Is it difficult to care for a black terrier? Bathing a black terrier. The main purpose of dog hair is to serve as a protective and insulating cover.

Many dog ​​lovers know how important it is to show your dog at a show, properly prepared. Sometimes the exhibition career of a pet depends on this. I would like to share my more than ten years of experience in preparing a dog for an exhibition with you, dear dog lovers. Russian black terrier. The time when it was believed that black terrier does not require special care, that it needs to be washed no more than once a year in a pond located near the house, as a means of hygiene, using laundry soap, and it can be taken to the exhibition by pulling it out of the booth directly on the working chain - the dog is working. Today, no one is surprised by how long and carefully they prepare applicants for beauty contests - all kinds of “Miss Russia, World, Universe”.

Dog show- also a beauty contest and should be treated accordingly. Candidates for victory must be carefully prepared: taught to move correctly, present themselves beautifully, trim the wool in a certain way, and cut it correctly.

Properly prepared Chernysh- this is a kind of art. Imagine the sixties, and the people who tried their best to maintain fashionable style. Because of the desire to look different from everyone else, they were called “hipsters.” The black terrier is a “hip” in the best sense of the word. Athletic, elegant, self-confident, unlike anyone else in the dog world.

So let's talk about preparing the black terrier for the exhibition. How to turn a bear-shaped “something” into a stylish animal. Let's start with the word "trimming" that is familiar to many.

Trimming a black terrier consists of carefully combing and plucking overripe hair, which is easily and painlessly torn off. You shouldn’t torture yourself or your dog by trying to pinch off hair that won’t be plucked off; it won’t lead to anything good. And the result that you will achieve by continuing to persist in your endeavors will be bruises on the dog’s body, distrust of your hands, which brought so much suffering, and an abundance of gray hair, which will cover your pet as its fur grows.

Whether we want it or not, as the blackie’s appearance changed, with the appearance of rich decorating hair, the latter’s coat lost its wire-like structure, which it had in dogs of the old type. When you gain in one, you lose in the other.

. Grooming from the very beginning.

To make the blackie's fur easy to care for, it is necessary train a one month old puppy to the combing procedure. To do this, it is convenient to use a wide-toothed comb. Trying to train black terrier puppy to daily combing, remember that he personally does not need this procedure. Life will not seem worse to him just because he is all in tangles and something is constantly sticking under his tail. But since he was born a black terrier, he will have to endure tedious haircuts and exhibitions with a comb. Its' his job.

If you try not to cause pain when scratching, the puppy will quickly get used to this procedure. And if every day you find 5-10 minutes to care for the coat and prevent the formation of tangles, the presence of pine needles and thorns in the coat, then your puppy will even enjoy brushing - after all, this is a useful skin massage.

, their wool requires a lot of attention from the owner, preparing it for an exhibition is an art that needs to be learned. The preparation of fur for the exhibition begins taking into account how quickly the dog grows. This usually happens 7-10 days before the exhibition.

Before cutting the blackie, you need to comb it thoroughly and then wash it. It is better to use shampoo for show dogs. It is diluted in water and whipped until foam forms. The wool is thoroughly soaked in this mixture down to the roots of the hair, and then thoroughly washed off with a stream of warm water. After which it is useful to apply a balm-rinse, which helps restore skin functions that are extremely important for the dog. It’s a good idea to rinse the wool with beer or lemon juice to make the wool stiffer.

Then wring out the wool as much as possible and dry it thoroughly with a towel. Let your pet shake and dry off. You can use a hairdryer, but you must remember that during drying you should never pull the fur, otherwise you will end up with hair that is not typical for the breed, reminiscent of a poodle.

After the coat has dried, comb it thoroughly and you can start cutting.

Sequence of cutting the head of a black terrier.

Comb the fur on the dog's head and face in the direction of hair growth, removing previously uncombed tangles and dead hair.

Cut your ears short inside and out. True, it is better to cut the inside of the ear after the entire haircut is completed, because... prickly small hairs caught in the ear canal cause discomfort in the dog, causing it to constantly shake its ears, which is very tiring for the hairdresser. It is best to trim the ears with an electric or mechanical clipper, but you can also use scissors, from the tip of the ear to its base. The hair that hangs over the edges of the ears and visually enlarges them must be carefully trimmed with scissors, trying not to damage the ear.

On the forehead, starting from the brow ridges, cut short, using a machine, an area equal in width to the width of the skull, and in length - to the base of the ear. The remaining part of the forehead is cut with scissors so that there is a smooth transition from short-cut hair to longer hair from 1 cm to 2 cm. This is done in order to be able to form the so-called “cap”, which is cut behind the occipital protuberance and creates the impression of a longer long head.

After you have processed the frontal part of the head, start cutting the hair on the cheekbones. Lift your ear up and cut the hair at the base of the ear briefly, using a clipper. Then carefully cut the hair on the cheekbones, leaving more than 1.5 - 2 cm in length. Cheekbones should be flat. For dogs with a very wide head in the skull, it is advisable to remove the cheekbones very short. For dogs with long, narrow heads, the length of the hair on the cheekbones can be increased to add volume.

Once you have decided how long hair you will leave on the cheekbones, you need to give the head a “brick” shape, smoothing the transition from short hair to long hair, forming a mustache and beard. When viewed from above, the head should have the shape of a rectangle, and when viewed from the side, it should be a triangle, where the bangs, mustache and beard form a right angle.

The line of the bangs should be a natural continuation of the forehead, emphasizing its straightness and parallelism to the back of the nose. A bang formed too low or too high distorts the parallelism of the line of the forehead and the back of the nose and changes the proportions.

All hair protruding beyond the rectangular outline of the head must be carefully cut off. Then, carefully combing the entire head, trim the stray hairs. Now all that remains is to form the beard and mustache, giving them the shape of a triangle when viewed from the side.

The black terrier should give the impression of a large, powerful, strong, but not overweight dog. This impression can be strengthened by the correct design of the coat, which consists of a hard, elongated awn with a break and a softer, dense undercoat.

Figure 45 shows the silhouette of a black terrier: the hair in the shaded areas is clipped, and the rest is processed with scissors.

Caring for the dog is the same as for other dogs with long hair; regular brushing, combing the fur from the skin to the ends of the hair, removing tangled hair and tangles, wiping the beard with a damp cloth after eating. This dog should not be washed completely often, although its fur collects a lot of dirt, and you should not hide behind the fact that dirt is not visible on black.

It is best to lightly pluck the black terrier regularly so as not to expose too large areas of skin with trimming, comb out the dying fur with a slicker brush and a frequent metal comb, and cut it several times a year.

Before cutting, the wool is combed very carefully and all dead hair is removed. The longest strands of hair on the body are plucked with your fingers or using a trimming knife. In order for the fur to always be hard and shiny, it must be plucked to one degree or another. At the same time, if the hair comes off freely, then it is better to pluck more hair, because cutting the hair with dying hair will still not be beautiful.

The hair on the ears of a black terrier is regularly trimmed on both sides from the ends to the bases; on the forehead from the eyebrows to the occipital protuberance (in this place, not too short hair is left in the form of a path that smoothly passes through the occipital protuberance to the crest of the neck); on the cheekbones (but leave hair on the muzzle down from the outer corners of the eyes); on the front of the neck; under the tail and around the anus; on the backs of the hind legs to the hocks, on the belly from the navel to the groin and on the inner thighs. The fur on the paws is trimmed in a circle without exposing the toes. Between the toes above and between the pads below, the hair is trimmed short.

On the muzzle, the hair is combed forward and trimmed on all sides so that the head has a regular rectangular shape. The bangs should not stick out too much above the plane of the forehead, it should, as it were, continue its line. If the hair at the inner corners of the eyes irritates the eyes, then it is cut off.

The hair on the body is trimmed evenly so that it does not stick out anywhere, looks monolithic and follows the natural lines of the dog. The fur on the limbs is left longer than on the body, but such that it does not protrude beyond the contours of the body when viewed from above.

The front legs are designed in the form of monolithic columns, the hind legs - following the contours of the legs.

To emphasize the angle of the hock joints, the hair on the back is short, while on the sides there are smooth transitions from short to longer hair.

Similar transitions are made along the line of hair growth from the sides of the neck - to the protrusion of the humerus.

O.V. Mishchikha "Secrets of dog beauty"

Today we will talk about how to care for fur at home. This article is intended for a wide range of blackie owners who want to independently care for their pets without the involvement of professional groomers, and is not a training manual for novice dog groomers. Each hairdresser has his own professional secrets.

It is no secret that all woolly dogs require increased attention to their person in order to maintain a decent appearance. It’s not for nothing that they say: “What kind of owner is like that?”

dog". This is true not only in relation to the similarity of character between the owner and the dog, which comes with age, but also in relation to the appearance of the dog and the owner. I think that it is not entirely pleasant not only to walk, but also to simply keep a giant tangle in the apartment, which an adult black terrier can become without proper care. It has long been known that black terrier does not shed in the literal sense of the word, like, for example, a German shepherd. The dead fur of a black terrier does not fall out in clumps, but falls into many large and small tangles.

Let's start with what tools you need to have in order to maintain the appearance of your blackie in relative order until the “intervention” of a professional hairdresser or the owner’s own haircut. First of all, you need to understand that most black terriers are now not trimmed in the literal sense of the word - that is, bald. During the selection process, the coat of black terriers has undergone significant changes from what was originally intended. Now, to change the coat of your blackie, it is enough to comb it well with a tangle cutter, a trimming comb and a simple single-row comb with long teeth. Depending on the quality of the dog’s coat, this procedure should be done from once or twice a month to once or twice a week. Particularly hardworking owners who love their dogs brush their pets every day. Frequent brushing promotes better growth, faster change, and improved elasticity and quality of the coat.

Let's list the main tools and the order of their use when... First. If a dog has acquired mats, the first tool to bring it into proper shape will be a mat cutter. It is better if this tool is in the form of a rake. It is much more difficult to comb out the sides. This tool consists of firmly fixed wave-shaped knives in one line with rounded blunt ends. The mat cutter not only cuts large mats into smaller ones, but also removes dead hair. To make it easier to comb out tangles, there are special sprays. The second tool is a long-toothed comb for deep combing the dog's fur. Using this comb, the remaining small tangles and part of the undercoat are combed out. The next tool will be a slicker with strong, stiff teeth, which will help remove the undercoat. The last tool is a trimming comb. Trimming combs come in several types. The easiest to use is a narrow plate with deep longitudinal parallel notches located at an angle, mounted on a handle. This comb facilitates painless removal (a kind of plucking) of mature hair. More complex professional trimming combs and knives without the proper skill can do more harm than good in inept hands, so I will not dwell on the description of how they work.

It is necessary to say separately about bathing dogs. Now there are many shampoos for any type of coat that are absolutely harmless for frequent use. Bathing a dog living in an apartment twice a year means maintaining a giant dust and dirt collector in the house. Try not to wash your woolen item for more than two weeks, what will it look like? And all this despite the fact that you are not sleeping on the floor of the house or lying on the ground on the street. It is necessary to bathe a black terrier when it gets dirty!

After each walk in bad weather, the black cat needs to wash its paws, belly and other contaminated parts of the body with ordinary water in a powerful stream in the bathtub or shower. To avoid scratching the bathtub and preventing the dog's paws from slipping, place an old sheet or large rag at the bottom of the container. For frequent washing, not only specialized shampoos for dogs are suitable, but also shampoo for people, only be sure to be marked “for dry, brittle hair after perm.” This shampoo will not dry out your dog's coat and skin and is unlikely to cause allergies. Baby shampoos are not suitable. The shampoo must be well diluted in a plastic bottle of mineral water, in the cork of which several holes have been prepared in advance with a needle heated over a fire (like a sprinkler). Having thoroughly moistened the dog's fur with water, apply the shampoo solution for the first time, rubbing it into all parts of the body up to the skin, trying not to get into the eyes, mouth and nose of the animal. Try to cover your dog's eyes and nose with your palm. Don't worry if the shampoo doesn't lather well on your fur the first time. Rinse the wool well with running water and apply the prepared solution again. This time you will notice that the shampoo will foam much better. Rinse the dog again with running water; if the water is still dirty, repeat the procedure. When you see that the flowing water has become clear, you can treat the dog with a conditioner or vinegar solution (1 tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water). Vinegar neutralizes shampoo residues; conditioners also have the same property.

By squeezing the dog's fur well with your hands, you can let your pet shake itself off. So that the water flowing from the dog’s fur does not cause you inconvenience in the form of water streaks on the furniture, walls and floor and the black dog dries faster, you need to prepare large linen rags, old sheets or terry robes (which abound in second-hand markets) and, wrapping the dog tightly, let the water “leave” the wet wool on its own, absorbing into the above-mentioned rags.

In twenty minutes your pet will be ready to be blow-dried. It is necessary to dry the dog under a hot stream of air, and in no case in one place, but try to dry the hair all over the dog’s body, constantly combing it with a slicker brush. When the dog is completely dry, blow the remaining hot air out of the fur with a cold stream. Your blackie is ready for a haircut.

Material taken from:

This dog contains contradictory qualities - courage, power, rage, resourcefulness, love of life and restraint. The Black Terrier breed is chosen by those who need a loyal friend, protector or companion, while the owner receives an easily trainable, energetic puppy that does not require specific complex care. Before purchasing a pet, it is important to learn about breed standards and training features.

Black Russian Terrier - Stalin's famous dog

This is a well-known breed, bred by domestic breeders, and is the pride of Russian dog handlers. There is an opinion that the order to create this universal dog was given by Stalin himself. Shaggy giants amaze with their grace, sharp mind, impeccable grace, unwavering devotion to their owner and spectacular appearance. The Russian Terrier dog is one of the most popular types of guard breeds.

Requirements for breeding a new breed

The history of the appearance of black beauties goes back to the distant twenties of the last century, while the breed was bred to serve man. The main requirement for pets was the ability to serve in various climatic zones. In addition, the Black Russian Terrier had to be hardy and have a powerful build. Other requirements for RCT are:

  • high limbs for fast running;
  • strong jaws;
  • thick, hard coat with undercoat, thanks to which the animal can be exposed to severe frost;
  • wide paw pads for easy movement in the snow without falling into snowdrifts;
  • protective instinct, controlled ferocity;
  • learning ability, tendency to follow orders and obedience.

Origin story

In 1924, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council, the Red Star nursery was created. where military and sports dogs were trained. The organization had training grounds and laboratories at its base. The kennel prepared dogs for guard duty, communications, sanitary needs, and reconnaissance. Afterwards, the dogs began to learn subversive and sabotage tasks. Four-legged fighters helped a lot during the Second World War, helping soldiers defend the country from the Nazis. After the end of hostilities, a battalion of dogs walked along Red Square along with the soldiers.

Having learned the lessons of the war, the USSR government in 1949 gave the kennel a state order to breed dogs specifically for the needs of the army. In addition to being ferocious, the breed had to be smart, easy to train, able to cope well with physical activity, have long legs and be able to perform guard duty. The main reason for the need to breed black terriers was that the guard dogs that were used by the army at that time were not suitable for working in low temperatures. German shepherds could stay in frost below 20 degrees for no longer than 6 hours.

Since the breeding of the black terrier occurred at the end of the reign of Joseph Vissarionovich, the name of the breed “Stalin’s dog” is rather popular. Lieutenant Colonel Kalinin, the head of the nursery and the pride of Soviet cynology, worked on the project. As a result of his activities, the Black Russian Terrier or RCT was born. At the same time, different breeds were used during selection, since the species being prepared had to have many traits - controlled aggressiveness, calm character, sharp mind.

In addition, the dog had to have strong muscles and be of impressive size. The exterior of the animal, however, was not of great importance. Scientists decided to combine the genes of such breeds as:

  • Giant Schnauzer (bravery, intelligence, large size);
  • Rottweiler (aggressiveness, strong joints, strong bones, good guard skills);
  • Airedale Terrier (self-confidence, large size, fearlessness).

The first generations of black cats had certain disadvantages - short hair, weak teeth, their testicles did not descend into the scrotum. Over time, the flaws were eliminated and in 1957 the first representatives of the RCT were presented to the world (at the All-Union Exhibition of Hunting and Working Dogs). In the same year, the breed began to be sold to private individuals. Breeders still continue to improve and supplement pets, resulting in two types of breed - long-haired and short-haired blackies.

Description of the breed

Blackies are large, tall dogs with powerful bones and strong muscles. Their body is tightly covered with skin that does not form folds or sagging. RCTs are distinguished by their natural malice and distrust of strangers, while the dogs are perfectly trainable and can live in any climatic conditions, working as watchmen, acting as a companion, etc. The breed is characterized by mobility, a balanced character, and a developed defensive reaction.


Bred for service work, the RCT is an athletic, large, reliable dog. The constitution of the breed is strong, the height of males varies between 66-72 cm, weight is 50-60 kg, females - 64-70 cm with a weight of 45-50 kg. The bones of the animal are large and strong, the head is proportional to the body, and the length is equal to the neck. Dogs with Newfoundland ancestry have short hair, while the body of the rest is covered with long, dense hair.

Breed standard

RCT is one of the few breeds whose gene pool includes a large number of the best qualities of other dogs. More than 15 breeds were involved in the creation of blackies, whose characteristics best satisfied the needs of breeders. According to the standard, RCT should look like this:

  1. General form. Massive bones, developed muscles, proportional build, average height - 71 cm at the withers.
  2. Head. The cheekbones are rounded, the skull has an elongated shape, tapering towards the muzzle. The dog's brow ridges are hidden, the forehead is flat, and the transition from it to the muzzle is barely noticeable. The black terrier has a mustache and beard made of wool; its nose is large, expressive, and dark in color. Pigmented deposits are visible on the gums.
  3. Ears. They hang from the cartilages, but are set high. The classic version is a triangle, the edges of which are adjacent to the cheekbones. The hanging part of the ears has no folds or indentations.
  4. Teeth. The incisors are arranged in one line, the bite is scissor-shaped. The dog has 42 teeth in total.
  5. Eyes. Oval in shape, widely set, dry eyelids, tightly fitting to the eyeballs.
  6. Neck. Same length as the head. It is massive.
  7. Frame. Deep, wide chest line with prominent ribs. The lower part of the body is located at the level with the elbows. The withers are well developed and stand out sharply. The dog's loin is relatively short, convex in shape, the croup is medium-long and wide.
  8. Paws. Black terriers have long, straight, rounded limbs. The claws are dark. The shoulder blades are set at the correct angle. The shoulders are of medium length, set parallel and vertical. The hips are wide, the legs vary in length, and the hock joint is clearly defined.
  9. Tail. Traditionally, it is stopped at the level of the 3rd vertebra. The tail of the RCT has a thick base and is set high.

Coat and color

The dog's coat has a break of approximately 6 cm, the texture of the coat is rough. Decorative hair (mustache and beard) is pronounced in RCT. To ensure good thermal insulation, the animal has a soft undercoat. The breed has an exclusively black coat, but small patches of gray are acceptable. Sometimes puppies' black fur turns brown or gray at 2-3 months, which can be due to various factors, including hormonal changes or genetic inheritance.

Dog character

The Black Russian Terrier has a reputation for being a highly trainable, loyal, fearless dog. A special feature of the breed is its rapid adaptation to both severe frost and hot climates, thanks to which a pet can be adopted in any region of Russia. Little blackies are loyal to their owners, understand commands well, but have a dominant character. The owner of the animal must have a firm hand so that the dog considers him the main one in the family.

Modern black terriers are more loyal than their ancestors, bred during the war and post-war years. Despite the pet’s mistrust and its strong, powerful physique, they do not pose any threat to the owners, which is confirmed by thousands of reviews from breeders of this breed. RCT is a hard worker, so he is characterized by a rich positive characteristic, including such features as:

  • activity;
  • responsibility;
  • dexterity;
  • fast reaction;
  • high efficiency;
  • controllability;
  • endurance.

Black terriers are true friends for the members of the family in which they live. They are able to sensitively sense changes in a person’s mood, possessing developed intelligence. If you are not in a good mood, the pet will not get in the way. The terrier will happily share your good mood with you, offering to play. The dog treats family members with deep respect and awe. Despite the calm, reasonable, balanced nature of the pet, he is distinguished by his cheerfulness.

In case of danger, the animal will quickly and clearly react to the threat, independently assessing the situation. The dog reacts to guests based on the behavior of the owner. the primary reaction, however, is mistrust and wariness. The black terrier is one of the silent breeds, so it extremely rarely gives a voice without a reason. In addition, high intellectual abilities not only influence how well a dog is trained, but also allows it to remain indifferent to bribery from strangers.

Peculiarities of behavior of the Russian Terrier

Since the dog has a stubborn, dominant character, he needs a strict owner who will not allow him to break the rules. By nature, blacks tend to be wary and suspicious of everything new. If your pet is socialized from early childhood, the dog will be tolerant of other dogs or other animals, but you should not expect a warm welcome from the terrier.

The kindness of the RCT is revealed to the maximum in relation to small children: the pet is ready to give the kids all its attention, play carefully with them and even act as a caring nanny. Despite his relatively stern disposition, the dog forgives children for any pranks and is ready to be a toy for fidgets for some time. The disadvantage of the breed is aggression, so a leash and muzzle must be used while walking. The dog is willful and requires attention, so the option of chain keeping is excluded. The advantages of black terriers are:

  • balanced character;
  • the dog practically does not shed;
  • excellent guard qualities;
  • good memory, excellent learning ability, desire to please the owner;
  • ability to work, high energy charge;
  • strong immunity, excellent health;
  • unpretentiousness in content;
  • rapid adaptation to climate;
  • easy handling;
  • loyal attitude towards children and other animals.

Education and training

The black terrier, more than other breeds, needs proper training. This naturally distrustful and somewhat rude dog can grow aggressive if the owner fails to develop his positive qualities. To avoid this, you need to build a trusting, warm relationship with your pet, while making it clear who is in charge in the house. When training an RCT, you need firmness, consistency and fairness. You cannot treat a dog roughly, since it already strives very much to please a person.

Raising a pet requires the owner to demonstrate leadership qualities and constant supervision of the four-legged animal. When buying a puppy, soberly assess your own capabilities in training it, otherwise the guard potential of the black puppy may in the future become a problem even for family members. When training your pet, you should use short commands and an even tone of voice, and rudeness and excessive affection are excluded.

The peculiarity of black terriers is their sharp mind and good memory, thanks to which they quickly remember commands and actions. Representatives of this breed are excellent at agility and obedience, so they are recommended to take courses in these disciplines. This training will help a dog with a dominant character understand his place in the family. You need to understand that although your four-legged friend is obedient, due to his developed volitional potential, he may sometimes refuse to carry out a command: first the dog assesses the situation, and then acts.

To maintain health, your dog needs at least one long walk a day. Black terriers love to lie on the sofa with their family, but they also need active, more interesting pastime. Jogging, walking and cycling are very well accepted by the pet, but it is important that the owner is nearby, otherwise the dog will not be interested. It is recommended to walk with a leash: despite the dog’s loyal attitude towards the people around him, many people he meets are worried at the sight of such a large animal without a leash.

How to care for your blackie

Thanks to the almost ideal character of terriers (if they are raised correctly), the dog behaves well with other animals and small children, and reliably protects the family and the house in which it lives. In addition, this breed is unpretentious in living conditions and care. Black terriers are easily adaptable, so they can live both in a private house and in an apartment. Caring for a pet does not require any specific skills and consists of the following:

  1. Wool. Black terriers need to be washed and combed regularly, but you will have to deal with your pet’s dissatisfaction, since they do not really like water treatments. Accustom your animal to bathing once every 2 weeks from childhood, then he will tolerate it more calmly. In addition, pets need regular haircuts; hair should be shortened when the blackie is six months old.
  2. Eyes ears. These organs need regular inspection and cleansing with a swab moistened with water.
  3. Teeth. To prevent the formation of tartar, your dog's diet should include solid food. Blackies need to brush their teeth with a special toothpaste 1-2 times a week.
  4. Paws. Nail trimming occurs once every 2 months. After each walk, the paw pads should be inspected for stuck fragments and pebbles. The fur between the toes must be trimmed, as tangles may appear there and cause discomfort when walking.

Early socialization and adaptation

Experienced breeders recommend introducing the puppy to the outside world as early as possible, otherwise the animal may react inappropriately to strangers and animals. The first commands for the little one should be “near”, “to me” and “sit”. Thanks to the dog’s knowledge of such actions, walks will be as calm as possible, and surrounding people and dogs will be safe.


Some owners of black Russian terriers complain that their pets' coat becomes too coarse and fades. To maintain the beautiful appearance of your dog’s coat, you need to follow certain rules:

  • do not leave the animal for a long time in the open sun (under the influence of UV rays, the fur will lose its rich color and may acquire a brown tint);
  • do not use a hairdryer after bathing, because under the influence of high temperatures, gray hairs appear on the fur coat, and the fur itself becomes overdried and brittle;
  • monitor the humidity of the room in which the little blackie lives (over-dried air causes brittleness of the pet’s hair);
  • for bathing you need to use warm water, since too high a temperature will cause the coat to fade;
  • You need to comb the animal with a medium-hard brush and only after the fur has completely dried, otherwise the ends of the hair may become split;
  • Be sure to provide your dog with a balanced diet.

Features of grooming

The need to groom Stalin's dog depends on its class (pet or show), as well as the quality of its coat. Some individuals have coarser guard hair, while others have it combined with a soft undercoat. There are other blackies whose undercoat is soft, long, and dominates the outer coat. Grooming for pets with the first type of coat involves annual shaving of the hair from the body and hips; other representatives of the breed require more careful care and frequent combing. Grooming black dogs is done as follows:

  • the wool is pre-cleaned and combed well;
  • the mustache and beard are trimmed on the dog’s head, smooth transitions from short- to long-cropped hair are formed;
  • The body and limbs are cut strictly in accordance with the standard.


Despite the fact that the RCT is a predator by nature, the animal’s diet should not consist exclusively of meat, just as it is impossible to feed the dog only porridge with meat broth. If you prefer natural nutrition for your four-legged friend to ready-made food, a balanced diet for him will include:

  • lean meat, raw or cooked;
  • porridge;
  • bread (maximum 2 times a week);
  • sea ​​fish;
  • seasonal vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy products.

Mixing dry food with home cooking is highly discouraged, so it is important to decide right away what kind of food your pet will have. This prohibition is due to the fact that different stomach receptors are used to digest feed and natural food, as a result of which the dog may suffer from indigestion. Prohibited products are:

  • chocolate;
  • any snacks, fast food;
  • smoked meats;
  • spices, marinades.

Black Terrier puppies

RChT breeding nurseries are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Krasnodar, and Yekaterinburg. Black cats are also popular in Slovakia and Germany, from where puppies are brought to Russia. The exterior and characteristics of imported representatives of black terriers are no better than those of domestic individuals, and they are more expensive, so such an acquisition cannot be called successful.

Pedigree is the main factor in determining the price, but in some cases, puppies from elite parents do not have outstanding qualities. Before purchasing a puppy, it is important to ask how seriously the work is done in the nursery, which representatives of the breed are crossed there, how many exhibitions they attend and what places the dogs occupy. The training of animals in the nursery plays a significant role. It is cheaper to buy an RCT puppy from your own hands, but club dogs are vaccinated, have better health and have a wonderful character proven by several generations.

How to choose

The first thing you need to decide is the sex of the animal. A male dog will require more attention and perseverance from you in raising it, so it is suitable only for a person with a strong-willed, strong character. If you are not 100% confident in your own abilities, it is better to choose a bitch who has a more obedient, flexible and loyal character. A healthy puppy has shiny fur, is curious, active, and has a good appetite. The baby should feel confident when in contact with other puppies and people.

Rock defects

Any deviation from breed standards is considered a defect. Thus, common flaws in RCT include the following signs:

  • deviation from the average weight or height of the animal;
  • timidity, lack of self-confidence;
  • tail tilted at the back;
  • not black nose color;
  • the presence of light spots on the coat (the presence of small patches of gray hair is not considered a flaw);
  • light eye palettes.

Rules for raising a Russian Terrier puppy

Raising a little blackie should begin immediately after it appears in your home, otherwise it will be difficult to wean the four-legged animal from the bad habits that it will manage to acquire during your inactivity. The basic rules that owners of an RCT puppy need to follow include:

  • You need to feed the baby often, without overeating, otherwise the animal may become fat, which will negatively affect the health of the joints and lead to curvature of the hind legs;
  • The bowl should be placed on some elevation so that it is located at the level of the puppy’s shoulders;
  • parquet, laminate and linoleum provoke abnormal development of the animal’s limbs, so there should be a carpet or carpet in the room where the puppy lives;
  • kids are often too active, they like fun games, so it is important to ensure that they do not fall from the sofa/stairs, as this will lead to sprains;
  • You should not stroke babies on the head, as this may affect the incorrect formation of the ears;
  • You need to bathe or comb your puppy immediately after purchase: the sooner you start the process of accustoming to such procedures, the easier it will be for the animal to tolerate them in adulthood.

Black Russian Terrier price

The average cost of a RCT puppy is about $500, and you will get a healthy pet, with whom you will not be able to participate in competitions and exhibitions due to the lack of a suitable pedigree. A show-class dog has a higher price - more than $750. On the Internet you can find advertisements for more profitable sales of black puppies, and this does not necessarily indicate the presence of flaws or mixing of blood.

As a rule, a low price indicates improper feeding of babies and lack of vaccinations, so when purchasing RCT, you should give preference to trusted breeders. You can buy a puppy in the following nurseries:

  • “Adam Race Style” (Moscow, Yekaterinburg);
  • “Treasure of Rus'” (Kyiv);
  • "Pleiada Buyany" (Vladivostok);
  • "Black Russia" (Novosibirsk).

Black Terrier - photo


Spring-summer, heat, your blackie has grown over the winter and you understand that it’s time to trim your pet’s hair. On this page I will show and briefly tell you how to shave a Black Russian Terrier so that the dog looks beautiful and is pleasing to the eye.
Necessary tools.

  • Comb .
  • Scissors long, well sharpened. You can order and buy on AliExpress, preferably no shorter than 8 inches, their cost is about 2 thousand rubles. The steel of these scissors is soft, the scissors become dull quite quickly, but they are quite suitable for home haircuts.
  • Typewriter for shaving. You can read about choosing a machine - Caring for a black terrier
  • Knives for the typewriter. It is best if you have 3 knives and a knife from 5 mm in your set

Where to begin.

Rinse the blackberry.
This procedure is simply necessary if you want to save machine knives and scissors. Shaving and cutting dirty wool “kills” your tools and the desire to save time and effort will cost you at least the price of clipper knives. And they are now very expensive.

Briefly about washing and drying.
Rinse the black terrier's coat with shampoo until the soapy water that comes out is white or clear. Those. lathered it, “massaged” the fur, rinsed it off and looked at how clean the wash was. If the shampoo being washed off is gray or even black, lather it again. It is advisable to carry out the first wash with a shampoo that has super-cleansing properties (see the name - this is “deep cleansing”, peeling shampoo, for oily hair, etc.). And, in my opinion, it doesn’t matter whether this shampoo is for dogs or for people. The statement about different PH is a myth, a fairy tale, pure marketing. I once measured the pH of shampoos and conditioners for dogs and people with test strips - there was practically no difference. AND! You will dilute the shampoo with water, at least in proportions of 1/3. Is it logical that the advertised PH is leveled by water? Logical.

A little secret.
To wet a dog, 3 liters of water is enough. Don't believe me? check. Take old used shampoo bottles (I use liter plastic bottles from Domestos, their spout is at an angle - it’s more convenient), pour warm water, add 1-2-3 tablespoons of super-cleansing shampoo, mix, carefully turning the bottle over. You can dilute the shampoo in a bucket or basin and apply this solution with a sponge. The shampoo opens the hair scales, so the hair stops repelling water. For me, 2 liters of solution is usually enough.

Washed? Did you rinse well? Be sure to rinse off the shampoo very well. Otherwise, the coat will be dull, irritation and dandruff may appear. Rinse it off, don't be lazy.

Dry the fur with towels and comb the dog. Yes, wet and comb - it’s easier to untangle the tangles. We combed it, now we dry it. Dry those areas that you will not shave with a hairdryer, while combing, this way the dog will dry faster and, having lost some time and effort in this procedure, you will save in the future, this way the dog’s hair will tangle less and will look beautiful for a longer time, yes and cut it better.

Shaving scheme :

We take a machine with a knife of 5 or higher. And we shave according to the pattern.

Points on the diagram:

  • 1 in the picture - the place where the paw bends.
  • 2 elbow or slightly higher.
  • 3 the point above the groin is the top of the curved belly-thigh line. In the photo this point is shifted towards the tail and raised very high. It can be lowered and moved towards the head. If in doubt, take the groin fold and measure up about 5 cm.
  • 4 flexion point of the hind leg. You can also vary - shave above or below this point.

Shave your back while pulling back the skin. If you want the coat to be a little longer, shave according to the growth of the coat; it may not turn out very carefully, since the hair will not be cut evenly, but after a couple of weeks you won’t even notice it. If you shave against the grain, the cut will be more even. Shaved your back? Now we use a machine to mark the transition lines from shaved to long wool (drawn in the photo). Walk along these visually outlined lines with a machine, even if it is somewhat uneven, you can trim it later. According to the diagram, there are two lines on the front paw - choose any one you like best. If along a bright line, it will be somewhat more difficult to align later, but the dog, in my opinion, will look more stylish. If the dog is very overgrown and it is not very convenient to mark a line with a clipper, in this case, take scissors and cut the hair from the elbow, repeating the bottom line.

Next, shave the sides, front, and back to the marked lines/points. In the front, you can leave the long hair in a triangle or just a straight strip from the chest bone down. Or you can shave it completely, then it’s worth shaving the skirt too, i.e. You don’t have to mark line 2-3, but shave the entire body.

Shave your ears from the outside and inside. Draw a line down from the base of your ear and shave your neck along it. I shave deeper, closer to the eyes, i.e. I retreat 1-2 cm from the base of the ear - this way the ear “breathes” better.

We shave the dog's rear (back). It's simple - shave everything down to point 4. Shave the back legs and the inside along line 3-4.

Next, at first glance, the most difficult thing is the decoration and transition from shaved to long wool.
Frame. Use a machine to straighten the intended transition lines. Next, comb the long hair on the body, style it, combing from top to bottom and, repeating the line of the shaved body, cut it. There is no need to take a piece of wool and cut it, the wool will still look like shreds. I'll post a photo or video later.

Legs .
Trim your nails. Shave or trim the fur between the paw pads. Comb the bottom of the paw, laying everything down. Next, grab the paw near the very pads, grabbing the fur, lift the paw and cut off everything that extends beyond the outline of the paw. (there will also be a photo explanation). Place the dog, front paws d.b. parallel to each other, trim the bottom of the paws, aligning them in a circle.

The upper part of the front paws (decoration). Comb the decorating hair, then use a slicker brush to lift the hair up. Cut to the length you like best, but try to make even columns. If you combed it poorly during drying, it’s unlikely to work out exactly, and if there are tangles left, then it will be a complete mess.

Hind legs. Comb the decorating hair from top to bottom and cut it with scissors, following the contour of the thigh and lower leg to the metatarsus. The metatarsus can be shaped in the same way as the front legs - in a column, of course, taking into account the hair on the lower leg.
Photos (probably video) will be posted a little later.

If your blackie is shaving for the first time, then to avoid scratching until it becomes scabby, wash the dog, dry it and lubricate the shaved area with aftershave cream (I use “Rescuer” balm for these purposes).

In the photo, the dog is shaved with seven knives along the fur.

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