Aloe juice in the nose: indications, medicinal properties and contraindications. Aloe nasal drops - how to prepare at home

Aloe juice for babies with a runny nose is an excellent remedy that has been used for more than one generation. The plant has a lot of useful substances that can defeat the disease, but it is very important to monitor the manifestation of allergic reactions.

Aloe or agave is one of the most famous plants with medicinal properties. From the juice of the fleshy leaves of this plant, you can prepare drops at home that are used for a runny nose. If certain conditions are met, a self-prepared drug from agave can be dripped into the baby’s nose when he or she experiences symptoms of rhinitis.

When can you use aloe to treat a runny nose in a baby?

In children under one year and a little older, diseases of the ENT organs occur more often than in preschoolers and schoolchildren. A runny nose occurs not only as a cold or infectious disease, but also occurs as a physiological condition associated with the not yet fully formed functioning of the nose. A small child has a very difficult time with the symptoms of rhinitis; babies cannot yet breathe through their mouths and swelling of the nasal passages affects their general well-being. Not all drops with anti-inflammatory or vasoconstrictor effects can be dripped into the nose of a child under one year old. Their use at this age must be approached with caution and drops and sprays should only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Unlike drugs, traditional medicine is safer and practically non-addictive, as often happens when vasoconstrictors are used incorrectly. Aloe can be used to treat runny nose in children under one year of age throughout the entire period of illness. In the first days of rhinitis, drops based on agave will help avoid the proliferation of microbes and reduce the formation of mucus and swelling. Subsequently, that is, when the discharge becomes viscous and purulent, it is recommended to drip aloe into the nose to soften thick mucus.

Beneficial properties of agave for a runny nose

Aloe juice has been used in the treatment of rhinitis for a very long time and therefore its effectiveness is beyond doubt. Relief from a runny nose using drops based on agave is achieved due to the biologically active substances of this plant.

  1. Aloe juice contains a large group of microelements and vitamins that are unique in their properties. Getting onto the mucous layer and into the general bloodstream, they increase local immunity and increase the overall resistance of the body.
  2. Aloe vera juice contains the carbohydrate acemannan, which has high immunostimulating and antiviral activity.
  3. Aloe antiseptic substances destroy viruses and microorganisms.
  4. The juice of the plant also contains phytoncides; these elements have antibacterial activity and therefore help cope with a runny nose caused by exposure to bacteria.
  5. Agave also contains substances that have analgesic and anti-edematous effects on the body. Therefore, after using aloe-based drops, breathing becomes easier and discomfort in the nose disappears.

For children under one year of age and older, aloe is recommended as a remedy for the common cold and due to its lowest allergic activity. But still, when using for the first time, it is always necessary to take into account the possible allergic reaction of the baby’s body to the juice of the plant, and therefore its use should be careful and competent.

Proper use of aloe juice for a runny nose

Treatment of a runny nose in an infant with agave juice must always be carried out according to the rules. Only if they are followed, there are almost never side effects, and recovery occurs in a short time. Nasal drops are prepared in compliance with the following conditions:

  1. All medicinal properties are possessed by a plant that is at least 3 years old.
  2. Only the lower, fleshy leaves of aloe can be used to prepare drops. Before squeezing the juice out of them, the plant must be kept in the refrigerator for about 12 hours - under the influence of low temperatures, biological substances are activated.
  3. After keeping in the refrigerator, the leaves are rinsed under running water and crushed, then the juice is squeezed out of them.

Children should not put pure aloe juice in their nose; this can cause severe irritation of the mucous layer and contribute to the development of allergies. Before use, the juice must be diluted with water. Infants can drip juice into the nose, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3; for children in the first month of life, the concentration should be 1:5. Prepared drops are used only warm.

Before the first use, you need to find out whether the child normally tolerates the effects of agave juice on his body. To do this, place an undiluted drop of juice on the wrist and evaluate the result of skin manifestations within 30 minutes. If there is no redness, rash, or itching, then the prepared medicine can be used

After you drop aloe and water into your baby’s nose, he may experience severe sneezing, tearing, and itching in his nose for 20-30 minutes. This is considered a normal reaction of the body, and repeated sneezing helps clear mucus from the nose.

It takes several days to treat a runny nose in a child of the first year of life and older using drops based on agave, instilling two or three drops into each nasal passage up to 4 times a day. The therapeutic effect from using aloe should appear on the second or third day. If this does not happen, and moreover, the baby’s condition worsens, you need to contact your local pediatrician.

Options for recipes for nasal drops based on agave

The use of aloe juice diluted with water is considered a classic treatment for colds. But there are also recipes with the addition of additional ingredients, this will allow you to prepare a more effective remedy. To treat a runny nose in an infant, such recipes should be used with caution, as they can cause discomfort or allergies.

  1. Drops with honey. You need to mix liquefied honey in half with boiled water and then dilute aloe juice with this solution in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Garlic drops. Peeled cloves from one head of garlic must be poured with a liter of warm boiled water and left for at least 4 hours. One spoon of this infusion should be mixed with liquid honey and aloe juice, the ratio of all ingredients is 1:1:1. The prepared solution is used as an ointment to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.
  3. Olive oil should be boiled in a water bath and mixed in a 3:1 ratio with aloe juice. A lubricating solution is used when the discharge becomes dry and crusty.

The introduction of prepared solutions into the nose must begin with small doses, especially this must be done strictly if the treatment is carried out on an infant.

If drops based on aloe juice are used incorrectly or with a high concentration of the main substance of a self-prepared drug, the condition may worsen.

Aloe in injections

Using aloe as an external remedy for the common cold is not the only option for using the medicinal properties of this plant. An injection of aloe extract has positive properties; the injection drug is used as a biogenic stimulant.

Aloe injection in ampoules is a sterile liquid obtained from dried or fresh leaves of the plant. Aloe extract has been used in official medicine for several decades and is prescribed for the following purposes:

  1. Increases metabolism
  2. Strengthening the body's defenses
  3. Toning the body
  4. Improves repair of damaged cells and tissues
  5. An injection of injectable aloe is also prescribed for the complex treatment of anemia and diseases of the digestive system.

For children, an injection of the drug in a course can be prescribed for the treatment of:

  1. Progressive myopia
  2. Conjunctivitis and blepharitis
  3. Epilepsy
  4. Diseases of the nervous system
  5. Bronchial asthma

An injection of the drug is usually given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For children, a single dose is selected taking into account their age; up to 5 years of age, the injection should not contain more than 0.3 ml of the drug; older children are prescribed an injection in a dosage of 0.5 ml. The general course of treatment can last one and a half months.

When treating bronchial asthma, the dosage can be increased, but this will depend on the doctor’s prescriptions. The injection is noticeably painful, but causes virtually no adverse reactions.

Aloe, growing on many people's windowsills, can bring a lot of benefits. But when using this plant independently, you must always take into account all the nuances of its use.

Everyone has heard about how beneficial aloe is, so many decide to grow this flower at home. In this video you will see how to plant this plant correctly, and also learn about the rules for caring for it. Be healthy!

When treating a runny nose, aloe juice is good first of all because it can be instilled even into babies, starting from infancy, while medications purchased at the pharmacy are not always suitable: they often cause addiction, allergic reactions and increased blood pressure. Most of them are not recommended for use longer than 3-5 days, even by adults. In addition, vasoconstrictor drops only relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, but do not eliminate the cause of the disease.

Aloe juice is a natural remedy and can cope with various types of runny nose. It not only makes breathing easier, but also has an anti-inflammatory and mild antibacterial effect, enriches the body with vitamins and minerals, and contains beneficial amino acids. With regular use, it can be an excellent prophylactic and improve immunity.

However, there are some peculiarities in the use of this plant. If you pick an aloe leaf, squeeze the juice out of it and immediately give it to your baby, there is a risk of burning the nasal mucosa. In order for aloe vera to be effective and safe, it is very important to learn how to prepare it correctly.

Preparation of aloe juice

You should choose an aloe plant that is at least three years old and take the second or third leaf from it from the bottom. The torn leaf must be thoroughly washed and dried. Next, wrap the sheet in paper and put it in the refrigerator for 12-16 hours. This is necessary for the healing substances to reach their highest concentration.

After this, unroll the aloe leaf and squeeze the juice out of it. This can be easily done by finely chopping it or grinding it with a blender and then straining through cheesecloth. Dilute the resulting juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1 for an infant and 2:1 for a child over three years old. Place 3-4 drops into each nostril three times a day. This can be done as long as signs of the disease persist. Store the prepared solution in the refrigerator, and it can only be used within 24 hours. Before use, the temperature of the product should be close to room temperature.

It is important to remember that even a properly prepared aloe medicine for a runny nose in a child can cause an allergic reaction. After instillation, you should carefully monitor the baby: if it seems that his condition has worsened, it is necessary to stop treatment and consult a pediatrician.

Benefits of aloe

Many of us have aloe among our indoor plants at home. This plant of the liana family is easy to care for and has numerous beneficial properties. Aloe was brought to Europe from the tropics. There it grows up to 10 meters and resembles a tree. According to legend, in the 18th century, a Russian sailor who fell ill with fever on a ship was put ashore on one of the islands in South Africa. A month later, sailing past this island, everyone was surprised to see a healthy and full of strength sailor. Throughout this time, while on the island, he constantly chewed the leaves of a fleshy plant. This was the miraculous aloe. Queen Cleopatra used aloe for personal care and called it the plant of youth. During the time of Alexander the Great, aloe was used as a bactericidal agent. Translated from the local South African dialect, “aloe” means “health.” Aloe or agave has a fleshy stem and thick, pointed leaves. A cut aloe leaf is filled with a lot of juice. Despite the specific bitter taste, this juice quenches thirst well. If you rub aloe juice on your body, it will protect you from the hot wind and heat. The plant contains many microelements beneficial to humans. These are iodine, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, sodium. The healing properties of aloe are used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive, nervous, cardiovascular, and urinary systems. The use of aloe reduces the level of toxins in the body. It cleanses the blood, lowers cholesterol levels and normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Aloe is used to treat many gynecological diseases. The beneficial properties of the plant are also used in cosmetology and dentistry.

Is it possible to drip aloe into a baby’s nose?

The nasal mucosa in infants is very susceptible to temperature changes. Dry and warm air causes the mucous membrane to dry out, which prevents the nose from clearing, which can lead to infections. Now in pharmacies there is a large selection of drops for the treatment of rhinitis in infants. However, many drugs have contraindications. A baby's runny nose can be easily treated with drops of aloe juice. The amino acids that make up the plant help synthesize protein and other useful microelements, thereby strengthening the baby’s immunity. There are many blood vessels in the baby's nose. During instillation, beneficial substances begin to act almost immediately, relieving the nose from swelling. Breathing becomes easy and free. It has been proven that the use of aloe juice for the treatment of infants improves many blood parameters.

Aloe for baby's nose (recipe)

We cut off the dense aloe leaves and wash them thoroughly. Then wrap it in paper and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. This is necessary for the formation of useful substances. After the time has passed, take out the leaves and squeeze out the juice. You can do this by hand or use a blender. Before instilling aloe into a baby's nose, it is necessary to clean the nasal passage. Dilute the juice with boiled warm water in equal proportions. If the baby is tiny, then the proportion of juice and water can be 1: 3. Place 3 to 6 drops into the baby’s nose. We repeat the procedure no more than 3 times during the day. You can instill aloe juice into your baby until the runny nose disappears completely. Usually it is about 5 days.

Aloe recipes for older children

To treat children over three years old, aloe juice is used in a ratio of 2: 1. The plant juice is used for gargling when the baby learns this action. To treat a runny nose in children after three years of age, you can prepare an oil emulsion based on aloe juice. To do this, heat olive or sunflower oil in a water bath. Mix the oil and prepared aloe juice in a 3:1 ratio. Warm up again in a water bath and cool. Now you can instill the prepared emulsion into your baby. The emulsion must be freshly prepared each time. You can make flagella from cotton pads, soak them in the emulsion and carefully insert them into your nose for a few minutes.

Aloe juice is also used to treat sinusitis in children. Here are some recipes:

  • mix aloe and honey in equal proportions and instill 2 drops 2 times a day;
  • We also mix aloe, celandine and honey equally and instill 5 drops 5 times a day;
  • mix the juice of three aloe leaves, a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of salt, the juice of three Kalanchoe leaves and bury 3 drops in each nostril 2 times a day.

Using these folk recipes, you can cure a child of sinusitis in a week.

If pustules or boils appear on the child’s skin, you can wipe these areas with a medicinal aloe tincture. For this purpose 15 ml. Mix the plant juice with 30 ml. vodka. Let it sit for two days and then use it.

Aloe juice also helps in the treatment of tonsillitis in children. To do this, mix honey and juice in proportions 3:1 and lubricate the child’s tonsils for two weeks.

To treat cough in children, you can prepare a medicinal mixture. Mix half a glass of juice with 50 g of butter and 3 tablespoons of honey. Take the resulting mixture 2 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon.

To prevent colds, especially during an epidemic, you can give your child a tablespoon of aloe juice every day on an empty stomach.

Contraindications for the use of aloe

Aloe is a fairly safe treatment. However, there are a number of contraindications. Like many other plants, it can cause allergic reactions. This is especially important if the child has allergic rhinitis.

Aloe juice is known for its healing effects. It is used in the treatment of bacterial infections affecting the respiratory tract. Whether it is possible to drop aloe into a child’s nose in a particular case should be decided by the pediatrician; such drops are recommended for children over 2 years of age.

Aloe juice drops placed in the nose of a sick child facilitate nasal breathing

Aloe contains vitamins, acids and allantoin - a substance that moisturizes the skin and nasal mucosa. The active components of the plant help get rid of irritation and restore normal functioning of the respiratory system.

Aloe nasal drops for children: effect and contraindications

The use of aloe in the form of nasal drops in children can get rid of runny nose, sinusitis and bacterial diseases of the nasopharynx. This home remedy is used only in combination with other remedies prescribed by a doctor.

When using aloe vera drops in your nose:

  • swelling decreases;
  • nasal breathing improves;
  • local immunity increases;
  • eliminates nasal dryness and congestion;
  • mucus production decreases.

Aloe juice destroys germs and bacteria accumulated in the nasopharynx, which helps to quickly cure bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. In the treatment of viral diseases, aloe is considered ineffective, since its main effect is bactericidal.

Without consulting a pediatrician, aloe juice should not be instilled into a child’s nose; the product may cause an allergic reaction.

Contraindications to the use of aloe juice in children:

  • high blood pressure;
  • sensitivity to plant sap;
  • age up to 2 years;
  • blood vessel diseases.

This home remedy should not be used on infants. The upper respiratory tract of infants is not yet strong enough, as is the immune system, so instilling aloe juice can cause difficulty in nasal breathing, allergies and shortness of breath.

How to properly use aloe drops for children

It is not recommended to use aloe juice mixed with honey, onions and oils for treating children. The effect of a home remedy without additives is sufficient to combat pathogenic organisms in the nasopharynx. If aloe is mixed with additional components, it can cause an allergic reaction and worsen the child’s well-being.

To prepare the drops you will need:

  • leaves of three-year-old aloe – 3 pcs.;
  • boiled water – 1 tbsp. (200 ml);
  • sea ​​salt – ½ tsp.

Pre-cut the leaves and keep them in a paper bag in the refrigerator for 12-20 hours, chop and squeeze. Dilute sea salt in 1 glass of boiled water, divide the salted water into 2 parts.

Rinse the child's nose with the first half to remove mucus. Combine the remaining saline solution with aloe juice in a 1:1 ratio. Place 2-3 drops of the product into each nasal passage and massage the nose. Repeat the procedure up to 3 times a day.

In undiluted form, aloe juice causes discomfort and tingling in the nose. Sodium chloride can be used instead of salt water.

Treating your nose with drops made from aloe helps fight bacterial diseases. But before using them on a child, be sure to consult a doctor.

Agave is found very often on the window sills of our apartments, like pepper shakers on the table. This attractive ornamental shrub is our “little doctor.” Aloe juice helps with runny nose, sinusitis, colds, diabetes, psoriasis and other ailments. It has analgesic, wound healing, immunomodulatory, antifungal, and antitumor properties. Aloe juice is especially helpful for a runny nose.

Action of aloe

Agave gives a good effect in the treatment of runny nose in adults. The substances contained in it are easily absorbed by the human body and have a healing effect on it:

  • a full complex of vitamins destroys infection, reduces inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • amino acids increase immunity;
  • tannins stop bleeding;
  • catechin strengthens blood vessels;
  • flavonoids relieve allergic swelling.

The jelly-like juice of the bush is healing. It can be dripped into the nose, for example, if bacterial rhinitis is detected. The action of the bush has a number of advantages, since it:

  • cleanses the nasal mucosa;
  • helps restore normal breathing;
  • increases immunity;
  • is not addictive;
  • eliminates irritation;
  • fights germs and viral diseases.

Aloe juice for a runny nose is an essential remedy for rhinitis, so once it penetrates inside, it acts instantly: it is absorbed by small blood vessels. This natural antibiotic blocks infection from multiplying by neutralizing toxins and killing viruses. After this treatment, the swelling disappears, and the patient becomes easier to breathe.

Therefore, aloe is contained in many nasal drops. However, if there are no medications to treat a cold, then the use of agave is justified.

Attention ! It is not recommended to use aloe bushes to treat certain diseases, allergic rhinitis, etc.

How to prepare drops correctly

Aloe is most often used as drops to treat a runny nose. To prepare them you must adhere to the following rules:

  • take a plant that is more than 3 years old;
  • do not water the bush for 20 days before use;
  • The cut leaf should be washed well. This is especially important if the aloe is in the kitchen and various fumes settle on it;
  • to grind raw materials you will need a meat grinder;
  • It is advisable to store fresh juice for no more than a day;
  • there is no need to store aloe juice for future use, since it has great value immediately after cutting the leaf.

Important ! The lower leaves are considered the most valuable.

Now let’s learn more about preparing aloe for nasal congestion. There are several ways to extract juice from aloe and make nasal drops from it.

  • twisting of prepared leaves;
  • squeezing the pulp through gauze;
  • sending the juice to the refrigerator. Drops can be used after 10–11 hours;
  • After the leaves are taken from the refrigerator, they are washed thoroughly.

Advice ! When you drip the juice of one aloe leaf into your nose, prepare another: place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Second method The use of juice is called professional. It gives the maximum healing effect, since it is based on the process of biostimulation. You need to do the following:

  1. Cut off the leaves of the plant and wrap tightly with parchment to avoid exposure to UV rays.
  2. Place the bag in a cold place (temperature 3–4°C) for 2.5 weeks.
  3. Remove the leaves from the packaging and cut off the thick skin. The core will collect the main supply of aloin, a jelly-like substance.
  4. Gently crush the pulp with a tablespoon.
  5. Squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth.

Store the solution in a cool place, protected from light.

Third way:

  • grinding the leaves to a mushy consistency;
  • adding water (three times the volume);
  • infusion for 1.5 hours in glass;
  • straining.

You can drip aloe into your nose for 2 weeks. Store in a cool place.

Drops with honey. To prepare such drops you need 1 tbsp. spoon of buckwheat honey. Dissolve it with the same volume of warm water (preferably purified). Add 2 tbsp to honey elixir. spoons of aloe juice. You should get a liquid consistency. Instill 5 drops into each nasal passage, 3 hours before bedtime.

Dropswith garlic. Necessary components and preparation:

  1. Peel 5 cloves of garlic.
  2. Place them in a glass container and fill with water.
  3. Leave for at least 4 hours (under a tightly closed lid).
  4. Afterwards, filter the solution through gauze.
  5. To 1 tbsp. Add 1 tbsp to a spoonful of the resulting tincture. a spoonful of aloe juice and the same amount of natural honey.
  6. Mix well to obtain a homogeneous solution.

Instill the nose as follows: 6 drops for each nasal passage, the maximum number of times per day is 8. The solution is effective not only for rhinitis, but also for acute sinusitis, as well as for other purulent inflammatory processes.

It is useful to add essential oil (1 drop) to the above compositions. You can make a mixture of aloe, carrot, and onion juices. The beneficial properties of aloe and other plant components have a beneficial effect on the body, often replacing medications.

Please note! If discomfort remains after instillation into the nose, then it is necessary to reduce the concentration of the extract by adding the same amount of water.

There is no need to self-medicate. Visit the clinic - the doctor will prescribe effective therapy and make a prognosis: after what day, what result can be expected.


Treatment of a runny nose with aloe juice has its contraindications. Below is indicated who should not use agave:

  • pregnant women;
  • patients with hypertension;
  • people suffering from epilepsy;
  • cancer patients.

Also, individual intolerance is a significant reason why you should abandon this natural medicine.

Therefore, before using any preparations with aloe (pharmaceutical or prepared at home), the patient should consult his doctor to see if he can drip aloe into his nose and what recipes will be beneficial.

Side effects

People usually treat a runny nose with medication. If a positive trend is not observed, then patients willingly resort to alternative medicine methods. We must not forget that folk recipes, like pharmaceutical drugs, can cause various side effects.

As for agave, it is a strong allergen. Before using it, be sure to check for an allergic reaction to aloe juice. To do this, apply a couple of drops of fresh juice to the skin, and after half an hour, check to see if a rash or redness has appeared.

Next point. Agave often blocks the full absorption of many medications with which it is incompatible. Please also note that this is a laxative that can lower blood sugar or cause gastrointestinal upset.

note ! If a burn of the mucous membranes, rash, or swelling occurs, you should consult a doctor.

Rules of application

So, when using aloe for a runny nose, you must maintain the dosage so as not to cause burning and burns of the mucous membrane:

  • an adult can use agave juice from a cut leaf. But people with sensitive mucous membranes should dilute it, taking the same amount of water;
  • for minor nasal discharge, 1 drop into each nasal passage 3 times throughout the day is enough;
  • if there is excessive discharge, instill 2 drops;
  • Nursing mothers should take aloe strictly as prescribed by their doctor. Maximum daily allowance the dose is 5 drops.

Excessive use of the tincture may cause dry sinuses or cause a burn.

Aloe for sinusitis

Does aloe juice help adult patients who have sinusitis. Yes. It is recommended to drop 4 drops of aloe juice into the nose 3 times throughout the day. It is advisable to massage the wings of the nose with the pads of your fingers so that the composition saturates most of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses. The course of therapy will be approximately 8–10 days.

Sinusitis involves preliminary cleaning of the nasal sinuses (before the procedure of instilling them with drops) and the use of additional medications prescribed by the attending physician.

Important ! Treatment of chronic sinusitis with agave is ineffective.

Recipes for remedies with aloe juice for runny nose

There are many folk recipes with aloe for a runny nose that help adult patients.

Tear off a leaf with a thick base. Cut it into small pieces, after removing the thorns. Grind this material with a meat grinder or blender, then strain using a small strainer or gauze. The health elixir can be drunk fresh. Dosage: 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

You can also prepare a concentrate from it, which is called “sabur”. This folk remedy for treating rhinitis is distinguished by a technological process that consists of evaporating excess water. Afterwards, the composition is poured into various containers, where it hardens. Sabur is also used for internal use.

Itching or tearfulness may occur. Don't worry - usually these symptoms go away within 15 minutes.

On a note! The pharmacy chain sells ready-made aloe juice with the addition of alcohol. This preparation is diluted with boiled water: 1 tsp. take 50 ml of water.

Aloe solutions for rinsing

For bacterial rhinitis, aloe with water is used to rinse the nose. This should be done three times a day until the disease disappears completely. To carry out the procedure, you need a special teapot with a thin spout. You need to carefully pour the solution into your nose, then spit it out through your mouth.

Preparation of aloe leaf

Cut off the bottom leaf of the agave and wrap it in a thin sheet of paper. Place in the refrigerator for 3 days to activate the beneficial components. However, when the nasal sinuses are congested, not everyone can wait until the raw materials ripen in the refrigerator, for this reason they start using fresh ones. One way or another, using the liquid from one sheet, you need to put the second one in the refrigerator.

Runny nose tincture with aloe

Aloe tinctures are surprisingly simple to prepare:

  1. After removal from a cold place, the material should be crushed using a grater or using the above method. You can use a blender.
  2. The resulting mass is placed in a glass container and filled with alcohol. Proportion: take 5 glasses of alcohol for one glass of aloe.
  3. After this, the mixture is infused in the dark for 10 days.

This healing potion is effective for a runny nose: it relieves inflammation, strengthens and restores the body's strength. For prevention, it is recommended to take the tincture before a seasonal surge of viral diseases, no more than 2 times a day, 0.5 teaspoon, with water.

Carefully ! Do not overdo it with the tincture, so as not to burn the nasal mucosa.

Agave solution with added oil

Thuja has healing properties, which is why it is popularly called the “tree of life.” The branches and fruits of a young tree or bush are used to make essential oil. This extract, affecting the cause of the runny nose, eliminates swelling and purulent mucus. So, the following recipe for thuja with agave will help with colds. Add aloe juice and five drops of thuja ether to boiled water at room temperature. Mix all. Drip into both nasal passages 4 times a day.

Honey drops for a runny nose

The following homemade preparation with aloe and honey helps cure purulent inflammation and even acute sinusitis. Mix a tablespoon of liquid honey with the same amount of heated water. Add two tablespoons of the liquid extracted from aloe vera. These drops should be instilled approximately 2.5 hours before bedtime. Dose: five drops in each nasal passage.

Emulsion for runny nose

Aloe juice for a runny nose can be prepared in the form of an emulsion by adding boiled olive oil to it, in a ratio of one to two. Place warm medicine into each nasal passage, 3 drops three times a day.

Agave with carrots

Fresh carrots are an elixir of beauty and health. Large root vegetables absorb chemicals and nitrates, which is why you should choose small carrots. To make an emulsion for rhinitis, you need to mix aloe juice with carrot juice. Take the components in equal quantities. It is recommended to add boiled and cooled olive oil to this composition. You will need 3 times less of it than the aloe-carrot composition. Use the same as in the previous recipe.

Agave with bow

To prepare the following remedy for the treatment of a runny nose, take small onions, aloe leaf and warm water (50 ml). Mix all ingredients well. This recipe is used for instillation into the nose of adult patients, 2 drops three times a day.

Kalanchoe + agave

These two natural medicines have a pronounced antiviral effect. A mixture of their juices, taken in equal proportions, is very helpful during a flu epidemic. To do this, you need to inject a drop of the healing mixture into each nostril once a day. The product also easily copes with snot if you instill it twice a day, 3 drops.

Aloe with eucalyptus and rosehip oils

A remedy prepared from herbal extracts of eucalyptus and rose hips will help eliminate rhinitis in children and adults. Take a tablespoon of aloe jelly liquid and ¼ spoon of the listed aromatic oils. Mix everything well. Make a tampon from a bandage, soak it in the healing mass and insert it into one nostril for 4 minutes. After fasting, do the same manipulations with the second nostril. Aloe in combination with essential oils will quickly relieve nasal congestion caused by the inflammatory process.

Chamomile decoction

You can treat a runny nose using chamomile, since the components of the plant have many medicinal properties. Take a teaspoon of natural honey. Add to it a tablespoon of aloe vera liquid and chamomile decoction. Use four times a day, placing three drops in each nasal passage.

Decoction with honey. The bitter taste of aloe is softened by natural honey. Cooking diagram:

  1. For 1 glass of linden (or other) honey you need to take 10 agave leaves and half a glass of water.
  2. Everything is mixed in an aluminum bowl and transferred to the stove.
  3. When the mixture boils, simmer it over low heat for 2 hours.

Afterwards the broth is filtered. Dosage: dessert spoon three times a day.

Agave with lemon and honey (oral)

A healing trio that is instilled into both nostrils has a remarkable therapeutic effect: agave juice, lemon and honey. Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the aloe core, bee honey and a whole lemon. Take products in equal quantities. When taking, the mixture should be diluted with water. Store for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator. The product helps with a runny nose, restoring strength to the body and strengthening the immune system.

Aloe with garlic

You can use agave with garlic. Ingredients and cooking process:

  1. Peel 4 medium cloves of garlic.
  2. Place them in glass containers and fill them with boiled water.
  3. Now close the lid and leave for 4 hours.
  4. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth.
  5. Mix the following ingredients with a dessert spoon:
  • the resulting solution,
  • agave juice,
  • liquid honey
  1. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Instill 5 drops into each nasal passage daily, no more than 8 times a day.

Aloe nasal tampons

To prepare them, do the following:

  1. Mix lard with honey, taken in equal proportions.
  2. Peel, rinse, and grind the rose hips in a meat grinder or blender.
  3. To the honey-tallow mixture add porridge from ground rose hips and aloe juice, also taken in equal quantities. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Add 5-6 drops of eucalyptus oil. Mix.
  5. Make tampons from bandage or gauze. Soak them well in the prepared mixture.
  6. Use them by placing them in both nostrils for 13-17 minutes. Then remove the tampons.

After 3.5 hours, repeat the procedure.

Aloe decoction (oral)

Cooking diagram:

  1. Mix 8 aloe leaves, 200 ml of warm boiled water, and a glass of honey in an aluminum pan.
  2. Place on the stove. Let it boil and reduce the heat.
  3. After 2 hours, remove the broth from the stove and cool.

Take 2 teaspoons orally, no more than 3 rubles. in a day.

Agave tincture

Relieves rhinitis and copious snot. Recipe:

  1. Pour 5 tbsp into a glass container. spoons of alcohol, add a large spoonful of agave juice.
  2. Leave in the dark for 10 days.
  3. Before use, the composition should be diluted with water (1:1).
  4. Can only be instilled into the nose by adults, 2 drops twice a day.

For prevention purposes, this tincture should be consumed in the morning and evening, 0.5 teaspoons, washed down with water.

Attention! Uncontrolled use of agave can lead to negative consequences.

Features of treatment for children

As for children, the methods of treating a runny nose in children with any traditional medicine differ from adult therapy:

  • children have juice dripped into their noses young agave, since it almost does not cause a burning sensation, one drop once a day;
  • not all recipes in a row, which include shrubs, will be able to eliminate nasal congestion in children;
  • in some cases, agave can harm a child.

As you can see, the use of aloe juice against a runny nose in children has its own nuances. Therefore, you cannot treat the child yourself, but you need to contact a pediatric doctor.

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