Sulfacyl sodium in Latin recipe sample. Sulfacyl sodium: instructions for use. Albucid and Sulfacyl Sodium

Latin name: Sulfacylum-natrium
ATX code: S01AB04
Active substance: Sulfacetamide
Manufacturer: Synthesis, Russia, etc.
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter
Price: from 50 to 100 rub.

“Sodium Sulfacyl”, or “Albucid” (another trade name) is a solution with an antibacterial effect. Used in ophthalmology.

Indications for use

"Sulfacyl" is used externally against infectious eye lesions. These include:

  1. Conjunctivitis
  2. Blepharitis
  3. Corneal ulcer with purulent lesion
  4. Keratitis
  5. Gonorrheal eye lesions in children (20% solution) and adults (30% solution)
  6. Blennorea – treatment and prevention of the disease in newborns (30%).

Doctors often prescribe medicine for runny noses in children.


One ml of solution contains 200 or 300 mg of sulfacetamide (20% and 30%, respectively). Additional substances: thiosulfate, hydrochloric acid solution, liquid for injection.

Medicinal properties

“Sulfacyl sodium” (or “Albucid”) exhibits moderate bacteriostatic properties against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. These bacteria include: pneumococci, chlamydia, streptococci, actinomycetes, gonococci, E. coli.

The aqueous solution is slightly alkaline, so it can be safely used as eye drops. Contact with the conjunctival sac of the eye will not cause any harm. Albucid for the eyes predominantly acts locally on the affected conjunctiva, but part of the active substance is absorbed into the body. The mechanism of action of “Sodium Sulfacyl” is determined by counteracting para-aminobenzoic acid and binding of dihydropteroate synthetase. This process leads to disruption of the production of tetrahydrofolic acid, which takes a major part in the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases. Thanks to this mechanism of action, the DNA and RNA of the cells of pathogenic bacteria are disrupted, and the process of their reproduction stops.

The average price is from 50 to 100 rubles.

Release forms

1) In a dropper tube there is a solution of 20% and 30%, 1.5 ml each. The box contains 2 tubes. Convenient to use in case of eye damage. The liquid is transparent, stings the eyes very much, it is better not to apply it to lenses

2) A solution of albucid 20% or 30% with methylcellulose 10% is available in bottles of 5 ml or 10 ml. The packaging of the drug contains only one bottle inside

3) 30% solution of albucid with metabisulfite, available in bottles of 5 ml and 10 ml.

Mode of application

Eye drops of 1.5 ml can be applied to the conjunctival sac every 4 hours, 1-2 drops. To avoid the occurrence of neonatal blenorrhea, you can drip 2 drops every two hours.

Albucid with methylcellulose and metabisulfate is also used as eye drops. They are used not only for eye damage. They are often prescribed for runny noses in children and adults. The drug helps with a runny nose because it has a drying effect. “Sulfacyl-sodium” is especially effective in the nose when the runny nose has become chronic and the snot has acquired a green tint. A drug is dripped into the ear for the treatment of otitis or for purulent sore throat, if there is a complication in the ear canal.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy did not have a negative effect on the fetus. Therefore, you can use this drug, but only as prescribed by your doctor. During the period of breastfeeding and simultaneous use of Albucid or Sulfacyl sodium eye drops, no negative health changes were detected in newborns.


Reasons for refusing to use drops include individual intolerance.

Precautionary measures

You should not wear lenses while taking the drug. If there is a strong need for lenses, then you can put them on only 15 minutes after applying the medicine.

People with hypersensitivity to diuretics may also be sensitive to albucid.

Interaction with other drugs

When applied topically, the medicine is incompatible with silver salt. With novocaine and dicaine, the effect on the body is reduced. Strengthens the effect of indirect anticoagulants.

Side effects

Sometimes itching, redness and irritation of the eyes may occur.


In case of overdose, severe eye irritation occurs. In this case, you need to stop using the medication.

Conditions and shelf life

Shelf life – 2 years. After opening the bottle, use the contents for no more than 4 weeks. Store at a temperature of +2 - +8 degrees in the refrigerator.


Analogues with identical active ingredients: “Sodium Sulfacyl-Dia”, “Sodium Sulfacyl-Solopharm”.

The only analogue with a different active ingredient, but a similar effect:

Irbitsky Chemical Plant OJSC, Russia
Price from 1200 to 1500 rub.

The active ingredient is sulfapyridazine, available in the form of an eye film. Effective against trachoma, conjunctivitis and keratitis.


  • The drug has a powerful effect
  • Dissolves well


  • Poorly distributed medicine
  • May cause a burning sensation in the eye
  • Expensive.

"Sulfacyl sodium-Dia" and "Sulfacyl sodium-Solopharm"

Diapharm ZAO/SOLOpharm, Russia
Prices from 75 to 95 rub.

The drugs are available in the form of eye drops. Indications: blenorrhea, infectious eye lesions.


  • Effectively fight diseases
  • Suitable for babies


  • They pinch the mucous membrane
  • It is not recommended to wear lenses while using the medication.

Antibacterial agent for topical use in ophthalmology, sulfanilamide derivative. Has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. Has a bacteriostatic effect. The mechanism of action is associated with competitive antagonism with PABA and competitive inhibition of dihydropteroate synthetase, which leads to disruption of the synthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid, necessary for the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines.

Sulfacetamide is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (including pathogenic cocci, Escherichia coli), Chlamydia spp., Actinomyces spp.


When applied topically, it penetrates into the tissues and fluids of the eye. Absorbed into the systemic circulation through the inflamed conjunctiva.


Purulent corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, gonorrheal eye diseases in newborns and adults, prevention of blenorrhea in newborns.

Dosage regimen

Apply 2-3 drops into the lower conjunctival sac of each eye 5-6 times/

To prevent blenorrhea in newborns, 2 drops of the solution are instilled into the eyes immediately after birth and 2 drops after 2 hours.

Side effect

Local reactions: itching, redness, swelling.


Hypersensitivity to sulfacetamide and other sulfa drugs.

special instructions

Patients hypersensitive to furosemide, thiazide diuretics, sulfonylureas, or carbonic anhydrase inhibitors may be hypersensitive to sulfacetamide.

Drug interactions

Sulfacetamide, when applied topically, is incompatible with silver salts.

The active ingredient of the drug is sodium sulfacetamide monohydrate . Additional ingredients: sodium thiosulfate, purified water, hydrochloric acid.

Release form

In pharmacies you can find Sulfacyl Sodium eye drops 20%, 30%, as well as powder in packaging.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine has antimicrobial properties.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Pharmacopoeia indicates that the formula of Sodium Sulfacyl is CsHgSaNaOsS-b^O. INN Sulfacetamide . The recipe in Latin will contain the name Sulfacylum-natrium.

Eye drops inhibit absorption PABC , and also interfere with the synthesis PABA-containing growth factors microorganisms.

The medicine is characterized antibacterial properties. It acts on streptococci , gonococci , coli , chlamydia , pneumococci , actinomycetes .

An aqueous solution of Sodium Sulfacyl has a slightly alkaline reaction, which allows it to be instilled into conjunctival sac eyes.

Indications for use

Eye drops are used for gonorrheal eye diseases, conjunctivitis , blenorrhea , purulent corneal ulcers, blepharitis and other eye diseases. The drug can be used by both children and adults, including for the purpose of prevention blennorrhea in infants. In the case of purulent processes, it stops them and accelerates the healing of the cornea.

Prescribed for therapy streptoderma And staphyloderma , infections , provoked coli .

The medicine can be used orally in case of colibacillary infections urinary tract, mastoiditis , puerperal sepsis and others infectious diseases .


This product should not be used if you are hypersensitive to its components.

Side effects

In some cases, when taking the drug, tissue irritation, including redness, edema century and itching . When using the medicine internally, it is possible allergy And dyspeptic disorders .

Instructions for use of Sulfacyl Sodium (Method and dosage)

For those who are indicated for Sulfacyl Sodium eye drops, the instructions for use advise that instillation should be carried out in conjunctival sac . For adult patients, a dosage of 1-2 drops is prescribed. The product is applied 5-6 times a day (every 4-8 hours). In childhood, a solution of 10 percent and 20 percent is indicated. To prevent development blennorrhea Immediately after birth, babies are instilled with 2 drops of the product, and then 2 drops every 2 hours.

The medicine can also be used in vaseline-based ointments 10-30% in case of blepharitis And eczema eyelid skin

Instructions for use of Sulfacyl Sodium indicate that the duration of therapy directly depends on the severity of the disease. It is not recommended to use the medicine for longer without consulting a specialist.

When gonorrheal eye diseases are prescribed combination therapy . Instill a 30% solution or dust the affected area with powder; in addition, take the drug by mouth.

Infected wounds treated using powder.

The maximum single dosage for adults orally is 2 g, the maximum daily dosage is 7 g.

Before using the drops for the first time, the cap is screwed all the way down. A spike on the inside pierces a hole in the membrane. Before use, you need to hold the bottle in your palm for a while to warm the product to body temperature. The cap is unscrewed and after light pressure on the body of the bottle, the solution is dripped into the eyes. Then the bottle should be closed again.


In case of overdose, redness, swelling of the eyelids, and itching are possible. Then they continue to use a lower concentration of the drug or completely discontinue the drug.


If you need to take other drugs in combination with Sulfacyl Sodium, you should consult your doctor.

Bacteriostatic the effect of the drug is reduced when combined with Novocaine , Anesthesin And Dicaine . And its toxicity increases when interacting with Diphenine , salicylates And para-aminosalicylic acid . If used together with indirect anticoagulants it is possible to increase their specific activity.

Drops should not be used together with salts of some alkaloids, with agents containing silver salts, with zinc sulfate, as well as with acids and substances that have an acidic reaction.

Terms of sale

The drug is sold without a prescription.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to keep the drug in a dark place. The optimal temperature is 15-25°C.

Best before date

2 years. After the first use, you should keep the product for no longer than 4 weeks.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

The following analogues of the drug are known: Albucid , Acetopt , Ophthalemide , Sebizon , Sulfaprocul , Sulfacyl , Sulfacyl soluble , Almocetamide , Octzetan , Prontamid , Sobizon , Sulfacetamide Sodium , Sulfacyl Sodium-DIA .

Albucid and Sulfacyl Sodium

What is more effective Albucid or Sodium Sulfacyl, they often ask on forums. Experts answer that these are actually synonyms. Thus, Albucid – this is Sulfacyl Sodium. This drug is also available in the form of eye drops and is used for diseases caused by streptococci , pneumococci , gonococci . However, relatively recently Albucid and Sulfacyl Sodium began to be used for instillation into the nose.

Sulfacyl Sodium for children

Sulfacyl Sodium for children is used in a dosage of 2-3 drops (20% solution). The child should be in a sitting or lying position. You should carefully open your eyelids and drip the medicine. It is recommended to start from the place where the inflammation is less pronounced.

When acute otitis the drug is instilled into the ears. It can be diluted in boiled water 2-4 times.


Medicine for newborns is usually instilled immediately after birth to prevent the development of blennorrhea .

In addition, Sodium Sulfacyl is often used in the nose of infants. The doctor prescribes this remedy for a prolonged runny nose, especially when it comes to bacterial infection . It should be borne in mind that if the drug gets into the nose, it can cause a burning sensation, which is why the child begins to be capricious.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

After consultation with your doctor, the medicine can be used for pregnancy . It can also be used during breastfeeding . Use the drug when pregnancy And lactation necessary in doses prescribed by a specialist. It is not recommended to increase the dosage on your own.

Russian ophthalmic product Sulfacyl sodium is an antibacterial drug used to treat eye diseases.

The uniqueness of the medicine lies in the possibility of treating newborn children with its help.

Despite the minimum of contraindications and adverse reactions, drops should be used with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor.


  • sulfacetamide;
  • sodium thiosulfate;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • sterile water.

Available in tubes with a convenient dropper dispenser.

Recipe in Latin

Sulfacylum natrium

Active ingredient formula

Indications for use

Prescribed in therapy:

  • purulent corneal ulcers;
  • gonorrheal eye diseases (both in adults and newborns).

Also, the use of drops is advisable in preventive measures against the development of blenorrhea in infants. The drug is highly effective in treatment.

Contraindications, possible adverse reactions

Among the contraindications, only individual immunity of the body to the components of the composition is noted.

When the drug is used correctly, as prescribed by the doctor, side effects occur extremely rarely. A negative reaction is mainly manifested by itching, swelling and redness of the eyes.

For women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, an ophthalmic agent can be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. According to clinical data, the components included in the drops do not have a negative effect on either the woman’s health or the baby’s development.


Excessively active instillation of the drug into the eyes can lead to an overdose.

Her symptoms:

  • burning;
  • pain in the eyes;

Also, many patients with an overdose complain of discomfort and a feeling in the eyes.

In case of undesirable reactions, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of drops to a minimum. It is recommended to consult with a specialist about the possibility of further use of the drug.

Instructions for use

Optimal dosage – 2 drops in each eye, the drug is instilled into the conjunctival sac.

Dosage – up to 6 times a day. The break between instillation should be at least 3 hours.

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the patient’s age, his diagnosis and response to the drug.

A more detailed description of the treatment regimen depending on the diagnosis is presented in the table:

Diagnosis Patient age Single dosage Number of daily procedures
Ulcerative lesion of the cornea Adults 1 to 3 drops Up to 6 times
Ulcerative lesion of the cornea Children 1 drop each No more than 5 times
Gonorrheal eye disease Adults 2 drops each Up to 8 times
Gonorrheal eye disease Children 1 drop each Up to 6 times
Conjunctivitis, blepharitis Adults 3 drops each 4 to 6 times

For children infancy the use of drops in the prevention of blenorrhea is prescribed 2 drops in each eye, after 2 hours the procedure is repeated.

Please note: after opening the bottle, the drug can be used for no more than 28 days.


The price of the drug Sulfacyl sodium 20% depends on the pharmaceutical company producing it. The approximate cost is presented in the table:

Company manufacturer Dosage, ml Approximate cost, rub
Synthesis 5 38
PFC update 5 51
Rewenal 2 bottles of 2 ml 76
Grotesque 5 87
Slavic pharmacy 10 31
Diapharm 10 50
MEZ 2 bottles of 1.5 ml 60

The drug is sold only with a doctor's prescription.

Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - dropper tube with valve 1.5 ml, cardboard pack 5 - No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from Update PFK (Russia)

Latin name


Active substance



S01AB04 Sulfacetamide

Pharmacological groups

Sulfonamides Ophthalmic agents Description of the active substance. The scientific information provided is general and cannot be used to make a decision about the possibility of using a particular drug.

Indications of the drug

Eye drops and ointment for external use: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, purulent corneal ulcer, prevention and treatment of blenorrhea in newborns, gonorrheal and chlamydial eye diseases in adults. Solution for injection: pneumonia, purulent tracheobronchitis, urinary tract infections.


History of hypersensitivity, toxic-allergic reactions to sulfonamides.

Side effects

Severe hypersensitivity reactions to sulfa drugs (Stevens-Johnson syndrome, fever, skin rash, gastrointestinal disorders, bone marrow depression).

Local reactions: burning, lacrimation, pain, itching in the eyes, allergic reactions.

Precautionary measures

The use of ophthalmic ointment may delay the healing of the cornea.

Patients hypersensitive to furosemide, thiazide diuretics, sulfonylureas, or carbonic anhydrase inhibitors may be hypersensitive to sulfacetamide.

Storage conditions for the drug Sulfacyl sodium

In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 12-15 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Sulfacyl sodium

2 years.

Other packaging options for the drug are sodium sulfacyl.

Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 200 mg/ml - bottle (bottle) 10 ml with a dropper cap, cardboard pack 1 - EAN code: 4605391000767- No. LS-001661, 2006-06-16 from DECO company (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 200 mg/ml - bottle (bottle) 5 ml with a dropper cap, cardboard pack 1- No. LS-001661, 2006-06-16 from DECO company (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 200 mg/ml - polymer dropper bottle 10 ml , cardboard pack 1- No. LS-001661, 2006-06-16 from DECO company (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 200 mg/ml - polymer dropper bottle 5 ml, cardboard pack 1- No. LS-001661, 2006-06- 16 from DECO company (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 200 mg/ml - bottle (bottle) 10 ml, cardboard pack 1- No. LS-001661, 2006-06-16 from DECO company (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 200 mg/ ml - bottle (bottle) 5 ml, cardboard pack 1 - No. LS-001661, 2006-06-16 from DECO company (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - plastic dropper bottle 10 ml, cardboard pack 1 - EAN code: 4607005931436- No. LP-000174, 2011-01-17 from Slavyanskaya Pharmacy FC LLC (Russia) Sodium sulfacyl Eye drops 20% - plastic dropper bottle 5 ml, cardboard pack 1 - EAN code: 4607005931412- No. LP-000174, 2011 - 01-17 from Slavyanskaya Pharmacy FC LLC (Russia) Sodium Sulfacyl Eye Drops 20% - polymer dropper bottle 10 ml, cardboard pack 1- No. LP-000174, 2011-01-17 from Slavyanskaya Pharmacy FC LLC (Russia) Sodium Sulfacyl Drops eye 20% - polymer dropper bottle 5 ml, cardboard pack 1 - No. LP-000174, 2011-01-17 from Slavyanskaya Pharmacy FC LLC (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - bottle (bottle) 5 ml with a dropper cap , cardboard pack 1- No. LP-000174, 2011-01-17 from Slavyanskaya Pharmacy FC LLC (Russia) Sodium Sulfacyl Eye drops 20% - bottle (bottle) 10 ml with a dropper cap, cardboard pack 1- No. LP-000174, 2011-01-17 from Slavyanskaya Pharmacy FC LLC (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - tube-dropper with valve 1 ml, cardboard pack 1 - EAN code: 4603988007212- No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from PFK update (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - tube-dropper with a valve 1 ml, cardboard pack 2- No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from PFK Update (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - tube-dropper with a valve 1 ml, cardboard pack 5- No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from Update PFK (Russia) Sodium sulfacyl Eye drops 20% - dropper tube with valve 1 ml, cardboard pack 10- No. LS-001909, 2011-08 -24 from Update PFK (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - dropper tube with valve 2 ml, cardboard pack 2- No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from Update PFK (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - dropper tube with valve 2 ml, cardboard pack 5 - EAN code: 4603988007328- No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from Update PFK (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - dropper tube with valve 2 ml, cardboard pack 10- EAN code: 4603988007335- No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from Update PFK (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - dropper tube with a screw neck 10 ml, cardboard pack 1- No. LS-001909, 2011- 20 % - dropper tube with valve 1 ml, cardboard pack 10- No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from Update PFK (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - dropper tube with valve 1 ml, cardboard pack 5- No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from Update PFK (Russia) Sodium sulfacyl Eye drops 20% - dropper tube with valve 1. 5 ml, cardboard pack 5- No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from Update PFK (Russia) Sodium sulfacyl Eye drops 20% - dropper tube with valve 1.5 ml, cardboard pack 10- No. LS-001909, 2011-08 -24 from Update PFK (Russia) Sodium Sulfacyl Substance-powder - double-layer polyethylene bag (bag) 5 kg, cardboard drum 1- No. LSR-005992/10, 2010-06-25 from Update PFK (Russia) Sodium Sulfacyl Substance-powder - two-layer polyethylene bag (bag) 20 kg, cardboard drum 1 - No. LSR-005992/10, 2010-06-25 from Update PFK (Russia) Sodium sulfacyl Substance-powder - two-layer polyethylene bag (bag) 10 kg, cardboard drum 1 - No. LSR-005992/10, 2010-06-25 from Update PFK (Russia) Sodium sulfacyl Eye drops 20% - dropper tube with valve 1 ml, cardboard pack 2 - No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from Update PFK (Russia) Sulfacyl sodium Eye drops 20% - tube-dropper with a screw neck 5 ml, cardboard pack 1- No. LS-001909, 2011-08-24 from Update PFK (Russia)

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