor is invited. He gets the role of the boat. The sides join hands, the boat hangs in their hands. The bow of the ship should be decorated with a female figure, a girl is needed - WOW! A girl comes out. Then two tall people are invited, they will have to be pipes on the ship. The ship is built, but not equipped. It is very important not to forget to take a flare. A small girl who can make a loud, piercing scream is invited to play this role. Two actors in white are invited to play the role of the iceberg. He gets in the way of the ship. Finally, a couple is invited and plays the role of lovers. Lovers on the bow of a ship depict a scene from a movie<Титаник>(flying on the bow of a ship over the ocean). He: . She: . Leading:<Но тут:Корабль врезается в айсберг и раскалывается пополам (борта расцепляют руки, шлюпка падает на воду). На корабле паника (зрители кричат). Крысы убегают с корабля (зрители топают ногами). Взлетает сигнальная ракета>. Flare: . Rocket jumps out of his chair and screams. Leading:<А наши влюбленные спасаются на шлюпке. Счастливый конец все целуются>.

Hippodrome. Leading:<Приготовьте, пожалуйста, свои ладошки. Ладошки - это лошадка, а побежит она по коленочкам. Давайте разучим, что умеет делать лошадка: бегать галопом (звонкие хлопки ладошками по коленкам); скакать по песочку (трение ладоней по коленкам); скакать по камушкам (стучим кулачками по коленкам); брать барьеры (руки поднимают вверх и опускают, хлопая по коленкам, вниз). Итак, мы на ипподроме. Начинаются скачки. Посмотрим, чья лошадка придёт первой. На старт! Внимание! Марш!>.

Kapokova Almira Nabiullaevna
Primary school teacher
Kazakhstan, Semey
Secondary school No. 29
First category

Games with the hall.
This collection of games with the hall will help you cheer up the guys and set them up emotionally, remove noise in the hall, and also fill an unexpected pause during any event.
Dwarfs and giants
The presenter agrees with the guys that if he says “giants,” everyone should rise on their toes and raise both hands up; if he says “dwarfs,” everyone must squat down and stretch their arms forward. First, the leader conducts a rehearsal, while he may not make any movements. Then, while conducting the game, the presenter can show movements at random from time to time. You can change the movements: on the word “dwarfs” - bring your hands together, joining your palms, on the word “giants” - spread your arms wide to the sides.
Let's imagine that we have to move a heavy train from the rails. The wheels begin to slowly knock at the joints of the rails. We mark this knock with a double clap. The leader claps first. The rest of the participants follow him. The train accelerates, the leader makes a double clap shorter, everyone must react to the change in rhythm. The pace quickens, the train rushes. The presenter can change the direction of the “movement” by saying “back”. From this point on, the pace slows until the train comes to a complete stop.
Prohibited movement
The presenter agrees with the children what movements cannot be made, for example: sit down, clap your hands, wave your arms. Then the leader shows various movements that the players must exactly repeat after him. The more varied and fun these movements are, the more interesting the game. Suddenly the manager shows a prohibited movement. You can complicate the game: agree that there are two movements that cannot be repeated, but others must be done instead. For example, when the leader puts his hand on the back of his head, the players should sit down cross-legged, and when he leans forward, they should clap their hands twice. Before the game starts, all movements must be thoroughly rehearsed.
Sun, fence, pebbles
The leader, gradually increasing the pace, gives the players the following commands in any order: “Sunshine!”, “Fence!”, “Pebbles.” Those playing for the team “Sunny!” spread their fingers, at the command “Fence!” close their fingers and straighten their palms, hands clenched into fists with the command “Pebbles!”

Extend your palm to the beginning summer rain. 1 drop falls (the leader hits the outstretched palm with one finger). 2 drops fall (2 fingers). 3 drops fall (3 fingers). It's starting to rain! (Hits palm against palm.) Heavy rain! Shower! (The sound increases.) Thunder! Hail! (The clatter of feet is added to the noise of palms.) The rain subsides. 4 drops, 3, 2, 1. Silence... The sun has appeared again!
The hall is divided into four parts. Everyone gets their words.
1: “In the bathhouse, the brooms are soaked.”
2: "The spindles are turned."
3: “But the sponge is not dried.”
4: “The lady is the lady, the lady is the madam.”
The presenter “conducts” the hall, pointing first to the third, then to the third. Whoever he points to must pronounce his words. Before the start, words are rehearsed with each team.
The players repeat the words and movements after the leader. “My grandmother lives in Brazil! She has a finger like this (Shows thumb, everyone repeats). My grandmother lives in Brazil. She has this finger (shows), and this mouth (curls her mouth, and everyone repeats). My grandmother lives in Brazil! She has this finger, this mouth (shows), these eyes (Goggles, everyone repeats).”
Each time more and more new ones are added to these phrases: these are the shoulders (right shoulder down, left shoulder up). She constantly jumps (shows). She screams: “Oh, how beautiful I am, why doesn’t anyone love me? (everyone screams).” After a pause, when the laughter subsides, the presenter says: “Like the grandmother, so are the grandchildren.”
Everyone in this room is friends
Children perform actions based on the leader’s words:
Everyone in this room is friends: me, you, he, she.
Hug the neighbor on the right, hug the neighbor on the left,
We are a family.
Etc. with the words:
Pinch the neighbor on the right...
Pet the neighbor on the right...
Kiss the neighbor on the right...
Gradually you can speed up the pace and come up with new actions.
The hall is divided into two halves: “Petka” and Vaska.” The words of “Petek”: “Petka, I have a checkered shirt, I came to you kids to eat some candy.” Words from “Vasek”: “Vaska, I have polka dot pants, I came from a fairy tale, because I’m good.” The words are rehearsed with each half of the hall. Then the presenters say the following words: “On a high hill there stands a beautiful house, and in a beautiful house lives a cheerful gnome. Gnome, dwarf, what’s your name?” The answer follows from one half of the hall, then from the other. After this, both halves of the hall shout at the same time, who will outshout whom.
Head, ramp
Polish game. It is sung showing the places about which it is sung: “Head, ramp, knees, wrists; knees, wrists; head, ramp, knees, wrists, ears, mouth, eyes, nose.” The pace gets faster each time. (Ramp - shoulders).
We're hunting a lion
The presenter says the words and shows the movements. The guys repeat after him. We are hunting a lion, We are not afraid of him, We will fight in battle with him, (waves his fists) And, of course, we will win. (beats himself in the chest) What is that ahead? (puts his hand to his head) Oh, this is a mountain. (shows the mountain with his hands) But you can’t fly over it, and you can’t crawl under it, and you can’t go around it... Oh, you have to go straight! Top-top-top-top. Repeats four times, changing only the obstacles. Then there may be the following obstacles: river (bul-bul-bul-bul), bushes (shurkh-shurkh-shurkh-surkh), swamp (chop-chop-chop-chop). Last time: What's that up ahead? Oh, this is a hole. What's that in the hole? Oh, that's the tail. Whose tail is this? Oh, it's a lion. Is this a lion? Oh, it's a lion. Be-zhi-m! And in reverse order all the obstacles very quickly: chop-chop, rustle-shurch, glug-glug, top-top. Ugh!
The audience, together with the presenter, pronounces the words and repeats his movements: Two stomps, two slams (we stomp our feet twice, clap our hands) Hedgehogs, hedgehogs, (show outstretched fingers) Anvil, anvil, (we hit fist on fist) Scissors, scissors. (we show scissors with our hands) Run in place, run in place (run in place) Bunnies, bunnies. (show ears) Come on together, come on together: Girls! (all the girls shout: “Girls!”) Boys! (all the boys shout: “Boys!”)
A ball flies across the sky
The boys repeat these words and movements after the leader. A ball flies and flies across the sky (they wave their hands and show the ball) A ball flies across the sky (with their finger to the sky) (they wave their hands and show the ball). But we know (point to the head) (they hit themselves in the chest) that this ball will not fly away from us (they hit themselves in the chest) (they wave their hands). Then one word is replaced by the corresponding movement, and all words are repeated except that word (instead - movement). Next, other words are replaced one by one. As a result, everything is shown only by movements.
Nose – floor – ceiling
The presenter points to the nose, floor or ceiling. But he doesn’t name what he’s pointing at, and confuses the audience. The players must, without taking their eyes off, show the parts called by the leader and try not to confuse them.
The presenter calls willing participants onto the stage according to the number of fairy tale characters, and distributes roles (Grandfather, Grandmother, Gingerbread Man, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox). Then he tells a fairy tale, and every time the name of one of the heroes of the fairy tale is heard, he must sit down. The presenter, leaving the plot of the tale the same, but often unexpectedly returns to the hero, repeats his name several times. Participants must be careful not to miss their “turn”.
Little Red Riding Hood
The presenter invites 6-7 people who want to come to the stage. They need to present. That they are correspondents and are reporting from the scene. They are in the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” at the moment when the wolf enters the grandmother’s house. Each correspondent needs to choose a place where he is and tell what he sees from there. The presenter alternately gives the floor to the correspondents.
Presenter: Param-Parerum! Guys: Hey! Presenter: Param-Parerum! Guys: Hey! Presenter: Param-Parerum! Guys: Hey! Hey! Hey! Host: What’s your mood? Guys: Wow! (show fist with thumb up) Host: Is everyone of this opinion? Guys: Yes! Host: Then: Hurray!!! Guys: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!
The presenter depicts sea level with his left hand, and a Goldfish with his right. When the fish jumps out of the sea, the audience claps; when it is in the sea, they don’t. The fish begins to swim and jump out faster and faster. Viewers need to be careful not to make mistakes.
Two people take the stage. One starts to say something, the other repeats after him. First: Why are you repeating after me? Second: You repeat it. First: No, it's you. Second: No, you are. First: Let's ask the guys. Second: Come on. First and second: Which of us repeats?
First: Let's do this. This is your half of the hall, and this is mine (they divide the hall in half). Whoever is louder is right. At a signal from their leader, half of the hall repeats the sounds and movements, gradually adding new ones. (clap, whistle, squeal, throw something up, etc.). At the end, the presenters need to compare themselves and say that the whole audience supported them well and now they will never quarrel.
Volume knob
The hall depicts the sound of a radio, and the presenter controls the volume knob of this radio. The higher the presenter’s hand is raised, the louder the sound the audience makes, the lower it is, the quieter the sound becomes. The leader can move his hand smoothly and sharply. The hall needs to convey these changes in sound.
The hall is divided into four parts. The first plays the role of the right wing (with the right hand it’s as if they are pushing back a curtain with the words: “Zipp. Zack.” The second is the left wing (the same thing, only with the left hand). The third group will be an orchestra. Each person portrays an instrument. Fanfare sounds. The fourth group - this is the audience. Stormy applause. So, is everyone ready? Let's begin. The right curtain has opened. The left curtain has opened. Orchestra - fanfare. Applause from the audience. The performance begins!
The presenter asks the audience to perform a movement. The audience fulfills his request only if he says “Please.” Viewers need to be very attentive and try not to make mistakes.
The presenter asks the audience to perform a movement. But the hall does the opposite. For example:
- Turn left (the hall turns right).
- Sit down (the audience stands up).
Traffic light
The presenter has cards of three colors: red, yellow, green. When the presenter shows the children a green card, they should stomp their feet, a yellow card should clap their hands, and a non-red card should sit quietly. The presenter has an assistant who confuses the guys and shows the wrong things.
All participants in the game repeat the words and movements after the leader. The words are: “The curtains open: whack – whack! The telescope comes out: y - y - y! we wipe the glass: shih - shih; shih - shih! point the telescope: broom - broom - broom! And suddenly - a star: oh! (point up); and there are hundreds of stars: bang! whack! whack! whack! And then the stones flew: wow! wow! wow! Then came the meteor shower: bang! clap! clap! Flying saucers appear from around the corner: lyu - lyu - lyu - lyu! (pronounced in a loud, high-pitched voice), and an alien falls out of the flying saucer: smack! The sun began to rise and under its rays the stars began to fall on the observatory in a loud rain: first one star fell (we hit the palm with one finger), then two stars (we hit the palm with two fingers), three stars (we hit the palm with three fingers), four, five... and it began to rain stars - a real downpour! (“storm” of applause).
Italian football.
All players are divided into two teams. The first command obeys the right hand, the second - the left. When the leader waves his right hand, the first team shouts: “Goal!”, when he waves his left, the second team shouts: “Past!” When the leader raises both arms at shoulder level, both teams shout: “Barbell!”, and when both arms raise up, both teams shout: “Hurray!” In this game, maximum attention is required from both teams, because... If any team shouts the wrong thing or at the wrong time, they are given a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.
Machine gun.
It is necessary, repeating movements and words, to gradually speed up the pace. The words are as follows: “Tyr - tyr, machine gun (hands depict shooting from a machine gun). Higher - higher, an airplane (the wings of an airplane are depicted). Bang, artillery (one hand hits the other). The cavalry is galloping (one arm is waving above its head, depicting a saber). Hooray!!!"
We are making a film – 1 (“Whites in the Village”).
All players are divided into groups: the first group says the words: “Black Raven, why are you flying” (from the song), the second: “Halfway! Whites are in the village!”, third: “On the horses! Forward!”, the fourth depicts a machine-gun burst in words.
We are shooting a film - 2 (“White Sun of the Desert”).
All players are divided into groups: the first group depicts the sound of waves, waving their arms, the second group depicts seagulls and their cries, the third group shouts the words: “Vereshchagin, don’t start the longboat!”, the fourth group depicts the noise of the starting longboat, the fifth group depicts an explosion , the sixth group (mostly female) shouts: “Pasha!”
The deer has a big house.
The presenter on stage pronounces the following words, accompanying them with movements: The deer has a big house, He looks out of his window. A hare ran through the forest and knocked on his door. Knock-knock-knock, - deer, open up. There's an evil hunter in the forest. Hare, hare, run in, give me your paw.
"A pizza hut."
This American game is called the name of the diner - “E Pizza Hut”. Before the game starts, the counselor agrees with the children how they will demonstrate pizza and Kentucky Fried Chicken. The following text is pronounced:
E pizza hut (we depict pizza with circular movements of our hands),
E pizza hut,
Kentucky Fried Chicken
End e Pizza Hut,
E pizza hut,
E pizza hut,
Kentucky Fried Chicken
End e Pizza Hut,
Kentucky Fried Chicken,
End e pizza hut.
The next step is for the players to depict all this on an enlarged scale, and then vice versa - on a reduced scale.
"Roller coaster".
The audience performs movements for certain words.
Climbing uphill - lean back and muffledly say: “oo-oo-oo”
Turn left - lean to the left and shout: “a-a-a”
Turn right - tilt to the right, sound: “o-o-o”
We drove into the water - the words: “glug-glug”
We accelerate - squealing and whistling.
"Achi - rachi - boxes."
The hall is divided into three groups. Some shout: “Achi”, others: “rachi”, others: “boxes”. First they rehearse with each half of the hall. And then who the presenter will point to. Afterwards, everyone shouts their words together 2–3 times. And the presenter says: “That’s how elephants sneeze!” If the third group shouts “cartilaginous”, then this means that the elephant is sneezing with a French accent.
John-Brown-Boy waxed his skis once...
John-Brown-Boy waxed his skis once...
And he left for the Caucasus...
The song is learned with the children and sung. As you sing, the words (from the end of the phrase) are replaced by claps (the number of claps corresponds to the number of syllables).
John-Brown-Boy oiled his skis with one clap
John-Brown-Boy coated his skis with cotton, cotton
John-Brown-Boy smeared cotton, cotton, cotton
And so on...
How are you?
The presenter asks a question, and the audience answers him by performing the appropriate movement:
How are you? - Like this! - Fist forward, thumbs up.
How are you going? - Like this! - a movement that imitates walking.
How are you running? - Like this! - running in place.
Do you sleep at night? - Like this - palms under the cheeks.
How do you get up? - Like this - get up from your chairs, arms up, stretch.
Are you silent? - That's it - finger to mouth.
Are you screaming? – That’s it – everyone screams loudly and stomps their feet.
Gradually the pace can be accelerated.
The presenter divides the hall into 5 parts and distributes the words to each:
1.- “damn-n-n”
2.- “half a pancake”
3.- “quarter pancake”
4.- “no pancakes, just sour cream”
5.- “pancakes”
Each word is pronounced in a certain key and a certain size, and the tone varies from “pancake” to “pancakes”. Frequency from the whole part of “pancake” to 1/16 of “pancakes”. If you consistently maintain the tone and frequency, then the feeling of a bell ringing is created in the hall.
Left leg, right hand
The presenter divides the hall into 4 parts (if he uses 2 arms and 2 legs, if only 2 arms or 2 legs, then the hall is divided into 2 parts). Each part of the hall is responsible for some part of the body. When the presenter raises his right hand, the part of the audience that is responsible for the right hand claps, etc. A game of attention. The leader must confuse the children (cross his arms and legs, raise his hand from behind his back, etc.).
(Leader - children) pronouncing the words, the participants depict what they are talking about.
We are funny monkeys
We play too loud.
We all clap our hands,
We all stomp our feet,
Puff out our cheeks
Let's jump on our toes.
And even to each other
We'll show you our tongues,
Let's stick out our ears
Ponytail on top of head
Let's jump to the ceiling together
Let's put our finger to our temple,
Let's open our mouths wider,
We'll make all the faces.
I'll just say the number 3 -
Everyone freeze with grimaces.
Nyeman - daddy
The players stand in a circle, placing their hands on each other’s shoulders (you can just hold hands). The following words are learned:

Nyeman, Nyeman, Nyeman, daddy,
Nyeman, Nyeman, Nyeman, papasan,
When pronouncing the first and third lines, participants move with side steps to the right; pronouncing the second and fourth - to the left. “O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o,” he sings to the tune of “Katyusha” with bends back and forth. “Yes!” - performed with a characteristic movement of the arm and leg. Then the game is repeated from the beginning with acceleration.
Grandma's shopping
The presenter says a line, and the children repeat it in chorus:
– Grandma bought herself a chicken……….
chicken grain by grain cluck-tah-tah...……….
(shows with his hands how the chicken pecks)
– Grandma bought herself a duck……….
Ducky tyuh-tyuh-tyuh……….
(shows with his hands how a duck swims)
– Chicken by grain cluck-tah-tah……….
duck tyuh-tyuh-tyuh……….
– Grandma bought herself a turkey...........
Turkey tail-coats……….
(for the word coattails - hand to the right, bulldozers - to the left)
(repeat about chicken, duck, turkey)
– Grandma bought herself a kitty……….
And Kisulya meow-meow……….
(repeat from the beginning)
– Grandma bought herself a dog……….
Little dog woof-woof……….
(repeat from the beginning)
– Grandma bought herself a little cow……….
Little cow of flour-flour……….
(repeat from the beginning)
– Grandma bought herself a pig……….
Piglet oinks-oinks……….
(repeat from the beginning)
– Grandma bought herself a TV……….
TV time-facts……….
Announcer la-la-la……….
(repeat from the beginning)
One flower, two flowers
All in chorus and with movements.
Once a flower, two flowers.
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs
Forged, forged
Scissors, scissors
Run in place, run in place.
Bunnies, bunnies,
Come on, together, come on together,
Girls (girls scream)
Boys (boys shout).
Who's louder?

Guys, stand up
The presenter offers to carry out his commands only if he pronounces the address “guys”. For example: “Guys, clap your hands,” everyone should clap. “Now stomp,” no one should stomp, since the address “guys” was not said.
Volume control
The presenter depicts the volume control with his hand. The maximum raised hand means maximum noise. A hand down means silence. The counselor raises his hand up, lowers it down, and the players make sounds at the appropriate volume.
Presenter: “A game for attention. Imagine that my left hand is the sea (makes a wave-like movement), and my right hand is a fish (with my right palm I depict a fish that swims, wriggling). When the fish swims out of the sea, that is, the right hand rises above the left hand, then you clap your hands. So, let's begin!". The leader initially makes slow movements. Then he introduces deceptive movements, speeds up the pace, giving him a standing ovation.
The host offers to arrange a fireworks display in the hall. Two people are invited to the stage. One gets the role of a matchbox, which stands at the right wing, close to the edge of the stage. The second is the role of a match. Standing in the middle of the stage, the match will have to proudly walk to the box and, striking its head on the box, light up. The presenter invites a spectator in bright red clothes, who will play the role of a light. The next 4 spectators become the wick. Lined up, they stand in the middle of the stage. Next, the viewer is invited to play the role of a cannon. Positioned at the left wing, the cannon should loudly say “bang”. And finally, 5 to 8 spectators in bright clothes are invited from the hall. They crouch in front of the stage in a circle and after the cannon signal they stand up with the words “tili-tili”, and the audience applauds. After the rehearsal there is a fireworks display. The presenter comments on what is happening: “The proud match walks towards the box and, striking its head on the box, it lights up, a light appears, a light appears. A match with a spark moves towards the wick. The light runs along the wick to the cannon. The gun fires. The fireworks light up to the applause of the spectators.
All players stand in a circle. The counselor invites everyone to learn the following words:
“Trump-pum-pum, Tram-pum-pum,
Salami, salami,
Simultaneously with the words, the following movements are performed:
tram-pum-pam - the players slap their knees 3 times;
guli-guli - the players scratch their chins with one hand and scratch their heads with the other;
salami, salami - alternately (first one then the other) bend their arms at the elbow, bringing the hand to the shoulder.
After the participants have learned the text, they are asked to make the “Tram-pum-pam” movement at the neighbor on the right. The game repeats itself.
Then the neighbor on the right makes the movements “Trum-pum-pum” and “Guli-guli-guli-guli.”
Next, “Tram-pum-pam” is done by the neighbor on the right, and “Guli-guli” by the neighbor on the left.
We always make salami at home.
Fairy tale
The presenter comes up with a fairy tale scenario (any characters, any actions, it all depends on your imagination).
The hall is divided into parts, the number of which is directly proportional to the number of heroes of the fairy tale. Each hero performs some kind of movement (for example, Ivan Tsarevich: hand from top to bottom and the words: “Eh-uh”, princess: hands at the seams, shoulders walk from side to side and the words: “hee-hee-hee” ). Next, the presenter tells a fairy tale. When a hero is named, the part of the audience that is responsible for him performs a movement, and the words are pronounced in chorus.
It is proposed to stage a new film "Titanic". Presenter: “Let's go on a sea voyage on the Titanic.” To do this, two people are invited to the stage. They will be on board the Titanic. Then another actor is invited. He gets the role of the boat. The sides hold hands, and the boat hangs in their hands. The bow of the ship should be decorated with a female figure, a beautiful girl is needed. A girl comes out. Then two tall people are invited and asked to be on the ship. The ship is built, but not equipped. It is very important not to forget the flare. A little girl is invited to play this role. Able to make a loud, piercing cry. Two actors in white are invited to play the role of the iceberg. He gets in the way of the ship. Finally, a couple is invited and plays the role of lovers. Lovers on the bow of the ship depict a scene from the movie “Titanic” (flying on the bow of a ship over the ocean). He: “Trust me” (trust me). She: “I trust you” (I believe you). Presenter: “But then the ship crashes into an iceberg and splits in half (the sides uncouple the hands, the boat falls into the water). There is panic on the ship (spectators scream). Rats flee the ship (spectators stomp their feet). A signal flare takes off. Signal flare: “HELP! HELP!” Rocket jumps out of his chair and screams. Presenter: “And our lovers are saved on a boat. A happy ending. Everyone kisses."
The presenter says a line, and the children answer: TU - TU - CHI - CHI
I have a train
He takes me on rails
He has a chimney and a stove
And a magic ring
We'll leave from the station
It has four halls
We'll go to Paris
And maybe closer
It's spring rain here
And our train got stuck
We are standing in a huge puddle
We have no time for Paris here
You are my triangular cap
You are my triangular cap,
My triangular cap
If you are not triangular,
So you are not my cap.
Each word is replaced by a gesture gradually, and the pace quickens.
"The deer has a big house."
The deer has a big house. He stands, looks out the window. A little bunny runs past and wiggles his ears. Knock, knock, open the door, there is an angry hunter in the forest. Bunny, bunny, come on in. Give me your bunny paw. At the same time, movements are shown. The pace gradually quickens.
Hippopotamus bite
The presenter says a line, and the children repeat it along with the movements
I was bitten by a hippopotamus
I climbed a tree out of fear
And here I am
And my hand is there
I was bitten by a hippopotamus.
I was bitten by a hippopotamus
I climbed a tree out of fear
And here I am
And the second hand is there
I was bitten by a hippopotamus
(and so on for all parts of the body)
This chant is learned in advance and sung by everyone together.
Hey, mamba-mamba, hey
The plot of the game begins with the fact that two presenters on stage start an argument about whose half of the hall is better. To resolve the dispute, one of the presenters invites his half of the audience to shout: “Hey, mamba-mamba, hey.” The second presenter invites his half of the audience to shout this phrase much louder and clap their hands together. Then the presenters take turns adding different actions to the existing ones. After the agreed action, one of them offers to make peace, after which the last phrase is shouted by everyone together.
Before performing actions, the presenters need to talk through their sequence. The chain of actions should not be made too long.
Teapot, lid.
Lid, knob.
Lump, hole...
Steam is coming out of the hole.
There's steam coming out, there's a hole.
Hole, bump...
Cone, cap.
Lid, teapot.
The song is learned with children and sung, accompanying the words with hand movements: teapot - palms parallel to each other
lid - palm of the right hand - lid
bump - fist
hole - fingers ring (OK sign)
steam flows - circles are made with the index finger in increasing directions.
As the singing progresses, the words are replaced by the word - LA-LA-LA and hand movements.
Chica - boom
The presenter asks you to repeat words and movements after him. For the first word - clap your hands, for the second - clap your knees, then the movements are repeated. First, the leader says the line, and then all the players repeat it, not forgetting to make the movements. Words:
Chika - boom - cool song,
Let's sing it all together,
If you need some cool noise,
Sing chika with us - boom.
I sing boom, chica boom,
I sing boom, chica boom,
I sing boom, chika - cancer, chika - cancer, chika - cancer, chika - boom.

1. The more you pick, the bigger it becomes - what is it? (Hole)
2. Who wouldn’t get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald)
3. Why do lions eat raw meat? (Because they don't know how to cook)
4. What is produced in Brazil and nowhere else? (Brazilians)
5. What will you become at twenty years old? (Twenty year old man)
6. What has eight legs and can sing? (Quartet of singers)
7. How to double your money? (Look at them in the mirror)
8. Can a rooster call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)
9. What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin)
10. What is the first thing we do in the morning? (Wake up)
11. What burns in the refrigerator? (Mustard)
12. In what case will 6 children and 2 dogs, climbing under an ordinary umbrella, not get wet? (If it doesn't rain)
13. What kind of person can stop a speeding car with one hand? (Traffic Inspector)
14. Why do cowboys ride horses? (Because the horse is too heavy to carry)
15. What does a vampire say to his vampire? (Love your blood type)
16. What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner? (Postage Stamp)
17. When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)
18. What should you do if you meet a tiger in a dream? (Wake up)
19. Why does a chicken lay eggs? (If she threw them, they would break)
20. Where can you always find worms? (In a card deck)
21. Which hand is better to stir tea? (None - it’s better to do it with a spoon)
22. Which school first throws you out, and then gives you a diploma of completion? (At the parachute school)
23. What is the difference between a flea and a dog? (Dogs can have fleas, but fleas cannot have dogs)
24. To whom do people always take their hats off? (In front of the hairdresser)
25. What do elephants have that no other animal has? (Elephants)
26. When can a person race at the speed of a racing car? (When he's in this car)
27. What is the easiest way to ensure that your capital grows? (Put them under a magnifying glass)
28. Why did Robin Hood rob the rich? (Because the poor didn't have money)
29. What needs to be done to keep four guys in one boot? (Take off each person's boot)
30. Who sits with his back to the king? (Coachman)
31. How to divide 5 potatoes exactly between two people? (Mash them into a puree)
32. What happened to the sardine when she showed up for the job advertisement? (She was sent to a cannery)
33. What do fish and chatterboxes have in common? (They keep their mouths open endlessly)
34. What makes twice as much noise as a squealing pig? (Two pigs)
35. What do you get if you cross a worm and a fur coat? (Caterpillar)
36. Who doesn’t ask questions, but demands answers? (Phone call)
37. When can a mouse and an elephant weigh the same? (When the scales are broken)

Very often, when organizing holidays or competitions for children at a school, children's camp or entertainment center, fun games with the audience are required. Usually they are used to prepare the hall for the main action, or during pauses in order to invigorate the attention of children who are tired of sitting. Such games are subject to several requirements at once, sometimes even somewhat opposite to each other. They should be:

  • mobile to allow the audience to warm up, because children need movement;
  • not requiring significant movement of participants, most often they remain in their place;
  • simple rules that do not require prior preparation from participants;
  • interesting, capable of captivating a large number of people present in the hall at once.

The success of the game is largely influenced by the qualities of the presenter. It is his mastery of the hall and energy that makes a simple game truly incendiary. The organizer must have a well-trained voice and ear for music, know the content of the game and its movements, and be able to get the audience ready for the game.

This game requires preliminary preparation from the presenter, but is very simple for the guys in the audience. The presenter from the stage invites everyone to play a well-known fairy tale - “Kolobok” or “Ryabka Hen”, etc. Then he divides the room into several teams according to the number of characters. For example, for the fairy tale “The Pockmarked Hen” there will be commands “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “egg” and “mouse”. Then the presenter tells the tale, deliberately confusing the plot, and the teams, at the moment of pronouncing their hero, must perform a simple action that does not require moving from their place - stand up, sit down, clap your hands, stomp, etc.

gold fish

A very simple game that can be played to any fun music. It needs to be selected and downloaded in advance. The presenter will indicate sea level with one hand, and the other will represent a fish. When the “fish” emerges from the “sea”, the audience should clap their hands; when it just “swims” again, then no. The children’s task is not to miss the moment of diving and clap their hands in time. Gradually the pace of the game increases. The game is available for both preschool children and those much older.

Let's add sound

A very simple shouting game that is accessible to any age and can effectively cheer up tired viewers. The presenter invites the children to pretend to be a radio, and he plays the role of a button that increases or decreases the volume of sound. He raises his hand - the hall is noisy, making, for example, the sound A-A-A, lowers his hand - the sound subsides. In order to make it interesting for the audience, the sound “switching” can occur either smoothly or abruptly.

Music games

Festival of Disobedience

The audience is required to carry out the presenter’s requests and tasks in reverse. For example, when the leader says “turn left,” everyone should turn right, etc. This game usually does not last long, but creates a fun mood.

Traffic light

This game requires the presenters to prepare large green, yellow and red cards in advance. It will be more fun if there is an energetic song that can be easily downloaded from the Internet. According to the signal card, the hall must perform certain actions:

  • green: stomp
  • yellow: clap hands
  • red: sit quietly.

To make the game more fun, the presenter's assistant in the role of a negative character deliberately confuses the room.

Soku – Bachi – Vira

This is a fun game-song that came to us from hot Brazil. To understand it well, it is better to watch a video with this song and download a funny melody. This song alternates movements corresponding to each specific word: fist bump - clap of hands - hands placed crosswise on the shoulders.

Let's give another variation of movements to this song. It is a little simpler and easier for children to master for the first time.

  • Soku-soku: everyone knocks their fists twice on their knees, or the table, or the floor.
  • Bachi-bachi: knock twice with open palms down.
  • Soku-soku: again they knock twice with their fists on the knees, or the table, or the floor.
  • Vira-vira: knock on the knees or table twice with open palms up.
  • Soku: knock your fist once
  • Bachi: knock once with open palms down.

Chicken by the grain

This Russian folk song and a game based on it are more suitable for preschool and primary school children. The leader sings the first line, the children repeat it a second time. Along with the words, the children repeat movements depicting the named characters. The video and melody can be downloaded from the Internet. Below is the text.

“Grandma and grandpa bought it...”

Grandma and Grandpa bought themselves a duck.

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by the grain koo-dah-tah-tah.

Grandma and Grandpa bought a little turkey.

Turkey chick,

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by the grain koo-dah-tah-tah.

Grandma and Grandpa bought a piglet.

Piglet grunts and grunts.

Turkey chick,

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by the grain koo-dah-tah-tah.

Grandma and Grandpa bought a little cow.

Little cow of flour-flour,

Piglet grunts and grunts.

Turkey chick,

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by the grain koo-dah-tah-tah.

Grandma and Grandpa bought a little horse.

Little horse yoke-go-ki,

Little cow of flour-flour,

Piglet grunts and grunts.

Turkey chick,

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by the grain koo-dah-tah-tah.

FIXICS: Knock-knock, Helper

Today, all children know the Russian animated series “The Fixies,” about tiny people who live inside household appliances and monitor their serviceability. This series is not only interesting and educational, but is also accompanied by very funny, energetic songs. One of them, “Knock-knock, helper,” can become the basis for a fun musical game. Both the melody and the video with the cartoon can be downloaded from the Internet. Children accompany the words of the song with movements, repeating them after the leader on stage.

  • Knock-knock - clap
  • Two fixies inside - raise your hands above your head with two fingers showing
  • Refrigerator - we wrap our arms around ourselves, pretending to be cold
  • Coffee grinder - we rotate our hands around each other, simulating a motor
  • Fan – actively twist your hands
  • Calculator - one hand depicts a calculator, on which the other hand seems to be typing something
  • Transformer - box in front of us with clenched fists
  • Synthesizer - pretending to play a keyboard instrument
  • Excavator - as if we were scooping it up with our hands
  • At the word No! You need to shrug your shoulders and shake your head.
  • Helper - children shake hands with a neighbor
  • With tools inside – hugging

Game with a cloud. Rhythm for kids

Games - chants,

Repeaters, clappers

GAMES - chants, repeaters, clapping

Iki La Bumba Tirli - tim

Iki la bumba Waterly acha

Iki la piki wiki Tirli - tim

Hofa la tofa dofa Waterly acha

Rufa la tufa nufa Tirli - tim

Uka ti a! Neighbor to the left,

To the neighbor to the right

Tirli - tim

We all play,

And all we need is

Tirli - tim.

Noise in the hall

How to create noise in the hall? Rain

It is enough if everything can be used

Those present will be greeted as a welcome.

Speak Palm clapping

The phrase “What to say when first with one finger,

Nothing to say?” then - two, three,

Success is guaranteed. four and finally


America Tamba Flea, Flea, Flo,

And musa-musa-musa Flea, flo, flow,

Leo-leleo Koma-oma (3 times) Vista

A-piki-liao-bebe No-no-no

Leo-leleo-o-bamba-olya! Nou-nou-vista




Jong-kwan Jita


Chants are accompanied by claps on the knees and palms

Chants are a set of words, often without any meaning, which must be shouted in chorus, in a given rhythm. The counselor starts a chant, and the children simply repeat in chorus what he said. At the same time, the beauty of chants for children is that they need to be shouted, which fully corresponds to children’s needs.

Here are examples of chants:

O-o-o a-le

Balis bamba la-e

Oh kikilis bamba

Oh sava vavimba

Ooh I eat bananas

Ai-wai lizzy

Ai-wai lick, lick




Komalamu Vista




* * *

Leader: Param-parera!

Everyone: Hey!

Leader: Param-parera!

Everyone: Hey!

Leader: param-parera!

Everyone: Hey! Hey! Hey!

Unlike chants, chants can be shouted anywhere, at any time and in any quantity. The most important thing is that children must accurately repeat all the words after the counselor and shout loudly.

Shilo shaved shaved psha!

Tsum - tsum - tsumane,- Oh psha, oh psha! The clatter, the clatter,

Abek, krabe, dramane,- Kosalari lari lari!Aber, faber, godfather

Chiki-chriki, - Oh la oh la la! Iki, peaks, grammar

Drama-tiki, - What’s your mood? In, wedge.


Ana, deo, rika, baka, Eni beni liki paki

Shurba, urba, yak, shmaka. tulle gul-gul scribbles relish

Deus, deus, campadeus eco beus castaleus

How do you live?

Counselor: - How do you live?

Children: - Okay! Amazing!

We guys are nothing

we guys are in!



All together: - Two stomps, two slams. 1. The earth was wrapped

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs. Thin threads.

Forged, forged, Parallel threads

Scissors, scissors. From lakes and rivers.

Run in place, run in place, perform a miracle,

Bunnies, bunnies. Extend your hand.

Well - how friendly, well - together - You have to believe in friendship

Girls: - Girls! Everyone.

Boys: - Boys!

Bala, bala, mi. 2. Warm up with a word,

Caress your gaze,

Counselor: - Bala, bala, mi! From a good joke

Children: - Hey! Even the snow is melting.

Counselor: - Chica, chica, chi! It's so wonderful

Children: - Hey! If next to you

Counselor: - Chick! Will become kind and cheerful

Children: - Hey! Gloomy man.

Counselor: - Chick! 3. We didn’t dream in vain

Children: - Hey! About a magical miracle.

Counselor: - Chip, chirp, chirp, chik! Let the planet spin

Children: - Hey! Hey! Almighty century.

Perform a miracle

Tra-ta-ta, machine gun. Let him go out into people

Higher, higher, plane. Let it come out, let it come out

Bang! Artillery! People are people.

The cavalry is galloping!


It’s very simple: the children repeat after the counselor who sings:


Calabamba la-o!

Osaki-risoshi-risoshiki risbamba!

ABOUT! I eat bananas!


After each line sung by the counselor, the children shout: “Hey!”

Bala-bala-mi-hey! Chi-hey! Chi-hey!

Chicka-chika-chi-hey! Chick-chirp-chick-hey, hey!

dyuba-dyuba, dyuba, dyuba, dyuba, dyuba, Dzuba, dzuba, dzuba, dzyuba

dyuba-dyuba, dyuba, dyuba, doni a. And they sewed the teeth,

duba-doni, A charly bouba, A-a-mi.

Doni-doni, One, two, three, Freeze!

doni-doni, And Charlie bouba, Up to a hundred

doni-doni, One, two, three, Twenty.

A! A mi, Otomri!

Asharli buba, One, two, three, Lali, lali, lali,

one-yes-three! Freeze, two little babies were walking

Ami! One two Three. In the Tauride Garden.

Freeze! Eni, beni, ricky, lost their pants

Eni-beni, Turba, urba, September, At twelve o'clock.

ricky, Deos, deos, kosmodeos, But the mustachioed uncle was walking,

turba-urba- picked up my pants,

Senti-braki, Ene, bene, liki, foki, - Stole, stole, stole!

deus-beus, Torba, orba, deo, smokey. Their mother fed them

Shahma-deus! And put her to bed.

A-doni-me, Ani-beni ricky-paki And the little babies screamed

A-charlie-bae, tsul bulbbul kaleki-tswaki - Walk, walk, walk

A-mi, eus-beus rik-madeus And they had a dream:

For-die! Like walking on the sea

En-benny-riki-taki, Pot-bellied gramophone.

Shulba-ulba-septya-bryaki, Eni-beni,

Deus, deus, shahmadeus, Riki after all. Dzyuba-dzyuba-dzyuba-dzyuba,

Bam (oh, oh!). Shorba-urba, Dzyuba-doni,

Kish-ki-da-mi, September. Doni Ash.

Piki-piki-da-mi, Deus, deus, And Charlie-bouba -

Deus, deus, cosmodeus, - Shahmadeus One-two-three.

And Charlie booba-buba-buba-buba

Eni, bens, ricks, fakis, And doni me -

Turda, yurda, sons, marriages. One two Three.

Dao, dao, quiche, madao Ash tar dami And Charlie Bae -

Emerise, fleuret. Riki piki dami One-two-three.

Chiki-toma, U-u ritata A-mi -

Van, tu, fri. Ash tar da One-two-three,

Chiki-toma, Freeze -

Van, tu, fri. Any-beny One-two-three.

Ricky after all

Eni beni Bul-bul-bul Ono-two-trono-chatro

Ricky is still a copycat. petro-sender-mander -

Türba Ulba Deus, deus, rupchyk-chupchyk-cha

Lyaki shmaki, Shahmadeus Androka, dvoka, trok, chichi, paci

Eos deos krasnodeos nova, coca.

Um, emery souffle - emery, emery, Bdyn, dvadyn, trinda, lynda,

sprat tome, sprat tome, van tou fri. heel-lata, hedgehog-mendosh, dyksh.

Wherever you go with your squad: for a walk in the forest, to the river, to the dining room or on a hike, the chant will help you organize the children and lift everyone’s spirits. Children, especially little ones, will recite these unusual poems with great pleasure.

Morning speech.

Counselor: - One, two!

Children: - Three, four!

Counselor: - Three, four!

Children: - One, two!

Counselor: - The sun just woke up,

Children: - And the guys smiled!

Counselor: - Hurry up, friends, get up,

Children: - Run out to exercise.

Counselor: - The sun is shining -

Children: Bright, bright!

Counselor: - For us from the sun -

Children: - It's hot, it's hot!

Counselor: - Sunshine, warm it up more,

Children: - Warm the water in the sea for us!

Counselor - Sun, air and water -

Children: - Our best friends!

Lunch speech.

Counselor: - One, two,

Children: - We didn’t eat!

Counselor: - Three, four,

Children: - We want to eat!

Counselor: -Open the doors wider,

Children: - Otherwise we’ll eat the cook!

Counselor: - Hands?

Children: - Clean!

Counselor: - Face?

Children: - Washed up!

Counselor: - Everyone, everyone,

Children: - Bon appetit!


Walk straight.

All: Tirli-bom-bom.

Host: And it’s snowing.

All: Tirli-bom-bom

Presenter: At least for us,

Not at all on the road

But only here

All: Tirli-bom-bom

Presenter: Say from -

All: Tirli-bom-bom

Host: Why are your feet so cold?

Counselor: - We're going -

Children: - To the stadium.

Counselor: - Our squad will be -

Children: - Champion!

Counselor: - Muscles?

Children: - Strong!

Counselor: - What about us ourselves?

Children: - Beautiful!

Counselor: - Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun?

Children: - Hey, athletes, line up.

Counselor: - Are there any teams?

Do you have children!

Counselor: - Are the captains here?

Children: - Here!

Counselor: - Come out to the field quickly

Children: - It’s an honor to support the squad!

Evening speech.

It is usually performed at the end of the day in a quiet, calm voice.

All together: - The day is noisy, and embraced by the night

The camp calls for sleep.

Girls: - Good night, guys!

Boys: - Good night, girls!

All together: - Tomorrow we are on the road again!


“Strange name” - you say and you’ll be right. Because unusual games. They definitely need to be shown. The counselor depicts what he is talking about, and the children repeat these movements after him. Unclear? Now let's try to figure it out.

About the deer.

The deer has a big house,

He sits and looks out the window.

The gray bunny is running.

There's a knock on his door.

“Knock, knock, open the door,

There’s an evil hunter in the forest.”

“Bunny, bunny, run in,

Give me your paw.”

These words must be repeated several times, constantly increasing the tempo.


(clap your hands) 2 times

If you're having fun, show it to others.

If you're having fun, then do it(clap our hands)

If you're having fun, then do it(stomp our feet) 2 times

If you're having fun, show it to others too

If it's fun for you, then do it.

Movements can be very diverse, at the end of the game movements

At Uncle Abram's... (In my detachment...)

All players stand in a circle and learn the following words:

Uncle Abram's

Seven sons

Seven daughters.

They didn't eat.

They didn't drink

And we were never bored.

Then others are gradually added to these words:

Left Foot (All players must kick with their left foot);

Left leg, right leg;

Left leg, right leg, left arm;

Left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm;

Movements with all parts of the body are gradually added.

Balloon. Teapot.

The ball flies, flies across the sky. Teapot with lid,

The ball flies across the sky. Lid with a pipette.

But we know that this ball is Pipochka with a hole,

It won't fly away from us. Steam is coming out of the hole.


We're hunting a lion

We are not afraid of him!

We have a huge gun

And a red-hot sword.


Oh, who is this? Oh, what is this?

Yes, this is a river! (Swamp, forest, field).

You can't fly over it

You can't crawl under it,

You can't get around her

The road is straight ahead!

“-Glug-glug-glug.” (Whack-clack-clop-clop, whack-whack-whack!).

These words are repeated four times. For the fifth time, the guys say the following words:

We're hunting a lion

We are not afraid of him!

We have a huge gun

And a red-hot sword.


Oh, who is this? Oh, what is this?

Yes, this is a cave!

And in the cave there is a lion!

And the lion roars: - Rrrrrrr...!

And we scream: - Aaaaaa...!

And how we run: - Whack-whack-whack, stomp-stomp-stomp, clack-clack,


And they ran away.

"How are you"

(Fun moment)

To each question from the leader (or teacher), the children answer in unison: “That’s it!” - and show the desired action with a gesture. The game is played at a fast pace and gestures should not “stick out” at the expense of one-two, which is replaced here by the exclamation “That’s it!”

Presenter's question: Children: Action:

How are you? Like this! In the mood to give a thumbs up.

Are you swimming? Like this! Bend your elbows and stomp your feet one by one.

Are you looking into the distance? Like this! Hands with a “visor” or “binoculars” to the eyes.

Are you looking forward to lunch? Like this! Waiting position: rest your cheek on your hand.

Are you waving after me? Like this! Farewell gesture.

Do you sleep in the morning? Like this! Hands under the cheek.

Are you naughty? Like this! Puffing out your cheeks and slapping your fists on them - there’s no way to say: “That’s it!”

Note:When planning to play for the first time, you can rehearse some aspects of the game where the game might get stuck. Then the pace of the game will be appropriate, and the faster, the merrier, believe me!

At Aunt Motya's.

All players say the following words: “Aunt Motya has four sons, Aunt Motya has four sons. They did not eat, they did not drink, but repeated the words: “Right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, right shoulder, left shoulder, head, point toe, tongue.”

(After pronouncing the name of the next body part, the song is repeated, and at the same time the body part sways).


Grisha-sha, Grisha-sha, Grisha-sha-sha (2 times)

Fists together, elbows together.

Knees together, chest forward, tongue out.

(The rules of the game are the same as in the previous game, but when naming a body part, you need to move it left and right to the beat of the song).


This game involves two teams. One team will be called “Vaski”, and the second - “Petki”. Do they all sing together first?

In a sunny meadow

There is a green house.

And on the porch of the house

A cheerful gnome is sitting.

“Vaska”: - Vaska!

I have polka dot pants.

I came from a fairy tale

Because I'm good!

There is a green house.

And on the porch of the house,

A cheerful gnome is sitting.

Counselor: - Gnome, gnome! What is your name?

“Petka”: - Petka!

I have a checkered shirt

I came to you kids

To eat candy!

All together: - In a sunny meadow

There is a green house

And on the porch of the house

A cheerful gnome is sitting.

Counselor: - Gnome, gnome! What is your name?

“Vaska” and “Petka” shout at the same time. Whoever shouts loudest wins this game.

Continued story.

This game is special because there is a song after it. Children repeat the words that the counselor says.

On the shore,

Big river.

Bee stung

Right in the bear's nose.

“Oh-oh-oh!” - the bear cried,

Sat on a tree stump

And he began to sing.

Everyone sings the song “Wrapping the Earth” together.

I sing boom - chika - boom.

Children repeat the following words after the leader:

I sing boom - chica boom.

I sing boom - chica boom

I sing boom-chika-raka-chika-raka-chika-boom.

About her!


Have fun!

More friendly!

Then the same words are repeated in a bass voice, in English, etc.

The presenter offers the players the following phrase:

“- I have a grandmother in Brazil. “Then others will be added to this phrase. The players' task is to repeat these phrases and imitate them.

“- I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has these hands.

I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has these arms and these legs.

I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has these arms, these legs, and this head.

I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has these arms, these legs, this head and this smile.

I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has these arms, these legs, this head, this smile, and she jumps like this.

I have a grandmother in Brazil. She has such arms, such legs, such a head, such a smile, she jumps and screams like that” - U-la-la.” And the presenter at this time says: “Like the grandmother, so are the grandchildren!”

“Head, ramen...”(Slovakian music game)

Translated from Slovak into Russian - head-head; ramena - shoulders; kolena—knees; fingers - fingers (toes); eyes-eyes; mouth - mouth.

When singing, children show what they are singing about.

Knee, fingers, knee, fingers

Head, ramen, knee, fingers

Eyes, ears, mouth, nose.

This verse is repeated several times to the music. Starting from very slow, each time the tempo accelerates more and more to very fast.


All players stand in a circle. The presenter selects two participants. They should be in the center of the circle. All players begin to sing:

One camel walked

Another camel was walking.

(The two players standing in the center begin moving in a circle.)

A whole cavalry of camels was walking.

(All participants begin to move in a circle).

One camel sat down (sits down)

The second camel sat down (sits down)

A whole caravan of camels sat down (everyone sat down)

One camel fell asleep

The second camel fell asleep

A whole caravan of camels fell asleep.

One camel sneezed

The second camel sneezed

A whole caravan of camels sneezed.

One camel stood up

The second camel stood up

A whole caravan of camels stood up.

One camel went

The second camel went

A whole caravan of camels set off.

"Me too..."

The presenter addresses the audience with various phrases, to which the players must respond: “Me too.” It should look something like this:

Presenter: “I woke up early in the morning.”

Audience: “Me too.”

Presenter: “I quickly jumped out of bed.”

Audience: “Me too.”

Presenter: “The sun is shining brightly through the window.”

Audience: “Me too.”

Presenter: “I ran to wash myself.”

Audience: “Me too.”

Presenter: “Then, I ran out into the field for a walk.”

Audience: “Me too.”

Presenter: “There I met a little goat.”

Audience: “Me too.”

Presenter: “And the little goat looked like a little pig.”

Audience: “Me too!”

E x o

The host offers the game participants various phrases, and they must repeat only the last syllable.

Get ready kids.

Ra - Ra.

The game begins.


Don't spare your palms. - Wa-Wa

Ley-Ley. - Is this an ear or a nose?

Clap, clap, have fun! - Nose - Nose.

Lei-lay! - Or maybe a load of hay?

What time is it? - Voz-Voz.

Hour-hour. - Is it an elbow or an eye?

What time will it be in an hour? - Eye-Eye.

Hour-hour. - Well, you have jokes.

And it’s not true, there will be two! - You-you.

Two-Two. -Are you always good?

Think better, head! - Yes Yes.

Wah-Wa. - Or only sometimes?

How does the rooster crow in the village? - Yes Yes.

Uh-uh. - Are you tired of answering?

Are you sure that's true? - Chat-Chat.

So-so. - I give you permission to remain silent!

But in reality, how? - . . .

How how.

How much is two or two?


Think better, head.


I have a little train, tu-tu, chi-chi,

He carries me along the rails, tu-tu, chi-

He has a chimney and a stove, tu-tu, chi-chi

And a magic ring, tu-tu, chi-chi.

We'll leave from the station,

It has four halls,

We'll end up in Paris

Well, maybe closer.

(imitation train).

We will all go in the carriage,

And no one will catch us,

We'll take the song with us

It will be more interesting with her.


Moth, moth, moth - a poisonous insect,

Moth, moth, moth - a poisonous cockroach,

Moth, moth, moth is a little cricket,

Which eats everything up and down.

Moth, moth, moth ate daddy's pants,

Moth, moth, moth ate my mother's coat,

Moth, moth, moth ate the teddy bear,

Got dressed and went to the movies!

(As in other musical games, each line can be accompanied by certain movements. The tempo increases with each repetition.)

"Little rabbit"

Little bunny named Rabbit

(make glasses with hands and bring them to eyes)

made us all laugh so hard

(children laugh: ha ha ha):

jumped after a squirrel, jumped after a duck

(children perform these movements)

with his paw he lifted the tulip like a glass

(corresponding movement).

Oh, how funny his ears stuck out!

(Hands with open palms behind ears)

We laughed, there was no soul in it

(they laugh, clapping their hands),

but at the edge of the forest, noticing a fox

(arm raised, palm on forehead),

he winked at us and disappeared into the forest

(they make glasses with their hands, but with narrow holes).


Let's imagine that we are deer. Raise your arms above your head, cross them, fingers spread wide. These are the antlers of a deer! Tighten your arms. They became hard! It is difficult and uncomfortable for us to hold our hands like this. Tension is unpleasant. Quickly lower your hands, drop them onto your knees. We relaxed our hands. Calmly. Inhale and exhale.

Look: we are deer,

The wind is rushing towards us!

The wind died down

Let's straighten our shoulders

Hands back on your knees.

And now a little laziness...

Hands are not tense

And relaxed

Know, girls and boys,

Give your fingers a rest!

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.


Imagine that we are on a ship. Rocks. To avoid falling, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck rocked, we press our right leg to the floor (the right leg is tense, the left leg is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, with the toe touching the floor). Straighten up! Relaxed your leg. It swung in the other direction, we pressed our left leg to the floor. Straightened up. Inhale-exhale!

The deck began to rock!

Press your foot to the deck!

We press our legs tighter,

And we relax the other one.

The exercise is performed alternately for each leg. Draw your child's attention to tense and relaxed leg muscles.

After learning to relax your legs, we recommend repeating the resting pose again.

Hands on your knees again

And now a little laziness...

The tension has flown away

And the whole body is relaxed...

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply...

Children hum a song, accompanying the words with movements. They must agree among themselves which movements will be used and in what sequence. For example:

The wind blows, blows, blows, blows

(smooth movements of hands up and down),

Tears yellow leaves from a tree

(spinning around in place)

And the leaves fly and circle along the path

(circling around imaginary or fake trees),

Leaves are falling right under our feet

(squat slowly).

In this way, other songs suggested by children can be played out.

“Fists and palms”

Rhythmic music is used.

Everyone has two fists.

One slapped the other lightly:

Clap-clap (4 times).

Well, the palms are not far behind,

After them they beat merrily:

Clap-clap (4 times).

fists beat faster

What they are trying to do:

Clap-clap (4 times).

And the palms are right there,

This is how they fall apart:

Clap-clap (4 times)

Fists let's get angry

They began to clap loudly:

Clap and clap (4 times)

And the palms are pampered

Also not far behind:

Clap and clap (4 times).


The players form a circle. In the center is the driver. He chooses a mate and circles to the words:

“A goat walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

Found myself a princess, princess, princess.”

“Come on, goat, let's jump, jump, jump,

And we kick our legs, we kick, we kick,

And let's clap our hands, clap our hands, clap our hands.

And we stomp our feet, stomp, stomp.

Let's spin around, spin around, spin around.

And we’ll be friends forever, we’ll be friends, we’ll be friends.”

Getting acquainted. The couple separates and the game continues. Now there are couples in the circle. And so on until all the pairs stand in a circle.

“Lazy pigs”

Procedure. Children follow the teacher and perform the necessary movements, repeating the text:

Lazy pigs

Didn't do exercises

And they became clumsy

They won't get out of the puddle

No way, no way

No way, no way.

Children, rounding their arms at waist level, raise their legs high and sway from side to side.

Now we ourselves are annoyed,

That they run awkwardly

Why have they become so awkward?

That there is no skill in jumping:


Children jump on two legs, then alternately on one.

And our guys

On morning exercises

Everything is done as it should be

They walk in step together,

Like this, like this

Like this, like this.

Children walk at a marching pace.

All the kids can do it

Stand on your heels from your toes,

Inhale and pull yourself up,

Sit down and straighten up

Like this, like this

Like this, like this.

Children perform movements.

Q: “The horses are about to start!”

And: they imitate the clatter of hooves, hitting their knees with their palms, alternately with the left and then with the right.

Q: “Attention! On your marks! March!".

I: They alternately hit themselves on the collarbones with their fists.

B: “We’re running on the grass!”

And: rubbing palm against palm.

B: “Through the swamp!”

And: bring your index fingers to the corners of your mouth. They alternately move them up and down, sucking air through their mouths, producing peculiar sounds.

E: “Tribune of the panis (lords)?”

The girls shout: “Come on, come on! Hey-hey!”

Young men: “Wow! and whistle"

B: “The finish line is coming!”

And: speed up the alternation of blows to the knees.

Q: “Finish! Winner's reward ceremony!"

And: they wipe away the sweat and imitate putting a wreath on the neck.

NOTE: The presenter can, at his own discretion, alternate tasks and introduce new ones.


Presenter: “In order to observe the stars, the dome of the observatory must be opened to the other side.”

The players spread their arms, bent at the elbows, in front of their faces, in different directions: “Squeeze-squeeze.”

B: “We extend the telescope.”

And: they stretch their neck forward, their arms remain in the same position: “Oooh!!!”

Q: “We wipe the lens with a soft cloth.”

And: I make rotational movements with my open palm in front of my face: “Shih-shih, shih!!!”

B: “Let’s aim at the target!”

And: with their right hand they imitate the rotation of the flywheel, the body turns first to the right, then to the left: “Z-z-z-z!!!”

B: “Looking through the eyepiece!”

And: they look into the ring formed by the thumb and forefinger: “Oh-oh-oh!!”

Q: And there the stars light up!

And: open their palms in front of them, alternately with their right and left hands” “Chpok-chpok-chpok!”

Q: Asteroids are flying, comets are rushing by!

And: they wave their right and left hands: “Bzh-zh-zh.” Three!”

Q: “Buran is flying!”

And: arms spread to the sides, swaying smoothly: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh!”

Q: “The astronaut fell out of the hatch”

And: they fall on their side with a groan: “A-a-a-...”

Q: Flying saucers fly straight in schools.

And: the index fingers of both hands make rotational movements near the shoulders: “Ulu-lu-lu-lu!”

Q: “Meteorites are falling. There was a meteor shower"

And: they applaud, the applause turns into stormy applause.

Procedure. The teacher chooses “Zucchini”, which becomes in the center of the circle. Children and their teacher walk in a circle and sing:

Zucchini, zucchini,

thin legs,

we fed you

we gave you something to drink.

Put on my feet

(they approach the zucchini and pick it up)

forced to dance.

Dance as much as you want

choose whoever you want.

“Zucchini” dances, children clap their hands.


Presenter: “My friend came from India and brought a fan as a gift (fans himself with an imaginary fan, the audience repeats). My friend came from India and brought a fan and a sewing machine as a gift (depicts a fan first, then a machine, the audience repeats).” Gradually, more and more new items are added, for example, skis, a meat grinder, a blowgun, a saxophone... The players must not get lost.

Dwarfs and giants.

All players stand in a circle. When the presenter says “dwarfs,” everyone should quickly sit down. When he says “giants,” you need to stand up. The presenter's task is to confuse the players. The one who executes the commands incorrectly goes to the center of the circle and performs any of the leader’s forfeits.


All players are divided into 3 groups. Each one forms its own circle. All players run in a circle. When the leader says: “Hump,” each group should form a circle with their hands raised high. When the leader says: “Path,” all participants must line up in a chain and sit down. If the presenter said: “Slide,” then the players should line up, with the one in the middle standing at full height, and the players at the edges gradually squatting, forming a slide. The group that completes the leader’s tasks better and faster wins.


All players form a circle, with the leader remaining in the center. He can point to any player and say one of three words: “Skunk, elephant, palm tree.” If he said “Sleep”, the player he pointed to should extend his arms forward like a trunk, and the two players who stand on either side should form his ears. If the presenter said “Palm”, then the player he pointed to should raise his arms up, and the one standing on either side of him should extend his arms to the sides. If the presenter said the word “Skunk,” then the player he pointed at simply stands, and those on both sides of him should turn away, as if from an unpleasant smell. The presenter's job is to confuse the players.

Two more games similar to “Giants and Dwarfs”.

“Boatswain and cabin boy”

The leader is in a circle. When hearing the word “boatswain,” the players must show that they are strong. With the word “cabin boy” - weak. The presenter confuses the participants in the games.

“Walk in the woods”

The leader is in a circle. Game conditions: with the word “tree”, the hands should be raised up, with the word “bushes” - at waist level, and with the word “grass” - lowered down. The presenter's job is to confuse the players.


At the leader’s word “Hump” - the children must sit down, at the leader’s word “path” - the children put their hands on each other’s shoulders, at the leader’s word “sheaf” - the children must hold hands and raise them up, the row that performed more accurately wins leader's commands.

"Be careful!"

Children walk to the “March” by S. Prokofiev. Then, to the word “bunnies” pronounced by the teacher, the children should start jumping, the word “horses” - as if hitting the floor with a “hoof”, “crayfish” - backing away, “birds” - running with their arms outstretched to the sides, “stork” - stand on one leg.

Game “Four Elements”

Procedure. Children sit on chairs in a circle. At the teacher’s command, they perform a certain movement with their hands.

Team Movement

“Earth Put your hands down

“Water” Stretch your arms forward

“Air” Raise your hands up

“Fire” Rotate the arms at the elbow and wrist joints.

“Listen to the chloki”

The players walk in a circle. When the teacher claps his hands once, the children should stop and take the “stork” pose (stand on one leg, arms to the sides), after two claps - the “frog” pose (sit down, heels together, toes and knees to the sides, hands between feet on the floor), on three - they resume walking.


The presenter invites all players to stand in one corner and press tightly against each other. They will have to respond to his words as follows:

Presenter: - Wolves, wolves,

Players: - No wolves!

Presenter: - Wolves, wolves,

Players: - No wolves!

Presenter: - Wolves, wolves,

Players: - No wolves!

Presenter: - Complete corner of fools!


The entire hall should be divided into three groups. The presenter gives his word to each of them:

Group 1 shouts: “- Boxes!”

Group 2 shouts: “- Cartilage!”

Group 3 shouts: “Matches!”

Then, he points in turn to each team, which must immediately shout out its word loudly and sharply. When the leader raises both hands up, all three groups should shout at the same time. And you will see for yourself what will come of it.

Comic ink. In the form of congratulations

you can sing a comic tune: in Africa

Elephants live, they reach the sky,

without raising your ponytails.


E pizza hut (we draw a circle with our hands)

E pizza hut

Kentucky Franchicken (we bend our arms at the elbow and wave our arms like a chicken)

End e pizza hut (we draw a circle with our hands)

After that, we shout “McDonald’s” and fold our fingers with a pinch and place them on the crown of the head.

This game is played as usual, squeaky (with reduced movements), loudly (with large movements)

More chants:


Calabamba lao!


Oh I eat bananas!

(You can come up with: And I eat eggplants! Etc.)

There behind the broad - A thick zelyuk - Digging into the language - And the Jabberwock - Hissing and jerking - Like a knee shaft - Grunting loudly - Gracefully graced - Somehow muttering - And still squealing - What are we yelling at? - Like tundras - We are just now - Glitches and glitches.

On the bank of a large river - A bee stung - The bear right in the nose - Oh-oh-oh-oh - The bear cried out - He sat down on the bee - And he began to sing (in general, there is a song “They wrapped the earth ...”, but we will continue the chant) - Kusya -busyusya - Porridge malasha - Hey-ya - Hey-on - Hey-we! - Fuck!

Aunt Motya:

Aunt Motya has four sons, Aunt Motya has four sons, they did not eat, they did not drink, but only sang one verse

(from the beginning they rhythmically move one hand, then the other, and so gradually we reach the whole body, including the tongue). At the same time, we constantly repeat the text of the game.

"Little Red Riding Hood"

Spectacular game. The presenter, who is also the director, calls all the participants in the performance in turn to take on roles. Roles: Christmas tree, birch tree, stump, squirrel, clearing with flowers, bird, bunny, wolf, hunters and little red riding hood, everyone else in the room is the wind.

After calling the next participant to the role, the presenter shows and plays with him his role from the beginning of the fairy tale. The text of the tale can be changed. Here's one option:

The wind is blowing, the trees are swaying, the oak tree is creaking, the birch tree with the fir-tree rustled, the bunny is jumping, the birds are flying and singing, the squirrel is cracking nuts, Little Red Riding Hood is walking, singing the song: “La-la-la,” a wolf is sneaking behind her, hunters are on the trail, the little hat sniffs the flowers, the wolf sniffs the cap, opens its mouth “ah-ah”, the hunters grab the wolf. Thanks a lot, everyone!


The game is used as a screensaver before the performance. Presenter on stage: “Now I’ll ask: “Shouldn’t we play at the theater?”, and you answer in unison: “Yes, yes, yes!” Let's try. Fine! At first. The curtain opened, he spreads his arms to the sides) - lump-lush. At first. (Everyone repeats the movements and sounds). The flutes began to sound! Boys: drank-drank (imitate playing the flute). The double basses started playing. Girls: boo-boo (imitate playing the double bass). At first! Three people are sitting on the stage. One speaks... Who speaks? (He quickly chooses in the hall.) He says: “Shouldn’t we organize a Gang?” Someone repeats. At first. The second one says: Who? “Who will be our chieftain?” At first. The third says: “I am.” Who? (chooses). At first. “And we all (pointing with a finger - “He”), and he: “What should I do for this?” At first. Presenter (to the audience): “What should he do for this?” For example, people shout from the audience: “Sing!” Presenter: “He comes out and sings,” inviting the “chieftain” to the stage. He comes out and sings.


It's more of a fun game than a game. You can have fun in a group of three people. Everyone is quickly divided into three equal groups (if there are a lot of guys, then you can split roughly). We say that with a wave of the hand or some kind of vocal signal, one group shouts: “Boxes!”, another - “Cartilage!”, The third - “Matches!” You can immediately discuss that you need to shout very sharply and briefly.

“The spindles are turned...”

The presenter divides everyone in the room into three teams. One command is “The spindles are sharpened,” the second is “The brooms are soaked,” the third is “Mistress, lady, madam lady.” The presenter points his hand at one of the teams, and it shouts its name. Over time, the pace of the game increases.


Among the players, a leader is selected - a “regulator”. Everyone sings a song, and he raises his hand up and moves it clockwise downwards. Three rules:

Hand up - sing the song loudly;

The hand is in a horizontal position - the song subsides;

Hand below - sing a song “to yourself.”

Then the “traffic controller” slowly raises his hand, etc. the game continues.


Everyone sits in a circle. The counselor sits so that he can be clearly seen by everyone, his chair seems to be separated from the others. You can sit the guys in a semicircle. The counselor says: “Do we have palms? (Guys show) And knees? (Someone will inevitably slap their hand on their knee) Great! This is how horses enter the field of the hippodrome. All together - slow, alternating pats on the knees. - The horses are at the start, - with one hand we hit the knee, as if exploding the ground. Start! Let's run! - quick pat. - Let's run! Let's run! On the pavement! - punches in the chest alternately (King Kong) - On the sand, - quickly rub your palms against each other. - In the swamp - quickly grab your knees with your hands and raise your arms vertically with a loud smack. - Barrier! - hands hovered a little further at chest level.” And so on. You can come up with your own options for “crossing terrain.” All this quickly alternates in any order. Final: The final is coming! - quickly clap - the stands are approaching! Girls' stand. Girls, let's scream. Here's the boys' stand! Come on guys! - Exclamations. - This is the finish line. Hooray! We won.

"Lion Hunt"

Slapping their hands on their knees, the players say in chorus the words:

"We are hunting for a lion,

We are not afraid of him

We have a good gun

And a red-hot sword."

Further, the words are accompanied by corresponding gestures. Everyone: “Oh! What is this?". Presenter: “This is a lake (swamp, meadow, at the end - a lion). Everyone: “You can’t get around him. You can't fly over it. You can't crawl under it. The road is straight" Bul-bul-bul (or chav-chav, shur-shur, ah-ah). After the word “lion”, everyone repeats the movements and sounds in reverse order.

Try it, don't make a mistake

Can you now repeat after me three short phrases? - the presenter asks the guys. Nobody doubts this, of course.

“It’s raining today,” says the presenter. Everyone confidently repeats this phrase.

“And tomorrow, you think, the weather will be good,” he says. No error again.

“Well, you were wrong,” the presenter joyfully declares. The guys are perplexed: “Why?”

The presenter explains: “So you were mistaken” - this was my third phrase. Nobody repeated it.

Two gnomes.

The hall is divided into two halves in advance. Each group learns its own words. When the presenter, after his question phrase, shows his right hand, he shouts “Petka”, when he shows his left hand, he shouts “Vaska”. When both hands are raised, two teams shout. Who is friendlier? Who's louder?

Vaska, I have a checkered shirt.

I came to you kids to eat some candy.

There is a beautiful house in a sunny clearing. And next to this house there is a cheerful gnome. Gnome, gnome, what's your name?

Petya, my pants have polka dots.

I came from a fairy tale because I am good.


The presenter offers to put on a new film<Титаник>. Leading:<Давайте отправимся в морское путешествие на <Титанике>. But there is no need to be afraid, because we will build this ship ourselves. For this I will need your help>. The presenter invites two people to the stage. They will be the sides<Титаника>. Then another actor is invited. He gets the role of the boat. The sides join hands, the boat hangs in their hands. The bow of the ship should be decorated with a female figure, a girl is needed - WOW! A girl comes out. Then two tall people are invited, they will have to be pipes on the ship. The ship is built, but not equipped. It is very important not to forget to take a flare. A small girl who can make a loud, piercing scream is invited to play this role. Two actors in white are invited to play the role of the iceberg. He gets in the way of the ship. Finally, a couple is invited and plays the role of lovers. Lovers on the bow of a ship depict a scene from a movie<Титаник>(flying on the bow of a ship over the ocean). He: . She: . Leading:<Но тут:Корабль врезается в айсберг и раскалывается пополам (борта расцепляют руки, шлюпка падает на воду). На корабле паника (зрители кричат). Крысы убегают с корабля (зрители топают ногами). Взлетает сигнальная ракета>. Flare: . Rocket jumps out of his chair and screams. Leading:<А наши влюбленные спасаются на шлюпке. Счастливый конец все целуются>

Beauty's heart

The presenter invites everyone to remember the words of the song’s verse: The heart of a beauty is prone to betrayal

And to change, like the wind of May. And he invites the whole audience to sing a song without words. Words are replaced one by one. Word<сердце>replace it by touching your hands to the left side of your chest. We perform the song, replacing the first word with a gesture. After introducing each gesture, we sing the entire song until we replace all the words with gestures. Here's what happens: Touching your hands to the left side of your chest -<сердце>. We trace the outline of our face with our hands -<красавицы>. We bend the body -<склонно>. We depict horns above our heads -<к измене>.

Everyone sits cross-legged and changes legs, lowering one, throwing up the other -<и к перемене>. Blowing -<как ветер>. Extend a palm with five fingers -<мая>.


The host offers to arrange a fireworks display in the hall. The bravest spectators will help with this. Two people are invited to the stage. One gets the role of a matchbox, which stands at the right wing close to the edge of the stage, the second - the role of a match. Standing in the middle of the stage, the match will have to proudly walk to the box and, striking its head on the box, will light up. The presenter invites a spectator in bright red clothes, who will play the role of a light. The next four spectators become the wick. Lined up, they stand in the middle of the stage. Next, the viewer is invited to play the role of a cannon. Placed at the left wing, the gun should be able to say loudly<бах>. And finally, 5-8 spectators in bright clothes are invited from the hall. They crouch in front of the stage in a circle and after the gun signal they will have to stand up and say<тили-тили>, and the audience applauds loudly. After the rehearsal, a fireworks display is arranged, the presenter comments on what is happening:<Гордая спичка шагает к коробку, чиркнув головкой по коробку, загорается, появляется огонек. Спичка с огоньком шагает к фитильку. Огонек бежит по фитильку к пушке. Пушка стреляет. Загорается салют под аплодисменты зрителей>.


<Игра на внимание. Представьте, что моя левая рука — это море (делает волнообразное движение), а правая — рыбка (правой ладошкой изображает рыбку, которая плывет, извиваясь). Когда рыбка выпрыгивает из моря (т. е. поднимается правая рука над левой рукой), вы хлопаете. Итак, начинаем>. The leader initially makes slow movements. Then he introduces deceptive movements, then speeds up the pace, giving him a standing ovation.

Wounded up

The presenter invites everyone in the room to imagine themselves... with scarves. But not ordinary scarves, but ones that can perform two simple commands: wrap and unwind. At the presenter’s command, “It’s over!” all “scarves” hug an object or person named by the leader, upon the command “Unwound!” - spread their arms to the sides. Then the presenter begins to wrap and unwind the scarves in every possible way, for example, like this:

- It got wrapped around itself... - it got unwound!

- It was wrapped around the back of the front seat... - it was unwound!

- It got wrapped around the hand of the neighbor on the left... - it got wrapped up!

- It got wrapped around the neighbor... - it got wrapped up!


The presenter invites the audience to hunt a lion. To do this, everyone just needs to repeat the words and some movements after him.

- We are lion hunters! - We beat ourselves in the chest with our fist.

- We are not afraid of him! - we shake our heads.

- We have a huge gun! - We show something big with our hands.

- And a long sword! Wow! - to “Wow!” We pretend that we are chopping something with a sword.

- Oh, what is this?! - We put our hand with the visor to our eyes.

After the audience asks “What is this?!”, the presenter answers the audience:

- Swamp! You can't fly over it! (shows a walk around the top with his hands) You can’t get around it! (shows a walk around with his hands) You can’t crawl under it! (shows crawling under) The road is straight!!! (points forward with hand)

Then the whole audience, together with the presenter, walks through the swamp, repeating “Chap-chap-chap!” and squelching with your palms. Then we repeat everything from the beginning, but along the way we meet:

Forest. We say “Crunch-crunch-crunch!” and push the branches apart with our hands.

Sea. We say “Boom-boo-boo!” and pretend that we are swimming.

Desert. We say “Shh-shh-shh!” and pretend that we are walking through the desert.

And then, finally, the lion himself: the leader suddenly shouts “R-rr-r-r!!!”, everyone gets scared and, in the reverse order, quickly, quickly runs away through the desert, sea, forest, swamp. Then everyone wipes the sweat from their foreheads, they say, it was a nice hunt.


Seven volunteers are invited to the stage. Next, the presenter distributes the roles of the famous fairy tale “Turnip” between them. The task of each of the seven is to sit down and stand up when the presenter mentions his character. Next, the presenter begins to tell the tale long and colorfully, generously using repetitions, for example: “Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother, grandfather and grandmother lived and lived, well, that is, not only grandfather and grandmother, but someone else lived with grandfather and grandmother.” . So, one day the grandfather (well, it was the grandmother who advised him), so the grandfather decided to plant a turnip. So, he decided to plant a turnip... - and so on. If after this version of the fairy tale the participants still have strength left, it is worth saying thank you to everyone, mentioning everyone again.

Of course, instead of “Turnip,” you can tell some other fairy tale, the main thing is that there are many characters and they are mentioned often.


I. Seven volunteers from the audience are invited to the stage. Their task is, under the guidance of a presenter, to depict a fairy tale about a turnip. Roles are distributed among the seven, each character receives a phrase and movement characteristic of him.

Turnip: - And here I am! — shows the tops with his hands above his head.

Grandfather: - Tex-tex-tex! - rubs his hands.

Grandma: - I would have left! - shakes his fist.

Granddaughter: - I'm ready! - cutesy.

Bug: - Bark-bark-bark! - barks towards the cat.

Cat: - Well, bark at me, bark... - purring.

II. Another fairy tale and another set of words and movements.

Old man: - No question! — confidently.

Old woman: - Not fate! - sighing and throwing up his hands.

Ambar: - Tighten up! - straining.

Suseki: - Yeah, yeah! - squirming and giggling.

Kolobok: - Tea, coffee, let's dance! - pretending to be a waiter.

Hare: - What time is it? — confused.

Wolf: “I’m going home..,” pretending to be a guitar.

Bear: - What are you doing here? - with a stupid face.

Lisa: - I'm not like that! - again, cutesy.


The presenter invites everyone in the room to illustrate the change in weather conditions, namely the beginning of rain. He talks about how the weather changes, and the audience repeats his movements.

— At first the sun was shining. There was silence in the hall.

“But then a small, small, almost imperceptible rain began to fall.” We tap one finger of our right hand on the palm of our left.

- A little stronger... - with two fingers.

- Even stronger... - with three fingers.

“And now it’s raining heavily,” with four fingers.

- And a very terrible downpour! - everyone claps with a full palm.

Then you can demonstrate a gradual improvement in the weather, that is, do everything in reverse, eventually returning again to heavy rain and announcing the next number to applause.


The presenter divides the hall into two teams, the task of one of which is to shout “Goal!” when the leader raises his right hand, and the other - “Past!” when the leader raises his left hand. If the leader raises both hands at once, everyone should shout “Barbell!” together. Then the presenter has fun raising his hands, inciting and teasing the audience in every possible way, for example, suddenly turning his back or saying that for some reason the first team shouts quieter than the second.

Be careful when playing this game on the bus - you won't be able to safely grab the handrail.

Volume control

The presenter invites the audience to make a little noise (shout or clap their hands), and the volume of the noise should correspond to the level of the leader’s hand placed horizontally - when the hand is lowered to the end, it should be quiet, when at the very top - on the contrary, the audience should make as much noise as possible . By driving the wave of noise up and down and jerking your hand back and forth, you can divide the hall into two halves, each of which will be regulated by one of the presenter’s hands. Then experiment with the joint volume, and then “damp out” the noise and announce the next number in silence.

It is useful to play this game when the audience is already tired and needs to be calmed down; everyone will shout and it will become quiet for a while.


The presenter invites everyone in the room to sing a song about macrame (the art of weaving ropes, as well as the final product of this art) on a familiar tune. The hall is divided by the presenter into four parts: the first will sing “Macrame!” and show a square with your hands in the air in front of you, the second - “I’m braiding!” and wrap your hands inside the sides of the square, the third - “Unraveling!” and perform the opposite action, and the fourth - again “Macrame!” and produce the same action as the first. Then, under the leadership of the leader, the audience sings: “Macrame! I braid - I unravel! Macrame! Macrame!" and so on to the tune of “Ameno”.

Horse racing

The presenter, sitting on a chair, invites everyone to imagine that they are participating in a race. Then he tells everyone about what our horses can do:

“Jump.” He quickly claps his palms on his knees.

- Jump over obstacles. - Raises both hands up, and then swings them once on the knees.

“Walk through the swamp,” he crushes with his fists, his cheeks taking air into his mouth and thus making strange gurgling sounds.

“Jump over the stones.” He pounds his chest with his fists.

“Walking through quicksand.” He presses his palms against each other with force and relaxes them again, emitting some kind of “chocks.”

So, the leader offers (slowly clapping his knees) to take the horses to the start, then commands, commands “To the start, attention, march!” and a whole hall of horses breaks into a gallop, then the presenter controls the process of racing, periodically announcing where the horses are galloping and setting an example for the hall, finally, the presenter says that the horses have already reached the finish line, urging everyone to gallop faster, even faster, even faster , and when the tension reaches its climax, he jumps up and shouts to the whole hall: “Quiet!!!”... And, when the hall is stunned into silence, in complete silence, pressing his finger to his mouth, he quietly says: “The children are sleeping...”


The presenter invites everyone in the room to imagine that they have come to the observatory and, having arrived there, perform certain actions. First, the first action is announced and explained, and the whole room performs it. Then the second action is explained - the audience performs first the first, then the second, and so on, until everything ends with applause. The actions and their explanations are as follows:

— Let’s open the telescope’s cover! - raising our hands up in front of us with clenched fists together, we take turns moving them apart, loudly saying: “Whack-whack!”

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