Ways to improve and change hair structure at home. How to improve hair condition at home

Answering questions from our participants, trichologist at the RTH clinic Fedor Tonkikh argued that the possibilities modern medicine allow you to increase hair thickness. And we asked him to tell him more about it.

What methods help increase hair thickness?
First of all, it should be noted that hair treatment must be comprehensive, i.e. simultaneously in several directions. One of the most common mistakes is “one-pointedness” conservative therapy when the patient takes only vitamins or does only mesotherapy. This only gives results if there are no problems at all and the goal is to improve the condition of the hair.
In all other cases, as practice shows, this will not be enough. A huge plus is that during stimulating therapy we not only increase the thickness, but also improve the structure of the hair shaft. There are several methods for this.
1. Injection techniques(mesotherapy, plasma lifting, biomimetic peptides).
2. Preparations for external use ( different compositions strengthening, combined, stimulating, etc.).
3. Oral medications.
4. Scalp and hair care products.
5. Physiotherapy.

How can you increase hair thickness - does each hair become larger in diameter or more follicles from which new hair grows?
As a rule, when it comes to increasing thickness, we prescribe a complex of stimulating drugs and procedures. The action is carried out by improving microcirculation (blood supply) at the level of the scalp, which ensures a more complete supply of everything useful and necessary from the body and a nutritional effect due to the content of all substances necessary for the full functioning of the hair (vitamins, microelements, amino acids, etc.) . During treatment, the hair shaft thickens, it becomes thicker and, accordingly, stiffer + ideally, the number of growing hairs increases. However, this is not new hair, we are increasing the number of follicular groups, i.e. when the bulb is healthy, it produces 2-3 hairs from one follicle mouth or nearby, due to these unused hairs the density increases.
Very rarely, patients experience full growth in the parting when they come in, the main objective trichological treatment - to achieve full restoration and hair growth.
Any parting 5 cm long must have at least 15 short hairs different lengths, in this case, even severe hair loss will not lead to a rapid loss of volume. It happens that severe loss no, but there is less and less hair every year, this happens due to poor recovery.

In a previous interview, you said that if there is a hair root, then it will in any case produce a hair shaft. But this will not happen if the root system is replaced connective tissue. Why is this happening? How to avoid this?
If there are problems, then the root system (bulb) gradually decreases in size (degenerates). Each time it becomes smaller and smaller and ultimately, if this degenerative process is not stopped in time, it is replaced by connective tissue and in this case there is nothing left to treat. When there are no more bulbs, then in such situations, unfortunately, we are only talking about stopping the thinning process; increasing the total volume is almost impossible. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time.

How can you achieve hair growth of 3-5 cm per month using stimulation therapy?
3-5 cm is hair growth against the background of stimulating therapy, including mesotherapy and at least one other direction.

Questions from community members:
Is dry shampoo harmful?
Shampoo is an individual matter, the main thing is that it is suitable for this person, his hair and skin type. Dry shampoo is best used only in emergency situations, which is what it was created for.

What is your opinion about henna hair coloring? And what coloring is the safest for hair: henna, ammonia-free dyes with low oxides, or even ordinary mass-market dye? Or are they all equally harmful?
Henna is one of the ancient remedies for treating and strengthening hair. It acts mainly due to the tanning effect. Henna and basma are considered the most by safe means for hair coloring. Useful paints have not yet been invented. Of course, not all coloring products and procedures are equally harmful. The most dangerous action is abrupt change hair color (from brunette to blonde, when you have to dye your hair several times to find the right tone). If coloring is necessary (for example, early gray hair), it is better to use ammonia-free paints or tinting agents.

For reference:

Real Trans Hair Clinic opened in 1995 and specializes in natural hair transplantation. RTH specialists have performed over 14 thousand similar operations. In 2000, a trichology department was created here, the first in Moscow, which offers clients hair treatment and restoration services. The basic principle of the clinic: the resources for hair restoration are inherent in the body itself, they just need to be made to work.

The condition of hair and nails worries every girl, regardless of their actual appearance. And this is completely understandable, because well-groomed hair and nails always attract attention and become the object of envy of rivals and attract the attention of young people. But not every girl knows what to do to achieve their ideal look. That is why I will tell you today on the website www.site about how to improve the condition of your hair and nails at home.

Of course, first of all, their appearance reflects the internal state of a person. Brittle nails can be caused by a lack of calcium, and dull hair can be caused by a lack of vitamin E. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to what you eat.

In the cold season, if there is a lack of fruits and vegetables, replenish your supplies useful substances in the body with the help of multivitamins. Don't forget to eat a varied diet. Your diet should include dairy products, cereals, legumes, and meat.

Also, the condition of nails and hair depends on compliance with basic rules of caring for them. When caring for your hair, remember that using a hair dryer, straightening iron, curling iron, etc., in any case, will not benefit the condition of your hair. Do not comb wet or damp hair or rub it with a towel.

It is best to pat wet hair with a towel and let it dry on its own. If you cannot refuse to use these devices, use special means to protect hair.

Also limit the use of hairsprays, foams, mousses, etc. They weigh down the hair, penetrate deep into it and dry it out. These products can cause hair loss and split ends. Arrange for your hair fasting days– days without using styling products. Try to use only natural wood combs for combing, but make sure that they are thoroughly sanded and without nicks.

Try to reduce the frequency of washing your hair and use natural remedies. At first, this will not have the best effect on the cleanliness of your hair, but after a while you will notice that your hair does not become “greasy” so quickly and looks much better. To wash your hair, you can use the yolk of an egg, the crumb of rye bread or mustard powder.

Any of these products can clean your hair as well as shampoo, but remember, your hair needs to get used to the new cleaning method. After washing, it is best to rinse your hair with herbal decoctions. Chamomile or nettle are best suited for these purposes.

These herbs will give your hair shine and care no worse than chemical rinses. A weak one is also suitable for rinsing. vinegar solution, best with apple cider vinegar.

Vegetable oil is rightfully considered an amazing hair care product. Various masks are prepared with it, aimed at nourishing the scalp, hair roots, and treating split ends. You can use different oils for these purposes - olive, burdock, and even sunflower.

One option for this mask: mix a few spoons burdock oil(depending on hair length), egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey. Heat this mixture in a water bath and rub into the scalp and hair. In this case, the hair should be damp, but it should not flow.

Then wrap your head in plastic wrap and wrap it in a towel. Wash off this mask no earlier than after half an hour. Any shampoo will do for washing. Depending on your hair type, you may need to lather your hair several times to completely remove the oil. After such a mask, the hair becomes less split and softer, and dandruff disappears. You can do it once a week.

You don't have to cut your hair to remove split ends. One of the options is again oil. If you apply it to dry hair, in places where it is cut, the split ends will “seal up” and will no longer bother you. But for these purposes it is best to use oil that does not make your hair greasy, for example, oil grape seeds or coconut.

As for your nails, when caring for them, remember that cutting off overgrown nails with scissors or clippers is a bad habit. By doing this, you injure the nail and provoke its separation. Try to use only a good nail file for these purposes.

Doing a trimmed manicure can cause permanent injury. nail plate, and this in turn can bend the nail, giving it irregular shape. Try giving up trimmed manicures in favor of cuticle softening products. They will not make your hands less neat, and will also benefit the condition of your nails.

There are many recipes to strengthen brittle nails. One of good recommendations are baths with sea ​​salt. If you do them for several weeks, your nails will become noticeably stronger. Regular iodine also helps very well with brittle nails. You just need to smear it on your nails. But this method may turn out to be inconvenient due to the fact that its solution tends to drain for a long time, leaving yellowish color nails

Ordinary lemon helps a lot against peeling nails. You just need to cut this fruit in half and “drive” your nails into the pulp. The duration of the procedure is at your discretion. Lemon juice has a strengthening and whitening effect.

Of great importance for the condition of nails, and hands in general, is their protection while working around the house, especially when using various chemicals. Make it a habit to wear gloves every time you perform such manipulations.

1. Massage.

Regular head massage improves blood circulation and stimulates hair growth. You can do it both in the salon and yourself at home. Let's take a closer look at self-massage. With its help, you can not only improve the condition of your skin and hair, but also get rid of fatigue and headaches.

Several ways of self-massage:

a) rub the scalp with the fingers of both hands in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. First we do a few rectilinear movements, then circular movements. We start from the middle of the forehead and move to the temples. Perform 10 - 15 movements.

b) the movement is made with widely spaced fingers. Hands are placed above ears and move the skin to the middle of the head, and then with each hand in turn we move the scalp in the opposite direction and again to the middle of the head. Then the hands move to the forehead and back of the head and make the same movements to the center of the parietal region. Perform 3 - 5 movements.

c) fingers are located behind the ears under the hair. We perform a circular kneading of the scalp in the direction of the parietal area. Then we make the same movements from the forehead and back of the head. Perform 3 - 5 times.

d) we stroke the scalp from the forehead towards the back of the head, alternately with each hand.

Please note that hairy part The scalp is massaged with pushing and sliding movements of the skin.

2. Fertilize

Vitamins for hair simply necessary! Try to nourish your hair once a week useful masks, it is very useful and gives tangible results. In principle, you can buy a mask, the choice in stores is huge, but I would recommend making it yourself, with love... For example, a mask made from yolk mixed with olive or burdock oil gives a noticeable result the first time. It is better to apply the mask immediately after a head massage.

3. Healthy food

Most of the minerals and vitamins we need so much enter the body through food. The most important things for healthy hair are: itamins A, B5, B6, biotin, iron, zinc, copper and selenium. All these substances are contained in fat sea ​​fish, dairy products, eggs and cereals. Make these foods the basis of your diet, and your hair will thank you. Help with hair loss red meat, eggs, legumes, grains and strawberries, against dullness - oysters and seafood. To make your hair shine, eat cottage cheese and seaweed.

4. Comb

When choosing a hair brush in a store, be sure to check its bristles with your hand so that it does not prick or scratch the skin. Better brushes with natural bristles: they do not electrify the hair and clean it well from dust. Very helpful wooden combs! Plastic ones are also not bad - smooth, well polished, with thick teeth and rounded ends. Avoid metal combs.

5. After washing

Wet hair breaks easily, so comb it carefully with a wide comb (preferably wooden) and preferably when it dries a little naturally.

6. Life-giving power water

Drink more water! Neither juices nor compotes can replace pure and healthy water. The norm, as far as I remember, is at least six glasses a day.

7. New haircut

Split ends and, moreover, damaged hair They look extremely untidy and give their owner a downright unkempt appearance. If you can’t bear to part with the length of your hair, at least trim the ends regularly: at least once a month.

8. No dandruff!

Unfortunately, dandruff is not uncommon these days. In order to cope with it, it is not enough to simply use a special shampoo. Most of the active healing ingredients in shampoo are washed off unless you follow it with a conditioner that contains zinc pyrithione.

9. Use a hair dryer in combination with hair care products

Some active ingredients(xylose, wheat, soy) in hair care products are activated under the influence of a warm hair dryer. The main thing is to use a hair dryer with an ionizer that does not damage your hair!

10. Hair injections

This method is the most radical. It's called mesotherapy for hair. With this technology active substances delivered directly to the hair follicle. Mesotherapy for hair can only be done in a salon with an experienced hairdresser. A course of mesotherapy consists of approximately 10-15 procedures. Each procedure is done no more than once every 4-5 days.

I hope you find these 10 ways to improve your hair useful.

I wish you and your hair health!

Not many people know that you can significantly improve your hair, make it thicker, shinier and more beautiful with the help of the simplest steps!

1. How to improve your hair with proper washing?
2. Which combs help improve hair and which ones don’t?
3. Why is it important to wear hats?
4. Why does your head need a scrub?
5. Massage and AEVIT will help improve your hair!
6. And the last hair improvement, but not least!

How to improve your hair with proper washing?

In fact, washing your hair is the first step to beautiful hair.

Improper washing can negate all hair care, and even after a mask, hair can look dull and lifeless!

What is important to know?

1. The water temperature for washing your hair should be approximately 37°-39° (this is warm water). It is better to take spring water, boiled water, or, at worst, settled water.

2. But you need to rinse your hair cool water(so that the hair scales close).

3. Shampoos, conditioners and other hair products need to be chosen according to your hair type, otherwise your hair may turn out to be over-dried or, on the contrary, too greasy.

4. Also, hair products should be purchased from the same series, as they enhance each other.

5. The more natural the composition of shampoos, conditioners and masks, the better for your hair.

Which combs help improve hair and which ones don't?

The second step to really improve your hair (the effect is visible after just a couple of weeks) is to choose the right comb. It is best if it is a wooden comb with large teeth and a massager made of coarse, hard bristles.

When combing, it is important to pay attention to ensure that the hair is not tangled, torn or electrified.

It is also very important to move correctly when combing!

You need to start from the ends, gradually working your way up to the scalp, otherwise, especially if the hair is long, it may not withstand the tension. Hair beauty starts small!

Why is it important to wear hats?

In the summer, Panama hats, hats, caps and other headwear will help protect your hair from fading and drying out. In winter, a hat will protect the scalp from hypothermia. For everyday wear, you should choose a light knitted hat, since heavy fur hats, firstly, press the hair too tightly, and, secondly, do not allow the hair to “breathe”. Greenhouse effect stimulates production subcutaneous fat, which does not have the best effect on the appearance of the hair.

Why does your head need a scrub?

On the head, as on the whole body, skin cells gradually die off, but under the hair it is more difficult for the skin to get rid of dead scales. This, in turn, makes it difficult for new hair to grow. To cleanse the scalp, it is recommended to use a scrub once a week. Well suited for these purposes salt, moistened with water. In addition, scrubbing will increase blood circulation, which will help nourish the roots and, as a result, improve the condition of the hair.

Massage and AEVIT will help improve your hair!

Nourishment of hair is the third step, without which beautiful hair impossible. To give your hair enough nutrients, it needs to be fed from the inside and outside. A simple vitamin complex called “AEVIT”¹ helps improve hair especially well.

It is also worth including in your diet foods rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, chromium, manganese, silicon, zinc, beta-carotene and biotin, which are found in cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, herbs and grains.

In order to strengthen your hair from the outside, you can use any natural masks for hair.

However, this is not enough!

Since our head is highest point our body, and the blood has to rise up, overcoming the resistance of gravity, the nutrition that the hair receives with the usual blood flow may be insufficient.

Therefore, for those who want to improve their hair and accelerate its growth, it is recommended to stimulate additional blood flow to the hair follicles.

This can be done through scalp massage and inverted yoga poses.

But if the latter are not suitable for everyone, then everyone can improve their hair with the help of massage.

There are no specific rules for performing a massage, although it is believed that it is better to start a head massage from the border line hairline and move towards the top of the head. This helps keep your hair from getting tangled during the massage. It is also important to loosen your hair and comb it before the massage.

You can use a comb, hands or special devices for massage.

You can press lightly on the scalp or make circular movements, the main thing is to increase blood flow.

The best duration of massage is 3-10 minutes. It is advisable to massage your head at least once a day. Regularity plays a key role here.

It is also useful to do a neck massage along with a head massage. This will promote additional blood flow to the head.

And the last hair improvement, but not least!

Regular trimming of the ends can significantly improve your hair.

And it's really very important rule. No matter how we take care of our hair, with daily combing, washing, drying, etc. procedures, the ends of the hair become thinner. The fatty lubricant secreted at the roots does not reach the ends, and they are left without protection. As a result, the ends of the hair gradually split, appearance spoils.

But you need to cut the ends of your hair not only for aesthetic reasons. The fact is that cut hair continues to deteriorate along its entire length, like a split tree.

By the way, cutting the ends of your hair, like doing any haircuts, is better on a favorable day. You will find out which days are favorable and which are not.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ AEVIT – comprehensive vitamin preparation, which has antioxidant and immunostimulating effects (

Does your hair get dirty faster even under the most fashionable headdress, become weaker, split ends, and the color fades, as if echoing the chilly weather outside the window? Add a “bonus” in the form of blow-drying, overheating in a sauna or under the artificial sun of a solarium, where many try to maintain a summer tan... If normally, when combing, we lose about 40-70 hairs a day, then in the autumn months this figure increases up to 120, so in addition to regular hair care, you will have to pay attention to the “weakest link” - the scalp, where the hair follicles are located.


  • It would be a good idea to cut your hair by a few centimeters - this way you will say goodbye to split ends and brittle ends, weakened after being exposed to the scorching rays of the summer sun. The hairstyle will look more well-groomed, besides, the shorter the hair, the easier it is to “nourish” it, so masks and other care products will be more effective.
  • Switching to the “autumn mode”, try not to overuse the hairdryer. You can wash your hair before going to bed so that your hair has time to dry naturally, and if styling is a daily necessity, try to use a hair dryer or curling iron at least half an hour before going outside.
  • Brush your hair as often as possible, this improves blood flow and strengthens the hair roots, preferably with a comb or soft brush made of natural bristles or with ceramic teeth. To make your hair less electrified and look smooth and shiny, replace the cotton pillowcase on your pillow with a silk one.
  • Hair needs nourishment iodine, selenium and calcium, so include seaweed in your diet, walnuts, seeds (pumpkin or sunflower), grapes, carrots, tomatoes, beets. It is also useful to eat eggs, buckwheat and rolled oats porridge, Rye bread, potato, onion, chicken and lean beef. If your hair has become dull, include mackerel, sardines, tuna or salmon in your diet. Sea buckthorn berries will help stop the process of hair loss.

Water and decoctions for healthy hair

  • Wash your hair with soft water- add to tap water A little apple cider vinegar(1 teaspoon per 1 liter). Don't turn it on too much hot water, this once again injures the roots. Don't wash your hair too often; your hair can become dry and dehydrated.
  • To restore lost shine to hair, replace the conditioner with egg yolk - apply to clean, damp hair for 1-2 minutes and then rinse warm water. For hair roots, a mixture of whipped yolk and 50 ml of vodka is suitable - rub it into the scalp, wait 1-2 minutes and rinse. This product is also an excellent dandruff preventative.
  • Suitable for dry hair instead of conditionerlow-fat kefir- rub it into the scalp, wrap a terry towel on top and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Will help restore hair structure, make it smooth and shiny infusion of burdock root, linden flowers, mint leaves, plantain, birch buds or young pine shoots. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped medicinal plant 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, cool, strain. If you have oily hair, you can add a little lemon juice, and for dry and normal skin - 0.5 teaspoon of honey. Use instead of conditioner.
  • If the ends of your hair are split, brew 2 tablespoons of dandelion or mint in 1 glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour, strain, use as a balm-rinse.

Hair masks

  • For oily hair once a week after washing your hair, you can make a mask of 2 tablespoons of raw grated potatoes and 1 egg white. Distribute the mixture evenly from roots to ends of hair using a large-toothed comb, rinse with warm water after 10-15 minutes. Another option is a mask of 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon castor oil, 1 teaspoon aloe juice. Apply for half an hour, rubbing into the hair roots, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.
  • For dry and normal hair a mask of 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 1 teaspoon is suitable olive oil, which should be applied for 15-20 minutes and then washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  • For normal hair It is useful to make a mask from 100 grams of ripe pear pulp, 1 teaspoon of burdock oil, 1 egg and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, and after 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.
  • Universal remedy for any hair type- compress of 2 tablespoons of preheated vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Distribute the mixture evenly over your hair, wrap your head in plastic wrap and a terry towel on top, leave for 2-3 hours, and then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

How to improve your hair color

  • Revive the faded dark color hair A decoction of nettles, hops, burdock or bean pods, as well as tea, will help. Pour 2 tablespoons into 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, cool. Rinse your hair after shampooing, then rinse with warm water.
  • For blonde hair prepare an infusion of 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers or sunflower petals: pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for at least 2 hours. Apply to clean hair and then rinse again with water.
  • To maintain hair color To make them soft and silky, pour 50 grams of parsley into 500 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes, cool, strain and apply the broth to your hair every time after washing your hair, rinse with warm water.

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