Statuses I am the happiest. Positive statuses about a happy woman

Where are you, happiness? If you're passing by, stop by and let's have some coffee.

Life is worth seeing a happy person in the mirror.

We all have the ability to choose. Choose happiness.

You can't even imagine how lucky you are.

Sometimes you have to not know something or miss something in order to remain happy.

Come on, come on... everyone move! Now it's my turn to be happy.

Never take revenge on mean people, just be happy. They won't survive this.

All people have beautiful eyes when they are happy.

Happiness is not happy or sad. It's simple - happiness.

Happiness is when you don’t have to lie about how you feel good.

Happiness is never enough. And only when you lose it do you realize how much there was of it.

Love has only one law: you need to make your loved one happy.

Happiness is not when you are not in pain, but when you protect someone from pain.

Money can't buy happiness - just look at current prices.

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more diligently you look for happiness, the further away it is. You lose hope, happiness quietly flies in and lands on your shoulder.

Happiness is within us.

I'll buy happiness. Wholesale. With instructions for use.

It's hardest to wake up when you were happy in a dream.

Happiness lives in simple things - in the fact that there is a person who hugs your back every night so that you don’t freeze.

Happiness is usually brought and taken away by the same people.

Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine the social networks VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki without statuses. This is a great way to cheer yourself and others up by sharing some cool phrase. This applies especially to joyful moments. After all, to enjoy them, they need to be shared with someone. How else to do this on social networks, if not with the help of short statuses about happiness.

For a person to look good in photographs, it is enough for him to be happy.

The most terrible pain can be inflicted on a person only by the one who gave him the most happiness.

Nothing hurts more than the fragments of your own happiness.

Happiness is fickle.

Follow your happiness, and the universe will open its doors to you where there were only walls.

All I need to be happy is happiness.

A fool has stupid happiness.

If you don’t know how to live, live happily.

Happiness is not sought after like gold or winnings. It is created themselves, by those who have enough strength, knowledge and love.

Happiness is not planned. It comes suddenly.

The most beautiful outfit of a woman is happiness! I wish you to wear it without taking it off!

Happiness is generous. It does not destroy others in order to live.

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his mobile number. And his eye color. It's very kind. Always laughing at me. I love happiness. Thank you for being with me.

I'm too smart to be happy.

Happiness is one step before the dream, nightmare is one step after...

Courage is half of happiness.

We create our own problems. This means that we can invent our own happiness!

If your happiness depends on what others do, then you might actually have a problem.

Happiness is known through comparison. Sometimes it is useful to remember yesterday in order to appreciate the present more.

The secret of happiness: never compare your health, wife and salary with others.

Are there times when you need to tell the world what grace you are experiencing, but the right words don’t come to mind? I want something beautiful and with meaning. In this case, all hope lies in statuses about happiness. Copy, paste and you're done - all your friends know you're happy.

I often see happiness. But for some reason only his back.

Happiness is a character trait. Some people have the nature to wait for it all the time, others constantly search for it, and still others find it everywhere.

The place for happiness is here, the time is now.

Happiness is when you close your eyes and still see with your heart...

There is an abyss between happiness and unhappiness. This is where we live.

Those who cannot find happiness along the way will not find it at the end of the road.

Don’t feel sorry and don’t scold yourself for the past - after all, you tried to be happy.

Finding happiness in yourself is difficult, but anywhere else is impossible.

When you have money, it’s somehow easier to agree that happiness doesn’t lie in it.

Happiness is when you think that you were killed, but your leg was just blown off.

We don't know what will happen tomorrow; our job is to be happy today.

Everyone puts into the concept of happiness what they lack most.

Happiness itself finds its way to a strong spirit.

A moment is a unit of measurement of happiness.

Happiness will not just come. He needs to like it.

Sometimes we are separated from happiness by one call... One conversation... One confession...

Happiness is not owning what you want, but wanting what you own.

Many seek happiness in areas above their level, others below. But happiness is the same size as a person.

Happiness is when the desired coincides with the inevitable.

If money doesn't bring you happiness, give it to someone.

A soul that has never suffered cannot comprehend happiness!

It's funny to think that someone else can make you happy or unhappy.

Those who seek meaning in life have not found happiness in it.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? The only thing that matters is whether you are a happy person or not.

He who is happy is silent.

We look for happiness in the future and the past and stubbornly do not want to see it in the present.

Loving what you do is happiness.

Many people are happy, but few know about it.

People are often happier than they wanted.

For happiness you need to fight with yourself...

You can not get enough sleep, be tired, exhausted, have serious problems, but still be absolutely happy. Absolutely.

Sometimes happiness falls so unexpectedly that you don’t have time to jump to the side.

Happiness is a five-minute walk away, but sometimes we wait half our lives.

If someone wishes you good night every day, you are already happier than many people.

If happiness has not yet arrived, it means that it is huge and comes in small steps.

Everyone finds their own happiness.

Live in your youth so that you can be happy in your old age.

You pay for a minute of happiness with two minutes of loneliness.

Healthy people imagine happiness in different ways, but sick people imagine it only in the form of health.

You don't have to draw a rainbow to be happy! It is enough to become her.

With the help of statuses you can not only please your friends, but also offend them. So think carefully before you write anything. Better yet, take advantage of our selection. Here are only the best statuses about happiness. These are exactly the phrases that will be pleasant to everyone who knows what bliss is.

Some people think that they will be happy if they move to another place, but then it turns out that wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

You can't find happiness in love if you don't bring it with you.

There is no point in looking for a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create this well anywhere.

Happiness is the road itself, and not where it leads...

The difference between happy and unhappy families lies in two or three phrases that are not spoken daily.

Freedom, of course, is a great thing, but sometimes you still want to exchange it for happiness.

Happiness quickly becomes a memory.

A person needs so little to be happy, but, alas, so much to understand it.

Happiness can be found even in dark times if you remember to turn to the light.

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

The first person you think about in the morning and the last person you think about at night is either the reason for your happiness or the reason for your pain.

I'm happy that I'm alive.

Life is given for happiness. No more and no less.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not come. You need to be happy today.

The key to happiness is to be able to enjoy what you have.

I was walking towards happiness... We missed each other.

Happiness is contagious: the happier you are, the happier those around you are.

You can be happy even in the most unfavorable conditions.

There is no happiness without action.

A person does not feel happiness, just as he does not feel the air he breathes.

Use these short statuses about happiness with meaning, share and enjoy them. And if that’s not enough for you, then we advise you to also read beautiful parables about happiness. After all, statuses are short and clear, but parables are deeper and wiser.

Statuses about a happy woman are what we want to hear in the constant bustle. Get your share of inspiration and be sure to share it with your friends on social networks!

Being happy is a decision, and then a state

  1. Beauty is important, but your inner state is much more important.
  2. If flowers bring you enough pleasure, then there is no point in waiting for a man to think of giving them...
  3. Dear women! You can be unhappy in heels, but you can be happy in sneakers...
  4. Some strive for a career and money, while for others a quiet sniffle nearby is enough. And each of them is right.

In order for everything to be “strawberry”, set the status “I am a happy woman.”

  1. If you know that in the morning you will eat deliciously and dress beautifully, it becomes much kinder.
  2. If you are used to being unhappy, then become happy in order to fray the nerves of other unhappy people.
  3. If there is at least someone in your life who asks if you have eaten, you already have a reason to rejoice!
  4. Who should I be today? Successful, attractive or lucky? God be with him, I will be happy.

Create happiness without shame

A woman's status about happiness may have an air of melancholy. But we are talking about things that do not meet standards or any guidelines.

  1. The secret to my good mood? I am loved. And if not by someone, then by yourself.
  2. What is this life worth? Yes, at least to constantly look for a reason to smile!
  3. Why does everyone so often wish for spring in their souls? Let it just look good, without unnecessary epithets...
  4. I am quite a brave woman. I’m definitely not afraid to die of happiness.

Be sure that you are unique and establish the status of a happy wife.

  1. Ladies, make sure you feel good yourself. And to do this, just reach out to those who are ready to appreciate you.
  2. A smart woman knows which girl is more beautiful than her. The wise one knows, but does not attach the slightest importance to it.
  3. We are modest girls, and far from perfect. Well, what can you do, the ideal has not reached us...
  4. Let's abandon the infidels, let go the greedy, and leave the indifferent!

Seventh heaven is not the limit of our happiness

The status about a happy woman is for those who are used to attracting the gaze of passersby. Make your status line just as interesting and attractive!

  1. We often find happiness in wine, but as soon as we become happy, our heads are spinning all the time.
  2. A good period is when all household chores are abandoned a little, and all the bad people are forgotten forever!
  3. I tried to make your words mean something, but then I remembered that I was happy and stopped trying.
  4. They say the bitter truth is still better, but why not make it a little sweeter?

Your eyes should smile, you deserve statuses about a woman’s happiness.

  1. Girls, remember, if you have a favorite thing, it will definitely help you out when you have problems in your personal life.
  2. If you feel that you have become happy, place your slippers near you. And throw them at anyone who tries to ruin your mood.
  3. It's good to have happiness in life. It’s especially good when you know his name...
  4. Perhaps someday I will get up and immediately know what outfit to choose. Yes, yes, this will be my wedding.

May you always be hugged in your sleep!

Statuses about a happy girl are for those who are ready to become the one and only.

  1. If you are sad about money too often, then on the personal front everything is more or less normal. Otherwise you would be sad about it...
  2. For a girl, happiness is more fleeting than for an adult woman. It is important to get enough of it at this age!
  3. Girls, remember, for family happiness the main thing is to be loved. And loving passionately is not necessary, no matter what anyone says.
  4. Heels are a strange thing. You put them on and you become a little happier; when you take them off, you become even happier.

Attract reliable men to you, set cool statuses for a happy woman.

  1. In order for a man to make you happy, no matter how you look at it, you need to be prepared.
  2. If your boyfriend constantly upsets you, ask him to move away. What if there is someone who will cheer you up!
  3. If there is a fire in the soul, then the borscht cooks faster, the floor is washed faster, and in general everything is conquered.
  4. All my life I dreamed of having a child. The dream has come true, and now I'm waiting for her to fall asleep, this dream...

It's easier to be happy with someone!

Short statuses about a happy woman - and that says it all.

  1. I wasn’t happy, but now I’ve decided that I will be.
  2. Stop being strong and they will do everything for you.
  3. Darling, remember, you have no time to be upset!
  4. Look for someone who will allow you to be a little capricious.
  5. Be sure to prepare your home for the arrival of happiness.
  6. Sometimes coming home from work is already happiness.
  7. You also need to be able to feel happiness.
  8. Happiness exists, and it does not depend on age.
  9. Every woman's joy requires a man's effort.
  10. A satisfied woman is a joy for the family.

Choose only the best for yourself, especially when it comes to statuses. And then only good friends and wonderful gentlemen will appear on your page!

A happy person is one who does not regret the past... is not afraid of the future... and does not interfere in other people's lives...

To all those who are so interested in my life, I officially inform you: I am still young, beautiful, happy and not even on a diet!!!

Thanks to my ex-husband for my new life! He just doesn’t realize how much he helped me become truly happy!

Live so that there is life in your eyes... in your heart - Love... in your soul - peace... and behind your back - wings!!!

Don't expect things to get easier, better, simpler. It won't! There will always be difficulties. So you need to be happy today!

Yesterday, a truck with cucumbers and a truck with goods from an intimate store collided on the highway; the arriving traffic cops played edible and not edible for 3 hours.

If a person is a woodpecker in life, then he will never become a clear falcon...

Only when you're drunk do you understand who you really love!

Life is too precious to waste it on cheap people...
Appreciate those who appreciate you the same...

Five emotions that prevent us from living: pride, envy, anger, pity and fear.

Let go of the past and forgive, wish the past happiness - and life will sparkle with new colors for you, do not regret anything, most importantly, let go and forgive! There is only one life, you shouldn’t waste it on people who are empty for you. Once a betrayer, he will never earn trust again! Live in the future!

Happiness consists of little things that are accessible to everyone. You just need to learn to notice them.

You need to live for the smiles of your parents, for the laughter of your children, for the happiness of your loved one. After all, what could be better than pride in the eyes of parents, what could be more beautiful than the words of your child: “My mommy,” and the quiet whisper of a loved one, “I love you.”

Remember, for a happy life there is one simple rule: No one in this world owes you anything.

Life is good when you rarely have to ask God and often thank.

Life is an interesting thing, it gives unexpected meetings, acquaintances, and among them there are people without whom now... life... would be boring!!!

Don’t be afraid to change your life; because of the fear of change, we miss the chance for happiness and remain in a vicious circle of problems.

Today I am seriously thinking about the question that I need to change something dramatically in my life. So tonight I will sit on the TV and look at the sofa!

You need to realize in time what can no longer be returned and just start life again, perhaps God gave you two chances, and the first lost means the beginning of a second, happier one.

Happiness is when your friends are a doctor, a cop, a lawyer and a killer...

Always be CONFIDENT in what YOU are doing! AND SPIT on other people's OPINION! It's not a shame to be WRONG for those around you... it's a shame to be UNHAPPY for YOURSELF!!!

Know and never forget, not a single woman has ever been lost without a man, but rather she will be lost with a man...

If you want to live a happy, long family life, learn to forgive, understand, remain silent when necessary, tell the truth and simply love!!!

How little I need to be happy - a little affection, a few words, a simple loving look and the phrase “Sweet dreams” at night...

I'm standing on the threshold of a new life!!! All that remains is to open the door... I’m thinking, from the foot or culturally!

How is there no happiness in life?!? And I?

Happiness comes not when you hang up the horseshoe, but when you remove the clamp.

I'm sick! Diagnosis:
“There is an acute lack of fairy-tale events in my life.”

You can be happy anywhere, anytime, anytime, but... NOT WITH ANYONE!!!

It's never too late to love, enjoy life and be happy.
Happiness has no expiration date or age restrictions.

When there is someone nearby who makes you happy, you can survive anything...

Do you think your life is shit? Go to the orphanage. There thousands of eyes will look at you, who are not to blame for anything, and would be happy to have at least 10% of what you have...

Happiness is when there is the same person in the house, in bed and in your head...

Statuses about a happy life

4 (80%) 4 votes

First of all: I'm good! Secondly: Enough with the “first”!

She has reached the age when the guy she likes can be married.

He doesn't need perfect, he needs me. So harmful, touchy and jealous.

Statuses with meaning to yourself

I’m like a teapot... I boil instantly, but you can’t wash off the scale with any means...

I’m not the one you can live with... I’m the one you can’t live without...

I'm not a queen, but the crown suits me.

Let me introduce myself - Queen! Snowy! Very cold!

Statuses about a girl

I go to his page, gently stroke his name with the cursor and leave.

Daring statuses to yourself

I somehow don’t care how I look in your eyes... In mine I look... great!!! And this is the main point!!:)

If my mother taught me to be sweet, gentle, cultured, this does not mean that I will not kick you in the eye, as my father taught me

We're tired of our “must be able to forgive” attitude. God will forgive. And I will remember.

I'm going to become kind and good. Don't bother me... don't get in trouble!

You do not like me? No problem! You do me too!

Statuses about a woman’s love and happiness

I am in heaven with happiness, and you don’t need to give me a ladder, I won’t get down anyway!

To be happy means to be loved.

My heart beats very quickly, right in the rhythm of happiness.

The best decoration for a woman is happiness.

I don’t run after happiness, I sit and wait for it in ambush...

He loved me so much that he himself was happy about it.

I have a family, so I must be happy.

When you hold me close to you at night, I find true happiness.

More statuses about a happy woman:

  • You loved me and let happiness into my home.
  • You complimented me this morning - I blossomed in an instant.
  • I am not jealous of my husband towards women, but only towards two. To the one who gave birth to him, and to the one who gave birth to me.
  • If a woman sees her husband smiling, she becomes happy. After all, he smiles at her...
  • Money can't buy a good mood, but you can give it to me, just smile at me and hug me.
  • The world created you to make me happy every day.
  • The search is over, I have already found my happiness!

Statuses about a happy woman with meaning

Put on your glasses, today I shine with happiness.

I don't watch the weather forecast, I have HAPPY weather every day!

I officially allow this day to become the happiest day of my life.

A woman who loves always has hope and faith in her heart...

My parents tried and made me educated, and you came into my life and made me simply happy.

You will never find happiness in marriage if you don't bring it with you.

Many women expect crazy things from men, and only a few are able to actually see them.

A woman does not need to be perfect to be happy.

In private, I listen to myself, and I won’t say anything bad to myself.

If you are still looking for the meaning of life, then you have not yet found your happiness.

Choose short statuses about a happy woman.

If you want to be happy, be...

I have an unlimited package of happiness.

Please don't disturb me, I'm in the happy zone.

Truth is good, but I prefer happiness.

If life doesn't make you happy, make it happy.

I live by the rules... by the rules of happiness.

I promise myself that I will be happy!

The trouble is tired and gone...

There is happiness between us.

Statuses on the topic "I'm happy"

Don't mess with my settings, I'm happy by default.

I tried on happiness and decided that I wouldn’t take pictures anymore.

Today I am visiting with happiness.

Happiness is the ability not to spoil your mood!

A happy woman cannot help but be liked.

Being yourself is even more than happiness.

Life is never happy, there are just happy people.

Statuses about a happy woman, choose:

  • My friend in heels is very beautiful, and I am very happy in slippers.
  • I will succeed because I am already happy.
  • You can’t run away from happiness if it’s inside you!
  • Happiness is when you wake up every day next to your loved one.
  • You don’t need to talk loudly about love, you just need to make your woman happy.
  • I am very happy, I ask the past not to bother me.
  • A garden has blossomed in my heart, a garden of love and happiness.
  • I made an incredibly difficult decision - to be happy.
  • You can only cry from happiness.
  • I'm happy, honestly. And I'm not imitating!

Statuses about a happy woman and mother

There is happiness, I know for sure. I gave birth to him.

Now I am very happy and I will have a happy future because I have become a mother.

The happiness of a mother and wife is when everyone is at home, and especially when they are all sleeping...

Childbirth is nothing compared to the happiness you gain after it.

A woman gives birth to one child from a good husband, and if he also becomes a good father, she will give him more children.

The mathematicians were definitely wrong: one plus one is still three.

A woman can do a lot, but a mother can do everything!

Just the smell of a baby makes me happy...

Even on Saturday, instead of sleeping in the morning, I am ready to watch cartoons, because I am a happy mother... But a little sleepy.

There is only one child left until seventh heaven...

Happiness = children.

Statuses about women's happiness

I am doing a very important thing, making myself happy.

I am so delightfully different from everyone else that it makes me confidently happy!

I have love in my heart and happiness in my soul.

I simply believed in my happiness and... it asked me for my hand and heart.

I will not take revenge on anyone, I will just become happy.

Beautiful statuses about a happy woman.

The main thing is that I am happy, and what people say is no longer important.

No matter how happy I am at the moment, I can always make myself even happier. Happiness is within each of us...

Whoever can be happy without you will not find happiness with you.

Become happy and you will see that the world will become happy too...

Everyone around me feels good because I’m good today.

I caught happiness and now I won’t let go.

Every day in the mirror I see a happy woman.

If you are unhappy, draw happiness for yourself.

This is not the end, this is another step towards happiness.

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