Technique for performing speech therapy massage of the tongue. Decreased muscle tone: massage techniques and techniques. Rules for massage with instruments

Parents are often skeptical about speech therapy tongue massage for children. It is quite difficult to believe that if you carry out the procedure correctly, you can achieve incredible results - the baby will be able to pronounce sounds correctly and make sentences.

Objectives of speech therapy massage

For speech apparatus disorders, a specialist usually prescribes articulation and breathing exercises. If there are more serious pathologies, speech therapy massage is necessary. It is considered an unconventional therapeutic method, but very effective. Massage normalizes the functioning of the speech apparatus and increases the tone of the tongue.

Main tasks of the procedure:

  1. Normalizing the breathing process when talking
  2. Reducing the impact of stuttering and dysarthria on the child’s quality of life
  3. Getting rid of moral and mental stress due to incorrect speech
  4. Improvement in pronunciation of sounds
  5. Formation of the correct trajectory of movements of the lips and tongue
  6. Strengthening the swallowing reflex
  7. Improving the condition of the voice and vocal cords
  8. Strengthening the muscles that are responsible for producing sound and overall improvement of the speech apparatus

The main task is to get rid of a speech defect in a child. An excessive amount of saliva in children is often observed - speech therapy massage helps eliminate this problem too.

Speech therapy massage – cons and pros

The procedure is necessary in the following cases:

  • Voice defects or occasional loss of voice
  • Uncontrolled salivation
  • Dysarthria
  • Speech defect
  • Stuttering and poor pronunciation due to intense muscle tension
  • Pathologies of the development of muscles of the articulatory apparatus

There are a number of contraindications:

  • Stomatitis
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Herpes in the mouth
  • Gingivitis
  • Colds and acute respiratory diseases

Pathology is studied based on individual indicators. The final treatment option is selected exclusively by a specialist.

Usually massaged by a speech therapist. This is important, as there are complex rules for cleansing and preparing for the procedure. In specialized institutions, a special probe is used for cleansing. If the problem is not very serious, it is allowed to massage the child’s tongue to develop speech at home. Then a toothbrush or spatula will be used.

Speech therapy massage of the tongue requires a high level of attention span, so a parent or other adult who wants to perform this procedure on their own for a child has a great responsibility.

Rules for the procedure

After carrying out an accurate diagnosis using modern equipment, the main problems associated with the speech apparatus are identified. Based on the analysis, the specialist determines the cause of the pathology, which makes therapy much simpler.

The structure of the neck muscles, articulatory and facial muscles and the upper body area are subject to study. This helps to identify even small features of speech development in a child.

Rules speech therapy massage for children at home
  1. It is important to thoroughly ventilate the room before the procedure;
  2. To begin with, it lasts from five to seven minutes, after which it increases to twenty minutes. It should be remembered that this is also affected by age category. Infants should not massage their tongue for more than a couple of minutes. For preschoolers - a quarter of an hour, for elementary school students - twenty minutes. The personal characteristics of the baby also influence;
  3. There are ten to twenty procedures in one course. No more than three sessions are done within a week so that the tongue receptors are not irritated;
  4. If the procedure causes pain and discomfort in the baby, it is better to stop it. At first, children are afraid of these actions, but after five times of massage they change their minds.

Carrying out a massage

Devices for the procedure may vary. You can massage at home with a toothbrush or spoons.

If you use a brush, it must have soft bristles. Place gauze under your tongue. Replacement will need to be done every two minutes. This is important because babies produce excessive saliva during the procedure.

The child should be in the following position:

  • Lying on your back. Place a small pillow or soft cushion under the neck area;
  • Sitting in a chair with a headrest;
  • Half-sitting in a stroller (small child);
  • In the arms of the parents (when the procedure is carried out by a specialist, but the baby is afraid).

The movements are circular, the pressure is not too intense. Spiral movements can also occur, but after language exercises. Intermittent vibration of the brush on the tongue is also allowed.

How effective speech therapy massage is can be easily seen by the baby’s behavior. With his approval, positive emotions will be displayed on his face. Often the procedure is done in a playful way, which will not only allow you to spend time usefully, but also entertain the child.

It is important that the tongue is in a relaxed state. To do this, you need to make careful massage movements in the area of ​​the submandibular fossa.

Stroking without a brush is done with the thumbs, applying gentle pressure. Movements go in the direction from the middle to the side parts. You should never forget to replace the gauze.

If a specialist has prescribed a procedure, it is important to take this with the utmost seriousness - this indicates the presence of deviations from the norm and pathologies. The course not only helps in improving pronunciation, but also in strengthening the muscles that help anyone speak.

Examples of exercises

Massage can be done according to the following algorithm:

  • Start acupressure movements, moving the brush along the left side of the tongue, the tip to the right area. Draw the Latin letter U;
  • Do it one more time, then start circular movements;
  • Make zigzag movements from the middle to the end of the tongue, alternately pointwise and in circles;
  • Massage the edge of the left area, alternating points and circles. Do the exercise on the right;
  • Draw the Latin letter V on the tongue in the direction from the frenulum to the tip;
  • Draw two parallel strips on the left and right. Repeat the exercises, starting from the points.

Before starting speech therapy massage, it is important to consult a doctor. Special care must be taken with small children. Even newborns can carry out the procedure on their own, but be sure to get a pediatrician’s recommendations before doing so.

Speech therapy facial massage is a procedure that allows you to correct pronunciation, improve muscle tone of the speech apparatus, and allow the patient to relax. It is necessary for children who have complex problems with the speech apparatus: dysarthria, alalia and others.

Types of speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage has several different types:

  • traditional;
  • hardware;
  • point;
  • probe massage;
  • Dyakova massage;
  • self-massage

Main ways traditional massage are stroking, rubbing, moving the damaged areas or near it. To relax the muscles involved in articulation, light stroking movements are used. To acquire active muscle tone and strengthen it, you need to use fast and energetic movements.

Hardware massage performed using devices designed for this purpose (vibration, vacuum, and more).

Acupressure has a stimulating and relaxing effect on the child, separately influencing biologically active points that have the largest number of nerve endings and blood vessels.

Probe massage is a type of massage, the principle of which was developed by E. V. Novikova. It is recommended for use by children with speech motor impairment. Using probes, areas of the oral cavity such as the soft palate, tongue and lips are massaged.

Dyakova massage is one of the most popular techniques used to correct speech disorders in children.

Self-massage. The name of this species speaks for itself. These are actions that the child does independently. It consists of exercises in which it is necessary to perform hand movements and massage the tongue with the help of teeth.

It is necessary to take into account that when using one type of massage in isolation, its course will be longer than when using a complex one. In addition, it is advisable to use speech therapy massage together with other types of treatment: fairytale therapy, sound production, aromatherapy.

Technique for performing speech therapy tongue massage

When performing speech therapy massage, key attention is paid to the cheeks, lips, tongue and soft palate. His technique includes several stages.

  1. Initially, the massage therapist gently strokes the face in different directions.
  2. The longitudinal muscles of the tongue are massaged vertically (from the root of the tongue to its tip).
  3. Then pressure is applied to the tongue (its transverse muscles: you need to move from the center of the tongue to its edges).
  4. Various strokes are made throughout the entire organ of speech (in a circle and in a spiral).
  5. Patting is performed over the entire surface of the tongue.
  6. The specialist gently presses on the longitudinal muscles.
  7. The frenulum of the tongue is massaged vertically.
  8. Rubbing massage movements (you need to use a gauze napkin).

The massage cycle consists of 10-20 sessions. They need to be carried out 2-3 times during the week. It will be useful to repeat all steps after 4-8 weeks.

Technique for performing speech therapy facial massage

Forehead massage

Speech therapy facial massage begins with stroking movements, which are done from the middle of the forehead, gradually moving to the temporal region. The specialist then moves from the eyebrows to the top of the forehead. Kneading and vibration movements are made in the same direction (alternately). Vibration massage is performed with a special vibration massager.

Cheek massage

After massaging the forehead, the specialist begins massaging the cheeks. Massages with gentle kneading and stretching movements, which should start from the corners of the mouth and continue to the temples along the cheek muscles. The cheek massage ends with light strokes (from the cheekbones to the lower jaw).

Nose massage

You should perform stroking, stretching and vibration movements along the wings of the nasal muscle. After this, do a light stroking massage of the nasolabial fold from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.

Chin massage

The chin is massaged from the middle of the mouth to its corners, stroking it and kneading it.

Neck massage

It is performed with stroking and kneading movements on the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Advantages and disadvantages

Logomassage can be a real godsend for those who want to cope with speech underdevelopment. Among its advantages it is worth noting the following:

  • vascular function improves;
  • the elasticity of muscle fibers and contractile function increases;
  • has a positive effect on the muscular and nervous system;
  • simple and painless elimination of deviations in the formation of sounds;
  • availability of the technique;
  • the ability to perform at home;
  • the little patient is not given any medications from outside;
  • reducing the time required for correctional work.

But this treatment method also has disadvantages:

  • During the massage, only the muscles are affected;
  • Children feel uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Firstly, the room in which the session is held should not be cold. Special requirements are placed on the hands of a massage therapist. They should not be wearing jewelry, nails must be cut, and the presence of any inflammatory diseases is excluded.

Secondly, massage should not be done less than two hours after eating. The oral cavity is cleaned of possible food debris and crumbs.

Third, massage is done daily, up to 20 sessions. If a child has a pronounced speech impairment, its duration should be longer. The timing of the massage is determined only by the doctor. The duration of the session depends entirely on the psycho-emotional state of the child: nervous tension, fear, mood and more. The first session should not exceed 5-6 minutes. Gradually its duration increases.

Do not immediately place the child in a horizontal position on the massage table. The best option is if for the first time all actions are carried out while sitting. After two or three sessions, the child will get used to the actions of the massage therapist. If he has a very negative attitude towards carrying out procedures, movements should only be carried out on the face.

For severe and complex disorders, massage sessions can be used for a year or more.

Fourth, the child should feel as comfortable as possible, without experiencing fear and pain. It's best if your mother is nearby. The doctor must select an individual approach for each small patient, everything must be correct. Massage will only be beneficial when the child has complete trust in the specialist.

The child must consciously approach massage procedures, understand its necessity for normal development and increase the ability to use sounds. The goal of the speech therapist is to set the child up for a positive outcome after the sessions. To get rid of the fear of massage, the child needs to show all the actions on another small patient who is no longer afraid of the procedures.

The massage should under no circumstances cause any pain. The areas that are most affected are not treated immediately, but closer to the end of the massage therapist’s actions. As the procedures progress, fear will decrease, and the child will accept all the specialist’s movements positively and with confidence.

To perform a massage, specialists most often use the following items:

  1. Medical gloves (sterile).
  2. Protective mask.
  3. Special massage oil.
  4. Ammonia (if medical help is needed).

For what indications does a child need logomassage?

In no case can speech therapy massage be prescribed independently. It is carried out only after a thorough examination of the muscles of the speech apparatus. During this procedure, the speech therapist makes a preliminary assessment of the work of all muscles necessary for the correct functioning of articulation. The results of such a study help to establish the nature of the pronunciation disorder.

Children with speech disorders cannot do without speech therapy massage, especially those for whom correction by pedagogical methods does not bring significant results. There are the following indications for this procedure:

  • unclear pronunciation of speech sounds;
  • stuttering, which has a neurotic origin;
  • violation of the tone of the muscles involved in articulation;
  • unclear origin of speech development delay up to 3 years;
  • dysgraphia (difficulty mastering writing without intellectual delay);
  • alalia (complete absence or insufficient development of speech without deviations in mental development);
  • voice disorder;
  • accelerating the effectiveness of classes with a speech therapist;
  • involuntary salivation;
  • tension when pronouncing sounds;
  • rhinolalia (sound pronunciation defect, which is characterized by excessive or insufficient resonance in the nasal cavity);
  • dyslalia (impaired pronunciation in the absence of hearing impairment), resulting from a short hyoid frenulum.

It is easy to see significant improvements in children who attend speech therapy massage sessions:

  1. The muscle tone of the muscles involved in speech returns to normal.
  2. The amplitude of articulatory movements increases.
  3. The manifestation of muscle abnormalities is reduced.
  4. Movements are formed that are carried out by the speech organs to pronounce sounds.
  5. Improvement of those muscles of the speech apparatus in which insufficient contraction activity was observed.

Contraindications for massage

Like any procedure, speech therapy massage has its own factors under which it cannot be done:

  • inflammation and rashes on the skin;
  • herpes;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • stomatitis (damage to the oral mucosa) or gingivitis (inflammation of the gums, accompanied by swelling, redness and bleeding);
  • fungus on the skin;
  • bruises on the massaged area;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • diseases of capillaries and blood;
  • acute stage of urticaria;
  • presence of cancer;
  • cuts or abrasions that are infected;
  • furunculosis (a disease of the hair follicle or connective tissue that is located near the follicle);
  • stomatitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • convulsions;
  • excessive sensitivity of the child.

Video instruction

Check out the following video for details on the use of speech therapy massage and the principles of its implementation. From it you will learn what speech therapy massage is intended for. Visually familiarize yourself with the principles of its implementation.

The second video will allow you to familiarize yourself with the technique of performing a light massage to stimulate articulatory muscles. You will learn about exercise techniques that stimulate your child's muscles in a playful way.

The use of speech therapy massage will allow achieving high results in ridding the child of disorders associated with the speech apparatus. It is important to choose an experienced specialist for sessions who will not only professionally perform all procedures, but will also be able to establish emotional contact with the child. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the massage therapist and take into account existing contraindications.

Many people are skeptical that a professionally performed speech therapy massage of the tongue will allow a child not only to learn to pronounce different sounds in words, but also to construct entire sentences.

Speech therapy tongue massage for children is carried out for a number of positive changes that are seen not only by the child’s parents themselves, but also by all the people around them.

Below is a list of the main tasks that it allows you to cope with:

  1. Correction of correct pronunciation of sounds (sound pronunciation);
  2. Improving the condition of the vocal cords and voice;
  3. Normalization of breathing during a conversation;
  4. Elimination of mental and moral stress in children who suffer due to incorrect speech;
  5. Reducing the impact of stuttering and dysarthria on the daily life of children;
  6. General improvement of the speech apparatus and muscles responsible for sound production;
  7. Strengthening pharyngeal reflexes;
  8. Creating the correct trajectory of movements of the organs of articulation.
The list of problems for which speech therapy massage of the tongue is prescribed for a child is quite large, but still the main task is to eliminate speech defects in children.

Children often experience excessive saliva production, so doctors prescribe similar procedures to reduce this effect.

Indications and contraindications

The baby may have congenital or acquired abnormalities that require speech therapy massage of the tongue. Among them I would like to note the following problems:

  • Voice impairment or frequent loss;
  • Speech defect;
  • Dysarthria;
  • Increased effectiveness from classes with an individual speech therapist;
  • Involuntary salivation;
  • Problems with the development of articulatory muscles;
  • Stuttering and problems with pronunciation due to severe muscle tension.

This list of indications for tongue massage in children of different ages can be expanded based on an individual doctor’s prescription. In any case, a thorough examination by a specialist will be required.

There are also certain contraindications under which this procedure becomes simply unacceptable:

  • Development of acute respiratory diseases or peak cold
  • Gingivitis and conjunctivitis
  • Stomatitis
  • Enlarged lymph nodes and lymph flow
  • Damage to the oral cavity as a result of the development of herpes

Each situation is considered individually Therefore, only a qualified doctor can finally decide on the treatment option for your child.

Conditions for carrying out the procedure at home

Diagnosis by experienced doctors using modern equipment allows us to identify the main problems associated with the speech apparatus.

Based on the analyzes obtained, the speech therapist has the opportunity to obtain the structure and cause of the disorder, which greatly simplifies the further treatment process.

The muscular structure of the neck, facial and articulatory muscles, as well as the upper body must be examined. This approach allows us to take into account even the smallest features of the development of speech functions in children.

Now let's move on to the features of speech therapy tongue massage at home.

The procedure is carried out in a well-ventilated room. If at the initial stage the duration of the procedure is only 5-7 minutes, then after 4-5 sessions the time increases to 15-20 minutes. Do not forget that a lot also depends on the age of the child.

For example, infants are allowed to carry out the procedure for no more than 1-2 minutes. In preschool age, the procedure is carried out for 15 minutes, and in elementary grades this interval can be increased to 20 minutes. But do not forget about the individual characteristics of each baby.

The general course of speech therapy tongue massage for children is 10-20 procedures, depending on the complexity of the diagnosed problem.

It is recommended to conduct no more than 2-3 sessions per week so as not to irritate the language receptors. The child’s parents themselves should undergo separate preparation for the procedure, because it is important to believe that it is truly useful and effective.

Be sure to watch the following video about how to do speech therapy massage for children. Master class, useful tips and recommendations from a professional.

Manipulation with the tongue should in no case cause discomfort or pain; otherwise, it is recommended to simply stop it. If the child is immediately afraid of these actions, then after 4-5 sessions his own opinion will change dramatically.

Speech therapy tongue massage with a toothbrush

Speech therapy tools for tongue massage can be different. From specialized to simple, improvised items. At home, you can do speech therapy massage with spoons or a toothbrush. In our case, we will look at what to do if you have a toothbrush at hand.

For the session you should prepare in advance baby toothbrush with soft bristles. Gauze pads are placed under the tongue, which will have to be changed every 2 minutes, since children will salivate profusely during this procedure.

All movements with the toothbrush should be circular and transverse without applying strong pressure. Circular spiral movements are also allowed, but after preliminary tongue exercises. Intermittent vibration of the toothbrush over the surface of the entire tongue is allowed.

The degree of effectiveness of the procedure can be determined by the reaction of the child himself. If he likes the procedure, then he will experience the most positive emotions, expressing them on his face.

The procedure for speech therapy massage of the tongue in children is often practiced in the form of a game, which will be great entertainment and a useful pastime.

The child's tongue should be completely relaxed - to do this, gently massage the area in the submandibular fossa.

All stroking except the toothbrush is carried out with the thumbs without strong pressure. They should be directed from the center of the tongue to its lateral surfaces. Let us repeat that you should not forget that it is required as much as possible change gauze wipes to collect saliva more often.

Expected Result

If a speech therapist has prescribed your child a special speech therapy massage of the tongue, you should treat this with understanding, because there are obvious deviations and problems.

Completing the entire course will not only improve the pronunciation of sounds, but will also strengthen the articulatory muscles that are involved in every person’s conversation.


Before starting procedures with your child, we recommend taking specialized courses in speech therapy massage. It won’t take much time, but you will be confident in your abilities and know for sure that you won’t do any harm.

Speech therapy massage training is short-term and can be completed in a couple of classes. Contact your child's doctor for advice on this issue.

With small children you must always be very sensitive and vigilant. It is possible to learn on your own, but you cannot do without the recommendations of a pediatrician.

Speech therapy massage is a procedure aimed at correcting pronunciation, improving the tone of facial muscles and solving problems of the speech apparatus.

The specialist who prescribes logomassage must first examine the child for the presence of various diseases. And only after that prescribe a massage course, its duration and technique.

Types of massage

Experts divide speech therapy massage into several main types:

  • Traditional.
  • Hardware.
  • Probe.
  • Dyakova massage.
  • Self-massage.
  • Spot.

The traditional type of speech therapy massage is performed using light stroking and rubbing. In order to relax the muscles, the specialist makes light movements, and to restore active muscle tone, energetic and fast movements are used.

For hardware speech therapy massage The use of special devices, including vacuum and vibration massagers, is typical.

Probe speech therapy massage is aimed at eliminating problems with speech motor skills. Using special probes, the tongue, palate and lips are massaged.

Dyakova’s speech therapy massage is the most common technique that is designed specifically to eliminate speech problems in children.

Self-massage is a technique in which the child independently performs a series of developed exercises. . The system includes movements of the hands, tongue and teeth.

Acupressure relaxes the facial muscles, affecting biologically active muscles.

Massage technique

In order for speech therapy massage to be an effective procedure, special attention should be paid to the lips, soft palate, lips and tongue. The technique itself involves several stages:

In order for the effect to be noticeable after speech therapy massage of the tongue, it is necessary to undergo 10–20 sessions.


The procedure must begin exclusively from the forehead. First, the middle of the forehead is treated with stroking movements, gradually moving to the temporal part. Then the specialist should move from the eyebrows to the upper part. Next, you need to use a special device, which allows you to perform vibration movements.

Cheeks and nose

Speech therapy facial massage begins with stroking movements, which are done from the middle of the forehead, gradually moving to the temporal region. The specialist then moves from the eyebrows to the top of the forehead. Kneading and vibration movements are made in the same direction (alternately). Vibration massage is performed with a special vibration massager.

After the forehead, you need to move on to the cheeks. The process involves kneading the area from the corners of the mouth to the temples. These movements should be light and relaxing. After this, you need to move on to relaxing movements on the muscles. cheeks to the wings of the nose. The nasolabial fold is processed to the corners of the mouth from the nasal wings.

Mouth, chin and neck

The lips are massaged from the middle to the corners. Both the upper and lower lips are treated in the same way. Then you can move on to the chin. You need to start from the middle, gradually moving to its corners. Light movements should also be used to stroke the neck.. All actions are aimed at relaxing the muscles.

The advantages of logomassage lie primarily in eliminating problems associated with speech underdevelopment. In addition, the following advantages can be highlighted:

But there are also some disadvantages to this method:

  • Despite the fact that the procedure is carried out at home, the child may feel discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the initial stages.
  • The impact during the procedure occurs only on the facial muscles.

In order for the child to reduce discomfort, it is necessary to take care of comfortable conditions in the room. To eliminate painful sensations, the massage therapist should not have additional jewelry, long nails, and warm the palms before starting the procedure.

Manipulations should be carried out no earlier than two hours after eating. The oral cavity must be cleared of food debris and even the slightest crumbs.

In order to get the maximum effect in a short time, the procedure should be carried out every day at least 20 times. It is very important that the duration and number of sessions are set by a specialist. The duration may be affected by the degree of speech impairment, the child’s nervous tension and his desire to continue the procedure. The first session should not last longer than 5-6 minutes. Each time the duration should increase.

In order for the child not to be afraid of logomassage, the massage therapist needs to make the child feel comfortable. At home, you can begin the procedures not while lying on the massage table, which can cause fear in the child, but while sitting. After a few sessions, you can ask the baby to lie down in a horizontal position.

Forms of violation that are too complex should be corrected over a period of a year or more. But only the speech therapist should set the deadline.

In order to carry out treatment using logomassage, a specialist must have sufficient experience and skills in carrying out such a procedure. It is important that the child does not experience too much pain. Mild discomfort during the procedure should only be present during the initial stages of the massage. After some time, this discomfort should completely disappear.

To carry out this, the specialist must use the following equipment:

  1. Sterile medical gloves.
  2. A mask must be used during the procedure.
  3. Massage oil with a pleasant aroma.
  4. ammonia should always be on hand if the child suddenly needs help.

Indications for the procedure

Under no circumstances should you prescribe speech therapy massage of the tongue yourself. The specialist prescribes the procedure only after all muscles of the speech apparatus have been examined. After this examination, clear causes of problems are identified and pedagogical treatment is prescribed. Only after no positive effect is observed in the child, speech therapy massage is prescribed.

Those children who have serious problems with speech functions cannot do without logomassage. As for the clear indications for it, they are as follows:

  • Speech sounds are not pronounced clearly by the child.
  • The tone of the muscles that influence articulation is seriously impaired.
  • Stuttering, which appeared against the background of a neurotic nature.
  • Speech delay.
  • The emergence of difficulty in mastering writing.
  • Involuntary salivation.

Children who attend massage sessions can see significant improvements within just a few procedures.


Like any medical procedure, massage has some contraindications. The procedure cannot be performed if the child has skin rashes, stomatitis is diagnosed with the appearance of white ulcers in the mouth, the lymph nodes are enlarged, and there is a fungus on the skin.

The procedure cannot be performed if during the procedure the child is undergoing treatment for acute respiratory infections, stomatitis or conjunctivitis. You cannot perform a massage if you are diagnosed with cancer.


In order for speech therapy massage to please you with its effect, the child must not be afraid of the procedure. The baby should be prepared for the fact that massage will help eliminate speech problems. The course should only be prescribed by a specialist, after conducting a certain examination.

Description of procedures for the prevention and treatment of stuttering and dysarthria. Effective methods of treating a baby.

do speech therapy massage for stuttering and dysarthria? Photo: at an appointment with a massage therapist

Each child develops differently. One baby begins to speak without any problems, another faces difficulties in pronouncing sounds and words. Some children refuse to talk at all and remain silent until a certain age.

  • The reason for such children's behavior is a variety of physical abnormalities, problems psychological, postpartum injuries and postpartum diseases
  • This situation should be investigated by specialists, since the problem of speech impairment will not simply disappear. Consult with a speech therapist and decide on the most effective treatment package
  • Today, the most effective way of treatment is massage from a speech therapist. This treatment is a priority for stuttering, dysarthria and defective difficulties

What is speech therapy massage?

Photo: speech therapy massage in a lying position

Speech therapist massage is an exercise with the influence of mechanical techniques on the condition of the nerves and tissues in the speech apparatus, where the blood vessels are located. This is a technique for treating and normalizing the state of speech pronunciation, emotionality child.

This massage is used successfully for dysarthria and stuttering. It perfectly improves blood circulation and activates the lymph system, the general condition of the body is improved. physiological level

The main objectives of this massage are:

  • activation of the speech apparatus, muscles with little contractile ability
  • toning articulation
  • active stimulation proprioceptive sensations
  • technique for strengthening the swallowing reflex
  • stimulation of the brain in the speech afferentation zone

Speech therapy massage must take place in a warm and ventilated room. The cycle consists of ten to twenty daily sessions. The break should be taken at intervals of one to two months.

Kinds speech therapy massage for stuttering and dysarthria

  • Point – acts on active biological points. Takes place in the hairline area
  • Classic - massage practice of stroking, vibration actions
  • Segmental - reflex: the techniques of the classical technique are segmented in certain zones. Exercises are performed in the collar area, in the cervical region of the face
  • Probe massage. Performed through the use of a tool - a probe

Photo: session with a speech therapist

Is it possible to perform speech therapy massage on your own? Tongue massage

This specific type of massage must be trusted qualified and a specially trained person, for the safety and better effectiveness of the procedure.
For use at home, you can use the following exercises:

  • Lip massage is carried out using light stroking and pinching the baby’s lips
  • Tongue massage is carried out using an electric toothbrush. With its help, we influence the tip of the tongue in the very center
  • We accompany the massage of the child’s hands with gentle movements massaging the limbs of the fingers.

The effectiveness of any of the methods speech therapy massage will be achieved even with severe forms of speech impairment.
It is imperative to carry out all procedures within the time period established by the neurologist and pediatrician. Watch the video below on how to do this massage.

Video: Speech therapy tongue massage: master class

What methods, techniques and tools exist for speech therapy massage?

Speech therapy massage consists of a whole complex of methods and techniques. There are three complexes, targeted into the zone of pathological symptoms.

  • The first collection of exercises occurs at high tone
  • The second - for dystonia, ataxia and emerging hyperkinesis
  • And the last complex involves massage with low tone

An example massage suggests:

  • normalization of muscle tone in the organs of articulation
  • normalization of the motor system
  • establishing reflexes of precision, rhythm, switching

Professional During the sessions, the massage therapist must determine:

  • subsequence working with sounds; work out and bring to automation the basic articulatory patterns of sounds that need adjustment
  • develop an ear for phonetics
  • practice words with complex sounds - syllabic structure

The diagnosis of dysarthria is a common disease in speech therapy. The initial symptoms of the disease include: terrible diction, incredible substitutions of sounds in the syllable structure, slurred speech.

The main speech therapy program is planned as follows:

  • During regular exercises with children, material is studied that is aimed at overcoming the underdevelopment of the speech reflex
  • In class individual character, corrective actions occur pronunciation sides of speech, dysarthria is being eliminated
  • The treatment process takes place in some specific stages. At the initial stage, normalization of muscle tone is provided. Here the speech therapist provides massage and plans activities leading to the normalization of motor skills articulatory apparatus
  • Enters specialized Exercises to strengthen your voice and breathing. Fundamental An element of all classes with a speech therapist is the development of fine motor skills

Main view specialized massage favors massage on tongue.

  • This is where a collection of physical actions come into play, which are determined to heal the areas of the child’s body that are affected
  • The duration of the procedure is no less than six minutes and no more than twenty in the last sessions of the session
  • Contraindications This type of massage is associated with: retching, dental disease, viral-infectious diseases

Photo: tools for use in speech therapy massage

Tools speech therapy massage

The speech therapist has auxiliary elements in your work. These include probes. They are divided into two subtypes: those made of metal and those made of plastic. Their shape is quite varied:

  • Ball, snail, hatchet, mustache, fungus

These devices are safe for children.

Rules massage tools

There are two safe postures for performing massage exercises:

  • Position: Lying on your back with a pillow under your neck
  • In a pose - sitting on a chair, using a headrest (it is possible to use children's devices: chairs, strollers). For the procedure to be successful, the muscles must be relaxed and at rest. First, gymnastic exercises are performed to stretch

Exercises performed for dysarthria:

  • Strengthening the longitudinal and transverse muscles by squeezing points on the tongue with a plastic probe. Motor processes are targeted from the roots to the tip of the tongue
  • Passing a ball-shaped probe over the longitudinal muscles to strengthen them. We perform the exercise ten times
  • Stroking the transverse muscles with a probe
  • We prick the entire perimeter of the tongue with an umbrella for ten seconds.
  • We carry out point motor turns counterclockwise
  • Massage the entire tongue with your fingers. To strengthen muscles
  • We aim by pressing and shaking the tongue, holding it by the tip
  • We carry out vibration movements with a probe along the edge of the tongue

The number of massages performed depends on the individual characteristics of the child’s body.

Benefit from speech therapy massage for stuttering and dysarthria will be achieved only with regular classes.

Children with a lower degree

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