The secret of underground civilization. Underground civilization of planet Earth. The mystery of the underground tunnels

Dungeon Dwellers

This story happened a month and a half ago in the small village of Selek. Local boys were wandering around the forest and came across a strange stone. And on it, just like in a fairy tale, it is written: “If you go to the right, you will find a horse, to the left, you will find a wife, and if you go down, you will find treasures and a new world.” Well, they began to look for how to get down. As a result, a stone circle with an iron ring was found right in front of the stone. What is most interesting is that the ring is not rusty, but like it was made yesterday. They brought friends to the rescue, and they opened the entrance, and there were steps down. The guys turned out to be reasonable and decided to postpone the descent the next day - take lanterns, ropes, food and other adventure nonsense. Several days passed, and on Saturday they returned to the find. And they climbed down. We went down to the end of the steps and decided, as in Greek myths, to tie a string so as not to get lost - I say, smart guys. They tied it up and went. According to them, they pulled out ten skeins of twine, three hundred meters each, and went out into an octagonal stone hall. The hall is truly stunningly beautiful. There, from stalactites and stalagmites, figures of people and some creatures are carved, very similar to orcs and elves. Stop laughing, I'm serious! I can even show you the film, we filmed it all. So, the feeling is that these figures were cut out, and then limestone grew on top of them from a drop. In every wall in the hall there was a passage somewhere further, but the rope ran out, and the boys decided to return. And then one of them, apparently the one with the big eyes, spotted a low door in one of the corners. Curiosity rose with terrible force. Well, of course, there’s probably a secret there, and maybe even those same treasures! They go to the door, and it is closed, and on the other side. Those ears were applied and only silence was heard. The boys are smart people - they decided to set the door on fire or blow it up. And the next day we went with gasoline. They set it on fire - it didn’t burn. The persistent guys did not despair and decided to bring an electric drill and drill a hole. They drilled it, and there, behind the door, there was light. Oops. Like? That's what they liked. The smart kids consulted and did not rush to look into the hole - they had apparently read a lot of fantasy. They began to draw lots. And now - bingo! The one who drew the lot first approached the hole and tried to see what was going on there from a distance of twenty centimeters. Didn't consider it. He approached, but was in no hurry to press his eye to the hole, as he later told me in the hospital, as if he felt something. But in the end, he still put his eye to the hole. And I got it in full! Someone or something poked him in the eye with something sharp! Result: the boys, seeing the bloody face of their comrade, began to run, and he, poor thing, was abandoned to the mercy of fate. It’s good that at least one standing friend turned up, grabbed him by the hand and dragged him after everyone. They flew out of the dungeon like a cannon and dragged the victim to the village en masse, and from there to the hospital. Well, doctors, the pepper is clear, they didn’t believe a word, they’ll shoot. And then the boys wrote to our channel. So we took off.

We reached the village only in the evening. We spent the night and the next morning met the guys, and they took us to this stone and dungeon. It’s not good around there - the trees are all twisted, the bushes are impenetrable and there is giant grass. The head begins to break apart as if the brains are being beaten in it with a mixer, the heart is like a hammer. In general, it's terrible. To a great extent, the birds don’t sing, and in general the only living creatures are snakes and mosquitoes. And for some reason it becomes scary. Well, clearly a pathogenic zone! We went downstairs and walked through the same way as the boys. We go out into the hall. There are passages, but no doors! The boys are shouting, they say, there was a door, there was! In general, so that it wouldn’t turn out that we went there in vain, we decided to go through the passages. We collected the equipment and went to one. I was already leaving the hall, and something pulled me to turn around. He smeared the flashlight on the wall, and there was a door! Yes, this can’t be, I think it’s bugged. I return to the hall, illuminate the wall - just like a door, and a hole in it, as the boys said. I'm calling the people. I heard our operator climbing out of the doorway, grumbling, and when he saw me in front of the door, he started swearing. This is understandable: just now there was a bare wall here. “Are you filming?” - I say. “Yes, the camera is constantly on video, how we crawled here,” he answers. “Okay, let’s see what’s here and how.” The boys start screaming, like, well, we told you, but you didn’t believe us. And now you see, our hole is in the door. And you said - glitches. So much for the glitches. It was from this hole that someone stabbed Staska in the eye.

We speculated. Nobody wants to be left without an eye. Shoving a camera there is also a pity. We decided to sacrifice the point-and-shoot lens. We fitted the camera to the hole and started clicking on the night mode. After the first frames, we tried to see what was behind the door, but the screen was black. And the hole size was not enough for the flash. We decided to experiment. They took pliers out of the case and a piece of sausage from the backpack. They pushed the sausage into the hole and began to keep watch. I kept the pliers on the side right next to the hole, so that if something came out, I could immediately squeeze it. We sat like that for about five minutes - silence. We were about to leave, and suddenly something pushed the sausage out. My hand clenched itself, and there was someone’s finger in the pliers! There is a wild cry, howl, screams behind the door! The finger escapes, and our cameraman turned on the additional light on the camera and began to shoot it in macro photography. The finger has reddish hair, thick, the nail is thick, yellowish and sharp, like a blade. And the blood is red. The finger bends back and forth, the door scratches, and there are also sounds behind it - as if some kind of speech, but not similar to the Russian language. And I keep squeezing the pliers - my muscles are locked. And then I heard hissing from behind the door: “F-pu-c-c-c-c-ti-i-i.” And he simply loosened the clamp, and the finger disappeared. Damn, don't you believe me?! - Kita was already boiling with indignation. - Look at the flash drive, everything is there! We even decided that this was a hoax of the locals, but we didn’t find a single crippled person in the village - or God knows what. The only thing they achieved was nonsense from a three-hundred-year-old grandmother about how here, they say, there are small people like gnomes. Several years ago, tourists already stayed with them, one of whom is now being treated in a psychiatric clinic, and also met gnomes.

We found information about these tourists. Here.

Kita took out a piece of paper from somewhere and read:

“From July 6 to July 26, 2004, a group of volunteers from the Moscow Station for Young Naturalists conducted scientific research in the Taganay Nature Reserve. For several days the group was based near Mount Kruglitsa in the Taganay shelter.

The leader decided to make a radial exit to the top of Kruglitsa. When the group began to climb, the 19-year-old expedition member decided not to go with the whole group, but in parallel. The fact is that the main contingent of the Moscow youth team are schoolchildren aged 13–15, so it is logical to assume that the 19-year-old guy felt somewhat uncomfortable in a group of very young guys and preferred not to communicate with them. No one was surprised at his disappearance. Everyone climbed Kruglitsa, except for the 19-year-old. The guys went downstairs, and only there the young man joined them again.

The next day, the group finished their work and decided to move to the Kialimsky cordon, which is located eight kilometers from the base camp. When the new camp was set up, the girls noticed that the guy had pitched his tent, packed his backpack and left somewhere. When everyone missed him, they immediately organized a search.

A couple of hours later, the guy was found six kilometers from the Kialimsky cordon in a completely insane state. He was sitting on the side of the road, shaking. They literally carried him to the camp in their arms. The group included four experienced doctors who had gone through several extreme routes, but, according to them, they had never encountered such a picture.

After the patient was given a dose of sedative medication, he felt a little better, and he told what happened to him: “When we climbed Kruglitsa, I separated from the group. Before reaching the top, I found myself in an open place, on rocks.

Suddenly a small fluffy man with red hair came up to me. The whole body is covered with hair, and the claws especially stood out - yellowish, strong, and there was a feeling that these claw-nails could crumble even a stone. And then I fell into some kind of prostration: I could neither move nor talk, I could only observe the actions of this creature. Somehow it happened that he lifted me into the air and carried me somewhere. Vague memories of passages, columns, some grottoes, sculptures and a hall in which there was a map of Russia on a huge wall. It sparkled and played with gems, each republic was lined with its own color. They put me in front of her and said: look, people don’t have this anymore. And I watched. I saw my whole homeland. Cities and capitals were designated by rubies and topazes. Diamonds sparkled somewhere. The meridians were laid with gold, and the parallels with platinum. The names of cities and regions were lined with emeralds. I will never, never forget this card. And then the little fluffies said that this is their land - their world, their land, and as long as they exist, everything that is within the boundaries of this map will also exist. I don’t remember what happened next. When they lowered me, I came to my senses, horror seized me, and I ran away from this damned Kruglitsa.”

When asked why he didn’t immediately tell about what happened, he replied: “I was afraid that you wouldn’t believe me and would laugh at me.”

As the medication wore off, the 19-year-old band member began to become delirious again. In the morning, the head of the Moscow group sent the guy to the Zlatoust psychonarcological dispensary for examination. The head physician called this case “typical” and far from isolated. Over several years of work, this is already the fortieth patient with similar symptoms. Who exactly the 19-year-old Muscovite saw remains unknown.”

That’s it, my friends,” Kita concluded. - By the way, there is a lot of evidence that the Taganay Mountains are inhabited by short humanoid creatures, and these stories even have a historical basis: in ancient Slavic and Finno-Ugric mythology there are many legends about a certain “Chud” people. According to these legends, the Chud, or miracles, living in caves, mine gems, can cast magic and predict the future. In fairy tales and legends of the Urals there is a belief that people who hunt for the treasures of the miracle lose their minds. This is such an adventure.

Well, then we filmed the village and its inhabitants, and recorded a couple of local tales. Then - on the plane and here. The only “but” is that I still need to go to Lake Baikal, and then I’m free. So, if you can, get off the route and come with me, and then the warriors will give us a lift to Nizhny.

Naturally, we pulled back unanimously. Well, almost unanimously. Marinka and Max’s vacation was ending, and before our flight we went to buy them tickets to St. Petersburg and see them off to the station.

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Voids in the earth's crust are found all over the world, and an underground civilization may actually exist, given the fairly comfortable living conditions underground. Mention of underground civilization in the myths of different nations and on different continents occurs quite often. And recent scientific discoveries confirm the possibility of life underground.

It is difficult to find a people who do not have legends about creatures living in the darkness of dungeons. They were much older than the human race and descended from dwarfs who disappeared from the surface of the earth. They possessed secret knowledge and crafts. The inhabitants of the dungeons, as a rule, were hostile towards people. Therefore, we can assume that fairy tales describe an underworld that really existed, and perhaps still exists today.

Entrance to the underground tunnel in Sacsayhuaman

The mysterious underground world exists not only in legends. In recent decades, the number of visitors to the caves has increased markedly. Adventurers and miners are making their way deeper and deeper into the bowels of the Earth, and more and more often they come across traces of the activities of mysterious underground inhabitants. It turned out that beneath us there is a whole network of tunnels, stretching for thousands of kilometers and enveloping the entire Earth in a network, and huge, sometimes even populated underground cities.

Strange figurine

There are especially many stories about mysterious South American tunnels. The famous English traveler and scientist Percy Fossett, who visited South America many times, mentioned in his books about extensive caves located near the Popocatepetl and Inlacuatl volcanoes and in the area of ​​Mount Shasta. Some researchers managed to see fragments of this underground empire. Recently, in the university library of the city of Cusco in the Andes, archaeologists discovered a report on the disaster that befell a group of researchers from France and the United States in 1952. In the vicinity of the city, they found the entrance to the dungeon and began to prepare to descend into it. The archaeologists did not intend to stay there long, so they took food for five days. However, of the seven participants, only one made it to the surface after 15 days - the Frenchman Philippe Lamontiere. He was exhausted, remembered almost nothing, and soon showed signs of the deadly bubonic plague. But still, it was possible to learn from him that his companions fell into a bottomless abyss. The authorities, fearing the spread of the plague, hastened to block the entrance to the dungeon with a reinforced concrete slab. The Frenchman died a few days later, but an ear of corn made of pure gold that he found underground remained.

Researcher of the Inca civilization, Dr. Raul Rios Centeno, tried to repeat the route of the missing expedition. A group of enthusiasts entered the dungeon through a room located under the tomb of a dilapidated temple a few kilometers from Cusco. First we walked along a long, gradually narrowing corridor, similar to the pipe of a huge ventilation system. Suddenly the tunnel walls stopped reflecting infrared rays. Using a special spectrograph, the researchers determined that the walls contained large amounts of aluminum. When scientists tried to take a sample from the wall, it turned out that its lining was very strong and no tool could take it. The tunnel continued to narrow, and when its diameter decreased to 90 centimeters, the researchers had to turn back.

Underground civilization of Peru, catacombs of Chavin de Huantar

In South America there are amazing caves connected by endless intricate passages - the so-called chincanas. Legends of the Hopi Indians say that snake people live in their depths. These caves are practically unexplored. By order of the authorities, all entrances to them are tightly closed with bars. Dozens of adventurers have already disappeared without a trace in the Chinkanas. Some tried to penetrate the dark depths out of curiosity, others - out of thirst for profit: according to legend, the treasures of the Incas were hidden in the chincanas. Only a few managed to escape from the terrible caves. But these “lucky ones” were forever damaged in their minds. From the incoherent stories of the survivors, it can be understood that they met strange creatures in the depths of the earth. These inhabitants of the underworld were both human and snake-like.
Moderator's note: Hindus have legends about nagas - snake-like creatures living on land, in water or underground. See more details here

There are pictures of fragments of global dungeons in North America. The author of the book about Shambhala, Andrew Thomas, based on a thorough analysis of the stories of American speleologists, claims that in the mountains of California there are direct underground passages that lead to the state of New Mexico.

Once upon a time, the American military also had to study mysterious thousand-kilometer tunnels. An underground nuclear explosion occurred at a test site in Nevada. Exactly two hours later, at a military base in Canada, 2000 kilometers away from the explosion site, a radiation level was recorded that was 20 times higher than normal. A study conducted by geologists has shown that next to the Canadian base there is an underground cavity that connects to a huge cave system that permeates the North American continent.

There are especially many legends about the underground world of Tibet and the Himalayas. Here in the mountains there are tunnels that go deep into the ground. Through them, the “initiate” can travel to the center of the planet and meet representatives of the ancient underground civilization. But not only wise creatures who give advice to the “initiates” live in the underworld of India. Ancient Indian legends tell of the mysterious kingdom of the Nagas, hidden in the depths of the mountains. It is inhabited by Nanas - snake people who store countless treasures in their caves. Cold-blooded, like snakes, these creatures are incapable of experiencing human feelings. They cannot warm themselves and steal warmth, physical and mental, from other living beings.

Speleologist Pavel Miroshnichenko, a researcher who studies artificial structures, wrote about the existence of a system of global tunnels in Russia in his book “The Legend of LSP”. The lines of global tunnels he drew on the map of the former USSR went from Crimea through the Caucasus to the well-known Medveditsa ridge. In each of these places, groups of ufologists, speleologists, and researchers of the unknown discovered fragments of tunnels or mysterious bottomless wells.

The Medveditskaya Ridge has been studied for many years by expeditions organized by the Kosmopoisk association. The researchers not only managed to record the stories of local residents, but also used geophysical equipment to prove the reality of the existence of the dungeons. Unfortunately, after World War II, the mouths of the tunnels were blown up.

A sublatitudinal tunnel stretching from Crimea to the east in the region of the Ural Mountains intersects with another one stretching from north to east. It is along this tunnel that you can hear stories about “wonderful people” who came out to local residents at the beginning of the last century. “Wonderful people,” as told in epics common in the Urals, “live in the Ural Mountains and have exits to the world through caves. Their culture is great. The “Wonderful People” are small in stature, very beautiful and have a pleasant voice, but only a select few can hear them... An old man from the “Wonderful People” comes to the square and predicts what will happen. An unworthy person hears and sees nothing, but the men in those places know everything that the Bolsheviks are hiding.”
Mikhail Kostin

Underworld of the Urals

At all times, people believed that there were several heavens, one above the other. Both the earth itself and the underground spaces were thought to be plural. Numerous Ural legends tell that in the depths of the mountains there lives an unusual and mysterious tribe, which is carefully hidden from people.
At all times, people believed that there were several heavens, one above the other. Both the earth itself and the underground spaces were thought to be plural. Numerous Ural legends tell that in the depths of the mountains there lives an unusual and mysterious tribe, which is carefully hidden from people. At night, as legends say, at certain times of the year, hills open up in remote places, and the strange unearthly light pouring from them with quiet, captivating sounds beckons random travelers to the land of dwarfs who were forced to go underground in ancient times.

In one of his first stories, “Dear Little Name,” P.P. Bazhov wrote about the Chuds or “old people” - tall, beautiful people living in unusually beautiful dwellings inside the mountains. These people are almost invisible to others. They live without self-interest, indifferent to gold. When people appear in their remote habitats, they leave through underground passages, “covering the mountain.” The legend of the miracle in the Urals has different versions, but it all boils down to the fact that some dark-skinned people lived here who possessed yogic abilities and possessed extensive and deep knowledge about nature.

The folklore of the Urals directly points to the path to a magical underground land. For example, the storyteller Bazhov has the following lines: “Look around the lakes and you will see in one in the middle a stone standing upright, like a hill. On one side there are pine trees, and on three - bare, bare, like the walls are lined. This is the place. Whoever gets to this stone with gold, the passage will open downwards, under the lake.”

In the book by O.R. Hoffman "Russian Atlantis. Is Russia the cradle of civilization? we read: “There comes a night once a century when, not far from Mount Taganay, the earth opens up and a city of “wonderful people” appears. On this night, the “divine people” organize a big celebration, and on this same night you can hear from them predictions of the future, for they are great astrologers and they have been given the power to predict a lot.”

Lone eyewitnesses observed representatives of the parallel world not only in the distant past. There are reports of them even today. Thus, a resident of the Ural hinterland, V. Kochetov, said: “In large rocks there is a tunnel that goes deep into the depths for many kilometers. People said that they saw small figures near him, doing something near the water. These little people only come out at night, and when they go back, they block up the entrance behind them. I haven’t met them myself, because... I usually don't go at night. But one day, when I was up late looking for a lost goat, I had the feeling that someone was watching me. The crunch of branches, an incomprehensible rustling in the grass, the movement of someone’s glowing eyes, an obsessive whisper around the rocks gave rise to disturbing thoughts, and I wanted to quickly leave that place.”
The consistency of the areas where such evidence appears over the centuries is alarming. Even a specific reference is given: the underground country of the Urals extends from the river. Gremikha to the river Sysert. She is also identified with the system of underground palaces of the Copper Mountain of the Mistress and is associated with the giant snake Snake. The mysterious place where this Snake lived was the huge Galien swamp, stretching for tens of kilometers. The snake was observed throughout the Urals, when it crawled out of underground tunnels - most often in those forests and mountains where gold lay. In addition to Poloz, the legends contain information about goblins, mermaids, prodigal places and hidden treasures. No less legendary are the remains of the Chud settlement near the town of Polevsky and other famous antiquities.
Ethnographer A. Onuchkov at the beginning of the 20th century wrote about the “Wonderful People” - underground inhabitants who possessed “secret power”, who live on the territory of the modern Urals and have exits through caves. “They have the greatest culture, and the light in their mountains is no worse than the sun. Divya people are small in stature, very beautiful and with a pleasant voice, but only a select few can hear them. They foretell different events to people.” They say that the Chud (“divine people”, siriti) built entire underground cities, in which representatives of the once powerful people still live. It is noteworthy that in the Irbit region, caves of unknown origin were discovered, similar to artificial ones and too cramped for a person of ordinary build.

One of the caves in the mountains of the Middle Urals is called Divya. Legends about short, shaggy humanoid creatures are associated with it. Until the 40s of the last century, there were rumors among local residents that this cave stretched for several kilometers, and that “wild people” lived in its farthest sections. The unexplored passages of the Divya Cave were found by an expedition of speleologists from Moscow State University, led by Valentin Aleksensky. Researchers found that the cave actually extends for many kilometers and there are still unknown parts littered with clay plugs.

Not very far from Divya Cave there is another one - Sungan, with which legends about the underground miracle are also associated. Speleologists who descend to the “second bottom” of the cave and organize an autonomous camp there talk about the incomprehensible, unfounded horror that engulfs them in one of the cave passages. Some of them even saw some kind of shaggy creature in the rays of a lantern, which emerged from a narrow hole that had not yet been passed by anyone.

Mount Azov stands out from the folklore of the Middle Urals. Its top is crowned with two vertical rocks, to which pagans have come to worship since time immemorial, and a sacrificial site from the Bronze Age. It is famous primarily for the fact that it is here that there are caves in which “old people” supposedly live, as Bazhov called them. These are the keepers of countless treasures and magical knowledge, who promised to come out to people when they become morally purer. The search for passages to the caves of the “old people” continues to this day. Geologists who explored this area found that in diorites (the rocks that make up the Azov Mountain rocks) there may be caves, but only of artificial origin.
Researcher at the Taganay National Park, geologist and local historian Marina Sereda collects modern tourist stories related to the appearance of “small, white, furry people” on the Taganay mountain range (Chelyabinsk region). These little men lie in wait for lonely travelers, do something to them, after which the latter develop a painful condition and become mentally disturbed. Patients of a mental hospital in the city of Zlatoust, admitted directly from Taganay, tell doctors about what they experienced. All their evidence, for some reason, is very similar to each other - some small creatures always appear there.

It is appropriate to mention the Tobolsk swamp in the Tyumen region. This place is full of mounds - ancient burial places with which many legends are associated. Among them there is also about a tribe of certain dwarfs who supposedly lived here several thousand years ago and fought with... gray cranes, taking away their eggs. In 2004, a strange legend was unexpectedly confirmed: near two mounds, local hunters found miniature skulls, clearly human. It seems that the height of the people who owned the remains did not exceed half a meter. As popular rumor goes, the Siberian dwarfs disappeared when an unknown and extremely cruel tribe came to the Trans-Urals. Not wanting to fall into the hands of enemies, the Siberians dug deep ditches with heavy canopies and buried themselves alive...

It can be noted that legends associated with Chud places - mounds and fortifications, underground caves and passages - having arisen in the north-west of Rus', followed the Russian settlers, first to the Urals, and then to Altai. The stability of all legends over the centuries makes us pay more attention to the mystery of the underground parallel country.

The Hopi American Indians have legends that describe lizard people. These reptoids supposedly built three underground cities along the Pacific coast 5,000 years ago, including one under the site of present-day Los Angeles. In 1934, geophysicist and engineer Shufeld decided to investigate the cause of these legends, using his patented device for detecting cavities and metals underground - which he did in the city. The result was amazing - there was an extensive network of tunnels under the city. There is a plan published once in the Los Angeles Times: But the most interesting thing is that Shufeld’s device accurately showed the presence of a large amount of gold in “rooms” connected by tunnels.

Plan of the tunnels under Los Angeles. Underground civilization
The engineer even received permission from the authorities to excavate and drill the mine - and as soon as he began work, the authorities became concerned about the condition of nearby houses and the threat of collapse. The work was interrupted and never resumed. Shufeld also disappeared from public view, never to be reappeared. His further fate is unknown

In 1976, in the Czech Republic, it was decided to conduct an experiment to assess the behavior of people isolated from the outside world. To do this, a dozen military men were placed in a cave in the Krksona mountain range, while providing them with everything they needed, incl. intellectual and physical labor, so as not to degrade.
They wiretapped the cave...

After 5 months, the subjects began to hear voices. The soldiers began to talk among themselves about the underground country that these voices were inviting them to visit. By the end of the sixth month, the soldiers cut the communication wires and the scientists had to quickly send a group for evacuation. In the cave, scientists found only one soldier; the rest disappeared and their search led nowhere. How you feel about this story is up to you, but it just fits the theme of life underground.

The first to announce about his contact with an underground civilization living in the bowels of the earth, was the writer, journalist and researcher Richard Shaver, which marked the beginning of a new direction in the science of paranormal phenomena. Shaver's story is a storyabout mysterious creatures, about underground civilizations, about mind control, about government conspiracieslevel, about evil intentions and bad thoughts...

The story of civilizations created by races of mysterious underground creatures, written by Richard Shaver, first appeared in 1946 in the pages of the American paranormal research magazine Amazing Stories. Shaver told readers about contact with aliens living underground. According to the journal, he lived for several weeks in the underground world, inhabited by cruel mutant creatures similar to the demons described in ancient legends and tales of the peoples of the Earth. The article received a response of fifty thousand letters, the majority of which claimed that Shaver was absolutely right and that there really were underground cities, and evil creatures in them, and advanced machines that roamed the bowels of the planet and made it possible to control the consciousness of earthlings.

Of course, this story looks more than strange, nevertheless it had a huge impact on the public, creating a new direction of research in the field of the paranormal.

Back in the 17th century, scientific minds such as the English astronomer Edmund Halley believed that the Earth was an empty sphere. A hundred years before William Reed wrote Phantoms of the Poles, and Jules Verne, who later wrote A Journey to the Center of the Earth, was only nine years old, the American writer Edgar Allan Poe published his longest work, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. which told about a fantastic civilization thriving in the bowels of the Earth. In the 19th century, American officer John Simms shocked the public with his statement about the need to send a scientific research expedition into the bowels of our planet through holes in the earth's crust, supposedly located at the poles. Many scientists have tried to prove that the Earth is a hollow sphere, and inside there are huge plateaus on which entire civilizations could easily be located. Scientists of the Third Reich were also interested in the mysterious world that exists inside the planet.

In April 1942, with the support of Goering and Himmler, an expedition consisting of the most advanced minds of Nazi Germany, led by Professor Heinz Fischer, set out to look for the entrance to an underground civilization, supposedly located on the island of Rugen in the Baltic Sea. Hitler was confident that at least some parts of the earth consisted of voids, inside of which one could live and which had long ago become home to the hyper-developed peoples of antiquity. German scientists, in turn, hoped that if they managed to place modern radar devices at the desired geographical point under the surface of the earth, then with their help it would be possible to track the exact location of the enemy in any part of the world.

Almost every nation has myths about the race of Ancient creatures that inhabited the world millions of years ago. Infinitely wise, scientifically advanced and culturally developed, these creatures, driven underground by terrible disasters, created their own civilization there, giving them everything they needed. They want nothing to do with humans, whom they consider low, dirty and savage, but sometimes steal human children in order to raise them as their own. Ancient creatures are similar in appearance to ordinary people and live for a very long time, but they appeared on our planet millions of years before us.

In 1977, photographs obtained from the ESSA-7 satellite appeared in several American magazines, showing a regular dark spot, similar to a huge hole, in the place where the North Pole should be located. Identical photographs were taken by the same satellite in 1981.

Writer and anthropologist James McKenna discovered a cave in Idaho that local Indians considered the entrance to the underworld and were terribly afraid to even approach it. Having set out to explore a strange cave, McKenna and his companions, having advanced several hundred meters deep, were soon forced to return due to the unbearable smell of gases and sulfur. According to their stories, in the depths of the natural stone corridor, which seemed endless to them, they clearly heard screams and moans, and along the way they came across several human skeletons.

Also interesting is the story of the English geologist Ronald Kalas, who heard in one of the mining towns a story about a group of workers digging an underground tunnel. They heard the sounds of working machines coming from under the giant stone. After lifting the stone, the workers discovered steps leading down. Thinking that they had found an ancient tomb, the workers went down the stairs and found themselves in a giant grotto. The sounds of running machines became even louder. Frightened by what was happening, the men ran away.

A similar incident occurred with two American miners, David Fellin and Henry Thorne, who in 1963, while working in Pennsylvania in one of the mines, saw a huge door behind which were marble steps leading down. Geologists consider the theory of the Earth's cavity to be naive, but some of them do not deny the possibility of the existence of huge hollow spaces underground, a kind of caves, although it is hardly possible for an ordinary person to live in them. It is full of gases, little oxygen and the temperature is very high, and this is what prompted researchers to create a new hypothesis: the theory of their extraterrestrial origin entered into competition with the theory of the Atlantean origin of underground civilizations.

Presumably highly developed alien beings, or gods of antiquity, were tired of the constant wars and strife of humanity and moved to underground cities, from where they monitor the development of people to this day. They were not immortal, but thanks to their scientific achievements they were able to discover the secret of rare longevity, create incredible technical devices that allow them to move at supersonic speed, create three-dimensional projections, cure any disease and scan the terrain over gigantic distances. It is they who periodically appear in the sky on “flying saucers”, which we mistake for alien vehicles. Such a theory could explain why satellite radars do not detect UFOs in the sky, why representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations spend so much time and fuel on seemingly meaningless journeys from their worlds to ours, and why they do not make open contact with people. The reason for this is the fact that UFOs come to us not from space, but from the depths of our own planet. This would really explain a lot, including the secrecy of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations: it is not difficult to imagine what will happen if it turns out that UFOs need to be looked for not in inaccessible galaxies, but under our feet.

And here another important question arises. If the Earth is indeed at least partially hollow, why has the entrance to its depths not yet been discovered? Perhaps the most interesting explanation is the hypothesis of a group of scientists from the United States who believe that underground corridor systems and underground cities exist in the fourth dimension. Sometimes, during a period of changes in the electromagnetic field of the planet, tunnels appear on its surface, allowing you to enter the fourth dimension and see the underground worlds with your own eyes, or these worlds appear in our dimension and become accessible to the eyes of casual visitors. The rest of the time this is impossible. Some researchers believe that it was precisely for the purpose of penetrating underground cities on Earth that Stonehenge and other megalithic structures were built, serving as a kind of gate that opens the entrance to other dimensions. Time will tell whether there is truth in such assumptions, but one thing is clear now: sometimes the most ridiculous, strangest hypotheses turn out to be true. So, perhaps, UFOs really fly to us not “from there,” but “from here,” rising into the sky from the bowels of our planet. That would explain a lot. Is not it?

Are mole civilizations our reality or a myth? Every nation has legends and traditions about underground inhabitants who live in dark caves.

For reasons unclear to us, they, having a huge amount of knowledge in the field of crafts, were very hostile towards people. Their ancestors were dwarfs, who are well known to us from fairy tales and epics.

Contact with an unknown civilization

Fairy tales, according to many people, describe the real and still existing underground world. A large number of people around the world, not only of different nationalities, but also of different ages, say that they traveled through underground tunnels. We saw cities there and unusual creatures of small stature who communicated with them.

During such an exciting and dangerous walk, the surface inhabitants became acquainted with foreign technologies. They were well developed and performed a large number of functions that most earthlings can only dream of.

Underground tunnels

Famous world-famous scientists claim that deep in the bowels of the earth there is a network of branched tunnels that, like flexible ribbons, encircle the entire globe. Such underground passages exist in every country.

Similar tunnels have been opened in South Australia and New Zealand, as well as in the USA. Eyewitnesses claim that along such routes deep underground, flying machines unknown to science in the shape of saucers are moving at great speed. Which travel in a similar way from one point of the Earth to another.

Civilization on the island of Rugen and the North Pole

Even during the Second World War, German researchers went on an expedition to the island of Rugen in search of the underground civilization of the earth in order to establish contact with it for further cooperation.

The fascist command was completely confident that in this part of the globe, in the thickness of the earth’s crust, there lived a highly developed civilization of antiquity.

Much later, shocking photographs were received from the satellite, in which a spot of dark color and regular shape, reminiscent of a huge hole, is clearly visible. This photo was taken from the North Pole.

Many began to wonder whether it depicted an entrance into the thickness of the earth, which leads to a mysterious and unknown to us underground civilization of the earth.

Underground signals from the thickness of the earth

Using a locator that belongs to the Americans and is located at Cape Canaveral, scientists have discovered signals unlike any previously encountered, coming from deep under the ground.

Biophysicists and seismologists are confident that such signals come to us from an intelligent civilization with inhabitants who may want to make contact with us.

Similar signals are repeated about three times a month. The signals obtained in this way are well encoded, and scientists have not yet been able to fully decipher them and interpret them correctly.

Scientists at Yale University recently expressed their hypothesis about what UFOs are and where it all comes from. It turns out that aliens, or rather, what we take for them, are actually . (website)

According to researchers, these underground inhabitants, about whom there is much evidence in the folklore of almost all nations, live at a depth of approximately nineteen kilometers, where there are quite favorable conditions for organic life, since the temperature and radiation in these layers of the earth’s crust do not exceed the norm.

Chud - people living underground

Since ancient times, people have been talking about the underground inhabitants of the Earth, calling them demons, gnomes, spirits, but the most common name is Chud. Chud are, according to many peoples of Russia, dark-skinned people who live underground and have considerable magical abilities. There are often cases when the miracle took people to itself across the earth, most often the latter remained there forever. But some were lucky enough to return, and now they tell very interesting things about the cities and countries of the underworld.


Scientist Ernst Muldashev believes that underground people created those amazing sculptures (images) on Easter Island. Indeed, in addition to the idols, there are also mysterious stone structures (chicken coops), into which the local population does not advise going down, since this threatens to meet bird-men.

Bird people are also found in the folklore of the Mongolian people. In this country, scientists also found similar adits (as on Easter Island) when excavating local burial mounds. An image of a man with wings was also found here.

Confession of Edward Snowden

But the notorious scientist Edward Snowden even managed to get acquainted with secret CIA documents concerning underground inhabitants. According to the researcher, the highest authorities in America have long known what UFOs are.

From the CIA documents it follows that the underground race has existed for billions of years and therefore, naturally, is far ahead of us in development. Moreover, she was not afraid of the natural disasters to which terrestrial humanity was exposed.

Information about underground inhabitants, says Edward, represents the greatest state secret, to which no scientists, even the highest echelon, are allowed. Snowden himself managed to copy some documents only thanks to an amazing accident.

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