Improving management activities in the forensic departments of internal affairs bodies. Improving the management of a commercial enterprise (using the example of Korona LLC)

in law and jurisprudence on the topic “Improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies based on the development and implementation of targeted programs”

As a manuscript ¿7/. M.^

Dubinina Natalya Mikhailovna ^ ^ ^



Nationality: 12.00.13 - management in social and economic systems (legal aspects); legal informatics;

application of mathematical methods and computer technology in legal practice

dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences


The dissertation was completed at the Department of Management and Informatics of the Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Scientific adviser -

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Doctor of Law, Professor Vadim Dmitrievich Malkov

Official opponents -

Honored Lawyer of Russia Doctor of Law

sciences, professor

Vitsin Sergey Efimovich

Honored Lawyer of Russia, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor Alexander Pavlovich Ipakyan

Leading organization -

State institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute" M1 of Russia

The defense will take place "¿^" ^ 2000 at "/^" hours for<

from the dissertation council D.052.04.02 at the Moscow Legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (117437, Moscow, Volgina St., 12).

The dissertation can be found in the special library of the Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Abstract sent out " gch

» ¿2<-С 1999 года.

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council, candidate of legal sciences, senior researcher

I.V. Golovan


Relevance of the topic. One of the most important reserves for increasing the effectiveness and quality of the operational and service activities of internal affairs bodies, currently operating in conditions of radical socio-economic and political transformations, large-scale crisis phenomena in all spheres of life in our society, and a sharp complication of the crime situation, are measures that carried out in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to improve management. Increasing the efficiency of functioning of internal affairs bodies on the basis of improving management is an objective necessity of the current stage of their development, confirmed by the requirements of departmental regulatory legal acts. In this regard, the urgent task of science and practice is to search for specific ways and means of intensifying the activities of internal affairs bodies on the basis of a more complete and detailed disclosure of management reserves and its central element - managerial activity.

Analysis of numerous scientific works devoted to the topic of managing internal affairs bodies (G.A. Avanesova, A.I. Alekseeva, L.Sh. Berekalili, N.I. Budenko, V.Z. Vesely, S.E. Vitsina, V.N. Vorobyova, G.M. Voskre-iHCKoro, G.P. Gerta, A.P. Gerasimova, G.G. Zuikova, N.N. Ivanova, A.P. Ipakya-1, JIM. Kolodkina, A O.P. Koreneva, A.N. Kosachev, S.S. Mailyan, A.F. Mandat, V.D. Malkova, V.A. Malyutkina, E.P. Maslennikova, A.H. Mindagulova,.B. Mikhailovskaya, A.P. Polezhaev, A.N. Roshi, V.F. Sukharev, G.A. Tumanov, S. Chernyavsky, N.D. Shelyakin, E.F. Yaskov, etc.), indicates pain - attention to the problems of improving management, in-depth coverage of its general issues. At the same time, in our opinion, these works do not sufficiently disclose the methodological, technological, organizational and legal aspects of improving management. Operational definitions of the concepts used are not given, there is a shortage in experimentally tested police models and algorithms, which makes it difficult to ensure the most effective use of the forces and means available to internal authorities in the fight against offenses, complicates the search for optimal systems and methods of their activity, not allows you to clearly formulate goals and

to improve the organizational work of internal affairs bodies in the specific conditions of their functioning, to identify directions and develop specific activities in this area. The theoretical consideration of these issues and the implementation of the research results into practice will increase the overall level of management activities of internal affairs bodies, i.e. allow us to analyze more deeply, make more reliable predictions and thereby more effectively influence the processes of fighting crime and protecting public order and security1.

Improving management activities should be considered within the framework of the organization and functioning of an integral management system and be based on the use of an integrated approach that allows management to be seen not only in the unity of its goals, resources and final result of activities, but also, what is especially important, to practically organize this uniformly in all its elements. As a matter of fact, such an approach should be inherent in any system of social management that combines the mechanism (goal, tasks! functions, methods), structure (managed and control subsystems and their relationship in statics, personnel, technology) and management processes (real functioning, i.e. the system in dynamics).

The complexity of the tasks solved in the process of organizing and functioning of internal affairs bodies leads to an objective need for deep< ботки комплексных проблем совершенствования их управленческой деятельш сти на плановой основе. При этом важно учитывать общие закономерности ра: вития государственного аппарата в целом, повышение требований к аппарат управления, необходимость более рациональной его организации на основе вн(ярения современных информационных технологий. В Послании Президеш Российской Федерации Федеральному Собранию от 17 февраля 1998 года осво(ние современный технологий управления названо одним из важных направлени преобразований. "«Они должны привноситься в практику исполнительной власт и государственной службы в процессе реформирования, которое само должв строиться на базе этих технологий. Другим каналом освоения новых управле!

“In the dissertation” the expression “managerial activities of internal affairs bodies” is used to characterize intra-organizational activities related to the implementation of the main functions of management. In the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia the expressions “managerial activities of internal affairs bodies. affairs" and "managerial activities in internal affairs bodies" are used interchangeably.

(a system of education and advanced training of civil servants should become a new technology"2.

One of the promising directions for solving complex problems of improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies can be the widespread use of program-target methodology, the main idea of ​​which is to determine the development goals of a particular system and develop interrelated programs that ensure the achievement of these goals. Some progress has been achieved in the development of the program-target planning method and its practical implementation. Much experience has been accumulated in the development and implementation of regional comprehensive programs to combat crime, but the full potential of the program-target method has not yet been used. There is no experience in its application in improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies. To a large extent, this is explained by the unresolved nature of a number of methodological, methodological and organizational problems of program-target planning in relation to the improvement of information systems and management technologies.

Without setting itself the task of solving all these complex problems, the author makes an attempt to consider the possibilities of using program-targeted methods to improve the existing management activities of internal affairs bodies.

Numerous works of domestic and foreign scientists (R. Akoff, G.V. Atamanchuk, V.G. Afanasyev, L.H. Berg, L.Sh. Berekashvili, I.) are devoted to the study of general and applied problems of organizational management based on a systems approach. V. Blauberg, N.H. Brushlinsky, V.N. Burko, V.Z. Vesely, S.E. Vitsin, A.P. Gerasimov, N.N. Ivanov, A.P. Ipakyan, Sh. Korenev, A.F. Maidykova, V.D. Malkova, E.P. Maslennikova, B.Z. Milera, V.A. Minaev, A.Ya. Minin, A.M. Petrovsky, A.P. Polezhaev, V.F. Su- Areva, G.A. Tumanova, V.V. Chernikova, etc.). At the same time, unfortunately, the issues of applying program-targeted methodology to improve the management activities of internal affairs bodies have not been sufficiently studied.

Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly dated 02/17/1998 “With common forces - to the rise of Russia (On the situation in the country and the main directions of the policy of the Russian Federation)” // “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” dated 02/24/1998 No. 36.

Thus, the ongoing reform of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which objectively caused the need to improve management and management activities based on the use of scientific, including program-targeted methods, insufficient development of theoretical, regulatory and legal frameworks, as well as practical issues related to the development and implementation of programs to improve management activities in internal affairs bodies and predetermined the choice of the topic of dissertation research.

The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical, methodological and organizational and legal foundations for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies using program-targeted methodology.

Research objectives:

Disclosure of the essence and content of management activities of internal affairs bodies;

Determination, based on an analysis of the management activities of the internal affairs agency, the main problems of its improvement;

Justification of the need to develop targeted programs for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies;

Determining the content and structure of target programs for improving management activities;

Formation of the main provisions of organizational and legal support for the development and implementation of targeted programs has been improved!! management activities of internal affairs bodies;

Research into the possibilities of using modeling methods in improving the management activities of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate;

Object and subject of research.

The object of this study is the management activities of internal affairs bodies.

The subject of the study is the content of the management activities of the internal affairs agency, methodological and organizational-legal support for its improvement based on the development and implementation of targeted programs.

In order to concretize the research in the dissertation work, we will consider the issues of improving the management activities of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Affairs using model concepts.

Methodology and empirical basis of the study.

The methodological basis of the dissertation research consists of: the most important philosophical principles about the nature and essence of management activities, its objectively necessary, expedient and creative character-system approach, providing a comprehensive study of management activities; mathematical and simulation modeling and formal methods for studying the processes of improving management activities in general and its individual elements; sociological and comparative->legal methods.

The regulatory framework of the study consists of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, legal acts of state authorities and management, and regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The empirical basis of the dissertation research is the materials of the comparative legal analysis introduced by the author of the main regulatory documents of the internal affairs bodies on the problems of organizing persecution activities; the results of specific sociological research conducted by the author among the heads of services and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (more than sixty regions), who studied at the Higher Academic Courses in 1997-1999, and also among senior and senior commanding officers of the bodies internal;l, who studied at the first, second and fourth faculties of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 1998-1999. The sociological study included a total of 167 respondents. Expert opinions and assessments of practical work served as the basis for identifying problems and priority areas for improving management activities in internal affairs bodies.

The dissertation reflects the research materials of other authors on the development and implementation of targeted programs for solving priority problems in various spheres of society.

The work also used materials from scientific and practical conferences! tions, scientific literature on the research topic.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that, essentially, for the first time:

An attempt was made to take an integrated approach to studying the problems of improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies in the development and implementation of targeted programs;

The organizational, legal and methodological issues of the section are considered. work and implementation of targeted programs for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies;

An approach to improving the management activities of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate is formulated based on model concepts.

Main provisions submitted for defense:

Features of the content of management activities and their implementation in internal affairs bodies in the context of the use of modern and formational technologies;

Factors influencing management improvement< деятельности;

The concept of a target program for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies as a type of management decision, its structure and content;

Organization and legal support for the development and implementation of goals! programs for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies;

Formation of an approach to solving the problem of improving the management activities of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate based on modeling;

Theoretical and practical significance of the research.

The theoretical significance of this work is determined by the comprehensive development of problems of improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies on the basis of the development and implementation of target programs, which to a certain extent fills the gap in the theoretical understanding of these issues.

When developing and implementing a set of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of management activities of the management apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,

In the development of regulatory documents of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system to improve the management activities of internal affairs bodies at various levels based on program-targeted methodology;

In the preparation and conduct of management simulation games in the system of internal affairs bodies;

In increasing the level of managerial training of employees of the “morning affairs” bodies, as well as in the educational process of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia when teaching courses “Fundamentals of management in internal affairs bodies”, “Organization of management of the activities of internal affairs bodies”, “Information technologies of management in internal affairs bodies" and other disciplines.

Approbation of research results.

The main results of the dissertation research and the provisions submitted for defense were tested at two scientific and practical conferences.<, состоявшихся в Московском юридическом институте МВД России («Вопро-л совершенствования правоохранительной деятельности органов внутренних;л», апрель 1997 года; «Проблемы совершенствования правоохранительной гятельности органов внутренних дел», апрель 1998 года); на трех Международ-ых конференциях «Информатизация правоохранительной деятельности», проченных в Академии управления МВД России в 1996-1999 годах.

The results of the dissertation work, proposals and methodological recommendations of the author are used in the practical activities of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Novosibirsk Region, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kamchatka Region, the Kislovodsk City Department of Internal Affairs, as well as in the educational process of the Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (in the development of a private methodology for teaching the academic discipline “Fundamentals of Management in Bodies internal affairs"). The dissertation candidate took part in research work on the topic: “Development of a model computer system for the management of internal affairs bodies” (clause 1.23 of the plan of the Scientific Research Institute of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for 1998/1999).

Scope and structure of the dissertation.

The dissertation is completed in a volume that meets the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia: It consists of an introduction, three chapters (six paragraphs), a conclusion, a bibliographic list of references, and appendices.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic; the goals and objectives of the work, its object and subject are determined; outlines the research methods, its methodological and empirical foundations; provisions are revealed that substantiate the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the results; the main provisions submitted for defense are formulated; information is provided on the scientific and practical testing of the results of the research.

The first chapter, “Theoretical foundations of modern approaches to improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies,” analyzes the main problems of improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies, substantiates the use and reveals the content of a systematic approach in the study of these problems.

The author shows that one of the conceptual guidelines for the currently ongoing reform of internal affairs bodies may be associated with the development and implementation of information technology (

systems for continuous improvement of management activities. This approach involves the creation of a special mechanism that ensures the development and improvement of the management system, optimization of its structure and management processes in accordance with constantly changing conditions. Thus, we are talking about abandoning episodic measures to improve management activities and moving to more modern dynamic approaches of adaptive planning and management in accordance with the changing environment. At the same time, the requirements for rationality and efficiency in the functioning of internal affairs bodies do not lose their knowledge, since at the same time the selection of the best innovations occurs in order to achieve stability and development of the management system.

The results of the sociological study showed that the currently existing approaches to improving management and administrative activities in internal affairs bodies are largely subjective in nature (this answer was given by 87.4% of respondents). In each specific case, issues of improving the organization and functioning of the system are resolved depending on the capabilities of the internal affairs agency and the initiative of employees. The measures taken for these purposes, being the result of conscious and purposeful activity, as a rule, do not meet the requirements of complexity and continuity, are carried out sporadically (71.3% of respondents), and scientific recommendations are not fully used. In terms of its content, methodological and organizational-legal support, the improvement of management activities does not yet have the necessary unity of all its elements and is not always clearly linked with other measures that ensure the comprehensive development of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

This state of affairs is determined by the presence of a number of unresolved problems, the main ones, according to the author, are associated with the lack of a mechanism for improvement, the poor development of the system of intellectual support for finalizing solutions in this area on the basis of objectively measurable indicators and formalized criteria for assessing the state of management activities of internal affairs departments . This leads, in particular, to the fact that the problem is assessed by the existing (current) and target (desirable) states of management activities and is resolved in specific cases by the heads of bodies

internal affairs, as well as specially created apparatus for implementing! “managerial functions, based on subjective characteristics and preferences. The same can be said with regard to determining priorities, choosing ways, methods and means of improving management activities. The situation is aggravated by the natural lack of experience and knowledge among managers in the development and implementation of programs for improving management activities (large projects). In addition, decisions to improve the management activities of internal affairs bodies, as a rule, are currently made under conditions of uncertainty, and existing difficulties are overcome on the basis of heuristic methods. It should be noted that this process is carried out in conditions of a clear shortage of scientific developments on the problems of improving management based on modeling, which allows us to pose and solve problems of improving management activities in a new way.

Consideration of the problem of increasing the efficiency of management activities requires the creation of theoretically based models of management functions and tasks, the introduction of clear operational definitions of general management terms and concepts. In the context of addressing these issues managerially; activity comes to the fore as one of the most important objects of study.

There are various areas of study of management activities: some of them are associated with a mathematical approach (for example, the theory of operations research, simulation modeling, systems engineering, etc.), others - with the traditions of the humanities or social sciences (for example, engineering psychology (ergonomics), specific sociology, etc.). At the same time, at present, management activities have not yet been identified as an independent object of study.

Having dwelled in detail on the issues of systemic and structural consideration of management and management activities in internal affairs bodies, the work pursued the goal of obtaining an answer to important methodological questions about the content and carriers of management activities, and the process and the result of activities were differentiated. Management activity is considered as a central element of the entire system of management of internal organs!

rotten affairs. It is this activity that determines the state and level of effectiveness of the joint work of various services and departments in solving the tasks assigned to them.

The basis of management activities is a certain methodology, technology and logic. The content of this activity is considered as a complex of actions of managers and other management subjects organizing >the success of the teams subordinate to them, and can be operationally presented: through the procedure for developing and implementing various management decisions that >set goals, use labor and material resources,1, ways and means of achieving goals, as well as forms of organizing activities: both subjects and objects of management in the implementation of decisions. The basis of the management activities of management subjects is the actions of managers of employees of a specially created apparatus to perform the basic functions of management. The managerial activities of internal affairs bodies are aimed at organizing their substantive activities.

Management activity is a complex system consisting of foreign interconnected elements (goal, objectives, functions, methods, media, results and the process itself), each of which has its own special law of development, implemented using specific mechanisms. Having learned the laws and patterns of development of management activities, we can plan, design and manage them, i.e. set and solve the problem of its improvement. In this case, the specifics of the implementation of managerial functions should be taken into account. modern conditions, when part of them is transferred to organizational technology (including computing). This leads to changes in the structure, mechanisms and processes of management activities. In a broader sense: what should be said about the design and distribution of activities in a human-machine information system for managing internal affairs bodies.

Based on the analysis of the essence and content of management activities in the internal affairs departments, the first chapter concludes that progressive transformations in the organization of managerial work are closely related to the creation of an information infrastructure, covering computing technology, means of communication, methodological and software, information flow, data processing methods, databases and knowledge, models, me-

Methods and methods for analyzing information and developing management decisions. In this regard, the use of computer technology and communications is considered as the basis of automated information technologies for management activities, including a set of tools, methods and techniques for collecting, processing, transmitting, storing and retrieving data necessary for specialists and managers to make informed decisions at all stages of the management cycle .

Modern approaches to improving management activities should be based on the use of theoretical and applied research on both general problems of organizational management and problems of management of internal affairs bodies. A review of the literature devoted to the analysis of management activities and management relations indicates that the search for new approaches that ensure the effectiveness of management of internal affairs bodies should be based on system-information modeling of management processes at different levels and different links of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs systems. Using the basic principles and algorithms for solving problems of improving management activities, modeling acts as a methodological basis for the development of design solutions in this area.It provides in practice scientific, methodological, technical and organizational legal resolution of the main contradiction, the essence of which is the non-compliance of the established practice of managing internal affairs bodies with the requirements intensification of their activities.

The development of new approaches involves the justification of new technologies, methods and procedures for increasing the efficiency of management activities. Such procedures should reflect the substantive side of the various stages of designing information systems and management technologies. One thorough assessment of the designed management systems and processes will allow you to avoid many mistakes and problems in improving management activities. Unfortunately, at present, internal affairs bodies do not have technologies for designing information systems and processes based on clear algorithms, methods, techniques and tools. The widely advertised methodologies by various companies have been redesigned!! subject activities (for example, business process reengineering) are

Xia "know-how" of foreign companies and do not have widespread domestic testing in large government agencies.

The author was aware that serious formulation and solution of the identified problems can only be achieved by a team of developers in the presence of the following components: a customer, an improvement concept, a task for developing a program, developing program options and selecting the best one, and developing the necessary documentation. Therefore, in the dissertation work more attention is paid to the theoretical aspects of the problems raised.

Among the main difficulties that arise for heads of internal affairs bodies when making decisions on the entire range of issues related to improving management activities, the following can be identified:

Lack of methodological and methodological developments, as well as sufficient practical experience in improvement;

Lack of formalized criteria and methods for assessing the current state of management activities;

Difficulty in choosing priority areas, goals and objectives for improvement;

The need for interconnection of organizational, legal and technical solutions to improve management activities;

Search for funds (financial, technical, information, etc.) and qualified performers;

Formation of a regulatory framework for the development and operation of new information systems and management technologies;

Determining the timing of development and implementation of improvement programs.

The listed difficulties do not allow us to make optimal decisions to improve management activities in internal affairs bodies. The methodological guideline for solving the problems arising here should be a systematic approach that uses special technologies and methods for developing and implementing targeted programs. The main idea of ​​this approach in our case is: to identify improvement goals; developing interrelated programs to achieve these goals; define

research on the sequence of program activities and their implementers; goal-oriented resource allocation.

The second chapter, “Methodology and organizational and legal support for the development and implementation of target programs for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies,” examines the approximate structure and content of target programs for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies, as well as the organizational and legal support for their development and implementation.

Targeted programs for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies best meet the requirements for a comprehensive solution to urgent problems of reorganizing the management process. The comprehensive nature of the content of the program lies, first of all, in the fact that the main directions for improving management activities should be directly linked to the development of organizational forms and methods of management and cover all basic management functions. At the same time, a target program should be understood as a set of measures agreed upon in terms of resources, implementers and implementation deadlines aimed at improving the comprehensive support for the management activities of internal affairs bodies. The developed and implemented set of measures to improve management activities, forms, methods and technology for its implementation is intended to contribute to:

Increasing the efficiency of law enforcement activities of internal affairs bodies in general;

Rational regulation of management activities and the creation of optimal conditions for its implementation (information and technological, material and technical, organizational and legal, psychological, etc.);

Introduction of rational forms, methods and techniques of management activities based on the use of scientific approaches to setting and solving problems, the use of computer technology, means and communication systems;

Increasing the labor productivity of management staff;

Strengthening performance discipline, creating conditions for creative work, by transferring routine operations to automation tools;

Improving the selection, quality of training and regular certification of management personnel, ensuring a healthy psychological climate in the team.

The program must have a clearly defined target nature, focus on the effective solution of the assigned tasks and be characterized by specific (if possible quantitatively expressed) final results, the achievement of which is sufficient to solve the program problem.

Problems in this case act as objective conditions for goal setting, which not only focus on achieving final results, but also predetermine the set of necessary ways and means to achieve goals. Among the means, one should distinguish between resource and organizational ones, and, above all, the target program itself, which provides for one or another organizational mechanism for achieving the goal. Such a mechanism involves the creation of special bodies to manage the processes of development and implementation of programs. The development and implementation of measures to improve management activities can lead to changes (clarification) of the tasks and competence of management bodies and their organizational restructuring.

The selection and justification of goals presents certain difficulties caused by the following circumstances.

Possible subjective distortions in the perception of needs, when there is no clear answer to the question of which need is not satisfied in the practice of management activities;

Possible discrepancy between the purpose of management activity and the criteria by which it is assessed. This kind of inconsistency, for example, may arise in cases where the content of the goal is associated with some change in the state of management activities as an object of influence and improvement, and the evaluation criterion is the quantitative and qualitative parameters of various aspects of the functioning of the organizational structure designed to realize this goal;

The contradiction of intermediate goals (subgoals and objectives), determined as a result of the decomposition of the main goal, both with the general goal and with each other. A defect in goal decomposition can lead to conflicting

speech complexes of subprograms and the activities (tasks) that implement them, the timing of their implementation, resources, performers and expected results;

The unreality of unconditionally achieving the intended goals in social systems where probabilistic laws and patterns operate. Therefore, when considering problems of improving management activities, one should talk about achieving the goal in probabilistic categories, which entails the need to justify and select a “decisive rule”, i.e. conditions under which the goal can be considered achieved.

In addition to these difficulties, there are other factors that make it difficult to transform the needs for improving management activities in internal affairs bodies into the goals and objectives of the program. One of the ways to overcome these difficulties is seen in carrying out multivariate calculations based on specially developed mathematical models that take into account the variety of forms of meeting the needs of improving management activities. The active element of specially developed models should be the subjects of the organizational structure with their own perception and understanding of goals, ways to achieve them, etc. In essence, we are talking about the development and use of simulation models and business games to improve the management activities of internal affairs bodies.

The development of programs for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies should be preceded by the formation of an appropriate concept containing the main ideas, directions and targets for solving program problems, the range of tasks for each area of ​​implementation and improvement of management activities, the composition of material, technical, information, time and other resources, and also methodological and organizational-legal support for improving management activities. In other words, the concept represents a single concept, content formulation and ways to solve identified problems.

The concept of improving management activities should, in the author’s opinion, be formalized in the form of a single regulatory document, “approved by order of the relevant manager. It includes a preamble (general provisions) and content for the following structural blocks: the state and problems of management activities; goals and objectives of improvement

knowledge of management activities; prerequisites and basic principles for improving management activities; main directions for improving management activities; organization of improvement of management activities; Expected results.

One of the main issues addressed by the concept of improving management activities should be the identification of restrictions on resources and the coordination of the latter with the goals of developing internal affairs bodies and improving their management systems. In this regard, it becomes important to compare the goals and target standards characterizing them with the forecast for the development of the resources used and the internal affairs bodies themselves. It is with the help of programs that the goals of improvement are linked with the resources necessary for this. At the same time, the concept should reflect and balance the list of programs planned for development that affect the main areas of improving management activities.

The main features of the program approach to solving problems of improving management activities will be as follows:

The program occupies a central place in the overall set of measures to improve the management system of internal affairs bodies;

The program is focused on the final result - increasing the level of management activities;

The program is considered as an integral object of development and implementation and is endowed with the necessary financial, material, human and other resources;

The development and management of the program is carried out either by a specially created body, or by redistributing the rights and responsibilities of existing management structures.

The specific characteristics of programs for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies make it possible to define them as strategic, comprehensive, normative management decisions implemented at a specific time interval in order to meet the needs of internal affairs bodies for a significant positive change in the state of their management activities, solving urgent problems of reorganization of information systems and technologies management.

In accordance with the variety of problems and tasks of improving management activities, methods and means of solving them, in our opinion, several types of programs can be distinguished depending on:

The breadth of coverage of levels and links of the management system (programs for improving the management activities of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system, its individual levels and links, services and divisions);

Functional orientation, determined by the main management functions (planning, control, system organization, etc.);

Implementation terms (short-term, medium-term, long-term);

Initiators of the development (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Department of Internal Affairs, City Railroads), etc.

In each specific case, the program can be subjected to detail, which ultimately leads to the development of a tree of subprograms (with its own structure and interconnections of elements), revealing the content of the original problem of improving management activities.

An analysis of the experience of developing target programs, scientific literature on organizational and methodological issues of preparation and implementation of programs allows us to propose the following sections of programs for improving management activities: 1) the content of a complex problem and the need to solve it using program methods; 2) main goals and objectives, timing and stages of program implementation; 3) the main directions for solving the problem and the system of program activities; 4) resource support for the program; 5) the procedure and timing of the implementation of program activities; 6) organizing the management of the program and monitoring the progress of its implementation; 7) assessment of the expected effectiveness of the program; 8) passport programs.

An approximate list of the main sections of programs for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies in each specific case is subject to clarification depending on the initial statement of the problem, subjects and objects of the management system, its levels and links, complex management problems solved by the program-target method. The content of the sections itself is largely determined by whether the program belongs to one or another type of program in accordance with the proposed classification and takes on a specific shape during the development of the program.

Improving management activities on the basis of appropriate programs requires certain organizational and legal support. .

In the dissertation research, organizational and legal support for the development and implementation of programs to improve management activities is considered as a set of organizational and legal means aimed at creating certain conditions for the development and implementation of programs. The study of organizational and legal issues in accordance with the preparatory and main periods of program development, as well as the stage of its implementation, allowed us to draw a conclusion about the possibility and feasibility of preparing a special regulatory legal act in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - “Basic provisions for the development and implementation of programs for improving management activities in internal affairs bodies." The contents of this document should include: a general definition of programs; principles of their development and implementation; criteria for choosing the main directions and tasks for improving management activities. This document must also reflect the general procedure for the development and implementation of programs, their methodological, organizational and legal support, including the procedure for coordination and approval of the developed draft program. It is especially important to consolidate in it the relationships of the participants (customer and developer, work managers and specialized units, working and operational groups, temporary program-target structures) in the development and implementation of the program, their rights, duties and responsibilities.

The issues of organizational and legal support for the application of program-targeted methodology in improving management activities examined by the dissertation author allowed him to propose a draft of methodological recommendations for the development and implementation of target programs for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies.

The third chapter, “Improving the management activities of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate based on modeling,” examines the possibilities of improving management activities based on model representations, in particular, the features of the use of a structural-probabilistic model are revealed

to formulate a concept for improving the management activities of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate.

The headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate, being management bodies designed, within the limits of their powers, to organizationally ensure the implementation of system-wide tasks, need to formulate scientifically based recommendations for improving their activities. The objective need to search for fundamentally new approaches to the formation of a modern concept of the activities of staff apparatuses is dictated by both the lack of development of this problem in theory and tasks of a purely practical nature.

In improving the management activities of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate, two ways can be distinguished: selective improvement of its individual elements and an integrated approach to solving pressing problems. In the first case, purely private problems are predominantly solved without somehow affecting the already established foundations of the management process as a whole. An integrated (systemic) approach to solving problems of improving management activities can be achieved through the development and subsequent implementation of targeted programs that, where necessary, provide for the introduction of serious adjustments to existing management systems and the general management process.

Depending on the chosen approach to improving management activities, various analytical tools can be used: mathematical and simulation modeling; analysis of the cost-effectiveness ratio; script writing; decision theory; heuristic methods combining scientific approaches with intuition and experience of practitioners.

The development of models of functional structures allows us to identify problems in the management activities of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate and outline ways to overcome them. In general, various forms of such models are known: verbal, tabular, graphical, etc. The dissertation work proposes a matrix form of a fragment of a model of the functional structure of the headquarters, which makes it possible, by filling out its cells, to specify the types of management activities and estimate the volume of work for each of them. This allows you to see the “bottlenecks” of activity, highlight problems, and outline directions

to overcome them, to solve a whole range of issues related to rationing activities, determining the number of administrative staff, etc.

Solving complex problems of improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies based on the development and implementation of target programs should be preceded by the formation of a single document - a concept that defines the main ideas, directions and targets for the reorganization of management processes in a real management system.

According to the author, in developing the concept of improving the management activities of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate, the use of models that can be implemented in the form of mathematical (analytical and simulation) and visual (diagrams, graphs, diagrams, etc.) models is very promising.

Having analyzed the possibilities of using modeling in improving management activities, it was concluded that in addition to program-targeted methods, it is advisable to use simulation management games and structural probabilistic models.

Simulation management games are a method of simulating the process of developing management decisions in various problem situations. A game simulation of management processes including the functions of planning, organization, regulation, control and accounting, using the appropriate information base, allows you to comprehensively cover all the components of a problem situation, relationships, its elements, and place game participants in an environment of conditional practice. The use of simulation games allows us to take into account in advance the possible consequences of measures to improve management systems and processes both for the team as a whole and for its individual employees.

The approach developed based on the use of a structural-probabilistic model can be used to jointly determine goals and a set of measures to improve the management activities of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate.

The structural-probabilistic approach allows, in particular, to pose the problem of improvement in a new way and discuss issues of its information and analytical support. For these purposes, the following are developed: a model set of possible states of the control object; scenarios for the development of problematic

management situations. The experience of the dissertation candidate’s participation in the development of a computer system for managing internal affairs agencies, as well as conducting model experiments (as part of research work) fully confirm the correctness of the conclusions that the developed approach can be successfully used in forming a concept for improving the management activities of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate .

At the conclusion of the dissertation, the main conclusions and provisions are formulated, the most significant of which are set out in the text of this abstract, and the author’s proposals for improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies are also presented.

The main provisions of the dissertation results were published in the following works:

1. Organizational aspects of improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies // Problems of improving law enforcement activities of internal affairs bodies: Interuniversity collection of scientific works of adjuncts and applicants. - M.: MJI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1998. Part 1. - 0.2 pp.

2. Problems of improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies based on the development of target programs // Issues of improving law enforcement activities of internal affairs bodies: Interuniversity collection of scientific works of adjuncts and applicants. - M.: MJI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1998. Part 2. - 0.3 pp.

3. Improving the management activities of internal affairs bodies // International conference “Informatization of law enforcement systems”: Sat. abstracts of scientific works. - M.: Department of Informatization of Law Enforcement Systems of the International Academy of Informatization, 1998. Part 1. - 0.1 y.l.

4. Achieving a goal is not as important as striving for it (about the value of effort) // Legal life: a philosophical view. Collection of scientific articles by adjuncts and applicants. - M., 1998. - 0.2 p.l.

5. Private methods of teaching the academic discipline “Fundamentals of management in internal affairs bodies.” - M.: MJI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1999. (participation in the team of authors).

6. Issues of designing organizational management systems in internal affairs bodies // International conference “Informatization of law enforcement systems”: Sat. abstracts of scientific works. - M.: Department of Informatization of Law Enforcement Systems of the International Academy of Informatization, 1999. -0.1 pp. (co-author).

7. Computer support for management decisions™ in providing practical assistance to subordinate internal affairs bodies // Modeling in the management of internal affairs bodies: Proceedings of the Academy of Management. - M.: Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1998. - 0.6 pp. (co-author).

8. Problems of designing modern information technologies for servicing the activities of internal affairs bodies // International Conference “Informatization of Law Enforcement Systems”: Sat. abstracts of scientific works. - M.: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1995. - 0.1 p.l. (co-author).

9. Some issues of developing information support for an automated system for supporting management decisions in the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Affairs Directorate // Interuniversity scientific and technical conference “Current problems of automation of management of organizational and technical systems in internal affairs bodies”: Collection. materials of scientific works. - St. Petersburg, 1994. -4.2. - 0.1 p.l. (co-author).

10. The use of simulation games in improving the management of internal affairs bodies. // Accepted for publication in Sat. Proceedings of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. - 0.7 p.l. (co-author).

11. Improving the organization of management activities of internal affairs bodies based on the development of target programs // Accepted for publication in the collection. Proceedings of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 0.5 p.l.

Signed for publication // //_

Volume / p.l. Order No. 8UZ. Circulation ¿(In copy.

UOP MUI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

The research conducted in the previous chapters gave grounds to assert that management methods are the most important element of the management process in any organization. The quality of management activities depends on their correct choice in a given situation.

Theoretical and empirical research of management methods convinces that their improvement is necessary at the present stage of increasing complexity of business functions in the country's economy.

The study revealed a number of problems in the application of management methods, which relate, first of all, to the insufficiently effective use of cognitive management methods in developing management decisions, and the underestimation of the role of socio-psychological methods in regulating relationships between participants in the management process.

Improving organizational management methods in the modern period should follow the path of constant search for an optimal organizational structure with a clear definition of the functional responsibilities of employees, the maximum possible reduction in staff turnover and increasing the efficiency of information support for the company’s activities based on technical re-equipment and the introduction of modern information technologies.

Constant improvement of regulatory methods is also necessary. As the study showed, administrative methods are still decisive in the practice of manager-subordinate relationships. But their application should be based on a number of factors, first of all, compliance with the competence and provision of relative initiative to lower-level management objects, as well as taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of the situation and the specific participant in management relations.

We must not forget that economic management methods are not decisive in the activities of an entrepreneurial company; their role should not be underestimated at the present stage of development of our society. It is necessary to take full account of all economic factors to determine an objective assessment of employee labor.

A true storehouse of managerial wisdom, oriented towards a market economy, is the book by famous American specialists T. Peters and R. Waterman “In Search of Effective Management (Experience of the Best Companies).”

The book, which is in great demand around the world, summarizes and analyzes the experiences of the best North American companies operating in various industries and service sectors, with the sole purpose of understanding how they managed to achieve success. As a result of this extensive analytical work, eight main characteristics were identified that make an enterprise the best.

It is the following of these characteristics and their application in one’s activities that set the main direction for improving management activities and labor organization. These are the signs.

First: “facing the consumer”. This is a key quality. The main task is to respond to any complaint within a short time and take the most extreme measures.

The head of a company that adheres to this principle must make regular visits to its main clients. The manager periodically performs the duties of sales agents, coming into direct contact with the consumer. The customer's refusal of the company's services is considered an extraordinary event.

The second distinctive feature: “performance comes from people.” It provides for a democratic management style, respect for managers for their staff, and faith in the abilities of employees. In practice, these principles are implemented in that all employees have the right to information about the affairs of the enterprise and to participate in these affairs. They are guaranteed a certain socio-economic status. Workers address each other by name, regardless of their position. The leader trains himself not only to listen patiently, but also to listen with interest to his subordinates.

The third sign is “addiction to action.” The essence of this feature is that here they place “action above planning, action above reflection, the concrete above the abstract.” These demands are directed against bureaucracy, red tape, and imitation of activities. Bureaucratic, purely administrative methods of management turn out to be powerless in the manifestation of non-standard, unique situations that are so characteristic of modern dynamic production.

The fourth important principle of success is “independence and entrepreneurship.” This principle is especially important in the case of the application of all kinds of innovations, so characteristic of exemplary enterprises. The basis of any innovation is a person committed to a new business, obsessed with it.

The fifth sign of exemplary behavior is related to enterprise personnel management. It is formulated as “motivation through values, the active involvement of the manager in the affairs of personnel.” The essence of this characteristic is manifested in the special style and methods of leadership characteristic of managers of the best companies. Their distinctive feature is their rejection of command and forceful techniques, their disregard for detailed petty instructions, detailed instructions, and scrupulous orders. Management efficiency, clarity of management, mutual understanding of employees at all levels are achieved by the internal unity of personnel, based on common goals, the same idea of ​​​​the ways to achieve them agreed upon.

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Directions for improving management activities (management style) of the head of OLIMPIS LLC

Modern development of society shows that the successful activities of an organization largely depend on a skillful and competent leader. In turn, it is necessary to remember that any organization is a single whole, and if the work of the manager himself is not properly organized, then the manager will not be able to work effectively, which will undoubtedly affect the work of the entire organization.

If the manager does not plan and properly organize his work, this will lead to lost working time, unnecessary overexertion and will ultimately affect the quality of management. The manager has a certain amount of working time during the day. The length of a manager's working day is not limited, but it is necessary to plan your work in such a way that the working day does not stretch for 14-15 hours.

First of all, it should be noted that the productivity of a manager varies during the working day. So peak productivity occurs between 10 and 11 o'clock. Then productivity drops. After lunch (between 12 and 1 p.m.), productivity increases slightly, but after 2 p.m. it declines noticeably. In accordance with this, it is necessary to make important decisions during the period of maximum performance.

The manager must carefully plan his working day. Work schedules are best suited for this. In such schedules, a certain time is immediately allocated during the day to perform any repetitive actions.

Approximate work schedule:

Familiarization with the list of tasks for the day compiled by the secretary

Analysis of reports received from department managers

Conducting a planning meeting with managers

Visit to the supplier's site/warehouse/

Work with business correspondence, business correspondence

Holding a meeting with other department heads

Establishing business contacts in the direction of new sales channels /wholesale/

Monitoring the current state of the industry, adjusting actions

Rest time, lunch break

Signing concluded contracts, administrative documentation, other work with documents

Reception of clients and employees on personal matters

Writing a report on the current state of the company’s activities to senior management

Following a schedule is not strictly necessary, but it helps to plan your work time wisely. The manager must constantly monitor how planned tasks are completed, as well as analyze the use of working time and find out whether it is being lost for the same reasons. As a result, the manager will get to know himself better, in the future he will be able to focus on solving the most important tasks and will be able not only to work, but to achieve high results.

Also, the manager must improve his skills and abilities by attending various conferences and seminars on improving management activities.

Since Nikolai Vasilyevich, the head of OLISPIS LLC, has a democratic management style, in my opinion, significant improvements in style are not required, he knows how to find a common language with subordinates, listens to their opinions, sometimes entrusts responsible work to subordinates without interfering in the process, which increases self-esteem of subordinates, and they begin to respect the leader. Nikolai Vasilyevich does not delve into the small details of his subordinate’s work, does not impose petty supervision and control on him, but constantly formulates goals, emphasizes his interest in the work of his subordinate, gives advice if necessary, offers possible solutions, and systematically controls.

From the point of view of the need to improve management, an enterprise is obliged to constantly improve its structure, achieving maximum reduction in costs for managing the trade and technological process based on the use of the most advanced management schemes, the introduction of modern computer technology, mechanization and automation of engineering, technical and management work, all of this certainly depends from the quality organization of the manager’s work. Today's leaders, more than ever, must care about productivity and ensuring that their organization operates as efficiently and productively as possible than its competitor.


1.2. Features of the organization of the management system

2.1 General characteristics of the activities of the company Virtek LLC

3.1 Measures to improve financial condition




Relevance of the problem under study. Planning plays a leading role in the organization's management system. This is an axiom that has long been tested in practice in developed countries. However, as a result of market transformations of the Russian economy, planning as an institution was practically eliminated at all levels of management. But life has shown that this is one of the strategic mistakes of reform. And today the issue of planning has become acute at all levels of management. Improving the management system of a modern organization is one of the main directions for increasing the efficiency of social production.

Thus, improving the management of modern organizations in various industries is an urgent problem, the solution of which requires the creation of qualitatively new effective management systems: these should be real-time systems, “quick response” systems, systems for operational management of organizations, and finally systems for operational innovative management.

The purpose of this work is to analyze and improve management at the enterprise.

Explore the theoretical aspects of the management activities of an enterprise; - assess the management activities of the enterprise; - develop management decisions to improve the activities of the enterprise.

The subject of the study is the development of measures to improve the efficiency of management activities of an enterprise. The object of the study was the company Virtek LLC.

1. Theoretical foundations for improving the management system

1.1 Management activity as a socio-economic phenomenon

Management activity is a complex and diverse socio-economic phenomenon and has a number of features that distinguish it as a specific object of economic research. Managerial labor, on the one hand, acts as a means of social production and depends on the level of development of the productive forces, and on the other hand, it expresses the social relations of people in conditions of labor cooperation, thereby reflecting the specific nature of production relations of a given formation. Until recently, in the economic literature there has been no unified approach to defining the essence of managerial work. So N.P. Belyatsky emphasizes that “managerial work is the process of consuming the qualities of a manager, positive creative activity, and its content “can be represented as the structure of the expenditure of mental and physiological energy of workers in the performance of labor functions.” In the definition of O.S. Vikhansky, A.I. Naumova defines managerial work as the process of implementing a certain type of interrelated actions to form and use the resources of an organization to achieve its goals. It includes those functions and actions that are associated with coordination and establishment of interaction within the organization, with the incentive to carry out production activities, with the target orientation of this activity... B. Milner's content of managerial work includes the ability and ability to develop goals, determine values, coordinate the implementation of tasks and functions, train employees and achieve effective results of their activities.

“The content of managerial work is to provide general management of the process of functioning and development of the management system and to fulfill its functions in relation to the object of management - production,” writes G.Kh. Popov. Management activity, according to Fayol, contains foresight, organization, management, coordination and control; it is the implementation of management functions that, from his point of view, is the source of the effectiveness of the management system. Other scientists give a similar definition, which includes “the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling necessary to formulate and achieve the goals of the organization.” The definition of the content of a manager’s work gradually turns into the definition of management itself, in particular, Drucker P. believes: “Management is a special type of activity that turns an unorganized crowd into an effective, focused and productive group.”

Management is the ability to find the best solution in each specific situation, using a multivariate system of influencing others.

The different opinions that still exist on this issue indicate that managerial work is a type of labor activity, which is characterized primarily by the difficulty of determining immediate results, since it is associated with the organization and management of workers who directly create material values.

Managerial work presupposes the joint activities of management personnel, expresses the need to establish certain connections between them and workers directly involved in the production process, as well as relations between the management personnel themselves engaged in the field of management under the leadership of a single organizing center, which not only connects all workers involved in this labor into a single whole, but also coordinates their activities. Managerial work is a specific type of mental activity (partially physical), aimed at managing people using certain methods, and through them, at the progress of the production process.

Production and managerial work have the same goal and result. However, managerial work has its own specifics. The functions and operations that make up the content of managerial work, regardless of the hierarchical level of management, can be presented in the form of a cyclic diagram, including three stages.

At the initial stage, managerial work is associated with the development of a strategy, achieving goals, and ways to justify them. Here, the ability of managers to involve the team in this process is of particular importance. At the second stage, there is a systematic process of organizing the implementation of the set goal (dividing the goal into stages, elements and bringing them to each department and performer, motivating them). At the third stage, the main attention is paid to regulation, coordination of work and their control. At this stage, important importance is attached to adjustments and timely clarification of goals, etc. Today, the transformation of managerial work occurs not only under the influence of scientific and technological progress and radical changes in the economy such as the transition to market relations, denationalization, etc. All this makes significant changes to the content of managerial work:

The process of increasing complexity of managerial work, the growth of its creative orientation, caused primarily by the introduction of computer technology;

Implementation without documentation information technology, the possibility of which is provided by computer technology;

Increasing the value of information;

A sharp reduction in the duration of the management cycle caused by the spread of software types of equipment and technology.

In modern conditions, a new system of division of labor in management has been formed, which is acquiring a collective orientation:

Direct producers acquire the status of a subject of managerial labor and participate in all phases of the management cycle;

The material basis for the unique cooperation of managerial labor is created, because There is a close interdependence between managers and direct producers. It is precisely this socio-economic form of managerial work that can be regarded as adequate to the nature of market relations, since it is capable of ensuring the effective and efficient implementation of the functions of managing joint, collective actions in achieving set goals.

1.2 Features of the organization of the enterprise management system

managerial economic financial work

Almost every director of an enterprise wants his management system to be effective. What do we mean by effective enterprise management?

Effective enterprise management is an adequate perception of reality, the most accurate forecasting of the realization of one’s capabilities and 100% implementation of planned results.

Creating an effective enterprise management system is not a quick or easy path; it can be compared to climbing up a steep ladder. Each step is a necessary stage, and it is necessary to go through it.

The description of each stage presents only those features that we would like to draw the attention of owners and managers to.

Managing yourself

The first step is the basis for further upward movement, since the ability to manage others begins with the ability to manage oneself.

Everything is important here, from morals and ethics to delegation of authority and distribution of responsibility.

For example, do you know the difference in running a business when the general manager is the owner or when he is the executive director? The differences are global. Everything lies in the nature of their desires and functions.

The owner, owner is the one who can do everything with his capital:

Dream about "Big Vasyuki";

Reshape a thousand times “like in a kaleidoscope” the structure and methods of enterprise management;

Finally, sell the enterprise like a boring toy

The executive director is the one who is responsible for fulfilling the wishes of the owner, and therefore he must: - accept and achieve the goals set by the owner; - be responsible to the owner for the results of the enterprise’s work; - create an enterprise management system (at minimal cost and in the shortest possible time), which will be a tool for effective business management.

As you correctly understood, it’s all about responsibility for the state of the business.

The owner's task is to participate in the development and adoption of strategic decisions, and not to daily solve tactical problems. Of course, there are “playing coaches”, but this is rather the exception than the rule.

Continuous learning, receptiveness to innovation and knowledge of your products are important. The value chain or the main processes of an enterprise always have a specific coloring, and if you are not “in the know,” you will not be able to effectively manage the work of your enterprise. Specifics are not scary for you if you have the appropriate education. Therefore, the idea that any manager can manage anything - a chocolate factory or an instrument-making plant - is absurd in its illogicality.

Employee management

The next stage will always be needed, despite the growing pace of automation and the emergence of intelligent robots. Yes, we are talking about personnel management. And today it is still “personnel decide everything.” Anyone who does not understand this is doomed to failure in his activities.

It is known that it is necessary to develop a personnel policy, a personnel development program, and provide for the creation of a personnel reserve. But the most important thing is to achieve employee loyalty using social and psychological aspects.

Communication and communications between employees should be built on positive universal principles, and the tone should be set by the top management and top managers of the enterprise. For example, in Japan, bowing is a sign of respect for a person, and not for the position held. And so the head of the corporation (without complexes!) bows to an ordinary employee of the enterprise - the car driver...

Corporate spirit, or, in Russian, the mood of people, in an enterprise is as important as wages paid on time. Man is designed in such a way that he believes in a bright future, and in this he must be supported in every possible way. It is necessary to demonstrate the development of the enterprise, its successes and publish positive long-term forecasts. This is necessary to eliminate the formation of a crisis in people’s minds, because further growing uncertainty will turn into a search for work at another enterprise.

Infrastructure and technology management

Infrastructure is the foundation of business. Buildings and equipment are where any business begins. Of course, fixed assets are not people, but they also require special attention, since the requirements for their proper maintenance are constantly growing, especially in the presence of complex technological processes. Everyone is accustomed to thinking that tomorrow is still far away, but they forget that we are shaping it today. Therefore, the use of 5S and lean manufacturing methods gives us a chance to avoid big mistakes and unplanned costs. In infrastructure management, an integrated approach and appropriate regulations for its effective use are important.

Technologies. It is known: if the process is technological, then repeatability is ensured, which, in turn, allows you to plan and ensure the implementation of assigned tasks.

Technologies are not only the technical processes for manufacturing products, but also any formalized or standardized methods and tools for processes in an enterprise.

Today, innovative technologies are in fashion, but you have to be very careful here. Knowing the Russian mentality and people’s faith in miracles, the “shamans” offer a panacea for all ills and problems in the enterprise, with almost instant positive results.

For example, you may be offered to develop your enterprise using... an automated remuneration system. You buy a software product that “calculates” employee salaries depending on the performance of the simplest functions (you make the simplest functions yourself from complex ones):

Number of phone calls made;

Number of information sheets sent by fax;

Number of minutes spent on one phone call, etc.

At the same time, according to the developers-sellers, the development of the enterprise occurs automatically. How do you like it? Tempting? I bought the software - and immediately became the king, you are the leader in the market!

Business process management

Knowledge of the business processes of an enterprise allows you to effectively conduct any activity with positioning of the causes and places of occurrence of inconsistencies. The efficiency of business processes is ensured by the analysis of resources used to achieve the result (goal) and appropriate measures to eliminate deviations from the established standard.

Business process management methods

Process approach:



Control and analysis;


Systems approach:

The relationship of all elements of the enterprise;

Operational control over resources and implementation of enterprise goals;

Timely analysis of the enterprise's activities.

Enterprise management system

It is reasonable to change with the external environment in a timely manner, but it is wiser to create an enterprise management system that itself will be a pioneer, a source of changes in the external environment. Of course, this is an aggressive attitude that requires a departure from stately calm, even in the presence of effective performance indicators of the enterprise. Moreover, in our country it is not the one who foresaw further steps in the changes that survives, but the one who was the first to take them...

The organizational structure must be consistent with the company's strategy. For example, Circuit City and Price/Costco, which target price-sensitive consumers, are focused on gaining price competitive advantages. In an effort to minimize the number of managers, most decisions are made by corporate managers working at headquarters. This centralization is very effective if regional differences in customer needs are small.

On the other hand, consumers who purchase the most fashionable clothes are not so price-sensitive, and their tastes are purely individual. Retailers targeting these discerning shoppers tend to have large staffs. Most decisions in this case are made at the store level. These decentralized structures have higher personnel costs, but can increase sales by tailoring product and service offerings to the needs of specific local markets.

In addition, the organizational structures of trading firms vary depending on the type and size of the company itself. The structure of a company that operates a single store has nothing in common with the organization of a nationwide retail chain.

Organization of small shops

In small stores with a shallow assortment, the entire staff sometimes consists of the owner-manager-salesperson in one person, who hires additional workers as sales volume grows. In small companies, the process of monitoring and coordinating the actions of employees does not cause any particular difficulties. The owner, also known as the manager, simply assigns tasks to each worker and ensures that they are completed properly. There are few employees, so there is practically no specialization. Everyone must be able to perform a wide range of duties, and the owner is responsible for managing all tasks at once.

2. Assessment of the financial condition of the company Virtek LLC

2.1 General characteristics of the activities of the company Virtek LLC

Full corporate name: Limited Liability Company "Virtek".

Short name: Virtek LLC.

Location: Russia, Moscow region, Shatura, Botinsky Prospect, 37.

The company was founded in 1961.

State registration date: October 16, 1992, registration No. 89 (50:25:00149), registered with the Moscow Regional Registration Chamber.

Main state registration number: 1025006466550.

The entry was made by Interdistrict Inspectorate No. 4 for the Moscow Region.

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): 5049007736.

The main activity of Virtek LLC is the production and sale of furniture.

In the Virtek assortment, the most important and best-selling areas are sets of household furniture for bedrooms and living rooms.

The Company pays great attention to the development of kitchen furniture. Kitchens produced by Virtek LLC represent significant competition to other manufacturers in this market segment due to the optimal ratio of price and product quality. However, consumer awareness of the availability of kitchen furniture in the Virtek assortment remains low.

A smaller share in the Company's sales is occupied by such areas as youth, hallways and modular systems. Sales of office and hotel furniture are a separate and one of the priority areas of Virtek’s activities. In 2009, a new line of hotel furniture "Visit" was developed and put into mass production.

Virtek LLC produces a variety of products from office furniture to cabinet furniture and furniture for kitchens and bathrooms, focusing primarily on the low and medium price segments.

Furniture company "Virtek" is a Limited Liability Company and conducts its activities in accordance with the Company's Charter, the Law "On Limited Liability Companies" and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Law “On LLC”, the Charter of Virtek LLC defines the following bodies exercising management in the Company:

Sole executive body - General Director of the Company

Board of Directors of the Company

General meeting of participants

The sole executive body of the Company is the General Director of the Virtek Furniture Company, Andrey Valentinovich Zverev.

The Company's Board of Directors (BoD) carries out its activities within the framework determined by the Law "On LLC" of the Russian Federation and the Company's Charter. The board consists of 7 directors. To ensure objectivity and impartiality of the decisions of the Board of Directors, it includes an independent director, the famous Italian expert in the furniture industry E. Tagliabue. The Board of Directors carries out its activities through quarterly meetings, as well as with the help of the Audit, Strategic Development, Motivation, Remuneration and Compensation Committees.

The Board of Directors determines the development strategy of the Company, and also ensures effective control of the financial and economic activities of the Company.

According to the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industry Enterprises of Russia (hereinafter AMDPR), in 2011 the domestic furniture industry reached the pre-crisis level of 2008. According to operational data, the volume of furniture production in current prices increased by 13.3% compared to the 2010 level.

In 2011, according to AMDPR, furniture sales in Russia amounted to 318.6 billion rubles. and taking into account sales of furniture actually produced, but not taken into account by state statistics - 434.9 billion rubles. A significant share of the furniture market is occupied by imported furniture; the share of imports in total sales in 2011 increased and amounted to 54.9%, however, imported furniture belongs to the high price segment and weakly competes with domestic manufacturers.

Table 2.1.1

Virtek LLC is one of the leading Russian manufacturers and distributors of household furniture. Virtek traces its history back to July 1961 and combines all production and sales cycles, from wood processing and chipboard production to furniture production and its sale to customers.

* Production Association "Furniture". It is the historical production core of the enterprise, located in the city of Shatura, Moscow region. Provides the bulk of furniture produced by Virtek. Supplies products to the Commercial Service of Virtek LLC, produces furniture for third-party orders, and is the core of the Company’s logistics chain. The Furniture Production Association includes the EMK Production Company, which became part of Virtek LLC in 2003 as a result of the Company’s purchase of the assets of the European Furniture Company. Located in the city of Balakovo, Saratov region. Supplies products to the Virtek Commercial Service and produces furniture for third-party orders.

* Production company "Virtek-Plity". It includes a complex for the production of laminated chipboards worth 50 million dollars, created in the city of Shatura in 2004. The complex fully meets the needs for high-quality chipboards of the Furniture and EMK Production Association, and carries out direct sales of laminated chipboards to third-party consumers .

Administration and coordination of the actions of all departments, as well as the implementation of a number of centralized and service functions, is carried out by the Financial and Administrative Directorate.

Virtek's main goal is to be a fast-moving, strong, world-class furniture company with high shareholder value, always providing the best opportunity for consumers to design their living space.

The Company's strategy is a strategy for improvement and growth, an accurate understanding of unmet customer needs and fine-tuning its processes to meet them, identifying opportunities for maximum growth and advancing the growth of relevant internal competencies.

The development prospects of Virtek LLC are related to the main areas of the Company’s activities:

· introduction of a competitive range of products;

· ensuring the fulfillment of customer orders in a timely manner in the shortest possible time with the highest level of service;

· increased sales through the dealer network;

· increasing production efficiency;

· cost reduction.

2.2 Assessment of the financial position and performance of the company Virtek LLC

The financial result of an organization's activities is the net (retained) profit (loss) of the reporting period. Based on the data from the Profit and Loss Statement, a comparison is made of the financial results of the enterprise for the reporting period and the previous period. Let's analyze them.

Table 2 - Analysis of the final financial results of the enterprise

When analyzing the table data, it is necessary to take into account that during the analyzed period, this enterprise had losses as a result of its financial and economic activities, which indicates the need to change the management strategy of this enterprise. During the period 2010 - 2011, there was a decrease in sales revenue by 3.8% or by 185,443 thousand rubles, which may indicate that the decrease in the rate of sales revenue was due to a decrease in demand for these products.

The reduction in costs amounted to a decrease in revenue growth rates.

Table 3 - Analysis of asset structure


Change, thousand rubles

Growth rate, %

1. Non-current assets - total


1.1. Fixed assets


1.1.1.Unfinished capital investments

1.2. Financial investments

2. Current assets - total

2.1. Reserves

2.2. VAT on purchased


2.3. Accounts receivable


2.3.1.Settlements with customers and


2.3.2. Advances issued

2.3.3. Loans issued

2.4. Financial investments

2.5. Cash

2.6. Other current assets

Total assets

The study showed that in the structure of property (assets) of the enterprise at the end of the analyzed period, current assets prevail over non-current assets. In total, current assets amounted to 68.9% of the balance sheet total. Their structure is dominated by inventories (39.2% of assets) and accounts receivable (27% of assets). Cash accounts for only 0.4% of assets.

Non-current assets amounted to 31.1% of the balance sheet total. Their structure is dominated by fixed assets (31.1% of assets). The share of other non-current assets is insignificant - 2.7%.

Analysis of structural dynamics showed that during the analyzed period the share of current assets increased by 30.8%, and the share of non-current assets, on the contrary, decreased by 21.4%. The growth in the share of current assets was facilitated by the growth of inventories and accounts receivable, and the reduction in non-current assets was facilitated by a decrease in the book value of fixed assets.

Horizontal asset analysis showed that in relation to the beginning of the period (by 2010) there was height property enterprises by 216,370 thousand rubles. or by 8.4%. The main reason for the growth of assets lies in the increase in inventories and receivables. These 2 balance sheet items had the maximum impact on asset growth. The growth of assets was negatively affected by the factors of liquidation of receivables with a maturity period of more than 12 months and the minimum share of short-term financial investments.

Table 4 - Analysis of the structure of liabilities


Change, thousand rubles

Growth rate, %

1. Capital and reserves - total


1.1. Authorized capital

1.2. Extra capital

1.2. Reserve capital

1.3. retained earnings

1.4. Revaluation of non-current assets

2. Long-term liabilities - total

2.1. Borrowed funds

2.2. Deferred tax assets

3. Short-term liabilities - total:

3.1. Borrowed funds

3.2. Accounts payable including:

3.2.1. Settlements with suppliers and contractors

3.2.2. Advances received

3.3. Estimated liabilities

Conclusion on the structure of liabilities: The largest part of the liability is equity capital, which at the end of 2011 amounted to 69.1% of liabilities. The basis of equity capital is retained earnings from previous years (73.5% of liabilities). The share of authorized, additional and reserve capital in the structure of liabilities in the aggregate amounted to only about 15% of liabilities.

Borrowed capital is represented only by long-term and short-term liabilities. Long-term liabilities account for 7% of liabilities, and short-term liabilities account for 19.5% of liabilities. In turn, short-term liabilities are represented mainly only by accounts payable (17.0% of liabilities).

Analysis of structural dynamics revealed a decrease in the share of debt capital by 20.9% and an increase in the share of equity capital by 15.8%. The increase in the share of equity capital occurred due to the growth of retained earnings.

Horizontal analysis of liabilities showed that over 3 years there was an increase in the sources of financing of the enterprise by 112,388 thousand rubles. or by 43.1%. The increase in liabilities was largely due to the growth of retained earnings. General conclusion:

A high share of equity capital in liabilities (73.5%) indicates high financial autonomy (independence) of the enterprise from borrowed funds.

The enterprise's borrowed funds account for 19.5% of liabilities, represented mainly only by accounts payable. The share of loans and credits accounts for only 1.5% of liabilities. Consequently, the enterprise’s costs for maintaining borrowed capital are minimal, since accounts payable should be considered a conditionally free resource.

Equity finances not only non-current assets, but also 100% of inventories. Debt capital finances only accounts receivable and cash balances. This asset financing policy is generally considered conservative. It ensures a high level of financial stability of the enterprise and minimal financial risk.

A significant excess of equity capital over non-current assets indicates that the enterprise has its own working capital and the full provision of non-current assets with stable sources of financing. This is one of the criteria for high financial stability of an enterprise.

The presence and growth of retained earnings in the capital structure indicates the successful operation of the enterprise in previous years. The growth of an enterprise's equity capital is directly related to the accumulation of retained earnings.

During the analyzed period (2 years), the company expanded its activities - the balance sheet increased, and retained earnings increased. Inventories and accounts receivable increased.

3.1 Measures to improve the financial condition of the enterprise

As the results of the analysis show, the financial condition of Virtek LLC is assessed as stable. The advantages of the financial condition include a high level of financial independence and current liquidity, as well as a satisfactory level of profitability. The disadvantages are the irrational value of the absolute liquidity ratio and the increase in the duration of one operating cycle.

Throughout 2010-2011, this coefficient was below acceptable values, despite the fact that there was a slight positive growth trend. So KAL in 2010 was equal to 0.01, and in 2011 KAL was already 0.02. The reason for such a low ratio is the virtual absence of short-term financial investments.

Along with this, it is observed that accounts receivable in 2011 increased by 371,930 thousand rubles. This immediately affected the quick liquidity ratio: in 2011 it increased by 0.83 and amounted to 1.52, which turned out to be higher than the regulatory limits (standard? 0.8-1).

So, there are practically no cash flows, and most of the funds are invested in accounts receivable. What did the company gain from this? Judging by the results, sales growth has increased, profits and profitability have also increased compared to 2010. It turns out that Virtek LLC financed its debtors at its own expense, increasing their deferred payment by 29 days. If earlier in 2010 the average deferment period for debtors was 28 days, then in 2011 this period was 57 days. As a result, the duration of one operating cycle increased by almost 40 days. And this is a slowdown in asset turnover and lost profits of the enterprise (lost profit)! But it should be said that increasing the period of deferred payment in this case makes sense, since it led to the attraction of new customers, increased sales, and increased profits. Consequently, the chosen credit policy of the enterprise in relation to its debtors for this period is correct.

But let's try to develop a more effective policy.

The amount of the conditional overexpenditure of funds additionally attracted to current assets is 244,925 thousand rubles. These funds "settled" in accounts receivable. Our task is to withdraw these funds from accounts receivable and invest them in more profitable projects, for example, in KFV or in DFV (long-term financial investments).

The average balance of receivables can be reduced by reducing the period of deferral of payments to debtors. We need to reduce accounts receivable by 244,925 thousand rubles. How to calculate the optimal deferred payment period? The desired level of accounts receivable is 754071-244925 = 509146 thousand rubles. This will be the receivables limit acceptable for the enterprise. Average annual revenue is 4,727,667 thousand rubles. (we accept it at the 2011 level). Then the desired accounts receivable turnover will be: Turnover in revolutions = Revenue / Accounts receivable = 4,727,667 / 509,146 = 9.29 revolutions per year. In this case, the desired average duration of one turnover of receivables will be: Duration of one turnover = 360 days per year / Number of turnovers per year = 360 / 9.29 = 38.75 days. Thus, the enterprise must organize work with debtors in such a way that the period of the granted deferred payment does not exceed 38.75 days. Then the average accounts receivable balance on the balance sheet will be kept at the level of the established limit of 509,146 thousand rubles.

So, let's summarize: 1) the accounts receivable limit is set at 509,146 thousand rubles; 2) the repayment period for receivables should not exceed 38.75 days.

Our next step will be to develop a system of customer lending conditions. Debtors are all different, therefore, the conditions for working with them should be different. If a company has a long-standing partnership with a specific client, and if the client has always fulfilled its obligations on time, then the credit limit may be higher and the period of deferment provided may be longer. When dealing with a new, unknown client, it may be advisable to investigate their creditworthiness. The client's reliability is assessed using both formal and informal methods. Formal methods involve analyzing the status and legitimacy of the client based on a study of its accounting and legal documents. If the counterparty refuses to provide the specified information, you should think about the advisability of concluding a contract with him on deferred payment terms. Informal methods - collecting information about the client's business reputation. Thus, the decision to grant a deferred payment must be made taking into account an assessment of the solvency, age, financial stability and integrity of the company.


An analysis of economic literature on the problems of management activity has shown that, despite many interesting and important studies, there is still no solid, comprehensive idea of ​​its functioning in conditions of renewal and the transition to market relations. There is still no unity of views on the nature of management relations and the functions of management activities. Many theoretical issues of management activities are not always properly linked to practice.

All of the above indicates the urgent relevance of analyzing the management activities of enterprises and finding ways to improve them.

Thus, we can conclude that management activity is a complex, diverse process aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise. As an object of economic research, management activities have a number of features.

The enterprise management system must be constantly improved in response to changes in the external environment. Changes in the management system are needed, they are simply necessary in our rapidly changing world. But these changes must be meaningful, logically sound and risk-based. We must understand that an enterprise is not a set of identical “cubes” (services, departments) from which different figures (organizational structures) can be made, but a living organism consisting of many interrelated processes and functions, goals and objectives.

Constantly developing and improving its businesses, the Company is an organizational structure based on a system of economically independent, geographically separate divisions (business units) within a single legal entity, interacting with each other according to the rules of the internal market, which are as close as possible to the rules of the external market. These include:

* Commercial service of Virtek LLC. The head office of the commercial service (CS) is located in Moscow. CS divisions operate in the largest regional centers of Russia. The commercial service is the main link ensuring the sale of products manufactured in production departments through the network of Virtek branded stores, and also ensures the management of the distribution network, its development and improvement.

* Production Association "Furniture". It is the historical production core of the enterprise, located in the city of Shatura, Moscow region. Provides the bulk of furniture produced by Virtek. Supplies products to the Commercial Service of Virtek LLC, produces furniture for third-party orders, and is the core of the Company’s logistics chain.

* Production company "Virtek-Plity". It includes a complex for the production of laminated particle boards worth $50 million, created in the city of Shatura in 2004.

Having analyzed the state of the enterprise, I proposed the following measures to improve the activities of the Virtek enterprise:

1) the receivables limit is set at 509,146 thousand rubles;

2) the repayment period for receivables should not exceed 38.75 days.

3) the decision on the granted deferred payment must be made taking into account an assessment of the solvency, “age”, financial stability and integrity of the company.


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