Ear care algorithm. Caring for the ears and external auditory canal. Carrying out a hygienic shower

Algorithm for performing oral toileting in a seriously ill patient

2)Target: maintaining the patient’s personal hygiene, preventing stomatitis.

Indications: serious condition of the patient.

Prepare: sterile tweezers, spatula, tray, oilcloth, towel, forceps, 3% hydrogen peroxide, 2% sodium bicarbonate solution, furatsilin solution 1: 5000, sterile cotton swabs, sterile napkins, sterile gloves.

Performing the manipulation:

1.Wash your hands with hot running water and soap, put on gloves.

2. Place the patient in a semi-sitting position (head slightly tilted forward).

3.Put an oilcloth on your chest and a towel on top.

4. Using tweezers or a forceps, take a cotton swab, open the furatsilin solution and pour it onto the swab over the tray, squeeze it against the edge of the tray.

5. Take a spatula in your left hand, a swab in your right hand, ask the patient to open his mouth, pull the cheek to the side with the spatula and first treat the buccal surface of the teeth, then from the inside.

6. Repeating the procedure, wipe each tooth with a separate ball in the direction from the gums, carefully treat the upper molars, since the ducts of the parotid salivary glands open there.

7. Using a fresh swab, treat the oral mucosa in the same way using blotting movements.

8.Take a fresh tampon in your right hand, a napkin in your left and ask to show your tongue.

9.Cover your tongue with your left hand and use a cotton swab to remove the plaque from your tongue using blotting movements. Using another cotton swab, lubricate your tongue with glycerin (using a blotting motion).

Note: Place dirty tampons in a tray marked “dirty balls.”

4) Conclusions: manipulation “Carrying out oral toileting in a seriously ill patient” mastered.

1) Master manipulation "Care for the patient's eyes" according to the algorithm.

Algorithm for caring for the patient's eyes

2) Purpose: maintaining the patient’s personal hygiene, preventing conjunctivitis.

If there is discharge from the eyes, sticking of eyelashes and eyelids during the morning toilet, it is necessary to rinse the eyes.

Indications: serious condition of the patient.

Performing the manipulation:

1.Wash your hands thoroughly.

2. Place 8 - 10 sterile balls in a special tray and moisten them with an antiseptic solution (furacillin 1:5000, 2% soda solution, 2% boric acid solution, 0.5% potassium permanganate solution) or boiled water.

3. Slightly wring out the swab and wipe your eyelashes with it in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

4.Repeat wiping 4-5 times (with different tampons!).

5. Blot the remaining solution with dry swabs.

3) Results: recording the manipulation algorithm in the workbook.

4) Conclusions: manipulation "Care for the patient's eyes" mastered.

1) Master manipulation "Care for the patient's ears" according to the algorithm.

Ear care algorithm

2) Purpose: maintaining personal hygiene.

Patients on bed rest should periodically clean the external auditory canals.

Performing the manipulation: Sit down or raise the head of the bed. Place a few drops of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution into the patient's ear, pull the ear back and up, and insert the cotton wool into the external auditory canal with a rotating motion. After changing the turunda, repeat the manipulation.

Remember: Do not use hard objects to remove wax from your ears to avoid damaging the eardrum.

3) Results: recording the manipulation algorithm in the workbook.

4) Conclusions: manipulation "Care for the patient's ears" mastered.

1) Master manipulation according to the algorithm.

Algorithm for caring for the nasal cavity

2) Purpose: maintaining personal hygiene.

Seriously ill patients who are unable to independently monitor nasal hygiene must daily clear the nasal passages of secretions and crusts that form.

Prepare: sterile cotton wool, pasteurized vegetable oil in a small container (50 ml), tray, tweezers, rubber gloves.

Performing the manipulation:

1.Sit the patient down or raise the head end of the bed. Wash your hands with hot water and soap, wear gloves.

2.Use tweezers and place 3-4 cotton wool pads into the tray.

3. Take 1 turunda in your right hand, dip the end in the prepared oil and lightly squeeze it against the edge of the bottle with oil. With your left hand, slightly lift the tip of your nose, and with your right hand, carefully, with rotational movements, insert the turunda into the lower nasal passage not completely, make blotting movements along the corresponding half of the nose, pressing on the wings of the nose.

4.Carefully remove the turunda. Repeat the procedure on the other side. The crusts will get wet and come off on their own. Place used turundas in a marked tray (dirty balls). Mucus, pus, and other fluid secretions can be removed using a balloon.

Note: instead of vegetable oil, you can take glycerin and petroleum jelly.

3) Results: recording the manipulation algorithm in the workbook.

4) Conclusions: manipulation "Care for the patient's nasal cavity" mastered.

1) Master manipulation "Hair care" according to the algorithm.

Hair care algorithm
Preparation for the procedure:

4. Wear a disposable apron.
5. Place a chair at the head of the bed on the working side; Place an empty water container on a chair.
6. Fill another container with warm water and place it nearby. Measure the water temperature.
7. Undress the patient to the waist and cover the exposed part of the body with a sheet.
Performing the procedure:

8. Remove all hairpins and hairpins. Take off your glasses. Comb the patient's hair.
9. Place an oilcloth under the patient’s head and shoulders, the end of which is lowered into a container standing on the chair; along the edge of the oilcloth, place a rolled towel around your head.
10. Cover the patient’s eyes with a towel or diaper.
11. Fill the jug with water and gently wet the patient’s hair.
12. Apply a little shampoo and wash the hair with both hands, gently massaging the patient’s scalp.
13. Pour water into the jug and rinse off all the shampoo (if the patient asks, wash his hair with shampoo again).
14. Unfold a clean, dry towel, lift the patient's head and wipe his hair dry. If he is cold, wrap his head in a towel or scarf.
End of the procedure.

15. Place the oilcloth and towel lying under your head in a waterproof bag.
16. If necessary, change the sheet.
17. Comb the patient's hair. Offer him a mirror.
18. Treat hands hygienically and dry.
19. Make an appropriate entry about the procedure performed in the medical documentation.

3) Results: recording the manipulation algorithm in the workbook.

4) Conclusions: manipulation "Hair care" mastered.

1) Master manipulation according to the algorithm.

Algorithm for the prevention of bedsores

· Inspect the skin daily in areas where bedsores may form.

· Change the patient’s position every 2 hours if his condition allows.

· Use anti-decubitus mattresses (made of flaxseed; made of rubberized fabric, consisting of a series of air chambers with an automatic device that changes the degree of filling of the chambers)

· When changing linen, make sure there are no crumbs on the bed, and no rough seams or folds on the sheets.

· Constantly change wet underwear to dry.

· At least 2 times a day, wash with warm water and neutral soap those areas of the patient where bedsores most often form (occipital region, heels, shoulder blades, sacrum) and wipe with a cotton swab moistened with a 10% solution of camphor alcohol or a 40% solution of ethyl alcohol.

· Regularly perform light massage (rub soft tissues in places where bedsores may form, do not massage in the area of ​​protruding bone areas) and quartzing areas.

· Place a rubber circle wrapped in a diaper under the sacrum (since prolonged use of the circle can cause the formation of bedsores, it is used intermittently and for no more than 2 hours).

3) Results: recording the manipulation algorithm in the workbook.

4) Conclusions: manipulation “Prevention of bedsores” mastered.

1) Master manipulation according to the algorithm.

Algorithm for caring for the nails of a seriously ill patient
Preparation for the procedure:

1. Fill the container with warm water, help the patient wash his hands with soap. Prepare the necessary equipment.
2. Introduce yourself to the patient, explain the process and purpose of the procedure. Ensure that the patient has informed consent for the upcoming procedure.
3. Treat hands hygienically and dry. Wear gloves.
4. Place the patient's hands on a towel and wipe them dry.
Performing the procedure:

5. Trim the patient's nails with scissors.
6. Apply the cream to the patient's hands.
7. Place the towel in the laundry bag.
End of the procedure:

9. Place the scissors in a container for disinfection.
10. Remove gloves and place them in a container for disinfection.
11. Treat hands hygienically and dry.

3) Results: recording the manipulation algorithm in the workbook.

4) Conclusions: manipulation “Nail care for a seriously ill patient” mastered.

1) Master manipulation “Shaving a seriously ill patient” according to the algorithm.
Algorithm for shaving a seriously ill patient
Preparation for the procedure:

1. Prepare everything necessary for the procedure, close the windows, provide the patient with confidentiality conditions.
2. Introduce yourself to the patient, explain the process and purpose of the procedure. Ensure that the patient has informed consent for the upcoming procedure.
3. Treat hands hygienically and dry. Wear gloves.
Performing the procedure:

4. Apply shaving cream to the patient's skin. Using the fingers of one hand, stretch the skin of the face, and with the other, shave with straight movements from the chin to the cheeks.
5. Offer the patient to use aftershave lotion.
6. Offer the patient a mirror after the procedure.
End of the procedure:

7. Place the machine and shaving brush in a container for disinfection, and dispose of the disposable machine.
8. Position the patient comfortably in bed.
9. Remove gloves and place them in a container for disinfection.
10. Wash your hands and dry them.

3) Results: recording the manipulation algorithm in the workbook.

4) Conclusions: manipulation “Shaving a seriously ill patient” mastered.

Target. Cleansing the nasal passages from crusts.
Indications. Accumulation of crusts in the nasal cavity in patients in a passive position.
Equipment. Cotton turundas; Vaseline or other liquid oil: sunflower, olive, or glycerin; two kidney-shaped basins: for clean and used turundas.
Execution technique.
1. The patient’s head is elevated and a towel is placed on the chest.
2. Moisten the turundas with the prepared oil.
3. Ask the patient to tilt his head back slightly.
4. Take the moistened turunda, squeeze it lightly and insert it with a rotational movement into one of the nasal passages.
5. Leave the turunda for 1 - 2 minutes, then remove it with rotational movements, freeing the nasal passage from crusts.
6. Repeat the procedure with the second nasal passage.
7. Wipe the skin of the nose with a towel and help the patient lie down comfortably.

Caring for the hair of a seriously ill patient.

Target. Maintaining the patient’s personal hygiene; prevention of head lice and dandruff.
Indications. Patient's bed rest.
Equipment. A basin of warm water; jug with warm water (+35...+37 C); towel; comb; shampoo; scarf or scarf.
Execution technique.
1. Ask the nurse to lift the patient’s torso, supporting him by the shoulders and head.
2. Remove the pillows, roll the head end of the mattress with a roller towards the patient’s back, and cover it with oilcloth.
3. Place a basin of water on the bed frame.
4. Wet the patient’s hair, wash it with shampoo, and rinse thoroughly in a basin.
5. Rinse your hair with warm water from a jug.
6. Dry your hair with a towel.
7. The basin is removed, the mattress is laid out, pillows are placed, and the patient’s head is lowered.
8. Comb the hair with a comb belonging to the patient. Comb short hair from the roots, and long hair from the ends, gradually moving towards the roots.
9. They tie a scarf or scarf around their head.
10. Help the patient lie down comfortably.
Notes If the patient does not have his own comb, you can use a common one, which is pre-treated with 70% alcohol, rubbing 2 times with an interval of 15 minutes. Patients need to comb their hair daily. While washing the hair, the nurse must support the patient at all times.

Prevention of bedsores, implementation algorithm

Manipulation: prevention of bedsores.
Target. Prevention of necrosis of soft tissues in places of prolonged compression.
Indications. Bed rest for the patient.
Equipment. Anti-bedsore mattress; cotton-gauze backing circles; rubber circle in a pillowcase; petrolatum; 1% solution of table vinegar; portable quartz lamp; clean soft terry towel.

Technique for preventing bedsores.

1. Wash and dry your hands, put on gloves.
2. The patient is turned on his side.
3. Treat the skin of the back with a napkin moistened with warm water or a vinegar solution.
4. Dry the skin with a dry towel.
5. Massage the areas where bedsores often form.
6. Lubricate the skin with sterile Vaseline or boiled vegetable oil.
7. The resulting bedsores are treated with quartz treatment, starting from 1 - 2 minutes and gradually increasing the exposure time to 5 - 7 minutes.
8. Place cotton-gauze circles or rubber circles in a pillowcase under the places where bedsores form.
9. Inspect the patient’s bed, remove crumbs after eating.
10. Wet and soiled bed linen and underwear are changed immediately.
12. When changing bed and underwear, make sure that there are no seams, patches, or folds on them in places where bedsores form.
13. Areas of skin redness are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Treatment of the skin of seriously ill patients.

Target. Maintaining personal hygiene of a seriously ill patient; prevention of bedsores.
Indications. Patient's bed rest. Patients on semi-bed rest take care of themselves.
Equipment. A basin marked “For washing”; a jug or kettle with warm water (+35...+38 °C) marked “For washing”, a basin with hot water (+45...+50 °C); napkin or piece of cotton wool; towel; powder, sterile oil; 10% camphor alcohol or 1% vinegar solution.
Technique for performing skin treatment for seriously ill patients:
1. Place the basin on a stool at the edge of the patient’s bed.
2. If the patient himself can turn on his side, then ask him to do this and help the patient wash his hands over the basin, brush his teeth, and wash himself. The nurse holds a jug, gives toothpaste, a glass of water, and a towel.
3. If the patient cannot turn on his side. then perform the following manipulations: Wash one of the patient’s hands in a basin with soap and water. Transfer the basin to the other side of the bed and wash the other hand. Fingernails are cut oval.
Perform facial toilet: wipe it with a damp cloth, then with a dry towel. The pillows are removed and the patient's shirt is removed. Wet the napkin in a bowl of hot water and wring it out. They wipe the front surface of the patient's body, paying attention to the natural folds of the skin on the neck, under the mammary glands, in the armpits, and in the groin folds. Dry the skin thoroughly with a towel. Skin folds are treated with powder or lubricated with sterile oil to prevent diaper rash.

The patient is turned on his side. If necessary, the nurse helps and supports the patient. Wipe the skin of the back with a damp, hot cloth, paying special attention to the places where bedsores form (the back of the head, shoulder blades, sacrum, buttocks). The skin is thoroughly dried with a towel and rubbed, if there are no violations of its integrity or pain. The warmth of the wipe and rubbing will cause a rush of blood to the skin and underlying tissues.
If the patient cannot be turned on his side, he is placed on a sectional mattress. Skin care is carried out by removing one section after another.
Notes. Patients' skin should be washed daily. Also, the patient’s feet should be washed every night at night, placing a basin of water on the bed frame. The mattress is first wrapped with a cushion towards the feet and covered with oilcloth. Toenails are cut straight.
If the patient is immobile for a long time, it is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent the formation of bedsores.

Washing up patients.

Target. Maintaining hygiene; prevention of bedsores, diaper rash.
Indications. Preparing the patient for urine collection for examination, bladder catheterization; gynecological manipulations. All patients on bed rest are washed in the morning, at night and after each bladder and bowel movement.
Equipment. Oilcloth lining; metal or plastic vessel; Esmarch's jug or mug marked “For washing”; warm water (+35...+38 °C); 5% potassium permanganate solution; forceps; cotton wool; kidney-shaped coxa; latex gloves.
Technique for washing patients:
1. Pour water into a jug (Esmarch mug) and add a few drops of 5% potassium permanganate solution until a pale pink color is obtained.
2. Put on gloves.
3. Ask the patient to lie on her back, bend her knees and spread them at the hips.
4. Lay down oilcloth and position the vessel.
5. A piece of cotton wool is fixed in a forceps so that its sharp edges are covered on all sides.
6. Take a jug with a warm disinfectant solution in your left hand and, after pouring a small amount of the solution onto the patient’s thigh, ask: “Are you not feeling hot?” If the water temperature is acceptable, continue manipulation.
7. Irrigate the genitals with a warm disinfectant solution. With your right hand, take a forceps with cotton and wash the genitals in the direction of the stream towards the anus, so as not to cause an infection. First, the labia minora are washed, then the labia majora, inguinal folds, and pubis. Lastly, wash the anus from top to bottom.
8. Remove the dirty cotton swab from the forceps, secure a clean piece of cotton wool and dry the genitals in the same sequence.
9. They remove the bedspread and help the patient take a comfortable position in bed.
Men are washed for the same indications. When washing, the important rule is “from the center to the periphery,” that is, from the head of the penis to the groin area.
Notes. Patients on semi-bed rest should be taught to use a bidet, if one is available on the ward.

Seriously ill patient

Target: maintaining personal hygiene, preventing otitis media.

Indications: the patient's stay on bed rest and strict bed rest, lack of care.

Equipment: sterile tray, pipettes, soap solution, gloves, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, thermometer, gauze pads, tray for used material, cotton swabs or ear buds, cotton balls, towel.

Nurse's action algorithm:

I. Preparation for the procedure

1. Introduce yourself kindly and respectfully to the patient.

5. Wear gloves.

II. Executing the procedure

6. Help the patient find a comfortable position. Cover his neck and shoulders with a towel.

7. Heat a bottle with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in a water bath to 38 ° C.

8. Ask him to tilt his head in the direction opposite to the treatment.

9. Soak gauze napkins in a soapy solution and wipe the auricle.

10. Pour the 3% hydrogen peroxide solution into a beaker.

11. Soak a cotton pad in a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and squeeze lightly.

12. Insert 2-3 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the ear with a rotational movement for 2-3 minutes or use a pipette and close the external auditory canal with a cotton ball.

13. Take a dry cotton wool and insert it into the external auditory canal with rotational movements, and then remove it.

III. End of the procedure

14. Place the used material in a container with disinfectant. solution.

15. Remove gloves and put them in a container with disinfectant. solution.

16. Wash (hygienic level) and dry your hands.

17. Make a record of the procedure in the medical documentation.

Possible complications: When treating the external auditory canal with sharp objects, injuries to the auditory canal may occur.

Rice. 38. Care of the external auditory canal

Carrying out hygiene measures for the patient in bed

Target: maintaining personal hygiene.

Indications: self-care deficit.

Equipment: basin, oilcloth, warm water, jug, soap, sponge, towel, scissors, clean bed and underwear, waterproof bag, container with disinfectant. solution

Algorithm of the nurse's actions:

I. Preparation for the procedure

Introduce yourself to the patient in a friendly and respectful manner.

2. Explain to the patient the purpose and course of the upcoming procedure, obtain his consent.

3. Wash and dry your hands and put on gloves.

4. Prepare the necessary equipment.

5. Wear gloves.

II. Executing the procedure

6. At the head end of the bed, roll the mattress up to the patient’s subscapular area.

7. Place an oilcloth on the bed net and place a basin.

8. Tilt the patient's head slightly back over the pelvis.

9. Wash the patient's hair using warm soapy water from a jug.

10. Rinse your hair with clean water, dry it, and cover your head with a scarf.

11. Remove everything, return the upper body to its original position.

12. Pour warm water into the tray, lay an oilcloth with a diaper under the patient.

13. Expose the upper part of the patient’s body and, after wetting one end of the towel, wring it lightly, wipe the patient in the same sequence and cover with a sheet.

14. Use the dry end of the towel to wipe the patient’s body and cover with a sheet.

15. In the same way, wipe the stomach, thighs, legs and wipe dry.

16. Roll the mattress under the patient’s knees with a roller.

17. Lay oilcloth on the mesh and place a basin with warm water.

18. Wash the patient’s legs in the basin using a sponge and soap.

19. Wipe your feet, trim your nails, put everything away.

20. Change underwear and bed linen.

III. Completing the procedure

21. Place the towel, used underwear and bed linen in a waterproof bag.

The oral cavity is treated 2 times a day. For it you need to prepare: a spatula, cotton balls, sterile gauze wipes, tweezers, an antiseptic solution (2% sodium bicarbonate solution, 5% sodium tetraborate solution), warm boiled water.

Processing technique:

1) wrap your tongue in a sterile gauze pad and carefully pull it out of your mouth with your left hand;

2) moisten a cotton ball with an antiseptic solution and, removing plaque, wipe the tongue;

3) release the tongue, change the tampon and wipe the teeth from the inside and outside (pre-soak the tampon with an antiseptic; the teeth are exposed using a spatula);

4) ask the patient (if he is able to do this) to rinse his mouth with warm water, otherwise it is necessary to rinse the patient’s mouth with warm water (or an antiseptic solution) yourself.

Technique for rinsing the patient's mouth:

1) pour a warm antiseptic solution into Esmarch’s mug and hang it 1 meter above the patient’s head;

2) turn the patient’s head to one side, cover the neck and chest with oilcloth, and place a tray under the chin;

3) pull back the corner of the mouth with a spatula, insert the tip into the vestibule of the mouth and rinse it with a stream of liquid under moderate pressure;

4) rinse the left and right cheek space alternately.

If the patient has removable dentures in the oral cavity, they should be removed before the procedure.

Ear hygiene technique: ears should be washed with warm water and soap. Wax accumulated in the external auditory canal should be carefully removed with a cotton swab, after dripping 2-3 drops of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution into the ear, pulling the auricle backwards and upwards (the patient should lie down). After instilling hydrogen peroxide, the patient should be in a lying position for 1-2 minutes.

Technique for hygienic treatment of the nasal cavity: if there is nasal discharge, it should be removed with cotton swabs, inserting them into the nasal passages with light rotational and translational movements. When crusts form, they should be removed with cotton wool soaked in vegetable oil or glycerin. In this case, the turunda should remain in the nasal passage for 2-3 minutes, after which it is removed and the crusts are removed. You can drip vegetable oil or glycerin into your nose, and then remove the crusts with a cotton swab.

Hygienic treatment of the eyes is carried out with a sterile swab moistened with an antiseptic solution (0.02% furatsilin solution or 1-2% sodium bicarbonate solution):

1) wash your hands thoroughly;

2) put 8-10 sterile swabs into a sterile tray and pour one of the listed solutions into it;

3) lightly squeeze the swab and wipe the eyelashes and eyelids with it in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one; throw away this tampon;

4) take another tampon and repeat wiping (4-5 times with different (!) tampons);

5) remove the remaining solution with a dry swab

Hygienic hair treatment: hair should be combed daily, hair should be washed once a week.


Nasal care techniques clear the sinuses, stimulate the brain, tone the optic nerves and thus improve vision.

“Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, II, 30

Until now, not enough attention has been paid to the care of the nasopharynx, which in books on physiology is mistakenly considered an organ of minor importance, while, on the contrary, it is the main external organ that continues to function until the last moment of our earthly existence. For this reason, cleansing the nasal cavity has not become such a common procedure as daily brushing of teeth, mouth and tongue.

1. The importance of cleansing the nasal cavity

Today, medical practitioners openly acknowledge the fact that many diseases (for example, tonsillitis, mumps, sinusitis and even diphtheria, polio, measles, scarlet fever, influenza, tuberculosis, rheumatism, etc.) can be easily avoided if carefully taken care of behind the nasal cavity, of course performing general hygiene procedures for other organs. Moreover, common diseases of the nasopharynx (such as polyps, adenoids, deformed nasal septum and the most common of all diseases - chronic runny nose) can also be largely prevented with simple regular care of this organ. Even if we do not take into account the special attention that Yoga pays to the nasal passages - the nostrils, pingale(right) and I'm going(left) - closely related to the nervous system, from a medical and hygienic point of view, cleansing the nasal cavity is of great importance. “Deaf, dumb and crazy, even one who has lost the sense of taste, lives as long as the nose functions; and actually cleansing the nasal cavity is a method of treating insanity and can reduce the degree of insanity by ninety percent; and at the same time, physiology books teach that it is the least important organ.”

Typically, all the dust that a person inhales settles on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and is pushed out by tiny cilia that are constantly moving. In this way they remove microbes that enter the nasal cavity; and moreover, the mucus in the nasal cavity has bactericidal properties and destroys a large number of bacteria. But still, given the amount of dust that we inhale, the poor-quality food and poisonous drinks that we consume every day, disruption of the biophysical mechanism of our body is inevitable. In addition, dust accumulates in the nasal passages. Handkerchiefs cannot remove all the dust and mucus that collects in the nose, especially if a person sleeps on one side, and this dirt begins to dry out in the lower part of the nasal passage and temporarily blocks it. The slightest decrease in the volume of inhaled air, which occurs in the presence of harmful accumulations in the nasal passages, disrupts the natural ease of breathing, and this, in turn, has a destructive effect on the composition and number of blood cells, as well as on the blood circulation process itself, and, in addition, causes functional disorders of the vascular, digestive, nervous and other systems. As a result of all this, the overall vitality of the body decreases.

To begin antitoxic treatment at this stage ( mala-suddhi), It is necessary first of all to eliminate the root cause of the disturbance in the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, you need to start cleaning the nasal cavity before other organs. After all, blocking one nostril, which is now becoming so common in adults, leads to premature aging due to the fact that there is a chronic lack of air and, as a result, overflow of blood vessels. Yoga claims that blocking one nostril adversely affects the circulation of energy throughout the human body, as the harmony between the solar (pingala) and lunar (Ida) electromagnetic fluxes. It also affects body temperature, pulse and, consequently, the general condition of the body, impairs the thinking process and reduces the ability to concentrate. But such problems can certainly and easily be avoided with daily care of the nasal cavity.

2. Methods for cleansing the nasal cavity

From the above, it becomes more than clear how important a healthy nasopharynx is for a person’s good physical well-being. For the same reasons, yogis emphasized the extreme importance of cleansing the nasopharynx. In order for this organ to be healthy, it is absolutely necessary that the nostrils be completely open and air flow freely through them. The method proposed for this purpose by Yoga hygiene is very simple and is known as the procedure neti., or cleansing the nasal cavity. In order to fully accomplish the task assigned to it, it is divided into three separate types: (1) jala-neti, or the method of drawing in water, similar to the ordinary washing of the nostrils; (2) sutra neti, otherwise called samanya neti, or clearing of the nasal passages using a not very stiff thread or rope, and (3) gharshana neti, or dilation and massage of the nasal passages using a flexible probe.

3. Jala Neti

A nasal cleansing procedure known as jala-neti, has three options, which differ in execution technique, as well as hygienic value and therapeutic effect. The first is a simple rinsing of the nasal passages, which is also called vyutkrama kapalbhati; this exercise consists of drawing in water through the right and left nostrils alternately or through both at the same time, and then releasing it through the mouth; in this case, some water may come out through the nose. The second option is vyutkrama kapalbhati in reverse and is called shitkrama kapalbhati; when performing it, water is taken into the mouth and released through both nostrils. The third technique was brought to perfection by Yoga adherents, it is called siddha jala-neti. To perform this procedure, you need to draw water into one nostril and, without allowing it to flow into your mouth, release it through the other, after which you repeat all the steps again, but starting from the other nostril.

(a) Drawing in water. The usual jala neti exercise, namely vyutkrama, does not damage the nasal passages, does not cause irritation and is extremely easy to perform. Beginners to Yoga and even people who do not practice it can perform such rinsing of the nasal cavity not only without any negative consequences, but also with great benefit for themselves. So don't forget, when brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth in the morning and evening, rinse your nose with cold or warm water - whichever is more convenient for you. Take a glass of water (about a quarter liter) and put half a teaspoon of table salt in it. Stir well, pour a little of the resulting solution (about 30 ml) into the palm of your hand and draw it into one nostril (see picture). rice. 3). If tilting your head to the side is not enough to immerse one nostril in the water, you can close the other with the thumb of your other hand. Draw in water through your right nostril from your right palm and vice versa. The drawn-in water can flow out either through the same nostril, or through the other, or through both at the same time; or, more likely, it will pour out through the mouth. Repeat the exercise twice, alternately with each nostril. For colds or other diseases of the nasopharynx, it can be repeated two to three times a day. After jala neti, be sure to blow your nose well, closing your nostrils one at a time to remove all the water from the nasal cavity.

As stated above, the nasal passages are often filled with secretions, which, mixed with dirt and foreign particles, block and poison the body, and also cause harm to the tissues to which they adhere. Therefore, it is important to remove them. Jala Neti dissolves hardened mucus and dirt that accumulate in the nasal passages and often interfere with free and proper breathing, which ultimately leads to disease.

Rice. 3. Drawing in water while performing jala neti. Pay attention to the position of the palm in which the liquid is located.

It is gratifying to note that recently even insurance companies are beginning to understand the need and value of rinsing the nasopharynx, especially during epidemics of diseases such as influenza, diphtheria, meningitis, polio and other infectious diseases, the pathogens of which enter the body through the mouth and nose. Articles in brochures and prospectuses issued for clients of insurance companies emphasize that during these epidemics, cleansing the nasal cavity by rinsing with an antiseptic solution, which automatically functions as a gargle, is the best and most effective way to prevent disease.

Washing the nasal cavity according to Yoga stimulates the tiny nerve fibers and delicate mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, as well as the folds and narrow convolutions in this membrane, thanks to which the air stream, passing through the nasal passages, warms up. In addition, it directly saturates the mucous membrane with two-thirds of the moisture it needs, especially in tropical climates, which is also very important for retaining dust. Thus, air filtration is undoubtedly much improved, breathing becomes easy, rhythmic and healing; air entering in excess through clean nasal passages cools the brain and calms the nervous system. Yogis claim that by cleansing the nasal cavity, vision improves and diseases that were caused by obstacles to the air flow in the nasal passages are cured, and these views are supported and widely accepted by modern researchers involved in medical problems.

Lindlar, an expert in the field of naturopathy, considered rinsing the nasopharynx to be the most important hygienic procedure and therefore included it in his daily regimen. He notes: “Rinsing the nasopharynx is a wonderful way to clear the nasal passages of any obstructions. This is the best treatment for a runny nose and is an excellent natural stimulation of the lining and nerve endings in the nasal passages. By stimulating nerve endings, it has a tonic effect on the brain and the entire nervous system.”

However, some doctors object to rinsing the nasopharynx on the grounds that the nasal mucosa does not tolerate aqueous solutions well and therefore regular douches and rinses can cause a chronic painful condition or even infectious diseases of the frontal air sinuses. Of course, this is possible, but only if the nasal passages are not accustomed to cold water; after the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is gradually hardened with the help of regular rinsing, such fears can be forgotten. On the contrary, many other medical sources tell us that in order to avoid colds, we need to harden not only the body, but also the nasal passages. Effective achievement of such hardening is possible by using cold (water temperature from 0 to 21 degrees Celsius) or lukewarm (30–32 degrees) baths and cool (15.5–24 degrees) nasopharyngeal rinses. It is, of course, better to start with warm water.

Speaking about the jala-neti version of vyutkrama, we can point out that patients and people with hypersensitivity can use some tools, the procedure with which is not much different from the original one. Such tools include, for example, a siphon, sprayers, a funnel with a tube and other devices that can be used successfully.

(b) “Reverse” lavage of the nasopharynx. The shitkram method of cleansing the nasopharynx is difficult for those who are not accustomed to the usual jala neti exercises. To perform it, you need to take a mouthful of water, close your lips tightly so that the water does not flow out, and release it through your nose. It is best to take a deep breath while holding water in your mouth. Then tilt your head forward so that the water collects in the front of the mouth, then raise your head a little and then, as if exhaling, push the water out through your nose, as if sneezing. Or you can, holding water in your mouth, touch the sensitive mucous membrane of the nasal cavity with a soft feather, previously washed with soap and thoroughly disinfected, or with muslin rolled into a thin pointed tube, and thus induce sneezing. This tickling of the “signal surface,” as the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is also called, usually causes the necessary strong reflex pushing; this irritation of the nasal mucosa becomes mild and voluntary over time.

The peculiarity of this method is that, as a result of vigorous reflex movement, accumulated dust, dirt and dried mucus are removed from the nasal cavity more effectively than with conventional rinsing of the nasopharynx (i.e., drawing water into the nose). This is especially true for substances that were previously softened and require strong force to remove. The shitkrama kapalabhati procedure is the only effective natural a means to achieve this goal.

(3) Siddha jala-neti. After exhaling normally, immerse both nostrils in a glass of saline solution. Then close your throat with jalandhara bandhas and draw water into your nose. Once your nasal passages are completely filled with water, tilt your head to the right and carefully remove your left nostril from the water without inhaling air. If the exercise is done correctly, the water will automatically flow out through the other nostril, like in a vessel. Repeat with the other nostril. At the same time, that is, alternating nostrils, close your nose with your fingers and open the nostril only after immersing the other nostril in the water. We recommend performing this version of nasal cleansing under the practical guidance of an experienced teacher.

4. Other medical procedures

The next two techniques for cleansing the nasal cavity, known as samanya neti and gharshana neti and mentioned above, should only be performed under the personal guidance of a practicing yogi, as they involve complex operations that cannot be performed correctly by simply reading a book or listening to oral instructions. Moreover, if there is no sufficiently competent leader, performing them can damage the nasal passages. However, this should not make these procedures any less dangerous or less important. On the contrary, they are the best and most suitable method of cleansing the nasal cavity currently known to medical science. These cleansing techniques are difficult to perform, and although they are part of the daily cleansing ritual of an experienced yogi, we will skip them in this book for the reason that they cannot be included as part of the regular hygiene routine for the average modern person.

X-ray studies and clinical data collected by the Yoga Institute over the past three decades fully justify the use of neti, or hygienic care of the nasal cavity according to Yoga, in cases of obstruction of the nasal passages, diseases of the air sinuses and diseases of the eyes caused by blockage of the tear ducts. Legzdins reports that in Riga, about fifty members of the Yoga Institute for several years in a row successfully avoided the most common disease in the foggy and wet winters of Northern Europe - acute or chronic runny nose - simply by performing jala neti with saline solution twice a day.

It would not be out of place here to mention similar studies conducted by a French scientist, which only confirm the real value and scientific importance of various types of neti, known to yogis thousands of years ago. Enlargement of the nasal passages by gradually inserting probes of increasing diameter through the nose into the throat is welcomed by the French Academy of Medicine as an effective treatment for deafness, headaches, asthma and snoring. The author of the new technique (which actually imitated the technique of Hatha Yoga) suggests that about seventy percent of people on Earth need such treatment.

It is safe to say that headaches, both chronic and acute, migraines, bronchial diseases, asthma and other diseases that arise due to the appearance of obstructions in the nasal passages can very quickly be treated with the above Yoga techniques. There are even several cases where, thanks to the practice of neti, normal vision was restored and the enlargement of the tonsils was finally stopped.

5. Hygienic care of the nasal cavity according to Yoga

The following table shows the average time required to perform jala neti and the frequency of repetition of this procedure. To achieve good results, you need to perform three cycles of rinsing the nasopharynx thoroughly at a time. However, the “reverse” wash, shitkrama, should always be performed after shitkrama and no more than once a week, usually in the morning.

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