Trainee's notebook. Sales Manager Full name. Date of. CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics. Methodological development. Trainee workbook. Quality assessment system Instructions for training a trainee salesperson

A trainee salesperson is usually called those salespeople who are not yet ready to work completely independently. The internship process is designed to teach the seller the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities as quickly as possible and with minimal losses. Often, internships for newcomers are left to more experienced sales mentors.

Stages of a salesperson's internship.

As a rule, a salesperson's internship is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Training in a minimum set of knowledge and skills so that the trainee can begin independent work. This stage usually lasts from 2 to 7 days. In more complex sales, it may take 2 weeks, for example, in.
  2. Adaptation of sellers. At this stage, training occurs directly during work, the main goal is to instill a skill. For this you can.

It is important to understand that under no circumstances should an untrained salesperson be released into battle. This will lead to poor quality sales and high attrition from the internship. But at the same time, you can only learn to sell by practicing.

What should you teach the seller first?

In general, there is only so much knowledge a salesperson needs to master. But the problem is that this needs to be done right away and any gaps will reduce sales. Let's first look at what the seller should know:

  1. Information about the company where he works.
  2. Properties and benefits of the product to be sold.
  3. Competitive environment.
  4. Rules for working with clients adopted in a particular company, internal documentation

It is important to consider that staff training is a cyclical process and after you have trained trainees, their knowledge needs to be maintained and refreshed.

How does a salesperson internship work?

Training the seller should begin with the fact that he needs to tell him about the company he works for. Any salesperson must have confidence in the company and the product, and faith in the product begins with faith in the company. Tell us about the history of the company, what goals and objectives the company sets in the market. You should definitely pay attention to the company’s attitude towards the client.

After this, the sales trainee is immersed in the product. At this stage, the seller must learn what the property is and what the benefit is. Understand and learn the main properties and benefits of the product to be sold.

After the sales trainee has become familiar with what he has to sell, he is started. First, the agent must find out what they are needed for. This topic is very broad and you can spend a lot of time studying it. But the better the salesman's sales technique, the higher his results.

The next step is practice. It’s better to start with role-playing games in which the product is first sold to an intern, then the intern sells it. If a newbie can't sell in an office setting, he'll never sell in real life. Therefore, this stage is the most important.

As soon as the seller has learned how to sell in the office, he can be released to clients. It is important to work together with an experienced seller in the first days. As work progresses, it is necessary to give feedback on what the newbie does well and what needs to be improved.

After 3 days of working together, the seller almost always feels confident and does not require constant monitoring. However, a mentor should always be there to help if questions arise. It is worth noting that in the first month it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study of sales techniques, the product and conduct training on competitors.

The better you train sellers, the fewer problems there will be in future work. Often managers do not prioritize the learning process because there is a lot of ongoing work, this is a huge mistake. After all, untrained personnel create additional burden on the manager.

Anastasia Lobareva,

Director of the HR Department, Distribution Management System

In this article you will read:

    What is the art of training management?

    4 levels of corporate staff training

    Step-by-step corporate training program

Personnel training management is to help capable employees climb the career ladder. It is no secret that, if desired, any sales consultant, improving knowledge and skills, quite quickly achieves professional growth in the horizontal plane, but not career growth. Hence the eternal problem of finding “where is better” and staff turnover. The Rossita company 1, where I worked, found a way out of this situation and relied on the development of internal reserves. And today, about 98% of directors of retail outlets are ex-consultants. Practice has shown that such managers achieve better results than third-party managers and are also distinguished by a high level of loyalty.

It is clear that vertical career growth of a sales manager in a single company is practically impossible without training, without corporate training for an employee and improving professional skills. It is for this purpose that the Rossita company has developed a four-level corporate training program for employees, from trainee to store director. Let's look at this fairly simple technique.

Level 1. Trainee: starting training system

The purpose of training. Ensuring high-quality induction into the position from the first working day until the end of the probationary period.

Mechanism of operation. The store director appoints a supervisor for new employees from among experienced colleagues. The main task of the curator, who helps in managing employee training, is to familiarize the newcomer with the company’s values, sales and shoe production technologies, and work standards. The intern also has responsibilities: he keeps a workbook and studies information from the sales consultant’s folder.

Trainee workbook. Essentially, this is a diary with a special program of tasks for every day. For example, on the first day - to learn the features of corporate culture, on the second day - to learn about the warranty period for the product, to study the types and technologies of shoe production. In addition, a representative of the personnel service conducts theoretical classes on sales skills, during which the trainee receives assessments and, under the strict guidance of a supervisor, records and tracks the dynamics of his own development.

Sales consultant folder. Contains materials (drawing) that a new employee needs to study and serves as a supplement to the workbook.

Certification. The first stage of training ends three months after the trainee starts working in the company (this is the end of the probationary period), and at the end of the training, the certification commission (store director, curator) examines the trainee.

At the Rossita company, exam papers were compiled according to a certain scheme. The first question usually had to do with the mechanics and standards of sales, such as how to win over the buyer. The second is with the mission and values ​​of the company. And the third - with types of shoes, brands and production technology.

In addition to the theoretical part, the certification process evaluates the results of the newcomer’s work - net sales.

A trainee who successfully passes the certification becomes a sales consultant of the second category and a full member of the team. Reaching a new level can be celebrated with a corporate tea party, where the new employee will be congratulated by colleagues.

Level 2. Consultant of the second category: support training system

Target. Strengthening and developing already acquired knowledge and skills.

Mechanism of operation. The supportive training system includes three stages - “Morning excursion”, training hour and extended training.

"Morning excursion". Held daily 15 minutes before the opening of the outlet - this is a meeting of sales consultants. The store director or HR manager draws up a plan of “excursions” for the week, and the organizer and moderator of the mini-planner is usually the newcomer’s curator. Topics change daily - for example, getting acquainted with the company's immediate plans or working on mistakes (especially relevant after an assessment using the "mystery shopper" method, if sellers for some reason showed poor results).

In addition, if necessary, the curator, together with employees, works through the sinking stages. For this, a “question-answer” form or an imitation of the sales process can be used, in this way consultants improve the skill of persuading the buyer.

Training hour. Once a week, the director of a retail outlet holds an hour-long planning meeting, which can more likely be classified as training. The subject of discussion may be the sales technology of a new brand or errors and pressing issues that have not been worked out in the process of daily meetings. For example, how to determine the buyer's need and choose the appropriate pair of shoes (it may be that the buyer initially insists on high heels, and then chooses comfortable shoes). This kind of work on mistakes also requires the use of a game form.

Extended training. This is an intensive training event, which is conducted once a season (every six months) by the training manager of the parent company - an employee of the HR department. As a rule, the lesson lasts four hours and is devoted to one of the stages of sales technology. Training is developed in strict accordance with the needs, tasks and problems of the store or branch.

Level 3. Consultant of the first category: advanced training system

The purpose of training. Advanced training for sales consultants, career growth.

Mechanism of operation. Any employee of the second category is allowed to be certified for the first category. As a rule, this happens no earlier than six months later. At the initiative of the seller, the store director creates a presentation sheet in which the consultant’s activities for the last three months are assessed in points: sales results, characteristics of working with the cash register, discipline. If the indicators are satisfactory, then the employee is granted access to certification.

Practice shows that of the sellers in the second category, about 5% of managers reach this level. This must be taken into account when managing employee training.

Certification. Case tasks are added to the standard tickets used for certification for the second category. The certification process is divided into blocks. I’ll give an example from the “Merchandising” block: two photo reports of displays from different stores are presented, the examinee must find errors and justify the answer. After successful certification, the employee becomes a sales consultant of the first category and receives a salary increase. It is important to note that at this stage the system of supportive training is preserved.

Level 4. Store director: system of management knowledge and skills

Target. Formation of a reserve of managers, development of new skills for staff, assistance to line employees in career and professional development.

Mechanism of operation. Those wishing to get into the Reserve School of Management send applications to participate in the competition. In the second half of 2012, 10 out of 70 first category sellers applied for training.

Candidate assessment and start of training. The selection interview for an applicant manager includes self-presentation, goal setting and solving a number of business cases (Table 1). Based on the results of this tour, department heads and personnel service employees make a decision on the further development of a particular employee. At this stage, it is necessary to carefully analyze each candidate. There are situations when the selection process reveals a manager’s inclination towards individual work.

  • Training of company personnel: how to evaluate the effectiveness of training

Management tasks in a retail outlet with a large staff are unlikely to be within his capabilities. However, if we are not talking about a large store with a staff of ten or more people, but about a small salon, the skills and knowledge of such an “individualist” may be in great demand.

After the groups are formed, the learning process begins, most often through online conferences once a week. The material is divided into information blocks (Table 2).

Certification. The certification procedure, in addition to the theoretical part - intermediate exams and tests - includes case testing. For example, “Explain to a new sales floor employee his or her tasks in five minutes.” The results are recorded in a special accounting table, and at the end of the training (six to nine months, depending on the complexity of the program), a final exam is held. The preparation period ends with a large corporate event, in which all employees are required to participate.

Directors' assessment. The development of managers continues after they take office. For this purpose, a special tool has been developed - a competency profile. The assessment is based on indicators of the manifestation of basic skills and knowledge. They are divided into modules, each of which contains a number of positive and negative characteristics - there are about 200 of them in all modules (Table 3).

The HR employee counts the pros and cons and determines the final result: subtracts the negative ones from the positive ratings, divides the resulting number by the number of positive ratings, and multiplies the resulting value by 100%. Thus, the candidate is assigned a degree of competency development (Table 4). As a rule, the competence level of directors is always above 5%.

Depending on the result, the manager continues training through individual or complex (group classes with other directors) programs for developing skills and competencies with the support of more experienced employees.

Anastasia Lobareva Graduated from the Kamchatka State Academy of Fishing Fleet (Faculty of Economics) in 1998. She has been working in the HR field for 15 years, as a HR Director since 2005 (in various companies). Completed a number of professional trainings. In the company since 2013.

"Distribution Management System"- official distributor of the international company Procter & Gamble. On the market since 1994. Represented in the Urals and Siberia, branches operate in 17 regions of Russia. Staff - more than 1300 employees.

The student-trainee's workbook is the main document for recording his work at the training camp in the combat unit.

Before the training session, the student must carefully study the memo given in the notebook and become familiar with the procedure for maintaining the “Student Trainee Workbook.”

    The notebook is filled out by the student trainee and the technical staff of the unit daily, carefully and only with ink or a ballpoint pen.

    In the section “List of mandatory questions to be worked out or studied by a student intern during the training process,” the student enters the date of completion of the question specified in the list. If the same question is processed more than once, then all the dates for its completion are indicated. If the issue was worked out over a long period of time (participation in preparing aircraft for flights, performing routine maintenance), then the dates of these works are entered.

    In the section “List of studied governing documents,” the student intern writes down the name and basic requirements of the governing documents he studied during the internship. Do not write secret information!

    In the section “Working as a backup in the position of senior technician (technician) of the maintenance group,” the student trainee takes into account all the work he performs in the air squadron.

    In the section “Working as an understudy in the position of senior technician (technician) of the group of routine maintenance”, the student-intern takes into account all the work he performs in the power engineering department.

    The student-intern's work supervisor gives him a daily assessment for the quality of the work performed and puts his signature on it.

7. The correctness of the notebook is checked by the commander of the platoon of cadets (students) and the head of the training unit of the assembly.

8. After the end of the training session, the notebook is handed over to the cycle teacher responsible for the platoon.


The training camp is the most important component of training and has the following goals:

    consolidation of practical skills in the operation and military repair of aviation equipment;

    acquiring the skills to independently perform the entire range of functional responsibilities of a senior technician (technician) of the maintenance and routine maintenance group;

    familiarization with the forms and methods of party-political and educational work with personnel.


a) Before leaving for training camp:

    clarify all unclear questions regarding the training fee during the cycle;

    receive an individual assignment for special training from the teacher responsible for the platoon;

b) On the way.

The student along the route is subordinate to his department commander and all officials providing transportation of personnel.

The student is obliged:

    Arrive at the meeting place exactly at the appointed time, having with you the necessary property and documents (passport, registration certificate, military ID, Komsomol ID (party ID, toiletries, sports uniform);

System for assessing the quality of educational services

Workbook for internship students

MBOU "Secondary school No. 53 with in-depth study of individual subjects"




Topic and type of lesson

(initials and surname of the teacher)




Welcome speech from the school director Yu.G. Galkina

Modern school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Conference hall

9.10- 9.30

Acquaintance. Explain the phrase

Goal setting.

Assignment: filling out the table “The purpose of my visit to the internship” Maslova E.A.


School education quality assessment system: development, priorities

Maslova E.A.


Master Class:

Traces of presentation (psychological game), educational psychologist Shagina S.A.

Assignment: examination of a lesson using a technological map


System for assessing educational (educational) results

Ushkevich Yu.V.

12.20 – 12..30

Discussion of expert sheets



1st floor, dining room


Protecting your own programs

Conference hall


Reflection. Open mic

Guest book

Conference hall


Choose a piece of paper and explain the phrase...

2. Goal setting task

1. Rank by importance your motives for studying this topic:

Requirement of the founder, employer

Awareness of objective necessity

Desire to keep up with colleagues

The desire for personal professional self-improvement

The need to take courses and increase the number of hours for certification

2. Determine the initial level of your competence in solving professional problems:

Information competence

Communication competence (ability to work on a PC, email, Internet)


(1 - most significant, 5 - insignificant)

3. Which organizational forms do you consider effective (highlight the one that is optimal for you)?



distance learning


(1 - most significant, 5 - insignificant)

4. What forms of final certification of the internship do you consider acceptable:



A resource created during the internship that you can use

Project protection

Presentation of a single project created by the group

5. Formulate a question that you would like to receive an answer to during the internship


Thank you for your cooperation!

Task 3. Highlight the key words in the concept of “Quality education” (Article 2, paragraph 29 of the Federal Law-273 “ About education in the Russian Federation" )

“...quality of education is a comprehensive characteristic of educational activities and training of a student, expressing the degree of their compliance with federal state educational standards, educational standards, federal state requirements and (or) the needs of an individual or legal entity in whose interests educational activities are carried out, including the degree of achievement planned results of the educational program..."

Number of semantic parts in this text

What are the features of CO:

1.1. What (entity)

1.2. involves (process)

1.3. represents (system)

1.4. subjects...

Quality assessment – ​​who, where, how?

Task 4. Answer the questions posed during the presentation.

1.Which part of the regulatory framework for the quality of education do you require? Why?

2. What are the characteristics of knowledge, abilities, skills, values, experience and competence (quality of result: educational result of the student, professional result of the teacher)?

3. How is the goal-setting process implemented (educational program, quality assessment, innovative activities, continuing education institutions, etc.)? Determine the structure and rank according to the importance of the assessment system for you?

5.Task. Study the assessment system of MBOU Secondary School No. 53 and create your own SOKO model for your educational organization.

To help the listener.

sc 53 ucoz. ru- MBOU Secondary School No. 53 Barnaul, “Innovation Project”, SOKO

Task 6. Read the Regulations on the Quality Laboratory of MBOU Secondary School No. 53 and make changes to its content based on the requirements of Federal Law-273 on its participation in assessing the quality of education.

To help the listener.

sc 53 ucoz . ru - MBOU Secondary School No. 53 Barnaul, “Innovation Project”, SOKO


about the quality laboratory of MBOU secondary school No. 53

1. General Provisions

1.1.Quality Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as QL) is a representative collegial body operating in the field of planning and coordinating work on the formation and development of a quality system in an educational organization.

1.2. The regulations on the LC were developed on the basis of:

    Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012;

    National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation until 2025 No. 751 of 10/04/2000;

    State program "Development of Education" for 2013-2020. No. 2148-r dated November 22, 2012;

    Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia “Improving the efficiency and quality of services in the field of social services for the population” No. 650 dated December 29, 2012;

    Law of the Altai Territory “On Education in the Altai Territory” No. 56-ZS dated 09/04/2013;

    Strategies for the socio-economic development of the Altai Territory until 2025 No. 86-ЗС dated November 21, 2012;

    State program of the Altai Territory “Development of education and youth policy in the Altai Territory for 2014-2020” No. 670 dated December 20, 2013.

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. The goal of the LC is to implement a quality policy that ensures the training of students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

2.2. The main tasks of the LC are:

    formation of a draft policy and strategy in the field of quality of an educational organization;

    development of a plan for the creation and implementation of a quality system in an educational organization;

    dissemination of quality policy within the organization and in the external environment;

    determining the procedure for conducting internal audits of the quality of education and employees of the educational organization in the planned activities;

    consideration of criteria and indicators to determine the effectiveness of the education quality management system;

    assessing the effectiveness of the education quality management system;

    development of proposals for choosing a quality system model and presentation to senior management;

    analysis of the causes of deviations and inconsistencies, development of corrective and preventive actions for the emergence of inappropriate results of student training;

    development of proposals for planning, organization, resource provision and maintenance and development of the processes of an educational organization at a level that ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as its continuous improvement;

    participation in the organization and conduct of internal and external monitoring of the conditions and state of the educational process in order to timely identify trends, as well as inconsistencies in the quality of student training;

    development of proposals for the participation of public organizations in quality competitions.

3. Composition and structure of the quality laboratory (QL)

3.1. The composition of the LC is determined in accordance with a set of measures for the formation and development of a quality management system in an organization and the features of each stage of this process.

3.2. The composition of the LC is formed from among the most authoritative and qualified teaching staff and employees of the educational organization, approved by order of the head of the educational organization.

3.3. The chairman of the LC is approved by order of the director of the educational organization.

3.4. The secretary of the LC is elected from among its members at a meeting for a period of one academic year.

3.4. Meetings of the Quality Committee are held as needed, but at least once every six months.

4. Organization of activities

4.1. The LC carries out work according to a plan drawn up for the year and approved by the chairman of the body.

4.2. Decisions are made by a majority vote of the members of the LC with the participation of at least 2/3 of its members in voting. The organization of the work of the LC (preparing for meetings of the LC and bringing the decisions made by it to the attention of interested parties, monitoring the implementation of decisions) is carried out by the deputy chairman of the LC.

4.3. The minutes of the LC are kept by the chairman of the body.

4.4. The LC regularly (at least once a year), represented by the chairman, reports on its work to the PA at the final pedagogical council (August).

5. Rights and responsibilities of LC

5.1. LC has the right:

5.1.1. Submit for discussion proposals in the field of formation of an education quality system.

5.1.2. Request and receive information in accordance with the regulations defined by the selected quality system model.

5.1.3. Review and discuss regulatory frameworks, tools and make recommendations to management on their approval and use.

5.1.6. Make proposals to management about sending employees for training to improve their qualifications in the field of quality systems at educational, methodological and scientific centers.

5.1.7. Make proposals for holding conferences and seminars on quality issues.

5.2. LC is responsible

5.2.1. The scope of responsibility of the members of the body is determined by these Regulations.

5.2.2. Members of the LC promptly analyze the results and develop solutions that help eliminate identified deficiencies in quality assurance in all areas of activity of the educational organization.

5.2.3.LC is responsible for a competent analysis of compliance of the formed quality system with the requirements

6. Quality laboratory documentation

6.1. Quality quide

6.2. Regulations on the LC

6.3. LC work plan for the academic year

6.4. LC report for the academic year

6.5. Corrective and preventive action plan

6.6. Work plan for the group of internal audit auditors

6.7 Internal audit report

6.8. Minutes of meetings

6.9. Documented procedures

Task 6. Analyze the summary table of diagnostic materials of the level of formation of educational results (ULD, MUD) for compliance with your needs.

Help the listener!

Formation of universal educational activities in primary school: from action to thought. Assignment system: teacher's manual /

(A. G. Asmolov, G. V. Burmenskaya, I. A. Volodarskaya, etc.); edited by A. G. Asmolova. – M.: Education, 2010. – 159 p.

Personal universal actions



Group work of students.

Task "Moral Sense"

11-15 l.

Formation of orientation towards the moral and ethical content of actions and events.



Group work followed by group discussion in class

Assignment “Code of Moral Standards”

11-15 l.

Discussion and development of a code of moral standards that should guide students in class when communicating with classmates.



Individual and group work.

Communicative universal learning activities

Cognitive universal learning activities Task “Working with metaphors”

(A.E. Padalko, 1985)

11-15 l.

Formation of the ability to work with metaphors (the ability to understand the figurative meaning of expressions, understand and construct figures of speech based on hidden likening, figurative convergence of words).


Group 4-5 hours

The task “Composing words from elements according to the rule” (A.E. Padalko, 1985)

11-15 l.

Formation of the ability to construct words from individual elements (according to certain rules), formation of the ability to identify and compare strategies for solving a problem.


Group 4-5 hours

“The Missing Letter” (A.E. Padalko, 1985)

11-15 l

Formation of the ability to identify and compare strategies for solving a problem.


Group 4-5 hours

Task "Robinson and Ayrton"

11-15 l

Formation of the ability to evaluate facts, events, phenomena and processes using various criteria, and to identify cause-and-effect relationships.


Group 4-5 hours

Assignment "Empirical research"


Formation of the ability to conduct empirical research.


Group 4-5 hours

Task “Favorite programs”


Formation of the ability to conduct empirical research using the example of studying favorite television programs of class (group) students

Literature, etc.

Group 4-5 hours

Task “Choice of transport”

11-15 l

Formation of the ability to carry out empirical research.

Geography, etc.

Group 4-5 hours

Quest “Tenants of your house”

12-13 l

Developing the ability to carry out empirical research using the example of collecting information about the residents inhabiting your home.


Group 4-5 hours

Quest “Fairy-Tale Heroes”

14-15 l.

Formations to conduct theoretical research based on the analysis of fairy-tale characters.


Group 4-5 hours

Task “Dialogue with text”

(G.G. Granik, O.V. Soboleva, 1998)

11-12 l.

Formation of the ability to perceive a text as a single semantic whole based on mastering the technique of “dialogue with text”

Assignment “Learning to ask questions”

11-12 l.

Formation of the ability to ask questions to a literary text.


Work in pairs and groups.

Task “Titling the text”

11-15 l.

Formation of the ability to perceive the text as a single semantic whole and highlight the main idea, the semantic core of the text.

Humanities and natural sciences

Work individually and in groups

Task "Proverbs"

11-15 l.

Formation of the ability to understand the meaning of proverbs based on adequate perception of figurative meaning and metaphor.

Literature, history

Work in groups.

Quest "Epigraph"

11-15 l.

Developing the ability to highlight the concept (main idea) of a literary work using an epigraph.


Work individually and in groups

Task “Making a fairy tale”

11-14 l.

Development of the reader's imagination based on mastering the technique of composing an original text, developing interest in reading and books, mastering the technique of anticipation.


Work in groups.

Task “Understanding scientific text”

12-15 l.

Development of the ability to structure a scientific (cognitive) text and compose a short summary.

Humanities and natural sciences

Work individually and in groups

Assignment “Techniques for comprehending the test in introductory reading”

14-15 l.

Mastering techniques for comprehending a text, including techniques for posing a question and searching for an answer to it, posing a question-assumption, anticipating a plan of presentation, anticipating content, and recipitating (mentally returning to what was previously read).

Humanities and natural sciences

Work individually and in groups

Task “Putting questions to the text”

14-15 l.

Mastering the technique of asking questions to a text and drawing up a plan.

Humanities and natural sciences

Work individually and in groups

Tasks for mastering techniques for logical memorization of information extracted from texts

12-15 l

Mastering techniques for logical memorization of information extracted from texts.

Humanities and natural sciences

Work individually and in groups

Regulatory universal learning activities

7. Complete the Internship Satisfaction Survey

Very satisfied



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