Existing varieties of the Pinscher breed. Miniature Pinscher or Miniature Pinscher: characteristics of the Pinscher breed, types of breeds

The miniature pinscher, also known as the dwarf or miniature pinscher, is a breed whose development began at least two centuries ago in Germany. Experts have no doubt that the dominant role in the development of the breed belonged to short-haired German pinschers - dogs known in Europe since the Middle Ages. They were famous for their unpretentiousness in maintenance and their versatility: they served as guards on farms, had a reputation as excellent hunters and dexterous rodent exterminators. In addition to German pinschers, among the distant ancestors of miniature pinschers, dachshunds and Italian greyhounds are also called - the shortest dogs of their group of greyhounds.

It is known that at the beginning of the 19th century, the height of a standard pinscher was from 45 to 50 cm at the withers, and their miniature varieties, which already in 1936 were called dwarf smooth-haired pinschers, were characterized by a height of 35 to 40 cm.

In the second half of the 19th century, targeted selection of pinschers began, and in 1880 the first official breed standard appeared, developed by the German dog handler Richard Strebel. Five years later, German breeder Joseph Bertha founded the Pinscher Club, under the auspices of which pinschers of different appearances were divided into separate breeds.

Miniature Pinschers were first shown at the Stuttgart Dog Show in Germany in 1900. At that time, outside their homeland, these dogs, nicknamed miniature pinschers for their small stature (“zwerg” translated from German as “gnome”), were practically unknown. However, over time, the breed began to gain popularity both throughout Europe and overseas. In 1905, the first Miniature Pinscher was registered in the French Stud Book. True, he was described as a German smooth-haired terrier. In the USA, where the Miniature Pinscher began to be imported after the First World War, the breed was also originally included in the terrier category. In 1929, when the American Kennel Club (AKC) officially approved the Pinscher breed, the Miniature Pinscher Club was created, whose members petitioned for the AKC to classify their smallest species as the "Pinscher (Toy)" group. In 1972, the name was changed to "Miniature Pinscher".

These days, this small but brave dog has a lot of fans in all corners of the planet. In different countries, it is often called differently in everyday life and when sold, but since 1955, in the classification of breeds of the International Canine Organization (FCI), the smallest representative of pinschers is called a miniature pinscher.

Video: Miniature Pinscher

Appearance of a miniature pinscher

Today at international exhibitions you can see miniature pinschers belonging to different intra-breed types. This is explained by the fact that the breeding of these dogs in many countries is based on their own traditions in the selection of this breed. Thus, dogs bred in the USA, Great Britain, and Canada are characterized by a special, graceful manner of movement. Miniature pinschers, originally from Israel, are distinguished by almost absolute external similarity with miniature Doberman Pinschers; they are characterized by confident, wide, sweeping movements. German natives can always be recognized due to their stockiness and muscularity, and representatives of Scandinavia are the most balanced, calm and self-confident individuals. However, for all miniature pinschers there are strict limits for height (25-30 cm), colors, and a certain body structure.


The Miniature Pinscher is distinguished by its high legs, but the well-developed withers, which are the highest point of the topline, give its body depth, so the dog does not look upturned on its legs. The line of the back is slightly inclined from the withers to the base of the tail. The chest is quite wide, oval in shape, its front part protrudes expressively forward. A short, elastic and strong back, a strong and also short loin give the miniature pinscher a compact appearance, while its body looks almost square.


The dog's head is proportional to the body and has the shape of a blunt wedge. The transition from forehead to muzzle is clearly marked, but not sharp. The muzzle itself is slightly shorter than the skull, which is strong and oblong in shape. The bridge of the nose is straight. The nose is black, the nostrils are well developed. Lips are dry, smooth, black. They fit tightly to the jaws, their corners are closed.

Jaws and teeth

The miniature pinscher's jaws are strong, the teeth are white, strong, the bite is scissor-shaped, closing tightly and firmly. The chewing muscles are well developed.


The Miniature Pinscher's ears are set high. Standing or hanging on cartilage, they have a triangular (V-shaped) shape. The inner edges of the floppy ears should touch the cheekbones. The standard does not say that cropped ears are a breed fault, however, in countries where there is a ban on ear cropping, dogs subjected to this procedure are not allowed to participate in shows and championships.


They are small in size, oval in shape, and their color is dark brown. Black eyelids fit tightly to the eyeball.


This part of the dog's body is characterized as dry, without dewlap, slightly elongated. It is nobly curved, which emphasizes the proud character of the miniature pinscher.


The tail of the miniature pinscher is set high, but cannot be directed towards the head. At dog shows, judges tend to favor dogs whose tails are saber or crescent shaped.


They are characterized by clearly defined angles of all joints and a moderately wide stance. The forelimbs look straight in front and in profile. The forearms are well developed, muscular, the wrists and pasterns are strong, strong, and elastic. The hind limbs, when viewed from the side, appear slightly set back, and when viewed from behind, they appear parallel to each other. The hips are quite wide, with well-developed muscles. The lower legs are long and strong. The miniature pinscher's paws are round in shape, the fingers are closed, the claws are short, strong, and painted black. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs.


The Miniature Pinscher moves energetically, demonstrating confidence and strength. It is characterized by a free, sweeping trot with a strong drive and a wide reach of the forelimbs. While moving, the dog balances, its back remains level and stable.

In countries such as the USA, Great Britain, Canada, the most important natural feature of the miniature pinscher breed is its prancing gait (hackney-gait). This specific feature is characterized by the fact that the dog seems to be drumming on the air with its forelimbs. Such a gait appears only when the shoulder angle is straightened, as a result of which the step of the front legs becomes much shorter than the step of the hind legs, which forces the dog to raise the front legs high in movement so as not to step on them with the hind legs.

But FCI standards do not recognize this type of movement and classify it as a breed defect.


The miniature pinscher has a thick, shiny, smooth coat. Bald patches are not allowed.


Today, the FCI standard allows only two colors for the Miniature Pinscher: fawn or fawn (from reddish-brown to dark red-brown) and black and tan (lacquered black with red or brown markings). The scorch marks should be intensely dark and clearly defined. They should be distributed in a certain way: above the eyes, in the lower part of the throat, on the pasterns and paws, on the inside of the hind legs, under the base of the tail. Two identical, clearly defined tan marks in the shape of a triangle should be located on the dog's chest.

American and Canadian cynological organizations also recognize other colors of miniature pinschers: chocolate, blue, isabella and tan.

Disadvantages of the breed

  • Too heavy or, on the contrary, too graceful physique.
  • Long, soft or hunchbacked back.
  • Short-legged or excessively tall-legged, elbow joints protruding inward or outward.
  • Wrinkled skin on the forehead.
  • Shortened or pointed, too narrow muzzle.
  • Excessively small or too large eyes, their light color.
  • Long or low-set ears.
  • Rare wool.

Photo of a miniature pinscher

Character of the miniature pinscher

The miniature pinscher is not at all bothered by his small size - he is so self-confident and courageous. Incredible aplomb and energy, combined with intelligence and cunning, allow this little guy to become a key participant in all the events happening around him - at home, on the street, at an exhibition, that is, everywhere.

The miniature pinscher shows his love and devotion to his owner very emotionally, and at the same time prefers to feel on an equal footing with him. This dog needs a “steady hand”, otherwise an innate passion for dominance and manipulation will certainly manifest itself. If this cunning, irrepressible imp understands that by putting on a plaintive look he can get whatever he wants, then there will be no limit to his extravagance. This dog will demonstrate its desire to occupy the highest possible position at every opportunity, both in relations with people and when communicating with its fellow tribesmen, even the largest of them. To avoid problems, your miniature pinscher should be taken for walks on a leash.

The dog is aggressive towards small animals, especially rodents and birds; he does not favor cats either. Peaceful coexistence between miniature pinschers and representatives of the cat family is possible only if the pets were raised together from a tender age.

Incredibly agile, with excellent grip, strong teeth and lightning-fast reactions, the miniature pinscher feels like a family protector and watchman. If someone decides to harm his owners, the dog will rush at the potential enemy before he has time to carry out his plans. At the same time, the miniature pinscher’s nervous system is strong, and his courage is not reckless - he always soberly assesses the situation and his strengths.

The miniature pinscher is constantly overwhelmed by a thirst for activity; he is incredibly inquisitive, inventive, observant and, like a detective, is always ready to investigate. If the dog wants to carry out a certain undertaking, he will find a way to escape from anywhere, overcoming all obstacles in an unimaginable way. He can easily climb onto a table, a window sill, or crawl into the narrowest crack. His tricks amaze with their creativity, and his ability to perform various dizzying stunts suggests that he clearly likes the role of a clown: the laughter and attention of his household is a true reward for him.

Education and training

Endowed with intelligence and quick wit, the Miniature Pinscher is easy to train. However, the owner must take raising a pet very seriously, taking into account the characteristic features of this breed: the dog will not miss the opportunity to quietly establish its own control over the training process if the owner makes even the slightest mistake. Showing excessive love and forgiveness when raising a miniature pinscher is unacceptable, just like rudeness.

Training techniques should be based on the principles of consistency and repetition, so teaching a miniature pinscher discipline, obedience and good manners takes longer than working with most other breeds. The dog must understand that the owner is calm, self-confident and firm in his intention to teach him order - in this case, with the zeal of a true careerist, he will demonstrate his readiness to serve and carry out commands.

The miniature pinscher masters the equipment on the training ground with amazing agility and speed, and it is not difficult for him to overcome an obstacle five times his height from a standing start. Such abilities, combined with excellent maneuverability, make the Miniature Pinscher one of the best breeds that demonstrate outstanding success in agility.

The Miniature Pinscher is a companion dog, so it certainly must live under the same roof with its owner; keeping the animal in an enclosure is absolutely unacceptable. The dog himself will feel great both in a city apartment, even a small one, and in a country house: he will always figure out something to do with himself and will not be bored. Owners of a miniature pinscher should understand that their irrepressible pet must have the opportunity to realize its activity. Otherwise, his energy will take on destructive forms, and the calm atmosphere in the house can be forgotten. A “city dweller” dog needs to be walked at least three times a day, and it is advisable that he has the opportunity to frolic without a leash in some suitable place.

When walking a miniature pinscher in bad weather, the owner must take some points into account. Frosts, for example, are not scary for this short-haired dog, provided that it is constantly on the move. But if during a walk the dog is caught in cold rain or sleet, you need to pick him up, cover him with whatever you have, take him home and dry him thoroughly, otherwise he may not only catch a cold, but also get kidney and genital diseases. Caring owners, as a rule, purchase seasonal clothing for their miniature pets - waterproof and windproof overalls.

Despite the fact that miniature pinschers shed periodically, caring for their coat will not be burdensome. It is enough to comb the dog once a week with a special soft brush for smooth-haired dogs; it would also be a good idea to periodically wipe its fur with a damp natural cloth. You can give your pet a general wash if it has gotten pretty dirty in its adventures.

The dog needs to have its teeth brushed two to three times a week, and its nails trimmed once or twice a month.

The miniature pinscher's appetite is quite moderate, but in the cold winter the dog, as a rule, begins to show remarkable interest in food, since it needs more energy. During this period, many dogs gain excess weight, which is highly undesirable. Owners should not change their pet’s usual diet, but adding foods with a high protein content to it would be quite appropriate.

An adult Miniature Pinscher should be fed twice a day, preferably at the same time. If you prefer to buy natural products for your pet, please note that at least 40% of their volume should be meat. Choose beef and horse meat; poultry is more suitable for puppies. It is advisable to combine meat products with grains: oats, millet, buckwheat. Make sure there is always water in the dog's bowl. Don't forget about plant foods. You can steam vegetables and make a salad, seasoning it with low-fat sour cream or sunflower oil.

From ready-made food, choose a premium or super-premium product designed specifically for small breed dogs.

Miniature Pinscher Health and Diseases

Miniature pinschers are distinguished by good health, but this breed still has a tendency to certain diseases. Among them:

  • progressive retinal atrophy, leading to gradual deterioration and even complete loss of vision;
  • Perthes disease, or osteochondropathy of the femoral head, the first symptoms of which (lameness, muscle atrophy) can appear in puppies at 4-6 months of age;
  • epilepsy is a neurological condition that leads to mild or severe seizures when the dog behaves inappropriately;
  • hypothyroidism is a disorder of hormonal metabolism, leading to pathologies such as alopecia (hair loss), obesity, lethargy, hyperpigmentation, pyoderma;
  • congenital or acquired luxation of the patella is a very common ailment among all small breeds of dogs.

How to choose a puppy

An excellent population of miniature pinschers has been bred in Russia, among which there are European and world champions and prize-winners of major international exhibitions. Finding a decent nursery where you can buy a 100% purebred puppy, equipped with the necessary documents, is not difficult.

When choosing a baby, pay attention to how all the puppies belonging to the same litter behave, how they play with each other, and how their mother treats them. Take a closer look at the bitch: a sleek, healthy, attentive mother and children are appropriate, and if she is sad, emaciated, and has a sickly appearance, then her babies will most likely be weakened. Watch the puppies feeding: healthy dogs demonstrate an excellent appetite. Among a cheerful company of brothers and sisters, choose an active, but not aggressive, strong one; he should be curious and ready to communicate with you.

You should check your miniature pinscher’s bite, evaluate the condition of his teeth, the cleanliness of his eyes, and make sure that the dog’s ears are clean and free of discharge that emit an unpleasant odor. Your chosen one's coat should be beautiful, smooth, shiny, without bald spots or dandruff. Light scratches on the puppy’s body should not scare you - most likely, these are the consequences of games, because miniature pinschers demonstrate their temperament from a very tender age.

Photos of miniature pinscher puppies

How much does a miniature pinscher cost?

Today, the price of miniature pinscher puppies varies from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. If the doggies are sold at a lower price, it means they have no pedigree or are out of breeding stock.

Purebred healthy puppies with all the necessary documents, but without obvious exhibition prospects, cost from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. The offspring of champion parents, for whom breeders predict a brilliant exhibition career, will cost more.

The Pinscher is an ancient German breed of medium-sized dog, smooth-haired, proportionally and compactly built.

Externally, the dogs are very reminiscent of a Doberman, but there are not so many similarities with miniature pinschers.

Because of this, there is an opinion that the Pinscher is a type of Doberman, and is by no means an independent breed of dog.

The main purpose of the pinscher has long been considered to be catching rats and protecting homes.

Currently, pinschers are used for service purposes and are also kept as pets.

This breed is ideal for city living. Let's look at what types of pinschers there are, and also give a comparison between the pinscher and the toy terrier.

Translated from German, pinscher means “biter.”

In fact, dogs of this breed have a tough temperament and, without much difficulty, will be able to provide all possible resistance to an enemy who poses a real threat.

Their homeland is Germany. The breed was officially approved in 1879.

After which dogs became widespread throughout Europe. 16 years later, the Pinscher Club was founded by German dog handlers.

Initially, dogs were both smooth-haired and wire-haired. Moreover, such different offspring were observed in one litter.

It was the smooth puppies that were called pinschers, but the puppies with hard fur were called schnauzers.

In order to breed individuals that meet all the requirements of the breed, it was decided to obtain smooth puppies through at least three generations.

Currently, the following types of dog breeds are distinguished (depending on size): standard pinscher and mini.

Homeland: Germany.

Adult dog sizes: a standard pinscher has the following parameters - average height (at the withers) - from 45 to 50 cm; average weight – from 13 to 18 kg.

Coat: short, smooth, dense, shiny and thick hair.

Color: From red-brown to dark red-brown and murugo-red. And also black with red and brown markings. It is very rare to have a marbled coat color.

Body type: strong with well-developed muscles.

Head: the skull is strong and elongated. The occipital protuberance weakly protrudes.

Character: A brave and self-confident dog, easily aroused by strangers.

Activity: tall, dogs of this breed need constant communication and games in the fresh air. On the street, the pinscher will not stray far from its owner.

Liveability: Pinschers are patient with small children.

Her behavior reminds her of a patient nanny, enduring all the torment of an unintelligent child.

The dog breed gets along well with cats (mostly dwarf representatives).

Learning Ability: tall, but if you pamper a dog, then a sweet, kind pet can turn into a hard-to-control dog.

Lifespan: from 12 to 15 years. With proper care and maintenance they can live a little longer.

Pinschers are a group of domestic dogs that are descended from the same ancestor.

Let's look at the most popular types of dogs and give a brief description of them:

    Dobermans- short-haired service dogs bred in Germany. These are large, muscular dogs with a graceful silhouette.

    By temperament they can be either sanguine or choleric. They amazingly combine elegance and power.

    One version is a possible influx of blood from hounds, Great Danes, Shepherds, Rottweilers, German Pinschers and Greyhounds. Dogs are used for service in the police and army.

    German pinscher– are descendants and relatives of the Schnauzer breed. In Russia, the standard pinscher is not particularly popular, although it has a lot of undeniable advantages.

    These dogs are medium in size with an athletic build. Self-confident and very elegant dogs can rightfully be called handsome.

    The main feature is the ability to jump up to 1.5 meters in length.

    This quality is often used in competitions to determine the best jumping ability among dogs.

  • Miniature Pinscher- with a strong character. Initially they were used for catching rats and for security purposes. They are highly trainable and get along well with children.
  • Donovan Pinscher- popular among dog breeders who breed service dogs. The dogs combine the fighting qualities of a pit bull, the intelligence of a German shepherd and the obedience of a Malinois.

Today you can easily get information about pinschers around the world on specialized websites, where you can not only find a description of the dogs you are interested in, but also supplement the data yourself.

For example, there is a database of Pedigrees of Miniature Pinschers, a database of German Pinscher dogs and many others.

These are completely different breeds of dogs of relatively small size.

At the moment, both of them are considered lap dogs and even decorative dogs.

Although none of the breeds were bred as domestic toys, each had a special role. The terrier and the pinscher are similar in color, but in everything else there are only differences.

The Pinscher is a larger, more athletic and powerful dog. The chest is more developed than that of terriers, but their limbs are shorter.

Pinschers tend to be aggressive towards strangers. Although they are polite and patient with children.

This is an unsurpassed guard and devoted friend, just like the toy terrier.

Toy terriers are more balanced, they are characterized by a calm character and a friendly attitude towards others.

Improper upbringing can turn a dog into a quarrelsome dog. They do not need daily walks - they like to spend more time at home.

This is another difference from pinschers. The toy terrier is a typical homebody. It is also one of the tiniest breeds. The Toy Terrier can be not only short-haired, but also long-haired.

Photo gallery

Finally, you can take another look at all the breeds that make up the Pinscher group. Starting from the largest - the Doberman pinscher and ending with the smallest - the miniature pinscher.

The Miniature Pinscher dog breed, or, as it is more often called, the Miniature Pinscher, was bred by German breeders. This animal is very small, as it has a small weight, which does not exceed six kilograms, and its height reaches only thirty centimeters. But at the same time, this type of pet lives a long time, usually at least fifteen years.

Experienced dog breeders and simply lovers of these animals note in Pinschers their unique character and “dancing gait.” He looks like a gracefully moving toy dog ​​that walks with pride because he is a representative of the Miniature Pinscher breed.

But, despite their height, these animals are classified as service animals. They are considered the smallest breed of service dogs, similar in many ways to the Miniature Nauzer. The body of these pets is quite strong, which makes it possible to use them in many types of sports training, which include agility with freestyle, as well as other varieties.

Fact! At the very beginning, when the breed was first bred, their tail and ears were docked. But today this procedure is performed much less frequently.

History of the origin of the breed

The exact date of origin of this type of dog is still unknown, but what can be said for sure is that Germany became their homeland. Experts say that the first mentions of these small animals date back to the 15th century. That is why it is considered the centenary of their origin.

Miniature pinschers quickly became people's favorites, and the reason for this lies in their behavior. The area of ​​Württemberg is considered the first where these dogs appeared. There they mainly lived near the stables, fulfilling their duty in the form of guarding property and catching rats. Therefore, it is not surprising that they can still be called “stable griffins.”

A little later, these nice and brave dogs were used as carriage escorts. Running next to them, they barked loudly and provocatively throughout the trip. This was necessary not only to disperse passers-by from the road, but also to scare away ill-wishers. But besides this, pinschers were also taken for hunting. Despite its small size, this pet also coped with the task of a hunter.

Miniature Pinscher Standards

Many people note some similarity between a dog of this breed and a representative of the Doberman breed. But, in truth, there are no related connections between these species at all. The only connection between them is that a certain person with the surname Doberman was very amazed and delighted by the appearance of cute dwarf pinschers, so he began breeding similar dogs, but larger in size. Therefore, those who see the similarity of Dobermans with miniature pinschers are not at all mistaken, because these small representatives really became the prototypes of modern Dobermans. Although a real pinscher does not exceed 30 centimeters in height, and the average weight reaches only 5 kilograms.

  1. The dog of this breed has well-developed muscles. Its paws are quite high, but stable. It is worth noting that the hind limbs are slightly longer.
  2. The dog's head is not very large, but not small either, it looks proportional to the body. This part has a rather expressive transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
  3. The neck is a little long, but not thick.
  4. The Pinscher's eyes are oval-shaped, and their color is generally quite dark.
  5. The fur covering the body is short, but shiny and silky. Ideally, representatives of this species have their tails and ears trimmed. But today, breeders refuse these rules for the reason that this does not interfere with the normal functioning of the dog, and the procedure itself causes him pain.

Generally accepted standards for miniature pinschers were adopted back in 1880, and some time later, namely 15 years later, the first club of fans of this breed was opened in the homeland of these animals. And after this event, many people learned about this breed, and pinschers began to appear at most exhibitions and competitions, even outside of Germany. This breed spread throughout Europe after another exhibition took place in France, where modern miniature pinschers were presented as smooth-haired terriers originally from a stable.

After this event, these dogs gained enormous popularity, but, unfortunately, the wars that took place in the 20th century led to the fact that there were almost no representatives of this breed. It was only thanks to the efforts of dog lovers that the breed regained its popularity.

The color of animals can be quite different. A common option is considered to be monochromatic representatives of brown-red color. In second place are two-colored dogs, which are often black and tan. This tan can cover the area above the eyes, as well as near the tail, on the chest. But these two types of colors are popular today. Previously, only one color was approved in the set of standards - brown and tan. Currently, this species is bred only in the United States.

These tiny dogs can be kept not only outside, in your own home, but also in an apartment. However, to avoid any problems, this species is recommended to be owned only by those who have experience with dogs. Because if you give it some slack, pinschers become quite spoiled and stubborn.

These dogs by nature can be quite gentle as well as affectionate. But their main quality is energy. These representatives are good friends for children. But at the same time, it is worth explaining to children that, despite their small size, animals are not toys, and they should be treated with respect. Dogs need their own space and peace when they want it.

If we talk about other pets in the house, they cooperate quite well with them and do not conflict at all. The same cannot be said about other people's dogs on the street, towards whom pinschers can show aggression. Building relationships with other people's dogs does not always go well for pinschers, and they can become aggressive. They can only have excellent relationships with those they know from a very young age.

Miniature Pinschers are quite suspicious and for this reason they may bark constantly. This can pose a problem for those who frequently host guests. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to raising the dog so that he calmly accepts strangers in the house. And if we talk about public places, then here it is worth keeping the dog on a leash, no matter how calm it appears.

On the one hand, these pets are quite cute, cheerful and loyal animals, but they also have negative sides that must be dealt with through educational work from an early age. Moreover, these dogs love to learn, which makes their work easier. If a miniature pinscher loves and respects his owner, then he will obey him unquestioningly.

This pet is ideal for living in a small apartment, because its small size allows the dog to fit almost anywhere. Its significant advantage is that it sheds quite rarely, and this process will not bring much trouble to the owner. The next advantage of this breed is that it is very easy to train.

But, despite this, you should not overdo it and allow the animal a lot, because it is very easy to spoil it. And his stubbornness can play a cruel joke on the owner. However, if you do not neglect educational work, then this pet will grow into a very faithful, sweet and gentle family friend.

As already noted, these dogs love children and other family members, but children need to learn that this is a dog in front of them, not a toy. Miniature Pinschers have no problem getting along with other pets, so don't worry about it. But, if the dog is already an adult, and the owners decide to get another cat or dog, problems may arise. But all this is also quite individual.

Strangers are potential enemies for the Miniature Pinscher, so they may bark at them or simply be wary. This reaction is a consequence of their innate guardian instinct. When this dog encounters suspicious individuals, his fur stands on end, his eyes sparkle with anger, and he is ready to go on the attack to protect his home or his owners from potential danger.

Despite all its ambiguous character traits, this pet will become an excellent friend not only for the whole family, but also for people who live alone.


If we talk about the health of the Pinscher, it is worth noting that it is susceptible to some serious diseases such as diabetes with urolithiasis, cataracts with glaucoma, and these small pets are prone to epilepsy and deafness.

Caring for pinschers is quite simple. They do not require daily procedures. In order for your dog to feel good, you need to take care of its coat. To do this, you need to comb it no more than two or three times, and also periodically remove loose hair with a damp towel.

This dog is not at all expensive to feed, because it is small in size, and, accordingly, it needs little food. But it is worth paying special attention to the quality of food, because the animal’s activity level and health depend on it.

Miniature pinschers should not be left in a draft, and in the cold season you need to take care of the availability of clothing for the dog. By cold we mean low air temperature outside, because in mild frost this dog does not freeze due to its over-activity. A pet’s paws can start to freeze only at -7 – 10 degrees Celsius. If the winter is severely frosty, then you should buy a special overall for walks, and don’t forget about boots.

But not only cold, but also heat can be dangerous for a pet. Because in hot weather the dog can get sunstroke. If the walk takes place in the sun, then it is worth remembering that it is important to wet the fur periodically, especially if the animal’s color is black and tan.

Note! Representatives of this breed are prone to obesity, so it is worth monitoring their condition. An excellent option for them would be active games like Frisbee. If the dog lives in an apartment and goes to the litter box at home, then it is even more necessary to walk it, and at least twice a day, at least for 30 minutes.

Dogs of this breed should not be left at home alone for a long time, because due to boredom they can start doing whatever they want, for example, playing with things that are not intended for this, and are even prohibited.

Despite its character, this dog is naturally intelligent, so it is necessary to develop its abilities and teach it something new. You can learn something new not only at a young age, but throughout your life.

It is worth noting that miniature pinschers should not be pulled or lifted by holding the front paws or the scruff of the neck, because there is a risk that the dog will damage the tendon. If you need to move your pet, it is best to hold it by the stomach. It must be remembered that the dog should not be let off the leash in a public place, because even such a small dog can harm other people that it does not like.

You shouldn't bathe pinschers at all because they can easily get sick. You need to wash your pet only when there is an urgent need for it, for example, when it is heavily soiled, but not more often.

Miniature pinschers should periodically trim their claws - these animals are light in weight, and their claws do not wear off quickly when walking. And if you let them go and don’t cut them off at all, the pet may get dislocated due to an awkward gait.

As already noted, it is worth carefully monitoring your pinscher’s diet. Freshness and quality of food are the main criteria by which food should be judged. It is best if your pet eats natural food. His diet should consist of lean meat such as chicken or beef with horse meat.

The dog should eat food exclusively on a schedule, and portions should be appropriate for its age and weight. If the dog does not finish what was given to him, then the portion should be reduced. However, if he stands next to the plate and looks at his owner with sad eyes, then it is necessary to reconsider his diet.

To prevent intestinal ailments in a dog, as well as to get rid of worms, add finely chopped garlic to a plate of food.

Miniature Pinscher puppy price

The cost for a Miniature Pinscher puppy varies depending on the presence or absence of a pedigree, as well as many other factors. The average price you need to pay for a pinscher baby is 10-30 thousand Russian rubles. Pets that do not have a pedigree at all, or do not meet the standards of the presented breed, generally cost no more than 10 thousand. This dog is suitable for those who are not going to take the animal to exhibitions or competitions, because anyway it will not be able to pass the standards. For this price you can buy a wonderful family friend and beloved pet.

Also, the cost depends on where the animal is purchased. If this is a nursery, then its cost can range from 10-35 thousand. But in the kit, the potential owner will receive documents and a puppy with a good pedigree.

If a person plans to take part in competitions and exhibitions, then for such a miniature pinscher puppy you will have to pay at least 20-35 thousand rubles. Such puppies must have titled parents, which makes it possible, in the future, to receive victories for participating in competitions among their own kind.

Where to buy a miniature pinscher puppy

It is worth warning those who want to purchase a pet at the poultry market or via the Internet, because no one here can guarantee that the purchased animal is a real representative of the miniature pinscher breed. The best option is to buy a pet from a nursery. There are quite a few advantages of purchasing a pet here, and, most importantly, the owner can be sure that this is a real representative of the breed, who has been properly looked after and monitored for his health.

Video: dog breed miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher)

In the list of the most popular dog breeds found in Europe, the miniature pinscher occupies a leading place. This pet stands out for its special energy, graceful appearance and excellent endurance. Over the years, great writers and artists have been fascinated by the breed, mentioning the miniature dog in their legendary works.

This breed differs from the usual smooth-haired pinscher only in its size. The main character traits are friendliness and openness to communication. The Miniature Pinscher gets along well with children or other pets, but requires proper care, plenty of attention and proper training.

In order to raise a true friend and faithful companion, it is important to initially understand all the characteristics of the breed and take a responsible approach to the choice. Today we will talk about the main characteristics of the dwarf Doberman, the rules of its maintenance and life cycle.

Historical facts: description

According to some sources, origin story of the miniature pinscher began back in 1471, and Germany became the birthplace of the breed. There the pet was used as a horse guard and the best escort for the charioteer.

There are facts that the ancestors of the miniature pinscher were regularly used for hunting and guard purposes. Despite their tiny size, these animals performed excellent tasks, quickly responded to commands, and, if necessary, scared off criminals.

They started breeding a purebred miniature pinscher breed in the 19th century in Germany. The breeders put in a lot of effort to achieve the expected standard and produce a one-of-a-kind dog. The first standard was officially confirmed in 1889 by the well-known breeder Richard Strebel. Already at the beginning of the twentieth century, miniature pets were presented to the whole world as part of an exhibition in Stuttgart.

The breed's popularity grew in the mid-twentieth century. Soon dogs began to be used not only in Germany, but also in many other countries around the world. From a hunting and guard breed, the miniature pinscher quickly turned into a family pet.

Zwengpinscher: characteristics of the breed, external characteristics

Currently There are three types of pinschers:

  • miniature pinschers (miniature pinschers);
  • German pinschers;
  • Dobermans;

Unlike the other two breeds, namely Dobermans, miniature pinschers stand out tiny in size and light in weight. An adult rarely gains 5 kilograms of weight with a height of 25-30 centimeters.

The dog stands out with its elongated muzzle and muscular jaws. The eyes are dark colored and oval in shape. The beautiful curved neck looks graceful. It can be neither short nor thick. A slender physique with excellently developed muscles is emphasized by a wide, slightly oval chest. All limbs of the Miniature Pinscher are straight and proportional to the length of the body. The tail is docked at the level of the third vertebra. The breed is distinguished by its smooth and short coat with a characteristic shine.

Due to many external similarities with its relative the Doberman, the Miniature Pinscher is often called the Dwarf Doberman or Mini Doberman. But in fact, the latter appeared much later than these miniature creatures, and it was the dwarf breed that served to breed all the others.

Description of the Miniature Pinscher breed. Features of color and character

According to the established standard, miniature pinschers can have either one-color or two-color.

  1. Single color. Presented in fawn or brown-red color. Happens quite often.
  2. Two-tone color. It is found on individuals with a black and tan coat color, but there are clear tan boundaries on the throat and chest.

As for character, then the Miniature Pinscher remains very energetic and friendly. Representatives of the breed have always been famous for their excellent ability to learn, high intelligence and passion. But despite this, dogs can be stubborn and self-confident. Among the main character traits should be highlighted:

An interesting property of the breed is its incredibly loud bark. The dog begins to bark in any situation, whether it is danger, or joy, or something else.

The description of the miniature pinscher breed mentions the fact that the dog is prone to training, but for successful training you will have to put in a lot of effort. And the sooner you start training your pet, the more effective the training will be.

As soon as a pet appears in your house, immediately explain to him who is the leader in the house. If this is not done, then the little dog will always dictate his own rules and show disobedience. Before starting the training procedure, it is important to study all the characteristics of such an activity or entrust it to specialists.

Among the key training rules, the following should be highlighted:

Still, training a miniature pinscher is a very complex and lengthy process. It is necessary to devote enough time to it, otherwise you may not expect successful results. Try to spend plenty of time outside with your dog, give him adequate exercise, and encourage him to quickly follow commands with tasty treats or verbal encouragement.

Features of care and maintenance of the miniature pinscher

Average lifespan of a miniature pinscher reaches 13-17 years old. It all depends on the conditions of detention and hereditary characteristics. Fortunately, the breed is unpretentious in care, so its upbringing occurs without the use of additional means or complex techniques.

It is important to provide your pet with regular walks in the open air, since prolonged stay in apartment conditions causes aggression and uncontrollability. Try to protect your dog from hypothermia. The bathing process should be performed only in a warm apartment, and especially during the cold season. Regularly clean your pet's ears and eyes of any debris or harmful insects. Brush your little friend regularly using special brushes for smooth fur. Combing should be given special attention during the molting period.

When walking Monitor your pet's condition. If it’s hot outside, it’s better to walk your dog in fairly shaded parks to avoid overheating. In cold weather, he can be dressed in warm clothes, which are sold in pet stores.

Use a special nail clipper to regularly remove claws from your limbs. Also brush your teeth at least once a week.

Puberty begins at 10 months of age. It is important to understand that at this time the pet can be aggressive and disobedient.

Miniature Pinschers resemble Doberman Pinschers in appearance, but are smaller in size. The peculiarity of the breed is its dancing gait. The running of a dog is similar to the gait of a horse. Future owners of a miniature pinscher must remember that the dog quickly becomes attached to its owner and has a hard time being separated from a person.

History of the breed

The history of the breed goes back 300 years. Germany is considered the birthplace of the miniature pinschers. There are no reliable sources when the first representatives of the breed appeared. It is known that similar dogs lived in Switzerland in the 15th century. According to another version, the ancestors of Pinschers came to Germany from England.

The similarity of the breed with Dobermans is no coincidence. Mr. Doberman set the goal of breeding large dogs, being delighted with miniature pinschers. Previously, representatives of the breed lived near the stables. They were excellent at catching rats and protecting the premises. Gradually they acquired the status of pets. Breeders became interested in the breed in the second half of the 19th century. Miniature pinschers were first presented at the exhibition in 1900. Then the breed becomes popular among Europeans. The dog came to Russia from Germany after the Second World War, in the form of a “trophy”. Considered common. The miniature animal is suitable for keeping in a house or apartment.

Initially, the pets were used as guard dogs. Only in the middle of the 15th century did they live in stables, catch mice and engage in intensive protection of domestic animals. At the beginning of the 20th century, small dogs began to be used exclusively as indoor decorative pets. Breeding and approval of breed standards began in Germany.

The Miniature Pinscher breed was first presented at an exhibition in England in 1954. Miniature representatives of the breed began to march through European countries, where they were recognized as an extremely popular breed.


  1. Miniature pinschers have developed bones and muscles.
  2. Compact, height no higher than 30 cm.
  3. Dog weight up to 6 kg.
  4. The lines of the forehead and muzzle are parallel.
  5. The eyes are dark and expressive.
  6. The tail is set high and carried high up.
  7. The tail is docked to 2 cm in childhood.
  8. The ears are triangular in shape, erect or semi-erect.
  9. The coat is hard to the touch, short, close-lying.

Dogs come in three colors: red, black and tan and brown and tan. The latter species is now found exclusively in America. The miniature breed is great for keeping in an apartment.

If we talk about character, dogs:

  1. Smart.
  2. They love active games.
  3. Agile and fast.
  4. Proud and courageous.
  5. Capable of showing aggression towards other dogs.
  6. They don’t like it when their personal space is encroached upon, especially during rest.

Features of miniature pinschers

Miniature Pinschers are smart, energetic dogs suitable for large families and single people. You cannot spoil your dog too much, otherwise living with your pet next to you will not be easy.

Miniature pinschers are extremely agile. They need constant walks and physical activity. Miniature Pinschers get along well with children. Familiarity will not be tolerated. For adults, representatives of the breed will be excellent companions. Pinschers can be aggressive towards other dogs. They are only friends with animals they have been with since puppyhood. Miniature pinschers coexist peacefully with other pets.

Miniature Pinschers exhibit a unique gait that distinguishes them from other breeds. When running and walking, the dog raises its front legs high, making the movements similar to the gait of a riding horse.

Remember, initially representatives of the breed caught rats and mice; the hunting instinct in dogs is highly developed. During a walk, they are quite willing to run after the animals; they should be allowed to run freely only in a fenced area or in the absence of such danger.

Suspiciousness is noted among the breed's character traits. Dogs are prone to constant barking. The miniature pinscher also speaks when left alone. Well-socialized representatives of the breed calmly accept guests if they see that the owner is not in danger.

Miniature dogs are highly trainable. Intellectual stress is necessary, as well as physical stress. Sometimes 2-3 repetitions are enough for the dog to learn the command.

Health and care

Popular diseases that dogs are susceptible to:

  • Cataract,
  • Diabetes,
  • Dislocation of the shoulder joint,
  • Glaucoma,
  • Urolithiasis disease.

Sometimes puppies are born with congenital deafness. Owners should be careful when using medications for dogs. Allergic reactions to selected medications are possible. Shampoos with pesticides are used only if the dog has fleas. Recently, an alternative to products has appeared - shampoos with cedar oil.

Caring for the Miniature Pinscher's coat is simple. The dog does not shed and has no specific odor. Required:

  • Brush periodically to avoid tangles.
  • A couple of times a year you will need trimming and removal of old hair.
  • Representatives of the breed are prone to obesity. Regular physical activity will help you avoid this problem. Try to think about your pet's diet.

Miniature Pinschers have short fur that provides little protection from the cold. Light frosts are tolerated. In extreme cold, you should limit your dog's walks. Some owners get out of the situation by purchasing warm overalls for their pet.

Miniature pinschers live 15-20 years and are considered the longest-livers among dogs. Representatives of the breed are recognized as ideal watchdogs. A dog barks loudly and loudly when a stranger approaches the protected area. Miniature Pinschers have a fearless nature. They are capable of getting into a fight with another animal, regardless of the latter’s size. In a fight, a representative of the breed is capable of becoming a serious contender.

When strangers see a miniature dog for the first time, they try to pet it. But the miniature pinscher does not allow everyone to touch him. Suspiciousness is considered an important character trait of a dog. Strong, healthy parents usually produce a healthy litter of 3-4 puppies.

When choosing a puppy, inspect the condition of the coat. A healthy dog ​​has a good appetite and is active. It is better to go to specialized nurseries with a good reputation to take care of your pet. It is advisable to choose the most active puppy from the litter, with excellent health and a cheerful character. Pinschers are usually friendly towards people. Dogs require early socialization, especially those who have spent more than 2 months in the kennel. The owner must prepare for the dog's long maturation. Even a two-year-old pinscher sometimes looks like a stupid puppy.

A correctly chosen and adequately trained representative of the breed instantly becomes a family favorite. He treats his family favorably, but with excessive attention he becomes very spoiled. From time to time, your miniature pinscher should be reminded who is boss. Try to avoid physical punishment; the miniature pinscher is touchy and vindictive.

Proper care of your Miniature Pinscher involves following basic hygiene rules. The dog always has clean ears, eyes, and nails are trimmed on time. There is no point in hoping that the claws will grind down on their own. Representatives of this species do not have much weight, they live mainly in houses or apartments, their claws simply do not have time to wear down, and it is imperative to monitor the condition of their paws. Otherwise, overgrown claws will lead to a dislocated paw while walking or playing.

Water procedures are performed only as needed. The dogs are clean and have no characteristic odor. Make sure that after washing the dog is not exposed to a draft; you should not take him outside after bathing. Dry your pet thoroughly. Representatives of the breed catch colds easily.

It is advisable to start hygiene procedures at an early age. Miniature Pinscher puppies have a positive attitude towards the procedures, accepting them as a kind of game. This is a good quality; later, in adulthood, the dog reacts calmly even to procedures that do not evoke positive emotions.

What to feed

The miniature pinscher requires little food, but high quality food. What to choose - dry food or natural food, the owner decides independently. Make sure that the food is filled with the nutrients and elements necessary for the dog’s body.

Representatives of the species are unpretentious in food, but the dog cannot eat from the owner’s table. The structure of the dog's body is different from the structure of the human body.

It is worth focusing on the main aspects of nutrition. It is better to feed representatives of the breed with natural products rather than specialized food. They often give meat, beef or horse meat is suitable. The rest of the diet is as follows:

  • Products of plant origin make up up to 1/3 of the total diet.
  • Poultry meat is introduced into the diet only after one year of age. Initially, the meat is offered carefully in small portions, carefully observing the pet’s reaction.
  • Pinschers are supposed to be fed once a day at a set time.

For Miniature Pinscher puppies, the diet is different. After the puppies reach the age of 1 month, the dogs begin to be fed with high-calorie foods with sufficient calcium content. During this period, active growth occurs in dogs and continues for up to 6 months. Then less calorie, nutritious foods are introduced into the diet.


Miniature Pinscher training begins at an early age. Pinschers have long been decorative lap dogs; they are wonderful watchdogs. Instinct is still alive in dogs. They clearly ensure that the boundaries of the home are not violated by uninvited guests, and without hesitation they will rush to protect the family and territory.

The Miniature Pinscher dog breed is easy to train. But the owner must constantly prove to the pet his dominant position. Many inexperienced breeders make a big mistake by not taking cute dogs seriously. In vain, the subsequently grown pinscher causes a lot of trouble, because it strives to take a leading position in the family and begins to prove to everyone that it is right. You should know how to care for and train a Miniature Pinscher before choosing an unusual, but loyal and devoted dog.

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