First rabid cat bite. Bitten by a street cat - what to do. Where to get help if you suspect rabies

The presence of a cat in the house is a guarantee of comfort and warmth, right? An animal with legendary serenity and the ability to adapt (or rather, even adapt to itself) to any surrounding space, brings peace and harmony to the human home. Moreover, she manages to convey her own benefit as if she were doing a favor to her masters, but quite the opposite. But all these cute character traits are relevant for healthy animals with a balanced nervous system. And owners of purebred cats know well how important it is to take timely care to preserve the cat’s health, because the treatment of some diseases subsequently costs much more, both materially and morally.

One of the most common fears of breeders is rabies. Vaccination against rabies in Western countries is considered mandatory at the level of legislation on keeping pets, but in our country only owners of expensive breeds of cats think about it. But even a Murka without a pedigree will need such vaccination if its owner decides to take it with him on an intercity or foreign trip. Without the appropriate certificate, let alone going through customs inspection, it is simply impossible to buy a ticket for a train on a domestic flight. Why are such strict requirements placed on tame, well-mannered pets and what do veterinarians warn against?

What is cat rabies
Rabies is a viral disease that affects not only cats, but also all other mammals, including humans. The Rabies microvirus, penetrating the body, enters the circulatory system and infects nerve fibers. Gradually taking over the brain and excretory system (salivary glands), the pests multiply. Neurons affected by the virus die, which leads to the death of the infected organism. So rabies is a fatal disease, and most often the animal is euthanized without waiting for its death. And the owner is at risk and must undergo examination and vaccination.

It is commonly read that animals that do not leave their homes are reliably protected from rabies infection. On the one hand, this is true: the carriers of the virus are mainly wild and/or stray animals. But, on the other hand, it is enough for a pet to go for a walk for a short time to meet its infected fellow or eat a small rodent with rabies. Not to mention a person who could be attacked by a mad dog or cat at any moment. Together with the saliva of a sick animal, the virus enters directly into the blood through the bite wound. But neither milk nor the urine of a rabid animal is potentially dangerous.

The owner may not immediately know that the animal has become infected. The latent period of development of the disease can vary and last from 3 weeks to 2 months in adult animals and about a week in kittens. But there are isolated cases where the incubation period lasted a year. In any case, from the moment of infection the cat is already dangerous, and analysis of its saliva can detect the virus. At the same time, several more (8-10) days may pass before the first external manifestations of the disease appear. If your cat has not been outside for the last couple of months, then you most likely have nothing to fear. Otherwise, and if the animal is not vaccinated against rabies, pay attention to its health, appearance and behavior.

Symptoms of rabies in cats
The speed at which rabies symptoms appear depends mainly on the amount of virus that enters the body and the location of the bite (if infection occurred through a bite). According to a common stereotype, signs of rabies are aggression, photophobia, fear of water and increased salivation. But in fact, these are clear manifestations of an advanced stage of the disease, and at first they may not be there. Rabies in cats does not manifest itself in the same way and can occur in different forms, depending on the method of infection:

  1. Mild or paralytic The form of rabies does not last long and usually occurs within two, maximum four days. Moreover, at this time the cat may not be aggressive at all, but just the opposite: calm, even too relaxed, sleep a lot and show signs of depression and depression. Even the appetite is dulled to the point of complete refusal to eat. A sick cat tries to hide from people and from the entire outside world, looks for dark corners and buries itself in things and closets. Meanwhile, her body becomes paralyzed, starting from the hind limbs towards the front. As a result, the animal dies from cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest and/or general exhaustion.
  2. Violent The form of rabies in cats is the most obvious of all, and is what most people associate with the disease. The course of the disease in its violent form occurs in stages:
    • the prodromal stage, from 2 to 4 days, is immediately manifested by changes in the animal’s behavior. The cat becomes restless and active, constantly demands attention and communication, rubs itself, and tries not to leave its owner for a long time. At the same time, he shows interest in his face, hands and other open areas of the body, and can lick and bite them. The taste perception changes and, against the background of a decrease in appetite for usual food, the cat begins to chew on inedible objects such as furniture, floor coverings, etc. If there is a wound at the site of the bite, it becomes inflamed and causes pain to the cat.
    • the manic stage, from 2 to 5 days, is the period of the animal’s greatest aggressiveness. Right now the cat is behaving inappropriately and lunging at people. Moreover, it is difficult to protect yourself from an animal, and it is impossible to distract or scare it away, because the usual behavioral algorithms disappear, and there is simply no logic. When attacking, the cat aims at the head and face. The pupils of a sick cat may acquire different sizes relative to each other and be directed in different directions. Appetite does not appear, but interest in inedible objects remains. Paralysis of the larynx and limbs begins, and salivation is so active that the muzzle remains wet all the time, the fur around it does not have time to dry.
    • The depressive stage ends with the course of the disease in a violent form, from 1 to 3 days. At that time, the paralysis intensifies and covers the entire body. The cat lies motionless, periodic convulsions are possible. General exhaustion of the body and respiratory arrest occurs.
  3. Atypical a form of rabies in cats is rare and sometimes lasts for several months. Its symptoms are similar to those of a mild form of the disease, but are also accompanied by temporary cramps and indigestion.
In kittens, rabies manifests itself in the same forms and with the same symptoms as in adult animals, but it progresses much faster. However, similar signs may not indicate rabies infection, but rather severe stress suffered by the cat (first heat, loss on the street, etc.). In any case, a 100% diagnosis can only be made after the death of the animal and analysis of its brain tissue. Intravital examination of an animal's saliva and/or cerebrospinal fluid is not considered completely reliable. Therefore, at the first signs suggesting that an animal is infected with rabies, the cat is isolated from people and other animals. They will not treat her because the risk of her attacking the medical staff is too great. And, if the diagnosis is subsequently confirmed, the owner will have to undergo a vaccination course consisting of seven consecutive injections over six months. The only thing that can brighten up this gloomy picture is the information that in the CIS countries rabies in animals is considered a fairly rare disease. But any sane owner should protect his pet, himself and others by timely preventive vaccination of the cat.

In most developed countries, vaccination of cats against rabies, like any domestic animals, is mandatory to avoid outbreaks of the terrible disease. Russia is also on this list. Many people believe that a domestic cat can only become infected with rabies if it comes into contact with wild animals. In fact, there are more ways of infection.

How can a cat become infected with rabies?

Despite mass vaccination, cases of infection in domestic cats sometimes appear in different parts of the country. The main problem lies in the unconscious behavior of breeders who are confident in the safety of domestic cats without the use of a vaccine. Cats that have not been vaccinated against rabies are the main risk zone for infection, regardless of place of residence (apartment or country house).

In theory, a cat can become infected from any warm-blooded animal, but in the case of a domestic pet, infection from a wild animal is excluded. The most common carriers of rabies are dogs, mice and other cats. An unvaccinated cat, like a cat vaccinated against rabies, can become infected through contact with a sick animal, so in order to avoid a fatal disease, a pet must be protected from contact with any animals on the street.

Animals infected with rabies cannot always be distinguished from healthy ones, because for several weeks the virus does not manifest itself in any way, but is already capable of infecting another organism.

Cat breeders are interested in the question: can a cat get rabies if it lives in an apartment? There is only one answer - maybe. There are three variants of rabies infection:

  • the virus can be transmitted from one organism to another through a bite;
  • a domestic cat can become infected with rabies by eating a mouse or rat that has the virus in its body;
  • in close contact with a patient.

The rabies virus is transmitted not through blood or by airborne droplets, but through the saliva of a sick animal.

What to do if you suspect rabies in a domestic cat

Changes in a cat’s behavior cannot be ignored, because rabies is a fatal disease that affects not only animals, but also humans. The worst thing is that you can become infected from an animal at any time, even before the first symptoms appear.

At the slightest suspicion, a cat or cat infected with rabies must be isolated for further observation. You should definitely contact your veterinarian so that he can confirm or deny the fact of infection.

In case of contact with an animal that has similar signs of rabies, it is necessary to wash the areas of contact with the cat with laundry soap. It would be a good idea to get vaccinated against the disease before your pet is diagnosed.


Rabies in cats is incurable, just like in any other animal. It is impossible to determine whether an animal is infected or not at first glance. The first signs of the disease begin to appear at the moment when the cat’s entire body is affected by the virus and reaches the brain cells. At this point, treating the animal is not only pointless, but also dangerous. Not only another animal, but also a person can become infected from a rabid cat.

When rabies is diagnosed, the cat is quarantined to avoid spreading the virus.. Since there is no treatment for rabies, the only option is euthanasia. The corpses of cats with the rabies virus are cremated so that the high temperature destroys the virus and prevents it from spreading.

The only way to avoid rabies in a cat is prevention, which consists of annually vaccinating your pet.

Imagine that one day you felt a pet looking at you. Turning around, you saw that the cat was looking at you with a strange look. His mouth is drooling and with his entire appearance, he shows his aggressive intention to attack you. Do you think this is only possible in the best traditions of horror films? Alas, rabies in cats is a very dangerous viral disease that, if bitten, can infect the owner himself.

What is rabies and how does it become infected?

Rabies is a viral disease that occurs in an acute form. It affects the central nervous system of humans and animals. A cat can become infected with rabies if it is bitten by another infected animal. In turn, she also becomes infected and begins to pose a threat to others.

The virus itself is transmitted through a bite along with saliva. The rate of development of the disease also depends on the location of the bite. For example, if a pet is bitten in a place where there is a large concentration of nerve endings, then the spread of the virus will be much faster.
These are places like:

In such places, the virus can move along the nerves at a speed of three millimeters per hour. The closer to the head the bite site is, the faster the infection process occurs.

How is infection transmitted?

Infection with rabies is possible not only through a bite, but also through objects that contain the saliva of a virus carrier. Cases of airborne transmission of the disease have been recorded. In these cases, the infection came from bats. People have become infected.

It is worth noting that the virus is not transmitted if the skin or mucous membranes have not been damaged; in these cases, it cannot enter the body. Remember that a cat that has become infected with rabies can begin to infect others with its saliva within 3 to 10 days. At the same time, you will not even see her symptoms (clinical signs) that she is sick.

Incubation period for rabies in cats

In recent years, natural outbreaks of rabies in pets have become widespread. Cats are becoming infected more often. This disease is especially common in stray cats that tend to wander.

Such cats are not vaccinated, and their pets are not vaccinated very often by their owners. As a result, they risk not only their own health, but also the health of others.

Note that in the external environment, the virus does not live very long. The incubation period is between two and eight weeks. In rare cases, it can reach up to six months.
What animals can be carriers of the virus:

  • cats
  • raccoon dogs
  • domestic and stray dogs
  • wolves
  • the bats
  • How does the virus feel in the environment?

    The rabies virus is not afraid of low temperatures and is well preserved. But it is easily destroyed when exposed to high temperature and light.

    14 signs of rabies in cats and symptoms

    The very first symptoms you need to pay attention to are:
    1. The cat has lost her appetite
    6. The cat is constantly overexcited
    7. Aggression that is unusual for a pet

    Almost always, rabies occurs in a cat in violent form:

    8. The cat rushes at the owner or shows aggression towards another animal
    9. They try to be alone
    10. Seek shelter in dark and shadowy places (photophobia)
    11. They react aggressively to attempts to get them out of hiding.
    12. Coordination of movements is impaired
    13. The cat exhibits paresis (conditions similar to paralysis, only not so pronounced)
    14. The cat experiences paralysis

    In these violent cases, the pet dies in a coma within two to four days. When diagnosing a disease, a veterinarian must rule out similarities with pseudorabies. Revealing the real reason.

    What to do if the cat is infected?

    If you have even the slightest suspicion that your pet has rabies, you must immediately isolate it without touching it. The best and easiest way is to place the cat in a separate room, free from people. After this, immediately call the city trauma center and report your suspicions.

    Did a mad cat bite or scratch you? Immediately wash and treat scratched and bitten areas. By taking these steps, you will significantly reduce the risk of becoming infected. Unfortunately, there are currently no effective treatments for rabies in cats. Therefore, sick pets are euthanized.

    Prevention measures and vaccinations against rabies for cats

    For the purpose of preventing rabies in cats. When she turns 3 months old, you should go to a veterinary clinic and get a Defensor or other vaccine.

    Do not forget that the cat must be healthy at the time the vaccine is administered. It will also not be amiss before this. If your pet is sick with the feline leukemia virus, then he cannot be vaccinated with a live rabies vaccine.

    Now you know what symptoms indicate the possibility of your pet being infected with the rabies virus. Be careful and immediately call the veterinary clinic or trauma department at the slightest suspicion.

Every furry pet owner should be able to recognize the symptoms of rabies in cats. Rabies is a fatal viral infection that affects the nervous system.

For most people, the word “rabid” evokes associations with an uncontrollable and aggressive animal that attacks people.

In a sense, rabies in cats actually changes the behavior of a domestic animal and makes it look like a wild one.

In fact, rabies is a disease caused by a dangerous virus that seriously affects the nervous system.

Its main danger is that rabies spreads not only to animals, but also to people, and moreover, it is lethal.

Rabies is a deadly viral infection

Every year, more than fifty thousand people and several million animals die from this viral disease.

Such disappointing statistics are explained by the almost one hundred percent fatal outcome of rabies infection.

In kittens, the incubation period proceeds faster than a week

At the same time, the danger is that the virus enters the saliva early, before it reveals itself in the animal’s behavior, namely seven to ten days.

Common symptoms of rabies in cats include:

  • Changes in behavior in which the pet becomes either aggressive or, on the contrary, lethargic. With aggression, extreme anxiety is observed, and with lethargy, an inhibited reaction;
  • The cat's rapid meowing. At the same time, the animal screams uncharacteristically loudly;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Periodic convulsions and paralysis;
  • Sudden death of a pet.

For humans, the most serious problem is that all these symptoms appear on average a week after the cat becomes an infectious virus carrier.

Infection can occur not only after a cat bite.

An outwardly absolutely healthy animal can infect its owner through saliva, that is, there is a danger to humans even when in contact with a calm pet.

An infected animal may appear very calm in appearance

There are three forms of feline rabies, including:

Violent Form

The violent form of rabies, according to statistics, is the most common.

The course of the violent form occurs over a period of three to eleven days and is divided into stages such as:

  • Prodromal stage

This is an early stage during which the cat becomes very lethargic, weakly responds to commands and behaves aloof, reluctantly obeying the owner.

After some time, the cat’s state changes to fearful and restless, the animal becomes extremely nervous.

The pet constantly listens, looks around and reacts inappropriately - it can scratch or bite for no reason.

If your pet is healthy, but still bites and scratches, you can find out how to wean him from aggressive behavior from the article

In addition, the cat loses interest in toys and other inedible items.

She is constantly worried about the site of the bite, which has become the site of transmission of infection into the body.

The stage ends with a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself in vomiting and diarrhea within two to three days.

  • Manic stage

This stage lasts for three to five days.

It is characterized by the appearance of spasms in the cat's pharyngeal muscles - one of the main symptoms of the disease.

Due to spasms, the animal runs the risk of choking every time and has difficulty swallowing water.

Also, his salivation greatly increases, which results in the fur sticking together on his face and neck.

The manic stage is accompanied by increased agitation of the pet, which becomes overly aggressive and furious.

The cat rushes at its owners and other animals, usually aiming at the neck and face.

During the manic stage, the animal's salivation increases.

After some time, the animal stops rampaging and, on the contrary, becomes depressed and exhausted.

During this period, it looks for dark corners and lies there motionless.

But as soon as such external stimuli as bright light or loud sound take effect, the pet again becomes extremely violent and aggressive.

  • Depressive stage

Over the course of two to three days of the depressive stage, the cat develops and progresses paralysis, the voice disappears, the lower jaw droops and the tongue falls out.

Excessive salivation occurs from the mouth, the eyes become cloudy and begin to squint.

Paralysis begins in the hind legs, then progresses to the torso and forelimbs.

Finally, when the paralysis reaches the heart and respiratory organs, the cat dies.

Paralytic form

This form of rabies is relatively mild and lasts for two to four days.

In this case, the cat becomes intrusive, overly affectionate and constantly follows the owner, asking to be held.

Due to constant contact, the risk for a person to be infected with rabies through saliva is especially high.

Rabies leads to paralysis of the cat's body

Atypical form

This form of the disease is quite rare.

During its course, the animal experiences gastritis and enteritis, which are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea with blood and general exhaustion of the body.

At the same time, signs of atypical rabies may alternate with a temporary improvement in the condition of the cat’s body.

Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to recognize the disease in this form.

In any case, the outcome for the animal will be fatal.

Precautions when interacting with an infected cat

In cases where the pet is often outdoors and scratches or bites appear on its body, the responsible owner should immediately take the cat to a veterinary clinic without waiting for symptoms of the disease to appear.

Even if the animal has been vaccinated against rabies, it may be vaccinated again.

After this, the cat will need to be left under observation for 1-2 months.

If there are scratches or bites on your cat's body, you should immediately take him to the veterinarian.

If an animal begins to show symptoms of any form of rabies, the owner should take the following measures:

  • Isolate the cat and do not approach it. It is best to keep the animal in a separate area, such as a locked room;
  • Contact your veterinarian and tell the doctor about your pet's symptoms. After this, specialists with special equipment will arrive from the clinic and take the animal;
  • If the animal’s saliva gets on the skin, or it bites or scratches the owner, it is necessary to wash the wounds and abrasions with running water and laundry soap.

Owners should also fear for their children who have been in contact with street kittens.

The risk of outdoor cats becoming infected with rabies is very high, because they are not vaccinated and can be bitten by a rabid rat or dog.

Is there a cure for cat rabies?

If the veterinarian determines that the animal's symptoms are not due to rabies, the pet is treated.

If the diagnosis is confirmed and the cat is truly infected, he is euthanized.

Unfortunately, rabies cannot be treated - sick animals are euthanized

All people who came into contact with the cat are prescribed anti-rabies treatment.

Since possible treatment of a pet has a very high probability of infection of the medical staff of the veterinary clinic, treatment of animals with this diagnosis is not carried out.

Prevention of rabies

Preventive measures designed to prevent the occurrence of rabies in a cat include:

  • Vaccination. This method is the most effective, but it can only be carried out after the kitten’s teeth have been changed if it is kept in an apartment. If the animal regularly goes outside, then the vaccination is done at three months. In addition, the effect of vaccination lasts for 12 months, so the cat must be vaccinated annually;
  • Extermination of rodents in residential premises and garden plots (deratization). This method is also effective because it reduces the likelihood of the animal coming into contact with potential virus carriers.

Regular vaccination is the best way to prevent rabies

Although vaccination is a relatively hassle-free preventive way to protect a cat from rabies, it should be carried out only with an eye to the following rules:

  • Before administering the vaccine, the cat must be completely removed from worms, if any, that is, subjected to deworming;
  • A kitten cannot be vaccinated before its teeth change;
  • If the cat is sick or weakened by any injury, or immediately after, it also cannot be vaccinated.

Symptoms of rabies in cats: Basic ways to identify the disease

Every furry pet owner should be able to recognize the symptoms of rabies in cats. Rabies is a fatal viral infection that affects the nervous system. It applies not only to animals, but also to people, and in addition, the disease is not diagnosed in the early stages.

It is important for pet owners to know about zooanthroponoses - diseases transmitted from animals to humans. One of the deadly viruses of this kind is rabies. To protect yourself from infection, you need to have basic knowledge of how the infection occurs, how this disease is transmitted and progresses.

If rabies is suspected in a cat that has scratched a person, a number of measures taken in time can save a life. Therefore, today we will talk about how this terrible disease occurs in cats.

How does a cat become mad?

The main reservoir of infection is wild mammals, which transmit the infection to domestic animals and humans. This does not necessarily happen through a bite. A cat can also get rabies by eating an infected rodent, so all pets with free access to the street - both in nature and in the city - are at high risk.

Moreover, even cats that never leave their homes can become infected, for example, from bats that easily penetrate apartment balconies. It is noteworthy that in those countries where it has been possible to reduce the incidence of rabies by vaccinating pets, these small animals remain the main reservoir of the virus.

Important symptoms of rabies in cats

There are five forms of the disease in animals:

  • violent (the most famous, typical form);
  • paralytic (silent);
  • atypical;
  • abortifacient;
  • recurrent (remitting).

The first two forms are similar to those in humans, and three more are found only in cats. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Violent Form

This form of cat rabies is conventionally divided into periods, each of which has its own symptoms.

Stage No. 1: melancholic

The melancholic stage continues for 1–2 days, which is characterized by a change in behavior: the animal becomes quieter and tries to hide from everyone in a dark place. Sometimes a cat becomes overly affectionate, can fawn on people, even if this was unusual for her before, rub her head, climb into her arms.

Or, on the contrary, the pet may become aggressive, not find a place for itself, then lie down, then jump up sharply. Appetite disappears, pupils are dilated, shortness of breath, vomiting, drooling occurs, swallowing becomes difficult.

Stage #2: manic

The period of agitation, which is also called the manic stage, lasts about 3 days. The cat is constantly listening to something, endlessly scratching and gnawing at the bite site. Body temperature rises to 40–41°C. Refuses food, but may show food interest in inedible objects.

Soon the animal cannot swallow, the mouth does not close, the tongue is protruded, and saliva drips profusely. Attacks of severe aggression occur, during which the animal rushes at people, including its owners, and bites.

Such periods are replaced by oppression: the cat lies down exhausted, but as soon as any external irritation arises (light, loud sound), it again falls into a frenzy.

Stage #3: Depressed

The depressive stage also lasts up to three days. The cat's voice disappears, she falls into apathy, constantly lies down, paralysis gradually progresses, convulsions occur, and her body temperature drops below normal. Death soon occurs due to respiratory or cardiac arrest.

Paralytic form

This form proceeds quietly: the animal simply falls into a state close to a coma. Paralysis progresses quickly: from the muzzle it moves to the hind legs, body and forelimbs. The cat is exhausted, in a coma and dies literally within a few days.

Specific forms

Atypical manifestations of rabies in cats can last much longer. This form is similar to the violent one, but there is no agitation stage and gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea often occur.

In the abortive form, the virus abruptly stops at the beginning of the second stage, and the animal recovers. This form has not been sufficiently studied and it is difficult to say what causes the healing.

The recurrent form, on the contrary, is characterized by a relapse of the disease after an apparent recovery, and such periods can alternate 2-3 times with an interval of several days to 3 weeks.

What to do if your cat gets rabies

If a domestic cat could come into contact with other animals or even go for a walk on the balcony, and was not vaccinated against rabies, then if any of the described symptoms appear, you need to sound the alarm.

It is best to contact a state veterinary institution (private clinics rarely accept animals with suspected rabies) and follow all doctor’s recommendations. Try not to touch the cat with your bare hands, avoid contact with its saliva and avoid being bitten at all costs!

No matter how sorry you may be for your pet, you must understand that your life and the lives of your loved ones may depend on the right actions.

Prevention measures

To prevent the possibility of infection, it is enough to follow simple rules of prevention:

  • vaccinate your cat against rabies according to the vaccination schedule, without missing the vaccination date;
  • If you suspect that your cat has had contact with a rabid animal or was bitten on the street, it would be advisable to give your pet an anti-rabies vaccine, even if it has been vaccinated.

At this stage of development of humane and veterinary medicine, the only way to combat rabies is vaccination. You should not believe unconfirmed rumors about the dangers of vaccinations for the health of cats.

The risk of complications from the introduction of the vaccine is negligible, but one injection a year can protect the entire family and save the life of an animal if it comes into contact with the virus.

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