Jagdterrier dog. Character of the German Jagd Terrier, description of the breed. Training depends on character

The family of hunting dogs includes many interesting breeds, including Jagdterriers. These not very large dogs are often purchased for keeping in urban environments. However, making such a decision is a big mistake, since Jagd Terriers were created for completely different purposes.

In principle, these dogs can live in an apartment, but this step can only be taken in the most extreme cases. When choosing these dogs, you need to remember that they are very active, so they need to be constantly on the move. Therefore, if hunting is not on your list of favorite activities, then give up in favor of another breed, otherwise the Jagd Terrier will feel like it’s in a cage in your apartment.

Jagdterrier puppies: characteristics of the breed

The history of the appearance of this breed is shrouded in mystery. In those distant years, when these dogs were not so popular, people treated them differently, because then there was an opinion that taking light-colored dogs for hunting is a big mistake. It was all about a belief: hunters believed that dogs with light hair would scare away forest spirits, and the hunt would be unsuccessful. Because of this, they did not favor light-colored dogs too much, often choosing darker relatives instead.

However, gradually people began to have a different attitude towards otherworldly forces, however, the hunters were still adamant, so even after for many decades they did not dare to trust light-colored dogs. At a certain point, breeders had the idea of ​​​​bringing a special breed of dark-colored hunting dogs. This led to the appearance of the Jagdterrier.

Within this breed, it is customary to distinguish two types:

The only difference between the two types of terriers is their coat. The main feature of wire-haired dogs is the presence of slightly elongated hair on the paws, as well as a beard.

Because of this, people who see Jagdterrier puppies for the first time can easily mistake them for old people. However, German scientists are worthy of admiration because they managed to create a unique animal. The Jagdterrier is great for hunting, because he easily senses a blood trail and can bring back shot game that has fallen into the water. They can also be used when driving out hares, searching for burrowing animals that are strong enough to fight with a wild boar. Seeing these small animals for the first time, it is difficult to imagine that they hide such great strength, courage and courage.

Character and education of a Jagd Terrier puppy

Not everyone has seen photos of dogs of this breed, so some may be disappointed. If you like the puppy, then you need to find out more about his character.

Having decided to bring a puppy of this variety of German terrier into your home, you must understand that you are taking on a great responsibility. That's why you need to start raising him in the first days stay in your home. If you treat this with disdain, then you yourself will not be happy with such negligence.

Features of education


If the puppy commits any act, then punishment must be inevitable. However, this does not mean that you should whip him with a twig or tree branch. This causes him physical and psychological trauma. It is more correct if you show your dissatisfaction with words, because these animals are very intelligent and easily pick up on intonation. Therefore, if you want to let him know how upset you are, then after reprimanding, slap the puppy on the nose or hit him lightly on the shoulder with a rolled-up newspaper.

The dog will tolerate a light slap without difficulty; what is more unpleasant for him is not the pain from the blow, but the rustling of the paper. Having started walking your pet in the first weeks of being in the house, immediately teach him not to pick up trash from the ground. Yagdy is aggressive and fearless from birth, so your first task is to teach him to carry out your every command. Only after this can you let him off the leash.

If you don’t do this, the dog will cause you a lot of trouble, and besides, it itself may get hurt if it decides to get into a fight with the neighbor’s dogs. If you decide to keep your Jagdterrier in the house, make sure that he does not lie on sofas and armchairs. He must have his own place where he should rest. The dog should only accept food from the hands of the owner. Therefore, make sure that no one feeds your pet themselves. Often go out into nature with him, where he will have the opportunity to run around to his heart's content. In addition, there should be regular walks on a leash.

Jagd Terriers differ from other breeds in that when they were created, the goal was specifically to develop a breed that would not create hassle in caring for them. First of all, attention should be paid to the coat, which needs to be combed at least once a week.

You also need to take them for walks often, and the walk time should be at least 1 hour. Jagdterriers feel best in a house with a garden plot, where they will have the opportunity to run around to their heart's content.

You need to be attentive to the dog’s ears and eyes, which must be constantly kept clean. You also need to monitor the condition of your claws., which will have to be cut if necessary. The Jagdterrier is distinguished by good health, so if the care recommendations are followed, it can live up to 13–15 years.


No less attention should be paid to the terrier’s nutrition. It is necessary that the menu contains a wide variety of products. Mandatory are:

  • meat;
  • dairy products;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals

If you have a puppy, then you need to feed him at least four times a day. An adult animal can be given food twice a day. It is forbidden to feed the dog from the table. Also be careful that he doesn't pass it on.


You need to start raising a Jagd Terrier puppy from the moment it first appears in your home. He needs to immediately explain who is the boss in the house. It is necessary to create certain rules for the dog behavior that she must consistently follow at all times. It is unacceptable to treat these dogs cruelly and unfairly.

This can lead to the fact that she will stop disobeying you, as a result of which a small puppy will grow into an evil and dangerous animal. If you want to raise a smart and witty dog, then you need to train it correctly: for this you need to be firm and persistent and never resort to cruelty if your pet does not understand the first time what is required of it.

In order for the Jagdterrier to grow and develop properly, it must be accustomed to communicate with people and other animals. First training can be carried out as early as 3 months of age. If you initially decided to make a hunting dog out of your Jagdterrier, then the necessary skills need to be developed when the puppy is 6 months old.

Please note that only an experienced professional should train a Jagd Terrier. This is a guarantee that the dog will become a reliable protector for your family, who will unquestioningly carry out all your commands.

Jagdterrier puppies: price and photo

Considering the exclusivity of dogs of this breed, some have the idea of ​​​​breeding the German Jagd Terrier for the purpose of selling puppies. However, not everything is so simple, because there will not be many people willing to buy Jagdterriers. If there are no hunting grounds in your place of residence, then you are unlikely to find anyone who will agree to buy Jagd Terrier puppies from you. Still, these animals are very specific, and often most people are not even aware that such a breed of dog exists.

If, after careful consideration, you realize that you need just such a breed, then it is better to contact a special nursery to purchase it. This will guarantee that you will buy a German Jagd Terrier there, and not a mongrel dog. If you didn’t know before that this breed of dog exists, then It will probably be useful for you to watch photos or videos with a Jagdterrier. This way you will have an exact idea of ​​what kind of dog you want to buy.

It is possible that after looking at the photo of the Jagdterrier, you may lose the desire to have it in the house; someone may not like the whole appearance. Prices for Jagd Terrier puppies can vary and typically range from $50 to $400. They easy to train, they are distinguished by their intelligence and devotion, they cope well with the role of a guard, but first of all they are intended for hunting. It is from these criteria that one must proceed when choosing a dog of this breed.


The first thing that those who want to have a Jagd Terrier in their home need to understand is that this is a specific breed of dog that was bred specifically to be used for hunting. Therefore, give up the idea of ​​getting her if you want to find her as a family dog. She will have to day by day provide regular exercise so that the dog is constantly on the move, otherwise you will simply ruin this excellent animal.

If you are not an avid hunter, then at least you should have a country house, the conditions of which are perfect for keeping a Jagdterrier. After all in a confined space he will feel uncomfortable, so he needs not only space, but also regular walks, during which he can run well.

The German Jagd Terrier is a small dog with a hot temperament and exceptional working qualities. She is the ideal companion for experienced hunters.

Important! The ancestors of the German Jagd Terrier are Fox Terriers crossed with Lakeland Terriers.

It was this breed that breeders used to develop a new type of hunting dog. were popular in the early nineteenth century. At the same time, breeders understood that improving external data led to a loss of a share of working abilities.

Professionals wanted to preserve the excellent external data and restore the original performance qualities, but this was not possible. It turned out that it was impossible to combine beauty, aggressiveness towards prey and endurance.

Then breeder Walter Zanzenberg, who believed that appearance should be relegated to the background, acquired four fox terrier puppies with a defective black and tan color. It was these puppies that became the progenitors of a new breed called the German Jagdterrier.

Description of the breed

FCI Standard No. 103 dated 02/05/1996 “German Hunting Terrier”.
Group 3 "Terriers".
Section 1 “Large and medium terriers”.
The FCI standard states:
adult height: 33-40 cm;
male weight – 9-10 kg;
bitch weight – 7.5-8.5 kg.

Jagdterrier: The breed standard provides for the usual terrier head shape with powerful jaws. A square physique is combined with a toned stomach and straight limbs that are distinguished by sufficient strength.

Small, oval-shaped eyes set deep attentiveness and courage are always noticeable in the gaze. The nose with expressive nostrils is usually black, but sometimes there are dogs with a brown nose.

Important! Jagdterriers are often confused with other breeds due to their black and tan coloring.

Jagdterrier: breed description allows a color containing a combination of primary colors - pure black, gray-black and brown. The primary colors are combined with red or light brown tan on the face, eyebrows, neck, paws and tail.

There are two types of breed based on the quality of their wool:

  • smooth-haired;
  • wire-haired.

The smooth-haired variety is characterized by a dense structure, short length and shiny sheen. It has one layer and is distributed evenly throughout the body. A photo of a smooth-haired Jagdterrier clearly reflects the signs described above.

The photo of the wire-haired Jagdterrier shows all the distinctive features of the standard exterior.

How long do Jagdterriers live? On average, they share life with their owner for twelve to fifteen years.

Jagdterrier: breed characteristics and skills

German Jagd Terriers have a difficult character. Some owners consider the breed ideal for themselves, while others clutch their heads, characterizing the dog as disobedient and angry.

Jagdterrier: breed characteristics contain distinctive features:

  • energy, activity;
  • determination, courage.

Energy pours out of him literally twenty-four hours a day, it seems that he never gets tired. From childhood, a dog of this breed shows a hot temperament, trying to suppress the owner and gain the upper hand over him. With age, this tendency does not disappear; on the contrary, they behave completely fearlessly and use their teeth.

It is difficult for an owner who has no experience to cope with such a pet and provide. That's why you can find many negative comments about the breed.

Experienced owners tenderly love the little prankster. They understand that proper upbringing and competent training of the Jagd Terrier will reveal exceptional character traits in it:

  • devotion to the owner;
  • strict discipline;
  • professionalism at work.

Attention! The future owner of the Jagdterrier must have a strong character in order to cope with the dog’s desire to dominate.

If you raise an animal correctly, all family members will love it, although it will only have one owner.

This is not a “sofa” pet and you won’t be able to walk with it sedately through the streets of the city. A pet needs a daily release of energy; if this need is not met, it will get bored within the four walls of the house and begin to spoil things.

Dogs of this breed can find a common language with children, but only if the child respects the boundaries in communication with the animal. Both the dog and the child are taught to interact from childhood. Jagdts are not nanny dogs.

Dogs of this breed do not get along well with other pets. They can still get along with a dog and a cat if they get used to it gradually and grow together from childhood, but rodents and birds should not be kept in the same home with them - this is a desirable prey for a four-legged pet.

Conditions of detention

Due to its small size, the Jagdterrier can live in an apartment or private house with a local area.

There are some nuances to keep in mind:

  • when keeping a dog in an apartment, they buy a lot of toys and often take it for walks, letting it burn off its energy;
  • When keeping in a private home, the dog’s favorite pastime is taken into account – digging.

That's why The foundation of the fence is made deep enough, and the plantings in the garden or vegetable garden are protected by a fence.

Coat cleaning and bathing are done as needed. The molting process does not cause much trouble, although during this period the pet is combed with a brush. The rest of the time it is combed once a week. Ears, eyes and teeth are periodically examined.

Feeding puppies and adult dogs

Adult dogs and puppies are fed either high-quality dry food or natural food. The diet is dominated by meat, cereals and vegetables.


  • meat (for example, beef);
  • porridge from various cereals (millet, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • offal;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir).

Puppies from two and a half to four months are fed four times a day, starting from four months the number of feedings is reduced to three.

Attention! Upon reaching eight months, the puppy is transferred to two meals a day.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive traits:

  • suspicious of strangers;
  • determination in pursuing the beast to the last;
  • bold character;
  • unconditional;
  • excellent security qualities;
  • independence.

Negative qualities:

  • aggressive and malicious attitude towards other animals;
  • easily excitable, explosive character.

Dogs of the German Jagd Terrier breed are not easy and are suitable only for an experienced person who knows everything about the breed. It is such an owner who will be able to properly raise the animal and get sincere pleasure from communicating with a determined and courageous Jagdterrier.

Additionally, check out the video, which describes in detail the features of the Jagd Terrier breed:

Jagdterrier- German hunting terrier, a burrowing breed of dog. An excellent watchdog, companion for a hunter and a very active person. Brought out in the 19th century in Germany, it was quite difficult to achieve the desired qualities. The goal of the breeders was to create a universal hunting dog with a dark color. To breed the Jagdterrier and obtain the necessary hunting genes, different breeds were used, such as the German hound, Lakeland terrier, pinscher, dachshund and fox terrier. Considering that the main task was to breed a working breed, the appearance - exterior - was not strictly taken into account.

There are two types:

  1. Smooth-haired
  2. Wirehaired

The quality of a breed is mainly determined by the quality of its performance. In this regard, it must be at a high level. This is a type of burrowing hunting dog. Most often she is taken to hunt fox, wild boar, hare, badger, and waterfowl. It is very popular in Austria and Germany.

Description of the German Jagdterrier breed and FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: Germany.
  2. Purpose: a versatile hunting dog with high performance, especially effective for burrow hunting, has proven itself well as a dog for raising animals.
  3. FCI classification: Group 3. Terriers. Section 1. Large and medium sized terriers. With performance tests.
  4. Important proportions:
  • ratio of the chest circumference to the height of the dog at the withers: the chest circumference is 10 - 12 cm greater than the height at the withers.
  • The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
  • The depth of the chest to the height at the withers is approximately 55 - 60% of the height at the withers.
  • General appearance: small, compact, well proportioned hunting dog, predominantly black and tan.
  • Behavior/Temperament: cheerful, temperamental, courageous, brave, efficient, hardy, loyal, easily controlled; never timid or aggressive.
  • Head: elongated, slightly wedge-shaped, non-pointed muzzle slightly shorter than the skull.
    • Skull: flat, wide between the ears, narrower between the eyes.
    • Stop (transition from forehead to nose): weakly expressed.
  • Nose: The nose is black, should not be too narrow or too small, and not split. With a basic brown coat color, a brown nose is acceptable.
  • Muzzle: strong, with a clearly defined lower jaw, strongly pronounced chin.
  • Lips: Tight fitting, well pigmented.
  • Cheekbones: well defined.
  • Jaws/Teeth: The jaws are strong with a regular scissor bite, the upper row of incisors overlaps the lower row without gap, the teeth are set perpendicular to the jaw. The teeth are large, a complete dental formula of 42 teeth must be present.
  • Eyes: dark, small, oval, positioned in such a way that they are well protected from damage, eyelids tightly fitting, determined look.
  • Ears: Set high, not too small, triangular in shape, slightly raised on the cartilages, slightly lying ears with a fold.
  • Neck: strong, not too long, well set, harmoniously flowing into the shoulders.
  • Withers: well defined.
  • Topline: straight.
  • Back: strong, level, not too short.
  • Loin: muscular.
  • Croup: Well muscled, horizontal.
  • Chest: deep, not too wide, with well-spreading, curved ribs; The chest bone is long.
  • Underline/Belly: gracefully curved, short and tucked in the groin, belly slightly tucked.
  • Tail: well set on a long croup, docked by 1/3, when the dog grabs prey in a hole, the owner can pull it out of there by the tail. The tail is carried slightly raised, but should never be carried over the back.
  • In countries where tail docking is illegal, the tail may remain natural. It is held horizontally or saber-shaped.

  • Forelegs: When viewed from the front, straight and parallel; when viewed from the side, they are well positioned under the body. The distance from the ground to the elbows is approximately equal to the distance from the elbows to the withers.
    • Shoulder blades: set obliquely, directed backwards, long, with strong muscles. Good angle between scapula and humerus.
    • Humerus: As long as possible, with good and lean muscles.
    • Elbows: Close to the body, never turned in or out. Good angle between humerus and forearm.
    • Forearms: dry, straight and vertical, with strong bones.
    • Wrists: strong.
    • Pasterns: Slightly sloping, bones strong rather than thin.
    • Forelegs: Often wider than hind feet; fingers tightly adjacent to each other; The pads are quite thick, hard, stable, and well pigmented. The paws are parallel, in the stance and in movement they are never turned either inward or outward.
  • Hind limbs: When viewed from behind, straight and parallel. The angles of the knee and hock joints are well defined. Strong bones.
    • Hips: long, wide, muscular.
    • Knees: Strong, with good angle between thigh and shin.
    • Lower legs: long, muscular, sinewy.
    • Hocks: strong, low-set.
    • Hocks: short, vertical.
    • Hind feet: Oval to round in shape; fingers tightly fitting; The pads are thick, hard, stable, and well pigmented. The feet are parallel in stance and movement, never turned in or out.
  • Gait/Movement: sweeping, free, with good reach in the front legs and powerful drive in the hind legs. The forelimbs and hindlimbs move parallel and straight, never in a stilt-like manner.
  • Skin: thick, dense, without folds.
  • Coat: the wool is thick; coarse hard wool or coarse smooth wool.
  • Height/Weight of the German Jagd Terrier:
    • Height at withers: males 33 - 40 cm, females 33 - 40 cm.
    • Weight (ideal weight for work is desirable): males 9 - 10 kg, females 7.5 - 8.5 kg.
  • Disadvantages/Defects: Any deviation from the above is considered a fault and its severity is assessed in proportion to its severity and the effect on the health and welfare of the dog.
    • The absence of one or both M3 (third molars) is not a disadvantage.
  • Serious defects/defects:
    • Narrow skull, narrow and pointed muzzle.
    • Weakly defined lower jaw, narrow jaws.
    • The bite is at the limit (shallow), any slight irregularity in the position of the incisors.
    • Light or spotted nose.
    • Light-colored, too large or bulging eyes.
    • Prick ears, tips directed horizontally to the sides, ears too small, too low set or heavy.
    • Straight shoulder.
    • Soft or hunchbacked back, too short back.
    • Short chest bone.
    • Front too narrow or too wide.
    • Straight-backedness, high-backedness.
    • Elbows that are clearly turned outward or inward.
    • Cow, barrel, or narrow stance are pluses, both in the stance and in movement.
    • Ambling, stilt-like or mincing movements.
    • Splayed and flat paws, cat paw.
    • Tail tilted over the back, tail set too low, hanging tail.
    • Short hair, open shirt, wadding or sparse coat, bare belly and inner sides of limbs.
  • Disqualifying faults:
    • Aggression or cowardice.
    • Weakness of temperament and character, fear of shots and game.
    • Overshot and undershot, jaw misalignment, pincer bite, completely or partially irregularly spaced teeth, missing teeth, except M3.
    • Ectropia (turning of the eyelids), entropy (turning of the eyelids), irregular pigmentation, blue or speckled eyes, eyes of different colors.
    • Any deviation from the color of the shirt.
    • Height above or below standard.
    • Square format.
    • Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

    Note: Males must have two apparently normal testes fully descended into the scrotum.

    German Jagdterrier color

    • black
    • dark brown
    • grayish-black with red.

    Well-defined yellow-red tan markings on eyebrows, muzzle, chest, limbs and base of tail. A mask on the face, dark or light color is acceptable. White markings on limbs and chest are tolerable.

    Character of the Jagdterrier (German hunting terrier)

    The character of the Jagdterrier is quite complex. He is brave, fearless, vigilant, but often very stubborn. This is a hurricane of energy and a perpetual motion machine; even in adulthood it remains a fairly active dog.

    The Jagdterrier has good health, gets along well with children, is affectionate and playful, unpretentious in food and care, a good guard, an excellent hunter, and tolerates long journeys well. In relation to strangers, the dog is often aggressive and is suitable as a guard dog.

    If you want to buy a Jagdterrier, remember that this is not a breed that is kept as a pet that will snore peacefully on the sofa.

    First of all, this is a hunter dog, and the desire for freedom is in its blood. Therefore, her character is appropriate; she does not like a quiet lifestyle at all. The Jagdterrier has a subtle sense of smell and pronounced courage. They are very aggressive towards animals, they can attack neighbors’ cats, dogs, and hunt poultry; an instinct that has been laid down by nature for decades is almost impossible to overcome. But timely training and strict upbringing can slightly restrain the frantic energy of the Jagd Terrier.

    Sometimes they are aggressive towards people, but this is primarily a problem in their upbringing. Therefore, to acquire such a breed should be a person with a strong character, knowledgeable in dog training, or an experienced hunter who can use the animal for business and strictly educate it.

    The Jagdterrier treats its owner with devotion and respect. Recognizes only one owner. With proper training, the dog is obedient and restrained.

    Jagdterrier care

    Caring for the Jagdterrier is very simple and does not require much attention. But for the health of the dog, you should take care of its fur, ears, eyes and paws.

    It is advisable to bathe the German Jagd Terrier as needed, using shampoo for short-haired breeds.

    After bathing, dry the fur and ears well with a towel, you can use a hairdryer, make sure that the animal is not in a draft. After bathing, you are allowed to walk 2 hours later (in the warm season, in winter, bathe the dog at night) when the ears and fur are completely dry. To speed up the drying of your Jagdterrier's ears, insert cotton wool into the ears and it will absorb excess moisture.

    Wool must be combed with a special natural hair brush or rubber mitten once a week. The wool will gain shine, be cleared of dust, and will not tangle.

    Ears should be examined and checked regularly. Remove dust and wax from the ear canal with a damp cloth.

    Photo of Jagdterriers in the forest

    Drops are applied to the area between the shoulder blades, closer to the dog’s neck so that it cannot lick it off. Do not bathe for 10 days, do not allow children to be ironed for 24 hours. Considering that the dog is a hunter, often in the forest, running through bushes and dry grass, there is a huge risk of picking up a tick. Very often they are found in the ears, on the neck, under the arms, and on the chest. After a walk, be sure to inspect the entire pet, remove the tick if one is found, and treat the affected area with iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

    The Jagdterrier's eyes are the most sensitive area. Once every two weeks, or when souring, wipe the eyes with a soft cloth soaked in chamomile infusion, weak tea leaves or a special spray that can be purchased at a pet store.

    Trim the claws with a nail clipper once a month if they do not become sharpened by themselves. Remember about the fifth toe on the front paws; it is shorter than the others, does not wear down on its own, and can grow long and dig into the animal’s paw. Because of this, the pet begins to limp.

    Inspect your paws after walks, make sure there are no splinters, cracks or cuts.
    In winter, add 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil to your diet every day. This will help prevent cracked paws.

    Jagdterrier content

    In the photo there are Jagdterrier puppies on a lounger

    The Jagdterrier is raised from early childhood, when the puppy is 3-4 months old.

    The breed is smart and quick-witted, and quite quickly begins to understand the owner and follow his commands. It is very good to use the imitation method. If possible and desired, an adult trained dog should be nearby, then the Jagd Terrier begins to follow its example.

    During training, he should feel that the owner is dominant. Rigidity cannot be used in training, but at the same time, instructions must be firm, precise and persistent. If the Jagdterrier does not like the training methods, she will show it and be stubborn and disobedient. With improper and cruel upbringing, the dog can become uncontrollable or too aggressive, therefore, great attention should be paid to training. If the upbringing is correct, the Jagdterrier becomes a very devoted, friendly and obedient pet.

    1. Be sure to walk, 2 times a day, 1 - 2 hours.
    2. Moving, active walks with elements of training
    3. Don't let him off the leash; he might throw himself in front of a car.
    4. Hunt all living things for the rest of your life, get ready for unpleasant surprises (attacks cats, birds, strange dogs)
    5. May run away from home, or on a walk
    6. Left alone at home for a long time, he can damage property (chew slippers, toys, wires, etc.)
    7. Don't feed before going for a walk
    8. Work out on the playground, attend frisbee and agility training

    Jagdterrier food, menu for a puppy

    In the photo there is a Jagdterrier puppy with a stick

    You can feed your Jagdterrier with dry professional food or natural food. If this is the second option, then it is necessary that the diet should be dominated by porridge, meat, and vegetables. Be sure to have clean water available for drinking.

    Products necessary in the Jagd Terrier's diet:

    1. Beef, beef broth (it’s better not to give veal, it’s difficult to digest and can cause diarrhea)
    2. Various offal, chicken, turkey, beef
    3. Dairy products:
    • low-fat cottage cheese up to 9% fat, otherwise give your pet a liver)
    • kefir
    • natural yoghurt, no dyes
    • curdled milk
    • puppies up to 3 months, milk
  • Porridge: buckwheat, millet groats, rice (for diarrhea), oatmeal
  • Cartilage as a delicacy
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits
  • Jagdterrier: feeding a puppy

    Menu for a Jagd Terrier puppy, feeding time and frequency:

    Puppy 1 - 2.5 months:

    • 8 o'clock - milk with curdled milk and a little honey
    • 11 o'clock - rolled oats, pre-soaked overnight in milk, kefir, broth
    • 2 p.m. - raw beef scalded with boiling water, boiled sea fish with raw vegetables, finely grated carrots, with vegetable, sunflower, soybean, or corn oil
    • 17 o'clock - low-fat cottage cheese, or milk with honey (1 teaspoon per glass, can be with rolled oats, buckwheat)
    • 20 o'clock - main feeding: raw meat, scalded with boiling water, with the addition of 0.5 teaspoons of vegetable oil. Chopped seaweed, half a teaspoon of finely chopped seasonal greens: lettuce, parsley, celery, dandelion leaves, young nettle, wild mint.
    • twice a week yolk, dip raw meat into it.
    • add garlic to meat and broth 2 times a week

    Jagdterrier puppy 2.5 - 4 months:

    • Feeding hours are 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours.
    • Be sure to give meat and fish in the last two feedings
    • Distribute milk, kefir, cereals and vegetables between morning and afternoon feedings.
    • Increase the amount of meat additives to 1 - 1.5 teaspoons, depending on the weight of the dog.

    A puppy older than 4 months of age is fed three times a day: at 8, 14 and 20 o'clock. Increase the amount of food and give meat with additives in the last - main feeding.

    Feed a puppy after 8 months and an adult dog 2 times a day.

    • In the morning cottage cheese, porridge, vegetables
    • In the evening, meat or fish with additives

    Jagdterrier - the healthiest breed in the world. Throughout his life, he only receives injuries while hunting.

    Of course, he can get sick, like any animal, but the advantage of the breed is that there are no hereditary diseases. Symptoms resembling the disease appear only when the owner’s care is insufficient.

    Be sure to regularly take anthelmintic prophylaxis (once every 3 months) when in contact with wild animals, this is only a procedure to protect your health. Do not forget to vaccinate your Jagdterrier on time; rabies vaccination is required by law. The specific life of a Jagdterrier or any hunting breed is such that it is often at risk and can even become infected with a disease that is not typical for dogs.

    You notice that the dog is sad, inactive, sleeps a lot, refuses to eat, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian. The specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the main thing is that it is timely.

    Photo of a German Jagdterrier

    If there are careerists among dogs, then these are German Jagd Terriers. So small and, at the same time, so stubborn, energetic, strong, with no unshakable anger towards the beast. This surprises even experienced dog breeders.

    This breed was bred as such and made perfect on purpose. We have German breeders to thank for this. The result was a dog that has no equal in hunting.

    First of all, Jagdterriers are high-quality burrowing hunting dogs that show unsurpassed results when hunting animals such as fox, hare, badger or even wild boar. This breed belongs to the FCI standard No. 103.

    General characteristics of the dog

    Jagdterriers cannot be called dogs of impressive size, because it is the relatively small parameters of these animals that make them unsurpassed hunters and add to them a certain dexterity and maneuverability. Average parameters for a classic German jag:

    1. The height and weight of a male dog is from 33 to 40 cm, from 9 to 10 kg.
    2. The height and weight of the bitch is from 28 to 36 cm, from 7.5 to 8.5 kg.

    Dogs of this breed live quite a long time - on average up to 15 years.

    Sometimes these dogs are confused with small Dobermans or pinschers. But this is a completely independent breed of hunting dog, absolutely irreplaceable when hunting a wild boar or other animal. The German Jag Terrier is also considered an excellent guard for an apartment, house, or car.

    A real German Boy Scout, or a brief description of the breed

    As described above, Jagdterriers are agile hunting dogs, therefore they have small parameters and pronounced muscles. Dogs of this breed have reddish tan marks on their paws, chest, and also under the tail, but sometimes spots are also found on the dog’s face. Such markings are acceptable for black, grayish-black and even dark brown coat color. Speaking of dog hair: the Jagdterrier has thick, straight and coarse hair; The undercoat of this breed is also thick and distinct.

    In appearance, Jagdterriers undoubtedly resemble other terrier breeds: they have an elongated body, strong and small paws, and a muscular neck. A strong jaw helps dogs catch game. The muzzles of Jagdeterres are slightly elongated, the eyes are usually dark in color and oval in shape.

    It is also worth noting the shape of the ears - jags have medium-sized triangular ears that are only slightly raised. The owner of such a dog should have his tail docked by three-quarters in the future if the pet is planned to be used in hunting or at professional dog shows.

    Character of the German Jagd Terrier: from hunter to protector

    The main character traits of this breed: playfulness, energy, subtle flair and stubbornness. These dogs make excellent companions, fearless protectors from everyone, including even the neighbor's cats, and reliable guards.

    It is imperative to take into account that Jagdterriers are extremely energetic dogs, so they should be kept in an enclosure and walked at least once a day, actively playing with their pet. Such an animal requires strict training, otherwise with age the yagd becomes simply uncontrollable. In addition, the pet is extremely aggressive towards other animals, since the hunting instinct is firmly embedded in it. Therefore, the Jagd Terrier should not be allowed near birds, cats or other pets, given the nature of this breed.

    The owner of a Jagdterrier must start raising the dog from childhood, and then in the future the pet will be restrained and obedient. This breed is suitable for people with strong leadership qualities and experience in raising dogs. The Jagdterrier always chooses only one of the family members as its owner, and subsequently obeys only his orders. But by taming and raising such a dog, you can get an irreplaceable, devoted friend for life.

    However, you should not forget that this breed can also be aggressive towards strangers, for example towards house guests. It is best to use this dog for the purpose of hunting, in this way the Jagdterrier finds an outlet for its boundless energy.

    With proper upbringing and constant supervision, the Jagdterrier will be friendly to the owner's family, loyal and loving, will get along with children and will always take part in active games.

    The dog is smart and quick-witted, enjoys learning, and will always try to fulfill the owner’s requirements. They easily adapt to new conditions, so they are not afraid of any move, especially a long hike.
    This dog will protect its owner, even risking its life, and treats strangers with suspicion.

    Necessary care and maintenance

    Despite their complex character, Jagdterriers very picky about care: It is enough to brush the dog with a special brush once a week. Of course, you can additionally bathe your pet (but as it gets dirty) with a special shampoo and clean its ears with a soft, damp cloth.

    Regarding nail trimming, you can trim them once a month, but usually they grind themselves down just fine. In the cold season, you can add 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil to your animal’s food so that the skin on your pet’s paws does not crack while walking in the cold.

    Jagdterriers will feel ideal in equipped enclosures, where they have enough space to run and play. In an apartment, such pets are more likely to gnaw all the furniture and shoes. It must be remembered that Jagdterriers, despite living in an enclosure, require walks and active training. Among the disadvantages of this breed, the owner needs to know that:

    • Without a leash, your pet can run away and get run over by a car.
    • Jagdterriers are aggressive towards cats, birds, squirrels and other people's dogs.
    • Walking with Jagdterriers is very active.
    • The pet cannot be left inside the house, otherwise it will ruin all the property.
    • Unattended Jagdterriers can run away from home, so the enclosure should always be closed.

    Dog nutrition and health

    Jagdterriers do not require a special balanced diet - you can choose dry food for this breed or prepare nutritious porridge for it yourself.

    The diet of an adult dog may consist of buckwheat or wheat cereals with the addition of beef broth and cartilage. You can add slices of seasonal vegetables to your porridge to provide your dog with the necessary vitamins. The Jagdterrier should sometimes be given a little low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, and warm milk is suitable for puppies of this breed.

    Dog puppies up to 2.5 months need to be fed 5 times a day, the daily diet should include light cottage cheese, room-grown milk with a spoonful of honey, pieces of meat in broth or simply scalded with boiling water, plus some greens like parsley or lettuce.

    Older Jagdterriers (up to 4 months) eat 4 times a day, but already an almost adult type of diet with cereals and various vegetables. You can give some warm milk in the morning or evening.

    Berries from 4 months are already feeding 3 times a day, but from 8, the dog’s food is reduced to 2 times a day with the standard recommended list of products for consumption, which were already listed above.

    In addition to their unpretentious diet, Jagdterriers have good health and practically do not get sick. However, you need to remember about the mandatory rabies vaccination for your puppy and plus preventive treatment against helminths - once every 3 months is enough.

    You can never rule out accidental injuries or infectious diseases to which any dog ​​is susceptible. But there are no breed genetic diseases leading to predisposition in Jagd Terriers.

    Breed photo

    Breed name: German Jagdterrier

    Country of origin: Germany

    Time of origin of the breed: 1930 – 1940s

    Type: terriers

    Weight: 7 – 12 kg

    Height (height at withers): 30 – 40 cm

    Lifespan: 12 – 15 years

    ICF classification: Group 3, Section 1, Number 103

    Price of puppies: 100 – 200 $

    Origin story

    This breed was bred in the 30s of the 20th century in Germany. The breed standard was first adopted in 1934. The purpose of creating the breed was to create dogs that would be intended for hunting, while very little attention was paid to appearance. Initially, breeders decided to create a breed that would be unpretentious in care and would not encroach on participation in exhibitions.

    The ancestors of the German Jagdterriers are fox terriers - tireless game hunters. Looking at photographs of Jagdterriers and fox terriers, the external similarity of the breeds is obvious. But there are also distinctive features - the Jagdterrier breed standard implies a black and tan color, sometimes with small splashes in the chest and paws, while fox terriers have a predominantly white color interspersed with red and black markings. In addition, Jagdterriers are somewhat larger than their ancestors in size and weight. But dogs of both breeds are excellent and uncompromising hunters, although the main characters of this article take the lead - they are the most fierce hunters. In addition to Fox Terriers, Old English Terriers and Welsh Terriers participated in the formation of the breed.

    German hunting terriers appeared in the USSR in the 1970s. Thanks to their unpretentious maintenance, small size and excellent hunting skills, Jagd Terriers quickly gained popularity among hunters in the Soviet Union.

    Description of the Jagdterrier breed

    • Jagdterrier– a small, well-built dog with strong, well-developed muscles.
    • Head wide and slightly flat, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not clearly defined, smooth.
    • Eyes deep-set, oval-shaped, small in size, always dark.
    • Ears small, set high, raised and triangular in shape.
    • Very developed and strong jaws.
    • Frame slightly elongated, neck strong, of medium length.
    • It has pronounced withers and a deep chest, a strong and muscular back, and a long, almost horizontal croup.
    • Limbs muscular, strong, straight, small paws.
    • Wool close to the body, rigid, straight and short.
    • Undercoat expressed quite clearly, very thick.

    Jagdterrier color:

    • black
    • dark brown
    • greyish-black with tan marks

    The color of the tan marks is yellow, located above the eyes, on the muzzle, under the tail and on the limbs. A mask on the animal's face, dark or light color, may be present; white markings may be present on the limbs and chest. The tail is docked at three-quarters, so that when the dog grabs prey in a hole, the owner can pull it out by the tail.


    The German Jagdterrier is a miniature, robust hunter with a strong and independent character. He is completely fearless and absolutely confident in himself, which often results in serious conflicts with other leader dogs. The wary attitude towards strangers, characteristic of this breed, allows the terrier to be used as a watchman. This is a very smart, independent dog with a lively disposition and a high need to move and improve its working qualities.

    The German Jagd Terrier, bred for hunting and protection, is not suitable for the role of everyone's pet. Despite its compact size, this is a very serious dog that needs competent education, socialization and training, as well as constant development of its working skills. It should be owned by experienced dog breeders who prefer an active lifestyle.

    With proper upbringing, German Jagd Terriers become the most loyal and affectionate pets for their owners. They will always be happy to accompany you in sports and active games (especially frisbee), and will also provide a strong shoulder in difficult times, sharing energy and optimism with the owner. This is a faithful, worthy friend who, if necessary, without hesitation, will give his life for a loved one.

    The German Jagdterrier is a very talented dog, whose mood often depends on the attention and approval of the owner. In the absence of attention and affection, the pet can withdraw into itself and become unsociable.

    Content issues

    The German Jagdterrier does not require daily care: short, seasonally shedding coat, natural constitution, small size. They are rarely bathed, as their coarse wool perfectly repels dirt and moisture, cleaning itself.

    The main nuances of the content relate to behavioral problems. According to its characteristics, the German Jagd Terrier is hardy and active, which requires regular walking and physical activity. If a dog realizes its natural passion for hunting, at home it is a calm, non-conflict dog - it does not spoil things, does not attack family members, and is indifferent to children.

    The absolute opposite is the “couch variety”. Due to its size and pleasant appearance, the breed is often considered as a pet, along with Jack Russells and Foxes. This attitude usually ends quite sadly - a destroyed apartment, bitten guests and neighbors.

    If the owner is inexperienced, the dog can terrorize everyone in the household, even children. Cases when a sofa yagd lives attached to a radiator while the owner is not at home are not uncommon.

    Even well-mannered pets do not get along well with cats and small animals - birds, rabbits, mice. In most cases, an attempt to suppress the excitement of hunting leads to nothing but the death of a natural hunter's prey.

    The Jagdterrier is also rarely tolerant of other dogs - it starts fights, constantly provokes conflicts and can kill a clumsy opponent (even if he is many times larger). But with the proper experience, especially if the dogs are of different sexes, it is possible to achieve neutrality or friendly relations within the pack.

    Health and illness

    As for diseases, the Jagd Terrier is perhaps one of the healthiest dog breeds. Of course, injuries during sports or hunting cannot be ruled out, and like any other dog, the German hunting dog can develop infectious and other diseases.

    However, unlike many other breeds, this breed does not have breed-specific genetic diseases that lead to certain predispositions. And this gives confidence that such a pet can have very good health and live a long time.

    Necessary care and maintenance

    Despite their complex character, Jagdterriers very picky about care: It is enough to brush the dog with a special brush once a week. Of course, you can additionally bathe your pet (but as it gets dirty) with a special shampoo and clean its ears with a soft, damp cloth.

    Regarding nail trimming, you can trim them once a month, but usually they grind themselves down just fine. In the cold season, you can give 1 tsp to your animal's food. sunflower oil so that the skin on your pet’s paws does not crack while walking in the cold.

    Jagdterriers will feel ideal in equipped enclosures, where they have enough space to run and play. In an apartment, such pets are more likely to gnaw all the furniture and shoes. It must be remembered that Jagdterriers, despite living in an enclosure, require walks and active training.

    Among the disadvantages of this breed, the owner needs to know that:

    • Without a leash, your pet can run away and get run over by a car.
    • Jagdterriers are aggressive towards cats, birds, squirrels and other people's dogs.
    • Walking with Jagdterriers is very active.
    • The pet cannot be left inside the house, otherwise it will ruin all the property.
    • Unattended Jagdterriers can run away from home, so the enclosure should always be closed.

    Dog food

    Jagdterriers do not require a special balanced diet - for this breed you can choose dry food or prepare nutritious porridge for it yourself.

    The diet of an adult dog may consist of buckwheat or wheat cereals with the addition of beef broth and cartilage. You can add slices of seasonal vegetables to your porridge to provide your dog with the necessary vitamins. The Jagdterrier should sometimes be given a little low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, and warm milk is suitable for puppies of this breed.

    Dog puppies up to 2.5 months need to be fed 5 times a day, the daily diet should include light cottage cheese, room-grown milk with a spoonful of honey, pieces of meat in broth or simply scalded with boiling water, plus some greens like parsley or lettuce.

    Older Jagdterriers (up to 4 months) eat 4 times a day, but already an almost adult type of diet with cereals and various vegetables. You can give some warm milk in the morning or evening.

    Berries from 4 months are already feeding 3 times a day, but from 8, the dog’s food is reduced to 2 times a day with the standard recommended list of products for consumption, which were already listed above.

    Training and education

    Training of German hunting terriers should begin from 6-10 months of age, depending on the character of the animal, the degree of trust in the trainer, and the developmental characteristics of the dog, the process can take at least six months. Training is carried out twice a day for 1 hour - in the morning and in the evening, before eating or a few hours after. It is desirable that the dog trusts the trainer; for this it is necessary to establish contact between the person and the animal.

    The main goal of training is to give the dog hunting skills. Training and training of Jagdterriers is based on methods of excitation and inhibition of the animal’s nervous system. You should never overload an animal by trying to teach it many commands at the same time. If training in elementary commands can be carried out if desired by an inexperienced owner, then complex skills must be instilled by a specialist (or at least under his supervision, on his advice). To do this, it is advisable to find a hunting dog breeding club where you can count on assistance in training.

    Experienced instructors will talk about the intricacies of the training process for such dogs. The advantages of joining such a club are not only the availability of specialists, because they will also provide a training ground, which is especially important for those owners who do not have the opportunity to train their dog daily in the fresh air, away from the trails, over a large area. It is worth remembering that training these dogs is mandatory. An untrained (or improperly trained) Jagdterrier becomes uncontrollable, overly aggressive, threatening the life and health of people and animals.

    How much does a Jagd Terrier puppy cost?

    Despite the fact that the breed is not very widespread in the territory, there are kennels breeding these dogs in large cities. Experts do not recommend purchasing puppies from random sellers, since in addition to the risks of getting a non-purebred pet, there is a possibility of buying a puppy with behavioral abnormalities and genetic disorders.

    In addition, professional breeders necessarily take care of the working qualities of their charges. The cost of purebred babies with documents varies from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. The lower price should be a concern.

    The German Hunting Jagdterrier is a pet that is not entirely suitable as a sofa companion. This dog is intended for hunting, participating in competitions and other active activities. In addition, he needs mandatory training and education, and an owner with a strong hand. Otherwise, the dog will be uncontrollable and cause a lot of trouble. If such difficulties do not frighten you, then you can safely go for a new family member.

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