Requirements for organizing extracurricular work. Compulsory attendance at extracurricular activities - not

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These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter - sanitary rules) are aimed at protecting the health of children with disabilities during their stay in organizations that carry out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities (hereinafter - students with disabilities) . Sanitary rules apply to organizations carrying out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as organizations for students with disabilities) with day-time or round-the-clock (year-round) stay of students with disabilities in them, and also apply to individual classes and/or groups for students with disabilities, including extended day groups organized in educational organizations.

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Rospotrebnadzor approved the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions of training and education of children with disabilities in organizations implementing adapted basic general education programs. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2015 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training and education in organizations carrying out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities.”

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SanPin for students with disabilities applies to organizations with day-time or round-the-clock (year-round) stay of children, and also applies to individual classes and/or groups for students with disabilities, including extended day groups. In particular, the requirements for the equipment and sanitary condition of premises, the organization of educational activities and daily routine, nutrition and medical care for children are given. Status: The document has not entered into force Effective date: September 1, 2016

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The main educational program is implemented through the organization of classroom and extracurricular activities. Lesson activities consist of a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in educational relations. Extracurricular activities at school are formed from the hours necessary to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities and in total amount to 10 hours per week for each class, of which at least 5 hours are provided for the implementation of mandatory correctional classes, the rest - in the developmental area, taking into account age characteristics of students and their physiological needs. Rehabilitation and correction activities can be implemented both during extracurricular and during class activities.

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On Wednesday or Thursday, students with disabilities should have a lighter school day. A lesson should not exceed 40 minutes, with the exception of 1st grade. The duration of breaks between lessons is at least 10 minutes, a long break (after 2 or 3 lessons) - 20-30 minutes. Instead of one big break, it is allowed to have breaks of 20 minutes after lessons 2 and 3. each. The duration of the break between class and extracurricular activities should be at least 30 minutes, with the exception of the category of students with moderate, severe, profound mental retardation, and with severe multiple developmental disorders, whose training is carried out according to special individual development programs.

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Classes Maximum permissible weekly load in academic hours Lesson activities (classroom weekly load) Extracurricular activities 1 (1 additional) 21 Up to 10 2-4 (5*, 6**) 23 Up to 10 5 29 Up to 10 6 30 Up to 10 7 32 Up 10 8-9 33 Up to 10 10-11 34 Up to 10

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Note: 5th grade - for deaf, hard of hearing and late deafened, blind and visually impaired students and students with autism spectrum disorders. 6th grade - for deaf students and students with autism spectrum disorders. Hours of extracurricular activities can be implemented both during the school week and during the holidays, on weekends and holidays. The hours allocated for extracurricular activities can be used for: conducting socially useful practices, research activities, implementing educational projects, excursions, hikes, competitions, visits to theaters and museums. It is allowed to redistribute hours of extracurricular activities by year of study within one level of general education, as well as their summation during the academic year.

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Physical education and adaptive physical activity are planned for each student individually in accordance with the recommendations of specialists and taking into account the nature of the pathology and the degree of health limitation. Children with disabilities are trained according to individual programs drawn up by a doctor and a physical education teacher, taking into account the recommendations of doctors and specialists. The composition of classes (groups) for students with disabilities is carried out depending on the option of the education program, of which there are four.

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Education in the first (first additional) grade is carried out in compliance with the following additional requirements: - use of a “stepped” teaching mode in the first half of the year (in September, October - 3 lessons per day up to 35 minutes each, in November-December - 4 lessons up to 35 minutes each; January - May - 4 lessons up to 40 minutes each); - training is carried out without scoring students’ knowledge and homework; - additional week-long holidays are organized in the middle of the third quarter in the traditional mode of education.

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To organize labor training, workshops are provided with the necessary equipment and tools with special devices that take into account the special educational needs of students with disabilities. The content and methods of labor training at each stage must correspond to the age of the student, educational, educational and correctional tasks. The organization of specialized education in grades 10 - 11(12) should not lead to an increase in the educational load. The choice of a training profile should be preceded by career guidance work.

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The diet and frequency of meals should be established depending on the length of stay of students with disabilities in the organization (day or round-the-clock stay). The drinking regime for students with disabilities should be organized around the clock. For students with musculoskeletal disorders, whose meals are provided in the educational and residential unit, it is necessary to provide a pantry. The pantry is equipped with two washing baths and a tank for disinfecting dishes, a cabinet for storing dishes and equipment, and a table. The area of ​​the dining hall of the canteen for 1 seat should be at least 1.6, for students with musculoskeletal disorders - at least 2.3.

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In organizations for students with disabilities, medical care for children is provided in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation throughout the entire period of stay of students in the organization. If a case of an infectious disease is suspected, a student with disabilities is placed in an isolation ward until he is admitted to a medical institution. Students are allowed to study classes after each illness only with a doctor’s opinion.

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All premises are wet cleaned at least twice a day using detergents. Contaminated surfaces (door handles, cabinets, window sills, switches, furniture, including tables) and places where dust accumulates (floors near baseboards and under furniture, radiators, lighting fixtures, ventilation grilles) are washed daily. The surface of the window sills must be smooth, without chips, cracks or defects. Cleaning of premises is carried out in the absence of children with open transoms (windows) or windows in accordance with the instructions for the use of detergents and disinfectants. In living areas (bedrooms), wet cleaning is carried out after night and daytime sleep. Carpets should be vacuumed and brushed with a damp brush daily. It is permissible to use a vacuum cleaner with a wet operating mode (washing vacuum cleaner).

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The head of the organization for students with disabilities is the responsible person for the organization and complete implementation of these sanitary rules and ensures: - availability of the text of these sanitary rules in the general education organization for students with disabilities; - compliance with the requirements of sanitary rules by all employees; - necessary conditions for compliance with sanitary rules; - hiring persons who have health clearance and have undergone professional hygienic training and certification;

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Availability of medical records for each employee and timely completion of periodic medical examinations and examinations, professional hygienic training and certification; - organization of professional hygienic training and retraining and certification of workers; - organization of disinfection, disinfestation and deratization activities; - proper operation of technological, refrigeration and other equipment.

Topic: Pedagogical and hygienic requirements for organizing and conducting various types of extracurricular activities

Goals: create conditions for students to master the basic pedagogical and hygienic requirements for organizing the educational process.

Pedagogical requirements for organizing the learning process

The duration of extracurricular activities is from 20 to 40 minutes.

Extracurricular activities have their own structure:

1.Organizational moment

2. Introductory conversation

4. Summary of the lesson

5. Reflection

Requirements for extracurricular activities can be divided into 3 groups:

1. Didactic requirements

A clear definition of the place of study according to the educational work plan,

Compliance of the content with the age characteristics of students,

Taking into account the principles of a holistic pedagogical process,

The choice of methods and more effective means and techniques of education,

The presence of interdisciplinary connections,

A variety of forms of classes and methods of pedagogical influence,

Systematicity of classes

2. Educational and developmental

Formation of memory, attention and thinking of schoolchildren,

Education of moral qualities of the individual,

Development of cognitive interest and motives,

The teacher’s observance of pedagogical tact, restraint and patience,

Development of creative abilities,

3. Organizational requirements

Having a well-thought-out lesson plan,

Clarity of the lesson (in accordance with the structure of the lesson),

Creation of work discipline,

Using a variety of educational tools,

Completeness of the lesson, its flexibility and mobility.


  • Addressing the student must be respectful;
  • The teacher develops a calm, restrained tone. Regulation of student behavior is achieved by looking, changing the timbre of the voice, silence and other pedagogical methods;
  • Shouting and insulting a student is strictly prohibited. Their alternative is a calm demand, a calm tone, restraint.
  • The teacher does not have the right to remove students from classes and cannot prevent latecomers from attending classes.

The use of methods of physical and mental violence against students and pupils is not permitted."

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Article 15, paragraph 6)

A comment:
Physical violence is the use of physical force against a student.

Forms of mental violence are:

  • threats against the student;
  • deliberate isolation of the student;
  • imposing excessive demands on the student that are not age appropriate;
  • insult and humiliation of dignity;
  • unfounded systematic criticism of the child, leading him out of emotional balance;
  • constant negative characteristics of the student;
  • demonstrative negative attitude towards the student.

(Commentary to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education")

“The use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of a student (pupil) is grounds for the dismissal of a teaching employee on the initiative of the administration.”

(RF Law “On Education”, Art. 56)

Hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process

1. Placement of students and furniture in the office.

In classrooms with a three-dimensional rectangular configuration, tables are placed in three rows in compliance with the required illumination of workplaces and gaps. 1. between rows of desks (tables) and walls.

The following distance must be maintained:

From the outer wall to the first row of desks (tables) - at least 0.5 m;

From the inner wall to the third row -0.5 m;

From the back wall to the last desks (tables) - 0.65 m;

From the blackboard to the first desks (tables) -2m;

from the blackboard to the last desk (table) - no more than 8 m;

Between rows - 0.6 m.

In each class, in accordance with the number of height groups, it is necessary to place furniture in at least three different groups (numbers). If there is difficulty in selecting furniture, it is better to seat the student at a desk larger than the number required.

For schoolchildren, a height scale is adopted with an interval of 15 cm. In accordance with this scale, desks and sets of student tables with chairs of six numbers are manufactured. Students must be seated at desks strictly according to color coding

Furniture dimensions and markings*

The seating of students should be carried out by teachers and class teachers under the guidance of a doctor (nurse) after measuring the students' height (in shoes) at the beginning of each school year.

Children who are shorter than others in height should sit on the first desks, and the tallest ones should sit on the last ones. Children with visual impairments and hearing impairments should sit in the first two desks, regardless of their height. Children who are often ill should not sit in the outer row (near the window). It is necessary to change places (at least twice a year) of children sitting in the outer rows.

At least twice during the school year, students sitting in the 1st and 3rd rows change places without violating the correspondence of the desk number to their height. When equipping classrooms for six-year-old students, it is recommended to use preschool furniture.

The surface of the chalkboard must be flat. The color of the coating can be dark green, dark brown, black. The state of visual functions, as well as the performance of students, are more favorable when reading and copying text written on a dark green board with bright yellow chalk. The lower edge of the chalkboard above the floor is set: for primary school at a level of 75-80 cm.

Related information.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2"

city ​​of Serpukhov, Moscow region

English teacher

Filipenko I.M.

Serpukhov 2017

Requirements for organizing extracurricular activities

The task of the new generation school is to create a system of educational extracurricular and extracurricular activities, taking into account the integration of basic and additional education in the conditions of an educational institution, ensuring the teenager’s entry into independent social action.

Extracurricular activities, as well as the activities of students within the framework of lessons, are aimed at achieving results in mastering the main educational program. But first of all, it is the achievement of personal and meta-subject results. This also determines the specifics of extracurricular activities, during which the student must not only and not so much learn, but learn to act, feel, make decisions, etc.

Extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard are included in the main educational program. The time allocated for extracurricular activities is determined by the educational institution independently, based on the need to ensure the achievement of the planned results of the implementation of the main educational program based on the requests of students, parents (legal representatives), as well as existing personnel, logistics and other conditions. It is also noted that hours of extracurricular activities can be implemented both during the school week and during the holidays, on weekends and non-working holidays, and also that “extracurricular activities are organized on a voluntary basis in accordance with the choice of participants in educational relations "

Standard requirements for organizing extracurricular activities for schoolchildren:

Extracurricular activities are included in the variable part of the school’s educational program and are allocated 10 hours per week.

The school itself has the right to determine what types of extracurricular activities to devote these hours to.

The hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used at the request of students.

The time allocated for extracurricular activities is not included in the maximum permissible load of students.

The alternation of classroom and extracurricular activities is determined by the educational institution and agreed with the parents of students.

All types of extracurricular activities should be strictly focused on educational results.

Features of extracurricular activities are reflected inmethodological requirements for their content.

Such requirements include the following:

1. Organic connection between classroom and extracurricular work. This communication can be two-way. Extracurricular work builds on classroom work. Extracurricular foreign language classes are based, as is known, on the mastery of skills and abilities created in foreign language lessons, therefore it is important that students use these skills and abilities as fully as possible, while simultaneously improving and developing them in accordance with the conditions and characteristics of extracurricular work. Extracurricular activities can thus have a positive impact on students' learning activities in a foreign language.

The most complete implementation of this methodological requirement is possible if a number of conditions are met.

Firstly, the topic of educational language material and the sequence of its study should allow it to be used not only in lessons, but also in extracurricular work, of course, combining and varying it in different ways.

On this basis it is possible to hold mass school events in a foreign language. Of course, the introduction of a certain amount of new language material is inevitable and even desirable, because this material makes it possible to improve the content of speech activity and thereby significantly enrich the individual speech experience of students in a foreign language, but without overloading it.

The second condition for the implementation of an organic connection between academic and extracurricular work is the interest of students, the informativeness of the content, and the attractiveness of the forms of extracurricular work.

The material used in extracurricular activities in the preparation of public events should be interesting, educational, and developmental. It must take into account the individuality, inclinations and level of language training of students.

2. The obligation for students to fulfill voluntarily undertaken extracurricular assignments in relevant types of work (for example, in clubs, public events).

Without this, it is impossible to fulfill the next third requirement.

3. Purposefulness and regularity of extracurricular activities in accordance with the characteristics of the types of extracurricular work: weekly, daily, monthly, once every six months, annually.

4. Mass coverage of students with various types of extracurricular activities is one of the means of increasing its impact on students.

It is hardly worth proving the necessity and importance of extracurricular work in a foreign language. It is rightly noted that the authority of the subject and the prestige of a foreign language are directly dependent on the quality of extracurricular work at school. This may be why many schools across the country pay sufficient attention to this type of extracurricular activity.

In the teaching of school subjects, extracurricular and extracurricular work occupies an important place and is carried out in accordance with the specifics of each subject. It solves two main problems: firstly, developing interest, deepening knowledge, improving skills and abilities in a given subject; secondly, the organization of students’ free time for the purpose of their general development, labor, moral and aesthetic education.

To attract students to creative extracurricular activities, it is necessary to provide them with fascinating material of a regional studies, literary studies, and gaming nature. Mass forms of extracurricular work are of great importance. Foreign language weeks play a particularly important role, including various evenings, competitions, Olympiads, KVN, quizzes, auctions, etc.

Extracurricular work in a foreign language in conjunction with a compulsory course creates conditions for a more complete implementation of practical, educational, general educational and developmental learning goals. It helps to expand the scope of application of the skills acquired in the compulsory course and expand the language sphere.

Are secondary school students required to participate in extracurricular activities?

According to Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 5, 2018 N 03-PG-MP-42216, all students of secondary schools, without exception, are required to attend extracurricular activities.

The information is intended for students of professional retraining and advanced training courses in the following areas:

  • Additional education teacher
  • Management in Education
  • Teacher-organizer
  • State and municipal administration

Extracurricular activities of students - what is it? in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

There are some contradictions in the regulatory framework. The main law on education indicates the voluntary nature of extracurricular activities. According to the current law “On Education” (273-FZ dated December 29, 2012), educational organizations develop and approve educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Federal State Educational Standards are approved by the following regulations:

  • Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education - by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 06.10. 2009 N 373;
  • Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education - by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1897;
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary General Education - by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2012 N 413.

According to these standards, the main educational program is implemented through the organization of classroom and extracurricular activities. Accordingly, the organizational section of the program (primary school, junior high school, complete secondary school) should consist of a curriculum and a plan for extracurricular activities. These Federal State Educational Standards indicate that attendance at extracurricular activities for students is voluntary, according to the choice made by the participants in educational relations.

clause 1 part 1 art. 43 of the Education Law states that students are required to attend classes provided for in the curriculum. Extracurricular activities are not included in the curriculum. Accordingly, attendance at extracurricular activities is not required.

Extracurricular activities in accordance with SanPiN

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general education institutions (SanPiN also indicate that extracurricular activities are organized with students on a voluntary basis.

This SanPiN contains restrictions that relate specifically to classes according to the curriculum: classes cannot begin earlier than 8 o’clock in the morning, the seventh lesson is prohibited. Therefore, in some schools, under the guise of extracurricular activities, classes are held that are included in the general schedule: lesson zero, lesson seven. Attendance at such classes remains mandatory for students.

Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science dated August 18, 2017 N 09-1672 “On extracurricular activities”

Despite the above, there is a departmental regulatory legal act, namely Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 18, 2017 N 09-1672 “On the direction of methodological recommendations,” which states that participation in extracurricular activities is mandatory for students. Answering the question about the compulsory nature of extracurricular activities for students of secondary schools, the Ministry of Education pointed to a clause in the law “On Education”, which obliges everyone to fulfill the requirements for mastering educational programs, including the plan for extracurricular activities.

Response from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation regarding the compulsory nature of extracurricular activities

The Department of State Policy in the Sphere of General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in its letter dated September 5, 2018 N 03-PG-MP-42216, once again repeated that the plan for extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, along with the curriculum, is part of the main educational program of the educational organization and is mandatory.

The department also points to Article 43 273-FZ “On Education”, which states that students are required to conscientiously master the educational program, carry out an individual curriculum, including attending training sessions provided for by the curriculum or individual curriculum, carry out independent preparation for classes, complete tasks given by teaching staff as part of the educational program.

Officials also emphasize that plans for extracurricular activities are designed to take into account the individual characteristics and needs of students, based on the specifics of the educational organization, its personnel and other capabilities.

    Download Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 18, 2017 N 09-1672 "

Extracurricular and social work of children and adolescents is essentially extracurricular work, which, unlike the latter, is carried out not in special out-of-school and other institutions, but in the school itself and under its direct supervision. In many ways, extracurricular work coincides with extracurricular work, and with regard to their forms and types there are no sharp lines between them.

Extracurricular activities very wide and varied in its forms and types. This includes: 1) all kinds of forms of physical education, games, sports entertainment, hiking and local history walks, etc.; 2) the circle worked in various fields of science, literature, art and technology; 3) children's matinees, literary and artistic evenings for high school students, film shows during extracurricular hours, visits to museums, etc. These forms and types are not limited to extracurricular work among children and adolescents. When carrying out these forms and types of extracurricular work, one should use the principle of variety, replacing one type of work with another and observing a certain dosage, since this ensures the preservation of the strength of children and adolescents and thus prevents their fatigue.

Club work in most cases involves some strain on the strength of children and adolescents. This especially applies to such circles, the classes of which are held indoors and the work in which requires certain efforts from children and adolescents (modelling, radio, photography, handicraft, drama, etc.). Club activities should be organized primarily in high school and, as a rule, no more than once, or at most twice a week. However, the duration of such a lesson should not exceed 50-60 minutes. As a rule, each student can participate in only one club and, as an exception (subject to excellent and good grades in academic classes), in two. Otherwise, overload of children and adolescents with group work is inevitable, during which there is a disruption of the normal daily routine and. significant fatigue in children and adolescents.

In the lower grades, children’s participation in clubs is permissible only for certain types of activities that do not cause much fatigue and are related to their interests (for example, singing, drama, manual labor, etc.). At the same time, classes of such a circle can occur no more than once or twice every two weeks, and the duration of the class itself should not exceed 35-40 minutes. In the lower grades, a child can participate in only one club, and no exceptions to this rule should be allowed.

In terms of hygiene, we give priority to physical education and outdoor games clubs in the lower grades and to physical education and sports clubs in the older grades. Classes in these circles are one of the most effective means of relaxation and strengthening the health of children and adolescents only in cases where certain measures and the necessary precautions are observed. In some schools in high school, the physical education club is divided into a number of sections depending on the type of activity and sport (for example, basketball, volleyball, skiing, speed skating, etc.).

Classes in physical education clubs should also be limited in time and load, since excessive one-sided passion for any one sport is not harmless to health and can cause significant disruption to the body and cause irreparable harm to the youth’s heart. Classes in such clubs should last no more than 1-1.5 hours in high school. In physical education and gaming clubs in the lower grades, the duration of classes should not be more than 40-50 minutes, subject to compliance with established age standards and mandatory breaks - pauses for rest. The latter, however, is also mandatory for club activities in high school.

Along with the hygienically correct organization and conduct of extracurricular activities among children and adolescents, it is necessary to pay attention to rationing their social work. One of the main hygienic requirements in this direction is that at any given period of time a student has no more than one permanent social duty at school or a pioneer detachment, since otherwise a unilateral overload of some students is possible due to the underload of others.

In order to prevent fatigue in children and adolescents, it is useful to allocate certain days of social work for each school class. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the total academic load of students for each day, not allowing extracurricular and social work to be carried out on the same day. Care should also be taken to ensure that the number of children's meetings and meetings is kept to a minimum and that the duration of each student meeting is strictly regulated. One of the main requirements when conducting social work for children and adolescents is its even distribution over time so that each student, especially in the lower grades, has to participate in no more than one meeting (assembly) within 1-2 weeks.

Children's meetings are best conducted as lively conversations. Meetings (gatherings) of children and adolescents should be conducted in a form that is accessible and entertaining for them.

Under no circumstances should children and adolescents be allowed to engage in such types of social work that are not safe for their health and may cause certain diseases. For example, children and adolescents should not be allowed to collect waste, since this is not safe from the point of view of infection and the possibility of injury (cuts, bruises, etc.). Equally, children and adolescents should not be sent to their sick friends’ apartments to find out their state of health or the reason for their absence from school, since in this case they may become infected with an infectious disease.

It must be remembered that children and adolescents are not the same in psychophysical terms. What is completely harmless and even useful for one child or teenager, especially if he is quite healthy and physically developed (for example, work on putting the school land in order, working in the garden, etc.), may not be harmless to health another who has a weakened body or suffers from one or another disease, which at first glance may be invisible to the teacher. In connection with all of the above, it is especially important when distributing social work among children and adolescents to take into account and strictly take into account the age of each student individually, his interests, individual abilities, school performance, as well as physical and neuropsychic development and his state of health. In this matter, the role of the school doctor as a consultant, teachers and pioneer leaders is especially significant.

One of the types of social work of children and adolescents is their participation in helping teachers and parents create sanitary and hygienic conditions in school and family. Children and adolescents can do a lot in this direction by taking part in community service in the Red Cross school organization.

A very significant requirement of school hygiene for extracurricular and social work of children and adolescents is that it should not be carried out immediately after the end of classes, since children and adolescents are still tired and need to restore their strength. Extra-curricular and social activities should be allowed after they have had lunch and rested in the fresh air, and after they have prepared their homework. However, it is impossible to give a single solution to this issue, since with two-shift school classes, the time for preparing lessons and for extracurricular and social work of students varies. In any case, the extracurricular and social work of children and adolescents, as a rule, should not precede studies at school and the preparation of homework assignments, which require students to expend significant effort.

Among the important hygienic requirements for extracurricular and social work of children and adolescents is that students spend a significant part of this work in the fresh air. For this purpose, such types of extracurricular activities as outdoor and sports games, various types of physical education and sports, walks, excursions and tourist events are extremely useful.

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