Combination of zucchini with other vegetables. Combining foods for a healthy diet: basic concepts

Have you ever felt like your stomach is bloated like a balloon after eating? Or did you feel lethargic and heavy?

Many of us are familiar with this - and although it is quite common, a feeling of discomfort or heaviness in the stomach after eating should not occur.

In fact, after eating you should feel energized, fresh and ready to conquer the world.

So, if you suffer from unpleasant symptoms that make you regret what you ate, your body will benefit from the following simple food combination rules.

However, before delving into the intricacies of product compatibility, I would like to make a small disclaimer.

The principles presented here are just a guide to the right food combinations for a healthy diet on the way to improving your digestion, promoting gut health and relieving existing unpleasant symptoms.

Therefore, they should not be considered as rigid rules that must be followed for the rest of your life (although, of course, this is your right).

On the contrary, these principles only give an idea of ​​​​the recommended order of eating for better digestion and absorption of nutrients.

These rules are a simple approach to eating and are based on how the body digests certain foods.

The right combination of foods can help improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, and can also be helpful for poor digestion and a variety of disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Many people also report weight loss and clearer skin only after switching to the combined foods.

This is why these principles of food compatibility are important: each macronutrient (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) is digested at its own speed. In addition, each requires the release of different digestive solutions and enzymes.

Therefore, if with one meal you consume foods that differ in digestive requirements, they are considered a bad combination. And this, in turn, can result in an intestinal “plug”, which is characterized by symptoms such as gas formation, bloating, belching and intestinal cramps.

Acid and alkaline enzymes

Let's look at the proteins and carbohydrates found in a beef burger, for example.

Proteins require an acidic environment and the enzyme pepsin for digestion, and carbohydrates require an alkaline environment and the enzyme ptyalin.

Since beef and bread have different requirements for digestion, eating them together results in the release of both acidic and alkaline environments.

Acidic and alkaline environments neutralize each other, which slows down digestion and causes bloating and fatigue.

The wrong combination of foods can also confuse the body, requiring the release of several types of digestive enzymes at once. This further slows digestion and causes the infamous post-meal laziness, using more of the body's energy for digestion than necessary.

Understanding the rules of proper food combinations also helps maintain intestinal health. When digestion is slow, food can sit in the digestive tract for a long time and begin to rot, leading to the formation of toxins.

If food is poorly digested, undigested food particles can also enter the bloodstream, causing food sensitivities.

Undigested food also feeds “unfriendly” gut bacteria, such as fungus, which is the cause of a variety of diseases, such as candidiasis.

On the other hand, there are products that go well together, we will talk about them below.

So, do you still think that food combinations are a fantasy?

Let's discuss in more detail so that you can make a more informed decision on this matter.

How to start combining foods correctly to improve digestion

The following basic principles of food combinations go hand in hand with proper nutrition for energy and are designed to help you avoid the discomfort of poor digestion.

1. Eat fruits separately

Combining fruits with each other is not a problem. While there's nothing better than a fruit dessert after a meal, combining fruit with other foods is a recipe for digestive disaster. This happens because fruit is pure sucrose, which is absorbed very quickly, within about 20-30 minutes.

Since fruits are digested faster than other foods, it is better to eat them separately.

Let's say you decide to eat fruit salad with eggs. Eggs are a protein that takes 3-4 hours to digest. Since fruits only need 20-30 minutes, combining them with eggs will create a “plug” in the digestive tract.

For the same reason, it is better not to eat fruit after meals.

Listen to your body

The next time you have digestive problems, try to remember the foods that were on your plate to see if bad combinations are to blame.

If you follow the rules of food combinations, you will begin to notice an increase in vital energy, improved digestion and overall well-being.

So, why not try the right food combinations and see if it has a positive effect on your health?

For good digestion and reducing intoxication of the body from the processes of rotting and fermentation in the stomach and intestines, the correct combination of foods consumed at one time plays an important role. Since each type of food secretes digestive juices of a certain composition, which contribute to the most efficient digestion of a given product, then with a mixed diet, a combination of products may arise in which one type of food interferes with the absorption of another.

G. Shelton (1992) wrote: “We do not benefit from food that is not digestible. Eating and at the same time spoiling food in the digestive tract is a waste of food. But even worse, spoiled food leads to the formation of poisons that are very harmful... An amazing number of cases of food allergies disappear completely when patients learn to eat food in the right combinations. Such people suffer not from allergies, but from indigestion of food. Allergy is a term applied to protein poisoning. Abnormal digestion carries into the bloodstream not nutrients, but poisons.”

We bring to the reader's attention a classification of food products with indications of their correct and incorrect combinations.

Group I. Sweet fruits. This group includes: banana, date, persimmon, fig, all dried fruits.

They go perfectly with each other (banana and fig), with semi-acidic fruits (persimmon and apple) and with fermented milk products (date and curdled milk).

Their combination with nuts, milk, moderately starchy and starchy vegetables, herbs and non-starchy vegetables is acceptable.

When combined with all other products, they cause fermentation.

Note. All fruits are very healthy if consumed as an independent food. Fruits and fruit juices should not be consumed as dessert. It is better to drink juices 0.5-1 hour before meals.

Group 2. Semi-acidic fruits. These include: apricot, mango, watermelon, melon, blueberry, blueberry; sweet in taste - apple, pear, grape, cherry, plum, peach, as well as tomato in their properties.

They go well with each other (apple and plum), with sweet fruits (pear and persimmon), with sour fruits (peach and orange), with fermented milk products (apple and kefir).

They are compatible with protein foods containing a lot of fat, such as nuts, cheese and fatty cottage cheese (cherries and cheese, pears and nuts), with herbs and non-starchy vegetables (cucumber and plum). Combining them with other protein foods is harmful (apples and meat, apricots and eggs).

When combined with starch (grape juice and bread) and semi-starchy vegetables (plum and pumpkin), they cause fermentation.

Note. Melon, blueberries and blueberries are not compatible with any other product. They are perfectly digestible if eaten not in addition to food, but as food (or in small quantities 1 hour before meals).

Group 3. Sour fruits. These include: orange, tangerine, grapefruit, pineapple, pomegranate, lemon; sour in taste - apple, pear, cherry, plum, peach, grapes, currants, blackberries, cranberries, etc.

They go well with semi-acidic fruits (grapefruit and apple), with milk and fermented milk products (orange and fermented baked milk).

Their combinations with fatty cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, cheese, herbs and non-starchy vegetables (currants and lettuce) are acceptable. Incompatible with other protein products (tangerine and egg, cranberry and fish).

They are incompatible with starches (orange and potatoes), with sweet fruits (pineapple and dates) and with semi-starchy vegetables (lemon and green peas).

Group 4. Non-starchy vegetables. These include: cucumber, cabbage, sweet pepper, green beans, etc.

They go well with proteins (cucumber and meat), with fats (cabbage and butter), with moderately starchy vegetables (tomato and zucchini), with starches (cucumber and bread), with herbs (sweet peppers and dill with onions).

A combination with fruit is also acceptable.

Cannot be consumed with milk.

Group 5. Moderately starchy vegetables. These include: beets, turnips, rutabaga, carrots, mereka cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, green peas.

They combine well with starches (zucchini and bread), with non-starchy vegetables (green peas and cucumber), with fats (carrots and sour cream), and with herbs.
It is permissible to combine them with fermented milk products (carrots and kefir), cottage cheese, cheese, nuts and seeds.

Harmful compounds include proteins (eggplant and meat, green peas and eggs), sugars (pumpkin and jam), fruits (turnips and bananas), and milk.

Group 6. Starchy foods. These include: wheat, buckwheat, rye, oats, rice; potatoes, chestnuts, etc.

They pair perfectly with greens (bread and salad), non-starchy vegetables (potatoes and cabbage) and moderately starchy vegetables (porridge and pumpkin).

It is permissible to combine different types of starches with each other (pasta and bread) and with fats (porridge and butter). However, for people who are prone to obesity, combining different starches is not recommended. When eating starchy foods with fats, it is advisable to also eat some greens or non-starchy vegetables.

With great caution, their combination with cheese, nuts and seeds is allowed.

Combinations of starches with animal proteins (bread and meat, potatoes and fish), with milk, sugar (porridge and sugar, bread and jam), with any fruit (potatoes and apples, bread and grapes) are very harmful.

Note. Mushrooms in any form, sauerkraut and other pickles (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) are well compatible with potatoes and not well with bread.

Group 7. Protein products. These include: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, curdled milk, kefir, beans, beans, peas, nuts (except peanuts), sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

They are ideally combined with greens (cheese and salad) and non-starchy vegetables (fish and cucumber).

Their combination with moderately starchy vegetables (meat and zucchini) is allowed.
It is unacceptable to combine two types of proteins (meat and cheese), proteins with starchy foods (egg and bread, meat and porridge), with sugars (egg and sugar), with sweet fruits (fish and banana).

It is also undesirable to combine proteins with fats (meat and sour cream), with sour and semi-acidic fruits (egg and apple).

Exceptions. Fat cottage cheese, cheese, nuts, and seeds can be combined with sour, semi-acidic fruits and berries (cottage cheese and apple).

Milk can be combined with sweet and semi-acidic fruits and berries (milk and figs).

Fermented milk products are compatible with sweet, semi-sweet and sour fruits (ryazhenka and banana, acidophilus and apricot, buttermilk and grapefruit).

Group 8. Greenery. These include: sorrel, dandelion, nettle, plantain, onion, lettuce, coriander, radish, horseradish, chicory, sage, acacia, rose petals, etc.
They can be combined with any food except milk.

Group 9. Fats. This includes: butter and ghee, vegetable oil, lard and other animal fats, sour cream, cream.

An ideal combination with greens (sour cream and salad), non-starchy vegetables (cream and cucumber) and moderately starchy vegetables (butter and zucchini).

Combination with starches (butter and bread) is acceptable! but in this case it is advisable to also consume greens or non-starchy vegetables.

Compounds with animal proteins (sour cream and eggs), fruits (sour cream and apple), sugars (cream and sugar), and confectionery products are harmful.

Group 10. Sahara. This includes white and yellow sugar, honey, jam and syrup.
It is best consumed separately from other foods, 1-1.5 hours before meals. When combined with proteins, starches and fats, sugars cause fermentation. That's why you can't eat desserts. In principle, combinations of sugars with herbs and non-starchy vegetables are acceptable.

Note. Honey is an exception to the general rule. In moderation, it is compatible with all foods except animal foods.

V. Lozinsky

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Compatibility of products with each other

It would seem that the combination of tomato and cucumber is a traditional Russian salad.

However, there's a catch. Have you noticed that this salad spoils very quickly?

Tomato is a sour vegetable and cucumber is a non-starchy vegetable. They are digested by various enzymes. As a result, one is digested, the second rots, which can cause gases to form in the stomach.

It is better not to give cucumbers and tomatoes together to children. In general, it is best to remove the skin from tomatoes (it is not digested at all). You can pour boiling water over the tomato and the skin will easily come off.

Ayurveda has a large section called “Compatibility of Products with Each Other.” It is very important to know the compatibility of products with each other, since in the process of joint digestion of incompatible products, poisons and toxins can arise.

Pay attention to your eating habits and try to get rid of bad ones. For example, often after a meal in a restaurant we are served fruit for dessert or a fruit salad. So, if you eat an apple immediately after lunch, the process of fermentation and gas formation will occur. So, an apple eaten immediately after a meal will be digested in 30 minutes and will begin to rot while the rest of the food is still being digested.

It is believed that fruits can only be mixed with fruits. And sweet fruits can only be mixed with sweet ones, sour ones only with sour ones. Melon and watermelon don't go well with anything. That is, finishing a meal with watermelon is categorically not recommended.

You cannot mix fruits and vegetables. The only exceptions are 5 fruits: pineapple, dates, pomegranate, raisins and lemon. Only these fruits can be mixed with vegetables.

Cereals are not recommended to be mixed with other grains. Mixes of cereals and breakfast cereals that are sold in stores like “Seven Grains”, “5 Grains”, and other mixtures are not healthy! They only make you weaker. The fact is that each type of grain takes its own time to digest. And the mixture takes even longer to digest. The same can be said about bad eating habits: it is not recommended, for example, to eat porridge with bread, since you are consuming two grains, say rice and wheat. I can say the same thing about the mixture of black and white rice that is sold in stores. Do not consume this mixture as they are two different types of grains.

Legumes can also be mixed with each other. For example, you can combine beans and lentils.

You can also mix grains with legumes. Separately, grains and legumes are digestible by 40%, and when cooked together, they are digestible by 80% each.

Milk doesn't go well with anything. Remember your childhood: a glass of fresh milk, a crust of bread... Tasty, but, unfortunately, not healthy. The fact is that milk can be consumed either in the morning or in the evening, and grains in the afternoon. So, just milk and a crust of bread do not go together in terms of the time of their consumption.

Recently, a lot of different studies have been carried out, which say that milk is not digested, is not absorbed, causes discomfort in the stomach and is not healthy at all. So, milk is a specific product, and if it is consumed incorrectly, then, of course, there will be discomfort. Try milk with pickles... Moreover, the milk that is subjected to this kind of “research” in quotes is, as a rule, milk from tetra bags, pasteurized, sterilized or reconstituted from milk powder. It’s difficult to even call such a product milk.

Let's reveal one secret: milk is a beneficial sattvic product and for people who are in a state of tamas, milk causes discomfort. The body of these people, as a rule, is polluted, clogged with “garbage” from drinking alcohol, meat, tobacco, and is destroyed by an unhealthy lifestyle. Such an organism is not able to accept milk. So, the secret is precisely that if you want to help a person break out of the state of deep tamas, reveal his potential, return love to his life, help get rid of bad addictions, then feed him milk. Just do it right. Start with a teaspoon at night, gradually increasing the amount you consume. Mix milk with spices, so it is better absorbed and seems tastier. Use natural village milk or the most natural milk possible. To learn how to determine whether milk is good or not, look at the recipe for making paneer cheese and you will understand what we are talking about.

Let's summarize: milk in its pure form is a separate product that can only be consumed in the evening (and morning). Drinking milk is a separate meal. Various dishes that use milk, such as soups or porridges, are separate products in which the milk is processed and changes its properties. Such dishes using milk, of course, can be consumed.

Honey and ghee should not be mixed in one to one ratio in one dish. Even though honey and ghee are among the most valuable products. These are not just products, but medicinal products. And the dish should give priority to one of these products. By the way, delivering drugs to the body using alcohol is considered the most aggressive method of drug delivery. Therefore, in Ayurveda, medicines are mainly made with honey or ghee, without the use of alcohol.

Below we provide a small list of products that are not compatible with each other. Study it and apply this knowledge in planning your daily diet.

Milk and bananas, yogurt, eggs, melon, fish, meat, sour fruits, rice and legume pilafs, yeast bread;
Melon and grains, starch, fried foods, dairy products;
Yogurt and milk, melon, sour fruits, hot drinks (including tea and coffee), starch, cheese, bananas;
Starches and eggs, bananas, milk, dates;
Honey and an equal amount of ghee (honey is toxic when heated above 40 degrees);
Nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, etc.) and yogurt, milk, melon, cucumbers;
Corn and dates, raisins, bananas;
Lemon and yogurt, milk, cucumbers, tomatoes;
Eggs and milk, meat, yogurt, melon, cheese, fish, bananas;
Radishes and milk, bananas, raisins;
Fruits with any other food. Fruits cannot be mixed with other products (including dairy products) - in this case they cause fermentation and gas formation. Exceptions: pomegranate, pineapple, lemon (lime), dates, raisins (can be mixed with other products, such as vegetables).

Daria Dorokhova

Ibn Sina, for example, in the “Canon of Medical Science” examines in detail which types of food can be consumed at one time and which cannot. Ignorance of these rules leads to the fact that very often you can see how at lunch people eat first a plate of cottage cheese with bread, then pea soup with meat, potatoes and also bread, then porridge with azu, wash it all down with sweet compote or, even better, juice (or even with cake!) and, finally, eat an orange or an apple (they say it’s healthy...).

A familiar picture, isn't it? But as a result of such a “lunch”, none of the listed products can be properly digested and absorbed.

The resulting calories will barely cover the costs of digestion and neutralization of toxins; the excretory system will groan from the flow of poisons formed when food spoils in the stomach and intestines.

An apple, for example, eaten on an empty stomach leaves it within 15-20 minutes, an orange even faster. What happens when fruit enters a full stomach, that is, after another meal? They cannot move into the intestines and after the same 15-20 minutes they simply begin to rot.

With unnatural combinations of foods or with excessive amounts of food eaten, gastric and then intestinal digestion is disrupted. Underdigested masses that linger for a long time become prey for putrefactive bacteria. The flow of toxins hits the liver, kidneys, poisons the entire body and leads to numerous diseases.

The founder of the theory of separate nutrition, G. Shelton, whose work is now used by nutritionists around the world, wrote:

“We do not benefit from food that is not digestible. Eating and at the same time spoiling food in the digestive tract is a waste of food. But even worse, spoiled food leads to the formation of poisons that are very harmful... A surprising number of cases of food allergies disappear completely when sufferers begin to eat foods in the right combinations. Such people suffer not from allergies, but from indigestion of food. Allergy — is a term applied to protein poisoning. Abnormal digestion carries into the bloodstream not nutrients, but poisons.”

Below is a classification of food products with indications of their ideal, acceptable and harmful combinations. All products are divided into 10 groups.

Group 1. Sweet fruits

Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits, raisins, dried melon. Fruits are a fast-digesting food. Sweet fruits stay in the stomach a little longer, more sour ones - less. All fruits are best eaten separately from other foods. It is especially harmful to eat them as desserts, after meals. In this case, they cause fermentation (especially sweet fruits). The same applies to fruit juices.

It is better to consume both fruits and juices as a separate meal or half an hour to an hour before meals, but so that at least 3 hours have passed since the previous meal.

Sweet fruits go perfectly with each other (raisins with prunes) and with semi-acidic fruits (persimmon with apple).

Sweet fruits can also be combined with cream, sour cream, herbs, and fermented milk products. Dried fruits can be added in small quantities to some porridges (for example, pilaf with raisins or dried apricots, etc.)

The peculiarities of our digestion do not seem to prevent us from combining any fruits and vegetables, but their joint use is still undesirable. People feel this instinctively, and few people think of eating persimmons with cucumbers or dates with cabbage. But there are also exceptions. Acceptable, for example, are apple and carrot puree, vegetable salads with cranberries or lemon juice, etc.

Group 2. Semi-acidic fruits

Sometimes they are called semi-sweet. These are mangoes, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, as well as sweet-tasting ones: apples, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, apricots, peaches, etc. This also includes watermelons.

Semi-acid fruits go well with each other, with sweet fruits (pear with figs), with sour fruits (apple with tangerine) and with fermented milk products (grapes with kefir).

Compatible with cream, sour cream, herbs, as well as protein products containing a lot of fat - cheese, nuts, fatty cottage cheese. Some berries can be consumed with warm milk.

Combinations with other protein foods (meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, legumes) are harmful, mainly due to the difference in the speed of digestion. Compounds with starches are even less desirable.

Peaches, blueberries, blueberries, grapes, and melons are known for their special “delicacy.” They are perfectly digestible when eaten on their own, but are incompatible with any other food (except for some semi-acidic fruits). It is best to eat them not before or after meals, but as a meal.

Tomatoes also belong to the group of semi-acidic fruits due to their high acid content. But, like all vegetables, tomatoes do not go well with fruits and, unlike fruits, are relatively well compatible with proteins and vegetables.

Group 3. Sour fruits

Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, currants, blackberries, cranberries; and also sour in taste: apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes, etc. They go well with each other, with semi-sour fruits, with fermented milk products, cream, sour cream, and full-fat cottage cheese. Combinations with nuts, cheeses, and herbs are acceptable.

Incompatible with animal protein products, legumes, starches and less compatible vegetables.

Group 4. Compatible vegetables

Cucumbers, raw cabbage (except cauliflower), radishes, sweet peppers, green beans, radishes, onions, garlic, beets, turnips, rutabaga, carrots, young pumpkin, young zucchini, lettuce and some others.

They go well with almost any food, promoting its better absorption: with proteins (meat with cucumber, carrots with cottage cheese), fats (cabbage with butter), with all vegetables, starches (bread with beets), herbs.

All vegetables are incompatible with milk. Compounds with fruit are also undesirable, although exceptions are possible.

Group 5. Less compatible vegetables

Cauliflower, boiled white cabbage, green peas, late pumpkin, late zucchini, eggplant.

They go well with starches (zucchini with bread) and with all vegetables, with fats (eggplant with sour cream), with herbs. It is acceptable to combine with cheese.

Less desirable are combinations with animal proteins (cauliflower with meat, green peas with egg).

Incompatible with fruits and milk.

Group 6. Starchy foods

Wheat, rye, oats and products made from them (bread, pasta, etc.); cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.; potatoes, chestnuts, ripe corn.

Ideally combined with herbs, fats and all vegetables.

It is also possible to combine different types of starches with each other, however, such combinations are not recommended for people prone to obesity. In addition, different cereals and grains differ greatly in the composition of proteins, and ideally it is better not to mix them.

When eating starchy foods with fats, it is recommended to also eat some greens or vegetables.

Combinations of starches with proteins, especially animal proteins (bread with meat, potatoes with fish), with milk and fermented milk products (porridge with milk, kefir with bread), with sugars (bread with jam, porridge with sugar), with any fruit and fruit are harmful. juices

Group 7. Protein products

Meat, fish, eggs; cottage cheese, cheese, feta cheese; milk, curdled milk, kefir, etc.; dry beans, beans, lentils and peas; nuts, seeds; mushrooms.

Ideally combined with herbs and compatible vegetables. Moreover, these products promote good protein digestion and the removal of many toxic compounds.

The exception here is milk, which is best drunk separately.

Moreover, warm (but not boiled!) milk is most easily digestible. Milk can sometimes be combined with fruit, but tolerance to such compounds varies from person to person.

It is acceptable to consume proteins with fats, and animal proteins go better with animal fats, and vegetable proteins go better with both animal and vegetable fats. But fats slow down digestion, so it is advisable to add vegetables and herbs to the combination of proteins and fats.

Proteins are incompatible with starchy foods, fruits and sugars.

Exceptions are cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk products, nuts, seeds, which can sometimes be consumed with fruit.

Group 8. Greens

Lettuce, nettle, plantain, green onions, sorrel, chives, coriander, parsley, acacia, rose petals, clover, dill, etc.

Greens go well with all foods except milk. For normal well-being, it is recommended to eat a bunch of greens every day. Its use with starches and proteins is especially useful, in this case it promotes excellent digestion, neutralizes toxins, replenishes the deficiency of fine prana and vitamins, and improves peristalsis.

Group 9. Fats

Butter and ghee, cream, sour cream; vegetable oils; lard and other animal fats. Sometimes this group also includes fatty meat, fatty fish, and nuts.

The general property of fats is that they inhibit the secretion of gastric juice, especially if consumed at the beginning of a meal. At the same time, fats mitigate the negative effects of some unsuccessful food combinations. For example, low-fat cottage cheese with bread and sour cream will be digested better than the same cottage cheese with bread, but without sour cream (although cottage cheese with bread is a very unfortunate example).

Fats are ideally combined with herbs, vegetables (salad with sour cream), and starchy foods (porridge with butter). Sometimes it is permissible to combine fats with fruits, especially berries (strawberries with sour cream).

It is undesirable to combine fats with sugars (cream with sugar, confectionery). Here the negative consequences of the inhibitory effect of fats are especially pronounced.

It is also not recommended to consume fats of animal and vegetable origin together, although exceptions are possible. Vegetable oil, for example, goes relatively well with fish, which contains unsaturated fats, and much worse with meat. Ghee often goes better with other foods than butter.

Group 10. Sahara

White and yellow sugar, fructose, jam, syrups, honey, molasses.

In combination with proteins and starches, they cause fermentation and contribute to spoilage of other products.

It is best to consume sweets separately (if consumed at all). For example, have tea with jam or sweets for afternoon tea. In principle, if you really want to, you can eat 2-3 candies 40-60 minutes before a meal, but in no case after a meal!

An exception to the general rule is honey. It contains substances that prevent rotting, and in small quantities is compatible with many products (except animal food). But honey is a strong biologically active agent, and it is not advisable to eat it every day (so that the body does not get used to it). Sometimes you can drink herbal tea with honey or add a teaspoon of honey to your porridge or salad.

Food incompatibility according to traditional Chinese medicine dietetics

This time I decided to act outside the box and experiment a little. What is the experiment? Writing articles consists of two parts. Basic material and explanations for it. Most of the time when writing articles is spent on explanations. This time I decided to do it differently. I decided to post the main material so that you can read it, think about it, and I will post explanations to it (a lot of clear and important text) later, about which everyone will receive a notification by email.

Stay tuned!

Below I present to your attention a sign of incompatibility of products from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda for daily and seasonal nutrition.

I suggest asking questions about the plate after the material has been posted in full, since I plan to answer most possible questions in the text of the explanations.

So, what foods are incompatible from the point of view of Chinese tradition? Let's get a look:

Product: Not compatible with:
PeanutCorn, turmeric* 9, cucumbers, eggs, garlic, seafood
WatermelonWith nothing
Eggplant* 9Seafood, fish, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers
BananasMilk, yogurt
MuttonBuckwheat, soy sauce, cheese, honey, mercury* 1, pumpkin, tangerines, beans, radish, pork, seafood
WineCoffee* 8, sparkling water* 8, beer
BeefPork, fish, honey, millet, leek, chicken
PearDuck, goose
BuckwheatLamb, pork, pumpkin
MelonWith nothing
YogurtWith practically nothing. With sour, with sour fruits, berries, nightshades* 6, meat, eggs, lemon, bananas, mango, cheese, fish
PotatoYogurt, kefir, sour cream, beans, persimmon
KefirPotatoes, sugar, peas, fish
RabbitChinese cabbage, chicken, mustard* 9, tangerines
ChickenKefir, seafood, crayfish, cream, milk, mustard, fish, rabbit, beef, eggs, sour cream
LemonCucumbers, tomatoes, yogurt, carrots, milk, melon
LeekSpinach, beef
Bulb onionsHoney, sugar, dates, salted fish
MangoMilk, yogurt
MandarinLamb, rabbit, seafood
HoneyMilk, beef, onions, garlic, salted fish, fish, hot spices
MilkIn general, nothing. Especially with fish, seafood, garlic, black tea, wheat, lard, soybeans, honey, nightshades* 6, bananas, mangoes, yeast bread* 8, chocolate* 8, fruits, berries, eggs, lemon, sweets* 8
SeafoodChicken, milk, tangerines, pork, persimmons, apples, eggplants, with each other* 7, lamb, peanuts
CarrotMost acidic fruits and vegetables, pomegranate
cucumbersTomatoes, hot peppers, sour fruits, lemon, salted fish, peanuts, eggplants
Solanaceae* 6Sour cream, yogurt, milk, cucumbers
TomatoesCucumbers, eggplants, lemon, yogurt, milk, melon
RadishTangerines, lamb
FishEggs, dates, milk, beef, eggplant, mayonnaise* 8, honey, fruits, dairy products, sugar* 9
Salted fishGarlic, onion, honey, shrimp, cucumbers
PorkBuckwheat, seafood, soy, lamb
CeleryVinegar* 9
Sour creamNightshades, sugar, chicken, fish
SoybeansPork, other legumes, milk, spinach, eggs
CheeseLamb, yogurt, eggs
PumpkinLamb* 2, milk, buckwheat
DuckWalnut, tree mushrooms, pears
BeansLamb, potatoes
DatesOnion, fish
Raw fruits, sour fruitsIn general, nothing. Especially with yogurt, carrots, cucumbers, milk, fish
PersimmonSeafood, potatoes
Black and green teaMilk, tonic compositions* 5
GarlicHoney, milk, eggs, salted fish, peanuts
BerriesMilk, yogurt
Eggs* 4Garlic, milk, persimmon, soy, meat, fruit, cheese, chicken, yogurt, fruit, onion, peanuts

Comments on footnotes:

1. This refers to the “tamed” mercury used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.
2. There are classic longevity recipes that include lamb, rice, pumpkin and dates. Dishes according to these recipes can be eaten no more than once a year, at a certain time and season. That is, as a medicine.
3. Eggplant is translated from Arabic as poisonous cucumber. Therefore, when preparing it, it is necessary to remove atropine-like substances, which give it bitterness. Soak with salt and cut off the skin with a knife.
4. Eggs are good to eat with grains and vegetables.
5. Especially for people with anemia and general physical weakness, you should not mix different tonic compositions with each other. For example, with lemongrass, mate, ginseng. Can be with jasmine, lemon, sugar, honey.
6. Nightshades are primarily tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, and sweet peppers.
7. Seafood is not compatible with each other, that is, you should not combine shrimp with crabs, mussels or fish in one dish.
8. Yeast bread, chocolate, mayonnaise, vinegar, confectionery or overly sweet foods are not included in the table as unhealthful foods. There will be a separate article about this.
9. Vinegar, sugar, turmeric, mustard are not included in the table, as they are spices and not products.

It is important to understand what it means that one product is not compatible with another. This does not mean that a dish prepared from them will not be tasty. This means that eating such combinations of foods will lead to either acute or chronic diseases of the body. All this will be explained in more detail in the explanations.

It is also important to remember that many foods that are incompatible in a normal, daily or seasonal diet are compatible and are even often used as medicine. But only a doctor or a specialist in traditional Chinese nutrition can suggest and prescribe this for you.

Be healthy!


PS To the end of the article, for your inspiration, I will add a short excerpt about incompatible types of food from the ancient treatise of Tibetan medicine Zhud-Shi:

Chapter 17. Food prohibitions.

Then Rishi Vidyajnana spoke these words! O great rishi, listen! ...

Eating incompatible foods is like eating a compounded poison.

  1. Unripened sho and fresh wine are incompatible;
  2. Fish does not go well with milk;
  3. Milk and fruits from trees are incompatible;
  4. Eggs and fish don't go together;
  5. Pea soup with cane sugar and dar are harmful;
  6. You cannot fry mushrooms in mustard oil;
  7. Do not mix chicken with sour milk;
  8. Equal parts of honey and vegetable oil are incompatible;
  9. You cannot keep fresh oil in a bronze vessel for more than ten days;
  10. You cannot fry charitra meat on a barberry flame. (Haritra is an animal that is identified by Tibetan authors in different ways: green bird, parrots, partridge, hare, lion.);
  11. You cannot drink cold water after drinking ghee;
  12. You should not eat meat that has turned white with the smell of sour dough, as well as boiled meat that has been stored covered for a long time;
  13. You cannot eat sour foods with milk;
  14. You cannot eat new food until the old one has been digested, because they may turn out to be incompatible and start a quarrel;
  15. Unusual food eaten at the wrong time is also poison.

You need to move from compatible food to incompatible food or vice versa gradually, little by little, until the body gets used to it. And if you do this abruptly, then vices will arise.

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