He looks to the side with hundreds of eyes. Enlargement of the glans penis: methods and recommendations of doctors. Penis size. Types of erect male members by category

Write out 10 sentences with direct speech and 7-8 lines of dialogue from Krylov’s fable The Crow and the Fox.

A Crow and a fox
How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.
Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow;
Raven perched on the spruce tree,
I was just about ready to have breakfast,
Yes, I thought about it, but I held the cheese in my mouth.
To that misfortune, the Fox ran quickly;
Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped the Fox:
The fox sees the cheese -
The fox was captivated by the cheese,
The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
He twirls his tail and doesn’t take his eyes off Crow.
And he says so sweetly, barely breathing:
"My dear, how beautiful!
What a neck, what eyes!
Telling fairy tales, really!
What feathers! what a sock!
And, truly, there must be an angelic voice!
Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed!
What if, sister,
With such beauty, you are a master at singing,
After all, you would be our king bird!”
Veshunin's head was spinning with praise,
The breath stole from my throat with joy, -
And Lisitsyn’s friendly words
The crow croaked at the top of its lungs:
The cheese fell out - such was the trick with it.


Is the highlighted word used in the same meaning in different works of A. S. Pushkin? Determine the meaning of this word.
The real honored letter writer was found by me in the storeroom, among all sorts of junk, in a pitiful condition (“History of the village of Goryukhin”).
Soon all the servants poured out into the yard. Women screamed and hurried to save their junk; children jumped, admiring the fire (“Dubrovsky”).
The guard finished his work, shook out his junk, admired the patch, pinned a needle to his sleeve, sat astride the cannon and sang at the top of his lungs a melancholy old song... (“Dubrovsky”).
Others carried feather beds, chests, tea utensils, linen and all the junk (“The Captain’s Daughter”).

(1) When I was about six years old, probably, or six and a half, I had absolutely no idea who I would ultimately be in this world. (2) That's what I have

the appetite was whetted to learn how to become an artist who paints white stripes on the street asphalt for speeding cars. (3) Otherwise it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler and sail across all the oceans on a fragile shuttle, eating only raw fish. (4) And the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw the European Boxing Championship on TV. (5) How they thrashed each other - just some kind of horror! (6) And then they showed them training, and here they were hitting a heavy leather “bag” - such an oblong heavy ball, you need to hit it with all your might, hit it as hard as you can in order to develop the power of hitting. (7) And I also decided to become the strongest person in the yard. (8) I told dad: – (9) Dad, buy me a punching bag! (10) I’ll train and become a boxer. – (11) There’s no need to waste money on nonsense, get by somehow without a punching bag. (12) And he got dressed and went to work. (13) And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended and tried to help me. (14) She took out from under the sofa a large wicker basket where old toys were stored, and took out a healthy teddy bear from the bottom of the basket. – (15) Here. (16) Good Mishka, excellent. (17) Look how tight it is! (18) Why not a pear? (19) Let’s train as much as you like! (20) I was very happy that my mother came up with such a great idea. (21) And I made Mishka comfortable on the sofa, so that it would be easier for me to train and develop the power of the blow. (22) He sat in front of me, so chocolate, and he had different eyes: one of his own - yellow glass, and the other big white - from a sewn button from a pillowcase. (23) But it didn’t matter, because Mishka looked at me with his different eyes and raised both paws up, as if he was already giving up in advance... (24) And I suddenly remembered how long ago I had nothing to do with this Mishka I didn’t leave him for a minute, carried him everywhere with me, and sat him down at the table next to me for dinner, and put him to bed, and rocked him to sleep like a little brother, and whispered different tales to him right into his velvet hard ears, and I loved him then , loved with all my soul, I would have given my life for him then... (25) And now he is sitting on the sofa, my former best friend, a true childhood friend, and I want to train the power of blow against him... – (26) What with you? – Mom asked, opening the door. (27) And I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I raised my head to the ceiling so that the tears could not be seen, and said: - (28) I’ve changed my mind about being a boxer. (According to V.Yu. Dragunsky)* *Dragunsky Viktor Yuzefovich (1913–1972) - Russian Soviet writer, author of stories for children.

In February, in the north, on the White Mountains, hunting begins.

Icebreakers set out to sea from Arkhangelsk. People with binoculars sit on the masts, on special platforms, inspect the ice floes, and when they notice black spots of seals on the ice floe, the icebreaker stops, hunters go onto the ice and begin to hunt seals.
But seals are hunted not only from icebreakers, but also from the shore. In the most remote places there are hunting huts on the shore. One such small hut stood on Spruce Creek, and this is what happened there one day. One morning the hunters got up, turned on the radio, lit the stove, and began heating tea. One of them looked out the window and shouted:
- Guys, seals!
The hunters jumped out of the hut with rifles and looked - there was a whole herd of seals on the ice not far from the shore. There was frequent shooting here. And although it is strictly forbidden by law to kill female seals that have small cubs, in a hurry there have been cases where they were killed.
So this time too... Someone in a hurry shot the mother, and with her was a little seal calf, just two days old. He was tiny and yellow. Everything about him was small: his chiseled head, his body, his neck... But the most amazing thing were his eyes. No one else has such big black eyes. And there was such melancholy in those eyes, such grief, such large tears rolling down his face that it was impossible to look at him.
Pomors are harsh people. They kill seals all their lives and catch fish in the summer. In calm weather and in storms alike, they walk the sea on small motorboats; they themselves have seen death in their own eyes more than once. Everyone has seen enough of everything in their lives. And then suddenly it was somehow hard for them, their hearts felt awkward. We decided to take the baby seal into the hut to warm up.
No matter how much the hunters pitied him, the baby seal without a mother would inevitably die. There was no time for the St. John's worts to deal with him; they had to do the job. But the next day, in the morning, grandson Vasya came running on skis to Uncle Zosim, bringing sugar, tobacco, fresh cheesecakes, milk... He took the seal calf to school, to a living corner.
The guys looked after the animal all winter. At first they fed him milk, and then, when he grew older, they began to give him fish. He treated everyone well, trustingly, did not shy away from anyone, but of all of them he especially distinguished one Vasya. And when spring came and the ice melted, a dispute arose at school. Some suggested sending the baby seal to the zoo, others wanted to release it into the wild. They argued and argued and finally decided to release the baby seal into the sea.
They let him ashore, right next to the water, but he doesn’t understand anything, he forgot everything. Once a wave washed over him, another time it doused him, suddenly he realized something, splashed with his flippers, his tail - and into the water. Then he got out to a deep place and dived. He appeared again far away - a black dot. For a long time this point swayed in one place, and it seemed to everyone that the baby seal was looking at the shore, saying goodbye.!!! PLEASE WRITE.. ON THIS TEXT!! COMPOSITION..!!!

1) think about the title. A short trip can be anything: a regular walk, a trip to school, or a trip by bus or train. Mainly

That this should be a journey during which you either met an interesting person or learned something new or looked at familiar features with different eyes 2) think about the idea of ​​the essay, formulate and write down the main idea of ​​the working plan. 3) By genre, it will be a story, that is, a narrative text in which you need to include elements of description. Remember how the story is built. 4) In form, this will be your story in the 1st person, which means a monologue. If other heroes also participated in the small journey, you can include an appeal in the text of the dialogue. 5) It is appropriate to write the text in a conversational style. Therefore, in it you will use neutral vocabulary and colloquial words

Only the correct answers to the riddles in the game “Riddles: A Magic Story.” Passing the game at the speed of light!

See here:

Riddles: Level 81

Sometimes rivers take their source from me, And in your hands I will open any lock.

Answer: key

Riddles: Level 82

A small bird with a steel nose and a flaxen tail.

The answer is a needle

Riddles: Level 83

She will fluff up her sides, her four corners, And as night falls, she will still attract you to her.

Answer: pillow

Riddles: Level 84

They sealed it with glue firmly, and they sent it to me urgently. I won’t regret it, I’ll get it and stick it up in no time.

Answer: envelope

Riddles: Level 85

There are seas, but you cannot swim, There are roads, but you cannot drive, There is land, but you cannot plow. What is this?

Answer: map

Riddles: Level 86

They gave me a farsighted man - he brought him closer to me.

Answer: binoculars

Riddles: Level 87

The relay is not easy. I'm waiting for the command to dash.

Answer: start

Riddles: Level 88

A stone belt surrounded hundreds of cities and villages.

Answer: highway

Riddles: Level 89

A warm wave splashes, under the wave there is whiteness. Guess, remember what kind of sea is in the room?

Answer: bath)

Take it out and put it back three times a day.

Answer: fork

Riddles: Level 90

A small head sits on your finger, looking in all directions with hundreds of eyes.

Answer: thimble

Riddles: Level 91

Both in the taiga and in the ocean he will find any path. It fits in a pocket and leads us along.

Answer: compass

Riddles: Level 92

He flies down the cliff and breaks on the rocks. He roars louder than a beast, and turns into foam.

Answer: waterfall

Riddles: Level 93

I am very beautiful, the fungus is not whiny. There are a hundred whiteheads on my hat!

Answer: fly agaric

Riddles: Level 94

He walks importantly, very decorously. The tail, like a fan, across the grass - and a plume on the head.

Answer: peacock

Riddles: Level 95

It’s very poisonous, that’s why it’s famous, There’s that snake in the hood, you should know it, friends. Answer: cobra

Riddles: Level 96

A transparent water mushroom, floating along with the wave.

Answer: jellyfish

Riddles: Level 97

He walks and wanders along the carpets, running his nose in the corners. Where he passed, there was no dust; dust and rubbish were his lunch.

Answer: vacuum cleaner

Riddles: Level 98

The cloud is made of iron, and the cloud has a handle. This cloud watered bed after bed in order.

Answer: watering can

Riddles: Level 99

On the white expanse there are two even lines, and commas and periods run next to them.

Solution: ski track

There is a chain of crumbly bumps.

Clue: caravan

Riddles: Level 100

Who will be born twice: smooth the first time, soft the second time?

Answer: bird

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Hello again! This material belongs to a whole series of articles in which answers for the game Puzzles Magic History in Odnoklassniki.

In turn, we note that this material contains answers to levels 81 to 90 of the Magic Story Riddles game on Odnoklassniki. You are welcome, use it and rejoice!

Game Riddles: Magic Story. Answers to levels 81, 82, 83, 84, 85

Level 81 - Riddle:

Sometimes rivers take their source from me,

And in your hands I will open any lock.

Correct answer to riddle No. 81: KEY

Level 82 - Riddle:

A small bird with a steel nose and a thread tail.

Correct answer to riddle number 82: NEEDLE

Level 83 - Riddle:

She will fluff up her sides, her four corners,

And when night comes, it will still attract you to itself.

Correct answer to riddle number 83: PILLOW

Level 84 - Riddle:

They sealed it with glue firmly, and they sent it to me urgently.

I won’t regret it, I’ll get it and stick it up in no time.

Correct answer to riddle number 84: ENVELOPE

Level 85 - Riddle:

There are seas, but you can’t swim,

There are roads, but you can’t go,

There is land, but you can’t plow it.

Correct answer to riddle number 85: MAP

Game Riddles: Magic Story. Answers to levels 86, 87, 88, 89, 90

Level 86 - Riddle:

They gave me a farsighted man - he brought him closer to me.

Correct answer to riddle number 86: BINOCULS

Level 87 - Riddle:

The relay is not easy. I'm waiting for the command to dash.

Correct answer to riddle No. 87: START

Level 88 - Riddle:

A stone belt surrounded hundreds of cities and villages.

Correct answer to riddle number 88: HIGHWAY

Level 89 - Riddle:

A warm wave splashes, under the wave there is whiteness.

Guess, remember what kind of sea is in the room?

Correct answer to riddle number 89: BATH

Level 90 - Riddle:

A small head sits on your finger,

Hundreds of eyes looking in all directions.

How to increase penis size? Men often ask this question, regardless of size, the thought of becoming more masculine comes to every man at least once in his life. General concern about a small penis has spawned a multimillion-dollar global industry of clinically unproven male enhancement products. Although some are ready to accept, while others are ready to do anything to achieve the desired result.

Size matters

Research has shown that the size of male genitalia can vary depending on race, even ethnicity. These measurements are considered normal throughout the world:

  • penis length: 14 cm;
  • head of penis: 4 cm.

Measurements should be taken while erect. A small head of the penis can become a serious obstacle to normal sexual intercourse, and not an object of pride. Indeed, small genital size causes problems with self-confidence and communication, which, in turn, affect all areas of life, including interpersonal relationships and career.

How to make your head bigger

Some men are happy with the length of their penis but want a larger girth. There is an opinion that it is she who plays the most important role in sex. After all, it is impossible to determine the most important part of the reproductive organ when it comes to sex. In addition, enlargement of the glans penis usually occurs simultaneously with enlargement of the shaft. The only way is surgery. All other techniques are aimed at enlarging the entire organ. The following methods are currently known:

Only after consultation with a doctor does it become clear whether medical intervention is necessary and whether there are contraindications to the use of a particular technique.

Surgical methods

Surgery is indicated for patients with a small penis when it is necessary to enlarge it by several centimeters. After consultation with the surgeon, the patient will have to undergo a number of tests and undergo a full medical examination, similar to preparation for any other operation. The methodology is discussed with each person individually.

Often, surgical procedures to change the appearance of the reproductive organ involve injections of subcutaneous fat taken from other parts of the body. Medical reports indicated a slight difference in circumference change of 1.6–5.1 cm.

However, estimates of the positive effects that have been carried out on people who have dared to make radical changes over a longer period of time show negative results, including deformity, scarring, lumping and infectious gangrene.


The surgeon places a unique matrix under the skin of the reproductive organ. This device resembles a small pillow. Its main task is to stretch the skin in the genital area, providing a change in length. This method is quite common, although it can lead to certain complications.

The matrix is ​​often rejected by the tissues, and this leads to inflammation of the genitals. In particularly advanced cases, gangrene may develop, leading to amputation. Another potential problem with the matrix is ​​pressure on important blood vessels. This leads to disruption of blood supply and prevents the penis from filling with blood during an erection.

Another technique, still in the experimental stage, involves gradually stretching the organ's skin to wrap a specialized biodegradable frame filled with living cells around the base.

The use of biodegradable frames has significant success rates, higher than with simple fat fillings. The disadvantages of the injection procedure are that over time the body will reabsorb it, and this will lead to subsequent loss of the results of the surgical operation.

Introduction of gel with hyaluronic acid

An alternative solution is to enlarge the glans penis with hyaluronic acid, which is a very popular ingredient in cosmetology. The product acts in the same way as the matrix, but it does not cause as many side effects.

The composition of the gel with hyaluronic acid is similar to the natural composition of human skin, which virtually eliminates the possibility of rejection. Both methods described above provide almost instant results. The difference in organ size will be obvious from day one.

Pumping out unnecessary deposits

Underbelly fat removal procedure can make your manhood look more impressive. Removing excess fat around the pubic area will make the thickened penis more visible. The results are usually impressive for obese people.

Fat removal can result in a change of up to 3.7 cm in length in the short term, but the fat returns to the pubis if the person gains excess weight again. Fat removal surgery can give a man self-confidence, but in order for the effect to be maintained in the long term, it is necessary to review the daily diet and devote a lot of time to physical training. However, like all surgical interventions, the technique carries the risk of negative effects and subsequent complications.

Hormone therapy

Another method of enlarging male genitalia is the use of hormonal drugs. Unfortunately, this method has more disadvantages than advantages. Such medications can be prescribed by a specialist only after hormonal screening. Treatment takes several months and results will be visible after 3 months. Such medications are quite expensive and also have many side effects. For this reason, changing the volume of the penis using this method is used very rarely.

Enlargement using home methods

If you do not need to radically change the organ, then you can try methods for enlarging the glans penis at home. These include special massage methods and physical activity.

Extenders and vacuum pumps are the most popular penis enhancement devices. Before purchasing and using these devices, you should consult with a specialist. They do not provide serious contraindications, but their use should be discussed with your doctor.

Vacuum devices are often indicated for use in the short-term treatment of impotence problems. But abuse can damage the skin, which leads to weak erections and pain during sexual intercourse.

The extenders provide an evenly distributed action, which contributes to the gradual expansion of the entire organ. They can be worn at home, at work and anywhere convenient. The device is easily hidden under clothing and does not cause significant discomfort. Vacuum pumps are a good way to enlarge the glans penis, as patients can control the effect on their own.

Tablets and lotions

These products usually contain a variety of growth supplements, herbs, roots, pollen, which are supposed to increase male strength. Despite their serious advertising in the media, there is absolutely no substantiated medical evidence that these lotions work, and some may even be dangerous for healthy potency.

Physical exercise

How to enlarge the head of the penis using gymnastics? Simply by doing Jelqing exercises. It is safe for men's health, but the effect remains as long as gymnastic training is carried out on a regular basis.

The goal is to increase blood flow, stretching the tissue, thereby increasing size. It is best to perform gymnastics using special genital enlargement creams or gels. The complex should be performed for 12-15 minutes every day. The first effect will be visible in a week.

Another effective exercise is shaft compression. Grab the flaccid organ with your palm and slowly increase the pressure until maximum hardness is achieved. Relax the palm so that the organ becomes flaccid again, and then repeat the complex. This will ensure an enlargement of the glans penis, promoting a more complex erection.

Although many worry that their dignity is too low, studies show that most are considered normal. Before choosing one of the listed methods, you need to weigh all the risks and disadvantages of each head expansion option.

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