Social package for disabled people of group 2 c. Benefits for disabled people of the second group: list and registration rules. Using tax benefits

Disabled people are a separate category of citizens who need special attention and support from the state. In this regard, federal programs for social and everyday orientation, increasing competitiveness in the labor market, improving the accessibility of services, and many others have been developed. The main state program is called “Accessible Environment”. In addition, certain benefits have been introduced for disabled people (of the second group, as well as other groups) in the field of medicine, education, and social services. Such people are also provided with financial assistance.

Disability of the second group: category of citizens

Disability of the second group can be registered by persons whose health status meets a number of requirements set by law. Among the criteria for disability, there are disorders that impose moderate restrictions on the standard of living. These include the following disorders:

  1. Limited ability to move normally: the person is unable to move independently (without assistance) and use public transport, or has difficulty moving and needs assistance.
  2. Limited ability to orientate in space: without outside help, a disabled person is not able to adequately perceive the environment.
  3. Limited ability to communicate, which requires assistance in conveying information to a person with a disability.
  4. Limited learning ability, which is often related to the previous criterion. Thus, a disabled person can acquire skills in specialized educational institutions or undergo training at home.
  5. Limited ability to work implies that a disabled person of group 2 can work under special conditions or with the use of specialized technical means.

Some diseases of the respiratory system and blood circulation, sensory or mental disorders, speech impairments or physical defects lead to recognition of a person as a disabled person of the second group.

Recognition of a citizen as a disabled person of the second group requires the conclusion of a medical commission. This status gives the right to receive financial assistance from the state or a number of benefits (benefits). So, what benefits do disabled people of group 2 have?

Cash payments to disabled people

Disabled people of the second group are entitled to monthly payments. Until February 1 of this year, the amount of cash support is almost 2,400 rubles. The disability pension (for the second group) in the current (2017) year will be on average nine thousand rubles. A separate type of additional financial support is an insurance pension. For disabled people of group 2, the amount is just over four and a half thousand rubles. The cash payment increases depending on whether the disabled person has dependents and their number.

In 2017, a recalculation of social benefits for disability and pensions is expected. Cash benefits for disabled people will increase by almost 6 percent, while pensions will be indexed by 2.6 percent.

Benefits for travel on public transport

Transport benefits for people with disabilities of group 2 include free travel on public transport within the boundaries of the locality where the person permanently resides. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the benefit extended to the visually impaired and persons who have lost both limbs or are paralyzed in both limbs. Today in Moscow all categories of disabled people can use free travel. In other cities, the possibility of free travel on public transport is regulated at the level of federal legislation.

In addition, disabled people of group 2 can take advantage of a 50% discount when using international lines of rail, air, road and river transport. Benefits for disabled people of group 2 include the right to free travel to places of treatment (meaning sanatorium-resort) and back.

Benefits for the purchase of medicines

Benefits for the provision of medications, dressings and other medical products necessary for the patient on prescription are provided to non-working disabled people of the second group. The benefits provided to disabled people of group 2 who are provided with work include receiving a 50% discount on the purchase of drugs and various types of medical products with a doctor’s prescription.

Benefits for paying for housing and communal services

Disabled people also receive subsidies to pay for utility bills. Benefits for disabled people of group 2 in Moscow include the possibility of paying half the amount for living space in cases where the apartment or house is municipal or state property, and the citizen occupies living space under a social rental agreement. Owners are required to pay for housing in full.

Payment for utilities by a disabled person of group 2, as well as payment for housing, can be made with a 50% discount. The subsidy applies to all forms of property, and in the private sector, where there is no central heating, the disabled person is provided with financial resources to purchase firewood or coal.

Referrals for treatment in sanatoriums for disabled people

Non-working disabled people, if they have objective medical indications, are provided with free vouchers to sanatoriums. Employed disabled people of group 2 are provided with vouchers at their place of work on preferential terms. In some cases, you can obtain the right to provide a second voucher for treatment in a sanatorium for an accompanying person (under the same conditions).

Provision of prostheses and other rehabilitation means

Some prosthetic and orthopedic products are provided free of charge to disabled people in need. Benefits for disabled people of group 2 include the opportunity to receive prosthetic limbs free of charge. Orthopedic shoes, hearing aids, dentures, bandages and other similar products are issued at a discount of 50-70% of the total cost.

Benefits for studying in secondary and higher professional institutions

Benefits for disabled people of group 2 also provide for the right to be admitted without competition to secondary or higher vocational educational institutions, but only if they successfully pass exams and there are no medical contraindications to study. In addition, disabled people are awarded a scholarship, and, if necessary, special conditions are created in general educational institutions. Disabled students are provided with educational materials on preferential terms.

Refusal of the social package

Only those disabled people who have not previously renounced the social package due to them in favor of monthly monetary compensation can apply for the above-mentioned benefits. Otherwise, all the benefits of receiving medicines and vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums, discounted travel on public transport and subsidies for utility bills are replaced by cash support. The only exception is the education benefit - the right to enroll in an educational institution without competition is retained by the disabled person in any case.

In our new material, we will talk about the types of benefits that disabled people of all groups living in the Russian Federation can take advantage of this year.

Disability insurance pension

This type of pension is awarded to people with disabilities who have been assigned group 1, 2 or 3. In this case, the insurance period plays a role, regardless of its duration. By the way, the reasons that led to disability, as well as the period of its onset, are not important. The same applies to the fact that a disabled person is employed.

In 2019 (from January 1), the monthly insurance pension accrued to disabled people of group 1 is equal to 10,668.38 rubles (without dependents). The pension changes upward if there is one dependent (12,446.44 rubles), two (14,224.50 rubles) or three (16,002.56 rubles).

Disabled people of group 2 are entitled to 5334.19 rubles. The number of dependent persons also influences here. If we are talking about one person, the payment will reach 7112.25 rubles. When there are several dependents, 8890.31 rubles are charged. With an increase of one more person, the insurance pension reaches 10,668.37 rubles.

For those who have group 3, 2667.10 rubles per month are provided. The presence of a dependent increases this amount to 4,445.16 rubles. The more dependents, the higher the pension (6223.22 rubles and 8001.28 rubles - the latter amount is issued for three dependents).

Social disability pension

Such a pension is assigned to citizens of the Russian Federation who are considered disabled.

Indexation of pensions and disability payments in 2019

If we talk about the current period, social pensions increased by 2%, while insurance pensions increased by 7.05%. As for social payments, the increase here is 4.3%. The average disability pension reached 9.1 thousand rubles. In 2018, 2.9% was added to pension payments, and the indexation of social funds reached 2.5%.

Additional information on payments to disabled people

Disabled people have the opportunity to use a range of social services (we are talking about a social package or SSS). But these services are also offered in the form of monetary compensation, which since February 1, 2019 has also undergone changes in the direction of increase. In particular, they give:

For medicines 863.75 rubles;

For a trip to the sanatorium 133.61 rubles;

Travel to the sanatorium (by train, bus, train, plane) is 124.05 rubles.

In general, this year it is equal to 1121.41 rubles.

Among other things, social security staff can provide the following services if necessary::

Caring for a person with disabilities and organizing meals;

Assistance in obtaining legal, medical, socio-psychological and other types of assistance (for example, in-kind assistance related to employment, funerals, etc.).

You have the right to receive this or that support for free:

Disabled people whose relatives, due to objective reasons, are not able to care for them, etc. (in this case, the pension of the recipient of services with all allowances must be less than the subsistence level);

Persons with disabilities living in a family with a total income below the minimum wage established in the region.

Partial (incomplete) payment for services is provided if the disabled person has:

Pension (plus bonuses) amounting to 100-150% of the current minimum subsistence level within the region;

Relatives who are unable to care for those in need, and the amount of pensions of these citizens with supplements is also equal to 100-150% of the regional minimum;

A family with an average per capita income not exceeding 100-150% of the minimum wage calculated for living in a particular region.

Benefits for people with disabilities in the field of education

Holders of disability groups 1 and 2 can enter any municipal educational institution, higher vocational education and secondary vocational education without competition. Moreover, any disabled person has the right to a scholarship.

Benefits related to spa treatment

When going to a sanatorium together with a disabled person of group 1, the accompanying person (with the approval of social security) is provided with a voucher (free of charge). He is also provided with travel under the conditions applicable to a person with disabilities. It is noteworthy that, in general, unemployed people with disabilities do not pay for travel and rest in a sanatorium, and working people receive a 50% discount.

Benefits for medicines

Disabled people of group 2 who are not employed and persons with disabilities (group 1) receive prescription medications free of charge (there is an approved list). Having group 2 and work, or group 3 (in the absence of activity), you can claim a deduction of half the cost of a certain drug prescribed by a doctor.

Transport benefits for disabled pensioners

City passenger transport carries out transportation of disabled children and those caring for them on preferential terms. Disabled people are also included in this group. Both can purchase a travel ticket at a special discounted price, which is set by the authorities in each region.

Social benefits for disabled people

Let us recall that in 2005 social. benefits have been replaced, that is, with monthly cash payments provided for both disabled children, disabled people, and veterans. Former prisoners of fascist camps and those who suffered from radiation are also indicated here.

3782.94 rubles (1st disability group);

2701.67 rubles (disabled children and group 2);

2162.51 rubles (for group 3);

Privileges of disabled people in civil and family law

Experts emphasize that people with disabilities cannot be discriminated against based on salary and other significant factors. Disabled people of groups 2 and 1 must work no more than 35 hours a week (unless they agree to other conditions). At the same time, wages are retained in full.

Plus, every year a disabled person has the right to rest for 30 days (no less if we assume that the working week is six days). An employee can work beyond the agreed time, at night or on weekends, by his own consent and agreement with the employer, unless this is directly prohibited in medical recommendations (here it is worth focusing on the IPR).

Benefits under housing legislation

Families raising disabled children, as well as adults with disabilities, receive a discount of at least 50% on apartment rent if we are talking about a house belonging to a public or municipal housing stock. Utilities are paid with the same discount (the housing stock is not important here).

In addition, disabled people and families with unhealthy children have the right to receive a plot of land first. The territory is intended for the construction of individual housing, gardening, dacha and subsidiary farming. Note that, according to the Presidential Decree, the site must be a place suitable for the life of a disabled person.

Plus, it is important to take into account some requirements regarding the purchase and sale of residential premises and payment for services. For example, a disabled person may live in an alienated house (premises) all his life or apply for another space that meets the requirements of housing legislation. In addition, a disabled person has the right to receive the required assistance, food and material components.

Tax benefits

Insurance premiums

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities with individual entrepreneurs (we are talking about organizations) have the opportunity in the first case to pay 20.2% for a disabled person (until 2012), and in the second - 27.1% (since 2013). These contributions are mandatory, but not every Pension Fund agrees with these values.

Contributions for injuries

In relation to the heads of organizations, if necessary, a benefit is applied to payments accrued to disabled employees of groups 1, 2 or 3. From the salary of such an employee, 60% of the insurance rate should be paid (this is indicated by Articles 1 and 2 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 186-FZ). It is worth knowing that under a civil law agreement, payments when calculating the amount of contributions are taken into account only in accordance with the clauses of the concluded agreement (see paragraph 4, paragraph 1, article 5 of the above-mentioned Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 125-FZ “On Compulsory Social Insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases").

As for the tax on property and land owned by organizations, paragraph 3 of Article 381 and paragraph 5 of Article 395 of the Tax Code, these taxes are not paid:

Public organizations of disabled people, where the latter are at least 80%;

Organizations with an authorized capital consisting of 100% of contributions made by the institutions specified in the previous paragraph (in this case, there must be at least 50% of employees with disabilities, and their share in the wage fund is equal to 25% or more);

Organizations whose property is owned by disabled people's societies.

Income tax

Based on paragraph 1 and subparagraph 38 in Article 264 of the Tax Code, other expenses can include those borne by taxpayer organizations that provide work to disabled people and provide their social protection.

But for this, half (or more) of the employees must be with disabilities, and on average, of the total salaries, 25% or more must be spent on paying for their activities.

We emphasize that disabled people working under civil contracts (for example, contractors) or part-time cannot be considered together with other employees who have a group.

Plus, the specified point gives an idea of ​​the goals of social protection for people with disabilities. This includes:

Changing safety and working conditions for the better;

Preservation and creation of jobs for people with disabilities, including those who work at home or need special equipment (installation and purchase of the latter is not excluded);

Training and provision of work for people with disabilities;

Repair and creation of prosthetic products;

Purchase and maintenance of rehabilitation equipment (including the purchase of guide dogs);

Sanatorium and resort services for people with disabilities and their accompanying persons (important for disabled children and those with group 1);

Protecting the rights and interests of citizens with health problems;

Organization of various events that promote the integration of persons with disabilities into society;

Ensuring equal opportunities with healthy people (the same applies to support);

Directing contributions to organizations for the disabled, etc.

Labor costs

An employer who employs a disabled person is provided with the opportunity to increase labor costs. Paragraph 23 of Article 255 of the Tax Code states that the costs of additional payments to citizens with disabilities are included in labor costs, which are taken into account when determining taxable profits.

For example, if a disabled person exposed to radiation is transferred to another position with a lower salary than he had before, he has the right to receive an additional payment (clause 4 of article 14 of the Federal Law of May 15, 1991 N 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant").

Personal income tax

There is a tax deduction of 3,000 rubles from wages if we are talking about disabled people of the Second World War, shell-shocked, maimed or wounded (groups 1, 2, 3) during the defense of the Russian Federation or the USSR. But the amount is 500 rubles. per month is provided for disabled people of the first two categories (2 or 1) and from childhood. childhood; disabled people of groups I and II.

Personal income tax is not assessed:

Vouchers to health and sanatorium-resort institutions (not counting tourist ones), if they were purchased with money remaining after the employer paid income tax (clause 9 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Amounts used for the purchase of technical, rehabilitation and other means of assistance for people with disabilities (for example, hearing aids);

Financial assistance up to 4,000 rubles, issued by the employer to disabled pensioners (clause 28 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Reimbursement to a person with disabilities for the cost of medications prescribed by a doctor (no more than 4,000 rubles, this is discussed in clause 28 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Transport tax

The rate per horsepower for disabled people and pensioners is reduced by half if they themselves purchased a passenger vehicle with an overall engine power of up to 150 hp. Also, in some regions, under these conditions, you can not pay this tax at all (if the vehicle belongs to a disabled person of groups 1, 2 or a WWII veteran).

Land tax

For disabled people since childhood, WWII and holders of group 1 or 2 for life (if the conclusion does not limit work activity and was issued before January 1, 2004), the amount not subject to tax on their own land is reduced by 10,000 rubles.

Property tax for individuals

Persons with disabilities since childhood, as well as those with groups 1 and 2, are exempt from paying it.

State duties

For disability groups 1 and 2, you can avoid paying a fee by filing a property claim with an amount of damage of less than a million rubles. The same is true for the state duty “for applying to courts of general jurisdiction.” A 50% discount applies to disabled people of categories 1 and 2 for any notary services.

For citizens who are in a difficult life situation, experiencing special needs and difficulties and obstacles in everyday activities due to any reason. The category of citizens protected by special benefits includes people with disabilities who have congenital or acquired physical dysfunctions and diseases that prevent them from being fully realized in educational, labor or other activities. stipulates that in Russia it is accepted 3 degrees of disability, which in some circumstances provide different benefits for each of them.

Social benefits for disabled people of group 2 in 2019

Citizens with disabilities of the 2nd group are entitled to certain types of benefits at the federal level. Benefits for disabled people of group 2 in 2019 form the following list:

  • Payment special.
  • An insurance pension paid under special, simplified conditions.
  • Home social assistance.
  • Free travel on public transport (to the place of treatment and back).

It is important to know that often, in addition to federal benefits, benefits are provided for disabled people of group 2 at the regional level. For example, special regional additional payments for disabled people have been introduced, and support for people with disability group 2 in the labor market has been introduced.

Benefits for training for disabled people of group 2

People with disabilities have access to significant... Citizens with 2nd disability group have the right to be enrolled in any institution of higher professional education of their choice, bypassing the stage of entrance exams.

Group 2 disabled people studying at an educational institution can receive additional special scholarships. Availability and size of these payments depend on funding scholarship funds educational institutions.

Housing benefits for disabled people of group 2

People with disabilities of the 2nd group living in apartments belonging to the state or other public housing stock have the right for a 50% refund cost . In addition, there are other utility benefits for disabled people of group 2, a discount is possible when paying receipts for electricity, light, water, purchasing fuel for houses without city heating. When carrying out a major renovation of an apartment or house, half the cost of the work is returned.

Some social housing benefits are also provided for disabled people living in private houses.

When purchasing land plots for construction, candidates of disabled people of all categories are subject to consideration first.

Medical care for disabled people of group 2

Citizens with disabilities enjoy significant benefits in the medical field, which are designed to maximize their opportunities.

People with disabilities of any category can pass free diagnosis and treatment in public hospitals and clinics, as well as receive free medical care from qualified people at home.

The state provides disabled people of the 2nd group with the provision of vital medicines free of charge or with a discount of 50 percent, and no prescription is required to purchase. Also, for disabled people with sensory impairments, free installation and purchase of medical equipment that supports this function is provided (for example, a hearing aid for hearing-impaired disabled people of the 2nd group).

In addition to free medical care, once a calendar year, people with category 2 disabilities have the right to receive vouchers to sanatoriums at the expense of public funds. Travel to the sanatorium and a place for a relative or other accompanying person (if accompanying such a person is necessary) are also paid.

Procedure for applying for benefits

Stages of registration

The process of applying for disability benefits of the 2nd group consists of the following stages:

  1. Contacting medical specialists.
  2. Passing the ITU.
  3. Providing a package of documents to the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence.

List of required documents

List of documents required to apply for disability benefits of the 2nd group:

  • Certificate of assignment of disability group 2.
  • Passport.
  • Compulsory medical insurance insurance policy.
  • Pension certificate.
  • Other documents proving preferential status.


In the Russian Federation, citizens with 2nd and other disability groups are socially protected category of the population. This means that the state takes every possible care of their well-being and provides them with numerous benefits designed to compensate for the relative limitations of such people.

So, if you or your loved ones have or are applying for a 2nd group disability, it is useful to know that the state provides the following benefits for disabled people of group 2:

  • Free diagnosis and treatment in municipal hospitals and clinics.
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses for referrals to medical care facilities.
  • Providing necessary medications at a discount of up to 100 percent.
  • Providing home health and social care.
  • Free provision of vouchers to health resorts once a year.
  • Free education for children and adults in general, secondary and higher educational institutions and social scholarships.
  • 50% reimbursement of rent and maintenance of housing (from the state fund), payment for housing and communal services.
  • 50% discount on the purchase of housing plots.
  • Other social or medical benefits provided for by the legal documents of the region.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding benefits for disabled people of group 2

Question: I am 58 years old, I am a pensioner, as I retired early for a retirement pension based on years of service due to extensive experience working in heavy industry. Several years ago I was injured at work and was found disabled person of hearing group 1. In addition, a year ago I developed a joint disease that does not allow me to move long distances on my own. I would like to apply for recognition disabled person of group 2, which I am now, but I have lost some of the necessary documents. What should be done in this case? And am I entitled to additional benefits when changing my disability group?

Answer: In accordance with, when submitting an application for assignment of disability in the event of loss or absence of necessary documents, the underlying disease (the most severe) is indicated. The state facilitates the restoration of the applicant’s necessary documents, thereby facilitating the registration process.

Every Russian knows that upon reaching a certain age threshold, he becomes a pensioner, a recipient of state benefits in old age and the holder of some state preferences. Sometimes, due to limited capabilities due to health reasons, an elderly person acquires the additional status of “disabled person”.

What benefits there are for disabled pensioners is determined by federal, regional, and local legislation. Much depends on the established disability group.

Who has benefits

Disability is awarded based on the decision of a medical and social examination (MSE). It is both a medical and legal procedure. The appointment procedure is regulated by Government regulations and the Order of the Ministry of Health.

A pensioner can be assigned disability group 1, 2 or 3. It is not established for life (only in rare exceptions), but for a period of time designated by law:

  • 1 group - 2 years;
  • Groups 2 and 3 - 1 year.

After the expiration of the period, you will need to undergo re-examination.

New in 2017 was the emergence of the concept of “habilitation” as a criterion for determining disability. Rehabilitation and habilitation are activities aimed at the social adaptation of people with disabilities. If rehabilitation is the restoration of lost abilities, then habilitation is the formation of new skills.

  • professional education;
  • recreational activities;
  • Information Support.

Federal Law No. 181 reveals in detail the relationship of people with disabilities with society and establishes various types of state assistance.

What benefits are provided?

The laws of the Russian Federation provide for privileges in the following areas:

  • taxes;
  • healthcare;
  • employment;
  • working conditions;
  • internal transport.

Cash payments are provided in the form of:

  • pension benefit;
  • monthly compensation (in case of refusal of benefits).

Housing and communal services

An elderly citizen can count on, if his family is classified as low-income, spending a significant portion of the money on paying for housing and communal services. The federal threshold is 22%; regions provide a similar or lower ratio.

The presence of documented disability will oblige social services to take advantage of the provisions of Article 17 of Federal Law No. 181. According to the postulates of the article, 50 percent compensation of funds spent by disabled pensioners is provided for:

  • maintenance of living quarters, repair of common property, rental (relative to municipal housing);
  • utilities taking into account consumption standards (all forms of housing ownership);
  • purchase and delivery of fuel for houses without central heating;
  • (for 1-2 groups).

There are no benefits for capital repair contributions for working pensioners and group 3 disabled people.

A single elderly person can receive a 50 percent discount for major repairs if he does not work and is over 70 years old, 100 percent - if he is over 80 years old (Article 169 of the Housing Code). Disabled people of group 3 are assessed according to the same criteria.

Privileges apply to the disabled person himself and do not extend to his family members.


The taxation procedure for property - real estate, transport, land - is regulated by Chapters 32, 31,28 of the Tax Code.

  1. Article 407 (Chapter 32) says that disabled people of groups 1-2 (clause 2), as well as pensioners due to age (clause 10), have the right to claim one piece of real estate of each type. If real estate is received by a disabled person by inheritance, then no duty is charged for this object.
  2. When calculating (Chapter 31), a deduction is applied. According to the cadastre, 10 thousand rubles (federal standard) are deducted from the cost of the plot for disabled people of groups 1-2.
  3. There are no contributions for owning a special vehicle for a person with disabilities. A car purchased through social security authorities will be charged a duty with a 50% discount when its power is less than 100 hp.

Most of the powers to regulate the implementation of benefits have been transferred to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Regional and municipal authorities independently decide to what extent their budget allows them to provide additional preferences in tax collections.

In many localities, a different procedure for collecting land and transport duties has been organized for disabled pensioners.

Standard deductions applied before personal income tax is calculated in 2019 will be:

  • 500 rubles - for disabled people of groups 1-2;
  • 3,000 rubles - to the liquidators of the nuclear power plant accident, former military personnel, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who received disability due to injury.

This applies to those retirees who continue to work.


When providing services to disabled pensioners, medical institutions offer payment benefits:

  • prescribed medications, rehabilitation products;
  • spa treatment;
  • prosthetics;
  • orthopedic shoes.

Having a disability of group 1 will provide a pensioner with a 100% discount on:

  • prescription drugs, medical equipment;
  • prosthetics of teeth, limbs;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • a trip to a sanatorium;
  • transportation costs to the vacation spot (including accompanying persons).

Benefits for disabled pensioners of group 2 are identical to the preferences assigned to group 1.

An exception is that the travel of those accompanying the beneficiary to the place of treatment is not paid.

Benefits for disabled pensioners of group 3 are significantly less.

  1. Discount on medicines and medical equipment - 50%.
  2. The cost of the trip depends on the pensioner’s income and whether he has a salary in addition to his pension. The patient's illness also matters.
  3. Travel to and from the place of treatment is free if the trip is carried out by Russian Railways trains; a discount is provided for air travel and other domestic transport.

A person’s illness and infirmity will serve as the basis for assigning a social worker to a needy person, who will:

  • buy food, medicine;
  • do cleaning;
  • Cook;
  • provide sanitary and hygiene services.

Other types of privileges

It is much more difficult for a person with a disease to gain access to infrastructure facilities:

  • social;
  • engineering;
  • transport.

Article 15 of Federal Law No. 181 obligated authorities at all levels of government to provide conditions for unhindered access to these objects on an equal basis with other persons.

For example:

  1. Pharmacies and other social facilities are equipped with ramps.
  2. Institutional employees should provide assistance in overcoming barriers to services that arise.
  3. 10% of parking spaces are reserved for disabled vehicles (use is free).

Subjects of the Russian Federation, based on 181-FZ, provide benefits when traveling by intracity and suburban transport for elderly disabled people:

  • provide free road maps;
  • develop special tariffs;
  • pay compensation for expenses.

When an elderly person with disabilities wants to find a job, the company will consider his candidacy for a place with a quota for disabled people. In this case, the employer will offer a shortened working week and additional leave without pay (60 days). Upon dismissal, the administration will not be able to force such a person to work for 2 weeks.

According to Article 17 of the Federal Law-40, elderly people with disabilities of any degree pay 50% of the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy. But only if the car has special equipment that meets medical indications.

Federal Law No. 178 (Article 6.1) states that people with disabilities have the right to apply for a set of social services, which includes:

  • sanatorium vouchers;
  • medications;
  • travel by suburban and intercity transport to the place of treatment.

The components of the kit and the procedure for provision were approved by order of the Ministry of Health (No. 328).

If the pensioner does not want to use the designated list, the Pension Fund will calculate an additional payment to the pension, which will be formed monthly.

For 2019, compensation in kind for the package of social services for persons of the 1st disability group is equal to 3,538.53 rubles. The amount of payments taking into account group 2 disability for pensioners is 2527.06 rubles. Compensation payments for a pensioner who has a Group 3 disability will amount to 2,022.94 rubles.

The Pension Fund maintains a register of people with disabilities and resolves issues regarding pension provision and additional payments. The preferences provided by regional and municipal authorities to people with disabilities are much broader than the federal ones. Local social service authorities will inform the applicant about all existing benefits and help implement them.

It is important to understand that the privilege can only take place at the request of the pensioner. Government employees will not be granted privileges by default.

Knowing your rights will allow an elderly person with a disability to realize possible government benefits.

A person's disability is determined by the state of his health. The most severe disability group is the first, in which the patient requires constant care. In comparison, group II looks lighter and sometimes even works. However, there is no talk about living a full life with this degree of disability. A person is forced to change his previous job in order to work under easier conditions.

Often the second group means that the patient experiences not only restrictions on physical activity. His mental or psychological functions may be impaired. At the same time, a person is sometimes able to take care of himself, but at the same time needs constant medical and social supervision. Accordingly, he has the right to the benefits that the state provides him to make his life easier.

Definition of the second disability group

The use of disability benefits is possible only after its official establishment. To do this, a person must undergo a medical and social examination, which ends with a conclusion on whether the person being examined meets a particular disability group.

  • limited ability to move freely;
  • has difficulty assimilating the information received;
  • cannot work fully (special working conditions are required);
  • has difficulty with orientation in space or time;
  • has difficulty communicating.

If a person, without outside help, cannot maintain balance, walk independently and cope with obstacles, this is already grounds for establishing a group 2 disability. The same applies to issues with training and professional activities. The commission conducting the examination takes into account all the nuances, after which it officially records each of the restrictions. After the MSA has been carried out, the person receives a conclusion.

It must be remembered that the state should not initiate an examination and determination of disability, regardless of the group. A person must independently ask for an appointment for an examination and does this by contacting medical specialists. In this case, the doctor is obliged to respond and, if necessary, issue a referral to medical examination.

Benefits for disabled people of group 2

Assistance to disabled people is regulated by the law “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (N 181-FZ of November 24, 1995). State support provided to people with disabilities implies certain payments and benefits. These include:

  • disability pension;
  • social charges;
  • housing benefits;
  • medical benefits;
  • discounts on the use of transport.

A pension for disabled people of the second group is provided based on two factors. Not only the total length of employment, but also the number of dependents can be taken into account. Moreover, pension accruals can be calculated depending on congenital or acquired disability. For example, in 2017, children with disabilities receive about 9,000 rubles. The social pension is about 5,000 rubles. If there are dependents in the care of a person recognized as disabled, the pension increases - for example, if there are three dependents, the accruals in 2017 amount to just over 9,600 rubles.

Social benefits imply the receipt of certain social services or, in return for them, cash payments received monthly. Thus, a disabled person of the 2nd group has the right to receive discounts on medicines and on the use of transport, as well as on resort and sanatorium treatment. If he refuses these services, the state replaces them with EDV - a monthly cash payment. In case of complete refusal of services, a disabled person of group 2 in 2017 receives 2,527 rubles. If he partially uses the services, then a recalculation is carried out with a deduction of the funds used for the services.

Housing benefits consist of providing discounts on payment for:

  • major repairs;
  • housing and communal services and apartment living;
  • fuel (wood and coal in the absence of central heating).

All listed discounts are 50%. In addition, a person with disabilities has the right to benefits when obtaining housing. In this case, the state either allocates an amount for the purchase of living space or provides an apartment from the housing stock.

As for medical benefits, working disabled people purchase medicines at a half discount, and those who are completely disabled receive them free of charge. Such people can also benefit from free prosthetic services. This also includes annual treatment in sanatoriums.

Transport benefits are also of great importance for many disabled people, including those with group 2 disabilities. These benefits include:

  • free trip to spa treatment once a year;
  • free travel on public transport;
  • no transport tax on special vehicles (no more than 100 horsepower).

It should be noted that we are talking about a car equipped with special means so that a disabled person can drive it independently. As for travel by public transport, this does not include private minibuses and taxis. For travel on these types of transport, a person with disabilities must pay on a general basis.

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