Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur in the year. What does a certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur look like?

Individual entrepreneur registration certificate is documentary evidence that state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur has been carried out. According to the current law of the Russian Federation, conducting any activity as an entrepreneur is possible only after registration of an individual entrepreneur has been carried out. This form of document can be issued after completion of certain registration actions.

Without this official paper, you will not be able to enter into any agreement or transaction aimed at making a profit. If a person continues to carry out business activities without having the appropriate document, he may be subject to criminal liability. If you want to have an official example in your hands that you really are conducting legal activities, then issue a certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur.

After you have registered as an individual entrepreneur, you are issued a certificate with a number that is considered unique. This code is an unchangeable detail of your certificate; it is indicated in any agreements and reports that are submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

Process of obtaining a certificate

What does it mean to receive a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur? During registration as an individual entrepreneur, a certificate is issued, which is a form that has a prescribed form, as well as a degree of protection against forgery. Information contained in this certificate:

  1. Name of the body that carried out the registration.
  2. Full name of an individual with individual entrepreneur status.
  3. Registration number of the individual entrepreneur in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  4. Date of registration.

If any government agency needs to identify an individual or clarify the period during which you carry out business activities, then your details of the individual entrepreneur registration certificate will help such a body. Remember that this is not just a certificate, but an official government document that has legal force.

The individual entrepreneur certificate is unlimited and is valid until the person expresses a desire to stop doing business in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

But it happens that you have already engaged in entrepreneurial activity, but you do not have any permitting document for this. Then how to obtain a certificate of state registration as an entrepreneur? Let's consider the rules and procedure for replacing a certificate.

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Replacement of certificate

According to the legislative document, the process of replacing the certificate of an individual entrepreneur is carried out after a written application from the businessman himself. There are the following cases of certificate replacement:

  1. Change of name.
  2. Gender change.
  3. Change of date or place of birth.
  4. Loss of the official sample.

In some cases, the Federal Tax Service has the right to exchange a certificate that has lost its original readable appearance, for example, after getting wet, burning, etc. In this situation, you will need to provide evidence that these defects were caused unintentionally. The easiest way out is to write an application to replace the registration certificate as a result of loss. Some businessmen who have already received their certificate of registration are in a hurry to laminate it, but this is not recommended. Quite often, Federal Tax Service employees express dissatisfaction with this matter. In addition, getting a good copy when scanning a laminated document is quite problematic.

The document should be stored carefully. If possible, make a copy of the certificate and have it certified by a notary for further provision to your partners. It will be enough to have a certificate certified by your own seal and signature. It is recommended to scan the document in a non-color version, as a multi-color duplicate suggests a counterfeit. Of course, you decide on your own how to save official paper. It is not recommended to store the original in the office or put it on public display.

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Relocation and replacement of certificate

There is an opinion that when changing place of residence, it is necessary to purchase a new certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur. However, this does not have to be done. The presence of individual entrepreneurship extends to all regions of Russia without any encumbrances. The only thing that needs to be done is to submit information for registration with the tax authority at the new place where the business activity will be carried out. Based on practice, most businessmen run their own business directly in the region of their permanent registration at their place of residence.

The certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur does not have regional restrictions, however, they may be considered by certain types of licenses, permits or approvals necessary for carrying out a certain type of activity. This should definitely be taken into account, and if there are no prohibitions from the Federal Tax Service employees, then the licensing authority has the right to demand that the violations be eliminated or the permitting document be suspended.

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Procedure for returning the certificate

Some businessmen, especially those whose business did not bring the expected income, are wondering about the return of the individual entrepreneur certificate. However, passing the certificate is not an easy task. This type of document, confirming the presence of state registration of a citizen in the register of individual entrepreneurs, is valid until the status of individual entrepreneur is removed from the individual. Therefore, suspension of business activity is possible only in a certain order, namely:

  1. With a written statement from an individual.
  2. After the court makes its decision.
  3. Death of a citizen who was an individual entrepreneur.
  4. The period allowing persons with foreign citizenship to work is ending.

This list is detailed and provides a specific process, which includes submitting the registration form. At the same time, if it is necessary to submit the certificate as required by law, for example, when a businessman is declared bankrupt, and the citizen avoids submitting the official paper, then a decision is made on the invalidity of the certificate. And if in the future the businessman continues to conduct his business, then such a business will be considered illegal, which will bring him to justice.

Any business activity in our country must be registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Citizens who have completed this procedure receive a certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

What it is

The paper described is an A4 format form, which confirms that its owner has actually completed the registration procedure. The document, as shown by the sample certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs in 2018, must indicate on what date the entrepreneur was registered and assigned the OGRNIP number.

Before receiving an officially certified ID, you must submit the following documents:

  • copy and original passport;
  • a notarized copy of the passport of a citizen of another state (all pages);
  • application for registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the fee;
  • document indicating the place of registration (extract from the house register or certificate of registration) - original and copy.

It is on the basis of the collected data that the future entrepreneur is assigned a certificate number of state registration of individual entrepreneurs. The application for registration must be drawn up in accordance with a certain sample using form P21001, which must indicate the TIN.

As for the financial side, the cost of the state duty is approximately 800 rubles. If desired, any applicant can choose not the usual, but the simplified taxation system. In this case, you will need a statement of desire to switch to this method of paying taxes.

If registration is carried out by a foreign citizen, then a residence permit is granted. It can be replaced by an official permit, which is also issued to foreigners for the period of their temporary residence in the territory of our state.

All specified documents must be submitted to the tax office at your place of residence.

What does a certificate look like?

Having carefully examined the sample, you will see at the bottom of it the following details of the certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs:

  • series;
  • number.

The series has 2 characters, the number is 9 digits. OGRNIP is fixed in the central part of the form and consists of 15 characters. The form also contains the name of the organization where the registration procedure was carried out. The lower part contains the data of the responsible person - his position, full name, signature.

It is worth noting that not everyone can register as an individual entrepreneur. An obstacle to obtaining the treasured document may be a criminal record or bankruptcy. Government and military personnel will also not become individual entrepreneurs. In other cases, the application review process usually has a positive result.

In the recent past, Individual Entrepreneur Registration Certificates have been cancelled. Now many citizens do not understand why, upon registration, they are not given an official document confirming the conduct of business activities. Let's look at the details of the changes.

Why was the Individual Entrepreneur Certificate cancelled, and what document is being issued instead?

The certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs was canceled by order of the Federal Tax Service No. ММВ - 7–14/481 dated 09/12/16, which came into force on 01/01/17. In accordance with this document, a new form was approved and the content of the document on making an entry in the individual entrepreneurs register was regulated . The text of the order can be found on the tax website, as well as on the online legal information portal.

These changes were required to improve the quality of service and simplify the procedure for interaction between citizens and organizations with the tax service. It is this reason that is indicated in the order as the basis for its approval. The result of the changes was a reduction in registration time from five to three working days.

Expert opinion

Maria Bogdanova

The measures taken to replace papers will help save money from the budget spent on the hologram and the security form on which the individual entrepreneur certificate was previously issued. However, the main goal of replacing the certificate is to improve the electronic interaction between the Federal Tax Service and citizens within the state. registration of individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and farms. In other words, the fewer documents you need to issue after registration, the faster the process itself will happen.

The certificates were replaced by the USRIP Record Sheet. This document confirms the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Register, i.e. it is an official document that confirms that the individual entrepreneur is registered and the corresponding entry is made in the register.

Important! Please note that Certificates issued before 01/01/17 remain valid and can be used as the main document confirming registration. However, if it is necessary to enter information about new services, a change of place of residence or other data of the entrepreneur, as well as if it is necessary to restore a document after loss, a Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs will be issued.

What information is reflected in the USRIP Record Sheet?

The USRIP record sheet does not apply to strict reporting documents. It is issued on regular A4 paper and does not contain a holographic sticker, series or number. According to the current legislation, the basis for the activity of an entrepreneur is OGRNIP, and not the Record Sheet, therefore it is issued on a simple sheet without additional protection. However, this document has an approved form No. 60009, which is Appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Federal Tax Service.

The USRIP record sheet does not apply to strict reporting documents

The USRIP Record Sheet reflects the following information:

  • unique number - OGRNIP;
  • information about what entry was made in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • name of the Federal Tax Service department;
  • Full name of the authorized person indicating the position held, as well as his signature;
  • seal of the registration authority.

The absence of one of the above information makes the document invalid. You can download a sample USRIP Record Sheet.

Receiving a Record Sheet

The process of registering or making changes to data and/or information about an individual entrepreneur is carried out in two stages. The first is preparing a package of documents. The second is submitting documents to the tax office at the citizen’s place of registration.

Package of documents

Required documents include:

  • application for registration of individual entrepreneurs of an approved sample according to form No. P21001;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • a receipt confirming that state fee for individual entrepreneur registration was paid.

Optional documents include:

  • TIN. It is provided if the citizen has it or is issued as a result of the registration procedure in his absence;
  • identification card of a foreign citizen, for persons who do not have Russian citizenship;
  • identification documents for stateless persons;
  • a document confirming the place of permanent registration in the absence of registration information;
  • Birth certificate, for persons whose passport does not contain information about the place of birth;
  • notarized power of attorney for citizens registering individual entrepreneurs with the help of an intermediary;
  • a document confirming permission from the guardianship authorities for entrepreneurial activities and parental consent to conduct activities, or a court decision confirming the full legal capacity of a citizen, or a Marriage Certificate for minor citizens.

How to choose OKVED codes?

After collecting documents, the entrepreneur must select OKVED codes to confirm information about the areas of activity that the individual entrepreneur will engage in. To do this, you can use the all-Russian classifier OKVED or OKVED-2.

Important! Please note that for all forms of legal relations that arose later than 01/01/14, from 01/01/17 the OKVED-2 classifier is in effect. The OKVED classifier is used only for legal relations that arose before December 31, 2013.

The classifier consists of 21 sections, each of which has its own subsections. In the application for registration of individual entrepreneurs, you must enter a code consisting of at least four digits. For example, 47.51 is a subgroup for conducting retail trade in textile products, which includes the sale of textiles and haberdashery products 47.51.1 and 47.51.2, respectively.

The classifier is divided into logical sections. For example, by selecting the “Trade” section, an entrepreneur can easily find an item that will relate to the selected type of sales.

The individual entrepreneur has the right to indicate one code or select a whole list of codes that best meet his needs. However, it should be noted that some types of activities may expand the mandatory package of documents. For example, a certificate of no criminal record for work in preschool institutions, schools, social or medical organizations.

How to fill out an application?

The application is submitted in form No. P21001, which consists of five sheets. The first sheet indicates:

  • Full name of the person registering the individual entrepreneur;
  • TIN (if available);
  • date, place of birth and citizenship.

The second sheet contains the following data:

  • citizen registration;
  • passport data;
  • residence index.

The third sheet is provided for foreigners and stateless persons. It contains the same information as on the second sheet for Russian citizens.

The fourth sheet is a place to indicate all selected OKVED codes, consisting of 4 or more digital characters.

On the fifth sheet, the applicant deciphers his full name, signs, indicates the procedure for obtaining registration documents and a contact phone number.

Important! The full name and signature must be written in black ink only in the presence of a tax official accepting the application.

You can submit an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur as follows:

  • when visiting a tax authority office in person;
  • on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia https://www.nalog.ru;
  • on the State Services portal https://www.gosuslugi.ru;
  • at the nearest MFC branch.

You can download a sample application.


The mandatory state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles. regardless of the form or place of submission of documents. When filing an application to terminate a business activity, the fee is 160 rubles.

The amount of the duty is established by law and is reflected on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia at: https://service.nalog.ru/gp2.do

This page is the first way to pay state fees. To do this, you need to go to the point provided for paying the registration fee, then fill in the applicant’s information and select a payment method. There are two of them:

  1. Cash. With its help, a receipt is generated in PDF format, which can be printed and paid at any bank.
  2. Cashless payments. It is designed for payment via the Internet, using online banks or electronic wallets (for example, Qiwi).

Users can also use the State Services portal. As in the previous method, this site allows you to pay without leaving your home: using a mobile phone, card, through the bank’s customer service, electronic money, or by generating a receipt for payment at any bank branch or post office.

Please note that as of May 2018, when paying the fee on the State Services portal using a phone, card or electronic money, there is a 30% discount

Payment can also be made at the MFC or at the Federal Tax Service office, directly when submitting documents.

Application for transition to simplified tax system

If it is necessary to work under a simplified taxation system, the applicant must inform the tax authority about this. To do this, you need to submit an application using the approved form 26.2–1.

In accordance with Article 346.13 of the Tax Code of Russia, if an entrepreneur submits a corresponding application within 30 days from the date of registration of an individual entrepreneur, then the date of entry into force of the simplified taxation system will be considered the date of registration of the individual entrepreneur. However, you can submit an application later, but in this case, it will come into force on January 1 of the year following the year of registration of the individual entrepreneur. You can download a sample application for the simplified tax system.

Registration period

The registration period depends on the place of application. If it was submitted by a citizen in person to a tax authority office or on the Federal Tax Service website, then the registration period is 3 business days. If you submit an application on the State Services portal or through the MFC, the period increases to 5 working days.

What to do if you lose your IP Certificate?

If an entrepreneur has already been registered, but has lost the Certificate, he can apply to the Federal Tax Service for its re-issuance. In place of the lost document, he will be given a Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs (USRIP) entry sheet, in accordance with the new form.

This service also requires payment of a state fee. Its size is 200 rubles. with the standard deadline for receiving new documents and 400 rubles. for urgent production.

  • The standard receipt period when submitting an application to the tax authority or on the Federal Tax Service website is 3 business days.
  • The standard period for receipt when submitting an application on the State Services portal or at the MFC is 5 working days.
  • Urgent receipt - 1 business day.

The application is written in any form. When applying, you will need a passport. Please note that not only the entrepreneur himself, but also any other third party can receive the Record Sheet, since this document does not contain confidential information.

Upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the cancellation of the Individual Entrepreneur Registration Certificate did not lead to any fundamental changes. However, with the help of this innovation, budget costs and the registration period for entrepreneurs have been significantly reduced.

Expert opinion

Maria Bogdanova

More than 6 years of experience. Specialization: contract law, labor law, social security law, intellectual property law, civil procedure, protection of the rights of minors, legal psychology

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an individual entrepreneur acts on the basis of his legal capacity, that is, the right to carry out commercial activities and subsequent receipt of profit is assigned to the businessman at the time of registration with the Federal Tax Service, when the established businessman receives registration documents. According to statistics, some businessmen believe that the individual entrepreneur registration certificate gives them authority, but this is a misconception. No registration document can confer rights on an entrepreneur.

In 2019, persons registered in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs since 2017 indicate in invoices, acts, contracts and any other documents the details from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs registration sheet. It also contains the OGRNIP, the date and name of the Federal Tax Service, which carried out the registration of the individual entrepreneur, and the full name of the individual.

Each entrepreneur who has officially registered his activities receives documentary evidence of individual entrepreneur registration. The individual entrepreneur certificate is a document that confirms the right of a citizen to engage in entrepreneurial activity in the territory of the Russian Federation

What is a certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs?

The certificate is a form that indicates the full name of the entrepreneur, the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) number, as well as the date of registration of the business activity. Without this paper, it will be impossible to conclude contracts and officially conduct business. Carrying out business activities without appropriate registration with the tax authority may entail penalties from 500 to 2000 rubles. More severe types of punishment are also possible, therefore, before starting any legal business, you should carry out registration measures and obtain an individual entrepreneur certificate.

This paper has a unique number, by which you can easily determine whether the document is genuine. To do this, just go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service, where in the “Check the counterparty” service, to obtain information about the owner you will need to enter in special forms
OGRN and TIN number of an individual entrepreneur.

Fiscal control employees check the authenticity of the document using the fifteenth digit of the number, which is a control digit and allows you to perform the check without accessing the Internet service.

How to obtain an individual entrepreneur certificate?

Every entrepreneur who has registered his activities in the manner prescribed by law receives an individual entrepreneur certificate. To carry out registration actions, you will need to prepare the following documents:

When filling out documents, you should carefully enter personal data into the application form. Entering incorrect data may result in refusal to register an individual entrepreneur. Re-registration, in this case, will be possible only after re-payment of the state fee. Particular attention should be paid to the correct writing of OKVED codes. If an incorrect coding is included in the application for an individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneur will receive the right to engage in commercial activities in a completely different direction than originally planned.

The amount of taxes paid and the number of documents submitted to the tax authority will depend on the correct writing of OKVED codes. For some categories of business activities, a smaller percentage of contributions to the Pension Fund is charged, so you need to select only those codes that are necessary for carrying out business activities.

If you have any difficulties with paperwork, you can use the help of various intermediary firms who will prepare all the necessary documents for a reasonable fee. Registration of an individual entrepreneur takes several days, after which a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur will be issued, or the aspiring entrepreneur will receive a refusal. To obtain a certificate, a citizen must personally visit the tax authority at his place of residence. To obtain this paper you will need to present your original passport.

Features of receiving by foreign citizens

In order to obtain an individual entrepreneur certificate, foreign citizens will need to take into account some of the specifics of such paperwork. In order to register business activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, a non-resident will need to have temporary registration. In the absence of documentary evidence of temporary residence in the Russian Federation, it will be impossible to obtain this paper.

The procedure for processing documents is practically no different from the registration procedure for citizens of the Russian Federation, but you will need to provide the tax authority with an additional document confirming the legality of the foreign citizen’s presence on the territory of the Russian Federation. All documentation is prepared exclusively in Russian.

This document contains the following information:

  • Name of the authority that issued the document.
  • IP registration date.
  • Full name of the entrepreneur.
  • Unique certificate number.

This document confirms the entry of the individual entrepreneur into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, by which it will be possible to determine the authenticity of the registration of business activities and identify the owner of this paper.

Validity period of the certificate

The individual entrepreneur certificate is an unlimited document, but in some cases it will be necessary to issue a new document.

The certificate is replaced in the following cases:

  • Loss of IP certificate.
  • Changing the passport data of an individual entrepreneur.

When receiving a new passport, in which the full name will be different from the document that was submitted for registration of business activities, you will need to submit an application to amend the individual entrepreneur certificate.

After the new document is received, it is necessary to notify the pension fund and compulsory health insurance as soon as possible about the changes made in the documentation. After receiving a new passport and individual entrepreneur certificate, you should visit the bank where the account was opened when registering the individual entrepreneur to make changes. If an individual entrepreneur has officially registered employees, then after changing the registration data, new entries will need to be made in the employees’ work books.

If a document is lost or stolen, then in this case you will also need to obtain a new document. In this case, you must write a free-form application by contacting the service where the original individual entrepreneur certificate was issued. In addition to the application, you will need to pay a state fee to obtain a new certificate. A duplicate certificate will be issued within 5 working days, but if an urgent replacement is required, an additional fee will be required.

When changing your permanent place of residence, you do not need to replace your individual entrepreneur certificate. It is enough to provide a photocopy of an existing document to the tax authority at the place of registration in order to carry out registration actions with the tax service at the new place of residence.

Despite the fact that it is quite simple to obtain a duplicate of an individual entrepreneur’s certificate, you should handle the original document very carefully. It is not recommended to laminate this document. In this case, it is not always possible to establish the authenticity of the certificate, the quality of the paper and seals during control checks by the relevant control authorities.

When making transactions with counterparties, it is also necessary to present a copy of the document, which will be certified by the seal of the individual entrepreneur. The seal should be purchased at the stage of preparing documents for obtaining a certificate. Despite the fact that this is not necessary, documents certified by a seal are more trusted, and the entrepreneur will have a higher status in comparison with his colleagues who do not have a seal.

Submission of the IP certificate

A certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur is submitted in the following cases:

  • When a citizen independently terminates entrepreneurial activity.
  • By court decision to terminate business activities.
  • Due to the death of the owner of the IP certificate.

In case of temporary cessation of business activity as a punishment, this paper is not required to be submitted to the local tax authority. Suspension of business activities can be imposed by a court for up to 90 days. After this time, the entrepreneur can begin operating again.

In contact with

Since the beginning of 2017, a registration sheet issued has been issued as confirmation that an individual has completed the entire procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur. Previously, a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs was issued. After January 2017, can an entrepreneur act on the basis of a previously received certificate?

Individual entrepreneur registration

To register as an individual entrepreneur, a future businessman needs to contact the tax authority at his place of residence. Place of residence is determined by the registration mark in the passport. If a citizen does not have a permanent place of residence (there is no registration mark in the passport), then the citizen can apply for registration at his place of residence.

The main documents that need to be submitted to the tax office are:

  • application in form N P21001 (requirements for filling out such an application are specified in Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 N ММВ-7-6/25@);
  • copy of the passport;
  • paid state duty receipt (its amount is 800 rubles).

A receipt for payment of the duty can be prepared in advance using the electronic service on the Federal Tax Service website.

Confirmation of registration is the registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

You cannot combine business activities:

  • notaries;
  • municipal and government employees;
  • military personnel;
  • employees of the prosecutor's office and security agencies.

The prohibition on conducting business activities by these persons is expressly provided for by law.

A future entrepreneur can register as an individual entrepreneur at his place of residence. The Civil Code determines that the place of residence of a citizen is the address at which the individual is registered. The rules for such registration are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 N 713.

It is worth noting that an individual can reside:

  • at the place of stay;
  • at the place of residence.

Record sheet instead of certificate

Since the beginning of 2017, the document confirming the registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur has become a registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The registration sheet indicates OGRNIP (main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur).

Individual entrepreneur acting on the basis of a certificate

Until January 2017, as confirmation of registration as an individual entrepreneur, an individual was issued a certificate - a strict reporting document on printed form. But since January, the Order of the Federal Tax Service has approved recording sheets that are issued instead of certificates. But all previously issued certificates do not lose their validity. Therefore, entrepreneurs can use them.

Individual entrepreneur registration certificate: what does it look like?

The certificate must be issued on a special printed form.

Such a document contains the following degrees of protection that are worth paying attention to:

  • number;
  • series;
  • hologram;
  • protective pattern.

In order to obtain comprehensive information about the entrepreneur, you can contact the tax office to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. This service is paid. You can get only partial information about a businessman for free. But this information can also be valuable.

Restoration of individual entrepreneur certificate

It will be impossible to restore the certificate, for example if it is lost, since such a document is no longer issued. In return, the tax authority will issue a registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The new document is drawn up in a simpler format: on plain paper (not on printed form) without any degrees of security and without a number or series (since it is not a strict reporting document). This is due to the fact that the individual entrepreneur carries out its activities on the basis of OGRNIP, and not any document.

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