Table of sleep and wakefulness of a child from 0. Daily sleep norm for a newborn. Why sleep is important for a child

A child's sleep patterns vary depending on age:

In the first or second week In life, a newborn needs to sleep 16.5 hours a day. At the same time, it is important for him to sleep at least four times during the day.

From one to three months The baby's sleep rate is 15–15.5 hours a day (three times or more during the day).

Six-month-old children you need to sleep 14.5 hours (and at least twice during the day).

Aged 9 months- The child’s sleep norm is 14 hours (and twice during the day).

IN 1 year- 13.5 hours (and at least 1 time during the day).

IN 2 years- 13 hours (and also - 1 time during the day).

IN 3 years- 12 hours (and 1 time during the day).

WITH 4 years 11.5 hours is enough for a child. During the day he may no longer sleep.

WITH 5 to 9 years Sleep norm is 10–11 hours.

WITH 10 to 15 years- 9–10 hours.

If the child doesn't get enough sleep, then parents can always understand this by the following signs:

  • It is difficult to wake up a child. And if you don’t wake him up, he’ll easily sleep for more than an hour.
  • The baby is capricious, becomes excitable, absent-minded, and inactive.
  • The child sucks a lot on the pacifier (or his own finger).
  • The child has frequent nightmares.
  • On car trips he immediately falls asleep while driving.
  • The child begins to fall behind in school.
How to put a child to sleep: recommendations

1. Get ready for bed in advance (about half an hour in advance).

Warn your baby that he will soon go to bed: this will allow him to finish all his business. Let the child be mentally prepared and have time to watch the cartoon or complete the game. The main thing is that evening games are not noisy and active and set the mood for a calm mood.

2. Always put your baby to bed at the same time.

The routine is important for both children and parents. If you go to bed at 9 pm every day, sooner or later your child will develop the habit of falling asleep at this time.

3. Give your child a chance to choose his own pajamas, bath toys, and other little things.

4. Ritual is important.

Rituals are very important for kids - certain sequences of actions that are repeated every day. This creates a psychologically comfortable environment for them, gives them a feeling of security and confidence.

For example, do the same actions every evening: bathe your child, then read him a book or turn on an audio fairy tale, kiss your child before bed. It is important that the actions always go in the same order.

5. Create a warm family atmosphere, don't be nervous. Children really need the understanding of adults and a calm, friendly atmosphere at home. If possible, listen to your child’s opinion and praise him more often for his achievements.

6. Follow a routine once established.

If you teach your child to fall asleep at the same time, stick to your decision and don’t change the rules. The baby will definitely try to test your strength - don’t give in, your firmness will make it easier for both him and you later.

Parents of a newborn baby should understand that the baby's sleep by month affects the proper development of the body. Every month of life outside the mother's womb is different for a baby in terms of sleep. Much here depends on the actions of the parents themselves. The speed of metabolic processes, the individual characteristics of the baby’s body, and temperament also leave an imprint. These factors make it difficult for an infant to fall asleep quickly.

Pediatricians have developed general sleep standards by month for infants under 1 year of age. They report the amount of time the child spends sleeping. The presented values ​​are optimal for the specified age, and if parents adhere to them, then the newborn looks rested and cheerful during the day, feels good and develops correctly.

Quality sleep affects the development of all internal organs and systems of the baby. Young children are more active during the day. They love to crawl and explore the qualities of unfamiliar objects and things. Staying awake tires a small body, so at the end of the day, kids literally collapse. Naturally, the baby needs time to recover wasted energy and get proper rest. A newborn's sleep is precisely the period when a tired body recovers.

The following processes take place in it:

Insufficient rest and poor sleep in infants causes aggression, tearfulness, impulsiveness, and absent-mindedness. Children who have problems sleeping also develop hyperactivity syndrome. Before one year of age, babies develop behavioral reactions. If during this period of time the rest does not meet the norms, after several years of life the child’s behavior causes many complaints.

Sleep patterns in babies under 1 year of age: a useful table for young parents

Parents of the baby should take care of the correct sleep and rest schedule, preventing developmental delays. The following table shows the average sleep standards for a child under 1 year of age.

The given sleep norms for a child under one year are approximate and conditional. They are influenced by the baby’s temperament, the quality of his health, and the general condition of the body.

Some babies like to rest during the day, others at night. It happens that a baby does not want to sleep during the day, but parents are obliged to ensure that he rests (good health and well-being depends on this).

The first 3 months of life are the main thing for all newborns - long rest. Immediately after birth, the baby should sleep for 17-18 hours. By the 3rd month of his life, the baby should gain 15-17 hours of sleep per day. A newborn is awake for 3-4 hours. Continuous night rest begins in babies at about 8 months, and before that, babies can wake up several times a night. To maintain the health of the child and protect themselves from worries, parents must develop a rest regime for their child and strictly follow it. The following tips will help you create the right daily routine for your baby.

  1. Pay attention when your child is tired. Keep in mind that a 3-month-old baby feels tired after just 2 hours of activity. If he is not put to bed in a timely manner, the baby will begin to be capricious and it will be more difficult to persuade him to lie down in the crib.
  2. Teach your baby to engage in active play during the day and to sleep at night. Some kids are so hyperactive that they continue to play in the middle of a completely dark room. It is better not to disturb such children at night, after feeding. When they are awake, play active games with them, but as bedtime approaches, reduce the tone of conversation, stop all games, turn down the volume on the phone and TV (or turn off the devices completely). Let your baby intuitively feel the need to fall asleep.
  3. Don't sit with your baby all the time, let him fall asleep on his own. At 6-8 weeks of age (3 months), children should enter a state of sleep on their own, without lulling, lullabies or rocking the crib.
  4. Give your baby a light swaddle before bed. Children aged 2-3 months wake up at night not only because they want to eat. They are awakened by loud noises or involuntary movements made by a tired little body in their sleep. Pediatricians recommend lightly swaddling babies before bed, which will avoid sudden movements and provide the newborn with quality rest.
  5. Don't rock your baby to sleep. Children do not always like the process of motion sickness. Some babies are nervous, have trouble falling asleep, and show restlessness in their sleep. Constant motion sickness is addictive, and subsequently the baby does not want to fall asleep without it.

The main thing for children under 3 months is healthy and long sleep. Keep periods of wakefulness short so that the newborn’s psyche is not overloaded.

Toddlers, whose age reaches 3-6 months, sleep 15-17 hours a day. During the day, the duration of their rest is 6-8 hours (3-4 times for 2 hours with breaks for wakefulness). At night, babies of this age sleep 15-17 hours, waking up several times to feed. The task of parents at this stage of development of the baby is to instill in him the right habits.

Putting your baby to bed can be a real torture for parents. Little stubborn people refuse to go to bed and respond to adults’ requests by crying and screaming. It is impossible to leave a fidget in an upset state, because this will aggravate the situation and lead to nightly hysterics. Adults should better study the preferences of a newborn baby, so that later they can calm him down with their help.

The main task of parents of a 3-6 month old baby is to instill in him a sense of the benefits and necessity of sleep. The child should not be overtired, because due to an excess of emotions and an abundance of impressions, he will not be able to fall asleep normally in the evening.

Babies aged 6-9 months can nap for up to 15 hours during the day. At night they sleep uninterruptedly, taking about 7 hours. If the duration of night dreams is longer than the specified norm, the baby probably woke up, but then fell asleep again on his own. The optimal sleep schedule for infants 3-6 months during the daytime is 2-3 times for 2 hours, and at night from 10 to 11 hours.

Parents of a six-month-old baby should follow these tips to get him to sleep quickly and without problems.

If you put your baby to bed at the same time of day, but he continues to be restless during his sleep, try moving his rest schedule back 30 minutes. Typically, this technique helps parents cope with the problem of anxiety in a sleeping newborn.

With sleep, a child under one year old undergoes various metamorphoses. It can be bad, long-lasting, restless, short. Only at 9-12 months is noticeable progress observed. The tiny man has already grown up and sleeps 12 hours at night. Day rest of 2 hours is also maintained. The mother of the newborn has thoroughly studied the recommendations for putting her to bed and successfully implements them. The baby’s emotional state and the amount of free energy change rapidly due to the progress in the development of physical abilities. Active children take their first steps.

Parents themselves can provide the baby with a good rest, without terrible dreams, by adhering to the following recommendations.

  1. Maintain the optimal temperature in the room where the baby sleeps. Before going to bed, remove all toys away from the crib. If the baby wakes up at night, he will not have the desire to play.
  2. Choose clothes for nighttime sleep in such a way that they do not put pressure on the baby’s neck or rub the skin.
  3. A child's toys should be large and not have small parts. Remember that at 9-12 months, children become inquisitive and want to not only touch an object, but also taste it. They can swallow small parts of toys, which is very dangerous.
  4. Parents of the baby should also set aside time for rest. Rest is especially necessary for women who are breastfeeding.
  5. There should be no noise around the child while he is resting. If he sleeps deeply, he may not hear extraneous sounds. However, there are also superficial phases of sleep, when the baby sensitively reacts to the slightest sound vibrations in the air. He wakes up from loud voices, stomping and clapping, and it is difficult to put the baby down again.

A baby's sleep schedule by month will help you quickly establish a newborn's rest routine. If the process of falling asleep occurs with difficulties, parents should consult a pediatrician.

Perhaps the baby reacts this way to itching, pain or illness. The local doctor will examine him and find out the causes of his sleep problems.

Every parent knows that rest is one of the main factors in the full development of a person, on which physical and psychological health depends. In the active phase of sleep, the child sometimes twitches his arms and legs, his eyeballs move, and his eyes even open slightly for a few seconds. This means that even in a state of rest, a person’s thought processes do not fade away.

Scientists have found that while dozing, a child’s brain works more actively and processes information received while awake. When the baby falls into deep sleep, the body completely relaxes and restores its strength, producing growth hormone. Adequate rest is also responsible for good immunity. Therefore, long and healthy sleep is very important for the growth and development of the baby.

Features of infant sleep

The duration of rest depends on the age and individual characteristics of the person. Babies sleep almost constantly, waking up to eat and going back to sleep. By the end of the first month of life, the baby's biological clock begins to work, and he feels the difference between day and night. Night sleep becomes longer, but the need for daytime rest remains.

A newborn cannot sleep all night long. Its ventricle is too small to hold much food, so small children need to eat at night. With the right routine, after night feeding, the baby instantly falls asleep. When the sleep pattern is disturbed, the child will be nervous and cry bitterly. The baby needs to be taught to play during the day and rest at night.

Before bedtime, babies are soothed with baths and lullabies. Some parents put their newborn to sleep next to them and then move them to a crib. This can be done if it is easier for him to doze off with his mother.

Below is a table of average baby sleep time by month:

Month of life Night sleep (h) Daytime sleep (h) Daily sleep requirement (hours)
Up to a month 8-9 8-9 16-18
1 8-9 8-9 16-18
2 9-10 7-8 16-18
3 10 7 17
4 10 5-6 15-16
5 10 5 15
6 10 4 14
7 10 3-4 13-14
8 10 3-4 13-14
9 10 2-4 12-14
10 10 2-4 12-14
11 10 2-3 12-13
1 year 10 2-3 12-13

A baby's sleep by month is given for planning the day. There is no need to force the baby to sleep or interrupt his rest. The duration of naps depends on various psychological, physical factors and even the character of the child. If he sleeps for a short time, but is generally alert and active, then there is no reason to worry.

In the first days after birth, the baby can rest for up to 20 hours. However, each person is individual. Your baby's readings may differ from the table figures by an hour to an hour and a half. But if they go far beyond the normal range, parents need to contact their pediatrician.

In the first 3 months of life

Babies need a lot of rest: 17-18 hours after birth, 15-17 hours by 3 months of life. Wakefulness lasts 3-4 hours. By the 8th week, some babies no longer wake up at night, but for most, uninterrupted night sleep stabilizes for 5-6 months. For the health of the child and your peace of mind, it is very important to maintain a routine.

The following tips will help you develop a normal daily routine:

A 2-3 month old baby may wake up frequently not only because of the need to eat. Try to swaddle your baby so that he does not wake himself up with involuntary movements.

Don't rock your baby constantly. Perhaps the child does not like this process, he will be nervous and have difficulty falling asleep. Or the baby will develop a habit and you will have to rock him constantly.

At 3-6 months

Toddlers rest 15-17 hours a day for 3-4 months, 10-11 of which are at night. During the day, babies can take 3-4 naps for 2 hours each. The mother wakes up several times at night to feed the baby. The quality of his sleep depends largely on what habits his parents instill in him. Desirable:

Children of this age have already begun to explore the world; it can be difficult for them to fall asleep due to overexcitation and accumulated emotions. Don't overtire your child. Your main task is to instill in your baby the feeling that sleep is necessary and pleasant.

Going to bed should not cause any discomfort in the newborn. Some children refuse to rest, cry and scream loudly. Leaving your child alone in this state will have the opposite effect: the baby will become even more upset and may throw a tantrum at night. You need to pay attention to what calms him best and use it based on your baby's preferences.

At 6-9 months

People at this age sleep up to 15 hours a day. The duration of uninterrupted night sleep increases to 7 hours. If your child rests longer than this, he may have woken up but was able to go back to sleep on his own. An indicator of a good regime is rest for 2 hours 2-3 times during the day, 10-11 hours at night.

To put a six-month-old infant to sleep, you need:

When the baby refuses to go to bed and begins to be capricious, do not rush to please him. Check to see if he's really upset about something or if it's just a little trick to extend playtime and get more attention. If your baby is really upset, try to take action.

At this age, the baby has already learned to sit, roll from side to side, crawl, and perhaps even stand up on his own. He happily practices during the time set aside for rest. Half asleep, the baby may try to sit up or stand up, but it can be difficult for him to lie down on his own. He finally awakens and begins to call for help. Calm him down and help him get comfortable.

If you notice that your child goes to bed at the same time in the evening, but his night sleep is restless, try shifting the rest half an hour earlier. This technique gives good results.

At 9-12 months

Progress is obvious: the baby has grown up, and his nightly sleep lasts up to 12 hours. The daily two-hour rest is maintained. Mom is familiar with all the styling recommendations and successfully follows them.

Physical abilities at this age are rapidly progressing, children can even take a couple of steps. All this affects the energy and emotional state of the child. It must develop, but during the period reserved for active games.

At night, the baby may cry and be upset because of the fear of being abandoned, and feel the desire to be close to you. Don't refuse him, hug him and he will immediately calm down.

Make sure your baby sleeps on his back. Make sure you have a firm mattress with a strong support structure. The distance between the bed rails should not exceed 5 cm. The baby's face should be left open while sleeping. You should choose a lightweight blanket that will cover only your legs. There is no need to raise it above chest level. You can tuck the ends under the mattress so that the baby does not open up.

Maintain the optimal temperature in the room. Remove toys from the crib so that your baby won't have the urge to play if he suddenly wakes up. Use only simple, small toys without small parts for the safety of the child. Wear T-shirts and undershirts that do not put pressure on your neck.

Parents also need to get proper rest. Don't resist the urge to take a nap while your baby is sleeping. Rest is especially important for nursing mothers.

If all the above methods did not help you, and the process of falling asleep is difficult, contact your local pediatrician. The child may be bothered by pain, itching, or signs of other diseases, the identification of which requires consultation with a doctor and examination.

Sleep is a very important part of every person's life. Important and quite lengthy. It is believed that the average person spends a third of his life in a state of sleep. Starting from childhood, parents monitor the child’s waking hours and the duration of his sleep. These actions provide the body with complete rest, restoration of strength and energy.

Sleep norm for children 3-4 years old. Day and night sleep

For children 3-4 years old, the sleep norm is 11-12 hours. Ideally, this time would be 2 hours of daytime sleep and 10 hours of night sleep. It happens that at this age a child stops sleeping during the day. Accordingly, lack of sleep begins. In this case, you need to try to add these two hours to your night's sleep, so that you get a total of 12 hours.

In children under 5-7 years of age, sleep is divided into daytime and nighttime. Daytime sleep has no less positive effect on the baby’s body and his psychological state. However, the child does not always agree to go to bed during the day. The older he is, the more difficult it is to put him down. There is no need to force or yell at the baby. You should try to persuade him, explain this need and create the most favorable conditions for sleep.

These conditions include the indoor microclimate (humidity 50-65% and temperature 18-20 degrees) and the degree of illumination of the room. Before going to bed, it is advisable to go for a walk and increase physical activity so that fatigue and the need to sleep appear. The atmosphere at home should be calm; you can play a light one before bed (preferably classics, sounds of nature or a lullaby). Another proven remedy is reading a book before bed or listening to an audio story. The same methods apply to putting your baby to bed in the evening.

Benefits of sleep

Thanks to proper sleep, the child’s syndrome of overwork and hyperfatigue disappears, vigor and strength appear for everyday activities and full growth. Thanks to sleep, the processes of mental and physical development proceed normally, the child’s learning ability increases, and brain function improves. The child is in a good mood, he is calm and confident.

Consequences of poor sleep

The amount of sleep greatly affects a child's behavior and health. With a lack of sleep, the child feels a loss of strength, becomes very irritable and restless. The nervous system is overexcited, as a result the child is in a bad mood, prone to hysterics and tearfulness.

Children have this peculiarity: if they want to sleep, they cannot calm down on their own. The child is very noisy and overly active. He plays around and refuses to go to bed himself. May cry for no apparent reason, requires constant attention from parents, and asks to be held. This is a very unhealthy condition that can lead to negative consequences - the child may become more withdrawn, there is a feeling of self-doubt and, as a result, sometimes there is a problem of adaptation in children's educational institutions.

Poor sleep negatively affects the formation of a normal nervous system. A connection was also found with slower growth of the baby. This is due to the fact that growth hormones are produced during sleep. It’s not for nothing that parents tell their children that they grow up in their sleep and therefore need to sleep a lot.

Contents of the article

Healthy and sound sleep is no less important for the growth and development of a baby than good nutrition - it is not without reason that nature intended that in the first months of life a newborn is awake much less than he rests. This means that providing all the necessary conditions for this is one of the most important tasks of parents of a baby. They will not only have to take care of a comfortable crib and a suitable temperature in the room, but also maintain the correct daily routine, having found out in advance what sleep standards exist for children under one year old, and how can one understand that the baby is getting too little rest and is overtired?

Why sleep is important for a child

It is not for nothing that pediatricians pay special attention to the norms of sleep and wakefulness of a child up to one year old - this is the time of the most active growth and development of the baby, requiring a lot of strength and energy. And in order to “recharge”, the baby just needs proper rest. But that’s not all: during sleep, tissue regeneration is activated, growth hormone is produced, muscles develop, immune cells are formed, and the brain gets the opportunity to process a huge amount of information coming from the outside world and consolidate acquired skills. Rest is also extremely important for a child’s nervous system - only after getting enough sleep can he start the day in a cheerful mood and devote it to new discoveries.

A small reminder to parents

It has been proven that for children under one year old to feel good, they need not only sound, but also long sleep. Without it, they can be aggressive, whiny and agitated, showing signs of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. If a baby rests less than normal, these problems, as a rule, only get worse with age, leaving an imprint on his behavior as a whole. Therefore, it is so important for parents to pay attention not only to the child’s weight gain and height, the number of feedings and breaks between them, but also to the baby’s sleep standards, creating all the conditions for his full development.

Baby's sleep from birth to one year

A newborn baby can rest up to 20 hours a day, waking up only to eat. This regime allows his body to quickly adapt to the new conditions in which he found himself after leaving the womb. At this time, the baby's sleep is especially deep, so it can be difficult to wake him up, even if the room is noisy and the bright lights are on.

But time passes, and the situation gradually changes - the baby becomes more and more interested in the world around him, periods of wakefulness become longer, and in order to rock him to sleep again, considerable efforts have to be made. Of course, with docile and calm babies there may not be such problems, but parents of more temperamental children often wonder whether they get enough rest and have time to regain the energy they spent? For this case, pediatricians even developed a special table with sleep standards for children from birth to one year. It clearly shows how, as the child grows, the daily routine of the baby gradually changes - infants, according to months of life, can be divided into several age groups, and each has its own duration of day and night rest.

During the first 4 weeks of life, newborns can sleep 18-20 hours a day, with breaks for feeding, without feeling much difference between day and night. But already at the end of this period, a certain daily routine begins to develop, and from 1 to 3 months, infants sleep, as a rule, 6-7 hours during the day and 8-11 hours at night. By 5 months, the duration of daytime sleep is reduced by 60-90 minutes, and nighttime sleep, on the contrary, increases, that is, the baby gradually gets used to the “adult” lifestyle.

Healthy baby sleep has a beneficial effect on parents' mood

Six-month-old children most often rest no more than 2-3 hours during the day, and 10-12 hours at night. Over the next 6 months, periods of wakefulness increase only due to a reduction in daytime sleep - at night, babies up to one year old still sleep 10-12 hours, and daytime rest gradually decreases from 2-3 hours at 7-8 months to 60 minutes per year.

Sleep from 0 to 3 months

The first week after birth, the baby spends almost all of his time sleeping - this makes it easier for his fragile body, which is encountering the outside world for the first time, to adapt to new conditions. Parents should not worry about this or, especially, wake up the child, fearing that he is sleeping too much. Gradually, periods of activity will increase - in the first days, newborns fall asleep immediately after or even during feeding, by the end of the month they are quite capable of staying awake for about 60 minutes, and at the age of 3 months, before falling asleep again, babies can actively get acquainted with their surroundings 1 ,5-2 hours. In any case, it is better for parents to closely monitor the child's condition and try to rock him to sleep at the first signs of drowsiness to avoid overtiredness.

Infants' nighttime rest is rarely continuous - during the first few months of life, they wake up briefly several times to eat. The number of night feedings depends on the child’s daily routine - children whose parents put them to bed at 8-9 pm usually wake up 2-3 times before the morning, and those who are used to falling asleep later may limit themselves to one feeding.

Sleep from 3 to 6 months

During this period, the total daily sleep time gradually decreases, and by the age of six months it is about 12-15 hours. At night, the baby can sleep continuously for 6-7 hours in a row, giving the mother the opportunity to rest. The need for night feedings gradually decreases - if a child aged 4-6 months is not bothered by anything, he rarely wakes up in the middle of the night more than once to eat.

In addition to sleep, you need to monitor your waking hours

If the baby has had a good night's sleep, his periods of wakefulness increase to 2-2.5 hours in a row. Parents have the opportunity to adjust the daily routine taking into account the individual characteristics of the child - by this age it becomes clear what time he likes to wake up, and when, tired, he begins to be capricious. As a rule, over the course of 3 months, the duration of daytime sleep is gradually reduced, and by 6 months, babies are already sleeping for only 2 hours at noon and after lunch.

Sleep from 6 to 9 months

At this time, children still sleep 2 times during the day, but no more than 90 minutes in a row, and active games can last up to 3-3.5, and by 9 months - 4 hours. The usual routine that is established during this period lasts, as a rule, up to 2-3 years, so it is extremely important for parents to develop an optimal schedule and, if possible, stick to it, thus avoiding problems with evening bedtime, whims and overwork of the child. Experts recommend, starting from the age of 7-9 months, to practice certain rituals with your child that will help him get ready for rest - put away toys together, put his favorite teddy bear in his crib, put on beautiful pajamas with an interesting pattern, or read a bedtime story.

By the age of 8-9 months, many children go the whole night without feeding, and after waking up for a short time, they can easily fall asleep again on their own, without crying and without waiting for motion sickness. To make rest at night even stronger, parents of babies of this age should gradually give up evening sleep - having rested in the afternoon, the baby will wake up active and in a good mood, while sleeping after sunset can cause whims and tearfulness.

Memo to parents

Sleep from 9 to 12 months

At the end of the first year of life, actively developing babies no longer experience such a great need for long rest - it is enough for them to sleep 12-14 hours a day. About 10-12 hours of this time are spent on continuous night sleep, without feeding or rocking. During the day, children aged 10-12 months often sleep only once, refusing midday rest and falling asleep after lunch for 2-2.5 hours. If, with such a schedule, the baby remains active and cheerful, it is better for parents not to persistently try to put him in the crib, provoking tears and whims. The main thing you need to focus on is the well-being and mood of the child, who, through his behavior, may well make it clear whether he has time to properly rest during the time spent in sleep.

Baby's daily routine

By following a certain daily routine, it is much easier for parents to provide their baby with everything necessary: ​​good nutrition, rest, comfortable conditions for physical and intellectual development, as well as take care of his hygiene and natural needs. With this approach, mom and dad can plan their own affairs, managing to do work, ordinary household chores and paying attention to the baby. But in order for the baby to be comfortable both at night and during the day, remember: a constant regime of day and night rest should ensure his good health and mood, and not become the cause of whims and hysterics. This means that when creating such a routine, it is important to first of all take into account the needs and individual characteristics of the child himself.

Don't forget about simple rituals before bed

  1. Morning. First feeding (between 5 and 9 am), hygiene procedures, gymnastics, massage, air baths, and then sleep.
  2. Day. Active games, walks, feeding and rest (at noon and afternoon).
  3. Evening. Water procedures, preparation for a night's rest, feeding and sleep.
  4. Night. Rest with short breaks for feeding.

It is at night that it is especially important to take care of the baby’s comfort - if the baby does not get enough sleep, he will not have enough strength to actively explore the world and develop during the day. Therefore, parents should make sure that the baby’s room is not too noisy, there are no bright lights on, and also maintain a normal temperature in the bedroom, change wet clothes on time and do not skip evening feedings so that the baby does not wake up from hunger.

Signs that you're not getting enough sleep

If a baby sleeps 1-2 hours less than he should at his age, but feels well, does not cry or is capricious for no reason, parents should not make excessive efforts and try to rock him to sleep. But how do you understand that your baby still doesn’t have enough time for proper rest? We can say that a child is really not getting enough sleep if he:

  • restless and distracted while awake, constantly nervous, refuses to play independently and calms down only in the arms of adults;
  • screams and cries in the evenings, tosses and turns for a long time and resists attempts to rock him to sleep;
  • at night wakes up several times before midnight, just 1-2 hours after going to bed;
  • eats poorly and gains little weight.

Faced with such a problem, parents first of all need to look for the sources of the baby’s anxiety - perhaps he is not getting enough sleep because intestinal colic or teething are bothering him, or maybe the reason lies in an incorrect daily routine and hyperfatigue syndrome. But in both cases, the situation must be changed for the better, creating all the conditions for the harmonious growth and development of the child.

But, of course, despite generally accepted norms, parents should not forget that every baby is individual from the first day of life, and his need for sleep and rest largely depends on temperament and the speed of processes occurring in the body. This means that “tailoring” a child to standard indicators is not the right decision. And when the baby is healthy, cheerful and active, then, perhaps, it’s not so scary if he sleeps an hour more or less than he should.

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