Dog in the manger Diana's world of feelings. Spanish dramaturgy: Lope de Vega “Dog in the manger. "Dog in the Manger" main characters

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Lope de Vega
Dog in the manger


Diana- Countess de Belleflore.

Teodoro- her secretary.

Marcela, Dorotea, Anarda- her maids.

Fabio- her servant.

Count Federico.

Count Ludovico.

Marquis Ricardo.

Tristan- servant.

Leonido- servant.

Antonello- lackey.



Seljo- servant.


Otavio- Butler.

The action takes place in Naples.

Act one


First appearance

Teodoro And Tristan run away.


Run, Tristan! Hurry! Here!


There was no more deplorable scandal!


Perhaps she recognized us?


Don't know; I think yes.

Second phenomenon

Diana one.


Hey sir! Listen! Back!
Stop for a moment!
Am I being treated like this?
Come back, hey, they tell you!
Ola! Where did the whole house go?
Ola! Where are the servants? Not a soul?
Not a ghost in the silence of the night,
It was not a sleepy image that appeared to me.
Ola! Everybody sleeps? But what can we do?

The third phenomenon

Diana, Fabio.


As if your honor was called?


All my bile could hardly
Melt such phlegm!
Run quickly, you sluggish fool, -
You deserve this title, -
Find out now who was here
Who ran out of this room?


From this room?


With your feet! Alive!



Find out who he is. I'm waiting.


This is a bad case, ah-ah-ah!


The fourth phenomenon

Diana, Otavio.


I, Your Grace, heard you,
But I didn’t believe it, sorry
Why are you shouting like that?
At such an inopportune time.


What an innocent answer!
You go to bed too early
And move so coolly,
That there is simply no strength with you!
Strangers wander at night
Around the house, they enter without hiding
Almost to the hostess's room
(I see this impudence here firsthand,
Otavio, I saw it myself)
And you, my worthy guardian,
Calm and calm
When I'm going crazy here!


I, Your Grace, heard you,
But I didn’t believe it, sorry
Why are you shouting like that?
At such an inopportune time.


Go to sleep, otherwise it’s bad for you.
And I wasn’t the one who called.


Fifth appearance

The same Fabio.


Wonderful things!
Like a hawk, he flew away without a trace.


Have you seen any signs?



Cloak with gold embroidery?


He ran down...


To you, gentlemen,
I wish I could wear skirts and corsets!


He fell down the stairs in two leaps,
He threw his hat into the lamp,
I got there, turned off the lamp,
The yard crossed in the blink of an eye,
Then he dived into the darkness of the portal,
There he took out his sword and went.


You are a complete ass.


What was to be done?


Beating you is not enough!
Catch up and stab him on the spot.


What if a respectable person?
After all, it would be a shame forever
And belittlement of your honor.


Respectable man? Here too!



Perhaps it was true
Senor, inconsolably in love,
Who with a generous hand
Bought my maid? Wonderful!
It's hard to find a more honest servant!
I will know who he is.
He rushed in a hat with feathers.
She's on the stairs.

(To Fabio.)

Don't mumble
Go get her.


Is the hat there?


Where? The fool has been found!
After all, when he threw her,
He didn't pick it up.


Senora! I'll go get some light.


Appearance Six

Diana, Otavio.


No, if someone helped,
I am guilty without regret
I'll drive everyone away.


And rightly so:
You entrusted the house to people,
And you are so upset.
And yet, even though it is discourteous,
When you're so annoyed
Touch this side
But only your obstinacy
And reluctance to get married
All these antics are to blame
When out of despair,
He himself doesn’t know what to do.


Do you know any cases?


All that is known is that you
According to the court of rumor,
Unattainable and adorable.
Moreover, Belflor’s patrimony
Deprives many people of sleep.

Seventh Appearance

The same Fabio.


Senora! The hat has been found.
Not a hat, but one shame.


Show me what it is?


The one he threw. It's her.



It's hard to find drywall.


Maybe it suits him.


Did you find this hat?


I would start talking nonsense!


Well, feathers!



He aimed his paw at the chests.


A thief's hat, that's right.


You're driving me crazy.
I saw it myself:
So many feathers, it’s overwhelming!
Where did the feathers go?


How he started the flames
He apparently set them on fire;
The tow immediately caught fire.
After all, Icarus burned his wings,
Soaring towards the sun in the blue abyss,
And died in the depths of the sea.
The same thing was here.
The sun was the fire of the lamp,
And Icarus is a hat; instantly
Feathers flamed and trimmed.
Here you go: straight from the dyehouse.


Really, no time for jokes, Fabio.
There are a lot of worries without them.


Well, the solution will wait.


How can he wait, Otavio?


Go to bed. Early in the morning
You will have time to find out everything.


No, and I won't go to bed,
If only I am Diana,
Without finding out whose fault it was.

(To Fabio.)

Send all the women here.

Fabio leaves.

The eighth phenomenon

Diana, Otavio.


What will you turn the night into!


I, Otavio, have no time to sleep.
Is it possible to sleep here?
Who was in my house?


It would be better to wait until the day
Explore everything carefully.
In the meantime, I need sleep.


Let it be sweet for you:
Fall asleep among riddles -
The law of the highest wisdom.

Appearance Ninth

The same, Fabio, Marcela, Dorothea And Anarda.


These might help.
And the rest have been sleeping for a long time
Blissful sleep and no matter.
They can't really know anything.
But the maids did not go to bed
And in front of you, fully assembled.

Anarda(to the side)

At night the sea is threatening;
I feel the storm in the distance.


Will you order us to leave?


Leave, both of you.

Fabio (to Otavio, quietly)

I'm having a blast!
Interrogation with honor!


I'm crazy.


And he doesn't believe me. What a disaster!

Otavio And Fabio leaving.

The tenth phenomenon

Diana, Marcela, Dorothea, Anarda.


Let Dorothea come over.


What does my lady want?


Say: who walks the most?
Near my gate?


Marquis Ricardo walks by
Count Paris is also casual.


Answer the holy truth.
You know I'm relentless
In my indignation.


I have nothing to hide from you.


Who did they happen to talk to?



Were the letters inadvertent?
Have the pages come here?



Go there.

Marcela (Anarde, quietly)

Like in court!


And on the cruel!


Anarda, you!


What do you want?


What kind of man was now...



In this room. You
I know everyone, and perfectly.
Who brought him in so that he could secretly
Did you see me? Who sold out?


Senora! Believe me, I was not born
No one has such a daring plan.
Bring the man here
So that he can see you secretly, -
Such betrayal will offend you
We could never!
No, no, you are unfair to us.



So that you can sleep peacefully, -
Since this incident worries you, -
I will be sincere and brave
And I’ll say everything, out of duty,
Even though it will be against friendship,
Which Marcela and I have.
She's in love with someone
And he managed to fall in love with her.
But I can’t figure out who he is.


Now you have to say everything:
Since you admitted the main part,
There is no point in hiding the rest.


Ah, madam, someone else's secret
More painful than all misfortunes!
I am a woman. It's not enough for you to know
To forget about this matter,
That someone came to Marcela?
You can sleep peacefully:
They only have words for now
And just the beginning.


I have never met meaner servants!
Good word of mouth will spread
O young widow! Well, be afraid!
I swear by the salvation of your souls,
Whenever my late husband,


Your Grace, calm down:
After all, the one she sees
Not at all a stranger to the house,
And your mercy is wasted
You shouldn't worry yourself.


So is it one of the servants?


Yes Milady.




My secretary?


Yes. That's how soon
I dispelled your fear.


Stay aside, Anarda.


Don't be harsh with her.

Diana (to the side)

I calmed down a little
Having learned that this is not for me.




What do you want?

(To the side.)

The chest is trembling!


And I entrusted this to you
And my honor and thoughts?


What did they tell you about me?
After all, you know that loyalty
I follow you in everything.


Are you loyalty?


What is my betrayal?


Or is it not treason - in this house,
Within my walls, meeting someone
And have secret conversations with him?


Wherever I meet Teodoro,
He'll tell me right away
Two dozen tender words.


Two dozen? I swear, not bad!
As you can see, the year is blessed,
They sell them by the dozens.


Well, in a word, does he walk through the door?
Or it turns out that everything in my thoughts
He will immediately trust his lips.


Will he trust? Strange turn of events.
So what does he say?


I don't even remember.


Try your best.


He will say this: “There is no salvation for me,
I'm dying because of these eyes."
He will say: “In them is my bliss;
Today I couldn't sleep
And, languishing with passion, he raved
Your beauty." One day
I asked for my hair to go into my heart
Link love wishes
And curb your imagination.
But why do you care?
All this nonsense?


At least
Does he make you happy?


Doesn't hurt.
After all, Teodoro, undoubtedly,
I decided to send my love
To such a direct and honest goal,
Like the one to marry me.


Well, there is no more honest goal,
What is the purpose of love?
I could help you with this.


What happiness it will be!
I confess to you frankly, -
Since you are so kind even in anger
And so generous at heart, -
That I love him terribly;
I'm a young man
More prudent, more gifted,
More sensitive and modest
I don't know in our city.


In his talents and skills
I am convinced daily.


It's a big difference, believe me.
When he writes letters for you
According to all the laws of etiquette
Or when in a free syllable
He is with you sweetly and tenderly
Conducts a loving conversation.


I don't intend to, Marcela,
To interfere with your wedding,
When the time comes,
But I also have to remember myself,
Without compromising personal honor
And by my ancient name.
So it's not a big deal
May you meet in this house.

(To the side.)

I want to vent my irritation.


But since everyone knows about it,
You can, just be more secret
Continue your love with him,
And I, on occasion, completely
I undertake to help you both.
After all, Teodoro is known to me,
He grew up in my house.
To you, dear Marcela,
You know my affection
And a family relationship.


Your creation is at your feet.



I kiss them humbly.


Let everyone leave.

Anarda (Marseille, quietly)

Well, what happened?


There was anger, but it was useful for me.


Did she find out your secret?


And I found out that he is honest.

Marcela, Dorothea And Anarda They curtsy three times to the countess and leave.

Appearance eleventh

Diana is alone.


I have involuntarily noticed so many times
How sweet, handsome, smart Teodoro is,
What if he had been born noble?
I would distinguish him differently.
There is no beginning stronger than love in nature.
But my honor is my supreme law;
I honor my rank, and he will not allow
So that I respond to such thoughts.
But envy remains deep down.
It’s easy to be tempted by someone else’s goodness,
And here it is doubly tempting.
Oh, if only fate could change,
So that he can come up to me,
Or so I could go down to him!


Appearance Twelfth

Teodoro, Tristan.


I spent that night without sleep.


No wonder you didn't sleep:
After all, you have completely disappeared,
If she finds out.
I told you: "Wait,
Let him go to bed." You didn't want to.


Love goes straight to the goal.


You shoot and don’t look.


He who is clever will always hit.


He who is dexterous distinguishes clearly,
What is trivial and what is dangerous.


So am I open?


And no and yes;
Of course, there is no direct evidence
But you are a great suspect.


When behind us with a loud cry
Fabio chased - an extra moment,
And I would plunge my sword into him.


After all, how cleverly I launched
Hat into the lamp!



As I walked, I shouted to the lamp:
“Say that there was a foreign people.”
She replied: “You are a liar.”
Then I took off my hat - and bang,
In revenge for her.


I'll lie in a coffin


You're always finished
To those in love! In eternal sorrow,
And he himself is well-fed and ruddy.


But what should I do, Tristan,
In such a dangerous situation?


Stop loving Marcela.
Our Countess is so proud
What it costs her to find out is trouble!
And cunning will not help matters:
You won't come back here again.


Forget! What cruel advice!


Take lessons from me
And you will forget love.


What madness! Never!


Everything can be overcome with art.
Do you want to know what's wrong with your feeling?
End it once and for all?
Firstly, there is an urgent need
Decide to forget
And know for sure what to resurrect
Anxiety of the heart is impossible;
Then what if you give hope
At least a loophole, with renewed vigor
A weakness for your sweetheart will awaken,
And everything will remain as before.
Tell me why it can't
Will a man forget a woman?
Yes, because the thread is pulling
And that his hope is gnawing at him.
He must make a decision
Never think about her
And this once and for all
Stop the imagination.
After all, you saw on the clock:
When the chain unwinds,
The wheels will freeze - that's it.
It’s exactly the same in hearts
We are seeing a stop
When hope is unleashed.


But the memory will begin to sting us,
What time is it to come up with a trick,
And the feeling will be every time
It will come to life more and more brightly, believe me.


Yes, feeling is a predatory beast,
With its claws clinging to the mind,
As the poem says
Togo - Spanish - poet;
But there is a trick for this too,
To destroy the imagination.



Remembering the shortcomings
Not cute. To forget
Try to remember
Her flaw, and the most disgusting one.
It should not give rise to melancholy in you
Elegant and slender person,
When she's at you from the balcony
He looks up at his heels.
This is all true, architecture.
One wise man taught the people
That half of all beauties
Tailors are obliged by nature.
Imagine your enchantress
To overcome seduction,
Like one who tortures the flesh,
Who is being taken to the hospital.
Draw it like this for yourself
And not in folds and folds;
Believe me, the thought of shortcomings
More healing than any grain.
After all, if you remember the view
Another vile thing
This dirty trick lasts for a whole month
It kills your appetite.
So try again and again
Remember her flaws;
The pain of the heart wound will subside,
And love will disappear.


What an ignorant doctor!
What rude witchcraft!
What to expect when the medicine
Made by such a pharmacist!
Your cooking is for hillbillies.
You are a farrier and a charlatan,
A man and an ignoramus. I, Tristan,
That’s not how I draw women.
No, for me they are crystal,
They are transparent, like glass.


Glass and brittle green,
As sad experience teaches us.
When it's hard for you to be alone,
I undertake to help you freely;
My medicine is excellent
It served me well.
One day - to hang me! –
I was in love, with this face,
Into an armful of lies with satin skin,
Ages from birth - five ten.
On top of other thousand shortcomings
She owned the belly
Where would it fit, and moreover
Leaving room for appendages,
Any archive, whatever;
Into it, without crowding each other,
Like a wooden horse
A hundred Greeks would fit in freely.
Have you heard - in one village
There was a centuries-old hazel tree,
Where did the artisan live?
With my wife and children in the hollow,
And it was too spacious.
That's how it could shelter
And this belly is like a hollow,
The weaver with his entire house.
I wanted to forget her passionately
(The time has come a long time ago).
And what? Memory, as luck would have it,
She brought it to me every hour
Now snow, now chalk, now fragile marble,
Levkoi, lilies, jasmine
And a huge canopy,
Bearing the name of the petticoat.
I wasted away on a lonely bed.
But I decided not to fall in the fight
And I started drawing to myself
Everything that looks like her:
Market women's baskets,
Boxes with mail, chests,
Packs, travel bags,
Where is the mattress and the headrest.
And it was as if I had said: perish! –
Love has turned into anger
And I forgot this womb
Forever and ever - Amen!
But this gas chamber
Any fold (I'm not lying!)
I could hide it in my fat
Four pestles for a mortar.


But where can I find the flaw?
There is no room for flaw in Marseille.
I won't forget her.


Well, call on the trouble
And walk in the paths of pride.


But she's so cute!


You will burn to the ground from love
Dearer than the countess's favors.

Appearance thirteen

The same Diana.


Teodoro (to the side)



I am your servant, senora.

Tristan (to the side)

Upon announcement of the verdict
We fly out three windows.


Appearance fourteen

Teodoro, Diana.


I'm one of my friends
Afraid of not being able to cope on my own,
I asked for a draft letter
Make it up for her. Bad service
When I'm absolutely nothing
I don't understand matters of love
And you will write, I know
Much better than mine.
Read it here.


When you're on your own
They wrote with your hand,
Would be bold and empty
Trying to compete with you.
Without looking, I ask, senora,
Send the letter as is.



I'm ready to read
But not for strict analysis,
And to find out the love syllable;
I haven't practiced it in ages.



I didn't dare to love
I couldn’t overcome the timidity.
I'm one of the shy people.


That's why you're on walks
Sneaking in dark corners
Covering yourself with a cloak up to your eyebrows?


Having closed? I? Where and when?


I met you in this guise
Tonight the majordomo
But he recognized you without difficulty.


Ah, here we are at the end of the day
We joked with Fabio; we sometimes
We start thousands of pranks.



Or then me
An unknown envious person blackens.


Or someone is jealous.


I want to take a look
How your wonderful genius shines.

(Is reading.)

“Ignite with passion, seeing someone else’s passion,
And to be jealous, having not yet fallen in love, -
Although the god of love is cunning and whimsical,
He rarely invented such a trick.
I love because I'm jealous
Tormented by the fact that fate is unfair:
After all, I am more beautiful, but, having forgotten me,
He rewarded the other with tender happiness.
I drag out my days in fear and doubt,
I am jealous without love, but I know clearly:
I want to love, I want love in return.
I do not defend myself and do not concede;
I dream of being understood and remain silent.
Will anyone understand? I understand myself."


What do you think?



I think that this lady
It was nice meeting him
But passion did not burn in the heart;
And only when she found out
That he loves someone else, jealousy
It ignited both love and passion in her.
Perhaps it?


Yes, sure.
But also for jealousy, senora,
There was already an incentive
And that was love; cause
Cannot flow from consequences
She gives birth to them herself.


Don't know; only this lady
No more than very willingly
I met this person;
But she barely saw
That he loves another dearly,
A crowd of frantic desires
Cut off her path of honor,
Stealing from her soul
All those good thoughts
With whom she lived.


The letter is beautifully written.
I don't dare compete.


Give it a try.


No, I don't dare.


And yet I ask you.


Senora, do you want this
Expose my insignificance.


I'm waiting. Come back soon.




Come here, Tristan!

Appearance fifteenth

Diana, Tristan.


I hasten to hear the commands,
Even though I’m ashamed of my pants;
Your secretary, my benefactor,
I've been broke for a long time now.
But it’s bad if the cavalier
The footman holds the little one:
The footman is both a mirror and a candle,
And a canopy for the master,
And it is inappropriate to forget this.
The sage said: when sir
Sits astride, then we are the steps,
Then as for his face
They ascend through our body.
He is apparently strapped for money.


Well, is he playing?


If only!
After all, whoever plays always
It will take its toll, now from these, now from these.
It used to be that every king studied
Some kind of handicraft
So that if at war or at sea
He will lose his kingdom
Know how to feed yourself.
Lucky is the one who from an early age
Trained to play well!
A game when you are without money,
There is a noble art
Easy to get for food.
Another great painter
Persistently refining genius,
The portrait will be painted as if alive,
To hear from an ignoramus
That he is not worth three escudos;
And the player can only say this:
“I’m coming!” - and if you're lucky,
You look - and you took everything one hundred percent.


In other words, is he not a player?



Instead, he probably
Busy with love.


He? Love?
What a joke! This is the purest ice.


However, a man like him
Graceful, single, amiable,
Can't help but hide in my soul
Some kind of hobby.


I have been entrusted with barley and hay,
I don't carry affectionate notes.
He's here all day, at your service,
He doesn't even have time.


Doesn't he come out in the evening?


I don’t go with him: I’m mutilated -
My leg is broken.


How so, Tristan?


I can answer
How badly married
When their face becomes colorful
From the bruises that I painted
It shows marital jealousy:
I fell down the stairs, senora.



And very respectfully:
I counted everything by the edges


Well, what's the point?
Tristan. Why are you suddenly
Have you ever decided to aim your hat at a lamp?

Tristan (to the side)

Come on! Damn it!
She knows the whole story.


Why are you silent?


I'm trying to remember
When, I mean, did I fall... Yes, that's right:
They were circling here tonight
Bats flew into the window;
I started throwing my hat at them;
One rushed past the light,
And I threw it at him and hit
In the lamp and in this matter
Fell off the stairs and down
I walked up all the steps.


Great idea.
You know, old recipes
Counting the blood of bats
Tried and true
For hair removal.
I'll bleed them: then, believe me,
Grabbing the case by the cowlicks,
You will miss, my dear.

Tristan (to the side)

By God, things turned out badly.
Sometimes we aim for the lamp,
And we end up in jail.

Diana (to the side)

I'm still very excited!

Appearance sixteen

The same Fabio.


Marquis Ricardo has arrived!


Quickly move up your chairs.

Fabio And Tristan leaving.

Appearance seventeenth

Diana, Marquis Ricardo, Sello.


With anxiety in my heart, with unrequited torment,
Which always lives in the chest
For those who are approaching their cherished goal,
Love, Diana, attracts me to you.
I'm here again, although perhaps in vain
My opponent will call my dream,
Which, surrounded by a sweet dream,
He is not as devoted to you as he is arrogant.
You are so beautiful that when I look at you,
I am convinced that you are well.
In a woman - as experience teaches us -
Health and beauty are inseparable.
You are so pleasing to the eye with your freshness,
That only an ignoramus, only a boring fool,
Who has not matured to reason,
I would like to ask you a question about your health.
So what do you do well knowing
By your delightful features,
I want to know, dear senora,
How prosperous am I myself?


Senor Marquis! Once again, you shine,
Give us a taste sample.
But is it worth such praise?
The usual appearance of peace and health?
As for you, it seems to me that it’s not me
Blessings to your master.


You know, my love is true,
And your image is sculptured in my soul.
Your whole family has long agreed,
So that our union is indestructibly united,
And only your answer is unknown.
Only he will decide whether I am happy or not.
Whenever I, in exchange for my possessions,
In which I am famous and rich,
He owned the land from the seaside, alien to the shadows,
To the scarlet kingdoms, where the sunset is falling,
And gold, the idol of generations,
And the pearls that flow
Eyelashes of the stars, and treasures of the east,
The paths of the seas are wide,
I would lay them at your feet.
Do not doubt; inspired by you,
My daring path would run fearlessly
There, where the day is not illuminated by rays;
I would trample, amidst the storm and anxiety,
Deserts of waves with oak feet,
To reach the polar cliffs.
Where the daredevil has never penetrated.

Diana But I am silent so that baseness rises to heights
Didn't offend. I stopped,
Without crossing the cherished line.
And without that I opened up enough;
I consider it wiser to forget about happiness,
Otherwise they may think that I have forgotten.”
You really will outshine everyone soon!


Are you laughing at me?



Tell the truth.


My answer:
You win, Teodoro.


Alas, I see there is a reason
So that I forget peace and sleep:
A servant is not tolerated if he
Who is more skillful than Mr.
One king said to a nobleman:
“I am concerned, and quite so.
I composed a draft letter;
Please, write one too.
I will send whatever is best.”
The poor nobleman tried
And the text of the letter was a success for him,
How the king failed.
Seeing that his letter
The ruler gave preference
He was deep in thought,
Walking towards your home.
“Let’s run quickly,” he said to his son, “
A terrible end awaits me."
The son asked his father
At least explain the reason.
“The king found out,” said the nobleman, “
That I am more skilled than him."
Here I am, senora, and confused:
My story is similar.


Oh no, and if the prize is awarded
Undoubtedly to your letter,
That's only because
That this response is so successful.
I don't take back the praise
But I didn’t say
What have I lost from now on?
Trust in my pen.
Although, as a woman, of course,
I'm thinking at random
And my imperfect mind
He cannot judge flawlessly.
But here's a bad expression:
“I am silent so that baseness rises to heights
Didn't offend." I'll read
A little advice for you:
Love cannot offend
Whoever it is who dreams of happiness;
We are insulted by indifference.


Love is a dangerous path.
We remember the fate of Phaeton
And Icarus flapped his wings in vain:

Teodoro one.


Gone. It seemed so proud!
I look, not believing my eyes.
So unexpected and bold
Confess your love like her!
But no, such a thought is ridiculous,
And that’s not the point here at all.
Although has it ever happened,
So that from these stern lips flows:
“There is little grief in such a loss,
Sometimes they lose more?
"They're losing more..." My God,
It’s clear who: her friend!
No, stupidity, pathetic attempt,
And we are talking about herself.
And yet no! She's smart
Ambitious, cautious;
Such strangeness is impossible;
She was born to someone else.
The first lords serve her
Naples, I'm no good
Into her slaves. No, I'm afraid
That talking is more dangerous here.
Having learned my love for Marcela,
She, playing and teasing,
Wanted to make fun of me...
But what are these fears, really?
Those who joke never
The cheeks don't turn so red.
And this look and deep sigh:
“Sometimes they lose more”?
Like a rose, glowing from within
And all shining with the unsteady dew,
Looks with a purple smile
To the tears of the morning dawn,
She fixed her gaze on me,
Bursting with a fiery blush.
So flaming crimson
The apple's cheeks are burning.
So how should I judge?
Frankly, speaking strictly,
It's too much for a joke
For the truth - not enough, maybe.
Stop my dreaming!
What greatness are you delirious about!..
No, no, one beauty
I'm attracted to charm.
There is no one so beautiful in the world,
As smart as she is.

Episode twenty-one

Teodoro, Marcela.



And we are given
The minute of the meeting is safe.
But for you, my Marcela,
With death I would enter into battle.


I, to see you,
I would give a hundred lives boldly.
I sat alone all night,
Like a bird waiting for the day;
And I whispered, bowing my gaze,
When beyond the horizon
Dawn woke up Apollo:
“My Apollo, you are waiting for me!”
Yesterday everything was going around here:
The Countess forgot her dream,
And the strictest measures were taken
Interrogation of maids and servants.
To my envious friends,
To touch my honor,
There was a chance to tell everything as it is.
When you are in the service with someone,
Don't trust his heartfelt friendship:
Everything in this friendship is lies and flattery
So our secret is over.
Diana, since she is the moon,
Should interfere with lovers
And illuminate their secrets with light.
But everything turned out this way
It’s been very successful for us.
I confirmed to her myself,
That our wedding will be soon,
And she didn’t hide it, Teodoro,
That I'm crazy about you.
Along the way I extolled
Your character, style, and talents;
She is in a fit of compassion
She was sincere and sweet,
I found my choice successful,
More successful than anyone else
And she immediately gave me her word,
What will get us married sooner:
Her story touched me so much
About the torments of a young heart.
I thought she'd be mad
Will turn the house upside down
And you and I will disappear,
And the rest can't hide.
But the blood of the great flows in it,
And a high mind lives in her;
He gave himself an account of everything
And he appreciated your merits.
Blessed indeed are the servants
From sensible gentlemen!


The Countess promised you
Should we get married?


I'm related to her.
She favors me.

Teodoro (to the side)

And like me from the very beginning
I didn’t understand my failure!
It's so stupid to play dumb!
Take it and believe it in a fable!
Countess, she - to love me!
So that this hawk decides to strike
Such a lowly bird!


What are you muttering in a whisper?


She saw me now
But I didn't even say a word
About the fact that I secretly yesterday
He ran, wrapped in a cloak,
Like a thief breaking into an attic.


I confessed to Marcela here,
How, leaving here yesterday,
I was so tormented by bitter fear,
Would you accept, senora,
For offensive prank
My true wish
Marry your maid
It seemed to me that I was going to die;
When in response she said,
What have you shown in this matter?
Such kindness and goodness,
I hugged her.
I could write a hundred fairy tales
When I would like to lie to you;
But better than any deception -
In a conversation with a smart person
Tell him the simple truth.


You have shown, Teodoro,
Criminal ingratitude
Forgetting decency in this house.
And I never expected
So that in my generosity
You decided to draw the right
It's so daring to let yourself go.
When love crosses
In shamelessness, then nothing
Will not protect her from punishment.
Therefore, let Marcela
You are not married yet,
She'll be locked up alone.
I don't want maids
We could see you two together
And then they will all have a desire
Get married like her.
Hey Dorothea!

Episode twenty-three

Diana, Countess de Bellefort, entering the hall of her Neapolitan palace late in the evening, finds there two men wrapped in cloaks, who hastily hide when she appears. Intrigued and angry, Diana orders the butler to be called, but he justifies his ignorance by saying that he went to bed early. Then one of the servants, Fabio, whom Diana sent after the culprits of the commotion, returns and reports that he saw one of the uninvited guests when he, running down the stairs, threw his hat at the lamp. Diana suspects that it was one of her rejected admirers who bribed the servants, and, fearing publicity, which, according to the customs of the 17th century, would bring disrepute to her house, she orders all the women to be immediately awakened and sent to her. After a strict interrogation carried out by the chambermaids, who are extremely dissatisfied with what is happening, but hiding their feelings, the countess manages to find out that the mysterious visitor is her secretary Teodoro, who is in love with the chambermaid Marcela and came to her on a date. Although Marcela fears the wrath of her mistress, she admits that she loves Teodoro and, under pressure from the Countess, recounts some of the compliments her lover gives her. Having learned that Marcela and Teodoro are not averse to getting married, Diana offers to help the young people, since she is very attached to Marcela, and Teodoro grew up in the countess’s house and she has the highest opinion of him. However, left alone, Diana is forced to admit to herself that Teodoro’s beauty, intelligence and courtesy are not indifferent to her and, if he were of a noble family, she would not be able to resist the merits of the young man. Diana tries to suppress her unkind, envious feelings, but dreams of Teodoro have already settled in her heart.

Meanwhile, Teodoro and his faithful servant Tristan discuss the events of the past night. The frightened secretary is afraid of being expelled from the house for his affair with the chambermaid, and Tristan gives him wise advice to forget his beloved: sharing his own everyday experience, he invites the owner to think more often about her shortcomings. However, Teodoro resolutely does not see any flaws in Marseille. At this moment, Diana enters and turns to Teodoro with a request to draft a letter for one of her friends, offering as a sample a few lines sketched by the Countess herself. The meaning of the message is to reflect on whether it is possible to “become ignited with passion, / seeing someone else’s passion, / and be jealous, / without having yet fallen in love.” The Countess tells Teodoro the story of her friend’s relationship with this man, in which her relationship with her secretary is easily guessed.

While Teodoro is composing his version of the letter, Diana is trying to find out from Tristan how his master spends his free time, who he is and how passionate he is. This conversation is interrupted by the arrival of the Marquis Ricardo, the countess’s longtime admirer, who is vainly seeking her hand. But this time, too, the charming countess deftly avoids a direct answer, citing the difficulty of choosing between Marquis Ricardo and Count Federico, her other faithful admirer. Meanwhile, Teodoro composed a love letter for the Countess's fictitious friend, which, in Diana's opinion, is much more successful than her own version. Comparing them, the Countess shows an unusual ardor, and this leads Teodoro to believe that Diana is in love with him. Left alone, he is tormented by doubts for some time, but gradually becomes imbued with confidence that he is the object of his mistress’s passion, and is ready to answer her, but then Marcela appears, joyfully informing her lover that the countess has promised to marry them. Teodoro's illusions instantly crumble. Diana, who unexpectedly enters, finds Marcela and Teodoro in each other’s arms, but in response to the young man’s gratitude for the generous decision to meet the feelings of two lovers, the countess irritably orders the maid to be locked up so as not to set a bad example for other maids. Left alone with Teodoro, Diana asks her secretary if he really intends to marry, and, having heard that the main thing for him is to please the wishes of the countess and that he could well do without Marcela, she clearly makes it clear to Teodoro that she loves him and that only class prejudices prevent the union of their destinies.

Teodoro’s dreams take him high: he already sees himself as the countess’s husband, and Marcela’s love note not only leaves him indifferent, but irritates him. It especially hurts the young man that his recent lover calls him “her husband.” This irritation falls on Marcela herself, who managed to escape her makeshift dungeon. There is a stormy explanation between the recent lovers, followed by a complete break - needless to say, it is Teodoro who initiates it. In retaliation, the wounded Marcela begins to flirt with Fabio, while vilifying Teodoro in every possible way.

Meanwhile, Count Federico, a distant relative of Diana, seeks her favor with persistence no less than the Marquis Ricardo. Having met at the entrance to the temple where Diana entered, both admirers decide to directly ask the beautiful countess which of the two she prefers to see as her husband. However, the Countess cleverly avoids answering, again leaving her fans in uncertainty. However, she turns to Teodoro for advice on which of the two she should prefer. In fact, this, of course, is nothing more than a trick with the help of which Diana, without committing herself to specific words and promises, wants to once again make it clear to the young man how passionately she loves him. Annoyed by the deference of her secretary, who does not dare to be completely frank with her and is afraid to reveal his feelings to her, Diana orders it to be announced that she is marrying the Marquis Ricardo. Teodoro, hearing about this, immediately makes an attempt to make peace with Marcela. But the girl’s resentment is too great, and Marcela cannot forgive her former lover, although she continues to love him. The intervention of Tristan, Teodoro's servant and confidant, helps overcome this obstacle - the young people make peace. This is greatly facilitated by the vehemence with which Teodoro rejects all of Marcela’s jealous accusations and how disrespectfully he speaks of Countess Diana, who, unnoticed by anyone, is silently present at this scene. Outraged by Teodoro's treachery, the countess, emerging from her hiding place, dictates a letter to the secretary, the meaning of which is completely transparent: this is a sharp reproach to a simple man who deserved the love of a noble lady and failed to appreciate it. This unequivocal message again gives Teodoro a reason to refuse Marcela’s love: he invents on the fly “that the countess has decided to marry her chambermaid to Fabio. And although Marcela’s resentment knows no bounds, the smart girl understands that everything that is happening is a consequence of changes in the mood of the countess, who she herself does not dare to enjoy Teodoro’s love, since he is a simple man, and she is a noble lady, and does not want to give him up to Marcela.Meanwhile, the Marquis Ricardo appears, happy that he will soon be able to call Diana his wife, but the Countess immediately cools the enthusiasm of the ardent groom, explaining that there was a misunderstanding: the servants simply misinterpreted her kind words to the Marquis.And again, once again, an explanation full of omissions takes place between Diana and her secretary, during which the Countess sharply points out to her secretary the abyss separating them. Then Teodoro says that he adores Marcela, for which he immediately receives a slap in the face.

Count Federico becomes a chance witness to this scene, and behind Diana’s rage he guesses a completely different feeling. The Count introduces the Marquis Ricardo to his discovery, and they plan to find a hitman to get rid of Teodoro. Their choice falls on Tristan, Teodoro's servant, who, for a large reward, promises to save the count and marquis from their lucky rival. Having learned about such a plan, Teodoro decides to leave for Spain in order to save his life and recover from his love for Diana. The Countess approves of this decision, cursing with tears the class prejudices that prevent her from uniting her life with her loved one.

Tristan finds a way out of the situation. Having learned that one of the noble people of the city, Count Ludovico, had a son named Teodoro who disappeared twenty years ago - he was sent to Malta, but was captured by the Moors - a clever servant decides to marry his master to the missing son of Count Ludovico. Disguised as a Greek, he enters the count's house under the guise of a merchant - the happiness of the elderly Ludovico knows no bounds. He immediately rushes to the house of Countess Diana to hug Teodoro, whom he immediately recognizes as his son without any hesitation; Diana is happy to announce her love to everyone. And although Teodoro honestly admits to the countess that he owes his unexpected rise to Tristan’s dexterity, Diana refuses to take advantage of Teodoro’s nobility and is firm in her intention to become his wife. Count Ludovico's happiness knows no bounds: he not only found a son, but also found a daughter. Marcela receives a good dowry and is married to Fabio. Tristan does not remain forgotten either: Diana promises him her friendship and protection if he keeps the secret of Teodoro’s rise, but she herself will never again be a dog in the manger.

[email protected]


Musical comedy

Stage version of the play by Lope de Vega
translated by Mikhail Lozinsky

Songs with lyrics by Robert Burns, Pierre-Jean Bérenger,
Samuil Marshak, Alexey Shershnev


DIANA, Countess of Belleflore
TEODORO, her secretary
FABIO, her servant
TRISTAN, footman
LEONIDO, servant
SELIO, servant


Hall in the countess's palace.


Juana, Teodoro and Tristan running away.

Juana: Run, Tristan! Hurry! Here!
Tristan: There was no worse scandal!
Teodoro: Perhaps she recognized us?
Tristan: I don't know; I think yes. (They leave.)


Juana: Hey sir! Listen! Back!
Stop for a moment!
Diana: Am I being treated like this?
Juana: Come back, hey, they tell you!
Hey you! Where did the whole house go?
Hey you! Where are the servants? Not a soul?
Diana: Not a ghost in the silence of the night,
It was not a sleepy image that appeared to me.
Hey you! Everybody sleeps? But what can we do?


Fabio, Diana.

Fabio: As if your honor was called?
Diana: All my bile could hardly
Melt such phlegm!
Run quickly, you sluggish fool, -
You deserve this title...
Find out now who was here
Who ran out of this room
Fabio: From this room?
Diana: Answer
With your feet! Alive!
Fabio: I'm coming.
Diana: Find out who he is. I'm waiting.
Fabio: What a bad case, ah, ah, ah! (Leaves.)


Otavia, Diana.

Why are you shouting like that?
At such an inopportune time.
Diana: Strangers wander at night
Around the house, they enter without hiding
Almost to the hostess's room
I see this impudence here with my own eyes,
Otavya, I saw it myself.
Otavia: I, Your Grace, hear you,
But I didn’t believe it, sorry
Why are you shouting like that?
At such an inopportune time.
Diana: Go to sleep, otherwise it’s bad for you.
Otavia: Senora...


Fabio. The same.

Fabio: Wonderful things!
Like a hawk, he flew away without a trace.
Diana: Have you seen any signs?
Fabio: Signs?
Diana: To you, gentlemen,
I wish I could wear skirts and corsets!
Fabio: He fell down the stairs in two leaps,
He threw his hat into the lamp,
I got there, turned off the lamp,
The yard crossed in the blink of an eye,
Then he dived into the darkness of the portal,
There he took out his sword and went.
Diana: You are a complete ass.
Fabio: What was to be done?
Diana: Beating you is not enough!
Catch up and stab him on the spot.
Otavio: What if a respectable person?
After all, it would be a shame forever
And belittlement of your honor.
Diana: Honorable man? Here too!
Otavio: Don’t we have enough here?
Those who can see you
One eye - the most expensive thing?
After all, thousands of seniors greedily
They only dream of marriage with you
And blind from love!
Diana: Perhaps it’s true that it was
Senor, inconsolably in love,
Who with a generous hand
Bought my maid? Wonderful!
It's hard to find a more honest servant!
I will know who he is.
He rushed in a hat with feathers.
She's on the stairs. (To Fabio.)
Don't fumble. Go get her.
Fabio: Is the hat there?
Diana: Where is it? The fool has been found!
After all, when he threw her,
He didn't pick it up.
Fabio: (Leaves.)

Diana, Otavia

Diana: No, if someone helped,
I am guilty without regret
I'll drive everyone away.
Otavia: And rightly so:
You entrusted the house to people,
And you are so upset.
And yet, even though it is discourteous,
When you're so annoyed
Touch this side
But only your obstinacy
And reluctance to get married:
All these antics are to blame
When out of despair,
He himself doesn’t know what to do.
Diana: Do you know any cases?
Otavya: All that is known is that you,
According to the court of rumor,
Unattainable and adorable.
Moreover, Belflor’s patrimony
Deprives many people of sleep.


Fabio. The same.

Fabio: Senora, the hat has been found.
Not a hat, but one shame.
Diana: Show me what it is?
Fabio: Here.
The one he threw. It's her.
Diana: This one?
Otavia: It's hard to come across a nasty one.
Juana: Maybe it suits him.
Diana: Did you find this hat?
Otavia: What feathers!
Fabio: It's a thief.
A thief's hat, that's right.
Otavia: Well, the solution will wait.
Diana: How can he wait, Otavia?
Otavya: Go to bed. Early in the morning
You will have time to find out everything.
Diana: No, and I won't go to bed,
If only I'm Diana
Without finding out whose fault it was. (To Fabio.)
Send all the women here. (Fabio leaves.)


Diana, Otavia

Otavya: What will you turn the night into!
Diana: Otavia, I have no time for sleep.
Is it possible to sleep here?
Who was in my house?
Otavya: It would be better, after waiting for the day,
Explore everything carefully.
In the meantime, I need sleep.
Diana: May it be sweet for you:
To fall asleep among riddles -
The law of the highest wisdom.


Fabio, Marcela, Dorotea, Anarda. The same.

Fabio: These might help.
And the rest have been sleeping for a long time
Blissful sleep and don't care
They can't really know anything.
Anarda (to the side)
At night the sea is threatening;
I feel the storm in the distance.
Fabio: Will you order us to leave?
Diana Yes. Leave, both of you.
Fabio (quietly to Otavia): She's gone wild!
Interrogation honor honor!
Otavia: I'm crazy.
Fabio: And he doesn’t believe me. What a disaster! (Otavia and Fabio leave.)


Diana, Marcela, Dorothea, Anarda.

Diana: Let Dorothea come over.
Dorothea: What does my lady want?
Diana: Tell me: who walks the most?
Near my gate?
Dorothea: Marquis Ricardo walks by
Count Paris is also casual.
Diana: Answer the holy truth.
You know I'm relentless
In my indignation.
Dorothea: I have nothing to hide from you.
Diana: Who did they happen to talk to?
Dorothea: When would you have me alive
They burned on a thousand fires,
I’ll say: I don’t remember even once
They're with anyone other than you
From those living here they spoke.
Diana: Were the letters inadvertent?
Have the pages come here?
Dorothea: Not once.
Diana: Go there.
Marcela (quietly to Anarda): Like in court!
Anarda: And on the cruel
Diana: Anarda, you!
Anarda: What do you want?
Diana: What a man he was just now...
Anarda: A man?
Diana: In this room. You
I know everyone, and perfectly.
Who brought him in so that he could secretly
Did you see me? Who sold out?
Anarda: Senora, believe me, I was not born
No one has such a daring plan.
Bring the man here
So that he can see you secretly, -
Such betrayal will offend you
We could never!
No, no, you are unfair to us.
Diana: When your words are true,
Didn't he come, perhaps?
From maids to someone?
Anarda: So that you can sleep peacefully, -
Since this case worries you, -
I will be sincere and brave
And I’ll say everything, out of duty,
Even though it will be against friendship,
Which Marcela and I have.
She's in love with someone
And he managed to fall in love with her.
But I can’t figure out who he is.
Diana: Now you have to say everything:
Since you admitted the main part,
There is no point in hiding the rest.
Anarda: Ax, madam, someone else's secret
More painful than all misfortunes.
I am a woman. It's not enough for you to know
To forget about this matter,
That someone came to Marcela?
Juana: You can sleep peacefully:
They only have words for now
And just the beginning.
Diana: I have never met meaner servants!
Good word of mouth will spread
O young widow! Well, be afraid!
I swear by the salvation of your souls,
Whenever my late husband,
Anarda: Your Grace, calm down:
After all, the one she sees
Not at all a stranger to the house,
And your grace is empty
You shouldn't worry yourself.
Diana: So this is one of the servants?
Anarda: Yes, madam.
Diana: Who?
Anarda: Teodoro.
Diana: My secretary?
Anarda: Yes. That's how soon
I dispelled your fear.
Diana: Stay aside, Anarda.
Anarda: Don't be harsh with her
Diana (aside): I've calmed down a little,
Having learned that this is not for me. (To Marcela.) Marcela!
Marcela: Madam...
Diana: Listen.
And I entrusted this to you
And my honor and thoughts?
Marcela: What did they tell you about me?
After all, you know that loyalty
I follow you in everything.
Diana: Are you loyalty?
Marcela: What is my betrayal?
Diana: Or there is no betrayal in this house,
Within my walls, meeting someone
And have secret conversations with him?
Marcela: I will meet Teodoro wherever,
He'll tell me right away
Two dozen tender words.
Diana: Two dozen? I swear, not bad!
Marcela: Everything that is in my thoughts,
He will immediately trust his lips.
Diana: Will she trust you? Strange turn of events.
So what does he say?
Marcela: Probably
I don't even remember.
Diana: Try.
Marcela: He will say this: “There is no salvation for me,
I'm dying because of these eyes."
Then he will say: “In them is my bliss;
Today I couldn't sleep
And, languishing with passion, he raved
Your beauty." And, one day...
But why do you care?
All this nonsense?
Diana: At least
Does he make you happy?
Marcela: It doesn't hurt.
After all, Teodoro, undoubtedly,
I decided to send my love
To such a direct and honest goal,
Like the one to marry me.
Diana: Well, there is no more honest goal,
What is the purpose of love?
I could help you with this.
Marcela: What happiness it will be!
I confess to you frankly,
Since you are so kind even in anger
And so generous at heart,
That I love him terribly;
Diana: I don't intend to, Marcela.
To interfere with your wedding,
But I also have to remember myself,
Without compromising personal honor
And by my ancient name.
So it's not a big deal
May you meet in this house.
But since everyone knows about it,
You can, just be more secret
Continue your love with him;
And I, on occasion, completely
I undertake to help you both.
Teodoro is very valuable to me,
He grew up in my house.
To you, dear Marcela,
You know my affection
And a family relationship.
Marcela: Your creation is at your feet
Diana: Go.
Marcela: I kiss them humbly.
Diana: Let everyone leave.
Anarda (quietly to Marcela): Well, what happened?
Marcela: There was anger, but for me it was useful.
Dorothea: So she knows your secret?
Marcela: And it is known that he is honest.

Marcela, Dorotea and Anarda
They curtsy to the countess and leave.


Diana: I involuntarily noticed it so many times.
How sweet, handsome, smart Teodoro is,
What if he had been born noble?
I would distinguish him differently.
There is no beginning stronger than love in nature.
But my honor is my supreme law;
I honor my rank, and he will not allow
So that I respond to such thoughts.
Oh, if only our fate could change,
So that he can come up to me
Or so I could go down to him! (Leaves.)


Teodoro, Tristan.

Teodoro: I spent this night without sleep.
Tristan: No wonder you didn’t sleep:
After all, you have completely disappeared,
If she finds out.
I told you: "Wait,
Let him go to bed." You didn't want to.
Teodoro: Love goes straight to the goal.
Tristan: Shoot - don't look.
Teodoro: He who is clever will always hit.
Tristan: He who is dexterous distinguishes clearly,
What is trivial and what is dangerous.
Teodoro: So am I open?
Tristan: No and yes;
Of course, there is no direct evidence
But you are a great suspect.
After all, how cleverly I launched
Into the lamp with a hat?
Teodoro: I will lie in the coffin today.
Tristan: You're always finished
To those in love! In eternal sorrow,
And he himself is well-fed and ruddy.
Teodoro: But what should I do, Tristan,
In such a dangerous situation?
Tristan: Stop loving Marcela.
Teodoro: Forget it! What cruel advice!
Tristan: Take lessons from me, And you will forget love.
Teodoro: Drop it! I'm tired of nonsense.
Tristan: You remember the shortcomings,
Not cute. To forget
Try to remember
Her flaw, and the most disgusting one.
This is all true, architecture.
One wise man taught the people
That half of all beauties
Tailors are obliged by nature.
After all, if you remember the view
Another vile thing
This dirty trick lasts for a whole month
It takes away your appetite;
So try again and again
Remember her flaws;
The pain of the heart wound will subside,
And love will disappear.
Teodoro: What an ignorant doctor!
What rude witchcraft!
What to expect when the medicine
Made by such a pharmacist!
Your cooking is for hillbillies.
You are a farrier and a charlatan,
A man and an ignoramus. I, Tristan,
That’s not how I draw women.
Tristan: I freely undertake to help you;
My medicine is excellent
It served me well.
One day - to hang me! --
I was in love, with this face,
I wanted to forget her passionately.
(It's long past time)
But I decided not to fall in the fight
And I started drawing to myself
Everything that looks like her:
Market women's baskets,
Boxes with mail, chests,
Packs, travel bags,
Where is the mattress and the headrest,
And it was as if I had said: perish! --
Love has turned into anger
And I forgot this womb
Forever and ever - Amen!
Teodoro: But where can I find the flaw?
There are no flaws in Marseille!
I won't forget her.
Tristan: Well, call yourself in trouble.
And walk in the paths of pride.
You will burn to the ground from love...
Dearer than the countess's favors.


Diana. The same.

Diana: Oh, is Teodoro here?
Teodoro (aside): She!
Diana: I'm coming to you.
Teodoro: I am your servant, senora.
Tristan (aside):
Upon announcement of the verdict
We fly out three windows.
Diana: I am one of my friends,
Afraid of not being able to cope on my own,
I asked for a draft letter
Make it up for her. Bad service
When I'm absolutely nothing
I don't understand matters of love
And you will write, I know
Much better than mine.
Read it here.
Teodoro: When you're on your own
They wrote with your hand,
Would be bold and empty
Trying to compete with you.
Without looking, I ask, senora,
Send the letter as is.
Diana: Read it.
Teodoro: I'm ready to read,
But not for strict analysis,
And to find out the love syllable;
I haven't practiced it in ages.
Diana: Forever?
Teodoro: I didn’t dare to love,
I couldn’t overcome the timidity.
I'm one of the shy people.
Diana: Is that why you’re out for walks?
Sneaking in dark corners
Covering yourself with a cloak up to your eyebrows?
Teodoro: Closed? I? Where and when?
Diana: I met you in this guise
Tonight the majordomo
But he recognized you without difficulty.
Teodoro: Ah, here we are at the end of the day
We joked with Fabio; we sometimes
We start thousands of pranks.
Diana: Read.
Teodoro: Or then me
An unknown envious person blackens.
Diana: Or someone is jealous. Read.
Teodoro: I want to take a look
How your wonderful genius shines. (Is reading.)
"Fire up with passion, seeing someone else's passion,
And to be jealous, having not yet fallen in love, -
Although the god of love is cunning and whimsical,
He rarely invented such a trick.
I love because I'm jealous
Tormented by the fact that fate is unfair:
After all, I am more beautiful, but, having forgotten me,
He rewarded the other with tender happiness.
I drag out my days in fear and doubt,
I am jealous without love, but I know clearly:
I want to love, I want love in return.
I do not defend myself and do not concede;
I dream of being understood and remain silent.
Will anyone understand? I understand myself."
Diana: What do you say?
Teodoro: What if here
All this is conveyed correctly,
It couldn't be written better.
But I'm the only one who's perplexed:
I haven't heard of love
I could have been fired up with jealousy.
Jealousy is born from love.
Diana: I think that this lady
It was nice meeting him
But passion did not burn in the heart;
And only when she found out
That he loves someone else, jealousy
It ignited both love and passion in her.
Perhaps it?
Teodoro: Yes, of course.
But also for jealousy, senora,
There was already an incentive
And that was love; cause
Cannot flow from consequences
She gives birth to them herself.
Diana: I don't know; only this lady
No more than very willingly
I met this person;
But she barely saw
That he loves another dearly,
A crowd of frantic desires
Her path of honor was blocked,
Stealing from her soul
All those good thoughts.
With whom she lived.
Teodoro: The letter is written beautifully.
I don't dare compete.
Diana: Try it.
Teodoro: No, I don't dare.
Diana: Still, I ask you.
Teodoro: Senora, do you want to
Expose my insignificance.
Diana: I'm waiting. Come back soon.
Teodoro: I'm coming. (Leaves.)
Diana: Come here, Tristan.


Diana, Tristan.

Tristan: I hasten to hear the commands,
Even though I’m ashamed of my pants;
Your secretary, my benefactor,
I've been broke for a long time now.
But it’s bad if the caballero
The footman holds the little one:
Diana: Well, is he playing?
Tristan: If only!
After all, whoever plays always
It will take its toll, now from these, now from these.
Diana: In a word, he’s not a player?
Tristan: He's timid.
Diana: Instead, he probably
Busy with love.
Tristan: Him? Love?
What a joke! This is the purest ice!
Diana: However, a person like him
Graceful, single, amiable
Can't help but hide in my soul
Some kind of hobby.
Tristan: I don't carry affectionate notes.
He's here all day, at your service,
He doesn't even have time.
Diana: Doesn’t he go out in the evening?
Tristan: I don't go with him; mutilated --
My leg is broken.
Diana: How so, Tristan?
Tristan: I can answer,
I fell down the stairs, senora.
Diana: Rolled?
Tristan: And very respectfully:
I counted everything by the edges
Diana: Well, that's it,
Tristan. Why are you suddenly
Have you decided to aim your hat at the lamp?....
Why are you silent?
Tristan: I'm trying to remember
When did I fall... Yes, that's right:
They were circling here tonight
Bats flew into the window;
I started throwing my hat at them;
One rushed past the light,
And I threw it at him and hit
Into the lamp and at the same time down
I walked up all the steps.
Diana: Great idea.


Fabio, then the Marquis Ricardo and Sello. Diana.

Fabio: The Marquis Ricardo has arrived.

Ricardo and Sello enter, Fabio and Tristan leave.

Riccardo: With anxiety in my heart, with unrequited torment,
Which always lives in the chest
For those who are approaching their cherished goal,
Love, Diana, attracts me to you.
You are so beautiful that when I look at you,
I am convinced that you are well.
In a woman - as experience teaches us -
Health and beauty are inseparable.
You are so pleasing to the eye with your freshness,
That only an ignoramus, only a boring fool,
Who has not matured to reason,
I would like to ask you a question about your health:
So what do you do well knowing
By your delightful features,
I want to know, dear senora,
How prosperous am I myself?
Diana: Senor Marquis, you are once again brilliant,
Give us a taste sample.
But is it worth such praise?
The usual look of peace and health
As for you, it seems to me that it’s not me
Blessings to your master.
Riccardo: You know, my love is true
And your image is sculptured in my soul.
Your whole family has long agreed,
So that our union is indestructibly united,
And only your answer is unknown.
Only he will decide whether I am happy or not.

Riccardo's song

Or, if you want, I'll sing for you
About the wonderful green garden,
Where are the grapes on the branches?

Sing me your song, little birdie,
Or, if you want, I’ll sing for you,
Like in that green garden
I will find my love!

Sing me your song, little birdie,
Or, if you want, I’ll sing for you,
If we drink together,
Then we’ll live doubly happier!

Diana: I respect your nobility,
I believe you, having listened to the confession of my heart.
Our thoughts perhaps have similarities;
But I don’t know how the Count will look.
Riccardo: I give him superiority in one thing:
Count Federico is clever and cunning.
But I hope: your judgment will be right,
You will be blinded by this evil look.


Teodoro, Diana, Ricardo, Cello.

Teodoro: Let your grace take a look and decide.
Riccardo: You're busy and I'm nobody else's
Didn't steal minutes.
Diana: We are not pressed for time.
I am writing a letter to Rome.
Ricciardo: It's the hardest
A long visit on a postal day.
Diana: You are very nice.
Riccardo: If only really! (Quietly to Sel.)
Well, Selyo, what do you say?
Selyo: What is she
Your passionate ardor will be fully rewarded.

Ricardo and Seljo leave.


Diana, Teodoro.

Diana: Have you written it?
Teodoro: Yes, and
It turned out badly, as you can see right away:
I worked according to orders.
Diana: Show me.
Teodoro: Here.
Diana: Let's read it. (Is reading.)
"Whoever loves after someone else's love is greedy,
His heart's ardor is kindled with envy;
Who did not promise himself bliss,
To someone else's happiness, he remains cold.
But if our lover is stolen
As a rival, there is no strength to hide love;
Like blood to the face from hidden veins,
The call to the lips is urgent, merciless.
But I am silent so that baseness rises to heights
Didn't offend. I stopped,
Without crossing the cherished line.
And without that I opened up enough;
I consider it wiser to forget about happiness,
Otherwise they may think that I have forgotten."
Diana: You really will outshine everyone soon!
Teodoro: Are you laughing at me?
Diana: No.
Teodoro: Tell the truth.
Diana: My answer:
You win, Teodoro.
Teodoro: Alas, I see there is a reason
So that I forget peace and sleep:
A servant is not tolerated if he
Who is more skillful than Mr.
Diana: Oh no, and if the prize is awarded
Undoubtedly to your letter,
That's only because
That this look is so successful.
Although, as a woman, of course,
I'm thinking at random
And my imperfect mind
He cannot judge flawlessly.
But here's a bad expression:
"I am silent so that the lowness of the heights
Didn't offend." I'll read it
A little advice for you:
Love cannot offend
Whoever it is who dreams of happiness;
We are insulted by indifference
Teodoro: Love is a dangerous path.
Diana: Love is perseverance to the end;
Seeking the attention of a noble lady,
Be diligent and stubborn:
Women's hearts are not stones.
I take the letter with me;
I want to count him.
Teodoro: But there are no number of absurdities in it.
Diana: I don’t see any.
Teodoro: You are so kind! Oh, if only forever
In return, I could keep yours!
Diana: Well, well... At least it’s better, maybe
Tear it up.
Teodoro: Break?
Diana: Of course.
It's a small loss
Sometimes they lose more.


Teodoro: Gone. It seemed so proud!
I look, not believing my eyes.
So unexpected and bold
Confess your love like her!
But no, such a thought is ridiculous,
And that’s not the point here at all.
Although has it ever happened,
So that from these stern lips flows:
"There is little grief in such a loss,
Sometimes they lose more"?
"They're losing more..." My God,
It’s clear who: her friend.
No, stupidity, pathetic attempt,
And we are talking about herself.
And yet, no! She's smart
Ambitious, cautious;
Such strangeness is impossible;
She was born to someone else.
The first lords serve her
Naples, I'm no good
Into her slaves. No, I'm afraid
That talking is more dangerous here.
Having learned my love for Marcela,
She, playing and teasing,
Wanted to make fun of me...
But what are these fears, really?
Those who joke never
The cheeks don't turn so red.

Song of Teodoro

To the distant shores of my dreams.
Someone will say - stupid!
I will answer sparingly:
Dream, dream,
Dream with me too.

Let the ship rock on the waves!
I'm not afraid of hurricanes or storms!
Someone will say: of course!
I'll prove it one day
To all the winds, to all the winds,
In spite of all the winds, I will laugh!

I want to sail to distant shores
To the distant shores of my dreams.
Someone will say - stupid!
I will answer sparingly:
Dream, dream,
Dream with me too.


Marcela: Are you here alone?
Teodoro: And we are given
The minute of the meeting is safe.
But for you, my Marcela,
With death I would enter into battle.
Marcela: I, to see you,
I would give a hundred lives boldly.
Yesterday everything was going around here:
The Countess forgot her dream,
And the strictest measures were taken
Interrogation of maids and servants.
So our secret is over.
But everything turned out this way
It’s been very successful for us.
I confirmed to her myself,
That our wedding will be soon,
And she didn’t hide it, Teodoro,
That I'm crazy about you.
Along the way I extolled
Your character, style, and talents;
She, in a fit of compassion,
She was sincere and sweet,
I found my choice successful,
More successful than anyone else
And she immediately gave me her word,
What will get us married sooner:
Her story touched me so much
About the torments of a young heart.
Teodoro: The Countess promised you
Should we get married?
Marcela: I am related to her, and she favors me.
Teodoro (aside): And like me from the very beginning
I didn’t understand my failure!
It's so stupid to play dumb!
Take it and believe it in a fable!
Countess, she must love me!
So that this hawk decides to strike
Such a lowly bird!
Marcela: The Countess wanted to confirm,
What is not for loving hearts
Punishment is more appropriate than a crown.
Teodoro: And there is no better solution to the case.
Marcela: So do you agree?
Teodoro: Yes, Marcela
Marcela: What will you use to secure it?
Teodoro: With a ring of hugs:
They are autographs of sympathy
And strokes of the pen of love,
And a kiss with fire in the blood,
Bonds better than all seals.


Diana: You are improving, I see
Don't worry, I beg you.
Teodoro: I confessed to Marcela here,
How I left here yesterday
With such torment and fear...
Your Grace would not accept
For offensive prank
My true wish
Marry her maid--
That I was ready to die;
When, in response, she said,
What have you shown in this matter?
Such kindness and goodness,
I hugged her.
Diana: You showed, Teodoro,
Criminal ingratitude
Forgetting decency in this house.
And I never expected
So that in my generosity
You decided to draw the right
It's so daring to let yourself go.
When love crosses
In shamelessness, then nothing
Will not protect her from punishment.
Therefore, let Marcela
You are not married yet,
She'll be locked up alone.
I don't want maids
We could see you two together
And then they will all have a desire
Get married like her.
Hey Dorothea!


Dorothea: What will the Señora order?
Diana: With this key
You are in my bedchamber
Ban Marcela. Those days
She needs to do something. (Marseille.)
Don't think I'm angry.
Dorothea (quietly to Marcela): What is this, honey?
Marcela: Tyranny
And the ill-fated star.
Dorothea: The prison key is not scary for you:
Love jealous locks
It opens with magical power.

Marcela and Dorothea leave.


Diana: So you want to get married?
Teodoro: My first wish is...
Be pleasant to you, your grace.
Diana: But you love Marcela?
Is this true?
Teodoro: I'm great
I could live without Marcela.
Diana: And according to her, you are the mind
You are losing because of her.
Teodoro: It’s not a pity to lose him.
But just believe, your grace:
Although Marcela is worth the most
Refined and pure feelings,
I don't love her one bit.
Diana: Didn’t you hold her
Speeches that can fog
And not like her?
Teodoro: Words, senora, are worth little.
Diana: Tell me, what did you say?
How to confess tender passion
Men to women?
Teodoro: Like everyone else
Who adores and sighs,
Embellishing hundreds of lies
One dubious truth.
Diana: Yes; but in what terms?
Teodoro: Senora, your brutal onslaught
It confuses me. "These eyes,"
I said, the radiance flows,
In which is my one light;
And precious corals
And the pearls of these heavenly lips..."
Diana: Heavenly?
Teodoro: Yes, and no other way,
All this is the alphabet, senora,
For those who love and desire.
Diana: I see you have bad taste.
I must say that he is quite
It makes you look bad in my eyes.
Marseille has more disadvantages
What delights; they know better
To the one who watches closer
Moreover, she is also dirty,
Why does she often get caught...
But I don't want to
To defame her before you;
Otherwise I could do this
Tell me... So, let's leave it
Both advantages and disadvantages.
I wish you happiness with her
And I will be happy about your wedding.
But since you've already proven it,
Why are you such an expert in love,
Then help, for God's sake,
Advice to that friend of mine.
She is tormented and deprived of sleep
Love for the common man
Having decided to give in to this passion,
She will humiliate her honor;
And having conquered my dreams,
He will go crazy with jealousy.
Her lover doesn't know
That he is loved and timid with her,
Although he is smart, and very much so.
Teodoro: What kind of expert am I in love?
God knows I'm unsuitable
Diana: What is your advice, however?
Teodoro: I could only answer you,
What if the lady said,
Loving the common man
He is afraid to diminish his honor,
Then let her enjoy it,
Remaining, with the help of deception,
Diana: Dangerous advice:
What if he recognizes her?
Will you write me a letter?
Where would this be discussed?
Farewell. (Falls.)
Oops, I slipped up!
What are you watching? Serve
Rather give me your hand.
Teodoro: Respect
I was involuntarily held back.
Diana: What polite rudeness!
They don't offer their hands through the cloak.
Teodoro: So, accompanying you to mass,
Otavio gives it to you.
Diana: The hand, when it's honest,
He doesn’t hide his face in front of anyone.
Teodoro: I appreciate this honor highly.
Diana: If only you were a guide
Noble lady, you, of course,
In a raincoat they would offer a hand.
But you are my secretary for now.
And the secretary is obliged to keep
My fall is a secret
When he wants to rise himself.


Teodoro: What should I do? What a funny question!
Happiness gives me a sure guarantee.
Carrying a captivating torment in my soul,
I will go to victory without fear of threats.
However, how can Marcela change?
After all, women are our light in the kingdom of darkness,
And throwing them away like that is no worse sin.
But they cost half a coil of braid
And they themselves abandon us, in fact;
So let them suffer as we suffer.




Federico, Leonido, Madwoman.

Crazy woman: Hey-e-e-e-e!!!
Hey, courtiers, servants! Where are you?
Your queen has arrived!
Get ready for the meeting, I'm coming!
Wine and apples! Terrible heat...
My Duke, we will walk through the halls.
Let the dwarf wave his fan! Heyyyyy!!!
Federico: How amazing, isn't it?
That there is no sign of intelligence
In such a magnificent body.
Leonido: We often see how luxurious
Barren trees bloom.
Madwoman: Is it really possible that no one, senors,
Won't you give it to the poor madman?
Be merciful to the poor!
I want to eat even if I'm crazy... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Leonido: Calm down, you crazy one. And don't scare people.
And you better hide quickly.
Madwoman: Hunger is the source of the disease.
The possessed become enraged
They are irritated by fierce anger
Due to the fact that they are disturbed
Ghostly images of food. Ay-e-e-e-e!!!
Leonido: If you judge like that, then they are crazy
Hunger happens a lot.
You should get out of here quickly.
Or does your mind not understand me?
Madwoman: Hunger is the worst enemy of health.
It leads to mental disorders
The body becomes so weak
That the brains go numb. Give
At least smell the ham a little
Or freshly baked bread.
Federico: Go to the blue house at the end of the block
There, say that from Senor Federico,
And you will be fed until you yawn!
Crazy woman: Hey-e-e-e-e!!!
It's time for me to go hunting.
Why don't I see horses?
(Leonido) What a joke! Ah, the villain!
Senor! He bit my leg!
Give me a spear and the best horse! Wow!!!
(rushes at Leonido, he runs away)
Leonido: It's all her!
And madness speaks in her!
Save me, people! Knit her legs quickly!
Federico: Stop! All alarms
Leave it. Here's a coin for you
And you forgive him for that.
My Duke! How noble you are!
I'm very pleased with you!
Duennas, servants, all follow me!

Runs away.

Federico: Swelling of the meninges,
Flowing with intense heat,
With bouts of fever,
It often clouds the mind.
Well, mine was eclipsed by love.
I want to talk to her!
Since I want to get married,
I know she's related to me
Already arouses suspicion;
And before I didn’t know embarrassment
And I wasn't afraid of anything.
Whether he is a cousin, whether he is an acquaintance,
Until a man is in love,
He goes freely to the lady
And easily, and for receptions.
But once he falls in love,
He visits home less often
He even speaks with difficulty
He is timid, he is afraid of everything.
This is what happened to me,
Since I've been in Diana's network;
Because of my heart wound
I have been deprived of many blessings,
I don't dare see her
Just like in the old days.


Ricardo and Sello, remaining at a distance
from Federico and Leonido.

Seljo: I'm telling you that she
She went on foot, and the servants went with her.
Riccardo: It’s close to the church, and Diana,
Wanting to show off your beauty,
I honored the pavement stones.
Federico: Marquis Ricardo?
Leonido: That's him.
The Marquis, by God, is not bad.
Federico: Aren't you jealous yourself?
And you say this out of spite?
Leonido: Forget jealousy forever:
Diana will destroy everyone with her dispassion.
Federico: What if she loves him?
She's a woman.
Leonido: Oh yes. But so proud and so arrogant,
That she's just busy with herself.
Federico: Beauty is always arrogant.
Leonido: Ingratitude is not beautiful.
Selyo: She's coming.
Riccardo: The day is clear again,
And the night disappears in the heart.
Selyo: Will you come over?
Riccardo: I wouldn't mind
When my opponent agrees.


Diana, Otavio, Fabio, Juana
followed by Marcela, Dorothea and Anarda, in dominoes. The same.

Federico (to Diana): I hesitated here, hoping to see you.
Diana: I am very glad to meet you, Count.
Riccardo: And I, senora, with the same hope
I have come to greet and see you off.
Diana: Senor Marquis, I’m happy, believe me.
Thank you.
Riccardo: To be everywhere, wherever you are,
Love commands me.
Federico (to his servant): Alas,
It seems to me that I am an extra admirer.
Leonido: Be brave, sir! Don't be embarrassed!
Juana: Alas, but your master is right,
And the enemy triumphs.
Senor, don't flatter yourself too much.
Federico: The Countess preferred the Marquis!
But why? What's good about it?
Juana: Yes, just women's whims,
She doesn't care for him one bit.
What a penny! For half a penny!
After all, nowadays everything has a price!
Federico: Yes, everyone is looking for profit.
Is it possible to fix the matter?
Whenever you wanted,
There could be a change
In the whims of the windy countess?
Juana: But sir, it's too difficult!
But if you are so in love...
Perhaps you can try.
Diana believes in predictions
Fortune telling, in general, is nonsense.
Federico: Find a fortune teller. With understanding...
Juana: Senor, I’ll say it in my heart,
The people of fortune tellers are unreliable,
But I have in mind
There's a crazy one!
He can pretend to be a fortune teller!
Federico: I hope this helps me!


Hall in the countess's palace.

Teodoro: My dream, stop!
You're soaring recklessly
You and I are both reckless;
Although, whoever seeks a wonderful lot,
He tells you: strive!
Dream, don't give in to doubt
Serve with love and boldness
And may evil death threaten us,
We will boldly say as we die:
Because of me you died
And I am following my dream.


Tristan: When, amidst so much grandeur
There is a place for Marcela's letter
She left the limits
His prison and longs to meet,
Order some vinegar, maybe
Sprinkle this letter?
Teodoro: It's just like your face
The very sight of bile worries me.
"Marcela to her husband."
Spouse? Such a scope!
So silly!
Tristan: Stupid, yes, no words.
Teodoro: Do ​​you really think it's hunting?
My destiny, from its flight,
Looking at these moths?
Tristan: The answer is simple and great.
But what to do with the letter?
Teodoro: That's it!
Tristan: Did you break up?
Teodoro: Yes. So it's less work with him.
This way we will respond as quickly as possible.
Tristan: Still, you broke in vain.
However, you are too bold:
Tear up Marcela's letter,
Without knowing what was in it.
Teodoro: Dear friend, your words
It's like they're giving it away with a bottle.
Tristan: Or rather, from ardent youth
You feel dizzy.
Teodoro: Tristan, for everyone who breathes in the world,
The happy turn comes.
Only he who does not know happiness
Who will not hear the call of happiness?


Dorothea: None
Of those who serve here with you,
So unsympathetic, Marcela
To your misfortunes like me.
Marcela: In my prison your love
She warmed me with such warmth,
And I'm for all your services
I owe you such a debt,
I can only say one thing:
You won't find a better friend.
Anarda probably thinks
That I don't know how she is
Fabio is in love with beauty.
That's why she's so bad
She led herself with me.
Dorothea: Look who's here.
Marcela: My dear!
Teodoro: Don't come, Marcela, stop.
Marcela: My dear, how? I've been waiting so long
I wanted this meeting so much!
Teodoro: Do ​​not exceed the strictest measures.
In the palaces and the most trellises
Sometimes they are speechless.
Marcela: Have you read my letter?
Teodoro: I tore it without reading it;
And with him - the reason is simple -
And the feeling itself is torn.
Marcela: Are these scraps?
And you broke my love?
Teodoro: Isn't it better than again and again?
Wait for disaster to strike
And will destroy you and me?
And if you are of the same opinion,
Let's leave these explanations
And we will accept this as fate.
Marcela: You're saying...
Teodoro: What do I intend?
Do not cause anything from now on
Displeasure to the Countess.
Marcela: That you are unfaithful to my love,
It's been a long time since I read
In your eyes.
Teodoro: Goodbye, Marcela.
Love has flown away today
But we're still friends.
Marcela: Wait a minute!
Teodoro: Leave me alone.
Marcela: Tell me, are you joking?
Teodoro: There’s just no strength!


Marcela, Dorothea, Tristan.

Marcela: Tristan, Tristan!
Tell him...
Tristan: Tell me yourself.


Marcela: Well, what do you say?
Dorothea: What can I say?
Marcela: And that's your answer?
And I'll tell you.
Dorothea: But I don’t.
Marcela: Yes I do.
Dorothea: Careless
So forgetting...
Marcela: Oh no, love, in jealous malice,
Doesn't know what fear is.
Don't be so arrogant, Countess
I could guess
What Teodoro maybe
Lives with hidden hope;
He has something in her honor.
Dorothea: Be quiet; you say out of frustration.
Marcela: Let him expect no mercy now!
I know how to behave
Not so stupid. I will take revenge.


Fabio: Is the secretary here? Big rush.
Marcela: What is this? New taunt?
Fabio: By God, I'm looking for him.
The Countess was tired of waiting.
Marcela: Well, it can wait for once.
(Pointing to Dorothea.)
Ask her how I am now
She spoke about Teodoro.
How is he, such a parasite
There is no second one - look where you want.
Fabio: Are you fooling me?
You conspired to pretend
I know, it's a distraction.
But it’s all in vain.
Marcela: Us? Have you agreed? What you!
Fabio: I see; you have a conspiracy.
Marcela: I'm Teodoro on behalf of me
She didn’t drive me away, yes, of course;
But another lived in the heart, lived forever,
Similar to you in everything.
Fabio: Like me?
Marcela: Because you
Do you look like yourself?
Fabio: Similar.
Marcela: When my confessions are lies
And my dreams are not with you,
When you are not my treasured treasure,
When I'm not yours, my friend,
May I die amidst terrible torment,
In the torment of unrequited passion.
Fabio: Everything here is a deception, you lied.
However, if you die,
You will only return my soul,
Which I stole a long time ago.
Why all this rattling nonsense?
I don’t understand, for the life of me.
Dorothea: Dear Fabio, don’t be shy,
Take advantage of this rare opportunity.
You Marcela involuntarily
Today he loves.
Fabio: Valuable to us
Love when it is free.
Dorothea: Our Teodoro is the wind in the field;
There was no trace of him long ago.
Fabio: I'm going to look for him. Well!
He made a mistake - I became good.
Love, therefore, is a package:
Inscribed to the secretary,
If you don’t have it, give it to someone else.
But I'm not proud, I'm simple
And I don’t look at the offense.
In good and in evil, I am yours to the grave;
Let it be so decided.


Dorothea: What is this?
Marcela: I don't care:
There is such anger boiling inside me.
Tell me: does Anarda love Fabio?
Dorothea: Yes, he does.
Marcela: Good afternoon:
I'll pay back two at once.
Love, like God, takes revenge and destroys.


Diana (Anarda): It was necessary, I repeat.
Let's leave this conversation.
Anarda: Senora, for some time now
I don't understand you at all.
Oh, look: Marcela is here,
And Dorothea along with her.
Diana: During these five or six days she
I'm sick of death.
Marcela, get out.
Marcela: Let's go.
(Quietly to Dorothea.)
Do you see what kind of wind is blowing:
She's not jealous of me
He doesn't suspect anything.

Marcela and Dorothea leave.


Anarda: Allow me two words.
Diana: Yes.
Anarda: Those two lords who are now
They left here, they love you,
And you are cruel, as always.
What kind of groom do you need?
Marquis Ricardo, for example,
What is not an excellent gentleman,
And why is he worse than the others?
Whose name is magnificent and great?
And the noblest of ladies
It wouldn't be a shame
Follow Count Federico.
And you drive them away again,
And everyone is bitterly inconsolable.
Diana: One is a fool, the other is crazy,
And you are a match for both of them.
That's why I don't like them
What I love and why
I love what is to my heart
There is no hope.
Anarda: How? I am not sleeping? You love?
Diana: Aren't I a woman?
Anarda: More like ice,
Such that the ray of the sun will freeze,
Barely touching its edges.
Diana: And so, all these blocks of ice,
In the sparkle of cold and light,
At the feet of the rootless.
Anarda: Who is this?
Diana: Anarda, I'm still proud
And I know my duty to myself;
Who he is, I will hide from you;
I’ll just say that, loving him,
I stain my greatness.
Anarda:. Love for a man
You will never be defamed.
Diana: Who loves, can, if he wants,
To hate. And from now on
I will destroy my love.
Anarda: Will there be force?
Diana: There will be strength.
As long as I wanted, I loved,
But if I want to, I’ll stop loving you.

Juana runs in

Juana: I brought her, senora!
Diana: Who is it?
Juana: Fortune teller.
Diana: Soon.
Well, shall we get started?
Crazy woman: Ay, no-no-no-no...
Diana: Tell me, are you a gypsy?
Juana: She is whatever you want!
About women and paintings
One should not judge hastily.
You have to look at the picture,
To give her a proper assessment,
And women often show
Diana: I know, exactly right.
Juana: A beautiful image without a soul.
Madwoman: But Diana is inseparable
This and that. I will begin?
Ay, no-no-no-no-no...
Juana: I'm waiting. We are here. Well, what do you see?
Madwoman: I see... a garden. And it grows in it
No no no…
Juana: We're here. So what's growing there?
What? Juicy eggplant? Dill?
Quince, carrots? What? Horseradish root?
Madwoman: I see... a garden. There is… hay in the garden!
Lying on that hay... no-no-no-no-no...
Juana: We're here.
What's lying on the hay? Or who?
Cow? Bull? Pig? Log?
Crow? Rat? Partridge?
Madwoman: There's a dog lying in the hay!
She doesn’t eat on her own or anyone else.
He won't let me get closer to the hay.
There are gentlemen around the dog,
She just bares her teeth at them,
And the fur stands up, and the tail twists!
Although he wants to be with them, no-no-no...
Juana: Those times...
Diana: But how to decide
Which one should I deal with?
Juana: There is a noble gentleman among them! We are here!
Madwoman: Yes, there is one, but he is not famous
Until... The hour struck...
Diana: Hasn't the hour struck?
Juana: Well, those are the times!
Take a closer look, you cheat!
His name starts with the letter “fe”!
Madwoman: I don’t see any letters here.
Juana: Who is cleverly fooling whom here?
Give me the cards, you little devil
I'll figure it all out myself.
Madwoman: Your fortune telling is a lie!
Dog playing a lying game
He will only deceive himself. For dinner
She will still need him:
Boiled, fried, raw!
It's time for me to go hunting
I can already see the horses!
Greyhounds, cops! A lot of something...
Hey, my falcons! Live!

Runs away.

Juana: I'll lay out the cards myself.
Well, now everything is clear to me!
The dog... that is, you are in the manger,
And next to him is a gentleman who speaks “fe”!
Diana: On "fe"? So this is Federico.
(to Juana) How much did he pay you?
Juana: Why resist fate!
When the Count loves you so much!
Diana: Don’t forget the marquise, again...
Juana: Is there anyone else?..
How can I remember myself at your age!
Diana: But I'm not you!
Juana: Why are you worse?
Blood with milk! Just without my husband!
Live! Rejoice! Love it!
Diana: What are you saying?!
Juana: Love everyone! Since everyone loves you!
Diana: Your words will destroy me.
Juana: You will destroy yourself,
I swear to you this by heaven!
Diana: You tame the bodily fire!
Forgive me, heavenly father!

Couplet of Juana and Diana

I already knew how to live!
Where are you, sultry youth?
My hand is white!
My leg is slender!

Diana: But how did you allow yourself?
And just its beauty
At fifteen years old I knew the price -
And I didn’t sleep at night...
Yes, I didn’t sleep at night!

Diana: So what? Have you fallen in love yourself?
What did God give me my heart for?
I was waiting for my dear one soon,
And he didn’t wait long...
Yes, he didn't wait long!

Diana: Should we live the way you lived?
Eh! Kids! Our destiny as women!..
If the grandmothers were naughty -
That's what God told you to do.
That's what God told you to do!


Teodoro: Senora, Fabio told me
What did you seem to call me?
Diana: I've been waiting for you for several hours.
Teodoro: I hastened to appear at once;
Sorry if I'm at fault.
Diana: My hand is not a secret for you -
Two are looking very diligently.
Without consulting you,
I don't know how to decide. Tell:
So who should I marry?
Teodoro: How can I, senora,
Give advice where it matters
Is it just your personal taste?
And I like that owner,
Whichever one you give.
Diana: I honored you with a flattering title
Advisor in such an important matter,
But you didn't justify him.
I would like you to
They chose a master for themselves.
In your opinion, the Marquis is nicer,
What is my cousin?
Teodoro: More pleasant, yes.
Diana: I’ll choose him. Go
Congratulate him from me.

Diana and Anarda leave.


Teodoro: Who knew such a misfortune!
Who saw the eccentric decision!
Who has experienced vicissitude more deeply!
It has long been known - between unequal
Love doesn't get along.
But can you be surprised
Why did this look entangle me?
I have no right to blame anyone:
I'm the only one to blame. And than--
What do I end up losing?
I'll tell myself that I have
Had a severe attack of fever
And that while she was dragging on,
I was delirious about something very strange.
Set your sail to familiar shores;
Love, as of old, your Marcela;
You've had enough of Marcela.
Let the countesses look for the marquises;
Love prefers equals.


Fabio: Have you seen the Countess?
Teodoro: I saw, dear,
And I am happy that I learned from her.
She was fed up with the sad lot of a widow,
And a wedding ball awaits us.
They both love beyond all strength;
But the countess's sober mind calculated
And he preferred the marquis.
Fabio: And great.
Teodoro: I was told to congratulate him personally.
But I want you, my old friend,
I could make money. Leave quickly;
Believe me, the Marquis is not stingy.
Fabio: Such services
Don't forget, I'm telling the truth.
I fly with an arrow and turn around.
God have mercy, how wonderful everything turned out!
The marquis has something to brag about: it’s not a trifle -
Induce the Countess to remarry.


Tristan: I'm looking for you in great excitement.
Is it really true what I heard?
Teodoro: Alas, Tristan, holy truth,
Talk about how wrong I was!
Tristan: So you found a lucky one?
Teodoro: Marquis Ricardo.
Tristan: That's right,
If you weren't in such a deplorable state,
Don't be a sin to make me sad
Already sad,
I would remind you now
How you soared proudly
And they imagined that you were a count.
Teodoro: I took off, and now I’m lying broken.
Tristan: How ashamed and humble
You are returning to Marcela!
Teodoro: She and I will quickly become friends.


Marcela (to herself): How difficult it is to pretend to be in love!
How difficult it is to forget past love!
The more diligently I scourge the thought of her,
The more vivid she is in my memory.
But honor dictates that I must forget,
And the sick soul needs to be healed:
With someone else's love I will heal your heart,
And passion will be healed by passion.
Teodoro: Marcela...
Marcela: Who's there?
Teodoro: It's me. So have you completely forgotten me?
Marcela: Not at all. How dare your tongue still
Touch Marcela's name?
Teodoro: I just wanted to test it
Your love. But the experience is bold
He was, as I see, too bold.
Marcela: Well, how are you? Are you far away
From this height above the stars?
Are your dreams coming true?
But what happened? What happened to you?
Are you sad about your fate?
The wayward wind has changed,
And you come to equal again?
Or are you kidding me?
Teodoro: You win. I'm back
To my Marcela. I'm with her again.
I woke up from crazy dreams.
And if you have love,
Forgive the one who was deceived.
Marcela: Dare, fight, start over,
Don't lose heart so that she
I didn't call you a coward.
Take your luck. I'm modest
I already caught mine.
Goodbye. It's time to rest.
You're a boring conversationalist.
And Fabio can look in,
But he and I are almost married.
Teodoro: Tristan, hold it, cut off her path.
Tristan: Senora, stop! Everyone knows:
Returning love does not mean
That there was a break in it.
Souls desperate call
He atones for all crimes.
Marcela, do you know what's the matter?
Marcela: Leave me alone!
Tristan: Just wait!


Diana, Anarda.
Teodoro, Marcela and Tristan are not seeing them.

Diana (aside): Again I see them together!
Anarda (quietly to Diana): It seems to me that you are angry,
That we find them together.
Diana: Anarda, we should become
Here and look a little (To the side.)
I'm jealous and love again! (Diana and Anarda are hiding)
Marcela: Get off it, for God's sake!
Anarda (quietly to Diana): Tristan is reconciling them, apparently.
They must have had a quarrel.
Diana: Wow, this pimp! After all, he lives
The world is such rubbish!
Teodoro: As soon as
Marcela in front of the whole world
He swears that he loves passionately
Another, so what does it have to do with me?
Tristan: And this one is sulking!
Teodoro: Great,
Let him take him as her husband.
Tristan: These are the people! This is terrible!
Well, stop being mean.
Give me your hand here
And make peace with your sweetheart.
Teodoro: I heard Marcela from me,
That I love someone? And to me she...
Tristan: I wanted to lie
To tighten the noose tighter.
Marcela: No, it's true: it is.
Tristan: Shut up, fool. Your Honor,
What madness! It hurts to see!
Teodoro: I begged. Enough now
I will show you what revenge means.
Marcela: Let the thunder crumble me into dust...
Even though I'm still angry
But I'm unsteady on my feet.
Tristan: Hang in there!
Diana (aside): This bandit has
However, genuine scope.
Marcela: Tristan, I don’t have time, let me go.
Teodoro: Let her go.
Tristan: Well, let him go.
Teodoro: No, hold it.
Marcela: I have no strength to leave,
My dear! I can't leave, my love.
Teodoro:Oh, I want to hug you!
Burn in irresistible love!
Anarda (quietly to Diana): Do you like it?
Marcela: Oh, if someone replaces
You are in my soul, my dear,
Then let me die from your insults.
Teodoro: From now on with renewed vigor
My love for you is burning.
And if I offend you,
Let me see you in Fabio's arms
My beloved wife!
Marcela: Do you want to wash away your guilt?
Teodoro: I move mountains for you.
Marcela: Say: all women in the world are freaks.
Teodoro: Before you, oh yes!
Who would find it difficult to answer?
Marcela: Although we are friends, and forever,
I'm still a little secret
I'm still jealous. I feel awkward,
What's Tristan here?
Tristan: Go ahead, you cheat!
At least about me. Why behind the eyes?
Marcela: Say: the Countess is ugly.
Teodoro: The Countess is a real devil.
Marcela: And stupid?
Teodoro: Stupid as a goose.
Diana (quietly to Anarda): I'll interrupt them; otherwise, I'm afraid
Their conversation will go far.
I can't, I'll show myself!
Anarda: Oh, no, senora, it’s inconvenient!
Tristan: Who wants to know everything in detail?
Regarding the Countess, by article,
He must contact us.
Diana (aside): I’m not able to listen to this.
Tristan: First of all...
Diana: I won't wait
What's second. To everything in the world
There is a border.
Marcela: I'm leaving.
Marcela curtsies to the Countess and leaves.
Teodoro: Countess!
Diana: I'm always looking for you...
Teodoro: Senora, believe...
Tristan (aside): Now the thunder from heaven will begin.
It is wiser to avoid lightning. (Leaves.)


Diana: Let's get down to business.
Take the pen, Teodoro.
Teodoro (to the side): Will kill or drive away from the place.
Diana: Write.
Teodoro: I'm ready.
Diana: Wait,
You feel uncomfortable on your knees.
Teodoro: I feel good (aside)
I entrust my spirit to the power of the godmother!
Diana: “When a noble woman has revealed her feelings to a rootless man, then it is the height of indecency to continue to court another. And whoever does not value his own happiness, let him remain a fool.”
Teodoro: What next?
Diana: What else?
Fold and seal it.
Teodoro: I sealed it, Your Grace.
I just don't know the address.
Diana: The letter is assigned to you (leaves).


Teodora: I don't understand anything!
Well, who loves so much, once a week,
Like a doctor bleeding?
What strange delays
Gives her love pulse!
Marcela enters.
Marcela: Oh my dear, finally!
Well, what did she tell you?
How my heart was beating!
Teodoro: She said that she wants to give
For you, Fabio. Yes, Marcela.
Here is a letter from the estate
Sent money as soon as possible
Your dowry, my friend.
Marcela: What is this?
Teodoro: Now,
When did you become a bride
Don't even talk to me jokingly.
Marcela: Listen.
Teodoro: This is not the time to complain


Marcela: Ungrateful Teodoro!
It barely blows on you
I am forgotten by its greatness.
She will leave - you are gentle with me;
She is gentle - and you leave.
Well, whose patience can stand it here?


Ricardo, Fabio, Marcela.

Riccardo: A moment of delay would be hard for me,
And I hasten to kiss her hands.
Fabio (to Marcela): Go tell the lady you've come
Señor Marquis.
Marcela (aside): Oh jealousy, what a torment
You're cooking for me! There is no worse evil
Than the death of happiness and the melancholy of separation.
Fabio: What are you doing?
Marcela: I'm coming.
Fabio: I came and tell you...
Her husband, our new owner. (Marcela leaves.)


Ricardo, Fabio.

Riccardo: Come to me, brother, early tomorrow morning;
You will get an excellent horse
And a thousand escudos of pure cash.
Fabio: I am yours forever, from today.
Riccardo: And this is just the first step. Diana
Commands you, but for me
You're the best friend.
Fabio: I kiss your feet.
Riccardo: I am your debtor and I am summing up.


Diana. The same.

Diana: Are you here, Marquis?
Riccardo: Where should I be if not here?
When your Fabio, your faithful messenger,
Brought me news that they are waiting for the exiled one,
That he is now your husband and tributary?
I am here at your feet. Such minutes
It is impossible to demolish, and if your chosen one
It will go crazy, I will be very surprised,
That he just went crazy with happiness
With what fire my soul is warmed!
Everything I dreamed about has come true!
Diana: I don’t even know the words to answer.
I don't understand. Nobody called you.
Ricciardo: What does this mean, Fabio?
Fabio: How is that?
The secretary sent me with the news.
I wouldn't start such a thing.
Diana: Here Teodoro is entirely to blame.
He heard my recent speech,
That I put you above Federico
And I recognize your primacy,
And he decided, even though it was very wild,
That I’m already giving up my hand.
Sorry stupid people.
Ricciardo: Don't be so big
And holy is the place where you reign,
That wouldn't have blown Fabio's head off.
I kiss your feet, still believing
That my passion will melt this cold.
Diana: What does this look like, I ask?
Fabio: It's not my fault, Your Grace.
Diana: Where is Teodoro? Let him come.
Fabio (aside): I won’t get the horse and the money soon.


Diana: Love, what do you want from me?
After all, I was completely ready to forget!
Why does your shadow come again?
Execute my soul with cruel pain?
Oh jealousy, it's you teasing my ears,
You whisper advice, make each other angry!


Teodoro, Fabio, Diana.

Fabio (quietly to Teodoro): The Marquis wanted to kill me.
What is there! It's not bitter
I feel sorry for the thousands of escudos.
Teodoro: I'll give you good advice.
Fabio: What advice?
Teodoro: Count Federico
He doesn’t remember himself from anxiety,
That they can marry a marquis.
Show up with the news that the engagement
Upset; it will give you instantly
He will send out a thousand ducats.
Fabio: I'll rush like lightning.
Teodoro: Run.

Fabio leaves.


Teodoro: Did you call me?
Diana: I'm happy
That fool is gone.
Teodoro: I've been reading for an hour, senora,
A letter written by you
And, looking deep into myself,
Found that only awe
It's because I'm so timid.
But I'm guilty of it, of course
That, like a fool, I gazed silently
To the signs of your attention.
Yes, I should have confessed a long time ago,
That I love you, - oh, believe me, -
Reverent love.
Diana: Well, I believe you, Teodoro.
It would be strange for you not to love
His mistress, from whom
You have seen so much good
Who values ​​you more
Than all the other house servants.
Teodoro: I don't understand you at all.
Diana: You need to understand me,
So that you don't dare even one iota
Cross your boundaries.
Calm down your feelings, Teodoro.
From such a noble lady,
Especially when you are so modest
Your own merits,
The slightest mercy is enough
To fill your life
Until the grave with happiness and honor.
Teodoro: Alas, I have to say,
What is more in your reasoning?
There are bright intervals,
Than in your mind, senora
Sorry if I'm being impolite.
I'll cool down a little,
You light up with straw,
And just when I light up again,
You become ice cold.
Well, give me Marcela!
But no: you, as the saying goes,
A dog lying on the hay.
Then you are jealous, you are hurt,
So that I marry Marcela;
And I’ll just throw it for you,
You're torturing me again
And you wake up from your dreams.
Either give me something to eat, or eat it yourself.
Diana: No, Teodoro. Know for sure:
There can be no more Marcela
Cast your gaze anywhere
But not here. Marcela
It won't come back to you.
Teodoro: Won't come back?
Or your grace wishes
Stop with your will
Marcela's love and mine?
Or should I, for your sake,
To be captivated by what disgusts me
And subordinate my taste to someone else's?
No, I adore Marcela
She is me and there is no shame
In such love.
Diana: Fraudster, rubbish!
I should kill this one!
Teodoro: But what are you doing? What do you?
Diana: I'm a scoundrel and a scoundrel
I give slaps.


Federico, Fabio. The same.

Fabio (quietly to Federico): Wait.
Federico: Yes, Fabio, let's wait a little.
At least it might be better to go in.
Senora, what is this?
Diana: So, nothing; bad servants
Found in every home.
Federico: Tell me, maybe you
Diana: Whatever
Let me tell you something.
Federico: Would you rather, perhaps?
Would you prefer another time?
Diana: Why? Let's not wait for another.
Don't be embarrassed by trifles.

Federico's song:

I have been burning with love for you for a long time!
I read two thousand books
The wisdom of the ancients has been comprehended.
And I want every moment
I wish to meet old age with you!
I want every moment!

You are the flower of my life, Diana!
My heart calls only to you!
I don't eat or sleep
Because I love!
And there is a burning wound in my soul!
Because I love!

The sun will shine on us at dawn!
And the nightingale will sing for us
This song is mine!
Agree, please!
Answer me with love quickly!
Agree, please!

Diana leaves.


Federico (quietly to Teodoro): I would say that this rage
It conceals something completely different.

Federico leaves.


Teodoro: Well then, kill! Submitting to the lesson,
I would like at least the tip of a nail
Kiss the punishing fate.
But if you, lovely hand,
You hit just to touch the cheek, -
Your love is sweet to you alone.


Tristan: I always strive to come,
When the heat of events is over.
Tristan: Senor! Oh my God!
There's blood on your handkerchief!
Teodoro: Love
Always injects with blood
The science of jealousy.
Tristan: Science,
I'll tell you, it's not fun.
Teodoro: There is nothing to marvel at. Countess
Mad from love's melancholy,
And so how to quench it
She considers it unworthy...
She broke my face
She broke the mirror in which
Her lover's pride
Reflected in all the ugliness.
Tristan: When Lucia il Juana
They will quarrel with me out of jealousy
Or, say, they'll tear out a clump of hair,
Or they will scratch my face,
Blaming some kind of deception, -
I understand; What do you ask them:
But respect for a noble lady
Forget about yourself so much,
To fight - sorry, no.


Diana: Are you here?
Teodoro: Senora...
Tristan (to the side): Well, he’s wandering around,
Like a ghost!
Diana: I just
Find out what condition you are in.
Teodoro: You see for yourself.
Diana: Are you feeling bad?
Teodoro: I'm good.
Diana: You didn't say:
"At your service."
Teodoro: Hardly for long
May I be at your service,
When they treat me so cruelly.
Diana: You don’t know much.
Teodoro: So little
The meaning of speeches is also dark to me;
I don't understand your words
But I understand the sound of slaps.
When I love you you get angry
If I don’t love you, you get angry too;
Do you want me to understand you?
And I was stupid when I understood you.
Kill or let live!
I can't suffer like this anymore.
Diana: Did I make you bleed?
Teodoro: Of course!
Diana: Where is your scarf?
Teodoro: Here, senora.
Diana: Give it back.
Teodoro: For what?
Diana: I need it.
He will be mine, with this blood.
Go from me to Otavio.
She ordered you immediately
Give two thousand escudos.
Teodoro: Why?
Diana: Sew more scarves.


Tristan: I won't remember such miracles.
Gives two thousand escudos!
For this money you can safely
Suffer at least six more slaps.
Teodoro: Orders to sew more scarves -
And mine carries away, covered in blood.
Tristan: She pays you the price of blood,
At least the newlywed is a nostril here.
Teodoro: The dog bit painfully,
But now he’s flattering.




Federico, Ricardo; Selyo is at a distance from them.

Riccardo: And you were there?
Federico: Yes.
Riccardo: Whipped her with her own hand?
Federico: So that this is a pushover,
Never with a master's anger.
When someone like her -
After all, you need to know my cousin, -
Not remembering himself, he hits a man,
The picture, I think, is clear.
Federico: We haven’t started talking about it yet
Shout in Naples and honor
Her family was spared
Even if the accusation is absurd,
He must die.
Riccardo: Without a doubt.
At least she knew too.
Federico: How to do this?
Riccardo: How? Known!
Many people live this way here,
Without falsehood: they take it in gold
And they return it honestly in blood.
Tell such a fine fellow to -
He will finish it off for you quickly.
Federico: Oh, how impatiently I wait!
Riccardo: Today it will be impudent
A worthy reward for everything.
Federico (noticing Tristan and three others)
Look! It seems just right!
Ricciardo: I'm sure.
Federico: Heaven hears you
And he sends what is needed.


Tristan, in a new dress;

Furio, Antonello. Lirano. The same.
Furio: Today you pay. We need to spray
Your magnificent renewal.
Antonelo: What kind of conversations are possible here?
Tristan: I say it with all my heart, gentlemen.
All this,
I'll tell you, it's a trifle and a trinket
Compared to what's ahead.
Furio: I feel that in this establishment
There is an excellent malvasia... (sees the count and marquise)
Thunder from heaven!
After all, these are the countess’s admirers!
There's something smelling in here. So be it, I’ll pretend.
Tristan: Let's try Greek. Have a drink...
So you’ll go scratching in Greek!
Ricardo (Federico) This one, black with stunted skin color
It seems to me that they have a leader.
How respectful everyone else is to him!
Listen, Selyo...
Selyo: Your Grace...
Riccardo: Click
The pale one over there.

Cello (to Tristan): Hey, caballero
Senor Marquis wants to tell you something.
Tristan (to his friends)
Comrades, a nobleman is calling me.
I need to find out what he wants.
(they start a fight, Tristan remains the winner)
Tristan (to his friends): What would your honor please?
Ricciardo: You look so undaunted
And the courageous gaze that the count and I
We would like to know if you are capable
Stab a person.
Federico: Why are you silent?
Tristan: I thought
Is your honor perhaps joking?
Over our craft.
Federico: Marquis, this is exactly what we need.
No, we're not joking, I give you my word.
And if it’s not just your name that’s menacing
And you agree to remove someone,
That would be a good way to make money.
Tristan: Two hundred escudos is enough for me,
Even if it were the devil himself.
Riccardo: I'll give you three hundred.
But today. The time limit is very short.
Tristan: I need the victim's name and a deposit.
Riccardo: Do ​​you know the Countess de Belleflore?
Tristan: Yes, I'm friends with some people in this house.
Riccardo: Can you kill her servant?
Tristan: Ready to kill all the servants and all the maids
And even the horses of her carriage.
Riccardo: So: you will destroy Teodoro.
Tristan: We need to approach this a little differently.
I was told that at night
He no longer goes out, fearing
Apparently, revenge on your part.
I am called to serve as his guard
Let me agree, and then
Somehow I'll poke the poor guy,
And I myself will remain above suspicion
Am I speaking correctly?
Federico: Not likely
There is a man in Naples
Which would rather end him.
Hire yourself with Teodoro, and then,
Having pinned him, you will hide with us.
Tristan: I'll ask for one hundred escudos today.
Riccardo: There are fifty ducats here; and as soon as
I'll meet you at Diana's house,
I will give you a hundred and even many hundreds.

I need, I need a wife -
For better or for worse
If only she were a woman,
A woman without a husband.

Chorus: Fat, thin -
It does not matter.
Let her not be young
It's dark at night.

If, if young woman -
I'll be happy with her.
If, if the old woman,
I'll be a widow sooner.

Chorus: Fat, thin -
It does not matter.
Let her not be young
It's dark at night.

If he likes a glass,
Let there not be a drunkard.
And there won’t be a glass -
I'll have more left!

Tristan: Now, your graces, farewell.
Burdock, Wallbreaker are waiting for me there,
Iron Hand and Thistlemouth.
I don't want to give them any reason to gossip.
Ricciardo: You're right. Goodbye.
Federico: What luck!
Riccardo: Now consider Teodoro dead.
Federico: And he is handsome, this scoundrel!
Ricardo, Federico and Cello leave.
Tristan: I'll warn the owner. Goodbye,
Buddies and Greek wines!
I'll go home; the end there is considerable.
No way, is he the one? I didn’t think I’d meet you!


Tristan: Senor, where are you going?
Teodoro: I find it difficult to answer.
The heart wound does not heal,
And I go, not knowing where.
How Diana was with me yesterday!
Today the passion has disappeared without a trace,
And as if we barely know each other,
To the joy of the triumphant Marcela.
Tristan: Let's go home. They can't
We were seen together. They'll realize it, the devils.
Teodoro: Who? What? I don't understand.
Tristan: Your days
They want to stop and want your death.
The deposit has already been paid in advance,
And after your death they pay again.
I told them that I was invited secretly
to protect you; that this is wonderful
Then it will be easier for me to kill you.
In fact, here's the security for you.
Teodoro: Tristan, I give my life with delight
How sweet this wound would be to me!
Tristan: What are you talking about? Are you crazy?
Teodoro: I am my death
Greetings. Believe me that Diana
She would have married me a long time ago
If not for honor, not for title, not for relatives.
Honor is terrible for her. Hence all the sorrows
Tristan: What if I had hearts
Connected, what would you say?
Teodoro: That you are more cunning than Ulysses the cunning.
Tristan: When would I be from an unknown distance
He brought a noble father to your house,
So that you and the Countess become equal in honor,
Would you smile at this lime?
Teodoro: There is no doubt about it.
Tristan: Count Ludovico,
Already a gray-haired old man, about twenty years old,
Sent his son, Teodoro, to Malta,
Nephew of the Grand Master.
But the young man fell into captivity among the Moors,
And since then no one has heard of him.
So this is who your father is, this is whose son you are,
And I undertake to arrange all this for you.
Teodoro: Tristan, think about it; it might cost
We both have both head and honor.

Hall in the countess's palace.


Tristan: Here we are at home. Be healthy;
You will see how we serve you faithfully,
When you become her husband tomorrow.


Teodoro: No, he's wrong. I'm at odds with myself,
But I chose a saving outcome:
I know for sure that love will pass,
When two hearts are separated by the sea.


Diana: How's that? Are you feeling better, Teodoro?
Are you less burdened by sadness?
Teodoro: They gave me so much happiness,
That I won't throw them away soon.
I am tormented by such tender torment,
I am stung by such a sweet sting,
That I would be bitterly saddened
My recovery.
Blessed a hundredfold is the disease,
Which caresses so much with pain,
What, who dies from pain,
He only craves more torment.
And I have only one sadness:
That I will have this torment
Doomed to eternal separation
With the one who nurtured her.
Diana: Do you need separation? Why?
Teodoro: They want to kill me.
Diana: You're right
Teodoro: The Torments of Sorrowful Poison
They inspire envy in some people.
Will you give me permission
Sail to Spain, senora?
Diana: Prudent, no doubt,
And a noble decision.
What was the sorrowful poison,
Will be forgotten in a foreign land,
And I will shed at least a lot of tears,
But I will console myself with good fame.
Since I killed you
Count Federico unfeignedly
He's jealous of me, and there's no doubt
Breaking up is the best thing for us.
Yes, we need to go. On your way
They will give you six thousand gold.
Teodoro: I'm leaving to quiet down
Hostile noise. I kiss your feet.
Diana: It's time. Goodbye Teodoro.
I'll try to forget.
Teodoro (aside): Diana is crying. What do i do?
Diana: When will you leave? Soon?
Teodoro: Now.
Diana: Wait... No, go away...
Teodoro: I'm here, I'm waiting.
Diana: No, no, go.
Teodoro: I'm coming.
Diana (aside): Torment of passion, you will execute
Crueler than any revenge! (To Teodoro.)
You didn't leave.
Teodoro: Gone now. (Leaves.)
Diana: Oh, how hard this moment is for me!
Damn you, human honor!
An absurd fiction that destroys
What is dearest to hearts!
Who invented you? But still
You are at the threatening abyss
You save by taking you away from the edge.
Teodoro returns.
Teodoro: Excuse me, I came to ask:
What, should I sail today?
Diana: Ah, Teodoro, I don't know.
But just believe me now
Seeing you is the worst of evils.
Teodoro: I came for myself;
After all, I stayed next to you,
And I have to go soon
I beg you, give it up
To myself.
Diana: So know this:
I won't give you up, Teodoro.
I'll leave you to myself.
Leave. Bleeding
Honor fights my love
And you are interfering with the fight.
Leave. I won't give you up
And don’t ask, you won’t get it.
You are staying here with me.
And I, I will be there with you.
Teodoro: I wish your honor happiness. (Leaves.)


Diana: Damn her!
Because of her I am deprived
Someone with whom I would be happy to live together.
So, orphaned, that means
My eyes are covered in darkness!
And yet a tear begs:

Eyes, this is your payback
For shedding light
On an object unworthy of you.
But this is not my fault.
Do not Cry. Pride hides tears
They give comfort to the eyes.
And yet a tear begs:
Those who have seen little, cry a lot.


Hall in the palace of Count Ludovico.

Camilo: You have no other remedy
To continue the breed.
Ludovico: Camilo, years gone by
It’s harsher towards me every hour.
At least the goal justified
Marriage in gray old age,
But the mind wants to be the judge
And consider the matter first.
After all, it could be worse -
I can’t wait for posterity,
And I will stay with my wife.
But a wife with an old husband -
Like ivy hanging on its branches:
When the spreading maple
It will envelop both the trunk and the crown,
He is young and fresh, but the maple has withered.
And all such reasoning
Disturbing in my memory
The sadness of days gone by
And my torment stirs.
I spent so many years in tears,
All waiting for Teodoro!
The twentieth year will come soon.


Camillo: There I came to your grace
Some Greek merchant.
Ludovico: Ask here.
The page leaves and they enter
Tristan, Furyo and Juana in Greek robes.
Tristan: Without any flattery
I kiss your honor's hands.
May the creator satisfy it
In her dearest hope.
Ludovico: I'm glad to see you, gentlemen.
How long ago have you arrived here?
First? Have you been before?
Tristan: I'm from Istanbul with a ship
I went to Cyprus, and then
To Venice, where he brought
A rich cargo of Persian fabrics.
I, along with my trade,
Still busy with searches.
I also wanted to see
Naples, glorious city,
And while I'm there
Clerks are selling goods,
I came here to you,
Where I admire how beautiful it is
And this ancient city is magnificent.
Ludovico: Yes, the city is lush and beautiful
Tristan: Your Grace is right.
My father, sir, so that you know,
He was a major merchant in Greece,
And the most profitable part
He revered the slave trade.
And then one day in Asteklia
He bought a boy at the market,
And he was such a handsome man
What nature has never seen before
I didn’t create anything like this.
That boy was a Turkish prisoner
And was, among others, captured
On a Maltese ship,
Which their pasha got
Near Chafolonia to prey.
Ludovico: Camilo, my heart skips a beat.
Tristan: He bought it and took it
To yourself in Armenia, and with us,
With me and my sister,
Raised him.
Ludovico: No need
Friend, wait, you're piercing me
All the insides!
Tristan (aside): Takes it
Ludovico: What was the boy's name?
Tristan: Teodoro.
Ludovico: Oh heavens! Like a word of truth
Mighty in our hearts
I have no power to hold back my tears.
Tristan: My sister Serpalitonia
And this boy (oh unfortunate
Gift of beauty!) grew up together
And, as happens very often,
Even in infancy
They fell in love with each other passionately.
When they were sixteen years old
(Father was just in distant countries),
Their love came true.
And this is how it affected my sister,
That this became noticeable to everyone.
And Teodoro, out of fear,
He disappeared without a trace and left
Serpaltonia brevis.
So, having arrived here in Naples,
I became like everywhere I go,
Ask about Teodoro, -
I even took a piece of paper
With the designation will accept, -
And suddenly the maid tells me
My hotel, Greek woman:
"What, how does this same boy-
Son of Count Ludovico?
The soul in me leaped like light,
And I decided that I would definitely
Must see you. I began
Search your home, and by mistake
Passers-by pointed out to me
To the house of the Countess de Belleflore.
I walk in and immediately come across...
Ludovico: My soul is trembling.
Tristan: On Teodoro.
Ludovico: Teodoro!
Tristan: He really is
I wanted to hide, but I couldn’t.
I was a little doubtful myself
Yes, it’s clear, it’s time
It is known how the face changes.
Ultimately he is with me
He spoke, albeit embarrassed;
He asked me to keep it a secret
Everything I know about him.
Ludovico: Oh, let me hug you a hundred times!
The soul is in immeasurable rejoicing
Testifies loudly
That your story is the holy truth.
O son, my beloved son,
Newly found, fortunately for me,
At the end of so many years of separation!
Camilo, what should I do now?
Run to him, see him?
Camilo: Of course! Fly now
And after all your suffering
Resurrect again in his arms!
Ludovico: Friend, if you want to get together
Come with me, I'll be happy
Doubly; want to relax-
Wait here, rest.
I ask you, give orders
Everyone in this house is like the owner.
And I can't stand it.
Tristan: I'll just grab the diamonds
I left them at the hotel
Then I'll come back here.
Let's go for now, Mercaponhos.
Furio: Let's go, sir.
Tristan: Nachaldakhi Nevnosny.
Furyo: Hello leaders.
Tristan: Poshlibashi. (Tristan and Furyo leave.)
Camilo: What an interesting language!
Ludovico: Follow me, Camilo. (They leave.)


Tristan: So?
Furio: The old man rushed off,
Without waiting for the horses.
Tristan: And if it's really true,
That Teodoro is the count's son?
Furio: And suddenly it turns out that the fable
Not far from the truth?
Tristan: What mind
Hides treasures, by God!
I myself am involuntarily amazed.


Federico: Yes, this is our very daredevil,
Who undertook to stab anyone!
Riccardo: Listen, hidalgo! Is that so?
Do decent people keep their word?
Or do you think it’s nothing?
Tristan: Let me tell you, sir.
And then pronounce your sentence.
I entered the service of Teodoro,
And you can assume that he is missing.
But we must not act too soon,
And don't rush, gentlemen,
I know myself what is needed and when.
Federico: I think he understands the matter.
He has infiltrated the house and will choose his time.
Will kill him like a mouse.
Ricciardo: He won't make it in time
And make a sound.
Federico: They wouldn't have heard us. (Tristan leaves.)
Federico: A brave man.
Riccardo: And careful.
Federico: He will kill you masterfully.
Riccardo: Of course.

Song of drinking buddies

They say they're drunks
Lost shame and honor!
Shut up, you fools.
We have everything we need!

Live with a cheerful girlfriend
So that the bottle has no bottom!
And the mug was bottomless!

We drive away sorrows with song,
We color our leisure time with a joke,
And on the way in the hayloft
We hug our friends.

Chorus: We have one dream,
Live with a cheerful girlfriend
So that the bottle has no bottom!
And the mug was bottomless!


Selyo: After all, these are the miracles that are possible!
Federico: What's the matter, Cello? Where are you going? Wait!
Seljo: A magical event, but very disturbing
For both of you. Look what a crowd
They are going to the gates of Count Ludovico!
Riccardo: Is he dead?
Selyo: The miracle would be small.
No, they rush to congratulate the old man.
He found his missing son.
Riccardo: Why can we be bitter?
A cheerful family picture?
Seljo: I think I’m a little upset
Diana fans have a reason.
After all, the son of a count, do you know who he is?
After all, this is Teodoro.
Federico: I'm blown away.
Riccardo: The count's son? That's it! But how did you find out
What is he?
Selyo: They interpret it this way and that,
And they told me so many things,
What you can’t remember, why and how.
Federico: I have never known sadness!
Riccardo: Rays of hope are swallowed up by darkness.
Federico: I'll go see what's going on.
Riccardo: Count, I'm with you.
Selyo: Holy truth. See for yourself. (They leave.)

Hall in the countess's palace.


Diana: How are you already, Teodoro?
Teodoro: I would like to go to my feet
Attach wings instead of spurs!
Diana: Are all your things packed for the trip?
Fabio (to Marcela): He's coming, by God!
Marcela: And you are still jealous!
Diana (Teodoro): Listen.
Teodoro: I'm here, senora.
Diana: Oh, what torment I endure!
You go. I love you.
Teodoro: I am only a victim of the verdict.
Diana: My despot is ancestral blood;
And didn’t I struggle enough?
Teodoro: Are you crying?
Diana: No, I got it
Something in the eye.
Teodoro: Maybe love?
Diana: It must be, yes. It's bursting out
And he wants to go out somehow.
Teodoro: I'm leaving on a long journey,
But the heart remains with you.
What order do you have?
At the last moment?
Diana: How my chest ache!
Teodoro: I'm leaving on a long journey,
But the heart remains with you.
Diana: Are you crying?
Teodoro: No, there's something in the eye
It hit me and it hurts.
Diana: My suffering, perhaps?
Teodoro: I'm glad to steal them from you.
Diana: I have some trinkets
I locked it in your suitcase
Sorry; all I found is
Worthless trinkets.
And decorating your outfit,
Say it this way: They're burning
Through the tears of sad Diana"

Duet of Diana and Teodoro

He: Shut up, my heart, don’t
Don't bother me needlessly.
She: They say that love is like a reward.
But did I deserve it?

It's not easy to contain your heart.
After all, separation from love is a fellow traveler
It is not easy to break their union.

She: Shut up, my heart, it hurts.
And your voice will destroy me.
He: I repeat the words involuntarily:
It is impossible to live without loving.

Together: Shut up, my heart, don’t torment.
It's not easy to contain your feelings.
After all, separation from love is a fellow traveler,
It is not easy to break their union.

Anarda (to Dorothea): Both of them are missing, so what!
Dorothea: Do not hide the torment of love!


Ludovico: Delight of the soul, lovely Diana,
Will serve as an apology to the old man,
Who runs up to you without reporting.
Diana: What's the matter, dear Count?
Ludovico: From you alone
Something that all of Naples knows has been hidden?
The news spread around everyone in a single moment,
And I barely made my way through the crowd,
Rushing here to see my son as soon as possible.
Diana: Which son? And what are you happy about?
Ludovico: Haven't you heard the story?
Like me, he’s already twenty years old,
Sent my son and his uncle to Malta
And how he was taken prisoner by the galleys
Ali Pasha?
Diana: Someone told me
About this grief of yours.
Ludovico: And today
Holy heaven returned my son to me,
Avoided danger and death.
Diana: Senor, you gave me, believe me,
Great joy.
Ludovico: And in return, senora,
I'm waiting for you to give me a son,
who serves and lives with you,
Completely indifferent to his home.
Oh, if only mother could live to be happy!
Diana: Does he serve me? Who is this? Fabio?
Ludovico: No, not Fabio. This is Teodoro.
Diana: How? Teodoro?
Ludovico: Yes.
Teodoro: But how can that be?
Diana: Tell me, Teodoro, is the Count your father?
Ludovico: This one here?
Teodoro: Senor, may your grace
He'll think...
Ludovico: What to think about, son,
About dying
In your arms!
Diana: Strange case!
Anarda: Oh, my God, senora! Teodoro
Such a high-born caballero?
Teodoro: Senor, I am lost from embarrassment.
So am I your son?
Ludovico: If I weren't sure,
It would be enough for me to look
In your face. I was exactly the same
In the days of youth!
Teodoro: I kiss your feet
And I beg you...
Ludovico: Don't talk!
I am not myself. What a beautiful appearance!
God bless you. What stateliness!
How majestically nature speaks,
That you are the heir of a valiant family!
Let's go, my son. Take it into your possession
And the father's house, and the father's wealth.
Enter the gate where it shines
The proudest coat of arms in this kingdom.
Teodoro: Senor, I had to go today
To Spain...
Ludovico: To Spain? Great!
Spain is my embrace.
Diana: Count,
I beg you, allow Teodoro
Come to your senses and not in such clothes
To come to you to repay my filial duty.
I don't want him to leave here
When it's so crowded and noisy below.
Ludovico: You speak, as always, intelligently.
It pains me to part with him even for a moment;
But so that no more screams arise,
I'm leaving asking you one thing:
So that he enters my house before nightfall.
Diana: I give you my word.
Ludovico: My son, goodbye.
Teodoro: I kiss your feet.
Ludovico: Ax, Camilo,
Now it’s not a pity to die.
Camilo: Handsome
Your Teodoro!
Ludovico: It’s scary to even think about.
And I’m afraid that I’ll lose my mind.

Ludovico and Camilo leave


Dorothea: Senor, allow me your hands.
Anarda: And don’t take it for flattery.
Dorothea: We deserve this honor.
Marcela: Senor, you should hug us,
You will conquer souls with this.
Diana: Step aside and let me pass.
Enough nonsense talk!
Very respectfully, sir,
I kiss your hands too.
Teodoro: At my feet, which is dearest to me,
I am doubly your slave from now on.
Diana: Don’t stand here in vain.
Leave us for half an hour.
Marcela (Fabio): What do you say, Fabio?
Fabio: Miracles.
Dorothea (to Anarde): Now what happens?
Anarda: The point is clear:
The hostess is no longer inclined
Lying like a dog in the hay.
Dorothea: Will she finally eat?
Anarda: And in front of my cousin.
Dorothea: Oh, if only it would burst!

Marcela and Fabio leave. Dorothea and Anarda.


Diana: Now you won’t have to go?
You don't want to sigh:
"I'm leaving on a long journey,
But the heart remains with you"?
Teodoro: You're amused, you're funny
My sudden greatness?
Diana: Rejoice, rejoice!
Teodoro: Difference
It is now abolished between us,
And you shouldn't mock.
Diana: You have changed.
Teodoro: I'm sure
That in your heart I'm lost.
It's hard for you that we are equal.
You loved the servant in me; Vanity has always loved
Dominion over what is cute.
Diana: I can tell you one thing:
Now you are mine, forever captive!
And you are with me today
Getting married.
Teodoro: Oh happiness, stop!
Diana: No and never will be in the universe
Happier women than me.
Go. It's time for you to get dressed.
Teodoro: I'll go have a look around
Look where my patrimony is,
And on the father, although no one
Didn't prove to me that he was right.
Diana: So goodbye, dear Count.
Teodoro: Countess...
Diana: Wait.
Teodoro: What?
Diana: Like "what"? Where is my “mercy”?
This is not the way to answer the lady.
Teodoro: But your grace is forgotten,
From now on I am the master.
Diana: Who am I?
Teodoro: My wife.
And you must obey me.
Diana: I have nothing more to wish for! Stop, happiness,
As Teodoro says: stop, stop!


Riccardo: Among such noise and fun
Will they forget their friends?
Diana: Why
Do you think that I have forgotten you?
Federico: You didn’t want to inform us,
That your servant is such a great nobleman.
Dian: You can find out first hand,
That Teodoro is a count and my husband.
Riccardo: How do you like it?
Federico: I'm beside myself.
Riccardo: And this rogue did not destroy him!
Federico: Here he comes, look.


Tristan (to himself): It's okay
Who thought that lackeys' brains
Capable of stirring up the whole of Naples?
Riccardo: Wait, Hector, or whatever your name is.
Tristan: I am truly Zhivoporo.
Federico: You can see it.
Tristan: I would show you
Whenever my dead man comes out into the graphs.
Riccardo: Do ​​you care?
Tristan: When I'm with you
Dressed up, my sir, for three hundred,
I undertook to destroy Teodoro--
A servant, not a count, that's clear.
Count Teodoro is not such a commodity;
Here we need to increase the fee.
It costs more to destroy the Count.
Federico: How much do you need?
But today.
Tristan: A thousand escudos.
Riccardo: Get it.
Tristan: So have your money ready.
Federico: I'll go get it.
Tristan: And I'll hit you in the side.
That's what...
Riccardo: Not enough for you?
Tristan: Keep quiet about everything.
Ricardo and Federico leave.


Teodoro: Listen, what have you done?
Look, it wouldn't end badly.
I'm languishing with sadness.
Tristan: If only you could hear me,
You would give me twice as much
What did these fools give?
Teodoro: I am tormented by hundreds of torments,
Excitements of grief and fear.
After all, if the deception is revealed,
I'm waiting for so many disasters, Tristan,
That the least will be the chopping block.
Tristan: Running around with such thoughts!
Teodoro: You're the devil, that's what you are.
Tristan: Let everything flow by itself,
And then we'll see what happens.
Teodoro: The Countess is coming.
Tristan: I'm hiding.
I don't want to meet her.



Diana: Why didn’t you go to your father?
Teodoro: Senora, grave doubts
I am oppressed; and I decided
It’s a second time to ask you about the same, -
About permission to leave
To Spain.
Diana: Tell me, is this
Not because you again
Is Marcela calling to arms?
Teodoro: Me? Marcela?
Diana: What then?
Teodoro: Senora, my tongue does not dare
This will disturb your ears.
Diana: Let this hurt my honor,
But tell me, Teodoro.
Teodoro: Tristan, who after death
Deception will erect statues,
Cunning will dedicate poems,
Knowing that Ludovico
Once upon a time my son went missing,
He invented a fable about me;
And I am nothing, a poor foundling,
And my only father-
My mind, my zeal for science,
My pen. Count Ludovico
Recognized that I am his heir;
And I could be your husband
Live in complete happiness, in full splendor,
But inner nobility
Doesn't let me be so bold
To deceive you. I am human,
Who is honest by nature,
So I ask again
About permission to leave,
Without offending my lord
Love, and blood, and perfection.
Diana: All this is both smart and stupid.
It's smart that your frankness
Showed your nobility;
But it's really stupid to think
That I'll be stupid too
And I will leave you when there is a remedy
Raise you from your lowly lot.
After all, pleasure is not in greatness,
And that the soul can
Fulfill your hope.
I will be your wife.
And so that our secret
Tristan didn’t tell anyone
Then I, as soon as he falls asleep,
I order him to be grabbed and thrown
Into the well.

Juana (appearing)
But but but! Take it easy!
He arranged your happiness
Of my own accord,
And you throw him into the well!
Diana:Did you hear that?
Tristan: They won't pick it up!
It's not that easy to catch me.
(Wants to leave.)
Diana: Come back.
Tristan: Go back?
Diana: Feel free to do so.
As a reward for your ingenuity
I promise it's truer
You will not find friends like me;
But keep it a secret too
Your great discovery.
Tristan: I'm not interested myself
Chat about him.
Teodoro: What is it?
Some kind of talking and movement.


Ludovico, Federico, Ricardo, Camilo,
Faojo, Marcela, Anarda, Dorothea. The same.

Ricardo (off stage): I hope you will allow
Should we join his cortege?
Enter Ludovico, Federico, Ricardo, women and servants.
Federico (to Ludovico): Naples is gathered below
And he waits impatiently.
Ludovico (to Teodoro): With Diana's permission
A carriage is waiting for you at the entrance,
And all the nobility on horseback,
To go with you.
Come, my son, into our old house,
Grieved for you for so long;
Return to the roof where you were born.
Diana: While we are here, under this canopy,
Count, I want to inform you,
That I'm his wife.
Ludovico: Hit it harder,
Fortune, in its wheel
Golden nail! Wait, bliss!
I thought about taking one child,
And I'm taking two away.
Federico: Appropriate
Congratulate them, Marquis Ricardo.
Ricciardo: I can add congratulations
And with the fact that Teodoro is alive.
I felt so jealous
What conspired with this rogue,
(pointing to Tristan)
So that he is for a thousand escudos
He was stabbed to death. He's a cheater
And you should grab him.
Teodoro: No, wait. Who is from certain death
He wants to save the master,
He's not a scammer.
Riccardo: Who is this?
Imaginary brave man?
Teodoro: He is my servant. As a reward
Because he saved my life
And in other respects he was honestly faithful
I, with Diana's permission,
I will marry him to Juan,
Taking an example like her
Married Fabio and Marcela.
Riccardo: I will provide Marcela with a dowry.
Federico: And I - Juan.
Ludovico: What to do:
They are apparently following the Countess
My son and all my inheritance.
Teodoro: At what, high meeting,
Diana: I hope that no one, of course,
Teodoro will not reveal his secret,
Federico: We, with your permission,
Riccardo: And let's end the story about the dog,
CHORUS: Which lies on the hay!


In detail. This is not a new play, it is a stage version that was made for a specific production. The task was to add some zest to the well-known play from the film, without changing the essence of what was happening. The goal was achieved: the viewer left the performance with the words: “Everything in the film was cut, but here is the full version.”
1. The list of characters has changed: some have disappeared, others have appeared.
2. Some scenes have changed accordingly.
3. A whole line appeared (several additional scenes) with the Madwoman, which Lope de Vega does not even hint at.
4. Tristan was given a partner-lover, Juana, who appears in the first scene and marries him at the end (respectively, new scenes + reworking of old ones).
5. New characters caused a change in the motivation of the behavior of some old characters, for example, grooms.
6. Due to the insertion of new scenes, the old ones had to be trimmed, otherwise the play would have been hopelessly drawn out.

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Lope de Vega, or Felix Lope de Vega y Carpio, was born on November 25, 1562 in Madrid. The author of the play “Dog in the Manger” received the title “Phoenix of Spain” from his people. Lope de Vega is a prominent playwright of the Spanish Golden Age, writing 1,800 plays and several hundred short dramatic works, of which only 431 plays and fifty shorter stories survive.

“He subjugated all comedians to his power and filled the world with his comedies. This is a miracle of nature and the autocrat of a theatrical empire.”

Miguel de Cervantes

And among the people Lope de Vega was called the “Phoenix of Spain” and the “Ocean of Poetry.”

Lope de Vega Throughout his life he wrote more than one and a half thousand plays. In any case, this is what the writer himself claimed. One of his biographers, Juan Perez de Montalban, counted 1,800 comedies and 400 autos in the writer’s bibliography. And he worked on each of them no more than three days, because he simply did not see the point of writing them longer. Thanks to his productivity, he created such a huge number of plays, which in total amount to approximately 21,316,000 lines. And don’t forget that they were all in verse.

Since 1617 Lope de Vega He himself published his works. The reason for this was literary “pirates”. One day, in a Spanish market, he saw his book changed beyond recognition by numerous revisions. For example, one of the swindlers came to his performances several times, and then wrote down the content from memory.

Lope de Vega

Today, everyone associates the story of Romeo and Juliet with Shakespeare. But he was far from the first writer who decided to base his work on this love story. The first known version of the story of Romeo and Juliet appeared in 1524 and was written by the Italian Luigi Da Porto. The plot of this work turned out to be so interesting and at the same time universal that during the 16th century it was repeatedly interpreted by various European writers. Including Lope de Vega. In 1509, based on Da Porto's novella, he wrote his own play about the love story of Roselo and Julia, known as "Castelvins and Montes". The play also took place in Verona, but its ending was happy.

Lope de Vega was the first playwright to describe the Russian Time of Troubles. In 1606, he wrote the play “The Grand Duke of Moscow,” dedicated to False Dmitry and Boris Godunov.

The world-famous comedy “Dog in the Manger” was first translated into Russian in 1853, and its title included the word “gardener”. Later the play was republished under the title “Neither for myself nor for others.” The original title of the play is “The Gardener's Dog.”

Still from the film “Dog in the Manger” (1977)

Lope de Vega was not only one of the most prolific playwrights, but also one of the richest. His works were highly valued and paid accordingly. In the last years of his life, de Vega managed to accumulate an impressive fortune, which was very rare among writers of that time.

Were at Lope de Vega and your weaknesses. He married three times and became a widower three times, had many mistresses, was repeatedly imprisoned and was once expelled. Such a stormy life even led to the writer’s spiritual crisis. Worried about so many different kinds of sins, Lope de Vega decided to enter the service of the Holy Inquisition in order to somehow correct himself in the face of the church. In 1609, the Spanish Church granted him the title of “voluntary servant of the Holy Inquisition.” Information was found that in this role in 1623 he even led the burning ceremony of a Franciscan monk suspected of heresy.

In Madrid, on the street that now bears the name of Miguel de Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote, there is house number 11, where he was born and lived for 22 years Lope de Vega. It is surprising that on the next street, which now bears the name de Vega, there is a monastery where Cervantes was buried. By the way, the burial place of Lope de Vega has not survived to this day. He was buried in the Church of St. Sebastian, which was blown up by the Nazis in 1937.

House of Lope de Vega

Lope de Vega died 27 August 1635. The whole country mourned the poet, and his death turned into nationwide mourning. Crowds of de Vega's fans gathered in the streets, composed farewell poems in his honor, memorial services were held everywhere and funeral orations were read. Such was the end of Spain's favorite poet.

Dog in the manger

Lope de Vega

MTF Agency Drama Library

One of the most famous comedies about a love triangle. The beautiful noblewoman Diana cannot even imagine starting a relationship with her secretary Teodoro, a simple young man with whom she, to her surprise, falls in love. He falls in love with her maid Marcela, which is why Diana begins a love game out of jealousy, not wanting to get close to him and openly forbidding him to love Marcela. Teodoro finds himself hostage to the game of class prejudices.

Lope de Vega

Dog in the manger


Diana - Countess de Belleflore.

Teodoro is her secretary.

Marcela, Dorothea, Anarda are her maids.

Fabio is her servant.

Count Federico.

Count Ludovico.

Marquis Ricardo.

Tristan is a servant.

Leonido is a servant.

Antonello is a footman.

Selyo is a servant.

Otavio is a butler.

The action takes place in Naples.

Act one


First appearance

Teodoro and Tristan run away.

Run, Tristan! Hurry! Here!

There was no more deplorable scandal!

Perhaps she recognized us?

Don't know; I think yes.

Second phenomenon

Diana is alone.

Hey sir! Listen! Back!

Stop for a moment!

Am I being treated like this?

Come back, hey, they tell you!

Ola! Where did the whole house go?

Ola! Where are the servants? Not a soul?

Not a ghost in the silence of the night,

It was not a sleepy image that appeared to me.

Ola! Everybody sleeps? But what can we do?

The third phenomenon

Diana, Fabio.

As if your honor was called?

All my bile could hardly

Melt such phlegm!

Run quickly, you sluggish fool, -

You deserve this title, -

Find out now who was here

Who ran out of this room?

From this room?

With your feet! Alive!

Find out who he is. I'm waiting.

This is a bad case, ah-ah-ah!

The fourth phenomenon

Diana, Otavio.

I, Your Grace, heard you,

But I didn’t believe it, sorry

Why are you shouting like that?

At such an inopportune time.

What an innocent answer!

You go to bed too early

And move so coolly,

That there is simply no strength with you!

Strangers wander at night

Around the house, they enter without hiding

Almost to the hostess's room

(I see this impudence here firsthand,

Otavio, I saw it myself)

And you, my worthy guardian,

Calm and calm

When I'm going crazy here!

I, Your Grace, heard you,

But I didn’t believe it, sorry

Why are you shouting like that?

At such an inopportune time.

Go to sleep, otherwise it’s bad for you.

And I wasn’t the one who called.


Fifth appearance

Same with Fabio.

Wonderful things!

Like a hawk, he flew away without a trace.

Have you seen any signs?

Cloak with gold embroidery?

He ran down...

To you, gentlemen,

I wish I could wear skirts and corsets!

He fell down the stairs in two leaps,

He threw his hat into the lamp,

I got there, turned off the lamp,

The yard crossed in the blink of an eye,

Then he dived into the darkness of the portal,

There he took out his sword and went.

You are a complete ass.

What was to be done?

Beating you is not enough!

Catch up and stab him on the spot.

What if a respectable person?

After all, it would be a shame forever

And belittlement of your honor.

Respectable man? Here too!

Don't we have enough here?

Those who can see you

One eye - the most expensive thing?

After all, thousands of seniors greedily

They only dream of marriage with you

And blind from love! You yourself

They said: he is dressed smartly,

And Fabio saw how hastily

He put out the flame with his hat.

Perhaps it was true

Senor, inconsolably in love,

Who with a generous hand

Bought my maid? Wonderful!

It's hard to find a more honest servant!

I will know who he is.

He rushed in a hat with feathers.

She's on the stairs.

(To Fabio.)

Don't mumble

Go get her.

Is the hat there?

Where? The fool has been found!

After all, when he threw her,

He didn't pick it up.

Senora! I'll go get some light.

Appearance Six

Diana, Otavio.

No, if someone helped,

I am guilty without regret

I'll drive everyone away.

And rightly so:

You entrusted the house to people,

And you are so upset.

And yet, even though it is discourteous,

When you're so annoyed

Touch this side

But only your obstinacy

And reluctance to get married

All these antics are to blame

When out of despair,

He himself doesn’t know what to do.

Do you know any cases?

All that is known is that you

According to the court of rumor,

Unattainable and adorable.

Moreover, Belflor’s patrimony

Deprives many people of sleep.

Seventh Appearance

Same with Fabio.

Senora! The hat has been found.

Not a hat, but one shame.

Show me what it is?

The one he threw. It's her.

It's hard to find drywall.

Maybe it suits him.

Did you find this hat?

I would start talking nonsense!

Well, feathers!

He aimed his paw at the chests.

A thief's hat, that's right.

You're driving me crazy.

I saw it myself:

So many feathers, it’s overwhelming!

Where did the feathers go?

How he started the flames

He apparently set them on fire;

The tow immediately caught fire.

After all, Icarus burned his wings,

Soaring towards the sun in the blue abyss,

And died in the depths of the sea.

The same thing was here.

The sun was the fire of the lamp,

And Icarus is a hat; instantly

Feathers flamed and trimmed.

Here you go: straight from the dyehouse.

Really, no time for jokes, Fabio.

There are a lot of worries without them.

Well, the solution will wait.

How can he wait, Otavio?

Go to bed. Early in the morning

You will have time to find out everything.

No, and I won't go to bed,

If only I am Diana,

Without finding out whose fault it was.

(To Fabio.)

Send all the women here.

Fabio leaves.

The eighth phenomenon

Diana, Otavio.

What will you turn the night into!

I, Otavio, have no time to sleep.

Is it possible to sleep here?

Who was in my house?

It would be better to wait until the day

Explore everything carefully.

In the meantime, I need sleep.

Let it be sweet for you:

Fall asleep among riddles -

The law of the highest wisdom.

Appearance Ninth

The same Fabio, Marcela, Dorotea and Anarda.

These might help.

And the rest have been sleeping for a long time

Blissful sleep and no matter.

They can't really know anything.

But the maids did not go to bed

And in front of you, fully assembled.

Anarda (to the side)

At night the sea is threatening;

I feel the storm in the distance.

Will you order us to leave?

Leave, both of you.

Fabio (to Otavio, quietly)

I'm having a blast!

Interrogation with honor!

I'm crazy.

And he doesn't believe me. What a disaster!

Otavio and Fabio leave.

The tenth phenomenon

Diana, Marcela, Dorothea, Anarda.

Let Dorothea come over.

What does my lady want?

Say: who walks the most?

Near my gate?

Marquis Ricardo walks by

Count Paris is also casual.

Answer the holy truth.

You know I'm relentless

In my indignation.

I have nothing to hide from you.

Who did they happen to talk to?


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you got me alive

They burned on a thousand fires,

I’ll say: I don’t remember even once

They're with anyone other than you

From those living here they spoke.

Were the letters inadvertent?

Have the pages come here?

Go there.

Marcela (Anarde, quietly)

Like in court!

And on the cruel!

Anarda, you!

What do you want?

What kind of man was now...

In this room. You

I know everyone, and perfectly.

Who brought him in so that he could secretly

Did you see me? Who sold out?

Senora! Believe me, I was not born

No one has such a daring plan.

Bring the man here

So that he can see you secretly, -

Such betrayal will offend you

We could never!

No, no, you are unfair to us.

I have the right to think about this -

When your words are true:

Didn't he come, perhaps?

From maids to someone?

So that you can sleep peacefully, -

Since this incident worries you, -

I will be sincere and brave

And I’ll say everything, out of duty,

Even though it will be against friendship,

Which Marcela and I have.

She's in love with someone

And he managed to fall in love with her.

But I can’t figure out who he is.

Now you have to say everything:

Since you admitted the main part,

There is no point in hiding the rest.

Ah, madam, someone else's secret

More painful than all misfortunes!

I am a woman. It's not enough for you to know

To forget about this matter,

That someone came to Marcela?

You can sleep peacefully:

They only have words for now

And just the beginning.

I have never met meaner servants!

Good word of mouth will spread

O young widow! Well, be afraid!

I swear by the salvation of your souls,

Whenever my late husband,

Your Grace, calm down:

After all, the one she sees

Not at all a stranger to the house,

And your mercy is wasted

You shouldn't worry yourself.

So is it one of the servants?

Yes Milady.

My secretary?

Yes. That's how soon

I dispelled your fear.

Stay aside, Anarda.

Don't be harsh with her.

Diana (aside)

I calmed down a little

Having learned that this is not for me.



What do you want?

(To the side.)

The chest is trembling!

And I entrusted this to you

And my honor and thoughts?

What did they tell you about me?

After all, you know that loyalty

I follow you in everything.

Are you loyalty?

What is my betrayal?

Or is it not treason - in this house,

Within my walls, meeting someone

And have secret conversations with him?

Wherever I meet Teodoro,

He'll tell me right away

Two dozen tender words.

Two dozen? I swear, not bad!

As you can see, the year is blessed,

They sell them by the dozens.

Well, in a word, does he walk through the door?

Or it turns out that everything in my thoughts

He will immediately trust his lips.

Will he trust? Strange turn of events.

So what does he say?

I don't even remember.

Try your best.

He will say this: “There is no salvation for me,

I'm dying because of these eyes."

He will say: “In them is my bliss;

Today I couldn't sleep

And, languishing with passion, he raved

Your beauty." One day

I asked for my hair to go into my heart

Link love wishes

And curb your imagination.

But why do you care?

All this nonsense?

At least

Does he make you happy?

Doesn't hurt.

After all, Teodoro, undoubtedly,

I decided to send my love

To such a direct and honest goal,

Like the one to marry me.

Well, there is no more honest goal,

What is the purpose of love?

I could help you with this.

What happiness it will be!

I confess to you frankly, -

Since you are so kind even in anger

And so generous at heart, -

That I love him terribly;

I'm a young man

More prudent, more gifted,

More sensitive and modest

I don't know in our city.

In his talents and skills

I am convinced daily.

It's a big difference, believe me.

When he writes letters for you

According to all the laws of etiquette

Or when in a free syllable

He is with you sweetly and tenderly

Conducts a loving conversation.

I don't intend to, Marcela,

To interfere with your wedding,

When the time comes,

But I also have to remember myself,

Without compromising personal honor

And by my ancient name.

So it's not a big deal

May you meet in this house.

(To the side.)

I want to vent my irritation.

But since everyone knows about it,

You can, just be more secret

Continue your love with him,

And I, on occasion, completely

I undertake to help you both.

After all, Teodoro is known to me,

He grew up in my house.

To you, dear Marcela,

You know my affection

And a family relationship.

Your creation is at your feet.

I kiss them humbly.

Let everyone leave.

Anarda (Marseille, quiet)

Well, what happened?

There was anger, but it was useful for me.

Did she find out your secret?

And I found out that he is honest.

Marcela, Dorothea and Anarda curtsey three times to the countess and leave.

Appearance eleventh

Diana is alone.

I have involuntarily noticed so many times

How sweet, handsome, smart Teodoro is,

What if he had been born noble?

I would distinguish him differently.

There is no beginning stronger than love in nature.

But my honor is my supreme law;

I honor my rank, and he will not allow

So that I respond to such thoughts.

But envy remains deep down.

It’s easy to be tempted by someone else’s goodness,

And here it is doubly tempting.

Oh, if only fate could change,

So that he can come up to me,

Or so I could go down to him!

Appearance Twelfth

Teodoro, Tristan.

I spent that night without sleep.

No wonder you didn't sleep:

After all, you have completely disappeared,

If she finds out.

I told you: "Wait,

Let him go to bed." You didn't want to.

Love goes straight to the goal.

You shoot and don’t look.

He who is clever will always hit.

He who is dexterous distinguishes clearly,

What is trivial and what is dangerous.

So am I open?

And no and yes;

Of course, there is no direct evidence

But you are a great suspect.

When behind us with a loud cry

Fabio chased - an extra moment,

And I would plunge my sword into him.

After all, how cleverly I launched

Hat into the lamp!

Whenever he goes forward,

He would have fallen dead and not said a word.

As I walked, I shouted to the lamp:

“Say that there was a foreign people.”

She replied: “You are a liar.”

Then I took off my hat - and bang,

In revenge for her.

I'll lie in a coffin

You're always finished

To those in love! In eternal sorrow,

And he himself is well-fed and ruddy.

But what should I do, Tristan,

In such a dangerous situation?

Stop loving Marcela.

Our Countess is so proud

What it costs her to find out is trouble!

And cunning will not help matters:

You won't come back here again.

Forget! What cruel advice!

Take lessons from me

And you will forget love.

What madness! Never!

Everything is possible

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overcome with art.

Do you want to know what's wrong with your feeling?

End it once and for all?

Firstly, there is an urgent need

Decide to forget

And know for sure what to resurrect

Anxiety of the heart is impossible;

Then what if you give hope

At least a loophole, with renewed vigor

A weakness for your sweetheart will awaken,

And everything will remain as before.

Tell me why it can't

Will a man forget a woman?

Yes, because the thread is pulling

And that his hope is gnawing at him.

He must make a decision

Never think about her

And this once and for all

Stop the imagination.

After all, you saw on the clock:

When the chain unwinds,

The wheels will freeze - that's it.

It’s exactly the same in hearts

We are seeing a stop

When hope is unleashed.

But the memory will begin to sting us,

What time is it to come up with a trick,

And the feeling will be every time

It will come to life more and more brightly, believe me.

Yes, feeling is a predatory beast,

With its claws clinging to the mind,

As the poem says

Togo - Spanish - poet;

But there is a trick for this too,

To destroy the imagination.

Remembering the shortcomings

Not cute. To forget

Try to remember

Her flaw, and the most disgusting one.

It should not give rise to melancholy in you

Elegant and slender person,

When she's at you from the balcony

He looks up at his heels.

This is all true, architecture.

One wise man taught the people

That half of all beauties

Tailors are obliged by nature.

Imagine your enchantress

To overcome seduction,

Like one who tortures the flesh,

Who is being taken to the hospital.

Draw it like this for yourself

And not in folds and folds;

Believe me, the thought of shortcomings

More healing than any grain.

After all, if you remember the view

Another vile thing

This dirty trick lasts for a whole month

It kills your appetite.

So try again and again

Remember her flaws;

The pain of the heart wound will subside,

And love will disappear.

What an ignorant doctor!

What rude witchcraft!

What to expect when the medicine

Made by such a pharmacist!

Your cooking is for hillbillies.

You are a farrier and a charlatan,

A man and an ignoramus. I, Tristan,

That’s not how I draw women.

No, for me they are crystal,

They are transparent, like glass.

Glass and brittle green,

As sad experience teaches us.

When it's hard for you to be alone,

I undertake to help you freely;

My medicine is excellent

It served me well.

One day - to hang me! –

I was in love, with this face,

Into an armful of lies with satin skin,

Ages from birth - five ten.

On top of other thousand shortcomings

She owned the belly

Where would it fit, and moreover

Leaving room for appendages,

Any archive, whatever;

Into it, without crowding each other,

Like a wooden horse

A hundred Greeks would fit in freely.

Have you heard - in one village

There was a centuries-old hazel tree,

Where did the artisan live?

With my wife and children in the hollow,

And it was too spacious.

That's how it could shelter

And this belly is like a hollow,

The weaver with his entire house.

I wanted to forget her passionately

(The time has come a long time ago).

And what? Memory, as luck would have it,

She brought it to me every hour

Now snow, now chalk, now fragile marble,

Levkoi, lilies, jasmine

And a huge canopy,

Bearing the name of the petticoat.

I wasted away on a lonely bed.

But I decided not to fall in the fight

And I started drawing to myself

Everything that looks like her:

Market women's baskets,

Boxes with mail, chests,

Packs, travel bags,

Where is the mattress and the headrest.

And it was as if I had said: perish! –

Love has turned into anger

And I forgot this womb

Forever and ever - Amen!

But this gas chamber

Any fold (I'm not lying!)

I could hide it in my fat

Four pestles for a mortar.

But where can I find the flaw?

There is no room for flaw in Marseille.

I won't forget her.

Well, call on the trouble

And walk in the paths of pride.

But she's so cute!

You will burn to the ground from love

Dearer than the countess's favors.

Appearance thirteen

Same with Diana.

Is Teodoro here?

Teodoro (aside)

I am your servant, senora.

Tristan (aside)

Upon announcement of the verdict

We fly out three windows.

Appearance fourteen

Teodoro, Diana.

I'm one of my friends

Afraid of not being able to cope on my own,

I asked for a draft letter

Make it up for her. Bad service

When I'm absolutely nothing

I don't understand matters of love

And you will write, I know

Much better than mine.

Read it here.

When you're on your own

They wrote with your hand,

Would be bold and empty

Trying to compete with you.

Without looking, I ask, senora,

Send the letter as is.

Read it.

I'm ready to read

But not for strict analysis,

And to find out the love syllable;

I haven't practiced it in ages.

I didn't dare to love

I couldn’t overcome the timidity.

I'm one of the shy people.

That's why you're on walks

Sneaking in dark corners

Covering yourself with a cloak up to your eyebrows?

Having closed? I? Where and when?

I met you in this guise

Tonight the majordomo

But he recognized you without difficulty.

Ah, here we are at the end of the day

We joked with Fabio; we sometimes

We start thousands of pranks.

Or then me

An unknown envious person blackens.

Or someone is jealous.

I want to take a look

How your wonderful genius shines.

“Ignite with passion, seeing someone else’s passion,

And to be jealous, having not yet fallen in love, -

Although the god of love is cunning and whimsical,

He rarely invented such a trick.

I love because I'm jealous

Tormented by the fact that fate is unfair:

After all, I am more beautiful, but, having forgotten me,

He rewarded the other with tender happiness.

I drag out my days in fear and doubt,

I am jealous without love, but I know clearly:

I want to love, I want love in return.

I do not defend myself and do not concede;

I dream of being understood and remain silent.

Will anyone understand? I understand myself."

What do you think?

What if here

All this is conveyed correctly,

It couldn't be written better.

But I'm the only one who's perplexed:

I haven't heard of love

I could have been fired up with jealousy.

Jealousy is born from love.

I think that this lady

It was nice meeting him

But passion did not burn in the heart;

And only when she found out

That he loves someone else, jealousy

It ignited both love and passion in her.

Perhaps it?

Yes, sure.

But also for jealousy, senora,

There was already an incentive

And that was love; cause

Cannot flow from consequences

She gives birth to them herself.

Don't know; only this lady

No more than very willingly

I met this person;

But she barely saw

That he loves another dearly,

A crowd of frantic desires

Cut off her path of honor,

Stealing from her soul

All those good thoughts

With whom she lived.

The letter is beautifully written.

I don't dare compete.

Give it a try.

No, I don't dare.

And yet I ask you.

Senora, do you want this

Expose my insignificance.

I'm waiting. Come back soon.

Come here, Tristan!

Appearance fifteenth

Diana, Tristan.

I hasten to hear the commands,

Even though I’m ashamed of my pants;

Your secretary,

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my benefactor,

I've been broke for a long time now.

But it’s bad if the cavalier

The footman holds the little one:

The footman is both a mirror and a candle,

And a canopy for the master,

And it is inappropriate to forget this.

The sage said: when sir

Sits astride, then we are the steps,

Then as for his face

They ascend through our body.

He is apparently strapped for money.

Well, is he playing?

If only!

After all, whoever plays always

It will take its toll, now from these, now from these.

It used to be that every king studied

Some kind of handicraft

So that if at war or at sea

He will lose his kingdom

Know how to feed yourself.

Lucky is the one who from an early age

Trained to play well!

A game when you are without money,

There is a noble art

Easy to get for food.

Another great painter

Persistently refining genius,

The portrait will be painted as if alive,

To hear from an ignoramus

That he is not worth three escudos;

And the player can only say this:

“I’m coming!” - and if you're lucky,

You look - and you took everything one hundred percent.

In other words, is he not a player?

He's timid.

Instead, he probably

Busy with love.

He? Love?

What a joke! This is the purest ice.

However, a man like him

Graceful, single, amiable,

Can't help but hide in my soul

Some kind of hobby.

I have been entrusted with barley and hay,

I don't carry affectionate notes.

He's here all day, at your service,

He doesn't even have time.

Doesn't he come out in the evening?

I don’t go with him: I’m mutilated -

My leg is broken.

How so, Tristan?

I can answer

How badly married

When their face becomes colorful

From the bruises that I painted

It shows marital jealousy:

I fell down the stairs, senora.

Rolled down?

And very respectfully:

I counted everything by the edges


Well, what's the point?

Tristan. Why are you suddenly

Have you ever decided to aim your hat at a lamp?

Tristan (aside)

Come on! Damn it!

She knows the whole story.

Why are you silent?

I'm trying to remember

When, I mean, did I fall... Yes, that's right:

They were circling here tonight

Bats flew into the window;

I started throwing my hat at them;

One rushed past the light,

And I threw it at him and hit

In the lamp and in this matter

Fell off the stairs and down

I walked up all the steps.

Great idea.

You know, old recipes

Counting the blood of bats

Tried and true

For hair removal.

I'll bleed them: then, believe me,

Grabbing the case by the cowlicks,

You will miss, my dear.

Tristan (aside)

By God, things turned out badly.

Sometimes we aim for the lamp,

And we end up in jail.

Diana (aside)

I'm still very excited!

Appearance sixteen

Same with Fabio.

Marquis Ricardo has arrived!

Quickly move up your chairs.

Fabio and Tristan leave.

Appearance seventeenth

Diana, Marquis Ricardo, Sello.

With anxiety in my heart, with unrequited torment,

Which always lives in the chest

For those who are approaching their cherished goal,

Love, Diana, attracts me to you.

I'm here again, although perhaps in vain

My opponent will call my dream,

Which, surrounded by a sweet dream,

He is not as devoted to you as he is arrogant.

You are so beautiful that when I look at you,

I am convinced that you are well.

In a woman - as experience teaches us -

Health and beauty are inseparable.

You are so pleasing to the eye with your freshness,

That only an ignoramus, only a boring fool,

Who has not matured to reason,

I would like to ask you a question about your health.

So what do you do well knowing

By your delightful features,

I want to know, dear senora,

How prosperous am I myself?

Senor Marquis! Once again, you shine,

Give us a taste sample.

But is it worth such praise?

The usual appearance of peace and health?

As for you, it seems to me that it’s not me

Blessings to your master.

You know, my love is true,

And your image is sculptured in my soul.

Your whole family has long agreed,

So that our union is indestructibly united,

And only your answer is unknown.

Only he will decide whether I am happy or not.

Whenever I, in exchange for my possessions,

In which I am famous and rich,

He owned the land from the seaside, alien to the shadows,

To the scarlet kingdoms, where the sunset is falling,

And gold, the idol of generations,

And the pearls that flow

Eyelashes of the stars, and treasures of the east,

The paths of the seas are wide,

I would lay them at your feet.

Do not doubt; inspired by you,

My daring path would run fearlessly

There, where the day is not illuminated by rays;

I would trample, amidst the storm and anxiety,

Deserts of waves with oak feet,

To reach the polar cliffs.

Where the daredevil has never penetrated.

I respect your nobility

I believe you, having listened to the confession of my heart.

Our thoughts may have some similarities.

But I don’t know how the Count will look.

I give him superiority in one thing:

Count Federico is clever and cunning.

But I hope: your judgment will be right,

You will be blinded by this evil look.

The Eighteenth Appearance

Same with Teodoro.

Let your Lordship take a look and decide.

You're busy, and I'm nobody's business

Didn't steal minutes.

We are not pressed for time.

I am writing a letter to Rome.

Totally harder

A long visit on a postal day.

You are very nice.

If only it were true!

(To Selyo, quietly.)

Well, Selyo, what do you say?

Your passionate ardor will be fully rewarded.

Marquis Ricardo and Sello leave.

Appearance nineteen

Diana, Teodoro.

Have you written?

Yes, and

It turned out badly, you can see right away.

I worked according to orders.


“Whoever loves after someone else’s love is greedy,

His heart's ardor is kindled with envy;

Who did not promise himself bliss,

To someone else's happiness, he remains cold.

But if our lover is stolen

Rival - there is no strength to hide love;

Like blood to the face from hidden veins,

The call to the lips is urgent, merciless.

But I am silent so that baseness rises to heights

Didn't offend. I stopped,

Without crossing the cherished line.

And without that I opened up enough;

I consider it wiser to forget about happiness,

Otherwise they may think that I have forgotten.”

You really will outshine everyone soon!

Are you laughing at me?

Tell the truth.

My answer:

You win, Teodoro.

Alas, I see there is a reason

So that I forget peace and sleep:

A servant is not tolerated if he

Who is more skillful than Mr.

One king said to a nobleman:

“I am concerned, and quite so.

I composed a draft letter;

Please, write one too.

I will send whatever is best.”

The poor nobleman tried

And the text of the letter was a success for him,

How the king failed.

Seeing that his letter

The ruler gave preference

He was deep in thought,

Walking towards your home.

“Let’s run quickly,” he said to his son, “

A terrible end awaits me."

The son asked his father

At least explain the reason.

“The king found out,” said the nobleman, “

That I am more skilled than him."

Here I am, senora, and confused:

My story is similar.

Oh no, and if the prize is awarded

Undoubtedly to your letter,

That's only because

That this response is so successful.

I don't take back the praise

But I didn’t say

What have I lost from now on?


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to my pen.

Although, as a woman, of course,

I'm thinking at random

And my imperfect mind

He cannot judge flawlessly.

But here's a bad expression:

“I am silent so that baseness rises to heights

Didn't offend." I'll read

A little advice for you:

Love cannot offend

Whoever it is who dreams of happiness;

We are insulted by indifference.

Love is a dangerous path.

We remember the fate of Phaeton

And Icarus flapped his wings in vain:

Alone on golden horses

dropped from the steep horizon,

The sun scorched another

And it fell to the bottom of the sea.

Be the sun a woman, it

It would hardly have happened that way.

Love is perseverance to the end;

Seeking the attention of a noble lady,

Be diligent and stubborn:

Not stones - women's hearts.

I take the letter with me;

I want to count him.

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