Acupressure for back pain. Massages for the treatment of kidneys Chinese massage for dilated pelvis

Kidneys are a biological filter from harmful bacteria entering the body. They also regulate the balance of acid-base and water-salt environments. Kidney diseases entail a feeling of constant heaviness and drowsiness, loss of strength, weakening of concentration, visual and hearing acuity, and swelling. Therefore, such problems should be dealt with in all possible ways, one of which is kidney massage.

Types of professional massage

To maintain the normal functioning of the kidneys for the purpose of prevention, specialists in this field recommend taking a course of massage. Direct indications for prescribing massage are:

  • BPH;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis, nephritis (initial, moderate severity);
  • sand and kidney stones;
  • hypertension;
  • anemia.

Therapy is contraindicated in the final stages of pathological disorders, congenital anomalies and acute kidney diseases. In the presence of external or internal bleeding, tuberculosis, thrombosis, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system and brain, the rubbing technique is unacceptable.

Even a very busy person can get a massage from a trained master. The entire procedure will take from 15 to 30 minutes. Depending on the designated goals, several types of professional exposure are distinguished:

Types of self-massage

It is quite simple to increase the tonic properties, improve and rejuvenate the body’s condition. Kidney massage at home is allowed in 4 directions:

Name Application technique
Bilateral Actions are taken to push and shake. To massage the right kidney, hands are placed on the stomach. Pressing with a little force with your hands seems to bring one hand closer to the other. For the left kidney, circular movements while striving for the right one must be carried out in the lumbar region. Shaking in this form is stretching the skin simultaneously in the horizontal and vertical directions. Lightly stroking the back with your fingertips will complete the procedure.
Taoist rejuvenating First, rub your hands until they become hot. Clenching your fists, tap the back side into the kidney area (on the back under the lower ribs). Then alternately tap 5 to 10 times with the left and right fists without any unpleasant sensations. Warm up your palms again and make vertical rubbing movements over the kidneys. Repeat every day to eliminate back pain (only if the cause of the pain is kidney problems).
Lumbar Starting position - standing, evenly distributing body weight on both legs. Make vertical, rubbing movements with your hands in the waist area to warm up the muscle tissue. Then apply light pressure with your fingers in a circle in the direction from the sides to the spine, and in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise 24 times.
From the stomach Take a horizontal position on a flat surface, put a pillow under your head. Taking a deep breath, strongly round your stomach. Then, holding your breath, use your middle and index fingers to press on the area of ​​the kidneys, thereby trying to deepen them. Intensifying the pressure, gradually raise your fingers upward. As you exhale, remove your hands. Repeat 6 times and no more than 2 times a week. The best time for a massage is more than 2 hours after eating.

Self-renal massage is suitable during the rehabilitation period after chronic, serious illnesses. It can be done by both young and old. And if these actions are regular, then your health will improve within 3 months. Beetroot is a simple and accessible indicator of kidney condition. If you eat it and your urine does not become colored, it means your kidneys are functioning normally.

Therapy according to Ogulov

Founder of the Russian school of visceral therapy A.T. Ogulov revived ancient Slavic techniques, when the anterior wall of the abdomen was massaged to correct the position of the internal organs.

The internal organs of a person, their correct location in relation to the skeleton, directly depends on the condition of the ligaments. Inflammatory processes, physical inactivity, and incorrect posture destroy the bones and ligaments. Massage using the Ogulov method allows you to restore the previous connection between the internal organs and the skeleton.

Blood supply deteriorates due to vasospasm and the supply of tissues with nerves (innervation). The result is venous and lymphatic stagnation, retention of metabolic products and the prosperity of pathogenic microflora. When one organ fails to cope with its task, the entire burden falls on other departments, whose capabilities are not unlimited. There are malfunctions in the functioning of the entire organism as a whole.

The Ogulov method is aimed at eliminating the incorrect location of organs inside the abdominal cavity. The main actions are advancement, tapping, pressing. A visceral specialist examines the abdominal area, finds problem areas, and by influencing the spastic ligaments returns the patient’s internal organs to the correct position. The advantage of massage is the absence of severe pain. The intensity of pressure is determined individually for each patient.

The period of pressure directly depends on the degree of the disease. The more severe the violation, the longer it will take for the pain to disappear at the site of pressure. Regular procedures allow you to relax the anterior wall of the abdomen, shorten the session, and improve bowel function. At the first stimulation, urine becomes darker, thicker, more saturated, and even sediment appears. All these actions have a beneficial effect on the dissolution of sand and stones in the kidneys and ureters.

Blood circulation in the muscles is restored, which allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body. This treatment technique is perfect for people who play sports professionally. Regular sessions of visceral massage will help strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of existing pathologies.

You need to know that timely prevention will prevent the disease from developing. When stimulating the activity of the kidneys with the help of massage, puffiness and blueness under the eyes subsides, excessive sweating and fatigue decrease. But before using any of the above methods, you need to undergo diagnostics and visit a nephrologist or urologist. To understand whether you have any contraindications to the massage technique you have chosen.

Various techniques are used for rejuvenation and weight loss. These include all kinds of cosmetic procedures and even surgical interventions. But many people prefer to use Chinese therapeutic massage as a means of stopping the aging process.

Indications for the Chinese technique

The essence of Chinese massage is the impact of special movements on certain points. Massage movements are directed along the lines responsible for the flow of energy. Both Chinese body and facial massage are popular.

The Chinese procedure is indicated for the following problems:

  • constant headaches;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • arthritis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis, tracheitis, which has passed to the chronic stage;
  • high blood pressure;
  • myositis;
  • overwork, which results in problems with memory and perception of information;
  • stressful situations;
  • depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • toothache;
  • ear pain;
  • problems with digestion and stomach function;
  • various colds;
  • skin problems;
  • metabolic failures;
  • allergic reactions;
  • cough;
  • pain during menstruation;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • impotence;
  • changes in skin structure associated with age;
  • joint pathologies, spinal pain;
  • cramps in the calves.

Chinese massage techniques are used as treatment and prevention. When the acupressure technique is indicated for treatment, the impact on active points continues until the symptoms of the disease disappear. For preventive purposes, Chinese point massage is aimed at one or more specific active zones that prevent the development of pathology.

When should you not do the Chinese procedure?

Regardless of the type of Chinese technology, the procedure is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • elevated temperature;
  • feverish condition;
  • problems with the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • hypertension that has progressed to the chronic stage;
  • neoplasms of various types;
  • mental health problems;
  • bearing a child;
  • during menstruation;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve.

Chinese acupressure massage cannot be performed if alcohol is drunk before eating. The procedure is not recommended on days when pressure changes are observed in the atmosphere.

While taking a targeted course, it is advisable to give up coffee, strongly brewed tea, and salty and spicy foods. It is recommended to temporarily avoid a hot bath and use a warm shower.

Facial session in Chinese

Chinese acupressure facial massage has a powerful lifting effect. The best results from the procedure can be obtained if you start performing sessions before the age of 40. Changes on the facial skin will become noticeable after the 3rd procedure.

Chinese facial and neck massage has the following results:

  • eliminates various types of impurities on the skin, cleansing pores;
  • leads to normal function of the sebaceous glands;
  • restores blood flow, so the skin receives the necessary nutrition and sufficient oxygen;
  • facial muscles are smoothed;
  • promotes the production of natural collagen;
  • eliminates wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones;
  • smoothes the skin.

Under the influence of Chinese facial massage, self-rejuvenation functions are launched in the skin layers. This reaction occurs due to the action on certain areas and lines affecting nerve fibers.

You can perform Chinese eye massage, affecting vision, massaging the ears, and influencing the sense of smell.

The acupressure technique for Chinese facial massage is performed as follows:

  1. first you need to apply pressure on the temples using 2 fingers;
  2. With the pads of two fingers located above the eyebrows, effortlessly lead to the temples. Then go back;
  3. Place the connected index and middle fingers of both hands on the wings of the nose. Press the wings with your fingers several times;
  4. Place the index finger in a horizontal position above the lip, and the second finger under the lip. Massage these areas to a state of relaxation.

Usually the movements are performed with one or two fingers. After the session, it is advisable to sit for half an hour without moving, with your eyes closed. Each manipulation is repeated 10 times.

Manipulations last from 10 to 12 minutes. In total you will need 10 or 15 sessions.

Head treatment

Chinese head massage is aimed at eliminating headaches and even migraines. The technique eliminates wrinkles and corrects the facial contour.

With the correct action on active zones, performance improves and the amount of vital energy increases. Head sessions help with hair loss and are recommended for accelerating hair growth.

In various cosmetology centers you can sign up for a relaxing, vitamin version of sessions for the head, or using stones. You can inquire in advance about prices for salon services. But, you can successfully perform the procedure at home by first watching training videos and reading recommendations.

The fastest and easiest technique for performing a session is performed with your fingers. Using your fingers tightly pressed to the scalp, apply gentle pressing movements. First, attention is paid to the temples and forehead, then a smooth transition to the hair is made.

Treatment option for feet

During the Chinese foot massage, many active points that are responsible for the functioning of internal organs are affected. For impact, pressing, stroking and kneading movements are used.

After a properly performed Chinese foot massage, blood flow and general condition improve, and immune defense increases.

With proper influence, after completing the course, the menstrual cycle is normalized, and problems with potency go away in men. Joint pain goes away, the functions of the heart muscle and respiratory system are restored. When influencing certain points and lines of the feet, memory improves, vitality increases, flat feet are cured.

Sequential technique for conducting a session for the feet:

  1. the foot is stroked from above, with gradual movement towards the ankle;
  2. To relieve muscle tension, you need to grab your heel, fixing your foot with your other hand. The foot is carefully turned to the left, then to the right;
  3. with rotational movements, extend the fingers, clasping the foot at the instep;
  4. with the heel fixed, the areas between the toes are massaged;
  5. the instep is compressed by the palm when the heel is well secured.

The session ends with stroking.

Belly option

Chinese abdominal massage is performed to eliminate toxins from the body. The tuyfu technique helps get rid of toxic substances and feces that are not released from the body in time. The cleansing procedure, removing impurities, prevents tissue aging.

The Tuina technique is based on pressing movements on the abdomen, and is performed 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. Benefits of the procedure:

  • digestion is normalized;
  • relief from constipation;
  • used for weight loss;
  • restores liver function;
  • promotes the production of the required amount of bile.


  1. With warmed hands, folded into fists, the abdomen is pressed from the navel to the center of the body. The skin should warm up;
  2. when a painful point is detected, you need to move it down;
  3. the abdomen is pressed from top to bottom, from the center to the edges of the abdomen. Thumbs are used;
  4. pain points are massaged in a circle. You need to try and literally squeeze out and break up problem areas;
  5. manipulations end with circular movements, moving clockwise.

Redness of the skin of the abdomen indicates that the session was carried out correctly.

Chinese technique for weight loss

Chinese massage for weight loss is performed in the abdominal area. Special influences include points associated with blood flow, digestion, lymph flow, and immunity.

To achieve results, you need to conduct a full course of Chinese acupressure for weight loss, which consists of the following stages:

  1. 3.5 weeks every day, with a break for a week;
  2. 2 weeks every day, with a week off;
  3. within a month 1 time per week.

The weight loss course is indicated for implementation in the winter.

When completing the course, the following influence is used:

  • pressing manipulations with fingertips;
  • vibrating movements;
  • rotation;
  • stroking.

Additional devices are used during the procedure. This is a special massager for the press, rubber balls.

The points where the liver and kidneys are located are processed with fists, and the spleen area is warmed up. After the session, hiccups or belching occur, which indicates correctly performed manipulations on active areas.

Rejuvenating version of the Chinese technique

Chinese facial massage for rejuvenation comes down to manipulations on active areas, due to which the restorative functions of the skin layers are launched. The procedure affects the superficial and deep layers of the epidermis, vascular tissue and muscles.

Chinese lifting facial massage does not stretch the epidermis, bruising and irritation are excluded.

If you follow the technique of performing Chinese facial massage for wrinkles, side effects are excluded. The impact goes like this:

  1. smoothing is carried out with pads, starting from the forehead, eyes and bridge of the nose. Next comes manipulations to the cheeks, chin and neck area;
  2. Patting is done in the areas listed above;
  3. smoothing with index fingers from the center of the forehead to the temporal region;
  4. eyebrows are worked on from the bridge of the nose, then manipulations go to the temporal part of the face;
  5. with the eyes closed, the eyelids are carefully processed in a circle;
  6. rubbing the wings of the nose with the index fingers. Treatment of the point under the nose;
  7. the cheeks are stroked with spread fingers, heading towards the neck area;
  8. The ears and lobes are rubbed, moving up and down.

Chinese rejuvenating facial massage ends with manipulations that imitate washing the face. Only the palms, applied as if to wash, remain motionless. Such rejuvenating actions in the process of Chinese facial massage help fill the epidermal tissues with energy.

The described option refers to the classical technique. In Chinese medicine, rejuvenating facial massage is performed using pinches. Muscle tissue is captured, resulting in lymph flow being restored.

Qigong technique

Chinese Qigong massage refers to anti-aging procedures. Light movements are used that do not stretch the skin, painful pressure is excluded.

There are non-contact and contact Qigong techniques. The first option is used if there are skin diseases.

The sequence of actions for the contact version is similar to the rejuvenating type of technique. Each zone receives 9 impacts. During the exposure process, you need to imagine that dew is flowing from the blooming spring flowers.

For the back

Chinese back massage, or Guasha technique, is performed using kneading, pressing, stroking and rubbing. Basic movements also include pushing, thrusting, vibrating and cutting, performed with the thumbs.

You can influence the active points of the back using Chinese cupping massage. This technique can relieve back and lumbar pain, eliminate problems with joints and the spine.

The use of cupping is indicated if ligaments are sprained or the spine is curved.

During back treatment, you feel complete relaxation and warmth, with simultaneous numbness in the area being treated. All manipulations are light and smooth, jerky manipulations are excluded.

Back massage is used even during fainting and pain syndromes. In this way, you can bring a person to his senses, restoring the mobility of his limbs.

Winter massage that strengthens the kidneys

Our journey through the seasons ends with the last element of nature - water. We prepare for weather changes (snow, frost), prepare warm clothes. The lines of the poems take us to winter and remind us that it is good for our health to smile more often. The ancients said that “laughter and a smile are the best medicine for all diseases.”

From Svetlana's diary

The New Year was approaching, but this did not make me happy. Work, work... What difference does it make - holidays, weekdays... There was such a hopeless state. Like a horse, you pull the strap and think: “When will this end?” And one evening, while spending time in the kitchen, I heard a voice on the radio. He was like from another world: bright, kind, soft, as if not at all from our delayed life. And if it weren’t for this voice, I would never have gotten ready for any qigong. To be honest, these eastern names of different schools do not warm my ears. Somewhere is it our Russian: “A – U”? But what to do? Qigong is just qigong. I remember this word. Unfortunately, they didn’t say the phone number in the program. But fate sometimes throws us a lifeline. So I am lucky. Ten days after the program, I saw a health magazine at a kiosk and the headline: “Qigong.” Ah, that was already a cherished word. It was there that I discovered the telephone number of the White Crane health club. A year and a half has passed since I started studying at the club and becoming friends with qigong. And that wonderful voice belonged to the head of the club - Lyudmila Borisovna Belova. And now the world has turned a different color for me: either I painted it, or qigong. I live in a world that is pleasant to me, although outwardly nothing has changed. Same job, same house. But there is His Majesty Qigong, thanks to him I became different. There is some work going on inside me. For example, I know my comfortable state, I feel it. And if it leaves me (well, you know, we live among people, not angels), then I immediately notice it and try to become what I need to be. And in knowing myself, “hearing,” understanding and restoring, qigong techniques help me. I can apply them right there on the spot.

Water – the main element of winter, which largely determines our health at this time of year. Therefore, the best “medicine” of winter will be its energy, which we will fill our palms with when performing a massage.

The ancients spoke about water like this: “Take water as a model.” It was in it that they saw true strength: “Water is soft, but wears away the stone.” The image of water best teaches the correct massage movements: the palms should move smoothly along the surface of the body, like streams of water.

This image can also be imagined during a massage to strengthen the kidneys, bladder, and legs. The image of water, as one of the most universal, is useful when performing cleansing massage movements not only in winter, but also at any other time of the year.

Kidneys – the organ that is most active in winter is the main store of water energy.

To the element of water in the human body include:


Hair on one's head),

The center of inner strength, located in the center of the lower abdomen, four fingers below the navel.

Knowing Chinese diagnostics, the signs kidney diseases, which are often insensitive to pain include:

Diseases of the legs, ear, throat, nose,


pelvic organs,


Lower back pain


Strengthening the kidneys and legs is one of the secrets of qigong longevity: “Aging starts from the feet and goes up”; “Take care of a tree’s roots, and a man’s feet.” The kidney meridian is one of the main highways that supplies the legs with energy. Therefore, the health of your legs largely depends on the health of your kidneys.

The ancients saw the strengthening of the kidneys as the basis anti-cancer qigong therapy(see “Antitumor massage”).

The kidneys “manage the circulation of fluids, bone marrow development, and bone health,” so let me remind you: Bone health depends on kidney health. They contain the “source of vitality qi”, “primordial energy” (the energy that is given to us at birth).

And, of course, the strengthening of the important energy center in the lower abdomen is associated with the element of water and the kidneys. Here in winter we accumulate energy, which in spring will help everything beautiful that nature has given us to bloom.

Water suppresses fire and gives birth to wood. In winter, let me remind you, it is necessary to strengthen the heart, which is in a depressed state at this time of year - “water extinguishes fire.” Therefore, do not forget to perform a massage that strengthens the heart in winter (see “Summer massage that strengthens the heart”)

The element of water in the spring will be replaced by the element of wood, which in the human body corresponds to the liver - “water gives life to a tree.” From mid-February, to the winter massage that strengthens the kidneys and legs, it is useful to add a massage that strengthens the liver, so that by spring it becomes stronger and can withstand the load of active work in the spring.

Fire And water – two main elements of nature, disruption of their harmonious state leads to disaster. Therefore, exercises to strengthen “fire” (heart) and “water” (kidneys) are one of the main ones in Chinese therapy. The ancient canons of alchemy say that at the junction of the energy of fire and water (the area of ​​the solar plexus, related to the elements of earth), a mysterious “elixir of immortality” is born, which makes our body “diamond” or “golden” and immune to disease. Such a body stops getting sick and aging.

The main winter exercises will be massages that strengthen the kidneys, bladder, legs, bones, and internal strength.

The options for winter massages proposed below must be performed throughout the entire winter period, both completely and partially. For diseases of the kidneys, legs, bones, bronchitis, increased fatigue, cancer they are useful throughout the year.

Basic winter massage: “Let's stand under the stream of a waterfall”

This massage, and we are already familiar with its variants, can be performed standing or sitting. Using light and smooth movements of the palms, contact or non-contact, we massage the entire body from head to feet. The number of movements is from 3 to 5 times. Let's imagine ourselves under the flow of a waterfall. With two palms we will simultaneously massage the body and distribute the energy of the water over the following surfaces:

Using the palm of your left hand, massage the inner and outer surfaces of your right hand from the base to the fingertips, and vice versa;

Using two palms, we simultaneously wash the face, neck, chest, stomach, inner surface of the legs, fingers;

Face, neck, chest, abdomen, front surface of legs, fingers;

Temples, shoulders, sides of the body, fourth toes;

The back of the head, the back surface of the body along the spine with an interception at the shoulder blades, the back surface of the legs, heels.

During the massage, we imagine that the water washes away muddy and disease-causing energy through the fingers and toes into the ground.

At high blood pressure wash the front and back surfaces of the body, with low – from the back of the head to the toes once.

Attention! Massage will help restore strength and health, clear away pathogenic energy, strengthen the kidneys, improve blood circulation in the legs, and is useful for high blood pressure and high body temperature.

From Svetlana's diary

After the class, I felt where my kidneys were. I began to mentally look at them, think about their condition. And they introduced themselves to me as a child who was puffed up, scowling and didn’t want to talk to anyone. And he doesn’t know what he wants. I got lost. I remembered that the kidneys love the energy of water. And I understood what they wanted. Of course, swim. And I began to do exercises that imitate the swimming movements of breaststroke. My health has improved significantly.

Kidney strengthening massage

Let’s take a comfortable body position – sitting or lying down. The number of massage movements is from 1 to 7 or more. For high blood pressure, it is useful to perform this massage 1-2 times a day.

“Spilling qi water from the palms into the center of inner strength”

Let’s hold our hands for a few seconds, placed one on top of the other and mentally filled with water in the lower abdomen. Filling an important energy center with water energy can be done 1 to 3 times.

"Spilling Qi Water into the Kidneys"

Let's place our palms, rubbed until warm, filled with the image of water, on the lower back, kidney area and hold them in this position for several seconds until the heat flows from the palms to the kidneys. The exercise can be performed 1 to 3 times.

Lumbar massage

Place your palms on the kidney area and make circular rubbings of the entire lower back, then the kidneys and tailbone. Let's continue rubbing the lower back with the knuckles of the fingers, gently clenched into fists, up and down, from side to side.

Foot massage

Gently pat the inner and then the back surfaces of the legs from top to bottom with rounded palms. Let's massage our legs one by one with two palms, mentally filled with water from the base to the toes - first the inner and lateral surfaces, placing the foot on the toe, then the front and back, placing the foot on the heel.

Foot massage

Rub your feet together until warm, one against the other or with your palms. Using the pads of our thumbs, alternately and in a circle, rub the centers of the upper parts of the soles.

Attention! Massage will help quickly restore health and strength, cleanse the body of diseases and toxins, cope with swelling, strengthen muscles, bones, kidneys, pelvic organs, spine and energy system, improve self-healing processes, blood circulation in the legs, useful for high blood pressure, thyroid diseases, bronchitis.

Bladder strengthening massage

The bladder is the “outer gate of the kidneys”, the longest energy route, so it needs to be strengthened in case of edema, diseases of the kidneys, spine, legs and high blood pressure.

Let's perform this massage while standing, 1-3 times.

Head massage

Rub the inner corners of the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise with the pads of our index fingers; Rub the back of your head with your palms from side to side, up and down; Let's run the pads of our bent fingers along the scalp from the forehead to the neck, as if we were combing our hair.

Back massage

At high And normal pressure Let's run the knuckles of our fingers, gently clenched into a fist, along the spine from the shoulder blades to the heels; at low pressure Let's perform these movements in the opposite direction.

You can massage your back with a massage track consisting of wooden balls in the same order as described above.

“Spilling qi water from the palms into the bladder”

For a few seconds, let’s hold our hands, placed one on top of the other and mentally filled with water, in the lower abdomen. The exercise can be performed 1 to 3 times.

Lumbar massage

Rub it in a circle with your palms clockwise and counterclockwise all over your lower back.

Abdominal massage

Rub the lower abdomen gently and in a circular manner with hands placed one on top of the other in a clockwise direction.

Foot massage

Using two palms at the same time, we massage the legs in turn from the base to the toes along the inner and back surfaces.

Toe massage

Let's rub our little fingers from the base to the nails.

Heel steps

Tap your heels on the floor one at a time or at the same time. Tapping can be replaced by walking on your heels, while placing your palms on your lower back.

Attention! Massage is useful for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, spine, joints, pelvic organs, high and low blood pressure, edema, bronchitis.

"Threading threads of rain through arms and legs"

Preparatory movements

The “vessels of life,” or meridians, are located near the surface of the body and at close distances from each other in the hands, feet, arms and legs. Then their path branches and goes deep into the body, to the internal organs. Before threading imaginary rain threads, let's prepare the body.

Gently and lightly pat, knead and stroke the surfaces of the arms and legs from top to bottom.

Let's perform a massage, as if we are washing the body with palms gathered in a “boat”, both contact (lightly touching the surface of the body) and non-contact (at a short distance from the body).

"Threading the Rain"

Let's imagine that we take in our palms the silver threads of rain, which are to be threaded into our arms and legs, running our palms along them from top to bottom.

We will thread 3 threads of rain into our hands along the inner surfaces and 3 threads along the outer surfaces. In the legs - two threads on the inner and front surfaces, one on the side and rear surfaces.

Threads of rain will help strengthen the meridians, muscles and bones, cleanse the body of pathogenic qi and fill it with fresh ones. A massage using water, which is performed while taking a shower, will be especially useful (see “The simplest massage option”).

Attention! Massage will help strengthen muscles and bones; it is useful for diseases of the kidneys, legs, bones, increased fatigue, and blood pressure.

Leg strengthening massage

The ancients began treating leg diseases with the kidneys: “The health of the legs lies in strengthening the kidneys.” “Life lines”, or kidney meridians (let me remind you), are one of the main highways that feed the legs with energy.

It is no coincidence that the book pays a lot of attention to strengthening the legs. Most of the questions that I get asked during my live appearances on radio and television, in letters and by phone, are related to leg diseases: people ask how to cope with swelling, pain in muscles and joints, and sore veins.

Before doing exercises to strengthen your legs, let's start with the advice of the ancients, which is: “Keep your feet warm.”

On cold days, remember to wear warm shoes, wool socks and warm foot baths at 28-33°C. For severe diseases of the legs and dilated veins, we do the warm-up while sitting on a chair. The number of movements is from 1 to 7 times.

“Spilling qi water from the palms to the kidneys”

Let's mentally fill our rounded palms with water, place them on the lower back, kidney area and hold for 30 seconds. Kidneys filled with energy will more actively help normalize blood circulation in the legs.

Lumbar massage

Rub your lower back in a circular manner with your palms, and then with your knuckles, gathered into fists.

Massage of four surfaces of the legs

Let us gently and lightly stroke our legs with our palms along the inner, outer, side and back surfaces from the base to the tips of our fingers, then just as lightly and pleasantly pat our legs with our palms in the same direction and on the same surfaces.

After patting the right foot with the foot, rub the left foot from top to bottom, and vice versa.

For leg diseases, rest more often and combine rest with a leg massage, massaging them with palms mentally filled with water, from the base to the toes, imagining that the disease-causing qi and fatigue flow down following the movement of the palms into the feet. It is advisable to warm up barefoot or in socks.

We will pay special attention to massage of the inner surfaces of the legs.

For diseased leg veins, massage only with light, non-contact movements of the palms.

Foot massage

Let's massage the feet with our palms: with one palm we massage the top of the foot, with the other - the sole.

Unusual steps

Let's knock on the floor with both feet simultaneously or in turn: first with the toes, then with the heels, and then with the entire foot.

Attention! Massage will help strengthen the muscles, bones and blood vessels of the legs, improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, reduce and prevent the appearance of swollen veins.

Doing the suggested exercises every day, in whole or in part, will help not only strengthen your legs and kidneys, but also relieve fatigue, calm your nerves, get rid of depression, diseases of the pelvic organs, thyroid and pancreas, liver, bronchitis, asthma, sore throat, and allergies.

Northern energy massage

North – the main side of the world in winter. It may be helpful at this time of year to sit or stand facing that direction for 30 seconds. You can mentally use the energy of the north to fill your palms when performing a massage.

Let's imagine that the energy of the north washes the body from head to feet, fills it with fresh energy and helps strengthen kidneys, bones, hair, ears, throat, internal strength, will.

It is good not only to sit under the rays of northern energy, but also to draw its mental image with rounded palms in turn or simultaneously, washing the body from head to feet: head, hair, face, neck, joints, spine, lower back, kidneys, lower abdomen, legs.

Blue energy massage

Blue color – the main color of winter. Sources often indicate black as the color of winter, which is best not used in qigong therapy.

Let's imagine ourselves in a stream of blue color and distribute its energy throughout the body: wash our hands on two surfaces - internal and external, our feet on four surfaces - internal, front, side and back.

Then we wash the whole body simultaneously with two rounded palms in this order:

Face, neck, chest, abdomen, inner legs;

Face, neck, chest, abdomen, front surface of legs;

Lateral surfaces - from the temples to the fourth toes;

The back surface is from the back of the head to the toes.

Do not forget to imagine that the disease-causing energy flows following the movement of the palms into the fingers and toes, then goes into the ground.

Energy of asceticism

Asceticism – one of the main characteristics of winter energy. In winter, active processes in the body usually do not occur. All living things in nature fall asleep, preserving and accumulating strength until spring awakening and growth.

At this time of year, an even and calm lifestyle and moderation in everything, including food, are useful.

Cold energy

Cold - the main feature of winter. Dress warmly this time of year. Pay special attention to the kidneys, which are the worst organs to tolerate cold. If you have kidney disease, tie a woolen scarf around your lower back and wear warm socks on your feet.

Energy of softness

Mental softness - the main emotion of winter. Softness is one of the defining words in qigong: the softer the body, the less pressure and tension there is in it, the fewer obstacles to the movement of energy and blood.

In winter, it is useful to speak quietly for at least 30 minutes, walk lightly, carefully pick up objects, try to be even and calm. It’s good to imagine your body for a few seconds as consisting of soft white cosmic clay and perform a massage in exactly this image.

Everything will also change from winter to autumn, and from spring to winter, but we will enter a new round of the invisible circle of changes with others: stronger, stronger and younger.

From Svetlana's diary

I also want to learn to speak as gently, quietly and calmly as Lyudmila Borisovna. Throughout the entire qigong class she cooed to us like this. I think that in general we should speak in the same tone as if we were cradling our child. So he closes his eyes, we are so pleased to look at our treasure, and at this time we purr something. It seems to me that the vibrations of such a voice are very beneficial for others and for our own body. And how surprised our loved ones would be at such intonation! So far my voice is shrill, as one woman said. I was so sad when I heard this. I myself don’t like some voices on the radio: alarming, aggravating a bad mood. It turns out that she didn’t get far from them. So there is a goal, I will learn to speak smoothly, softly and easily. By the way, these three words are key in mastering the secrets of qigong. Movements in this ancient gymnastics should also be smooth, soft and easy. And I am very happy that I met this unusual and amazing gymnastics. I think that thanks to her, many more different discoveries await me.

Hydronephrosis is a kidney disease caused by a progressive expansion of the pyelocaliceal complex, which disrupts the outflow of urine from the kidney, increases hydrostatic pressure and atrophies the renal parenchyma. As a result of impaired outflow of urine from the pelvis and calyces of the kidney and impaired hemocirculation in the renal parenchyma, all basic renal functions deteriorate. The essence of the defect is the obstruction of urine passage from the pelvis to the ureter.

Causes of hydronephrosis.

Hydronephrosis can be congenital or acquired.

The causes of congenital hydronephrosis are dysthenesia of the urinary tract; congenital anomaly of the location of the renal artery (or its branch), compressing the ureter; congenital valves and ureteral strictures; retrocaval location of the ureter; ureterocele, congenital obstruction of the lower urinary tract.

The causes of acquired hydronephrosis are some urological diseases: kidney stones, inflammatory changes in the urinary system, traumatic narrowing of the urinary tract, urinary tract tumors, prostate tumors, as well as cervical tumors, malignant infiltration of retroperitoneal tissue and pelvic tissue, tumor metastases in the retroperitoneal lymph nodes and finally, various traumatic and other injuries to the spinal cord, leading to disturbances in the outflow of urine.

Anatomical obstacles are divided into five groups:

  1. Located in the urethra and bladder;
  2. Located along the ureter, but outside its lumen;
  3. Caused by deviations in the position and course of the ureter;
  4. Existing in the lumen of the ureter itself or in the cavity of the pelvis;
  5. Located in the wall of the ureter or pelvis.

One of the common causes of hydronephrosis is the so-called accessory vessel, which goes to the lower pole of the kidney and compresses the ureter at its origin from the pelvis. The role of the accessory vessel in the development of hydronephrosis is expressed both in mechanical compression and in its effect on the neuromuscular apparatus of the ureteropelvic segment.

As a result of constant mutual pressure and, as a result, an inflammatory reaction, scars are formed around the accessory vessel and the ureter, creating fixed kinks or compression of the ureteropelvic segment, and at the site of pressure on the ureter, scar tissue appears in it, causing a narrowing of its lumen.

Obstacles to the outflow of urine located in the lumen of the ureter and pelvis can be valves and spurs on their mucous membrane, narrowing of the ureter, tumor of the pelvis and ureter, stones, diverticulum.

Stages of hydronephrosis.

In its development, pathology can go through several stages:

1st degree. In most cases, identifying grade 1 hydronephrosis at the very beginning of its development is quite problematic, since it occurs in a latent form and does not cause the appearance of pronounced symptoms. In addition, the clinical picture at the first stage of development is quite blurred and identifying the disease is quite problematic, but still possible. In addition, there is an accumulation of a small amount of water in the organ, which causes a slight stretching of the pyelocaliceal system, but its work is not disrupted.

2nd degree. At this stage of progression of the pathology, a strong thinning of the wall of the renal pelvis is observed and the consequence of this is a disruption of the normal functioning of the organ. In addition, grade 2 hydronephrosis is accompanied by serious impairment of renal function.

3rd degree. The final stage of the disease is considered life-threatening, because the kidney transforms into a multi-chamber organ filled with urine. The prognosis of the pathology at this stage is completely unfavorable, because the organ completely refuses to work and chronic renal failure is detected.

Each stage of the pathology is accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms that must be paid attention to.

Symptoms of hydronephrosis.

Sometimes the symptoms of hydronephrosis may not appear for a long time. Sometimes aching pain occurs, which can occur at any time of the day, regardless of body position or physical activity.

Hydronephrosis of the right kidney is characterized by pain on the right, the left - respectively, on the left.

The remaining symptoms are characteristic of the diseases that caused hydronephrosis or its complications.

So, if the cause of such a disease is urolithiasis, then blood may periodically appear in the urine, discomfort and burning during urination, periodic sharp pain in the lumbar region, which “gives” along the ureter to the perineum. If the innervation of the urinary tract is disrupted, symptoms of urination disorders appear. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, the volume of urine changes, and a predominance of nighttime diuresis over daytime may be observed.

In severe cases, urinary incontinence develops.

With bilateral hydronephrosis, the functions of both kidneys are impaired. This process relatively quickly leads to the development of chronic renal failure.

This condition is characterized by symptoms of dysfunction of almost all organs and systems of the body.

Typically, patients with bilateral hydronephrosis experience swelling of the face in the morning, swelling of the legs in the evening, symptoms of heart rhythm disturbances, and shortness of breath.

Due to the development of general intoxication, patients complain of constant weakness, drowsiness, and decreased performance. Symptoms of indigestion are observed.

Diagnosis of hydronephrosis.

The diagnosis of hydronephrotic transformation is made on the basis of data obtained during examination and various studies. In this case, the most popular is the use of ultrasound diagnostics to make the correct diagnosis.

In addition, plain X-rays of the urinary tract are often used. And although it makes it possible to determine the presence of stones in the kidney cavity and its increase in size, it is impossible to determine the volume of kidney functioning in hydronephrosis using this technique. For this purpose, the patient is usually prescribed intravenous urography.

Intravenous urography is a diagnostic procedure in which a special contrast agent is injected intravenously, which can accumulate in the kidneys and be excreted in the urine. It is also clearly visible on x-rays, and thanks to it we can draw a conclusion about the level of damage to the kidney tissue.

Additionally, radionuclide research methods (for example, scintigraphy) are often used, which help to find out at what level the functionality of the kidneys is.

Treatment of hydronephrosis.

Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the development of hydronephrosis, and, if necessary, reducing the size of the pelvis and preserving the kidney.

Conservative treatment is usually ineffective and is used only for inflammation in the kidneys, to relieve pain, to reduce blood pressure, symptoms of renal failure, and is used as preparation for surgery.

Among the various methods of surgical treatment, the most common are reconstructive and organ-preserving operations. There are many methods of reconstruction, and the type and extent of the operation largely depends on what disease caused hydronephrosis, and the prognosis for the patient’s future life also depends on this.

Indications for plastic surgery are those stages of unilateral and bilateral hydronephrosis in which the function of the parenchyma is sufficiently preserved and the cause of the disease can be eliminated.

Kidney removal is resorted to when kidney function is practically lost, and preservation of the kidney is dangerous due to possible complications. More often this operation is performed in elderly patients.

Therapeutic and preventive measures for renal hydronephrosis.

To prevent exacerbations of the disease, both hypothermia and overheating of the body should be avoided. Hypothermia promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microbes with the subsequent development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys. And the exhausting heat, which leads to profuse sweating and thickening of the blood, ultimately worsens the functioning of the kidneys due to their overload.

There is one important point in matters of prevention. Never put off emptying your bladder until later. When you endure for a long time, some of the urine is thrown back into the kidneys, complicating their function, as the pelvis is stretched.

Any type of alcoholic beverages, especially beer, sharply increases the load on the kidneys, which can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Remember that alcohol is excreted with great difficulty by the kidneys. Have pity on them and give it up. And of course, help will be indispensable. This technique, like no other type of massage, will help you provide your body with very effective help, even if you had to resort to surgery. There are no difficulties in mastering this technique, but acupressure gives very significant results.

Master this method and always stay in good health!

Several acupressure techniques are currently used to treat various diseases. The basis of one of them is the Chinese traditional medicine method called Zhen-Jiu therapy - massage of acupuncture points. The essence of this acupressure comes down to mechanical irritation of small areas of the skin, which we call biologically active points due to the placement of a large number of nerve endings in them. Experts describe about 700 biologically active points. The most commonly used are around 140.

Acupressure for back pain allows you to relax tense muscles, improve nutrition of the intervertebral discs, reduce pain, and increase the mobility of the spine. The choice of points depends on the level of damage.

The diagrams below indicate the placement of some of the main points on the neck, back, abdomen, arms and legs, which are massaged for diseases of the spine. The diagrams show the numbers and names of points recommended by the Japanese doctor of medical sciences Serizawa Katsusuke. But do not forget that each person is an individual. You may be thinner or fatter, have a different structure from others, then your point will be slightly shifted.

As you begin to explore the points and find a painful, tense area, apply pressure to it with your fingertip. Pressure can be applied using the pads of the index, middle, ring or thumb. It should be strong enough, but not excessive and not cause severe pain. You can use rotational movements, vibration or periodic pressure on the point until painful. The duration of the massage is selected individually, on average 3-5 minutes for each point. Sometimes it takes a long time for the condition to improve, and sometimes it comes very quickly.

To relieve pain, muscle tension and numbness in the areas of the back of the head, neck, and shoulders, pressure is applied to the following points:

  • Feng chi (3),
  • Tian-zhu (4),
  • Jian-ching (2),
  • Qu-yuan (5),
  • Fei-shu (6),
  • Hae-gu (1),
  • Qi-she (9)
  • Da-zhui (16),
  • Jianyu (18),
  • Bi-nao (17),
  • Que-pen (19),
  • Qu-chi (10),
  • Shao-hai (12),
  • Chi-tse (13),
  • Nei-guan (11),
  • Shen-men (14),
  • Yang-chi (15).

For pain in the lumbar spine, the following points on the lower back, abdomen and legs are affected:

  • San-jiao-shu (33),
  • Shen-shu (24),
  • Da-chan-shu (35),
  • Zhong-wan (36),
  • Give-may (37),
  • Tien-shu (38) and Cheng-shan (39),
  • Guan-yuan-shu (40),
  • Yang-guan (41),
  • Pan-guang-shu (43),
  • Tsi-liao (44),
  • Guan-yuan (47),
  • San-yin-jiao (68).

Explanations on the location of biologically active points:


  • Jian-jing (2) is located in the middle between the base of the neck in the occipital region and the end of the shoulder.
  • Feng Chi (3) and Tian Zhu (4) are located on the occipital bone on both sides of the cervical spine, along the edge of the hair.
  • Quyuan (5) is located on the inner upper corners of the shoulder blades.
  • Fei Shu (6) is located on both sides of the 3rd thoracic vertebra.
  • Wan-gu (7) is located in the side of the neck, at a distance of 8 mm from the edge of the hair behind the ear.
  • Qi-she (9) is located 3 cm from the midline of the anterior surface of the neck, on the upper edge of the sternum and the inner edge of the clavicle (at the end of the sternocleidomastoid muscle).
  • Da-zhui (16) is located between the spinous processes of the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebrae.
  • Que-pen (19) is located in the middle of the depression above the collarbone.


  • Bi-nao (17) is located on the outer surface of the shoulder 14 cm above the elbow joint.
  • Jian-yu (18) - in the depression that is formed at the end of the shoulder when the arm is raised to a horizontal level.
  • Qu chi (10) - in the corner of the outer skin fold of the elbow joint, formed when the forearm is flexed.
  • Shao-hai (12) - in the fold of the elbow at its inner edge.
  • Chi-tse (13) - in the fold of the elbow on the outside on the palmar surface of the hand.
  • Nei-guan (11) - 4 cm above the middle of the fold of the wrist on the palmar surface.
  • Shen-men (14) - at the inner edge of the wrist joint closer to the palmar surface.
  • Yang-chi (15) - in the center of the wrist joint on the dorsal surface.
  • He-gu (1) - on the back of the hand, in the center between the heads of the first and second metacarpal bones; otherwise, at the top of the elevation formed by pressing the thumb against the index finger.


  • San-jiao-shu (33) is located under the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra, 3 cm outside of it.
  • Shen-shu (24) - under the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra, 3 cm outside of it.
  • Da-chan-shu (35) - under the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra, 3 cm outside of it.
  • Guan-yuan-shu (40) - under the spinous process of the 5th lumbar vertebra, 3 cm outside the spine.
  • Yang-guan (41) - in the depression under the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra.
  • Pan-guang-shu (43) - under the spinous process of the 2nd sacral vertebra, 3 cm outside of it.
  • Tsi-liao (44) - under the spinous process of the 2nd sacral vertebra, 1.5 cm outside of it.


  • Zhongwan (36) is located in the middle between the end of the sternum and the navel.
  • Dai-mai (37) is located on the lateral surface of the abdomen at the level of the navel.
  • Tian-shu (38) - on both sides of the navel, 4 cm from it.
  • Guan Yuan (47) - 6 cm below the navel


  • Cheng Shan (39) is located on the back of the lower leg, where the muscle turns into a tendon.
  • San-yin-jiao (68) - 6 cm above the inner ankle of the leg.

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