Topic dog training at home. How to train a puppy - rules you must read. Commands for general training

For most people this is a serious problem. All because the owners did not bother to study the pet’s character and establish contact with it. Before you can train dogs, you need to make friends with them and ensure the animals' trust and respect. It is not so difficult.

You should know that each breed has its own nuances that must be taken into account. You can study a dog's character in practice by observing it. This helps the owner understand that the animal is also a person who must be taken into account.

Education is the basis of training

Have you thought about how to properly train a dog? First of all, the animal must be educated. There are no trifles in this matter. Don't let your pet sleep on your bed - he will get used to it very quickly and begin to chase you away. If you're sitting at the dinner table and your dog is hovering around, don't throw the kibble. The animal must have its own food.

Get used to eating a portion at a time; to do this, remove the bowl immediately after finishing the meal. If the dog doesn’t finish eating, next time add a smaller portion (of course, taking into account the characteristics of the breed).

The dog owner must understand the difference between education and training. To educate is to teach a pet the most important rules of behavior, to build relationships with it according to the principle of hierarchy. Without proper training, the dog will be uncontrollable. This is to teach you to perform the necessary actions after a certain command.

Let's move on to training

When contact with your pet is established, you can begin teaching the first commands. At first, try not to raise your voice, otherwise the dog will not perceive a calm intonation.

Before you train dogs, they need to be taught to know their own names. When choosing a name, remember that the best name is short and sonorous, which contains the sound “r”. At the next stage, teach the dog to eat only at home and under no circumstances take food from strangers on the street. In addition, the dog must master a collar, muzzle, and leash - mandatory attributes for any walk.

Outdoor exercises should be started only after walking the dog, when it has rested and played with other animals. In each individual case, intuition will help you.

Theory or practice?

Many dog ​​owners try to learn how to properly train a dog from books or the Internet. But, as a rule, the literature provides only general information about the behavior of animals and the characteristics of each breed. In reality, it is impossible to train a dog using books. The practical part includes developing movement and coordination skills, and this applies to both the pet itself and its owner.

At the same time, you should know that most colorful illustrated foreign publications, especially American ones, are not suitable for working in Russian conditions. Training methods in the USA are completely different.

How to train a dog correctly? The entire training process consists of teaching the dog to understand commands and providing the right motivation, that is, the dog must not only understand what the owner wants from it, but also strive to fulfill his command, and for this it needs a stimulus that must be skillfully selected.

Carrot or stick?

At the initial stage, the dog should receive a treat for completing a command. Training should be based on the animal's emotions: if it is happy to play and follow your commands, receiving a reward, the training process itself will be easy and enjoyable for both parties. Seeing your rewards and receiving tidbits, the dog will easily and willingly obey your commands.

If you build a system for remembering commands based on negative emotions, it will be very difficult to regain the animal’s trust. The biggest mistake novice trainers make is trying to inflict violence (physical or psychological). If you yell at the dog, much less hit it, the result will be exactly the opposite of what you expected. She will either become nervous and aggressive, or downtrodden, which is also of no use to you.

At the same time, you can’t be too soft with a dog. Don't let her pamper or play while training. Friendliness should be in moderation. Say the command only once. If the dog gets used to responding only after ten repetitions, be sure that you will never achieve immediate execution of the command.

Other nuances

The commands “no” and “fu” should sound a little stricter. The dog must understand that the owner is dissatisfied with its actions.

The most important thing in training is systematic repetition. Each exercise must be repeated several times to consolidate it. But don't be overly zealous in this matter, give the animal a break.

Of course, you need to take into account the characteristics of the breed. If you have a large dog, such as a German Shepherd, handling it will not be easy for a physically untrained person. The owner himself must be strong and resilient. Sometimes professionals are hired to train such dogs, but it is much better when the dog gets used to obeying only the owner.

Training methods

Now let's talk about specific methods. How and where is the best place to train a dog? Most often, there are three options - independent training of the animal at a training site, individual lessons with a dog handler (including at home), training with overexposure without the presence of the owner.

The last point looks very tempting and theoretically saves the owner from hassle - you give the dog, pay money, get a trained, disciplined animal. But in practice everything is not so simple. Don't forget that a dog is a living creature, and not a computer that can be configured to work. She has a personal relationship with her owner, which is an important part of the success of the training process.

Thus, the presence of the owner in classes is almost always necessary - in order to monitor the formation of skills in the dog and independently correct the process. One way or another, you still have to spend your own time and effort on training.

Training on the site

Let's look at how this happens on a special training site. Here dogs are trained independently under the supervision and guidance of a professional dog trainer for a reasonable fee. The advantage is the low cost of the lesson and the opportunity to take the exam with the dog to receive a diploma (if needed) at a familiar site.

The disadvantage of this method is the platform effect. The dog follows commands only where it was trained. Another disadvantage is the inability to solve your pet's individual problems.

Lessons with an instructor

It is even possible to train dogs at home with a dog handler, which will allow you to save time on transporting your pet to the place of training. You can choose a time convenient for yourself. There is no platform effect, the dog is trained to respond to commands in any environment.

The downside is the relatively high price of such training and sometimes the impossibility of finding a good dog handler.

Choosing a specialist

How to choose a dog handler? If the person offering his services previously served in the army or police, and is now trying to organize dog training courses or simply work for hire, then this is not the best option. As a rule, he had only one dog at his disposal during his service. These people are often unable to take into account the characteristics of different breeds; such a specialist can easily spoil another dog (especially a puppy).

If the dog handler is not related to the army or police, ask what breeds he specializes in. It is desirable that the trainer can find an approach to a dog of any breed. The most complex of them are Spitz, wolfhounds, Shar-Pei, and also decorative dogs. It is not easy to find a specialist for these breeds. If there is one, this means that he is able to cope with a representative of almost any breed.

It is highly desirable that a professional trainer undergo training and obtain a license at the courses of the Russian Canine Federation. If he does not have such a diploma, it is worth considering.

About training methods

The closest attention should be paid to the methods of working with the dog. There are, as a rule, three professional ones - food motivation (reward in the form of treats), play motivation (throwing your favorite toy) and a mechanical-defensive method using harsh techniques.

A very serious mistake is to use only one method out of three. The carrot and the stick alone will not work; you need to combine them. In addition, a professional should be able to explain to you, as the owner, the basics of training. Thus, trust your pet only to a competent specialist.

How to train a dog with commands?

If the dog is not going to participate in shows, there is no need to teach a huge number of commands. Any dog ​​should know and be able to perform the most basic of them.

On the command “near”, the animal must understand that at the moment it is forbidden to jump or play and should stay near the owner. A similar command is “to me.” In this case, the dog should not only run up to you, but also stay close to you until you let him go.

The command “fu” means “don’t touch”, “impossible”. It is used not only in cases of attempts to sniff and grab food or garbage on the street, but also in possible harassment of strangers.

Useful reflexes must be developed from puppyhood. Here the most successful tactics will be play and imitation. Conditioned stimuli, which are called signal ones, are generally accepted commands in all service dog breeding clubs.

The conditioned reflex to any command is first reinforced by mechanical action with a hand or a leash, then execution is encouraged with a tasty piece. In order for the dog to strive to get a treat, training should be carried out before feeding.

We organize classes

How to train dogs while walking? The duration of each lesson should not be more than two hours. Until old skills are consolidated, new ones should not be started. It is necessary to use breaks to rest and walk the dog. It is important to be able to use long and short leashes correctly, then you should move on to the stage of control without a leash.

For successful training, the owner must stock up on a set of necessary equipment - regular and strict collars, short and long leashes, a muzzle, various items that the dog will fetch, a bag for all this, a bag for food.

You need to have pieces of sausage or any other food with you. At the sports training site, special sleeves, training suits, starting pistols and other devices are usually used. As a rule, there is an obstacle course there. To exercise with a dog, you will definitely need special clothing, comfortable and durable.

Don't let your dog lick your face, and wash your hands well with soap and water after each training session. At the initial stage, places for training should be chosen away from roads and crowds of people.

At what age are dogs trained? Will it be possible to train an adult dog? A dog of almost any age can be trained, including those older than eight years, but the process of training an adult animal will take a little longer. Before training an adult dog, let it get comfortable. She may take a little longer to learn movement commands.

What do the commands mean?

On the command “come”, the dog must approach the owner from the right side and allow the leash to be attached to the collar. “Nearby” is an order to be near the owner’s left leg when walking or standing still. “Walk” can be commanded to a dog off the leash, in the absence of strangers.

The “face” command gives vent to aggression and points to the object of influence. “Fu” is the opposite of many others; it cancels any actions, including aggressive ones. On the “fetch” command, the pet must bring the thrown object (a stick or a ball). It is very important to teach it to a hunting dog that will carry game.

On the command “sit” or “lie down,” the animal must sit or lie down in its place or on the ground, respectively. In this case, all orders are supported by the appropriate gesture of the right hand.

Do not forget that the dog is a descendant of wolves, which are adapted to life in a pack. For successful training, she must recognize your family as her pack, and you, her owner, as the leader.

Are you toying with the idea of ​​getting a dog? Do you want your four-legged pet to be more well-mannered? Do you dream of training your dog to serve you instead of learning to serve him? Attending special classes under the guidance of a professional trainer is the best approach, but not everyone can afford them. These tips will be a good start to training your four-legged friend. There are many systems and approaches to dog training, so do your research and find out what works for you and your dog.


Preparing to train your dog

    Choose a dog that suits your lifestyle. With several centuries of dog breeding, in the modern world they are one of the most diverse animal species on earth. While there is likely to be a dog that suits your lifestyle, not every one will suit your individual needs. For example, if you like to relax, you shouldn't get a Jack Russell Terrier, which is known for its constant barking and energy. Instead, you might want to consider a bulldog who would rather lie curled up on the couch all day. Learn the temperament and grooming requirements of different breeds. Ask dog owners about the characteristics of a particular breed.

    • Since most dogs have a lifespan of 10-15 years, adopting a four-legged friend is a long-term commitment. Make sure the breed you choose matches your lifestyle.
    • If you don't have a family yet, think about whether you'll have kids in your home in the next decade. Some breeds are not recommended to be kept in a home with small children.
  1. Don't be guided by ambition when choosing a dog. Be honest with yourself about the compatibility of your desired breed with your lifestyle. Don't get a dog that needs vigorous exercise just because you want an excuse to start a healthier lifestyle. If you can't consistently exercise your energetic dog, both of you will end up frustrated.

    • Write down a list of the breed's requirements and personality traits, and how you intend to meet those requirements.
    • If you have to make significant efforts to change your lifestyle, then you need to choose a different dog.
  2. Give your pet a practical name. He should easily learn to recognize his name, so you can attract attention during training. Actually, it should consist of a maximum of two syllables. The name should have a clear, solid sound that the dog can recognize. Names like "Buddy" or "Rover" or "BB" have distinct sounds that make them stand out from the normal stream of human speech your dog hears.

    • Say your dog's name often when you play with it, pet it, train it, or want to attract its attention.
    • If your dog looks at you when you call it by name, it will mean that it has learned to recognize it.
    • To keep your dog focused on your attention when you say his name, make sure it has positive associations. Praise him if he responds to the name and give him a treat.
  3. Give enough time to training. For training, you should allocate 15-20 minutes twice a day. Puppies have a very short attention span and become bored easily, just like toddlers.

    • Although these sessions are not the only time you will train your dog. In fact, training occurs throughout the day when interacting with your pet. He learns from you every time you have an interaction.
    • If an owner allows a dog to misbehave with impunity during periods when training sessions are not taking place, the dog will develop bad habits.
  4. Prepare yourself psychologically for training. When working with your dog, you need to be enthusiastic and optimistic. If the dog enjoys the training, he will respond better. Remember, training is not about taming a pet, but about communicating with it.

    Choose the right equipment. Besides a treat, perhaps all you need to get started is a 6-foot leash and a smooth collar or martingale. Talk to your trainer about other equipment, such as a bridle muzzle, harness, metal training collar or other equipment. Puppies and small breeds usually do not require such severe accommodations. Large dogs may temporarily need special devices (for example, a Promise Leader halter) to concentrate attention.

    Application of General Training Principles

    1. Control your expectations and mood. Every day of training may not be perfect, but don't get frustrated or take it out on your dog. To boost your dog's learning ability and confidence, adjust your own behavior and attitude.

      • If the dog begins to fear your bad mood, then it will not learn anything new. You will instill in her only caution and distrust towards you.
      • Training classes and a good trainer will help you improve behavior, which will lead to your dog's success.
    2. Be mindful of your dog's temperament. It is different for all dogs. Just like children, different breeds learn differently and at different rates. Some of them are stubborn and will challenge you with their behavior every time. Others will bend over backwards to please you. You may need to adjust your training techniques to suit your dog's temperament.

      Reward immediately. Dogs do not understand the remoteness of cause and effect. They learn quickly. You must praise or reward your dog within 2 seconds of achieving the desired behavior for it to stick. If you don't do this right away, she won't associate the reward with the action you asked her to do.

      • In addition, you must be convinced that your praise is timely enough to act accurately. Otherwise, you may reward behavior that is undesirable.
      • For example, imagine teaching your dog the “sit” command. She only sits for a few seconds, but during the time you praised and rewarded her, she stood up again. In this case, you reward her for standing, not for sitting down.
    3. Consider clicker training. Clicker training is a method of delivering immediate rewards using a clicker device. You can press a button faster than giving a treat or patting your dog on the head. Thus, clicker training reinforces positive behavior quite quickly at the rate of learning in dogs. It works by forming a positive association between the click sound and the reward. Gradually, the dog will consider the sound of the click itself as a sufficient reward for good behavior. The principle of clicker training can be used to teach any commands.

      • Click the device button and then immediately give your dog a treat. This will create a positive connection with the click sound. Later, this sound will “indicate” the behavior as correct and the dog will understand that he did something right.
      • If your dog performs the desired action, play a clicking sound and immediately give him a treat. Once she starts doing this action consistently, you can give it a command name. Using the clicker, start linking commands and actions together.
      • For example, before you start teaching your dog the sit command, give a click, a treat, and praise when you notice him sitting. If she starts sitting just to get a treat, start saying the word “sit” to get her into that position. Combine this with a clicking sound to reward her. Eventually, she will learn that sitting in response to the command "sit" will bring her a reward in the form of a click.
    4. Be consistent. Your dog won't understand what you want from him if there is no consistency in his environment. All people living with the dog must understand and participate in achieving the training goals. For example, if you want to teach your dog not to jump on people, don't allow children to let the dog jump on them. This will negate all training.

      • Make sure everyone uses the exact commands that the dog learns during training. The dog does not know human language and cannot understand the difference between “sit” and “sit.” Using synonymous terms will only confuse her.
      • Since the dog cannot make a clear connection between one command and an action, its reaction to the command will be ambiguous.
    5. Always reward successful completion and good behavior with praise and sometimes a modest treat. Small treats will motivate your dog to learn. The treat should be small, tasty and easy to chew. It should not interrupt the training session or quickly fill the dog's stomach.

      • See how long it takes to chew a hard treat compared to a half-baked treat like pre-made Bill Jack or Zuke's Mini Naturals. A treat the size of a pencil eraser will be enough to get the command across, but it won't take long for your dog to eat it.
    6. Use “high value” treats when necessary. When teaching complex and important commands, use a “high value” treat to raise the dog's reward for winning. These include freeze-dried liver, pieces of fried chicken breast, or slices of turkey sausage.

      • As the command is taught, gradually remove high-value treats and reintroduce them as needed to promote learning. But always praise her.
    7. Train on an empty stomach. A few hours before training, do not feed your dog as much as usual. The more a dog craves a treat, the more focused it will be on completing the task to get it.

      Always end the lesson on a positive note. Even if the training session was unsuccessful and the dog was unable to learn a new command, end it with something for which you can praise the dog. When finishing training with a command that she has already mastered, the last thing she will remember will be your love and praise.

      Discourage barking. If a dog barks at you when you don't want it to, simply ignore it until it stops, then praise it. Sometimes they bark to get your attention, although it can also be out of desperation.

      • Don't throw a ball or toy. This way the dog will learn that if he barks, he will get what he wants.

    Near command training

    1. Take your dog for a regular walk on a leash. This is important not only for training, but also for physical and mental health. Depending on what breed your dog is, he may need to get a lot of exercise to keep him healthy and well.

      Discourage pulling. Most dogs will pull on the leash when they are learning to go for walks. If she starts to pull, stop immediately. Do not take a single step until the dog approaches you and concentrates its attention on you.

      Change directions. An even more effective method is to walk in the opposite direction and have the dog walk with you. Once she catches it, praise and treat her.

      Make it interesting to walk next to you. A dog's natural desire is to chart its own route and explore its surroundings. You need to make walking next to you look more attractive to her than this. When changing directions, speak in an enthusiastic voice and praise generously if she comes back and walks nearby.

    Teaching the “come to me” command

      Understand the meaning of the command. The “come” command is used whenever you want your dog to come to you. This command is potentially vital as it will prevent the dog from escaping if it gets loose.

      Prepare your dog to learn the “come” command. You should always start training indoors (or your fenced yard) where there are no distractions. Attach a 6-foot leash to your dog's collar so you can keep his attention and prevent him from running away.

      Get the dog's attention. You should make her run to you. You can do this with high-pitched sounds associated with play, a toy, a happy clap, or simply by opening your arms. It may also help to run a short distance towards her and stop, as dogs usually start running after you.

      • To stimulate movement towards yourself, use praise and your “enthusiastic voice”.
    1. Give praise immediately. When the dog is near you, click the clicker, praise in your “happy voice” and give a treat.

      Combine action with voice command. As soon as the dog begins to realize that he will be rewarded for coming to you, begin to give the vocal command “come”. If she responds to the command, reinforce this with praise, adding “good”, “well done!”

      Go to public places for training. Since the "come" command will help save your dog's life, he must learn to respond to it, even if there are many distractions around. Take your activities from your home or your yard to a public park. There will be more objects, sounds and smells demanding her attention.

      Increase the length of the leash. You started training with a 6-foot leash, but you want your dog to run to you from further distances than that.

      Learn off-leash training in a fenced environment. This will teach the dog to come running from long distances.

      • Get someone to help with off-leash training. You can play ping pong and take turns calling your dog to you.
    2. Give a huge reward. Since this command is so important, the reward you choose for following it should be unusual. Responding to the “come” command should be the highlight of one dog’s day.

      Don't put a negative spin on this team. No matter how upset you are, never reinforce the “come to me” command with anger. Even if you're furious that your dog has slipped off his leash and runs free for five minutes, praise him generously when he finally responds to the "come" command. Remember that you are praising the last action, and the last one was that she came to you.

      Get back to basics. If it scares you when your dog runs freely and does not respond to the “come” command, return to leash training. Continue leash training until she begins to consistently obey the “come” command.

      • Don't rush to learn this command. This is too important a command to do without enthusiasm.
    3. Reinforce training throughout the dog's life. Because this behavior is so important, it should be reinforced throughout life. When hiking off-leash with your dog, keep treats in your pocket to reinforce command.

      • You also need to teach your dog a command that lets him know that he doesn't have to be very close to you all the time. It can be expressed as something like “walk”, but the point is that the dog can do whatever he wants and not follow commands until you give him one.
    4. Keep it interesting. You don't want to tell your dog that every time he comes near you, the fun will end and he'll be put on a leash and led back home. Otherwise, you will come to the point that she will carry out the “come” command less consistently and without pleasure. Therefore, call your dog, praise him when he runs up, and set him free so he can play.

      Train your dog to grasp the collar. No verbal commands should be attached to this. When your dog approaches you, grab his collar so that he gets used to it and doesn't become fearful every time he feels someone touch his collar.

    Teaching the “listen” command

      Understanding the purpose of the “listen” command. Also known as the “look at me” command, the “listen” command is one of the first commands you should teach your dog. You will use it to capture the dog's attention in order to give him the next command or direction. Some owners prefer to call the dog by name instead of giving the command “listen.” This is especially useful if you have more than one dog. This way, every dog ​​will know when you have their attention.

      Prepare a handful of treats. These can be store-bought dog treats or sausages cut into small pieces. Choose a treat that your dog loves and will work hard for.

      Stand next to the dog. But don't pay any attention to her. If she reacts to your presence, stand still and look away until she loses interest.

      In a calm but firm voice, say “listen.” If you are used to calling her attention with a nickname, then instead of the commands “listen” or “look at me,” say the dog’s name. Say it also loudly and in the same tone as if you were calling out to a person to get his attention.

      Don't raise your voice to get her attention. Reserve a loud, stentorian tone for “life-threatening” situations, such as if the dog runs over a fence or gets off its leash. If you rarely raise your voice, you will have your dog's undivided attention when you need to yell. But if you are always “yelling” at your dog, he will gradually begin to ignore the scream and turn off his attention. She will no longer view screaming as something that requires special attention.

      • Dogs have excellent hearing - much better than ours. A cool trick with this command is to see how quietly you can whisper and get the dog to react. People will mistake you for a "canine translator" if you can get your dog to obey commands in just a whisper.
    1. Reward your dog immediately for the desired response. As soon as your dog stops what he was doing and looks at you, praise him and give him a treat. If using clicker training, click before praising or giving a treat.

      • Remember that your reaction should be immediate. The faster you reward him, the faster the dog will begin to understand the connection between the command, action and reward.
    2. Over time, stop giving the treat. Once your dog has mastered a command, you should not give him a treat for following it. However, you should still use a clicker or verbally praise your dog.

      • It is very important to wean your dog off treats as he will always start to wait for them. Ultimately, you will only have a dog that obeys commands if you offer it food.
      • Praise your dog regularly, even after he has mastered the command, but pamper him with treats only from time to time. This is a way to cement them into the dog's vocabulary.
      • Once he has mastered the command, treats can be used to make actions performed faster or more accurately. He soon realizes that treats are given after the command or action that follows “listen.”

    Teaching the "sit" command

    1. Have the dog assume a standing position. The purpose of "sitting" is to get the dog to move from a standing position to a sitting position, rather than just continuing to sit. Approach or move away from your dog so that he assumes a standing position.

      Stand in her line of sight. Stand directly in front of the dog so that its attention is focused on you. Let her see that you are holding the treat with your dominant hand.

      Focus your dog's attention on the treat. Start holding the treat on your side. Raise your hand with the treat in front of your dog's nose so he can smell it, then to a level above his head.

      • When you hold a treat over her head, most dogs will naturally crouch down to get a better view of it.
    2. Give her the treat right away and praise her. Stick to a clicker-treat/praise order or just treats and praise. Say “well done, sit” if the dog performs the action you teach. She will do it slowly at first, but increasing the treats and praise will speed up her response.

      • Make sure you don't praise her until she actually sits. If you praise halfway through a command, the dog will think that this is what you want from it.
      • Also make sure you don't praise her for standing up again, otherwise you will teach her this action instead of sitting.
    3. If your dog won't sit with treats, you can use a leash and collar. Stand next to your dog, looking in the same direction as him. Apply gentle pressure on the back of the collar to encourage her to sit.

      • You can even get your dog to sit by gently pushing the dog's back legs. At the same time, gently tilt the dog back using the collar.
      • As soon as she sits down, immediately praise and reward her.
    4. Do not repeat the command. You need the dog to react the first time, not the second, not the third and not the fourth. If your dog does not perform the action within 2 seconds of your command, reinforce the command with a leash.

      Reward when the dog sits on its own. Observe those moments during the day when the dog sits on its own. Praise this behavior and pretty soon you'll have a dog that sits to pay attention instead of lunging or barking at you.

    Teach her to lie down

      Get your dog's attention. Grab some treats or a toy and find your dog. Keep the toy or treat in sight to help your dog focus on you.

      Use a treat or toy to get your dog to lie down. To do this, move the treat or toy to the ground in front of the dog, between the front paws. Her head will follow, and her torso will follow.

      Praise her immediately. When your dog's belly is on the ground, praise him generously and give him a treat or toy. Also be specific with your praise. If you praise halfway through a command, this is what you will teach the dog.

      Increase the distance. When she learns to perform the action with the promise of a treat, move a little further. The gesture for "down" would be your flat hand - palm down - moved in a downward direction in front of you at waist level to your side.

      • As soon as the dog has thoroughly established the “down” action, enter the voice command “down” or “lie down”.
      • Always reward her immediately when her belly is on the ground.
      • Dogs read body language well and learn hand gestures quite quickly.
    1. Increase your lying time. Once your dog becomes more reliably “down,” pause for a few seconds before giving praise and treats to encourage him to stay in that position.

      • If she jumps up to get a treat, don't give it to her, otherwise you will reward her for the last thing she did before the treat.
      • Just start again and the dog will understand that you want him to be on the ground all the time, as long as you are consistent.
    2. Don't lean over your dog. Once your dog has picked up on the command, stand up straight when you give it. If you hover over him, the dog will only lie down when you lean over him. You should work towards gradually being able to get your dog to lie down from across the room.

    Teaching your dog to “wait” before entering a room

      Start door-waiting training at an early age. It is important to teach your dog to respect the threshold. You should not allow your dog to run out the door every time it is opened - this could pose a danger to him. There is no need to train him every time you go indoors. But you must make the most of your puppy's early training opportunities.

      Put a leash on your dog. She should be on a short leash so that you can change her direction from a short distance.

      Go to the door. Bring your dog next to you on a leash.

      Before stepping over, give the command “wait.” If your dog tries to follow you when you walk through the door, use a leash to stop it from moving forward. Try again.

      Praise her if she waits. When she understands that you want her to stay near the door rather than walk inside with you, praise her generously for "waiting well."

      Teach her to sit on the doorstep. If the door is closed, you can even teach your dog to sit as soon as you touch the doorknob with your hand. Then she will wait for the door to open and cross the threshold until you let her in. For safety reasons, this training should be done on a leash first.

      To make her go through the doorway, give a separate command. You can use "come to me" or "take a walk." Regardless of the command used, this should be the only thing that allows the dog to enter your home.

      Increase the distance. Train your dog to stay on the threshold while you do something on the other side. You can pull out the mail or take out the trash before returning and praising her. The point is that you don't always have to call her across the threshold to come to you. You can also return to it.

    Teaching your dog good eating habits

    Teaching the commands “take” and “fu”

      Understanding commands. The "take" command is used when you want your dog to put something in his mouth that you offer him.

      Let your dog play with the toy. At the same time, give her the voice command “take it.” When she puts the toy in her mouth, praise her for this action. (Plus, she'll get a toy to play with!)

      Switch to less useful items. It’s easy for a dog to learn the command “take” if the object is so interesting! Once she has mastered the connection between command and action, move on to boring subjects. Examples would be newspapers, lightweight bags, or anything else you would like her to carry.

      Combine teaching the "take" command with the "fu" command. As soon as she takes the toy, use the "ew" command to get her to give it back to you. When she lets go, give her a treat and praise, then start again with the “take” command. You don't want to let your dog know that every time he lets go of the toy he won't be interested.

      • Don't start playing tug of war with your dog. When you pull, the dog will pull even harder.

    Teaching the "stand" command
    1. Understand the meaning of the "stay" command. The importance of the "sit" and "wait" commands may seem obvious, but at first you may not understand why "stay" is an important skill in dog training. You won't use the "stay" command every day, but you will need it throughout your dog's life. For example, a dog that can stand calmly in a “stand” is an ideal patient at a veterinary clinic or a client at a dog grooming salon.

      Prepare for the training session. Grab your dog's favorite toy or a handful of treats to focus your dog's attention and reward him for following the command. To teach the "stay" command, first command it "down" or "down." In order to get her toy or treat, she must move from a lying position to a standing position.

      Get the dog's attention. You should encourage her to assume a standing position by focusing her attention on a toy or treat. Hold a toy or treat in front of her muzzle at nose level.

      • If she sits expecting to earn a reward, try again with the toy or treat lower down.
    2. Encourage your dog to follow your hand. Align your hand with your palm facing down. If you are using a treat, hold it with your thumb pressed into your palm. Start by holding your hand in front of her nose and move it away from her a few centimeters. The idea is that the dog will stand up following your hand.

      • You may have to push from the bottom of your thighs with your other hand at first to get it to her.
    3. Praise immediately. As soon as she gets into a standing position, reward her with praise and treats. Although you haven't started using the voice command "stay" yet, you can insert it with praise: "Well done, stand!"

      Add a voice command to “stand.” First, you will train your dog to stand by following the hand in which you are holding his toy or treat. Once she has mastered this concept, begin incorporating the “stay” command into your training sessions.

      Combine the “stand” command with other commands. There are many ways to combine commands. Once the dog is "standing", you could add "wait" or "stop" commands if you want the dog to stand for a longer period of time. You can also continue with the "sit" or "down" commands to perform some "dog exercises" and gradually increase the distance between you and the dog. Over time, the dog will follow these commands from across the room.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

The appearance of a furry ball of dog in the house is not only a joyful event, but also a responsible one. If you don’t raise and train the puppy in time, the consequences can be sad. Damaged shoes and furniture, unpleasant odors in the apartment are nothing compared to when the dog feels in charge and becomes a threat to the household.

When to start training a puppy

In order for you to feel comfortable and for your pet not to cause unnecessary problems and troubles, it is necessary to begin the educational process from the first day. The animal will get used to the new place for about a month, the owner’s task is to help it quickly get used to it and replace its mother. Before adopting a dog, a person must:

  • know for what purposes it is needed;
  • read articles and books about the characteristics of breeds - the training method and the behavior of the animal depend on this;
  • study manuals about raising a puppy;
  • take training courses at home.

Fighting dogs have traditionally been bred by cultivating the aggression gene for fighting. How to train a puppy with such inclinations? A person with a strong, strong-willed character can cope with an animal. You can't control such a dog with affection. If the animal senses the weakness of the owner, it is better to abandon him. Contact an experienced trainer when you realize you can't handle it. Among the fighting breeds:

  • boxer;
  • pitbull;
  • English Mastiff;
  • Dogue de Bordeaux;
  • Alabai.

The peculiarity of hunting dogs is their passion for movement. They need long walks and jogs. How to train a puppy in this case? A dog intended for hunting cannot be kept at home. It is advisable to send her to a special school to train her, where, under the guidance of a trainer, lessons will be given taking into account the breed. They will begin to learn by solving hunting problems:

  • husky - for a fur-bearing animal;
  • dachshund - in burrows;
  • terrier - for aquatic game;
  • hounds - pursued by the smell of blood.

Service dogs are used to protect private property or apartments. Labradors are good at helping visually impaired people, but this requires special training. German Shepherds cooperate with shepherds. Guard dogs are often stubborn and require a lot of effort to train. A Rottweiler, a German Shepherd, and a Spitz are good for apartment security. Guard breeds that can easily withstand temperature changes can live outside, guarding the house:

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Moscow watchdog;
  • Central asian shepherd dog.

Small companion dogs often have good personalities, are affectionate, friendly, and easy to train at home. From the age of one month, puppies become attached to their owners and get along well with children. Smart animals quickly learn commands. Among the pets:

  • poodle;
  • chihuahua;
  • Scottish Terrier;
  • pug;
  • pinscher;
  • Pekingese.

At what age should you train a puppy? It is considered right to start from the first day the baby appears in the house. This is not entirely true. The processes of education and training are different things. Command training should be carried out when the puppy gets comfortable in the house and learns obedience. For a German Shepherd this happens at two months, for a Labrador a little earlier - at one and a half months.

How to raise a puppy

Once a puppy comes into the house, it must get used to it, get used to the new environment and smells. How to raise a puppy? To teach rules of behavior, a system of rewards and punishments is used. The basis of learning is a system of conditioned reflexes. Animals should not be physically punished. They understand well the stern intonation of the owner when he is dissatisfied. In exceptional cases, you can grab it by the scruff of the neck and shake it, as the mother does with the little dog.

Punishment should only be given at the moment of committing incorrect actions, so that the puppy understands what he did wrong. A delayed scolding will have no educational value and may cause aggression in the animal. For a correctly executed command you are rewarded with:

  • delicacies - cheese, sausage, crackers;
  • praise with kind words;
  • stroking;
  • game.

How to properly train a puppy

A dog lives according to the laws of the pack, and a person must become its leader - the main and authoritative one. The purpose of training is to establish contact between the owner and the puppy, to teach relationships with people and other animals. First, he must know his nickname. To train it, you need to call it by name, and when it comes up, give it a treat. They also encourage when the dog comes to the sleeping place - it must be established immediately. If you allow me to sleep with you, it will be difficult to retrain later.

How to teach a puppy commands

To ensure that training does not cause problems, you need to train by following certain rules. Carry out independent studies in a good mood, starting with a short duration, gradually increasing the time. For the process to be effective it is necessary:

  • conduct training in the form of a game;
  • exercise before feeding;
  • achieve at least small results.

When training a puppy it is important:

  • postpone the lesson if it doesn’t work out so as not to cause aggression and anger;
  • avoid repeating the same command twice;
  • conduct classes several times a day, but little by little;
  • practice the next command only after mastering the previous one;
  • conduct classes outdoors in places where nothing will distract the animal;
  • change the sequence of commands.

Often, when trying to tame a puppy, the owner makes mistakes, communicating with him as with a thinking creature. Experienced dog breeders note the following mistakes in training:

  • giving commands in a loud voice;
  • physical punishment;
  • the presence of two owners - there must be one leader;
  • often using nicknames and combining them with commands;
  • long, tiring activities for the dog;
  • repeated commands;
  • cruelty;
  • deferred punishment;
  • simultaneous processing of several commands;
  • excessive softness;
  • abuse of treats - it is advisable to encourage with words.

How to teach a puppy commands up to 3 months

No matter how playful a puppy is, he must understand commands the first time. Completion of each task is reinforced with encouragement, while approving words and strokes are more important than treats. In addition to its nickname, up to three months the puppy must learn the following basic commands:

  • “Come to me” - it will protect you from the dangers that await your dog on the street;
  • “Fu” - will help prevent puddles in the house, protect furniture and shoes from damage, and save the puppy’s life;
  • “Fetch” – will increase the dog’s activity during a walk.

Teaching a puppy commands after 3 months

When the puppy grows up and adapts, it is advisable to send him to a club for training. He will undergo a general training course, where specialists will train him, and will get used to a leash, collar, and muzzle. To achieve results, the same incentives are used. Punish by using pulling, pulling on the leash, or pressing with the palm of your hand. In this case, you must not cause fear or aggression in the puppy. At this age he masters the commands:

  • "Near";
  • "Sit";
  • "Lie";
  • "Place";
  • "Forward".

Video: training a puppy at home

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A dog is not born smart. What makes it so special is the attention, patience and endurance of the owner. The way he raises her is the way she will be. No wonder they say that a dog takes after its owner.

It is better to take up education from a very early age. Adult dogs are less trainable. It will be even more difficult to retrain it if the dog is used to behaving one way and not another.

You can start training your baby from the first month. Commands at this age are learned to be the simplest, but very important. At this time, the character of the future dog is formed. It will take a little time to learn. Basically the puppy will run and play a lot. There is no need to be very demanding and try to teach your puppy complex commands. He is still just a “child” and is more busy with pranks than with unquestioning obedience.

What to teach your dog in the first months

In the first three months, the baby must learn a lot. The very first and simplest thing is that he must respond to his nickname. To achieve this, you should call the four-legged dog by name as often as possible: during meals or to give a treat or toy. When the puppy comes running, you need to pet him and repeat his name several times. It’s good if all family members call the puppy. Then he will listen not only to his master, but to everyone at home.

Like every family member, the dog should have its own sleeping place in the house. It is important to arrange it in such a way that he likes it. It should be quiet and calm, cozy, away from drafts. When introducing your dog to its “nest” for the first time, you can put your favorite puppy toys and treats there. The dog must know where its place is and go there at the first request.

By the age of 3, the puppy should recognize and execute important commands:

  • "ugh";
  • "to me";
  • "near";
  • "fetch".

At first, all training sessions will take place in a relaxed manner, during games at home or on a walk. For example, the baby will become familiar with the “come to me” command if the owner wants to play with the puppy or give him something tasty. If the dog suddenly starts chewing furniture or biting, he will hear the command “fu”. You need to ensure that the puppy follows all commands the first time, without waiting for a second request. He will behave in a similar way in the future.

First acquaintance with the "fu" team

This is a very important command. It will not only protect your house shoes and things from the dog’s teeth, but can also solve problems with the bad behavior of an inexperienced animal. In the future, a smart and obedient dog will no longer have to say “ugh” so often: it will already know perfectly well what is allowed to do and what is not.

The command “fu” must be pronounced with all severity. A menacing, piercing gaze into the dog's eyes will add the desired effect. The puppy will definitely sense dissatisfaction in the owner’s voice and feel guilty.

It is not recommended to punish a puppy in the first three months. It is better to indicate your dissatisfaction with a threatening intonation. Sometimes you can spank him with your hand, but only on the butt. It is better not to use items for this. Having received a slipper in the back seat, the puppy may begin to take revenge on his offender, and all the slippers will be in danger. But the dog is unlikely to get angry at the owner’s hand: among other things, it also feeds, caresses and plays.

If you punish your pet, then you need to do it during the “crime”, otherwise the puppy simply will not understand why he is being scolded.

Learning the command “come to me”

Hearing the command “come to me,” the pet must rush to this call with all its paws. The team will protect the puppy from many troubles that await him on the street. The baby will not run away to a dangerous distance, will not get hit by a car, or run into adult and aggressive dogs. To make the puppy run to the call with pleasure, you can interest the baby with a treat or toy. The main thing is that the approach should evoke positive associations in the puppy.

When the dog is unable to follow a command, a long leash-roulette will come to the rescue. To do this, you need to say “to me” again and pull the pet in your direction. Another trick: when the puppy does not respond to the call, you can run away from him. He will get scared and run after you. At this time, it will be useful to comment on his action several times with the command “come to me.”

If the dog is very interested in something, and everything suggests that it will not suit, it is better not to give the command. Training should take place in calm and comfortable conditions. If the training lasts a long time, it may be that the puppy is simply tired and needs a break.


How to teach your pet to run next to you

In the first months of growing up, you should not demand from him strict execution of the command “nearby”. It is unlikely that the puppy will be able to go toe-to-toe with the owner. He will periodically run away in his own direction, pulling on the leash. But from the age of 3 months, the baby must be taught to fulfill this request.

You may need a strict collar with links in the shape of spikes at the beginning of training. To begin with, it is important to wean your dog from pulling on the leash. On the command “near”, the puppy must run strictly next to the owner’s left leg, not lag behind and not run ahead.

In order for your puppy to quickly learn this, you need to:

  • stop and start moving more often;
  • turn and make turns;
  • speed up and slow down.

A command must be given every time there is a change in movement. If the puppy goes as it should, you must remember to praise him, and if he does not follow the command or is confused, guide him with a leash. The hardest part will be making a U-turn. The main thing: the movements should be smooth so that the baby has time to readjust.

We teach the command “Fetch, baby”

The “fetch” command is not pampering at all. Thanks to her, the puppy will develop energetic and physically healthy. In addition, having splashed out all the energy on a walk, the baby will be calm and obedient at home.

This command is fully trained from the age of five months. But it is necessary to introduce a four-legged baby to it much earlier. For now, this command will be practiced in a game form and will not be observed so strictly.

The main condition without which no dog will become active in this process is the owner’s genuine interest in the game. Children cope better with this task.

If the dog does not express a desire to run after the thrown object, you can “revive” it. If it's a stick, kick it with your feet. Surely this will interest the puppy. When he grabs it in his teeth, you can fight with the baby, taking away his prey. As a result, the whole process will turn into an exciting game. All you have to do is remember to say “fetch” from time to time.

Methods for properly training a puppy in practice are not so difficult. The main thing is that it brings pleasure to both the puppy and its owner. Then there is every chance that the little fool will soon turn into an adult, smart and well-mannered dog and become a source of pride.

When to start training

Training is intertwined with education with a thin thread. You need to start this from the very first days it appeared in your home.

Opinions often differ. Some say no earlier than six months, others suggest starting at one year of age. As you know, 1 year of a dog is equivalent to 7 years of a person.

Imagine that the child is not limited in absolutely anything, he is allowed everything and is not taught anything until he is 3.5 or even 7 years old. Will it be easy to catch up later? Therefore, we repeat: take care of the puppy from the first days of his appearance in your home.

If you don’t set your own rules, the dog will try to set them himself, and this is fraught with big conflicts with the owners.

How to train a husky

The Siberian Husky is a very smart breed. These are confident, balanced dogs with nerves of steel. Huskies are completely unsuitable for protection; they have always acted as sled dogs in distant Siberia.

If you are an active person who loves to travel and spends a lot of time outdoors, this is the breed for you. Huskies are highly trainable, but they are leaders by nature and can show their own character.

Even if you want a professional to train your dog, remember that you will have to train him too. Due to their good endurance, huskies can be trained in any weather conditions; take time for long walks in the fresh air and morning jogging.

Labrador training

The Labrador is a companion dog and is perfect for families with children. In order for you to have a wonderful friend, you need to have basic knowledge of how to train a Labrador. The puppy can be taught all the necessary commands at home.

Dogs of this breed completely trust a person, they do not expect any nasty things from the trainer, so they can exercise for a long time and with great pleasure. They love human interaction, so they will happily accept a stroke or a kind word as praise instead of a treat.

The Labrador is a very peaceful dog; he will be less distracted during training with other animals, unlike fighting breeds. These dogs have a temperament - they cannot be called lethargic, but they are not impulsive, moderately active, with healthy motor activity - just what is necessary for successful training.

Dog owner experience

From personal experience: you should not start training if you are in a bad mood, dogs are excellent psychologists, and your depression can rub off on them. Both puppies and adults copy their owner in everything; a loving dog will try to be with you always and everywhere.

Initial training is always done at home, in a calm environment, where nothing distracts or frightens the pet. Dog training at home is a start, during which the pet will master the main, vital commands. How to teach a dog to understand you? How to praise your pet correctly? What mistakes do inexperienced owners often make?

There are no stupid dogs. Just believe it and accept it as a fact - it will be easier to work with a dog. Of course, you should start as soon as the puppy appears in the house. The age of two months is quite suitable for mastering simple skills, and it is during this period that the baby absorbs knowledge at an incredible speed. Sometimes it even seems that dogs become stupid with age, but this is not so - it’s just harder for older pets to learn new information. Although training adult dogs at home will also definitely bear fruit if done correctly. So, let’s remember the inviolable dogmas:

  • the first classes last no more than 10 minutes, two to three times a day;
  • lessons always begin by repeating already learned commands;
  • before training, the dog should be allowed to lose excess energy;
  • does not exercise on a full stomach, immediately after sleep or late in the evening;
  • we punish the dog only with our voice, saying reproachfully “Ay-ay-ay”, “Bad”, “You can’t do that.” We don’t shout, we don’t grab you by the scruff of the neck, we don’t beat you under any circumstances for refusing to carry out a command;
  • Dog training at home always takes place in the form of play, in a good positive mood. The pet needs to be interested, “included” in the process without pressure or coercion;
  • Say the command once, maximum twice. It’s useless to say “Come to me, come to me, come to me!” a hundred times. - this way you will only teach the dog that it is possible to carry out a command from the tenth instruction, but this is unacceptable (a speeding car will not wait);
  • Praise your dog as if he just saved the world. Rejoice wildly at every success, speak in a playful, happy voice;
  • Practice every day so that your pet does not forget the learned commands. 10 minutes is enough to repeat the entire “course”.

Failure to follow any rule is a big mistake! Pay attention to the little things, it's very important. Dogs detect the slightest changes in mood, intonation, and gestures. First of all, watch yourself, your actions, then it will be easier for your pet to understand you. Don't confuse your dog by using different gestures or variations of commands (come here, come to me, come).

How to interest a dog?

First of all, the owner must sincerely enjoy training. Then the dog will feel that its owner is happy and will follow commands with increasing diligence. Do not “turn on” the leader unless absolutely necessary (aggression, direct or veiled).

To keep your pet interested, one of the reward methods is used - praise with play, food and/or attention. As a rule, training small breed dogs at home goes well if the owner emotionally and joyfully praises the pet, consolidating the result with a tasty bite. Although any dog ​​will not refuse a treat, you should not overfeed it (the piece is tiny, only to indicate the correctness of the actions). Play as a reward works well with active breeds (hunters, dogs).

At first, give your pet a hint. For example, before training, you can put on a waist pouch with a treat, which the dog sees only during the training process and never again. Or take out a favorite toy from the “hidden”, which the dog will associate with training and subsequent play. When your pet understands the commands well, you can do without special tips.

How to praise a dog correctly?

The dog will associate a treat and reward with affection (voice, stroking) with correct behavior only if the reward occurs at the time the command is executed. The main mistake is to praise with a delay, during which the pet performed some action not related to the command. For example, the command “Come to me” is practiced: the dog should receive a treat on the way, as soon as it is at the owner’s feet. Incorrect - the dog came up and sat down (or turned around at his feet). In this case, the pet can associate the reward with its last action (twirled at the feet, sat down, leaned its front paws on the owner’s legs, licked the palm, etc.).

When practicing some skills, it is impossible to praise the dog right away. In such cases, use a clicker - a small clicking keychain. First, the dog is taught to click (click - they gave something tasty, click - they gave it something tasty, without any commands). The pet quickly associates the click and good emotions. Now the click will be enough for the dog to understand that he is acting correctly.

Read also: How and what to feed the Pekingese: making the right choice

Basic commands that can and should be practiced at home

Proceed from simple to complex - first learn the simplest commands, and then move on to those that not all dogs understand from the first training.

To me- the most important command, without exaggeration, it can save a pet’s life. At first, the command is pronounced when the puppy is already running towards the owner. Then using attraction (show a toy or treat from afar). For the first time, the command “Come to me” is given from a short distance, literally a couple of meters. When the pet understands what's what, you need to gradually increase the distance in order to achieve the command even when the owner is in another room (i.e. the dog does not see the person). You should always call your dog in a firm but calm, positive voice. Never call your dog if you are going to do something unpleasant (cut his nails, scold him for a puddle, etc.).

Sit- Another required skill. This command can be used instead when the dog needs to be stopped (for example, there is a road ahead). Training hunting dogs at home necessarily includes the “stand” command, but for city pets it is enough to be able to sit on command. The first time the command is pronounced, catching the moment when the puppy begins to sit down on its own. We repeat several times. Then we complicate the task by teaching the dog to sit on command (voice + gesture - vertically raised palm, see photo) when the owner demands it. We hold the treat between our fingers and show it to the dog, slightly extending the hand with the treat forward (do not lower your palm, the dog should not reach the treat). At the same time we say “Sit.” Perhaps the pet will try to jump towards the hand, spin around at the feet, wag its tail, etc. We stand like a monument, without moving, without changing our posture. When the dog gets tired of begging, it will sit in front of the hand, i.e. fulfills the command - praise!

These are the two most important commands that the dog must carry out the first time, “unquestioningly”, in any mood and in any situation. Without mastering these skills, the dog should never be let off the leash during a walk!

By the way, about the leash. After all, this is also a kind of skill! Definitely before your first walks. Walk around the apartment for at least 5 minutes three times a day. Do not allow the dog to pull you, you must control your pet. If the dog goes in the wrong direction, pull the leash briefly and lightly (two or three short tugs). This is a signal, not a compulsion! The pet should go voluntarily, and not be dragged along because he has no choice.

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