Convulsive conditions in newborns. Convulsions in newborns due to various diseases. Convulsions in infants during neonatal abstinence: causes and symptoms

The birth of a baby is considered a joyful event. However, its appearance is often accompanied by new troubles and worries. One of the common problems that new parents have to deal with is seizures in newborns. The causes of this disorder may vary. Typically, pediatricians associate the disorder with the immaturity of the nervous system. There are other factors that cause seizures. They will be discussed in today's article. We will also tell you how to recognize the disorder in a timely manner and what parents should do in this situation.

Seizures description of pathology

Cramps are involuntary, intermittent muscle contractions that can vary in duration and intensity. Why do they arise? All processes in the body are regulated by the brain, including muscle relaxation and tension. In its cellular elements, which are called neurons, various biochemical reactions continuously occur. The result is excitement. The neurons then transmit signals to the muscles, “ordering” them to work and contract. However, not all so simple. Not every excitation in cellular elements is transmitted to the muscles. Sometimes the brain “decides” to pause the process. As a result, the excitation generated in the neurons does not reach the muscles.

When a certain irritating factor (inflammation or traumatic injury) affects brain cells, and the inhibitory mechanism does not work, seizures occur. In children, this disorder occurs several times more often than in adults. Doctors explain this trend by the characteristics of the brain. In babies, neurons are excited easily and quickly, and the processes of inhibition have not yet had time to be fully formed by this time. In rare cases, seizures in a newborn are caused by various diseases.

Main causes of violation

According to statistics, every fifth premature baby experiences seizures. In children born on time, the problem is diagnosed with a frequency of up to 10-14 cases per 1000 newborns. Among the main causes of the disorder, pediatricians name the following:

  • metabolic disorders due to hypoglycemia or calcium deficiency;
  • lack of oxygen flow to the brain;
  • infectious damage to the central nervous system with subsequent development of ischemic encephalopathy;
  • disruption of the adrenal glands due to their congenital pathology;
  • hemolytic jaundice, which is a consequence of high bilirubin in the blood.

Who is at risk?

This pathology is usually diagnosed in children in the first year of life. At this time, the nervous system is characterized by underdevelopment and rapid excitability. The stages of maturation of the brain and the entire central nervous system determine the characteristics of the age-related manifestations of seizures. Numerous studies of this problem have made it possible to identify the so-called risk group. Among the main factors predisposing to the occurrence of pathology, doctors identify:

  • underdevelopment of the central nervous system;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • maternal use of drugs or alcohol during pregnancy;
  • umbilical cord entanglement, asphyxia;
  • disruption of labor.

The presence of one or more items from this list increases the likelihood that parents will have to deal with the problem of seizures in their baby.

Main manifestations of pathology

Seizures in a newborn usually appear within a few days after the baby is born. Parents begin to worry about the health of the baby when the upper part of his body and legs begin to shake for no reason. Quite often, doctors diagnose tremor in newborns. This is a condition in which the chin and arms shake slightly. These symptoms indicate the neurological nature of the pathology and require immediate consultation with a specialized specialist.

Newborns may also experience seizures during sleep. They primarily involve the lower extremities. At the same time, the child suddenly begins to scream. In rare cases, the attack is accompanied by holding his breath. At night, such convulsions indicate developing epilepsy. However, most often they indicate immaturity of the central nervous system and disappear after the first year of life.

What types of seizures are there?

Convulsions in a newborn baby and older children differ in their nature. The gradation of pathology depends on the development of brain functions. Therefore, doctors distinguish the following types of convulsive contractions.

  1. Minor seizures are usually harbingers of serious brain pathologies. Among the main manifestations of the disorder are trembling and blinking of the eyes, some facial muscles, and limbs. Sometimes there is a bluish discoloration of the skin.
  2. In newborns, the symptoms are the following: muscle tension throughout the body, short-term holding of breath. In this case, the baby takes an extensor position, and his head is thrown back. This state may last for several minutes. Such attacks are typical for premature babies.
  3. Clonic seizures are characterized by rhythmic jerking of a specific part of the body. They are focal, multifocal and generalized. The latter are characterized by cyanosis and respiratory rhythm disturbances.
  4. Myoclonic seizures in newborns are extremely rare. With this disorder, there is a sharp twitching of the entire body or individual limbs. In children of the first year of life, this pathology indicates serious brain damage, and of a congenital nature.

Possible consequences

Symptoms of pathology cannot be ignored. You should immediately seek help from a doctor. After a complete examination, the pediatrician will be able to determine what is causing the newborn’s seizures. The causes of the disease, as a rule, determine the treatment tactics.

The lack of competent therapy often leads to irreversible consequences. First of all, seizures may be associated with brain damage or diabetes. A timely diagnosis increases the likelihood of a speedy recovery. Also, during an attack, the brain undergoes a colossal oxygen deficiency, which necessarily affects metabolic processes and incoming energy. If convulsions are frequent, the baby begins to lag behind in physical development, and his intellect suffers.

Diagnostic methods

Not every twitching or tremors in the limbs should be mistaken for newborn seizures. The causes of this disorder can only be determined by a specialist. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to contact a pediatrician and undergo an examination. This usually involves an electroencephalograph study. The device allows you to track changes in brain activity and determine the nature of convulsive contractions.

Sometimes, upon initial treatment, the doctor diagnoses epilepsy and prescribes appropriate treatment. If positive dynamics are not observed, and convulsions continue, it is necessary to undergo a more in-depth examination.

First aid

Seizures in newborns, the causes of which were described just above, require a qualified approach to treatment. This is not a condition where a child can be helped with a simple pill. If twitching occurs, you should immediately call a team of medical professionals. Before the doctors arrive, the baby needs to be placed in a safe place and the body freed from tight clothing. Try to turn the child on his side so that if he vomits, he does not choke. You can place a clean tissue between your gums. It is not recommended to disturb the newborn and give him medications.

After an attack, the baby needs to be calmed down, but be prepared for repeated attacks. It is important to pay attention to their duration, accompanying symptoms and intensity. This information will be useful to the healthcare team. If doctors suggest hospitalization, you should not refuse it. In a hospital setting, it is easier to determine the cause of the disorder, as well as choose the right treatment.

Features of therapy

To treat seizures in a newborn, the causes of the disorder must first be established. Typically, the fight against a disease comes down to following the following rules:

  • for hypocalcemia, a small patient is prescribed calcium gluconate in a glucose solution intravenously;
  • in case of hypoglycemia, treatment is first carried out with dextrose, and then intravenous administration of glucose solution is recommended;
  • In febrile convulsive conditions, the first step is to stop the fever.

If the pathology continues for a long time, the child is observed in the intensive care unit. In this case, medications made from barbituric acid (Phenobarbital, Phenytoin) are used as the basis for treatment. They help relax the central nervous system and reduce the intensity of muscle contraction. Gradually the patient's condition returns to normal.

It should be noted that therapy for this disorder should be comprehensive. Proper nutrition of the baby, gymnastic exercises, hardening through water procedures and a relaxing massage give good results. After the therapy, over the next few years the child should be observed by a neurologist and periodically undergo preventive examinations.

In the neonatal period, it is very difficult to determine what may be associated with seizures in newborns. The reasons are not easy to discover. Therefore, about a third of children die. Of course, we are talking about such serious defects as ischemia, meningitis, etc. If caused by a metabolic disorder, the prognosis is favorable in most cases. Also, approximately a third of surviving patients have various neurological disorders.

Let's sum it up

The first manifestations of a pathology such as convulsions in newborns should not be ignored. The consequences that this disorder can lead to often darken the lives of children. It requires close attention from doctors and parents. It is extremely important to promptly determine the cause of seizures and begin therapy. Only in this case can we hope for a favorable outcome.

In the first days of life, a baby (even a child under five years old) can often experience seizures. Sometimes spasms indicate the presence of serious pathologies in a child under one year old. Let's consider the most typical causes of seizures in children under one year of age, signs and possible methods of treatment.

The phenomenon often occurs in premature babies - up to three to five years of age. Statistics say that every fifth premature baby is subject to some degree of seizure syndrome. Mothers who gave birth to a premature baby need to be attentive to his health.

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Types of seizures in newborns and children under three years of age

In children under one year of age, in older children (up to three and five years old), seizures show a different character. The latter is associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the brain and nervous system (the nervous system of newborn children is at the stage of formation). Doctors divide seizures up to three years into a number of types.

  1. Minor convulsions (spasms). Dangerous, considered to be a harbinger of the development of a dangerous disorder of brain development. The phenomenon is easy to identify - minor twitching or blinking of the eyes, facial muscles, skeletal muscles. Sometimes a slight, unexpressed blue discoloration of the skin is noticed.

    Minor spasms in an infant

  2. Tonic types of seizures. The newborn's entire body tenses. The typical posture of a newborn baby is: extension, head thrown back. Short-term apnea (breath holding) may occur. The duration of a tonic convulsion is no more than a minute. Tonic convulsions are most typical for premature babies (they also occur before the age of three years).
  3. Clonic types of seizures. Not found in premature infants. Spasms are characterized by frequent rhythmic twitching of a certain part of the body (1-3 contractions per second).
  4. Myoclonic spasms are extremely rare in newborns and children under 5 years of age. Often characteristic of older people - up to five years of age. With myoclonic spasms, rhythmic twitching of a specific limb or the entire body occurs. Possible participation in head movements. Seizures indicate severe brain damage. Often the lesion is congenital or genetic in nature.

Is it possible to independently determine the nature of seizures in a newborn and a child under three years of age?

The manifestations of seizures in children under one year of age are ambiguous and differ in a particular case. Parents will not be able to independently determine the nature of a seizure in a child without medical help, relying solely on their own experience or on information gleaned from medical sources. Not in every case, rhythmic muscle twitching is considered a seizure.

Seizures in a newborn and a child under three years of age are determined exclusively in a hospital setting. Doctors use the latest diagnostic methods, in particular electroencephalography and magnetic resonance imaging. In the presence of small seizures, it is difficult to observe the dynamics of changes in brain activity.

It often happens that seizures do not respond to anti-epileptic drugs. The latter means that the previous diagnosis was made inaccurately, the child needs to be re-diagnosed.

Causes of neonatal seizures

There are many reasons for seizures in young children. Let's look at the common and typical ones.

  • Metabolic disorders of various etiologies. These primarily include hypoglycemia and hyponatremia. With hypoglycemia, there is a decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood. The condition often leads to seizures in the child. Remain attentive to the child’s condition; in some cases, hypoglycemia leads to irreversible consequences in the cerebral cortex. Low calcium levels in the blood (hypocalcemia) also negatively affect the functioning of the brain and lead to seizures.
  • Encephalopathy. Brain damage is manifested by acute or chronic lack of oxygen in the blood.
  • Meningitis and encephalitis pose a huge danger to the newborn’s brain and are considered a serious cause of seizures.
  • Damage to the blood vessels of the brain, often found in premature infants. Threatens cerebral hemorrhages.
  • Insufficiency of magnesium or pyridoxine (vitamin B6) in the child’s body. Often pathologies develop simultaneously.
  • Birth injury.
  • Congenital brain defects in children.
  • When treated with psychoactive drugs, seizures occur as a withdrawal syndrome.

Psychoactive drugs

Symptoms of seizures in children of the first year of life

Conditions that cause seizures in newborns are often life-threatening. There are cases where children with convulsions in the neonatal period subsequently developed without any special complications. If seizures occurred due to low glucose levels in the baby’s blood, the child also did not develop complications in the future. If the spasms occurred as a result of meningitis, a high risk of developing all kinds of neurological complications is subsequently revealed.

According to clinical symptoms, seizures are classified as partial, localized, and generalized. In the first case, they spread to a specific muscle group. In the second case, a general convulsive seizure develops. A generalized type of seizures develops when both hemispheres of the brain are involved in the painful process.

If there is a recurrence of convulsive seizures, they speak of convulsive status. Breathing disturbances occur with symptoms of hypoxic cerebral edema. When edema spreads to the brain stem, a disorder of the respiratory, vasomotor center, pathological breathing, vomiting, increased temperature (even up to 39 degrees), bradycardia, and collapse occurs.

A generalized tonic-clonic seizure develops suddenly. Disturbing motor excitement, depression of consciousness up to loss. Characterized by tilting the head back, bending the arms at the elbow joints, straightening the legs, and tense the face. Possible apnea (stopping breathing), the face becomes pale and blue. Vomiting is observed. Holding your breath lasts no more than a minute. After the end of the seizure, the body is completely restored, and the same happens with consciousness. The child does not remember what is happening at all. The prognosis noticeably worsens if paresis or paralysis is observed along with convulsions.

Infant paralysis

Often, infants experience short-term generalized tonic-clonic seizures. They are typical in children under one year of age, but can occur in older children. It happens against the background of a rise in body temperature. The duration of convulsions is no more than three to five minutes. The prognosis is favorable, not accompanied by neurological disorders. The nervous and mental health of children does not suffer, does not lag behind, and is completely appropriate for their age.

With a lack of calcium in the blood, tetanic convulsions and attacks of sudden respiratory arrest occur. Specific symptoms are noticeable:

  • Contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle;
  • Contraction of the angularis oris muscle;
  • Abduction of the foot when tapping the forearm or shoulder;
  • Laryngospasm.
  • Vomit.

The child bends his arms at the elbow joints and is unable to straighten them. The hands move down and take on the characteristic appearance of “obstetrician’s hands.”

With a decrease in magnesium concentration, increased nervous excitability, muscle tremors, and convulsions are observed. With hypoglycemia, weakness, sweating, muscle tremors, a significant increase in heart rate with possible respiratory arrest are observed. The state of hypoglycemia threatens the child with the development of a coma.

Hypoglycemia in a child

The main principles of treating seizures in infants

Successful treatment of any seizure in a newborn becomes such once the cause is discovered. General rules for the treatment of convulsive conditions in children:

  • If hypocalcemia is the cause of a convulsive state, the child is given a solution of calcium gluconate in a glucose solution (slowly and intravenously).
  • For hypomagnesemia (magnesium deficiency), a solution of magnesium sulfate is injected intramuscularly.
  • In case of hypoglycemia, a dextrose solution is first administered, then a glucose solution is administered in a stream and intravenously. It is necessary to monitor temperature and vomiting.
  • In febrile convulsive conditions, the first step is to effectively control the fever.

Newborns diagnosed with seizures are admitted to the intensive care unit. The nurse's job is to carefully monitor the baby's condition. An electroencephalogram is also performed there to determine the state of the brain and the functioning of the organ. Based on electroencephalography indications, therapy adjustment is recommended.

If a baby under one year of age has convulsions that frequently recur and become persistent, the use of barbiturates – derivatives of barbituric acid – is indicated. Barbiturates have a hypnotic and sedative effect, which is necessary for the development of seizures. The use of short, medium and long-term drugs is indicated depending on the case. Long-term action of barbiturates is required for the treatment of severe epileptic seizures.

In case of respiratory failure, loss of consciousness, fever and periodic vomiting, it is recommended to maintain artificial ventilation of the lungs and blood pressure. Pressure is maintained using special medications. It is necessary to constantly stop convulsive paroxysm due to the considerable danger to the heart. Respiratory disorders and persistent impairment of consciousness are absolute indications for urgent etiotropic therapy combined with symptomatic anticonvulsant treatment.

Due to the fact that in the neonatal period of a child’s development (especially at the age of several months) it is difficult to detect the true cause of the development of an epileptic seizure, a third of children die. Death is associated with severe complications of seizures: ischemic encephalopathy, ischemic stroke. The prognosis for meningococcal infection is extremely poor. When caused by metabolic disorders, seizure syndromes usually have a good prognosis.

The child must be under the supervision of a pediatrician from the first month of life for at least a year. It is necessary to conduct a complete and comprehensive examination of the functioning of the baby’s nervous system in order to prevent the development of serious neurological disorders.

Convulsions in newborns are recognized as the object of close attention of parents and doctors. It is extremely important to immediately determine the cause of seizures in order to begin effective treatment. And although certain types of seizures do not have a very favorable prognosis, they can be treated effectively. Especially if the parents consulted a doctor at an early stage of the disease.

The birth of a baby is considered a joyful event. However, its appearance is often accompanied by new troubles and worries. One of the common problems that new parents have to deal with is seizures in newborns. The causes of this disorder may vary. Typically, pediatricians associate the disorder with the immaturity of the nervous system. There are other factors that cause seizures. They will be discussed in today's article. We will also tell you how to recognize the disorder in a timely manner and what parents should do in this situation.

Seizures in newborns: description of pathology

Cramps are involuntary intermittent muscle contractions that can vary in duration and intensity. Why do they arise? All processes in the body are regulated by the brain, including muscle relaxation and tension. In its cellular elements, which are called neurons, various biochemical reactions continuously occur. The result is excitement. The neurons then transmit signals to the muscles, “ordering” them to work and contract. However, not all so simple. Not every excitation in cellular elements is transmitted to the muscles. Sometimes the brain “decides” to pause the process. As a result, the excitation generated in the neurons does not reach the muscles.

When a certain irritating factor (inflammation or traumatic injury) affects brain cells, and the inhibitory mechanism does not work, seizures occur. In children, this disorder occurs several times more often than in adults. Doctors explain this trend by the characteristics of the brain. In babies, neurons are excited easily and quickly, and the processes of inhibition have not yet had time to be fully formed by this time. In rare cases, seizures in a newborn are caused by various diseases.

Main causes of violation

According to statistics, every fifth premature baby experiences seizures. In children born on time, the problem is diagnosed with a frequency of up to 10-14 cases per 1000 newborns. Among the main causes of the disorder, pediatricians name the following:

  • metabolic disorders due to hypoglycemia or calcium deficiency;
  • lack of oxygen flow to the brain;
  • infectious damage to the central nervous system with subsequent development of ischemic encephalopathy;
  • disruption of the adrenal glands due to their congenital pathology;
  • hemolytic jaundice, which is a consequence of high bilirubin in the blood.

Who is at risk?

This pathology is usually diagnosed in children in the first year of life. At this time, the nervous system is characterized by underdevelopment and rapid excitability. The stages of maturation of the brain and the entire central nervous system determine the characteristics of the age-related manifestations of seizures. Numerous studies of this problem have made it possible to identify the so-called risk group. Among the main factors predisposing to the occurrence of pathology, doctors identify:

  • underdevelopment of the central nervous system;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • maternal use of drugs or alcohol during pregnancy;
  • umbilical cord entanglement, asphyxia;
  • disruption of labor.

The presence of one or more items from this list increases the likelihood that parents will have to deal with the problem of seizures in their baby.

Main manifestations of pathology

Seizures in a newborn usually appear within a few days after the baby is born. Parents begin to worry about the health of the baby when the upper part of his body and legs begin to shake for no reason. Quite often, doctors diagnose tremor in newborns. This is a condition in which the chin and arms shake slightly. These symptoms indicate the neurological nature of the pathology and require immediate consultation with a specialized specialist.

Newborns may also experience seizures during sleep. They primarily involve the lower extremities. At the same time, the child suddenly begins to scream and jerk his legs. In rare cases, the attack is accompanied by holding your breath. At night, such convulsions indicate developing epilepsy. However, most often they indicate immaturity of the central nervous system and disappear after the first year of life.

What types of seizures are there?

Convulsions in a newborn baby and older children differ in their nature. The gradation of pathology depends on the development of brain functions. Therefore, doctors distinguish the following types of convulsive contractions.

  1. Minor seizures are usually harbingers of serious brain pathologies. Among the main manifestations of the disorder are trembling and blinking of the eyes, some facial muscles, and limbs. Sometimes there is a bluish discoloration of the skin.
  2. Tonic convulsions in newborns have the following symptoms: muscle tension throughout the body, short-term holding of breath. In this case, the baby takes an extensor position, and his head is thrown back. This state may last for several minutes. Such attacks are typical for premature babies.
  3. Clonic seizures are characterized by rhythmic jerking of a specific part of the body. They are focal, multifocal and generalized. The latter are characterized by cyanosis and respiratory rhythm disturbances.
  4. Myoclonic seizures in newborns are extremely rare. With this disorder, there is a sharp twitching of the entire body or individual limbs. In children of the first year of life, this pathology indicates serious brain damage, and of a congenital nature.

Possible consequences

Symptoms of pathology cannot be ignored. You should immediately seek help from a doctor. After a complete examination, the pediatrician will be able to determine what is causing the newborn’s seizures. The causes of the disease, as a rule, determine the treatment tactics.

The lack of competent therapy often leads to irreversible consequences. First of all, seizures may be associated with brain damage or diabetes. A timely diagnosis increases the likelihood of a speedy recovery. Also, during an attack, the brain undergoes a colossal oxygen deficiency, which necessarily affects metabolic processes and incoming energy. If convulsions are frequent, the baby begins to lag behind in physical development, and his intellect suffers.

Diagnostic methods

Not every twitching or tremors in the limbs should be mistaken for newborn seizures. The causes of this disorder can only be determined by a specialist. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to contact a pediatrician and undergo an examination. This usually involves an electroencephalograph study. The device allows you to track changes in brain activity and determine the nature of convulsive contractions.

Sometimes, upon initial treatment, the doctor diagnoses epilepsy and prescribes appropriate treatment. If positive dynamics are not observed, and convulsions continue, it is necessary to undergo a more in-depth examination.

First aid

Seizures in newborns, the causes of which were described just above, require a qualified approach to treatment. This is not a condition where a child can be helped with a simple pill. If twitching occurs, you should immediately call a team of medical professionals. Before the doctors arrive, the baby needs to be placed in a safe place and the body freed from tight clothing. Try to turn the child on his side so that if he vomits, he does not choke. You can place a clean tissue between your gums. It is not recommended to disturb the newborn and give him medications.

After an attack, the baby needs to be calmed down, but be prepared for repeated attacks. It is important to pay attention to their duration, accompanying symptoms and intensity. This information will be useful to the healthcare team. If doctors suggest hospitalization, you should not refuse it. In a hospital setting, it is easier to determine the cause of the disorder, as well as choose the right treatment.

Features of therapy

To treat seizures in a newborn, the causes of the disorder must first be established. Typically, the fight against a disease comes down to following the following rules:

  • for hypocalcemia, a small patient is prescribed calcium gluconate in a glucose solution intravenously;
  • in case of hypoglycemia, treatment is first carried out with dextrose, and then intravenous administration of glucose solution is recommended;
  • In febrile convulsive conditions, the first step is to stop the fever.

If the pathology continues for a long time, the child is observed in the intensive care unit. In this case, medications made from barbituric acid (Phenobarbital, Phenytoin) are used as the basis for treatment. They help relax the central nervous system and reduce the intensity of muscle contraction. Gradually the patient's condition returns to normal.

It should be noted that therapy for this disorder should be comprehensive. Proper nutrition of the baby, gymnastic exercises, hardening through water procedures and a relaxing massage give good results. After the therapy, over the next few years the child should be observed by a neurologist and periodically undergo preventive examinations.

In the neonatal period, it is very difficult to determine what may be associated with seizures in newborns. The reasons are not easy to discover. Therefore, about a third of children die. Of course, we are talking about such serious defects as ischemia, meningitis, etc. If the seizure syndrome is caused by a metabolic disorder, the prognosis is favorable in most cases. Also, approximately a third of surviving patients have various neurological disorders.

Let's sum it up

The first manifestations of a pathology such as convulsions in newborns should not be ignored. The consequences that this disorder can lead to often darken the lives of children. It requires close attention from doctors and parents. It is extremely important to promptly determine the cause of seizures and begin therapy. Only in this case can we hope for a favorable outcome.

A small child is not only an object of joy, love and care, but also a constant cause for concern. And if he also begins to behave somehow unnaturally, then the young parents are seriously scared: what if the baby has seizures, and what if they are a symptom of some terrible disease? So, what are seizures, what do they look like and what are the causes of their occurrence in infants and older children?

A few words of reassurance

It is not always the case that what frightened parents mistake for seizures is actually one.

For example:

  • sudden throwing up of arms and legs during sleep is normal for a newborn;
  • When falling asleep, babies slightly roll their eyes - no big deal;
  • when frozen, the child will tremble, his toenails may turn blue - just wrap him up warmer;
  • while crying, the chin may twitch resentfully, the hands may tremble - calm the baby and calm down yourself;
  • A newborn baby can hold his breath for a few seconds - and this is also not a reason to panic.

In addition, even true cramps, that is, involuntary, intermittent, rhythmic muscle contractions, in most cases are associated with immaturity of the central nervous system, or their cause can be relatively easily eliminated.


Often, the fears of young parents can be confirmed, and seizures can be a symptom of a serious illness. Knowledge about their causes and types will help you understand all this and in the future understand the nature of seizures in a newborn.

Metabolic disorders

A small organism is very susceptible to a lack (or excess) of any nutrients, vitamins, and microelements.

So, the cause of febrile seizures can be:

  • hypocalcemia – calcium deficiency;
  • hypoglycemia – glucose deficiency;
  • hypomagnesemia – low magnesium content in the blood (rare, but it happens);
  • increased or decreased amount of sodium;
  • deficiency (excess) of tyrosine, proline and other amino acids;
  • vitamin B6 deficiency.

All these pathologies can be either a consequence of malnutrition of a nursing mother or serious symptoms indicating dysfunction of internal organs.

Convulsive attacks are of a generalized nature (that is, they cover the entire body): the limbs twitch, the head may fall back, the body becomes stiff or, conversely, is completely relaxed and limp.


In babies over the age of 6 months, when the temperature rises above 38 ° C, so-called febrile convulsions may occur, characterized by respiratory arrest, during which the baby’s face may turn blue; tilting the head; twitching of limbs.

Such cramps can also be caused by other reasons related to overheating and dehydration of the baby’s body. These are too warm clothes, prolonged exposure to the sun or in a stuffy hot room, swimming in hot water.

It is important to know: febrile seizures, in which both limbs twitch simultaneously, are not terrible. It is much worse if they cover only half of the body: be sure to tell your doctor about this.

Overexcitable nervous system

In this case, against the background of severe fright or crying, affective-respiratory convulsions may appear when apnea is observed - holding the breath for more than 20 seconds (the child cannot exhale), the head is thrown back, the arms and legs are twitching. Possible loss of consciousness, bradycardia (one of the types of arrhythmia).

In some cases, it is possible to get the baby out of this state by splashing cold water on him.

It should be remembered that such phenomena are typical for children in whom increased excitability of the central nervous system is combined with:

  • suffered birth injuries;
  • violations of the anatomy of the nose;
  • enlarged tonsils;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx due to allergies or inflammation.

A predisposition to affective-respiratory spasms is inherited, so if one of the parents experienced them in childhood, their child is at risk.

Congenital pathologies of the central nervous system

This is exactly what parents fear most. Most often these are so-called minor convulsions or spasms, during which there is trembling of the face and eyelids, frequent blinking, and jaw movements reminiscent of chewing. The eyes roll back, the pupils converge to the bridge of the nose or, conversely, to the outer corners of the eyes. If this happens in infants, this is a serious reason to visit a neurologist.

Premature babies are most susceptible to seizures associated with central nervous system pathologies - they are observed in 20% of cases. For normally full-term babies, the statistics are more favorable - only 10-15 cases per thousand newborns.

Minor seizures are a consequence of:

  • birth injuries;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • oxygen starvation as a result of asphyxia (entanglement of the umbilical cord) in the fetus;
  • pathologies of brain development. Seizures can become a symptom of diseases such as hydro-, micro- or porencephaly, epilepsy.

Other reasons

There are a number of other factors that can cause certain types of seizures.

These include:

  • poisoning (overdose) with any medications;
  • otitis media, runny nose;
  • convulsions after vaccination;
  • infections affecting the brain: purulent meningitis, tetanus, encephalitis, toxoplasmosis;
  • high levels of bilirubin and the resulting hemolytic jaundice.
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

It is important to understand that the likelihood of seizures in a baby increases significantly if a woman had a difficult (premature) birth or she used drugs or alcohol during pregnancy or suffered from any infectious diseases. Transmission can occur through breast milk.

First aid

Regardless of the cause of the seizures, whether they are caused by physiology or vaccination, your actions should be aimed at easing the baby’s condition and preventing any injuries (bruises, vomit getting into the windpipe, etc.).

Try to calm down and remember everything that happens: later you will have to tell the doctor about what you saw to help him figure out the nature of the seizures.

Lay the child on his side, place a flat pillow under his head, free his upper torso from clothing, provide fresh air and gently support his head. When the attack passes (usually it lasts no more than a few minutes), call an ambulance.

If the seizures do not recur, the baby feels well and you know their cause, you can postpone the visit to the doctor until the morning, but it is necessary to show the child to a specialist in any case.

Not for seizures:

  • shake the child and hold him tightly to you;
  • trying to hold twitching limbs;
  • give the baby artificial respiration;
  • leave him lying on his back;
  • try to give any medications, unclench your teeth, put foreign objects in your mouth.

If you know the reason, you can do the following:

  1. For affective-respiratory convulsions: sprinkle cold water on the child’s face and let him smell ammonia.
  2. For febrile convulsions: wipe the body with a damp, cold towel, and after the attack stops, give an antipyretic.
  3. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.


The following actions will help reduce the likelihood of seizures in a newborn:

  1. One month before your planned pregnancy, take folic acid.
  2. Throughout pregnancy, eliminate any harmful effects and try to avoid infectious diseases, worms, etc.
  3. Do not take any medications without first consulting a gynecologist.
  4. After the baby is born, perform a comprehensive examination, which will allow you to identify pathologies that can cause seizures in the early stages and successfully treat them.

That's all: all that remains is to say that the seizures themselves do not pose a danger: they are only a symptom of some disease, but what kind of disease it is and what the risk is for the child, you will only find out by contacting a specialist: do not delay the visit!

It often happens that a newborn baby experiences colic. They can be caused by various reasons, both external and internal (here we mean developmental pathologies). Often, such conditions appear in infants who, for some reason, were not born to term, or suffered a birth injury or infection. The peculiarity of the development of the brain of newborns distinguishes the seizures characteristic of it from a similar symptom in adults or older children. The immature nervous system, as well as its sensitivity to all external and internal factors, fully explains the fact that newborn children often experience involuntary muscle movements. However, it can be difficult to recognize whether they are seizures. In the first months of life, young parents may observe their child's muscle tremors, tremor, and involuntary movements of the upper/lower limbs. In some cases, even an electroencephalogram cannot detect any changes in brain activity.

What are the types of seizures?

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions. In newborns, such contractions may have different manifestations depending on the reasons for their occurrence. Medicine knows the following types of seizures in infants:

  1. Small - represent small twitching of the limbs, trembling in the eyelids, facial muscles, frequent blinking. If this type of seizure continues for a long time, then this should lead parents to think about the presence of pathologies in the development of the nervous system.
  2. Clonic - represent contractions of one group of muscles of a rhythmic nature.
  3. Tonic neonatal - represent tension in all muscles, in which the baby’s body takes a shape resembling a bow (the head is thrown back). During such an attack, it is possible that breathing may stop for a short period of time.
  4. Myoclonic - this type of seizures can most often be found in slightly older infants.

Among other things, convulsions can differ according to the location of the contractions:

  • focal;
  • generalized (spread throughout the body);
  • multifocal.

Based on the high temperature, the seizures are called febrile. And if muscle contractions are observed in a baby when he is sleeping, then this is considered a completely normal reaction to brain development.

If there are no other symptoms of pathology, then there is no reason to worry.

Causes of seizures in newborns

Based on the anatomical and physiological characteristics, the appearance of seizures in newborns can be triggered by various reasons. The main causes of seizures in newborns are the following:

  1. The presence of pathologies in the development of the central nervous system:
    • trauma received during childbirth (cerebral edema, intracranial hemorrhage);
    • unstable intracranial pressure;
    • malformations in the development of the brain (microcephaly, hydrocephalus, etc.);
    • with asphyxia in the fetus, the appearance of oxygen starvation of the brain.
  2. Metabolic disorders:
    • lack of calcium in the blood;
    • decreased blood glucose levels;
    • lack of magic;
    • the presence of water intoxication, which is accompanied by a decrease in sodium;
    • increased levels of sodium in the blood;
    • vitamin B6 deficiency;
    • abnormalities in amino acid metabolism (proline, tyrosine, valine, glycine, etc.) of the congenital type.
  3. Influence of external negative factors:
    • encephalitis;
    • rubella;
    • purulent meningitis;
    • tetanus;
    • listeriosis;
    • therapy with certain antibiotics/hormones on steroids;
    • toxoplasmosis;
    • heat;
    • excessive swaddling, which causes overheating of the baby’s body.

Seizures in newborns or neonatal seizure syndrome can be caused by various reasons. In the neonatal period (i.e., the first 4 weeks of life), the risk of developing seizures due to epilepsy is 1-3%, due to congenital brain abnormalities and unsuccessful pathological births, it is slightly higher. The highest risk of developing seizures in premature babies is more than 20%.

Classification of seizures in newborns

Seizures in newborns and seizures in adults or older children are different in nature due to the fact that brain functions in newborns are still underdeveloped. In this regard, the nature of seizures is usually divided into several types.

Minor spasms

Minor seizures are often harbingers of serious pathologies in the newborn’s brain. The name here speaks for itself - minor seizures are characterized by minor symptoms such as trembling or blinking of the eye, some facial muscles, twitching of the legs or arms, and bluish skin. Such convulsions can continue for quite a long time.

Tonic convulsions

Tonic neonatal convulsions of newborns manifest themselves in the form of muscle tension throughout the body, while the child takes an extensor position with his head thrown back. Such convulsions are often accompanied by apnea, i.e. short-term breath holding. This state can last for about a minute. Most often, this attack is typical for premature babies and indicates a pathology of the subcortical-stem region of the brain.

Clonic seizures

This type of seizure does not occur in premature infants, but, on the contrary, is characteristic of a higher stage of brain development. Symptoms are rhythmic twitching of any part of the body with a frequency of 1-3 contractions per second.

Clonic seizures are also of three types - focal (focal), multifocal (multifocal) and generalized. The latter are characterized by loss of consciousness, cyanosis, and respiratory rhythm disturbances.

Myoclonic spasms

They are quite rare in newborns, as they are typical for older children. Symptoms include sudden twitching of the entire body or a single limb. Mixed convulsions are also possible, for example, twitching of the head and arm. Myoclonic spasms in newborns indicate serious brain damage that is hereditary or congenital in nature.

How to determine the nature of seizures?

The movements of newborns in the neonatal period are always ambiguous, since there are also such characteristic phenomena as trembling or tremor, so the baby’s twitching may not always be convulsions.

The presence of seizures and their nature are determined using an electroencephalogram (EEG), however, in newborns during the neonatal period with minor seizures, it is difficult to observe characteristic changes in brain activity, sometimes they are absent altogether.

There are cases when seizures do not respond to treatment with antiepileptic drugs, which may indicate that the diagnosis was incorrect, and muscle contractions and twitches are a consequence of nerve impulses emanating from the brain stem, which are not controlled by the cerebral cortex due to its damage.

Causes of seizures in newborns

As already mentioned at the beginning, there are many reasons for the appearance of convulsive syndrome in newborns. Let's look at the main causes of seizures, which occur in 80% of cases.

Metabolism disorder

This includes hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar and is most common in premature newborns. This condition can lead to irreversible changes in the nervous system and cerebral damage. Hypocalcemia is a low level of calcium in the blood, which also seriously affects the central nervous system and brain of the child.

Ischemic encephalopathy and ischemic stroke

60% of cases of convulsive syndrome are associated with ischemic encephalopathy, i.e. brain damage associated with lack of oxygen due to ischemia (blood supply impairment).

Central nervous system infections

This includes diseases such as meningitis and encephalitis.

Damage to cerebral vessels

Most often it occurs in premature infants and is accompanied by hemorrhage in the ventricles of the brain, subdural and subarachnoid spaces.

Treatment of seizures in newborns

Newborns with seizures are always sent to the intensive care unit, where their condition is carefully monitored and an EEG is performed. The most important thing in the treatment of convulsive syndrome is to identify the true cause, and, if necessary, correct the metabolism, cure the infection, etc.

When treating frequent, prolonged and persistent seizures, the most commonly used group of drugs is called barbiturates, which are made from barbituric acid. They have anticonvulsant, hypnotic and narcotic effects, thereby inhibiting the central nervous system. The effects of barbiturates can be short, medium or long. Drugs for the treatment of epilepsy have a long-term effect.

In more serious cases, when the breathing rhythm is disrupted, consciousness is lost, etc., artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out, and blood pressure is maintained with the help of special medications.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that in the neonatal period it is very difficult to identify the true causes of convulsive syndrome, 1/3 of children die. Of course, this is due to such serious causes as meningitis, ischemic encephalopathy and ischemic stroke. In cases of seizures caused by metabolic disorders, there is a very good prognosis. Also, approximately 1/3 of surviving children have neurological disorders.

In the first days of life, a baby (even a child under five years old) can often experience seizures. Sometimes spasms indicate the presence of serious pathologies in a child under one year old. Let's consider the most typical causes up to a year of life, signs and possible methods of treatment.

The phenomenon often occurs in premature babies - up to three to five years of age. Statistics say that every fifth premature baby is subject to some degree of seizure syndrome. Mothers who gave birth to a premature baby need to be attentive to his health.

In children under one year of age, in older children (up to three and five years old), seizures show a different character. The latter is associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the brain and nervous system (the nervous system of newborn children is at the stage of formation). Doctors divide seizures up to three years into a number of types.

Is it possible to independently determine the nature of seizures in a newborn and a child under three years of age?

The manifestations of seizures in children under one year of age are ambiguous and differ in a particular case. Parents will not be able to independently determine the nature of a seizure in a child without medical help, relying solely on their own experience or on information gleaned from medical sources. Not in every case, rhythmic muscle twitching is considered a seizure.

Seizures in a newborn and a child under three years of age are determined exclusively in a hospital setting. Doctors use the latest diagnostic methods, in particular electroencephalography and magnetic resonance imaging. In the presence of small seizures, it is difficult to observe the dynamics of changes in brain activity.

It often happens that seizures do not respond to anti-epileptic drugs. The latter means that the previous diagnosis was made inaccurately, the child needs to be re-diagnosed.

Causes of neonatal seizures

There are many reasons for seizures in young children. Let's look at the common and typical ones.

  • Metabolic disorders of various etiologies. These primarily include hypoglycemia and hyponatremia. With hypoglycemia, there is a decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood. The condition often leads to seizures in the child. Remain attentive to the child’s condition; in some cases, hypoglycemia leads to irreversible consequences in the cerebral cortex. Low calcium levels in the blood (hypocalcemia) also negatively affect the functioning of the brain and lead to seizures.
  • Encephalopathy. Brain damage is manifested by acute or chronic lack of oxygen in the blood.
  • Meningitis and encephalitis pose a huge danger to the newborn’s brain and are considered a serious cause of seizures.
  • Damage to the blood vessels of the brain, often found in premature infants. Threatens cerebral hemorrhages.
  • Insufficiency of magnesium or pyridoxine (vitamin B6) in the child’s body. Often pathologies develop simultaneously.
  • Birth injury.
  • Congenital brain defects in children.
  • When treated with psychoactive drugs, seizures occur as a withdrawal syndrome.

Symptoms of seizures in children of the first year of life

Conditions that cause seizures in newborns are often life-threatening. There are cases where children with convulsions in the neonatal period subsequently developed without any special complications. If seizures occurred due to low glucose levels in the baby’s blood, the child also did not develop complications in the future. If the spasms occurred as a result of meningitis, a high risk of developing all kinds of neurological complications is subsequently revealed.

According to clinical symptoms, seizures are classified as partial, localized, and generalized. In the first case, they spread to a specific muscle group. In the second case, a general convulsive seizure develops. A generalized type of seizures develops when both hemispheres of the brain are involved in the painful process.

If there is a recurrence of convulsive seizures, they speak of convulsive status. Breathing disturbances occur with symptoms of hypoxic cerebral edema. When edema spreads to the brain stem, a disorder of the respiratory, vasomotor center, pathological breathing, vomiting, increased temperature (even up to 39 degrees), bradycardia, and collapse occurs.

A generalized tonic-clonic seizure develops suddenly. Disturbing motor excitement, depression of consciousness up to loss. Characterized by tilting the head back, bending the arms at the elbow joints, straightening the legs, and tense the face. Possible apnea (stopping breathing), the face becomes pale and blue. Vomiting is observed. Holding your breath lasts no more than a minute. After the end of the seizure, the body is completely restored, and the same happens with consciousness. The child does not remember what is happening at all. The prognosis noticeably worsens if paresis or paralysis is observed along with convulsions.

Often, infants experience short-term generalized tonic-clonic seizures. They are typical in children under one year of age, but can occur in older children. It happens against the background of a rise in body temperature. The duration of convulsions is no more than three to five minutes. The prognosis is favorable, not accompanied by neurological disorders. The nervous and mental health of children does not suffer, does not lag behind, and is completely appropriate for their age.

With a lack of calcium in the blood, tetanic convulsions and attacks of sudden respiratory arrest occur. Specific symptoms are noticeable:

  • Contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle;
  • Contraction of the angularis oris muscle;
  • Abduction of the foot when tapping the forearm or shoulder;
  • Laryngospasm.
  • Vomit.

The child bends his arms at the elbow joints and is unable to straighten them. The hands move down and take on the characteristic appearance of “obstetrician’s hands.”

With a decrease in magnesium concentration, increased nervous excitability, muscle tremors, and convulsions are observed. With hypoglycemia, weakness, sweating, muscle tremors, a significant increase in heart rate with possible respiratory arrest are observed. The state of hypoglycemia threatens the child with the development of a coma.

The main principles of treating seizures in infants

Successful treatment of any seizure in a newborn becomes such once the cause is discovered. General rules for the treatment of convulsive conditions in children:

  • If hypocalcemia is the cause of a convulsive state, the child is given a solution of calcium gluconate in a glucose solution (slowly and intravenously).
  • For hypomagnesemia (magnesium deficiency), a solution of magnesium sulfate is injected intramuscularly.
  • In case of hypoglycemia, a dextrose solution is first administered, then a glucose solution is administered in a stream and intravenously. It is necessary to monitor temperature and vomiting.
  • The first step is to effectively relieve fever.

Newborns diagnosed with seizures are admitted to the intensive care unit. The nurse's job is to carefully monitor the baby's condition. An electroencephalogram is also performed there to determine the state of the brain and the functioning of the organ. Based on electroencephalography indications, therapy adjustment is recommended.

If a baby under one year of age has convulsions that frequently recur and become persistent, the use of barbiturates – derivatives of barbituric acid – is indicated. Barbiturates have a hypnotic and sedative effect, which is necessary for the development of seizures. The use of short, medium and long-term drugs is indicated depending on the case. Long-term action of barbiturates is required for the treatment of severe epileptic seizures.

In case of respiratory failure, loss of consciousness, fever and periodic vomiting, it is recommended to maintain artificial ventilation of the lungs and blood pressure. Pressure is maintained using special medications. It is necessary to constantly stop convulsive paroxysm due to the considerable danger to the heart. Respiratory disorders and persistent impairment of consciousness are absolute indications for urgent etiotropic therapy combined with symptomatic anticonvulsant treatment.

Due to the fact that in the neonatal period of a child’s development (especially at the age of several months) it is difficult to detect the true cause of the development of an epileptic seizure, a third of children die. Death is associated with severe complications of seizures: ischemic encephalopathy, ischemic stroke. The prognosis for meningococcal infection is extremely poor. When caused by metabolic disorders, seizure syndromes usually have a good prognosis.

The child must be under the supervision of a pediatrician from the first month of life for at least a year. It is necessary to conduct a complete and comprehensive examination of the functioning of the baby’s nervous system in order to prevent the development of serious neurological disorders.

Convulsions in newborns are recognized as the object of close attention of parents and doctors. It is extremely important to immediately determine the cause of seizures in order to begin effective treatment. And although certain types of seizures do not have a very favorable prognosis, they can be treated effectively. Especially if the parents consulted a doctor at an early stage of the disease.

Seizures in a newborn baby are a dangerous condition that requires supervision by the attending physician. Muscle spasms indicate neurological disorders that begin to appear in the first days of life after the baby is born. If you suspect this disease, you should study the causes and clinical manifestations of seizures in infants, note the main signs and symptoms, first aid methods and prevention of the disease in newborns.

Types of seizures in infants

Neonatal cramps are muscle spasms that appear in a baby immediately after birth. Typically, such conditions indicate immaturity of the nervous system or the presence of a congenital disease. The symptom can be recognized by parents or during an examination by the attending physician, when mom and dad go to the pediatrician with complaints of constant crying. Based on clinical manifestations, several types of seizures in infants are distinguished. They can be limited or widespread and are classified according to symptoms.

Expert opinion!

Seizures in premature babies are common. Such babies are born weakened, all their organs lag behind in development. The main reason is the immaturity of the motor neurons of the cerebral cortex, when the connection between nerve cells and muscles is disrupted, spontaneous contraction occurs at the slightest fatigue. Sometimes the interaction in the hypothalamus becomes disconnected and spasms appear at fever, after vaccinations, poisoning and other conditions.

Minor seizures in a child

Such muscle contractions are common, but they may not be recognized immediately. They are not accompanied by pain and do not cause severe discomfort to the newborn - babies may not cry and play calmly.

Main features:

  • Blue or pale skin – due to poor circulation;
  • Twitching of the eyes or facial muscles;
  • Trembling of the baby's arms and legs.

Minor convulsions are long-lasting and may last for several hours. Sometimes parents notice how the child’s head or limbs twitch in his sleep, and his hands and feet tremble.


Tonic cramps look like prolonged spasms when a muscle contracts and does not relax. The leg or arm is tense, the child feels pain and a burning sensation - as the contraction grows, these symptoms intensify. They are observed at any age, affect one group of muscles, less often - they are widespread.

The latter condition is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • The baby's whole body is tense;
  • The head is thrown back;
  • Breathing may be impaired.

An attack of tonic convulsions requires immediate assistance, which is aimed at preventing complications during the attack.


Such convulsions in infants are manifested by numerous muscle contractions - one muscle can contract 1-3 times in a second. Clonic spasms in newborns are divided into three categories:

  • Focal - one group of muscles contracts (shin, front surface of the thigh);
  • Multifocal – several muscle groups are involved;
  • Generalized - the most dangerous, characterized by the spread of spasms throughout the body.

These symptoms of seizures in infants are easily identified - the legs, arms and (or) head twitch strongly and rhythmically. Unlike minor spasms, attacks are accompanied by pain; due to contractions, the limbs begin to bend.

Myoclonic spasms

Myoclonic convulsions are a mixed variant of pathology in newborns, which is accompanied by strong and sudden contractions. Against the background of normal health, a sudden withdrawal of an arm or leg or throwing the head back may occur. Unlike previous variants, which affect the limbs segmentally, there is no symmetry here - the right arm and left leg can spasm at the same time, the head and foot can twitch.

Myoclonic seizures do not affect newborn babies, but can occur in older children. Their presence indicates congenital dysfunctions of the nervous system.

Febrile seizures in a baby

Febrile convulsions are a special type of spasms that occur against the background of an increase in temperature. Typical for newborns and infants, peak appearance is up to 3 years. They usually go away on their own by the age of 5.5-6 years and are not considered pathological. They are accompanied by generalized contractions and can affect the arms, legs and the whole body.

Respiratory-affective spasms

They manifest themselves against the background of emotional instability and are accompanied by breathing problems in the infant. Usually observed in the first 3 years of life, these are characteristic convulsions in an infant that appear during sleep. According to the observations of experienced doctors, the trigger for the development of symptoms is a change in the position of the body in space during night rest - when the newborn turns over on his tummy. This syndrome is accompanied by hysteria, severe crying and breathing problems.


One of the most dangerous manifestations of convulsive seizures is epilepsy, which indicates incurable damage to the nervous system of the newborn. In infants, such spasms are difficult to distinguish from febrile, clonic or mixed - the key point is age and diagnostic data. The attack is accompanied by:

  • Contraction of muscles throughout the body;
  • Jerking of arms and legs;
  • Throwing back the head;
  • Breathing disorders;
  • Defecation and urination;
  • The appearance of foam at the mouth.

Loss of consciousness, memory and behavior disorders are often observed. Such convulsions begin to bother newborns and do not go away by 6 years.

Salaam's convulsions

Salaam convulsions are a type of epileptic spasms in infants. They are accompanied by movements of the head “back and forth” and swaying of the torso, arms and legs in the opposite direction. Such contractions resemble bows (hence the name “Salam”) and indicate a congenital lesion of the motor zone of the cerebral cortex.

Self-diagnosis of seizures is not allowed! If you suspect your baby has an illness, immediately visit your local pediatrician. The suspected disease requires laboratory and instrumental confirmation.

Causes of seizures in infants

The causes of seizures in a newborn child are not fully understood, but there are several provoking factors that are the trigger of the pathology. Such conditions lead to damage to the brain or blood vessels, creating favorable conditions for the development of the disease.

Provoking conditions:

  • Compounded heredity - according to scientists, the likelihood of a symptom appearing in newborns increases greatly if the parents have had seizures in the past;
  • Metabolic disorders - the most dangerous is hypoglycemia, which occurs with diabetes mellitus. Low blood glucose levels cause potassium, calcium, and magnesium to be leached from muscles;
  • Frequent infections - the most dangerous are meningitis, which affects the brain;
  • Congenital cerebral ischemia is a lack of blood flow due to blockage or abnormalities in the formation of blood vessels. In this case, the nutrition of the motor cells of the cerebral cortex is disrupted;
  • Diseases of the cerebral vessels - in addition to congenital defects, newborns may have a disturbance in the physiology of the cerebral arteries. They can expand and contract spontaneously, causing seizures;
  • Vaccinations – sometimes seizures in infants are a negative reaction to vaccines. In this case, the doctor postpones the procedure as much as possible;
  • Injuries – injuries during childbirth pose a particular danger. Such newborns often get sick, tend to cry, and eat poorly.

The listed conditions only provoke the appearance of the disease in the infant - burdened heredity and birth injuries play a decisive role. Newborns with developmental delays are also prone to the disease.

Signs of seizures in a newborn

How to recognize cramps in a baby is very simple. The symptom appears suddenly in the child, against the background of normal health - the baby can play or sleep peacefully.

The main features are as follows:

  • The child begins to scream;
  • The baby's head is thrown back;
  • The child's body is tense;
  • Infants often experience twitching of the limbs;
  • Breathing is impaired, the baby cannot fully inhale, which creates panic;
  • Foam may appear at the mouth, and loss of consciousness may occur.


It is difficult to recognize an attack in newborns - the baby cannot explain in words what happened. Inexperienced parents often mistake seizures for ordinary hysteria.


Making a diagnosis of convulsive seizures in children of early years is difficult - data from external examination and complaints from parents are valuable. The child is subject to urgent hospitalization, where the doctor monitors the baby.

The following research methods may be prescribed:

  • Ultrasound or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain;
  • Blood and urine tests;
  • Consultations with related specialists (neurologist, ophthalmologist, pediatric surgeon).

Diagnostics is valuable for identifying developmental abnormalities or organic damage to the nervous system in a newborn.


Seizures in infants require an appointment with a pediatrician - the doctor will examine the baby and prescribe appropriate treatment. If therapy is not carried out, serious consequences of seizures in a newborn may develop - neurological disorders, the most severe of which is epilepsy.

First aid for a baby

During a seizure, it is important to provide timely assistance to the baby - this will reduce the duration of the attack and prevent the development of favors.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • At the first signs of illness, place the baby on the bed;
  • Remove all hard and sharp objects from the child’s reach;
  • Lay the baby on his side to prevent him from choking on saliva;
  • If there is a fever, rub the child's body with alcohol or cool water. Avoid contact of liquid with eyes and mucous membranes;
  • If the baby begins to choke, bring a cotton swab soaked in ammonia to his nose.

The bones of a newborn are very fragile - it is forbidden to straighten the arms or legs and forcefully fix them.

Treatment of seizures in newborns

Treatment of seizures in newborns is carried out only with the approval of a doctor. Most medications are contraindicated for infants, so you can fight the disease using strengthening methods:

  • Massage;
  • Gymnastics for newborns;
  • Some methods of physiotherapy.

The main goal of treating a child is to eliminate symptoms and prevent relapse of the disease. Doctors and parents can only fight the signs of pathology and hope that it will disappear by the age of 6.


Newborns can be given specific prophylaxis - it helps prevent the appearance of new seizures and the development of complications.

  • The baby should eat mother's milk, and if necessary, complementary feeding will be required;
  • Twice a week, the mother should massage using a special technique;
  • The baby must perform special play exercises for newborns;
  • At least once a month, the child should be examined by a pediatrician.

These are the basic rules of prevention for newborns. To draw up a complete program, consult your doctor.

Seizures in newborns are a consequence of neurological pathology. It is important for parents to prevent seizures and know the first aid algorithm. The best treatment for the disease is to follow preventive measures to prevent the onset of symptoms in infants.

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