Exercises for the inner thighs in the gym. The best exercises for the inner thigh

Anatomically, a group of adductor muscles, the gracilis and sartorius muscles, and also partially the hip flexors and quadriceps pass through the inner part of the thigh. Each muscle has a specific set of functions that, when combined, help produce coordinated movement. At the same time, it is this inner thigh that is one of the most problematic areas of the body. Not everyone succeeds in working on it correctly, especially if a person, for one reason or another, cannot afford to regularly visit the gym. However, there is a way out. It is quite possible to cope with such a task as pumping up the inner thighs, and at home without using expensive simulators and special equipment. It is enough to devote at least a little time to this, and soon the thighs on the inside will tighten, get rid of everything unnecessary and acquire a beautiful relief.

There are a lot of effective exercises that can help pump up your inner thighs at home. All of them are aimed at working with this part. You can pay attention to the following complex.

1.At home it is very convenient to perform such an exercise as adduction of the leg with an expander. It perfectly helps to cope with such a task as pumping up the inner thigh muscle. It can be done with both a simulator and a regular elastic band. In the latter case, you need to hook it to something, and secure the other end to your leg. Stand up straight, grab the support with your hand. Move your leg as far as possible to the side, then return it to its original position. Repeat for each leg 20 times. It is advisable to do two approaches.

You can also buy a special training apparatus for the inner thigh. It needs to be placed between your legs and squeezed. You need to lie on the floor, bend your knees, place the exercise machine between them and squeeze its arms as much as possible. It is recommended to perform 20 times in two approaches.

2. This exercise, which can be used for such a purpose as pumping up the inner thighs, can be performed in the gym using a special machine. You need to sit on it, place your legs on the fastenings, then bring them together. This exercise is good because it allows you to gradually increase the load. Execute two sets of 15-20 times.

3.If you don’t know how to pump up your inner thighs, you can pay attention to this exercise, which can be done both at home and in the gym. You can use your own weight or a kettlebell. We take the weight in our hands, place our legs very wide and spread them towards our toes. Then we squat until parallel with the floor. Recommended to do three sets of 10 times.

4. This exercise, which helps to pump up the inner thigh, is similar to the exercise with an expander, but it is performed in a block simulator, so you can adjust the weight. A special cuff is put on the leg, and a block carabiner is attached to it. You need to hold on to the support with your hand. Do three approaches 10-15 times, increase the load over time.

5. Another good exercise is lying leg raises. It is suitable for those who want to know how to pump up the inner thigh at home, because it is very simple and convenient. You need to lie on the floor, lift your legs up and spread them to the side as much as possible. It is recommended to do 2 sets of 20-25 times.

6. Plie squats

For this exercise, how to pump up the inner thighs, you need to stand up straight, place your feet wider than your shoulders, and turn your toes outward. Inhaling, begin to lower yourself down and move your pelvis back. The deeper you go, the better, but do it until you feel comfortable. As you exhale, return to the starting position, pushing through your heels. Recommended to do 20 times 3 sets.

Don't put your body weight on your toes. Because of this, you isolate the load on the front muscles of the thighs. Also watch your knees. They should move clearly in the direction of the socks.

7.Lunges to the side

This exercise helps not only pump up the inner thigh, but also the front of the thigh and buttock muscles. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes slightly pointed to the sides. With your right foot, lunge as far as possible to the right side, while at the same time squatting and moving your pelvis back. Hold for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat similar steps for the other leg. Recommended to do three approaches 10-15 times.

When lunging, the heel should not leave the floor.

8. Swings

Swings are another good exercise for pumping the inner thigh; when performed correctly, they help tone and tighten this area. Take a position on your left side, lean on your hands, bend your right leg and place it in front of your left. Complete with a straight leg 15-20 flapping movements. Then roll over to the other side and repeat the same for the other leg. This exercise can also be done standing. Try not to lie on your side so that the maximum range of motion is at the top point.

9. Another good way to pump up the inner thigh is the “butterfly” exercise, originally from the East. You need to sit on the floor, bend your knees, spread your knees to the sides and press your heels towards you. Rock your butterfly wings for a few minutes. Thanks to such actions, the muscles of the inner thigh are stretched.

Exercises with a fitball for the inner thigh

In the question of how to pump up the inner thigh, a fitball can be an indispensable assistant - a large ball that can be seen in many fitness clubs and sports stores. There are such exercises for the inner thigh using it:

1.Bringing your legs together with a fitball

A simple way to pump up your inner thighs is to squeeze a ball with your thighs. You need to lie on your back, raise your legs, and place the fitball between your thighs. If it is difficult for you to work with a large fitball, you can take a smaller ball. Press your hips onto the ball, counting to 10 in your thoughts. Then relax the muscles. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 20 times.

2.Bends to the side with a fitball

You need to lie on your back, clasp the ball with your feet and raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Stretch your arms to the sides and rest them on the floor. Tilt your legs first to one side, then to the other. It is important not to lift your shoulders off the surface. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times in each direction.

Yoga exercises for pumping the inner thighs

Exercises taken from yoga pay a lot of attention to the inner thigh. Just remember the well-known lotus pose, in which the hip joints fully open and the thigh muscles stretch well - this is an excellent pumping of the inner thigh. Of course, it can be difficult for a beginner, but regular training allows you to improve your body, flexibility and endurance. You can pay attention to the following yogic exercises:

1. “Shoemaker pose”

A fairly simple pose that can serve as preparation for the lotus position. She no longer pumps the inner thighs, but tightens and tones them. You need to sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, stretch the back of your head up, straighten your spine. Maintaining this position, bring your right leg to the groin area. Hold it with your hand, now carefully bring your left leg. The weight of the body should be transferred to the ischial muscles and try to maintain balance until any discomfort appears.

2. “Noble pose”

You need to stretch your legs, put your feet together, bend your knees. Do not tear your feet away from each other, pull them towards the body, place your heels closer to the groin area. Use your hands to press on your knees, try to press them to the floor. Try to stay in this position for as long as you can.

3. "Perfection Pose"

You need to sit on the floor, bend your left leg. Helping with your hands, pull it towards the perineum. Then bend your right leg and place it on your left ankle. Use your fingers to place your feet between your shin and left thigh. First, you can lean against the wall - this will simplify the exercise.

So, the exercises with which we pump the inner thigh are not so difficult. The main thing is regularity. In the future, you can increase the load by increasing the number of times and approaches. You can also complicate the exercises by using dumbbells, weights, or increasing the weight on the machines. Simple sets of exercises will help to pump up the muscles that support the inner thigh, and get rid of cellulite, make your legs slimmer.

Video with exercises for the inner thigh

On the inside of the thigh there are the adductor magnus, longus and brevis, pectineus and gracilis muscles. They adduct and flex the hip and also externally rotate it. It is these muscles that we will pump.

Bodyweight exercises

Press your lower back to the floor, bend your legs slightly at the knees. Squash and spread your legs 20 times, rest and do two more sets.

The exercise will be even more effective if you hang weights on your legs.

Hip adduction from side position

Lie on your side, supporting yourself on your forearm. The leg that is located below is straightened, the second is bent at the knee. Lift your straight leg off the floor, hold for one or two seconds and lower.

Deep lunges to the side give a good load on the inner thigh. Keep your hands on your waist or in front of you, try not to round your back.

Perform three sets of 15 lunges in each direction.

Plie or sumo squat

In order for squats to pump up the inner thighs, you need to put your feet wider, turn your toes to the sides and squat deeply, trying to keep your knees pointing to the sides.

Perform three to four sets of 20 squats.

Exercises with additional equipment

Mixing with Pilates ring

A Pilates ring can be found at the gym or purchased at a sports equipment store.

Lie on your side, place the ring between your legs at ankle level or slightly above and lower your leg against resistance.

Perform three sets of 10 times on each leg.

For this exercise, you can use a resistance band, a short resistance band, or a figure-of-eight resistance band folded in half.

Place the resistance band on your legs, lie on your side and push your knees apart against resistance. Perform three sets of 10–12 reps on each leg.

For this exercise you will need a long one. Hook it onto the post, place the loop around the leg that is closest to the post, and turn sideways.

Extend your working leg beyond the supporting leg: forward and to the side. To make the exercise more challenging, move further away while pulling on the resistance band.

Perform three sets of 10 times on each leg.

Exercises with free weights and machines

Sumo squats with kettlebell or dumbbells

Squat with dumbbells

Take a kettlebell or dumbbell and perform deep squats with your feet wide and knees out to the sides.

Three sets of 10 reps will be enough to give the inner thigh a good workout. Of course, if you...

Exercise on a simulator to bring your legs together. bodybuilding.com

Almost any gym has such a machine. Perform three sets of 5–15 repetitions depending on the weight used. Choose a weight so that the last reps of the set are difficult. This way your progress will be much faster.

Crossover exercises with leg abduction


This exercise is similar to leg abduction with an expander, but it is more convenient to perform it on a machine. Set the working weight, fasten the fastening on your leg and turn sideways so that the leg with the fastening is closer to the machine.

Step back and raise your working leg about 30 degrees - this is the starting position. Place your working leg behind your supporting leg in front, overcoming the resistance of the machine. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat. Perform three sets of 5–15 repetitions depending on the working weight.

Incorporate these exercises into your workout, increasing the weight or number of repetitions if you are working out without weights, and your thighs will become more toned and attractive.

After training, be sure to stretch your adductor muscles. You can see exactly how to do this.

I have to say that I am a big fan of exercises that you can do at home.

Isn’t it great to work on your body in the cozy and comfortable atmosphere of your own home? And you don’t need to buy any exercise equipment or additional equipment!

Today I will talk about exercises that will allow you to tone your inner thighs without leaving home!

1. Plie squats

Classic squats are an extremely effective exercise for the hips.

But since your task is to bring their inner surface into proper shape, I would recommend plie squats.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Toes should be turned outward at an angle of 45°.

Begin the exercise by lowering yourself into a squat as if you were sitting on an invisible chair.

2. Plie squats with jumps

If you want to make the previous exercise more intense, then add jumping to it!

Rising from a squat, push your feet off the floor and touch the soles of your feet to each other as you jump.

To engage the target muscles and prevent injury, you must ensure that all movements are performed correctly.

3. Leg raise while lying on your side

Lie on your right side and place your elbow so that it is directly under your shoulder.

Bend your left leg and place it in front of your right.

Tighten your core and relax your feet.

Perform rhythmic up and down movements with your right foot.

To avoid disproportionate muscle development, do the same number of repetitions on each side of the body.

4. "Scissors"

In addition to the inner thighs, “scissors” allow you to work the lower part of the abs.

This video shows you moving your legs alternately up and down, but you can also move them in a criss-cross pattern.

Stretch your toes forward and work in a small amplitude to further engage the target muscles.

5. “Jumping” with crossing legs

This exercise is similar to a regular jumping exercise, however, as you may have guessed from the name, you need to cross your legs every time you land.

6. Gluteal bridge

Lie on your back, bend your knees and bring them together.

Raise your pelvis up and then lower it.

As the name suggests, the bridge works the glutes, but it's also a great way to tone your inner thighs, so you're killing two birds with one stone!

7. Wall Squat

Sounds easy?

In fact, this static exercise is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance.

But he is not short of efficiency!

Lean your back against a wall and spread your legs as if preparing to do squats.

Lower yourself down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor (that is, your legs should be bent at an angle of 90°). Place your hands on your hips.

These exercises can be performed at any time and anywhere.

Take advantage of their versatility and work on building sleeker, toned thighs without leaving home!

Do you know any other exercises for the inner thighs?

Flabbiness of the skin on the inner surface can develop into a real problem, serious complexes about the beauty of the legs and extra pounds. An active lifestyle, grueling workouts, natural physical activity - nothing copes with problem areas of the figure better than correctly selected exercises for the inner thigh. This is a separate training system aimed at stimulating certain thigh muscles that may not be used at all during everyday sports.

How to tighten a woman's inner thigh?

Regular exercise will help get rid of cellulite and restore youthful skin on the inner thighs. The main thing is to follow a few rules:

  • Training should take place regularly, with a constant but gradual increase in intensity.
  • It is important to perform a set of exercises at least three times a week, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.
  • Do not strain your muscles beyond measure - you risk injury.
  • Alternate exercises, introduce new ones, temporarily exclude those that are already especially easy. This will make it more difficult for the body to adapt to changes, and the effectiveness of training will increase.

A set of exercises at home

If you don’t have the opportunity to find a couple of hours of free time to work out in the gym, and problem areas of the hips require urgent intervention, then organize effective home workouts for yourself. Subject to regularity and self-control, you can achieve no less tangible results than in the gym. Just don’t start complex physical exercises right away.

To make your home workout less grueling and as effective as possible, start with a short warm-up. This way you will prepare problematic muscle groups for the main part of the training, and avoid unpleasant injuries and accidental sprains. Jumping rope or a short jog on the treadmill are great ways to warm up. Warm-up will set the right mood and tone for the body, pushing for intense fat burning. After this, proceed to the main exercises of the complex.

Wide squats

In terms of efficiency and energy consumption, only a few exercises can compare with wide squats, or Sumo squats, as they are often called by fitness trainers due to the maximally separated legs. When performing such squats, the main load falls on the muscles of the inner thigh - the quadriceps, and with them the areas of the back and buttocks are indirectly worked out.

Turn your legs to the sides with your knees outward as wide as possible. It is advisable that the angle of rotation of the toes is 50-70 degrees, but at the same time you can squat without losing your balance. Keep your back perfectly straight; if you can’t, then bend it a little, making the spine more rounded. Slowly bend your legs and squat as deeply as possible, then rise up just as smoothly.

Remember that the spine should remain straight and not bend. Make movements, avoiding sudden lunges - smoothly, carefully. When you feel that you have mastered this exercise, complicate it with a load - dumbbells - and perform squats, holding it alternately in each hand or with both hands at once. This exercise should be done for 1-2 minutes in 2 approaches with a half-minute interval.

Plie squat

Another useful exercise for maintaining the elasticity of the thigh muscles and strengthening the buttocks is the Plie squat. To perform it, straighten up and spread your legs wide. In this case, the socks should point outward and the heels should be spread apart. Without bending or curving your spine, try to squat as low as possible - until the tension in your thigh muscles becomes a little painful, and the line of your thighs is parallel to the floor line.

When you reach the bottom, squeeze your buttocks and quickly straighten up, ensuring that your spine remains as straight as it was in the starting position. You need to perform squats for 1-2 minutes in two approaches with a half-minute interval. After several workouts, you can complicate the exercise by picking up dumbbells with a weight that suits you.

Squat with ball

To increase the effectiveness of squats, use additional elements when performing exercises. A gymnastic or ordinary ball will be an excellent assistant during physical training. The main thing is that it is not very large and can be held comfortably with your knees. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the ball tightly between your knees or slightly higher.

Try to squat as far as possible, pause at the bottom point and carefully return to the starting position. Perform squats for 1-2 minutes in two sets at half-minute intervals. After several workouts, you can add another minute approach. It is better to perform squats and lifts in two counts, so the exercise will be more rhythmic and dynamic.

Effective exercises in the gym

If you have free time and are not sure that you can organize an effective home workout, do exercises for the muscles of the inner thighs in the gym or alternate them with independent exercises. By following the advice of a fitness instructor and choosing the right exercise equipment, you will notice positive changes in the condition of problem areas after just a few weeks of training.

Reduction of legs

The leg abduction machine is called an “adduction machine.” With its help, you will not only strengthen the muscles of problem areas, but also make the lines of your hips smoother and rounder. The general condition of the body will also improve, posture and gait will be corrected. Performing exercises on an adductor machine is based on the fact that you need to overcome resistance and try to move the hips, which are initially wide apart, as much as possible.

Carefully select the weight of the weight and adjust the width of the seat correctly - you should feel a slight muscle stretch. Keep your back straight, pressed tightly against the back of the machine, bend your knees, and place your hands on the handrails. As you inhale, spread the rollers apart, hold for two counts, and as you exhale, bring your thighs as close to each other as possible. Perform the exercise in 2 sets of 10 information at a time with a short break, gradually increasing the load.

Leg Curl

Another useful exercise for strengthening the thigh muscles is working on a leg flexion and extension machine. To perform it, sit comfortably on the seat, pressing your back tightly against it. Place your hands under your hips - on special handrails that will help you maintain balance, and rest your feet on the bolsters. Try to straighten your legs and lift the roller up using the force of your thigh muscles.

Ideally, your legs should be fully straight. Hold them in this position for one or two counts, and then smoothly lower them down to the starting position. Perform the exercise in 2 sets of 7-10 bendings at a time with a pause of 30-40 seconds. When the load becomes easier, introduce a third approach, but with fewer extensions, or increase the time the legs are held in maximum extension.

One of the most effective and buttock exercises is lunges. It gives more flexibility and mobility to the hip joints, improving the overall muscle tone and appearance of the legs. To perform this, take one dumbbell in each hand with a weight that you consider optimal for yourself. Take the widest possible step forward with one leg, placing the bulk of your body weight on it.

Gently squat down towards your front leg without collapsing or arching your back. The knees should not bend more than 90 degrees, and the front thigh should remain parallel to the floor line. Check that your back knee is almost touching the floor. To return to the starting position, rise smoothly from a squat, leaning on your front foot, and place your forward leg back. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. Perform lunges in 2 sets - 10 repetitions on each leg.

Video exercises for losing weight on the inner thighs

This video lesson from a professional fitness trainer will help you properly organize a home workout, tone your muscles and the appearance of your legs, and also choose effective exercises for your hips:

Even those who seriously play sports and watch their figure often forget about the load on the inner thigh. And it is in vain, because as a result of such negligence, athletes have a large gap in this area between their legs, which spoils the overall picture.

And for those who do not prioritize training, this is an area where fat deposits accumulate, which are as difficult to remove as the fold in the lower abdomen.

Since pumping up the inner thigh is a rather difficult task, it is better to purchase a gym membership, where an experienced instructor will help you cope with this capricious area. But if for some reason this cannot be done, you should not despair. You can give your legs the ideal shape at home. And if you have a fitball, expander, dumbbells or a special exercise machine, then things will go much faster.

First, let's look at the muscles that need to be worked. The inner thigh includes the following muscles:

  • thin;
  • iliopsoas;
  • comb;
  • tailoring.

The functional feature of this group of muscles is hip adduction, that is, bringing the legs together. Based on this, the entire training process is built.

The basic rule of a beautifully shaped, sculpted body is the absence of excess subcutaneous fat. You can pump up your muscles all day long, but if you don’t remove excess fat, you won’t achieve any visible results. To deal with the problem of excess weight and decide how to remove fat from the inner thigh, you need serious cardio exercises that burn a large amount of energy and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

In addition, diet and sports nutrition are the key to the effectiveness of intensive training. A properly formulated diet will not only help keep your body in shape, but will also provide the necessary material for muscle growth. To restore water balance, you need to drink a sufficient amount of liquid (1.5-2 liters per day). But it is better to exclude alcoholic drinks from the diet.

In any exercise, it is important to perform the exercises technically correctly, otherwise the meaning of the training is nullified. Don't forget about breathing: the strength part is performed while exhaling, while relaxation occurs while inhaling.

Effective workouts at home

You can work out the hip area at home, even without special equipment. It is better to start your workout with some stretching to prepare your muscles for the main load.

To do this, you need to sit on a gymnastic mat, spread your legs as wide as possible, leaving your knees not bent. The back is straight, the stomach is tense, the torso is tilted forward as low as possible. At the lowest point, fix the body for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Another type of stretch is called the butterfly stretch. In a sitting position, bend your knees so that your feet are pressed against each other. Gently press your palms onto your knees, trying to press them to the floor. Ideal execution when the outer side of both legs is completely pressed to the surface. The exercise can be a little more complicated: take a lying position, put your feet together, knees apart. In this position, pull your feet towards your groin, fixing them at the highest point for a few seconds.

A good stretch for the flexors, inner thigh muscles and torso is given by bending backwards with a lunge. To do this, you need to take one leg back, while transferring the weight to the second, bent at the knee. With your buttocks tense, bend your body forward and extend your arms above your head. Fix your torso in this position, take three deep breaths and return to the starting position, then change legs.

It is important to be careful when trying to pump up the inner thigh, as this area can easily be injured. During the stretching process there should be no feeling of discomfort or pain; the muscles should be pulled gradually.

The main exercises for the internal muscles of the legs include swings, squats and lunges. For regular squats, place your feet shoulder-width apart, your back straight, and your stomach tucked in. Squats are done shallow, until the thighs are parallel to the floor, forming a right angle with the body. You need to stay in this position for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Perform 15 repetitions.

Plie squats work well on the problem area. To do this, the legs are spread wide, the back is straight, the head is looking straight, the feet and knees are turned outward. Hands on the belt or extended forward. In this position, squats are performed to the right angle of the thigh and body. At the lowest point, fix and rise. To make it more difficult, take a dumbbell in each hand.

You can swing to the sides, imitating the movements of sumo wrestlers. Turn your feet outward, spread your legs wide, transfer your body weight to one leg, shifting your body in that direction, and lift the other up and fix it for a short time. Lower your leg and perform the exercise with the other.

Deep lunges pump up the muscles of the inner thigh, buttocks and abdomen. You need to take a wide step forward, bend one leg at the knee, trying to touch the other surface of the floor with your knee. Feeling tension in the muscles, fix in this position and return to the starting position.

Then lunge to the side with the same leg, transferring your weight to it and shifting your torso. Bend it at the knee joint until a right angle is formed. At the point of maximum tension, tighten your buttocks, push with your heel and return to the starting position. Perform 15 repetitions and change legs.

For the next exercise you will need support. At home, a chair with a backrest is suitable. You need to stand behind him at arm's length, lean on the back, tilt your body forward. Shift your weight to one leg, bring the other one forward and perform oscillatory movements with it left and right, tensing the muscles on your stomach. Perform 15 repetitions and change legs.

If you have a fitball or children's rubber ball in the house, you can do the exercise with it. To do this, you need to sit on a chair, feet pressed to the floor, back straight. A ball is clamped between the knees, and if it is not there, then the palms are folded together. Perform squeezing, tensing the thigh muscles as much as possible. Holding the tension for a few seconds, relax your legs, but do not drop the ball. Perform three sets of fifteen compressions.

The “scissors” exercise, known since childhood, which many neglect, develops not only the legs, but also the abs. In a lying position, the legs are raised from the floor by 10-15 centimeters, and alternate crossings are performed, imitating the movement of scissors. Do three sets of 10 exercises.

The next exercise is designed for isolated muscle work. You need to lie on your side, legs one above the other. Bend the upper one and, throwing it over the lower one, place it on the floor so that the foot is placed opposite the knee. Place your lower hand under your head, and place your upper hand in front of you.

Tightening your muscles, lift your lower leg off the floor as high as possible, hold it for a couple of seconds and lower it. Do not completely lower to the floor, so as not to lose useful tension, lift up. Repeat 20 times, change legs.

If you have an expander band or a special exercise machine, be sure to include exercises with it in your training program.

Secure the elastic band at the ends at the level of the shin, threading it through the resulting loop. Perform swings, pulling the elastic band, leaning with one hand for stability. Change leg. The simulator for working out the inner thigh is clamped with the knees in a lying position.

Effective workouts in the gym

All the exercises described above can be performed in the gym, complicating them with body weights and dumbbells. In addition, there are special exercise machines that allow you to get toned legs much faster. The Smith machine is perfect for this, especially for those who are just starting to play sports, as you can adjust the load.

Place the bar at the level of your back, stand so that your buttocks do not extend beyond the set. It is convenient to place the bar on your shoulders (trapezes), your back is straight, your legs are wider than your shoulders, your feet are turned outward until they are parallel to the bar. In this position, perform slow squats, straining the thigh muscles. You need to sit down as low as possible, otherwise your effectiveness will decrease. You can replace the exercise machine with a regular barbell.

There is a simulator that works to bring your legs together. It perfectly pumps up the inside of the legs and is good because you can adjust the load by reducing or adding weight.

Many gyms are equipped with block exercise machines that work on the expander principle. Standing position, a cuff is fixed on the leg, from which a cable goes to the block. Holding the support with one hand, swings are performed to the side. Weight can be adjusted depending on physical fitness.

The leg extension machine allows you to work the quadriceps muscle. It is best to practice it before a set of squats. You can perform barbell or dumbbell presses with your legs wide apart. It is important to ensure that your feet and knees are turned outward and parallel. While performing the press, your knees should be left slightly bent.

Regular exercise will help make your legs strong, slender, and reduce fat deposits and cellulite. The main thing is to increase the load gradually and perform the exercises technically correctly.

When performing each complex, tension should be felt in the area to which the effort is directed. You should not focus only on a certain part of the body; it is better to shape the figure in proportion, otherwise the effect will be less noticeable.

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